Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! This takes place when Yami is called Pharaoh.
Part One
Yugi stared at his grandpa. “I’m sorry, we’re what?”
“Wolves, Yugi. Now that you’re eighteen, it’s time you knew the truth. Centuries ago, a wolf fell in love with a woman and asked a shaman wolf to make him human. He agreed to do so but said that after seven years, he would resume wolf form and any offspring he would have would carry a legacy. His children and their descendants would be humans who could take wolf form whenever they chose with a few exceptions. One is if one stays human too long, they’ll revert for one night. Another is the full moon, that change is mandatory. The third is when one turns eighteen and they take wolf form for three nights.”
“Three nights? I have to be a wolf for three nights?”
“Yes and as the only family member, I must change and guide you.”
“Guide? Are you talking about how to live like a wolf? Hunt and talk?”
Solomon chuckled. “No, nothing like that. More like walking on all fours and adjusting to your sharper senses which will remain sharp in human form. Plus, we can still talk and we won’t be wild except for the full moon. We will be actual wolves in mind and voice as well as instinct.”
Yugi shook his head. “Grandpa, that all sounds hard to believe. I mean, you’re asking me to believe that I’ll be a wolf for the next three nights.”
“I know it’s hard to believe but it’s true.” He smiled then. “Well, I think your ears will prove it’s true.”
“What?” Yugi’s hands flew to his head where Solomon was looking and felt two furry things there. He ran his fingers along the edges and found they were pointed. “Oh!” he breathed before lowering his hands. “Okay, I believe you now.”
Solomon put a hand on Yugi’s shoulder. “I know this is difficult, but I will help you. Now, I suggest you tell your friends. A phone call might be tricky at the moment, but you can at least tell the pharaoh right now.”
“Will they believe me if I tell them over the phone once I’m able to?”
“I believe they will. You can invite them over tomorrow night to prove it.”
“So, we don’t attack people?”
“Not at all. That’s just a bad myth. I suppose our legacy makes us werewolves. Now, go tell the pharaoh and I’ll see you down here just before sunset.”
Yugi dashed upstairs and, with trembling hands, put the Puzzle on. He was nervous about telling his friend but knew explaining it would help with any questions or concerns the pharaoh might have. And of course, my ears would help. He ran a hand over one.
“Yugi, what’s wrong? I sense that you’re nervous,” came the pharaoh’s voice from behind him.
“Grandpa just shared a part of family history with me and I’m not sure how you’ll react.”
“Yugi, you know you can tell me anything.”
Yugi took a deep breath and turned to face the pharaoh who blinked rapidly at the two gray wolf ears. “Yugi, why do you have wolf ears?”
“I’m a wolf. When someone turns eighteen, they become a wolf for three nights. After that, I can change when I want except the full moon; no choice there.”
“You’re going to turn into a wolf tonight and the next two nights?”
Yugi nodded. “My ears are proof of that. You don’t mind I’m a wolf, do you?” He looked pleadingly at him.
The pharaoh’s eyes softened and he smiled. “Of course I don’t. You’re still you. You’ve always been a wolf, it just didn’t surface until now. You don’t attack anyone, right?”
“No, that’s just a myth. I’m in control and I’ll be able to talk. The full moon is when I’ll be an actual wolf. Grandpa said he’s going to guide me in walking and my sharper senses.”
“So, it’s not a bad curse.”
“Grandpas said it’s more of a legacy.”
“So everything is okay with the pharaoh?”
“He’s okay with it. He understands this doesn’t change who I am and that it’s always been part of me.”
“That’s right, my boy. Now, our clothes will meld with our skin and fur so we don’t have to remove them.”
Yugi nodded as the sun started going down. He was so nervous and excited. He knew he would be a gray wolf as he had looked in the mirror to see his ears. He thought they looked cute on him. He licked his lips as the sun vanished. He saw Solomon instantly changed into a darker gray wolf with purple eyes before he gasped as he felt brief pain before he sprouted gray fur over his body, his clothes vanishing under it. He went to his hands and knees and watched as his nails grew and hardened into claws before being concealed by his newly-formed paws. He felt his knees change direction and his heels going up, bringing his feet up and changing into back paws. He felt something push out behind him and knew it was his tail. He saw his muzzle extend out and as strength and sharper senses flooded through him, he let out a howl that ended his change. He shook himself out. “Wow, that didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would.”
“That’s because it’s always been a part of you. It’s only by coming of age do you transform as your body can handle the change. You will now change instantly like I just did.”
“Really?” Yugi turned to face his grandpa, but tripped over his paws and hit the floor. Solomon rushed over. “Yugi, are you all right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I kind of forgot I need to walk on all fours before trying to turn.”
“Let’s start with getting up.” Solomon maneuvered Yugi’s legs while instructing the young wolf on how to get to his paws. Yugi shakily got up and stumbled a little before stabilizing. “Okay, I’m up. So, how do I walk?”
“It’s similar to when you were crawling. Left front leg, then right back leg, and then the other way.”
“Okay. Left front, right back. Right front, left back.” Yugi repeated this as he slowly moved forward. He moved across the floor and followed Solomon’s instructions in executing a turn. He continued to walk slowly and turn around the room before stopping, stretching, and moaning softly. “I think I overdid it.”
“It will take time. Perhaps on the third night we can focus on running. I know a secluded spot in the park where we can do that.”
“Sounds great, Grandpa.” Yugi carefully lowered himself to the floor. “So, how about those senses?”
Yugi yawned as he uncurled himself from the floor of the living room. He didn’t trust himself to climb the stairs or try to jump into bed. Perhaps, after his three nights were up. He planned to change once a week so he didn’t inadvertently change in public one night. He went upstairs, changed clothes, and put on the Puzzle. He closed his eyes and met up with the pharaoh in the corridor. He seemed anxious. “How was your night, Yugi?”
“Hard and amazing. I had trouble learning to walk and turn and I didn’t trust myself to climb or jump. But, my senses. Pharaoh, they are so amazing. Everything was sharper and clearer than before and still are.” Yugi’s eyes shone with the memories.
The pharaoh chuckled. “Yes, I can imagine. So, you enjoyed it.”
“Yes and Grandpa suggested running practice tomorrow night in the park.”
“Shouldn’t our friends know about your legacy?”
Yugi nodded. “I’m a little nervous, though.”
“Understandable, but they’ll understand.”
“I know, but it still makes me nervous.”
“Go on and call them. Invite them over and explain.”
“All right.” Yugi opened his eyes and picked up the phone.
Tea, Tristan, and Joey stared at their friend. “Wait,” Joey said. “You’re a wolf and so is your grandpa?”
“Yes. When I turned eighteen, that’s when the legacy activates and I become a wolf for three nights. This will be the second night.”
“How often do you change?” Tea asked.
“The full and once in a while. Grandpa said if one doesn’t change for a while, they will instantly change for one night. I’m thinking of changing once a week to prevent that.”
“And you’re not dangerous, right?” Joey asked.
Yugi shook his head. “I still talk and have control of myself. It’s only the full moon when I become an actual wolf. Not a werewolf, just a wolf.”
“Do you think we could see?” Tea asked.
Yugi smiled. “I’d like that. We could have a sleepover.”
Hours later, Yugi’s friends came over with their sleeping bags, pillows, and overnight bags. They stacked them against a wall when Solomon said Yugi needed to practice walking a little faster as well as jumping up. Yugi stood in the middle of the room, his ears having reappeared while his friends were out. Tea squealed so loud at them that they flattened and Yugi clapped his hands over them. “Tea, my senses are sharper now,” he said without heat. He uncovered them and they stood up.
“Sorry, but you look cute with those ears.”
Yugi grinned. “Yeah, I know. I saw them yesterday before I changed.” He looked out a window. “And I’ll soon change again.” His friends looked up to see the sun vanish and when they looked at Yugi, he was a gray wolf with purple eyes. Nearby was a darker gray wolf with purple eyes.
“Wow,” Tea said softly. She leaned forward, a hand out palm up. Yugi slid his chin into her hand and she scratched it. Yugi couldn’t help whining in pleasure or his tail from swishing. “Oh, that feels great, Tea,” he sighed.
“Ah-em,” Solomon said. “Yugi, let’s get to practice.”
Tea, Tristan, and Joey stepped back and watched as Yugi improved his pace and worked on jumping onto the couch. When he was worn out from practice, his friends rolled out their bags and they talked, watched TV, ate, and eventually fell asleep.
Yugi uncurled from his spot next to Tea. She had stroked his fur until both had fallen asleep. He really liked her and he suspected the feeling was mutual, now if only he could work up the nerve to tell her. Well, maybe another time as I need to adjust to my legacy.
Yugi gazed around the area. “You came here all these years?”
“I certainly did and I looked forward to the day when I would share this with you.”
Yugi looked up at the sky. “Looks like it’ll be a full moon next week.”
Solomon also looked up. “You’re right. I should tell you that you’ll be following me as I am the elder wolf. Your instincts will tell you that.”
“Okay, Grandpa.” Yugi inhaled deeply and enjoyed the smell of the grass and trees as well as the fact that he had a better sense of smell than before. “I’m ready to try running.”
“All right. Go!” Solomon watched his grandson as he started walking, his pace increasing every few strides. He was soon at an easy running pace and moving faster still. Solomon admired Yugi’s form. His muscles moved in perfect coordination and his strides were long and smooth. He’s suited to being a wolf, just as I am and all that came before us. I look forward to spending more time together during the full moon. It will be better than usual. I won’t be lonely, not that I’m aware of that until morning.
The full moon had arrived and Solomon began making his usual preparations only he was doing it for two now. He packed a basket of bowls, water, and a selection of raw meat. He hefted the basket in one hand and met up with Yugi at the door. The boy’s nostrils flared and he gave Solomon a look of confusion. “Why is the meat raw, Grandpa?”
“Well, actual wolves eat their meat raw and as we’ll be actual wolves, it makes sense.”
“Oh, right. We’ll be thinking like wolves.”
“Well, let’s get going.” Solomon put an arm around Yugi and led him to their secluded spot.
“Grandpa, are we the only wolves in town? And are there werewolf hunters?” Yugi asked as they walked.
“Yes, we are the only ones. There was one werewolf hunter years ago. He shot and killed your father one full moon and in a rage, I turned on him and killed him. I felt awful doing it and spent months trying to work past that.”
“Aren’t wolves protective of their pack members?”
“Yes, they are and it was that fact that helped me feel better. But, I still felt bad killing that man. That guilt made me realize that I was as much human as wolf.”
Yugi nodded as they entered the part and headed for their spot. He knew his dad had gotten killed but didn’t know how it happened or that it was on a full moon night. His mother ended up dying of a broken heart. She really loved my dad; she had to as she knew Dad and Grandpa were wolves and knew I had it when I was born.
“Mom was a special person,” he said suddenly. “To love all of us and accept our legacy.”
“Yes, she was very special. Her accepting nature is something you inherited from her.”
Yugi smiled as they stepped into the secluded spot. Solomon set the basket down and Yugi assisted in setting out the water while Solomon laid out the meat selection. Once that was done, they watched as the sun went down and the full moon glowed in the east. Yugi instantly changed forms and felt his mind reverting to that of a wolf. He howled to the moon and the sound of another howl made him turn, not sure if the other wolf was aggressive or not.
He turned to see a dark gray wolf with intense gold eyes. His nose picked up a myriad of scents from the wolf: He was an older wolf, he was friendly, and he was kin. He was related to him. He approached the older wolf with flattened ears and lowered tail to show he was no threat. The older wolf responded by nuzzling the younger one’s cheek and giving a soft bark.
The older wolf accepted the young one the second they locked eyes. He knew instinctively that they were kin. He led his pack member to food that was nearby and they feasted before running and playing while the moon shined down from above.