Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. I want to state that there are no demons in this story.
Chapter One- The Target
Yusuke’s fist was a blur as it flew through the air and connected with the cheek of his longtime rival, Kuwabara. He heard bones crack and the air being forced out of the lungs before his opponent flew backwards and landed on the ground with a satisfying thud. He grinned as Kuwabara’s friends rushed to his side as the downed boy lifted his bruised face to give Yusuke a glare.
“Just you wait,” he growled. “You’ll pay for this, Urameshi.”
“Sure, if you ever beat me,” Yusuke shot back as he walked away. He knew Kuwabara would never win a fight against him. He consistently worked out at a local gym and attended martial arts classes, having won a scholarship when one of the teachers observed his skills in one of his street fights. Those classes helped him learn to hit harder, faster, and with more accuracy. There was no doubt in his mind that he would be a boxer or a martial arts instructor. Either one would pay well, plus he’d be able to fight for a living.
It’d be a lot better than getting a boring job, he thought with a shudder. He knew his mother and his childhood friend, Keiko, wanted him to do well in school so he could pass the exams to a high school and then to a college and earn a high-paying job. The thing was school didn’t interest him and he would rather spend his time fighting and working out.
Speaking of working out, it’s almost time for martial arts class, he thought, looking at his watch. He headed off for class. His skills from street fighting had helped him move up through his classes quickly and he now found himself in an intermediate adult class. He was shown respect from his classmates, a kind he didn’t get at school and he enjoyed it.
“Yusuke!” a voice called as Yusuke was doing warm-up stretches. He looked over to see Touya who was just as skilled as Yusuke to be in the adult class though he was older than Yusuke, though not by much as far as Yusuke could tell.
“Hey, Touya,” he greeted as the ice blue-haired guy began to stretch beside him. “Missed you the last couple of classes.”
Touya gave a slight shrug. “Yeah, well. I had some important errands that take a lot of time and I had to devote myself to it.”
“Sounds irritating.”
“It may sound that way, but it is necessary work.”
The teachers entered and the class lined up with Touya in the line behind the front line where Yusuke stood. He felt a bit bad about lying to Yusuke for he liked his friend but he had been ordered to be vague about his absences. He did so, knowing that he may be able to speak plainly to Yusuke before too long. Touya belonged to a gang who was looking to induct a member or two and, to him, Yusuke would make an excellent member. If Toguro agrees, then we will need to clear away the obstacles that would prevent Yusuke from moving into the gang’s home as it is ordered that we live together and we do so out of protection.
Touya still had Yusuke on his mind as he headed home. Home, in this case, was a grand manor that had been home to the gang’s members for countless generations…at least that was the story that had been spread through the city. A part of the story was true and that was that the house had been their home for generations, but a gang did not live there. The gang was actually a pack of werewolves.
There were seven of them with Toguro as their tyrannical alpha. No one questioned his decisions or orders and none challenged his authority for he was vicious in showing who was in charge. That didn’t mean he didn’t care about his pack’s safety; he was just very strict in how the pack operated.
Touya opened the door and was met up by Toguro’s elder brother. “The alpha wants everyone in the den now and in wolf form as well.” Elder Toguro promptly turned into a gray wolf and padded off for the den. Touya changed to an ice-blue wolf and followed the older werewolf.
Elder Toguro and Touya entered the den to see the other members: Red-furred Jin, sky blue Bui, and black-furred Karasu, Risho, and Toguro. The alpha sat on a throne so that he was taller than the others, even Bui who was the biggest wolf as well as tall when human. Once the last two were seated, Toguro regarded the pack with piercing eyes and everyone cowered which was how he preferred it.
“I have witnessed a teen boy, who is very strong, take out a taller boy in a street fight. I want him as a member of our pack. I heard his opponent call him Urameshi.”
Touya crawled forward with his ears folded and his tail tucked: The way one was to look when addressing Toguro. “Alpha, I believe you speak of Yusuke Urameshi. He is in my martial arts class. He would make an excellent werewolf.”
Toguro’s eyes narrowed. “Of course he will. I just said I want him for the pack.” Touya whimpered as he crawled backwards to his spot. “Now, as he is to be one of us, it is our responsibility to clear away his human life in order for him to live here without anything to get in the way of being a werewolf.
“Karasu, you will go to City Hall and look up Yusuke’s records. Get his address, his family, and any other pertinent information. Do this tomorrow and bring it to me.”
“Yes, alpha,” Karasu whispered. Karasu was quick and light on his feet and able to hide in the shadows easily. Toguro often assigned him to information gathering and he did his job well. This time would be no different.
Toguro looked at the gray wolf. “Brother, once we have Yusuke’s address and family history, you will go there while the boy is out and murder everyone in his home.”
“Of course, alpha.” Elder Toguro did not resent being ordered by his younger brother as Toguro carried the alpha gene while he did not. Born alphas were rare but a non-alpha can assume that role in a number of ways. The brothers’ genes were made clear through scent after they were bitten and both were content in their destined roles. Elder Toguro was almost as vicious in attacking as his brother and was therefore the designated killer.
“Jin, you will be responsible for collecting Yusuke’s school records once he is turned.”
“Yes, alpha.” Jin was inwardly excited. He did not get assignments very often. Toguro tended to give the jobs to Karasu, Bui, and Elder Toguro while he and Touya stayed home and taught how to be vicious werewolves by Risho who took to his teaching duties with gusto.
“Touya,” Toguro said softly. “Since you have established a sort of friendship with Yusuke, continue to know him and you will help insure he is out when my brother attacks.”
“Yes, alpha.”
“Good. You are all dismissed and will stay in wolf form until morning.” Everyone murmured, “Yes, alpha,” before departing.
Risho, Jin, and Touya headed down to where Risho lectured and demonstrated his techniques. Jin pranced beside Touya. “Oh, you got a mission too. We’re lucky, we are.”
“Alpha could have assigned Bui to keep Yusuke out of his house during the attack,” Risho sniffed. “That you have a class with him was a lucky coincidence.”
“But if I didn’t, Alpha would not have known his first name,” Touya protested.
Risho turned and bared his teeth at Touya. “He would have known from Karasu’s mission. Alpha could have easily and harshly disciplined you for speaking without permission. You were to wait for him to tell you to speak. Clearly, I need to re-teach proper etiquette when speaking to the alpha.”
“It’s not necessary,” Touya said.
Risho smacked Touya’s cheek. “Do not backtalk me! I am older and you will listen to me as I am your teacher as I was long before we were bitten. Now, come.” He turned and led the younger werewolves to the classroom.
Chapter Two- Further Plans
Karasu knelt before Toguro before handing over a couple of copied papers. “The information you asked for, alpha.”
“Excellent work as always.” Toguro took the papers, knowing that obtaining copies of records was not hard these days. He perused the papers. Name, birthday, blood type, current address, lives only with his mother, no siblings. Ah, good. Just one family member. That will be super-easy for my brother. “Karasu, send Touya to me.”
“At once, alpha.” Karasu rose and left the room. Almost five minutes later, Touya entered and kneeled before him.
“When is your next class, Touya?” Toguro asked.
“Tomorrow at six, alpha.”
“When does it end?”
“Seven p.m.”
“Perfect. It will be dark at a quarter to seven. Invite Yusuke out somewhere as I will have my brother murder his mother tomorrow night as she is his only family.”
“Yes, alpha.” Touya rose and left the room, feeling bad about what he had to do. Yusuke was different from the rest of the pack. None of them had families when they were bitten. Risho and Jin had been his family. Their fighting abilities had caught Toguro’s attention and felt those skills could be turned to killing people. Toguro had done the actual turning while the other three kept them cornered. Their skills had been useless against werewolves as they were for defense, not offense.
But when we were bitten, our skills turned offensive. I’ve done Toguro’s bidding and killed humans rather than suffer harsh discipline. I defied him once and was punished. I had been put in a cage with silver bars for a whole day. I became ill from the exposure and had to stay in bed for a day to recover. After that, I’ve faithfully obeyed Toguro as I don’t want to be in that cage again.
Toguro watched Touya leave and reflected on him. Touya had been a gentle person and a dedicated student of defensive moves. He had been certain that those moves would be better off being used in an offensive front. So, he and his three loyal members invaded the home where Risho, Jin, and Touya lived and he bit all three. Toguro always did the turning; it insured they would obey him. Risho and Jin had certainly been that but Touya defied him once and he had to punish him. It apparently did the trick as Touya had not disobeyed since.
He is not quite the vicious killer he should be. The only time he is, is the full moon. We all lose our humanity and become bloodthirsty monsters. I enjoy that time of the month. Indeed, we all do except Touya. Well, as long as he does as I say, I can tolerate his gentle personality.
Toguro came out of his reflection to focus on Elder Toguro. “Yes?” he asked.
“Karasu said he gave you the information on Yusuke.”
“He did. You will head out to his home tomorrow after dark and murder his mother. She is the only family he has.”
“I’d be delighted,” he said. “And when do we bring Yusuke here?”
“The day after the murder. I will assign Bui to abduct him and bring him here. Once night has fallen, I will bite him.” Toguro smiled in satisfaction. When one is bitten, they transform and become an angry, simple wolf as the werewolf virus needed to be incorporated into the victim’s DNA. Such a process took one night and the new werewolf reverts to human in the morning. I look forward to seeing Yusuke as an angry wolf.
Yusuke sighed as he stared out the window. His mother had forced him out of bed to go to school, adding she was going to call to make sure he was there. He scowled as he re-lived that morning. His mother was such a nag when she wasn’t drunk. He preferred her drunk so he could skip and go out fighting to his heart’s content.
Damn, I wish everyone would leave me the hell alone and let me do what I want when I want. That would be the perfect life. His scowl became a smile as his eyes closed and fell asleep with his head propped up on a hand.
A sharp rap on his head woke Yusuke and his teacher said, “No sleeping in class, Urameshi!”
Yusuke rubbed his head and bit back a retort as the teacher returned to the front. He knew there was a lot he could say that would get him expelled, to say nothing of attacking a teacher but he knew his mom would kill him if he got expelled. So, he kept his silence and stared ahead with glazed eyes.
Keiko glanced over at Yusuke and frowned at his seemingly attentive look, but saw his glazed eyes. She inwardly huffed. Why couldn’t Yusuke at least make a real effort to like school? After all, a good education leads to a good job. Yes, she was interested in running her parents’ restaurant, but having a good education would give her another career option, a fallback plan, if you will.
I know Yusuke is aware of that. I’ve told him enough times, after all. Hmm….maybe I could interest him in joining me in running my parents’ place. You don’t need much education to run a restaurant. The two of us could even get married once we’ve really gotten to know each other after working together. I’ll invite him over today.
“Yusuke!” Keiko called after Yusuke as she hurried up to him outside of the school.
“What?” he snapped, not wanting to hear a lecture.
“Hey, don’t snap at me,” she retorted, poking him in the chest. “I just wanted to invite you over to my place today.”
“Oh.” Yusuke looked sheepish, clearly regretting his sharp tone. “So, you wanna hang out then?”
“Yeah, that’s all.”
“In that case, I’d love to.”
“Great.” The pair walked along in silence until they reached their destination and settled in a far corner of the restaurant. Keiko smiled when Yusuke breathed deeply at the delicious smells in the air. “So, Yusuke. I was thinking that maybe since you don’t like school, you could work here with me later on in life.”
“Work here? With you?”
“Yeah and maybe marry later.”
“Marry?” Yusuke sputtered. “Uh, I’m not sure about that.”
“I know we don’t know each other too well even though we’ve been friends for years, but we can get to know one another.”
Yusuke fidgeted. “Keiko, I’m fine with us being friends ‘cause I…think I like a guy.”
“A guy?”
“I met him at my martial arts class. His name’s Touya and he’s really nice.”
“Yusuke, you haven’t been taking these classes very long. You don’t know Touya that well.”
“I know that, but that doesn’t change how I feel when I think about him.”
“Well…if you feel that way, you need to tell him. Maybe invite him out somewhere and talk to him.”
“Yeah. I’ll do that after class tomorrow. Great idea, Keiko.”
“No problem, Yusuke.” Keiko felt a bit disappointed, though. She had thought that Yusuke could be her boyfriend, but instead he had possible feelings for a guy from his martial arts class. And who knows? Touya may see Yusuke as just a friend and that would give me a chance at romance with Yusuke.
Chapter Three- The Invite Out
“Yusuke,” Touya said as class ended. When the teen turned to him, Touya added, “How about we go out for drinks and talk? You know, hang out?”
“Sure,” Yusuke replied. His mom was home, drunk, and wasn’t eager to head home right away. Also, this was the perfect opportunity to know more about his friend and confess to liking him more than a friend.
Touya was thrilled as the two of them walked down the street. Despite this being part of the plan to turn Yusuke, Touya wanted to know Yusuke more for he felt himself attracted to his classmate. He had found himself thinking about him a lot in between their classes and always looked forward to the next class and see Yusuke there. He knew Toguro wouldn’t be resistant to Touya and Yusuke being mates. But right now, we’ll be better friends.
The two friends sat in a corner booth with cups of tea and Yusuke took a sip before saying, “Touya tell me about yourself. I mean, I hardly know anything about you.”
“That’s why I invited you out. I want to know more about you, too.”
“You first since I asked.”
“True enough. All right. I don’t have a true family like most people. I was a student of defensive moves and lived with my mentor, Risho, and my fellow student, Jin. Then, one night, a gang leader named Toguro invaded our dojo home with three others and inducted us into his gang. We weren’t given a choice. He then had us turn our defensive moves into offensive ones. I don’t like it or obeying him. I tried defying him once and I was harshly punished for it. Risho and Jin have taken to this way of life and Risho insures that we follow the strict rules when speaking to Toguro.”
“Damn,” Yusuke said. “You can’t leave the gang?”
“No. Every member Toguro inducts is marked for life and I’m told every leader before him used the same mark and he hopes the ones that come after him will do the same.” Touya pulled back the left side of the collar of his loose T-shirt to expose three red scratches on his shoulder. He saw Yusuke’s eyes widen as Touya covered it. When Toguro inducted them, he bit the right shoulder and then quickly marked the left one before any of them transformed. It had been a terrible night. He recalled pain and anger, but nothing more until morning. When he awoke after being bitten, he knew that he wasn’t human anymore: He was a werewolf.
“Man, you make me feel like an ingrate over my life,” Yusuke said. “I mean, I have a nice home and a mom, though she has a tendency to get drunk almost every other day, including tonight.”
That will make the murder very easy as drunk people’s reaction time is slower. Not that a sober person has a better chance of fighting off a werewolf.
“You do attend school, right?” Touya asked.
“Yeah, but I hate school. I can get a career without an education. I’d rather be free to do what I want when I want.”
“I see.” The pack is allowed to pursue whatever interests them which is how I’m able to attend class. So, Yusuke could be happy as a werewolf once he’s grieved over his mother’s death.
“Uh, Touya? I have a confession to make.”
Yusuke leaned forward and so did Touya. “I’m glad you asked me out tonight. You see, I feel something for you. I’m not sure if it’s love, but it’s something.”
Touya smiled softly. “I’m glad I asked you out too. I am attracted to you and would love for us to be a couple.”
Yusuke smiled back. “That sounds good to me.”
Touya interlaced his fingers with Yusuke’s. “I want you to know that no matter what happens in the future, I do love you. Never doubt that.”
“I promise to never doubt you or your love form me.” Yusuke squeezed his fingers around Touya’s fingers and the werewolf smiled happily. He had made sure that Yusuke would still trust him when Yusuke learned the truth about him and the pack. After he’s turned and changes back in the morning, I will make it clear that everything I’ve said tonight was real and honest.
Elder Toguro stalked up the stairs in human form as he headed to Yusuke’s apartment. He moved silently and his heart pounded with anticipation. He enjoyed killing humans; it was a heady sensation that he couldn’t get enough of and he took great pleasure in savaging his prey.
He stepped on the welcome mat and felt something under it. He stepped off it and lifted the mat to reveal a key. This must be a spare key to the apartment. Foolish, naïve humans, he thought as he seized the key, put it in the door, and opened it before taking wolf form and padding quietly inside.
The air smelled of alcohol and Elder Toguro gave a wolf’s grin. She’s been drinking. Excellent. She’ll be unable to stop me. Heh, she may even be passed out. The alcohol in her blood will make it taste sweeter. A good thing that werewolves don’t get drunk from drunk prey. We could get drunk in human form, but not in wolf form.
He sniffed around and locked onto a fresh human scent. He slunk through the dim home and clearly saw a figure lying face-down on the low couch. He strained his ears and heard deep, even breathing. She’s asleep. Perfect. She won’t feel a thing, though it wouldn’t matter to me if she’s awake or asleep. I prefer my prey awake as their screams are music to me. But a silent kill may be preferable this time. That way, it will devastate Yusuke when he comes home and finds her dead.
Elder Toguro slinked toward the sleeping woman. Her head was turned so she could breathe and her throat was fully exposed. Elder Toguro wasted no time in slashing his claws across her throat, severing her vocal cords and the jugular. Blood poured from the torn throat and Elder Toguro panted at the sight of it.
He lapped up blood from the ripped throat before pulling the body to the floor. He began to hack and slash at it with fervor, laughing softly as he did so. He then ripped it open to feast on her and savored the taste of her skin and organs. He took care to eat her heart, his favorite organ to devour. Once he had eaten his fill, he left the scene, leaving the door open as well as some bloody paw prints and imagined how Yusuke would react when he saw his mother’s body.
The smell of blood hit Toguro’s nose not to mention the noses of the rest of the pack save for Touya who was still out with Yusuke. Elder Toguro proudly trotted into the room with blood on his muzzle and paws. His tail had been straight up but it lowered in the presence of his alpha.
“I take it that your mission was successful?” Toguro asked dryly.
“Successful and all too easy.” Elder Toguro shifted to human and went to the kitchen sink to wash his face and hands before returning to the pack. “The woman was passed out drunk. I simply ripped her throat out.” A sadistic smile crossed his face. “She had clearly been drinking hard and that made her blood quite sweet. Her skin was soft and tender due to her age and gender. The skin of women are quite delectable as we all know.”
“I assume you ate her heart?” Toguro asked.
“Of course. You know how I love consuming hearts.”
“Yes.” Toguro paused before saying, “Bui, you will abduct Yusuke sometime tomorrow afternoon and bring him here so that I can turn and mark him.”
“Yes, alpha,” Bui answered and Toguro smiled in pleasure.
Chapter Four- Inducted
Yusuke headed home, his heart swelling happily from his time with Touya. It had turned out better than he could have ever imagined. Keiko may not like it, but that’s not really my problem. My problem is if Touya’s gang will accept our relationship. Touya could say nothing about loving me, but he did say this Toguro is strict in controlling his members and likely insists in being told the truth. I hope he doesn’t question Touya’s late return tonight.
He climbed the stairs of the apartment building and paused at his apartment floor. There were bloody paw prints on the concrete and they were leading away from an open apartment: His apartment. His heart pounded as he ran to the door, into the apartment, and to the living room. There was dead silence as Yusuke stared at Atsuko’s remains and then he gave a loud scream that brought neighbors rushing into the apartment.
Yusuke sat in numb shock at the bottom of the steps of the building with a blanket around his shoulders and a cup of hot cocoa in his hands. His eyes stared unfocused in front of him. He didn’t see his mother’s body being removed or hear the words of sympathy from his neighbors who felt for him despite his delinquent reputation.
Animal attack, he thought in shock. Police think she was about to head out and was chased back into the apartment. Tears slid down his cheeks. He couldn’t believe his mom was dead; despite her insistence of him going to school and herself getting drunk, he loved her deeply and was simply devastated. He wasn’t sure what was going to happen to him, but he hoped he could move in with Keiko’s family. They had always been friendly to him.
He looked up and blinked which brought Keiko into focus. The brunette knelt down beside him. “The police called my house and asked if we could help you. Yusuke, I’m so sorry.”
“An animal did it. Police are guessing it was a wolf,” Yusuke choked.
“I didn’t think there were any wolves around here and why would one climb the stairs to hunt when it could go for the ground floor?”
“I know. It’s all so strange.” Yusuke lapsed into silence and was vaguely aware of Keiko pulling him to his feet and leading him away from the crime scene.
Yusuke kept to himself the next day until noon and then left. He had to start tying up his mother’s affairs like her debts and make funeral arrangements. He wasn’t badgered about going to school as Keiko’s parents called him in absent and explained why. He was grateful for this as he had a lot to do. He visited various businesses and dealt with each only quickly. One was the lawyer who informed him that he had inherited everything his mother owned save her debts. The bills would be covered until he got a job and could support himself and the bills.
He was feeling wrung out by the time he reached the funeral home. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he spoke to the director to settle on a day for the wake and the cremation as well as when he would collect the urn with the ashes. He then headed for home to pack a bag. He was allowed in by the police who were still on the scene and they watched him carefully to make sure he only took what he came to get and nothing else. He was escorted out once he was done and was soon heading back to Keiko’s, knowing the police would call there to tell him when he could return home.
A hand landed on his shoulder and he turned to see an incredibly tall man with sky blue hair and an odd mark on him. It looked like a raised bruise on his forehead with two lines coming from it so that he had one line on either side of his nose. “Yusuke Urameshi?” he asked in a deep, rumbling voice.
Yusuke, despite his grief, sensed this man may be looking for a fight. He dropped his bag and struck a fighting stance. “Yeah, that’s me. Got a problem with that?”
“Not at all. I’m Bui, a friend of Touya’s. He spoke of you being in his class and said you are an excellent fighter. I wanted to invite you over to our home. We have a dojo, you see, and you can demonstrate to us what you know.”
An alarm bell went off and Yusuke snatched up his bag and began to back up. “You’re part of that gang Touya’s in, aren’t you? Forget it. I’m not joining.”
“You don’t have a choice.” Bui seized Yusuke and slung him over a shoulder before grabbing the bag Yusuke had dropped when Bui grabbed him. The werewolf then headed home, ignoring Yusuke’s kicks, punches, and demands.
Toguro looked up from his book when he heard a voice yelling and shouting, “I really mean it! Put me down or you’ll be sorry!” An amused smiled crossed Toguro’s mouth as he returned to his book. Bui succeeded as I knew he would. Tonight, our pack will have eight members once I bite and mark him.
Toguro gathered the pack at sunset and led them to where Yusuke was. The teen was on the floor, gagged and bound. His brown eyes glared at Toguro, intuiting that he was the one Touya mentioned. His eyes moved to Touya who avoided his gaze and had a sad expression. This told Yusuke that his boyfriend had nothing to do with his kidnapping.
“Yusuke,” Toguro said, drawing the boy’s attention back to him. “I’ve observed your street fights and I was impressed with how strong and fast you are. I had one of my members dig into your records at City Hall and knew I had to have you in my pack.” He leaned down and removed the gag; he wanted to hear Yusuke scream when he bit him as he loved the screams of those he turned.
“Pack?” Yusuke repeated.
“Yes. Everyone you see here is a werewolf. You will learn the good and bad points of being one in the morning. But now.” Toguro looked out a window as the sky turned black. “I will begin the induction. You will transform into an angry simple wolf tonight and from this point on, you will call me Alpha.” With that pronouncement, the others shifted to wolf forms before Toguro did so. He pushed Yusuke onto his back, exposed both shoulders, and then bit the right shoulder before marking the left one. Yusuke screamed from the bite and the mark.
Yusuke hadn’t even realized that he had been cut free of his bonds until he was on his hands and knees. He gasped in pain as his blood felt like it was on fire. He groaned and panted as his clothes melded with his skin and black fur sprouted over his body, the muscles of his torso and limbs growing larger. His hands shrank away into large black paws, his nails growing into extended claws. His feet also became paws with long claws and his legs bent into canine shape bringing Yusuke to standing on all four paws.
He whined as his arms stiffened into forelegs and a full bushy talk grew from his tailbone. A growl then came out as his nose and jaws pushed out and merged into a long muzzle of sharp teeth, new ones appearing in the gaps. His ears turned pointed and moved to the top of his head. His eyes turned gold and wolf-like. There was no human intelligence in them as his mind reverted to a normal wolf. He turned to face the pack and growled as an angry wolf would.
Everyone but Toguro whined and slunk out of the room with folded ears and tucked tails. Toguro regarded the black wolf who was bigger than everyone except him, Bui, and Karasu. Yusuke turned his eyes on Toguro and snarled at him. Toguro simply left and shut Yusuke in the room before scenting his pack in the living room. They were all still cowering.
“It seems that Yusuke has the alpha gene,” Toguro said calmly. “This is excellent and a little tricky. I say excellent as he will be my heir. It will be tricky as alphas are headstrong and stubborn. I know that personally.” Toguro was eager to teach his new pack member on how to be a werewolf and school him about the alpha role and the pack order.
Chapter Five- Rules
Yusuke awoke to find himself curled up on the floor. He blinked in confusion. Why was he on the floor? He knew where he was and why: He was in Toguro’s house and he had just unwillingly joined his pack of werewolves.
He pushed aside the left collar of his shirt and stared at the three scratches on his shoulder. It was exactly like the one he saw on Touya. Touya. He’s a werewolf too. He had to be in on the plan to turn me. It all makes sense: The invite out, the attack on Mom, and the kidnapping. He then thought of the sad look on Touya’s face and his heart beat hard. He really liked Touya and, even if he was in on the plan, he didn’t go along with it eagerly.
He heard the door open and sat up as Touya entered, closed the door, went over to Yusuke, and sat. “You’re probably mad at me, right?” he asked in a soft, meek tone of voice. He cowered as if fearing that Yusuke would strike him. This act of submission threw Yusuke for a loop. “Did your invite out have more than one purpose or was it purely so someone could murder my mom?”
“I…really did want to know you, but yes it was to keep you away so that your mom would be killed.” Touya flinched.
“Why are you acting like I’m going to hurt you?” Yusuke asked, annoyed by this behavior; this wasn’t the Touya he knew and loved.
“You have the rare alpha gene just like our alpha.”
“Oh,” he said, now understanding. “Toguro is strict and harsh and you assume I will be that way too.”
“Alpha intends to take you for his heir and will teach you to emulate his manner. I am preparing myself for that point in time.”
“I have no intention of being harsh with anyone, although being an alpha does sound cool.”
“I suppose so, but you must call Toguro Alpha like the rest of us do.”
“I remember that. I also recall being bitten and marked, but after that nothing until this morning.”
“Everyone become an angry simple wolf on their first night. Having no memory of that night is normal.” Touya stood. “The alpha wishes to see you and I offered to get you. Yusuke…are we still a couple?”
Yusuke stood. “Of course we are. I still love you. Although, I guess we’re mates since we’re both werewolves now.”
Touya nodded, a smile finally appearing. “Yes, mates. Absolutely.” He led Yusuke out of the room, happy that Yusuke still loved him.
Toguro sat in his chair and he looked over as the door opened. Yusuke entered alone and Toguro saw Touya close the door, eyes averted as he should. He turned his attention to Yusuke and pointed at the floor in front of him. “Kneel.”
“Yes, alpha.” Yusuke got onto his knees.
Toguro nodded in approval. “Very good. Now, it was found after you changed that you are an alpha like me, however, you will follow me as I’m the older alpha and I bit you.”
“Yeah, I found that out when Touya was cowering and flinching when answering my questions. He told me I was an alpha.”
“Did he now? Was that a question you asked?”
“Good, because a subordinate does not ask questions of the alpha. They obey orders and don’t question them or defy them.”
“And if they do defy them, alpha?”
Toguro smiled cruelly. “They are harshly punished. Your friend and pack brother, Touya, did once. He was put in a cage with silver bars for a day and then had to stay in bed for a day as silver is our weakness. It burns if touched and makes us ill if exposed to it for too long.”
Yusuke was aghast at what he heard. While he knew that rules were needed for safety, he also knew that if he was in charge, such harsh punishments would be done away. But, I’m not the alpha in charge and I must listen to Toguro as he bit me.
“I’m sure you’ve already suspected it, but we have the sharper senses of a wolf. We are also faster and stronger and have longevity.”
Longevity? You mean longer life?”
“Much, much longer. My brother and I were bitten fifty years ago.”
“Fifty!? But…you look so young.”
“I was in my mid-twenties when I was bitten. My brother is a few years older and as he was experimenting with hair dye at the time of the bite, his hair and fur will remain gray forever. Now, understand that thought we can live longer, we can be killed just the same as humans can, save for lethal diseases.
“My rules cover a variety of aspects of pack life. I will start with home life. Everyone is to address me as alpha, including you. Of course, the rest of the pack will call you alpha as well. Everyone is expected to show respect to us and must ask permission to approach us for whatever reason.
“I do allow my pack to roam within reason and I must grant them permission to pursue their activities or errands. For example, I allow Touya to attend martial art classes and you may attend them as well. Naturally, we need to shop for food, clothes, and appliances.”
“I’ll need to attend school, alpha,” said Yusuke with a bit of regret.
“Actually, you will not. Jin is collecting your school records as we speak.”
“I don’t have to go to school? Great. I hate school, alpha.”
“I see. Well, you are free from that and can fight all you like should the opportunity arise while doing your errands and activities. Just be mindful of your strength.
“Now when you do go out, don’t even think of going to the police or telling anyone you’re a werewolf or that you were kidnapped. I assure you that I will know if you do and you will be punished most severely.
“I will move on to what is expected of you as a werewolf. You will do your part of protecting our home and your pack. You are also expected to hunt.”
“Hunt, alpha?”
“Yes. You likely have no experience with hunting. I will assign someone to teach you. You should be aware that it is humans that we hunt.”
Yusuke’s eyes went wide with hindsight. “It was you! You sent someone to kill my mom!”
“I did. I sent my brother and he described the attack in great detail.” Toguro grinned sadistically. “He admitted to eating her heart when I asked if he had.”
Yusuke felt sick at what he was hearing. He now knew who had killed his mom but he couldn’t tell anyone as per Toguro’s rules. And he was expected to hunt humans because that was what werewolves do.
“Yusuke, I suspect you still have business to do concerning your mother’s death. You are free to attend to them, but return before dark as I intend for you to hunt tonight. I am sure you will enjoy eating humans once you’ve tasted one.”
“I’ll take care of business and return, alpha. You have my word.”
“As I should for a werewolf’s word is binding.”
Yusuke gave a nod as he rose and left the house. He clenched his fists and gave a low wolf growl. Toguro targeted him to be a werewolf due to his street fights and in order to do that, his mom was killed and he was kidnapped. He now had to live with the pack, obey Toguro, and he would learn to humans tonight.
Chapter Six- True Werewolf?
Jin hummed to himself as he flipped through Yusuke’s school records. Yusuke’s appearance and fighting skills gave Jin the impression that Yusuke was not a good student. He was wrong: Yusuke was an awful student. His grades were abysmal, his attendance was sporadic, and his disrespect for the adults there was appalling. It is a wonder he wasn’t expelled with a record like this. Well, he’ll likely be glad that he won’t have to go anymore.
Sure was a surprise after he transformed and the scent of a second alpha reached me. Perhaps, that’s why he disrespects the teachers: Alphas don’t usually accept an authority over them. However, with Toguro being the older alpha, Yusuke has to obey him.
Jin ceased humming and his normally cheerful smile faded. Jin loved being a werewolf with all the perks and weaknesses that came with it, but he hated having Toguro as his alpha. He was unreasonably harsh and strict in his rules or at least some of them were. It was the dearest wish of most of them that Toguro was defeated and exiled as was dictated by what was called the Dominance Challenge. If the alpha lost to the challenger, he was exiled forever and could not return to reclaim his position. If the alpha won, the challenger had to accept the alpha’s authority over him or her and never issue another challenge again. Bui had tried to defeat Toguro and, needless to say, he lost.
The sound of flesh on flesh reached his ears and he headed toward it. He had been a student of defensive fighting and moves and could not resist the sounds of a fight. He heard air being displaced in rapid succession before a rough male voice said in frustration, “Stay still, damn it!”
“As if,” shot back a voice Jin recognized as Yusuke’s despite hearing the boy speak just a little the night before. Jin increased his speed and arrived in time to see Yusuke land a punch that knocked his opponent out cold.
Jin tucked the folder under one arm so that he could applaud which made Yusuke whirl around and take a stance briefly before relaxing. “Very nice, Yusuke. A solid right hook, there.”
“Yeah.” Yusuke looked back at Kuwabara. “Either, I’m getting stronger or…right. I am stronger.”
“Shouldn’t he be in school?”
“Yeah, but he skips just like I do or rather did.” Yusuke spied the folder Jin now held in one hand. “So,” he said as they walked away. “What will Alpha do with my records?”
“He’ll store them like he did with Touya’s and mine. Risho may have been our mentor and surrogate father, but we went to school too until the night we were turned.”
“If you lived with Touya before and after the bite, you must know him well.”
“Like a brother, alpha. Why do ya ask?”
Yusuke hesitated a little before saying, “Promise you won’t tell anyone else?”
“I give my word to keep quiet.”
Yusuke nodded, knowing Jin would keep his word. “Touya and I are mates. We confessed love to each other the night my mom was killed.”
“You are? Alpha, that’s wonderful.”
“Thanks, but I would like to know more about him and you seem to be the right one to ask.”
“Right. Well, Touya is really a gentle soul but does indulge in everything all werewolves do.”
“Like hunting and eating humans?”
“Yeah. It’s what our kind does. Same thing with the full moon.”
“What happens then?”
“We all lose our humanity those nights and become bloodthirsty monsters. We are just vicious wolves but we do recognize one another as pack members even though we roam alone. That is also the time when any of us can turn another human, but that’s rare.”
“So, Touya doesn’t really want to act mean except when he has no choice.”
“Precisely. Take me for example. I’m still the same guy I was before, but I do like being a werewolf and everything that comes with it.”
“So, you were always this chipper?”
Yusuke grinned. He liked Jin. He was a cool guy and a pack brother he wouldn’t mind hanging out with. I just about know everything about Touya, but I’d like to know everything and with my alpha status, he has to answer my questions.
As they approached the Yukimura restaurant, Yusuke said, “Go on ahead, Jin. There’s a friend I want to talk to.”
“Okay, alpha.” Jin kept going and Yusuke took a moment to savor hearing his title and seeing others follow his orders. You know, despite following Toguro’s orders and forced to be a monster on the full moon, being a werewolf is not so bad. I just can’t tell anyone, but then again, I’m a private kind of guy. He checked his watch, saw that Keiko was home, and entered the restaurant.
Mr. and Mrs. Yukimura, while relieved Yusuke was safe and unharmed, were disappointed that he was absent from school today. “I still had business to take care of,” he protested. “The final details of the wake and all.”
“That may be, but a good education is also important,” Mr. Yukimura said.
Yusuke nodded, though he highly disagreed. And it doesn’t matter anymore. I’ve been withdrawn from school and I’m not going back.
“Yusuke, I was worried,” Keiko said when Yusuke entered the house part of the home.
“I know, I’m sorry. I got kidnapped yesterday,” Yusuke said, inadvertently blurting out the kidnapping which Toguro told him not to say.
Keiko gasped. “You did? Oh, that’s awful but that shouldn’t have happened. You should have been able to fight him off.”
“He was tall and quick and really strong. He grabbed me, put me over his shoulder, and just walked off. I hit and kicked him but it had no effect on him.”
“Wow. How did you get away?”
“Well, turns out the tall guy was working for a gang leader who wants me for a member. I got away by saying I’d come back tonight, but of course I have no intention of doing that.”
“Will you put locks and things on your apartment door?”
“I suppose I should but who knows when that will be.”
“Oh, right. The police called and said you can move back in when you’re ready.”
“Really? Great. I’ll head there now. See ya, Keiko.”
“Yusuke, wait. You didn’t tell me about Touya lately. Did you invite him out?”
“Actually, he asked me and it turns out he likes me too.”
“So, he’s your boyfriend now?”
“Yeah.” Yusuke smiled happily.
“Good for you. I just want you to be happy.”
“Thanks, Keiko.” Yusuke exited the house through the front door and headed for his new home. He had promised to return before dark and he had to keep it. A werewolf’s word is binding. That’s what Toguro said and I feel compelled to keep my word.
Am I becoming a true werewolf now? It’s almost been twenty-four hours since the bite and maybe it takes time to fully be an actual werewolf. If so, then that may be why Toguro wants me to hunt tonight.
Chapter Seven- Hunting
Yusuke walked in to the smell of cooking steaks permeating the air. He breathed deeply and his mouth watered at the thought of juicy steaks, but then he remembered that he was going hunting and decided to report to Toguro to show he was back and learn who would be teaching him. I hope it’s not his brother; being taught to hunt by my mom’s killer doesn’t sit right with me.
“Yusuke,” Toguro said as the teen entered the den. Yusuke knelt as he said, “Returning as promised, alpha.”
Toguro beamed at how obedient Yusuke was. An alpha’s bite was truly a wonderful thing. It insured obedience from those he bit, even another alpha. I will teach him to be like me so that my rules will continue to operate after I am gone.
“Bui,” Toguro said and said man stepped out of the shadows. “You will teach Yusuke how to hunt. Show him the different ways to do it and insure that he kills and eats at least once.”
“Yes, alpha. As you command.” Bui put a hand on Yusuke’s shoulder as the young alpha stood and steered him out the front door. Once outside, Bui released his hold. “Forgive me for the overfamiliarity, alpha.”
“What? The hand on my shoulder? Forget about it. I don’t mind.”
“You are merciful, alpha.”
Yusuke rolled his eyes. “Bui, you don’t have to be so formal around me. Jin doesn’t and neither does Touya.”
“But the alpha demands it.”
“That alpha does, but this one doesn’t. Now, tell me about hunting.”
“My pleasure. It is best to hunt at night and we wait until nightfall to change which is simply thinking of being a wolf.
“The best place to hunt are where people go and to try to take one that is alone. I prefer the park.”
Yusuke nodded. The park made sense to him. The trees hid a number of different wild animals and made it the perfect place for a werewolf to go and change back to human to avoid being by chased or attacked by humans. “Let’s do the park then.”
The pair entered the park as night was falling and Bui led Yusuke to a grove of trees. Their eyes immediately adjusted to the lower lighting as a few lamp posts came on. Bui then shifted to wolf form and Yusuke followed suite.
Yusuke turned slowly to take in his wolf form for the first time and was impressed by what he saw. “I’m kind of big, but not like you.”
“That is true, but you are bigger than Risho, Jin, Touya, and the alpha’s brother. Alphas are usually the biggest with a few exceptions. Karasu and I are big and I am the biggest one in the pack. That is why I prefer the park: It helps conceal me from my prey.”
“How often are we expected to hunt?”
“Whenever the mood strikes but we must tell the alpha about it.” Bui then sniffed the air. “Sniff the air, alpha. What do you smell?”
Yusuke sniffed. “Trees, grass, and something I don’t know but it smells good.”
“That scent is the smell of a human.”
“Ah.” Yusuke sniffed again to memorize the smell. He would need to know it. “So, now what?”
“I will demonstrate one of the ways to kill and then we’ll eat. I will show my favorite way to kill.” Bui unsheathed his claws, slunk low to the ground, and crouched behind a bush. Yusuke slunk down and moved closer to watch. He watched Bui carefully while the human scent grew stronger and the sound of footsteps was heard. He saw Bui’s back leg muscles bunch up before he burst through the bush with a snarl. Yusuke heard a scream that was abruptly cut off and the sound of something being dragged before Bui backed into the area, dragging the dead body of a woman after him. He released it, his tail swishing, and announced, “Dinner.”
“That was so quick,” Yusuke commented.
“Quick is the best way to do it, in my opinion. Elder Toguro would toy with his prey and savage the body after he’s killed the human, as you probably saw.”
“Yeah.” Yusuke laid down and observed Bui as he opened the body up, seized a kidney, and dropped it in front of Yusuke.
“I find the kidneys tasty,” Bui said before tearing some skin off and chewing it.
Yusuke nosed the organ and took a tiny lick. He blinked at the taste and then took a small bite. He swallowed and licked his muzzle before he eagerly ate the entire thing. When Bui gave him the second one, he didn’t hesitate in eating it and then ate some skin and drank some blood.
“What do you think?” Bui asked.
“It’s good and makes me feel like a real werewolf.”
“Another reason for teaching you to hunt: It eliminates the uncertainty of being able to kill and eat.” Bui licked his chops before asking, “Feel up to trying to kill a human?”
“I think so.” He let Bui lead him to a different part of the park and he positioned himself in some tall grass. He sniffed the air and smelled a few humans. He waited until a lone humans was coming his way. He flexed his paws and his claws kneaded the dirt. He growled low when he saw his prey. His growl was heard by the man and his eyes darted around to spot the source of the sound.
Yusuke slowly stalked out of the grass, his gold eyes locked on the man’s face and he growled low in his throat. The man backed up and the werewolf could smell fear in the air. Yusuke took a few quick steps before leaping up and latching his jaws onto the throat and ripped it open. The body thudded to the ground and Yusuke howled at his first success. Man, what a rush! What a thrill! He seized his kill and dragged it back to Bui who had admiration in his eyes.
“Very nice,” he said. “Slow stalk, intimidation, and then a quick kill. You could be the one to do it.”
“It? What it?”
Bui laid down. “Most of the pack hates Toguro and his tyrannical rule. We want to have more freedom to do as we wish. I felt very strongly about it and issued what is called the Dominance Challenge to the alpha ten years ago. The terms, as dictated by all packs, are if the alpha loses, he is forever exiled and cannot reclaim his position. If he wins, the challenger must accept the alpha’s authority and never challenge him again. It goes without saying how the challenge went.” He gestured a paw at the scars, the lines now two diagonal lines on his muzzle. “I suffered these marks in the fight. They scarred instead of healing and they ended the fight. I laid on the ground in pain and Toguro asking for my obedience as it was clear that I couldn’t keep fighting.”
“And you think I could beat Toguro?” Yusuke asked, stunned by all he heard.
“You are an alpha. You’re good at fighting. You may possess moves Toguro couldn’t anticipate as he does not bother to learn new moves.”
“If you had won, would you have become an alpha?”
“I would have. Yusuke, I would rather follow you than Toguro and I’m sure the others would too save for Elder Toguro.”
“I think I’ll ask them that at some point and I’ll think about it.” Yusuke turned to his kill and thought about being the alpha in charge as he ate.
Chapter Eight- Dominance
Yusuke got his chance to address the pack the next day. He knelt before Toguro when he was summoned and Toguro said, “My brother and I are going grocery shopping. You will be in change while we are away. I expect you to enforce my rules in my absence.”
“Yes, alpha. As you command.” Yusuke stayed in his kneeling position as Toguro left the room. The moment he heard the front door close, he rushed to the window by the door to see the brothers climb into a car and the alpha in the driver’s seat. He turned to find Touya nearby. He smiled at his mate. “Touya, could you get Risho and Jin and bring them to the den? I’ll get Karasu and Bui.”
“Uh, sure, alpha,” Touya said, a little confused by the request but left to do as asked.
Within five minutes, everyone was in the den and Yusuke stood before them. “Okay, I want you all to answer me honestly: How do you feel having Toguro as the alpha? Risho, you first.”
Risho said carefully, “I am grateful that he bit me and my students and I love how a werewolf should act, however some of the rules are unreasonable and the punishment is unduly harsh. The thing is that we cannot ask Toguro to reconsider that which seems unfair or harsh. That also invites punishment. His word is law and we have no say.”
Yusuke nodded and said, “Jin? Touya?”
“Risho summed up my feelings about Toguro,” Jin said. “All I will add is that I’d rather have a reasonable and fair alpha.”
“Jin’s words reflect my feelings,” Touya said.
“I share their sentiments,” Bui said.
“I also feel we need a more reasonable and fair alpha,” Karasu said. “That would be you, Yusuke. You must issue a Dominance Challenge to Toguro.”
Yusuke nodded. “I know. Bui told me about it last night and how he issued one which resulted in his loss and his scars.”
“It won’t be easy,” Risho said. “Toguro’s been a werewolf for fifty years. You are currently on your second day as one. That is a huge rift in experience.”
“Perhaps not,” Karasu spoke up. “I was bitten twenty years ago and Toguro has become lazy and arrogant in the last ten years which was shortly after defeating Bui. No doubt fighting styles have evolved since then.”
“They have,” Touya said. “In fact, our class tonight will focus on spar fighting. Some of the moves are ones that came into use five years ago.”
Yusuke nodded. “That’s true and if I challenge Toguro, I would prefer to have all the practice I can get and not be worn out from our class. I believe I will challenge him tomorrow. Is there a designated place for this challenge?”
“No,” Risho said. “The place is chosen by the challenger, but might I suggest our dojo? It will be able to withstand a battle between two werewolves.”
“That sounds perfect,” Yusuke said and Risho smiled proudly.
“You know Toguro won’t be happy when you challenge him,” Touya said as they warmed up in their class later on.
“I know but the majority of the pack want me as the head alpha instead and isn’t it an alpha’s duty to see to the pack’s safety and happiness?”
“Safety, yes, but happiness is a matter that is up to the alpha to decide. Loyalty and obedience is preferred as opposed to whether the pack is happy with the alpha’s leadership.”
Yusuke lapsed into silence as class began. He had a few ideas of how he would lead but did not get ahead of himself. After all, suppose Toguro won? Then, he would follow Toguro until his time to rule did come. Then again, a fighter must have confidence when going into a fight. I must show confidence that I can win. I’m not just fighting to be alpha, I’m doing it for the well-being of the pack. He then thought of how to issue the challenge and smiled as one came to him that sounded perfect.
Toguro yawned slightly and then growled. Who did Yusuke think he was, calling a pack meeting? He had been getting ready to take his post-lunch nap when his brother informed him of Yusuke’s action.
He entered the den to find everyone in wolf form with Yusuke facing the others. He looked over his shoulder at Toguro and casually said, “Hi, alpha.”
“Yusuke, you do not have the authority to call a pack meeting.”
“I will soon.” He turned to face Toguro, held his tail straight up, and said, “I issue a Dominance Challenge.”
Toguro’s face darkened. “You dare challenge me? Do you know the terms of this challenge?”
“Yes, I do and I’ll accept the consequences of whatever the result is.”
“Good. Then, I accept the challenge and since you issued it, you pick the place and time.”
“The pack dojo and right now. Let’s do this.” Yusuke headed out past Toguro who then took wolf form and followed Yusuke while the pack followed behind him.
Toguro growled at Yusuke as they stood on opposite sides of the room. Granted, it had been ten years since he last fought, but he was confident that he could take Yusuke down. I’ve been a werewolf for years and that gives me the advantage, he thought before he went into action. He charged forward on his powerful legs and leaped through the air, claws fully extended, and his jaws wide open.
Yusuke gracefully dodged the lunge and swung a back leg that connected with Toguro’s side. Toguro howled as Yusuke’s claws cut his fur and skin while Yusuke blinked. His paw hit muscle after the strike, but the contact felt soft to him, kind of like fat. The older werewolf whirled around to face and then Yusuke saw it: A small swaying flab of fat along the lower stomach and near the back legs. Yusuke could hardly believe it. He hadn’t seen any fat on Toguro’s human form. In any case, Karasu was right: Toguro’s gotten lazy and that could cost him. Yusuke crouched low as he stalked toward Toguro who did the same. They circled one another, looking for an opening from which they could strike.
Toguro faked a left and then came in from the right, but Yusuke caught the fake and met the charge. The two alphas met and soon they were a blur of fur, claws, and teeth. Growls, snarls, howls, and yelps rent the air as the fight resulted in numerous hits on both combatants. Toguro then landed on his stomach, his legs positioned poorly to make a quick recovery. Yusuke didn’t allow him time to reposition himself. He laid down on top of Toguro with his front claws at the throat and his jaws latched gently but firmly onto the neck. If Toguro made one wrong move, Yusuke would either slit his throat or deliver the killing bite. He was in a no-win scenario and did the only option left that would allow him to remain alive.
“I concede,” he said. “You win.”
“Brother, no!” Elder Toguro exclaimed. “Don’t concede!”
“Shut up! Take a good look here. I can’t move without getting killed. It is clear that my time as alpha and as part of this pack is over.”
Yusuke leaped off Toguro who showed the proper respect to him. “As the challenge dictates, I will leave and never come back.”
Yusuke nodded and said, “If anyone else wishes to leave with you, I will not stop them.”
Elder Toguro took wolf form and crawled to Yusuke. “I wish to leave with my brother.”
“Very well. I will give both of you all of tomorrow to pack up and leave.”
Both brothers slunk out of the room and Yusuke allowed himself to show his exhaustion. He laid down and tended to his wounds while his pack gathered around to congratulate him and help tend to the wounds he couldn’t reach.
Chapter Nine- New Order
Yusuke woke to the sound of footsteps that didn’t sound like walking or stomping. He crept to the door and put an ear to it. The sound of scrapping then sounded loudly and Yusuke pulled back. The brothers are moving their stuff. He padded back to bed with a slight smile. He was the alpha of the pack now. He got to make the rules and indeed had some already. He had written them down before the challenge and could hardly wait to share them. I won’t insist on all of them being followed. I’ll ask everyone’s opinion and only a majority will do to make it a rule. Of course, some of Toguro’s rules will stay as they are sensible, but will be adjusted a little.
A knock came a half hour later and Touya’s voice said, “Alpha, breakfast is ready.”
Yusuke cocked his head a little as he sat up. Breakfast? Toguro didn’t gather the pack for mealtimes, though he did tell me a little about how the pack sits around the table. Yusuke got up, opened the door, and upon seeing Touya was alone, gave him a kiss. Their first kiss.
“Alpha,” Touya said in flattered tone once they parted.
“It’s a new day, Touya, and a new chapter in this pack’s history. I have some changes in mind and everyone will have a say in them. The pack should also know about us. I told Jin the day I went hunting and he swore to not to tell. Well, he won’t have to keep quiet anymore.” He put an arm around Touya’s shoulders and headed downstairs.
Yusuke removed his arm from Touya as he entered the dining room and saw the table set out with places and plates of eggs, steaks, sausages, and toast. The others were seated and Yusuke noticed that the brothers’ seats were empty. One was at the head of the table and the other was to the right of it. I’m expected to take the seat at the head, he thought. He crossed the room and sat down before gesturing to his right and saying, “Touya, over here.” He did so, noticing everyone’s curious faces save for Jin who alone knew why Touya was sitting there: Mates often sat together.
Yusuke saw the pack sit there, looking at him and he asked, “Are you waiting on me? I mean, what do I do?”
“Fill your plate, alpha,” Karasu said. “Once you have, we will then do so.”
First picks, huh? I could get used to that. Yusuke asked for the steaks and chose one before getting some of the other food. When he was done, the others filled their plates. There was silence save for chewing or asking for seconds and Yusuke knew this had to change. Definitely having a meeting.
When he finished his food, Yusuke stood and everyone paused to look at him. “When you’re finished, meet me in the den for a real meeting.” He then gathered his plate, cup, and utensils and took them to the kitchen where he found a dishwashers. He loaded it and then closed it before heading to the den. He gave the throne a disdainful look before sitting on the floor in front of it with his back to it. That thing will have to go. A leader should sit with his pack not above them.
His pack trickled in and sat around him in a circle. Once everyone had gathered, Yusuke sat up straight. “I know you’re all still following Toguro’s rules and that it’ll take time to stop doing so. Now, I want to establish different rules and routines that all of us or most of us will agree on.”
“You’ll let us choose which rules and routines to have?” Risho asked in surprise.
“Yes. You desired a reasonable alpha and I intend to be that. I want to start with routines. First, when having meals at the table, conversation is okay to have. Second, when having a meeting, we will sit as we are now which means that throne has to go.” He jerked a thumb at it.
“Next, I want to alter a couple of Toguro’s rules that I found to be somewhat sensible. I do want to be told that you’re heading out. I don’t need to know where, but I would like to know when you’ll be back.”
“No permission to leave?” Bui asked.
“None. You’re free to leave as you please, just tell me you’re going and when you’ll return. That’s all I want.
“Now, for my rules. First, no harsh punishment. That cage in the basement will also go. I understand that will be hard as the bars are silver.”
“We can take them to the garbage wearing thick gloves or invite a silver buyer over to pay us and take them,” Bui suggested.
Yusuke pointed at him. “I like that second option. See to that Bui and by the way, you just demonstrated the next rule I want to change. No more cowering, flinching, or other form of meek greeting. If you have a comment or question, speak up.
“I do like being called alpha, but you do not have to use it all the time. Yusuke will be fine, too. I noticed your faces this morning when I asked Touya to sit beside me. The reason is the night before I was turned, Touya and I fell in love.”
“Congratulations,” Bui said. “That’s wonderful news.”
“Thanks. So, are we in agreement with the rules and routines I mentioned?”
“Yes,” everyone said.
Yusuke beamed. His first day as alpha was off to a good start. He stood and said, “I need to head over to my apartment to do some cleaning and then get a job to pay the bills.”
“A job is not necessary,” Risho said.
“Every pack is paid by a world werewolf council. A monthly check is given to every pack, the amount usually depends on the size of the pack which they monitor every two weeks. I am the one in charge of the pack’s account at the bank and then I put some in each member’s personal account. Oh! I need to add your account to the pack.”
Yusuke grabbed a paper and pen and wrote his information before handing it to Risho. “Go ahead and head out, Risho.”
“Thanks, I’ll be back in about an hour or two.”
“It seems I have a lot to learn about the werewolf community as a whole,” Yusuke said to Touya who had accompanied him. He folded some of his mother’s clothes in a box to donate to a shelter.
“You will learn in time,” Touya said as he dusted the living room, straightening items as he did so. “The pack will help you learn. A pack is like a family if there is harmony between all its members. Toguro controlled us so rigidly that there was no joy or freedom.”
“Well, that’s over now. Everyone can come and go as they please and do what they want.” There was a long silence as they worked on packing or cleaning. Finally, Yusuke said, “Touya, tomorrow is Mom’s wake. I have to be there and I would appreciate it if you and the pack were there for support.”
“Are you sure?” Touya asked softly. “I mean, your mother was killed so that nothing of your human life would interfere with you being a werewolf. Our presence would be a harsh reminder of why she’s deceased.”
“I’m sure. You did say a pack is family. You’re my family now and I want all of you there.”
“As you wish, alpha.”
“Yeah, no ‘alpha’ at the wake, okay?”
“Of course.”
Risho slid the papers to the teller and waited as the man worked. He had filled out papers to add the Urameshi account to the pack’s joint account while removing the Toguro one; the brothers shared one account. The council will learn in a week that Yusuke is a member and that he beat Toguro and both brothers left. The council will consider the brothers a pack and pay them accordingly.
“All right. The accounts have been added or removed,” the man said handing Risho a paper with the updated information.
“Thank you, sir.” Risho smiled as he stood and left the bank. As he exited, however, he met up with the Toguros. The younger one nodded to him. “Risho.”
“Toguro,” Risho replied.
“Yusuke allowed you out?”
“The alpha allows us to leave when we want. He merely wants to know we’re heading out and when we’ll return. We are quite happy with that.”
“Indeed,” Toguro said as Risho left. Maybe Yusuke is a better alpha than I had thought he’d be. Well, it’s not my concern anymore.
Chapter Ten- The Wake
The procession line was longer than Yusuke anticipated but the venue he had selected could more than handle it. The casket laid under a shelf that had a framed picture of Atsuko in the center and had some vases of her favorite flowers, one on each side of the picture. Yusuke kneeled on a pillow facing the door from which the visitors would enter. His pack kneeled on pillows behind him in a line and wore solemn expressions.
Yusuke had felt no grief on the way to the venue, but upon seeing the setup, a lump rose in his throat and a stinging burned behind his eyes. By the time the first few guests paid their respects, Yusuke was choked with sobs. The full impact of her death had finally hit him and he gave himself over to tears, his head bowed as they flowed.
The pack exchanged looks as their alpha descended into true grief. His fists were clenched on his thighs, his head was bowed, and sobs escaped from his throat and mouth. Touya, sitting behind him, put his hands on his shoulders in a gesture of comfort. Yusuke reached back to put one hand on his and squeezed it slightly.
“Sorry, Urameshi,” came Kuwabara’s voice, sounding unusually soft.
Yusuke looked up at his friend and rival, wiping some tears away. “Thanks, Kuwabara,” he said, his voice strained from his crying.
“Is that your boyfriend? The one behind you? Keiko said you have a boyfriend.”
“Yeah. This is Touya. Touya, everyone, this is Kuwabara. He was a classmate and my constant rival who fights with me and always loses.”
“And one of these days, I’ll beat ya,” Kuwabara boasted.
“In your dreams.” Kuwabara nodded, rose, and left to allow others to come in.
Keiko and her parents were the last ones to come. While her parents bowed to the memorial setup, Keiko bowed to Yusuke. “I know I’ve said it already, but nonetheless, I’m sorry.”
“Thanks,” Yusuke said, back to being subdued.
Keiko sat up and saw five others lined up behind Yusuke and wondered if they were in that gang that had kidnapped her friend. Indeed, one of them was really tall. He could have been the one who grabbed Yusuke. She kept glancing back as she and her parents swapped spots. Her actions were noticed by Yusuke and once the parents paid their respects, he turned to the others.
“Keiko deserves to know the truth,” he whispered so only they heard. “I admitted to being kidnapped even though I was told not to.”
“Do not be concerned about disobeying Toguro,” Karasu whispered. “Any orders you disobeyed are null and void now that you are in charge. If you wish to tell her, do so now.” The others nodded.
Yusuke whipped around to see the trio leaving. “Keiko!” he said as he sprang to his feet. “Please wait.”
The brunette stopped, waved her parents on ahead, and turned to Yusuke. “Yusuke,” she said before he could speak. “Are those guys part of that gang you mentioned?”
“Uh, yeah. They are.”
“I thought you said you weren’t going back.”
“I did say that but the truth was that I had to go back.”
“Then, you lied to me!”
“Keiko, I had a good reason to lie. I was ordered to not tell the truth, but now I can. The gang is actually a pack of werewolves.”
Keiko blinked and then laughed. “A pack of werewolves? You expect me to believe you’re a werewolf now?”
“Yes and I can prove it.” Yusuke focused and changed forms, causing Keiko to back up. “Easy, Keiko. I won’t hurt you.” Yusuke changed back and Keiko stopped backing up.
“Why you? How did it happen?”
“My fighting skills. That caught the attention of the leader, Toguro. He felt that I would make a good werewolf. He also laid out a plan and ordered the others to carry it out. One had to look at my records at City Hall to know my name, family, and address. He then had Touya invite me out so his brother could murder Mom. The next afternoon, he had another kidnap me so he could turn me.
“I had to live under strict rules. I was to call Toguro alpha at all times and obey every order he gave. I had to ask permission to leave the house and promise to come back as I learned a werewolf’s word is binding.”
“Oh, Yusuke,” Keiko said sympathetically.
“Oh, things got better the other night. See, I’m an alpha too and I was encouraged to challenge Toguro to see who would lead the pack. I won and Toguro left as tradition dictated. He can’t come back and try to beat me. His brother left with him and I lifted or modified the rules I mentioned with the pack having a say on them.”
“So, you’re a leader now. How are you supposed to support yourselves?”
“We’re managing,” Yusuke said, feeling he was not to mention the Werewolf Council or the checks.
“A job would help add to the pack’s income.”
“I won’t deny that,” Touya spoke up softly as he came up beside Yusuke. “But being alpha is a full-time job and Yusuke needs to adjust to his new role as well as fulfill it.”
“Yes,” Yusuke said slowly, recalling what Toguro had told him the day after the bite. “I am expected to protect our home and the pack. I do need time to get used to it.”
“Well, that is important. I mean, a pack is like a family, right?”
“Definitely,” Yusuke replied.
Keiko then hugged him. “I’m glad you’re not alone. I swear I won’t tell anyone about you or the pack. Good luck.” She released him, gave him a soft smile, and then walked away.
“That went well,” Yusuke said as they left. The pack knew he was referring to telling Keiko the truth.
“I suppose so,” Touya said. “I mean, she seemed a bit bossy.”
“She just wants me to be able to take care of myself.”
“And you can.” Touya kissed his cheek.
Yusuke smiled at this gesture and then felt like hunting. “Everyone, I’m going hunting.”
“May I join you?” Touya asked. “I feel in the mood myself.”
“I would like that. In fact, when hunting, I feel it should be done in pairs for safety’s sake.”
“Well said, alpha,” Jin said. “I approve.” The others nodded in agreement.
“Then, it’s agreed. Touya and I will see you later.” Yusuke led his mate down the street through the crowds and into an alley where they changed to wolves. Touya nuzzled Yusuke’s cheek and said, “Alpha, it’s traditional for mates to celebrate by hunting together.”
“Yeah? Lucky we were both in the mood.”
“Really lucky.” Touya sniffed the air. “I smell a woman coming our way and she’s alone. I suggest I block her path forward and you come up behind her and kill her.”