Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the nameless characters are mine.
Chapter One- Hiei
Hiei floated in the sky high above the ocean. The surface was as smooth as glass and a deep sapphire blue from his height and he would have smiled if he could, but seagull beaks weren’t made for smiling. He soared up a little higher before going into a steep dive and, as he plummeted toward the water, he began to change. His feathers turned gray and became rubbery skin. His tail feathers and legs merged together into a gray tail. His beak turned gray and took on the look of a dolphin beak. When Hiei hit the water, he was no longer a seagull, but a dolphin. He let out a dolphin laugh before laughing in his own voice. I love being a shapeshifter. I can spend twenty-four hours in one form before I have to change or I’ll be trapped in that form forever, still able to talk but unable to change again. Hn, no danger of that as I only spend a few hours in one form at a time.
He began to swim for shore, diving in and out of the water to breathe. He had found out some time ago that swimming was faster than flying and often chose an ocean life form to return to land when out in the water.
Hiei swam until his belly met wet sand and then took his human form, got to his feet, and walked onto land. He boarded a bus once at the bus stop and rode it into downtown. He got off in the dark heart of downtown that was dreary and depressing, not at all like the bright, sparkling ocean he had flown over and swam through. The buildings were in various states of decay and neglect, alleyways were unlit and trash littered the sides, filling the air with the stench of rotting food and garbage. Hiei went down the foulest smelling alley, becoming a cat to see through the darkness. He trotted down the alley and into a side alley that led to a well-maintained door and a shiny plaque that stood out in the gloom, a light shining above the door. Hiei became human, sparing no look at the words on the plaque as he got out a key. The words read, “Mukuro, lady of potions, spells, and charms. Bring me your problems. I will solve them.”
Hiei had read this sign several times before and knew it spoke a false promise and advertisement. Mukuro was no lady: She was a sorceress. She did provide a service to the people who came to her for magical help. She accepted all requests and made bargains with them, asking for something precious to that person as payment. These bargains, while the conditions were reasonable and could be met, always ended in failure and the person in question ended up paying the price by either serving Mukuro for several years or living as a rat or some other animal whose body parts or organs were needed for her spell and potion ingredients. The fail rate wasn’t known and neither was the reason for the fails: Mukuro sent Hiei out to sabotage the bargains.
Hiei hated to destroy others’ hopes and dreams, but he had no choice. Mukuro threatened to trap him as a harmless, helpless animal or even one she’d kill for ingredients if he didn’t obey her. Since he loved his gift and life, he did her bidding and watched as his boss’ clients failed and paid the price.
He opened the door and entered a hall with electric lamps and covered with a long red carpet. The walls were bare and gray so that nothing distracted one from the double mahogany doors with shiny brass handles. Hiei, however, went to one side of the doors and tapped a specific brick three times. A section of the wall slid to one side, revealing a well-lit staircase leading down. He started down the stairs, the wall closing behind him. He descended until he came to a lavishly furnished living room. He went to the red-haired woman seated in an armchair and knelt before her. “Mistress,” he said.
“Welcome back, Hiei. I hope you enjoyed your day off as I suspect you will soon be busy."
“Yes, Mistress. I enjoyed it immensely.”
“Good. Get something to eat and then to bed. We will have company in the morning.”
“Yes, Mistress.” Hiei headed to the kitchen and, once out of sight, he scowled. He hated call Mukuro Mistress, but he said it to keep his gift and life.
Mukuro smirked as Hiei left. She knew the teen hated her, but that didn’t concern her. He wouldn’t raise a hand against her as she could change and kill him. She knew a spell to seal his gift once he had transformed. If she suspected that he was thinking of harming or leaving her, she could lie about a client and once he became whatever she wanted him to be, she would seal his gift and trap him in that form or she could just use the spell to trap him. I probably won’t have to use it. Hiei likes his gift and will do anything to keep it as it is. I was lucky to find him and get him to tell me about his ability, not to mention trick him into entering my service. She smiled as she reflected on that day:
Mukuro had been on a yacht, doing some fishing. She had desired fresh fish for dinner and had a net in the water and a fishing pole with the line and lure in the water. She could have bought a fish at a fish market, but she had wanted to make sure it was fresh. She had checked her pole and saw it empty before the tightening of her net ropes caught her attention. She had seized the ends and hauled it up and onto her boat. Inside were a few fish, one of which was larger than normal for that species.
“Oh, yes,” she had said, pointing at it. “That one will be my dinner.”
“No,” the fish had gasped and Mukuro did the same.
“You can talk!?” she had exclaimed, knowing she couldn’t eat a talking fish.
The fish had flopped for a few more moments before becoming a teenage boy with spiky black hair and unusual red eyes. Those eyes glared at her. “I’m not a fish,” he had snapped. “I’m a shapeshifting human.”
“A shapeshifter? That’s fascinating. Tell me about it, Mr. uh…”
“Hiei. I’m just Hiei. I was born with the ability to change forms but only for twenty-four hours. Any longer and I’m stuck in that form forever but still able to talk.”
“I see. Well, I am Lady Mukuro a sorceress who helps people for a price. I make bargains with people and if they don’t fulfill their end, they must either serve me or become animals who will ‘donate’ their body or parts for my spells and potions.”
Hiei had felt sick at hearing of this woman’s profession but didn’t let it show. It is no concern of mine what she does.
“Hiei, I would be willing to pay you as a hire for my business.”
“You want to hire me?”
“Yes. You could spy on people and report to me whoever could benefit from my services.”
Hiei had turned to stare at the water. He had used his ability to secure food and water, but had wished he could buy food like other people. This hired pay offer would grant his wish. He had turned back to see a blank paper with a line for his name, a pen beside it. I guess we’ll fill out the terms after I sign. He had seized the pen and signed.
“Excellent. Now, can you become a cat for me? I love cats.”
Hiei had shrugged before taking the requested form. He had seen her smile and chose to be a seagull so he could fly off but when he tried to, nothing happened. “What?” he had said, confused.
“I sealed your power,” Mukuro had replied. She held up the paper that was now covered in writing. “You’re my slave now and will call me Mistress. You will live with me and will spy on clients. Your job will be to use your power to sabotage my clients as they attempt to fulfill their bargains.”
“Never,” Hiei had hissed.
Mukuro had shrugged. “Then, you will be a cat forever unless you agree to work for me. If you do, you are on notice that any action you take against me will result in me ordering you to change and then I’ll seal your power again and leave you to become trapped. It is your choice.” She had folded her arms and waited.
Chapter Two- Enslaved
Hiei had sighed and bowed his head. “All right. I will serve you…Mistress.”
Mukuro had smiled and waved a hand at Hiei. “I unseal your power.”
Hiei had taken human form and followed Mukuro when she had gestured for him to do so. She had sat in the pilot seat and, as she drove, she spoke of her business and Hiei’s duties in more detail. “I have ways of knowing who needs my help and how to guide them to me. Then, I reveal how I can help them and lay out the deal. They sign, I give them what they need, and they head off to fulfill their end.”
“How many succeed?” Hiei had asked.
“None. Some of those in service to me are sent to wreck their chances of success. They do their best as they had failed so they wouldn’t want anyone to succeed.” She had given Hiei a grim smile. “You will be my best slave as you can change forms and follow my clients wherever they go.”
And Hiei has served me well these last few months, Mukuro thought as she came back to the present. He’s helped keep my fail rate at one hundred percent and that all clients fail. Hiei will serve me forever as he doesn’t want to lose his ability’s power and his life. My next client will be an interesting one and once she has paid and left, I will have Hiei tail her. She stood and headed off to prepare for bed.
Hiei awoke with the sun and went to the kitchen to get breakfast and, when Mukuro sat at the dining room table, Hiei presented her with her breakfast. He sat as she started to eat.
“My next client has eyes for a man who works at the ocean research center at the beach. She wants help in catching his attention and ultimately, his heart.”
“What kind of help?”
“A spell to make her irresistible to him and another to give her some knowledge of marine life. You can spy on her easily in a beach scene and an ocean scene.”
Hiei nodded. He enjoyed becoming ocean creatures but hated that he had to use it to wreck someone’s chance at happiness. “When she fails, what happens to her?”
“I am low on rat spleen so she can donate hers once she’s a rat. I trust you’ll chase her if she runs?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Good. Now, head for the beach and keep an eye on the center. I expect my client will head out there once I’ve worked my magic.”
Hiei nodded as he collected the empty dishes and left them with one of Mukuro’s former clients who was a servant for five more years. She gave Hiei a sympathetic looks; she would be free after her sentence but knew that Hiei was a slave forever. After all, he had a gift that Mukuro could exploit.
I can’t really complain as I have a roof over my head and enough food that I don’t have to scrounge. But, I don’t have my freedom. I’m forever in service to a sorceress who had me insure her clients fail in their bargains and pay a heavy price. Hiei headed to the bus stop to catch a ride to the beach. Perhaps he could enjoy a nice swim before the woman showed up; definitely after she failed.
Meanwhile, deep under the sea, a small village of merpeople were waking for the day. A teenage merman with long red hair and bright green eyes searched the sands on the outskirts of the village for pretty shells and trinkets. He kneeled on his emerald green tail as he dug into the sand, a bag sat beside him with a few shells and a couple of gems already in it.
“Hey, Kurama,” a voice called and said redhead looked up to see a boy with black hair, brown eyes, and a yellow tail swim over to him.
“Yusuke.” Kurama nodded to his friend.
“Why are you digging for stuff?”
“In case I…meet someone special,” he said softly, a little embarrassed. “And also as a form of payment,” he added to himself.
Yusuke rolled his eyes. “Kurama, you’ve got a fan club of mermaids who would love to be your girlfriend.”
“I didn’t say I want a girlfriend,” he protested. “I just said someone special, like a new friend. When I do, I’ll present him or her with a choice of gifts.” He gestured at the bag.
Yusuke kneeled in the sand. “I guess I could find something for Keiko.”
“I’m sure she would appreciate it.” The two dug in silence until Yusuke found a gem he knew Keiko would love and swam off to clean it before presenting it to her. Kurama gathered his bag after some time and swam out to open waters to look elsewhere for gems and shells. He didn’t want to admit it to Yusuke, but he was looking for someone to love; a merman to be precise. The envy of the mermaids irritated him and he found he preferred males to females.
A shadow passed overhead and he looked up to see a boat pass. He floated there until he boat had moved on. He had nothing against humans as merpeople could trade their tails for legs and move among the humans unnoticed. He preferred to stay in the sea as he required money to buy any food or drink and he had none. Besides, being human seems complicated and hard. I rather be a merman and stay in the sea, despite the dangers. He saw a shark swim past overhead in the direction the boat had gone before going back to his digging.
Hiei swam after the boat, his powerful tail cutting through the water effortlessly. He had spotted the woman earlier and watched her catch the man’s attention. He seemed enamored with her. She chatted with him a little before the man spoke. Hiei couldn’t hear what they said from where he stood but could see just fine. He saw the man lead her to his private boat and he waded into the water. He planned to follow them and try to figure out how to wreck her attempt to win his affection. If I can get a good look at her, I may be able to figure out what magic Mukuro used. Hiei was familiar with Mukuro’s powers even though he lacked the ability to use magic and make potions. Being at her side during some of her dealings has given me an idea of how her spells can be broken and the different ways to do it, too.
He reached deeper water and changed into a strong shark before going after the boat at a leisurely pace, ignoring the other sea life around him. He was focused solely on his mission and target. His powerful tail swished faster as the boat picked up speed and he was soon beside the boat and, through the water, he saw a beautiful woman. His shark eyes focused and he saw a shimmer around the woman’s face. Another look showed that she was, actually, far from lovely. He bared a shark’s grin. Oh, breaking that illusion spell will be easy. All it takes is for a scream of terror to break it. The man won’t want to be around her, even with her marine knowledge. My current form is perfect to wreck her chance to be with this man. He swam harder so he could circle the boat before slowly rising up to expose his dorsal fin.
A loud scream sounded. “Shark!” a voice screamed. Hiei went down and slowed to see the woman’s true face, the spell broken. My job’s done and I can take the rest of the day off as a reward. He turned and swam back the way he had come, surfacing to change to a dolphin. He loved being a dolphin more than any other sea life. They were sleek and agile. Yes, he had to surface to breathe but it was worth it to be such a cool animal.
Red and green below caught his attention and he wheeled around for another look. His beak parted slightly. Below him was a teen boy with long red hair but instead of legs, he had a green tail! Oh, my, he thought. A…A merman! I always thought merpeople were a myth and yet there’s one below me and he’s…very handsome.
Chapter Three- Meeting Kurama
Hiei surfaced and floated there to think. He had found a merman and fell instantly in love. Of all the changes I’ve made, the notion of becoming a creature of myth never occurred to me. I wonder…can I become a merman? I should as I can change into another person. Hiei changed back to human and focused on his legs becoming a tail. He felt his legs draw together and feel as if they had become one leg. He took a breath, ducked down, and a smile appeared: A long black fishtail had replaced his legs and his feet were a pair of fins. The tail looked just like the one he had seen on the redhead. He let out his breath and breathed in as he admired the tail. Yes! I can become a merman! Of course, it’ll only last twenty-four hours but I won’t be one for that long.
Hiei swam about as he searched for the merman he had seen. He went down, marveling at the life he saw and the depths he was reaching. He had never gone this far down as he was usually a dolphin. He looked left and right as he admired the beauty he saw while searching. He had reached the ocean bottom and there was the boy he had seen, digging in the sand. He swam closer and said, “Hello.” The boy looked back and Hiei felt his breath catch at the green eyes and delicate face. God, he’s beautiful, he thought.
Kurama happily dug in the sand, finding gems that he wouldn’t have found in the ground around his village’s boundaries. I hope I find a special or rare jewel. It would be perfect for my future boyfriend. He dug further and a black gleam appeared. His heart pounded as he dug around it and then pulled out…a black pearl! Oh my, he thought in amazement. It’s gorgeous and perfect for black pearls are rare. He tucked it in his bag, knowing he would clean and polish it when he got home. He continued to dig and found some sand dollars he could use to purchase items at the marketplace.
“Hello,” said a deep voice behind him. Kurama looked back to see a black-haired and black-tailed teen with eyes the color of blood. Kurama was captivated by this merman’s voice and face that made him look older than he was. He quickly shook off his amazement and rose to face the stranger. “Hi, I’m Kurama,” he said, holding out a hand.
The stranger took the hand. “I’m Hiei.”
“Hiei,” Kurama repeated. “That’s a cool name.”
Hiei smiled, a little embarrassed. “Uh, thanks.”
“So, where are you from?” asked Kurama as they sat.
“Actually, I live on land. I’m really human.”
“You are? Then, how can you have a tail?”
“I was born with the power to shapeshift. I can change forms but only for twenty-four hours then I’m trapped in that form.”
Kurama’s eyes went round. “You’re a shapeshifter. That is…amazing. I wish I could do that. I can trade my tail for legs but I tend to not do that.”
“How come?”
“Well, to me, being human seems more complicated than living in the sea. Also, I know that money’s required for food and such and I have none.”
“You’re right on both counts. Life on land is complicated and difficult. Money is needed to live and I have a job that gives me a place to live and money.” It was true; despite being a slave, Mukuro did pay him as he sometimes spends his free day in town.
“So, you have a place. Is it expensive?”
Hiei shifted on his tail. “Actually, I live in my employer’s house as do others.”
“Are you a slave?” Kurama asked, sounding suspicious.
“Yes, but I lived on the streets and ate by changing forms to hunt. Believe me, all things considered, it’s not so bad.”
“But you have no freedom.”
“I do in the form of off days and rewards for doing my job.
“Kurama, you’re the first merperson I’ve seen and I’d love to know more about you and your race.”
Kurama smiled in amusement. “You mean our race, yes? You’re a merman right now, due to your power.”
Hiei smiled back. “You’re right. Our race.”
“Well, I have already mentioned being able to be human. We live all over the world in places from large kingdoms to small villages. I live in one of the latter in that direction.” He pointed to his right. “I live with my mother, my father died when I was young. I have a close friend called Yusuke and I am rather popular among most of the mermaids.”
Hiei felt his heart sink. So, he likely has a girlfriend. Oh well; with my service to Mukuro, having a love life is practically impossible. “I imagine one of them is lucky to have you.”
“Actually,” Kurama said slowly. “I found I prefer males to females. I’m waiting until I meet a special merman.”
“Too bad for them, then.”
Kurama chuckled and Hiei smirked. He found himself liking Kurama more and more. I’m head over heels in love, but I shouldn’t. However, I can have him as a friend.
“Hiei, is your life just serving your boss? What does he or she do?”
“Yes. I’m to serve her for life. Mukuro deals in selling potions and charms. I sometimes bring people to her who are looking for help that no one else can give them.”
“That’s nice of her, helping others I mean.”
Hiei nodded, finding himself unable to tell Kurama the truth about Mukuro and his duties. Speaking of which…
“I should go. Mukuro will be expecting me to report back to her.”
“Of course. Perhaps we can meet again another time?”
“Oh, we will. I like flying and swimming as opposed to walking. I’d like to see your village.”
“And I’d like to see your city. I feel I would like being human while in your company.”
Hiei perked up at that. “Maybe you could see it with me on my next free day. I could see you in your village to let you know. You said your village is that way?” He pointed.
“Yes. It is the first one you will see. It is hard to miss.”
“Good. Until then, Kurama. Bye.” Hiei rose and swam off toward shore while Kurama swam in the other direction. Hiei swam for land, enjoying his merman form. This is my favorite form now. I’ve made a new friend and learned a little about him. I hope to learn more in time and to show him my world when he takes human form. I wonder if it’s his first time. Probably not as he knows about needing money.
I don’t know when my next free day will be which is why I said I would come to him when I find out. I could meet his mother and look around his village before I leave it once we made plans for his day as a human. Hiei headed up and, once in the shallows, resumed human form and headed for the bus stop. He wondered what the conditions were for the woman to fulfill and if she had already failed. He felt bad that he had to break her illusion spell but if he didn’t, he would lose his shapeshifting ability and be unable to see Kurama again.
I want to see him again. I want to know more about him and maybe eventually confess that I love him.
Chapter Four- Rewarded
“You made a new friend? Oh, honey, that’s great,” Shiori said, hugging her son. “What’s his name? Where’s he from?”
“His name’s Hiei and he’s from a city.”
“I see. Well, I’d like to meet him.”
“Of course, Mother. I told him where the village is so he could visit whenever he wants.”
Lovely, he thought several minutes later as he began to polish the black pearl. Any merperson would love to own such a rare jewel. I bet even humans would covet this pearl. Kurama paused in his work to dwell on Hiei. He took a chance telling me he was human, but it worked out. I think it’s cool that he can shapeshift, to become anything you want. Who wouldn’t want that?
The only sad thing is that he’s a slave. He has to obey someone and punished if he doesn’t. He didn’t mention punishment, but it goes without saying. He doesn’t mind being a slave as it gives him a home, food, and money. A shame he can’t go where he wants or do what he wants whenever he likes. He gets off days and wants to spend his next one on land with me. Kurama smiled as he resumed polishing. He had been human once before and found he didn’t care for it much. It was hard to walk on legs, there seemed to be too many rules, and money was required to purchase anything. He had returned home after spending a few hours and feeling hungry. Life was simpler in the sea and he felt that humans were lucky to survive in such a complicated society. He hoped Hiei could help him understand it better.
Hiei was walking up to the open doors of Mukuro’s bargaining room when he heard the woman from the boat say, “Please, my lady. Give me another chance. I know I can win his heart.”
“I’m sorry, my dear. You agreed to one try should the spell break. Now, you must pay for failing. I think you’ll make a nice rat.”
“No!” the woman screamed and Hiei saw a flash of light. He quickly became a cat and saw a gray rat run past him. He sprang after it, taking advantage of having been a cat before. He pounced and his paws landed on the tail. The rat squeaked in fear and Hiei lowered his head.
“I’m sorry about this, but I must bring you to her,” he whispered before picking her up and carrying her back to Mukuro.
“Good job, Hiei,” Mukuro said as Hiei presented the rat and she dumped her in a holding cage. Hiei changed to human and sat beside the chair. “I am also pleased with you breaking the spell.”
“When I identified it, I knew what to do. I was already a shark, so it was easy.”
“Just as the bargain was easy. The others over the next week may not be so easy.”
“I understand, Mistress.”
“And once the deals are finished, you will be rewarded with two off days.”
“Two, Mistress?”
“Two straight days. I daresay I will need to recover my powers and brew some potions before resuming business.”
Hiei kept the joy off his face. Two whole days off! I could spend one with Kurama as a merman and the other on land with him. And on the second day, I’ll tell him that I love him. Hiei had thought on the bus ride home that loving Kurama wouldn’t be difficult after all. Yes, his off days were few and sporadic in when he got them, but that would just make their time together very special. I can hardly wait for my time off.
Mukuro dismissed Hiei to prepare for dinner and she carried the cage to where she kept her other transformed clients as well as her other ingredients. She put the rat with two others before checking on the brewing status of a couple of potions. One was ready for the next step. She sprinkled some mint into it and then stirred it to insure a smooth mix. She nodded in approval. This one is almost done and then I’ll have a stock of it to last awhile. She double-checked the other one. I will need to add an eye of newt in a couple of days. Her eyes darted to her newt cage and saw a newt with only one eye among the almost half a dozen newts she had. Yes. He will die when I’m ready for the eye. She checked her other ingredients and was happy with the supplies. She would be able to brew quite a few potions over her two days off from work. I will enjoy my time and I know Hiei will as well. But first, we have a lot of clients to trick.
Hiei found himself taking lots of forms over the next week: Cat, dog, fly, bat, seagull, and fish. He would spy on the people and plot how to ruin their dreams. All failed and became servants or animals. Mukuro was very pleased with the results and she had the cook prepare a celebratory dinner for her and Hiei. Hiei was appreciative of this as his meals were modest and more for his health than simply being good.
“A toast,” Mukuro said, holding up her wine. “To our success which I owe to you, Hiei. Your power is a blessing to me. May we continue to succeed for a long, long time.”
“Yes, Mistress.” Hiei held up his wine and Mukuro clinked her glass to him. Both drank, Mukuro doing so deeply and calling for more. Hiei nursed his as he knew he would not get anymore for a long while. His thoughts dwelled on Kurama as he ate. He looked forward to seeing him again and spending the day with him in the sea. He was curious about life in the sea and how merpeople lived. What do they eat? Did they have shops and if so, how did they buy the things they wanted? I have so many questions and I know Kurama will answer them.
“Let me get this straight,” Yusuke said. “You met a merman in open waters last week and you haven’t seen him since?”
Kurama nodded. “His name’s Hiei and he’s got an important job that keeps him busy. He does get time off every now and then and he said he would come by to let me know when that is. We plan to spend the day as humans.”
“Really? You spent a few hours on land once and swore to me you’d never do it again.”
“I know, but Hiei spends all his off time as a human and I feel his expertise will make it more enjoyable.”
“Huh. Well, let me know how it goes and maybe we can hang out on land sometime.”
“I’ll tell you,” Kurama promised. Yusuke left and Kurama sat at his desk as he pulled out a seashell box and opened it to reveal the black pearl that was shining and it gleamed in the light of electric eels and moss. I’ll present this to Hiei during our time and tell him how I feel about him. He knows I like males more and I will tell him why I love him. It’s not his power I love. I do like his looks, but it’s his personality I love. He’s friendly, inquisitive, and attentive. It’s clear to me that he dislikes being someone’s slave, but having a place to live is nice. But still, on one should be a slave. Hmm, Hiei said that he has a deadline of twenty-four hours before being human again or taking another form. I wonder if he would be willing to give up his power and live with me to escape his boss.
If I were in his situation, what would I do? Kurama pondered the scenario for several long minutes. Well, naturally I would love the ability to become anything I want. I would use it constantly. It would cease to be a blessing if I became a slave because of it. What does this Mukuro have over Hiei to get him to do her bidding? If I was being coerced into serving someone, I would do whatever it took to escape. So, yes. I would give up my power. I would take a form I love and let the deadline elapse.
Perhaps I can convince Hiei to give up his power. He can be a merman and still be able to be human. Yes, that would be perfect. Of course, I’ll ask what Mukuro’s got over him. Kurama nodded as he closed the box and left the room to help his mother with dinner.
Chapter Five- Merpeople Life
Hiei rushed for the water, eager to see Kurama again. He had mentally repeated the questions he had thought of last night and felt prepared for his day. He had timed it so he could sleep in the sea. He checked his waterproof watch; a gift from Mukuro when he first started working for her. Clearly, she wanted to make sure he didn’t lose track of time. It was pointless as his power included an internal clock. Also, when I change, my clothes and jewelry vanish until I’m human again.
He waded into the water, swam once in deeper water, and then dove down before becoming a merman. He flexed his tail before going to the bottom and heading out to sea. He tested the speed of his tail as he swam, pleased with it. This is similar to a dolphin tail, only a little longer and more flexible. Hiei sped through the water with a big smile, enjoying himself.
About an hour later, a village came into view with merpeople swimming around. He looked around as he entered. It was much smaller than the city. Everyone probably knows everyone else. So, everyone will know I’m not form around here. He continued to look around him as he searched for Kurama.
“Hi,” said a voice. “Are you Hiei?” Hiei turned to see a merboy with black hair and a yellow tail.
“Um, yes. I’m looking for Kurama.”
“Of course. Follow me. So, you’re off work today?”
“Today and tomorrow. I thought I visit here today and tomorrow we spend the day as humans.”
“Sounds like a good plan. Oh, I’m Yusuke by the way.” He stopped at a house. “Here’s Kurama’s place.”
“Thanks.” Yusuke nodded and swam off as Hiei knocked. The door opened to reveal a black-haired older mermaid with a pale green tail. She looked at Hiei suspiciously which he didn’t blame her as he was a stranger.
“Hi, I’m Hiei. Is Kurama home?”
“Hiei?” came Kurama’s voice before said boy swam around his mother and embraced his friend. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
“I thought I surprise you. I’m off today and tomorrow and thought I visit you and your village before our day on land.”
“Two days off? Great. Oh, Mother. This is Hiei, the new friend I mentioned. Hiei, this is my mother, Shiori.”
Shiori’s suspicious face melted into a warm smile as she moved aside and waved him in. “Welcome, Hiei. Kurama spoke happily about you last week. It was clear that he loved having another friend.”
“Another friend?” Hiei repeated as Kurama led him upstairs.
“I don’t have many friends. Only Yusuke.”
“I met him today. He led me to your house.”
“Ah, I had wondered how you found it.”
“I suppose everyone knows everyone else here.”
“Yes. We’re an insular group, but we do get visitors every now and then.”
“I imagine they attract attention.”
“For a time, yes, but we’re friendly and warm most of the time. So, two days off. That’s real nice of your boss. Mukuro, as I recall.”
“Yes and I need the break. I worked hard last week and Mukuro will be brewing potions these two days.”
“Hiei, how do you know how much time has passed while you’re changed?”
Hiei patted his chest. “My power came with an internal clock. I can keep track of it easily. Also whenever I change from one form to another, the clock resets.”
“I see. So, you could change into a fish and back to merman with the clock resetting each time.”
“Right. You know, before last week, my favorite ocean form was a dolphin.”
“A dolphin. I like dolphins.”
“Really? I kind of pegged you as an angelfish guy.”
Kurama blushed at the comment and Hiei chuckled. “Kurama, could you show me around? I know it won’t take long.”
Kurama laughed. “There’s more to see than you think and I imagine you have questions.”
“You’re right. I do have questions.” Hiei followed Kurama out the bedroom window to learn about undersea life.
Hiei stared around as Kurama talked, trying not to stare open-mouthed and look dumbfounded even though he felt that way. Yes, the village was smaller than the city but it was the environment that really got him. He was in an underwater village and surrounded by people who had tails instead of legs. They swam in and out of houses or talked to one another outside of houses or in the public spaces. He saw some merpeople behind round stalls and talking to those in front of those stalls. On the counters were what were clearly items for sale. So, they do have shops.
Hiei slowed to observe an exchange which caught Kurama’s attention. He turned around as Hiei watched with interest. He saw the customer pass some seashells to the vendor who handed the item to her and she swam away. So, that’s how it’s done. Very simple, but I like it.
He looked at Kurama and swam up to him. “I had wondered if you had shops and how you purchase items considering you said you had no money to buy anything on land.”
Kurama smiled in understanding. “Ah, yes. I can see why that would interest you. We use pretty much anything we find to pay: Seashells, sand dollars, and gems. I like to spend time digging for gems or searching for shells and sand dollars.”
“It looks like a simple system and I like it.” The pair continued to swim with Hiei looking around as they did so.
“Very simple and it works for us.”
“Is it the same system for all merpeople?”
“Oh, yes. It makes it easier should a family or individual deicide to move.”
“Is there a royal family?”
Kurama laughed gently. “Oh no. Are humans still telling fairy tales of merpeople ruled by a king or queen or family? That’s rather impractical. Every village, city, or kingdom have a governor and once a year, they gather in neutral waters to review the laws, create new ones, or throw others out.”
“And if a law is broken? What happens?”
“The accused must perform community service that matches the crime. If someone stole payment from another, they must work for their victim to atone for their wrongdoing.”
“Hn.” Hiei was impressed. Life was much simpler under the sea and he envied Kurama for getting to live so free, easy, and simple. I would love to have such a life. I would give almost anything to stay here.
Kurama saw the jealous gleam in Hiei’s eyes and knew the reason why. No one was a slave here, community service sentence aside. A growl was heard and Kurama smiled at the blush on Hiei’s face. “I take it that you are hungry.”
Hiei nodded and Kurama jerked his head in one direction. “Let me treat you to dinner at my favorite diner. I am certain you will like it.” He led Hiei toward the diner, the latter eager to try merpeople food and asking more questions about merpeople.
Chapter Six- Concerns
Hiei nibbled on another piece of food from a sampler plate he had ordered and he licked his lips. That was good, too. He tried a third item and found he like it too. He smiled at Kurama. “You were right: I do like this place. The food’s good.”
Kurama nodded and watched in slight concern. The sampler was a big plate and Hiei was practically devouring it as if he was starving. Does he not get a lot to eat? “Hiei, does Mukuro not feed you enough?”
“I get just enough to keep me healthy which is what the food is: Health food. I don’t usually eat food that was made for the taste. Only on my off days do I get this kind of food.” He took a gulp of the warm juice that seemed odd to him, but he accepted it as it was.
Kurama couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Is this what humans do to their slaves? “So, you don’t normally have good food, comfort food?”
“That’s right.” His tone was casual.
“Hiei. That does not sound right. Are all slaves treated that way?”
“I can’t speak for all slaves, but those serving Mukuro, yes we all eat enough to live.”
“Why don’t you leave? What does she have over you?”
“I signed a contract to serve her for life. If I try to escape or disobey her, she will make me change forms and then use a spell to seal my gift so that I’ll be trapped in that form.”
“I see. I would do whatever was necessary to keep my gift if I was in your place, but surely you could leave.”
“Kurama, Mukuro’s a sorceress. She’d be able to find me and punish me. I hate her and having to serve her, but I can’t get away. By tomorrow night, I will be doing her bidding again.”
Kurama shook his head. “Hiei, what if you stayed here and let the deadline pass? As a merman, you’d still get to be human and that has no time limit.”
“I hear what you’re saying, but I like changing forms.”
Kurama decided to change the subject. “So, will you stay the night with Mother and me? I’m sure Mother will not mind.”
“Yes. I wanted to time my change so I could sleep underwater. I’m curious about what it’s like.”
Kurama got up and Hiei followed suite before following the redhead out the door. He dwelled on their conversation as they swam. Kurama thought it wasn’t right that Hiei was a slave and not treated right. He advocated Hiei staying a merman to escape Mukuro and his enslavement. But I can’t stay. Yes, I hate Mukuro and serving her but I signed an agreement albeit being tricked into it. I am bound by that contract to serve her the rest of my life. I value honor too much to violate or avoid an agreement I signed.
I also don’t want to lose my gift. I love to fly, through the sky and swim through the waters. Kurama understands that about my power. He said he would do anything to keep it. That is another reason why I serve Mukuro: To keep my power. His eyes focused on Kurama and they softened. He really loved Kurama. He had never met someone like him. I should tell him by tomorrow afternoon at the latest.
Kurama also dwelled on their conversation and Hiei’s refusal to try to escape Mukuro. He says he signed an agreement to serve her for life and that if he tried to escape she would find him as she is a sorceress and can punish him by trapping him in another form forever. I want to help him get away from her, but he refuses to try to leave. My suggestion of him staying here is a sound one and maybe he’ll reconsider after a good night’s sleep.
Hiei blinked as he opened his eyes. The water seemed lighter and he concluded it was morning. He looked inside at his clock and found he had about seven hours before the deadline arrived. I changed at about three yesterday afternoon so it must be about eight in the morning. Kurama and I should grab a quick breakfast and head for shore. He got up and swam out of the guest room to head to the kitchen but met Kurama just outside it. He had a pack on his back and some food in his hands.
“I already told Mother about where we’re going and that you’ll head home afterwards,” he said, passing some food.
“Thanks. So, how do you change?” he asked as they swam for land.
“Once I am completely out of the water, my tail splits into legs and clothes will appear. Hiei, how much longer do you have with your clock?”
“A little less than seven hours.” Hiei inwardly marveled at the fact that he had been in one form for seventeen hours. He had never spent so much time in one form before but it had been enjoyable. I will definitely spend my future off days as a merman and search for shells and stuff to pay for things and speaking of paying, today is my turn to treat Kurama.
Both surfaced and headed toward the shore, Hiei resuming human form when they got to the shallows. He offered his hands and helped pull Kurama onto land. The moment his fins were out, his tail became a pair of legs and a pair of black jeans and a green Chinese shirt cloaked his body. He rose to his ankle-booted feet, swayed slightly before stabilizing, and gestured for Hiei to lead the way.
“Kurama, what would you like to see?” he asked as they walked.
“The inside of a few stores, a place for lunch, and maybe the park,” he answered.
Hiei nodded. “We can do all that.”
“Perhaps, you can show me where you live? Then, I could come by and visit you.”
Hiei hesitated. “I don’t know. The people who come in are there for Mukuro’s help. I would hate for her to think you’re there for help when you’re not.”
“Well, you could introduce me and explain I’m a friend who would want to see you, nothing more.”
“Yeah, I could. I would like to show you where I live.”
“We’ll make that our last stop. Right now,” he pointed at one building. “Let’s check out that place.”
Hiei smirked. “That’s a bank. That’s where people deposit money to store it or withdraw some later to buy things.” He checked his watch. “They’re not open yet, but I can withdraw money from a machine called an ATM.”
“I think I’ve seen humans use it,” Kurama said as they headed toward it. “I just did not know its function. Money from a machine: Convenient.”
Hiei smiled at Kurama being impressed as he fished out his wallet and got his card out before stepping up to the ATM to explain it in more detail.
Kurama listened and watched as Hiei put a hard rectangle he called his bank card into the machine and that he had to enter a four digit code to access his account. From there, Hiei pushed a series of buttons and the words, “Please wait,” appeared on the screen. He heard sounds coming from the machine before a slot opened and money appeared. Hiei took it, pressed another button, and his card came out as did a piece of paper. “That’s it,” Hiei said.
“Amazing. It is simpler than I thought,” he commented as they walked away.
“I bet a lot of things are simpler once someone explains it.”
“I have no doubt of that.” He gave Hiei a sweet smile and Hiei felt his heart beat harder. God, he is so cute and nice. I definitely need to tell him I love him and I believe I know the perfect time: At lunch. I just hope I don’t lose my nerve and that he accepts my affections.
Chapter Seven- Yomi
Kurama looked up at the tall buildings and then at the one-story stores. This place is still so big, even with Hiei here. But, it’s not as scary as it seemed before. Hiei’s explained everything he does and any questions I have. I understand this human world better and Yusuke and I could definitely hang out here and have fun.
I plan to tell Hiei that I love him today and the park is the perfect setting. Hiei is special what with his shapeshifting power. He said he was born with it and that makes me wonder about his family. I have to assume they’re dead, but how did it happen?
“Kurama?” The redhead blinked and saw Hiei looking at him, head tilted. “Are you okay?”
“Yes. I was just wondering about your family.”
Hiei was silent for a moment as they walked. Finally, he said, “I’m an only child and my parents died when I was five. They also possessed my gift. We were in a meadow and chose to be deer. We were grazing and then my father sensed danger. All I remember was running and shots being fired. I changed back to human when I was in the trees and went looking for my parents. I found them dead and still in deer form. I’ve had to make my own way from then on.”
“Oh, Hiei. I am so sorry.”
“Thanks. You’re the first and only one I’ve told that story to. It feels good to let it out.”
“I imagine you’ve kept a lot of things to yourself. I would be willing to listen.”
Hiei looked into Kurama’s eyes and knew he could confide anything to him. Hiei began to blurt out everything he had held in for the past ten years as they visited stores and Kurama listened to every word.
“I know your suggestion of being a merman to avoid Mukuro is a good idea,” he said as they sat down for lunch. “I would love to live with you but I fear Mukuro would find me.” Hiei lapsed into silence at last and Kurama smiled at him. “Feel a lot better now that you’ve let everything out?”
“I do feel better but I haven’t let everything out. Kurama, from the moment I saw you, I fell head over heels in love. The more I got to know you and the more time we spent together, I knew I could tell you anything and you would accept it.” He took a deep breath and said, “I love you, Kurama.”
Kurama blushed a few moments before it faded. “Hiei, I am very flattered to hear that. I was happy to meet you and get to know you. You know that I like males instead of females and was looking for a special merman. However,” he brought up his pack and revealed a box. “I came to realize that you are the one I’d like to be with. Hiei, I love you too and would like you to have this.” He opened the box.
Hiei gasped at the gleaming black pearl. It would easily fit in his hand and could be hidden in his fist. “Kurama, it’s beautiful and rare, isn’t it?”
“It is, but so are you. It is the custom of my people to present their beloved with a gift. When I found this, I knew it would go to the one I love.”
“Kurama, thank you.” Hiei closed the box and drew it toward him.
“I had planned to tell you in the park, but…” He shrugged.
“I always felt confessing over food was romantic but I can see how the confession would be just as romantic in the park.”
“Well, why don’t we go there now and I can tell you thing I have kept to myself.”
Kurama leaned back on the bench, tilted his head to the sun, and closed his eyes. He had talked himself almost hoarse about anything he wished to say. When he finished, Hiei had gotten up, said he was going to get Kurama a surprise, and headed down a park path. He wondered what the surprise was but knew he would find out soon.
Kurama opened his eyes to see a man with long black hair and sunglasses. He had an air of friendliness combined with power and a bit of arrogance. Kurama smiled at him. “Hi, I’m Kurama and you are…?”
“I am Yomi, a sorcerer.”
“A sorcerer. Like Mukuro?”
“Ah, so Hiei has mentioned Mukuro.”
“How do you…?”
“I am a sorcerer. I also have the gift of foresight and to see one’s true form despite what they look like now. For example, I know that you are a merman.”
Kurama shifted uncomfortably and Yomi smiled before sitting beside him. “I have no intention of capturing you or making a bargain with you. That is not how I operate.”
“How do you operate, then?”
“My foresight gift tells me who genuinely need help in the immediate future. You are one of those people.”
“I saw you and Hiei with Mukuro and decided to see you now and provide you with a means of protecting both of you from that sorceress’ attempts to either bargain with you or threaten Hiei."
“Yomi, what do you know about Hiei or me?”
“I know that you are in love with one another and that Hiei wishes to be free of his slavery to Mukuro. I offer you this protective charm to protect you or Hiei from any magic but it can only be used once.” Yomi reached into his coat and pulled out a necklace from which hung a mystical charm. He put it around Kurama’s neck, the charm sliding under his shirt. Kurama opened his pack. “I want to pay for this.”
“It is not necessary. No one should be a slave to that witch.”
“I insist.” Kurama pulled out an emerald and put it in Yomi’s hand.
Yomi’s hands moved over the gem. “Oh, my. That is a big one, correct?”
“It is an emerald. Are you blind, Yomi?”
The sorcerer smiled. “What gave it away?”
“You have not looked at me and the cane beside you.” He looked at the walking cane.
“You are very observant. I knew I would like you.”
“Thank you, Yomi…for everything,” he said as Yomi stood.
“And thank you for the emerald. I believe I will see you and Hiei later today. I have foreseen it.” Yomi gestured and he vanished.
Kurama leaned back to collect his thoughts of what had just happened. I just met a sorcerer who is blind and has the gift to know who needs help, sees the immediate future, and sees people who they really are. He knows that Hiei and I are in love and that Hiei serves Mukuro which he feels is wrong. Clearly, Mukuro is a rival and their motives vary. He gave me a charm to protect Hiei or me, but only once. He did not want payment but accepted the emerald anyway. He touched his shirt where the charm sat. I hope I do not need to use it, but Yomi would not have given it to me if he had not seen a future where I would need it.
The merman looked up to see Hiei coming with a strange item in each hand and a big smile. “Here’s your surprise. It’s an ice cream cone. I got you vanilla, a basic flavor. I have chocolate, my favorite.” He gave Kurama his cone and then sat down, licking the ice cream and smiling with contentment.
Kurama took a cautious lick and a cold pleasant tasted touch his tongue. He smiled as he continued to lick. This is good, really good. He looked sideways at Hiei and smiled at the happy look on his face. I want him to be happy always. He would be if he was not a slave. I cannot help with that, but I can visit now and then.
Chapter Eight- Confrontation
“Hiei, are there a lot of people like Mukuro? I mean, ones with magic.”
“Not a lot, but there are others beside Mukuro and more pure of motive, too.”
“’Pure of motive?’ What do you mean?”
“I… didn’t want to mention it, but Mukuro doesn’t really want to help people like the rest of her ilk. She makes bargains and sets the people up to fail. The conditions seem easy but no one has succeeded and they either serve her for a period of time or become an animal she’ll use in her potions.”
“That’s awful.”
Hiei bowed his head. “They fail because Mukuro has me use my power to follow them to guarantee their failure. I don’t want to but if I don’t, she’ll seal my power and…and I should have refused.”
“Would that have saved others?”
“No. She would just send one of her other servants. But I hate serving her and what she forces me to do.”
Kurama’s heart went out to Hiei. He was bound to Mukuro by a signed contract and forced to fail the other clients so Mukuro could exploit them. Perhaps, I can reason with her.
He followed Hiei into a dreary part of downtown and down a couple of alleys before standing before a door that stood out against its gloomy surroundings. Hiei removed a key, opened the door, and let Kurama enter before following and closing the door which locked behind him.
“Hiei. Welcome home and I see you brought a client,” came Mukuro’s voice. He turned to see that the doors to her bargaining room were open and his heart sank. No! Not Kurama!
Kurama was utterly calm as he strode down the hall and into the room with Hiei behind him. He stood before Mukuro and said, “I am not a client. I am Kurama, a friend of Hiei’s. I wanted to see his home so I can visit now and again, nothing more.” Kurama saw disappointment in Mukuro’s eyes briefly before it vanished and she smiled warmly.
“Of course. Welcome, Kurama. Now, Hiei. A client will be here around noon tomorrow and I expect you to be at my side.”
Hiei was about to reply when Kurama interrupted. “Excuse me, but I have a question. Is it possible to buy out the rest of Hiei’s contract, thereby freeing him?”
“Buy out…?” Mukuro laughed. “No amount of money is greater than his value to me and besides the terms say he is mine forever.”
“No one should have to be a slave forever.”
“No one except a shapeshifter and he will serve me if he wants to keep his power.”
“Mukuro,” Hiei said. “I hate what you’re making me do and I want out of it.”
“Never. You’re mine.”
“No. I don’t want to serve you anymore. You are a vile, evil type of sorceress and I want no further part of your business.”
“Well, if that’s how you feel then I must fulfill my end of the deal.” She moved her hand in a circle and green magic swirled around it. “Hiei, I seal your gift and change you into a toad with no human voice.”
“What? No!” Hiei cried.
Mukuro cackled as she fired her spell and Hiei braced himself for his fate. At least I’m free of her service, he thought. He gasped as Kurama stepped in front of him. The spell hit a barrier and rebounded on Mukuro. She screamed before she shrank down into a toad, croaking angrily.
“Wha-? Kurama, what did you do?”
“While you were getting our ice cream, a blind sorcerer named Yomi approached me. He revealed that he has the gift of foresight which tells him who truly needs help and his foresight helps him see the immediate future. He saw our confrontation with Mukuro and gave me this to protect us just one time.” He brought out the now powerless charm.
“Hn.” Hiei looked at Mukuro. “Now that she’s a toad, what do I do?” He had served her for months and now he felt adrift.
“Perhaps I can be of assistance?”
Hiei turned as did Kurama to see a tall man with sunglasses and a walking cane. “Are you Yomi?” he asked and when he got a nod, added, “You saved me from being a toad for life.”
“I also freed all her servants and I can change her victims back to normal. She, however, is trapped as a toad as per the spell she was going to use on you and the fact that she needs a human voice to cast the counter spell. In a way, it serves her right.
“Hiei, I can help you figure out what to do. I know you and Kurama are in love, so why not live with him?”
“I could, but I don’t want to lose my power.”
“I am aware of that and I also understand your feelings. I can alter your power so that merman becomes your natural state instead of human.”
“And I could be human without a time limit as merpeople can be human. Yomi, that’s perfect.”
“It is. So, if you could change to merman and take my hand, I will alter your power.”
Hiei kneeled down, changed to merman, and took Yomi’s hand. The sorcerer chanted in a language Hiei didn’t know and he felt a warmth spread from his hand, up to his head, and down to his fins. Then, the warmth faded and Yomi released his hand. “It is done. Your power is now tied to your merman form which is your natural state now.”
Hiei, his tail and fins out of water, took human form without focusing on changing. “Thank you. I’m grateful.”
“You can repay me by showing me where the others are.”
“Gladly.” He took Yomi’s hand, led him to the secret wall, and opened it. “There are stairs leading down. Call out and one of the servants will help you in changing the others back.”
“Thank you. I’ll take it from here. You and Kurama can leave and head home.”
Both nodded and, as they left, Hiei looked back to see Yomi carefully descend the stairs. Hiei opened the front door and he and Kurama stepped outside. Once the door closed, Hiei laughed in joy. “I’m free! I’m finally free!”
Kurama smiled as he hugged his boyfriend. “Yes, you are free and you are a merman now. How’s your internal clock now?”
Hiei focused and said, “It’s paused. That’s what happens when I’m in my natural state and since I became human due to being a merman, the clock paused.”
“Great. So, let’s head home.”
“Home,” Hiei said softly. “It’s been years since I had a real home.”
“Now you have two: The one with Mother and me. The other is the sea.”
“Then, let’s hurry and catch a bus to the beach.” He took Kurama’s hand and pulled him out to the sidewalk and down to a bus stop, eager to change to a merman without using his power. He knew he would double-check his clock to make sure it was still paused. I can hardly wait to change and return home.
Kurama smiled as Hiei pulled him toward a bus stop. He was happy that Hiei was free of his enslavement and was now a merman like himself. He looked forward to truly showing Hiei the village as well as exploring the oceans. His mother didn’t want him to explore alone and Yusuke had no interest beyond the village.
Hiei would love to explore the oceans, he thought as they boarded the bus. He would also like to find shells and gems to buy things. After all, the sea’s his home now.
Chapter Nine- Home in the Sea
Hiei licked his lips as they approached the shoreline. “So, it takes a few minutes for our tails to return?”
“Yes. It is a matter of our race’s safety. It also protects us from being spotted by humans.”
“Okay. Let’s do this.” Hiei plunged into the water and struck out for deeper water. Kurama followed Hiei, floundering a little in the water until Hiei held him above the water. “I’m right in guessing that swimming with legs is impossible, aren’t I?”
“Correct. I was human only once before today and I had waited until night so I could change in the shallows without anyone spotting me.”
Hiei nodded and then felt his legs draw together until it was like he had only one leg. He allowed himself to sink down and saw his tail. He checked his clock and it was still paused. Yomi had indeed made merman his natural state. The knowledge of this filled him with joy and he executed a backflip to express it. He looked up to see Kurama’s legs become a tail and the redhead dove down, his tail above the water for a second. He joined Hiei and together they swam off toward the village that would be Hiei’s home now.
Kurama watched as Hiei swam. He smoothly moved his tail up and down with confidence and he recalled that Hiei spent his time in the water as a dolphin before becoming a merman for the first time. And dolphin tails are like merpeople tails only a little shorter and not as flexible. “Hiei, is dolphin the only ocean life you’ve done?”
“No. I did fish once and then I did shark not that long ago.”
“Shark? Wait. I recall a shark following a boat at least a week ago. Was that you?”
“It likely was. Sharks don’t normally follow boats.”
Kurama nodded in agreement. Sharks didn’t follow boats. Hiei, focused on his mission, hadn’t noticed Kurama at the time. We were that close and hadn’t realized we were meant to be together.
“Hiei! I thought you were heading home today,” Yusuke said when he saw the pair swim into town.
“I am home,” Hiei answered.
“Huh?” Yusuke scratched his head.
“It is true,” Kurama said. “Hiei was a human who could shapeshift but could only stay in one form for twenty-four hours save for his natural state, lest he be trapped in that form.”
“Shapeshift? So, you’re not really a merman? You’re a human?”
“Not anymore,” Hiei replied. “You see, for several months, I had been forced to serve a wicked sorceress. She made bargains with people that seem easy to fulfill. Then the sorceress, Mukuro, would send me out to fail them, using my power. I did so because I selfishly wanted to keep my power instead of being trapped in another form as she could seal my ability to change if I disobeyed.
“Then, last week, as I was heading back from failing another client, I spied Kurama and fell instantly in love. I was a dolphin at the time and decided to see if I could become a merman. Obviously I could and introduced myself, admitting my true self and my power.”
“I too fell for Hiei,” Kurama jumped in. “I was impressed with his forth rightness about being human. He also spoke of his job but not all of it.”
“I didn’t want to horrify you with the truth. Hn, that proved pointless. Anyway, I spent all of last week working hard and was rewarded with two straight days off. Naturally, I had to tell Kurama.”
“I was treated to Hiei explaining things to me and at lunch we admitted our feelings to one another and I gave Hiei a black pearl as a token of affection. After that, we went to the park and while Hiei left to get me a surprise, I met a blind sorcerer named Yomi. He’s different from Mukuro as he doesn’t make bargains and truly wants to help others. He also has the power to see the immediate future as well as see people for who they really are. He proved that by saying he knew I was a merman.
“He went on to say that he had seen a confrontation between Hiei, Mukuro, and myself and gave me a protective charm that could only be used once. He then bid me goodbye after saying we would meet again soon. Yomi had known that I had asked Hiei if I could see his home, not knowing how Mukuro conducted her business which Hiei eventually admitted to me.
“Mukuro thought I was a client at first but when I said I wasn’t and wanted to know where Hiei lived so that I could visit, she seemed warmer. That ended when I asked about buying out Hiei’s contract so he could be free. She stated that Hiei was more valuable to her than any amount of money. Hiei had clearly had enough of working for her and Mukuro was about to seal his gift and turn him into a toad with no human voice. She fired the spell but I stepped in front of Hiei, the charm causing the spell to rebound on Mukuro and now she is forever a toad. That effectively freed Hiei.”
“Yomi then appeared and said he could alter my power so that it’s tied to my merman form and it worked. I have an internal clock to help me keep track of time and when in my natural state, it’s paused. I live in the sea now and Kurama’s invited me to stay with him and his mother.”
“Wow,” Yusuke said. “That’s quite a day you had. So, you can change into anything?”
“I can. Go ahead. Suggest anything.”
Yusuke didn’t hesitate. “A tiger shark.”
Hiei focused and his merman form stretched and enlarged until a shark was where a merman had been. “Oh, cool!” Yusuke exclaimed.
“Thanks,” Hiei said. Yusuke gasped in shock.
“You can talk!?” he asked as Hiei changed back.
Hiei laughed. “Yeah. I can talk as an animal and myself.”
“What’s your favorite one?”
“I like swimming and flying the most so when flying, I prefer seagull and when swimming, it’s dolphin before becoming a merman for the first time.”
“So, you like being a dolphin.”
“I have to surface to breathe, but I didn’t mind as I could swim fast.”
“Kurama, you know we’ll have to tell your mother the truth too.”
“Yes and throw in the part about your parents too.”
“Yes. She likely would ask how I got my power unless I say my parents had it.”
“You know, I have always wanted to explore the ocean but Mother wouldn’t want me to go alone and Yusuke has no interest in it. Would you like to explore?”
“Really? Considering I have no time limit, of course I’d like to explore. I could use my own stash of shells, gems, and sand dollars too.”
“We’ll need to plan and gather supplies before we set out.”
“Fine with me. I need to get used to living in the sea and that this is my natural state.”
“Of course,” Kurama said as they entered their home and sought out Shiori to tell her everything about Hiei and their day on land.