Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only the nameless people are mine.
Chapter One- Being Cursed
“Millennium Rod, activate!” Seto gave his Item a flashy twirl before aiming it at the Shadow Monster roaring at him. A beam of light snagged the beast and Seto swung the Rod at a Sealing Tablet and the monster was sealed inside it.
Atem arched his back slightly as the tablet was pulled out of the room while another was put in its place. It was an unusually busy day in the kingdom. Isis had received a vision through her Necklace of a veil of darkness and evil draped over the kingdom which Mahad supported by stating that the Ring had been going crazy, detecting criminal activity all over the city. This led to a city-wide search which filled the dungeons, precipitating back-to-back Millennium Trials. Needless to say, this was exhausting for his Sacred Court.
Shada wiped his forehead before turning to the advisor. “Master Siamun, might we put the rest of the trials on hold until tomorrow?”
Siamun looked thoughtful for a moment before glancing sideways at Atem, who nodded. His court needed time to rest and regain their strength. “Court is adjourned,” Siamun announced.
Atem studied his court as they filed out to rest. Each face had clear exhaustion on it and relief at having time to rest and recover. Atem too felt fatigued and rubbed his eyes in an effort to stay awake. However, his motion attracted Siamun’s attention.
“My pharaoh, you also require sleep. I urge you to retire for the night.”
“Very well.” Atem rose and descended his throne. He left the room and headed down to his room, smothering a yawn. It had been a long, tiring day but knew it would all be worth it as the kingdom would become more secure than before. He climbed into bed, noticing the almost full moon outside. It will be full the night after tomorrow, he thought as he fell asleep.
The next day started with another search, yielding in more criminals. Once they were rounded up and imprisoned, the Millennium Trials resumed. Atem was alert as the trials began and remained so as the day wore on. However, as night was beginning to fall, he felt tired again. He slightly shook his head and resumed watching the trials. When he saw Seto stagger slightly another sealing yet another monster, he stood. “We will resume this tomorrow. Well done, everyone.”
“Yes, we have only twelve prisoners left in our dungeon,” Siamun added. “They can wait until tomorrow.”
Atem descended the steps and allowed the others to go ahead of him. It had been a tiring two days and hopefully tomorrow would be the end of it for at least awhile. The court was almost to the entrance and he was halfway there when he felt himself being seized from behind. His arms were pinned behind him with one hand and he cried out in alarm.
“Pharaoh!” everyone cried.
The man who held him chanted a single word before shoving a glowing moonstone into Atem’s chest near his heart. He felt himself being released and he fell to his knees, eyes shut in pain and his hands over his heart. What did he do to me? he wondered.
The guards seized the man and brought him before the court while Siamun went to Atem’s side. Mahad’s eyes burned with anger as he looked at the assailant. “What have you done?” he demanded.
“I have given him a curse,” the man answered proudly. He grinned sadistically. “He now has the curse of the werewolf.”
The court recoiled at the news and Atem felt like the blood had drained from his face. He was a werewolf? He staggered to his feet and backed away from Siamun before turning his back on the room. He had been cursed and felt unclean and that no one should or would want to be around him.
“Take this scoundrel to the dungeon!” Seto ordered. He turned his attention to the pharaoh as the guards took the man to the dungeon. The young king had his back to the room and looked as if he was holding his arms. He slowly approached. “My pharaoh?” he asked cautiously.
“Stay away!” Atem ordered.
Seto halted. “Pharaoh?” he repeated. “What is wrong?”
“I’m cursed. No one should be near me.”’
“Nonsense,” Siamun said. “You’re not dangerous right now. The full moon is tomorrow night and we still have time to insure your safety as well as the city.”
“A dungeon cell, I would think,” Atem said. “It seems the most secure solution to me.” He turned to face his court and saw stunned expressions. “What? What is it?”
“It’s…your eyes,” Kalim said. “There’s gold with the purple.”
A sense of shame swept over him and he averted his gaze from everyone. Hints of his curse were already surfacing and he felt ashamed and embarrassed.
Siamun came over and lifted Atem’s head to see his eyes clearly. Gold twisted around purple, giving the pharaoh an even more unique look. He also saw shame and a bit of fear too. He smiled gently. “It doesn’t look that noticeable. Pharaoh, please overcome your shame and fear. No one here thinks anything different about you. You are still our wise and great pharaoh.”
“That may be, but surely other signs will show throughout the day.”
“Correct, but if any of our prisoners see anything they will probably believe they are imagining it, save for the assailant.”
Seto knelt. “Pharaoh, I would be happy to modify the memory of any who sees anything unusual.”
“Granted. Mahad, please make sure to find the securest cell we have for my use the next three nights.”
“Yes, my pharaoh. Shall I begin now?”
“No. Let us sleep for now and we will start tomorrow with a secure cell and the attacker.” The court bowed and this time, Atem left first. He was glad about this so no one would see the preoccupied expression on his face. He knew that wolves were efficient, vicious killers and was certain that he would act the same way. The idea of him turning into a wolf and thinking like one terrified him; in that state he wouldn’t recognize anyone and would attack without hesitation.
I intend to make sure I don’t do that. I will be behind bars and unable to escape. I will need to have food and water waiting for me. No doubt I will be hungry after I change. He suppressed a shudder. The idea of changing was horrifying to think of.
Atem reached his chambers and before he entered, Siamun said, “Sleep well, my king. Perhaps there is a cure and obviously we will ask the assailant tomorrow.”
“Yes. Good night.” Atem entered his room, sounding and looking more confident than he felt. He let his confident look drop when he was alone. Despite the assurances and steps they were taking, he was scared and worried. He was certain the curse couldn’t be broken and that he would be vicious in his new form.
We can question about a cure, but I’d rather accept the likelihood that I am a werewolf for life now.
Chapter Two- Hints
Atem awoke with the sunrise and he immediately went to a mirror: His face looked the same as before except more gold had invaded his eyes. He turned away and proceeded to dress for the day. There was a lot to do before sunset and there wasn’t a moment to waste. He entered the Throne Room to find Siamun and his court, minus Mahad. He guessed his magician priest was in the dungeon, selecting a cell and bringing up his attacker. This was confirmed by Siamun as he sat. “Mahad is down in the dungeon and will be here with the attacker.”
As if on cue, Mahad entered with two guards who had the man between them. Mahad took his place as the court lined up before the man. Shada stepped forward. “We demand answers and explanations for your actions.”
The man bared that sadistic grin again. “I acquired the moonstone some time ago and coated it with wolf blood and silver powder before etching the spell on the stone. A single word was all that was required to ignite all the components and push it into the victim’s body. It must be placed over or near the heart in order to work.” The grin grew. “I see that I succeeded for the pharaoh’s eyes are turning gold. Ah and the nails are growing.”
Atem looked at his hands resting on the armrests and saw that his nails were indeed longer than yesterday. They will eventually become claws tonight. I know it. He wasn’t the only one looking at his hands; the court had turned when the assailant mentioned the growing nails. They soon turned back to their prisoner.
“Why would you do this?” Shada asked.
“Is there a counter curse?” Seto added.
“There’s no counter curse. I like the idea of the pharaoh being a deadly threat to his people. The protector becoming a killer.” The man began to laugh manically. The court quickly exchanged looks before performing a Millennium Trial on him. Shada sensed the shadow of a deranged, crazed monster within which prompted Aknadin and Seto to extract and seal the monster. Mahad then ordered the guards to banish the man to the desert and to begin bringing other tablets and prisoners up for trial.
Siamun put a hand on Atem’s shoulder. “I am sorry a cure is not possible.”
“I had already believed that one did not exist. Mahad, have you decided upon a cell?”
“Yes, my pharaoh. It is large and quite sturdy. It is also far from the other cells.”
Atem nodded. “Food and water will need to be in place before locking me in.”
“Dinner can be served before nightfall,” Seto said.
“It can, Seto, but I suspect that I will be hungry after I change.”
Siamun nodded. “That is a good point. It will be attended to. Now, let us get to the judging the rest of the criminals.”
Atem noticed other subtle hints of his change as the day wore on. His nails had gotten longer and gained points. When he brushed back some hair, his fingers discovered that his ears were becoming pointed. The last of the prisoners had been dealt with past midday and Atem had another search conducted which resulted in no criminals found or imprisoned. It was just as well as the court was more occupied with their king’s features.
“Your eyes are completely gold and are resembling a wolf’s,” Kalim said.
“Your nails are looking more like claws,” Isis added.
Atem heard the tremble of fear in their voices and didn’t blame them for feeling that way. He too was afraid of these hints he was displaying. He hated that his eyes, nails, and ears had changed and that his entire body would also change.
“Pharaoh, your hair’s turning gray,” Aknadin gasped.
Atem saw where his priest’s eyes were looking and went with the assumption that it was the tips that were changing color at that moment. “Then, that must mean that I’ll have gray fur,” he commented. He looked out a door leading to the balcony and saw the sky taking on a fiery glow. He stood and said, “It’s time. Mahad, if you would escort me down?”
“Of course, my pharaoh.”
“Court adjourned,” Siamun said as Atem followed Mahad to the dungeons.
Atem looked around as he went down. He had never been to the dungeons where the criminals were kept until they were being judged. Brackets with lit torches lined the walls and as they descended, he felt a faint chill. He sensed the cells would be quite unpleasant and the smell wasn’t much better. “I have new respect for you and the guards to have to put up with this stench.”
Mahad looked back, surprise on his face. “It is not that bad.”
“You’re not serious, Mahad. It’s awful.”
“I think your sense of smell just got stronger as wolves have sensitive noses.”
Atem groaned softly at this revelation. The hints of his condition were getting more obvious. He followed Mahad down to the dungeon level and then down a separate corridor. It opened up to reveal a large cell and Atem gaped at the setup. There were pillows piled up in one corner and linen sheets laid out near them. Chopped raw beef and a bowl of water laid near the cell door.
“We want you to be comfortable,” Mahad said as he unlocked the door. “After all, you’re not a criminal. You’re only here for your safety and everyone’s safety as well.”
“And you’re certain I won’t escape?” Atem asked as he entered and let Mahad close and lock the door. He turned and gripped one of the bars.
“I am. I used a spell to insure that the door and bars won’t break.” He smiled in an assuring manner at Atem whose hair was completely gray now. It was a bizarre sight: A young face coupled with gray hair that matched Siamun’s hair.
Atem looked like he was about to say something but then gasped and sank to his knees, a hand pressed to his heart. He breathed hard as his hair turned furry and flattened, fusing to his skin as his clothes, jewelry, Puzzle, and shoes melded with his skin before gray fur spread over his body. He planted his hands on the floor as they became paws, his nails hardening into exposed claws. His arms formed forelegs and the muscles increased in size.
Atem was hardly silent as the change began. He groaned and yelled in pain as he shifted. His legs and feet conformed into hind legs and paws, claws also exposed and larger muscles appeared. His torso also grew longer and bigger due to larger muscles. A long bushy tail grew out behind him while his head gained a muzzle and pointed ears. Atem howled and then gave a low growl as his mind reverted to a wolf’s.
Mahad watched sympathetically as Atem transformed. It had been agreed among the court before the pharaoh arrived that morning that the one to escort the pharaoh should stay to determine exactly how the curse had affected their king. He watched as his longtime friend took the form of a wolf, howling and then growling softly as the transformation ended. “My pharaoh?” he called cautiously.
The wolf snapped his head around at the sound of Mahad’s voice. The magician priest saw no recognition in the gold eyes before the eyes suddenly glowed red. Atem snarled as he ran at the door. He rammed it, but it held firm. He stuck his paws between the bars and tried to slash Mahad. His jaws snapped at the air, growling and snarling at his priest. Mahad beat a quick retreat and fled back up to the Throne Room where he knew the others were, waiting for him. Mahad panted as he entered the room, having run all the way back. He recovered his breath as he looked at his fellow guardians.
“Mahad?” Seto prompted, surprised by Mahad’s entrance.
“He-he did not…recognize me. I think…he wanted to…kill me,” Mahad panted. He took a deep breath. “I believe he thinks and acts like a wolf when no humans are around. I spoke to him and when he looked at me, his eyes glowed red before trying to get at me. He became a killer werewolf when he saw me. It explains the man’s idea of the pharaoh being a deadly threat.”
“Gods,” Aknadin said softly in horror. “When humans are around, he goes from ordinary wolf to true werewolf? He recognizes no one?”
“Correct. I will go down in the morning to let him out and tell him what happened.” He saw the disapproving looks and added, “He will ask. I think any of us would ask if it happened to us.” The others nodded, knowing that Mahad was right.
Chapter Three- Confused
Atem awoke to find himself curled under a sheet and pillows cushioning his head and neck. He sat up, the sheet falling off his head and settling over his lower body. It’s morning. Uh, what happened last night? I don’t remember. He rubbed his head as he blinked sleep from his eyes. He stood and headed to the water bowl. The meat was gone and a little water remained. The skin around his mouth felt stiff and guessed there was dry blood on it. He scooped some water out and used it to clean off the blood.
Footsteps approached his cell and he saw Mahad coming. The priest smiled at him. “Good morning,” he said as he unlocked and opened the door.
“Good morning,” he replied, stepping out and following his friend up. “Mahad, what happened? I remember changing but after that all I vaguely recall is anger and a desire to…kill.”
“I see. Pharaoh, it seems when humans are around, it triggers the killer werewolf inside you. Absent that, you are a normal wolf. You didn’t recognize me when I called to you after you changed.”
“I didn’t recognize you?” Atem repeated in horror. “I acted and thought as a wolf? An animal?”
“I’m afraid so.”
“And I have two more nights to go.”
“We’ll get through it. Now we know what happens. I won’t be staying once I lock the door.”
“Mahad,” Atem said before they entered the Throne Room. “How do I look?”
He turned to see his friend. After a moment, he said, “Your eyes are gold and purple, your hair’s not gray, your ears aren’t pointed, and your nails are long and pointed. I think this is your appearance during the day during the full moon.”
Atem nodded. “I can deal with that.” He strode into the room and Mahad followed. The rest of the court was gathered and bowed as Atem passed and sat on the throne. The expressions in their eyes told him that they knew what had happened. “I know how I am when I change and it frightens me, same as you. However, now that we know, I will be alone before I change so that killer side will not show.”
“All the food and water were gone?” Kalim asked.
“The food was and a little water remained. It seems I was correct that I would be hungry.” Atem was pleased with his assumption. He cleared his throat and said, “Let’s get down to business.” Atem didn’t want to dwell on his condition much more; after all, he had a kingdom to rule. He sent Mahad and the guards to seek out criminal activity and then sent Seto to check out the stone tablets. Business was light today which was a welcome change after three days of Millennium Trials. As the day wore on, Atem’s eyes became gold again and his pointed ears returned. His hair didn’t turn gray; instead he found his senses growing sharper and clearer. He could smell, see, and hear better than before but kept this fact to himself as it would draw attention to the fact that he wasn’t fully human anymore.
Fully human. The phrase struck him hard. The moment that stone entered his body, he ceased being completely human. He was now half wild animal and thought as one when taking that form. He felt unworthy to be sitting there with humans, but he would be unworthy to be among wild animals, even wolves. I’m not fully human anymore, but I’m not an animal, either. What exactly am I?
Mahad looked back at Atem as he led the pharaoh downstairs. He had become quiet late afternoon and his eyes had taken on a faraway look, as if deep in thought. But the look also seemed…confused somehow. “Pharaoh, is something troubling you?” he asked as they entered the corridor to the cell.
He was silent for a moment. “Mahad,” he said finally. “What am I?”
Mahad looked at him and blinked in confusion. “What?”
“I’m not fully human, but not really a wolf, either. I don’t know what I am anymore.”
Mahad couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Pharaoh, you are human. You just have unusual features and an inconvenient condition.”
“I wasn’t human last night. I was a werewolf.”
“Yes, you have a point. Pharaoh, that’s it! What you are is a werewolf. You’re a human and a wolf. You should try to come to terms that you are two beings in one body. It may make your condition easier to bear.” He opened the door.
“I’ll think about it. Good night.” Atem entered the cell and Mahad locked it.
“Good night.” Mahad left and Atem sat on a sheet to think about what his friend had said. Two beings in one body. I am human except for the full moon; during those nights, I’m a wolf. Only if I see humans does the werewolf in me surface. I was angry and wanted to kill, but I didn’t know why until Mahad told me. It’s scary to think about the fact that I didn’t recognize him. Actually, I wouldn’t recognize anyone. My mind reverts to a wolf’s and I’m then only concerned about fulfilling my immediate needs. But, that’s only three nights a month. Yes, Mahad’s right: I am a werewolf and as long as I’m locked up, no one is in danger. He felt pain in his chest and shifted to wolf form.
Seto quietly crept down the stairs. Mahad had described Atem’s behavior last night as well as his concerns tonight. So, the pharaoh is having a bit of an identity crisis. He feels he’s not human or a wolf. Hmph, that is absurd. He is as human as I am. He just has a curse that forces him to take animal form every full moon. It is, in fact, the reason I’m heading down: I want to see his wolf form as Mahad neglected to describe it, save for the eyes.
Seto reached the end of the corridor and pressed himself against one side before peering out at the cell. A muscular gray wolf with gold eyes paced the cell, growling as it moved. All four paws had exposed claws that clicked against the stone floor. A bushy tail swished through the air. He seems angry, most likely because wolves don’t like being confined. He spied the absence of food and surmised the pharaoh had eaten it shortly after the change. Heh, he was hungry.
Suddenly, the wolf stopped pacing, his nose sniffing the air. Seto quickly left before he was spotted. He was not interested in triggering the vicious killer werewolf side. Atem’s growling aside, Seto thought he looked powerful and strong, two traits that Seto coveted. He felt a bit jealous and knew how to deal with it: Either he got over it or he figured out how to get bitten and survive the encounter.
I will speak to him tomorrow by asking Mahad for the key so that I can get my chance. If the pharaoh accedes to my wish to be bitten, my decision must be brought to the attention of the court.
“You wish to escort the pharaoh up in the morning?” Mahad asked.
“I do.”
“Well, thanks Seto. I would like to get an early start on patrol tomorrow.” He retrieved the key and handed it over.
“You are quite welcome.” Seto left the room, a big smile on his face and looking forward to morning.
Chapter Four- Desire
Atem was awake and ready to be released so he could start the day. He felt good that he had only one night left before he would be in human form until the next cycle. He had thought deeply about Mahad’s words last night before the change and he recalled his decision when he awoke. I was correct last night: I am a werewolf but no one’s in danger from me.
Footsteps were headed his way and he looked forward to telling Mahad about his decision. He was, therefore, surprised when Seto appeared instead. “Seto?”
“Good morning, pharaoh. Mahad wished to patrol early this morning and I volunteered to greet you and escort you up.” Seto unlocked the door and opened it.
“I see. Well, I will just announce my decision to the entire court.” Atem exited the cell and proceeded up the corridor.
“May I ask what that decision is, pharaoh?”
“Yes. I have accepted that I am human and wolf; in short a werewolf. I am not ashamed or afraid of what anyone thinks.”
“I am happy to hear that you are comfortable with who you are.” He paused for a moment. “Pharaoh, I have a confession to make.”
“You were spying on me last night,” Atem said, coming to a stop and facing Seto. “I vaguely recall smelling a human though I didn’t see one.”
“That’s impressive that you have vague recollections despite your wolf mind. You are correct. Mahad did not share how you looked and I wanted to know.”
“What did you see?” Atem sounded intrigued and it made sense: With his wolf mind, observations about his form was not worth remembering or taking note of.
“I saw a muscular gray wolf with gold eyes and exposed claws that seemed angry at being locked up. Regardless, I also saw power and strength.”
Atem heard the jealous, yet longing tone in the priest’s voice. He was aware of Seto’s desire for order and power. He was remarkably intelligent for someone so young although he was a little younger than Seto. Nonetheless, he suspected what the brunette was hinting. “Seto,” he said slowly. “Are you possibly jealous of my condition to the point that you would want to be bitten?”
“I am jealous.” Seto knelt before Atem. “I too would like to be powerful and strong.”
“Seto, even if I did bite you, you would not remember being strong and powerful. I do not think being locked up and having memory gaps every cycle is worth that. I deny your request.”
“I did not think of that. Thank you, pharaoh. I will overcome my jealousy and banish my desire to be a werewolf.”
Atem nodded and turned away. “You are welcome. Let us proceed upstairs so that I can announce my comfort and open the court for the day.” He led the way up, feeling a bit bad, as he had just lied to Seto. It was true he didn’t remember being powerful and strong while being a wolf and had only vague recollections via emotions and his senses, but he did sense power and strength in his human form that he didn’t have before the change. However, he did believe that acquiring power and strength was not worth being unable to remember anything on full moon nights.
Seto was thoughtful as he followed Atem up. His king was right about not remembering anything while transformed, but he knew that he would be aware that he had been strong and powerful overnight as he had seen Atem as such last night. The pharaoh is correct that I’m jealous and I admitted that I am. However, I will not give up on being bitten. I will be a werewolf and I have all day to plan it out carefully.
“That’s wonderful, pharaoh,” Kalim said. “We’re happy that you are at peace with yourself.”
Atem beamed at the satisfied looks on his court’s faces. “As there is no cure, it is important that I accept what I am and that it does not change who I am: Pharaoh of Egypt.”
“All hail the Pharaoh!” called a guard from the entrance. His call was echoed by the other guards in the room and soon the guards were chanting his title.
Atem stood and held up a hand, amused by this display. “All right, that’s enough,” he said, sounding amused as well. “Let us return to our duties and open the court.”
“Yes, pharaoh,” was the chorused reply. Business began and Atem kept a discreet eye on Seto. He was all business and appeared to have banished all thoughts of being a werewolf. This did not bring him any comfort. He was just as intelligent as his priest and at times, felt capable of knowing what was going on in his mind, though his face was unreadable. I believe he hasn’t given up. I cannot stop myself from attacking when I see a human, but I can have the rest of the court stop him from going through with his plan.
“Seto, see that none of the tablets are damaged. We cannot risk any of them escaping. Also, see to the distribution of them to our private temples.”
“Yes, my pharaoh.” Seto swept from the room and Atem listened carefully until even his enhanced hearing couldn’t detect him.
“Guardians,” he said, seizing their attention. “I need your help.”
“Anything, pharaoh,” Aknadin said.
“Keep Seto away from the dungeons tonight and every full moon cycle at least for a little while.”
“Why is that?” Siamun asked.
“I did not see him, but I vaguely recall the scent of a human last night. Seto admitted to seeing me last night and this morning admitted to being jealous of what he saw.” He saw the others exchange looks of shock and he knew that they knew what he was saying and decided to confirm it. “Yes. Seto wants me to bite him. I told him that it would be best to put his jealousy aside, but I suspect that he’s even now planning how to succeed. I cannot stop myself from attacking in my werewolf state.”
“Say no more, pharaoh,” Shada said. “We will do our best to keep Seto away from you.”
“Suppose we fail?” Isis asked quietly. “How will we know?”
“I might know,” Atem replied. “I was reluctant to mention this, but my senses grew sharper instead of my hair turning gray again. If Seto is bitten, I might be able to smell leaking blood from the bite or my scent coming from the wound.”
“Might, pharaoh?” asked Aknadin.
“I do not know if I will still have sharper senses tomorrow as the cycle will be over.”
“It is likely you will,” Mahad said. “But, we will not let Seto succeed.”
Seto listened to the conversation from the corridor and frowned. Atem did not accept his vow to give up his desire. I will need to fool my fellow guardians in order to be bitten. Now, how to do it?
Chapter Five- The Bite
Seto nodded approvingly at the pillows he had scrunched up and covered so that it somewhat resembled his sleeping form. He then stole down to the dungeons and hid in the shadows so that he could see Mahad and Atem pass on the way to the cell. Mahad was the only obstacle he anticipated truly having to contend with as he would be positioned either at the entrance to the corridor or at the stairs leading down to the dungeons. He heard voices floating down from the steps and stood completely still.
“Where will you be standing guard, Mahad?” Atem asked as they headed downstairs.
“I believe the corridor entrance will be ideal. I will be the last line of defense. I only hope that Seto has reconsidered or is stopped before he gets too far.” They went down the corridor. “I am glad that this will be the last time until the next cycle,” Mahad added as he opened the door.
“So am I, my friend,” Atem said as he entered and allowed himself to be locked in.
“Good night, pharaoh.”
“Good night and good luck.” Atem watched Mahad disappear into the corridor and then sat on the linen sheet he had put near the meat and water to await his final change of the cycle.
Mahad listened to Atem’s cries of pain and felt his heart breaking to hear it; even accepting what he was didn’t keep Atem from painfully changing. He heard the howl that ended the change and a very faint growl indicating anger. He sat in the center of the entrance to see if Seto did get past the others. He stayed vigilant for two hours of quiet until he heard footsteps coming. He stood in preparation but relaxed when he saw Aknadin. “Master Aknadin,” he said with a bow.
“Shada reports that Seto is in bed, but I wouldn’t relax for an instant.”
“I won’t relax until morning. After that, perhaps we can convince Seto to forget about being a werewolf.” He looked back up the corridor. “I hear the pharaoh cry out as he changes and it’s heartbreaking to hear.”
“I can imagine. Perhaps, we can put some effort in helping him master the pain so that it is painless next cycle.”
“Yes, that is a good idea and I will mention it to him in the morning.”
Aknadin nodded and left and Mahad resumed his sitting position. He heard growling echo up the passage and he sighed. I know it angers the wolf to be caged, but it is for his safety as well as the city. He focused on the stairs to see if Seto would indeed appear. He probably thought that if he feigns early sleep, that we will also turn in and then he would sneak down here. Heh, foolish idea Seto. I will not let you get to the pharaoh.
Despite his determination, Mahad drifted off to sleep, allowing Seto to slip past him. He was prepared for his bite; the cuffs on his left arm had been removed and his right hand held the Rod beneath his cape. He slowly approached the end of the passage and stood in front of the door, watching Atem pace, growling. He admired Atem’s smooth four-legged gait briefly as Atem turned to pace, but stopped when he saw Seto. As usual, he did not recognize his priest, but knew it was a human- his enemy.
Seto stared at Atem. “You are so amazing. You think this is a curse, but I see it as a type of gift. I want that gift, too. So, go ahead and bite me.” He exposed his arm.
Atem’s eyes suddenly glowed red, looking scarier than Seto had originally thought. He was starting to reconsider his decision, but before he could retreat, Atem snarled and his muzzle reached through the bars and his teeth sank into Seto’s arm. He yelled in pain and his right arm swung around and hit the back of the head of the Rod on the wolf’s head.
Atem yelped as he disengaged from Seto’s arm and backed up, shaking his head. His eyes snapped open and seemed to be glowing brighter than before. He rammed the door and slashed between the bars, catching Seto’s chest, but only ripping the cloth. Atem howled, snarled, and growled as he tried to slash again, but missed as Seto was dragged away, courtesy of Mahad who had awakened at Seto’s yell. Once both men were out of sight, Atem’s eyes returned to gold and he resumed his angry pacing.
Seto sat on the floor, wrapping a cloth around his arm while Mahad loomed above him. “Seto, you fool,” he scolded. “The pharaoh refused your request and had set the rest of us to stop you, but you refused to give up. Now, you’ve been bitten and we’ll have two werewolves at the next cycle.”
“I was starting to reconsider when the pharaoh’s eyes glowed red. He truly looked dangerous and he attacked before I could back up.”
“Of course, he looked dangerous. In that state of mind, he is dangerous. He also seemed angrier than I’ve ever heard, probably because I didn’t’ stick around after he tried to attack me the first time and maybe also because there were two humans as opposed to one.”
Seto pushed himself up and Mahad said, “You know, everyone will need to know what happened.”
“Of course.” As Seto headed upstairs, he added silently, I am not looking forward to it.
Atem blinked as he awoke, looked at the door, and growled angrily. He blinked again. Whoa. I never growled while human. Why now? He rubbed his head and felt a small bump amongst his hair. Did I hit the door with my head? Did I go into werewolf state? I think I did for I feel so angry; very, very angry.
Atem looked up to see Mahad at the door, looking concerned. “Are you all right?”
Atem stood. “Not really. Did I go into my killer werewolf state?”
“I’m afraid so, but what makes you think that?”
“I feel very angry right now. I don’t remember feeling angry the other two mornings.”
“You were in your killer state a bit longer than the first and only other time it happened and the fact that there were two humans present probably added to that.”
Atem paled at Mahad’s comments and his anger faded. “I bit Seto, didn’t I?”
“Yes and it’s my fault. I succumbed to sleep and he got past me.” Mahad unlocked the door and opened it.
Atem came out and around to his friend. “Mahad, you couldn’t have stayed awake all night and truthfully Seto would have succeeded despite our lookouts.”
“You are right and he admitted to reconsidering before getting bit. My pharaoh, you look exactly like you did before being cursed.”
Atem chuckled at Mahad’s surprise. “Of course. The cycle is over so I look normal again.”
“It hurts to hear you in pain,” Mahad said as they headed up. “Master Aknadin suggested we help you master the pain in order to lessen it.”
Atem nodded. “I like that and since he suggested it, he will be in charge of teaching me.” They entered the Throne Room.
Chapter Six- Lessons
Seto felt the bite throb but kept his face inscrutable. No one but Mahad and Atem knew what had happened. He knew that everyone would be furious with him; he would be too. The image of Atem with red eyes had driven the reason for the bite momentarily out of his mind. Once he was in his chambers, the impact of being bitten came back. He had put a hand on the covered wound and his heart had pounded. I will become a werewolf on the next full moon. Excitement had pulsed through him at the thought. I will be strong and powerful during those times.
The sound of footsteps drew Seto back to the present. Atem and Mahad were approaching and the latter stopped at his place while the former took his seat. Seto was surprised to see that Atem looked normal again.
Atem saw the looks of his court and smiled slightly in amusement. “I know I look normal again; as the cycle is over that is to be expected. Aknadin, Mahad brought it to my attention that you suggested helping me to master the pain of my changes in order to lessen it in future cycles.”
“I did, my pharaoh.”
“I like the idea and would like you to be in charge of these…lessons.”
Aknadin knelt. “I would be honored to help you.”
“Good. Once court is over for the day, I want to begin the first session. Now, to another matter.” He fixed Seto with a stern look. “Seto, I am very disappointed in you. Yes,” he said taking in four stunned faces. “I ended up biting Seto. On the next cycle, there will be two werewolves to secure.
“That said,” he continued. “It seems our efforts are ineffective if one is determined enough to achieve his goal. Seto, you will participate in security patrols for two weeks and will attend my lessons with Aknadin until the full moon.”
Seto bowed his head. “As you wish.” He raised his head and saw the same disappointed looks on his fellow guardians’ faces. He knew the disappointment would fade as the weeks passed and they grew accustomed to his condition as they had with the pharaoh.
Court was over for the day and everyone had left the Throne Room save for Aknadin, Atem, Seto, and two guards. Aknadin stood before his secret family, looking them over. Atem returned his look calmly, but Aknadin detected a gleam of determination to insure that he felt little to no pain on the next full moon. He looked at Seto who refused to meet his gaze. He must be ashamed of his actions, as he should be. “Eyes on me, Priest Seto,” he reproached. “Now,” he said once Seto was looking at him. “I thought last night and today of how to proceed and I am not exactly sure where to start.”
“Perhaps we can focus on emotions,” Atem suggested. “I would rather not be angry due to being caged.”
Aknadin nodded. “Controlling the anger sounds like a good idea, pharaoh. All right, controlling it is like controlling any emotion, but requires a bit more effort. It is important to remain calm at all times to offset anger.”
Atem shut his eyes to focus on the anger he always felt when he transformed. It was an anger he would feel when frustrated. That’s good. I do feel frustrated at times; part of being pharaoh. Wait…what’s that? He turned his attention to something that attracted it. He probed it and was stunned by what he discovered.
Aknadin watched his pupils focus to control their anger, the pharaoh more than Seto. It made sense: Atem had been a werewolf for three nights and was still close to the emotions that were attached to that form. Seto merely had to keep any emotions he had buried so that he would be calm when he changed for the first time. Suddenly, Atem’s eyes flew open and there was such a stunned expression in them that it concerned the old priest. “My pharaoh, what is wrong?” he asked, causing Seto to open his eyes and look over.
“I discovered a deep anger within. It is a burning, feral anger. I believe it’s connected to my killer werewolf side.”
“I could use the Millennium Eye to look for myself with your permission, pharaoh.”
“Granted. Take a look and tell me your impressions.”
Aknadin activated his Item and looked into Atem’s mind in the emotion section. What he saw convinced him of Atem’s assessment. He withdrew and nodded. “You are correct. It is a feral anger that cannot be controlled when humans are around. It compels you to attack and kill; only when alone or with other werewolves does the killer anger not surface.”
“Does that mean that Seto and I could share the same cell?”
“It could be and you wouldn’t attack one another since the feral anger is directed at humans.”
Atem glanced back at Seto as the lesson concluded for the night. Anger control would take some time and it was agreed that the next few sessions would be devoted to it. He also wanted to understand his wolf side, killer and ordinary. His priest had been quiet all day, only speaking when giving reports and saying, “Yes, my pharaoh.” He had also avoided eye contact. Is he ashamed or is it the disappointment I expressed earlier? I had made it clear yesterday morning that the power he saw would not be remembered, except if reported by someone who witnessed it. That same morning was when I was aware that I have gotten stronger though I do not look it. Just as well; I don’t need to draw attention to it.
Atem stopped walking and Seto did likewise. He turned to see his priest looking down and to the side. “Seto, please look at me.” Once he had done that, Atem continued. “I am disappointed that you didn’t heed my advice, but I believe I understand why. You are attracted to power and a werewolf is a symbol of that.”
“Yes, my pharaoh,” was the soft reply.
“I have something to tell you. When you expressed your wish to be bitten and I denied it, I…lied about not being aware of the power and strength. I have gotten stronger, but I do not think being cursed is worth it.”
“Pharaoh, I don’t view it as a curse. I saw it as a type of gift. It is possible that I see it as such as I have not changed yet.”
“Yes, that is very likely. It is painful to transform and that is why these lessons are being held. Seto, I want you to act as you always have. No more averted looks. You have duties to perform same as anyone else.”
“Yes, my pharaoh. I will carry out my duties same as before.”
“Excellent. Well, good night.” Atem continued toward his chambers, looking forward to sleeping in his bed after sleeping on a cell floor for three nights. Everything that he had taken for granted as a human, he now savored each and every single one.
Seto watched Atem walk away, feeling a bit better about today. He felt like everyone had been giving him disappointed looks, not that he would have known as he had been looking down. The looks had taken the excitement of becoming a werewolf out of him. Atem’s confession of lying had been shocking, but his explanation of why he did it made sense.
Now that he felt better, the prospect of transforming flooded through him again. He knew the condition was moving through his body, preparing it for the full moon when he would become a strong powerful werewolf who wouldn’t remember the night as he would have a wolf’s mind.
That would not be so good. I value my intelligence and for me to think like an animal, it is scary for me. On the other hand, showing hints of my change preceding and during the cycle sounds cool. The gold in the eyes, the longer nails, and the pointed ears. Hmm, I wonder if my hair will turn gray on the first night like the pharaoh’s did. I look forward to changing, but for now I have duties to do.
Chapter Seven- Surprising Change
Atem and Seto’s lessons had progressed to understanding other emotions of the wolf a week after the full moon ended. Atem mentioned emotions he had felt but had been unable to sort them out until now. “I believe other emotions connected to the killer side are being mean and vicious.”
“Vicious, you say?” Aknadin asked.
“I believe I witnessed that last week,” Seto added.
Aknadin nodded. “Vicious also goes toward normal wolves when killing their prey. The mean part is definitely from the werewolf. Legends of the werewolf say that humans that were cursed were angry about it and as the curse got older, the mean part surfaced and became fused with the anger and the regular action of ordinary wolves.”
“So, it would seem that there are three parts: Human, ordinary wolf, and werewolf,” Seto said.
“In terms of actions and emotions, but physically you are werewolves.”
“Aknadin is not as upset as he was last week,” Atem said as they retired for the night. “Indeed, everyone is not as upset.”
Seto nodded. “Master Mahad made it clear a few days ago that he’s not as disappointed anymore and I’m a great help with patrol.”
“You still have a week to go and remember this is a punishment.”
“I remember as I would rather study scrolls and improve my dueling skills.”
“You’ll be able to dot that after next week. If I recall, your last day of patrol is the same day that we’re supposed to have a foreign visitor.”
Seto nodded. Siamun mentioned it a couple of days ago and plans were being made to welcome him including a feast the night of his arrival. Seto would be celebrating the end of his two week patrol. Looking for criminal activity was boring while making sure the city was secure was more stimulating to him. He knew he still had at least another week of lessons before the full moon and was rather anxious for the moon to come.
“All right. Perimeter is secure and no criminal activity detected. Let us return to the palace to rest up and then we will discuss palace and city security for the arrival of our foreign guest,” Mahad declared a week later. He led the guards back to the palace with a relieved Seto beside him. He knew the young man didn’t enjoy patrol, but Mahad felt having two priests in charge had improved patrol. He was able to split the guard into two groups and cover more ground in less time. Maybe I should request one of the sacred court to accompany me in weekly switch-offs. I’ll explain how patrols have improved with two priests in charge.
“Seto, I know this was a punishment, but nevertheless I appreciated your company.”
“Yes. Security patrols did seem to go faster when splitting the guard.”
“How are the lessons going?”
“They seem to be helping the pharaoh. I’m not sure about me. We’ll know on the full moon.”
“Yes. You’ll be aware of the pain.” He paused before saying, “How are you feeling in terms of your condition?”
“I don’t feel any different. I haven’t exhibited any hints yet.”
Atem nodded. “Yes, you have a good point. Weekly switch-offs will be discussed tomorrow.”
Mahad bowed. “Thank you, my pharaoh. Once the guard has rested, I will discuss security for the palace and the city to protect you and our visitor.”
“Very good. See to it.” Once Mahad had left, Atem subtly brought a hand to an ear and ran a finger along the edge, feeling it come to a slight point. My hints are starting to surface again. The point is not very obvious yet. Last time, my hints showed quickly as I was cursed the night before the full moon. This time, they have time to develop gradually.
It was mid-afternoon when Atem, his court, and his guards gathered in the Throne Room to await their guest. Atem hoped that this visit would result in a meeting with their guest’s ruler and eventually a treaty of peace and trade. Both kingdoms would prosper from such an agreement. The doors opened and a rather unassuming man entered. He was dressed in the garb of a diplomat and had a sword at his side. Atem stood and descended his throne to greet the man. “Welcome to my kingdom. I hope your visit will be pleasant.”’
The man looked at him and a look of hate crossed his face. He unsheathed his sword and cried, “Death to the pharaoh!” before charging forward. The guards immediately moved forward to subdue the man but he took them out so quickly it was unbelievable. The guardians summoned monsters to stop him, but he had no qualms about cutting into the creatures. The priests fell to their knees panting as their monsters fell. Atem was stunned by the man’s brutal attack and the sight of his weakened court sent a burning anger through him.
His eyes turned gold and an angry growl sounded low in his throat. His nails lengthened and hardened into claws as his hands formed paws and gray fur grew over his body. His feet formed paws and extended claws before he went to all fours. His tail grew out while his hair became fur and his muzzle and pointed ears appeared. His eyes focused on the man before glowing red. He growled loudly before running, leaping, and plowing into the man.
His back legs were on the man’s legs and with a forepaw he knocked the sword away. He had his forepaws’ claws hooked into the shirt’s sleeves and he growled in the man’s face, his sharp teeth bared. He wanted to kill me? I’ll kill him!
“Pharaoh, no!” Mahad cried out, fearing his call wouldn’t work. He was relieved when Atem’s eyes turned gold again and he pulled his head away from the man. Two guards came forward and Atem unhooked his claws and jumped off the man.
“Take him…to the dungeon,” Mahad groaned as he stood. He looked at Atem who was looking at himself in surprise.
“How is this possible?” he said, teeth clicking slightly as he spoke.
There was a collective gasp at hearing the question. “Pharaoh, you can talk?” Aknadin gasped. “You are aware?”
A foreleg flew to his muzzle as he looked at his court. He lowered the leg. “It would seem so. I didn’t know I could change outside the full moon and in daylight as well. I just…got angry at seeing you weakened and wanted the man to pay.”
“He will,” Seto assured him. “He will be subjected to a Millennium Trial and imprisoned for his attempt.” The others nodded in agreement.
Atem nodded as he turned and ascended his throne. He was calmer now and in complete control of his body, so there was no reason why he couldn’t continue to rule. He sat and saw his court assume their places. He looked down, flexing his forepaws and turning his head to see a muscular body and a bushy tail. He never really had a chance to see his wolf form as his mind reverted quickly after the change.
“Pharaoh, I thought you had controlled your anger,” Aknadin said, sounding disappointed.
Atem thought for a moment. “I do have control,” he said. “I think I was seized by righteous anger.”
Aknadin nodded. “Anger of that sort is a human emotion and yet it triggered a change. Thus, you’re in control of yourself and can talk. I only hope this is not a permanent change.”
Permanent? Atem thought. I also hope it’s not permanent.
Chapter Eight- Conscious Control
Atem kept court open and proceeded to other business, not letting his wolf form stop him from ruling on behalf of his people. Once court was over, Atem insisted on Aknadin still guiding him and Seto as he figured he would have an easier time in understanding his wolf side while in wolf form.
He stood beside Seto and before Aknadin, aware of them both still admiring his form. He didn’t blame them; he kept admiring himself too. I share Aknadin’s hope that I didn’t inadvertently trap myself in wolf form, although it would negate feeling pain as I would already be a wolf. It would only be my mind that would change.
“Pharaoh, it’s important to understand how this happened,” Aknadin said.
Atem nodded as he closed his eyes to focus on his change and understand it. Hmm, interesting. Well, this isn’t bad, not bad at all
. He opened his eyes and while he couldn’t exactly smile, his tail swished happily. “It’s not a permanent change. I’ll be human again at dawn. I can consciously change between cycles but can’t change back until the following dawn. Seto will have this ability after the cycle.”
“You could choose to change?” Seto gasped. “I’ll be able to choose?” “Yes, but I’ll only do so if I’m protecting my home, the city, or myself.”
“This is a surprising twist,” Seto said as they left the Throne Room.
“Indeed. This curse has now become a bit of a gift as well.” Atem stretched slightly and shook himself out. “Well, good night Seto.”
“Sleep well, pharaoh.”
Atem managed to open his door and shut it. He yawned as he jumped into bed. It had been a long day, but an interesting one, too. He curled up and fell asleep, looking forward to morning. He liked being able to change between cycles, but preferred to be human as that was his natural form.
“So, it’s a conscious change?” Shada said the next morning. “He can choose to change?”
Aknadin nodded. “Yes and he’s able to be human by the following morning.”
The doors opened and Atem entered, happy and human. He walked past his court who knelt and took his seat. “Has the trial of yesterday’s attacker been conducted yet?” he asked, even though he already knew the answer; he was simply seeking confirmation.
“No, my pharaoh,” Siamun said.
“Have him brought up so that we may proceed.” Two guards left and returned minutes later with the prisoner. He was forced to his knees and he focused hateful, but fearful eyes on Atem.
“You are charged with attempted assault on the pharaoh,” Seto said. “That is a serious crime and you will be judged.”
“Your pharaoh is a monster,” the man said, eliciting a gasp from everyone. “He turned into a wolf and attacked me.”
“He was defending himself,” Shada retorted, holding out his Item and activating it. He closed his eyes for a moment before opening them. “An evil shadow lurks within his heart. It is a dark, vicious creature.”
Aknadin came forward and he, along with Seto, extracted and sealed the monster. The guards took the man back to the dungeon to serve his prison time for his crime. Once the man was out of the room, Siamun opened the court and one by one the members of the court came forward to give reports on different aspects of kingdom affairs.
Atem listened to each one with his usual attentiveness, but he was also feeling restless. He wanted to move around, maybe a walk in the courtyard. He had a pretty good idea of why he felt this way: It had to be due to his change yesterday. As the last report ended, he stood and went down the steps, unable to sit anymore.
“Pharaoh?” Siamun inquired.
“I’m going for a walk in the courtyard,” he explained as he left the room.
Atem breathed in the fresh air and the scents of the flower and water and felt the sun on his skin. It was another beautiful day and things seemed peaceful for a change. He strode around the courtyard to get rid of the excess energy but it wasn’t leaving him quickly enough, so he increased his pace. He felt an urge to run but restrained himself: He was the pharaoh and a king does not run.
“My pharaoh?”
Atem stopped at what almost became pacing and looked up to see Mahad approaching. He sighed. “I’ve been feeling restless since I woke up.”
“I noticed and I may have a solution. How about horseback riding with me in a couple of days? I will claim I am escorting you to a relaxing location.”
“That does not necessarily have to be a lie. I like the idea of relaxing somewhere.”
“You are correct. Besides, a pharaoh should not be cooped up inside the palace his whole life.”
“Agreed. Horseback riding in two days.”
Seto stared into his bedroom mirror. His blue eyes stared back, but hints of gold were twisting around the blue. It’s exactly like the pharaoh’s when he was first cursed. I’m starting to show the hints of my condition. He turned from the mirror, put his hat on, and left the room. There was going to be a short meeting as Atem and Mahad were riding out to a place for relaxing. Atem had been restless since his daylight change and Mahad suggested the pharaoh needed to get out of the palace and relax for a little bit. The rest of the court agreed, especially Siamun. He joined the other guardians a couple of them doing double takes and knew they noticed the gold.
After a brief meeting, the court split up to pursue a leisure activity of their choosing while Mahad and Atem walked toward the stables, the latter wearing a hooded robe to conceal his appearance. He was a little concerned: He noticed his eyes starting to turn gold again and worried the horses would react negatively toward him. After all, wolves did hunt horses on occasion. His worries vanished when the horses didn’t react to him. He mounted and followed Mahad through the city and out into the desert. Once the city was out of sight, Mahad flashed a smile. “Care to race, my pharaoh?”
“Definitely.” He snapped the reins and the horse took off. Mahad paused before urging his horse to catch up to Atem’s and the pair raced across the sand. The race ended when they arrived at an oasis where Atem had arrived first. There were plenty of trees for shade and a large clear pond. They tethered their horsed to a tree near the water so they could drink before settling down nearby. Atem breathed in the clear air before filling a container with water and taking a drink. All was peaceful and quiet and Atem felt himself relaxing and his restlessness faded somewhat. He glanced into the water, staring at his gold and purple eyes. He turned his head slightly and looked at his ears which were more pointed than they were three days ago.
Mahad also looked at Atem’s features. The ears weren’t as pointed as they had been last cycle but there were still several days to go. He had noticed that Seto’s eyes had a little gold to them. If he hadn’t seen the bite and Atem didn’t mention it, he wouldn’t have known Seto was a werewolf until now.
He saw Atem look at his hands and he did too. “They haven’t grown out yet, pharaoh.”
“No, but they will eventually. I noticed that Seto’s first sign has surfaced. Gold and blue suit him.”
“I think gold and purple suit you. Pharaoh, I was worried when you changed and attacked. I feared you would kill him.”
“I…nearly did until you called out. I was aware of where I was, what I was doing, and what I was thinking. I still can’t believe I had thought of killing him.”
“It is all right. He is in the dungeon for attempted assault on you and you have control of your change, save for the full moon.”
“You’re right.” Atem leaned against a tree and fell into a light doze.
Chapter Nine- Criminal Roundup
Atem and Mahad rode back hours later, their horses alternating between walk and quick trots. After the light doze, Atem had that excess energy again and Mahad encouraged him to duel to expel it. Priest and pharaoh engaged in a fast and furious duel until both were worn out, neither aiming to win, they just wanted to expend Atem’s energy. The young pharaoh felt a lot better and concluded that dueling someone would be a good way to solve his restlessness.
They had reached the top of a dune where they had an excellent view of the city when Mahad’s item blazed to life, all points aimed and quivering at the city and Mahad gasped in pain. “Criminal activity,” he panted. “All…over the place. My pharaoh, return to the palace while I assist in rounding up the evildoers.”
Atem nodded as they raced into the city. He couldn’t believe the number of criminals in the few short hours they had been gone. He needed to make sure none of them had penetrated the palace. He raced for the doors that had guards on either side. They opened the doors for him when he swept back his hood to reveal his hair and crown. He dismounted and as a guard led the horse away, he heard a terrified scream coming from the city. The scream spoke of fear and terror and it tore at his heart.
“My pharaoh, you need to head for safety,” a guard said.
“No. I must protect the people.” Atem ran out the door toward the scream that had sounded near the palace walls. He turned a corner to see a woman clutching two children to her while two men loomed above her with sacks and swords in their hands. Robbers, Atem thought.
“Leave them alone,” he commanded.
The men turned to him and a flicker of fear showed in their eyes. “The pharaoh,” one of them said. His eyes roved up and down the young man still in a plain robe. “Hn, I thought you would look more impressive somehow.”
Atem pulled off the robe, revealing his clothes. “Better?” he quipped.
The men’s eyes roved over the fancy clothes and the gold jewelry adorning him and greedy grins spread across their faces. “Oh yes,” said the only one who had spoken. “We’ll take your gold and whatever the woman has.” He jerked his thumb at their original victim.
“You will do neither,” Atem declared as his eyes turned gold and fur spread over him. A desire to protect his subjects had risen up inside him and he invoked his conscious change. His change to wolf occurred faster than last time and soon he was growling at the men threateningly. They backed up several steps while Atem advanced. The werewolf pharaoh snapped his jaws at them and they took off, screaming in fear which amused him. Atem dropped his threatening manner as he looked at the woman and her children. “Are any of you hurt?” he asked.
The woman shook her head before saying, “P-Pharaoh?”
“Yes. I was cursed as a werewolf a cycle ago and recently learned that I can take this form outside of the full moon. I won’t hurt you.”
The woman tentatively stretched out her hand palm up and Atem slid his chin into it. He felt her fingers scratched the fur and he let out a whine and swished his tail. She smiled at his reaction. “Thank you for saving us,” she said.
“I could do no less,” he said once she pulled her hand back. “I can escort you home. There are still other criminals out there.”
“I would like that.” Atem led the way out before walking her and her children to her home. Once she and the children were safely inside, Atem proceeded to locate hidden crooks and scare them out of hiding and into the guards’ arms.
Mahad was a little confused. His Ring had been going crazy since entering the city, the points aiming in different directions. It still was, but the glow had diminished a little and the activity was becoming more localized. What further confused him was when criminals were running up to them and allowing themselves to be arrested. Why are they acting like this and why do they seem so scared? He looked up the street to see a wolf dashing into a side path. Ah, I see. The pharaoh changed again and he’s helping us round them up. As none are hurt, I’m guessing he’s using scare tactics. He couldn’t just stay safe when he could help. He strode toward where he saw Atem disappear. He heard a pained yelp and quickened his pace into the path to see an awful sight.
Atem laid on his side, a slash on his left foreleg. A man stood nearby a sword in his hand and some blood on the blade. The man saw Mahad and started toward him, sword at the ready. Atem growled at seeing the man advance and swished his tail into the man’s path causing him to trip. Mahad wasted no time jerking the sword out of his grip before summoning guards to take the man. As the guards did so, Mahad tossed the sword aside and crouched by Atem to examine the wound.
Blood welled up from the cut and Atem whined from the pain. Mahad tore some cloth from his robes and wrapped it around the leg before lifting Atem and heading back to the palace. “You’ll be all right,” Mahad soothed. “It’s not deep, but you shouldn’t try to walk on it.”
“You’re right. You’re not mad that I didn’t stay in the palace, are you.” It was a statement, not a question.
“No. You were a big help in scaring them out of hiding.” He entered the palace, brought Atem to his room, and then left to get the palace physician to tend to Atem’s leg.
Mahad entered the Throne Room about fifteen minutes later to meet with Siamun and the other guardians. “Mahad, you called us here saying it was urgent,” Shada said.
“Where is the pharaoh?” Isis asked. “The two of you left this morning.”
“We came back to see the city being robbed by criminals. I sent the pharaoh back here, but he didn’t stay. He had changed again and was scaring criminals out of hiding, except the last one he found. The man attacked him.”
There were gasps and Siamun said, “He’s hurt?”
Mahad nodded. “A slash to a foreleg, but it’s not deep. He will be all right.”
Atem had fallen asleep after being tended to but woke when he heard knocking. He yawned before saying, “Enter.” He looked over to see Seto enter and approach the bed, his eyes focused on the bandage. “Mahad told us what happened. You wished to help.”
Atem nodded. “There was a robbery being attempted right near the palace walls and I just couldn’t ignore it when I could put a stop to it.”
“I am not disagreeing with your decision. Any of us would have done the same thing. It sounds like you helped a lot.”
Atem nodded. “It felt great sniffing out the ones hiding and growling at them,” he said proudly. “It was amusing to watch them beg the guards to arrest them.”
Seto smiled in amusement at the thought. “And yet you were injured.”
“Yes and I’m honestly surprised I wasn’t hurt earlier. The robbery I stopped first. Both men had swords and yet when I changed and growled at them, they fled without attacking.”
“That is surprising, but then most criminals are cowards.”
Atem tilted his head. “Seto, did your eyes get more gold today? It’s a little more noticeable than it was this morning.”
“They did. I was surprised at that. There are still several days to go until the full moon.”
“Indeed. My ears are pointed but not as much as last time. I know they will be by the full moon.” Atem yawned and Seto bowed.
“I will let you get some rest, my pharaoh. Good night.”
“Thank you, Seto. Good night.” Seto left, closing the door behind him and Atem drifted back to sleep.
Seto sat on his bed and stared out into the night. The pharaoh had changed for the second time in the span of a few days. The first time took everyone by surprise, Atem included. He discovered that between cycles he could change, the catch being he was stuck as a wolf until the following dawn. But as he could talk and had control and awareness of his body and surroundings, it was an acceptable price to pay.
And in several days, both of us will change and think like ordinary wolves. I look forward to finally being a werewolf physically. I have gold/blue eyes right now, but more signs will show and some will persist during the day of the cycle. After that, I’ll be able to change when I want and be aware the entire time.
Chapter Ten- Full Cycle
Seto held up his hands to stare at his long, pointed nails. His gold eyes looked out at him from the mirror as he put his hat on, concealing his slightly pointed ears. It was the day of the first full moon and his ears were beginning to develop points. Atem already had the eyes and ears while the nails were starting to grow. He swept from his room to head for the Throne Room; the next three days’ business would be light due to the full moon.
Atem’s fingers ran along the edge of his ears feeling the long points before glancing at the nails starting to grow. Seto already has his claw-like nails, but his ears are starting to gain points while I have the opposite. We both have gold eyes, though. He lowered his hands as he entered the Throne Room. There were hours to go before sunset and much business to do even though it was lighter than usual. The punishing of the robbers ended a couple of days ago. It had been amusing when the ones who had seen his transformation were brought up. They looked fearfully at him as if expecting him to change and kill them. Atem merely looked on as they were judged, had the darkness within extracted and sealed before being released as they didn’t actually succeed in robbing anyone. The other criminals weren’t as fortunate, particularly the one who had injured him. The court had informed him that the wolf he attacked had been the pharaoh and that he would be imprisoned for his crime after being judged. So, it was done. This day no patrols were done, but palace security was discussed and tightened.
At last, it was sunset and Atem adjourned court before he and Seto followed Mahad down to the dungeons. The setup looked as it did last time except there were two bowls of food and water set on opposite sides of the cell and there were more pillows and linens too. Mahad unlocked the door and Atem led the way in. Seto followed and he heard the door close and lock.
“I will see you in the morning,” Mahad said.
“Good night,” Atem called as Mahad left. He put pillows and sheets near the bowls close to the locked door. All set, he thought happily as he was comfortable being a werewolf despite the anger he had experienced last cycle. He looked over at Seto to see that he seemed nervous and excited. “Seto?” he asked.
Seto turned to the door and gripped one of the bars. “I feel like a prisoner, a criminal.”
“You’re not. This is for our safety and everyone else’s too. Mahad put a spell on the door and bars to make them unbreakable. I doubt two werewolves could ram open a magically enforced cell door.”
“That’s reassuring.” Seto removed his hat and Atem saw that his brown hair had turned a darker shade of gray. He saw Atem looking at his head and smiled. “My hair’s not brown, is it?”
“Correct. It’s gray, but a little darker.” A burning sensation was then felt along his body and he saw his fur growing out. He went to his hands and knees and watched his hands and nails form paws and claws. He came to a realization as his muscles grew and his legs and feet changed: He felt no pain. I guess those lessons really paid off or maybe I adjusted to the changes thanks to the conscious ones. He heard Seto groan and yell in pain. Okay, definitely the latter.
Seto fell to his knees as pain shot through his body. He gripped his arms where the bite had occurred and saw his nails hardening into claws before his right hand formed a paw. He planted it on the floor and it was followed by the left paw. His hair turned to fur that spread over his body. His pointed ears formed into wolf ones and travelled upwards. He groaned and yelled as his muscles enlarged and he gained back legs and paws. This is awful and painful. Wait…the pharaoh is quiet. His conscious changes probably helped him feel no pain. He felt a tail grow and a muzzle appeared before he howled and felt his mind become a wolf’s mind. Anger flooded his mind upon realizing he was confined. He growled at being trapped but than a howl and low growl caught his attention: He wasn’t alone. He looked at the other end of the cell to see another wolf that was a little smaller than him and gray fur that was lighter than his own. Despite his bigger size, something told him that the smaller wolf was the dominant one. He slunk to the bowls of food and water nearby; his stomach felt empty and he was famished. Once his hunger and thirst were satisfied, he proceeded to pace his side of the cell until he grew tired and curled up on the pillows before falling asleep.
Atem awoke to find himself sprawled over his pillows. He rolled himself to a sitting position to see Seto curled up on his pillows, his hair brown again. That must mean his senses are enhanced now. He closed his eyes to think back on his emotions and senses. He recalled smelling another wolf and when he locked eyes with the bigger one, a feeling of dominance was felt.
He opened his eyes and blinked at what he had picked up. I’m the more dominant wolf? That would mean whatever I chose to do, Seto would follow my lead. If I chose to attack him, he would either fight back or allow me to injure or kill him. No, Seto’s too strong-willed to let himself be attacked without fighting back.
A stir caught his attention and he looked to see Seto uncurl and sit up, his gold/blue eyes blinking sleepily before focusing on Atem. “Good morning, my pharaoh.”
“Seto. Tell me: Do you recall anything last night?”
“Just anger and a vague feeling of submissiveness.”
“I see. I recalled anger as well and a feeling of dominance. It would seem that I’m the dominant wolf of the two of us.”
“That makes sense as you are the pharaoh and I am a priest. I noticed that you were silent during the change.”
“I felt no pain and concluded that it’s because I’ve changed between moons.”
“So, I have to endure two more nights of pain before I could reduce it by changing between moons.”
“So it would seem,” came Mahad’s voice as he came up to the cell and unlocked it. He looked both over as Seto retrieved his hat and followed Atem out. Both had dual-colored eyes and long nails but looked normal otherwise.
Seto inhaled and wrinkled his nose slightly. The dungeon smelled awful. I didn’t notice it last night. Have my senses improved just as the pharaoh’s has? I remember overhearing him mention sharper senses and the smell I just picked up would confirm that I have sharper senses as well. I do like being a werewolf despite the memory gaps. I look forward to when I consciously change. Perhaps the pharaoh and I can do things together as wolves one day. But first, we have two full moon nights to get through. Atem looked back at him and a feeling of kinship was shared between them. A kinship forged by the light of the full moon.