Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Part One
Atem rolled on top of Seto, smiling at his priest with loving eyes. He had been drawn to the young man’s looks for weeks now, but it hadn’t started that way. He had originally been intrigued by Seto’s intelligence and decided to spend time with him in order to form a friendship and understand his thoughts. He learned what drove the man, how he viewed strength, and why he was attracted to it. Atem understood Seto’s desire, but chose to show him that there were other things just as important. Gradually, Seto came to appreciate all life had to offer and embraced the concept of love and kindness which Atem had in spades.
Seto had been honored when the pharaoh wanted to be closer than pharaoh and priest. He knew Atem and Mahad were good friends and he often felt jealous of that. So, when Atem offered friendship, he jumped at the chance. The two of them began spending time talking about whatever they chose, understanding what was important to the other. Both cared about the city, protecting the people, and insuring peace and keeping the darkness at bay. They would duel one another to improve their skills with Atem always winning, but it didn’t bother Seto; he improved with each practice which encouraged Atem to improve as well.
It was after one such practice that their friendship bloomed into romance. Atem narrowly won this match and he looked blearily at Seto as he panted. His priest was on his hands and knees also panting, his hat having fallen off at the last attack. Seto’s bangs fell onto his forehead as he looked at the pharaoh with satisfaction. The expression on his face combined with his hair made Atem’s heart beat faster. Gods, I think I’m in love. Atem stood and headed over to Seto.
“That…was our best…duel ever, my pharaoh,” Seto commented as he pushed himself onto his knees.
“Indeed. You have improved greatly,” Atem agreed, crouching down.
“Thank you.” He looked into Atem’s eyes and his heart skipped a beat. Gods, he’s very handsome. I think I’m falling for him.
Atem cupped Seto’s chin before leaning forwards and capturing Seto’s lips in a loving kiss. Seto’s eyes widened at the display and continued to widen as Atem continued to give a series of kisses. When he finally stopped, Seto blinked and smiled at the unspoken meaning of the kisses. “I love you too, my pharaoh.”
“You can address me without the title when we’re alone. I would enjoy hearing you say my name.”
“Of course, my- I mean, Atem.”
From that point on, the pair started spending even more time together, becoming almost inseparable. It was several weeks after their confessions that Atem made another bold move.
Seto had entered Atem’s chambers to bid him good night and kiss him as well; something they had been doing since they confessed. The pharaoh came up to him, sliding his arms around Seto’s waist. Seto responded by leaning down and sharing a couple of kisses. “Good night, Atem. Sleep well.”
Atem smiled as he backed up and then took both of Seto’s hands in his own, pulling the taller man toward his bed. Seto gasped at this turn of events before saying, “Atem, are you sure of this?”
“I am. We’ve been together for weeks now and it seems only right that we sleep in the same bed.” He pulled back the covers before sliding into bed and pulling Seto in. The priest slid in and once both were lying down, Atem snuggled into Seto’s chest and laid his head on the brunette’s shoulder. Seto smiled as he held Atem close.
Now it was two weeks later and Atem and Seto had just slept naked for the first time, celebrating Atem’s sixteenth birthday. Atem enjoyed the feeling of his skin against Seto’s and his head resting on the hard chest muscles. Seto loved the feel of Atem lying on top of him. His fingers ran up the spiky hair and Atem murmured in contentment. Seto continued to finger the hair until Atem fell asleep. His warm body on him lulled Seto to sleep.
Seto and Atem kissed passionately when they woke the next morning. The love between them was clear and both knew that what they had was strong. However, they had to keep it secret. When out in public they were formal and business-like; among the court they were friendly like Atem was with Mahad. Mahad was pleased that Atem had another friend within the court. If Atem needed a friend and Mahad was occupied, it gave the magician comfort that Atem could turn to Seto.
Seto entered the Throne Room minutes before Atem and Siamun. The court bowed as the pharaoh passed and took his place. “Court meeting is now open!” Siamun announced.
Atem nodded at Mahad. “How is city security?”
“The city is peaceful. Criminal activity is almost non-existent. Palace security is also good as are the tombs.”
“Indeed,” Siamun piped in. “For you have a duty to attend to, pharaoh and now is the perfect time.”
“Yes. You are sixteen and now is the time for you to choose your future wife.”
“Wife?” Atem repeated.
“Yes, pharaoh. You and I plus an escort of four guards will travel to a neutral kingdom where several hopefuls are gathering, waiting for you to choose one of them.”
“When do we make this journey?”
“Tomorrow after dawn.”
Atem felt surprise, but didn’t let it show. “All right, then. So, who will run the kingdom while I’m away?”
“That’s easy. Your entire sacred court,” Siamun said, sweeping an arm in their direction. All six bowed in response.
Atem gave a small smile. “Then, the city is in good hands.” His eyes swept the court but they lingered on Seto and a flash of misery was shared between them.
“Why didn’t we think of this?” Seto lamented. “Why didn’t we consider that you would eventually wed?”
“I simply didn’t consider that possibility,” Atem admitted. “Still, I don’t like it. I love you, Seto. I can’t imagine being with anyone else.”
“I feel the same way, but it would seem our relationship is over. You are expected to marry and choosing me is not an option.”
“You want to end it, Seto?”
“I don’t want to, Atem but it seems there’s no choice.”
“Let’s not give up hope. There’s a chance that I won’t choose anyone.”
“Yes, there is that possibility. Just promise me you won’t reject them all because of me. If you feel attraction for one, get to know her. If you feel it’s a match, go for it. I just want you to be happy.”
“I know you do. Everyone wants me to be happy but by the same token, I have to make the people happy. Marriage provides hope of continuing the family line.”
“Yes. That is the most important duty you must fulfill as pharaoh.”
“True. All right, Seto. I promise to give these hopefuls a chance to win a place at my side. I won’t reject them all because of you.”
Seto nodded. “That’s all I ask.”
That night, Atem insisted Seto sleep with him. “This could be our last time. Let’s have one last romantic time.”
Seto nodded and, as they shed their clothes and climbed into bed, he considered how true Atem’s statement was. This was their last time. I don’t care that Atem says not to lose hope, but it’s hopeless. He will marry another and my heart will be broken forever. I’m sorry, Atem but our time together is over. Seto rolled away from Atem and shed silent tears.
Part Two
Seto laid in bed watching Atem dress before getting up and doing the same. Once Seto was dressed, Atem went to him and hugged him. Seto folded his arms around Atem and held him. “Have a safe trip,” he said.
“Thank you. Seto, I still love you.”
“I still love you too,” he answered as he released Atem and followed him to the gate where Siamun and four guards waited. Seto stood with the rest of the court as Atem left with his entourage. When the gate closed, Aknadin led everyone to the Throne Room and took their places out of habit.
“Now, let us get to business. Mahad, is all still peaceful?”
“Yes, Master Aknadin. The Ring is quiet.”
“Seto, are all the tablets safe and undamaged?”
Seto didn’t answer, his thoughts on Atem.
“Master Seto!” Aknadin snapped.
Seto jerked himself back to the meeting. “I’m sorry, Master Aknadin.”
“The tablets.”
“All present, safe, and undamaged.”
Aknadin briefly gave Seto a look for his inattentiveness before continuing. “As the pharaoh and Siamun are not here to handle any matter that comes up, I suggest we switch off in shifts with two of us here at all times.” He received nods all around. “Good, well I volunteer for the first shift. Who’s with me?”
Seto stepped forward. “I will join you, Master Aknadin.”
“Kalim and I will relieve you in a few hours,” Shada offered.
“Agreed. Court dismissed.” The court dispersed, save for Seto and Aknadin who took up positions on either side of the steps. Seto maintained a look of attentiveness, but his eyes were unfocused and his thoughts dwelled on Atem again.
Atem listened half-heartedly as Siamun provided commentary of the kingdom before starting in on the young ladies awaiting his arrival. He kept dwelling on Seto and his marriage. Why do I have to marry a woman? Why can’t I marry whomever I want?
“Siamun, what do the laws state pertaining to marriage?” Atem asked at one point, cutting off his comments.
“Uh, what do you want to know?”
“I want to know about marriage partners. Does it have to be a woman?”
“Of course. An heir cannot be born between two men nor can there be two pharaohs. Why do you ask?”
“Just wondering. Thank you for answering.”
“That’s what I’m here for.”
Seto stared blankly at the page without taking any of it in. He saw Atem and beside him was a shadowy woman: The pharaoh and his future wife. The image was torture and Seto felt tears well up and gave a groan of pain. I love Atem so much that the idea of him married to another hurts. I must forget my love for him. He must marry a woman and I must dedicate myself to serving him and her.
The young priest’s tears instantly dried up as Mahad and Isis sat across from him. He quickly pulled himself together. “Mahad, Isis,” he said neutrally.
“Seto, something is wrong,” Mahad said. “We heard you groan.”
“I just miss the pharaoh,” Seto admitted.
“Understandable,” Isis said. “It makes sense to miss one’s friend.”
Seto longed to admit he was in love with Atem, but kept it to himself. Instead he said, “I also think the pharaoh’s too young to marry and shouldn’t marry someone he doesn’t love.”
“The law states that the pharaoh must at least choose his future wife when he turns sixteen.”
“But marrying someone he won’t love?”
“The engagement will give them time to know and love each other.”
Seto groaned again; hearing it was just as bad as thinking it.
Mahad and Isis exchanged looks. Seto was being overly emotional instead of his usual cold demeanor. He seemed to be taking the news of Atem’s impending marriage rather hard. “Seto, what is wrong? You seem to be taking all of this harder than the rest of us.”
Seto simply shook his head; the image of Atem and his mysterious wife still burned in his mind. I can’t take it. I just can’t.
Isis said gently, “Seto, we’d like to be your friend and help you. Whatever is troubling you, we’d like to help.”
“The pharaoh can’t marry. He doesn’t want to.”
“Why would that be?” Mahad asked.
“Because he loves me,” Seto blurted out before both hands flew to his mouth.
“You!?” Isis gasped.
Seto lowered his hands and nodded. “Yes, we’ve been together for weeks. He doesn’t want to choose another because of me. I told him not to reject all the hopefuls because of me. I encouraged him to choose one as I’m not an option. I just want him to be happy and provide the kingdom with a future ruler. Again, that can’t happen with me.” Seto looked down and breathed a sigh of relief at getting his secret out in the open. He felt better about confiding in Mahad and Isis.
“Seto, we’re glad you told us.” Mahad said.
“I feel better having told you two. I want to stop loving Atem; I’ve all but ended the relationship. But, just this morning I told him I still love him and he told me the same.” Seto was aware he had spoken Atem’s name, but didn’t care as the truth was now out there.
“You both are deeply in love,” Mahad said as Isis drifted to a bookcase.
Seto nodded. “We shouldn’t be, but hopefully Atem will fall for another and I will focus on serving both.”
“There is another solution,” Isis said, sliding an open scroll in front of Seto.
He blinked at the scroll, not taking any of it in and then up at the priestess. “What solution?”
“You could turn yourself into a woman.”
Seto gasped. “Me? A woman?”
Isis tapped the scroll. “This contains a spell to switch one’s gender and a counter spell to reverse it. Here’s what I suggest: During your off duty time, you become a woman to get comfortable with it. When the pharaoh returns, you could surprise him but only if he hasn’t chosen.”
“Yes. If he has chosen, then I don’t surprise him and deal with my heartache.”
“If he hasn’t chosen,” Isis pressed. “He’ll be able to choose you as you’ll have a female form. Plus a kiss from him while you’re female will keep you a woman for life.”
Seto’s eyes lit up at this scenario. “Permanent womanhood with a kiss? Isis, that’s perfect.”
“Have you and the pharaoh kissed in the past?”
Seto nodded. “He initiated it first and it wasn’t just one.” He smiled at the memory.
Mahad was amazed at what he was hearing. Seto’s friendship with the pharaoh had become love and neither wanted to be with anyone else. Isis’ idea is perfect. “You could cast the spell now as you don’t have to go back on duty until tomorrow.”
“Yes,” Seto said. “Isis, will you assist me in being a woman until you go on duty?”
“Of course, Priest Seto.”
Seto studied the spell and smiled at her as he stood. “That will soon be Priestess Seto.”
Part Three
Seto stared at her reflection in amazement. The spell had softened her sharp features and gave a softness to her normally hard blue eyes. Her slim fingers traced the curves of her face feeling the softness of the skin and her altered facial structure. Her eyes trailed down to her ample chest and the rest of her elegant body shape. The spell had not altered her height but it did alter her robes to accommodate her body. She ran a hand down her brown hair that flowed down to her waist. Her full lips curled into a smile as she took in the overall effect.
“You are a lovely woman, Seto,” Isis remarked.
“I do like what I see,” she admitted. Her fingers strayed to her throat in response to hearing her voice. Her cheeks grew hot as she thought, You knew your voice would sound different so it shouldn’t have been a surprise. She quickly reined in her embarrassment.
Isis smiled as Seto’s cheeks turned red at hearing her new voice. It really matched the young woman she had become and felt the pharaoh would really like Seto’s female form and would be flattered that Seto would willingly change gender so they could stay together. She saw Seto’s cheeks go back to normal and sensed she was burying her emotions.
“Seto, don’t conceal your emotions. It is normal for women to be more emotional than men. And you were being emotional in the library.”
Seto exhaled slowly. “You’re right. Expressing my emotions does not come easily.” “That’s why I suggested you spend most of your time as a woman. The longer you’re a woman, the more comfortable you’ll be in form, emotions, and thinking.”
“Makes sense and if Atem hasn’t chosen and kisses me, I will have already adjusted.” She turned from the mirror and almost lost her balance. Isis caught her before she fell. “What the-?” She straightened up and took another step, swaying a little. My center of balance is off. Why…oh. Of course. My chest has more weight now and I need to compensate for that./?i>
Mahad knocked on Seto’s door some time later. “Isis, it’s our turn.” The door opened enough for Isis to slip out before closing it again. “How is Seto doing?” he asked as they walked.
“Fair enough. She’s a lovely woman, Mahad. She had to regain her balance and I’m encouraging her to express emotions. We were doing that when you knocked. She promised to keep at it.”
Mahad smiled slightly. “It is strange to hear you refer to Seto as she. Your suggestion to her problem is perfect. Now, we just have to hope the pharaoh does not fall for another.”
Seto was seated on the edge of her bed, her hands on her lap, and eyes closed. Isis had been coaching her in letting go of her emotional control. Seto found this difficult to do. When Isis first suggested this, Seto had shaken her head. “I can’t do that,” she had said. “I spent my whole life containing them and as a priest, that is necessary.”
“Yes,” Isis had said. “Two things, Seto? One, you’re a woman right now. Two, you’re a priestess, not a priest. In this form, emotional control is not as necessary. Besides, you might be my queen one day. What could be better for emotional display then being queen?”
Seto had smiled then. “You’re correct. I’m a woman and a priestess right now. I will try to let some control go for now and gradually do so every time I change to female.”
“That will do.”
So, emotion-wise I have already displayed love and sadness as a man. That’s a start, but I think I need to show them in a more obvious way. For example, actually crying when sad. She felt herself smile again and realized that she was smiling more since she cast the spell. I enjoy smiling for no reason than just doing so.
Seto slept as a woman and when she awoke, cast the counter spell, and looked in the mirror: Male. He left his room and met up with Mahad and Isis. He wanted to smile but felt his old habits take hold again and simply nodded. Seto felt less distracted during the meeting and as he started his day’s shift. Things were again peaceful and it afforded Seto time to think about his woman training and his pharaoh. I wonder if Atem’s fallen for one of the hopefuls.
Atem sighed to himself as he and Siamun dined with the pharaoh and his queen. He had spent a couple of hours yesterday before dinner with one of the young ladies. It was insisted by his host that Atem meet his potential wife in a place called The Courting Room. He put his best foot forward while talking to her, even though he desperately wanted to sleep after a long journey. He found her polite, respectful, and a stickler for protocol. She kept calling him pharaoh and when he requested being called by name, she politely refused saying such familiarity should only be between married couples. He agreed, though he thought that didn’t have to be so. He decided he didn’t like her and told Siamun as he was the one who handled bringing the girls to him and breaking the bad news. I hope I don’t have to give Seto bad news when I return home. I won’t break my promise to him, but I hope I don’t choose another.
Seto left the Throne Room and headed for his room, eager to become female again. It had been awkward when he had first changed, which made sense but he gradually grew used to it as the day wore on. He got to his room to find not only Isis waiting outside, but Mahad as well.
“Isis said you were lovely, but didn’t elaborate,” Mahad replied at Seto’s questioning look.
“Ah. All right then.” Seto led the way in, removed his hat, and cast the spell again.
Mahad watched as white light flowed down Seto’s body, male becoming female. He looked from her softer blue eyes, to her long brown hair, slender limbs and torso, and her robes that adhered to her body. If I didn’t already love Isis, I could see myself attracted to Seto. She is absolutely beautiful.
Seto smirked at her friend’s awed reaction. “Stop staring, Mahad. Isis might get jealous,” she said, sounding amused.
Mahad smiled, also amused. “The pharaoh will love you like this. I hope he returns soon without a potential wife.”
Part Four
“The pharaoh returns!” a guard announced as he entered the Throne Room. The court exchanged looks of excitement and relief before rushing to greet him. It had been a long four days and everyone wanted to see if their future queen was with him. They exited the palace to see only Siamun, Atem, and the four guards. Atem smiled at them. “It is good to be home and see you all. Let us go inside to talk.”
As they followed him in, Isis whispered, “Seto, after the pharaoh shares his trip that would be a good time to surprise him.”
“What? In front of everyone?” The shock and fear were clear. Seto had completely let go of his emotional control and that was fortunate as it seemed Atem was unattached.
“Yes. Everyone will know eventually.”
“All right.”
Isis smiled. “You’re acting a lot like a woman.”
Seto smiled back. “That’s good as I will probably be one for good soon.” He had spent most of his time as a woman as planned and found he far preferred his female form. He continuously hoped Atem would not choose someone as he would love to stay female permanently.
Atem settled on his throne and took a moment to savor it before taking in his court, his gaze softening at Seto and Seto knew Atem still loved him. “Let me begin by saying again that I missed all of you. My host was friendly and I observed his traditions as a guest should. I met with, what was it Siamun? Seven girls?”
Siamun chuckled. “Five, my pharaoh.”
“Oh. All right, five girls. They were all pretty girls, polite, respectful but I didn’t like any of them…and I can’t take it anymore.” He stood with his head held high. “I have a confession to make. I am in love with another man.”
There was a collective gasp from all but three. “A man?” Siamun repeated. “Is that why you asked me that question about partners?”
“It is. My partner and I have been together for weeks and I now feel it is time it came out.” He looked at his beloved. “Priest Seto, please come forward.”
Seto advanced seeing disapproval from Aknadin, Kalim, and Shada. He stood before Atem who no longer was hiding his affection for him. “Seto, I kept my word to not reject the hopefuls, but none of them have what you have.”
“Pharaoh, this is unacceptable. There cannot be two pharaohs,” Siamun protested.
“He’s right,” Seto said. “But I have an answer and a surprise for you, my pharaoh.” Seto took off his hat, closed his eyes, and cast the gender spell one last time. He felt his body change as usual and heard gasps of surprise. Seto opened her eyes to see outright astonishment on Siamun’s face and shock on Atem’s.
“Seto?” Atem said at last.
Seto smiled at him. “I blurted out the truth to Mahad and Isis and Isis provided me with a spell to change gender as well as a counter spell. I would be willing to stay this way, if you will have me.”
Atem descended the steps, stopping on the last one to be almost eye level with Seto. His eyes looked her up and down before he put a hand on her cheek, feeling the softer skin. “Seto, I am flattered that you would do this so we can stay together.” His voice took on a loving tone as he said. “Oh, you are a beautiful woman. Of course, I will have you.” He pulled her down slightly and gave her several loving kisses and Seto felt a tingle go through her. I think that was the spell becoming permanent. I am now a woman for life. Atem finally stopped and Seto said softly, “By kissing me while I’m in this form, I am now female for good.”
Atem smiled at this. “Perfect,” he told her. Raising his voice, he said, “Priestess Seto, may I take you for my consort and future queen?”
“Yes, my pharaoh. I would be honored to be your consort.”
Isis and Mahad clapped as Atem beamed at Seto’s answer. He knew she would have accepted, but had wanted to do it right.
Atem sat naked in bed as Seto removed her clothes. She stood naked before him, allowing him to openly admire her before sliding into bed next to him. Atem stroked her hair lovingly. “I still can’t believe you did this, but I absolutely love it.”
Seto snuggled up to him. “I look forward to officially being married. This is a dream come true.” She yawned and fell asleep as Atem pulled her closer to him and fell asleep beside his future wife and queen.