Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Chapter One- The Mission
Joey shivered as he surfaced. Why does The Transition have to happen in winter and why am I the one to find those who are supposed to be merpeople? He swam across the icy surface toward a ramp where humans launched their boats into the water. He climbed up the ramp, using the low banister to pull himself away from the water. Once he was clear of the water, his green and white tail split into legs and an outfit appropriate to the weather appeared: Blue jeans, a fleece-lined sweatshirt, a heavily-lined coat with gloves and a hat in the inside pocket, socks, and winter boots.
Joey sighed in relief at the warm clothes covering his body as he climbed to his feet and put on the gloves and hat. He pulled the collar of his coat up as he walked across the deserted pier and into the town where humans bustled along the sidewalk or drove past in cars. Joey directed his feet into a coffee shop, bought a hot chocolate with money from a wallet in his pocket, and sat at a table that gave him a good view of the people outside.
I know why I was chosen, he thought, carefully sipping his drink. I was told that I’m old enough to wed and that the one who is my match is in this city. Truthfully, Joey was thrilled that the human he would wed was in the city. He wondered if it was a woman or a man, what he or she looked like, and what they were like. I hope he or she doesn’t have much of a family as he or she would have to leave them. That’d be rough though they could be human and visit…eventually.
He gazed at the passersby. Those who would become merpeople would send a tingle through Joey as soon as he saw them and their image would become locked in his mind; if it was his mate, his heart would pound in addition to the tingle. Once I find someone, I need to approach them and inform them of their change. I will impress upon them that they must get their affairs settled before touching seawater otherwise they would have to wait a year before they could be human to conclude their business. A human meant to transition would be able to touch seawater before a merperson sees them on land. So, once a destined human is seen by me today, they can’t touch seawater before they’re ready. I’ll need to make that clear too. They may not believe me but I can prove it by taking them to a pet store where they will find that they can talk to water creatures. That ability is all that is needed to convince them but I will change in front of them to really prove it.
The door opened and a tingle went through him. His eyes went to the door to see a pretty blond teenage girl wearing a uniform drift behind the counter and into a door. Ah, she works here. Perfect. Hmm, she’s not my mate. Too bad; she’s beautiful. Joey waited until she was on duty and not busy before he sidled over to the counter and sat on one of the stools.
“What can I get for you, hun?” she asked with a charming smile. Joey saw her name tag said, “Mai.”
“I’d settle for being friends. I’m Joey.” He held out his hand.
Mai took the hand. “You’re a forward one, aren’t you?”
“Actually, I like making friends quickly. So, Mai, tell me about yourself.”
Mai and Joey talked in between busy streaks and Joey liked what he learned. He was careful to not say he was a merman and when Mai asked Joey to hang out with her the next day, he immediately accepted and they planned to have lunch at one of Mai’s favorite cafes. Joey smiled as he left. He had found a teen who would become a mermaid! My first day of searching and I already found someone. Not bad. I thought I’d be searching for days. He headed back to the pier, deciding to take his time looking to locate the café and pet store. He had a date with Mai and knew without a doubt that the pet store would be on their list of places to go. I plan to reveal her destiny to her over lunch and, of course, I’ll need to prove it.
Joey was soon racing down the ramp to head home. He leaped and splashed into the water, his clothes vanishing and his legs becoming a tail again. He kicked his tail in quick bursts before heading off to his city. He loved his home as it had many of the same stores humans did. Of course there were no pet stores or clothing stores which made sense, but there were a lot of accessory stores. It was in one of those stores- one selling buckles and cuffs- that he found his friend, Atem, working. He smiled as Joey swam in. “Joey. I thought I wouldn’t see you today.”
“Yeah, well, I found someone who will be a mermaid and we’re gonna hang out tomorrow. That’s when I’ll tell her everything.”
“One on your first day? That’s impressive. Most spend days looking before they find one.”
“That one being their mate. Some of those who search only look for their intended and that’s it.”
“That’s true. So, I’m guessing this girl isn’t your intended.”
“How can ya tell?”
“If she was, you would be swimming about ceaselessly. That is a sign when one finds their match. I did that when I found Yugi to be my mate.”
Joey grinned at the memory. Not every merperson is matched to a human. Most found their match among the merpeople. The urge to find his or her match surfaces when one turns sixteen. Joey, Yugi, and Atem all grew up together. Joey and Yugi got their urges that fizzled out after a month of getting the urge, but when Atem recently turned sixteen, his urge drew him to Yugi whose urge re-surfaced and he was drawn to Atem. Neither said anything; instead they hugged and kissed, their tails intertwined. Joey knew he would find the human he would wed and when he or she became a merperson, they would hug, kiss, and intertwine tails as Yugi and Atem did. I will find my match, even if it takes weeks or years.
Kaiba growled as he looked at the stocks website. This is not good, he thought. Not good at all. He heard a knock. “Come in,” he said and he looked up to see his little brother, Mokuba, enter.
“Seto? What’s wrong?” he asked, taking notice of his brother’s bearing.
“The stocks are still falling,” Kaiba said irritably.
Mokuba frowned and nodded. Yeah, that is a concern. “Will the project you’re working on bring them up?”
“No. The project was stolen.”
“What!?” The head of the project was lured away by our top rival and he took the project with him.”
“That’s awful.”
Kaiba thudded a fist on the desk in anger. “We only hire the best people to work for us and yet our rival lures them away with incentives we can’t give them. We still have employees and customers loyal to us, but if our stocks keep falling…” Kaiba sighed. “I may have to sell the company.”
“Sell it? But, what would we do if you do that?”
“Perhaps work for the one who buys it or maybe for our rival.”
Kaiba managed a small smile. “But maybe we’ll rise again and it won’t be a concern.” He stood and gathered his work. “Let’s head home, little brother.”
“Okay, Seto.” Mokuba followed behind his brother, looking carefree but inwardly he was worried, though not as much as his brother. He had grown comfortable with the level of luxury he enjoyed. The idea of losing that scared him and he couldn’t imagine living in a smaller house or an apartment. But if we can’t keep stocks from falling, we may have to.
Both brothers climbed into the limo and Kaiba stared out the window as the vehicle drove to their home. Kaiba ran his recent run of bad luck through his mind: The stolen products, the loss of employees, and the falling stocks. All could be blamed on the rival company’s president, Zigfried.
He’s working to cause the collapse of my company…and he’s succeeding. If I don’t do something soon, the stocks will fail and I’ll be forced to file for bankruptcy and sell the remains of the company and Mokuba and I will be homeless until I can get a job. He suppressed a moan. The situation seemed hopeless, but he wasn’t going to give up without a fight.
Chapter Two- Intended Found
Joey surfaced the next day and eagerly climbed out. He looked forward to spending time with Mai and revealing her destiny. Once his clothes had appeared, he got to his feet and headed for the café Mai had described to him when he had admitted to being a tourist and which he had found after wandering for a little yesterday. He didn’t give a hotel address and knew that probably seemed suspicious. Ah, well, she’ll find out why soon enough. He walked down the sidewalk and saw the blonde outside the café, looking around; most likely looking for him. “Mai!” he called, waving his arm.
Mai turned and smiled. “Hey, Joey,” she said once he was closer. “I’m glad you found the place.”
“So am I. I have a couple of places I’d like us to go to.”
“Like what?”
“Well, the pet store for one. I might decide to get a pet.” The two walked in and grabbed a table, once they had gotten their food.
“Really?” She looked him up and down. “You seem like a cat person to me.”
“I do? Heh, I thought I was a fish person.”
“Maybe, but caring for a fish is expensive, more than a dog or cat.”
“True. That reminds me, do you have a pet Mai?”
“No, but I’d like one someday.”
“What’s stoppin’ ya?”
“It’s the city. Don’t get me wrong, I like people. I’ve always imagined myself living somewhere with wide open spaces in close proximity to a city with a pretty dog for company.”
“Wide open spaces, huh?”
Mai nodded. “Cities like this feel a bit…crowded. Sometimes it feels like the skyscrapers are closing in on me.”
“That’s how I feel sometimes.”
“Really, Joey?”
“Yeah. I prefer wide open spaces myself and that’s why I chose to live in the city I live in now. It’s spread out so no one feels crowded.”
“I’d love to see your city.”
“You can.”
“Really? When? I’ll ask for the time off.”
Joey sipped his soda. “Mai, the thing is, if you come to my city, you have to stay and live there.”
“Stay? What is it, a prison?”
“No, no. There’s a reason I said stay and live there.” He leaned forward and gestured for her to do the same. “Mai…I’m a merman.”
Mai blinked and laughed out loud, drawing scattered looks from other patrons. “You’re joking.”
“No, I’m not,” Joey said in a low voice. “I am a merman and you’ll be a mermaid.”
Mai laughed harder. “Me, a mermaid? That’s funny.”
“I’m serious,” Joey said angrily. “Look, some humans are destined to be merpeople and one special one is to be a mate. That person’s intended come to land to find him or her and anyone else who has that wavelength. Once the merperson locks eyes with such people, the humans must avoid contact with seawater until their affairs are settled.”
“And you’re saying I’m your intended?”
“No, I’m afraid not. It’s someone else and they live here. Mai, I can prove what I’m sayin’ is true. Merpeople can talk to fish and hear them speak. Actually, we can talk to any water creature.”
“Is that why you want to go to the pet store? To prove your claim?”
“It is. I also want to explain what my people call The Transition.”
“Well, let’s head to the pet store and see if it’s true.” Mai got up and Joey followed. He knew it was true and that Mai was humoring him. Once she hears the fish talk, she’ll believe me.
Kaiba gave a low roar of fury. The stocks were still falling and yet another employee resigned. The stocks are falling so fast that I’ll have no choice but to sell within probably a week, maybe week and a half. Kaiba turned away from his desk in disgust and looked out the window at the people on the sidewalk, all bundled up in their coats and yet happy to be alive. He felt jealous: Here he was trying to keep his company afloat and yet he couldn’t get any joy out of life. It must be nice to work without trying to keep a company alive.
“Mokuba,” he said, catching his brother’s attention from his homework. “Let’s leave early and walk home. Maybe some fresh air will inspire me on how to save the company.”
“Sure, big brother.” Mokuba put his work away and pulled on his coat as did Kaiba, and they left the office.
Meanwhile, Mai and Joey were in the pet store. They took their time getting to the fish tanks and, as they got closer, Joey could hear the fish speaking to each other and smiled at it. They entered the tank area and Joey automatically went to one and began to talk to them in a murmur. He glanced back to see Mai standing in the center, staring at a different tank with her mouth open. He went to her, having an idea of why she seemed shocked. “Mai?”
“I hear them,” she said in soft awe. “They’re talking the way you and I do.” She turned to Joey with a small smile. “All right, I believe you. You’re a merman and I’m a mermaid.”
“I knew you’d change your mind.”
“So, this Transition. What happens?”
“Mostly you have to get your affairs in order before touching ocean water otherwise you have to wait a year before you can be human again. As soon as you touch seawater, you’ll instantly change like I do.”
“I see. Could I see you change, Joey? It’ll give me an idea of what to expect.”
“Sure. Now, merpeople don’t have clothing stores and I’ve never been in one.”
Mai’s eyes lit up. “I love shopping, especially for clothes. Come on.” She took Joey by the arm and led him outside.
The sidewalk was full of people and Joey, still being pulled, felt himself bumping into people. He kept saying, “Sorry,” or “Excuse me.” The humans did nothing more than smile in a reassuring manner, seeing that he couldn’t help bumping into them. “Mai, could you let go so I can stop bumping into people?”
Instead, Mai pulled him closer to her. “Sorry, I get excited about clothes shopping and I don’t want to lose you in the crowd,” she said. The side-by-side walk helped to avoid other bumps…until a tall human bumped his shoulder hard and his cold voice said, “Watch where you’re going.”
Joey turned to snap at the man and when he looked up into his eyes, he felt that tingle and his heart pounded. He’s the one! Joey thought.
“Seto?” said a voice and Joey looked to see a boy behind the brunette and that tingle happened again.
“Coming, Mokuba,” the man called Seto said before turning and walking away.
Joey gaped after the pair and he didn’t move and speak until Mai said, “Joey? You okay?”
“Who are they?” he asked, sounding a bit breathless.
“They’re trouble. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with Kaiba.”
“Seto Kaiba and his little brother, Mokuba. Word says their company is failing and that puts Kaiba in a bad mood.”
“The company’s failing? That’s great.”
“It is?”
“He’s the one, Mai. He’s my intended!”
“You’re kidding.”
“No. When a merperson meets someone who can become a merman or mermaid, they feel a tingle and if it’s their match the heart will also pound. Both brothers caused me to feel that tingle and when I looked at Seto, my heart pounded.”
“Oh! So, they’ll both be mermen.”
Joey nodded, his eyes slightly glazed. Seto Kaiba. You and I are meant to be together and we will.
Chapter Three- Private Matter
Kaiba glanced back at the crowd that had swallowed up the blond he had bumped into. When he had locked eyes with him, Kaiba felt as if sparks had flown between them; the thing was, he couldn’t tell if they were love sparks or rival sparks. I wouldn’t mind meeting him again to determine which one it is, but I don’t even know his name.
“Seto? You okay?” Mokuba asked.
“I’m fine. I’m just curious about that boy I bumped into.”
“There’s something about him I can’t put my finger on and yet I want to see him again, even though I don’t know his name.”
“You intend to talk to him tomorrow?” Mai asked from the top of the launch ramp.
“Yeah. I’m sure I can find his office and, if not, I’ll ask for directions.” Joey was halfway down the ramp, the water slapping the edge.
Mai gazed at the ocean before saying, “I’ll be packing up my apartment, donating the stuff, breaking the lease, and quit my job all of which will take time.”
“Of course. Hopefully, I’ll be around when you’re ready.”
“You will if you camp out. Merpeople do camp, right?”
“Yeah, we do and I’ll do that.” Joey sat and slid forward; as soon as his legs touched the water, they merged into his tail. He slid fully into the water and turned to see Mai looking awed before smiling. “Green and white,” she said.
“Everyone has a dual-colored tail. One is white while the other is based on the person’s DNA.”
“Now I really want to change. I’m heading home to start packing before heading to work.” Mai walked away while Joey dove underwater.
He swam home, feeling elated and restless; the latter he knew was because he had found his match. He swam about as he headed for the city and met up with Yugi who was with Atem along the way. Joey spoke happily about how things went with Mai, aware of his ceaseless movement.
Yugi was also aware and smiled in amusement. “So, who’s the lucky human?”
“His name’s Seto Kaiba and he’s got a little brother who can also be a merman. Their Transition may be easier than Mai’s. Seto owns a company that’s failing.”
Atem shook his head. “A failing company is more complicated to tie up than what a normal human has to tie up.”
“He’s right,” Yugi said. “You plan to see him tomorrow?”
Joey nodded, still moving. “I’ll lay everything out to both of them so they can start taking care of business. Gee, maybe I should head home and figure out how to phrase it.” He swam off.
“I doubt he has to write it out,” Atem said. “It’s likely that he’ll speak from the heart.”
“But he doesn’t know Seto, so an outline of his words could be useful.”
“We didn’t need to as we’ve been friends for our whole lives.” Atem pulled Yugi toward him and his deep purple and white tail wrapped around Yugi’s light purple and white one. Yugi smiled and snuggled into Atem’s embrace.
Joey surfaced the next day and took human form before setting down the sidewalk, occasionally looking up at the taller buildings. He looked up as he waited at a crosswalk and saw an imposing building with the letters KC on it. KC, he thought. That K could stand for Kaiba. The light changed and Joey crossed over and approached the front doors that had the words, “Kaiba Corp” written in gold cursive. Yup, this is the place.
He entered and was blocked from going further by two men in black suits. “Uh, hi. I’m here to see Seto Kaiba.”
“Do you have an interview?” one asked.
I guess only interviewees and appointments can see him. “Yeah, I’m here for an interview,” he lied. The men parted and Joey went to the elevator. Don’t need proof? Seto must be desperate for employees.
Kaiba skimmed the applications that were spread across his desk with Mokuba also looking them over. These people are good. I’ll call them and set up interviews, Kaiba thought. A knock sounded and Kaiba looked up, confused. “Enter.” The door opened and Kaiba stared.
It was the blonde from yesterday! He locked eyes with him and he felt those sparks again which he was now able to identify as attraction, but certainly not love. Maybe he’s going to be a new friend. I don’t have many and Mokuba’s made me realize that I could use friends. “May I help you?” he asked.
Joey came up to the desk. “My name’s Joey and I want to apologize for yesterday’s incident.” He held out a hand.
Kaiba stood and took the hand. “I accept your apology and, in honesty, it was partly my fault, though it was a pleasant incident after it occurred.”
Joey nodded as they released hands. “I agree and I’d like to add that I have something else to tell you and Mokuba as well. Something private.”
Kaiba pushed a button on the underside of his desk to turn off the cameras in his office. “Private?” he asked, intrigued.
“I prefer Kaiba.”
“All right. First of all…I’m a merman.”
Kaiba promptly laughed in a scornful manner while Mokuba stared, wide-eyed. “A merman?” Kaiba snickered. “That’s absurd. Merpeople aren’t real.”
“They are real and I am a merman,” Joey said, feeling hurt. “Listen, some humans can become merpeople when they touch seawater after seeing a merperson in human form. The first change lasts a year before they’re able to become human again on land. One merperson is chosen once a year to find such people as well as their destined mate. A tingle is felt if she or he looks at those meant to change. If it’s his or her mate, the tingle and a pounding heart happens. Yesterday when I saw you I felt the tingle and my heart pounded. You are my match and when I saw Mokuba, I felt the tingle again.”
Mokuba stared at Joey, still wide-eyed. “Really?” he asked in wonder. “Seto and I can be mermen?”
“Don’t listen to him, Mokuba,” Kaiba said. “It’s all nonsense.”
“It’s not,” Joey protested. “I can prove it’s true. I found someone else the other day and yesterday I told her the truth and proved it to her before and after I met you.”
“What proof?” Mokuba asked, ignoring Kaiba’s look.
“Merpeople can hear water creatures talk and can talk to them. Later, I changed in front of her. I could do that to convince you. Come down to the boat launch and I’ll show you.”
“I’m not leaving,” Kaiba said. “I have a company to save and I…don’t…believe…you.”
Joey looked levelly at him though inside he was hurt at being called a liar and confused at how his mate could be so hard-headed and stubborn. “I think you want to believe me. I’ve heard the problems your company is having. Personally what I’m offering would be a pressure reliever. Look, I’m camping out around the pier waiting for Mai to tie up her business and I’ll be near the ramp at sunset when I will change back. I invite you down there around then and I can give you proof.” Joey then turned and left. He shook his head. I had no idea that Kaiba would be so stubborn. He clearly doesn’t believe in the supernatural and mythical. I think Mokuba believes me and, if he wants to come to the pier, Kaiba will come with him.
Chapter Four- Convinced
Mokuba stared at the door after Joey left while Kaiba went back to the applications. Joey’s really a merman? If he is and if we are, then this could be the excuse we need to sell the company.
“Seto, I want to see Joey at the pier and see him change.”
“You actually believe him?”
“Maybe. He said he can prove it and I’d like to see him try to prove it.”
“All right. I’ll go with you so you can see if it’s true which I doubt.” Truthfully, Kaiba did want to believe. It was hard to keep Kaiba Corp going and repeated email offers from Zigfried to sell the company in recent weeks were getting more persistent. It would be a relief to not own a company but the reality is that I am president of Kaiba Corp and I cannot let such a fantasy tale give me false hope to escape my position.
“I think he believes me,” Joey whispered to Mai as he sat down at the coffee shop bar while she worked. “I know Mokuba does.”
“Kaiba believes you,” Mai said. “He tends to speak the opposite of his beliefs because sometimes the truth doesn’t fit the view of the world he was taught to see.”
“Then, I’ll see them at the pier later on.”
“I think you will.”
“And how are your preparations going?”
“I’ve packed most of my possessions but I still haven’t packed my clothes of which there is a lot as well as shoes.” Mai smiled knowingly and Joey returned it. “The timing is good, actually. I have a month-to-month tenancy and I have broken it with no problem and will be ready to move out within a few days, maybe a week.”
“I’ll be waiting under the pier for a week then. Believe me, you’ll love life under the sea. It is an amazing place to live.”
“I do believe you and I look forward to when I join you as a mermaid.”
“I’ll help you settle in and get comfortable.”
“I appreciate that and I know the Kaiba brothers will also appreciate it.”
Joey stood at the top of the ramp watching the sun set. He had given Kaiba a deadline of sunset; once the sun was gone, he would enter the water, change, and go to his campsite under the pier. He had approached the sea king earlier in the day to make his report and his plan to camp out. The king had been impressed with his findings and plan to camp. I wonder if no one has camped out before the way I am. I understand that camping requires only bringing essentials.
The sound of a car approaching reached his ears and he turned to see a limo pull up. The back door opened and Kaiba and Mokuba got out, the former closing the door and the driver pulled away and parked around the corner.
“Glad you decided to come,” Joey said as they approached.
“Look, I’m only here because Mokuba wanted to come,” Kaiba snapped.
Joey, again, felt hurt by Kaiba’s tone but reminded himself of what Mai had told him. “All right. Understood.” He turned back to the ramp and headed down it as lampposts came to life, casting light over the pier. He got to the halfway point before sitting and sliding forward until his booted feet touched the water. His clothes vanished and his legs became a tail again. He shifted around and saw both brothers staring open-mouthed at him. “I trust you believe me now, Kaiba?”
Kaiba nodded, stunned and Mokuba said softly, “Whoa. Joey, your tail is cool.”
Joey took a good look at it. Green and white swirled down the length of it and ended in a pair of white fins each one with a horizontal green stripe. “Well, everyone has a dual-colored tail. White is one of the colors and the other depends on the person’s DNA.”
“Oh, I’d like to be a merman now,” Mokuba moaned with longing.
“You’ll need to get things settled before you do that. Remember, it’ll be a year before you can take human form again.”
“You’re still claiming that we can be mermen and that you and I are a couple,” Kaiba said dismissively.
“I claim it because it’s true,” Joey said as he slid into the water, wishing he could prove it further. As if on cue, a small albino dolphin surfaced, laughing and clicking. “Hi, Joey,” he squeaked.
“Bubbles,” Joey clicked back as he stroked his head. “How you been?”
“I’m okay, but I’m searching for my pod still.”
Joey rolled his eyes. “Didn’t I tell you a hundred times that white dolphins are rare? Your parents could be regular gray dolphins.”
“Well, I had to come from somewhere. Hey! Wait! There are humans nearby!” Bubbles said in alarm.
“I felt the tingle when I saw them. Bubbles, say hi to Kaiba and Mokuba. Guys, this is Bubbles one of my favorite dolphins in the sea.”
“Hi,” the dolphin said. Both brothers stared open-mouthed at him, too shocked to speak. Bubbles gave a dolphin laugh before diving down and swimming off.
“I…heard it I mean him, talking,” Mokuba said in awe.
“So did I,” Kaiba said in shock. “I heard him clicking and squeaking but I understood every word.”
“And Joey was clicking and squeaking too,” Mokuba added.
Joey laughed slightly. “I said merpeople talk to water creatures and the fact that you understood Bubbles is further proof that you can be mermen.”
“Can. That doesn’t mean we will,” Kaiba stressed.
“True enough. You just have to avoid seawater for the rest of your life. As you saw, it only took the water touching my boots to make my tail appear.”
Mokuba stared longingly at the water before turning to Kaiba. “Seto, please, please, let me be a merman right now.” He gave the famous puppy-dog eyes.
“Mokuba, you have things to settle before doing that and I still doubt it’s possible,” he said.
“I don’t want to wait and you could take care of my part.” With that, Mokuba leaped over the pier railing and into the water.
“Mokuba!” Kaiba cried while Joey dove down and swam to where the boy landed. He grabbed a sea star and asked it to give him light. It glowed brightly and Joey turned its light around the area until it shined on a merboy with a white and yellow tail. He released the sea star, grasped Mokuba’s arms, and swam them to the surface.
They came up and Kaiba was leaning over the railing. “Mokuba, are you all right?”
“Yeah.” He leaned back and a pair of white fins with horizontal yellow stripes appeared. A grin crossed the boy’s face as the fins dipped down. “I love the colors and…I’m really a merman.” He giggled happily.
“Well,” Kaiba sighed in what sounded like defeat. “I guess I better start setting both of our affairs in the morning. I’m not leaving my brother alone.”
“He’s not alone,” Joey retorted. “I’m here and as you and I are a couple that makes Mokuba my brother too.” He smiled at the boy. “I always wanted a sibling,” he said softly.
“You’re alone?” Mokuba asked, looking up at him.
“Yeah. That is why I was so excited when I was told I had a mate.”
The soft tone in Joey’s voice finally melted Kaiba’s cold, hard demeanor. He no longer wanted to be a merman for just Mokuba; he also wanted to be with Joey. “Joey, I will try to wrap things up as quickly as possible.”
“I’m camping under the pier for a week. That’s when Mai should be done.”
“Then, I will take a week too.” Kaiba walked away toward the limo while the mermen dove under the water.
Chapter Five- Lifestyles
Mokuba swam into a tent and looked around while Joey set up electric eel lamps. “It’s a big tent,” he said as he came out and sat beside Joey.
“Well, I hoped Mai and I would keep camping until you and Kaiba joined us. Turns out he’ll finish the same time Mai is.” Joey dug through a bag and pulled out some sea rations. He passed one to Mokuba.
“What’s this?”
“Sea rations. It’s what one usually packs when camping short-term. They’re great.”
Mokuba unwrapped his and eyed it. It didn’t look appealing but he forced himself to try it. He bit off a bite, rolled it around in his mouth, chewed, and swallowed. “It’s a little weird-tasting,” he said.
“I imagine it does. You just became a merman. You’ll get used to it and I promise to treat you and Kaiba to a proper meal in the city where I live.”
“Where we’ll live,” Mokuba corrected.
Joey nodded as Mokuba took another bite. “Where we’ll live.”
“Really, Kaiba?” said Zigfried over the phone. “You’ll sell your company to me?”
“Yes and not just that but my home too. Of all the companies I could sell to, it makes sense to sell it to someone who runs in the same industry. My company makes and sells games and so does yours.”
“Well, I must say your offer is quite generous. Your company and your house. I never knew you were so big-hearted.”
“I didn’t either until last night. Look, I want to seal this deal before the week is out. How soon can you arrive?”
“If I pack immediately, I should be there tomorrow afternoon.”
“Perfect. See you then.” Kaiba hung up with satisfaction. That takes care of the mansion. Zigfried will own everything in it as stated in the agreement I wrote this morning. I just need to take all the important documents out and put them in a lock box at the bank. My account will stay there and I’ll put a freeze on it while I’m away and open it again once I can be human again.
Mai looked up as the door opened and she almost fainted. Seto Kaiba had just entered the shop. He bought a cup of coffee and gave Mai a significant look before going over to a table in the corner. He slowly drank his drink while doing work. When Mai got her break, she grabbed a cappuccino and headed to Kaiba’s table. “Mr. Kaiba. I must say I’m surprised to see you here,” she said as she sat.
“Joey told me where you work and I thought we’d share our progress on The Transition.”
“Sure, but where’s Mokuba?”
“With Joey. He proved he was a merman last night and Mokuba wanted to change so much that he jumped into the water.”
“Ah, got it. He’s a merman now.”
Kaiba nodded. “I offered to sell my company and house to Zigfried this morning and he’s currently flying here to meet me tomorrow afternoon to finalize it. Everything in the house will be his except for some important papers which I will put in a lock box at the bank. I will also freeze my account during the year I’m away.”
“Sounds like you got everything in hand. Most of my apartment’s been packed and donated. My last day of work will be the day after tomorrow at five o’ clock. I hope to be a mermaid twenty-four hours after that.”
Kaiba nodded. “Sounds good to me. I’ll head out to tell Joey.” He got up and left the shop while Mai went back to work.
Mokuba laughed like a dolphin as he raced a passing pod of dolphins while Joey set up the lamps again. He smiled in amusement. The boy was enjoying his tail and talking to and as different water creatures. “This is just about everything I imagined,” he said as he came back to the campsite.
“Just about? What’s missing?”
Mokuba sat. “My brother for one and meeting other merpeople.”
“Yeah, I hear ya. I miss my friends and sleeping in my bed.”
“Seto and I will need beds.”
“Actually, you won’t. You can have my bed and Kaiba and I will sleep in my parents’ old bed.”
“Thanks. Joey, if you and Seto are a couple, why are you still calling him Kaiba?” He took a ration.
Joey took a bite, swallowed, and said, “Probably because he prefers it that way and unless he says otherwise, that’s what I’ll use.”
Suddenly, a rock plopped into the sand, equal with the pier. “What the heck?” Joey muttered before another one came down. “Stay here, Mokuba.” Joey swam out to a safe distance and surfaced to see a familiar figure. He grinned as he ducked down and went back to camp. “It’s Kaiba,” he said and both boys surfaced.
“Hey, Seto!” Mokuba called.
“Hi, Kaiba. You startled us with those rocks.”
“I wanted to get your attention. Obviously, it worked.” He shifted his attention to Mokuba. “How are you doing, little brother?”
“Great. I love being a merman. I learned to use my tail, I spoke to dolphins and as a dolphin before racing them. But I also miss you.”
“I miss you too, but I’ll be joining you soon. Mai told me the day after tomorrow is her last day of work and then twenty-four hours after that, she plans to be a mermaid and I told her I will too.”
“Three more days,” Joey said. “Yeah, sounds like a plan, Kaiba.”
Kaiba smiled. “Call me Seto. We are a couple after all. Will we be married after I change?”
“Mates, but that’s pretty much the same thing really.”
“Good. I’ll like having you for a husband. Tell me about where we’ll live.”
Joey smiled. “It’s not too different from the city.” He pointed toward it. “We have restaurants, grocery shops, accessory stores, pretty much everything except clothing stores and pet stores. It’s governed by the sea king and he’s the one who selects the merperson to visit a city during The Transition period which is always in wintertime.”
“I assume you have houses.”
“Sure do. We eat at tables, sleep in beds, and use mirrors to see ourselves.”
“Seto, Joey said I could sleep in his bed and you and Joey will sleep in his parents’ bed.”
“I see. I know this is a personal question but how long have you been alone?”
“Two years now. Both passed away when I was sixteen.”
“Then you’re eighteen like me.”
“Yeah. Seto, I never asked. What kind of company is Kaiba Corp?”
“A gaming company. We made and sold games. Tomorrow afternoon, I will be signing it over to a rival gaming company. Everything related to it will be his and he’ll also get the house and everything in it except some papers I’ll put in a lock box at the bank. Ownership of the house will change at five o’ clock on the day I become a merman.”
“Wow, he is moving quickly,” Joey said as they laid in the tent.
“Yeah. Tomorrow afternoon, Seto won’t be in charge of Kaiba Corp anymore. He’s run it for years and now it’s over.”
“Mai said it’s been failing for a little while now and Seto would have eventually sold it.”
“Yeah, so it was good timing that you came to find him and tell us that we could be mermen. Seto will love it here. I can’t wait to see his tail.” Mokuba flicked his fins before sighing and falling asleep. Joey smiled at him as he too fell asleep.
Chapter Six- Transition Day
Zigfried signed the agreement and slid it toward Kaiba who signed it and then both men shook hands, making it official. “Kaiba Corp is now yours to do as you wish.”
“Good. It will be part of my company, a foreign branch if you will. I’d be willing to let you run it.”
“It’s a tempting offer but I have already begun preparing for a new life elsewhere. I have recently become engaged and Mokuba is with my fiancée, both awaiting my arrival.”
“I see. My congratulations on your engagement. I hope you and your fiancée are happy together.”
“Oh, we will.” Kaiba left his office for the last time, a smile on his lips. Oh, yes. We will be very happy together and I will be learning to live as a merman.
Kaiba spent the next day getting the last of his and Mokuba’s affairs concluded. He collected their school records and, though he didn’t know why, he put them in the lock box with all the other papers and obtained a key for it he could wear around his neck. He laid in bed that night, knowing it was his last night in that bed and house as well as with legs. I will be sleeping underwater tomorrow night with a tail.
Kaiba hung around his house, savoring each thing he did. He left the house, putting the keys under the doormat at four o’ clock and began his walk to the pier, appreciating the action. He was halfway there when a blond woman fell into step beside him. She smiled at him. “The big day, huh?”
Kaiba nodded. “Finally. I haven’t seen Mokuba since our talk in the coffee shop.”
Mai whistled. “That had to be hard.”
“I had a lot to do, the least of all was enjoying everything I won’t be able to do underwater."
“I’ve been doing that today and when I was off-duty. Still, being a mermaid will be exciting at least for a while.”
“Yes and Joey and I will be getting used to being married.” The pair approached the boat ramp to see Joey in the water with Mokuba nearby. The blonde’s grin was warm and excited. “Today’s the day,” he said. “Mai, I think a friend of mine would love to have you as a roommate. She’s constantly saying she needs more mermaid friends.”
Mai laughed at that. “If that’s the case, I would be glad to room with her. What’s her name?”
“Cute name.” Mai descended the ramp, paused at the water’s edge, and then slid into it. Her clothes vanished and her legs merged into a light pink and white tail with a light pink seashell bra covering her chest. She smiled at her tail as she slid fully into the water.
Kaiba walked down, enjoying the motion before sitting down, and pushing himself into the water. His clothes vanished save for the key around his neck and saw his legs combine into a blue and white tail with white fins and a blue stripe on each one. Kaiba slid fully into the water and into Joey’s arms. Joey hugged him before kissing him, his tail intertwining with Kaiba’s. Kaiba savored the kiss and the feel of Joey’s tail against his own.
“Come on,” Joey said when he pulled back. “The campsite’s already been packed up and I’m ready to show you the city.” He dove down and the others followed. He picked up a backpack, put it on, and then grabbed a bag before swimming off, moving slowly so Mai and Kaiba could see how the tail was supposed to work.
Joey got a surprise when Mai sped past him with a joyous laugh. Guess I don’t have to teach her…or Seto, he thought as Kaiba swam up beside him, looking around and clearly aware that he was breathing underwater. The smile told Joey that he was happy to be in the sea.
Kaiba could hardly believe his eyes at the wide city before him. Joey had been right: It didn’t look too different from the city he had left. He followed Joey as did Mai and Mokuba, all three of them looking around and Joey pointing out some shops and explaining their money system. Joey’s tour guiding alerted others that they had new neighbors. Merpeople floated beside, above, or looking outside of shops as the group passed either smiling or waving at them.
“Tea!” Joey called to a brunette with a mint green and white tail. “Meet Mai. I thought maybe you could be roommates.”
Tea smiled brightly as she came over. “Really, Joey? I’d love company.” She offered her hand to Mai. “Let me show you my home and then we can go shopping.”
“I love shopping,” Mai said as they swam off.
Joey chuckled gently before turning to his new family. “So, I was thinking we could explore the city, meet my best friends, get some dinner, and then head home. What do you say?”
“You said you’d treat Seto and me to a proper meal.”
“So I did. I guess you’re hungry.”
“How about just dinner and heading home?” Kaiba suggested. “It’s been a long day and we’re not going anywhere and definitely not for a year.”
Joey felt a bit sheepish. “You’re right. I was just so excited to have you both here. Maybe we could play some games with Yugi and Atem tomorrow.”
“Games?” Kaiba asked, interested.
“Yeah. Yugi’s grandpa runs a game shop and Yugi loves playing games as does Atem which explains why they’re a couple.”
“Seto likes games too but I guess you figured that out already.”
“When he said the company made and sold games, yeah I did.”
The mention of his company made Kaiba sad that he had to sell it but he pushed that feeling aside. It’s done, he thought. It belongs to Zigfried now and I’m a merman now and married to Joey who really is a nice guy. He looked around the city as Joey led them to a nice restaurant.
Joey happily perused the menu, wondering which one he wanted to eat while Kaiba and Mokuba read theirs. Mokuba was a little familiar with the food as Joey had described them, but never ate them. Kaiba had no familiarity as he had just become a merman. “Joey, what would you recommend?” Kaiba asked.
“Well, I would think something close to what you used to eat, which was what?”
“Steak for me, but Mokuba prefers a hamburger.”
“Ah.” Joey swam over to Kaiba’s side of the table and pointed to one entrée. “Then I recommend this one for you and this one for Mokuba.” He pointed to another item.
“All right. Then, that’s what we’ll get.”
“Great.” Joey signaled for a waiter, having made his choice already.
“Ah,” Mokuba sighed as they headed to their new home. “That was good and better than those rations.”
“I’m not familiar with the rations, but my dinner was good too.”
“The rations are usually for camping trips for a short period. If you go on a long one, you bring actual food with you.”
“Makes sense.” The water grew darker and then lighter. Kaiba looked to see streetlamps glowing with light. “How is that possible?”
Joey saw where Kaiba was looking and smiled. “The light comes from electric eels and sea stars. Trust me, it doesn’t hurt them.”
“Well, if you’ve been doing this for a long time, I can’t complain.”
Joey swam through the lit streets and into the housing section. He looked back to see the awestruck looks on his family’s faces and smiled in enjoyment. I’m going to enjoy showing them around, getting them adjusted to life here, and having a romantic honeymoon with my husband. Oh, yeah. I am going to have a lot to do for a while.
Chapter Seven- The First Day
Kaiba sighed as he sank into the mattress of his and Joey’s bed. “This is better than my old bed. So soft and comfortable.”
Joey laid beside him. “Is it really?”
“You never slept at a hotel, have you?”
“No. I usually head back to the water around sunset although one time I sat on an island to do a little stargazing before changing back.”
“Stargazing. That sounds interesting. Maybe we could do that on our honeymoon.”
“I was thinking of asking the sea king for the honeymoon suite in his castle.”
“That would be nice.”
“It will be. The king rarely refuses a request to use that suite.”
Kaiba rolled over and pulled Joey closer to him. “I love you,” he said as he fell asleep, his tail wrapping around Joey’s tail.
“I love you, too,” Joey murmured before falling asleep.
Kaiba felt a bit disoriented the next morning. He was lying in an unfamiliar bed with Joey beside him and their environment was watery. Furthermore, there was a blue and white fishtail where his legs should be. He shook his head slightly. Right. I’m a merman and married to Joey which is why we’re in bed together. I hope I don’t wake up disoriented every morning.
Joey stirred and rolled over to gaze happily at him. “Good morning,” he said.
Kaiba kissed a cheek. “Good morning. I felt a bit confused about where I was.”
“I heard that happens to new merpeople and I saw it with Mokuba. It will pass.”
“I would hope so.” Kaiba swung his tail over the edge and pushed himself to float, stretching and bending the tail. Joey did the same and they left the room to rouse Mokuba and get some breakfast.
“Sorry it’s not much,” Joey said as he put out sea fruit and warm drinks. “Grocery shopping is definitely on today’s to-do list.”
“Sounds good to me,” Kaiba said, taking a bite of fruit. “I’d like to see an undersea grocery store.” Kaiba soon found himself in said store that didn’t look too different from land stores save for the food, the customers, and the environment. The trio was leaving with their purchases when a voice called, “Joey!” They turned to see a spiky-haired boy approach them.
“Hey, Yug,” Joey said. “This is one of my best friends, Yugi,” he added to the brothers. “Yugi, this is Mokuba and this is Seto, my husband.”
Yugi held out his hand. “Nice to meet you. Joey was thrilled when he found you.”
Kaiba shifted his bags as he took Yugi’s hand. “Joey said you play games. I do too.”
Yugi’s smile grew. “Maybe you could come over after putting the groceries away. Atem’s off work today. I’m sure he’d like to play too.”
“Then, we’ll see you soon.” The trio swam home to put away the groceries. “Do you cook Joey?” Seto asked.
“Of course. I’ve been alone for two years, I had to learn. What about you?”
“Yeah, Mokuba too. Maybe we can make something for dinner together.”
“I thought you would be going to go on your honeymoon,” Mokuba said.
“Not yet. We still need to get used to living in the sea before going on our honeymoon.”
“Okay, big brother.”
An hour later, Joey led the way to Yugi’s home which was on the outskirts of the city’s shopping district as it was connected to the game shop. He rang the bell and it was answered by Yugi who smiled brightly and warmly. “Welcome. Atem’s waiting.” He led the group into the living room and both brothers gaped: Atem looked like an older version of Yugi.
Yugi saw their astonished looks and smiled. “I know. It was a surprise when I first met Atem and even though he looks older, he’s actually two years younger than me which is sixteen.”
“So, you’re eighteen like Joey and me,” Kaiba said.
“He is,” Atem said, his voice giving the impression that he was older though Kaiba now knew better.
“So, what kind of games are we playing?” Kaiba asked.
“I thought we start with checkers and then chess,” Yugi gestured at a low table.
Joey moaned. “Yug, you know I know nothing about chess.”
“Is that so?” Kaiba smiled. “It so happens I am an expert in chess. I beat a grand champion when I was twelve.”
“Really?” Joey gasped. “Wow, that’s impressive.”
“Real impressive,” Atem agreed.
Kaiba said, “I would be happy to teach you, Joey.”
“And maybe play me after that?” Atem asked. “I am quite good myself.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Kaiba said.
“”Great,” Yugi said. “Mokuba, how about some checkers?”
“Yeah,” the merboy said and went to sit at the checkers board as Yugi set up the pieces.
Kaiba set up the chess pieces, eager to teach and play. He smiled at Joey who sat across from him. I am so glad Joey found me and that I became a merman. I love this place and have no regrets of what I had to do to be here. “Now, let me start by explaining the pieces,” he said as he began the teaching game to his husband, Joey.