Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Only Melinda and Taylor Clawood are mine. This is an alternate story of Obelisk Queen. It is not necessary to read it, though.
Chapter One- Overreaction
Zane smiled as he took in his classmates. He had just triumphed over a pro duelist, a woman called Melinda who billed herself as a witch duelist. Bastion had done some research on her and presented it to Zane, who read it with mild interest. He discovered that Melinda considered herself a real witch who admittedly was a short-tempered duelist and her cards were spell casters with the word ‘witch’ in their names.
Melinda was just as Bastion’s research said. She was a few years older than him and wearing a witch’s hat and cape with her outfit. Her deck was challenging and Zane had found himself on the defensive for a short period and had even lost life points. Zane never lost his cool as he fought back and brought the duel to an end in his victory. The screech of fury from Melinda was a bit unprofessional in Zane’s opinion. Her burning glare was a rather immature response and she deigned to shake his hand; instead she had stalked out of the room.
Doctor Crowler had wanted a victory party back at Obelisk but Zane insisted that the whole school attend the party. Sheppard supported this and the arena became the setting of a school-wide party. The happy smiles of the Ra and Slifer students pleased him and he hoped to speak to some of them, especially Syrus and Jaden.
“Wonderful duel, Zane,” Alexis said as she came up beside him. “That one had me on the edge of my seat.”
Zane smiled in amusement. “Yes, I don’t provide that kind of excitement often, do I?”
“Afraid not.”
“Well, perhaps I will at the Graduation Match.”
“Provided you’re in it and you choose a good opponent.”
“I am certain I will be in it and I already have decided on my opponent.”
“Jaden,” Alexis said.
“Correct. He may not be a good student, but his dueling skills are remarkable. We have seen him face tough challenges and triumph each time. I would very much like to see how much he has improved since our first and only duel.”
“I’m sure Jaden would love to have a rematch with you.”
“No doubt of that. In fact, I think I will speak to him about my recent duel.” Zane nodded to Alexis before heading to the brunette.
Jaden was chatting to Syrus and Chumley about the duel and Melinda’s cards. “I’d like to test her deck out myself,” he said with a grin.
“Ja, she’s a pro,” Syrus pointed out. “She won’t duel freshmen like us.”
“Maybe she will. I actually saw her a couple of minutes ago, joining the party.”
“Did she?” spoke a calm voice. “Perhaps she will duel you, especially if I vouch for you.”
“Zane,” Jade said as he turned to him and flashed a grin and a thumbs-up. “That was a sweet duel. Real exciting.”
“Thank you. I was concerned that I would lose.”
“No way. You’re real good. You’ll do great on the pro circuit.”
Zane gave a nod at Jaden’s compliment before saying, “Why don’t we go ask Melinda for that duel?”
“Yeah. She’s this way.” Jaden headed off toward the punch table.
Melinda toyed with the punch ladle when no one needed to use it. Her transport wouldn’t arrive for another twenty-five to thirty minutes so she decided to attend the party. It wasn’t unusual for her to attend parties, win or lose, as she sometimes performed a magic trick or two for she really was a witch, though she would say she was a magician at non-duel parties. She had a feeling that no one was going to request a trick as it was likely that everyone here believed that her title simply referred to her deck’s theme.
“Melinda!” called a voice and she looked to see a boy with brown hair and a red jacket coming up to her with Zane behind him. The boy’s cheerful grin and disposition gave her hope. Perhaps I will be performing a trick.
“Hi and you are?” She held out a hand.
“Uh, Jaden Yuki.” He took her hand and they shook. “Look, I was wondering if you could duel me.”
“Oh. Are you turning pro soon as well?”
“Well, no. I’m a first year but I’m a pretty good duelist.”
“I’m sure you are. This is the best Duel School in the world.”
“It’s more than that,” Zane stepped in. “Jaden has won duels where others did not. He has saved the world from destruction against impossible odds. When I leave, he will be the top duelist here.”
Melinda turned her attention to Zane. She was impressed by Jaden’s accomplishments, but her loss to Zane still angered her and she thought there was a hidden meaning behind the introduction to Jaden. “Are you mocking me?” she demanded loudly, catching the attention of those nearby.
“What? Of course not,” Zane said, surprised by the accusation.
“Oh, really?” she snapped, reaching into her cape and withdrawing a wooden wand. “You defeat me and choose to humiliate me further by claiming a first year could beat me. You have some nerve!” Melinda’s voice rose and the room was becoming quiet.
“Now, wait a minute,” Zane said, feeling things were getting out of hand.
“No,” she declared as she advanced and put the tip of her wand to Zane’s chest. “I put a curse on you that will physically reveal the true beast that you are.” The wand tip glowed white and that glow spread to Zane’s body.
“What?” Zane asked, confused by the glow even as it faded.
Melinda laughed bitterly. “I really am a witch and I just put a curse on you. Whatever beast lives in your heart and soul will manifest itself on your body over the next two days. You will live the rest of your life as a half-human, half-animal being!” She laughed as she twirled her wand and vanished from the room and appearing at the helicopter pads.
The arena was extremely quiet and all eyes were on Zane who mentally reeled at what he had heard. He was going to be half-animal the rest of his life? He had been cursed on the mistaken assumption that he was mocking her dueling ability. It was an insane situation and yet that was what just happened.
Zane chose to act nonchalant about the whole thing by getting some punch and declaring, “Don’t worry. Curses are not real.” The quiet abated as people returned to the food, drink, and music, but Zane could tell that Melinda’s words were still on their minds and was sure they were discussing it.
“Zane, I’m sorry,” Jaden moaned as they walked away from the punch table. “This is my fault.”
“She did not react because of what you said. It was my words that caused her to overreact,” Zane said. “One would think that a pro would be flattered that a student wished to test him or herself against them. Melinda is not one of them.”
“Do you think she really did curse you?” Jaden asked quietly.
Zane didn’t answer at first as he contemplated the question. “I want to say no,” he said at last. “But after everything we’ve seen this year and particularly with the Shadow Riders, a curse is not so far-fetched. I don’t like the idea of being half-animal for life, but I cannot do anything but accept what will happen.”
“So…what kind of beast is in your heart and soul?”
“I have no idea, but I imagine it is not a water animal,” Zane stated confidently. He walked away and outside to a pleasant night. But that did nothing to assuage Zane’s concern of his curse. I don’t know what animal I’ll half be, but I’ll eventually find out.
Chapter Two- First Features
The curse was on Zane’s mind when he awoke the next morning, particularly when he found the little sunlight in his room to be a bit hard on his eyes. He narrowed his eyes to slits as he got out of bed and into the bathroom where he left the light off. He fully opened his eyes and found that he could see the room easily. The animal in my soul must have nocturnal eyes. That will be rough on me until I have adjusted to them. He turned to the mirror over the sink, looked into it, and stepped back in surprise. His eyes were still blue, but they had an intensity that made him think of a wolf.
They look like wolf eyes, he thought as he stepped closer and studied them. They gave him an intimidating look that he didn’t like. He tried different facial expressions and found that his eyes did express the emotion he was projecting. He smiled at this. I can handle having wolf eyes. The rest of the curse may not be so easily handled. He lowered his gaze as he washed up and got dressed with the lights off. It was upon leaving his room that he had to squint and navigate his way to the cafeteria in this manner.
He blinked as he entered the cafeteria, his eyes now fully adjusted to the light. He sighed in relief. That’s better. He got his breakfast and sat down to eat. He noticed others glancing at him and whispering to each other. No doubt some noticed his eyes and were telling others.
No, no doubt at all. They are telling one another. I can…hear them. They’re whispering but I can hear them clearly. My hearing is sharper now. Well, that’s interesting. It’s not annoying or bad, although sharper hearing may lead to me gaining wolf ears. A curse of this nature usually involves one having the ears of their animal half.
“Hey! Zane!” called the voice of his best friend, Atticus, as everyone was heading to school. Zane winced at the volume and actually put his hands over his ears and had stopped walking and his eyes closed as Atticus came up with his easy smile that faded at seeing Zane’s hands over his ears. “Zane? What’s wrong?”
“My hearing. It’s gotten sharper. Everything’s so loud,” he whispered.
“Oh, Zane. I’m sorry. Then, the curse is real then.”
“I knew it was real even when I said it wasn’t; after everything I’ve seen with the Shadow Riders, I have no reason to doubt Melinda.” He opened his eyes and looked at Atticus who recoiled slightly.
“Your eyes. So intense and they make me think of wolves.”
“I thought the same thing. This confirms that I will be half-wolf.”
“No offense, Zane, but you don’t strike me as the wolf type.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, wolves are usually loners, right? Plus, they’re aggressive and territorial.”
“Actually, wolves are social creatures like us and protective of their pack which could make one aggressive. I am a social person and protective of my friends and especially my brother.”
“I stand corrected.”
Zane smiled at this as he sat down in class. He believed in the points he had made concerning his curse. It had looked into his heart and soul and apparently found a wolf there. He currently had the eyes and hearing of a wolf and knew it wouldn’t stop there. He knew he would end up looking half-human and half-wolf in ways there were very noticeable. I can still go pro and call myself a wolf duelist the way Melinda calls herself a witch duelist.
The news of Zane’s eyes had spread quickly and people were slowing as they passed Zane, trying to get a good look. Zane, aware of this, would oblige them and they hurried off upon realizing that Zane was giving them a look instead of letting them try to sneak a look. Their reactions amused him, a fact that Syrus had noticed.
Naturally, he had heard that the curse had begun and how Zane’s eyes looked wolf-like. He further heard that Zane thinks he will be half-wolf. Syrus didn’t think wolf suited Zane; to him Zane struck him as cold and calm with an occasional sense of humor. He wasn’t sure what animal fit that criteria and besides, Zane did not deserve to be cursed. Syrus inwardly fumed about the whole unfairness of the situation as the gang left school for the day. Syrus looked in the direction of the docks and saw Zane in his favorite spot.
“Uh, guys. I’m gonna talk to Zane,” Syrus said.
“Sure, Sy, just don’t be too long or you won’t get any dinner,” Jaden teased, looking at Chumley.
“Very funny,” Syrus heard Chumley say as he headed for his brother.
Zane stood in his favorite spot, the water lapping against the cement. His ears heard sounds both soft and loud and he took them in easily. He had grown accustomed to his sharp hearing as the day wore on and he drew comfort from that. When I get the ears, I will only need to adjust to them and not the volume. That’s good.
“Zane?” came a cautious voice. He turned to see Syrus behind him. He smiled warmly as he gestured for Syrus to join him. “Hi, Sy.”
Syrus saw the intense eyes soften at the sight of him and it comforted him to know that Zane could look something other than intimidating. He went to Zane’s side as the older boy faced forward again. “Zane,” he said gently. “Are you all right? Of course you’re not,” Syrus asked and then answered himself. “You were unfairly cursed.”
“Actually, I am all right,” Zane said. “It was a shock when I saw my eyes this morning and…I was having trouble with my sharper hearing, but I’ve adjusted to both.”
“Sharper hearing?”
“Yes. You and Atticus are the only ones who know about that. I believe my hearing is a sign that my ears will be changing.”
“I think…they already are,” Syrus said, looking up. “They’re pointed.”
Zane lifted a hand and traced his ear. It felt longer and did indeed come to a point. “I guess I look strange with longer and pointed ears.”
“No way,” Syrus said. “They actually suit you.”
“Thanks, little bro. Be sure to tell me what you think when they become wolf ears.”
“Sure, but Zane? I think it was unfair that this happened to you.”
“I know and Jaden blamed himself for it until I pointed out that it was my words that set her off. I will still be a pro and I will call myself a wolf duelist the way Melinda calls herself a witch duelist. No one will think my wolf features are actually real.”
“Really? Everyone will think they’re a costume and contacts?”
“Sy, you would be amazed at how easily some people can be fooled.”
Alexis stared at Zane who smiled in amusement. “I know, it looks a little strange.”
“A little,” she said. “But it looks good on you.”
Zane gave a chuckle. “Sy said the same thing earlier.”
Alexis smiled at this. “So, you’re fine with the curse?”
“As it is permanent, being fine with it is the logical thing to do.”
“Of course.”
Zane was about to tell her about having sharper hearing when his head began throbbing painfully. He gave a pained gasp as he dropped to one knee and squeezed his eyes shut. He didn’t hear Alexis call his name over the pounding in his head and the burning of his ears. Slowly the pounding and burning ended and the murmurs of his dorm mates were heard.
“Zane,” Alexis said in stunned awe. “Your ears. They’ve changed.”
Zane opened his eyes before reaching up to the top of his head. His fingers felt a soft furry object up there. He moved his fingers over to find another one. She’s right. I now have wolf ears.
Chapter Three- Curse Complete
Zane stared into the mirror as he felt an ear. They were long, furry, and gray. The color made sense to him as he was half-wolf, not a werewolf. He moved his fingers behind one as he felt an itch and scratched. He closed his eyes as he continued to scratch. Oh, that feels better, he thought. He ceased his scratching, opened his eyes, and went to bed. His dorm mates had seen his ears and the girls had to feel them which was just as good as his scratching. Tomorrow, the rest of the school will see them, he thought as he fell asleep.
Syrus was walking to school with his friends the next day, telling them what he and Zane had talked about as well as seen. “His ears are pointed now?” Jaden asked.
“Pointed and longer,” Syrus corrected. “It looked good on him.”
“How about now?” came Zane’s voice from behind them.
All three turned and Syrus stared open-mouthed before saying, “Whoa. You’re really looking half-wolf.”
“Yes, but remember. Melinda said the curse would occur over two days. Today is the second day. So, by tonight, the physical signs will be done.”
“Physical signs?” Jaden repeated.
“Yes. I may be experiencing other aspects such as a sharper now and perhaps the emotions of a wolf.”
“Your sense of smell is still normal?” Syrus asked as they resumed walking.
“It is but I suspect that will change as some point.” One of Zane’s ears turned and without turning, he said, “Morning, Atticus.”
“How could you tell it was me without looking?” Atticus asked as he came up beside him.
“I practiced with my ears after they changed last night. I thought it would be amusing if I could identify people by their footsteps instead of turning to look.”
“Amusing, maybe, but kind of weird too.”
“I admit it is, but until I can smell someone coming, hearing them will do.” As they continued to walk, Zane continued, “Atti, I like how my ears can turn to tune in to whatever I’m hearing.”
Atticus listened to the emotion in Zane’s voice about his hearing before saying, “You seem to enjoy this curse now.”
“I am now that I know what my animal half is. I can have Sheppard edit my profile of me being a wolf duelist like Melinda is a witch duelist. Seeing as my ears don’t match my hair, getting others to see them as a costume would be easy.”
“It would.” Atticus lifted a hand as he asked. “Would it be okay if I feel one?”
“Go ahead. I don’t mind and I’m sure others will ask.” He felt Atticus’ fingers move over the tip, down the back, and then scratch. Zane smiled and knew that if he had a tail, it would be wagging. After Atticus was done, he leaned down to give Syrus and Jaden a chance to feel them.
Zane was correct in that others wanted to feel them. He granted these requests and thoroughly enjoyed each person’s feeling of his ears. When classes were over, Miss Fontaine insisted on giving Zane a physical to see if his ears and eyes were doing more than giving him sharper sight and hearing. As the results were coming up, Zane squirmed slightly which caught Miss Fontaine’s attention. “Zane, are you okay?” she asked.
“I’m…not sure. I’m feeling a pain in my backside.” He put a hand to the spot.
Miss Fontaine went behind Zane to gently probe the spot. He gasped a little and she felt a bump. She went for a pair of scissors and carefully cut a hole around the bump. She peered in the opening and saw the base of a gray tail. “Well, that explains it. Your tail is growing out.”
“Ah, that does explain the pain. I also seem to be growing claws and I think my sense of smell is getting stronger.”
Miss Fontaine came around as Zane held up his hands. Each finger had a long nail that was sharp and looked harder than a normal nail while still looking human. “Well, that’s easy to handle and once your tail’s fully grown out, you’ll be done with your change.”
“Good.” Zane gasped again before he stood and, as he left, Miss Fontaine saw that the tail had grown some more and was poking out of the hole she had cut. He will need to have pants tailor-made to accommodate that tail.
Zane stared at his hands as he left the school. Miss Fontaine was right: His claws would be easy to manage. I can clip and file them, but first I want to see if anyone notices them. He grimaced as pain raced through his still growing tail. It didn’t hurt this bad when he got his wolf ears. Most likely because ears are just cartilage and I already had ears for the curse to use. I don’t have a tail, so the curse has to grow a new one and a tail has nerves, bones, muscles, tissues, skin, and maybe fur; in this case, definitely fur. He put a hand behind him and felt his tail. It was a decent length now, but he knew it would get longer.
He sniffed the air and found that he had been correct: His sense of smell had gotten stronger. He could smell dinner being started and he was a good half a mile from the cafeteria. He walked toward the smell, trying to identify some of the scents. The first one he identified didn’t surprise him: Meat.
Naturally. Wolves are carnivores and since I’m half-wolf, I naturally smell meat first. He continued toward the cafeteria, vaguely aware of his tail growing some more.
Zane licked his lips as he was handed a well-done steak and he went to choose his other food. He was aware of the students staring at him and whispering. He had no question as to the reason he was the focus of the discussion: They were talking about his tail.
It was fully grown and moved slightly as he walked as well as when he chose to move it. He chose to do so as he was passing a table of girls. He made it twitch and swish and he turned an ear to hear squeals and sighs behind him. An amused smile crossed his face as he took a seat, his tail lying beside the spot on his left.
“Hi, Zane,” Atticus said as he sat across from him. “Cool tail.” He nodded at the spot as he had come up from behind and saw where it was.
“Thanks, but it was a real pain in the backside growing it.”
“I don’t doubt it, but it’s all done now, right?”
“Physically. I’ll have to wait to see if I feel wolf emotions or any canine tendencies.”
“Yeah. Whoa, hold on. Zane, are those claws?” Atticus aimed his knife at Zane’s hands which were in the midst of cutting the steak.
“They are. They showed up at the same time my tail was starting to grow and my sense of smell is sharper now.”
Atticus seized one of Zane’s hands and held it up for a closer look. “They look so human, but also sharper than nails can be.”
“I will be cutting and filing them,” Zane said as his hand was released.
“Now, that’s it done, what’s next?”
“I will speak to Sheppard about changing my records’ pictures. I will also suggest that I be billed as a wolf duelist. That way, people will think my wolf features are just costume and contacts.”
“That could work. The thing is that if I didn’t know, I would still think they’re real.”
“I’m certain I can make them seem fake.”
Atticus nodded as both resumed eating. He kept sneaking glances at Zane’s hands, ears, or eyes throughout dinner but suspected that Zane was aware of his glances, though he said nothing or gave any hint of Atticus’ actions. Something tells me that no one is going to be able to surprise Zane anymore. Not with those sharp senses, he thought.
Chapter Four- Full Moon
Sheppard’s eyes moved from the ears to the eyes, and the tail that flicked to one side. “So, just the eyes, ears, tail, and senses of a wolf?”
“I have claws too.” Zane held up a hand.
Sheppard looked at them for a moment. “All right. We can change your pictures and edit your profile. It will be interesting. You calling yourself a wolf duelist but using a machine deck.”
“That may work to my advantage. My opponents may think I use a deck with a dark or wolf theme and may build a deck to counter it. Then, they will be surprised when I reveal my deck…unless they thoroughly check my profile.”
Sheppard chuckled at this as he opened a drawer and extracted a camera. “How about we take those pictures now?”
“Sounds good.” Zane provided Sheppard with various poses for him to choose from before he left to go to class and have his classmates admire his wolf features as they had been for the last two days.
But today started off differently from the other days. It was subtle and Zane didn’t really notice it until later on. Zane had been busy with note-taking and his sense of smell. The scents he picked up were fascinating and he spent time with individual ones to figure them out.
It was the class before lunch when Zane noticed something was different. His classmates were edging slightly away from him and anytime he glanced at them in a curious manner, he was given frightened looks in return. He was confused. Why were they now afraid of him? He was still the same Zane he had been, he was just half-wolf. That was all.
But, perhaps that is the reason, he thought. I was cursed and now that my change is done, people don’t know if I’ll act differently or not and that uncertainty prompts them to shy away from me. This realization was stunning to him. His schoolmates acted like they didn’t know him anymore. It hurt that they viewed him that way. It was possible that they too thought that Zane would behave like a wolf.
Wolves are social creatures, just as people are. They are also protective of their pack. I admit, I usually put Sy down while we were growing up, but I do love him and will do anything to protect him. I certainly proved that in my duel with Camula.
Not everyone kept their distance from him. Those who had guarded the Spirit Keys with him still talked and sat with him as did Atticus. They were just as awed by his tail as everyone else and stunned by his claws which he said he was going to clip and file tonight.
“Sy,” Zane then said. “No one is saying why they’re edging away from me or giving me frightened looks; at least not within earshot. I have my suspicions, but I’d rather hear about it.”
“They’re just rumors, Zane,” Syrus said. “They think that your personality will totally change and that you’ll be aggressive like a wolf. That’s why no one wants to be near you right now.”
“Right now. Meaning, what?”
“The full moon,” Jaden piped in. “Some people think you’ll turn into an actual wolf or have the mind of one.”
Zane rolled his eyes and his tail tapped the ground. “That is ridiculous. I am half-wolf, not a werewolf.” And yet, he thought. I might exhibit some wolf behavior. I’ll find out tonight.
Night had not fallen when dinner came around, but Zane was feeling some wolf desires. He wanted to howl, run, and curl up in a ball when bedtime came. He suppressed these feelings, telling himself that now as not the time for them. Zane did not suppress his desire for raw meat, though. He made the request to the chefs who looked shocked and disgusted at this, but gave him what he wanted. He got a glass of water to go with his meat-only dinner and sat alone to eat it. He took a bit and found that he liked the taste. He chalked it up to the moon and his wolf half.
“Seriously, Zane?” Atticus asked as he joined him. “Uncooked meat?”
“I can’t help it,” Zane said calmly. “I felt a desire for raw meat. A hunger, really.”
“It’s also a very wolf thing too.”
“Yes and I also feel urges to howl and run. I do intend to attend to them tonight.”
“Uh, okay. Its sounds strange to me to hear you talk about these urges.”
“I imagine so and I apologize.”
“I accept.” He scratched behind one of Zane’s ears. “I still would want to hear about it.”
Zane gave a soft whine at the scratching. “That feels so good. I’m going to miss that when I start pro dueling.”
“Not the same when you have an actual itch, huh?”
“Definitely not.”
Zane headed for the woods near Obelisk Blue and hunted for a clearing so he could witness the sunset and the moon rising. He found one and watched overhead as the sky darkened and a white glow fell on the clearing. He turned and looked up at the moon.
A growl came out of his mouth and a feeling of aggression washed over him. He threw back his head and let out a loud real wolf howl before he sprinted off for a run. He ran on two legs at a wolf’s speed and he was being controlled by the urges and thoughts of a wolf. Zane thought of himself as a wolf instead of a half-wolf.
He stopped at a river, panting from his run. He crouched down and drank as a wolf would. He then stood, sniffing the air and listening to the sounds of the forest. He heard the sounds of animals, some appealing to him as prey. But he was not hungry right now; maybe later.
He sniffed as he wandered aimlessly, yet enjoyed exploring the area. He smelled a variety of things and his wolf mind filed them away for future reference. A breeze sprang up, ruffling his ears and tail as well as bringing a myriad of scents to his nose. He breathed deeply to take in and sort the scents.
His body then tensed and a growl came out. He smelled another wolf and he turned in the direction from which the smell had come. He was ready to fight if he needed to; it depended on what the other one did. His ears heard crunching grass and the slow approach of steps as if the owner was stalking toward him. He stood still and tensed as the wolf came into view. His intense gold eyes locked onto Zane’s intense blue ones. The two of them stood still, regarding one another.
The wolf then crouched and lunged toward Zane but he ducked and, as the wolf sailed past, he lashed out with his claws, striking the left side of the body. The wolf howled in pain before landing, whipping around, and charging toward his opponent. Zane met the charge and the two went down where they rolled, wrestled, and fought for the dominant position. Zane, in his wolf mind, used his teeth as well as his claws, the latter causing more damage than the former. He growled, snarled, and howled as he tussled with the wolf. Both saw the other as a threat to his territory and were determined to kill the other or get the other to accept defeat and leave to claim another area.
Zane soon found himself on his back with the wolf on top, growling in his face. Zane’s face twisted in fury and he swung his left hand up and across the wolf’s throat. His claws left deep cuts in the throat and the wolf yelped as he leaped off Zane.
Zane leaped to his feet and charged the wolf who was distracted by his injured throat. Zane’s claws slashed anywhere he could reach and the wolf’s cries thrilled him and drove his aggression even higher. The wolf put up some token of resistance to his attacker but ultimately it wasn’t enough. Zane tore the throat open completely and the wolf collapsed, eyes blank and unstaring. Zane licked the blood off his claws before giving a howl of triumph that echoed into the forest.
Chapter Five- Recorded
The smell of death woke Zane from a sound sleep. His eyes cracked open and squinted at the early morning light. They focused on a dead wolf and he sat up quickly and scrambled away from it. He looked down to see that his uniform was torn, dirty, and bloody. His arms bore scratches from where the cloth had been torn. His eyes went to the wolf to see scratches and bite marks as well as the torn throat. He swallowed hard at the conclusions he was drawing.
I have no memory of last night but I have a good idea of what occurred. The wolf and I fought and I killed it. I don’t recall it, but the body and the state of my clothes indicate a fight. Zane stood and headed back to the dorm, stunned. He didn’t remember last night, leading him to conclude that he must have been thinking like a wolf. God, did I walk on all fours or just two? I…think it was two as now I’m having flashes of running and the height indicates two legs. Also, my schoolmates thought correctly: I did think like a wolf and will do so every full moon for the rest of my life. He entered the dorm, got to his room, and into the bathroom. He leaned toward the mirror.
There were scratches on his cheeks with dried blood under the marks. He washed his face and hands, applied a bandage to both scratches before throwing away his clothes, putting on clean ones, fixing his hair, grabbing his bag, and leaving for the day.
Zane was distracted throughout the day as the morning’s images flashed through his mind. His claws were a constant remainder and he had briefly considered cutting them before deciding not to; with two more full moon nights to go, it was likely he would need them.
It was after school when Syrus met up with him with an expression of worry and anxiety. “Zane, I overheard some first-year Obelisks talking about some howls they heard last night.”
Zane sighed. “That was me, Sy. I really did think like a wolf. I recall brief flashes, impressions really, but nothing else. I pretty much have no memory of what I do. I fought and killed a wolf last night. I know this because I woke up to the smell of death, the body of a dead wolf, and my clothes torn and covered in dirt and blood.”
“So that’s why you’ve got bandages on your cheeks? Because the wolf scratched you.”
“Yes and he also got me here and here.” Zane tapped two spot on one arm that was concealed by his sleeve.
“You really thought you were a wolf?”
“Yes. I recall running and judging from the view and height, I was on two legs. That’s all I recall.”
“Oh, big bro. This part really is a curse.”
“It is. I can’t remember what I do when I’m thinking and acting like a wolf. I had planned to clip my claws but given that I have two more full moon nights, I’ll wait until after to do them.”
“Good idea.”
Zane, uncharacteristically, held out his arms, Syrus walked into them, and the two enjoyed a brotherly embrace, one that Zane felt he needed, given everything that had happened to him lately.
“He does have a wolf’s mind on the full moon?” Jaden asked at dinner.
Syrus nodded solemnly. “I can tell that it’s tearing him up inside. I can imagine how scary it must be to not remember an entire night and he won’t remember tonight or tomorrow.”
“What about his career?” Chumley asked. “He’ll need a manager who knows the truth in order to keep full moon nights open for him.”
“I’m sure he’s thought of that, right Sy?” Jaden asked. “I mean, your brother’s a smart guy.”
“Yeah, he is.” Syrus swallowed his last bite, got up, and said, “I’ll see you later,” before dashing off for the Obelisk campus, his PDA in his jacket pocket and fully charged. The two brothers had talked about Syrus recording Zane tonight so he could see what he did.
Syrus snuck into the woods near the boys’ dorm and waited in hiding as Zane entered. His intense eyes easily found Syrus and he led him deeper into the woods. “Syrus, try to keep a safe distance. I can’t say how I’ll act around you.”
“Right.” Syrus stopped behind a bush and activated his PDA as Zane stopped in the nearby clearing. Syrus adjusted the video setting for night recording and hit ‘rec’ as night fell.
At first, Zane just stood there and then he howled and vigorously sniffed the air. His head turned to his left, away from Syrus, and trotted off on two legs with his brother following at a distance, his video recording zooming in.
Zane was unaware of Syrus following as he was focused on the scent of prey. His trotting slowed and he crouched as he stalked toward the focus of his hunt. His claws kneaded the ground and he growled low in his throat. He remained where he was for a few minutes before exploding out of hiding. He raced after a rabbit before pouncing on it, seizing the neck in his mouth, and biting down hard. The rabbit went limp and Zane released it to howl in success. He then crouched over it to eat, his claws ripping it open. He ignored everything else around him as he filled his belly, including the video recording him.
Syrus stayed hidden, eyes on the screen as it recorded. He was stunned as seeing his brother behaving like an animal. If it wasn’t for the ears and tail, one would think Zane was being a wild, uncivilized man. Of course, Syrus knew better. This is horrifying, he thought. Zane really is thinking only as a wolf. He probably wouldn’t recognize me if he saw me.
Zane’s head then shot up, his nose flaring, and he turned in Syrus’ direction. He slunk toward him in a crouch and Syrus fell on his rear and scrambled backwards, his device still recording. His breath came in fast and hard as Zane came closer and he kept pushing back as Zane came through the bush, still moving in a crouch. His eyes were locked onto Syrus and the younger boy blinked as he realized that Zane seemed cautious instead of threatening.
“Zane?” he said softly and cautiously. “Do you know me right now?”
Zane moved closer, still cautious. He didn’t really know Syrus as his brother, but rather an unknown creature that smelled intriguing. He also smelled fear from this creature, but not a lot of it. Zane, for no reason he understood, felt kinship with this creature. He continued forward, the focus of his attention had stopped moving, allowing him to get closer. His nose flared as he sniffed Syrus’ face, hair, and clothes. His head jerked back slightly. He could detect his own scent on the other in addition to its own unique scent. It confused him. Why was his scent on this creature? It wasn’t a wolf like him and wasn’t like anything he knew as prey or a threat as he understood it. Yet, he drew security just from its presence. He slunk up beside the creature, curled up against him, and slipped into a contented sleep.
Syrus clicked off the recording and his PDA as he silently sighed in relief. He had been afraid the whole time Zane had approached him. He had bumped up against a tree and tensed as Zane came right up to him and started sniffing him. He saw Zane’s head jerk back and wondered why. Did he smell something confusing? How is he viewing me? Prey? A threat?
Syrus watched as Zane moved to one side of him, laid down, and curled up next to him. Soon, Zane was asleep and Syrus was calm again. Zane didn’t see him as food or a threat. Perhaps, deep down, he sees me as a source of comfort or security or he knows me as his brother. Syrus smiled at Zane’s sleeping form before he too fell asleep.
Chapter Six- Third Full Moon
Sunlight fell on Zane’s face and he squinted as he opened his eyes and blinked. He was curled up again but this time there was no dead wolf and he felt a warmth beside him. He glanced over and back to see Syrus asleep up against a tree. He knew he was alive as he could see the chest rise and fall and he didn’t smell death from the boy, either.
But how did we end up like this? Again, I don’t remember. But, Sy would know and he had been recording. His eyes landed on the PDA lying next to Syrus.
He put a hand on Syrus’ shoulder and gently shook it. “Syrus. Syrus.”
Syrus stirred and blinked open his eyes before they focused on Zane. He fully sat up and grabbed his PDA. “Morning, Zane.”
“Sy, how did we end up sleeping together?”
“I’m not sure. I’d like to think that you somehow knew me.”
Zane closed his eyes and tried to recall something. He probed his feelings and found a possible answer. He opened his eyes. “I think I felt a kinship toward you that I didn’t understand. I didn’t see you as a human, only an unknown creature. So, what did I do last night?”
“Oh! Right.” Syrus powered his device on. “I just want to say that you did move on two legs and then moved in a crouch.” Syrus brought up the video menu and hit ‘play’ on last night’s recording.
Zane stared transfixed as the video played. He got a close-up of himself trotting, hunting, and eating a rabbit. There was then a sequence of shots from a sideways arm’s length distance of him sniffing Syrus and recoiling a little. The video ended when Zane fell asleep.
“So, that’s what happened,” he said. “When not facing a real wolf, I seem rather…tame for a wild wolf. Although, I do find it weird that I was sniffing you.”
“Zane, you thought you were a wolf,” Syrus pointed out. “And don’t wolves use their noses to understanding everything around them? I mean, dogs do it so it follows…”
“That wolves do it too,” Zane cut in. “Yes, you have a point. I find it curious that I was moving at a crouch. It may be that I’ll be on all fours tonight.”
“Would you like me to record you tonight to see?” Syrus asked as they left the woods.
“Do you want to?”
“I think so. I know what to expect now and you’ll remember my scent so you might feel relaxed.”
“I’d like to be relaxed so I’ll meet you tonight.”
Syrus nodded and the brothers split up to change clothes and get ready for the day. Syrus entered his room and Jaden said, “Sy, there you are! Where were you all night and why are your clothes dirty?”
“I was with Zane last night. He wanted a video of his behavior and I offered to do it. I fell when Zane smelled me and was approaching me.”
“Did he hurt you?”
Syrus shook his head. “He sniffed me and something told him I was kin. He actually curled up next to me and fell asleep. I ended up falling asleep too.” Syrus plugged in his PDA to charge it. “I’m going to do it again tonight. Zane and I think my presence may relax him now that he’s smelled my scent.”
“You think and act like a wolf on the full moon?” Atticus whispered as they walked to school.
“Yes. I was an aggressive one on the first night, but I was a bit calmer last night. I don’t really remember what happens, but Syrus recorded my activities last night.”
“He did? And you didn’t notice?”
“Oh, I noticed. My senses are sharp, remember? I sniffed him out but I didn’t attack. I drew a feeling of comfort and security from him and we slept the rest of the night.”
“You plan on doing that again tonight? The recording and all?”
“Sy will be recording but I can’t control how I’ll act. We can only go forward with the plan. I do know that I won’t attack him as I’ll know his scent.”
Atticus shook his head slightly as they sat in class. The full moon had turned the curse back into a true curse. Zane did not remember the night unless someone recorded it and that could be dangerous for the one recording. Syrus, being his brother, escaped attack but that didn’t apply to everyone.
“Zane, maybe I should come too. If you tell your manager the truth, he may insist on accompanying you. After all, you would be his client,” Atticus said as school ended.
“You have a point and I’m thinking that everyone here has figured out how I am during the full moon. I do need to know how I’ll act around someone who isn’t family.”
Syrus had no problem with Atticus joining him for Zane’s last full moon of the month. Both carried their PDA’s and took positions on opposite sides of a clearing. They hit ‘record’ and Zane closed his eyes to prepare for his wolf mind.
Atticus nearly jumped when Zane howled. He watched the screen as Zane sniffed the air and then crouched to sniff the ground. He looked to his right and locked eyes with Syrus who was not hiding himself like Atticus was. There was silence as the two stared at each other before Zane’s head whipped around and his nose flared in Atticus’ direction. A low growl sounded as Zane approached on two legs, his face twisted in a snarl.
Atticus felt his heart thumping as he saw Zane approach with an expression that looked very animal-like. There was no recognition in his eyes as he approached Atticus’ position. Okay. He seems to feel threatened by those who are not family. Atticus’ impulse was to run but he fought that by telling himself that Zane likely had the speed of a wolf and be able to take him down in no time. Maybe if I don’t move, he won’t attack me, he thought hopefully.
Zane parted the bush and stared at Atticus who didn’t move. Zane stepped through the bush and up to Atticus’ face, sniffing it and his hair. He then stepped back and gave the equivalent of a wolf’s grin before crouching down and nosing the brunette’s hand. Atticus reached up and scratched behind one of Zane’s ears. He heard the soft whine from the last time he scratched the ears and smiled at the wagging tail.
A plop sound caught both of their attentions and they looked to see a large raw steak on the ground. Zane’s nose twitched as the scent reached him and he went to it, crouched down, seized it in his hands, and tore into it as a wolf would. Atticus could hardly believe his eyes as he filmed it. This is kind of disturbing. I know he’s in wolf mode, but still this is my friend and he’s eating in an uncivilized manner.
Syrus watched as Zane devoured the raw steak and began washing his hands and face. He had felt his brother deserved something else besides wild animals to hunt, at least in the early evening. So, he had asked Atticus to steal the steak and pass it to him as Zane would be likely to accept it from him. He had taken it out with the intention of distracting Zane from Atticus with it, but he paused when he saw Atticus scratch Zane’s ear and seeing Zane’s tail wag.
He trusts Atticus. Maybe some part of his humanity is still awake and knows he is part of that race, despite his current state of mind. Syrus threw the steak then, catching the attentions of both before Zane smelled it and went over to eat, holding it in his hands. And that’s another point to my humanity theory. He’s using his hands as hands. It seems Zane was wrong in thinking he would walk on all fours. Syrus watched as Zane headed into the woods and he followed as did Atticus, both still recording.
Chapter Seven- The Bullies
Zane watched the videos of himself from last night and smiled slightly. “So, I didn’t go to all fours and it seems I walked instead of crouched except for when I was hunting and when I nosed your hand, Atticus.”
“Maybe because there were two of us, you retained more of your humanity…or perhaps it was because it was the last full moon of the month,” Atticus said.
“It could be a little of both,” Zane said. “So, if I let two in on my secret, perhaps I won’t act like a wolf as much.”
“Going on the assumption that one will be your manager,” Atticus said. “Who would the other be?”
“I’m not sure. Perhaps the limo driver?”
Atticus laughed while Syrus giggled. Zane had an amused smile of his own. “Don’t worry. I’ll figure someone out. I could have you during the summer break, Sy.”
“Yeah and maybe I’ll help you choose a second person.
“That sounds like a plan,” Atticus said as he stood and stretched. “Well, I’ll see you later. There’s a beach with waves calling me and no doubt some pretty girls I can impress with my surfing.” He gave a wink as he left.
The brothers exchanged rolling eyes, Zane with a little difficulty, before also standing and stretching. “So, what are your plans for today?” Zane asked.
“Ja will probably want to duel. I usually cheer him on as I watch or I end up dueling him and losing.”
“Not to sound condescending, but that’s to be expected.”
“I know and afterwards, Ja and I look through my deck and find ways to improve it.”
“Good. That’s one way to get better at the game and so does having confidence in oneself and his cards.”
“And that’s why you’re so good.”
Zane chuckled. “Sy, I did lose when I first started playing. It wasn’t as if I picked up a deck and instantly knew every strategy needed to win with it.”
Syrus smiled at this. Zane and he rarely talked like this, so casually and friendly. Although they didn’t talk much, Syrus knew Zane loved him and cared deeply for him. He had proved that when he lost to Camula in order to save Syrus’ soul. It had been touching to know how much Zane cared for him and even being told that he did belong at the school. That had meant the world to Syrus.
Syrus didn’t noticed that Zane had paused to enjoy the smell of the forest in his normal state of mind. He was busy re-thinking their recent conversation and was considering actually dueling Jaden when he felt himself being shoved from behind. He stumbled and hit the ground before turning over to see three Obelisk boys sneering down at him.
“Well, well, what do we have here? A trespasser,” one mocked.
Syrus glared back. “I’d back off if I was you,” he said. “Zane will be out here any minute.”
“Zane? As in the half-wolf freak? You seriously think we’re afraid of him? Once we respected him, but now he’s a freak and representing our school. That is insulting.”
“What?” Syrus said, confused. He knew that most students edged away from Zane the last three days due to the moon. Were three days really enough to turn his dorm against him? I doubt Zane’s aware of that.
A sudden kick to his stomach made Syrus gasp and curl up in a ball. There were snickers above him and more kicks to his body occurred. Syrus put his arms over his head to protect it and more laughter was heard. He felt himself being grabbed and hoisted off his feet and he opened his eyes to see that he was being held by the tallest one, thought he wasn’t as tall as Zane.
“How did Duel Academy allow someone as pathetic as you to get in? I suppose it’s because of your brother who is just a beast now,” sneered the only one who had spoken thus far. He slammed a fist into Syrus’ stomach again, making him cry out and knowing Zane would hear him. There was more laughter that was cut off by a low, angry voice.
“Let go of my brother,” Zane said from behind them.
All three looked back to see Zane striding toward them from the forest. He made an impressive figure despite his dirty uniform. His tail moved slightly as he made his way to the group. The three bullies exchanged looks before their spokesman said, “Actually, I don’t think we will.”
“What?” Zane was taken aback. He hadn’t expected these three to refuse him; they had always listened to him before. What had changed?
“We don’t listen to you anymore, Zane. Everyone in Obelisk has had three days to think and talk and the majority has decided that you are not worthy of representing the dorm or the school.”
“Not worthy?” he repeated, hardly believing what he was hearing.
“That’s right,” a second one said before punching Syrus in the chest and he cried out.
The sound of his brother in pain and the bullies laughing at it caused a haze of anger to descend on Zane’s mind. He growled in hate and his tail bushed out as he seized he one who had just punched Syrus. His claws punctured the jacket as he growled in the boy’s face. “You will be sorry for hitting my brother,” he snarled. “You will all be sorry,” he added to the other two.
The one holding Syrus dropped him and Syrus hit the ground before scrabbling back from his brother and the bullies. Zane is really angry, Syrus thought. I’ve never seen him this mad. Oh, man! It’s his wolf half that’s making him this way! I need to stop him before he attacks them!
Zane’s eyes stared at the bullies with all the intensity they possessed as he brandished his claws and tried to figure out which one would suffer first. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. They will all pay for hurting Syrus.
“Zane! Stop! Don’t hurt them!” Syrus cried as he interposed himself between the angry half-wolf and the trembling Obelisks.
“They hurt you,” Zane growled. “I will not tolerate that.”
“But hurting them in return is not the answer. Please Zane; for me, let it go!” Syrus threw himself around Zane’s waist.
Some of the intensity in his eyes faded as he looked down at Syrus clinging to his waist. He looked at the bullies and saw the holes in one of their jackets. His hands were still up and he brought them down. He closed his eyes and slowly exhaled before saying calmly, “You three. Get out of here.” He heard them fleeing the scene and he reached back to his tail and smoothed it down.
“Zane?” Syrus asked.
“I’m fine now, Sy,” he said in his normal tone. “I just…can’t believe what I had considered doing.”
“I think it was your wolf half,” Syrus said. “They are protective of their pack. You were wanting to keep me from getting hurt further.”
“I could have done that without losing my temper. I am usually very calm.”
“But they weren’t going to listen. They told me that most of the dorm thinks you’re a…freak.”
Zane’s mind reeled at this. Freak? They see me as a freak? “How long have they been thinking this?”
“Three days they said.”
“Three days. The full mon cycle.” Zane shook his head. His dorm mates had edged away from him the last three days because of the moon and now they saw him as a freak. Zane inwardly whined.
Chapter Eight- At Peace
Zane sat in a far corner of the cafeteria, idly picking at his food and occasionally taking a bite. He was by himself and felt lonelier than he had in his whole life. The looks of his dorm mates gave him were full of fear and a little hate. No doubt the morning’s events had spread and it served to confirm their suspicions that Zane’s curse had caused an inward change in him.
But not completely, he thought. I do make sounds and be more protective of my friends and family, but it is the full moon when I act like a wolf. If my dorm continues this attitude, then I can’t wait to graduate.
“Hi, Zane,” came a voice and Zane looked up to see Alexis and Atticus. Alexis put her tray down. “Do you mind if we join you?”
“Not at all. I was feeling lonely.”
Both siblings sat and Zane continued, “I assume you heard about this morning? I fear that if Sy hadn’t stopped me, I would have hurt them or worse, killed them.”
“You wouldn’t have killed them,” Atticus said confidently.
“I’m not so sure. I was very angry at their treatment of Syrus. I was on the verge of attacking when Sy intervened.” He rubbed the sides of his nose carefully, eyes closed. “I’m starting to think that I have no place on the pro circuit. What manager would have me with my full moon cycles and possible angry tendencies?”
“Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” Atticus said just before Zane’s PDA dinged. “You might want to check that,” he added.
Curious, Zane pulled it out and saw a message from a Taylor Clawood and the envelope icon bore an official pro circuit seal! Heart pounding, he opened it. Mr. Truesdale,
I am Taylor Clawood and I am a pro manager who is a werewolf. Your friend, Mr. Rhodes, found me online and reached out to me on your behalf. Mr. Rhodes contacted me because of the large section of woods on my property. He told me of your curse and I told him of my own curse. I believe you and I would be a perfect match. Both of us can live at my place and have our cycles together. If you wish to speak with me, I would be delighted. A number followed the message.
Zane looked up at the siblings. “A werewolf manager,” he said softly. “Atticus, I can’t thank you enough for this.”
“Well, I figured if there was a witch duelist, perhaps there was a supernatural manager or two. The fact that he has woods on his property is what caught my attention.”
“That’s what he wrote. I also agree with him that we would be a good match as we both need the full moon off. I think I’ll call him so we can talk.” Zane finished his lunch and hurried to his room and to the video screen where he entered the number. The screen flared to life as he sat on the couch and the image of a man appeared. Zane blinked. The man had a pair of brown wolf ears that matched the hair. His eyes were gold wolf eyes that nonetheless held sincerity and compassion. “Mr. Clawood?” he asked.
“Yes. I’m Taylor Clawood. You are exactly like the picture Mr. Rhodes sent me. Your ears and tail don’t match your hair which indicates that you’re half-wolf and not a werewolf.”
“Yes. Forgive me, Mr. Clawood but the full moon is over, so how…?” He touched his own ear.
Clawood smiled. “I look completely human in the daylight hours of the cycle. Outside of it, I can partially shift. When I saw your number on my caller ID, I chose to shift to prove I am a werewolf.”
“I should have thought of concealing my additions but I didn’t and now it’s pointless as the entire school has seen them.”
“We’ll be able to make your features look fake. The fact that they don’t match your hair will work in our favor.”
Zane smiled. “I’m glad Atticus contacted you. I would love to have you as my manager.”
“Doesn’t the school select your manager?”
“Mostly, but that’s not ironclad and considering my situation, I am sure I will be given some freedom in who manages me.”
“Nonetheless, I will contact your chancellor and express my interest in you but not specifically why.”
“Of course. Thank you, Mr. Clawood.”
“My pleasure…Zane.” The screen turned off.
Zane leaned back in his couch and his tail wagged. Clawood was the perfect manager. He was a werewolf who also needed the full moon open as he would be a simple wolf in body and mind while Zane would be one in mind. He was sure that Sheppard would approve of Clawood.
Now if I could get back the respect of the school, he thought, his tail stilling and his ears folding back. He then sat up straight and his ears stood erect. I will not hide or look down; honestly that’s what Sy would do. I will hold my head up and go about my business. I was right to protect my brother, though I am not proud of the way I went about it. Now, most duelists gather in the arena on Saturday afternoons for some casual duels and I will join them. Zane put on his duel disk, gathered his deck, and headed out.
There were several duels in progress when Zane arrived and he stood off to one side of the entrance, watching them. Everyone here were good duelists and would go on to make Duel Academy proud. I certainly plan do, Gradually, the sounds of duels faded as each one wrapped up and the sounds of whispers and mutters were heard as practically everyone turned to look at him.
His eyes roved over the crowd and he spotted the bullies. Wait. That’s it; a way to make amends, he thought as he made his way toward them, exuding a calm unthreatening air while fellow school mates parted before him. He kept his arms at his sides and his eyes softened as he looked at them. “I apologize for my behavior this morning,” he said in a clear voice that carried. “There is no excuse for how I acted.”
“That’s not true,” Syrus called out. “You were protecting me.”
“I could have handled it differently,” Zane countered, his eyes still on his almost victims. “I am aware that there are those who think of me as a freak now. If that is how you wish to think of me from now on, then you are welcome to do so.” He turned and walked away from the bullies. He had gone a couple of yards when Bastion approached and asked for a duel. He accepted and activated his duel disk.
Syrus shook his head a little. “Zane doesn’t care that some people think he’s a freak? I thought he was hurt over that.”
“Maybe he was,” Jaden said. “But now he’s back to calm, cool Zane. He started out normal as the curse began and ended and now he just came out of rough period with the full moon and the protective attitude of a wolf.”
“Yeah,” Syrus said as everyone watched Zane defeat Bastion in his usual style. “And he’s not letting the curse stop him from being a pro.”
“That’s right.” Zane said as they stood in his favorite spot that night. “In fact, Atti found a manager who will sponsor me. He has a section of woods on his property and is willing to let me live in his home. He also has some ideas of how to make my wolf features look fake.”
“That’s great, Zane. I’m glad you got someone who’s willing to work with you on your curse.”
“I am too, Sy.” Zane closed his eyes as a breeze ruffled his tail and tickled his ears. The night was peaceful and Zane was also at peace with being half-wolf. All aspects of it.