Welcome to my miscellaneous fanfic archive. These are stories written by Kayka and my friend Meiou Setsuna (That's Trista Meiou to all American Sailor Moon fans). If I misspelled Meiou, my friend will let me know. Anyway, these stories either don't fit the Gargoyles or Pokemon sections; have been submitted to other sites and haven't been added or been denied; or are just so darn good that they just had to be shared. Here are the sections, the stories, and the authors who wrote them. Enjoy!
Note: Meiou Setsuna has an account on the website An Archive Of Our Own where she has the pen name RubyMoon_Snape. She has three large Voltron Legendary Defender files that would take up too much space on this site so I'm putting in a link that you can paste into the URL bar: http://archiveofourown.org/users/RubyMoon_Snape/pseuds/RubyMoon_Snape
A Tainted Seed by Kayka- Mirage exacts revenge on Aladdin in an unexpected way.
An Unlikely Pair by Kayka- WARNING! Slash pairing. Mozenrath wants Aladdin as his own. Will he succeed?
An Unusual Family by Kayka- Sequel to An Unlikely Pair. Aladdin desires a family and looks for a way to make that happen.
Blood Moon Curse by Kayka- Agrabah witnesses a Blood Moon Eclipse and Jasmine learns a terrible family secret concerning this eclipse.
Conquests by Kayka- Mirage has found love...in Aladdin? Will she win his love or will Aladdin reject her advances?
Dark Fangs by Kayka- Time away from family and friends results in a shocking life change for Princess Jasmine.
Extinguished Light by Kayka- Set after “Two to Tangle.” Aladdin searches Jafar’s lab to find a way to unlock the magic of his spirit. WARNING: Character deaths.
Fur and Feathers by Kayka- Mozenrath cooks up the perfect revenge for Aladdin.
Howl of the Night by Kayka-Mozenrath has a plan to conquer Agrabah and he's using Jasmine to do so. Will he succeed?
Moonlit Fate by Kayka- Mozenrath believes he found a new servant to help him conquer Agrabah, but he gets a huge surprise. WARNING: character deaths.
Of Sorcerers and Mischief by Meiou Setsuna- Mozenrath lands himself in some hot water and he forced to live with Aladdin and company.
Of Sorcerers and Surprises by Meiou Setsuna- Part one of three. Follows the second ending of "Of Sorcerers and Mischief" storyline.
Of Sorcerers and Horses by Meiou Setsuna-Part two of five.
Of Sorcerers and Magic by Meiou Setsuan-Part three of five
Of Sorcerers and Chaos by Meiou Setsuna- Part four of five
Of Sorcerers and Meetings by Meiou Setsuna- Part five of five
Waves of Desire by Kayka- Saleen wants Aladdin for her own and uses a magical plant to do so.
A Star's Shining Light by Kayka-A musing on Yue told from Sakura's POV. Companion piece to Master, Friend, and Love. Please read the first story or this may not make much sense.
I Wonder by Kayka- Kero and Spinner wonder about one another. WARNING: Slash pairing.
Master, Friend, and Love by Kayka- A musing on Sakura Avalon told from Yue's POV.
The Two Moon Guardians by Meiou Setsuna- When the two moon guardians were children, they played games.
Case Closed
Reflections by Meiou Setsuna- Conan takes a little time out of his day to reflect on his life and the people in it.
Harry Potter
A Secret Snape by Meiou Setsuna- A typical Severus is Harry's father fic. When Dumbledore orders Severus to go check on Harry Potter, a secret that's been buried for fourteen years come to light.
A Summer Break by Meiou Setsuna- See what Severus and Lily do over summer vacation. Not a pairing fic.
Ashes of Problem Students by Meiou Setsuna- An innocuous jar is sitting on Snape's desk. Is anyone brave enough to discover its contents?
Below the Surface by Meiou Setsuna- Severus Snape decides to go for a swim in the Black Lake. Someone spies on him. Contains a tiny bit of slash.
Castle Intervention by Meiou Setsuna- When Hogwarts gets fed up with the fued between Gryffindors and Slytherins, she traps eight students in the Room of Requirement in order to get them to get along. Marauder's era.
Dark Desires by Kayka- AU of DH. Harry and his friends are held captive in Malfoy Manor and Voldemort has special plans for Harry. Voldemort/Harry.
Dark Shadows by Kayka- Harry has been turned into a vampire! How will he cope?
Family Ties by Meiou Setsuna- Severus's brother and sister come to visit when a time-delayed curse cast on Severus takes effect.
Fang and Claw by Kayka- The continuation of Introperspective. Harry learns a startling secret about his parents while Draco learns the truth about one of the teachers.
Fang and Claw by Meiou Setsuna- A companion piece to Kayka's story by the same name. Must read Kayka's story or you will be confused.
Flames of Silver and Crimson by Kayka- Set during OotP. Harry discovers a shocking secret about himself and only one who can guide him is…Severus Snape! WARNING: slash, Harry/Severus.
Flames of Silver and Crimson II by Kayka- Sequel to story of same name. AU of Harry’s sixth year. His relationship with Severus couldn’t be better and Harry learns of a way to bring down Voldemort.
Fleet of Foot and Heart by Kayka- Harry gets a surprise after touching a unicorn. Set in the fourth year. Harry/Draco.
Hogwarts Online by Meiou Setsuna- Join our favorite students and teachers as they learn about chat rooms.
Harry Potter and the Darkness Within by Kayka- AU for OotP, HBP, and DH. Harry learns that he is on the wrong side of the coming war and joins Voldemort who wants Harry to murder Dumbledore. Will he do it? WARNING: Dark Harry and character deaths.
I Dare You by Meiou Setsuna- An innocent game turns hilarious for a group of Slytherins.
If You Go Away by Meiou Setsuna- A song fic...sort of. When Lily Evans doesn't accept Severus's apology, he is overcome with emotions.
Introperspective by Kayka- Harry broods on an incident that changes his life.
Masquerade by Meiou Setsuna- Set during the Marauders' era. A Masquerade Ball is being held at Hogwarts. Who will Lily Evans go with: James Potter or Severus Snape?
Of Quidditch and Fouls by Meiou Setsuna- An accident on the Quidditch Pitch has long-lasting repercussions for one Slytherin Seeker.
Phases of the Moon by Kayka- AU of HBP. Another Draco is a werewolf story. Will Draco by able to hide his condition from his housemates and the rest of the school?
Potter's Floating Head: The Aftermath by Meiou Setsuna- In their third year, during a Hogsmeade visit, Draco spied Harry's head floating in mid-air. What happens next? A very short one-shot starring everyone's two favorite Slytherins.
Rules for Professor Snape's Classroom-by Meiou Setsuna- a humorous fic about what kind of rules Snape's would have for his classroom.
Second Chances by Meiou Setsuna- A singing contest at Hogwarts and a timed delayed curse are just two of the things that happen to the Potions Master.
Shades of Grey by Meiou Setsuna- AU after book 5. Harry learns that the prophecy was faked to cover up the real prophecy. Together with Severus, he fulfills the prophecy by becoming Tom's mates. Grey Harry. Manipulative Dumbledore. Deaging. Character death. Harry/Severus/Tom.
Shadowfang by Meiou Setsuna- Everyone knows that Sirus tricked Severus into following Remus in their sixth year, right? What if Sirus's trick caused Severus to be bitten?
Silver Wildfire by Meiou Setsuna- Severus isn't completely human but uses a glamour charm to appear otherwise. What happens when the glamour charm is no longer effective?
Slytherin Secrecy by Meiou Setsuna- Severus knows a secret about Draco. What could it be?
Soul Stones by Meiou Setsuna- Lily Evans is on a mission. What is it, and how does it involve James, Sirus, and Remus?
Snape's Tale by Kayka- Snape receives a gift from a student over summer break. Takes place before, during, and after sixth year.
The Necklace by Meiou Setsuna- In every picture up until her engagement to James Potter, Lily Evans can be seen wearing a unique necklace. Where did it go?
The Price of a Slytherin Spy by Meiou Setsuna-Severus comes back from a Death Eater meeting, but not as he was when he left Hogwarts. Warning: Slash.
The Potion Master's Present by Meiou Setsuna- Severus Snape receives a Christmas present. What is it and who sent it?
The Raven in the Snake Pit by Meiou Setsuna- The Ravenclaw heir has been found... and sorted into Slytherin? Follow her as she makes friends in the snake pit.
The Ties That Bind Us by Meiou Setsuna- Harry wishes that Snape understood how he's treated at the Dursley's. Ron and Harry brew up a plan, but it backfires in an unexpected way.
The Yule Ball by Meiou Setsuna- A Yule Ball is coming and dates are required. Who will ask Lily first? Severus Snape or James Potter?
Two Fangs by Meiou Setsuna- A Daywalker walks the halls of Hogwarts. Who is it?
Volley of Languages by Meiou Setsuna- A companion piece to Family Ties, but can be read alone. A trio of friends have some fun with languages.
Walking in Another's Shoes by Kayka- Set during OotP. Harry feels that Snape doesn’t understand his problems and vice versa. Two unspoken wishes made at the same time has an unexpected result.
He-Man and the Masters of the Universe
Moon of Evil by Kayka- Skeletor has a new plan that involves turning someone from good to evil and he sets his sights on Prince Adam. WARNING: Character deaths and Dark characters.
The Successor by Kayka- Skeletor has a new plan to conquer Grayskull that the Sorceress cannot fight alone. She requires the help of Teela who will finally learn of her mother and her special destiny.
What Do You See? by Kayka- Adam thinks back on some things his mother said to him and decided to ask her about them. Takes place after episode, “The Rainbow Warrior.”
A Child's Musings by Meiou Setsuna- Rin reflects on Sesshomaru.
A Demon Slayer's Vow by Meiou Setsuna- Kohaku and Kagura come up with a plan to kill Naraku. Will the plan suceed? If it does, what becomes of the Shikon Jewel?
A Hanyou Experience by Kayka-Sesshomaru gets a curse placed on him. What kind of curse will it be and why was it placed on him?
Breaking the Cycle by Kayka- Vampires and werewolves roam Tokyo, but one from each race fall for one another. Kagome/Inuyasha.
Feudal Fairytale by Kayka- A mermaid named Kagome spies half-demon Inuyasha one day and falls instantly in love.
Human Blood by Meiou Setsuna- When Run inexplicably starts bleeding, Sesshomaru must seek help from the only human who isn't afraid of him. No pairings.
Identity Dual by Kayka- Inuyasha and company find a jewel shard, but something's wrong with it and it affects Inuyasha!
Kitsune by Kayka- Kagome eats a strange berry and experiences a life-changing event. Kagome/Inuyasha.
Mother Knows Best by Meiou Setsuna- A Sesshomaru/Rin story. Sesshomaru's mother can see that her son loves Rin, but is concerned about the age difference, so she fixes it.
Ookami Youkai by Kayka- After a fight with Inuyasha, Kagome runs off to the well and meets up Koga.
Raindrops by Meiou Setsuna- a fluffy fic featuring everyone's favorite little human girl, Rin.
Silver and Gold by Kayka-Naraku is dead and Rin has romantic feelings for Sesshomaru.
The Mermaid Princess by Kayka- My version of Disney's The Little Mermaid with an Inuyasha twist.
Youkai and Ningen by Meiou Setsuna- A battle with Naraku yields a surprise for Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and their friends.
Jackie Chan Adventures
Everything's Not Black and White by Meiou Setsuna- Jade is now an agent of Section 13 though she is in high school. One day, a letter arrives and changes her life forever.
Valerie by Meiou Setsuna- Valmont finds himself under a curse. What is this curse and what happens while he is under its influence?
Original Misc stories
Mischief of the Kitsune by Kayka- My own original story about a boy who dreams about a fox. Why is he having this dream and what does it mean?
Cursed by Kayka- A night at Clawmark Hill changes Ash’s life forever.
Dark Curse by Kayka- AU of Pokemon story, Cursed. WARNING: Character deaths.
Ranma 1/2
A Whole New Set of Problems by Kayka- Ranma's revelation of his curse to Kuno goes horribly wrong.
Akane's Curse by Kayka-Akane has an accident when she visits Jusenkyo
Mousse's Ploy by Kayka- Mousse has a plan to win Shampoo's heart. Will he succeed?
Secret Revealed by Kayka- For a long time, Ryoga didn't tell Akane that he was P-chan. Will Akane eventually learn his secret and how will she react?
The Houseguests by Kayka- While the Kuno estate is getting fumigated, where will the siblings stay? How about at the Tendos? Sequel to Yin and Yang.
Yin and Yang by Kayka- A training trip at Jusenkyo goes awry for Kuno.
Sailor Moon
A Cat's Life by Kayka- The Negaverse schemes to put Sailor Moon out of the picture. Will they succeed?
Allegiance by Kayka- What if Nephlite didn't die and joined the Sailor Scouts to fight Queen Beryl?
Beneath the Waves by Meiou Setsuna- As a siren, Zoicite loved luring men to their deaths. That all changed when she met a human, Lord Malachite. When Malachite is promised to Princess Mina, what lengths will he go to get out of the engagement?
Courting by Kayka- Nephlite is a lone werewolf until he meets Lita, a normal human. Nephlite/Lita.
Crossroads of Life by Kayka- Lita is the new girl at school and two ancient races want her to join them. Lita/Nephlite.
Dark Side of the Moon by Kayka- A thousand years ago, Queen Beryl laid a curse on Princess Serenity. The curse resurfaces and Serena has to learn to battle it or it will consume her and change her future. WARNING: Character deaths.
Full Circle: Resurrection by Meiou Setsuna- They were his friends, his confidantes, his bodyguards, his court. When Darien wants to resurrect his court, will Serena and the scouts agree to help him? The story follows the NA dub and contains ideas from the classic anime and the manga as well as fanon and from my own head.
Full Circle: Seasons by Meiou Setsuna- Part two to Full Circle: Resurrection. This is only a series of scenes, not a complete story. Pairings: Darien/Serena, Raye/Jedite, Lita/Nephlite, Malachite/Zoicite. This story follows the American Dub so Zoicite is a woman.
Gender Bender by Kayka- Zoycite feels frustrated that the other generals don't sympathize with her women difficulties and Beryl decides teach them a lesson.
In Mind & Body by Meiou Setsuna- Usagi and Setsuna experience an unforgettable adventure.
Of Land and Waves by Kayka- Crystal Cove has two kingdoms: One of land and one of sea; both exist harmoniously side-by-side. An annual summer ceremony brings some special humans and merpeople together. Malachite/Mina, Jedite/Raye.
Rebirth by Meiou Setsuna- The four generals were reborn as ordinary humans and Queen Beryl wants them back to help release the Negaverse.
Rejuvenation by Meiou Setsuna- When Queen Beryl has no more use for the four generals, she doesn't kill them, but does something much worse to three of the four and causes heartache for the last one.
Revelations by Meiou Setsuna- It's 30th century Earth, Crystal Tokyo to be exact. King Enkymion has decided to revive the generals, one at a time. How do they react when one revelation after another is revealed? Zoi/Mal.
Sailor Pluto's Surprise by Meiou Setsuna- What surprise is in store for Sailor Pluto?
Scout of Blood and Ice by Kayka-A Sailor Scout becomes a vampire! Which one is it and what will become of her?
Sea and Sky by Kayka- Amara is a human princess who is saved by Michelle, a mermaid princess. The two fall in love and are willing to do what it takes to be together. WARNING: fem slash. Amara/Michelle, Trista/Rubeus.
Siren Songs by Kayka- Zoycite is a mermaid who loves sinking ships. One day, the queen forbids her from her favorite activity until she does the other thing mermaids do: Luring men into the sea.
The Ally by Kayka- A longer and better version of Allegiance. Nephlite decides to help the Sailor Scouts fight Beryl and in the process, he discovers a past that has long been repressed. Contains some fanon and a shout-out to those who see their ideas in the story.
Timeline Switch by Meiou Setsuna-Setsuna has been having strange dreams. What could they mean? Are they just dreams or are they something more?
Sofia the First
Magic Spells and Tiaras by Meiou Setsuna- After coming across a certain mirror in the attic of the castle, Cedric inadvertently wishes to be a child again. What happens when Sofia finds out Cedric's past schemes to steal her amulet? Set after "Cedric Be Good."
Workshops and Ravens by Meiou Setsuna- When Cedric accompanies Sofia to Mystic Meadows, Wormwood takes this time to reflect on his sorcerer's actions. Very brief one-shot.
Special Unit Two
Undercover Feelings by Meiou Setsuna- A short glimpse into Kate Benson's life as she tries to finish some reports. Briefly mentions Kate/Nick.
Star Trek: The Next Generation/Voyager
24th Century Halloween by Meiou Setsuna- Neelix wants to boost morale and gets an idea from Tom and Harry: A Halloween party!
Holidays by Meiou Setsuna- Different rooms are decorated to represent different Terran holidays. Who's behind this and what's going to happen next?
The Forced Shore Leave by Meiou Setsuna- It's time for shore leave and Beverly Crusher has a unique solution to ensure Jean-Luc Picard goes n shore leave.
Star Wars
Afterlife by Meiou Setsuna- What is the Jedi afterlife like? Anakin is about to find out.
Dancing by Kayka- Qui-Gon catches Obi-Wan doing something embarrassing.
Disobedience by Meiou Setsuna- We all know Qui-Gon Jinn: Respectful, patient, kind, and with a bit of defiance. What if it wasn't always so?
Laryngitis by Meiou Setsuna- When ObiWan gets laryngitus, what can the poor Padawan do?
The Avengers
Little Mischief by Meiou Setsuna-Takes place between the first Avengers movie and Thor: The Dark World. Loki is punished by Rodin for his actions on Midgard, and Thor decides to take Loki back to The Avengers Tower. How will the team react to Loki's punishment? Deaging.
The Last Unicorn
Love's Journey by Kayka- Prince Lir is still in love with Almathea and plans to be with her forever. Will he succeed?
Confusion by Meiou Setsuna- Bengali wants to confess to Pumyra, but she is spending a lot of time with Cheetara and Tygra. After seeing her hugging and purring to Tygra, he reads it as rejection.
Exhausted by Meiou Setsuna
Med Bay Mystery by Meiou Setsuna- Tygra receives a large supply shipment and has to sort it before putting it away and isn't looking forward to it. He walks into the med bay and finds that the supplies are sorted and put away. He is puzzled as to who is helping him.
Sleeping Arrangements by Meiou Setsuna
The Worst Patient by Meiou Setsuna
Thundercats Episode Guide- View all four seasons of Thundercats episodes
Voltron, Defender of the Univarse
Black and White by Kayka- Keith has a family secret and hidden feelings for…Lotor!?
Lone Wolf by Kayka- Lotor has failed Zarkon for the last time and is banished…but not in his current form.
Lure of the Moon by Meiou Setsuna
Phantom of the Blue Lion by Kayka- Allura receives mysterious letters from an admirer. Who could they be from?
Savage Heart by Kayka-Sven has a family heritage that is dark and savage if he surrenders to it. When he utilizes it to escape and help others, will he be able to resist its dark impulses?
Scavenger Hunt by Meiou Setsuna- Allura goes on a scavenger hunt set up by persons unknown. What she finds at the end is the best find of all.
Through Different Eyes by Kayka- Princess Allura is engaged to Prince Keith, but her jealous cousin plans to end that.
Voltron: Legendary Defender
A Merman's Quest by Kayka- Shiro has a unique heritage that unlocks on his twenty-fifth birthday.
A Tale of Two Keiths by Meiou Setsuna- After inadvertently encountering a temporal fissure, Commander Keith and Paladin Keith switch places. They have to switch back quickly before the Galra attack the Paladins and before Lotor attacks Arus. Contains Alpha/Omega dynamics (nothing graphic). Shklance(LD) and Kallura (DotU).
Black Market Secret by Kayka-Shiro is kidnapped by a black market organization and forced to assist them.
Blade or Paladin by Meiou Setsuna- Seto after season four. Keith is conflicted about where he belongs. Is he a Blade of Marmora or a Paladin of Voltron?
Blood by Kayka- Katie, a werewolf, meets Keith, a vampire. Will they fall for one another…or kill each other? Katie/Keith.
Blood Feud by Kayka- Shiro is a special man who could become a vampire or a werewolf. When both races learn of this, which one will he choose? Shiro/Keith.
Bodyguard by Meiou Setsuna
Chili and Family by Meiou Setsuna- When Hunk gets sick, who cooks for the Paladins? Also, Lance learns some things about his rival.
Dads of Mamora by Meiou Setsuna-Keith trains too hard and passes out on the training deck. Antok finds and brings him to the Blade's room and Thace and Ulaz decide to make Keith their kit.
De-Aged Keith by Meiou Setsuna
De-Aged Kolivan by Meiou Setsuna
Emperor Keith by Meious Setsuna- An AU where Keith accidentally lights the Kral Zera and becomes the new Galra Emperor.
Fallen Soldiers by Meiou Setsuna- An AU where two Glara don't die and are reunited with their fellow Blades.
Family by Kayka- An AU of season two. When Keith learns he has Galra blood in him, Allura takes the news badly, and Kolivan wishes to teach Keith about his newly discovered heritage.
Galra by Kayka- An AU of the start of Voltron: Legendary Defender. What if Shiro faced a different fate than a robotic arm, white hair, and a scar?
Geste by Meiou Setsuna- Shiro returns from a routine survey mission to find Keith unconscious. What happened to the Red Paladin? Shallura and Klance and brotherly Sheith.
Happy Birthday, Keith by Meiou Setsuna- It's Keith's birthday, but he doesn't want to acknowledge it. Will his friends comply with his wishes or is he getting a surprise party? Brotherly Sheith/Broganes and Klance with a little bit of Dads of Marmora
Heat by Kayka- . Lance and Keith are half-wolves and Keith’s feelings for Lance become intense. Established Klance.
Heat II by Kayka- continuation of Heat. Established Klance.
Hidden Heritage by Kayka- Kolivan and Antok accompany Keith to the Castle of Lions to meet and talk to his boyfriend, Lance. A Bonding ceremony later on reveals a surprise. Established Klance.
Kazoku by Meiou Setsuna- After a nightmare, Keith seeks out his brother and someone spies them together and jumps to the wrong conclusion. Keith and Shiro are adoptive brothers.
Keith of Mamora by Meiou Setsuna- After getting injured on a mission for the Blade, Keith is confined to the base with a broken arm. He goes exploring and discovers something surprising about the base and himself.
Kit by Meiou Setsuna- Keith sneezes, but Thace mistakes it for a serious illness. It turns out Keith is getting sick and he was just going to ignore it. Thace, Ulaz, Antok, and Kolivan learn a little bit about their new member's past and determine that Keith needs a family. Family fluff.
Kits and Instincts by Meiou Setsuna
Klance by Meiou Setsuna- When Keith misses dinner, Lance has to find him. He finds him sick in bed, and both decide to tell their teammates about their relationship. Fluffy one shot. Established Klance.
Memoirs of a Family by Meiou Setsuna- When Lance gets homesick looking at his pictures, he comes up with a way to share pictures with everyone. The Paladins are supposed to share their pictures, but one Paladin doesn't have any to share. When it's revealed he doesn't have a family, he finds that you don't have to share blood to be family.
Monster by Meiou Setsuna- After a permanent physical shift to a half-galra appearance, Keith starts to sink into depression. Can a visit from Shiro and Lance bring him out of it? Shklance. Inspired by "Monster" by SkitsoFanActs.
Nature of the Beast by Kayka- Shiro is a few months away from marrying Adam when he is abducted.
Pawprints by Kayka
Pictures and a Tickle Fight by Meiou Setsuna- Lance is intent on finding out what Keith was like as a kid but Keith doesn't have any pictures. It's Shiro who does, and later on, there's a tickle fight between Paladins.
Preferences by Kayka- A cryo-pod accident leaves Lance in unusual situation. Established Klance.
Puzzles by Meiou Setsuna- A three chapter story involving jigsaw puzzles.
Song and Dance by Meiou Setsuna- While the other Paladins are on a mission, Keith decided to indulge in a little guilty pleasure. When the Paladins return early, they catch him in the act of...dancing? Slight Klance.
Tail of True Love by Kayka- : Keith is a human with a love for the sea and is curious about its depths. Lance is a merman who loves exploring the human world. What would happen if these two were to meet? Klance.
The Holt Family by Meiou Setsuna
The Lost Princess by Kayka- Lance has been dreaming of an Altean princess from a very ancient past and gets a surprise when he finds out why. Klance.
The Missing Jacket by Meiou Setsuna- Keith's jacket goes missing while he's training. Who took his jacket and why? A bit of Klance fluff at the end.
Vampire Passion by Kayka- Shiro is a one hundred year old vampire and has found love in the form of Adam who is human. A love like this is forbidden…isn’t it?
Werewolves by Kayka
Werewolves II by Kayka
XIV Years by Meiou Setsuna- Shiro and Keith are sparring on the training deck and accidentally miss breakfast. Lance, Pidge, and Hunk find out their teammates are black belts in two martial arts. Very short one shot.
Wolf's Rain
Of Wolves and Flowers by Kayka-A rewrite of the last four episodes of the series, with a little twist.
A Conscious Decision by Meiou Setsuna- What if Operation: Rebirth had an unforseen side effect for mutants?
Somewhere Out There by Meiou Setsuna- When seprating twins, sometimes distance doesn't matter. A song fic...sort of.
A Destined Love by Kayka- Joey and Kaiba secretly love each other. Will either one confess?
A Newfound Friend? by Kayka- A continuation of Two Souls, Two Hearts, but this focuses on Ryou and Bakura. The tomb robber thinks about his new life while Ryou wants an end to the hostilities between Bakura and his friends. No slash, just friendship.
A Special Kind of Love by Kayka-Yugi wants to tell Yami something. Will he have the courage to do so?
Acts of Evil by Kayka- Mahad’s love for Bakura leads him to question everything he’s ever known.
Altered Soul by Kayka
April Fool’s Day by Meiou Setsuna- The sequel to "Sick Days."
Before the Romance by Kayka-Prequel to Summertime Romance. This is how Yugi and Joey met and when Yugi got The Call. Seto/Joey.
Beneath the Surface by Kayka- Seto's thoughts on a certain blonde duelist.
Bestowed by Kayka- While Kaiba is away, Mokuba’s in charge and he is given an unusual gift.
Bitten by Kayka- Yugi has a secret fascination with werewolves; he never wanted to be one, though.
Blood Ties by Kayka- Mahad proves how far he is willing to go to keep Atem safe.
Bonds of Blood and Moon by Kayka- Atem is sixteen and a family heritage is revealed to him: He’s a werewolf.
Confidence and Kindness by Kayka
Criminal Descent by Kayka- Kaiba has a spy in his company and Bakura offers a way to find him…for a price.
Curse or Gift by Kayka
Dark Inheritance by Kayka- Mokuba is chosen for a dark destiny.
Different Perspective by Kayka- Atem is the pharaoh of the vampires and finds his personal slave intriguing. Atem/Yugi.
Dual Attraction by Kayka- Set in Ancient Egypt. Seto and Mahad have a scrimmage duel with a deal that the loser will accept whatever punishment the winner chooses. Seto/Mahad.
Dueling For Fun by Meiou Setsuna- Oneshot. Just a fun little duel against one's sibling turns out to be full of hysterics.
Extra Warmth by Kayka- It’s bitterly cold outside and Bakura wants to keep warm inside. Ryou/Bakura.
Family Legacy by Kayka- Yugi discovers a secret about his family.
Fins and Feet by Kayka- Atem and Seto are mermen cousins who are each secretly in love with a human. Atem/Yugi, Seto/Joey.
Friendship and Moonlight by Kayka- Graduation is at hand and Joey wants to try to befriend a longtime rival.
Gender Identity by Kayka- Kaiba is changed into a woman and must chart the waters of womanhood while waiting for a cure to be found. Kaiba/Joey.
Gender Identity II by Kayka- Zigfried wants to get revenge on Kaiba and learns about her involvement with Joey.
Hikari and Yami by Kayka- Joey receives a yami of his own, but he is not what he seems.
Human to Werewolf by Kayka
Hybrids by Kayka- The world consists of humans and human-animals beings called hybrids. When hybrid Atem meets hybrid Bakura, what will happen?
Immortal Hearts by Kayka- Isis’ life is forever changed when a cursed gift is bestowed upon her.
Josephine by Kayka- Joey learned of a family curse when he was sixteen. Now as the Summer Solstice after his eighteenth birthday approaches, the curse starts to make itself known. Joey/Kaiba.
Journey to Destiny by Kayka- Every winter, a merperson must find humans who can become merpeople. One merman is chosen for he is of age to wed and finds his match among the humans. Joey/Kaiba.
King of Werewolves by Kayka
Kingdom Love by Kayka- Atem and Seto fall in love. Will it survive when royal tradition threatens their relationship? Atem/Seto.
Kitty Chaos by Kayka- Bakura insults Bastet and a punishment is inflicted on him.
Life Contract by Kayka- Kaiba finds himself unwillingly sharing his body with Priest Seto.
Life Contract II: Seto's Day Out by Kayka- Sequel to Life Contract. Seto is allowed to be in control for two days. Read about his first day.
Life Contract III: Reunited Friends by Kayka- Seto recalls his time in Ancient Egypt with his best friend, Jono and Joey receives a surprising revelation.
Life Contract IV: Spirit's Day Out by Kayka- Ryou meets Jono and asks for him, Seto, and Atem to help Bakura.
Lonely Heart by Kayka- Seto has a secret that nonetheless gets out when he meets Bakura, whom he had never seen but heard about. Bakura/Seto.
Lost at Sea by Kayka- Atem is a fifteen-year-old prince set to become king on his sixteenth birthday, but his court sorcerer has other plans. Atem/Yugi.
Love of the Nile by Kayka- Seto is a priest of Egypt and one day meets Kaiba, merman prince of all the oceans. Seto/Kaiba. WARNING: Character deaths and violence.
Lunar Cycle: Waning and Waxing by Kayka- Kaiba comes to the realization that he’s fallen for Joey and decides to tell him. How will Joey react and will a relationship between them actually happen? WARNING: slash
Malik and the Motorcycle by Meiou Setsuna- Malik discovers his hikari's motorcycle and wants a ride.
Memory: Loss and Recovery by Kayka- Bakura falls victim to a nasty trap in his latest tomb robbing attempt.
Moon Ascension by Kayka- Isis has a love in her life who reveals a big secret about himself
Moonlight Kinship by Kayka- Set in Ancient Egypt. Atem is cursed as a werewolf. He deals with his curse while ruling his kingdom.
Nature of Life by Kayka- Mahad and Seto announce their love to the court and a visiting diplomat has a secret of his own.
New Lease on Life by Kayka- Bakura finds a spell to give himself a body of his own, but something unexpected happens. Later, Bakura tries to trick Atem into using it. Ryou/Bakura, Atem/Yugi.
New Perception by Kayka- Kaiba has always dismissed the existence of magic and the supernatural, but an encounter with the supernatural changes all that.
Nocturnal Encounters by Kayka- Atem is the pharaoh and alpha of a werewolf city. Bakura is the king of a village of criminal vampires. What would happen when these two leaders meet? Atem/Bakura.
Pit of Shadows by Kayka- Marik has a dream of Malik coming back to take his revenge. When Malik does return, what will his revenge be and how will Marik deal with it? WARNING: Rape and torture. No one under twenty-one should read this.
Princes of Land and Sea by Kayka- Prince Joey of the sea meets and falls for Prince Seto while on an annual summer visit with Prince Yugi. Joey/Seto.
Project Friendship by Kayka- Kaiba and Atem both have a secret that comes out when the two are paired for a school project.
Protecting the Pharaoh by Kayka- Mahad casts a spell to keep Atem safe from danger.
Puzzle Tag by Kayka- Yami and Yugi enjoy an innocent game together.
Reflections by Kayka- It is the night before the Ceremonial Duel and two people have a talk on the deck. Kaiba/Atem.
Sea of Rage by Kayka- A merman prince falls for a human prince. Can these two find a way to be together?
Sea of Rage II: Changing Tides by Kayka- Seto and Jou meet and fall in love. How will these two stay together?
Recruitment by Kayka- It is time for the recruitment of new members and Yugi and Joey find themselves sought after by two groups: The vampires and the werewolves.
Re-Start by Kayka
Servant of the Shadows by Kayka- The Shadow Realm wants a servant and chooses one of the Sacred Court.
Shapeshifter by Kayka- Bakura can change forms but never longer than two hours. Bakura/Mahad.
Shared Secret by Kayka- Joey Wheeler has a secret that he chooses to tell his fiancée days before their wedding.
Sick Days by Meiou Setsuna- Ryou falls ill and Bakura has to take his place at school. What chaos will ensue?
Summertime Romance by Kayka- Atem, an intern at an Oceanic Rescue and Research Center meets Mahad, a merman priest and magician. Atem/Mahad.
Switching Places by Kayka- Mahad proposes an interesting idea to Isis.
Sun and Moon by Kayka- Atem is secretly a werewolf who rules over a city of vampires.
The Fall of Darkness by Kayka- Bakura ambushes Mahad in order to plunge Egypt into an era of darkness.
The Magician and the Thief by Kayka- Bakura has a plan to steal Mahad’s Item, but not everything goes according to plan.
The Power of Love by Kayka- Atem’s memories have returned and he and Yugi learn of a surprising revelation. Atem/Yugi.
The Ray of Light and Hope by Kayka- Set in Ancient Egypt. Atem is affected by a potion, leading to an unusual and drawn-out solution. Atem/Mahad.
Three Destinies by Kayka- Three mermen are matched to three humans…who must become mermen as well. Yugi/Atem, Ryou/Bakura, Joey/Kaiba.
Triple Love by Kayka- Atem is loved by three guys: Yugi, Kaiba, and Bakura, but he prefers women. Will he reconsider his position?
Twenty-one by Kayka- Isis discovers a family secret on her twenty-first birthday.
Two Souls, Two Hearts by Kayka- Atem is ready to depart for the afterlife but first, he and Yugi have something to tell each other. Atem/Yugi.
Underlying Darkness by Kayka- Sequel to Extra Warmth. Ryou thinks about the conversation they had as they fell asleep that cold night.
Unexpected Changes by Kayka- Seto and Isis are in love. Will it remain so when Seto falls into a trap set by Bakura?
Vampire Hierarchy by Kayka- Yugi, Atem, Ryou, and Bakura discover an underground vampire circle in Domino and learn how it operates. Yugi/Atem, Ryou/Bakura.
Vampire Stalker by Kayka-Joey is stalked by a vampire. WARNING: shounen ai and male pregnancy.
Vampire Stalker II: Second Blood by Kayka-The sequel to Vampire Stalker. It's summertime and romance just might find Yami and Bakura.
Vows of the Sea by Kayka- Yugi, a human prince is betrothed to Atem, a merman prince. When the queen has other plans for Yugi, will Atem be able to stop them?
Water and Sand by Kayka- : Mahad is a sorcerer who wishes to be a royal sorcerer, but when he sees Atem, a merman pharaoh, his plans change. Atem/Mahad.
Werewolf Lives by Kayka- Ryou is a werewolf and he develop strong feelings for his darker half. WARNING: sex, male pregnancy, and gender switch. Ryou/Bakura.
Wolves of Darkness by Kayka- Yugi and Ryou are bitten by werewolves and learn about a dark side that comes along with it. WARNING: deaths, Dark characters.
Womanhood by Kayka- Yugi receives a late birthday present from Ryou and Bakura that changes his life. Yugi/Atem.
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
A Brotherly New Year’s Eve by Kayka- Syrus and Zane have a heart-to-heart while waiting for the new year.
A Tail From the Sea by Kayka- Jaden has fallen in love. Who does he love? WARNING: Slash pairing.
Academic Change by Kayka- Chazz prepares for his third year at Duel Academy, but Jagger and Slade have plans for him.
Alchemy Gone Awry! by Meiou Setsuna- An alchemy class accident affects Zane and Atticus.
Bat and Wolf by Kayka-Jaden is the human child of a human and a vampire. When he turns fifteen, he gets accepted to a private school for vampires and werewolves. Which race will he join when he attends?
Bat and Wolf II by Kayka
Blood Desires by Kayka- Alexis discovers a pretty trinket near the abandoned dorm and puts it on. She soon learns that it wasn’t just a pretty piece of jewelry. Alexis/Jaden.
Celestial Bodies by Kayka- Alexis doesn’t like Atticus’ flirting and Atticus doesn’t understand Alexis’ lack of romantic interest. So, when they switch bodies, will they finally understand one another?
Children of the Moon by Kayka- Atticus is bitten by a werewolf and Alexis is jealous of him.
Crossing Boundaries by Kayka- In an exclusive high school, freshmen become either vampires or werewolves. What happens when the Head Vampire and the Alpha Wolf meet and fall for one another despite the prejudice between their two races? Zane/Jaden. Syrus/Alexis.
Head Over Fins by Kayka- Zane falls for a merman and turns to an enchantress in order to be with him. Zane/Jaden.
Immortal Romance by Kayka- Crowler has a couple of confessions to make. Jaden/Crowler.
Inheritance by Kayka
Life Eternal by Kayka- The Blood Moon is a fearful time for one city and Atticus learns why.
Living in the Light and Shadows by Kayka- AU of Season one and two. What if Zane became a vampire when he lost to Camula?
Love on the Waves by Kayka- Syrus wishes he could swim and his wish leads him to romance.
Love Triangle by Meiou Setsuna- Alexis has a crush on Zane Truesdale AND Jaden Yuki. A very short one-shot on their views of each other.
Lunar Connection by Kayka- One of the GX characters gets bitten by a werewolf. Find out who.
My Little Dragon by Kayka- Atticus has something to tell Jaden. WARNING: Slash pairing.
Obedience and Resistance by Kayka- Satorius has plans for Aster that he is not going to like.
Obelisk Queen by Kayka- Zane is cursed by a pro duelist witch and must learn to accept its result. Zane/Alexis.
One and the Same by Kayka- Syrus has always been a little unusual, but no one knew how unusual
Status by Kayka- While Jaden is gone, Syrus and Hassleberry argue about who is Jaden’s best friend.
Supernatural Revelations by Kayka- While doing his equations, Bastion discovers an intriguing formula.
Surprises by Kayka- It’s the final year at Duel Academy and some, well, surprises are in store. Jaden/Atticus.
Swimming by Kayka
The Alchemy of Love by Kayka- An alchemy accident temporarily leaves Jaden as a girl. What facts about girls will he learn while an antidote is being found? Set in season three. Jaden/Jesse.
The Beast Within by Kayka- Jaden learns of his dad’s nature and of his own heritage.
The Beast Within II: Full Moon Rising by Kayka- Sequel to the original. Syrus is determined to return Jaden to his friendly, half-kitsune self.
The Curse of the Truesdale Family by Kayka- Syrus is excited about his sixteenth birthday until a call from Zane makes him less excited. Syrus/Jaden.
Transitions by Kayka- AU of season one finale and most of season two. Atticus finds a handsome necklace, but it is more than what it seems. Zane/Atticus.
Under the Moon's Gaze by Kayka- Chazz is captured and has a ritual performed on him.
Wolf Pack by Kayka-Syrus shares a family secret with Jaden and Hassleberry.
Zane's Attraction by Kayka- It is the time of the Graduation Match and Zane’s thoughts are on his opponent, but not about defeating him. Zane/Jaden.
Zane's Inner Beast by Kayka- An AU of Obelisk Queen. A mistaken accusation leaves Zane with an odd curse.
Zane and Syrus...or Syrus and Zane? by Meiou Setsuna- A dueling mishap leaves the two brothers with a huge shock.
Zane's Sick Day by Meiou Setsuna- Zane gets sick and misses class. Atticus and Alexis try to help their friend get back on his feet. One-shot.
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's
Dark Anger by Kayka- Yusei is wrongfully imprisoned in The Facility in a sick and twisted part of the building.
Change of Destiny by Kayka- AU of Dark Signers saga. What if Yusei truly lost his first turbo duel with Kalin and became a Dark Signer?
Concealed Secret by Kayka- Jack desires a girlfriend when he befriends Yusei at a secret location.
Destined Match by Kayka- Jack, king of all the oceans, meets and falls for delinquent Yusei. Jack/Yusei.
Identity Crisis by Kayka-Jack is kidnapped and forced to ‘entertain’ a man’s clients. Jack/Yusei.
Identity Mystery by Kayka-Jack is the Duel King until a rival puts a stop to that.
Mating Attraction by Kayka- Humans, vampires, and werewolves all live in one city but in different territories. Jack sees wifewolf Akiza and falls for her. Jack/Yusei.
Mating Attraction II: Yusei's Story by Kayka- Prequel to Mating Attraction. How Yusei became a werewolf and his brief transitional period.
Property of a Vampire by Kayka- : In New Domino City, vampires and humans co-exist peacefully while in the Satellite, werewolves and humans do not. One werewolf is about to become the pet of a vampire.
Study of Werewolves by Kayka
Twin Worlds by Kayka- Luna, a mermaid, meets Leo, a human and learn of a special secret.
Yu Yu Hakusho
A New Year's Start by Kayka- Kurama has a confession he wishes to express before midnight on New Year’s Eve.
A Pack of Three by Kayka- Yukina is bitten by a werewolf who is enamored by her.
An Altered Life by Kayka- An AU of the manga. Yusuke investigates an odd case and it changes the course of his life. Yusuke/Kurama.
An Odd Couple by Kayka- Keiko falls in love with an unusual person.
Beastly Descent by Kayka- : Shiori’s been acting strangely and Kurama is determined to learn why. WARNING: Character death.
Being Female by Kayka- Yusuke has always been a pervert. One day, his tendency goes too far.
Betrothed by Kayka- Yusuke, a werewolf, is betrothed to Hiei, a vampire. Neither one is thrilled over the arrangement. Could they end up loving each other?
Bloody Hell I by Kayka-A vampire attacks Kurama and turns him. Slash KxH.
Bloody Hell II: Lust for Blood by Kayka- The underground demon vampires are still after Kurama and Hiei.
Bloody Roses by Meiou Setsuna- Yoko has tasted freedom and wants more. He is willing to do anything to return to his old life of thievery and bloodshed. WARNING: Dark Yoko. Multiple character deaths.
Blooming Love by Kayka- A merman named Kurama falls for a human named Yusuke and the two begin a relationship. Kurama/Yusuke. WARNING: Character death.
Cold by Kayka- A mass of cold air descends on the city and Kurama insists Hiei stay with him to wait it out. Kurama/Hiei
Condition Acceptance by Kayka- Kuwabara has a condition that he despises and learns to accept with help from…Hiei?
Confessions by Kayka-Trilogy to Flames of the Dragon and Longing for the Thorns. Kurama and Hiei contemplate confessing their love. Later on, Kurama wants to make another confession...to his mother.
Currents of Change by Kayka- Hiei is a merman and Kurama is a human prince. Will they fall in love or is Hiei only interested in the prince's power?
Delve Into the Flames by Meiou Setsuna- A very short glimpse into the mind of Hiei.
Demon Life by Kayka- A demon spies Keiko and Yusuke fighting and covets the former for her fiery spirit.
Demonic Aggression by Kayka-Humans and demons co-exist which makes Yukina a target.
Demonic Aggression II by Kayka- Yukina learns about her powers as well as her fox nature which she shares with her fiancée.
Demonic Being by Kayka- A case to arrest a demon ends both good and bad.
Depths of Darkness by Kayka- Koenma taps Yusuke for a solo mission to arrest a dangerous demon. There’s just one catch: Yusuke has to go in disguise as a female demon. WARNING: Rape, torture. Don’t read if under twenty-one. Rated MA for content and language.
Disrupted Life by Kayka
Eye of the Wolf by Kayka- Hiei is returning a human to Human World when he is cursed by a witch.
Fangs of Desire by Kayka- Karasu is revived and he has his sights set on Kurama. AU of Chapter Black saga.
Fire and Ice Storm by Kayka- Sequel to “Rain.” Hiei and Kuwabara’s relationship becomes more interesting when Kuwabara gets kidnapped. Hiei/Kuwabara. Mature content.
Flames of the Dragon by Kayka- Companion piece to Longing for the Thorns. Kurama dwells upon Hiei on the eve of the Dark Tournament Finals.
Foxy Love by Kayka- A fox demon travels to Human World to find his mate and finds it in an unlikely human. OC/Kuwabara.
Full Moon Attraction by Kayka- Kuwabara is kidnapped and brought before a man who wants to make Kuwabara his mate. WARNING: Slash. Yusuke/Kuwabara
Full Moon Rising by Kayka- Hiei dreams of a wolf attack. What does it mean for the group? WARNING: Slash (male x male) pairing.
Gender Experience by Kayka- A case leads to new experiences for Kurama and Hiei- a gender one.
Gender Shift by Kayka- Kuwabara volunteers to do an errand for Yukina, but it goes wrong.
Gift of the Moon by Kayka
Humanity by Kayka- Hiei dislikes humans and does not understand them, so Koenma comes up with a solution.
Human and Demon Nature by Kayka- The barrier between worlds is gone and Kurama fears his family could be used as bait. So, he tells Shiori the truth. Warning: Character deaths.
Ice Cream by Kayka- Hiei’s first time tasting ice cream.
Land and Sea by Kayka- Hiei is a shapeshifter who works for a wicked sorceress. One day, however, he meets a merman and falls head over heels.
Leader of the Pack by Kayka- Delinquent Yusuke unwillingly joins a gang.
Light and Dark by Kayka-Hiei tells Yukina that he's her brother.
Longing for the Thorns by Kayka- Hiei reflects about Kurama on the eve of the Dark Tournament Finals.
Lusting Desires by Kayka- It is fox demon mating season and Yoko knows exactly who he wants for his mate. Yoko/Hiei.
Neko by Kayka- One member of the Spirit Detectives makes an innocent wish. What will happen to him?
Nokosu by Meiou Setsuna-Kurama reunites with his long-lost kitsune sister.
Proposals and Siblings by Kayka- Yukina wonders if Hiei is her brother and Kuwabara and Hiei both have questions to pose…to Yukina and Kurama. Kuwabara/Yukina, Hiei/Kurama.
Races by Kayka- Kuwabara and Hiei don’t think kindly of the other’s race and are forced to switch races so that they do understand.
Rain by Kayka- Kuwabara and Hiei each confess a secret to each other while at Kuwabara’s house during a thunderstorm. Hiei/Kuwabara.
Relationships by Kayka- Kuwabara and Kurama are boyfriends, Yukina confronts Hiei with the truth, and Kuwabara may propose to Yukina.
Sea Escape by Kayka- Kurama meets a merman, Yusuke, and both fall for one another. Kurama/Yusuke.
Secrets by Kayka- Sequel to A New Year’s Start. Kurama’s tired of being mistaken for a girl and he has yet to make good on his resolution to tell the family the truth.
Show Yourself by Kayka- Another Hiei tells Yukina the truth.
Sixteen by Kayka- Sixteen is important age and, for Kuwabara, a surprising one as well.
Soulmates by Kayka- Hiei, a merman, searches a human city for his soulmate. Hiei/Yusuke.
Sparring by Kayka- A friendly hand-to-hand between Yusuke and Hiei leads to unexpected words. Yusuke/Hiei.
Tears of a Mermaid by Kayka- Kuwabara is taken to be Tarukane’s heir and learns of one of his secrets to his vast fortune.
The Mating Path by Kayka- Hiei considers cementing his relationship with Kurama when a water fox demon has him kidnapped and brought to him. Hiei/Yoko.
The Path of Darkness by Kayka- Hiei becomes a vampire and learns of the dark path that he will eventually succumb to. WARNING: character deaths.
The Return of Yoko Kurama by Kayka- Yoko learns that his human host wants to keep him restrained and decides to seek revenge.
The Tiger Within by Kayka- While on a mission, Kuwabara is bitten by a tiger demon and learns of the result from such an encounter.
Threesome by Kayka- Kurama comes to a surprising revelation: He’s in love with Yusuke…and so is Yoko. Yusuke/Kurama/Yoko.
Twin Gender Flip by Kayka- A secret of ice apparitions is revealed to Hiei as is a secret that Kurama has kept quiet about. Kurama/Hiei.
Vampiric Desires by Kayka- AU of Dark Tournament finals. Toguro changes the terms of Sakyo’s bet. If he wins, Yusuke belongs to him.
Yoko's Hell by Kayka- Shuichi is dead and Yoko desires to start a new life free of thievery and killing, but Yomi has other ideas. Yoko/Hiei.
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