Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. This takes place at the end of season two.
“You wanted to see me, Doctor?”
“Yes, Jaden my boy. Come in.” Crowler watched as Jaden nervously entered his office. The second year was coming to an end and he had heard rumors that Jaden had just saved the world from an evil force by using his incredible dueling skills. Crowler had never seen anyone with such skills, though Zane came in a close second. He wanted to keep Jaden from succumbing to Zane’s fate and knew there were two things that could do that: Love and an immortal life.
Jaden sat across from Crowler’s desk as the tall teacher surveyed him. “Jaden, is it true that you saved the world from danger?”
The brunette perked up and grinned. “I did, but I had help. It was more of a team effort.”
“Be that as it may, you were the major part of it, yes?”
“Well, yeah. I was.”
Crowler nodded slightly. He had thought as much and would hate to see Jaden lose his modesty, innocence, and his overall health and dueling skills. I will not allow him to lose any of that.
“Doctor?” Jaden prompted as the room lapsed into silence and felt uncomfortable about the stare Crowler was giving him. The man wasn’t even blinking. Jaden then chose to openly admire the still man. He had always looked up to Crowler, despite the fact that the doctor hated him and yet he grudgingly respected Jaden’s dueling ability. Jaden was sure his lateness to the dueling entrance exam and his defeating of Crowler that precipitated the hate. But Jaden didn’t let that keep him from supporting Crowler whenever the man dueled. He’s dedicated to this school and the students. How could anyone not admire him for that?
Jaden blinked as he came out of his thoughts. “Yes, Doctor?”
“I was wondering about your thoughts concerning Zane.”
“I think it’s awful how much he’s changed. He used to be calm, cool, and collected. He used to respect himself, his cards, and his opponent. Now he’s cruel, harsh, and angry. He has no respect at all and claims that victory is all that matters. I don’t believe that.”
“Neither do I. However, it seems no one and nothing will change his views. I would hate to see the same thing happen to you as I understand you plan to be a pro.”
“I do and I would like to duel Zane in hope of bringing him back to how he used to be.”
“You believe he would be willing to duel you? After all, he could have during the tournament.”
“I’ll make it clear to my manager that I desire a duel with Zane.”
Crowler was impressed with Jaden’s determination and wondered what fueled it. I can easily find out by reading his mind. Crowler mentally reached out and perused the boy’s mind to find that the determination came from optimism and a strong sense of right and wrong. He also found a surprise: Jaden secretly loved him. It was covered by Jaden’s respect and admiration for his dedication to the school and teaching the students. Well, well. I love him as well but covered it as it is considered inappropriate for a teacher and student to love one another. However, I am not just any teacher and Jaden is hardly just any student.
“Jaden, I will put my full support behind your pro dueling career and get you the best manager in the business.”
“Uh, well thanks Doctor. I appreciate that.” Jaden flashed another grin and Crowler felt himself melt at it. Agh! I can’t take it anymore!
“Slacker, I’ve kept something from you for at least a year and I can’t hold it back anymore.” He rose, came around, leaned down, and captured Jaden’s lips in a kiss. He saw the brown eyes widen in reaction. They parted and Crowler said, “I love you, Jaden. Your modesty and innocence are charming and I would hate to see you lose it.”
“You love me?” Jaden gasped.
“I do and I know you love me as I read your mind.”
“Read my mind? I didn’t know you could do that.”
“I don’t employ it often as it requires substance as a price.”
“What kind of substance?”
“Blood, Jaden. You see, I am also a vampire. I was turned while earning my dueling degree. I don’t age and the need for blood is only when I use my abilities such as mind-reading.”
“Well, I do love you even now that I know you’re a vampire. That just makes me love you more.” Jaden rose and put his arms around Crowler’s waist before smiling up at him.
Crowler smiled back. “Jaden, I would like us to be together forever.”
“We can be. You could turn me into a vampire. Actually, I want you to turn me.”
“Yes. I could and I will.” Crowler opened his mouth and his incisors grew longer and sharper. He leaned down and pierced Jaden’s neck. He drank some of the boy’s blood to make up for his mind-reading before pricking a finger and rubbing the blood over the bite marks. Jaden gasped and his eyes went wide as his heart stopped and his skin tone matched Crowler’s. A pair of fangs grew out and he swayed as his senses sharpened and he felt Crowler’s hand on his shoulder to steady him. “Jaden?”
“I’m okay, Doctor,” Jaden said, his voice a little weak from the transformation.
“Good. I, naturally, will teach you about your powers but not use them as you will then need blood to pay for using them.”
“Understood, Doctor.”
“Just Crowler, Jaden. We love each other and I consider us mates.” He took the new vampire in his arms and admired the paler skin and the fangs that were shrinking to normal incisors.
“You’re right, Crowler.” Jaden melted in Crowler’s embrace. They were lovers and vampires now and would be so forever.