Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only Mut and the nameless girls are mine.
Chapter One- A Fateful Encounter
It looked like it was going to be another beautiful day in Egypt but, to Isis, she felt a sense of foreboding. She wasn’t sure if it was a foreboding or if she was being paranoid. Of course, with her Item, she often saw depressing visions and it made everything around her seem dark and foreboding.
I should get out and walk around, she thought. She left the palace and was soon through the gates. She knew that some of her fellow court members, like Seto, preferred to be carried through the streets on elevated chairs that sat on a flat platform supported by servants but she did not share that sentiment and neither did her lover, Mahad.
She thought it interesting that Mahad disliked being carried around as he had grown up in the palace alongside the pharaoh and his top student, Mana. Perhaps his dedication to magic and serving the royal family had given him a sense of humility. He did not look down on others as if he was superior to them and he genuinely cared about the safety of the citizens. She too had these beliefs and concerns so it was little wonder that they were a couple.
Their road to romance began like other romances did. They were fellow court members who served together, nothing more. Then, they began to get to know one another that grew into friendship. She valued that friendship dearly as did Mahad. But a few weeks ago, she felt something for him that went beyond friendship. Naturally, she knew that something was love. She began reading too much into Mahad’s smiles and their time together for she so wanted Mahad to love her.
Then, one day, she had been alone doing a fire vision and her Item alerted her to Mahad’s approach. She had opened her eyes and looked at the entrance as the priest came into view. “I sensed you coming,” she said.
“It is difficult to surprise you,” he had replied before chuckling. “I could turn invisible and you would still sense me.”
Isis had also laughed. “That is true. I only wished my visions were that clear.”
“But isn’t vagueness the nature of the Necklace and the future? After all, the future is not set in stone.”
“You are correct. The future is ever-changing and all we can do is steer the present to a future we desire.”
“Well said and this is one of those moments where I can steer it to a future I want.”
Isis had cocked an eyebrow. “Mahad, what are you saying?”
Mahad had taken one of her hands and interlaced fingers. “Isis, I care about you in a way that is deeper than friendship. I don’t know how you feel, obviously, but I love you, Isis.”
Isis had smiled and put her free hand on their interlaced ones. “Mahad, I have also felt that our friendship was something more. I came to the conclusion that I also love you.”
“I am happy to hear that,” he had said, kissing her hand’s knuckles.
We are keeping our relationship quiet, she thought as she walked. No one needs to know, except maybe the pharaoh. I should mention that to Mahad. After all, we have no secrets between us. Isis was approaching the edges of the city when she sensed she was being watched. She looked left and then right before she saw an older woman peering around a corner; upon seeing that she had been spotted, she came out of hiding and kneeled upon the ground. Ordinarily, Isis would just continue on her way, but something prompted her to walk over to the kneeling woman. “Hello,” she said.
“Priestess,” the woman replied, looking up at her. “I would be honored if you would rest in my home.”
“Now that you mention it, I could use a little rest,” Isis said, feeling a little hot in the sun. She followed the woman, who had stood, inside the cooling shade of a nearby house. She moved across the room and took a seat when she was offered one. The woman kneeled before her. “How else can I be of service, priestess?”
“I would like to know you name,” she said.
“It is Mut.”
“Mother,” Isis translated. Odd name, but then again so is mine, she thought.
“Yes, priestess.” Mut looked up at her, her brown eyes seeming to bore into her blue ones. Isis felt a bit sleepy and unable to move as Mut rose, put a finger to her forehead, and speak a chant in a language Isis didn’t know. Isis’ eyes slid shut and her head slumped forward as she fell asleep.
Blue eyes flew open and Isis gasped as she awoke. She felt different but wasn’t sure how or why. She focused on Mut and saw other nearby. All females, some women, others teenage girls. Mut smiled, “Welcome back, priestess.”
“What…?” she began but stopped when she felt something brush her lips. She put her fingers to it and found it was actually two somethings: They were longer incisors. She gasped as the length and she looked up at the older woman. “What did you do?” she demanded. “Do not deny it. You touched my forehead and said something.”
“I will deny nothing. You were selected to join our group.”
“Group? What group?”
“We…are vampires. I cast a cursed gift on you and made you a vampire as well.”
“A…vampire?” Isis repeated faintly.
“Yes. Most vampires are male but my clan of vampires are female. You have been given a wondrous gift that I can cast as a curse. I used my power of mind control to convince you to come inside.”
“Why me?”
“It was felt that a priestess would make a wonderful vampire. Not all vampires are alike. Some are fiendish bloodsuckers that seek to turn others so that they outnumber humans and they also drain humans of all their blood.
“We do not. We are selective about who we turn and we don’t drain humans even though we could. It only takes a little blood every day to live.”
“But won’t biting someone turn them?”
“No. It requires either the curse I used or feeding the human some of your blood after you drink some of theirs.”
Isis touched her fangs again with concern. How can I hide this? I can’t go back to the palace like this. Mut seemed to intuit what Isis was thinking. “Once you have had some blood, you will be able to control the length of your fangs. Plus, every day you will gain another power or ability until you have gained all the ones you are meant to have.”
“Is mind control one of them?”
“Not all powers are possessed by every vampire. I, for example, cannot turn invisible, but some others can. Some control minds, others cannot.”
“If this was a curse you cast, then there must be a counter curse,” Isis said. “I insist you cast it now.”
“There is no counter curse,” Mut replied. “It is called a curse but it is really a gift. Now, I could tell you about being a vampire as well as our strengths and weaknesses.”
“I will discover them for myself.” Isis said, upset that this life had been forced on her.
Mut bowed her head. “As you wish.” She handed a small vial of blood to her. “But please drink this today. You will need blood now.”
Isis took the vial, knowing she would need it. She headed for the exit, her head throbbing with what had happened and what she had learned. She had been lured to this place for the purpose of being cursed as a vampire. She was one of the living dead and had to drink blood to live. Mut calls it a gift but I fail to see it as such. How can being a vampire be a gift? The only way to see if it is so is to take it a day at a time.
Chapter Two- Adjustment
Isis stepped outside, gasped, and put a hand above her eyes. Gods, I never realized how bright the sun is. Wait. Vampire were rumored to be sensitive to sunlight. It would seem the eyes are, but not the body. Isis blinked until her eyes had adjusted and then took stock of her body.
Her skin was still tan and warm to the touch which she guessed helped her blend in among humans. Her tongue brushed along the flats of her fangs and recalled that once she had some blood, she’d be able to shorten them. I also need to drink some today. She looked at the vial in her hand and almost dropped it. Her nails had grown out and looked like claws! They’re not too noticeable. Hopefully, no one will notice. She uncorked the vial, hesitated, and then proceeded to drink. The blood was cool and not very pleasant but she drank it, anyway. She gagged and shuddered when she finished. I don’t think I’ll ever like drinking blood. But now that I have, I can shorten my fangs to normal length. She put her fingers to them and visualized them to normal length and felt them move up and away from her fingers.
She smiled at this. That was easy, actually. Perhaps the easy powers come first and then the hard ones come later. I would settle for short fangs and healing bite marks, but I will receive other power every day until I’ve gotten the ones I’m mean to have and since I must drink every day, perhaps I get those powers after I drink. It was an intriguing theory but Isis, despite being turned without her consent and disliked being turned, looked forward to testing that theory the next day.
She headed back home, dwelling on how being a vampire could have contributed to that foreboding sense she had felt today. She hadn’t asked for this but now she had no choice: She had to spend her days as a vampire.
Clearly, I will have to hide this; despite sometimes revering vampires as royalty, people still fear vampires and with good reason. My situation is ironic: I am a vampire priestess but I will not drain people and I do not have to according to Mut. Isis had to admit that she felt better that she did not have to kill; she would rather die than kill.
Speaking of die; how does a vampire die? What are my weaknesses? Now, Isis regretted refusing Mut’s offer. The older vampire had knowledge Isis needed to know if she was to live. However, she was closer to the palace now. I will ask her tomorrow. She passed through the gates and straight for the Court Tower to do her duty of fire visions. The pharaoh counted on her and her Necklace to reveal those vague visions of the future. As she climbed, she was visited by a deep concern: What if she could not use her Item or was infected with its darkness due to her being a vampire? If I cannot use it, I will have no choice but to tell the pharaoh what happened to me. She sat before the fire, closed her eyes, and focused on her Item. She sensed its glow and was relieved: It still worked for her.
There was darkness, the kind that was the calm before a vision. The next several moments brought a jumble of images to her and her eyes opened from the barrage and a hand went to her forehead as she tried to sort out what she saw. She had seen herself in Mahad’s arms, the kingdom under the sun happy and peaceful, then under a dark cloud, and then happy again, and finally a shadowy figure with menacing red eyes and fangs. It was this last image that frightened her for the figure looked female! Did Mut lie to me? Are all vampires fiends? Will I be that way? Is the kingdom threated by vampires? Or am I overreacting?
Her head whipped around and she saw Mahad in the doorway, looking amused. “You did not sense me coming?”
“Perhaps I would have if I had not received a vision just now.”
“I see. Is it bad? That is, do you sense it is?”
“I do sense that but the first image does not match those that came after it.”
She nodded. “It showed me in your arms.”
Mahad shook his head as he sat beside her. “Your Item is cruel to you at times. It mocks you with a happy vision before barraging you with dark images.”
“I hadn’t thought of my Necklace being cruel to me but I see what you’re saying.”
He nodded before a mischievous smile appeared. “So, you were in my arms. What say we make that come true now?” He pulled Isis closer and enfolded her in his arms. She smiled at being held by the one she loved.
Suddenly, Mahad pulled away from her, confusion in his eyes. “Isis?” he asked, that confusion also in his voice.
“Yes, Mahad? Is something wrong?”
“Usually when I hold you, I can feel your heart beating against my chest but not this time.”
Not this…? Oh, of course. A vampire’s heart does not beat which is why they must drink blood.
“Isis, what is happening? Why can’t I feel your heart beating?”
“There’s a reason, but I don’t know how you’ll react.”
“Isis, I love you. We have no secrets from each other.”
“That is true. We don’t. Mahad, while I was on my walk earlier, I encountered a female vampire who used a curse on me to turn me into a vampire.”
“What? A vampire?”
Isis nodded sadly and willed her fangs to grow longer briefly before shortening them again. “She said she gave me a gift, but I fail to see how. I must drink just a little blood every day and will gain a set of powers, one per day. I had some blood from a vial and gained the ability to change my fang’s length.”
Mahad listened with sympathy as Isis talked. He could see a few good things about being a vampire, though Isis clearly didn’t. “And then there’s the visions, the last one showing a shadowy female with red eyes and fangs. I’m almost sure it was me!” She sounded almost hysterical as she finished.
“Isis, calm down. It may not be you.”
“We don’t know that!”
“Maybe, but I know the person you are. You care too much about the people to harm them.”
“And yet I must attack for blood. I consider that harming them.”
“But only for a little while. Isis, it is clear that in a couple of ways, being a vampire is not so bad.”
“You still walk in sunlight. Your skin is still tan and warm. In short, you still look human.”
“Except for these.” She held up her hands and Mahad stared at them.
“Are those…claws?” He brought one hand up closer and examined it. The nails definitely had the hard look of claws but the length was only a little longer for human nails. “The difference is only noticeable up close.”
“Mahad,” she said as he released her hand. “Do you…still love me?”
“Isis, of course I do. Despite being turned, you are still the woman I love.”
Isis smiled as she was pulled into another embrace. She knew Mahad was right: She still had her humanity despite being a vampire. She still looked human and had human feelings, especially love. Mahad still loved her, he didn’t care she was a vampire but she felt that others wouldn’t be so understanding. It was clear that she would have to conceal it from everyone else. She felt bad at this decision but knew it was necessary.
I will need blood tomorrow and, after I have, I will go to Mut and get the information I need. Hopefully, what she tells me will be enough to dispel the notion that I’m the vampire I saw in my vision; that it was my imagination.
Chapter Three- Answers
Isis attended the daily court meeting the next morning and was grateful for her skin tone and warmth. No one noticed anything different about her, no one gave her unusual looks. Mahad alone gave her subtle loving glances. Court was soon dismissed and Isis headed for the gates, Mahad falling into step beside her as he had a patrol to run.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“A bit thirsty,” she admitted.
“Then you should attend to that soon.”
She nodded. “I didn’t tell you but I didn’t like my first taste. It was unpleasant. It is likely that it will continue to be so.”
“I am sorry about that.” Mahad stopped at the gates as the guards gathered while Isis went out them.
She roamed aimlessly about the streets. She knew she could drink from anyone, but still loathe the idea of attacking. She continued to roam as her thirst grew. I can’t put it off forever, she thought as she slid into a side street. She put a hand to her temple as a headache started and she could feel her fangs starting to grow. I need to drink before I lose control and drain someone.
A hand then shoved her back against the wall and her eyes snapped open to see a man leering at her. “Well, if it isn’t the priestess,” he said as she struggled. “I would enjoy having my way with you.” His eyes trailed over her chest and down to her legs to where her robes opened so she could walk.
Isis struggled harder. She would not let this man rape her! Incredibly, she broke the man’s grip and leaped up to plant her hands on both shoulders. Her fangs grew longer as she bit into the neck, the man gasping in pain.
The man’s blood entered her mouth and she received a surprise: It was warm and quite pleasant, very different from yesterday’s dose. She swallowed a few mouthfuls before pulling back, the man falling unconscious and she saw the marks healing. She shortened her fangs, pleased that she had gained the power she wanted. It would seem that I do gain a power after I drink. I could drink in the morning and play with my power the rest of the day. Yes, that’s what I’ll do. She heard footsteps and Mahad ran in, his Item blazing and the pointers aimed at the man.
“Isis, are you all right? Did he-?” He broke off and stared at her.
“Mahad? What is it?” she asked, thinking that there was blood on her face.
“You-you’ve got wings,” he said in astonishment.
“What?” She looked over a shoulder to see a pair of leathery black bat wings on her back! She gasped at the sight of them.
Mahad went behind her, reached out, felt a wing. The leather was soft but strong. “Isis, you’re lucky. You can fly now.”
“Yes, but I can’t hide them like I do with my fangs,” she said, worried.
“Maybe the one who turned you can provide guidance.”
“Yes. I had planned to see her after drinking.” She started to leave and added, “By the way, that man planned to rape me.” She left, missing Mahad’s angry face.
Isis stuck to the back streets and, as she walked, she found her wings to be light and not cumbersome at all. They would be nice, that is, if she could hide them.
“Mut?” she called when she reached the inside of the house.
“Yes, priestess?” came Mut’s voice before the woman emerged from the dim shadows. Her eyes landed on the wings and she gasped. “You got wings! It’s rare for a vampire to have wings. Certainly none in my clan have them.” She chuckled at the distressed look on Isis’ face. “Do not worry. They are retractable. Simply will the wings away like how you shorten your fangs.
Isis pictured them gone and her back felt a little lighter. “So, I have a rare power?”
“Yes. You are a lucky one. Most would give their fangs to be able to fly. I know I would.”
“Mut, I want to apologize for my refusal yesterday. It was rude of me. I would very much appreciate your guidance.”
“Of course. I consider it my duty to give information to the newly turned. Do not hesitate to ask any questions you have.”
“I do have some. One is the blood yesterday. It was cool and unpleasant, unlike today’s blood. Why?”
“Today’s blood was straight from the source. Fresh blood. Yesterday’s blood didn’t come directly from a living person.”
“I saw the marks I made healed. I had thought that was my new power.”
“Oh, every vampire gets that right from the start. It also erases memory of encountering a vampire. Only those who are told by a vampire of their condition will retain knowledge of the attack if they offer their blood.”
Isis suspected Mut was aware of her relationship with Mahad but didn’t bother to ask if she did know. “What are my weaknesses?”
“Ah. A good question. Silver is the big one. Touching it is painful and requires blood to heal the injuries. If it impales the heart or head, we die. Naturally being set on fire or beheaded can kill us.”
“So, what of our advantages? Wait.” Isis had a flash of insight to her encounter with her attacker. “Are we stronger than humans?”
“Yes, we are. We are also faster and have sharper senses. No doubt you have discovered the sensitive eyesight to the sun. Minor wounds heal instantly, but moderate to serious ones require blood.”
“What would happen if one does not drink every day?”
“Everyone drinks every day. Those that put it off too long would drain the first person they see rather than drink a little.”
“Have you seen this?”
“Oh, yes. I’m afraid so. I don’t look it but I am over 100 years old.”
“You…are?” Isis gasped.
“Yes. That is another advantage. Our age freezes at the time we are turned and as long as we’re careful, we can live forever.”
“That sounds wonderful, but lonely too.”
“That is why clans are formed: To combat loneliness and to help one another if needed. Sometimes it’s hard to tend to wounds by yourself.”
“I can imagine.”
“Priestess. Isis. I know it’s a horrible thing to think, but it will happen. When the current pharaoh’s reign ends, you are welcome to live with us. After all, you are already part of my clan.”
“Mut, my Necklace shows me visions of possible futures, so I fully know that nothing lasts forever. I will definitely live with you when I am unable to live elsewhere.”
Isis left an hour after that, feeling a lot better now that she knew what it meant to be a vampire. I must will my powers away or to surface if I wish to use them. I must drink to live or heal moderate to serious injuries. I won’t put off my daily drink, lest I drain someone which I don’t want to do. Silver is my biggest weakness and could kill me as would being burned or beheaded. The bite marks heal and erase memory of a vampire attacking. But if Mahad offered his blood, he would remember as I freely told him I was a vampire.
Speaking of Mahad, he will want to know what I have learned. I intend to tell him everything. Once night has fallen, I will test out my wings. I will also test my senses which I can do before night falls, if I choose to. Isis headed for the palace, curious to hear how patrol went and to tell Mahad what she had learned.
Chapter Four- Telling
Isis stood outside the Training Hall, watching as Mahad supervised his students. His passion for teaching magic was as great as his love for Isis and it was clear to any observer that teaching made him happy. At first, it seemed Mahad was unaware of her presence but when he looked at her, she saw he had been aware the whole time. “All right, everyone. The lesson’s done for today. Good job and keep studying.”
There were a few moans of disappointment as the students left the Hall and Isis smiled in amusement. It was clear that Mahad was loved for his lessons and style of teaching and some didn’t want the lessons to end.
“How was patrol?” she asked as they walked away.
“It was productive. Three people were found, including your attacker. You can drink from one of them.”
“I intend to as we will have three trials to conduct.”
“So, you learned to hide your wings. What else did you learn?”
“A good deal and it makes me feel a little better about my ‘condition’ as Mut puts it.”
“Mut, is it? An odd name.”
“Yes, but she is the head of a small clan of female vampires.”
“All female? That’s interesting.”
“It is. She told me that to hide or use my power and abilities, I have to will them t appear or not. Also, the wings are retractable and a rare power. Not many can fly and certainly none in Mut’s clan of which I am a part.”
“Of course. Isis, did you heal the marks from your attacker? He seemed a little groggy when he came around.”
“They heal automatically and erase all memory of being attacked by a vampire. Only those who know one’s a vampire before the attack will remember. In short, you would remember as I told you I’m a vampire.”
“Ah, very convenient. What else can you do?”
“I have sharper senses as well as increased strength and speed. We can turn others by feeding on the person and then giving them vampire blood or by the curse Mut used on me.
“We do have weaknesses. A big one is silver. Touching it is painful but impalement through the heart or head will kill. Of course, beheading and being set on fire also kills.”
“Of course.”
“I also learned that I would need blood to heal moderate to serious wounds and after touching silver. I was also told that if I put off drinking too long, I’ll attack and drain the first one I see.”
“Well, we’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”
“Mahad, you do realize that I’m immortal and won’t age, yes?”
“I do. It is part of being a vampire: Living forever and never aging.”
“But, I’m not letting that stop me from loving you.”
Mahad smiled. “And I won’t let it stop me, either.”
“Mahad, I was going to mention it yesterday but I got distracted. Don’t you think the pharaoh should know of our relationship?”
“He should know and now seems to be a good time.”
Isis nodded. “It is. I…want to test my wings tonight.”
“I understand. I would test them too, if I had them.” He put an arm around her waist as they headed to the Throne Room.
Atem looked at the doors as his priest and priestess entered. He saw Mahad’s arm around Isis’ waist and the smiles on their faces, leaving him to conclude that they had good news and he had a good idea what it was.
They reached him and both knelt before Mahad said, “My pharaoh, Isis and I are in love and feel that you should be aware of it.”
Atem smiled at them. “I suspected as much when you came in. How long have you been together?”
“A few weeks. We are still new to it but have decided to have no secrets between us,” Isis said.
“No secrets. Yes, an open relationship is best. I am glad you brought this to my attention and I give you my support and blessing.”
Both bowed their heads. “Thank you, my pharaoh,” both said. They rose and, as Isis locked eyes with Atem, she felt she should tell him about her big secret. It would make my life easier. She went down again. “My pharaoh, I have a big secret that I ask you not to repeat to anyone else. It is one that Mahad already knows.”
Atem was taken aback. Isis sounded desperate and pleading in her request and he found that her secret had to be important if she was seeking his silence. “Very well. I will not speak it to anyone else.”
Isis took a deep, steadying breath. “My pharaoh, yesterday a curse was placed on me, turning me into a vampire.”
Atem recoiled. “A vampire!?”
She nodded. “I only need a little blood every day and only those I’ve told would know I’m a vampire as my bite heals the mark and removes the memory of my attack. I will gain powers or abilities each day but otherwise I am still the same woman you’ve known.”
“I believe she’s telling you, my pharaoh, as if she doesn’t drink early enough, she would drain someone which she does not wish to do.”
“You said this happened yesterday and that you would gain powers every day.”
“Yes, my pharaoh. I gained two so far. I can change the length of my fangs and I have retractable wings.”
Atem perked up at this. “Wings? You can fly?”
“I have not tried yet. I just got them this morning.”
“I look forward to hearing about it when you do. So…no one would remember you attacking them?”
“Unless I told them I’m a vampire. So far, it’s just you and Mahad.”
“And it will go no further. Isis, you will be allowed to drink from any prisoners we have. It would be easier that way, particularly as we will have to judge them that morning.”
“Agreed, my pharaoh.”
“I have to say I was surprised when you said you had a big secret to tell him,” Mahad said later on as they stood on Isis’ balcony, watching the sunset.
“I felt it would make my life easier if he knew,” Isis said as she slowly let her wings out.
Mahad admired them. “I look forward to hearing about your flight and the powers you’ll gain.”
“I plan to play with them the day I get them as I plan to drink in the mornings.”
Mahad kissed her as the sun went down. “Have a good time.” He left the room and therefore missed Isis gasp in shock: Night had become brighter to her!
I have night vision which makes sense as my eyes are sensitive to the sun. I can’t believe I didn’t notice last night. She climbed onto the rail, took a deep breath, and jumped while flapping her wings.
At first, she fell but then a few hard flaps carried her up into the sky. She flapped harder and she rose higher. She gaped at the height and then laughed. Amazing! I’m flying just like the birds! She shifted her wings left and then right as she got a feel for how they worked. She also used her senses, marveling at how sharp they were now.
I’m one of the living dead and yet I feel more alive than I ever have before, she thought as she landed and retracted the wings. She laid in her bed with a smile. Her first full day as a vampire was over and she was now comfortable with her immortal life.
Chapter Five- Troubles
Isis waited by the dungeon entrance for Mahad to bring up a prisoner for her drink. She felt a bit self-conscious about feeding in front of her lover, but told herself to get over it. She would be drinking in front of him more than once, after all.
She heard faint footsteps that grew louder. It was clear that the owners of those steps were heading her way and from the dungeon. She licked her lips in anticipation of her daily blood. Mahad soon emerged with a man Isis didn’t know; one of the two Mahad found while she had talked to Mut. She got behind the man as her fangs lengthened. She sank them in and began to drink seeing that Mahad had closed his eyes and looked away while the prisoner passed out from the bite. She swallowed a few mouthfuls like last time before pulling out and shortening her fangs. “Okay, done,” she said.
“Isis, I’m sorry I looked away,” Mahad said. “I know I should get used to-,” he trailed off as he opened his eyes and saw only himself and his prisoner. “Isis?” he said, confused as he hadn’t heard her leave.
“Yes, Mahad?” came her voice beside him.
“Where are you?”
“I’m right here.”
He looked but saw no one. “I don’t see you.”
“You don’t?” She sounded confused but then delighted. “It’s my new power. I can turn invisible like some of my clan can.”
“I should have guessed,” Mahad chuckled. “Well, this is a nice surprise but please drop it now.”
“Sure.” Isis shimmered into existence, looking pleased. “I could use this power to find criminals that act in your absence.”
“Yes and I could do that too when I’m not busy. I have an invisibility spell.”
“Sounds like a plan.” She gave Mahad’s hand a squeeze before she headed off to join the court after telling the guards that Mahad was ready to bring up the prisoners.
Atem glanced at Isis once in a while during the meeting and trials. He knew she drank already and wondered what power she gained and how her flight went. Easy enough to find out, he thought. As the meeting adjourned, he said, “Mahad. Isis. Please stay.” Both stood before him and knelt. “Isis, how was your flight last night?” he asked once the room was empty.
She looked up at him, her eyes shining at her recollection. “It was amazing, my pharaoh. I felt, excuse the expression, so alive. More than when I was alive. The entire city was spread out before me. I also have night vision, making everything visible.”
Atem smiled at her enthusiasm. “Clearly, you had fun. Now, what power did you gain today?”
Isis beamed. “Invisibility, my pharaoh. It is clear to me that the power is active when I get it. I turned invisible without intending to do it.”
“That’s fortunate. That way, you’ll know when you stop gaining powers,” Mahad suggested.
Isis nodded in agreement. “That makes sense. Now, I believe I have a fire vision to fulfill.” She bowed her head before rising and leaving the room.
Atem watched her go. “If she hadn’t told me, I would never be able to tell she was a vampire.”
“I agree,” Mahad said. “It is only when she speaks of her powers or drinking blood does it remind me of how she’s changed. I still love her even though she will not age and could live forever.”
“Could; does not mean she will. She may decide to die not long after we do.”
Mahad nodded and was then dismissed to do a security patrol. He had been fascinated by Isis’ description of her flight and bout her night vision, but he was also a bit jealous of her. She had been cursed as a vampire and it hadn’t changed her personality one bit. If I was turned, I understand that I wouldn’t get all the powers she has, but we would be together for a long time. I doubt Mut would put the curse on me, but perhaps Isis would agree to turn me; later on in life, that is.
Isis kneeled in her customary place, knowing she neglected to reveal her last vision, particularly the image of a female vampire. She was now certain that the female wasn’t her. She hadn’t acted any differently, despite her need for blood and the powers she had. Perhaps, my anxiety of being a vampire caused those images to appear. She slowed her breathing as she descended into a state of calm. She sensed her Item glowing and gently probed it for the kingdom’s future.
A flow of images washed over her and she kept her eyes closed to organize them and make sense of the impressions she drew from them. Most images told of peace and security for the kingdom and that pleased her. But, the last image disturbed her: It showed that female vampire again, but at her feet was a pale and bleeding Mahad! Her eyes flew open in horror and a hand flew to her mouth. Can it be? Mahad’s in danger of dying from a vampire? I cannot reveal that to the entire court. I will only tell Mahad as it concerns him and we have no secrets. She rose from her place and left the tower, the last image troubling her. She went out into the city, pausing at an alley to turn invisible. She had said she would play with her new powers the day she receives them and she intended to hold to that.
She passed people going about their business: Shopping, selling, talking, and laughing. She passed guards looking for trouble and saw Mahad, his Item silent. She saw that he seemed lost in thought which struck her as odd. She suspected that Mahad was usually focused while on patrol; this distracted air did not help in finding evil-doers. She followed him as he wandered away from the guards and once pretty much alone, Isis said, “Mahad.”
He startled and looked in her direction. “Isis! You startled me.”
“So I noticed. I also noticed that you seemed preoccupied. What is troubling you?”
Mahad’s first impulse was to lie; to assure her that nothing was wrong, but reminded himself that there were no secrets between them. “I hate to say it, but I’m jealous of you.”
“Jealous? That’s an emotion I never thought I’d see from you.”
“Your personality has not changed from being cursed and the things you can do sound fascinating. I know that no vampire gains all the powers but I would still….” He trailed off.
“Mahad,” she said gently.
He gave an almost angry sigh. “I should not feel this way and I will endeavor to overcome it.”
“Mahad, I understand your jealousy but remember: I was chosen to be a vampire. It was not something I wanted.”
“Yes. You are right. You didn’t ask for this.”
“I am glad I found you for I had a vision concerning you.”
“Really? Uh, Isis? Could you be visible again? I do not wish to be viewed as insane as it looks as if I am talking to myself.”
Isis gently laughed as she dropped her power. “Now, that vision. I saw that vampire again and at her feet was you pale and bleeding.”
Mahad’s face was deadpan. “I see. You saw a possible death for me.”
“I don’t want this vision to happen. Please be careful.”
“I will. Perhaps you could point out where your clan lives.”
“The last house on this side of the cit.” She pointed down from where they were.
“Thanks.” Mahad left while Isis turned invisible, both relieved to have shared their troubles that had weighed heavily on them.
Chapter Six- The Request
Mahad headed back the way he came and called an end to patrol. He wouldn’t be able to focus on his duty with his mind pulled in two different directions. One direction was his jealousy. He sometimes imaged living with Isis forever and what powers he might have as a vampire.
His mind was also on Isis’ vision. She saw him dying from a vampire attack. He knew it was an attack, not a turning as she saw him pale. It was clear that he needed to steer clear of other vampires to avoid an attack. That was why he had asked for the location of Isis’ clan.
I may want to carry some silver with me, secrete it on my person so Isis doesn’t accidentally touch it. He nodded to himself as he sent the guard ahead of him before he roamed the market to find some silver jewelry or weapon as the palace usually held gold which was lucky for Isis.
Isis roamed around the city, invisible and delighting in not being seen by anyone. This is a cool power, though not better than my wings. My senses are amazing, though. I can see in the dark, hear the beating of hearts, and smell blood if it’s leaking. I can turn the enhancements off so I’m not driven crazy from them.
I was a bit surprised when Mahad admitted being jealous. I understand his jealousy and it’s tempting to turn him. He didn’t come right out and say he wanted to be a vampire but there was a subtle hint in his words.
Isis spent the rest of the day pondering on whether or not to turn Mahad and came to a couple of conclusions. If Mahad asked her, actually asked her to turn him, she would grant the request but insist they receive permission from the pharaoh. She felt it would be irresponsible to turn Mahad without informing Atem of the request than be allowed to do it. Maybe I could approach Mut tomorrow and ask her if she would cast the curse on Mahad. No, no maybe. I will approach her and ask, Isis thought as she got into bed that night after deciding to feed off a guard in the morning.
Isis gestured to an empty room. “I need to speak to you privately,” she said to a guard.
“Yes, Mistress Isis,” he said as he preceded her into the room, both unaware that Seto saw them do so.
Now, Seto had observed Mahad and Isis’ interactions over the last few weeks and had deduced that they were in love. He was happy for them, but did not confront them to congratulate them as they had not announced it to the court and neither had the pharaoh. So, to see Isis enter a room with a guard, made Seto curious and suspicious. Is Isis being unfaithful behind Mahad’s back? If so, Mahad should know about it. Seto swiftly went the room’s threshold and stood in it to see a shocking sight: Isis was biting the guard on the neck! She released the guard who fell unconscious and Seto had a clear profile view of long incisors before they shrank in length. Gods, Isis is a…a...vampire! But when? How?
Isis closed her eyes as she sucked blood from the guard who was getting weak and knew now was the time to stop. She withdrew and eased him to the floor before shrinking her fangs. She didn’t feel different like she did yesterday and figured she had all her powers now. Hmm, perhaps I’ll go flying tonight, she thought before turning and seeing Seto in the doorway, staring at her in shock. “Seto!” she exclaimed in fear.
“Isis, you’re a vampire? Really?”
A desire to perform some manner of damage control went through her. She stood up straight and looked deep into Seto’s eyes. “You will forget what you saw this morning,” she said, pointing at him. She saw his eyes go blank for a few moments before going back to normal.
He blinked and focused on Isis and the sleeping guard. “Isis? Why is a guard sleeping there?”
“He had said he felt dizzy and I suggested he go to the infirmary before he staggered in here and collapsed.”
“I’ll inform Mahad.” Seto left and Isis smiled. I gained mind control powers! Seto doesn’t remember seeing me drinking from the guard or my fangs. She turned the power off as she did not want to accidentally use it on Mahad or anyone else. She soon heard his steps before he came into the room.
“Seto said one of my men collapsed. I, however, believe you drank from him.”
“I did and Seto saw me do it.”
Mahad paled. “He did? But he gave no indication of seeing that.”
“That is because he doesn’t remember. I gained the power of mind control today. It is the same power Mut used to lure me to her home.”
“Mind control. A useful, but dangerous one, depending on one’s point of view. I wouldn’t mind that myself.” He knelt beside the guard who was coming around. “Easy there. Isis said you were dizzy and sleepy before collapsing. I suggest you get some rest.”
“Yes, Master Mahad.” The guard rose and swayed slightly as he left.
“Isis, you were fortunate to have gained mind control when you did. Otherwise, we would have someone else in on your secret.”
Isis sighed. “It may be prudent to just tell the court.”
“Let’s not be hasty, Isis. We have avoided it this time. We may continue to avoid anyone else knowing.”
“Yes, you are right.” The couple left and Isis said, “Mahad, I thought I heard envy in your voice when mentioning my new power.”
“You heard correctly. I should not be jealous or envious but I find it hard not to be so.”
“I understand both of your feelings. I would feel the same way.”
“Isis…I…I would like to live with you forever, be a vampire like you,” Mahad said in a rush.
“Oh, Mahad, I would love to turn you. But before I do so, we should ask the pharaoh if he would allow it.”
“I doubt he would deny it, particularly if I explain it and he knows that I would not act any differently.”
“That is true. Mahad, let me speak to Mut to see if she will use the curse on you. I will explain why I’m asking and hopefully, she will agree as I believe the curse would be less painful.”
“As it was used on you, it must be less painful than biting and then feeding me your blood.”
They entered the Throne Room in silence and the meeting passed in its usual fashion, including Isis reporting the visions of peace and security of the city and the people. She smiled to herself as she and Mahad both headed for the gates. Atem had looked pleased at hearing a pleasant vision instead of one of darkness and danger.
“Have a good patrol,” she said, kissing Mahad’s cheek.
“It will be if I find at least one criminal for you to feed on. Good luck to you in talking to Mut.”
“Thank you.” The gates opened and Isis preceded Mahad and the guards outside. She quickly headed through the streets being careful not to use her vampire speed as she headed to the last house on her right.
“Mut?” she called as she entered.
“Isis. My, three time in a few days. I did not think you would visit this much,” came the elderly vampire’s voice. Isis turned to it to see Mut seated in a meditative position. Her brown eyes opened to focus on the priestess.
“If you count the time I was turned, this would be the third time. I am still new and seek much guidance.” Isis kneeled before her.
“Of course. What guidance do you seek?”
“How many powers are there?”
“Not counting healing bite marks, there are five.”
“I see. Now, about the curse you used. Can it be used on anyone?”
“Oh, yes.” She smiled. “There’s someone you want turned in a painless way.”
“Yes. He wishes to be with me forever.”
“He? Is he a priest?”
“He is. It is Mahad.”
“Ah, the magician and captain of the guard.”
“Yes. Could you use the curse on him and make him a vampire?”
“I could. If he comes here at sunset tomorrow, I will lay the curse.”
Isis smiled. “Thank you. I will tell him.” She left and Mut frowned. She did not trust men as she had tried to have men in her clan but they always tried to kill her and the other females when they were about to be turned. She felt that Mahad was no different from those men she had drained in the past. When Mahad comes to be turned, I will instead drain him so that he won’t kill me or my clan.
Chapter Seven- Final Power
Isis encountered Mahad as she reached the palace gates and saw the disappointment on his face. “Mahad?”
“I found no criminals. While that is good news for the kingdom, it is not so good for you. However, I would be willing to let you drink from me in the morning.”
“Mahad, that’s so sweet. Thank you.”
“No problem. How did your talk with Mut go?”
“Great. She said if you come at sunset tomorrow, she will turn you with the curse.”
Mahad perked up. “She will? That is great. Now, we just need the pharaoh’s permission.”
“Then, let’s go get it.” They went inside and made their way to the Throne Room to find Atem out on the balcony. They stepped behind him, knelt, and waited to be acknowledged. Atem, hearing their approach, almost immediately turned, but elected to take a couple of minutes before turning to face them. “Yes?”
“My pharaoh, since yesterday afternoon I have been feeling jealous of Isis’ powers and wanting them myself. I seek your permission for me to be a vampire as well.”
Atem blinked. “You want to be a vampire because you want the powers that Isis has?” To Atem, that didn’t seem like a good enough reason.
“It’s not just that,” Isis added. “It is also because we love each other and want to be together forever.”
“Ah, I see. Mahad, if you feel that strongly about it, I will allow you to be a vampire especially considering that Isis could do it at any time.”
“I spoke with the one who used the curse on me and she agreed to use it on Mahad at sunset tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow.” Atem nodded and let them leave, knowing that after tomorrow he would have two vampires on his Sacred Court. But Mahad will not act any differently just as Isis hasn’t. It will be fine.
“I feel I should look for criminals but I’ve got classes to teach.”
“Let me look, Mahad. I’ll look while invisible.” Isis smiled and faded out as she brought the power on.
“If you do find some, alert the guard to have them arrest them.”
“I will.” He heard her walk away and he headed for the Training Hall. He felt nervous and excited about tomorrow afternoon. He knew that he was giving up some of his humanity for an immortal existence that depended on blood, but he would be with Isis forever and have powers he couldn’t use with his magic. It will be an interesting existence; to see others around me age and die while I live on. I wonder what the future will be like; as long as I’m careful, I will find out. He entered the Hall at the same time as his students and pushed away his thoughts of being a vampire to focus on teaching.
Isis moved among the people unseen, looking for any kind of trouble. Mahad’s initial search of the city had been thorough and she had the feeling that she would find no criminals. But I need to, she thought. Mahad will need blood by tomorrow night. But maybe he’ll find at least one criminal tomorrow and, if not, I guess I could withdraw some blood from a citizen for him. Isis headed back to the palace three hours later with no criminals and dropped the invisibility before she reached the gates. Once inside, she went to do her vision duty. She wanted to know if the visions she had seen were still viable, particularly the last one.
She settled before the fire and calmed herself before probing her Item for the events of the future. Are the events of the future unchanged? she asked. She sensed the Item glowing and saw blackness before it cleared to show the city happy and peaceful which made her happy as well.
Her happiness evaporated as the image of Mahad’s death appeared again. Her eyes opened. Is Mahad meant to die before he’s able to be turned? No, I will not allow that to happen. I will watch over him tomorrow, invisible, and will escort him to Mut to insure he becomes a vampire. She nodded as she rose and left the tower to attend to other duties that occupied her time for the rest of the day, her flight forgotten.
“You still saw my death?” Mahad asked when he came by Isis’ room the next morning.
“I did and I intend to watch over you today and escort you to Mut to insure you survive.”
“That’s comforting to know. I also have a silver sword on me. I’ve had it since you revealed your weaknesses.”
“A silver sword?”
“It has a non-silver handle and it’s hanging far enough back that it’s no danger to you.” He sat beside her.
“You will need to give it away once you are turned.”
“Of course. Perhaps the pharaoh would like it.” He removed his headdress.
“I’m sure he would.” Isis tilted her head as her fangs grew and she bit Mahad’s neck. He gasped slightly at the twin prick and he gradually felt weak as the fangs withdrew. He felt the marks heal and he rubbed the spot. “That wasn’t so bad.”
“You didn’t pass out. That’s impressive.”
Mahad looked over at Isis and then blinked. There was a black cat with greenish eyes where Isis had been. The cat tilted its head. “Mahad? How did you get taller?” it asked…in Isis’ voice!
“I didn’t. You turned into a cat.”
“What?” She looked down at her paws. “Whoa. I can…shapeshift. Amazing. I have all the vampire powers.”
“Mut revealed yesterday that there are five and I had four at that time. I am a unique vampire as none before me possessed all five.”
“Indeed you are,” he said as Isis resumed her true form.
“I’ll really be able to keep an eye on you. I could become a bird and no one would know it’s me.” her eyes sparkled as they headed for the Throne Room.
“I hope I can shapeshift. Really, that and adjusting my fangs’ length would be enough.”
“The length is one everyone gets as well as healing the marks which all vampire start out with.”
Mahad nodded. It’s important that I know this as I will be a vampire tonight. Again he felt nervous and excited, the latter more than the former. He would be able to drink easily with his patrol duties. Any criminals I find will donate some blood the next morning.
“I see nothing but peace and happiness for the kingdom,” Isis reported at the meeting. “I do wonder if it’s a calm before a storm.”
“It may well be,” Atem replied. “I want everyone combat-ready should we find ourselves under attack.”
“Yes, my pharaoh,” was the reply.
“Good. Dismissed, except you Isis.” He waited until the room was empty before asking, “Is Mahad ready for tonight?”
“I believe so, my pharaoh. I did also have a vision of Mahad dying from a vampire attack and I intend to watch over him and insure that he gets turned.”
“Your invisibility, I imagine.”
She shook her head. “I gained the power to shapeshift today which is the last power I can gain. I plan to watch over Mahad from the sky.”
“Then do so now.” He watched Isis leave and smiled wistfully. She can shapeshift. That’s an incredible and wonderful gift to have. I wonder if Mahad will receive it too as I was told earlier that not every vampire gains all the powers they are capable of having. Well, Mahad will find out eventually.
Chapter Eight- The Vision
Mahad casually looked up to see a falcon flying overhead. It was too high to tell its gender, but he guessed it was Isis as she had hinted at watching him as a bird. I hope I do shapeshift. It must be incredible to be able to fly. Actually, I know it is as Isis did describe her flight the day after she got wings.
Isis would have smiled if she could. Daytime flight was much better than nighttime and with a falcon’s eyesight it was a lot better. This power is the best! she thought. I can become any animal I want and for as long as I want. I have access to the eyesight of a bird, the strength of the wolf, the speed of a horse, and the ability to swim as a crocodile. I’ll be able to survive anywhere in the world. She swooped and dived, delighting in her wings’ subtle adjustment to the winds beneath her.
She was circling at one point when she spotted Mahad alone with his arm outstretched and looking up at her. She immediately knew what to do and swooped down to land on his arm. He brought her a little closer and stroked her chest feathers. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked.
She clicked her beak before saying, “The best. You would not believe what I can see up there with these eyes.”
“A good deal, I imagine.”
“I will need to acquire some blood for you. You will need it after you’re turned. I certainly did.”
“Master Mahad!” a voice called and Isis took off before the magician turned to see a man being restrained by two guards. The Ring glowed gently and Mahad was thrilled. “Very good, men. Place him in the dungeon and return to patrol.”
“Yes, Master Mahad.” The guards left with their prisoner and Mahad stepped out of the alley, hoping to find more criminals. The more, the better for Isis and me.
Isis sank her fangs into the woman’s neck, withdrew, and quickly poked her claws into the holes to keep it open so she could collect some blood into a small vial she had brought with her. Once enough had been collected, she removed her claws and the marks healed. She eased the woman to the ground. “Thank you,” she said softly as she sealed the vial. “I could have used my claws to cut your neck, but I wanted to make it less painful for you.” She exited the scene, became a cat, and sprinted off for the palace, resuming her true form as she drew close to it. She entered behind the guards and met Mahad under some shade. “I got the blood,” she said softly.
“Good. Patrol was good too. We found three more criminals. I think you suspicions of a calm before a storm was apt.”
“Three? That’s great.” She looked at the sky. “I think I have time for some reading before sunset.”
“And I have a class to teach.” He kissed Isis’ cheek before they split up to do their activities.
Hours later, Mahad and Isis slipped out of the palace gates and quickly made their way to the last house on the right. She exchanged excited looks with Mahad before they entered the house.
Mut was waiting for them and gestured to the chair. “Please, priest. Have a seat.”
Mahad avoided Mut’s gaze as he sat. Isis had reminded him of Mut’s mind control power and he had no desire to be mind-controlled. Isis watched eagerly to see Mahad turned, relieved that she had delivered him here safely. She then felt her arms being pinned behind her and looked back to see two vampires. She struggled in their grip. “What is this?” she demanded, getting Mahad to look back. “Isis!” he cried.
Mut planted her hands on his shoulders, drawing his attention to her. “Foolish human,” she hissed, her eyes turned red and glowing and her fangs grew out. “I had no intention to turn you. All men, human or vampire, are traitors no matter who or what they are. Isis’ infatuation with you will be her death so I will save her by draining you.”
“No!” Isis screamed as Mut sank her fangs into Mahad. My vision! It’s coming true! I can’t let him die!” Isis growled before she took the form of a wolf and lashed out with her back claws, catching both girls in the legs. They cried out and reflexively grabbed their legs. Isis dropped to all fours, swung her forepaws with all her strength and broke one arm on each girl before turning to see Mahad on the ground pale and Mut grinning at him.
“Almost there,” she said as she crouched down to look into Mahad’s semi-glazed eyes. “You still have enough blood and energy in you to move a little but I’ll soon fix that.”
“Leave him alone!” Isis snarled as she stalked closer.
Mut looked up at the angry wolf and sighed. “Oh, honestly Isis. Men are trouble and it is us women always suffer from their cruelty. I am sparing you an eternity of heartache by disposing of-,” Mut then screamed and the reason for it was obvious: A blade was buried in her chest, right where the heart was. Mut collapsed backwards, eyes blank and unstaring.
Mahad groaned as he laid back. He could feel his heart beating slowly. I do not have much time left. This is my death, just as Isis foresaw. A shadow fell over him and he opened his eyes to see Isis in her vampire form. “Isis,” he whispered.
“Hang on, Mahad.” Isis gently bit his neck, sucked a tiny bit of blood, then scratched her arms and put it in Mahad’s mouth. Her blood dripped into his mouth and he swallowed automatically. He continued to drink until Isis had removed her arm, the scratch healed as it was a minor wound. Mahad’s eyes lost their glazed look before widening at feeling his heart slowing further and then stopping. He gave a gasp and a groan as his incisors lengthened into fangs and his skin returned to its tanned state.
Isis seized the handle of the sword, yanked it out, and used it to behead Mut to insure her death before aiming it at the girls. “Where are the others?” she asked as Mahad staggered to his feet.
“Not here. Mut sent them to find a new city to live in. She knew you wouldn’t like her killing Mahad.”
“Fine. When they do find somewhere else and return, than all of you move. If you don’t, I will kill you.” The girls trembled as Isis gave Mahad the sword and he carefully wrapped it before putting it back from where he had secreted it and followed Isis outside. Once they had put some distance between them and the house, Isis pulled out the vial and passed it to Mahad who didn’t hesitate in opening it and downing the contents. He made a face as he finished. “That wasn’t pleasant,” he said.
“That’s because it wasn’t straight from the source. It’ll taste better in the morning but at least you can shorten your fangs now.”
Mahad smiled and his fangs shrank to normal length. “So, your vision did happen but I survived.”
“I only saw you pale before a vampire, not that you were really dead. That was just my interpretation.”
“Okay. You have a point. So, let’s go home and tomorrow I can gain a new power.”
Isis hugged Mahad before heading home. Her vision concerning him had come to pass, they had overcome it, and Mahad was now a vampire. The two of them would be together forever and would witness the future of the world together as well.
Isis released her victim and turned to the man who saw her attack. “You saw nothing,” she commanded. His eyes went blank as he forgot what he saw. Isis headed for the first cell that was out of sight of the other two. She saw the unconscious man and a hawk, the latter looking up at her.
The beak clicked. “I can shapeshift,” Mahad said.
“Wonderful,” she said. She became a lioness while Mahad became a lion, showing that they could go from one form to another. The two rubbed heads, purring before becoming vampires again. “What say we fly later on?”
“Sounds good to me. I want to try out the hawk I had been.”
“I think I’ll be a hawk too. I haven’t been one yet.”
Mahad and Isis left the dungeon so that the former could have guards bring up the prisoners before he and Isis proceeded to the Throne Room as immortal lovers and vampires.