Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s. Only Charleston de Lance, Terrace, Cathy, Seth, James, and Selene are mine as are the other nameless people. Due to the content of this story, I ask that only eighteen and older read this. This story takes place after the series’ finale.
Chapter One- The Captor
Jack sipped his coffee and watched as people walked by. None appeared to notice him. There had been a time when he couldn’t go anywhere without being recognized. People would hound him for autographs, interviews, and photographs. He graciously granted these requests and the joy on their faces always gave him satisfaction.
That all changed when I lost to Yusei in the Fortune Cup. Although the purpose of the tournament was to determine if Yusei was a signer, the public didn’t know that. When Yusei won, I was regarded as a joke, a has-been. That was the low point of my life. My fans deserted me, my sponsors pulled out on me, and the city turned its back on me.
Things improved a bit when the Grand Prix came around. I was part of a team and I did my part and the crowds cheered. It was almost like living my glory days again. Almost, as the crowd seemed to cheer louder when Yusei took the field.
Jack sighed as he drained his cup and leaned back to stare at the sky. He didn’t resent Yusei for taking his title and getting most of the attention. His friend didn’t let the fame go to his head; indeed he seemed to shy away from the limelight, unlike Jack who thrived on the attention. But maybe that’s why everyone loves Yusei. He’s modest and not egocentric. Yes, Yusei is quite loved by a lot of people, me included.
He closed his eyes and Yusei’s image appeared before him. As the Grand Prix had rolled on, Jack had found himself showing great concern for his teammate’s well-being, more so than he showed for the others. When the tournament had ended, Jack had come to a shocking revelation: He was in love with Yusei. His affection for his friend brought another surprising revelation and a bitter disappointment. He still had feelings for Carly and made him realize that he was bi-sexual. The disappointment part was that Yusei seemed to have feelings for Akiza and vice versa. Yusei likely just considered him a friend. I suppose I can live with that.
The chink of china and a voice saying, “Your coffee, Jack,” made him open his eyes and looked over at his favorite waitress. “I thought I was limited to one cup a day because of my tab,” he said, a little suspicious.
“Oh, this one was paid for by an admirer,” she answered. “You still have fans, Jack.” She winked as she walked away.
Jack stared down at the steaming cup. It was indeed his favorite brew, his admirer knew that much about him, but who was it? He knew it wasn’t Carly; sending him tokens of affection secretly wasn’t her style. Ah, but that’s it. A secret admirer. He lifted the cup and sipped it. There was a peculiar taste to it. I think the coffee’s starting to go bad. Well, I’ll drink it anyway. This brand is expensive and someone spent their hard-earned money on me. He quickly downed the coffee and then leaned back in his seat. The sun was warm on his face and he felt sleepy. Before he could decide to get up and move on, his eyes closed and he fell asleep.
“Hey, anyone seen Jack?” Crow asked as he entered the place he shared with Jack and Yusei.
Yusei looked up from his computer. “He went for coffee, but that was a couple of hours ago.”
“Heh, he probably fell asleep there.”
“Maybe. Let’s check on him, though.” Yusei tried to sound nonchalant about Jack’s whereabouts, but inside he was worried. He wouldn’t admit it, but he loved Jack like he loved Akiza. It had been a bit disconcerting to realize that he was bi-sexual and therefore spent more time with Akiza. He knew that Jack would either scoff or laugh at him if he told him how he felt. Yeah, it’s better if I keep it to myself. Jack likely thinks of me as an old friend and that’s how it’ll stay.
Jack stirred as he regained consciousness. He opened his eyes to see that his surroundings had changed. He was lying on a soft full-size bed and there was a wardrobe across from it. An oval mirror hung beside it and next to the bed was a desk and chair under a window that was black with night. Night? I’ve been asleep for hours! My friends are probably wondering where I am. Which begs the question, where am I? Jack struggled to sitting, looked down, blinked several times, and screamed.
His body had changed! Instead of a strong, flat chest he or rather she, had a pair of breasts. Her figure was hourglass and her stomach was flat and taut. She lifted her hands to see they were smaller and her fingers were long and delicate. She got off the bed and over to the mirror, staring at her face and barely recognizing herself. Her eyes were a softer purple and it complemented her now rosy cheeks. Her forehead was smaller, her nose was slender, she had full lips, and her facial features were curved.
How did I become a woman? Wait. The coffee! It must have been spiked with a sedative and a formula to change me, that’s why it tasted peculiar. But, why? What purpose does kidnapping me and changing my gender serve?
The door to the room slid open and a short man entered, a greedy expression on his face as he leered at Jack; an expression that gave here the creeps. “Who are you? Why did you do all this?” she demanded in a high, soft voice. She shuddered at the sound as a hand went to her throat.
The man’s expression became greedier upon hearing Jack’s voice. “I am Charleston de Lance, but you will call me Master.”
“Not in a million years,” she retorted. “No one is my master! I control my life.”
“Not anymore, Miss Atlas. As you have likely already figured out, my men spiked the coffee before sending it to you. I understand that you feel ignored, abandoned by your fans. I can fix that. You will be loved and adored while earning money for me as well as a little for yourself.”
Jack fixed him with her patented flat stare that usually intimidated people, but Charleston just smiled. “What are you saying?” she asked.
“You’ll soon find out. I’ll leave you to adjust to your body. Tomorrow morning, your new life will begin.” Charleston exited and the door closed.
Jack quickly crossed to the door, but it remained closed. Darn. Locked. She punched the door and then shook her hand, wincing. Great. I lost some of my strength and pain tolerance. She brushed back a lock of hair and then ran a hand over it. Her hair had gotten thicker and ended at her rear. She shook her head. I can’t believe this. I started the day doing what I usually do and I end up kidnapped and turned into a woman. I don’t know what he has planned, but I will not go along with it. I will find a way out and a way to undo this change. She turned and almost tripped over her coat. Wonderful, she groused. I got shorter, but apparently not by much. Perhaps, there’s some clothes in that wardrobe.
She went over to the wardrobe, opened the door, and stared. It was full of low-cut dresses, short mini-skirts, and other clothes that women would wear if they intended to seduce a man or be a slut. She felt sick as she shut the doors. The cryptic responses of her captor just became clear.
He plans to have me entertain men with my body! Her eyes sparked wit fury. I will not allow him to treat me like a piece of meat. I will insist he change me back and release me. She removed her coat so she wouldn’t trip and looked down at her clothes. They didn’t fit quite right naturally, but she refused to wear the other clothes. She would not give in to her captor’s desires. I may need money to pay for my tab, I’m not this desperate to earn it.
Yusei fought to keep down his mounting panic, but gave up as his panic was felt by Crow. “Where is he?” Crow asked. “He was last seen at the coffee shop, but no one saw he leave and he clearly left.”
Yusei nodded. “Let’s access the security system and see if we can find out where he went. If we can do that, we’ll know what he’s up to.” The pair returned home and with Yusei’s computer skills, he accessed the cameras aimed at the outside patio of the shop. Yusei rewound the footage to where Jack had gone to the shop and hit “play.” They watched Jack sip his drink and gaze upward. They watched him drink a second cup before slumping back in his seat and getting taken by two men.
“He’s been kidnapped!” Crow gasped.
“Yes, but he was taken into a car,” Yusei pointed out. “I’ll try to track it through the cameras and you report Jack missing.” Crow left and Yusei bit his lip as he typed away. Hang on, Jack. I’ll find you and get you back in no time.
Chapter Two- Influence
Yusei slammed a fist next to his computer. He had managed to follow the car onto the highway but then it turned onto an off ramp where there were no cameras. He rewound the tape and froze it where it showed the back of the car. He zoomed in on the license plate and enhanced the image so that every number and letter was visible. He scribbled it down, confident that security would be able to track the car to the owner. And once they know the owner, they’ll have the address and we’ll have Jack.
Jack’s eyes fluttered open, hoping she had dreamed yesterday, but when she sat up and looked down to see her body, reality set in. Well, with some luck, I won’t be this way much longer. She swung her shapely legs over the edge and got to her booted feet. She went to a table under the mirror, picked up the brush, and ran it through her thick hair before clipping it back. She nodded in approval. Now it won’t get in the way. Geez, how do girl put up with long hair?
The door slid open and Charleston came in with a breakfast tray. He slid it onto the desk in front of the window. “I imagine you’re hungry. While you eat, I want to make some things clear.”
“Not so fast. Let me make some things clear first. I demand you change me back and release me.”
Charleston laughed. “Change you back? I wanted you as a woman and I did not have an antidote created. You will remain as you are now and will stay with me until I decide to release you.”
Jack felt as if the world was spinning. She was trapped as a woman and trapped here until he decided to release her? I would seem to be at his mercy. She felt her stomach growl, went to the desk, and sat down. “I saw what’s in the wardrobe. I will not wear those clothes.”
“Oh, I believe you will, Jack. Now for what I expect from you. Your name will be Jacqueline Atlas and if anyone asks, you are no relation to Jack Atlas. You will be required to entertain men and women and will do as they wish.”
Jack sniffed as she ate the food. Charleston was crazy to think she would do what he said. She finished the food and took a long drink of orange juice. She felt a round object go down her throat as she drank.
Charleston smiled as Jack stiffened and her eyes went blank. She swallowed the obedience pill. Her will is mine to control until dusk. “Now, my dear, you will do what I say. You will call me Master. Say, yes Master.”
“Yes, Master,” Jack repeated, her voice normal despite the obedience.
“Good. Listen carefully. Your name is Jacqueline Atlas and you will entertain my clients. You will act sexy and be eager to please. You are expected to wear the clothes in the wardrobe and do what the client wishes. Understand?”
“Yes, Master.”
He nodded approvingly. “Jacqueline, change your clothes and wait here for your first customer.”
“Yes, Master.” Jack got up and headed to the wardrobe while Charleston took the tray away. He smiled. The pill had worked perfectly. Jack would comply with his desires and have clear memory of what happened while under its influence. I will have to put tomorrow’s pill in her food as she’ll be suspicious of her drink. He dropped the tray off in the kitchen before going to the lounge where a burly man sat. He rose as Charleston entered and grinned at him.
“Ah, de Lance. I understand you have a young lady to entertain me.”
“Oh, yes and she is a beautiful one. She’ll do what you want and she is quite eager to make you happy.”
“Excellent. What is her name?” He followed Charleston down the hall.
“Jacqueline Atlas.” Charleston stopped beside the door. “She’s waiting for you, Terrace. Have fun.”
“I will.” Terrace waited until Charleston had left before entering and freezing at the heavenly sight before him. A young woman with blond hair was draped alluringly on her bed. She wore a sexy tube top and a tight short mini-skirt. Her hair was loose and she gave him a sexy smile as she got up. “Hello,” she said seductively.
“Hello, Jacqueline,” Terrace replied as he came over to her and gazed into her purple eyes. “Jacqueline Atlas. Would that be any relation to Jack Atlas?”
“No relation whatsoever. It’s just coincidence.”
“Oh, good. I would hate to fool around with a member of Jack’s family. He is quite the intimidating man.”
“Believe me, you have nothing to fear. So, what do you want of me, handsome?”
He stared at her scantily-clad body. The top concealed only her breasts and the skirt started below the belly button and ended mid-thigh. “Could you give me a lap dance?”
“Whatever you want,” Jack purred as Terrace sat. Jack climbed onto his lap and gave him the best lap dance of his life. She held nothing back and ended up arousing her customer and was more than happy to have sex with him. She passed out after an intense session and once Terrace had dressed, he pulled out his wallet, and tossed some money on her body. “Thanks for the fun, Jacqueline.” He chortled as he left to pay Charleston and describe his time in detail.
“So, you enjoyed yourself?”
“Oh, immensely,” Terrace chortled. “She was so seductive and eager to please me. I have never met a woman like her.”
“I’m pleased to hear that.”
“Is it possible for me to buy her off you?”
“Not at this point. There are others for her to meet and please. Believe me, when the time comes, you will be able to make an offer to buy her.”
“Wonderful.” Terrace got up and left the house while Charleston steeple his fingers and lapse into deep thought.
That pill is a wonderful invention. She knew what to do and Terrace is enchanted by her. Jacqueline became a willing and sexy person under its influence and my instruction. With enough administrations, her strong spirit will break and she will entertain my clients without the pill. When I no longer want her as my slave, I will dump her on the streets and she may turn to prostitution or a dancer as that will be all that she’ll feel she’s good for.
Jack groaned as she woke up and turned her head to see it was almost night. She sat up to see she was naked and there was money on her. She stared in confusion at both until her mind clicked into place and her face flushed in embarrassment and anger. God, how could I have done that? What got into me? I gave someone a lap dance and then had sex with him! Wait. I swallowed a pill that was in my juice. I was influenced to behave like a sexy woman. She looked at the money in disgust as she gathered it up and placed it on the desk. Charleston can have it. I am disgusted with myself. I will not be influenced like that again. Jack dug through the wardrobe’s lower drawers and found a decent nightgown to wear. She put it on before climbing into bed and falling asleep, hoping she didn’t end up pregnant from the encounter.
Trudge nodded as the information came up. “Yeah. Charleston de Lance. A bit of a sleaze. Rumored to kidnap young women and force them to ‘entertain’ his clients, but no one can prove it as his victims are afraid to help us.”
“If he does that, why take Jack?” Crow asked.
Trudge shrugged. “Maybe he’s expanding into taking men too. The problem is the address provided is bogus. An empty field.”
“There’s no way to find him?” Yusei asked, keeping the desperation out of his voice.
“I didn’t say that! I’ll alert the security patrol that works the car’s last known location and they’ll look for it, de Lance, or Jack.”
“And if they don’t, then we’ll search ourselves,” Crow said to Yusei as they left the station. Yusei nodded, knowing that they would eventually look for Jack and would, as usual, succeed where security had failed.
Chapter Three- Entertaining
Jack woke suddenly to someone shaking her shoulder. She sat up with a gasp and found Charleston grinning broadly at her. “Rise and shine Jacqueline. You have a big day.”
“That’s Jack,” she corrected as she stretched and went over to the vanity table to brush out her hair.
“Not anymore. Your name is Jacqueline now. You might as well accept that.”
Jack whirled around angrily to face him. “Never. You had no right to do any of this to me! I accept that I’ll remain female, but I will not change my name or acknowledge your power over me.”
Charleston shrugged calmly. “Believe what you will, but I do hold you prisoner and no one will find you and if they did, they won’t recognize you as Jack Atlas.” He gestured at the desk where a tray of food sat. “I suggest you have breakfast before it gets cold.”
Jack felt her stomach growl as it did yesterday and chose to eat. She sat down, picked up her glass, and swilled it slightly. She heard nothing hit the sides. She cautiously sipped it and tasted only oranges. She put it down and proceeded to her toast and bacon before turning to her eggs. She ate a few forkfuls before she went stiff and her eyes blanked out as the pill in a powder form put her in Charleston’s control again.
“Listen carefully, my dear. Your name is Jacqueline and you will accept it. Understand?”
“Yes, Master,” she replied.
“Good. Now, once I leave, you will dress in only undergarments for your first customer. After she leaves, you will put on a sexy outfit for the second one.”
“Yes, Master.” Charleston left with the tray and Jack stripped off her gown and added a bra as she was already wearing panties.
Several minutes later, a tall woman with short brown hair entered and took in the scantily-clad woman who smiled seductively. The brunette responded in like as she slinked up to Jack and cupped the blonde’s chin. “Hi, Jacqueline. I’m Cathy and I look to be entertained by you.”
“Of course. Anything you want.”
“Excellent.” She pulled Jack to the bed, laid her on her back and then handcuffed her to the bed before shedding her clothes and removing Jack’s panties. “I’m into bondage and arousing other women as well as myself.”
Jack’s eyes lit up with interest. “Yes. Give it to me, Cathy. Do what you want.”
Cathy grinned as she fondled Jack’s privates before licking and nibbling her folds and drinking her nectar. Jack moaned in ecstasy and Cathy licked with fervor and making Jack moan louder. Cathy felt her privates get damp and she presented it to Jack who licked and fondled it with her tongue as well as lap up her nectar. Cathy moaned in delight at Jack’s ministrations. She let Jack drink up every drop before dropping down to drink up Jack’s in return. When she finished, she laid herself on top of Jack and gave her a long, deep kiss that Jack deepened. When they parted, Cathy smiled at her. “I thoroughly enjoyed this, Jacqueline. You were very good.”
“You’re welcome. I enjoyed it, too.”
“It shows.” Cathy got up, dressed, un-cuffed Jack, took out a small wad of cash, and tossed it on the desk. “That is for your wonderful performance. I hope to see you again.”
“I hope so too.” She shared one more smile with Cathy as the latter left the room. Jack retrieved her panties, slipped them on, and then put on a sexy outfit and straightened the bed covers before standing in the center of the room to await the next customer.
Her wait wasn’t long. A normal-sized man entered and his smile was attractive to her and she found herself smiling back at him. He went over to her, pulled her down, and pressed his lips to hers, undoing the hair clip to let her hair flow loose and he ran his fingers through it. His tongue tapped her lips and she parted them to allow him to explore her mouth and caress her tongue.
They finally parted and Jack said softly, “Oh, my. You’re a forward one.”
“As are you, my dear. You were eager to let me explore your mouth.”
“You’re right. So, what can I do for you?”
“I desire to abuse you and have sex with you.”
Jack grinned in response. “Sounds like fun.”
The man, Seth, lifted her top off her and his shirt before pressing their chests together and Seth and Jack kissed hungrily and greedily. Seth put a hand on one breast and squeezed, making Jack gasp and cry, “Yes! Please, more!” Seth complied and her cries excited him.
He dragged her to the bed and pulled off the rest of her clothes and his before pushing her onto the bed on her back and climbing on top of her. He saw the eagerness in her eyes and briefly wondered why she was so agreeable to his desires. Maybe de Lance had brainwashed her. I can’t complain though; raping and abusing girls that fight back is exciting, but boring. If she’s eager, it’ll make the encounter sweeter.
He gripped and squeezed various parts of her body and she cried out in delight, making him treat her more brutally than before. Jack didn’t protest; merely cried out louder. Seth felt himself getting aroused from his actions and her reactions. His erection grew and he was thrilled when he saw Jack’s privates were damp. He stuck his head between her legs, licking and nibbling, eliciting moans. He lifted his head after he had satisfied himself, strapped condoms onto both of them before inserting his shaft into her and pumping. Her moans of delight made him grin and pump harder and faster. The climax made both scream the other’s name and both panted as they stared into each other’s eyes.
“You…are…incredible,” Seth said.
“Thank you,” Jack panted. “I…hope I…pleased you.”
“Oh, yes. I just may…buy you later on.”
“I would love it if you did.”
Seth kissed her before getting off her, dressing, tossing some money on the desk, and leaving as Jack sat up, smiling happily.
The smile vanished and was replaced with a look of horror and disgust. Oh, shit! I’ve been influenced again and I was eager with both. I can’t believe I had sex with a woman, though I was told I would have men and women customers. I also can’t believe I was willing to let that man abuse me. That pill was messing with my head and it was worse today than yesterday. Is my system weakening with each dose? If so, I may end up succumbing to it sooner.
It’s just sick what I am being forced to do and how I am being made to cooperate. I must try to not let him slip me another dose. Wait. The door is unlocked when he comes in. I could try to escape then. She nodded. In the morning, she would run out the door and try to make her way home.
Charleston smiled as he ate dinner. It was impressive how potent the pill was when in a powdered form. It was easy to mix it into Jacqueline’s eggs this morning. I wonder if it would be more potent if in a liquid form and injected directly into her blood. I’ll have my employers work on that tonight.
Cathy and Seth both reported positive results from their time with Jacqueline. Seth even said he’d like to buy her and that Jacqueline expressed hope that he would. Yes, that pill really affected her today.
I have no clients tomorrow, but I need to keep getting her weakened by the pill. Hmm, I think I will have her entertain me tomorrow. We will have sex, abuse, torture, and maybe have her dance sexily for me. I will put her through her paces and hopefully her recollections will be enough to humiliate and break her.
Chapter Four- Abuse
Jack heard movement the next morning and prepared herself to be ready to move when she opened her eyes. She had dressed in her own clothes, even the coat which would fly behind her once she started running. Surely Security’s looking for me. When one pulls up, I’ll jump in, convince them I’m Jack, and I’ll be home before I know it.
“Wake up, Jacqueline,” came Charleston’s voice. “You have a busy day today.”
That’s it, she thought. Time to move. She took a deep breath before her eyes flew open. She leaped out of bed, and dashed for the door which opened. She ran down the hall and spied a door with a door with sunlight peeking between the door and the frame. She ran forward, grasped the knob, opened the door, and started to step through. An electric shock pounded through her and she cried out as she crumpled to the floor, paralyzed but conscious. Two heavily-muscled men seized her and carted her back to her room, throwing her onto the bed, and leaving the room, the door locking behind them.
Charleston stood by the desk, counting her money. He smiled at her, amused. “I thought you might try to escape so I rigged the exits with electric shocks and only I can deactivate them.” He thumbed through the money. “You obviously made my clients very happy as they paid you handsomely for your performances. Most, if not all, of your tab could be paid off and have some left over. They also related their encounters with you to me and I must say, I was impressed with what I heard. Obviously, they don’t know that you were under the influence of a drug.
“There are no clients today, but you will be influenced as I have decided that you will entertain me today. I can hardly let everyone but me have their way with you.” He saw Jack starting to move, went up to her, inserted a syringe into her main artery, and injected the contents into her.
Jack’s eyes went blank and Charleston grinned at how quickly the liquid form took effect. “All right, my dear. Remember that your name is Jacqueline now and forever.”
“Yes, Master,” she answered.
“Good. I am your customer today. So, put on a very sexy outfit for me.”
Jack immediately got up, went to the wardrobe, stripped, and put on a tight short halter top and the shortest mini-skirt she had. Charleston almost panted at her attire. She was very sexy-looking and the smile she gave him was equally sexy as well as seductive. She headed toward him, her hips swaying. She leaned over and gave him a passionate kiss. “What is your desire, Master?” she asked once she pulled away.
“You will dance for me as if you work at a gentleman’s club.”
“As you wish, Master.” Charleston sat in an armchair as Jack began to dance. His eyes roved over her every curve and his lips curled up in a lusty smile. She was graceful in her movements and very sexy too. Her hips swayed and she gyrated her body in an attractive manner. She danced her way toward him and, with a pat from Charleston, she was on his lap as a simple dance changed into a lap dance. She straddled him as she arched her back and swayed her hips. She smiled charmingly at him, her eyes shining with the desire to please him. Charleston pulled her forward to capture her lips in a greedy kiss. He thrusted his tongue into her mouth and she moaned into his mouth. He pulled back and smirked at the emotion he now saw in her eyes: Sexual desire.
“Dear Jacqueline. I am feeling aroused by you. Let us strip and engage in sex.”
“Of course, Master.” She slid off Charleston and allowed him to remove her clothing before removing his own. He pressed his body against her and fondled her as he led her to the bed. He pushed her onto the bed, attached condoms to both of them, and climbed onto her.
He pressed, pinched, and squeezed her body as he pleased, and Jack enjoyed each one, making it clear that she lived to make her partners happy. He went on to lick, suckle, and kiss her neck, collarbone, breasts, and stomach with her moaning or shivering the whole time. He dipped his head to lick, nibble, and fondle her nether region and she gasped and moaned in contentment. “Oh, yes Master,” she breathed. Charleston pulled his head away before inserting his shaft into her. He pumped slowly at first before he started shoving hard and she screamed her pleasure. He fired his substance and then pulled out, laid on her, and kissed her hungrily with her responding in like.
“Get some rest, Jacqueline. I will be back for some more fun,” he said huskily.
“Yes, Master. I will be waiting for you.” She smiled as she closed her eyes and gave a soft sigh as she fell asleep.
Charleston dressed before leaving and locking the door before heading to lunch. He was pleased with his slave’s performance. His clients had not exaggerated in their glowing reviews of her eagerness to please. He and she knew she only appeared that way because of the drug; however that did not detract from the raw sexuality she exuded whenever someone desired to be entertained.
I will abuse and torture her this afternoon. Of course, my personal doctor will heal those injuries so my clients won’t be put off by her bruised and battered body. I so hope her sprit breaks from my treatment of her when she recalls it. If her sprit does break, she will likely tell me that she has given in to her new place in life.
Charleston entered an hour after lunch to see Jack lying on her bed still naked and asleep. She is so obedient under the drug. I can hardly wait until she obeys without it. He laid his various torture devices on the now empty desk. He had collected the money when he left for lunch and had given it to one of his men to pay for Jack’s tab at the coffee shop with the understanding that the leftover cash was to be put into Jack’s account at the shop. She will eventually return to that shop, only she will be a woman who will entertain lots of men and women. She will automatically turn on the charm to seduce men and women and will be like that the rest of her life.
He shook her shoulder. “Wake up, Jacqueline.” She instantly obeyed and smiled lovingly at him. “Hello, Master,” she said softly.
“Hello.” He kissed her forehead before saying, “I am going to be brutal with you this time around. I will torture and abuse you and then have brief sex with you.”
“Yes, Master. Please hurt me.”
Charleston smirked before his hand cracked against one cheek and then the other. The loving look didn’t leave her face as Charleston slapped her to his content. He then seized a pipe and began to swing it at her naked body, striking her face, torso, neck, and limbs at random. Jack gasped and cried out in pain, but he knew she was enjoying this brutal treatment. He put aside the pipe, seized a barbed whip, and cracked it across her torso, turned her onto her back, and cracked the whip again and again, raising welts and breaking open the skin. Her cries of delight gave him a thrill as he switched to a knife and methodically drew it across her skin, blood welling. Jack soon had cuts of various depth all over her body and face. Charleston shed his clothes, laid her on her side, and fondled her breasts and private region. He licked her nectar and her blood, eliciting moans of ecstasy from her. At last, he eased off her and contacted his doctor to tend to her.
“Well, Jacqueline, I hope you will be more cooperative from this point on.”
“Yes, Master. As you wish.” Jack lapsed into unconsciousness as Charleston left and the doctor entered. She awoke hours later, the sky dark with night. She moaned softly at her sore body and fought to recall the day. Her eyes went wide at the recollections and tears spilled down her cheeks. She had entertained her captor and let him abuse hand torture her. The injuries had healed and she had been cleaned up, but the memories would never fade. I was in his complete control and I…loved every moment of it. She felt herself die inside and knew then that the person she had been, was gone. Jack Atlas was no more. She was Jacqueline Atlas and she would forever entertain her master’s clients. I will never leave this place and no one will find me or recognize me. I will not need to be influenced and I will tell him as much. She fell back asleep, still naked.
Chapter Five- Giving In
Charleston walked in with Jacqueline’s breakfast tray to see the young woman still naked. He blinked in confusion. Did she not wake up? I know that once night falls, the drug wears off and she returns to her normal state of mind which includes modesty. He placed the tray on the desk, checked that the syringe was in his pocket, and turned to wake up his slave only to see that her eyes were open. She smiled as she sat up. “Good morning, Master.”
“Good…morning, Jacqueline. Well, this is a surprise.” Indeed, to him, it was. She had addressed him as Master and seemed genuinely happy. What had changed?
“I had time to think last night when I woke up,” she said slowly. “I thought back on our activities and I felt ashamed and disgusted. Then, I came to the realization that you were correct. I’m not Jack anymore. I am Jacqueline Atlas and I will entertain your clients. The influence is not necessary anymore.”
Charleston looked hard into her eyes and saw no trickery there. She had given in to her place in life and accepted her new name. He smiled at her. “That’s very good to hear. So, I don’t have to keep locked in here.”
“Yes, Master. I won’t try to escape.”
“All right.” He rubbed his hands together. “Well, we have a very big day ahead of us, my dear. Eat your breakfast, wash up, and meet me in the lounge to greet your first customer.”
“As you wish, Master.” Charleston left and Jacqueline got out of bed to eat. She smiled. Her surrender to her new name and life had just granted her freedom from her room, if only for a little bit. I’ll take what I can get. I get to meet my customers before we get sexual or whatever they want. She finished breakfast and went into the bathroom to take a nice shower. She dried herself off, blow dried her hair, put on a dress with a plunging neckline and pumps before stepping out and being escorted to the lounge. She was aware that her escort was trying not to stare at her and she felt amusement at that. She was enjoying the effect she was having on others. Master was right. I am loved and adored. I was disgusted with what I was forced to do under the drug and the peoples’ desires, but now I feel none of that. My feelings from the last few days were from Jack. I am Jacqueline now and I live to please others. She entered the lounge and sat where Charleston told her: On the couch beside him.
“My first client will be wanting to have fast and hard sex with you. It will be quick and I imagine your dress will remain on.”
Jacqueline nodded, a bit disappointed that her first customer wanted to be quick. Well, Master did say we have a big day, so maybe the others will take it slow.
A well-dressed man in a three-piece suite entered and the moment he locked eyes with her, she flashed a charming smile and felt herself blush at the handsome man. He seemed equally taken by her and it required Charleston clearing his throat to snag his attention.
“Welcome, James. Jacqueline and I have been most interested in meeting you,” Charleston said, sounding amused at James’ focus on his slave.
“Thank you. You failed to mention how beautiful your companion is.” He flashed her a smile. “I may take my time with her instead of quickly.”
“Whatever you want,” Charleston said.
“Excellent. Shall we get down to business, dear Jacqueline?” He extended a hand.
“It would be a pleasure,” she said as she took his hand and was pulled to her feet.
James led her back to her room and once the door was closed, he began kissing her lips and then her neck. Jacqueline moaned in joy at the gestures. She ran her hands over his hair and began kissing his neck and he sighed in contentment.
“Oh, Jacqueline,” he breathed and the blonde smiled. She had been concerned that she wouldn’t be able to act sexually without the drug, but she found that by drawing on her memories, she could be just as enchanting as before. She trailed kisses from the neck to the throat with James moaning from it.
James then scooped her up as he was taller than her and carried her to the bed where he lowered the top of the dress to her waist and lifted the skirt. He pulled down her panties before reaching up to cup and stroke a breast. Jacqueline hummed at the stroking and James smiled at her response. She’s just a skilled at entertaining as she is beautiful. De Lance found a real gem here. He continued to stroke her breasts, eliciting hums and moans all the while. He felt his erection starting to form and pulled down his pants and underwear. He removed condoms from his inside jacket pocket, put them on Jacqueline and himself before going back to fondling her upper body.
Jacqueline enjoyed James’ touches greatly and felt herself getting damp because of them. She moaned James’ name when she felt him starting to pump into her. She gasped as it got harder and faster and finally cried out his name as he fired. She panted from the sexual high when James kissed her. “You were wonderful, my dear. I am thoroughly satisfied.”
“That makes me happy. I always want to satisfy my partners.”
“And you succeeded.” James got up, dressed, straightened his suite and hair, gave a wink, and left with Jacqueline smiling in triumph. She got up, straightened the bedsheets, fixed her dress and hair, and headed back to the lounge.
“James was pleased with your performance,” Charleston said as she sat beside him. He pushed a small amount of money toward her. “This is what he left for you.”
“I suppose the previous money paid off all of my tab,” she said as she gathered up the money and tucked it in her bra.
“Not all. Some of it went into your account at the shop under both of your names.”
“It did? Why?”
“I imagine you would like to drink your favorite coffee again. You could order ahead and my men can get it for you.”
“I would.” Jacqueline had assumed that she was still not allowed to leave, that she was still Charleston’s prisoner and she was right. But, it’s not so bad now. I have accepted my place and it’s bound to make each encounter better than before.
“You will need to change your clothes once the next client arrives. She expects both a sexy dance and a lap dance.”
Jacqueline nodded in agreement. “Yes, Master.”
Jacqueline swayed her hips and raised her arms above her head as she danced for her customer, Selene. She felt the black-haired woman’s eyes rove greedily over her body and felt proud of her body’s shape instead of creeped out by Selene’s look. She had entertained a woman before and had danced for a man before so dancing for a woman was no different. She turned to see Selene adjusting her skirt so that her privates were showing and she gave Jacqueline a significant look. The blonde got the hint, hiked up her own skirt to reveal her privates, and then slid onto Selene’s lap to begin the sexiest lap dance of her career. Yes, Jacqueline thought. This is my career now. I will entertain men and women for the rest of my life and I will be paid nicely for it.
Jacqueline ended her time with Selene just in time for lunch, but was feeling sexual as she ate. She got to expend that energy with her next encounter, a muscular man who was well-endowed and pumped into her with reckless abandon while she alone wore a condom at his request. She naturally complied and had the best session thus far. She was still awake from the climax which was good as she had a fourth and final customer for the day. The last one, another man desired to abuse her physically and sexually. The end result left her feeling sore and in pain, but she bored up with it as she had dinner with her master. He happily reiterated the comments the four of them gave him and she felt proud with making Charleston happy with her services. She eagerly looked forward to tomorrow’s customers and giving them her best work to satisfy them.
Charleston smiled at the expression on Jacqueline’s face. She had really enjoyed herself today and knew she would continue to do so while in his employ. The previous ladies he had taken in the past tended to disappoint later on and he ended up letting them go sooner than he intended.
It’ll be a shame when I dump Jacqueline, but that’s what I do so I can keep my clients’ interest fresh. I could start contacting those who wanted to buy her within the next few weeks. I’m sure I could get a nice, fat sum off her and if I don’t, that’s fine too. I will put her out on the streets and her conditioning will keep her sexual for whatever sexy career she selects.
Chapter Six- The Dump
Jacqueline smiled in satisfaction as she laid in bed, sandwiched between two naked women. Her customers’ requests had altered a little over the last few weeks. She had performed dances, had sex, and let herself by abused as usual but she was doing it in groups. She would dance for couples or threesomes and have sex with two people at once, but only be abused by one person. She took on these group services with aplomb and really enjoyed them. She got warm satisfaction and affection from those she had sex with and the big amounts of cash she received from the group requests. Most of the cash was deposited in the coffee shop account and she was satisfied with the amount in the account. She had no concern of what was going on outside her home. She had three meals a day, a roof over her head, a well-paying job, and a nice master since she stopped fighting him. She didn’t see circumstances changing any time soon.
“I’m sorry, but Jacqueline’s worth more than that,” Charleston said before hanging up, smirking. He enjoyed toying with the people who had expressed interest in owning his slave. He had no intention of selling her; rather he was preparing to dump her onto the streets. He had found his next victim and had purchased the clothes that would fit her as he had done with Jacqueline, though it had been tricky as she had been a man when he had decided to kidnap her. Jacqueline will entertain one last customer tomorrow morning before I begin my typical dump routine.
“You’re kidding me!” Crow exclaimed on the phone. “Security looked for weeks and now they’re giving up!?”
“Don’t shout, Crow,” said Trudge who had held the receiver away from his ear. “Security checked every place in the area and there’s no sign of the car, de Lance, or Jack. They think it’s possible that Jack just left for another city altogether. I’m sorry, but they’re abandoning the search.” Trudge hung up and so did Crow, the latter fuming.
Yusei tossed Crow his helmet, his own already on. “All right. Security failed, no surprise, so let’s find him.”
“Hold it, Yusei. It’s late and we really shouldn’t head out this late looking for him.”
“But, Crow-,” Yusei began.
“I mean it and besides you haven’t been sleeping well since he went missing. I’ve heard you cry out his name in your sleep almost every night, since you spend most nights awake.”
“I’m worried sick about him. I’ve been wanting to find him ever since we knew where the car exited.”
“I get you’re worried; I am too, but you seem more so than me. How come, pal?”
Yusei sighed as he took off his helmet. “I’m in love with him, Crow. That’s why I’m anxious to find him.”
Crow whistled. “I had no idea you were bi-sexual, Yusei.”
“Yeah, I didn’t either until I realized how much I love Jack.”
“Yusei, I promise we’ll head out first thing in the morning.”
“Thanks Crow and also thanks for accepting my love for Jack.”
“Well, I kinda thought you had a thing for him, but wasn’t sure.”
“You know now.” Yusei went to bed and fell asleep at once, eager for morning to come.
Jacqueline looked in surprise at Charleston. “Just one customer, Master?”
“That’s right, my dear. You will have a big sex session with a very wealthy man this morning. So, give it all you got.”
“Yes, Master. I will.”
“Good. He’s promised to pay both of us exceptionally well if his expectations are met. You will meet him in your room, completely naked.”
Jacqueline nodded. “Yes, Master.” She returned to her room after breakfast, stripped completely, and draped herself on her bed so that she looked sexy when her customer entered. He came in minutes later, and gaped at her. De Lance didn’t exaggerate. She is beautiful and so…sexy. He felt lightheaded at the attractive smile she gave him as she slid off the bed and approached with her hips swaying. She put her arms around his neck and pressed her body against his own. He smiled down at her.
“You are exactly as de Lance said. I do hope you can meet my expectations.”
“I will do my best and follow your instructions.”
“Good.” He ran a hand through her thick hair before leaning down to kiss her lips and then her neck. He heard her murmur contently and he breathed in her sexy scent. He led her to the bed, removed his clothes, and attached condoms to both of them before climbing onto her. She smiled up at him as he explored her body, pressing, and squeezing what he wanted and getting the responses he desired. She was completely compliant with his wants and responded in all the right ways. He felt himself getting aroused as she manipulated him to get an erection. He looked between her legs to see that she was wet and ready.
He inserted his shaft into her, pushing in and out, slowly at first, taking his time. She moaned in pleasure and he derived satisfaction from it. He increased his rhythm and she moaned louder. He pumped faster and harder and she screamed happily. He climaxed and their yells of ecstasy filled the room. Both of them didn’t pass out and he was pleased at her endurance. He laid on top of her as he gazed down at her.
“You are quite an incredible woman,” he said. “Most others pass out after what we’ve just done.”
“I found that my stamina and endurance is higher than most women,” she admitted, having learned this from her weeks of entertaining.
“It shows. I will be paying you and your boss handsomely for this? Ready for another round?”
“Definitely.” She smiled as he began to kiss and fondle her again. As he aroused her and she him, the image of a young man with spiky black and yellow hair and blue appeared in her mind: Yusei. Why am I thinking of him now when I haven’t for weeks? Am I really in love with him? She felt her heart beat faster as she dwelled on him while her body automatically responded to the actions of her customer.
Jack’s image appeared in Yusei’s mind as he and Crow took the off-ramp. He was anxious and desperate to find Jack and once certain he was fine, planned to confess love to him. He didn’t care if Jack didn’t feel the same way; he just had to tell him. They rode onto the first street they came to and carefully scanned the buildings and alleys, aware that they might spend weeks looking like Security had. Yusei pushed that aside. We will find Jack and bring him home. Once he has recovered, I will tell him I love him and wait for his response.
Jacqueline entered the lounge, feeling real good about her sex with her customer and expected to hear Charleston tell her as much. She found him standing in the room with two men on either side of him, and one of them was holding a duffel bag. Charleston tossed a large sum of money at her, and she caught it and put it in her bra.
“Well done, my dear. You have pulled in a very generous amount of cast for me. You were the best woman I have ever dealt with, but now it is time to part ways.”
Jacqueline stared at him. “What? But, why?”
“All part of the business. I must refresh my customers’ interests. Furthermore, I’m afraid that you have become ugly and no one wants to be entertained by ugly women.” He clapped his hands and the men came forward, grabbed her, and pulled her out of the room. “Farewell, Jacqueline. It is regrettable, but as I said, you are no longer beautiful.”
The men opened a door, tossed her and the bag onto the ground, and shut the door. She got to her feet and stared at the door. I’m ugly? But my last customer told me I was beautiful. Was he lying to me? Tears spilled down her cheeks and she brushed them away as she picked up the bag and made her way onto the streets. She wasn’t sure where to go, but knew what she was going to do: She would solicit people for sex and dances and would take whatever offers were made. I will update my clothing and hopefully get steady employment at a strip club or a gentleman’s club. Hmm, maybe I can get a job at one of those clubs in the rich sector of the city. She mused over her options as she walked down the sidewalk.
Chapter Seven- Confessions
Crow and Yusei kept wary eyes on the denizens of the area as they searched. They took turns searching alleys with one looking while the other guarded their runners and then they would switch so that the alleys were double-searched. It had been a long unproductive morning and it was becoming a fruitless afternoon.
“Yusei, should we call it a day and head home?” Crow asked.
“Not yet. Let’s keep going on until dark. Then, we’ll quit and head home.” Yusei would have preferred to search endlessly, but knew he was letting his compassion blind him to logical courses of action. He was glad that Crow was there to talk sense into him.
An alarmed cry came from an alley up ahead followed by jeering voice. The two duelists rode up to see two men standing over a blond woman who was unconscious.
“Hey! Leave her alone!” crow shouted as he got off and pulled off his helmet. The men looked at him, then each other, and took off. They recognized Crow, knew his reputation, and as one of the winners of the Grand Prix and didn’t want to mess with him.
Yusei went over to the woman, turned her over, and felt his breath catch. She was absolutely beautiful! Long blond hair tumbled down her back and accentuated her hourglass figure and elegant limbs. I wonder who she is and where she came from. He lifted her into his arms and Crow grabbed a nearby bag. “Let’s head home, Crow. We’ll talk to her once she wakes up.” He carried her to his ride and held her close as he headed home. Once this woman is okay, we will resume our search for Jack.
Jacqueline wandered the streets, reflecting on her master’s last words. They chased themselves in her head and couldn’t help considering that he may be right. I probably won’t be hired by any club which means working and living on the streets is my only option. She looked at the modest, yet sexy dress she had on and decided she needed to put on something sexier so that she can start working. She put down her bag and crouched down, about to open it when she heard two chuckles. She looked up to see two men with leers on their faces. They didn’t seem friendly, but they could be potential customers. She stood, flashed her attractive smile, and purred, “Hello, gentlemen. What can I do for you?”
Their leers changed to looks of shock and then disgust. “What are you, some kind of slut?” one spat before both slammed fists into her temples, striking the pressure points. She cried out in pain and before losing consciousness, thought, I guess I really am ugly.
A throbbing headache and the smell of oil and gasoline brought her back to consciousness. She groaned softly as she opened her eyes and blinked to see a familiar, concerned face: Crow!
He gave her his trademark grin as he asked, “Are you okay, miss? You took a couple of nasty hits.”
Jacqueline’s conditioning took over as she slowly sat up, smiled, and put her arms around Crow’s neck. “I will be,” she said huskily before kissing him. Crow pulled away quickly. “Whoa, lady. What are you doin’?”
Jacqueline dropped her arms and eyes to her lap. “Sorry. I forgot how ugly I am now,” she whispered.
“Ugly?” Crow repeated, shocked. “No way. You’re beautiful. I’m just not looking for girlfriend right now, that’s all.”
“Yes, of course. So…I’m not ugly?”
“No. Who told you that?”
“My former master.”
“Yeah? What’s his name and for that matter, what’s yours?” Crow was angry that someone would dare mess with this woman’s thoughts about her looks and swore that person would be sorry for doing so.
“I’m Jacqueline and my master was…uh…oh, Charleston. Charleston de Lance.”
“Charleston!? Really!? Yusei and I have been looking for him. Could you tell us where he is, cause he’s holding our friend, Jack, there.”
“He’s not anymore.” Jacqueline could feel a little of her old personality coming back in the company of her friend. She lifted her purple eyes to look at Crow. “It’s me, Crow. I’m Jack.”
Crow leaped off the bed and gaped at her. “Jack!? My God, he changed you into a woman and forced you to ‘entertain’ his clients, whatever that means.”
“I’ve been conditioned to perform dances or have sex with men and women.”
That explains her actions earlier, Crow thought. That scum messed with her head. The question is, how much? Boy, Yusei’s gonna be shocked when I tell him.
“Well, it’s all over, Jack. You’re home now.”
“I am home, but the name’s Jacqueline now. I can’t go back to how I was.”
“No. You are Jack, just a female version.”
“Crow, is our guest awake?” came Yusei’s voice as he entered the room. Jacqueline felt her heart beat faster as she looked at Yusei for the first time in weeks. He’s even better looking to me than before I became a woman.
“She’s awake, but we’ve got a problem.”
“What problem?”
“She’s Jack, only she wants to be called Jacqueline and she’s been conditioned to be that attractive.”
Yusei gaped at Jacqueline. “Jack? Is it really you?”
“It is, Yusei and before you ask, no it can’t be reversed.”
“I figured as much.” Yusei sat on the bed, unable to take his eyes off her.
“Yusei, you’re staring,” she chided, cheeks burning red.
Yusei also blushed. “I’m sorry. I can’t get over how lovely you are.”
“I wouldn’t have laughed, I would have returned your sentiments.” She became aware of how close their lips were and closed the distance, capturing Yusei’s lips in a gentle kiss. “We may have to keep this a secret from our friends,” she added once they had parted.
“Why? You’re a woman now. A relationship between us would not be strange and Crow found out last night. According to him, I’ve been saying your name in my sleep.”
Jacqueline giggled at the idea of Yusei calling for her. “Well, I suppose we don’t need to keep it secret, just explain what happened.”
Yusei nodded. It was going to be hard to tell the others that Jack was a permanent woman, preferred the name Jacqueline, and had been conditioned to be sexy and attractive. Jacqueline is definitely not the person she used to be, but our friends will want to help in bringing some of her old personality back.
Jacqueline stifled a yawn, but her eyes betrayed her exhaustion. Yusei smiled and patted a hand. “Get some sleep. We can talk tomorrow.”
She nodded. “Good night, Yusei. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Yusei got up and left as Jacqueline laid down and fell asleep. Yusei came into the garage and saw Crow there, standing beside Jack’s runner, Phoenix Whirlwind.
“We might have to renovate it to accommodate her female body,” Crow remarked.
“Perhaps. Btu that can wait. I think we need to work on undoing that conditioning she went though, although I do think Jacqueline’s a pretty name.”
Crow nodded. “Yeah, she can keep it. You know, if she’s to act like a self-respecting woman, we’ll need Akiza and maybe even Luna’s help.”
Yusei nodded sleepily. “Call them and invite them over tomorrow morning. I’m going to get some sleep. I need it.”
“Okay. Night, Yusei,” Crow called as his friend trudged off to bed.
Chapter Eight- Un-conditioning
“What!? Jack’s a girl?” Leo exclaimed.
Crow and Yusei nodded. “Yeah and she’s been conditioned to be sexy and we need to undo that and bring her to some combination of woman and the guy she used to be,” Crow said.
“Crow and I both agreed that she can keep her new name, Jacqueline.”
“That’s pretty,” Luna said.
Akiza nodded in agreement. “So, you need my help in getting Jacqueline to be a normal woman.”
“Yes, please Akiza,” Yusei asked.
“Of course. She is a friend and isn’t helping one another what friends do?”
“It is and that’s another thing. You see, I…” Yusei broke off, unable to say he loved Jacqueline.
“You what?” Leo asked.
“He loves her,” Akiza said when Yusei’s face turned red. The Black Rose duelist smiled gently. “I thought you liked Jack as much as you loved me. I won’t come between you.”
“Thanks, Akiza,” came a female voice. Everyone turned to see Jacqueline enter, her body moving in a way that was sexy. It was clear that she needed help in being un-conditioned.
The twins gaped at their friend’s looks and even Akiza was stunned but she shook it off as she came forward and stood before her, making her stop in her tracks. “Jacqueline, you need to break the conditioning forced on you and I want to help.”
“It won’t be easy as I’ve been acting like this for weeks,” Jacqueline pointed out.
“Of course, but we’ll get through it. Now, I think we need to go shopping.” She called over her shoulder as she led Jacqueline out, “Want to help, Luna?”
“Yeah!” Luna headed out after the two women.
Jacqueline was aware of how her body was moving and the admiring looks of the men and a few women as she followed her friends. I need to stop moving in order to entice people to want to have sex with me. I am home with my friends and don’t need to solicit for work on the streets. Her hips had been swaying, but she forced them to stop and also forced herself to walk normally. She noticed how Akiza moved and decided to use her as a model. Her hips started to sway again and she forced herself to stop once again.
“Any colors you don’t want?” Akiza asked as they entered a store.
Jacqueline shook her head. “I just don’t want to wear anything too short or even tight.”
Akiza nodded, understanding the stipulation. “Of course.” Her eyes roved the store before leading the way to the dueling outfits. “Let’s start here.”
Jacqueline felt excited. She did need a new suit as her old one wouldn’t fit. It took several suits to find the right fit before she settled on a white one with pink and purple accents. Akiza and Luna nodded and smiled when she came out to show it off. “Perfect,” Akiza commented.
Hours later, Akiza, Luna, and Jacqueline were sitting at the coffee shop, the latter wearing a pair of jeans, socks, shoes, and a shirt that matched her eyes. A new purse sat on the ground by her feet. Her jeans felt strange after wearing dresses and skirts for weeks and found that it kept her from moving sexily. I think I’ll wear only pants until I’ve broken my conditioning, at least physically.
“That was fun,” she commented with a small smile. “I didn’t know that shopping could be like this.”
“I’m sure there’s a lot we can tell you about being female that you don’t know,” Akiza said as Jacqueline’s favorite waitress came over to take their orders.
“I’ve got this, girls,” she said, pulling up her purse and presenting an ID card. “Charge it to my account.”
“Yes, ma’am,” she said before getting the order and leaving.
“Charleston set up an account here for me with the money I earned. He set it to both of my names, though maybe I should have my old name removed.”
“You don’t have to,” Luna protested.
“Why not?” Jacqueline asked, a bit surprised. “I’m not Jack anymore, not really.”
“What about when dueling?” Akiza put in. “It might be better to let the dueling world know that Jack has become Jacqueline. You still have the skills that made you a great duelist.”
Jacqueline nodded slowly. “I will need to get back into dueling as I haven’t played for a while.”
The waitress then came over with their orders. As she put the coffee down, Jacqueline said, “Thank you,” and looked up at her. The waitress paused to really look at her as those purple eyes looked familiar.
“Miss Atlas, are you related to Jack? I mean, you could pass for his sister.”
Jacqueline laughed slightly. “Actually, I was Jack.”
“Huh? What?”
“I was kidnapped and changed into a woman. I got home last night and I’m trying to resume my life but as a woman.”
“Oh, Jack. That’s awful.”
“I appreciate your sentiments and it’s Jacqueline now.”
“Of course.” The waitress left and Akiza blinked. “You kept your last name.”
“Charleston did that, too and I’m not complaining. I fought the first name change for a bit before accepting it. He really messed with my head and I need to work past that.”
“Well, maybe a ride on your runner will clear your head a little,” Akiza suggested.
Jacqueline sipped her coffee and smiled. “That sounds perfect.” The reassuring taste of her coffee and the idea of riding her runner gave her comfort and a feel of normalcy to her life.
Yusei looked up as the women came in. Jacqueline seemed to be in a very good mood and the clothes she was wearing looked great on her and made her look like a normal woman. “I take it the trip went well?” he asked, noticing the number of bags in her and Akiza’s hands.
“Perfect,” Jacqueline answered. “I got a new dueling outfit and would like to take a ride.” She then noticed what Yusei was working on and raised an eyebrow. “Something wrong with Phoenix Whirlwind?”
“No, just adjusting it so you’ll be comfortable riding it.” Yusei stood and wiped his hands with a rag. “It’s ready when you are.”
“Good. Once I’ve changed clothes, then I’ll be ready.” She accepted the bags and boxes from her friend and headed for her room.
Yusei followed her with his eyes. “Sounds like she’s made some progress.”
“I think she still has problems mentally,” Akiza said. “She’s trying to combine her previous life with her new name, only she seems to want to forget she had been Jack.”
“No,” Yusei said in denial.
“I don’t know how we can convince her otherwise.”
“I may have an idea. I’ll ask to ride with her and perhaps get her to turbo duel.”
“Yes. That might just work.”
“Uh, Yusei? Where’s Crow and Leo?” Luna spoke up.
“They went off to duel and Crow will probably give Leo some pointers during and after the duel.”
“Oh, maybe I could get some tips too.”
“Let’s go find them,” Akiza said and the girls left, leaving Yusei alone, waiting for his girlfriend and hoped his idea worked. Jacqueline soon came down in her new outfit and, to Yusei, it bore some resemblance to her old one.
“Jacqueline,” he said as she put on her helmet and adjusted it. “Do you think I could join you?”
She smiled at him. “I would love that.”
Yusei smiled back as he put on his helmet and the two rode onto the road.
Chapter Nine- Healing
Jacqueline felt her heart soar as she drove her runner along the road. Every doubt and uncertainty seemed to fly out of her head as she zoomed along, Yusei beside her on his runner. Akiza was right; I needed this. Her mic crackled a little before she heard Yusei’s voice. “Jacqueline, would you like to turbo duel?”
“Turbo duel?” she repeated and then smiled. “I was hoping you would ask.” She had spied her deck in her runner’s slot, right where she had left it weeks ago. She tapped her screen to bring the duel mode online and get the other vehicles to vacate the lanes.
In almost no time, Yusei and Jacqueline were in a red-hot duel and the former could tell the latter had, for now, forgotten her problems. She dueled the way she always had and it was like she was her old self. She laughed as her ace monster demolished Yusei’s defense monster and Yusei grinned at hearing the laugh. He loved seeing her happy and though losing to her would make her real happy, he knew it wouldn’t last. She would know I wasn’t dueling at my best and she would want to beat me at the top of my game.
“My turn. I draw.” Yusei drew a card and their Speed Counters rose. Yusei smiled slightly and began to use monsters and spells to summon his ace dragon and boost it to be able to take on Red Dragon Archfiend. Jacqueline pushed back against his attack, prompting Yusei to use his monster’s ability to avoid losing it for certain. “I end my turn and Stardust returns,” Yusei said and said monster came back.
“Nice try, Yusei, but this ends here. I draw.” Speed Counters rose again. Jacqueline then used her spells to power up her dragon and successfully defeated Stardust and take Yusei’s remaining life points.
Yusei’s runner spun to a stop and Jacqueline turned to come back with a satisfied confident smirk. “That was a great duel.”
“I’m glad. You haven’t lost your touch.”
“I’m afraid you have, at least a little bit.” Her eyes softened. “You were really worried about me, weren’t you?”
“I was. I couldn’t think of anything else. All I wanted to do was find you, but Security wouldn’t let us. Crow figured we let them try before we took our chance.”
Jacqueline huffed. “They should have let you search from the start. You would have gotten me out of there before the conditioning took hold, though I would still be a woman.”
Jacqueline nodded. “The formula and a sedative had been in the coffee they sent me. I was female before I awoke from the sedative.”
“I see. Then Crow and I should have disobeyed Security and looked.”
Jacqueline took off her helmet and shook back her blond hair. “Then again, it might have taken you some time as well. You found me the day he threw me out.”
“It’s what he does. He replaces his slave to keep his clients’ interest fresh. I think he crushes the girl’s spirit by insulting their looks when he dismisses them.”
Yusei raised his visor. “Well, that’s despicable. He needs to be brought down. Would you remember where he is? We could tell Security.”
She nodded. “I could lead them right to it.” She the smiled. “Now, that sounded like the old me. The one who wanted to see justice done.”
Yusei shook his head slightly. “Jack.”
“Jacqueline, Yusei,” she corrected gently.
“No,” he said. “Your appearance may have changed, but inside you are still the same Jack Atlas I’ve known and fell in love with.”
Jacqueline blinked and lapsed into thoughtful silence as they headed home. From the first dose of the drug, she believed she was starting to change on the inside. In between those doses, she came back to herself, but then the next dose was administered and she was back to the woman Charleston and his clients wanted. And those times when I was myself, he messed with my mind, giving me a new name and that I wasn’t Jack anymore. I actually believed him. How could I have been so gullible? That ends here and now! I will start with my name. It’s clear that my friends are trying to use only Jacqueline, but they probably also use Jack when I’m not around. But, I like my new name as much as my old one. She thought back to when she was Jack and as she thought of her duels with the Dark Signers, an idea occurred to her. I think I’ve got a great compromise for all of us.
As they approached their home, they saw a tag duel in progress and Jacqueline was amused to see that it was girls versus boys. It’s actually a perfect match. Crow and Akiza are both strong and the twins are equal to each other. She and Yusei stopped their runners and sat to watch the duel. It was exciting to watch the twins support their partner and be supported in turn. It’s a little like the Grand Prix: Each member trying to leave cards on the field for the next teammate to use, building on one another’s moves. The duel came to an equally exciting conclusion as Crow and Leo claimed victory. The four duelists then noticed their audience and Leo bounded over, thrilled at winning. “Yusei! Jack! Did you see? We won!” The grin on Leo’s face faded as he said, “Oh, sorry. I meant Jacqueline.”
“It’s all right, Leo, really. I did some thinking on the ride home and as much as I like my new name, I shouldn’t forget my old one. I’ve grown used to being called Jacqueline, but I can’t expect you to adapt as quickly. So, what would you say if I took the shortened name of Jackie?”
“Jackie?” Leo repeated before smiling. “I kinda like that.”
As Crow and Luna nodded and began to talk to Jackie about their duel, Akiza went over to Yusei. “Good job. What did you say?”
“I told her that she is still Jack Atlas on the inside, despite being female.”
“Obviously it helped. Who won your duel?”
“She did, but she had to work for it.”
“Of course. She wouldn’t forgive you if you let her win.”
“Yusei,” Crow called. “Jackie said you suggested having Charleston arrested.”
“I did, but whenever she’s ready to file a police report.”
“I’m ready now,” she said.
“Oh. Well, let’s ride, Jackie.”
Trudge stared at the beautiful blond woman, mouth hanging open. “Jack? It’s really you?”
“Yes, it really is. I was kidnapped and changed by Charleston and I can lead Security right to him. I will also testify as a witness if it’s required.”
Trudge shook his head. “I knew he was taking young women but I never thought he would take men and change their gender. This adds an assault charge to his crimes. I will personally head up the officers to take him and his men into custody. If you’ll just direct us to his residence, Jack, that will be fine. You won’t have to stay.”
“Thank you. Oh and Officer, I also go by Jacqueline or Jackie.”
“Oh, of course. I think I’ll stick with Miss Atlas for now.”
“That’s fine too.” She left the office with Yusei and as she boarded her ride, Yusei said, “I’m proud of how well you’re recovering.”
“Well, I have you and our friends to help me. The sooner I fall back into my old life, the better I’ll get. The next step on the road to recovery is having that man arrested and paying for his crimes. It will also save other women from going through what I went through.”
“Yes. That will be a big step as well as saving lives.” He leaned down and gave her a kiss. “How about dinner and the movies tomorrow? I assume your taste in movies hasn’t changed.”
“Not one bit. It’s a date, Yusei.” She gave a wink as Security came out, Trudge in the lead. She put on her helmet, revved her engine, and took off to arrest the one who changed her life, Security following behind her.
Jackie sat beside Yusei in the dim theater and spoke softly to one another. “So, the arrest went well?” Yusei asked.
“I lead them to where I had gotten thrown out and the last thing I saw was Security breaking down the door. Trudge called me later to say that he confessed to everything and he’s already been sentenced and is in the Facility as we speak. We were lucky; apparently he was getting ready to snatch another poor woman to ‘work’ for him.”
“Excellent. So, any expectations for the movie?”
“The usual. Lots of action, explosions, fire, and of course an action-packed duel.”
Yusei laughed. “Your high standards definitely haven’t changed.”
“Why would they? I am still Jack, just a female one on the outside.”
“Of course.” Yusei put a hand on Jackie’s as they settled back to enjoy the rest of their date.