Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only the nameless hybrids are mine.
Chapter One- The Thief and the Pharaoh
The evening was absolutely beautiful. The sky was cloudless and strewn with stars that surrounded a full white moon. Its glow fell on the sand turning it silver in its light. All was silent until the howl of a wolf broke it. Another howl sounded before a figure appeared on a dune. It looked like a human but not completely. It was a teenage boy with lavender-gold eyes and long silver-gray hair. A pair of matching wolf ears instead of human ears sat on top of his head. A full bushy tail hung behind him and he folded his arms as a quartet of wolves came over the dune behind him and stalked out to hunt. The teen unfolded his arms and dropped to his feet and clawed hands. His name was Bakura. He was a thief, tomb robber, and hybrid but every full moon, he thought and acted like the animal half he was, like all hybrids did.
Hybrids had existed as long as humans had but they were few despite their many conceptions as humans feared them and would hunt them down. Hybrids could exist at any level of human society from royalty to priests to commoners and thieves. All of them possessed the ability to conceal their animal half and appear human. Only a hybrid could spot another through smell. Bakura, however, was not thinking of being spotted and hunted. He thought he was a wolf and ran with the pack that he had gathered around himself. His wolf nature allowed him to communicate with them and control wolves to a degree. They viewed him as an alpha and that pleased him. One member of his pack was a female who seemed attracted to him and made her interest known in her actions. His full moon condition did not respond to it just as his human reasoning did not. As a wolf, he felt no attraction for her and as a hybrid, he knew that could only conceive with a human woman or a matching hybrid, male or female. Again, Bakura was being a wolf at this moment in time.
Sunlight peeked over the horizon and into the homes of the people of a kingdom. The people awoke to attend to their daily lives as did the residents of the palace. One such resident was the pharaoh, Atem. However, he was not in his chambers but a secret room. He shifted and stirred before his purple-gold eyes blinked open. He sat up and stretched his arms and black wolf tail before scratching behind a black wolf ear with a clawed hand. He rose to his feet, put on the shoes and accessories he had removed last night, and wrapped his illusion ability around himself before leaving the hidden room.
Atem’s mother had been a hybrid- a jackal- who fell in love with his father who didn’t care that his wife was half-animal and knew his child would be one too. He had the secret room constructed for Atem before his first moon cycle when he was just a newborn. Atem didn’t remember his infant moons like any other person who did not recall their infancy. His mother spent her moons out in the desert as she always had but she ended up killed during Atem’s third moon cycle. His father’s memories of her was all he knew of her. He had asked his father how he became a wolf if she was a jackal.
“The hybrid gene contains a myriad of animal genes,” he had said. “When two matching hybrids get together, naturally the offspring will match. Otherwise, it is up to nature and the genes of the parents.”
Atem’s father had died when he was fifteen and he took the throne not long after. His Sacred Court, some who had served his father, were unaware that their new pharaoh was a hybrid. The only way they would know a hybrid was through a Millennium Trial. The criminal’s spirit monster matched his hybrid form and when removed, the criminal’s illusion power was weakened for several hours and exposed their true form. Atem always worried that those hybrids would call him out, question why he was treated with such contempt when the pharaoh was just like him. Luckily, the criminal hybrid’s senses were also dulled with the extraction. The exposed hybrids were sentenced the same as humans and allowed to regain their illusion power before starting their sentence. These considerations were at Atem’s insistence and no one gainsaid him.
This morning, there were no trials and court matters proceeded briskly. Atem was soon alone with Siamun who had advised his father and he valued the elderly man’s advice highly. Normally, Siamun would just hand proclamations for Atem to sign or bring up obscure laws for him to be familiar with, but today was different.
“My pharaoh, you are of the age where you must take a wife or at least a consort before your next birthday.”
“I am aware of that, but no one catches my interest.”
“I am sure you will find a nice young lady…or maybe a nice hybrid.”
Atem forced a laugh. “A hybrid? Me with a hybrid?”
“Why not? You are one, after all.”
Atem felt as if the blood had drained from his face. “Wh-what?” he whispered.
Siamun chuckled. “My pharaoh, I was present when you were born. Naturally, that means I knew your mother was a hybrid as she was in too much pain to use her illusion power.” Siamun smiled at the memory. “You were so cute when you were born. The tail around one leg, the tiny little ears-,”
“Siamun, enough please,” Atem said, blushing.
“As you wish. The point is that I know your true form even though I haven’t seen it for years. You could seek out a hybrid if you desire your own kind instead of revealing yourself to a woman.”
“Choosing a hybrid would make me comfortable as my consort would know my secret and I would know his or her secret.”
“Then do so. I am sure that whoever you choose will meet the approval of the court.”
“The court must approve of my choice?”
“It is the law that a pharaoh your age must have the approval of the court in order to marry the one he has chosen.”
Atem frowned. “Being pharaoh is more complicated than the people realize.”
“It can be frustrating at times. Your father mentioned that to me plenty of times.”
“Siamun, can I count on you as I go through the process of choosing my life partner?”
“Of course, my pharaoh. I am your advisor and I am also the top expert on hybrids thought that is something I don’t boast out loud.”
“Believe me, I will not speak of it.”
“I appreciate that.”
“I won’t start the search yet. I have two more nights of the moon to go. But, how will I be able to look without guards or escorts?”
“I have complete confidence that you will find a way to get out and look.”
Atem knew Siamun was right and he already had a couple of ideas of how to sneak out to look. He also thought of honest ways to get out of the palace. I am the pharaoh. If I desire to leave the palace, I will. It is the insistence of protection that I have to contend with. I have claws I can use to protect myself and my wolf half will help me in surviving in the desert.
Siamun smiled slightly as Atem stared forward in deep thought. He had been charged with looking over Atem after his mother died and until the infant had gained his illusion power. Even though he never saw Atem’s hybrid form after that, he knew the young king’s ears and tail had grown since then as well as his claws. There was no hint of his wolf half right now; the illusion was perfect as always.
It is a shame he has to hide who he really is and it is clear why. It is us humans. We are so fearful of those different from us that we destroy it, thinking we are protecting ourselves. We certainly are if faced with a criminal hybrid with the intention of killing us. However, we need not fear a good, peaceful hybrid. There are probably a few good ones among the subjects, living in secrets of being found and persecuted.
That being the case, the pharaoh could walk among the citizens and seek them out. He then could take that person somewhere secret and reveal himself. Yes, a city search does not require an escort and there are guards patrolling the city constantly. A search beyond the city will require a plan to search the desert and other villages in order to meet other hybrids who live in fear and maybe one of them will catch Atem’s interest.
Chapter Two- Meeting
Bakura stood on a dune overlooking the city of the pharaoh, the palace overlooking the houses before it. He heard barks and looked back at his pack. “Stay here,” he ordered before heading toward the city, turning on his illusion which looked vastly different from his real appearance. His hair was black instead of sliver-gray and his eyes were a deep blue. He was a handsome-looking man, but he preferred his true look.
No one else would unless they are a hybrid, he thought as he moved among the morning crowd. He sniffed around to seek out other hybrids but all he smelled were humans. It’s possible that none live here and I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t want to live so close to the pharaoh and risk being caught and tried in one of those Millennium Trials I’ve heard about. I don’t know much about the trials, but it sounds awful.
He continued to move about the people trying to see if he could seek out other hybrids. He also curbed his impulse to steal as he knew that was likely to get him arrested and he had no desire to sit in the dungeon. He kept getting only the scent of humans and was about to give up when a scent jumped out at him. It was the scent of a hybrid and it was clear and pure. A young one like myself. His eyes darted about before seeing the crowd parting and he quickly did the same. The people then knelt and bowed their heads. He also did so, suspecting that the pharaoh was out on a walk. He glanced to the right to see said figure and his nose flared as the hybrid scent grew stronger. Is the pharaoh like me? Is he a hybrid? The pharaoh drew even with him and he sensed his eyes on him.
Atem strolled through the palace gates ahead of the guards who spread out behind him to begin patrol. There had been no trials for days and the peace this brought also bored Atem. The peace also meant that Atem could go on a walk without concern of attack. Siamun had suggested it at the meeting and the rest of the court agreed with him.
“A pharaoh should walk among his people,” said Aknadin. “The people place their trust in him and he should trust them to keep him safe outside of the palace.”
So Atem began his walk, knowing why Siamun had suggested he get out of the palace: To see if there were any hybrids among his people. A search of this kind needed no escort as there were guards throughout the city. It was a beautiful, albeit, hot day but he savored the warmth on his skin and the fresh air filled his nose and lungs. His concealed tail swished with joy and he resisted the urge to howl to express his happiness.
The people parted to let him pass and knelt as he did so, their heads bowed in deference. Some murmured his title and it filled him with content. He breathed deeply and a scent jumped out at him. He focused on it and he grew excited. It smelled like a wolf and it wasn’t from an actual wolf. The smell was close by but all he saw were people. There’s a wolf hybrid nearby! But, where? He followed the scent and it led him to a teen boy with short black hair. He looked down at the boy before tilting the head up, making the boy open his eyes to show a deep blue.
“Could you come with me?” Atem asked.
“Yes, my pharaoh,” he said in a soft voice that Atem felt was not the boy’s normal way of talking.
Atem led the way past the crowds who parted before him. He slid into an isolated alley before turning to face the boy who seemed curious about the private meeting with the great pharaoh. “You are like me,” he stated.
“Like you?” the boy repeated with the air that he knew somewhat what Atem meant.
“I smelled wolf scent and it led me to you.” Atem dropped his illusion and saw the boy’s eyes widen.
“You are like me,” he said, shedding his own disguise as he eyes roved over Atem’s long black ear, purple-gold eyes, long claws, and long full black tail. Oh, he is very good-looking. Who’d have thought the pharaoh was a hybrid? I certainly didn’t.
Atem blinked as the boy’s appearance changed. Short black hair become long silver-gray hair with matching wolf ears. His deep blue eyes lightened to lavender-gold and Atem’s eyes slid to the sharp claws and bushy tail. Very nice, he thought. But why such a drastic change in appearance? Wait. Could he be…a criminal? “What is your name?”
“Bakura,” he admitted and saw Atem’s eyes widen and take a step back. “You heard of me.”
“A thief and a tomb robber. But no one said you were a hybrid.”
“I could say the same about you, but of course no one knows our true selves as we can hide it.”
“One person knows about my true form. He was present when I was born and saw my mother’s form as the labor was too painful for her to keep it going.”
“Ah, so your mother was a hybrid. What kind?”
“She was a jackal. She was killed during my third moon cycle or when I was two months old.”
“I am sorry to hear that. It is always sad to hear of another hybrid being killed. Do you know how she died?”
“No; not even Father knew. He probably suspected hybrid hunters, but had no proof.
“What of you, Bakura? Your family and where are they?”
“My parents were wolf hybrids too but they were also killed when I was a child. I was taken in by a nomadic group of hybrids before choosing to live on my own. I ended up gaining a quartet of wolves as a pack and they view me as the alpha.”
“You live with wolves?”
“I do. Wolf hybrids have some degree of control over real wolves. You didn’t know?”
“I have never met another hybrid and as I said, only one man know I’m a hybrid.
“So, what brings you to my city, Bakura?”
“Looking for other hybrids. Although I can communicate with my pack, it is limited and I’d like to actually talk to someone.”
“You’re lonely, then.”
“Yeah, I am. I guess I was lucky you chose to go for a walk.”
“I have a reason for my walk. Siamun, the one who knows my secret, said I must wed or have a consort by my next birthday. We both agreed that my choosing a hybrid would be best.”
“I agree as well and particularly a matching hybrid as well.” Bakura’s eyes kept admiring Atem discreetly but he noticed that Atem was admiring him in return. Hmm, is he interested in me? I hope so as I am interested in him. I would like to be his consort not to mention live in a comfortable place.
“Bakura, I…find you interesting and I may consider you as a possible mate. There is a problem in that, though.”
“What problem?”
“My choice must be approved by my court.”
“Must? There’s no way around that?”
“Afraid not.”
“I see. Well, in that case, count me out of your search and look for another hybrid. Good luck to you, pharaoh.” Bakura bowed, applied his illusion, and headed for the city gates, feeling disappointed. He came to find a fellow hybrid and succeeded, only it was the pharaoh. As they shared family stories, he felt like a connection was being made and that they could be friends. Their admiring looks hinted at attraction and Atem confirmed his interest in him before mentioning needing court approval of his choice. They won’t approve of me. As soon as they know my name, they’ll subject me to a Millennium Trial which I still don’t know exactly what that is. I should have asked Atem.
Well, odds are we won’t see each other again. He will find another hybrid, probably connect with him or her better than he did with me, and present him or her to the court who would eventually approve. That’s as it should be. He deserves someone who is good, honest, and pure not someone who is deceitful, evil, and criminal. He’ll find his perfect match and I will do the same. He gained the open desert and headed back to where his pack sat, waiting for him.
Chapter Three- Expedition Plan
Atem applied his illusion, stepped out of the alley, and stared out toward the desert. Another hybrid? What if I don’t want another hybrid? Finding one is hard enough even with our sense of smell. Bakura and I have shared a little of ourselves and I feel as if we have connected somehow. He knows I'm attracted to him and I caught his admiring looks that indicates that he’s interested in me.
The problem is the court’s approval. They wouldn’t approve of my choosing a thief for my consort; more so if they find out he’s a hybrid. And they would subject Bakura to a Millennium Trial. He sighed as he continued to sniff around the city, half hoping to find another hybrid and speak to him or her. The other half of him hoped to not find another one. He wanted to find Bakura and convince him to accept being his consort. And I know how to do it. Siamun was right: I can find a way to get out and look. He returned to the palace having found no other hybrid and planning how to say his decision to leave the city with few to no guards and with Siamun as his only escort. It will take a leap of faith for the court to agree to it, but I am sure that Siamun can help convince them.
“You want to go on a tour of the area?” Seto asked when Atem told them his idea.
“With little to no guards, my pharaoh?” Mahad added.
“That’s right.” Atem gave his court a stern almost intense gaze. “I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
“It is not a question of your capability,” Aknadin said. “It is of insuring your safety. A pharaoh requires protection whenever he goes out of the city for he is the most important person in the land.”
Before Atem could dispute this point, Siamun said, “My pharaoh, may we talk privately?”
“Granted. Everyone else is dismissed.”
Once the room was empty, Siamun said, “I take it that your search came up empty, my pharaoh?”
“Not exactly. I found one but he was not a citizen.”
“Oh, a visitor. Was he a matching one?”
“He is a wolf like me. He admitted that his parents were wolves as well. They were killed years ago and he lives with a small wolf pack.” He looked at Siamun. “He revealed that a wolf hybrid has some control over wolves. He would know things about hybrids that I do not. I am also attracted to him and told him as much. He is interested in me, but asked me to look for another hybrid.”
“Another? Why when it is clear that you like one another?”
Atem bowed his head. “The hybrid’s name is Bakura.”
Siamun recoiled a little. “Bakura? The thief and tomb robber.”
Atem nodded. “I understand why he insisted I look for another but I don’t want another. I may feel this way because he is the first hybrid I’ve met. I want to find him and perhaps others as well. It’s possible I may find another hybrid that I like more than Bakura. To that end, I would rather have just you with me.”
“Now I see why you wish to leave with no guards. You are expanding your search to find another hybrid or locate Bakura.”
“More the latter. If I can speak with wolves concerning Bakura’s whereabouts, I can’t have others witnessing this.”
“Understood. Rest assured, my pharaoh, I will persuade the court to allow you to leave with only me as your escort.”
“Thank you. Now, do you have any objections over my attraction to Bakura?”
“Just the fact that he is a criminal.”
“He likely fears a Millennium Trial and I understand that. He also likely fears that he’ll be killed which I will not allow. No hybrid is killed in my kingdom.”
“A merciful decision and no one questions why as other rulers would have hybrids executed.”
“Yes. No one wonders why I permit hybrids to live while others do not. I would have thought that someone would until I discovered shortly after taking the throne that Father did not execute hybrids either. So, I am simply continuing my father’s punishment for criminal hybrids.”
“Your father loved your mother as well as you and was determined to keep hybrids alive. One dream he had was a kingdom where humans and hybrids could live in peace, side by side.”
“A nice dream but sadly that does not seem possible. Hybrids are still hunted and they likely exist in an underground home to live safely.”
“Perhaps you will be the one who makes that dream come true. After all, who better to join the two races than the ruler who is of the minority?”
Atem nodded. “Yes. I could be the one to do it and more so if my consort is a hybrid who is a criminal.”
“Shall I gather the court in their Tower and persuade them to allow you to leave with just me?”
“Yes and tell them we will set out the day after tomorrow and all six will be in charge while we’re gone.”
“Yes, my pharaoh.” Siamun left the room and Atem was relieved. He had expected his court to be resistant to his almost solo expedition. He just hadn’t expected so much resistance. He had a feeling it had to do with roaming thieves and criminal hybrids. Of course, they don’t know that I can defend myself as I am a hybrid; one that commands respect as I’ve been taught that wolves are the top predators of the animal kingdom.
I know Siamun can convince the court to let the two of us leave alone. I wish to speak to Bakura and, to that end, I will speak to any wolves we encounter. I also hope to encounter other hybrids and bring them back to the city. Now that I know of Father’s dream of peaceful co-existence between people and hybrids, I intend to honor him by getting that dream started.
“Master Siamun, you must convince the pharaoh to see reason,” Aknadin said. “To leave with no guards is reckless.”
“The pharaoh is also a teenager and everyone knows they are stubborn once they set their minds to something. You surely know that, Seto,” Siamun said.
Seto nodded. “But the pharaoh is not just any teenager. He is the supreme ruler and his safety is paramount. Furthermore, he is unwed and childless. If something were to happen to him, we would have no one to rule the city.”
“Not…exactly,” Siamun said. “It is not well known, but the previous pharaoh had a brother who has a small child. The child and his mother lived in a village as normal people unless the royal family needed them to carry on the family line. Indeed there was a concern over that briefly before the prince was born.”
“Where is that family?” Seto asked.
“The mother is dead but her son lives on. That son…is you, Seto.”
“Me?” Seto gasped. “I am related to the pharaoh?”
“Indeed. He does not know and I ask none of you to reveal this to him. Now, the pharaoh wants to leave the day after tomorrow and to put all six of you in charge while we’re away.”
The firm tone in Siamun’s voice made the court realize that they really couldn’t object to Atem’s insistence of having just Siamun accompany him and the revelation of Seto’s bloodline gave them some comfort that they would have a leader if something happened to Atem. “If that is the pharaoh’s wish, we truly cannot protest it,” Mahad said. “We merely fear for his safety.”
“Understandable, but we will not go unarmed. We will take all the necessary provisions and we will take the precautions that a trip like this requires.” The court nodded and Siamun felt triumph. He had convinced the court and he looked forward to telling Atem that he had succeeded.
Chapter Four- Hybrid Discovered
Atem smiled as he packed the saddlebags on his horse and tied a sheathed sword to within easy reach should he need it. Siamun had already mounted his horse and he then followed suite and turned his horse to face his court. “We will return within several days.”
“Have a safe journey, pharaoh,” Aknadin said.
“I intend to.” He turned his horse to the gates that had just opened and he urged his steed into a walk. Siamun and he walked through the city, citizens parting and bowing as they passed. Once they were past the city gates, the walk had become a trot and Atem was sniffing the air, already searching for hybrids. Siamun thought it was interesting that the horse did not react negatively to Atem as horses feared wolves. Perhaps Atem’s human half has something to do with that. Either way, it is fortunate as the horse’s reaction would have drawn attention to why that was.
“Nothing yet, pharaoh?” Siamun asked after a mere hour of trotting and Atem sniffing.
“Nothing,” he confirmed. “But I didn’t expect to find one this close to home. We must go further into the desert.” Atem turned his horse toward the deeper desert and flicked the reins to make it run. The horse charged across the sand as did Siamun’s while Atem flared his nose to pick up any hybrid scent. He had no idea where Bakura lived with his wolves and hoped to encounter those wolves or others who knew the pack he sought. I wonder how my kind communicates with wolves. Do I simply talk normally and their growls and barks are clear to me? That would make sense.
I wonder how many hybrids I’ll encounter on my journey. I hope at least three or four, Bakura among them. Bakura did say he lived with a group of nomadic hybrids once. Maybe I’ll encounter them. They may jump at the chance to have a permanent home instead of wandering as would other homeless hybrids.
She ran as fast as she could while people behind her yelled after her and threw objects as her. She understood their reactions and did what she always did when faced with fear and suspicion. Her looks were highly unusual and prompted people to believe that she was a bad omen because of her fair skin and blue eyes. Her eyes alone wouldn’t be a problem, but combined with her pale skin, it caused problems. The result was her being chased out of villages and forced to exist in the desert. I merely wish to rest for I am in search of an old friend. I am forced to sleep under outcroppings to stay out of the sun and have shelter from the cold.
“Get out of here, you freak!” a man yelled as he hurled a rock. The object sailed through the air and nailed her on the back of her head. She cried out and tumbled down a dune and out of sight. She lapsed into unconsciousness and, as a result, her appearance flickered and faded to reveal that she was a hybrid!
Atem’s horse galloped across the ground, the wind blowing through his hair and hidden tail and tickling his concealed ears as his illusion was still in place. The feel of the wind sent a thrill of joy through him and he let out a howl to express it. He was unconcerned of being heard as only Siamun was around. This is wonderful. I feel so alive and free. The only times I can feel this way is during my moons, only the recollections are vague. This is more intense and I love it! He took a deep breath and then pulled his horse to a stop. He turned it in a circle, his nose flaring.
“Pharaoh?” Siamun asked as he pulled up nearby.
“I smell a hybrid,” he said. He turned his horse back to the left where the scent was strongest. “This way.” He broke his horse into a trot and followed the scent with Siamun following. The scent led him to the top of a dune and he looked down to see a pale figure at the bottom. He slid his horse down the dun and grew excited as the scent grew stronger. That figure is the source! He pulled his horse to a stop beside the figure, dismounted, and approached to see it was a young woman. She was most unusual. Her skin was a pale white, she had long white hair that laid between a pair of scaly leathery white wings, and a long scaly white tail poked through a hole in her dress. She was lovely but did not interest him. He turned her over before cradling her upper body and gently patted a cheek. “Are you all right? Please, wake up.”
A soft groan answered him and beautiful blue eyes fluttered open and blinked to focus on him and his crown. She gasped as she wiggled out of his arms, prostrated herself before him and said, “Have mercy, my pharaoh! Please spare me!” she cried in desperation.
“Whoa, easy. I won’t hurt you.”
“You won’t?” She looked up. “But, aren’t you afraid of me? See me as a bad omen or a freak?” She nodded back at her wings.
“I’m not afraid and I don’t see you as a bad omen or a freak. I see a special hybrid. What kind are you and what is your name?”
“I’m Kisara and I’m a dragon.”
“A dragon.” He smiled as he dropped his illusion.
Kisara gasped. “You’re like me. That’s why you’re not afraid of me.”
“I have no reason to be afraid. I sense you are a kind, sweet girl and you shouldn’t be out here alone. I would like you to live in my city in peace and safety. I intend to have a place where people and hybrids can co-exist one day. I hide my true self from my subjects save for my trusted advisor who was present when I was born.” He nodded toward Siamun who had already arrived.
“It is a generous offer, my pharaoh, but I am in search of an old friend with whom I am in love.”
“Oh? Perhaps I know him.”
“Perhaps. His name is Seto.”
Atem recoiled slightly. “Seto? What does he look like?”
“Well, when we were young teenagers, he was taller than me, has tanned skin, brown hair, and blue eyes like me.”
That description matches the Seto that serves me. It could be the same person. “Kisara, I know a Seto. He also has brown hair and blue eyes and serves me as a priest on my personal court. He could be the one you seek. Why don’t you come with us? I am looking for other hybrids and one in particular. When our search is done, we will return to the city, and I will bring you to Seto. If he is not the one, I will allow you to leave and continue your search, but you will be welcomed to return if you wish.”
Kisara applied her illusion as she considered the offer. She knew that Seto had planned to be a priest but he never said where, which led her to look in every village she came across. She flew at night in order to cover more ground than walking. Atem’s offer provided her a more solid lead to finding the man she loved. And if it isn’t Seto, I can resume looking. She looked at Atem. “I accept your offer, my pharaoh.”
“Excellent.” Atem stood, put his illusion on, and pulled Kisara to her feet. He helped her onto his horse before mounting himself. He felt her arms go around his waist and glanced down briefly to ascertain that, yes, she did have claws like him. He was able to see them for a moment through the illusion. He flicked the reins and the horse trotted off into the desert. He decided to chat Kisara up to get to know her and see if she knew anything about hybrids. “Kisara, I confess that I know pretty much nothing about hybrids as I never met one until two days ago.”
“Oh. Well, we can converse with the animal we resemble. I haven’t as I haven’t seen a dragon.”
“Converse how?”
“You talk normally and when the animal responds, you’ll be able to understand them.”
“I thought as much as the one I seek is a wolf like me and he said he lived with a pack of four wolves. I intend to ask wolves if they know the pack I seek.”
“Is he a friend?”
“I would like to have him for my consort. The problem is my court must approve of my choice and the hybrid, Bakura, is a thief and tomb robber. Criminal hybrids are usually subjected to a Millennium Trial and sentenced to the same punishment as other criminals are. However, I will not allow him to be judged and sentenced. If I must reveal myself to keep Bakura out of the dungeon, so be it.”
Chapter Five- Bakura Found
Kisara sat on the horse while Atem went around a dune. She heard him talk and then she heard barks. After a few minutes of words and barks, he returned and mounted the horse before looking at his companions. “They know nothing of Bakura’s pack.” He then shook his head. “It was amazing. I understood every bark they spoke. It’s one thing to speak of communicating with animals, but another to actually experiencing it.”
“It must be amazing,” Kisara commented as they rode on. “I’m convinced that no dragons exist in the world.”
“There must be dragons somewhere,” Siamun said. “Otherwise the dragon DNA would not be in the hybrid gene pool by the time you were born.” He smiled at the young woman. “Only the pharaoh knows that I am the top expert on hybrids. I learned all I know from the pharaoh’s mother before her untimely death.”
“How did she die? I mean, if that is not a delicate question.”
“She died when I was an infant and during my third moon cycle. She was used to roaming the desert during those times while I was in a secret room. Father suspected that hybrid hunters killed her, but there’s no proof. It’s not as if the hunters go around with the bodies of their prey.”
“Was she a wolf too?”
“No. She was a jackal.” Atem smiled sadly. “I sometimes dreamed about the two of us having our moons together despite being different animals.”
“You are lonely like I am.”
“Yes, I am.”
“We should start thinking of making camp, my pharaoh,” Siamun spoke up.
“Agreed and it so happens that we are heading toward a plush oasis. It is isolated so we can drop our illusions. Kisara, when you find Seto, do you intend to marry him?”
“If he loves me and asks, yes.”
“You may want to tell him you’re a hybrid as the illusion is not active when we’re asleep or unconscious.”
“Yes, I will have to tell him and I hope he does not reject me.”
“Most people are not very accepting, but I do share your hope.” Atem felt himself warming up to Kisara, though not in a romantic way. She has her heart set on Seto and I have mine set on Bakura. Although…if her Seto is my priest and he rejects her, I would be willing to have her as my consort if Bakura decides not to be mine, despite our attraction for each other.
Kisara sighed as she sat by the lake, eyes closed, and her illusion dropped. The oasis was indeed plush with plenty of water and shade provided by trees as well as a small cave to provide shelter from the desert’s night chill. Siamun gathered tree bark strips from the base of the trees as well as grass to start a fire by striking two stones to get a spark to ignite them. “Pharaoh, this is wonderful,” she commented.
“I know. I felt the same way when I saw it on the map and journeyed out here with a pair of guards. They swore to me that they would not to speak of is existence. Sadly, they were killed while defending a tomb from a band of robbers.” Atem crouched beside her as a wolf would, happy to be his true self and able to indulge in wolf behavior without fear of being spotted or attacked.
“That is sad, but it keeps this place secret. I bet only animals come here.”
“I’m inclined to agree. It’s a comfortable spot with enough water and shelter. I believe we may witness several animals roaming the desert tonight as it will be cooler.”
“A little too cool. Fortunately there is a cave in this oasis. We can sleep there out of the cold.”
“Yes,” Siamun said, carrying a saddlebag over. “But first, let’s eat before we relax and sleep.” He opened it to reveal bread and fruit before getting another that had cheese and meat. He set up a spit over the fire to cook the meat while they nibbled on the other food. Kisara enjoyed the food that she normally didn’t get to eat; to partake of cheese and fruit was a treat and she was grateful that she had been found by the pharaoh who was a hybrid like herself. If I wasn’t set on loving Seto and the pharaoh didn’t love Bakura, I could see myself being with the pharaoh. Well…if our loved ones reject us, we could get together. I will have to tell him more about myself, of course.
Soon, the smell of cooked meat filled the air and the three of them were eating beef and making small talk with Kisara admitting that both of her parents were hybrids before being killed when she was young. Her father had been a lizard while her mother had been a falcon. She had met Seto when they were twelve and he had no idea she was a hybrid. The two of them got along well and she encouraged Seto to pursue his dream of being a priest. “In hindsight,” she said. “I should have figured out he would likely serve you to achieve his dream. If it is him.”
“I’m convinced that it is him,” Atem said. “We will know when he sees you. I hope he accepts your love and true self just as I hope Bakura will accept being my consort.”
A chorus of howls sounded on the air and Atem’s head shot up at it, his ears erect. “We have some hungry wolves,” he said, translating the howls. “They likely smell the meat.”
Siamun got up, seized part of a discarded palm leaf on the ground, and put some meat on it. “Offer this to them, pharaoh.”
“They’ll appreciate it,” Atem assured him as he folded the palm leaf over the meat and carried it toward the sound of the barks and howls he had heard. He went up a dune and then down it before giving a howl of his own to announce himself and his intention. The yips that followed this indicated joy and excitement. The sounds grew louder and scents floated up to him. He smelled wolves and one that was wolf but also human. His heart pounded at that. Is that Bakura? Or another wolf hybrid? A quartet of wolves appeared over a small dune and ran toward him with happy barks. He couldn’t help smiling as he knelt, put the leaf down, and opened it to reveal the meat. He stood and backed up as the wolves approached. One turned the way the pack had gone and gave a series of howls that Atem understood. It said, “It’s him, alpha! The one you spoke about!” A figure with long silver-gray hair appeared and Atem’s tail swished.
“Bakura!” he called. The figure raced toward him and then knelt once he was closer. “Please, that’s not necessary,” Atem told him.
One wolf deposited some meat before Bakura and barked once before returning to the others. The silver-gray wolf hybrid sat down, seized the meat in his clawed hands, and began to eat. “What brings you out here?” Bakura asked between bites.
“I came looking for you as well as other hybrids. I learned that Father had a dream of a place where humans and hybrids could exist in peace side by side. I want to get that dream started.”
“I see. Found any?”
“Just one. A young woman who is a dragon. She is in love with a human whose description matches one of my priests and she’s agreed to see if he is the one. I’m convinced he is the one.”
“Interesting. So, you came looking for me. Are you offering me the opportunity to live in your city?”
“That’s a secondary intent. My primary reason is that I do love you and want you for my consort.”
“But I’m a criminal. Your court will not approve of me.”
“I don’t care. I want you.”
“I…love you too but once your court knows my name, they’ll put through a Millennium Trial, though I’m not sure what it entails.”
Atem smiled in understanding. “The Trial involves removing the Shadow monster from criminals as those monsters encourage them to commit crimes. Hybrid criminals’ monsters resemble their hybrid state and the extraction drains a hybrid’s illusion and dulls their senses for several hours. They are placed in the dungeon to recover their power and senses before serving their punishment which is no different from the human criminals’ sentence.”
Bakura was silent as he digested this information and Atem’s heart pounded. Would Bakura agree to come back and risk exposure or would he refuse in order to protect himself? If I was him, I would refuse to protect myself.
Chapter Six- Return Home
“If my monster was extracted, my soul would be cleansed, right?” Bakura asked.
“Yes, but it would expose you as a hybrid.”
“True and when they ask you if you knew that may be the time to tell them that you’re a hybrid too. Your advisor could vouch for you and perhaps me as well.”
“Are you saying you’ll come back with me?”
“I am. After all, I love you and would like a comfortable life where I do not have to fight to survive.”
“A secret room for your moons could be made for you.”
“A secret room? Is that how you handle your moons? You don’t roam?”
“It’s all I know and considering how Mother died, I understand Father’s determination to keep me safe.”
A series of barks sounded and both hybrids looked over. The pack was ready to go with three already several feet away while the fourth was nearby and looking at Bakura. It was clear they were waiting for their alpha to leave with them. Bakura smiled sadly at them. “No. I’m staying. I found my mate and will be living with him.” Bakura nuzzled one of Atem’s ears. The fourth whined before giving a howl and leading the others away.
“They don’t want you to leave but they understand why. Come on, Bakura. Let’s head back.” Atem headed back to the oasis with Bakura following. He was thrilled that he found Bakura and he had agreed to be his consort and return with him. The court will protest of my choice and that Bakura is a hybrid. I will defend him and expose myself as a hybrid. It will be a shock to the court to learn that they’ve been serving a hybrid but they’ll realize that not all hybrids are evil or bad.
“Pharaoh!” Siamun called as the hybrids reached the campsite. “Kisara and I were starting to wonder. Oh. I see. You found Bakura.” Siamun smiled as he gestured to the fire they were sitting around. “Have a seat. Are you hungry?”
“Uh, thanks and no. I’ve already had some food.’ He sat between Atem and Kisara. He found Kisara an exotic woman with her fair skin and white hair as well as her dragon half. If I wasn’t attracted to Atem, I could fall for her. This Seto she’s looking for is a lucky man to be loved by such a lovely woman. Of course he doesn’t know she’s a hybrid, much less in love with him.
“I was told of Atem’s plan for hybrids to live among his human subjects. It sounds like a wonderful dream and I understand that his father had that vision first.”
Siamun nodded. “He did and I believe the pharaoh is the one to make it happen.”
Kisara then shivered slightly and draped her wings around herself. Her action brought an end to talking as they gathered in the cave with Kisara in the back, Siamun in the center, and Atem and Bakura in the front. Blankets were passed out and the group huddled closer for warmth before they fell asleep, Atem and Siamun pleased with what they had accomplished in one day.
The trip back to the palace was productive as they encountered the nomadic hybrids Bakura had traveled with when he was younger. There were only four instead of the seven there had been before. Atem extended safety in his city and they jumped at the offer. Atem was proud of their entourage: One dragon, one wolf, one lion, one lioness, and two jaguars, one male and one female. Six in total; not a bad start and an opportunity to increase their numbers with the jaguars and lions certainly and possibly with him and Bakura. He made this observation to Bakura who rode with him.
“Oh, we can have hybrids of our own,” Bakura said. “One of us has to assume the responsibility of carrying them and be the one on the bottom all the time. I would be willing to carry them.”
“I’m fine with that. I just hope everything turns out okay.”
“Well, except for me, the others are peaceful, benign hybrids and will prove our kind desire to live in peace with our human counterparts.”
“I plan to reveal myself to my court and then eventually to my subjects. As I am having a hybrid as a consort and allowing others to live here, it makes sense to show that I am one of them too. I should no longer hide my true self from my subjects or court.”
“You’re the pharaoh and that’s your decision. No one should question your decisions.”
“That’s just it. My age makes it where the court must approve of my choice of consort, remember?”
Yes, I remember and I will do what I must in order to win their approval.”
“Kisara will have to do the same to win the love of the one she loves.”
The hybrids applied their illusions before entering the city and the nomads chose an empty house as their own before Atem, Bakura, Siamun, and Kisara rode to the palace gates which opened to admit them. Bakura felt nervous about being in the palace. He was a criminal and in a place of peace and where good people lived. Calm down, he told himself. You are the pharaoh’s consort and you will make it clear that you love him and that this is no trick. He followed the others inside and they stopped outside the Throne Room. Atem turned to Bakura and Kisara. “Wait here. I’ll send Siamun to bring you in.” They nodded and Atem entered the room with Siamun behind him to see the court gathered in their usual places as a guard had announced the pharaoh’s return.
The court bowed as Atem ascended the steps and took his seat. Seto came forward and knelt. “We did not expect you to return so soon, but it is a pleasure to have you back, my pharaoh.”
“It is good to be back and though the trip was short, it was productive. In our tour of the area, we met up with a beautiful young woman who is searching for an old friend that she has come to love. I have spoken to you about this person and I believe the one she seeks is in this city and indeed in the palace. Siamun, if you would bring her in.”
Siamun hurried off and Atem saw the intrigued looks his court exchanged with each other. It was clear they were curious about who he found. Siamun returned with Kisara and Atem saw Seto recoil slightly. I was right, he thought.
“Kisara,” he said as the girl stopped short of the court.
She lifted her head and a smile lit up her face at Seto’s voice and face. “Seto!” she exclaimed. The priest went over to her and she went into his arms.
“You know this young lady, Seto?” Aknadin asked.
“We met when we were just entering our teens,” he admitted. “I told her about my plan to be a priest and she encouraged me to pursue it.”
“Yes, but over the years, I thought about you and I realized that I love you. I searched villages for you but I was always chased out for my skin and eyes. I got hit with a rock yesterday and fell unconscious. When I awoke, I found myself in the pharaoh’s arms.”
“Seto, when she described you, I was certain you were the one she was seeking. Clearly, I was correct. I would be more than willing to allow her to live here so you can get re-acquainted and perhaps a true romance can blossom between the two of you.”
Seto looked down into Kisara’s blue eyes and his heart beat harder. She had become a beautiful young woman and the idea of getting to know her again was wonderful. Seto turned to Atem and bowed his head. “Thank you, my pharaoh.”
Atem nodded as Kisara stood behind Seto as he took his place again. She gave Atem a supportive look. She had talked to Bakura outside the Throne Room and, though he was a criminal, he truly loved the pharaoh. He spoke of the court needing to approve of the pharaoh’s choice and knew his past was an obstacle to that approval. “I may be subjected to a Millennium Trial,” he had said. “My shadow monster will resemble my hybrid form and the extraction will cause my illusion to fade.”
Atem had thought of his talk with Bakura earlier in the day and felt that his mate should not have to endure a trial and knew that his court would judge him. I will put myself between my court and Bakura as the trial begins. I have a monster of my own but it is a pure, gentle one. Aknadin does the extraction and I will place myself between the two of them. It’ll expose my hybrid form and my monster will return to my body, released because of my shocking intervention.
Chapter Seven- Revealing All
“Now, I am pleased to say that I have chosen a consort and I’m aware that you must approve of my choice. I only ask that you keep an open mind. Siamun, if you will.” Atem descended the steps as Siamun went to fetch Bakura, who had chosen an illusion that only hid his wolf features. Bakura entered behind Siamun and, as he got closer, the court gasped in surprise and shock.
“Bakura!?” Seto exclaimed. The others were quiet but the Ring and the Key glowed slightly and the Scales tilted a little. Seto turned to Atem. “My pharaoh, I protest against your choice. He is a criminal.”
“Not much of one, it would seem,” Mahad said. “His evil is so small, it is almost non-existent.”
“How can that be?” Aknadin asked.
“It could be love,” Kisara said meekly. Her statement brought the court to a contemplative silence.
“Love is a pure emotion,” Mahad said. “A strong one that can conquer evil and darkness. It would certainly account for Bakura’s small amount of evil.”
“That does not change the fact that he is a thief and a tomb robber,” Aknadin said and he saw Seto nod before adding, “He must be judged.”
He turned to Bakura who was calm and still, clearly not intending to flee. Aknadin summoned the power of his Item, eye closed. He heard the stone tablet being pushed into place before he fired the Eye’s magic, his eye opening and widening as he saw that Atem had gotten between him and Bakura. Atem’s monster emerged as a wolf hybrid and Aknadin released it, allowing it to return to its owner. There was a collective gasp from the court as Atem’s illusion faded and exposed his true self.
“Pharaoh?” Mahad said in shock. “You’re a hybrid? You’ve been one all this time?”
“Yes,” Atem admitted. “I was born this way.”
“It was your mother,” Aknadin said. “It had to be.”
“It was, but why did it have to be her? It could have been Father.”
“I served your father and he never left the palace during the full moon.” Of course, Aknadin knew his previous pharaoh wasn’t a hybrid as they were brothers and Aknadin certainly wasn’t a hybrid. As he was brother to Atem’s father, that made Seto his son, but he would never reveal that.
“Fine,” Atem said. “I hid it as everyone fears hybrids and the idea of a good one is a hard one for people to accept.”
There were nods and then Bakura asked, “Why did you get between us?” He gestured at Aknadin and himself.
“I did not want you to be put through a trial. I love you too much.”
“Hold on,” Seto said before facing Bakura. “You don’t seem as surprised as the rest of us by this revelation.”
“I’m not as he revealed himself to me…after he sniffed me out.” With that, Bakura dropped his illusion.
“You’re one too? A wolf also?” Aknadin gasped.
“Yes. When Atem revealed himself, I did the same and I…found him attractive and I saw that he was interested in me. He admitted as much and considered me a possible mate. He did mention needing your approval and I told him to look for another hybrid.”
“Only I didn’t want another hybrid,” Atem spoke up. “I was drawn to him and felt like a connection had been made.”
“It could be your wolf side,” Mahad said, more than ready to approve of Atem’s choice. “Wolves mate for life and once a mate is chosen, no others will do.” He squared his shoulder. “And I, for one, approve of Bakura.”
Bakura bowed his head at Mahad’s declaration. He felt the magician would be the first to approve, sensed he was fair and supportive of Atem. One down, five to go, he thought.
Kalim had watched the Scales as the talks had begun after Atem’s illusion had faded. It had tilted a little when Bakura first came in, however it gradually changed as Bakura revealed himself to be a hybrid and admit love for the pharaoh. Now, as Mahad approved of Bakura, his Scales were balanced. He stepped up next to Mahad, his Item held up to show their balanced state. “I too approve of Bakura. It is clear that his love for the pharaoh had conquered the evil in him.” Kalim’s statement convinced everyone else to give their approval. Atem beamed, took Bakura in his arms, and as Siamun declared Bakura as Atem’s official consort, Atem kissed him. He had found his match in Bakura and his court had given their approval. He kept Bakura from being judged and he ended up revealing his true self. His surprising revelation led to Bakura revealing himself as well.
“Will Seto accept Kisara when she reveals that she’s a hybrid?” Bakura asked as they laid in Atem’s bed that night.
“I hope so. She is a sweet, kind girl and deserves to be happy and be with the one she loves.”
“She does; just as I am with the one I love.” He snuggled up to Atem, one of his ears brushing the back of one of Atem’s ears as they fell asleep.
Sunlight fell across Kisara’s face, waking her from her sleep in a guest room. She sat up and stretched, her wings spread wide and her tail stretching out to its full length. She had slept very peacefully for the first time in a long time and looked forward to living with Seto and getting to know the priest he had become. And I have to tell him I’m a hybrid. She got out of bed, applied her illusion, and opened her door to see Seto there, fist raised to knock. She smiled as he lowered his arm. “Morning, Seto.”
He didn’t return the smile which didn’t concern her as she knew he was a very serious-minded man. “Kisara, may I come in so we can talk?”
“Of course.” She stood aside and once Seto was inside, she shut the door. “What shall we talk about?”
“I thought about yesterday when the pharaoh and Bakura revealed themselves. Did you know they were hybrids while on your journey home?”
“I did.”
“Why would they show you willingly while the rest of us were unaware until yesterday?”
“Because…because I’m a hybrid too. The pharaoh found me unconscious and the illusion does not work when one is asleep or unconscious.”
Seto blinked. “You’re a hybrid?”
Kisara nodded as she dropped it and she saw Seto’s eyes widen and his mouth fell open. She looked away. “You’re probably angry I didn’t tell you when we first met and you probably see me as a freak or monster. Go ahead. Let me have it.”
“Kisara.” Seto was speechless at her true appearance. She bore the typical hybrid claws as well as a pair of white dragon wings and the matching tail. “Kisara, I’m not angry you hid this from me. It’s clear why and I will not hold it against you. I also don’t see you as a monster or a freak. Your dragon half makes you more beautiful to me.”
She looked up at him. “You do?”
“Yes.” He went up to her and pulled her into a hug. “I would like to have you as my wife if that is all right with you.”
“Seto, I would be honored to be your wife.”
“Excellent. Then, let us inform the pharaoh. Oh and don’t hide your true self. Be proud of what you are. The pharaoh and Bakura are not hiding it, though they will briefly when announcing their union to the kingdom.’ Seto and Kisara left the room, the former’s arm around the latter’s waist. Kisara glowed as they went through the palace. She revealed her true self to Seto and he accepted her and loved her. She knew the pharaoh would be pleased to hear that they wished to be married.
Obviously, we will eventually have a hybrid child. He or she will have a better life than I did as he or she will grow up in a city where people and hybrids will live together in peace. It will be a bright and wonderful future.