Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only Cho is mine. Warning: Character death.
Chapter One- Conflicted
Kurama sighed and absently twirled a lock of hair around a finger as he gazed blankly at the homework in front of him. It had been a year since the Demon World Tournament and Kurama was officially a high school student. He had gotten into the school he wanted and his classmate, Kaito, was in the same classroom as him. He was grateful for that as he had a dilemma and could use the words of someone to help him reach a decision: Should he tell his mother the truth about himself or not?
It was a decision where he wished Hiei was still around. The fire demon was always someone who would listen to him and, on occasion, offer some advice. But, he was in Demon World and his understanding was that Hiei was going to stay there and not visit. He slowly exhaled before picking up the phone and dialing. It was answered by a woman. “Hello, may I talk to Yue, please? It’s Shuichi.”
“Hold on.” There was silence and Kurama took the time to organize his thoughts.
“Kaito, I need someone to speak to and I feel you are my best choice.”
“Of course. How may I be of help?”
“I am debating on whether or not to tell Mother the truth.”
Kaito whistled. “That is quite the predicament,” he said in a low voice. “May I ask what brought you to this point?”
“A number of reason. On one hand, I fell she deserves to know. Ever since the end of the Demon World Tournament I had resolved to bury my identity of Yoko and live a peaceful life. However, my past continues to haunt me as some old foes could choose to disrupt the status quo. I fear that one day they may target my family to use as bait and, if that were to happen, it would be an unpleasant set of circumstances under which the truth would be known. I hate lying to her.
“On the other hand, I keep my demon side secret because I fear frightening her. All these years she thought I was just her son. The knowledge of my secret life could be catastrophic.”
Kaito was silent as he pondered the situation. Finally, he said, “Are you protecting her by not telling her or are you protecting yourself from the possibility of her not loving you?”
Kurama bit his lip. “A bit of both, I would think. Thank you, Kaito. I have made my decision: I will tell her.”
“My pleasure. Best of luck, Shuichi.”
Both boys hung up and Kurama returned to his homework, his mind clear now that the problem’s solution had been decided. He would later write a list of points he would want to make when confessing to his mother. Kaito has a point of the possibility that I did not confess out of fear that she will reject me. I will make it clear that I have not hurt her or done anything but love her.
His hand trembled later on as he attempted to write the points he wanted to cover. He knew telling her was the right way to go, but it was a nerve-wracking one. She deserves to know, he thought as he calmed his hand to write the next point. He kept repeating this thought as he wrote the rest of his list. He looked it over and nodded. All of what he wanted to say was there and hoped it would convince her. Of course if it is not, I will take my demon form as proof. I would prefer not to, but perhaps it is impossible to separate myself from Yoko. We are two souls merged together and it is unfair to deny one part simply because he has no place in my human life. So, when would it be best to tell her? A Sunday afternoon or evening may be best. I will be able to inform Kaito of what happened the next day as I will be absorbing the result. So, today is Friday. That means I have about forty-eight hours if I tell her Sunday evening. His stomach squirmed at the realization. He was nervous about the idea of admitting his true nature. He tried to imagine how he would feel upon learning his child was more than what he had known, but was unable to do it. All he could do was hope she believed him without needing proof and that she would still love him as she always had.
Kurama awoke Saturday morning and was able to get a hold of Kuwabara and ask to get together in the park. His friend agreed and soon Kurama was on a bench and telling him his decision. He reflected that he should have called Kuwabara yesterday instead of Kaito.
“Wow, that’s a big decision,” said Kuwabara. “You sure you wanna do that?”
“I believe so. I have kept this from her for years and I feel matters may come up where my past will be revealed and Mother may be upset that I did not trust her with the truth.”
“But you had reason to not tell her, right?”
“Yes; to protect her. However, with the barrier between the worlds now gone, it increases the possibility that an old enemy may seek me out. One may even try to lure me into a revenge trap by kidnapping a member of my family, especially Mother.”
Kuwabara nodded. “Yeah and if that happened, she could be scared by the kidnapper and mad that you lied to her.”
“Yes and the idea of her being angry with me is terrible and I feel now would be the ideal time to tell her. I will make it clear that she can tell my stepfather and stepbrother.”
“Yeah. The other two should know too. No secrets at all. It will feel better once it’s out in the open.”
Kurama smiled. “Yes, I will feel better once I tell all. There will be questions about my past in detail and I would be able to freely talk about it. Thank you, Kuwabara. This talk served to confirm that this is the correct course. Perhaps I will tell her today instead of waiting for tomorrow.”
“I’m glad I could help. I hope it goes well.”
“I do, too. Now, how are matters with you? School, for example.”
“It’s hard, but by buckling down and studying, I’m getting through it.”
“Have you decided what career you will pursue?”
“Yeah. I want to be a doctor. Yukina and her healing powers inspired me to help others. What about you?”
“I think I may work for my stepfather.”
“Really? I thought you would get a job dealing with plants.”
Kurama chuckled. “Perhaps that could be a side-venture. Maybe sell herbal remedies. That will require a degree and a license, however.”
“Go ahead and do that. You could go to college and still work for your stepfather.”
Kurama stroked his chin thoughtfully. “I suppose I could,” he said slowly. “Once I graduate, I will learn my stepfather’s business before starting college. I will be able to strike a balance between classes and work by doing that.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Yes. How is your family doing?”
“Doing great. Shizuru is looking for a boyfriend and Mom is happy that I’m serious about my future, that I know there’s more to life than fighting. Actually, I’m thinking of proposing to Yukina either after high school or before that.”
“Really? You truly love her?”
“Of course I have. Ever since I first saw her on that tape.”
The look of love on his face was inspiring to Kurama. It was a look he hoped to see on the faces of his family when he told his mother that he was a demon. I sincerely hope it goes well.
Chapter Two- Moment of Truth
Kurama exhaled slowly and tried to calm his pounding heart. Kokoda was in his room and Kazuya was in his study. His mother was alone in the living room. Dinner had been finished a little more than an hour ago and now, the moment had come. He entered the room to see his mother doing some knitting. “Mother, we need to talk.”
She smiled at him, put her work aside, and patted the seat next to her. “Of course, Shuichi. Dear, are you okay?” She took in his serious look.
“I am physically well, but I am feeling a degree of guilt and anxiety.”
Shiori took a hand. “Why? What’s wrong?”
Kurama looked into Shiori’s deep, brown eyes and, to his surprise, his vision blurred and tears fell. “Mother, I am so sorry,” he choked.
Shiori was stunned and alarmed by her son’s tears and apology. “Shuichi, what are you sorry about?”
Kurama took deep breaths to calm down so he could answer. “Mother, I have kept a big secret from you for years. Please understand that I did it to protect you from harm.”
“A secret?”
He nodded. “I am not just your son. I am a merging of a human and a demon.”
“A demon?” Shiori’s voice shook.
“Please, hear me out. I was a fox spirit called Yoko Kurama. I eventually gained the powers of a demon over the centuries. I took to being a thief and a cold-hearted one at that. Then, sixteen years ago, I was badly injured by a strong pursuer. I used the last my energy to come here and merged with your unborn son. My original plan was to recover my energy over a period of ten years and then disappear without a trace.
“But then you fell ill and I realized that I couldn’t leave you considering all you had done for me. Your love and compassion had changed me. I am no longer cold-hearted and ruthless and for that I was grateful and still am.
“It was at the peak of your illness that I was approached by two demons, Hiei and Goki. Hiei had tracked me down wanting my skills to break into the vault of the Spirit World King and I recalled the item called the Forlorn Hope that laid in the vault and that I could use it to cure you. I had to wait until the full moon to use it and asked Yusuke Urameshi, the Spirit Detective to give me that time and then I would hand it over. I invited him to the hospital to meet you and explain myself so he would understand for I knew I would not live past that night. The Forlorn Hope grants the dearest wish of the one who looks into it as it is a mirror. However, in return, the one who makes the wish loses their life. Yusuke refused to let that happen and tried to give up his own life. The Forlorn Hope was so surprised by this selfless act, it granted my wish without taking either of our lives. Once I knew you would live, I surrendered to Yusuke for my crime. I was soon released on good behavior.” He saw the wide-eyed look on Shiori’s face and asked, “Shall I continue?” He got a nod.
“Six months after using the mirror, I was given a chance to clean my record with Spirit World. I would assist Yusuke in another case. There were four strong adversaries who were unleashing what are called Makai insects who could nest in people’s ears and make them seem violent and insane. Our mission was to get the whistle that controlled the insects and allowed them to exist outside a world called Demon World. Hiei was given the same chance I was to clean his record. We succeeded and since then the two of us have assisted Yusuke who also has help from a friend of his called Kuwabara.
“The four of us have been fighting to protect this world from rogue demons who would wish to harm others. A year ago, I participated in a tournament to determine the ruler of Demon World. The winner declared no trouble in this world and the barrier separating Demon World from here was taken down. I explain all of this as I fear an old enemy would violate this law and use you as bait to lure me into a trap.” Kurama lapsed into silence and waited for Shiori to speak.
“You’re a demon?” she said in a horrified whisper that worried him.
“I am, but as I said before, you taught me to be kind and compassionate. I would never dream of harming you. I would sooner kill myself than hurt you.”
“Shuichi, this is all hard to believe.”
“I can provide proof, if you wish.”
Shiori managed a nod and Kurama stood call upon his demon side. The transformation was a flicker effect as Kurama and Yoko changed back and forth until Yoko was where Kurama had been. His gold eyes were soft as he sat and waited for a reaction.
Shiori stared at the tall silver fox demon that sat where her son had been. He was an imposing figure and she had trouble wrapping her mind around the idea that this demon and her son were the same person. It made her realize that she never really knew her son. He had had this whole other life before her and knew she could ask about it. She, however, did not wish to know.
Yoko waited for a reaction and when it seemed he would not receive one, he returned to human form. “Mother, it is all right to tell Dad and Kokoda the truth. I feel it would be better if the whole family knew.”
Yes, it would,” Shiori agreed numbly. She didn’t feel Shuichi kiss her cheek, but she did see him leave. She then stared at the seat he had vacated. It’s all true, she thought in stunned disbelief. He is human and demon. All this time and I never knew. I believe he was cold and ruthless as well as a thief. But then, he joined with my unborn Shuichi. He learned to be kind and loving because of how I raised him. He told me all this so that if an old enemy harms me, the revelation of his true nature wouldn’t be such a shock.
He said I can tell Kazuya and Kokoda, but I won’t; at least not now. I will wait until I have adjusted and absorbed Shuichi’s confession. She nodded, rose, and headed for bed.
Kurama smiled slightly as he worked on a project that wasn’t due for some time. He felt the confession had gone reasonably well. Yes, his mother seemed stunned but he reasoned it was because he had explained a lot at once. Once she has absorbed it all, she will act normal toward me, may ask questions and naturally I will answer them. There will be no more secrets between us or between me and the others. He gave a sigh. He felt so free now that he had told the truth.
Kurama awoke Sunday morning and considered his actions as he dressed. He would greet everyone as usual and wait to see how they would respond. If Kazuya and Kokoda responded normally, then he would know that Shiori had not told them yet. If they did not react normally, then that meant Shiori had told them. I would like it if they know, but it’s more likely that Mother is still taking it in.
He went downstairs to the dining table and gave a small smile like usual. “Good morning.”
“Morning, Shuichi,” Kokoda said and his father echoed the greeting. This confirmed Kurama’s suspicion that his mother was still taking it in. Shiori came in then and while she seemed normal, Kurama spied fear in her eyes whenever she looked in his direction. He tried to approach her throughout the day, but she made excuses to not stay alone with him and her eyes still held fear and he could smell it coming off her. He was determined to corner her and let her know that she need not fear him. She knows I won’t hurt her, so why is she afraid?
“Mother, please talk to me,” he pleaded as they prepared dinner.
“What should I say, Shuichi? Or do I call you Yoko Kurama?” she asked in a strained, almost cold voice.
“Shuichi is fine. You know I won’t hurt you. You need not fear me.”
“No, I don’t know that,” Shiori said harshly. “I spent a lot of time last night thinking about it all and came to some conclusions. You’re not entirely human and I feel I don’t know you after all.” Shiori turned away. “And you don’t need to help me tonight.”
Kurama left, stunned. His mother was afraid of him and was trying to distance herself from her. It would seem my good intentions have backfired on me.
Chapter Three- Apology
Kaito looked sympathetically at Kurama Monday morning who seemed depressed. “I take it did not go well?”
“I explained well enough and covered everything I wanted and needed to say. I told her Saturday night and proved it to her. She did not tell the others and last night I found that she is afraid of me and is distancing herself from me.”
“All in all, it seems telling her was not the wisest course.”
“It certainly looks that way. Perhaps I should leave her alone and give her more time to digest it thoroughly.”
“That is probably best.” The bell rang and Kaito headed to his seat. Kurama sighed as he got out the book and papers for the first lesson. He had expected too much from his confession and really shouldn’t have tried to talk to her after almost twenty-four hours after confessing. She needs more time, he thought as he took notes. Days, maybe even weeks. She will adjust to it and will not fear me anymore.
Shiori looked at the picture on her desk. It was a snapshot of her on a bench, smiling, with her son behind the bench, smiling and his hands on her shoulders. She focused on the redhead, specifically. He looks so normal and yet I now know that he isn’t. How could I move on knowing I have a demon for a son? He claims he told the truth because he fears an enemy will target me. Well, he has been with me for years and I have never seen a demon, save for Shuichi. So perhaps his confession was made out of guilt and not fear. He did apologize for not telling me before. Maybe I was wrong to distance myself from him. He has not hurt me and he won’t. He said he’d rather kill himself than hurt me. Shuichi has been nothing but kind and polite. I was wrong to treat him differently. He is still my son and perhaps having him as a demon is a good thing. He admitted to fighting other demons which means he can protect himself and, by extension, the family. I will talk to him when I get home. Shiori turned away from the picture and back to her work, feeling a lot better than she did this morning.
Shiori entered the house and once she had put her things away, she went up to Kurama’s room only to see that the light was off. She frowned thoughtfully as she went to her other son’s room. She knocked and then entered. “Honey, have you seen Shuichi?”
“No, but he called to say he’s staying after school.”
“I see. Thanks.” Shiori left, a little concerned. Shuichi had been known to stay behind after school had ended for the day, but she felt that this time was different. Is he trying to minimize interaction with me? I must have really hurt him. Shiori felt bad. She had loved and raised him to be a kind boy and when he chose to be honest, she refused to be alone with him and practically pushed him away. She went about her late afternoon activities, determined to speak to her son as soon as he was home. That plan didn’t happen as Kurama came home as Shiori was preparing dinner. She heard the door open and close, but by the time she got to the bottom of the stairs, he had already disappeared. Okay. I’ll talk to him after dinner.
Shiori headed up after the dishes were done and with which Kokoda had helped, and to Kurama’s door. She knocked and entered to see her son at his desk. “Shuichi, dear? I want to talk.”
He turned to her with a calm, neutral expression. “All right.”
She crossed to the bed and sat as Kurama turned around in his chair to face her. “I’m sorry, dear. I shouldn’t have treated you the way that I did.”
“It was a lot I told you. I just wanted to lift this guilt I was carrying.”
Shiori couldn’t help smiling. “You bore it well all these years.”
Kurama smiled also. “True.” He stood, went to Shiori who held out her arms, and embraced her. “I never want to hurt you.”
“I know, honey. You have always been sweet and kind. Our relationship shouldn’t change just because you revealed that you’re a demon. I imagine not all demons are bad.”
“Correct.” Kurama released and sat beside her. “My friend, Hiei, does not care for humans but does not attack them.”
“So were you avoiding me by staying at school?”
“Yes. I had resolved to give you time alone to absorb what I had revealed. I believed you would need days or weeks to take it all in.”
“It will take days to get used to it and if I have questions I want you to answer them.”
“I would be happy to. Do you have questions now?”
“Just one right now. You said you fight other demons. How?”
“Sometimes I do so by avoiding my opponent’s swings and then simple gentle counter attacks. But when I go on the offensive, I use plants to attack.”
“Yes. My preferred weapon is a rose that I change into a whip.”
“Could I…see?”
Kurama nodded, got up, and moved away before taking out a rose and with a snap of the wrist and energy, it transformed. Shiori’s eyes looked from the handle in Kurama’s hand to the whip’s length that was adorned with thorns.
“It is very effective. The thorns are strong enough to cut through stone and steel.” Kurama changed it back to a rose and offered it to Shiori who accepted it.
“Can you use any kind of plant?”
“Yes; even grass and leaves could be a weapon for me.”
“Incredible. Can all foxes do that?”
“Not all use plants but foxes do possess some control over an element of nature. Some do fire, some do water. Any one of countless elements.”
Shiori asked for more information about demons and Kurama obliged by talking about the energy classification, some of the different types of demons, and even their diet.
“Some eat humans?” she asked with a look of horror.
“Sadly, yes. Fox demon do not, clearly. However, any humans who are found in Demon World are returned her with their memories of the world erased.”
“How do they end up there?”
“They accidentally fell through a portal that occasionally opens up for a brief period. They are rare though so not many end up in Demon World.”
“Could demons come here?”
“Only those who choose to violate the lord’s law of no trouble in what we call Human World.”
“And that’s why you told me: Because one of them could come here and threaten my safety to lure you into a trap.”
“Yes. I do not want to think that way but with the barrier separating the two worlds gone, I must consider that possibility.”
Shiori listened to Kurama speak and noticed that he didn’t talk like a normal teenager. It’s probably because of his demon side. He’s lived for centuries. “Shuichi, do your friends call you by the name I gave you?”
“My classmates do, but my closest friends call me Kurama. When I take my demon form, I simply go by Yoko.”
Shiori nodded. “May I call you Kurama in private? I mean, it’s an eloquent name and it fits you.”
“I would like that, Mother.” He hugged her again before she left and Kurama returned to his work, happy that Mother had truly accepted him.
Chapter Four- Yoko’s Past
“So, it all worked out after all,” Kaito said the next morning.
“It did. It will take days for her to fully absorb everything, but if she has questions, I will answer them.”
Kaito nodded as he went to his seat. It was nice that it worked out for his friend. He had taken a risk in revealing his true nature, but it paid off. Shuichi can now live his life with no guilt until his mother tells the rest of the family.
Shiori chewed her lunch, her thoughts on her husband and stepson. She had yet to tell them the truth about Shuichi and he had made it clear that it was her choice, though he did hint that it would be better if the whole family knew.
They should know and for the same reason Shuichi had. If something happened to one of us due to a demon, then none of us would call the police. Yes, I’ll tell them on Friday as both boys will be on break from school. Satisfied, Shiori finished lunch and returned to work.
“Friday, Mother?” Kurama nodded. “Yes, that would be ideal, what with break coming.”
“That is exactly why I picked that day. Now, you don’t need to be there, Kurama, but be prepared for me to call if they want proof or ask questions.”
“Of course.”
“I would like to hear about your past. How you became a thief, if you had a mate or family, things like that.”
Kurama smiled. This was something he had only dreamed about and now it was reality. “I had no mate and no family as I was more interested in my thieving skills. I believe when I acquired my demon powers, most spirit wards had no effect on me as they did previously. I turned to thieving originally to relieve myself of boredom. I developed a knack for breaking seals and dodging traps. I soon earned the title of King of Thieves.”
Shiori smiled. “Oh, so you were a king?” she teased.
“I was and my cold ruthless methods made me feared by other demons and revered by other bandits. I ended up meeting another accomplished thief named Koronue. We formed a friendship and became a thieving duo for a time until one day while escaping one heist. A pendent he treasured slipped off his neck and when he went to back to get it…he got killed.”
“Kurama, I’m so sorry.”
“Yes, it was awful and I mourned for a time before moving one. I vowed to steal alone, convinced that having a partner was a liability. I went solo for a while and then met Yomi. He was also a thief and learned how to improve his skills thanks to me. We eventually gathered follow thieves and formed a legendary group with me as the leader and Yomi as my second-in-command. Our goal was for the two of us to be lords which required wealth and power.
“Yomi and I were friends, but our methods of thieving differed which was probably why we seemed to be a good team. I preferred patience and stealth while Yomi favored confrontation. Unfortunately, fighting leads to some of our men dying while my method insured their survival. Yomi did not understand my patience and, at times, would often lead some of our men on raids that resulted in their deaths, but he did not care; he simply wanted what he thought was the quickest way to power. I often found myself bailing him out of danger, simply because we were friends.
“But, I had grown tired of Yomi’s hot temper and disobedience and hired a demon to assassinate Yomi. He did not do the job properly. He left Yomi alive, but blind. I, however, took my fox form and ventured into Spirit World for solo thieving, breaking seals to steal ancient treasures which were my favorites. Then came the fateful day when I was injured.”
“What happened to Yomi?”
“He did indeed become a lord and also looked for the one who attacked him in order to know who hired him. He long suspected I was the one who hired the assassin. He did find his attacker and invited me to visit him right at the time you went on your honeymoon. He also wanted me to help him unify Demon World under his rule. I was not interested in helping him but when he threatened your life and Father’s life, I was forced to assist him.”
“So Yomi rules Demon World?”
“No. It was revealed not long before your wedding that Yusuke had some demon blood in him and that he was related to another lord who was dying. It was expected that he would take over the demon’s territory upon the lord’s death. Instead, Yusuke proposed a tournament where the winner would rule all of Demon World. I participated as did hundreds of others. A demon called Enki became the lord and he laid down the law to prohibit trouble in Human World. Yomi and I resolved our hostilities and are true friends now.”
“It all worked out with your friend. That’s nice.”
“It is, however, demons are known for turning on one another with no warning and for some perceived insult either though words or actions. Yomi could turn into an enemy again though I hope that does not happen.”
“I hope so, too. Well, it’s getting late and you have school tomorrow. Perhaps you can tell me about your adventures starting with more details involving that mirror.”
“I would like to. Good night, Mother.”
“Good night, Shuichi.” Shiori left the room with a small smile. She had found Kurama’s past fascinating to hear. It was clear to her that he had pretty much given up that life, was happy to live the life of a human. He may return to his demon life but he may not go back to stealing. He may make an honest living thanks to his current life.
Kurama laid on his side, feeling very much at peace. He had enjoyed telling Shiori about his past and his current relationship with Yomi. He looked forward to telling her about his adventures as an unofficial Spirit Detective. He had to admit that his involvement with Yusuke’s cases had been exciting though painful at times. Mother may not like that I got wounded at times and nearly died once. The incident with the Idunn Box may interest her.
I sincerely hope that Yomi does not become my enemy again; if he does and harms Mother or my family, I will kill him without hesitation.
“Lord Yomi, he has arrived.”
“Thank you, Youda. Send him in.”
Yomi heard Youda leave and then fingered the sack of money under the table. He had business to discuss and hoped the money would be enough to entice the demon. He heard the door open and turned his face to it. He smelled Youda’s scent and a second scent that hinted of dirt and ground as well as the smell of fox. He smiled at the door. “Welcome, Cho.”
“Whatever,” the fox grunted. “I’m here cause you summoned me and I’d be a fool to ignore a summons from the great Lord Yomi.”
“And for that I am grateful.” He gestured for Cho to sit at the table’s other side. Once he sensed that he did, he continued, “I require your assistance in dealing with an old and former friend.”
“Yeah? Which one?”
“Yoko Kurama.” Yomi waited for the reaction. Cho didn’t let him down.
“Yoko!? You want me to face that crafty thief!?”
“I do. You are familiar with the saying, ‘It takes a thief to catch a thief?’ Well, I believe to catch a fox, you need a fox.”
“Oh, I see.”
“I also think your ability will be able to trap and defeat him. I will want his head as proof that he’s dead. I am willing to pay you handsomely.” He brought out the bag and pushed it over to Cho.
Cho grinned at the amount. “I accept and I promise Yoko will die. Have you figured how to lure him to me?”
“I have and trust me, he will come if you kidnap his human mother.”
“Sounds dangerous. I’ve heard he’s very protective of her.”
“Yes, but he will make mistakes so that no harm comes to her. Oh and I will let you have his mother for yourself to do as you wish.” Yomi smiled cruelly.
Chapter Five- Captured
Shiori felt her heart pounding as she headed home. It was finally Friday and she was about to tell Kazuya and Kokoda about Kurama. She had spent the last couple of days, figuring when to tell them and how to say it. She smiled slightly. This has to be how Shuichi felt when he decided to tell me. He trusts me so much and I just hope they believe me and will still accept and love Shuichi.
She reached her home and was about to get out her key when she felt a prick in her arm. She looked to see a dart and then behind her to see a rock that hadn’t been there before. It was tall enough to deliver the dart to her arm. It sank back into the ground and she sank into unconsciousness and into the arms of Cho who grinned before scooping her up and dropping an envelope on the doorstep bearing Kurama’s human name.
Shiori groggily blinked open her eyes and groaned as she sat up. She continued to blink as she looked around. She was in an underground room, the celling being made of dirt and root poking through it. Another look revealed it was a bedroom with a large bed, a vanity dresser with a mirror, a closet, and a wardrobe. It clearly belonged to someone and she took calming breaths as she concluded that a demon had snatched her. Shuichi’s fears were well-founded. But why and how will he find me?
The doorknob of the door started to turn and she steeled herself for her captor to enter. She was not going to shake with fear, no matter what the demon looked like. She was going to be strong and demand answers. The demon probably thought of her as a weak female, but she would prove him wrong. The door opened.
She nearly gasped at the handsome creature that entered. It was a brown fox demon! He was almost as tall as Yoko with shoulder-length hair as brown as mahogany wood. His ears were long and wide and his tail was full and bushy, both were a lighter brown than his hair and complemented his creamy white skin. He was dressed in a green Chinese button-down shirt with matching pants and shoes. His gold-green eyes regarded her with a mixture of admiration and disdain. “Who are you?” she demanded. “Am I bait for Yoko?”
Surprise flickered across his face before saying, “Name’s Cho and yes, you are bait. I must say you seem to be well-informed and taking all of this well.”
“Kurama told me the truth about himself about a week ago and his fear of me being used to lure him into a trap.”
“Ah, that’s Yoko for you. Always anticipating trouble and planning accordingly. What he probably isn’t counting on is that he’ll be walking into a death trap.”
Shiori felt her face pale. “A death trap?” she repeated. “Why? What has he done to you?”
“Nothing. Yomi hired me to kill Yoko. He’s already paid me for the job. I present Yoko’s head as proof and I get to keep you to do as I wish.”
Shiori’s face and eyes hardened. “You won’t kill him. Yoko is too clever to fall into a trap.”
Cho laughed. “Oh, I believe I will kill him. My power can negate his plant power as I am an earth fox.”
“That explains that rock that appeared out of nowhere. Wait a minute. What do you mean by doing as you wish with me?”
Cho grinned. “You’re a strong, spirited one, aren’t you? I guess you have to be if you were able to birth a baby with two souls, one of them being a demon. I would love to have someone with that kind of fire for my mate.”
“I’m married, so forget it.”
“You think that concerns me? Humans can’t get into Demon World unless they accidentally fall into a portal. Face it, Shiori: You’re mine now and I will make sure of it. First…” He pulled out a syringe and emptied it into Shiori who promptly fell asleep. “Now, to set the traps.” Cho left the room, closing and locking the door behind him.
Kurama walked quickly to his home. This was the day the whole family would know his secret. He coolly anticipated that they would be frightened or skeptical before he proved it; afterwards they would be scared. Kazuya may wish to keep Kokoda away from him. His stepbrother may approach him once his father wasn’t around and ask questions. He may think having a demon for a brother was cool.
He reached the door and was about to go for his key when he saw the envelope on the doormat. He picked it up, got out his key, and entered. He went to his room, dropped his bag, and opened the envelope. He had caught the scents of earth and fox and wondered who wrote to him. He pulled out the single sheet and read the short message:
Yoko, I have your mother. Come and get her if you dare.
Kurama stared at the note, passed the paper under his nose to lock in on the scent and then crushed it with an angry growl. A demon had taken Shiori as he had feared. Clearly it is a trap but I will make sure it fails. He wrote a hasty note to the others about a mother-son trip in the mountains before he changed to Yoko, leaped out his bedroom window, and headed into the wooded area to open a portal to Demon World. Do not worry, Mother. I am coming.
Shiori’s eyes fluttered open to focus on Cho who was lying beside her, naked and smiling at her. She gasped as she sat up and scrambled back from him. Cho simply laid there. “Well, my dear, I’ve laid the traps and we are completely alone. No one will disturb us as the traps are protecting us.”
“Yoko will get past them.”
“I beg to differ. One trap is a dirt and rock slide that will trigger when one steps one of a half dozen hidden panel switches. When Yoko steps on one, he will be instantly swallowed up by the dirt and rocks.”
Shiori had to admit that it sounded like a good trap and wondered if Yoko would have a way to counter it. She never thought to ask Kurama about his powers and abilities as a demon or the abilities of demons in general. Can Yoko avoid that trap?
She then jerked back as Cho ran his claws over her hair. “Don’t touch me!” she snapped.
“Oh, but you are so beautiful now. We will be a lovely couple.”
“I told you, I’m married and Yoko will rescue me.”
“You have a lot of faith in him. I think the skills he had acquired as a thief have dulled and faded in the years of being your son. He is soft and weak now.”
“I doubt it. He’s revealed that he has been fighting for years and I bet his skills are as sharp as ever.”
“Either way, we will find out. But for now, I say we get better acquainted. Perhaps that will convince you to accept my affections.”
“Not likely. I know most demons don’t like or care for humans and some eat therm.”
“That is true. I’m sure you know that foxes don’t eat humans.”
“Yes, I know. I also know that most demons would not become involved with a human. You are clearly one of those who would.”
Cho gave a hiss. “Never. I would never mate with a human. I’d rather have a fox whose abilities are the same as mine or complements mine.”
Now, Shiori was confused. “I thought you wanted me as a mate. You just said we would make a lovely couple.”
“And we will. Look.” He held up one of her hands.
Shiori gasped. There were claws on her fingers! The sight of them left her with a sinking, sickening feeling in her stomach as did Cho’s words. She scrambled out of bed and around it to the vanity. She looked into the mirror, blinked several times, and screamed in shock and horror. Oh my God, she thought as she stared at her reflection. He turned me into a fox demon!
Chapter Six- Abuse
Shiori stared stunned. Her black hair had grown a little longer, ending just above the bushy black tail behind her. Her eyes were gold-brown and a pair of long delicate black ears sat atop her head. She then whirled around and said, “I demand that you change me back!”
Cho laughed. “Change you back? I think not. You are now an earth fox demon like me and you will be living with me as Yoko will be dead and no human can get into Demon World easily. You are my mate now, Shiori.”
She gave him a flat stare. “You can’t change me back even if you wanted to, am I right?”
“Correct. It’s irreversible. You were pretty for a human, but as a demon you’re beautiful. Oh, the kits we could have.”
“No,” Shiori said, folding her arms. “I will not have any children with you.”
Cho laughed again. “I’m not giving you a choice.” He got up, seized Shiori, put her on the bed, stripped her, and then climbed onto her. Shiori twisted her body, using her enhanced strength to get loose. Cho growled, “Stop struggling. I’m bigger and stronger than you. You won’t escape.”
Shiori growled as she got an arm free. She swung it and her claws scratched Cho’s cheek. He roared in pain before striking Shiori’s cheek with a fierce backhand. “How dare you! You’ll be sorry you did that!”
Yoko landed in Demon World and sniffed to find the kidnapper’s scent. He was furious that someone took his mother and his energy flared around him. That fox was going to die, slowly and painfully. He would make sure of that! He inhaled deeply but found no trace of the scent he had memorized and was still on the note he continued to have in his possession. He growled and his energy flared even more. Mother! his mind howled.
A rumbling sounded and he turned, his whip appearing in an instant. The rumbling continued for several minutes before ceasing. Yoko stood poised to attack until a familiar scent reached his nose. He relaxed slightly as a black blur appeared. “Hiei,” he said.
“Yoko.” Hiei nodded. “I thought you would stay in Human World and only as your human self.”
“That is still the plan. I am here on a rescue mission. A week ago, I told Mother everything and she accepted it.”
Hiei smirked as he saw where his friend was going. “A demon took her.”
Yoko nodded. “An earth fox demon based on the smell from the note he left.” He held up the crumpled note. “The trouble is I cannot detect it around here.”
Hiei saw the frustration in Yoko’s eyes and felt sympathy for his friend. Surely locating his mother falls under my job of rescuing stranded humans. “Yoko, I’m sure Mukuro would allow us to assist you in recovering your mother. The technology and demons with very sensitive noses could find either the fox or your mother faster than you could.”
“I would be grateful for any help you can provide.” Yoko followed Hiei to Mukuro’s fortress which had caused the rumbling earlier.
Shiori screamed before pleading, “Stop! Please, stop!”
“Not likely, bitch! Not until you agree to be my mate.”
“Never!” She screamed again as Cho raked his claws over her thighs again. The male fox had been torturing Shiori for nearly thirty minutes, the last fifteen was when Shiori began to yell, scream, and beg.
Cho sat back and panted as he stared down at Shiori. The black fox’s body bore a variety of scratches and puncture marks. The blood had coagulated on some scratches but the rest were still bleeding. He leaned down and ran his tongue over the cuts, licking up her blood. She gasped and then moaned as he licked her wounds. Her moans indicated both pain and arousal and he grinned as he continued to lick her skin. He was arousing her and knew if he aroused her enough times, her resistance would break and she would agree to be his mate.
Shiori moaned as Cho licked her wounds and then her skin. She couldn’t help it, it had felt so good. She pressed her lips together to contain the moans though she longed to let them out. She knew Cho was trying to make her feel sexual and she wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction.
Cho lifted his head and then reached up to cup a breast before his claws lightly ran over it. He then squeezed, eliciting a gasp from the woman. He moved his hand to the other breast and did the same thing getting another gasp. He then ran his hands along the sides of her body, pausing to rub her hips. He felt her tail swish against his own and he smiled before wrapping his tail around hers. He held her tail for a time as he fondled her body and her privates. Her region wasn’t damp but that didn’t stop Cho from shoving his shaft into her. She yelled at the rough insertion as well as the in and out pumping. Cho pumped fast and hard, delighting in Shiori’s cries. He didn’t fire into her, wanting to save that moment for the sweet coupling of when she decided to be his mate. He would climax and mark her then. Once she is marked, she will definitely stay with me.
He got off her and fired up his energy before running his fingers over the cuts and marks, healing them. Shiori sighed at the warmth and she fell asleep from the feeling.
Yoko paced the guest room that had been given to him. He had handed over the note for examination and checks were being done on earth fox demons. Shiori’s description had been released and demons were on top of the moving fortress trying to sniff out any humans. All these things were being done, but to Yoko it felt like it was taking too long though he knew it had only been twenty-four hours since Shiori had been taken. He had been unable to sleep as he imagined all sorts of terrible things happening to her, up to and including being killed.
He felt the fortress change direction and a few minutes later, his door slid open to reveal Hiei on the other side. He entered, letting the door close. “I believe we found the trail. The scent of an earth fox demon was mixed with a human female. Our sniffing demons even recognized the demon. His name is Cho, but that’s all they know.”
Yoko frowned. “I do not know that name. Why would he take Mother?”
Hiei shrugged. “A mate, perhaps? Or maybe he was hired to take her by someone who wants you dead.”
“I am inclined to believe it is the latter. However, he will be the one who dies.”
“Of course.” Hiei was well aware of how protective Kurama was when it came to his mother. Anyone who threatened her life tended to die horribly and Kurama was the one behind those deaths. “We’ll follow Cho’s trail as far as we believe to be safe, but the rest will be up to you.”
Yoko nodded. “Understood.” Hiei left and Yoko clenched a hand. Hang on, Mother. I will be there as soon as I can.
Shiori gasped as Cho pressed his hands on her breasts. She had awoken to a tray of food and she accepted it as she was hungry. She felt full and relaxed afterwards and Cho took the opportunity to push Shiori onto her back and begin to explore her body again. He pressed on her breasts before running his hands along the sides of her body, her legs, and her arms with Shiori’s moaning all the while.
He moved up to lightly trace the edge of an ear with a finger. She shivered at the touch. He continued to race the edges and Shiori’s shivers changed into contented sighs. He smiled at the response. Yes, that’s it. Enjoy my touches, want more of it. When you beg for more, I will say I will if you’ll be my mate.
Cho leaned down and captured Shiori’s lips in a greedy, lustful kiss. Her eyes widened as the kiss. Cho ran his tongue across her lips before forcing it into her mouth. He felt the inside of her mouth and heard her growl in anger. He pulled away and Shiori growled louder. He scowled before backhanding her. “You need to be a little less spirited and stop resisting me. You are trapped in this world and you will be my mate.” He stalked from the room through a different door, closing and locking it behind him.
Chapter Seven- Rescue
Shiori gingerly rubbed her cheek. This guy ran hot and cold. One moment, he’s exploring her body and the next he’s abusing her. One would think he would be all loving if he wants me as a mate. She rose from the bed, dressed, and went to the vanity. She grabbed a comb and ran it through her hair before combing her tail. She was not going to take anymore abuse and rape. She was going to try to reason with him and talk politely and kindly. If I can change a thief to be kind, perhaps I can change a kidnapper and rapist to be kind and friendly.
The fortress came to a stop and Yoko leaped off the top and down to the ground; as he crouched there, the scent of the kidnapper filled his nose as well as Shiori’s scent. He took off after it, determined to put an end to this. He breathed deeply, allowing Cho’s scent to flood his nose. It was strong, very strong. I must be close to his home. He continued to run for some time before he slid to a stop. The trail had abruptly ended! He turned around and found the trail again. He walked slowly and carefully as he sniffed. The scent led him to a deep hole in a mound of dirt. A fox hole, he thought. Appropriate considering his power is earth.
He dropped into the hole and came out in a chamber with at least half a dozen tunnels branching off in different directions. He sniffed the air and found Cho and Shiori’s scents coming from the far left. He continued to move slowly and cautiously, his thief’s expert eye keeping a lookout for traps. He knew that most traps in Demon World were lethal and fatal. He had no desire to fall to one due to wanting to get his mother out of here. It has been almost two days since her abduction. It may take another day or two to return home. Kazuya and Kokoda may question the supposed trip and that is when we will both tell the truth.
Yoko came out of the tunnel and into a corridor that ended with a door. Cho’s scent came from behind the door as well as Shiori’s and a female fox. So, he abducted a female demon as well. Yoko jumped as a scream rent the air from behind the door: Shiori. Yoko wanted to run to the door, but suspected that traps were very likely waiting for him. His eyes raked the floor and the ceiling. He spied a rock tip protruding from the ceiling and smirked. He pulled out his whip, snapped it forward, and it wrapped itself around the rock. He gripped his weapon and swung over the floor, landing neatly in front of the door. He yanked his whip loose and used it to break the door and enter it.
Shiori sat on the edge of the foot of the bed, waiting for Cho. The brown fox entered through another door, locking it. He turned and blinked at the dressed and smiling Shiori. “What is this?” he asked.
“I’ve been thinking that maybe we got off on the wrong foot. I’m all for starting over.” She patted the spot beside her.
Cho sat down. “We could start over,” he agreed. “Tell me a little about yourself.”
“Well, I’m forty-one, have a family, and a job. I enjoy sewing, knitting, and cooking.”
“Cooking, huh? I like that. I can make an edible meal but that’s it.”
“I’d be happy to teach you.”
“Yes and I could tell you about our power of earth.”
“You could tell me now.”
“You’re right and I can tell you about demons in general. Actually, I’ll start there. Well, obviously you are stronger and faster now and you can live longer. Some demons are over 1,000 years old.”
Shiori was surprised that her lifespan had lengthened. I’m more of a demon than I had thought. “And our power?”
“We can create anything from the dirt and rocks around us by visualizing it and using our energy to make it real.” He put a hand on top of hers. “I can activate your demon energy by hand contact and firing up my energy.”
She nodded and gave him a sweet smile. “Please do it.” And I may be able to affect my escape.
Cho smiled as his energy flared slightly around him and Shiori gasped as her energy came to life, a vibrant green outlining her body before fading out. Cho released her hand. “Oh, you are strong, Shiori. We could have strong kits.”
“Perhaps,” Shiori said guardedly. She still had no intention of being his mate or having children. She knew her new power would help her in getting away but wondered how she would get home and if Yoko would recognize her if she met up with him.
She then gasped as Cho lifted off her shirt and bra. “Cho, what are you doing?”
“Obvious, isn’t it?” he asked as he pushed her back before removing her shoes, socks, pants, and underwear. “I’m tired of talking and want to have sex.”
“Well, I don’t.” Shiori sat up and scrambled backwards along the edge of the bed.
“Too bad. I want sex and I will get it with or without your consent.”
“No!” she yelled and a wall of rock erupted between her and Cho. She blinked at its sudden appearance. Did I do that? Not bad for a beginner. She heard a growl before Cho tackled her from above; he had jumped and clawed his way to the top of the wall.
She hit the floor and Cho straddled her, still fully clothed. He smiled sadistically. “You are definitely strong, but you have much to learn about what you can do. I will teach you and we, in turn, will teach our kits.”
“I told you before. I will not bear any more children.”
“I don’t see why not. By our standards, you are still quite young.” He brought his mouth down on hers and he ran his hands down the sides of her body as he kissed her. He pulled back and, as he rubbed her hips, she tried to wiggle out from under him.
“Hey, quit that,” he said.
“Never,” she growled. “I will never have your children or be your mate. I thought I could change you to be a nice demon.”
Cho snarled. “Foolish woman. I am not a weakling like Yoko. You can’t change a demon who wasn’t raised by humans. But, a human can be taught to act like a demon, especially if they have a demon body.”
“I will never act like a demon.”
“You already are. You growl like a fox demon and you used your power.” He bared his teeth. “If I mark you as my mate, perhaps you will finally act like a demon.”
“No!” Shiori screamed loudly.
Cho laughed loudly but stopped at the sound of a breaking door. He stood and turned as the rock wall was split in two to reveal a furious silver fox. He gasped in surprise. “Yoko!? How did you get past the traps?”
“If you were smarter, you would not ask that question,” Yoko answered in quiet anger. He snapped his whip and wrapped it tightly around Cho’s neck. His fingers and claws pulled and scratched at the whip as his air was being cut off. His attempts to remove the whip grew weaker as he was unable to draw breath. His eyes rolled up into his head as he fell to the floor dead from suffocation.
Yoko crouched down and unwound the whip from Cho’s neck before standing to see a black female fox getting dressed and he averted his eyes by looking about for Shiori. He sniffed the air for her scent and it was stronger in the direction of the demon. His head snapped around to stare at the now dressed fox. “Mother?” he whispered, stunned. She nodded and Yoko looked closer. Her hair was a bit longer and her brown eyes had a gold color in them. Her tail was bushy but elegant and it complemented her long delicate ears. He was furious at Cho for changing his mother, as beautiful as she looked.
“Mother, let us leave and head home,” he said, his free arm opening while his right hand held the whip. Shiori didn’t hesitate as she went to his side and hugged him, happy that she had been saved.
Chapter Eight- Journey Home
Shiori saw the ground blur below them as Yoko swung them over the floor and landing on the other end of the hall. The silver fox transformed the whip back into a rose and put it into his hair before leading the way out. “Mother, why did he take you and change you?”
“He said he was hired by Yomi to lure you into a death trap. He decided he wanted me as a mate. He was convinced he could kill you and that I would be stuck in this world.”
Yoko made a dismissive noise. “He was a fool and actually believed a rock wall would stop me from saving you.”
“That was me. I made that wall: Unintentionally.”
“You did? He shared his power with you?”
“He did and activated my energy not long before you showed up.”
Yoko was stunned and amazed. His mother had become an earth fox demon and a strong one based on the wall he had seen. I never imagined that Mother would be a strong demon. Oh, what are her husband and stepson going to think when we return home?,p> That same question was on Shiori’s mind as she and Yoko climbed out of the fox hole. She was a demon now. Would they still love and accept her? She would have to quit her job as she couldn’t go to work looking the way she did. Or could I? I can conceal the tail and shorten the claws. I just have to come up with a way to hide the ears.
Yoko glanced back to see Shiori lost in thought. “Mother?” he inquired.
She looked up and gave a small smile. “I’m all right, just thinking of how to conceal my ears so I can still work.”
Yoko returned the smile. “Actually, you could use your energy to construct an illusion around yourself.”
Shiori perked up. “I could?”
“Yes.” Yoko sounded amused. “I can sense your energy. It is quite strong.”
Shiori felt encouraged by Yoko’s words. She had become a strong demon and could wrap herself in an illusion. I won’t conceal my true self from Kazuya and Kokoda. They deserve to know what happened.
Night had fallen and mother and son were lying in a cave, sleepy but alert. Shiori saw Yoko struggling to stay awake but his exhaustion was clear. She reached out and rubbed behind an ear, eliciting a sigh from him. “You haven’t slept since I was kidnapped, have you?”
“No,” he admitted. “I was very worried about you.”
She moved closer to kiss his forehead. “Well, it’s over now. I’m safe and Cho can’t cause trouble anymore.”
Yoko gave a tired sigh. “You are correct.” His gold eyes slid shut and he was asleep almost instantly. Shiori smiled and conjured a rock barrier before sleeping herself.
Yoko awoke to an extinguished fire, a barrier of rocks at the cave entrance protecting them, and a sleeping Shiori. There was a small smile on her face, which looked content and peaceful. I’m glad she is, for most part, unharmed. We should see about reversing her change. I find it odd that she would think of concealing her appearance instead of finding a cure.
Suddenly, Shiori’s face contorted with fear and small whimpers issued from her throat. He reached out and gently shook her shoulder. “Mother, wake up. Please, wake up.”
Her gold-brown eyes snapped open and she sat up with a gasp. Her chest heaved as she fought to throw off her fright. She took deep breaths and then slowly exhaled. “Just a nightmare,” she said softly.
“Tell me,” he said gently.
“Cho was…abusing me before raping me.” Shiori trembled at the recollection. “Yoko, he really did do those things to me.”
“What?” Yoko hissed angrily. “He dare hurt you that way?”
Shiori nodded. “He was about to mark me when you came in.”
“He deserved to die,” Yoko growled.
Shiori’s body stopped trembling and then she brought her tail around to smooth it down. Yoko watched her do this before saying, “Mother, we should find someone to reverse your change.”
Shiori gave Yoko a sad smile. “Cho said it’s irreversible and considering he desired me for a mate, I have no reason to doubt his word.”
“I see. I am sorry that this cannot be undone,” Yoko said, Shiori’s desire to conceal her demon form now clear.
“I understand and really it doesn’t seem that bad. Yoko…am I really faster now?”
“Certainly. Would you like to test that?”
“I would.” She stood as did Yoko and she focused on bringing down the barrier, revealing that it was daylight outside.
“That is impressive,” he commented as they left the cave. She smiled at that as they began to run. She had grown used to her body in the two days since becoming a demon and despite the nerve-wracking confession that would soon come, she rather liked the power and speed she now had. This might just bring Shuichi and me even closer together.
The group of six charged en masse but neither fox was worried. They stood back-to-back as they unleashed their attacks. Yoko whirled his whip high over their heads while Shiori fired rock projectiles or sent ground shockwaves to trip up the opponents. Those that fell, got up, took another look at the foxes and especially the female, and beat a quick retreat. She smiled slightly as they ran off. She hadn’t expected that they would be attacked as they headed for a safe place to leave Demon World and said as much to Yoko.
“There are some demons who think that if they attack in a group, they can bring down their target or targets. My choice to live in Human World has convinced many that I am weak but only the foolish ones dare to attack.”
Shiori nodded. “So, they would see me as a weak simply because I’m female.”
“Yes. One would think that they would know better but there are times when demon thinking is no different from human thinking.” She nodded and Yoko marveled over how comfortable she seemed with her new race and powers. She was quite adept with her earth powers. They could complement mine, maybe even work in tandem. Of course, that will come after confessing to the family which I hope works out.
A familiar rumbling sound was heard and felt and he saw Shiori tensing for another encounter. He put a hand on her shoulder. “It is all right. They are allies. I had lost Cho’s trail not long after arriving and the ones who reside in the mobile fortress that is approaching us, assisted me in speeding up the search process. One to those was Hiei.” Yoko had just finished speaking when the fortress appeared. It rumbled to a stop and the door opened to reveal a small group of demons, Mukuro and Hiei in the forefront. Yoko led the way and once closer, said, “Hiei, Mukuro. What brings you here?”
“Hn, you Fox. That energy of yours can be sensed for miles,” Hiei quipped.
“That cannot be helped.”
“Naturally. We would be willing to escort you to where you can open a portal home…once you have found your mother.”
“I have found her.” Yoko tilted his head at Shiori whom Mukuro had engaged in conversation.
Hiei raised an eyebrow. “How did she become a demon?”
“Cho did it and it is irreversible. She has earth powers as well and she seems quite adept with them. I intend to coach her in using her energy to create an illusion that will allow her to go to work.”
“Of course.” Hiei led Yoko to the fortress while Mukuro led Shiori. Hiei had to admit that Shiori was a stunning demon and would attract the interest of other demons, either as a mate or to engage in battle. Of course, Yoko won’t let them near her and she wouldn’t be interested in any case as she’s married. I wonder…how will the rest of the family react to all this?
Chapter Nine- Kokoda
Kurama smiled as he emerged from the portal into the woods behind house. It felt good to be home. Shiori appeared beside him, looking human due to an illusion. Yoko had coached her on manipulating her energy and focusing on how she wished to look. The illusion would last until Shiori dropped it or her energy ran low. The two of them had also discussed how they were to handle the confessions as the original plan could not proceed due to recent events. “Are you ready, Mother?” he asked as they reached the front door.
“I am, Kurama.” Shiori pulled out her key and opened the door. “Hello, we’re back,” she called, having been told by Kurama of the note he had written.
Kazuya came into the hall to hug his wife while Kokoda briefly embraced Kurama. “How was the trip?” Kazuya asked.
“It was…” Shiori began before glancing at Kurama. “Actually, we need to talk. All of us.” She led the family to the living room where she and Kurama took the couch while the other two took the armchairs. Shiori was struck by how they were divided: Humans versus demons. Well, actually Kurama’s both human and demon, but still.
“So, what are we going to talk about?” Kazuya asked.
Kurama exhaled slowly. “Last weekend, I revealed to Mother a secret I have been keeping for my entire life and now it is time to tell you. I am not just a human, I am also…a demon. A fox, to be precise.”
“A…fox demon?” Kazuya asked in apparent disbelief.
Kurama nodded. “My true name is Yoko Kurama and I was a thief. It was during one such attempt that I was badly hurt. I used the last of my energy to escape and merged my spirit with Mother’s unborn child. I am human and demon, actually. I have felt guilty of keeping it secret, though I had done to protect Mother.”
“I was afraid of him after he told me and proved he was telling the truth,” Shiori jumped in. “It took me until Monday night to take it all in as Shuichi had me the truth Saturday night. Then, his concern of me being used as bait to trap him happened as I came home this past Friday. I had gotten abducted by another fox demon who was hired by an old friend turned enemy of Yoko’s. He was certain he would succeed in killing Yoko and keeping me for himself. He was so certain, he did this to me.” She dropped the illusion to reveal her true self.
The mouth of father and son fell open at her appearance. Kazuya stood and took a step toward her. “Shiori, dear? You’re a fox demon now?”
Shiori nodded. “It can’t be reversed. This doesn’t change that I still love you and can go to work.” She stood and held out a hand, palm up. Kazuya stepped back, grabbed his still stunned son, and left the room with him.
Shiori dropped her arm and sank onto the couch. “He’s afraid of me,” she said, shock and irony in her voice. “I could smell his fear.”
Kurama nodded. “I smelled it, too. However, I smelled no fear from Kokoda. He simply seemed shocked.”
“So, I should give them some time like you did with me.”
“That would probably be best.”
Shiori sighed. “I guess I will be sleeping down here tonight.”
“I will stay with you if you like.”
She smiled and patted his hand. “That’s all right, Kurama. I will be fine alone down here.” She stood back up. “I should start dinner.”
Kurama stood as well. “I will help.”
“Shuichi’s a demon?” Kokoda said, still stunned as his father paced.
“So it would seem and now so is your mother.”
Kokoda looked down, the shock staring to fall away. He didn’t see why his father feared his wife and stepson. Shiori had said that her being a demon didn’t change her love for them. He believed that and was curious about his brother. He knew his father would want to keep him from both foxes but as he was on break from school, he could approach Shuichi and question him.
Kokoda watched from his window as Shiori and Kazuya left for work separately, the former looking human, but seemed sad. Dinner last night had been a quiet, strained affair. His dad refused to look at mother and son who kept their eyes on their plates. Shiori retired to the living room after dishes were done which Shuichi had helped. He hated to see his parents being estranged and he wanted to be close to his mother. Once he saw the cars leave, he headed for Shuichi’s room.
He knocked before entering. He saw his brother already dressed and lying on the bed, arms folded under his head. He had always wondered why Shuichi looked nothing like either of his parents, but had no real idea. But now, he wondered if Shuichi’s fox demon side had red hair.
Kurama had looked over when Kokoda had entered and now he pulled himself up to a sitting position and gave that smile he usually gave. “I thought you would come once our parents were gone.”
Kokoda joined him on the bed. “I want to know everything about you. For one, are you a red fox?”
Kurama chuckled. “No, I am a silver one. So, let me start at the beginning.” Kurama proceeded to tell his brother everything he had told Shiori about his past and being a Spirit Detective. He made sure to make it clear that he would never hurt any of his family. Kokoda asked to see his demon form and was in awe of the tall fox.
“Your name’s Yoko Kurama in that form, right?” he asked when Kurama had changed back.
“Yes, but sometimes it is simply Yoko. I use my name Kurama when I am fighting in my human form, otherwise I am just Shuichi.”
“I like the name Kurama.”
“If you like, you can use it whenever we are alone. Mother had asked to use it in private and I said yes.”
Kokoda hugged him. “Thanks. Can I tell Dad about you and Mom? I hate to see her sad.”
“No. I think it best to let them work it out themselves.”
“Okay, but I will try to talk to Mom.”
Shiori walked inside, dropping her illusion in relief. It had been a bit uncomfortable to sit in her chair with her tail and a bit hard to maintain the illusion, though bathroom trips gave her time to drop it and re-create it. Surely regular use of the illusion will strengthen it as well as my powers which will in turn make it easier to maintain the illusion.
Shiori looked up from her thoughtful downward look to see Kokoda. The boy seemed a bit tentative but definitely not scared. “Yes, dear?” she asked with a gentle smile.
“I talked to…Kurama and he told me everything about himself and what you told him when you were kidnapped. I want you to know that I’m all right with you being a demon.”
Shiori smiled brightly as she went over and embraced him. “Thank you,” she said, gently running a clawed hand over his hair. “Believe me, I won’t hurt or harm you or Kazuya.”
“I believe you.”
“Good. So,” she released him and added, “How would you like to help me with dinner?”
“Sure.” Kokoda followed Shiori to the kitchen, the latter happy that her son accepted her. That just left her husband. I won’t force him to accept me. I will wait for him to come around.
Chapter Ten- Regret
Kazuya quietly went downstairs in the early morning hours of Tuesday to get something to eat. Dinner had been another quiet one, but Shiori had seemed happier. He surmised that his son had talked to her. He knew he couldn’t keep Kokoda away from Shiori or Shuichi forever as he adored both of them.
He went to the refrigerator and got some cheese out. He nibbled on it as he went to get some water. He heard something as he filled the glass: It sounded like a whine; a sound he identified as a canine whine and it was coming from the living room. Curious, he went to investigate.
He went into the living room to find the sound was coming from Shiori and it was clear that she was having a nightmare. In addition to the whines, her face was twisted in pain and fear, her ears were pinned back, she was clutching the pillow, and her tail was twitching. He saw tears streak her cheeks as she whined again. He felt his heart break at seeing his wife so distressed. He crouched in front of her and shook a shoulder. “Shiori. Wake up. Come on.”
Her eyes snapped open and she sat bolt upright with a gasp. She looked around frantically and was aware of the tears on her face. She quickly wiped them away before her wide eyes focused on Kazuya. She took a shuddering breath as she buried her face in her hands and said in a whisper, “Oh, God. Another nightmare.”
“Another?” he repeated. “You had some before?”
“Just one other and it’s about the same thing,” she said still in a whisper. “I dream the one who took me was abusing and raping me again.”
“What!?” Kazuya gasped, getting Shiori to look at him. “He had hurt you and raped you?”
Shiori nodded. “He wanted me for a mate even though I told him I was married. He was determined to have me.”
Shiori was now sitting up and Kazuya sat beside her. He put an arm across her shoulders and pulled her closer so her head leaned on his upper arm. He reached around with his free hand and took one of her hands.
“Shiori, I am so sorry about how I acted. It was such a shock and I remembered the stories of demons eating humans.”
“Fox demons don’t eat humans,” she said softly. “But some do. I may be a demon in body and I may act like a fox one at times but inside I am still human.”
“Yes. Yes, you sure are.” He kissed her forehead. “Can you forgive me?”
“Of course. I was rather distant with Shuichi when I was told the truth. It took me a little time to accept and love him again.”
“It took me seeing you having an awful dream to make me realize how heard this was for you and how much I love you.”
“It was hard and I was horrified when I was first changed, but in Yoko’s company, I grew used to it.” Shiori smothered a yawn.
“Come on. Let’s head upstairs and get some sleep.” He pulled the black fox to her feet and led her upstairs where the couple snuggled as they slept the rest of the night away.
Despite school being closed, Kurama rose early. He wanted to hear what Kokoda and Shiori had said and ask if she would like to work on getting their powers to work in synch or tandem. He dressed quickly and came down to see his mother slipping on her shoes. She turned and smiled happily. “Good morning, Kurama.”
“Good morning,” he replied, a little confused.
Shiori smile grew bigger, intuiting her son’s confusion. “Kazuya apologized last night, well early this morning technically. I had another nightmare and it broke him down.”
“That’s wonderful,” he said as said man came down, kissed Shiori, and left to wait for her in the car. “Mother?” he asked as she cast her illusion. “Could we maybe practice our powers today?”
“Love to.” She kissed Kurama’s cheek as she left. Kurama smiled. His true nature had been revealed to his family and they had ultimately accepted it. Shiori then became a demon and she learned to adapt to it and get the family to accept it. Acceptance. It is a trait both humans and demons have. It is in both of our natures.
The ground heaved and cracked as a large boulder was thrusted up into the air. There was a crack and it split into shards that were then hurled through the air with the snap of a whip. The shards pierced a tree trunk and stuck there. Shiori panted from forcing the rock up out of the ground but managed a satisfied smile at her son.
“Very good, Mother,” he said approvingly.
“It wasn’t easy,” she admitted. “As I used most of my energy for my illusion.”
“I anticipated that.” He reached into a bag to extract two bottles of water before opening one. He removed a seed from his hair, crushed it, and sprinkled it into the open bottle before closing it, shaking it, and handing it to Shiori. “The seed will help restore your energy.”
She shook her head as she opened the bottle. “You are just unbelievable. I guess being a thief taught you to plan for anything.” She drank some water and could indeed feel her energy coming back.
“Only those who have the patience and calm would plan out the theft. That was something Yomi never learned until he went blind.” Kurama took a drink from his bottle.
“Kurama,” she said slowly before taking another drink. “Cho was hired by Yomi to kidnap me for the purpose of killing you. Suppose he plans another attempt on your life?”
“He likely would try again. Obviously he will not send assassins to attack me as I would dispatch them quickly and having one threaten your life to get me to yield will not work either, especially now.”
“This might be the demon in me talking, but killing him would solve the problem,” Shiori said.
“Yes, that is your demon side talking and yes, eliminating Yomi would solve the problem, but he is one of my oldest friends and I dislike killing outright. I prefer killing in self-defense. I only hope that he ceases attacking though I wish I knew why he had chosen to do so when we had parted on good terms earlier.”
I feel he’s killed while stealing and becoming my son has changed his view on taking another’s life. His killing of Cho was done out of love for me. Shiori then tensed as a stench reached her nose. Before she or Kurama could act, a demon seized her arms and pinned them back with one hand while he put the claws of his other hand to her throat. “Don’t move, demon traitor, or her death will be on your- ack!” That last word came as a result of a rock coming out of his back. He staggered back from the female fox and sat down, hands over the hole in his body; Shiori deliberately made sure it wasn’t a fatal hit.
Kurama seized a piece of grass and turned it into a blade that he put to the demon’s throat. “Talk,” he said in a tone that promised death if he kept silent.
“Yomi sent me!” the demon said quickly. “He suspected that Cho failed and sent me to kill you by threatening the woman.”
“Foolish,” Kurama said. “As if I would not train Mother in her powers.” He knelt down and used a number of healing herbs to undo the damage. “Listen. You will go back to Yomi and tell him you killed the woman but I survived.”
The demon bobbed his head as he got up and ran. Shiori looked at Kurama, confused. Why tell the demon to lie to Yomi? “Kurama?”
“I believe Yomi has gone too far,” he said in a cold, angry tone. “I have a plan and I would like your assistance, Mother.”
“What do you have in mind?”
“Yomi’s other senses are exceptionally sharp to compensate for his blindness but he can be caught off guard. It is possible that he does not know that you are a demon now. If you were to distract him by posing as an assassin or bounty hunter, I may be able to kill him. You are welcome to help insure I succeed.”
“I would be happy to. Shall we prepare my outfit so I look the part?”
“Yes and you may want to tell Father that you need time off.”
“I do not think that will be a problem.” The two foxes headed inside to fine-tune the plan and put together Shiori’s outfit for their counter strike against Yomi.
Chapter Eleven- Counter Strike
Yomi frowned as he sipped his tea. His hired gun failed to kill Kurama and the human woman had died in the attempt. He would need to plan the next attempt carefully. Perhaps invite him over to talk of a truce and poison his drink. It will have to be a fast-acting poison and have no scent. It is the only way to beat him.
He heard a knock, the door slide open, and Youda’s voice saying, “Lord Yomi, an assassin and bounty hunter requests an audience with you.”
“Assassin and bounty hunter, you say? Show him in.”
“It is a she, milord.”
“Ah, show her in then.”
“Yes, milord.”
He heard Youda scurry away and then the sound of light footsteps as well as the smell of ground and fox. Hmm, a fox demon. Intriguing.
“Lord Yomi,” said a light voice that nonetheless spoke of a no-nonsense attitude and someone who wouldn’t hesitate to kill.
“Welcome. Please sit.” He gestured and heard her move to sit across from him.
“My name is Kokokuro. I have heard that you seek the death of Yoko Kurama.”
“I do.”
“I would be willing to do that…for the right price.”
“You are certain you could kill him?”
“Have you heard of the Elderhorns?”
“I have. They are extremely powerful and nearly impossible to kill.”
“I have achieved that feat and the horns of my prey hang on the wall of my sitting room. Quite the conversation piece.”
Yomi’s eyebrows rose. She killed an Elderhorn. Hmm, yes. I sense strong energy from her. It is quite controlled, almost difficult to detect. Such control is necessary for her professions. “That is impressive Kokokuro. You just may be who I have been requiring to eliminate my old friend.”
“If I may ask, milord, why do you want him dead?”
“I am offended by the fact that he would deny his demon identity and live as a weak human. It is an insult to strong demons such as ourselves.”
“I quite agree, milord. I believe I may have a way to trap him before coming up behind him and killing him.”
“Do you?”
“Yes, I believe so. May I demonstrate on you, milord?” Shiori saw vines creeping into the room, but kept her gaze on Yomi’s face and praying that he sensed nothing amiss or consider her proposal as unnecessary.
“If I do, would you care for any input I may have concerning flaws I may spot?”
“I would value your input, milord.”
“Very well. Proceed.”
Shiori summoned her power. The ground beneath Yomi’s seat shook and cracked as dirt spilled up from the crack and enclosed Yomi’s body tightly up to the base of his throat. Yomi tried to wiggle his fingers to find that he couldn’t and sensed that his energy had been suppressed which definitely convinced him that she could kill Yoko. “Very impressive, my dear. Now, release me and we can discuss your…” Yomi trailed off as he felt something slither around his throat and began to squeeze, cutting off his air. He attempted to summon his energy, but it would not respond any more than it did before, which was nothing.
He sensed movement and then the tip of something sharp was at his throat. “Kokokuro?” he gasped.
“No,” came her voice. “My name is Shiori…Minamino. Cho made me a fox like him but Yoko killed him. Kurama was going to spare you until you sent that demon to threaten my life in order to kill him. Clearly, you didn’t know I had become a demon.”
“Mother had suggested your death before your last attempt,” came Yoko’s calm voice behind Yomi. “That attempt changed my mind. I would have preferred you to leave me alone for the rest of my human life, but you clearly disagree. Now that I know why you have tried to kill me, I can terminate your life without hesitation. Farewell, old friend.” The vines tightened around Yomi’s throat while Yoko drove a sharp dagger through Yomi’s skull.
Shiori broke the dirt shell and Yoko pulled back the vines. Yomi’s body thudded forward, his upper part lying across the table. Shiori looked at the body. “Is he really dead?”
“No one can survive a dagger in the skull,” Yoko said. “Not even a powerful demon like Yomi.”
“Will we have trouble leaving with Yomi dead and me being the last one to see him alive?”
“No. You raised a good amount of dirt to trap him and I can use plants to create a tunnel for us to crawl through and you can open a hole once we are safely out of his territory.”
Shiori nodded as they jumped into the hole, got onto their hands and knees, and crawled through a tunnel being created by thick large stalks Yoko created and controlled. “I can’t believe how easy that was,” she commented.
“The story we created and the way you delivered it did the majority of the work as did the plant life I put in the dirt to suppress his energy. I was concerned that he would sense my presence, my vines, or refuse to be your practice target.”
“I was worried about that, too.”
Yoko smiled as he looked back at Shiori. “It is difficult to believe that you have learned much about your power and being a demon in almost a week. Most impressive.”
“Perhaps I was meant to be a demon,” she said. “I’m comfortable like this and have come to like it.”
“Perhaps you were. It is nice to hear that you are comfortable this way.” He faced forward again and continued to carve out an escape route.
Hours later, a mound of dirt was heaved up and out to the sides to create a hole. Two fox demons climbed out, dusted themselves off, and then jumped into the portal Yoko created. They traveled to Human World and exited the portal as Shiori and Kurama.
Shiori sensed the energy of weak demons in the woods behind her and when she looked back, she saw dark shadows flee deeper into the trees. She follower her son inside, certain that those demons would not bother her or her family. Human and demon nature share the instinct of self-preservation and those living in the forest will stay away from us in order to remain alive. I will also fight any assassins that seek to kill Kurama or me. Eventually, they’ll stop coming and we’ll be able to live in peace.
“So, this demon won’t try to kill you?” Kazuya asked at dinner.
“That is correct,” Kurama answered. “He will not bother either of us anymore. We made him see reason.” He didn’t say that Yomi was dead as that may horrify the humans.
“So, we’re safe now?” Kokoda asked.
“We are,” Shiori lied, knowing that the demons in their woods may choose to attack, but also knew that she and Kurama were strong enough to keep them in line or eliminate them. The majority of them will stay in line. Like I noted before, self-preservation is in both human and demon nature.