Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only Jake, a reporter, a cameraman, and a driver are mine. This is an AU of Dark Side of Dimensions. Atem and Bakura are both living.
Chapter One- Discovery
Joey pedaled furiously to get to school on time like he had been for the last two years. He was close to graduating just like his friends, Atem and Bakura included. The two spirits had been granted a second chance at life and Atem had wasted no time at enrolling; Bakura did so only at Ryou’s insistence. Joey could hardly wait to graduate: No more bossy teachers, not more bullying class mates, and no more homework; just pure freedom…at least until he went to college. While his grades weren’t stellar, they were sufficient to get him into college. Maybe I can get a good job to support my dad and me. Heh, too bad magic can’t solve all my problems but then again, most magic I’ve seen actually causes problems so it’s better this way.
The school was coming into view and Joey picked up the pace. His bike sailed through the narrow space of the closing gate and the gym teacher yelled angrily, “Cutting it close, Wheeler!” Joey rolled his eyes. At least I’m not late, he thought. He parked his bike, hopped off, and rushed in to his classroom where his friends were already seated. He plopped into his seat and grinned at his friends who quickly returned it before the teacher entered.
“Man, Joey. You need to stop cutting it close,” Tristan commented as the gang sat down for lunch. “I mean I know colleges don’t look at things like that on applications, but come on.”
“Lay off, Tristan. My grades are all right and I’ve already gotten accepted to a college.”
Tristan huffed as he bit into his lunch. He knew Joey was right about not raking him over the coals about his almost being late. On the other hand, Joey needed to stop bragging about already getting accepted into college. Tristan seemed to be the only one who didn’t have a definite plan for the future. Tea was going to New York to study dance, Atem and Yugi were going to help their grandpa run the game shop with the latter hoping to create a world famous game, Joey was going to college, Ryou was going to design tabletop games, and Bakura…what was Bakura going to do?
“Hey, Bakura. What do you plan to do?” he called.
“Oh, he’s going to help design games with me,” Ryou answered before Bakura could respond.
The thief king rolled his eyes. “I’d rather sort through those boxes your father sent,” he said sarcastically.
Ryou heard the sarcasm, but chose to ignore it. “You can do that after school and over the weekend. Father would appreciate it.”
“Great,” Bakura grunted.
There was gentle laughter but inwardly Tristan felt sick. He was the only one without a future plan. Maybe I should fill out college applications and some job ones so I can pay for college.
Joey went to the bike rack and removed his bike before putting his bag in the basket. He had a lot of studying to do; finals were coming up and he kind of wanted to boost his grades up a little. He wasn’t going to turn into a nerd, he just realized that to make good money, you had to work hard to get it. Well, everyone has to grow up at some point. He wheeled his bike to the front when a pair of hands landed on his bike. He looked up to see the class monitor leering at him. “Hey,” Joey said neutrally.
“Keeping your nose clean, Wheeler?” the monitor sneered.
“That’s right. Nice and clean.”
“Really?” Without warning, the monitor slammed his fist into Joey’s stomach. The blonde gasped and doubled over.
One eye shut in pain, Joey looked up. “What was that for?” he gasped.
“Don’t want to you to forget how to be a man.”
“Oh, yeah? Well, don’t worry about that.” Joey stood, pulled his bike out of the monitor’s hands and started to leave.
“I’m serious, Wheeler. Meet me behind the school Monday after school.” He stepped forward and grabbed Joey by his jacket collar. “You don’t show and you’ll regret it.” He hit Joey in the stomach again before walking away.
Joey gasped as he worked to stand. That bully, he thought. A real man doesn’t have to beat someone up. Yug’ taught me that lesson years ago. I guess not everyone can learn that lesson, but maybe I can teach him on Monday. Joey got on his bike and rode away.
Bakura scowled as he dug through yet another box. Ryou told him that inventory of the boxes would not take his whole life to do. A day or two and only after school; as it was Thursday, it meant he would be free to either study or wander through town all weekend.
Too bad this isn’t a lifetime job, but then again, Ryou would need a detailed list of his supplies so this could be practice. Bakura looked and carefully catalogued the contents, cheered by his realization. He got to the bottom of the box and froze. There was a book there with the Millennium Eye on it!
Is that…The Millennium Spell book? The one that led to the destruction of my village and the creation of the Millennium Items? Heart pounding, Bakura reached in and grabbed it.
“You. Who are you?”
The sudden voice in his head caused him to drop the book. He looked at it and saw it glow gold for a moment before it faded. Is there a spirit trapped in that book? If so, then it’s not the Millennium Spell book. Taking a breath, Bakura put a hand on the cover.
“Who are you?” The voice was young and dark, but full of confidence.
“I am Bakura the King of Thieves.”
“Are you now? I heard of you even before my imprisonment.”
“I’m flattered. And who are you?”
“I am Jake, a sorcerer of Dark magic.”
“Hmm, well I can see why you are trapped in your own spell book.”
“Yes. I had hoped to be a royal magician, but my obsession and skill with Dark magic led to being rejected. I was about to kill the pharaoh but that accursed Mahad cast the spell that trapped me in here. I ask for your help to release me so that I may have my revenge.”
“I hate to break it to you, but 5,000 years have passed since then and I am a spirit that got a second chance at life.”
“Five…thousand? No!”
“Sorry about that. You sound like someone I’d like to hang out with.”
“There is still a way to be free: My hikari.”
“Yes,” Bakura answered slowly. “Of course; as your body is gone and your soul seems to be dark like mine, the light soul would reside in a body.”
“The moment my hikari touches the book, I will be free and reside in his body as well.”
“Yes, but how will you find him?”
“The book will glow when my other half is near. Might I require your services by carrying the book around?”
“I’d be happy to.” The connection broke and Bakura lifted the book up and carried it off to his room where he slid it into his schoolbag. Perhaps his hikari is a student. I’ll wait by the gate and once I know who the new owner is, I’ll slip him the book.
Chapter Two- The Release
The next morning, Bakura arrived at the school as the gate opened. He positioned himself so that he had a good view of people coming in. He kept a close eye on the students and the book, but no glow came, not even a pulse. Perhaps it’s not a student or at least one at my school; curious considering Jake sounds no older than me which is sixteen. He turned to head inside when two things happened: Joey rode by and the book pulsed for a second. Bakura stared after Joey and then at the book. It pulsed briefly. Does that mean that…Joey is Jake’s hikari? Bakura hurried inside; Joey passed his desk every day and he wanted a confirmation. Bakura sat down and put his bag where Joey would have to pass it and watched the book. Joey entered and as he walked by, the book glowed for several seconds before fading. Bakura was thrilled and surprised. He would soon have a partner in chaos and darkness and Joey would have a yami who might influence whatever darkness Joey had locked inside him. His surprise came from the fact that it was Joey who would own the book. His fingers brushed the book as he reached for another one. “I found your hikari.”
“Already? You work fast.”
“It wasn’t too hard as he’s a friend of my hikari.”
“Ah. Thank you Bakura. I promise to treat you to some fun at some point.”
“You’re welcome and I’ll hold you to that promise.” The connection ended and Bakura smirked. Soon, Jake would be free and life would be interesting again. It had gotten boring since getting his life back and having to attend school. It would be nice to cause some chaos with a partner, especially one who is a sorcerer. Gym class arrived after lunch and once Joey was out the door and no one else was around, Bakura pulled out the book and slid it into Joey’s bag. He smirked in triumph before leaving for class.
Joey grumbled to himself as the class filed into the room. That jerk, Karita. Does he have to keep giving my friends and me a hard time? Yes, he doesn’t remember us saving him from being a figure for the rest of his life, but still. He sat down and prepared for the next class. Well, we’ll be out of here soon enough so I guess it doesn’t really matter. Joey went through the rest of the day focusing on each lesson and pushing everything else to the back of his mind. When school ended, Joey packed his bag, failing to notice the new book, and headed for the bike rack. He was about to unhook his bike when hands landed on it and Joey looked up to see the monitor.
He leered at Joey. “Remember after school Monday.”
“Yeah. I’ll be there.” The monitor left and Joey shook his head as he got on his bike and left the school. He had no intention of fighting him. Maybe he just needs a friend. I’ll give that a try.
Joey shut the history book and put it aside. He stretched his back as he stood and sighed. History studying done. Now, what’s left to do? He opened his bag and frowned. There seemed to be one book more than he remembered. He took the other books out and looked at the cover: It had the Millennium Eye on it! Joey was intrigued. How did that get in my bag? Funny that I didn’t notice it before. I wonder what’s in it. He reached out and grasped it by the exposed spine.
The book flared bright gold and the Millennium Eye appeared on Joey’s forehead as Jake flowed from the book and into Joey’s body while, at the same time, taking control of it. He pushed Joey unconscious and into his newly created Soul Room. Jake planted a hand on the desk while the other held his book. He panted for a moment for gathering up his spirit to possess Joey hadn’t been easy, but he had done it. He opened his green eyes as he straightened up and ran his free hand over his dark brown spiked hair, the third eye no longer there. He smirked before a dark laugh emerged. “I’m free,” he said in his young, dark voice. “Finally, I’m free.”
He put his book on the desk as he sat, relishing the motion and finally having a body again. Yes, it was technically Joey’s body but as they were hikari and yami, the body belonged to both of them now. He closed his eyes and began to explore Joey’s mind; if he was going to pose as Joey at some point, he needed to know everything: How he walked, talked, and act. Who his friends were, who his enemies were, his family, hopes, dreams, absolutely every aspect. He found a loyal, protective boy who was sensitive but covered it up with a tough guy exterior; only his sister and friends saw the real Joey. He dug a little deeper into Joey’s memories of his friends and recoiled when he learned of Atem being alive just like Bakura. He cursed. He might see through my Joey impersonation. I will have to tread carefully. I’ll trick Joey into thinking I’m nice and when the time is right, I will permanently take over and disappear without a trace. Until then, I will stay hidden inside Joey so that annoying pharaoh won’t know I’m free.
He sensed Joey waking up and decided now would be the time to trick his hikari. He traveled to the Soul Corridor in time to see Joey’s Soul Room door open and the blonde stepping out and looking around in confusion. “Where am I and how did I get here?” he said to himself.
“You are in your Soul Corridor,” Jake said. “I’m afraid I’m somewhat responsible for that.”
Joey whirled around and gasped at the sorcerer. “Who are you?”
“I am Jake. I was a sorcerer in Ancient Egypt and became trapped in my spell book until you freed me by touching it. Now, I am your yami.”
“My yami? Like Ryou and Bakura?”
“I would prefer to use Yugi and Atem as a comparison for our relationship.”
“Oh, cool. You said you were responsible for me ending up here.”
“I did. I entered your body with too much force, I’m afraid. It knocked you out and I took control of your body. I took that time to explore your mind and learn about this modern world. I hope that’s okay.”
“Of course it is. I was out cold so it’s all good.”
Jake gave a friendly smile. “I’m happy to hear that. So, you plan to attend college, hmm?”
“Yeah, but I still have finals to get through.” Joey frowned as his Monday afternoon encounter came to his mind’s forefront.
Jake tilted his head. “Something troubling you, hikari?”
“Sort of. A bully wants to see me after school Monday. I think he wants to fight me and I’d rather avoid that. I think he may just want a friend.”
“And you plan to offer him friendship?”
Jake nodded. “That sounds like a good plan, but what if he does not accept?”
Joey shrugged. “Then I plan to duck and run.”
“Also a good plan.” Jake pretended to stifle a yawn. “I believe I will go to bed.”
“Okay. I’m glad I freed and met ya, Jake. Sleep tight.”
“Likewise, Joey. Good night and I would like it if you don’t tell anyone about me yet.”
“Uh, well okay.” Joey returned to the real world while Jake entered his Soul Room and locked the door. An evil smile came to his face. He had fooled Joey! He believed Jake to be a good, kind spirit. His plan was off to an excellent start. He crossed the room to a desk where a mental version of his book sat. This book represented all the spells and magic he had absorbed from the book during his imprisonment and had followed him into Joey’s body. He alone had access to it; Joey could not use it and that was how it would be.
Jake sat down and leafed through the book, refreshing his memory and he thought of the encounter Joey would face on Monday. He despised bullies and thought that he should take control and deal with the bully himself. I believe I will, but I will give Joey his chance to befriend him. Only if it does not go well will I step in. Jake returned to the book, looking for spells that appealed to him that he could and would use in the encounter.
I highly doubt the bully will accept Joey’s offer and I know the school frowns on fighting so once the offer is rejected, I will take over and teach that bully a lesson he won’t forget. Jake laughed to himself as he continued to peruse his book.
Chapter Three- Plans
Joey stared at the book that sat in front of him before gently running a finger across the cover. Jake had been trapped in this? But, why? He didn’t say, but it had to be because he was trying to stop some evil and they used a spell to seal him inside until his hikari, me, touched the book and freed him. I wonder…is some ancient evil gonna appear and Jake is the only one who can defeat it? Wouldn’t that be exciting? Maybe I’ll learn magic too. Joey licked his lips as he opened the cover and eagerly scanned the pages before he face fell. It was all in Egyptian hieroglyphs! He couldn’t read a word of it! He sighed as he closed it. Well, of course it’s in hieroglyphs. Jake lived 5,000 years ago. But, maybe Jake can teach me.
Jake watched through Joey’s eyes as the blonde hung out with his friends the next day. His hikari had a carefree attitude that was charming but a bit laid-back for his tastes. He craved action, destruction, and chaos. He, luckily, had a kindred spirit in that regard close by: Bakura. He had heard a little of the thief who called himself the King of Thieves and wondered if that title was well-deserved. Bakura had been a petty thief who was good at eluding capture before he was sealed, so what changed him to give him such a lofty title? I intend to find out. After all, knowledge is power and I love power.
Bakura discreetly watched Joey, wondering if Jake resided within him yet. If he was studying last night, surely an extra book in his bag would prompt him to touch it. I will lag behind and if Jake has been freed, he may desire to talk to me. Bakura continued to watch Joey and as the gang started to split up, he stayed behind the group. Tea, Tristan, Yugi, and Atem had walked on, but Joey had come to a stop. Ryou looked at Bakura, but the thief waved him off. “I’ve got things to do. I’ll see you later.” Ryou headed home; Bakura couldn’t cause trouble as all the Items were buried under the Egyptian sands.
Bakura stared at Joey’s back, waiting to either see the blonde leave or hear Jake’s voice. He started slightly when the blond hair turned dark brown and spiky before the figure turned and regarded Bakura with amused green eyes.
Jake watched Joey’s friends as they began to leave but knew the tomb robber was behind them. Now’s my chance! he thought before switching to telepathy. “Joey, wait!”
He sensed the blonde startle slightly before stopping. “Who? What?”
“It’s Jake, my friend. We can talk with telepathy.”
“Oh. Right. What’s up, Jake?”
“Would it be all right if I took over for a little while? I learned much about your world from you, but I would like to put it into practical use. Plus, I’d like to stretch my legs.”
Joey distantly heard Bakura telling Ryou to go on without him before saying, “Okay, partner. Have fun.”
“Oh, I will.” Jake and Joey changed places and the former turned to see a startled Bakura and amusement danced in his eyes. “Bakura. We finally meet face-to-face.”
Bakura nodded. “Jake. Funny, I thought you would look similar to Joey. Clearly that’s not the case.”
“Correct.” Jake led the way to a table and sat with Bakura following suite. “I was hoping to speak with you, get to know you better. Joey’s view of you is not flattering.”
“That’s not a surprise. I’ve tried several times to destroy them.”
“You introduced yourself as The King of Thieves. How did that come about? Before my imprisonment, you were a minor thief who was good at avoiding capture.”
“A combination of circumstances involving a desire for revenge for the destruction of my village, a powerful spirit monster, and possessing the will of Zorc to acquire the Millennium Items and use them to open the door to the Netherworld and release Zorc into the world.”
“Indeed? An excellent plan. A shame it didn’t happen.”
“And won’t happen as the Items are now buried in the desert.”
“That may be, but if we combine our talents, we could bring about a world of darkness with us as the supreme rulers.”
“Intriguing. I see a few flaws with your plan, though.”
Jake raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Yes. Yugi and the pharaoh for starters. I’ve lost count the number of times they thwarted me.”
“Ah, but you were dueling each time. I don’t intend to do that.”
“Well another flaw is your hikari. He is quite the strong-willed guy. He actually threw off the mind control power of the Millennium Rod.”
“Gods, that’s impressive. However, he believes me to be nice. Heh, the fool. I have plans to take permanent control of this body and vanish without a trace.”
“And how to you plan to make sure he doesn’t take back the body?”
“I will seal his soul permanently into an object. If the object is destroyed, his soul will be lost. Of course, I could make the object indestructible as I require his existence to live.”
“Brilliant, Jake. When you succeed, may I join you in your disappearing act?”
“Certainly, Bakura. Now, I promised to treat you to some fun for helping me.” He closed his eyes, chanted, and touched Bakura with a finger.
Bakura gasped as his body faded out. “What have you done?” he demanded.
“I made you invisible for an hour. Anything you touch will also be invisible while the spell remains in effect. I thought a thief like you would appreciate a spell like this.”
“Oh, believe me, I do. So, it lasts for an hour?”
“That’s right. If you wish, I’ll stay right here and wait for your return.”
“You do that. I’ll be back.” Bakura’s chair moved back as if on its own accord and Jake heard Bakura’s footsteps recede briefly before it was swallowed up by the crowd.
He will go on a major shopping spree, I’m sure of it. He also approves of my plans and Joey will never learn of it as I can seal my thoughts against him.
Joey pushed and pulled on Jake’s Soul door, curious to know more about his yami, but it seems as if the door had sealed itself while its owner was out. How come Jake was able to explore my mind? Oh, yeah. I was in my Soul Room so he was able to explore it. I’ll wait ‘til he comes back before I try again. Joey returned to his room, laid on the bed, and fell asleep.
Bakura shimmered into existence in the chair he had vacated. “I’m ba-ck,” he sang. Several bags laid on either side of the chair and he had a very satisfied smiled on his face. “Oh, that was fun. I smuggled out expensive electronics, fancy jewelry, rare cards, and money from peoples’ wallets and purses. A lot of money.” He reached into one bag and passed a couple of bundles of money across the table. “These are for you as thanks.”
Jake pulled the money toward himself. “I accept and I know just what to do with it. I will double it and pay off some of the debt Joey’s father has. It will further convince Joey that I’m a nice guy.”
“You have a spell to double money?” Bakura gasped.
“I do. I studied light and dark magic before devoting myself to the dark arts and dark magic. I’ll tell Joey I used a conjuring spell to obtain the money so he doesn’t get too suspicious.”
“How will you keep Joey from learning of your plan or what I’ve done?” He gestured at the bags.
“I can seal my thoughts from him. I sensed he has been trying to get into my room. It locks when it closes and only my hand can open it when I return to it. Joey will only know what I tell him about myself.”
“I completely understand that. I will smuggle my treasures past Ryou and he will never know.”
“I can make you invisible again to make it easier.” Jake raise a hand.
Bakura grinned. “Please do. I enjoyed it and I hope to see you again.” He saw Jake nod as he faded out of sight.
Chapter Four- The Bully
Jake tossed the money on the desk before using the double spell to increase the amount to an insane amount. He swept all but one bundle into a sack he conjured and buried it in the very back of Joey’s closet before sitting in the chair and closing his eyes. He traveled to the Soul Corridor and knocked on Joey’s door. “I’m ready to switch. I had a great time and I left you a present I conjured on the desk.”
Joey opened his door as Jake entered his and closed it. Curious, Joey took control of the body and focused on the desk before gasping. There was a bundle of cash there! Whoa. Jake made that? It won’t eliminate all of my dad’s debt, but it’ll take care of a sizable amount of it. Jake is so nice and cool. I wish I could tell the gang about him, but he’s not ready for them to know. Maybe he fears the evil that sealed him away is out there, waiting for him. Putting the money aside, Joey picked up his science book and notes and began to skim them.
Sunday past in a blur for Joey. He delivered the money to the debt collectors, skimmed his notes again, and talked to Jake. The sorcerer spoke of his childhood and how he came into his magic, but didn’t explain how he ended up in his book leading Joey to believe that it was too painful to talk about right now; he reasoned that, to Jake, the sealing happened practically yesterday.
“You’re right,” Jake admitted when Joey made that observation. “I don’t really want to talk about it at this time. Perhaps when the recollection is not so fresh to me.”
“I understand. I’ll wait until you’re ready.”
“Thanks, hikari. I appreciate that.” Jake inwardly smirked. It was too easy to fool Joey. He knew that he would be able to claim Joey’s body easily when the time came. “So, when are your finals?”
“Oh, in about a week. If I do well, then I’ll graduate the following week.”
Two weeks, Jake thought. Perfect. Once Joey has graduated and celebrated, I will take over, seal his soul, and leave with Bakura. Afterwards, I will cover the world in darkness and rule over it with Bakura. First, I need to find an appropriate object to house Joey’s soul. I can’t conjure it as too many spells used together could damage the item. I have to use two spells on it: One to make it indestructible and another to put Joey’s soul in it permanently. Ironically, the latter spell is the same one that sealed me only Joey will be trapped forever as only his yami could release him by lifting the spell and I don’t intend to do that.
Monday morning arrived and Jake watched Joey as he rushed over to school. This was the day of the encounter with the bully. It was clear to him that the encounter weighed heavily on Joey’s mind, though he pushed it aside to focus on his schoolwork. Jake wrapped a spell around himself to conceal his presence from Atem as the pharaoh would seek a way to remove him from Joey and he would then likely tell Joey about Jake’s history. He couldn’t risk being discovered; it had been easy to avoid Atem’s attention Saturday as there had been lots of people around where his spirit wavelength wouldn’t be detectable.
“I’ll see you guys later!” Joey called as his friends left the school. His happy grin faded as he headed for the back of the school. He had kept knowledge of the encounter secret as he didn’t want to endanger his friends for they would want to come to support him. He also felt he had to handle this himself. He rounded the bend and there was his opposition. He licked his lips as he approached.
“So, you showed,” the bully sneered. “Wise choice.”
“Look, I’ve thought about this and I believe what you really want is a friend, not a fight.”
“What are you, crazy? I called you back here to make sure you can still be a real man.”
“A real man doesn’t need to fight to prove it. I learned that years ago. I would rather be friends.” Joey held out a hand. The next thing Joey knew, a fist slammed into a cheek and sent him sprawling onto the ground.
“I don’t want a friend, Wheeler! I wanted to make sure you’re a real man! Now I see that you’re not!” He lifted Joey off his feet and slammed his fist into the blonde’s stomach. Joey gasped from the blow and the bully threw him across the ground. Joey hit his head, losing consciousness. The bully stepped past Joey, spitting at him as he did so. He didn’t see Jake taking over and getting up, but paused when he heard a young dark voice say, “Stop right there.” The bully turned to stare dumbfounded at Jake who had taken the precaution of keeping his hair color the same color as Joey’s.
Jake stood straight and tall as he lightly brushed his fingers across the punched cheek, healing it. His green eyes bore into the bully’s eyes with contempt. “You rejected the hand of friendship and hurt my hikari. For that, you shall be punished.”
The bully guffawed. “You really are nuts, Wheeler.”
Jake moved toward him. “I am more of a man by choosing not to fight. You, however, delight in picking on others, seeing their fear and terror. It gives you a sense of power to bully and terrorize them. I cannot allow that to continue. I punish you by making you feel what your victims felt.” Jake stopped and pointed. “Victim’s Terror!” A beam of black energy came out of his finger and struck the bully’s forehead. He immediately crumpled to the ground, eyes wide with terror and whimpering sounds coming from his throat. The spell was pummeling his mind with images of people bigger than him inflicting much worse pain upon him than he normally did. He felt fear, terror, and powerless to stop them. He screamed in high-pitched terror as Jake calmly left the scene and pedaled Joey’s bike home. Once in their room, Jake went into the Corridor and opened Joey’s door to see the blonde on the bed, passed out.
He went over to him and gently patted a cheek. “Hikari, wake up. Come on.”
Joey groaned and he slowly opened his eyes to focus on the sorcerer. “Uh, Jake?”
“You okay now?”
“Yeah.” Joey sat up. “Guess I should have seen that coming. Now, I got a bruise to explain.”
“Actually, you don’t. When you passed out, I took over, found your attacker gone, healed the bruise, and headed home.”
“You healed it? Gee, thanks. So…we’re home, huh?”
“Yes. Why don’t you take over and get some studying done? Finals are only a week away.” Jake left the room and entered his own while Joey went to take control. Jake smirked in satisfaction. It had felt great to punish that bully. He will be tortured by the spell forever and will be most likely committed to a mental facility for life. Humph, serves him right. He will never recover and will be tormented still after he dies. Jake laughed evilly at the punishment he had inflicted. He had enjoyed it and hoped to have another opportunity to do so again.
Joey headed to school the next day, wondering if the bully would confront him again. He wasn’t too concerned about any injuries as Jake could heal them as this was his body too. He smiled as he thought about his yami. He still didn’t know where the book had come from, but it was clear that it was meant to come to him. Jake’s voice was similar to his, but it held a dark tone that he guessed was part of being a yami; after all Atem and Bakura had deeper voices than Yugi and Ryou did.
“Hey, Joey,” Tea said as the blonde sat. “You hear about the class monitor? You know, the bullying one?”
“No. What happened?”
“He was found behind the school, screaming in terror. He kept saying that giants were hurting him. He’s in the hospital, but doctors don’t know what to do.”
“That’s odd. When did they find him?”
“Yesterday evening. Rumors say he won’t come out of it and may go to an insane asylum.”
Last night? But Jake said he had already left when he took control of my body. Did he lie and if so, did he do something to the guy? He is a sorcerer, he could have put a spell on my attacker. But, why? I thought he was a nice guy. Could I be wrong? Is Jake more like Bakura? Joey kept the worry off his face as he wasn’t ready to tell anyone that he had a yami who was possibly an evil one. I need answers and once school’s over, I’m going to talk to Jake and get those answers.
Chapter Five- Getting Together Again
“Jake, what did you do to that guy?” Joey asked as he studied his notes at home.
“Don’t play innocent. You lied that he left when I passed out. I found out today that he’s in the hospital and seems to be in a mental hell. You did that, I know you did. Why?”
Jake was silent for a moment. “I despise bullies,” he said at last. “I was angry that he hurt you and said you weren’t a real man. To me, you are a man for choosing not to fight. I wanted him to experience the feelings his victims felt when being bullied. I guess I used too much power in the spell due to my anger. I’m sorry, hikari. I’m afraid he won’t come out of it as I don’t know a counter spell.” Jake sounded on the verge of tears and the guilt was clearly evident.
“Jake, I’m sorry too man. You know, being upset with you. You were protecting me, the way Atem did for Yugi.”
“Thank you, Joey. I promise to not do something like that again. You have my word.”
“Okay and thank you for protecting me.”
Joey broke the connection and Jake smirked. Oh, Joey is so trusting. He actually believes I regret punishing that guy and he thinks I won’t punish anyone else that picks on him. In fact, there is the gym teacher that irritates Joey and his friends. I will have to make sure that Joey doesn’t suspect me of dealing with the teacher. But that can wait. I still need to think and acquire the perfect object for Joey’s new home. I wonder if Bakura has any ideas. I will try to contact him to ask him.
Bakura took stock of Ryou’s game supplies, but also examined the items that would be taken to a museum a few days after graduating. Of course after the exhibit, they’ll be returned to their original home and places. Hmm, maybe one of those items could be used to hold Joey’s soul. Bakura grabbed the inventory list he had made and scanned it. It took Bakura a few pages before he found the perfect item: A well-preserved necklace worn by Egyptian royals. Such an item would surely be returned to the tomb it had resided in and would stay there for eternity. And Joey’s soul could be inside it if Jake agrees to it. If he does, we could lure Joey here to do the sealing.
Jake stayed within his Soul Room the rest of the week, studying his spells, strengthening his already strong magic, and thinking of what item he would use to house Joey’s soul as well as how to contact Bakura. He was asleep when Joey knocked on his door late Saturday morning. “Jake? You awake, yami?”
“Joey?” Jake yawned. “I’m awake now and I believe that’s the first time you called me your yami.”
“Well, you call me hikari sometimes so it makes sense to call you yami.”
“True enough. So, what’s up?”
“I was wonderin’ if you want to take over. Finals start Monday and I could use today to study with no distractions. I learned how to make mental copies of my books and notes.”
“Impressive. Sure, Joey. I’ll take over.” Jake opened his door to see Joey smile and nod as he entered his room. He closed it as Jake took control of the body. He opened his eyes to see he was sitting at Joey’s desk. He checked his watch before grabbing the phone and dialing Ryou’s number that he had gotten from Joey’s mind. He heard it ring three times before a deep angry voice said, “You better have a good excuse for disrupting study time, whoever you are.”
“It’s me, Bakura. Joey let me take over so he could study in peace.”
“Jake,” Bakura’s voice dropped before saying softly, “I was hoping to see you again and have some fun.”
“My thoughts exactly and I have a request to make of you.”
“Well, meet me where we talked last time and I’ll see what I can do.”
“Agreed.” Jake hung up, checked his clothes and reflection, and left the room, looking forward to spending time with his partner in chaos and future co-ruler.
Twenty minutes later, both dark boys were seated and had food and drink in front of them. “So,” Bakura said after taking a sip of soda. “What’s this request of yours?”
“I am having trouble deciding on what object in which to seal Joey. I thought maybe you might have an idea or two.”
“Ah, it turns out I do have one. Ryou’s father has boxes of Egyptian artifacts that will go on display a few days after graduation. There is a perfectly preserved royal Egyptian necklace among them. I imagine that necklace will be returned to the tomb it came from after the exhibit and remain there. It would be fitting if the necklace was Joey’s prison.”
Jake’s green eyes lit up and an evil smile came to his face. “Yes. Perfect, Bakura. All that’s left is to lure Joey there. Then, I’ll take over, seal him away, and place the indestructible spell on it.”
“Speaking of spells, I believe you are the reason the class monitor is in the state he’s in.”
“Correct. He will never recover, will probably be transferred to an asylum, and his terror will follow him to the afterlife.”
Bakura laughed. “Oh, that’s very good. I was responsible for sealing souls in objects back when I was a spirit in the Millennium Ring. One such person was the gym teacher.”
“The one who irritates my hikari?”
“Oh, yes. But I lost a Shadow Game to the pharaoh who got help from Ryou. All my sealed victims were released and I was left weak in the Ring to gradually regain my strength.”
“That’s too bad. Well, I was thinking of punishing him only I have to do it so Joey won’t suspect me. He wasn’t too happy with what I did. Didn’t take him long to figure out who was responsible.”
“Naturally; with the Millennium Items buried, magical sources are rare.”
Jake nodded. “It’s a bit frustrating to have to tread cautiously when you have to share a body with a hikari and avoid detection from a pharaoh.”
“Very true. However, he’s studying as is the pharaoh. So, we’re free to cause some damage. I’m thinking property. You use your magic and I cause some while being invisible.”
Jake perked up at that. “Sounds like fun. I could definitely cause damage with magic and I think I’ll target some building owned by Kaiba Corp.”
“Ooo, Kaiba will be furious at the damage.”
“He can afford it. I explored Joey’s mind extensively,” he added at Bakura’s surprised expression. He shrugged. “If I plan to impersonate my hikari before we disappear, I need to know everything about him.”
“Naturally. Now, let’s get to causing some damage and maybe talk about our world of darkness next time we meet.”
People screamed and ran as chunks of a building crumbled and fell to the street far below. Some of the debris either broke into smaller sharper pieces or shattered to powder. Jake laughed softly, unheard amidst the buzzing of the crowd, wondering how this occurred. He passed through the crowd, blending in. He chose other random spots around town, causing different amounts of debris to fall from different heights. Most of the targets were Kaiba Corp ones, but he also picked random targets to confuse people and make them wonder if all of them had structural flaws to them. He strolled down a sidewalk and jumped slightly when several storefront windows shattered, lots of people getting cut by the glass. A chunk of masonry suddenly broke off one building before a few signs fell over and broke off from overhead. Jake concealed a grin behind a hand. Bakura was enjoying himself- big time. Jake loved watching the destruction occurring across the street and wondered what his friend envisioned for the dark world they would rule. I will ask him when next we speak.
Chapter Six- Finalizing Plans
“Have a good study time, hikari?” Jake asked as he laid back on the bed.
“Oh, yeah. I’m ready for the first one on Monday.”
“Good, so I’ll let you take over.” Jake and Joey switched and the former headed to his room, eager to plan his punishment on the gym teacher, Karita. The idea of sealing his soul appealed to him and he saw this as an opportunity to practice the spell so that all went perfectly when he used it on Joey.
I don’t need a particular item for him and I may let him out after Bakura and I take over the world; he could become one of our servants. I plan to make the pharaoh my personal slave once I steal his will and whatever power he has. Of course, I will share that power with Bakura. After all, he’s the one who found the perfect receptacle for Joey’s soul and helped free me as well. I see the two of us ruling a world of eternal night as immortal rulers and all bowing before us. Our enemies will be enchanted to serve us forever. Jake sighed at the mental image and as his eyes closed and he fell asleep, those images became a realistic dream.
Joey sailed through the gap, getting yelled at as usual. It was finally Monday and the start of finals. He looked over his history notes again on Sunday, not bothered by Jake’s questions of historical event, modern Egypt, or the schedule for finals. He found it cool to have someone to talk to at home as his dad wasn’t great company. Jake surprised Joey with another bundle of cash that actually eliminated the remaining debt. Joey didn’t know that Jake had gotten it from his hidden sack when he returned from his day out with Bakura; he believed Jake had conjured it. He liked having a yami; it was cool, the incident with the monitor notwithstanding. Jake had been true to his promise of not causing trouble.
Jake watched Joey take his test, occasionally pushing correct answers to the forefront of Joey’s mind. Jake could have taken the test for Joey and gotten a perfect score but that would have attracted attention; heck if Joey had gotten them all right that would look suspicious, not to mention possibly attracting the pharaoh’s attention; something Jake did not want to do. So, he only pushed the answers to the questions with the most points.
“Jake, were you helping me with that test?” Joey asked at lunch.
“A little, yes. You noticed.”
“How could I not? One moment I don’t know the answer and the next, I did.”
“I just wanted to make sure you passed. I apologize.”
“Just don’t do it again unless I ask.”
“All right.” The connection closed and Jake rolled his eyes. He hadn’t counted on Joey noticing his help. He figured the blonde would think all his studying helped a lot. Well, I couldn’t really help myself. I mean, it is history and I’m ancient history. So, no helping unless he asks. Jake cast his mind to the finals schedule Joey told him. There was a P.E. final on Friday and Jake had that long to wait to punish the instructor. That suited him fine as he had to time it so he could take over without Joey being aware. And since I can seal my thoughts from him, that part will be easy.
Bakura kept glancing at Joey and re-living Saturday. He had helped Jake decide on what item to use for the sealing and then he had caused property damage while invisible. He savored his handiwork when it was featured on the evening news along with Jake’s damage. He had been right about Kaiba being furious. The CEO vowed vengeance on the person or persons responsible. His threat while a bit scary was of no concern. Soon, Jake and I will rule the world and it won’t matter what anyone thinks. I wonder what Jake plans for this world we’ll rule. He’s clearly had time to think on it. Hmm, I better think of how I would like to rule and tell Jake so we can put them together.
Joey strolled through the part of town that wasn’t closed to the public. The news of the destruction had raced through school that day and everyone wondered if it was just structural integrity or an environmental cause. Joey, however, had another probable cause. “Jake, did you damage the buildings?”
“Me?” Jake sounded shocked. “Why would I do that? I’m a good sorcerer. I resent your implication.”
Joey heard the hurt in Jake’s voice and felt bad. “I’m sorry. Guess I’m jumping to conclusions ‘cause of the thing with the monitor.”
“I did promise not to cause trouble.”
“You did.” Joey slipped into an alley. “You wanna take over? I’d like to prepare for the next test and this would make up for accusing you.”
“Uh, thank you. I would love to.” Jake took control and stepped out of the alley. He smirked as he set off down the sidewalk. Joey was so trusting. He believed Jake was a good person who kept his word. Jake did keep his word if it suited him. He did tell Bakura they would rule together and he intended to do that as the thief was a charming companion and fun to be around.
“Jake!” a voice called and the dark sorcerer looked around to see Bakura across the street, against a wall. He jerked his head to the alley next to him. Jake crossed the road and followed the thief into the alley. “Nice to see you out and about, Jake.”
“Joey accused me of the building damage and when I took offense, he offered to let me take over as an apology.” He smirked. “He’s a fool and he’ll end up regretting it, but by then it’ll be too late. His body will belong to me.”
“And we’ll rule the world. I am curious of what you envision of our future. Care to share?”
“Indeed I do. I see us immortal and ruling a world of eternal night. I plan to make the pharaoh my personal slave once I have taken his will and power, the latter of which I will share with you. All will bow to us and the pharaoh’s friends will be enchanted to serve us in some way.”
Bakura nodded. “I like that. Allow me to share my vision. I see us living in an elaborate palace in Egypt. I have Ryou as my personal slave and the technology and companies of the world still running but cooperating with us as we will control them. If they choose not to cooperate, we’ll destroy their company.”
“Very nice. Yes, I like that. So, we will live in luxury in Egypt in a palace as immortal rulers in eternal night. We will each have a personal slave and our enemies serving us. We will have control of the technology and companies of the world. I will have to make a small change to the immediate plan. The necklace must not end up in the museum. I will dispose of it in the Nile when we begin our reign. That will insure that Joey will never return even though he would be trapped forever in the necklace.”
“I will hide it and scratch it off the inventory.”
“Excellent. Now, I plan to seal the gym teacher after the Friday final, without Joey being aware of me being responsible.”
“Put him to sleep. I did that with Ryou when I sealed the teacher.”
“Yes, of course. Why didn’t I think of that?”
“You would have. I believe I also have a way to lure Joey to my house.”
“I’ll claim that Ryou and I want his opinion for an aspect of a new game we’re developing. I’ll have the necklace out on the table and say that it’s the aspect.”
“Yes and when he goes to look at it, I will put him to sleep again, take over, and seal him.”
“Exactly. What do you think?”
“That should work. I will persuade Joey to go if he hesitates.”
“Okay. Now about the immortal part of the plan. How will we live forever?”
“A spell from my book that I had been unable to use. However, the five thousand years I spent in the book enabled me to absorb all the spell, knowledge, and magic in it. I can do practically anything but the stronger the spell, the longer it takes to recover. A sealing spell will require a few days to recover.”
“Well, our immortality will give you that time after you use it. I imagine it’ll take time for our enemies to confront us and you’ll be at full strength when they do.” Bakura laughed and Jake joined in.
Chapter Seven- Sealing
“And…time,” Karita shouted. “All right, you wusses,” he said amidst groans and pants. “Note your number of push-ups, hand it in, and get your written portion of the final.”
Joey grimaced as he wrote down his number. How does this guy expect us to write our test after push-ups? That’s just wrong.
“Indeed, how,” Jake piped in. “Hard to believe someone would hire a man like him to teach.”
“Well,” Joey said as he got his paper. “I won’t see him again after next week, so it’s fine.”
Oh, yes, Jake thought. You won’t actually see him again after today. He will never teach again. I may unseal him to serve Bakura and me. While sealed, he won’t age so I can release him much, much later to be our servant. He watched Joey take his test, rubbing sore biceps as he did so. Jake smiled; putting Joey to sleep will be easy with him sore from the physical portion of the final.
Joey groaned as he flopped face-down on his bed. Every muscle in his body ached and he knew sleeping was going to be hard with this level of pain. I need to escape this pain. Luckily, I can do that. Joey closed his eyes as his soul traveled to his Soul Corridor. He arrived in the hall and a wave of sheer exhaustion swept over him. He hadn’t felt it earlier due to his muscle aches. He swayed slightly before falling forward, Jake catching him and easing him to the floor.
“Oh, my poor hikari,” Jake said, stroking the blond hair. “You need rest.”
“I do,” Joey mumbled. “I came here to escape my muscle aches.”
“Sleep, Joey. I’ll take care of our body aches.” Jake ran a hand over Joey’s head, casting a sleep spell that would keep the blonde asleep until dawn. Joey fell into his enchanted sleep as Jake put him to bed and took over.
Jake opened his eyes and grimaced as pain raced through him. He slowly exhaled as he ran his fingers over his limbs to ease the pain before getting up, picking up the sealing item, and leaving the apartment to head for the school. He knew the teachers would still be there, thanks to Joey’s mind and careful observation on his part. He entered the school and allowed his magical senses to lead him to his victim. He soon found himself out Karita’s office and saw the light on. He must be grading papers, he thought. No matter. Someone else can pick up the slack. He gripped the knob, opened the door, and stepped in.
“Hey!” Karita barked. “Students aren’t allowed in here unless summoned.”
Jake was aware that he was still wearing Joey’s uniform, but pushed that thought aside as he focused on Karita. “That may be, but who said I was a student?” Jake bared an evil smile as he stepped up to the desk. “I find you heartless as a teacher. You make your students do physical exercises before written tests, not caring that they’re so sore they can barely write.” Jake reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a blank card. “Therefore, I seal your soul in this card until such a time when I decide to release you!” He held out the card and chanted. Karita’s body glowed gold and his eyes went blank as a gold beam shot from his body and into the card, Karita’s face appearing on it.
Jake smirked for a moment before he staggered, a hand to his temple. As he knew, the spell took quite a lot of strength. It’s worth it, though, he thought. More so when I seal Joey eventually. Jake lowered his hand and made his weary way home where he flopped face-down and retreated to his Soul Room, Karita’s soul card securely hidden.
Joey stared blankly ahead the next day, listening to Yugi practice his graduation speech having been chosen to speak. Yugi had grown more confident over the last two years and had no fear of public speaking. Joey ascribed this confidence to when Yugi won the Ceremonial Duel, proving ready to be without Atem only his deep friendship with the pharaoh kept Atem around and as a result of that, Bakura got to stay, delighting Ryou. He couldn’t believe that he had to be in school on a Saturday for graduation practice, but that was minor to another matter. Joey’s thoughts were on the news of Karita. He had been found slumped over his desk, unresponsive. He had been taken to the hospital and declared to be in a coma.
Joey suspected Jake again, but reconsidered. He woke up in exactly the same position he had been when returning home after school. His muscles felt a lot better and when he thanked Jake, the spirit sounded weak. He admitted that a healing of this magnitude took a lot more of his strength than he expected. “I’ll be fine,” he had said. “I just need to rest for a few days.” Joey chose to accede to his request and decided Jake couldn’t have harmed Karita if he was worn out from healing their muscles.
Hours later, the gang was relaxing outside, chatting happily about graduation that would occur in a week…except Yugi. He was thinking about a trio of strange events that had occurred in a relatively short period of time. The mental breakdown of the class monitor, the building damages, and now Karita’s coma. He suspected the first and third incidents were related- as if they were committed by the same person.
Yugi continued to mull over it as he prepared for bed and his quiet contemplation attracted Atem’s attention. “You were rather quiet this afternoon,” he commented as he stood in the doorway of Yugi’s room. “What’s on your mind?”
“It’s the class monitor and Mr. Karita. It’s strange that their conditions are like penalty games.”
Atem looked thoughtful. “You are correct,” he said at last. “It is possible that there is someone with dark or shadow magic walking around.”
“Do you think he’s trying to lure us to him?”
“I don’t know. Usually our enemy seeks us out. The only thing we can do is keep our eyes open and look for anything suspicious.”
Yugi nodded. “Of course.”
Jake laid on his bed, eyes closed but wide awake. His strength had mostly returned which made sense as it was now Monday. He sensed Joey was in school, but he wasn’t too concerned about that. He was certain Joey would graduate and then he would claim Joey’s body for his own. All he had to do was wait for Bakura’s call that would set the plan in motion and while he waited, he would regain his strength and list the spells he would use in the coming days after sealing Joey and in what order he would use them.
The cheers and flying hats signaled the end of high school and the beginning of new lives. Joey was thrilled; He would soon be going to college! He was also sad. Tea would be leaving for New York to follow her dream and as the gang followed their plans, they wouldn’t be able to hang out like they used to. Ah, well. We’re out of high school and it’s time to truly begin our lives, but we’ll still be friends. I need to figure out what kind of job I want so I can take the classes for it.
“Maybe a game designer?” Jake suddenly spoke up, startling Joey slightly.
“Jake. You feelin’ better?”
“A lot better. So…does a game designer sound good?”
“It does. Okay, game designer it is.”
Jake smiled as he stared at the ceiling of his Soul Room. He had just insured that Joey would go to Bakura’s house when the time came. It shouldn’t be much longer.
Joey felt like ripping out his hair as he stared at the college catalog of classes two days later. He had no idea which classes he would need for the career Jake had suggested. Oh, he had figured out some of the basic classes, undergraduates they were called. But the other classes seemed confusing. Perhaps I’ll understand after a couple of semesters.
The phone rang. “Hello?” he said.
“Hi, Joey,” came Bakura’s voice.
“Bakura? What do you want?” Joey was suspicious. Bakura had never been friendly, so why the call?
“I just want your opinion on a piece of a game Ryou and I are designing. I’d really appreciate it if you would come look at it.”
“I don’t know…”
“Joey, do it,” Jake urged. “This would be a great opportunity to see what your future as a game designer could be like.”
“I’ll be right over,” Joey said before hanging up and departing the apartment.
Chapter Eight- Success
Bakura grinned as he laid out the necklace. He wasn’t sure why Joey changed his mind, but he was sure that Jake somehow convinced him to come over. Ryou was out at a hobby shop to begin collecting pieces for a game he was in the process of building; the rules were set so the building could proceed. He paced back and forth waiting for Joey. He was anxious for Joey to show up so that Jake would be able to truly live. The doorbell rang and Bakura rushed to answer it.
“Joey, I’m glad you’re here,” he said as he opened the door.
“Well, I had decided to earn a degree as a game designer and this could be a chance to see how my future could be,” Joey said as he entered and followed Bakura.
The thief nodded. “Yes. Good thinking.” I suspect Jake gave him that idea. He led Joey to a downstairs room and over to a table and gestured at the necklace. “This is the item. What do you think?”
Joey’s eyes went wide. “Whoa. It’s beautiful.” He leaned over and could see his reflection in the blue highly polished stones. “You and Ryou made this?”
“Really good, huh?”
“Hikari, may I see?” Jake asked.
“Uh, Jake. No one else knows about you,” Joey said before going into the Soul Corridor.
“Yes, of course.” Jake came up beside Joey. He planted a hand on Joey’s shoulder and said, “Sleep, Joey.” The blonde swayed as his eyes slid shut and he slumped to the floor. Jake smiled as he took control for good.
Bakura saw Joey’s hair turn dark brown and spiked. “So, he’s asleep?”
“Yes,” Jake answered. “It’ll wear off once he’s sealed. First, to make the item indestructible.” He put a finger on it and chanted the spell. The necklace glowed briefly. “Now for the Sealing spell. Farewell, Joey.”
Jake chanted the spell, making sure that he visualized a permanent sealing. His body glowed gold before a stream came out of his chest and mind and entered the necklace. Jake swayed and put a hand on the table to steady himself. He looked down to see Joey’s awake and stunned face in the stones. “It is done,” he said.
“Hey, what is this?” Joey demanded.
“Joey, you fool,” Jake sneered. “I tricked you. I am actually an evil sorcerer who was sealed in my book for attempting to kill Pharaoh Atem. I needed you to release me and I pretended to be good so that I could take over your body and seal you so you can’t take it back. You are permanently trapped in that necklace which I will drop in the Nile when Bakura and I are ready to rule the world!”
“NO!” Joey screamed while Jake and Bakura laughed crazily.
“Jake,” Bakura said once they recovered. “You’re welcome to stay here and recover.”
“Thank you but no. I have enough strength to teleport back home and I’ll take Joey with me. I need to insure no one hears him calling out, at least at first.” He scooped up the necklace. “Once I’ve recovered, I’ll teleport us to Egypt to begin our reign. I’ll make us immortal once we have our palace.” He spoke a word and vanished from the house. He appeared in the bedroom and stuffed the necklace in his cash sack, making sure the money was on top of it and the sack closed. The necklace secured and muffled, Jake laid out on the bed, yawned, and stretched. It felt great to have his body all to himself. He didn’t have to ask to take over or have to give control to someone else. Sealing Joey was really my only option. If I had killed his soul, I too would cease to exist. As long as Joey’s soul lives, I will live until I cast the immortality spell. Then, I won’t rely on his soul to live. Jake’s eyes slid closed and he fell asleep, content in knowing that he had full-time control of the body.
Joey moaned to himself. He had gotten an evil yami and had been extracted from his body. He was now forever trapped in a necklace that will end up at the bottom of the Nile. Man, this stinks. I’m a disembodied soul and I suspect only my yami could free me. Of course he won’t and no one else knows about Jake except for Bakura. Jake can no doubt disguise himself as me so Atem won’t recognize him. Joey took a deep breath and opened his mouth to shout Jake’s name, but nothing came out. Oh, great. I can’t talk now. That’s what he meant by at least at first. Joey silently screamed in despair. His future was now one of darkness and true despair.
Jake awoke hours later, grabbed some cash, cast a spell to look like Joey and change his wavelength to mimic Joey’s, and headed out to buy some food and enjoy being alive and free. He looked around as he walked and could easily imagine the world shrouded in eternal night. The future he envisioned would soon be reality. He returned home to see Joey’s father asleep on the couch. Jake frowned; he never really dealt with the man but had witnessed the interaction between father and son. I need him out of the way and I think I know how. Jake swept off to the kitchen and brewed a potion to put the man into an eternal sleep. He poured it into a bottle of beer, capped it, and put it on the coffee table to insure he would drink it. He then made himself some dinner and took it upstairs to eat in peace. As he ate, he felt his magic returning faster than it did when he sealed Karita. Could it be because there’s only one soul in this body now? It’s possible that two souls had to share whatever food was consumed. If that’s the case, then a plentiful supply of food will be required in order to regain my strength quicker and as Mr. Wheeler will soon be asleep forever, that won’t be a problem.
Bakura dropped by Jake’s two days later to see how the sorcerer was doing. He answered the door dressed like a pharaoh, a sack in one hand and a spell book tucked under that arm. Jake held out his free arm. “What do you think?”
“Very nice. You have an air of command about you and that you expect to be obeyed.” Bakura’s voice held a note of envy.
Jake swept his free hand up and down in front of Bakura, changing his clothes so that he was dressed as a pharaoh too. “Well, if we are to rule, we should look the part. My magic has full returned and now, to Egypt where we will live in luxury.” He chanted a word, they vanished, and appeared in a flat expanse of desert, a section of the Nile River nearby. The two teens surveyed the area silently before looking at each other and nodding. The spot was perfect.
“No onto the next item on the agenda.” Jake approached the river, put his book down, opened the sack, and pulled out the necklace. Joey’s face looked back at him with dull eyes. Hmm, it seems the spirit is broken. Jake felt no compassion for Joey’s broken state. Instead, he tossed the necklace into the water. The moment it hit the water, a crocodile rose up and swallowed it before vanishing. Jake raised an eyebrow at this unexpected twist. Well, that will definitely insure that he’s lost forever.
Jake gathered his items and returned to his partner. “I have an idea of what our palace should be like, but I want to include your ideas.” Jake put two fingers to Bakura’s forehead and read the thief’s mind. He broke contact, faced the space before him and chanted a lengthy spell to conjure a palace that was a mix of Ancient Egyptian architecture and modern conveniences. The enormous palace shimmered into existence complete with a wall and gates to secure it. Jake headed toward it with Bakura behind him. The sorcerer waved a hand, the gates opened, and closed once they were inside.
“You definitely seem stronger than before,” Bakura commented.
“I consumed a lot of food so that I can cast the spells I need to use today and tomorrow so that I don’t suffer total exhaustion. One final spell remains for today.” He faced Bakura, put a hand on the chest, put the other hand on his own chest, and chanted a spell even longer than the previous one. Bakura felt a sense of peace and invulnerability wash over him and when Jake lowered his hands, Bakura said, “So, that’s it? We’re now immortal?”
“Correct. We will never age, be eternally healthy, and any attack on us will fail.” He looked up. “I will darken the sky tomorrow. For now, let us enjoy our new life of comfort. I plan to start by sitting on my throne.” Bakura gave a grin of agreement as he followed his fellow ruler inside.
Chapter Nine- World Plans
Jake sat on his throne the next day, head propped up by one hand with the elbow on the armrest, his eyes on the large TV hanging above the Throne Room entrance. Bakura sat on his own throne also watching the screen which showed a reporter with their palace in the background. The sound was off yet it was obvious that the appearance of their home was the story. It was their first official day of rule though no one else knew it but now seemed the time to put the next part of their plan into action and let the world know that things were about to change.
Bakura stood and stretched. “Well, Pharaoh Jake, shall we greet our subjects?”
“Excellent idea, Pharaoh Bakura. You set down the laws while I darken the sky.” Jake stood and the two pharaohs left side-by-side.
The palace gates opened and Jake and Bakura strode out them and toward the reporter and her cameraman. As they drew closer, they heard the woman say, “Two royally dressed teens have just emerged from the mysterious building. Hello. May I ask your names?”
“Yes. I am Bakura and this is my friend Jake. We are the owners of the palace and as of today, we are the pharaohs of this world.”
The woman blinked at the response and then gasped as the sky overhead turned black with night. “Yes,” Bakura continued. “We will rule in eternal night. Every business and service will continue to operate but they answer to us unless they want their livelihood to crumble to the ground. All technology will perform same as usual.”
“We are hiring,” Jake added. “We ask for anyone wishing to serve as guards, cooks, and housekeepers to come to us. You will state your business at the gate and we will decide whether or not to admit you.” Jake wiggled his fingers and a hard white card appeared which he handed the reporter. “Our cell numbers are on the card and will be released to the global public. We order all businesses big and small to call us within two weeks and swear loyalty to us as well as ten percent of their profit each month. Fail to do so and the business will be destroyed and all that work there will become our slaves for eternity.” Jake bared an evil smile. “Lastly, we will be addressed with the title Pharaoh preceding our names. That will be all.” Jake turned and headed for home, Bakura beside him.
Yugi and Atem gaped at the news report. “I can’t believe it,” Atem said with soft anger. “He escaped.”
“You know him?” Yugi asked. “This Jake?”
“Oh, yes. He’s an evil sorcerer who wanted to be a royal magician but was denied for his skills in dark magic. He attempted to kill me before Mahad sealed him in his own spell book. I’m afraid Jake came into contact with his hikari and took him over as that is the only way he could be free.”
“And he and Bakura are running the world?” Yugi was appalled.
“Not if we have anything to do with it. Book us a flight to Egypt Yugi as soon as possible.”
“You got it.”
“You put Joey’s father in an eternal sleep?” Bakura asked.
“Yes. He would have gotten in the way of ruling, looking for his ‘son’. He had to be taken care of.”
“I’m not going to argue with that.” Bakura regarded a list in his hands. “I see that so far small businesses have called in.”
“Indeed including the utility companies nearby who will allow us to use whatever amount we want for free.”
“As it should be.” Bakura’s phone rang and he answered. “Hello?”
“Bakura, what sick game are you and Wheeler playing?” a familiar voice demanded.
“That’s Pharaoh Bakura, Kaiba. This isn’t a game and Joey has nothing to do with this. I am one of the world’s rulers and you will show Jake and me respect or we will lay waste to your precious company and your employees, you, and your brother will serve us. Understand?”
“Yes…Pharaoh Bakura.”
“That’s better. So, do you pledge loyalty to us and our ten percent monthly tribute?”
“Yes, Pharaoh Bakura. Kaiba Corp belong to you and Pharaoh Jake,” Kaiba’s voice choked.
“Good. We expect your tribute before the month ends.” Bakura hung up and scrawled Kaiba Corp onto the list. “Well, Jake, we now control the world’s biggest gaming company.”
“Excellent. It’s been less than twenty-four hours since the broadcast and we control a fair amount of businesses.”
“We’ve also hired a few guards. They were mostly homeless and were eager to have a position, especially when they were told we have servants’ quarter for them to sleep and live in,” Bakura added.
Jake nodded. They had guards and the loyalty of some businesses, but his revenge remained unfulfilled. He wanted Atem to come so that he could enslave him. Patience, he told himself. I’m immortal now so I have to have patience. He will come. He will not stand aside and allow Bakura and me to rule a world of darkness.
Bakura leaned back in his throne. He had always dreamed of being pharaoh of Egypt. Now, he was one of two pharaohs ruling the entire world. Every business hadn’t called in yet, but they would if they wished to still be running. Yet, despite the gradually growing control, one part of his half of the plan was missing: His personal slave, Ryou. He would seize Ryou’s will and that would bring him under his control. He imagined all manner of things he could command the boy to do. He could hardly wait for that day, but first Atem had to come. He needed his share of Atem’s power to enslave his hikari.
Jake’s phone rang and he answered. Bakura couldn’t hear what was being said but the smile of satisfaction on the brunette’s face told him it was good news. “Thank you for telling you and be sure your tribute arrives before the month ends.” He hung up and said, “Add Kame Game Shop to the list and Mr. Moto has informed me that Atem and Yugi had just left for the airport.”
“Excellent.” Bakura added the name to the list. “You will soon have your slave and Yugi will be the first of our enemies to serve us.”
“Yes and once Atem is in my power, I will give you your share of his power so that you can enslave Ryou when he comes.”
Ryou sighed as he packed a bag. His yami was a pharaoh ruling the world and was sure the other pharaoh, Jake, had corrupted Bakura maybe even had him under a spell as he had seen Jake darken the sky on TV. Well, as soon as he arrived in Egypt, he was going to march up to the gates and demand to see “Pharaoh” Bakura. I will speak to him and determine whether he’s under a spell or acting of his own free will. If it’s the latter, I’ll wish him luck and return home.
“Yugi and Atem are flying to Egypt?” Tea asked.
“Yes. They plan to confront Jake and Bakura and end their reign of world domination,” Solomon said. “To be honest, I don’t see how. They took over so quickly and quietly none of us were aware of it until the news report.”
“Uh, well thanks for telling me. Bye.” Tea hung up before dialing again. “Tristan, it’s Tea.”
“What’s up, Tea?” he asked, hearing the worry in her voice.
“Mr. Moto just told me that Yugi and Atem are flying to Egypt right now to confront Bakura and Jake.”
“That’s crazy. That Jake looks like he’s got strong magic. I mean, look what he did to the sky.”
“Yeah and Jake looks a little like Joey in terms of face shape.”
“You don’t think Jake did something to Joey, do you?”
“Well, we haven’t seen Joey for days and no one’s picking up at his place. One of us could call them and ask about Joey.”
“No, Tea. We don’t call. We go after our friends and learn Jake’s story.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure, Tea. My best pal’s missing and two dark pharaohs are trying to take over the world. We’re good at saving the world.”
“Yeah, you’re right. Book us a flight and we’ll head out to help Yugi and Atem.”
“Got it, Tea. See you at the airport.” Tristan hung up before calling the airport to by two tickets to Egypt.
Chapter Ten- Confrontation
Yugi and Atem entered Cairo’s terminal and began to head through it toward the front. They planned to rent a vehicle and driver to take them to the palace so they could end this. It had been thirty-six hours since the broadcast and by this point Jake and Bakura controlled about thirty percent of the planet. It seemed hard to believe that they had seized control so quickly and announced that the world would exist in eternal night; indeed a dark sky was an indicator that something was wrong. This cannot continue, Atem thought.
“Yugi!” a voice called. The pair turned to see Ryou heading toward them, a bag in hand.
“Ryou? Why are you here?” Yugi asked.
“To find out if Bakura’s under a spell. If not, then I’ll go home without him.”
“He could be under a spell,” Atem said. “Jake is an evil sorcerer.”
“And that’s why we’re here,” Tea spoke up as she and Tristan approached.
“Tea! Tristan!” Yugi exclaimed. “You’re here because of Jake?”
“Well, Tea thinks he may have something to do with Joey’s disappearance and I’m starting to think so too.”
Atem frowned. “He could have, especially if Joey was Jake’s hikari and came into contact with the book that held Jake’s spirit.”
“So Jake possessed Joey?” Tea gasped.
“That could be. If so, we must find a way to help Joey expel that evil spirit.”
“Are you Mr. Moto and friends?” a voice spoke up. The group turned to see a short man, his eyes fixed on Yugi.
“Uh, yes,” Yugi answered.
“Wonderful. I have been appointed by Pharaohs Bakura and Jake to drive you to the palace. Please follow me.”
They exchanged looks as they followed the man. It was clear that Jake and Bakura knew they were coming because of Solomon, except for Ryou. The only way they could have set all this up would be if the airport was under their control and the employees had called them to report. It was a mark of how there was no place in the world to hide from the dark pharaohs. The drive out was nerve-wracking and heart-pounding, everyone thinking about the coming confrontation and not paying attention to anything else. The vehicle soon pulled up a respectful distance from the palace. “Final stop,” he announced. His passengers got out and he left, spraying sand as he did so.
“He’s not going to wait for us?” Tristan said angrily, brushing sand off.
“That does not bode well,” Atem said.
Ryou marched up to the gate with the others behind him. He spied a camera mounted high on the gate to see who approaches and focused on it. “Pharaoh Bakura, I wish to see you and my friends wish to see Pharaoh Jake.”
“Welcome, Ryou,” came Bakura’s voice as the gates opened. “Enter and come to the Throne Room. A guard will escort you.” Sure enough, a guard stood to lead the group. As they walked, Tristan whispered to Ryou, “Why did you call him Pharaoh?”
“I reasoned if I showed respect, they would let us in and they did.”
The guard entered the Throne Room and bowed. “My pharaohs, the visitors,” he said.
“Good,” Bakura said. “Leave us.” The guard bowed again and as he left, Bakura continued. “Ryou, how good of you to visit.”
“Pharaoh Bakura, are you doing this on your own?”
“You mean am I under a spell?” Bakura sounded amused.
“I assure you, I am not under a spell. Jake simply proposed a future that I found more appealing.”
Atem glared at Jake who smirked at him. “I knew you would come. You would not let Bakura and me rule the world.”
“Yes, that’s true,” Atem said as he led the group forward. “I suspect you found your hikari since you are free.”
“Oh, yes and it’s all thanks to Bakura. He located him and it was your friend, Joey.”
“So you did possess Joey?” Tea asked.
“I did, but now Joey is sealed away and I have full control. He is lost in the Nile and will never return.”
There were gasps and Atem said, “You…madman!”
Jake stood, fury sparking in his eyes. “Silence!” he shouted, pointing at Atem and casting his spell. Atem stiffened and his eyes went blank as his will and power flowed out of him and into Jake. He smiled as he savored the strength of the will that belonged to him. “Atem, take your place,” he commanded, pointing beside his throne. Atem complied as Jake touched Bakura’s hand and transferred half of Atem’s power to him.
“Atem!” Yugi gasped before glaring at Jake. “What have you done to him?” he demanded.
“I have taken his will and power. He is now my personal slave. You will all serve us.”
“No!” Yugi said, staring in horror at his friend whose eyes remained blank. The driver leaving them was now clear: Jake and Bakura had planned to enslave them all along.
“You can’t stop us. After all, if I can put a spell on your friend here, then there’s nothing you can do.”
“He’s right,” Bakura said before summoning his new power and pulling Ryou’s will from him. “Ryou, come!” He snapped his fingers and pointed beside his throne. Ryou complied and Bakura changed Ryou’s clothes to what he had worn in Ancient Egypt. He nodded to himself in approval before turning his attention back to the others.
Tristan scowled at Jake and his fists clenched. “You sealed away my best buddy,” he said, voice choked with anger. He yelled a battle cry as he charged forward, his fist flying toward Jake’s face. But before it could connect, it hit a barrier and Tristan flew backwards and hit the ground. “Tristan!” Teas said, going to his side.
“You can’t hurt us,” Jake sneered. “We are immortal and all attacks will fail. Now that Bakura and I have our personal slaves, we will enchant you three to serve us as well.” Jake stroked his chin as he contemplated his options.
Bakura was also thinking of how they could serve them. They can’t remain human. They would find a way to escape. If they were to become animals to protect or serve us, then they wouldn’t remember being human or even think of escaping. His eyes flickered over to Tea and Tristan and a smirk came to his face. “Jake, I have an idea for those two.” He gestured to them. “I insist the girl serve me.”
“Granted. Show me your idea.”
“Of course, but first…” He looked at Ryou. “Slave, hold him.” He pointed at Tristan. Ryou obeyed, holding the tall teen’s arms behind him with astonishing strength.
“Ah. Atem, hold Yugi,” Jake ordered. The teen obeyed, keeping Yugi immobile. “Now, Bakura if you would.”
Bakura lifted his hand at Tea and focused. Tea gasped and staggered back, a hand flying to a temple. She fell to her knees and her hands were planted on the carpet. She cried out in horror as her hands melded into black hooves and hair sprouted over her arms that was the same color as the hair on her head, changing them into forelegs. The hair spread over her body and a tail of hair sprouted behind her as her feet became hooves.
Jake’s eyes lit up as the transformation continued. He’s turning her into a horse. Yes, that’s perfect! Tea and Tristan will become our horses with no memory of being human and have total obedience to us. “Brilliant idea, Bakura. Have Ryou release Tristan.”
“Slave, release him and come back.” Ryou returned to his master’s side as Jake cast his spell on Tristan.
Chapter Eleven- Giving In
Yugi watched horrified as his friends gradually changed into horses. He craned his neck to look back at Atem. His blank eyes made him look like a stranger. I have to get through to him. Desperately, Yugi said, “Atem, I know you can hear me! You can’t let Jake control you! Break free of his control!”
Jake laughed. “He won’t break free, little Yugi. His will belongs to me and will only return if I die and since I’m immortal, he will obey me for the rest of his life!”
A duo of whinnies caught Yugi’s attention and he looked to see a pair of magnificent brown horses, one a little taller than the other. He felt tears well up and spill over. Two of his friends were slaves and the other two were now horses obedient to Jake and Bakura and thought only as horses. Jake conjured bridles onto them as Bakura said, “Ryou, take them to the stables.” Ryou took Tea and Tristan by the bridles and led them out of the room.
“Atem, release him and return to my side.” Atem did so and Yugi simply stood there, head bowed and waiting to learn his fate. Jake saw the tear stains on the cheeks and knew Yugi had lost the will to fight. The boy was waiting for Jake to decide what to do with him.
“Yugi, you will be our loyal protector and will not remember being human,” Jake finally said.
“So, what will I be?” Yugi asked, a resigned tone in his voice.
“You will be a subspecies of gray wolf called an Egyptian wolf.” Yugi looked up as Jake cast his spell.
Yugi felt the magic wrap around his body and mind. He offered no resistance as he began to change. He dropped to his hands and knees, the former becoming paws with sharp claws within. He grew a coat of thick gray fur and a muzzle of sharp teeth grew out while his ears moved up and became wolf ears that were more rounded than pointed. His knees changed direction bringing his feet to the floor that then became paws. A short bushy gray tail grew out as his limbs became longer than a normal wolf’s, and his legs and body grew bigger with larger muscles. His purple eyes turned gold as his mind reverted and he howled before lying down in front of the steps leading to the thrones, eyes focused on the entrance. Yugi knew his name, who his masters were, and everything relevant to a wolf, but nothing else.
Jake shared smirks with Bakura as Yugi laid down to guard their stairs up and down. He would not allow anyone to pass without their say-so. Jake gestured and a solid gold collar appeared around Yugi’s neck. The wolf gave no hint of noticing. He only reacted when Ryou entered. He lifted his head and growled threateningly.
“Stand down, Yugi,” Bakura ordered.
Yugi laid his head back down and let Ryou pass. All was calm now and he could relax until he was ordered to protect his masters.
Yugi snarled as he leaped upon the man and ripped him to pieces. He then proceeded to eat his kill, his ears hearing the delighted laughs of his masters and knew he was why they were happy. His tail swished happily at pleasing his masters.
Jake leaned back in his throne, watching Yugi eat his kill. He loved watching his protector act vicious and aggressive against all attackers. It had been a month since enslaving Yugi and the others and the entire world bowed to Jake and Bakura- mostly. There were some resisting their rule and those who burst into the Throne Room with the intention of harming the pharaohs were brutally attacked by Yugi upon hearing the order to kill.
Yugi backed up from his meal and began washing his face. Jake called for housekeepers to dispose of the remains. Bakura stood and stretched. “Well, pharaoh if there is no other business, I will retire to my chambers and have Ryou service me.”
“I’m going to check over who needs to pay their tribute before riding Tristan around. Have fun, Bakura.”
“Oh, I will. Ryou, come and service me.” Ryou followed his master out and Jake smirked. Bakura loved having sex with Ryou while he subjected Atem to physical labor and the occasional test subject for spells. I have gotten my revenge and I am now the immortal pharaoh of a world of night. Bakura and I will rule forever with iron fists.