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Heat II

Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron: Legendary Defender. This is a sequel to “Heat.” If you have not read it, please do so now otherwise this story will not make sense.

Lance hummed to himself as he went to the room he shared with Keith. The two moved in together when they found that Keith was pregnant two movements after Keith had gone into heat. Now his omega was five movements along and he looked forward to being the father of a half-wolf child. He saw Hunk coming from the other direction, a full tray in his hands and a scared look on his face.

“Hey, Hunk. What’s up?” he asked once he was closer.

“Well, I was going to bring Keith his dinner, but when I went in, he growled at me in a threatening manner. It really spooked me.”

“Ah, don’t take it personally. Keith’s protecting the baby that’s all. I’ll take his dinner to him.” He took the tray.

“Because you’re his alpha and he won’t react the same way with you.”

“You got it.” Lance winked and headed down the hall. He reached the door and it opened to reveal Keith in bed, eyes closed, and a hand fanned over his belly. His nose twitched before his eyes fluttered open and focused on Lance. A grin came to his muzzle. “Hi, Lance.”

“Hey, baby. Hungry?” Lance nodded at the tray as he entered and the door closed.

“Starving,” he answered. He put a hand under his stomach as he brought himself to a sitting position while Lance put the tray on the bed in front of him. He proceeded to devour his food, literally wolfing it down.

“Wow, you were hungry,” Lance commented.

“Mmm. Want some?” Keith offered some kind of meat.

“I already ate. Thanks, anyway. By the way, you spooked Hunk earlier.”

“Yeah, I remember that. I growled at him. I was warning him to stay away to protect the baby. My…maternal instincts are very strong. I should apologize to him.”

“I know. I told Hunk and he understands why you acted the way you did. Still, an apology wouldn’t hurt.”

Keith swallowed the last of his dinner and licked his muzzle clean. Lance put the tray on the table and moved to sit behind Keith. He reached up and scratched behind one of his ears. Keith whined with pleasure and then panted as the scratching increased.

“You like that, don’t you?” Lance crooned. He stroked Keith’s hair.

“Lance, I love every touch you do. I also love you.”

“Of course and I love you too.” Lance stroked Keith’s tail and it wagged in response. “Hey! Quit moving the tail when I’m trying to stroke it.”

“Sorry. I love your stroking and can’t resist wagging it.”

Lance smirked as Keith stilled his tail so the alpha could keep stroking it. Keith leaned his cheek on Lance’s shoulder and sighed softly, his ear’s tip brushing the side of Lance’s ear.

Lance continued to run his fingers over the black tail while his other hand went around Keith’s waist and rested gently on his mate’s stomach. “Does it move much?” he asked.

“It does on occasion. I try to sleep when it wants to sleep.”

Lance smiled and then blinked at sudden movement. “Hey, it moved.”

“Really?” Keith said sarcastically. “I couldn’t tell.”

“Sorry, Mullet. I don’t get much of a chance to feel our baby move.”

“Yeah,” Keith said softly. “Sorry about that.”

“Don’t worry about it.” Lance snuggled Keith and soon both mates were asleep.

The End