Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Only the seahorses are mine.
Chapter One- Lovestruck
Syrus staggered toward the shoreline, moaning and groaning all the while. I’ve got to hurry, I’m almost out of time. He staggered into the tide and stopped. He wasn’t a good swimmer and so could go no further…not yet, anyway.
“Syrus! Wait!” called a voice.
Syrus turned to see his older brother, Zane, dashing toward him. Syrus winced as his legs throbbed and he collapsed onto the wet sand. My legs won’t move and they won’t support me anymore. It’s almost time.
“Syrus.” Zane crouched down beside his brother. “Please, don’t go.”
“I have to,” Syrus answered, voice trembling with pain. “I can’t stop what’s happening to me. Everyone on the island knows that a small number of humans become merpeople. It turns out that I was one the ones to get the signs. He pulled off his jacket to reveal gill slits on the sides of his neck; one on each side. They fluttered in the breeze. He nodded at his legs. “I can’t stand anymore. I’ll soon have a tail and then a merperson will surface to lead me to his or her village.”
“Not only the people who get the signs can become merpeople,” Zane pointed out.
“True, but the way to do it carries a price, sometimes a heavy one.” Syrus moaned at another ripple of pain. “Please, big brother, go inside. I don’t want you to see me change. I want to remember me as I was.”
Zane wanted to protest, but the pleading looking in Syrus’ eyes made him relent. “All right. Goodbye, Syrus. I will miss you, little brother.”
“I…I can come up to visit. I just don’t want you to see me in extreme pain which is what growing my tail will be.”
“I understand.” Zane turned and walked away. He stepped in a grove of palm trees and watched his brother sitting in the incoming tide, his legs off to one side.
Syrus bowed his head, eyes on the wet sand. He would have given anything to not be among the few who would live in the sea for the rest of his life. He was a shy guy and a poor swimmer so why did he get the signs? A few months after his fifteenth birthday, he started getting constant dreams of water and swimming underwater while breathing. The latter dreams showed a brunette merboy with a red tail who told him that he would become a merman and that he would know when it was time and what to do. The brunette also explained that someone would show up to welcome him. Syrus continued to have these dreams and he woke up one morning after three weeks of having these dreams to find that he had grown a pair of gills. He was so distressed by their appearance that he took to wearing a jacket with the collar turned up to conceal them. It was a dream with the merboy that night that told him that gills were the second sign to occur; the dreams being the first. This same merboy revealed that Syrus would grow scales on his legs and once that was done, the muscles would throb and eventually collapse before the legs and feet would become a tail and fins.
Syrus told his family about the dreams and the merboy in his dreams as well as what he was told and showed them his gills. His parents were dismayed but accepted that Syrus would live in the sea. Zane, however, seemed angry and jealous which surprised Syrus for Zane had always seemed so calm and cool. He’d rather be the merman instead of me. I wish I could switch places with him. I want to stay human.
Syrus cried out and collapsed on his side as pain rippled and surged through his limp legs causing them to jerk straight out on his left. His pants concealed the fact that his legs were covered in yellow scales. He gasped and moaned before craning his neck to see his feet transform into pale yellow fins. His eyes widened and he screamed as he felt his legs starting to merge. He screamed and let out a loud howl of pain as a scaled yellow tail ripped out of the middle of his pants. Syrus panted from the pain that had ended and propped himself up on his right arm. He heard the sound of splashing and a familiar voice that he had only heard in his dreams. “Welcome, Syrus. Wow, yellow. I’m kind of jealous.”
His eyes flew open and looked to see the merboy from his dreams sitting in the shallows. “It’s you,” he said. “The one from my dreams.”
“Yeah, the name’s Jaden. Everyone who becomes a merperson is visited by someone who is chosen to be their guide. The shaman said I was to be yours and be able to visit you in your dreams to explain what was going to happen to you. He knew your name and said I would introduce myself once you finished changing.” Jaden ripped off Syrus’ pants while the latter removed his shirt. “Okay, Syrus. Take my hands and I’ll help you into the water and how to swim. Yes, I know you’re a poor swimmer. The shaman told me.”
Syrus stretched out and grabbed onto Jaden’s hands, the latter using his tail to pull himself backwards while pulling Syrus forward. The sky blue-haired boy was pulled onto his stomach and toward the shallows. He slide across sand and water before feeling the sandy bottom fall out from beneath him. He felt panic at that. Oh, man! I can’t swim! I’m going to drown! He desperately tried to kick his legs but instead his tail moved back and forth rapidly.
“Whoa! Syrus, calm down.”
“I don’t want to drown!” His eyes were wide and his hands, now free, splashed about wildly.
Jaden took a calming breath to avoid saying his next words with sarcasm. He just became a merman, he’s still thinking like a human. The shaman warned me about that, he reminded himself. “Syrus, you can’t drown. You’re a merman now, remember?”
Syrus stopped thrashing and felt his fins flick, keeping him above the water. “I’m sorry,” he said sheepishly. “I…I panicked.”
“You still have human instincts concerning water. Those will fade away, but you’ll still be human inside with matters like love, compassion, things like that. Merpeople have those feelings, too.”
“So, I’m still human. I just have a tail instead of legs.”
Syrus smiled a little. Suddenly, being a merman didn’t seem so bad. “Okay, I’m ready to learn to swim.”
“Well, you learned to tread to stay above the water. That’s a start. Let yourself sink and don’t panic about drowning. You’ll be fine.”
Syrus exhaled slowly and stilled his fins. He sank under the surface to see a world of blue before him. He took a breath and smiled a little more. I’m breathing underwater, just like in my dreams. He looked up to see Jaden dive down, his tail briefly surfacing.
He grinned at seeing his new friend breathing. “Good, you’re not holding your breath. Now, watch and do what I do.”
Zane winced when he heard Syrus scream. He had just seen his brother’s feet turn into fins and admired their pale yellow color when Syrus screamed. He clapped his hands over his ears, but kept his eyes focused on the sight before him. He watched as the pant legs of Syrus’ pants flattened and a long yellow tail ripped through the middle. A yellow tail? Well, it makes sense as the fins are yellow. I had no idea he would have a yellow tail as Sy started wearing pants when the scales started to appear and he refused to show them to our parents or me. I guess he felt self-conscious about them. He knew Syrus hadn’t wanted to change and considered the fact that he was doing so to be unfair. I understand that, only I think it’s unfair that I’m not changing. I think it would be cool to have a tail and be able to breathe underwater.
Syrus’ cries ended and Zane saw a figure surface and move toward the shallows. His mouth fell open. The newcomer was handsome! The afternoon sun glinted off his brown hair and the water on his red tail sparkled. Wow! I think I’m in love. He watched as the merboy approached Syrus and heard him introduce himself as Jaden.
Jaden. That’s a wonderful name. I want to meet him. But Zane stood there, unable to move. He instead watched Jaden speak to Syrus, and pull him into the water. It was clear that Syrus was still fighting his fear of drowning but a few words from Jaden calmed him down. Zane couldn’t hear them, but he watched as Syrus sank under the water and Jaden dived, his tail visible for a second before disappearing.
Zane remained motionless, his eyes focused on the shoreline where Syrus’ clothes lay while his mind’s eye pictured a brunette with a red tail. I love him and want to be with him. I don’t care how much it cost, I will become a merman.
Chapter Two- Undersea Life
“Oh, this is so cool!” Syrus exclaimed as he did a loop-de-loop through the water. He had taken some time to learn to use his tail, but soon enough he was moving through the water with ease.
“I knew you’d think so,” Jaden said as Syrus did a backflip.
“This is better than I thought. I…kind of hated the fact that I was changing.”
“Really? Well, I guess I can see why. I’d probably feel the same way if I was becoming human. Not that I have anything against humans!” he said hastily. “I like them! They’re cool and-,”
Syrus laughed at Jaden’s fumble. “I like you, Jaden. I’m glad you were chosen to be my guide.”
“I like you too, Sy. Can I call you Sy?”
“Sure. My brother sometimes calls me that.”
“You have a brother?”
Syrus nodded. “An older one. I think he’s kind of jealous that I was changing and he wasn’t.”
“I’ve heard stories of humans who didn’t get the signs but become merpeople anyway, however-,”
“It involves a heavy price?” Syrus cut in. “Yeah, we have the same stories on land.”
“Would your brother actually do that?”
“Maybe. Maybe not. He could calm down and decide that staying human would be better for him.”
Jaden nodded. “Yeah. A couple of years ago there was a brother and sister. The brother, who was older, became a merman but not the sister. Atticus does visit her and says she’s not the least bit jealous of him, though she was at the time he was changing.”
“Atticus? As in Atticus Rhodes?”
“Uh, I don’t know his last name. He’s got brown hair like me only darker and dark brown eyes.”
“That sounds like the Atticus I know or at least the one Zane knew.”
“Let’s find out. He lives in my village. Come on.” Jaden swam off and Syrus followed, wondering if there would be others he knew and if Zane would forget about becoming a merman.
“You saw Syrus change?” Alexis asked Zane over the phone. “Zane, no one should watch someone change. I didn’t, mostly because Atti asked me not to.”
“Sy did ask me to leave, but I was curious, Lexi. I’m glad I did for I believe I saw the one I’ll marry one day.”
“I’m in love with the merman who came to lead Sy to his new home.”
“Zane, that’s crazy. Humans and merpeople can’t marry. Maybe love one another, yes, but not marry.”
“And you know this, how?”
“Atti told me. I asked him about it out of curiosity.”
“I see. Well, when Sy does visit, I’ll admit to spying and that I fell for his guide. Maybe he’ll bring him along next time he visits.”
Sounds like a plan, Zane. Good night.”
“Night, Alexis.” Zane hung up and he started out his bedroom window which gave him an excellent view of the ocean. He still desired to be a merman but now it was more than simply having a tail for he was head over heels in love. There are people on the island who claim to be sorcerers, sorceresses, wizards, or witches. Some are even listed in the phone book. I’ll look them up, write a list, and then visit them to see if they can make me a merman. I’ll even wonder around to see if there are any not listed in the book. Zane nodded as he got up and left his bedroom to look through the phone book.
Syrus stared at the village laid out before him with his mouth open, Jaden amused at his expression. It looked a lot like his hometown on land with obvious differences. The building were made of stone or coral, the paths were for merpeople only, and the lamps seemed to be fueled by electric eels. “It looks like home,” he said softly and in awe.
“We did model it after the one on land,” Jaden admitted. “We update it whenever we get a new merperson, usually when they mention something we missed. Of course, we rarely get new merpeople that way, so we usually get information from humans, some of which show pictures so we can have an idea of what we’re constructing. This is done to make new citizens, like you, at ease with their transition.”
“That’s real nice,” Syrus said as he followed Jaden down into the village. He couldn’t help looking around to spot differences and similarities. The businesses were in the larger buildings and not all of the businesses on land were represent here, such as clothing stories and electronic stores. There were alleyways, but no sign of out-of-the-way businesses like on land and the alleys were clean and lit with lamps.
“I don’t see any small magic places, Jaden.”
“Magic places?” Jade looked over at Syrus. “They don’t live in the village. They prefer caves and sunken ships. Desolate, lonely places. No one really goes to them because all of them charge heavy prices, unlike the human equivalent or so I’ve heard.”
“Yeah, most of the human ones charge money.” Syrus turned his attention to the citizens, noticing that they all had one of four colors: Red, yellow, blue, or green. He felt at ease as he swam among them; he actually blended in but was still noticed as he was new. They smiled at him and welcomed him to their village. He didn’t recognize any of them and it drove home to him how very few humans changed. So, it’s just Atticus and me, at least I hope it’s the Atticus Zane knew.
“Hey! Jaden!” a voice called, causing both boys to look over to see an older merboy with dark brown hair and eyes and a blue tail heading their way.
“Hey, Atticus,” Jaden said once they were closer.
Atticus looked at Syrus and recognition showed in his eyes. “Syrus! So, you got the signs, too.”
“I did. My parents didn’t like it, but knew they couldn’t stop it. Zane was jealous, though.”
“Yeah? I think that’s because he had lost me, his best friend, to the sea and now he’s lost his brother.”
“So, you think he’s jealous because he’s lonely?”
“Possibly. He does still have my sister to talk to and hang out with.”
“I can visit him, though.”
“Of course. I do it with Alexis a lot. She asks a lot of questions which makes sense. After all, merpeople can’t become humans. Not even with magic. So, where are you staying, Sy?”
“Uh, I don’t know.”
“How about with Jaden and me? I wasn’t comfortable staying with my guide, even though it’s traditional.”
“Yes, I’d love to stay with you guys.”
“Well, come on and we’ll show you where you’ll stay and maybe give you a tour,” Jaden said.
Syrus sighed as he laid in his new bed that night. It had been quite a day. He had woken up that morning as a human with gills and scales and became a merman in the afternoon. He met Jaden and got re-acquainted with Atticus. He was given a tour of his home and the village before sampling the food he would eat from now on. It had been weird-tasting for most part and had admitted it to his friends.
Atticus had laughed. “I understand. I said the same thing two years ago. My guide had told me rather harshly to get over it. I’ll just tell you that you’ll get used to it.”
“I don’t doubt that,” Syrus had said.
I’ll grow to like it here. It’s somewhat familiar as it’s modeled after the city I left. I can’t return to land; the sea is my home and that’s the only bad thing: I can only live in water. Zane can travel over land, sea, and air while I can only travel through water. Even though I now like being a merman, Zane’s lucky to still be human. I will have to make sure I tell him so when I visit him. Syrus sighed again and fell asleep.
Chapter Three- The Search
“I’m sorry, Mr. Truesdale, but there is no way to do what you ask.”
“I was aware of that, but I thought I ask, in case things had changed.”
“I am afraid not and even if it was possible, it would likely be either temporary or permanent.”
“Temporary, as in one-time only spell.”
“Spell or potion, yes that’s it.”
“Very well. Thank you for your time.” Zane left the small, shabby shop and once out of sight and earshot, scratched the name off his list and sighed in annoyance. That was the last one listed and none of them can do what I want, not even the unlisted ones. They all claim that it’s impossible. Perhaps the stories of humans becoming merpeople without getting the signs were just myths.
Zane stormed off to the shoreline where merpeople chose to show up to either sunbathe in the shallows or speak to the islanders that happen to be there. This shoreline was closed off from the rest of the island and only the natives knew how to reach it. He stood near the edge of the shore where the tide meets the sand and just gazed at the water. His brother and his best friends were part of that world and he wanted to join them. He also wanted to be with Jaden, the merman he fell for even though he knew nothing about him.
“Zane? Zane!” called a familiar voice making Zane blink and focus on a yellow-tailed merboy with sky-blue hair.
“Sy!” he exclaimed, wading into the shallows where Syrus was. “I wasn’t expecting to see you so soon.”
“Well, I have a lot to tell you and Atticus directed me to this area.”
“I have a lot to tell you also, but you first.”
“Okay. I’m staying with my guide, which is traditional. His name’s Jaden and he’s really cool. I’d like to think of him as a new friend and speaking of friends, Atticus is also staying with Jaden. Apparently, he didn’t really get along with his guide.
“The village is actually modeled after the city. The magic shop aren’t there because the warlocks and sea witches prefer desolate places. No one goes near them as they’ll strike deals with heavy prices attached. The food’s unusual and tastes weird but I’ll get used to it. I’m doing well and I’m quite happy.”
“I’m glad you have a place to stay and friends to watch over you. I have a confession to make. I was curious about your change so I hid to watch. I’m sorry.”
“You did? Then, you already knew about Jaden.” Syrus sounded hurt and angry, but only a bit as Zane had apologized.
“I did and the moment I saw him…I fell head over heels in love.”
“What!? You’re in love with him? But, you don’t really know him.”
“I’m aware of that but that doesn’t change how I feel. I spoke to Alexis last night and she said that Atticus told her that a human and a merperson can love one another.”
“Oh. Would you like me to tell Jaden how you feel? Maybe set up a meeting between you two?”
“I would like that and again I’m sorry I didn’t leave when you told me to.”
“It’s okay. I’ll talk to Jaden and I’ll come back here in two days at this time with Jaden.”
“Agreed.” He watched Syrus pull himself into deeper water before diving down, showing off his tail briefly. Zane felt another stab of jealousy. He really wanted to be a merman. Syrus made it look so amazing. But, there’s no way to do it…
“Ah, darling. That’s where you’re wrong.”
Zane nearly jumped at the unexpected female voice that interrupted his train of thought. He looked to see a pale woman with red eyes and long green hair. She seemed to be looking at him with admiration.
“I’m wrong about what, Miss…?”
“Just Camula, darling. You’re wrong about not able to become a merman, for I am an enchantress who can grant your wish.”
“An enchantress? I don’t recall seeing anything like that in the phone book or the city.”
“Oh, I don’t have a permanent shop. I have an ability to sense when my services are needed. I go to where my clients are.”
“That’s…impressive and very convenient for the customers. So, there is a way for me to have a tail? To live in the sea?”
“Yes, there is. It will take a little time to gather the necessary equipment. Meet me right here shortly after dawn tomorrow, okay?” She winked and an eye blink later, she was gone.
“Your brother says he’s in love with me?” Jaden repeated, stunned.
“But he doesn’t know anything about me except my name and I don’t know him.”
“True, but Zane said he fell head over heels.”
“His head went over his heels?” Jaden blinked in confusion.
Syrus face-palmed and Atticus chuckled. “No, Jaden. Syrus means he fell deeply in love the moment he saw you.”
“Oh! As in head over fins in love?”
“Yeah!” Syrus said. “Head over fins.”
“I wouldn’t mind meeting him. Maybe strike up a friendship at least. I like making friends. After all, you and Atticus are my friends.”
“Great. We’ll go see him in two days.”
Zane once again stood in the incoming tide, admiring the post-dawn light sparkling on the surface. He really hoped Camula could help him. He loved Jaden and wished to marry him one day. I’ll settle for being engaged, right now. And if Camula can’t help me, well I’ll be meeting Jaden tomorrow. He closed his eyes and pictured Jaden’s face.
“You’re here. Excellent.”
Zane opened his eyes and looked to his left to see Camula with a wooden crate in front of her. She kneeled behind it and gestured for Zane to sit in front of the crate so that it was impromptu table.
“Now, then,” she said once he sat. “I know you wish to be a merman, but why is it so important to you?”
“I’m in love with a merman. I know his name and what he looks like, but nothing else.”
“Ah, love at first sight then. Does he know you?”
“Only my name as my brother know how I feel and is Jaden’s new friend.”
“So you are virtual strangers to one another.”
“Yes. Is it necessary for you to know this?”
“Absolutely. I have a few human to merperson spells and each one has specifics the must be fulfilled if it is to work. Now, what do you hope to happen with this Jaden?”
“I hope t marry him one day, but for now I would be happy to be engaged, maybe even just a kiss.”
“I see. You wish to spend the rest of your life with him.” She lifted one end of the lid and dug into it before closing the lid and spreading a roll of paper and a pen beside it, using small rocks to keep the paper in place.
“I believe this one will work. I will make a potion that will turn you into a merman for two weeks. That will give you and Jaden a little time to know each other. Now before those two weeks expire, Jaden must propose to you. Naturally, you’ll accept and once he kisses you or vice versa, the potion will be permanent and you’ll stay a merman.
“However, if he doesn’t propose, you’ll be human again and you’ll be engaged to me instead. I find you a handsome man, darling and would love to have you as my husband one day.”
“That sounds like a fair deal. So, what’s your price?” He fished out a money bag.
“Oh, I don’t want money. My price is your voice.”
Chapter Four- Deal Made
“My voice? But then, how will Jaden get to know me?”
“Oh, I imagine you looks and gestures will do. Plus, your brother can help. Aside from your parents, who would know you better than your brother? When you get your kiss, you’ll get your voice back. You will also get it back if we become engaged.” She nodded at the paper. “So, do we have a deal?”
Zane looked at the paper. The terms were all spelled out on it as was the price. It all looked reasonable; the only downside was that he would be unable to talk for two weeks. Syrus can help me tell Jaden about myself. Either way, I’ll be engaged. He picked up the pen. “It’s a deal,” he said as he signed the paper, knowing that he most like said his last words for a while.
“Excellent.” Camula gathered up the paper and pen before fully removing the lid to reveal a small cauldron inside which sat vials of ingredients, a ladle, a long stirring stick, a cup, and a clear round ball on a thick cord. She removed all the items, put the ball necklace around her neck, and pulled out the cauldron and lit a fire under it before pouring water into it.
She came over to Zane’s side and knelt down. “Time to pay my darling Zane.” She pressed her lips to his in a business-like manner and pulled back. Zane began to cough, each one harder then the last. He then gave a very hard cough and a ball of light came out which Camula captured in her necklace. “Lovely,” she said, gazing at it for a moment before turning her attention to the cauldron. With her attention on brewing, Zane tried to say something, but though his mouth moved, no sound would come out. Then, that was my voice that emerged. I had my doubts that my voice could be taken, but it did happen.
Camula turned back to Zane, a cup full of potion in her hand. “Drink this and then quickly head for the water,” she said as she brought Zane to his feet and pressed the cup into his hands. “This will simulate the signs one experiences only far faster and more intense. Of course, it will hurt, but worth it, yes?”
Zane nodded and drank the entire potion down. He finished it, handed back the cup, and rushed to the water. He had reached the shallows when his legs collapsed, causing him to land on his rear with his limbs sticking straight out. He felt pain in his neck and reached up to feel gill slits. He looked down to see his knees and lower legs covered in blue scales. Then he threw his head back in a silent scream as pain surged through his numb legs. The intensity increased and Zane silently howled as a blue tail burst through the middle of his shorts. The last fourth of the tail rose to show that his feet had turned into pale blue fins before the pain ended. He glanced back, intending to mouth “Thank you,” to Camula but she and her possessions were gone.
He exhaled before proceeding to remove the shorts, underwear, and shirt before pushing himself further into the water. He felt half of his new tail hanging off the edge of the shallows and he eagerly pushed himself further, slipping off the shallows and sinking under the water.
Zane took his first breath underwater, and felt his gills flutter as they took in water and sent oxygen to his brain and body. He delighted in being able to breathe underwater before looking at his tail. The transition from skin to scales started below his belly button and was so seamless and natural, it was amazing. He moved it back and forth, causing him to rise upward. He leaned forward and flicked his tail, resulting in forward motion. He smiled and moved it faster, sending him through the water quickly. He silently laughed as he swam about, enjoying his dream come true. He was soon wandering about, not sure where the village was or how to ask for directions if he met a merperson. He flicked his fins in annoyance. Suddenly, a lack of voice is really inconvenient.
“Zane!? Is that you!?” a shocked voice sounded. He turned to see his brother nearly, his mouth hanging open.
“…,” Zane tried to speak, his relief of finding someone who knew him drove his lack of voice from his mind. The absence of words reminded him however and a hand flew to his mouth.
“Zane?” Syrus said apprehensively. “Did you make a deal with someone and gave them your voice?” Zane nodded and Syrus groaned. “I was afraid you would be desperate enough to do that. I assume this is about having a tail and because of Jaden. How long will this last?” Zane held up ten fingers and then four more. “Fourteen days? Just two weeks?” Another nod. “Well, follow me and we’ll go see Jaden and Atticus.” Syrus turned and swam off with Zane behind him.
Syrus glanced back at his brother who was looking around at the flowers, coral, and fish they passed. He sighed as he faced forward. He had been out for a leisurely swim, looking forward to seeing Zane the next day and starting a friendship between him and Jaden. We had agreed to the meeting and then Zane goes and makes a deal with someone in order to be a merman and be with Jaden. And he’s only got two weeks…to do what? I’m guessing there’s some kind of condition he has to fulfill if he wants to stay a merman.
He stopped above the village and Zane stopped beside him, gaping at the resemblance to the city. Syrus couldn’t help grinning at Zane’s shock before leading the way again. He went straight to his home and once inside, called, “Jaden? Atticus?”
“We’re here, Sy,” came Jaden’s voice as he and Atticus swam in. “What’s…up?” Jaden stopped and stared at the merman behind Syrus. Oh, wow! He’s gorgeous! I wonder who he is.
“Zane!?” Atticus gasped. He swam up to him and stared at him in disbelief before taking him in a hug. “Oh, I missed you, pal. It’s great to see you.”
“Uh, Atticus. Zane didn’t get the signs like we did.”
“Yeah, I know. He obviously found someone to change him.”
“Yes, but he only has two weeks and paid for it with his voice.”
“What?” Atticus pulled back. “Zane, you didn’t.”
Zane nodded and moved his mouth to prove it. He saw disappointment and a bit of pity in his friend’s eyes and felt annoyed. He wanted to be with Jaden and this was the best and only deal he could get. He was thinking of leaving and wait for his two weeks to wear off when Jaden swam up to him.
“So, you’re Zane.” Jaden flashed a grin at him. “You’re really cute.” His comment elicited a blush from Zane and Jade knew he would enjoy Zane’s company for the short time he would be here. Or is there a way for him to stay? Speaking of which…
“Would you like to stay with us?” he asked.
“Of course he is,” Syrus piped in. “He doesn’t know anyone else.”
“Syrus is right,” Atticus added. “And besides, we’ve got plenty of room.”
“Great.” Jaden took Zane’s hand and pulled him down a hallway. “There’s a spare room next to mine that you can sleep in.”
Syrus watched as Zane was led down the hall. It was clear from Jaden’s comment that he found Zane to be cute. That was a good sign in terms of a possible romance. The two of them could spend time together to see if they were a good match and Jaden would talk to Zane about himself. Of course, I would tell Jaden about Zane as he can’t do that.
Atticus also followed the pair before shaking his head. “Why in the world would Zane make such a deal? His voice for two weeks as a merman?”
“I know, but I think there’s a condition he has to fulfill and if he does, he gets to stay.”
“That would be nice. It would be better if he could talk.” Syrus nodded and Atticus wondered if he would get comfortable with his best friend unable to talk for possibly the rest of his life.
Chapter Five- Conversations
Zane looked around at everything as he was guided on a tour of the village. Yes, it was modeled after the city, but not every shop was in the same place nor was every shop represented. He was shown where the floral shops were as well as restaurants, department stores, and grocery stores.
“I think the one thing we have that the city doesn’t is farmland.” Jaden pointed off in the distance. “It’s over there and so are the stables.”
Zane looked at Jaden, at the distant point, and back at Jaden. Stables? What kind of sea creatures do merpeople ride?
Jaden managed to interpret Zane’s questioning look and said, “This might sound unbelievable but the stables house giant seahorses. Of course, we don’t ride them too close where humans could see them. Oh, and some merpeople are professional seahorse racers. They hold races every two weeks with this week being that time. Maybe we could go watch them?” he said hopefully and was relieved to see a nod.
Jaden led the way to a cozy coffee shop and ordered two drinks. Once the drinks arrived, Jaden said, “So, where should I start telling you about myself?” Jaden drummed his fingers for a moment. “Well, I guess the beginning would be a good place. I had my parents until I was ten. After that, the village shaman took me in and got me a place for me to live and provided me with money to buy furniture and groceries. I’ve been on my own until two years ago when Atticus arrived and he soon moved out of his guide’s home about two weeks after his change. We’re good friends, but that’s it. He’s a bit girl-crazy and it’s obvious that the girls love him. Me, I’m friendly with girls and guys, but I found I rather have a relationship with a guy.
“I enjoy exploring caves and ships that aren’t occupied by warlocks and sea witches, swimming out into open water and doing tricks there, and of course sunbathing, and maybe having conversations with the human natives. I love hearing about their lives and learning about things that Atticus hadn’t mentioned.”
“Zane’s a merman!?” Alexis exclaimed.
“According to Syrus it’s only for two weeks thought I wonder how he found that out as Zane can’t talk.”
“Can’t talk? Atti, back up a little please.”
“Okay, Zane’s in love with Jaden who was chosen as Syrus’ guide.”
“He did say he fell for a merman, but didn’t mention a name. He did say he wanted to marry him one day.”
“Did he? Hmm, interesting. Anyway, Sy believes Zane made a deal to become a merman and paid for it with his voice. I think Jaden became interested in Zane the moment he saw him. I believe I’m getting an idea about what deal Zane made based on what you just told me, sis.”
“I think if Zane gets Jaden to marry or at least be engaged, he’ll stay a merman.”
“A proposal in two weeks is possible, but marriage takes longer than that.”
Atticus nodded. “Okay. So, if Zane proposes and Jaden accepts then Zane will be a merman for good.”
“Wait. How can Zane propose if he can’t talk? Maybe Jaden’s the one who has to propose and of course, Zane will accept.”
“Good point, Lexi. Yeah, it has to be Jaden who proposes. He’s already told Zane about himself and Syrus is telling him about Zane right now.”
“Come on, Sy. What’s Zane like?”
“Well, while we were growing up, Zane was always confident, calm, and good at almost everything he did. Actually, he’s even good when trying new things.”
“Is he, well, nice? I mean he seemed attentive when I was showing him around.”
“Yeah, he’s nice and friendly. He sometimes has a tendency to be a quiet guy, but that doesn’t mean he’s shy. I’m more of the shy one.”
Jaden grinned. “I kinda sensed that when I gave you the tour. What does Zane like to do?”
“He likes going to the beach, browsing stores, swimming of course, and horseback riding to name a few.”
“Horse…back riding?” Jaden rolled the words around in his mouth. “What’s a horse?”
“It’s like a seahorse except it has four legs with hooves and a tail of hair.”
“And humans ride them.”
“Right. I know Zane would love to go seahorse riding.”
“I’ve already asked if he wanted to watch the races later in the week.”
“Sounds like fun. Maybe Atticus and I can go watch too. We’ll leave you and Zane alone.”
“Yeah, you could, but it would be more fun if we went as a group. The whole village usually comes out to watch.”
“So, it’s a big deal.”
“Oh, yeah. You know, I think I’ll ask Zane about going seahorse riding after the races. Have you seen him?”
“I think he went swimming in the open waters. I saw him heading that way earlier.”
“I’ll go out there, find him, and ask him.”
“Okay, see you both later.” Jaden swam out and about a minute later, Atticus swam in. “Oh, hey Atticus.”
“Hey, Sy. I was talking to Lexi about Zane and she gave me an idea of what kind of deal Zane made.”
“Yeah? What’s that?”
“She suggested that if Jaden proposes to Zane and he accepts, then he’ll get to stay with us.”
“Ja has to propose? I don’t know if he thinks of Zane like that. He finds him cute, yes, but to like him enough to propose?”
“Well, I’ve lived with him for two years and Ja’s been known to do some unexpected things. He may just propose before the two weeks are up.”
“I hope so. Something tells me that there’s another side to this deal that Zane’s accepted but would rather not have to do.”
“So, you’re not upset with him anymore? I know you seemed upset earlier and that it had to do with your brother.”
“Yeah, well we had talked about me bringing Ja with me tomorrow so they could start a friendship and then Zane goes and makes a deal that changes that.”
“It changed the time and place, but not the intention. If there’s to be any romance, there has to be friendship first.”
“You have a point. Plus, Zane gets to enjoy having a tail while earning Ja’s friendship. He’s been wanting a tail since I first started changing.”
“Earning Ja’s friendship won’t take long.”
Zane moved his tail as fast as he could and sped through the water at great speed. He laughed in silent delight at swimming so fast. I absolutely love this! It’s been almost a day since the deal and I don’t regret making it one bit. Whether I become Jaden’s fiancée or Camula’s, I will remember these two weeks forever.
“Hey! Zane!”
The older merboy turned in response to see Jaden heading toward him. He gave a big smile and a wave, making it clear he was happy to see him. He knows how I feel about him and I know he thinks I’m cute. I hope he proposes before the two weeks are up.
“Zane, Syrus told me you like horseback riding. I was wondering if you’d like to go seahorse riding with me after the races.”
Zane’s eyes sparkled at the idea. That sounds like a date, he thought as he smiled again and nodded. I can hardly wait to go riding with Jaden.
Chapter Six- Seahorses
Zane gradually adapted to life under the sea and being unable to speak, the latter worth the former. He enjoyed spending time with his brother and his best friend, but truly loved spending time with Jaden. He felt as if they were making progress from friendship to dating. He looked forward to the seahorse races. He suspected that they would be like the horse races he had seen on TV and at the island’s race track.
The day of the races arrived and the village was in a flurry of excitement. Merpeople chatted happily as they discussed which jockeys were participating and which seahorses were racing. Several friendly wagers were made between friends and rival alike. Zane was infected with the same excitement and listened to his friends discuss the jockeys and seahorses.
“Sea Shimmer is tough to beat particularly if Chazz is riding her,” Atticus argued.
“She’s fast,” Jaden agreed. “But if Jesse is riding Ruby, then Chazz and Sea Shimmer don’t stand a chance.”
“You say that because you like Ruby,” Atticus teased. “But I think she’s taken.”
“Hey!” Jaden exclaimed in indignation making everyone else laugh, Zane doing so silently.
“Is Jesse that good a jockey?” Syrus asked once the laughter had died down.
“He’s one of the best,” Jaden said. “And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Now, let’s hurry so we can get good seats.”
The seahorses zoomed around the track, leaving streams of bubbles in their wakes. The eyes of the crowd watched while their owners yelled and shouted encouragement to their favorite jockeys or seahorses. Zane silently cheered on Jesse whom Jaden had pointed out earlier. He had been struck by the similarities he had to Jesse: Their hair color was similar as were their eye color, but where Zane had a blue tail, Jesse had a green one. I hope Jaden like me for me and not because I bear a resemblance to Jesse.
Ruby zoomed over the finish line first, eliciting screams of joy or groans of disappointment. Zane clapped Jesse’s victory and smiled happily at an exciting race. He looked forward to the next one that was coming up. He saw Atticus grudgingly hand money over to Jaden before peering at the program he was sharing with Syrus.
Syrus smiled slightly as the race ended and wages were being settled. These races were no different from the ones on land save that merpeople did not wear special outfits or hats. They did wear jewelry for the occasion, though. He was aware of Zane looking at the program he had in his hands. His initial anger over Zane changing the plan had faded and he enjoyed having Zane around and experiencing new things alongside him. It’s actually fun for us both to be mermen and encounter new experiences together. I’m glad that we’re together; I would have missed him terribly even if I visited Zane constantly.
“Zane,” he said softly. “Atticus says that Alexis suggested that if Jaden proposes to you and you accept, that you’ll stay a merman?”
Zane nodded and tapped his lips. “Oh and a kiss will seal it?” A nod and then a tap on the throat. “You’ll also get your voice back? Oh, big brother that would be wonderful!” Syrus hugged Zane who smiled and returned the gesture.
Jaden looked over at the two brothers as they conversed. He couldn’t hear what Syrus was saying, but he watched Zane’s gestures. The taps to the lips and throat were intriguing. What do they mean? Could it be…a way to keep him here? I wish I knew how to help. I guess I can help by being there for him.
Hours later, the races ended and Jaden and Zane were heading for the stables, the former chatting happily about the steeds housed there. “I personally like Foamy, but Seabiscuit is good too. Stormy is speedy; perhaps too speedy. Even though you’ve ridden horses on land, I would recommend starting out with Coral who is steady and accepting of anyone.”
Zane nodded. It makes sense for me to go with a reliable steed. If I choose to go riding again before I become human again, I will stick with Coral. But, if I get to stay, I will spend time finding out which steed I like best. For now, I will learn how to sit on a seahorse.
Jaden patted Foamy’s neck while the stable hand saddled him up. Foamy neighed softly as he nuzzled Jaden’s hand. The stable hand slipped the bit into Foamy’s mouth and then led the seahorse outside with Jaden following.
Zane floated beside Coral and her stable hand. He knew how to mount a horse and reasoned that mounting a seahorse would be no different. The only question was the position of his tail. Did it go on the left or the right? He watched as Jaden mounted Foamy, his tail on the right. Zane copied him and soon both riders were heading away from the stables.
“Zane, were you uncertain of where to put your tail?” Jaden asked and when he got a nod, continued. “There’s no right or wrong way. It depends on which feels comfortable.”
Zane relaxed in his saddle before flashing a mischievous smile. He pointed at Jaden, then himself, and a distant point. The brunette knew what Zane was suggesting: A race.
“Oh, you’re on. One, two, three…Go!” Jaden urged Foamy on and he quickly took the lead. He grinned at the thought of winning when suddenly Coral was beside him with Zane on her, laughing silently and clearly enjoying himself. The sight of him happy set Jaden’s heart thumping. Wow, he looks even better to me than the first time I saw him. I’m definitely head over fins in love and I want Zane to stay with me forever. But, he’s only got a week left as a merman. Still, just because a human and a merperson haven’t married doesn’t mean we can’t. I’ll go shopping for a ring tomorrow and a day or two after that, I’ll propose.
“Atticus, I want to propose to Zane and I want to do it right,” Jaden said that night.
“Wow, you really love him, huh? Well, first you need a ring. Then, ask him out to dinner. After that, seek a romantic spot and when the moment is right, pop the question.”
“I planned to buy a ring tomorrow. You wanna help?”
“As Sy to help. I want to hang out with Zane tomorrow.”
“Okay.” Jaden swam off to Syrus’ room. “Uh, Sy?” he said as he closed the door. “I plan to propose to Zane and I’d like some help tomorrow picking out the perfect ring.”
“You do? Sure, I’d be glad to help.”
“Great. Thanks, Sy.”
“No problem, Ja.” Syrus smiled as Jaden left. Yes! he cheered. Once Zane accepts and gets a kiss, he’ll be a merman for good.
Chapter Seven- Proposal
The next day Jaden and Syrus began their search for a ring. Jaden knew he would know the perfect ring when he saw it. They stopped at jewelry stores and browsed, pointing out certain rings to one another, but none seemed quite right.
“I don’t know, Ja. I thought that gold one with the shell pieces embedded in it was nice.”
“I thought so too, but it didn’t speak to me.”
“Speak to you?” Syrus repeated.
“Yeah. It was nice, but not quite right.” Jaden swam to a department stores and drifted toward the jewelry section. “Zane’s special to me and I want a ring that’s just as special.”
“Special?” a salesgirl said. “I think I know just the ring.” She bent down and then straightened up with a ring box and in it was a shiny silver band and a deep blue gleaming jewel.
“Oh, yes. Please.” Jaden passed over the money and received the now closed box with the ring inside. He smiled at the salesgirl. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Wow, Ja,” Syrus said as they left. “Zane’s gonna love it.”
“I know he will. And I know exactly where we’re going to have dinner. I’m just not sure about the romantic spot.”
“I think I do. There’s a full moon tomorrow night and a couple of comfortable rocks above the water-,”
“Oh! I know that place! A nice swim to that place after dinner would be perfect.”
Zane scanned his menu the following night and smiled at Jaden once he made his decision. He had enjoyed his time with Jaden and the others and felt a bit sad that in three days, the potion would wear off and he would be engaged to Camula. Jaden likes me, just not enough to propose and I guess that’s fine. We can be just friends and still hang out at the beach and on the surface whenever I go swimming.
Jaden kept sneaking peeks at Zane all through dinner. He’s so handsome, I could just look at him all the time. I know he’ll be human in three days, but he’ll return as my fiancée…at least I hope so. I know he’s head over fins in love with me, but suppose he doesn’t want to be engaged? Jaden blinked as a hand waved in front of his face. Zane lowered his hand and tilted his head, his blue eyes concerned.
“Sorry. I was just thinking that your visit will be over in three days and I really enjoy your company. You feel the same way, right?” Zane nodded and Jaden felt encouraged to proceed with his plan. He signaled for the check. “I want to show you a beautiful spot tonight. I just know you’ll like it.”
Zane swam behind Jaden as he led them out to sea. He enjoyed their surroundings as they traveled. The sea had a beautiful, mystical look to it at night and Zane never got tired of it. He saw a cluster of rocks ahead that protruded above the water and Jaden was following them up. Zane did the same, broke the surface, and felt breathless at what he saw. The rocks had formed into a couple of reclining seats and glowed in the light of the full moon. He saw Jaden pull himself onto one of the seats and then pat the one beside him. Zane complied and the two sat together, their fins and last fourth of their tails still in the water. A breeze sprang up, ruffling their hair and causing their gills to flutter.
Jaden sighed. “What did I tell you? Beautiful, isn’t it? I love coming here. I have so many good memories and times here and tonight I hope to add another.” He reached into my money bag and pulled out the box. He shifted his position so that he was facing Zane. Jaden took a deep breath. “Zane? Will you…marry me?” he asked, opening the box to reveal the ring which glinted in the moonlight.
Zane’s eyes widened at the question and the ring. It was his dream come true! He beamed at Jaden and nodded energetically.
Jaden grinned as he took Zane’s left hand and slid the ring onto it. “I was afraid you wouldn’t accept.” He interlaced his left hand with Zane’s. “I’m happy you did accept and one day, we’ll get married.”
Zane smiled back before leaning forward and giving Jaden a deep, loving kiss. He felt a warm feeling at his throat and just knew that his voice had returned.
They parted and Jaden said, “Wow! I knew you loved me, but you hadn’t kissed me before.”
“There’s a reason for that,” Zane answered.
Jaden gasped in surprise and slipped off his seat, splashing into the water. He surfaced to see Zane laughing. “You-you can talk!” he exclaimed.
“It’s because the terms of the agreement have been fulfilled. I was given a potion to turn me into a merman for two weeks. In order to make it permanent, you had to propose and I had to accept. A kiss from you or me would restore my voice which I used as payment. The kiss also sealed the deal.”
“So, you’ll be staying?”
Zane slipped into the water. “Yes. I’m a merman for good now.”
“Yes!” Jaden cheered, throwing his arms around Zane and giving him a hug. “Let’s go home and tell everyone the good news!”
Zane couldn’t resist giving Jaden another kiss. “I’ve got a better idea,” he said when they parted. “Let’s go home late so that Sy and Atticus are asleep and we surprise them in the morning.”
Jaden grinned at the thought. “Sounds like fun. Okay, we’ll tell them in the morning.”
Syrus awoke the following morning and his first thought was the same one he had before going to sleep: Did Jaden propose? I know Zane will accept and once they kiss, Zane will be able to talk again. I just hope Jaden didn’t get cold fins about asking. Syrus got out of bed and as he moved into the hall, he met up with Jaden. “Morning, Ja. How did it go last night? Did you ask?”
“Uh, well,” Jaden said.
“You got cold fins, huh?” Syrus said, a little disappointed.
“You did?” Atticus asked, coming up behind Syrus.
“No, he didn’t,” Zane said, coming up behind Jaden who was now grinning.
“Yes!” Syrus cheered.
Atticus’ mouth dropped. “You can talk again.”
“That was part of the agreement whether I stayed a merman or became human again.”
“What if Ja didn’t propose?” Syrus asked. “What then?”
“I would then be engaged to the enchantress who helped me.”
“So, either way you would have been engaged?” Syrus asked.
“That’s right. Obviously I would prefer to be engaged to Jaden.” Zane held up his left hand to show the ring.
Atticus whistled. “That’s beautiful. Well, I’ve got a visit with Lexi. I can’t wait to tell her the good news.” He turned on his blue tail and swam quickly out of the house.
“So, when’s the wedding?” Syrus asked at they entered the kitchen.
“Not for at least a year or two. I want to get more comfortable living in the sea. But for now, who wants to go seahorse riding after breakfast?”
“Me!” chorused Jaden and Syrus.
Zane smiled at the response. Life was wonderful now. He was a merman for life, he was with his brother and his best friend, and he was engaged to the best merman in the world.