Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron: Legendary Defender. Haxor is mine though. This is an AU of the first and second season of the series.
Chapter One- Unwanted Treatment
Shiro could hardly believe it: Aliens were real. Sam Holt, Matt Holt, and he had been on the Garrison’s Kerberos mission when an alien spaceship appeared and took all three captive. They had been split from one another and shunted away to separate fates. He had managed to hear that father and son were being sent to different prison labor camps while Shiro sat in a cell, waiting to learn his fate.
Whatever it is, I won’t last long. My muscles are atrophying even though I look strong. Shiro tore himself away from those thoughts and instead focused on the other prisoners. All of them were aliens and strange-looking to him. Those closest to his cell were also looking at him with the same curiosity. I guess they’ve never seen a human before.
He spent his first week in his cell being fed by his captors whom he heard the others call the Galra. The Galra, for most part, were purple, furry, and tall. They were also ruthless to their prisoners and cruel as well. The guards of the cells would either deposit new prisoners in a cell or pull one out, sometimes to return and sometimes not. Those that did return had been altered in some way. Shiro had seen a four-armed alien returned with two of his arms amputated. Some aliens came back as half-machine creatures and Shiro worried what the Galra would do to him. He knew he would be experimented on like his fellow captives; the only question was when and how.
He got his answer as the second week of his imprisonment began. A pair of guards came to his cell, seized him by the arms, and carted him out of the cell block and through the ship’s corridors. He was brought into a dim room full of beakers with fluids in them, some of which were bubbling away. It reminded him of a chemistry lab…or a laboratory. He was forced into a chair that was rather big for him and then strapped him in. Both were looking at him in a leering kind of way that gave him the creeps.
“Yes,” came an elderly but strong voice before a figure in brown robes came into view. Shiro could tell the figure was female as she came closer and examined him, turning his head one way and then the other. “Oh, yes. You will be perfect once I cure you of that disease within you.”
“It can’t be cured. It’s a lethal disease,” Shiro told her.
“Lethal by your species’ knowledge of science, but not to the Galra. I will eliminate it and then proceed with the procedure. Emperor Zarkon wants you as a fighter in his arena. I agree and look forward to see how you will perform with my modifications.”
Shiro didn’t like the sound of that. While being cured was a good thing, he could do without her ‘modifications.’ He was also not keen on being a fighter in the emperor’s arena. He began to pull at his bonds, attempting to break them so he could try to escape. His struggles ceased as an electric shock went through him and he lapsed into unconsciousness.
Shiro’s eyes fluttered open and he focused them to see the familiar bars of his cell and the dungeon corridor beyond. He slowly sat up and put a hand to his head to ease a throbbing he felt. His fingers brushed an ear and he frowned as he moved his fingers along the ear and found that it was pointed. He felt the other ear and found the same thing. He lowered his hands and stared at them in shock: They were purple!
They look like Galra hands, he thought, not liking what he was suspecting. He then looked down to see that he had a pair of large, firm breasts and gasped in a slightly higher voice. He or rather she then stood to find that she was a bit taller and her body was that of a Galra.
She began to breathe hard and fast. That woman had altered her into a female Galra. Her body was completely purple and had a soft fine layer of fur that wasn’t noticeable, but she certainly felt it. There were solid muscles evenly distributed across her form. She raised her hands and ran her fingers along her face. She felt high cheekbones and smooth supple skin as well as the curves of her chin and jawline. She moved her hands further up to feel her hair and found that it was a little longer, ending just past her shoulders.
She turned her eyes to her fellow prisoners and the closest ones had looks that were half-astonished and half-sympathetic. I must have returned as I left and transformed while unconscious. It explains their looks. She sank to the floor, noting the simple jumpsuit and boots she wore. She stared at the floor, convinced that she would spend her life fighting in the arena. She would never be free, never be able to return home, and never be human and male again.
She heard firm footsteps that did not sound like guards. She looked up and saw the others shrink back into the far side of their cells before an incredibly tall Galra appeared at her door. His clothes seemed rather fancy under the armor he wore and a cape hung down his back. She deduced from his clothes and the prisoners’ reactions that this had to be Zarkon.
Zarkon stared at her impassively for a good while before he spoke. “So, you were the human who was suffering from a pathetic, terminal illness. Well, you are healthy and are much better now in more ways than one.”
She stood and fixed a stern gaze on him. “I demand to be changed back and set free,” she said, not liking how she sounded.
Zarkon then smiled in an unpleasant manner. “Oh no, my dear. You will remain as you are and will fight in the arena…once you are schooled in our culture.”
“I don’t need to be taught about your culture.”
“Uh, uh. Your culture too now. You are Galra now and will be taught about it, a little at a time. I think our language will be first. Yes; must start at the beginning. Your education will start in the morning.” Zarkon swept away and Shiro watched, a low growl in her throat.
Zarkon was true to his word. The following morning, Shiro was shunted to an isolated cell with a bed, desk, and chair. A male Galra was waiting for her as she was restrained to the desk and chair. She expected her teacher to be harsh, cruel, and ruthless. She got a surprise once they were alone.
“I am Haxor and I will teach you about the Galra race. The emperor suspects that you will be uncooperative as I teach. I think otherwise. I have a reputation as a miracle worker but none know my techniques save for my students who swear to not tell anyone. Will you not speak of what I will reveal to you?”
Shiro turned thoughtful before giving a nod. “I swear not to speak of your methods.”
Haxor smiled. “Excellent. Now, then.” He put a pad in front of Shiro on the desk and tapped it. Alien symbols appeared on the screen. “This is the Galra alphabet. You will be expected to comprehend them as well as recognize them in order to read our language.”
“And the speaking of it?”
“That is the secret of my success. You will learn to speak it while you sleep as well as aspects of our culture.”
“Ah, yes. That’s brilliant.”
“Naturally. You will speak the Galra language and learn of our culture through sleep. A speaker will be activated and speak to you in your sleep. Most aliens learn quickly while they sleep, though your former race is new to me.”
“The same thing applies to humans. A sleeping mind is quite pliable.”
“Indeed. Perhaps you could tell me about humans while I teach?”
“I would be happy to.”
“Good. Now, let us get to work.” Haxor and Shiro pored over the data on the pad, the latter feeling lucky she had gotten a fair teacher and she looked forward to the sleeping teaching method.
Chapter Two- Teaching
Haxor worked with Shiro over the next several weeks which Shiro learned were called movements. He was impressed with how Shiro took to her learning and she admitted that she enjoyed learning new things even those that were forced on her.
“Of course,” he had said after almost two weeks of learning. “Regardless, you are developing into a well-learned Galra. I am quite pleased with your progress thus far.”
“Thank you, teacher.”
Haxor did report to Zarkon whenever the emperor asked for one. He too was pleased to hear that Shiro was learning quickly and was getting used to her body. “Good,” he said after those several weeks of teaching. “Proceed to the next level, Haxor. Keep teaching as you have, but add combat training to it.”
“Yes, sire.” Haxor bowed and then left. He began to run through the basic training program all Galra soldiers went through. He had never gone through it as he was recognized for his intellectual prowess but he had witnessed it. Shiro has shared with me that she is a skilled pilot and a hand-to-hand combatant. I will start her combat training by having her demonstrate what she can do.
Shiro was awake the following morning and when Haxor greeted her in Galra, she responded in Galra! Both Galra blinked at this before sharing broad grins.
“Oh, very good Shiro. You have fully absorbed the spoken language. You still need to work on the written language and learning to read it.”
“Yes, Haxor. Will we be practicing that today?”
“Eventually, but right now we will begin the phase of your training: Combat. I decided that I want to start by you showing me what you can do and then we’ll go from there.”
“Makes sense.”
“Then, if you’ll follow me to the Combat Room, we can get started.” Haxor left the cell and Shiro followed with four guards flanking them. Clearly, Zarkon did not trust her to be out without guards. Haxor trusted her, even seemed to regard her as a friend as well as a student. Combat training, she thought as they walked. I’m now being trained for the plan Zarkon had told me about movements ago.
Shiro looked around as they moved through the corridors. The crew went about their duties with efficiency and purpose. They all wore uniforms which, thanks to her sleep-teaching, she was able to identify each rank she saw and recognized the uniforms as those of soldiers.
At last they reached their destination and Haxor and Shiro entered while the guards stood outside. They moved to the center and Haxor said, “Activate training dummy!” A solid hologram of a blank-faced Galra figure appeared as Haxor vacated the area. “All right, Shiro. Show me using this dummy.”
Shiro stretched her limbs and rolled her head. She had exercised in her cell to keep herself fit. She enjoyed it more now that she had been cured and increased the number of push-ups, sit-ups, and squats she did each day. Now, she would be able to really use her combat skills. She struck a defensive pose and slowly slid to the dummy’s right before she lashed out with a roundhouse kick that, to her shock, sent the dummy flying almost half of the way across the room which was big enough to hold hundreds of thousands of Galra soldiers. “Wha-?” she gasped.
Haxor gently laughed. “You are stronger as a Galra. Clearly, I will need to coach you to control your strength so that you don’t accidentally kill someone when you go to, say hug and snuggle a pack member or mate.”
“Yes, good idea.” Shiro did not react when Haxor said ‘pack member or mate.’ Her sleep-teaching had taught her about Galra culture and knew that at some point in her now longer life, she would be welcomed into a group of Galras called a pack and would eventually take a mate and have children referred to as kits. Or I’ll end up killed when I either lose a fight or can no longer fight. That is likely my fate.
The female Galra blinked to see a concerned Haxor and the dummy restored to its original position. “I’m sorry, what?” she said.
“You seemed lost in thought.”
“Just thinking that I won’t have a pack, a mate, or kits. My life is as a fighter and I’ll likely die as one.”
“Shiro, no. I would love to form a pack with you and some kits. One day, I will approach Zarkon and ask for you to be retired and become my mate.”
“Haxor. I…don’t know what to say.”
“Say nothing for now. Let us return to your demonstration.”
And several more weeks passed and Shiro mastered the Galra language, written and spoken, fully absorbed the fighting style of the Galra and Galra culture, and spent time familiarizing herself with the tech of her new race. She still spoke English and Japanese as well as reading and writing both. She didn’t want to forget her human roots as she adapted to her new Galra heritage.
One evening as she engaged in some small exercises she had learned that day, Zarkon approached her cell. She ceased her movements and went to one knee, head bowed as she had learned. “Sire.”
Zarkon stared down at her. “Very good. Haxor has just appraised me of your progress and I am pleased with what you have learned and how quickly you have learned it. Haxor’s reputation as a miracle worker continues to be well-deserved.”
“Yes, sire. He is excellent.”
“Indeed and your training is now complete. Tomorrow, your life as a fighter will begin. I have a couple of condemned prisoners who have been sentenced to death. I have informed them that they have a chance to live if they can defeat my new fighter. Do not fail me, Shiro. If you lose, I will have you killed.”
“Yes, sire. I will not fail you.” For that is the way of the military Galra, she thought as Zarkon left. Victory or death.
The arena doors opened and the roar of the crowd was heard as she stepped into the arena. She was dressed in fighting leathers and armor but she was empty-handed. Her opponents wore no armor but carried swords and shields. I’ve faced a scenario like this in my training against combat robots. I know I need to do to win. I don’t like what I have to do, but I must if I am to live.
“Begin,” Zarkon announced and her opponents didn’t hesitate as they charged her, one on her left and the other on her right. Both had their swords raised.
Shiro didn’t think. Her honed skills took over as she lunged toward the one on her right. She avoided the sword’s swing and got behind her opponent. Her hand locked onto his wrist holding the sword and twisted it around so that the blade was pointed at his belly. Her face a mask of dispassion, she jerked her hand and the sword buried itself in the stomach of her opponent.
She released her grip, seized the dying man, and whipped him in front of her as she turned to face the other man. She felt a thud and heard a gurgle and knew that her makeshift shield had just gotten killed. She shoved the corpse, causing it to fall onto her opponent. She moved to him quickly, seized his head, and twisted as hard as she could. A crack resounded and she released her victim and stepped back. She had broken the neck of one and almost disemboweled the other. It was quick and brutal just as she had been trained.
The Galra who lived and served on Zarkon’s ship roared in approval at seeing one of their own execute condemned prisoners in such a manner.
“Guards,” Zarkon called. “Escort our new champion back to her cell.”
A pair of manacles were attached to her wrists before four guards flanked her and led her away amidst cheers from the spectators. She felt a jumble of emotions as she was led away. She was happy to still be alive, but she also felt guilty of killing innocent people. I’m likely to continue to feel happy but guilty as I continue to fight for my life, she mused as she was put in her cell to await for when she would have to fight again.
Chapter Three- Escape
Shiro hung her head as she was led out of the arena with chants of, “Champion! Champion!” ringing in her ears. She had just won a multi-opponent match, but she felt awful about it. Her reputation of beating unbeatable had earned her being called Champion. Indeed, Zarkon called her that as if it was her name. It had been two months or phoebes since she began fighting in the arena and she was miserable. She entered her cell and once the door closed, she laid on her bed and gave a whine of misery. She was tired of fighting for only her life. She’d rather fight for a greater purpose…like breaking Zarkon’s rule. Yes, that would be a better life, she thought as she dropped off to sleep with a soft sigh.
The jingle of a key in a lock woke her and with a mental sigh at what was likely another fight, she sat up and blinked. There was only one Galra soldier, not four guards. His face was mostly obscured by a helmet as he opened the door and said in a low voice, “Come on. Let’s go.”
Curious, she exited the cell and the soldier handed her a blaster before saying, “Let’s go and hurry.” He began to walk quickly and silently away and Shiro followed. Her heart pounded as they moved. Was this a rescue attempt? Oh please, please let it be a rescue attempt and an escape one as well. She wanted to ask questions but knew that would be counter-productive in an escape.
The soldier clearly knew the patrol routes for he was able to navigate the corridors with no guards or security bots. After countless, tense doboshes, the pair reached a small shuttle bay and Shiro was pushed into a small ship before the soldier boarded and got in the pilot’s seat. He pointed at the co-pilot seat. “Sit.”
Shiro did so and her rescuer manipulated the controls before the ship lifted off and was out of the ship before speeding away into space. She watched the sensors in the event of a pursuit, but it seemed there would be none. Finally she said, “Thank you for your help, uh…”
“Ulaz. I am Ulaz.” The Galra then pulled out a cloth and tied it over Shiro’s eyes.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
“Taking precautions. You are not full Galra despite your body and blood and yet you fight for Zarkon.”
“You think I wanted to? I’d rather fight against him and his rule of the galaxy.”
“Ah, that’s what I thought as did my leader. You are repulsed by what you do and yet you survive as a warrior should. You truly wish to stop him?”
“I thought as much. There is a secret faction of Galra who fight against Zarkon. Our headquarters is also secret, indeed our entire operation is secret including the identities of its members.”
“That explains the blindfold. I won’t be able to reveal your location in the event that I’m captured.”
“Precisely. However, it is felt that you would be a valuable asset to our cause. You will have to prove yourself, though.”
“I’ll do whatever it takes to prove myself worthy.” After that, nothing more was said. Shiro was calm, despite the unknown facing her. It seemed to her that wherever she was going, it had to be better than what she had left behind.
“Ulaz to headquarters. Permission to approach,” Ulaz said after several vargas.
“Headquarters here. Permission granted,” a voice responded.
“Hang on, Shiro. This will be a little rough.” Shiro braced herself and was soon feeling some turbulence as the ship rocked and shook a little. We must be between two stars with intense gravity and only a narrow line to pass…or maybe two black holes and a blue star. This turbulence feels closer to that. Ingenious place to put a secret base. Not many would consider looking there for a base. With her sight blocked, she allowed her other senses to inform her of her surroundings.
She allowed her ears and sense of touch tell her what was going on. She heard the sound of the engines reverberating which told her that they were in a hangar of some kind. A slight bump told her they had landed and she heard the cargo door behind them open. Ulaz pulled her to her feet and marched her down the ramp. She allowed herself to be guided down corridors until he stopped. There was silence until it was broken, nearly startling her. “So, this is the human who is now one of us?”
“And who was male before the change, yes leader, she is.”
“I see. Welcome to our headquarters, Shiro. I am Kolivan, leader of the Blade of Marmora.”
“Blade of Marmora?” she repeated as the blindfold was removed and she saw a Galra with a mask obscuring his face. She looked around to see other Galra also wearing masks.
“That is the name of our organization which is dedicated to fighting Zarkon. Ulaz has given reports about you and you seem like Blade material. But, you must prove yourself.”
Kolivan went to a table behind him, grabbed a sheathed knife, and tossed it to Shiro who caught it. “Any prospective candidate must pass the Trials of Marmora. If you pass, the knife will awaken and become yours. The metal is called Luxite. It is rare and will glow as long as you hold it and you’re alive.”
Shiro gripped the weapon and looked levelly at Kolivan. “I will take the trials now.”
Pass the trials? Shiro thought some time later. I’ve been battling Galra after Galra with none of them saying that I passed, merely that I may move on to the next level or telling me that I am not meant to pass through the door to the next level. Curiously, at least one of the Galra on each level, repeats the same words. What really catches my attention is a phrase that mirrors the phrase Victory or death. That phrase is Knowledge or death.
Shiro defeated the last of four Galra and the last one told Shiro to move on. With an inward sigh, she griped the now unsheathed knife and went on to face the next group of challengers.
Unknown to Shiro, Kolivan and his aide, Antok, watched her progress on the monitor in another room. Kolivan found himself impressed with her. Ulaz’s reports spoke of how brutal and quick Shiro was in the arena. She didn’t hesitate to kill but she would prefer not to. He was seeing that side now. She, with increasing difficulty, dispatched her opponents in a quick but gentle way with just enough power to incapacitate them.
“She is disciplined,” Kolivan said. “Her movements could kill but she holds back. She had the two qualities we seek in our members: Self-discipline and Galra blood.”
“Yet she continues to fight,” Antok said. “In order to pass, she must be willing to relinquish the blade.”
“She will, eventually. We must be patient.”
What kind of trial are these? Shiro wondered as she battled six Galra. This is no different than fighting in the arena. There has to be more to life than fighting for one’s life. That’s it! To heck with these trials! I’m done.
“You may continue,” the last defeated Galra said.
“No,” Shiro said. “No more. I have had enough. These trials are no better than the arena.”
The doors behind Shiro opened and she turned to see Kolivan and another Galra. “You wish to quit?” Kolivan asked.
“That’s right. I refuse to keep going.” She held out the knife. “I return this to you and I will make my own way in the galaxy somehow.” Suddenly, the knife glowed and grew longer until it resembled a Japanese katana only wider.
“You have passed the Trials. By willingly giving up the knife, you understand the difference of when to fight and when not to fight. Congratulations, Shiro. You are now a Blade of Marmora.”
Chapter Four- Pack and Mate
Shiro, being a junior member, was not allowed to go on missions alone, but she did go on missions with more experienced Blades. She also learned that the Blades were taking down Zarkon a little at a time; such an endeavor would take a long time.
“Yes,” Kolivan admitted when Shiro pointed this out. “It will take a long time…unless Voltron was revived.”
“Voltron?” Shiro asked. “What is Voltron?”
“A mighty, seemingly invincible robot. He fights for good and peace. He consists of five robot lion ships that can function individually but together they form Voltron. Rumors say Zarkon fears Voltron as he could stop Zarkon’s reign. He is obsessed with finding all five and either destroying them or keeping them prisoner. Indeed, he has already captured Red Lion.”
“And the others?”
“Zarkon does not have that information. He was lucky to find Red Lion. However, almost nineteen Earth years ago, one of our operatives found Blue Lion on that planet. We alone know of its location.”
“So, Blue Lion is safe, at least for now.”
“For now. You know Shiro, I may decide to send you on a solo mission to Earth one quintant to insure that Blue Lion remains safe.”
Shiro felt excitement and a thrill well up inside her. Me? Return to Earth? Obviously, I won’t return to stay. I’m Galra and a Blade operative. This is my life now and being a Blade is a pretty good life too.
A chime sounded at Kolivan’s office door where the two Blades were seated. “Enter,” the leader said.
The door opened and Antok entered. “Leader, it is night cycle. The Blades for night cycle have begun their rounds.”
“Very well. Is Ulaz in our pack room?”
“He is.”
“Good.” He came around the desk as Shiro stood. He put a hand on her shoulder. “Come with me,” he said before steering her ahead of him. “Ulaz told me that you know everything about our culture but haven’t actually experienced the softer side of the Galra.”
“No, leader. I have not. All I’ve experienced is the military aspect.”
“We will remedy that now. Ulaz, Antok, another called Thace, and I are a pack. There are two others, Regris and Krolia who are also pack members but are undercover at the moment just as Thace is. It was decided by those of us here that you will be part of my pack.”
“Your pack? Really?”
“Yes. You have been here for two movements and I find you an interesting female. Krolia did speak a little about Earth and humans as she was the operative who found Blue Lion. I would like to learn more about your former home and race.”
“Of course. Anything you like and whenever you want.”
The trio entered the pack room and Shiro saw a large nest. Her own nest was much smaller but it had been soft and comfortable. It had taken her a little less than a movement to adjust to having a nest for a bed, but she had done it. So, upon seeing this nest and Ulaz already in it, she climbed in with Kolivan and Antok following her.
Ulaz pulled Shiro close to him and began to nuzzle and groom her hair. His tongue moving over her hair felt strange but also rather soothing. Ulaz rumbled to her as he doted on her.
Kolivan slid up behind her and he too rumbled to her. Antok got above all three and his claws carded through the part of Shiro’s hair that wasn’t being licked.
Oh, this is wonderful, she thought as she felt warm and safe in her new pack’s arms. She began to purr which prompted the others to purr in response. I was taught about this, but experiencing it is much more pleasurable. Her eyes drooped before sliding shut and her purr deepened as she fell asleep.
Kolivan smiled as Shiro’s purr deepened, indicating sleep. She was a charming female and it was easy to forget that she used to be human and male. Ulaz’s reports said that she is about twenty-five deca-phoebs. That almost makes her a kit herself, but her combat skills makes it clear that she is a warrior. He closed his eyes as Shiro’s deep purr lulled him to sleep with Antok and Ulaz following suite.
Shiro, her blade in sword mode, charged toward her opponent with a battle cry. She swung her sword and it met with the long curved blade of her opponent’s weapon. The two exchanged swings with a speed a human would have trouble tracking. These training sessions were a joy to Shiro. It was serious but instructive. She would learn new tricks to add to her sword technique but the combat sessions didn’t end until one was certainly defeated. Naturally no one was killed or the Blades would have no members and the mortality rate was high enough as it was.
Shiro held her sword down and sideways across her body as she looked up at her partner, Kolivan. The leader had taken it upon himself to make sure Shiro’s skills remained sharp and continued to improve. Her training as Zarkon’s fighter were hand-to-hand, at least for her, but Shiro admitted to having experience with blades and blasters. She had spoken of her homeland on Earth and that the shape her blade took resembled a sword type favored by the people there, particularly those who trained to be swordsmen and women.
Kolivan regarded her stance and waited to see if she would strike. Doboshes crawled by and Shiro still didn’t move. She could have been mistaken for a life-like statue except for the occasional blink of her eyes. She didn’t have solid yellow eyes but rather yellow sclera, pale blue irises, and black pupils. It went well with the black hair she had pulled back into a bun at the base of her neck.
Kolivan stopped admiring her and went into action. He swung his sword down toward her. She moved fast, bringing her sword up to meet his with enough force to force Kolivan’s sword up and then the tip of her sword was at Kolivan’s throat.
He beamed at this. “All right. You win this one.” Shiro lowered her sword and transformed it back to knife form and Kolivan did the same. “Very clever move. Of course in battle your opponent won’t stand there as long as I did, but still very effective.”
“I thought it would catch you off guard,” she said as she sheathed her knife. “Sometimes not moving can cause the other to be overconfident.”
“That is true.” Kolivan looked her up and down, again admiring her form. His staring unnerved Shiro a bit as it kind of reminded her of the guards who had brought her to Hagger. Their looks didn’t make sense to her at the time. It was only with hindsight did she understand. They looked forward to having me female and possibly raping me. I suspect Zarkon had something to do with making sure no one harmed me in any way, shape, or form.
But Kolivan’s stare wasn’t creepy just a bit uncomfortable. “Leader?” she prompted.
He blinked twice and rolled his neck. “Shiro, it has been three movements since you became part of my pack and the pack is better with you in it.”
“And I am happy and honored to have a pack.”
“I am pleased to hear that.” He took both of her hands in his two. “You know your age is closer to a kit, but you exhibit the spirit of a warrior. That spirit combined with your appearance is, well, attractive to me. Shiro, I would take you for my mate.”
“Your…mate?” Shiro felt dizzy with joy and surprise. Kolivan, leader of the Blades, and her pack wanted her for his mate. Her, the Galra who had been born a human male. She knew that few female Galra were Blades so it was a surprise that she hadn’t been asked before now.
All this went through her head in a matter of seconds before she said, “I would like to be your mate. I accept.”
“Wonderful.” Kolivan released her hands and gave an almost wolfish smile before he crouched down and used a leg to knock Shiro down. He then leaped upon her and the two new mates engaged in play fighting with happy growls.
Chapter Five- Blue Lion
News of Kolivan and Shiro being mates filtered through headquarters and everyone congratulated them. Shiro was proud when they told her that Kolivan had chosen a pretty but strong Galra for his mate for their leader deserved nothing less.
A private celebration was shared with their pack in the nest and Kolivan promised a proper Bonding ceremony when the time was right. Shiro had a feeling that time would be in the far future when Zarkon was defeated and the empire truly stood for peace. That was fine with her as she needed to adjust to the fact that she was mated and that a future she never thought she would have was, in fact, coming true. She had a pack and a mate and surely kits would come in that future.
Movements later, Kolivan summoned her to the communications room. She came in to see Kolivan and Ulaz there, both looking grim. “Leader?” she asked.
“Blue Lion’s location is now known to the empire,” Kolivan growled. “It is no longer secure. Shiro, this is the quintant I spoke of movements ago. I am assigning you to go to Earth, retrieve Blue Lion and bring her here. You leave immediately once Ulaz has provided you with the coordinates and Krolia’s report.” He gave her a hug and nuzzled her cheek. “Take care and come back safely.”
“Knowledge or death. That is our way, but I will return as soon as I can.”
Ulaz handed her a pad before he led her to the hangar and loaded water and foodstuffs for her journey. They clasped hands and Ulaz said, “Safe journey, sister. Kolivan would be crushed if you die.”
“Understood.” She boarded the ship and expertly guided it out into space. She entered the coordinates and found that they were in a desert near Galaxy Garrison! She felt a wave of nostalgia as she programmed the systems for Earth. It’s been…one deca-phoeb since the Kerberos mission. Has it really been only one year? In just one year, I was capture by aliens, genetically altered, taught the culture of my captors, escaped them, joined a resistance organization, and became the mate of that organization’s leader. Now I’m returning home for the purpose of saving a robot lion from being capture by the Galra just as Red Lion has been.
Shiro read Krolia’s report to familiarize herself with the cave where Blue Lion resided. She found that there was an entrance large enough for her ship to get through. Most people believed it was a hazardous dead-end which meant no one would see her fly her ship in.
Even better, night had fallen so her ship would be viewed as a shooting star as she entered the atmosphere. She kept up that illusion before levelling off and zooming for the cave. The entrance was, in fact, a tunnel that led down and before Shiro knew it, it opened up into an underground cavern and there, behind a particle barrier, was a large blue robot lion.
She parked her ship, disembarked, and went up to the barrier. She gently put a hand on it and gazed up at the lion, hardly believing the size of it. “Hello Blue Lion,” she said softly and gently. “My name is Shiro. I know that you met another Galra named Krolia years ago. I’m here to help you. The Galra Empire knows you’re here and intend to capture you like they did to Red Lion. I am from the same organization as Krolia and was sent to bring you to our secret and secure headquarters. Please lower the barrier and allow me to help.” She looked hopefully at the lion to see if she would accede to her request. Nothing happened. She sighed as she went back to her ship and laid on the small cot on one side of the cargo hold. Great. Now, what do I do? It seems Blue doesn’t believe or trusts me. I’ll try again later. Perhaps, Blue needs time to think about what I said. She closed her eyes and dropped off to sleep.
The sound of crumbling rocks and yelling woke her from her sleep and she crept stealthily out of her ship and toward the voices. She peered around a corner and nearly gasped. There were four teenage boys…or was that three boys and one girl, for the girl looked like Katie Holt, daughter of Sam Holt. Why does she look like a boy? Shiro wondered as her eyes slid to the others. She recognized all of them: Hunk, Lance…and Keith! She ducked back as Keith started to look over in her direction.
“Who’s there?” Keith called out.
Shoot. He caught a glimpse of me. She inhaled, slowly let it out, and emerged from hiding, hands up in a gesture of peace. The four of them backed up, looks of shock and fear on their faces. “It’s all right. I won’t harm you.”
“Oh, wow,” Lance said in amazement. “An alien. A real alien.”
“Yes and no. I was human until a year ago. I was abducted and altered into this form as well as my gender being changed.”
“Abducted?” said the boy-disguised girl and the voice convinced Shiro that it was Katie. “I haven’t heard of any abductions.”
“It was on the Kerberos mission.”
“Oh, God,” Keith gasped. “Shiro!? Is that you?”
Shiro smiled at how quickly Keith guessed her identity. “It is, Keith. It is good to see you again. All of you.”
“What about the other two?” Katie demanded. “Where are they?”
“I heard they were sent to two different prison camps, but I’m afraid I don’t know more than that. I spent months being forced to fight before I was rescued and I joined an underground resistance group to fight the emperor of the Galra Empire.”
“The what empire?” Hunk asked.
“Galra. That is the name of the race that conquered most of their galaxy. The resistance is made up of other Galra who oppose the evil emperor, Zarkon. My body is Galra which I’ve grown accustomed to as the change cannot be undone.”
“If you’re part of a resistance group, why are you here?” Lance asked.
“I was assigned to bring Blue Lion to headquarters to keep her safe from the Galra. But, she won’t let me near to help her. What brings you here?”
“I’ve been picking up energy emissions from this place,” Keith said. “And now it’s clear that it’s coming from the lion.”
“If you’re here to protect Blue Lion,” Lance said. “I’d like to help you.”
“Then you believe me that I am Shiro?”
“I do,” Katie said.
“Same here,” Keith said.
“If Pidge believes you, I do too,” Hunk answered.
Pidge? Shiro thought. Matt sometimes called Katie Pidge. That again begs the question of why she’s disguised as a boy and adapted an alias. She was pulled from her thoughts by the sight of Keith running his hands over Blue’s barrier.
“How do we lower this thing?” he muttered.
“Maybe we should knock?” Lance joked before he did knock. To the surprise of everyone, the barrier lowered and the eyes of the lion flared and a barrage of images flashed through Shiro’s mind, one showed a robot comprised of five different colored lions: Blue, red, green, yellow, and black. Shiro staggered back as the moment passed.
“Whoa,” Lance said softly.
“You saw that too?” Shiro asked. Lance nodded and so did the others. It was Voltron, Shiro thought in awe. It was just as Kolivan described and it was incredible looking. No wonder Zarkon fears it.
A low rumble was heard and all five saw Blue crouch down and open her mouth, a ramp coming down to rest at Lance’s feet. The brunette went up the ramp with the others following him. They emerged into a cockpit with a single seat in front of a control panel.
“Oh, cool,” Lance said as he sat in the seat.
“Well, Shiro,” Keith said. “Looks like you accomplished your mission.”
“Thanks to you and Lance. Now, I have to figure out how to fly her.” Suddenly, the chair snapped toward the control panel and the engines were heard coming on-line.
Chapter Six- Alien Surroundings
Shiro snapped her attention to Lance who was now gripping a pair of handle-like levers. “What are you doing?” she demanded.
“It’s not me,” he protested. “I think it’s on autopilot.”
“Well, find a way to stop it. I can’t leave my ship behind. Suppose Galaxy Garrison comes poking around here?” Kolivan might kill me, despite our being mates. She felt the lion lifting off and then the active monitor panel to her left shifted angle to show the below angle outside. There was a kind of tractor beam coming out of the lion with the other end attached to her ship. She watched as it was pulled inside the lion.
“She trusts you now,” Lance said.
“She who?” she asked, bewildered.
“The lion. Didn’t you hear her?”
“Uh, no.”
“You’re kidding. She’s been roaring and projecting thoughts and ideas into my head.”
“If so, it sounds like you bonded with Blue on some level.”
“Think so?”
“Considering what I’ve gone through in a year, I say it’s a possibility.”
Blue, after some insane maneuvers, blasted skyward and not at Lance’s instruction. This convinced Shiro that it was on autopilot. It rocketed off Earth and then abruptly stopped as a purple and black warship dropped out of nowhere: A Galra warship.
“Oh no,” Shiro said softly.
“The Galra?” Keith asked and Shiro nodded.
“Let’s go,” Lance said before Blue began dodging blasts as the warship fired. Lance jerked the levers back and a blue beam fired from the lion’s mouth and cut a line of damage along one side before avoiding the blasts. Then Lance pushed forward and Blue slashed her claws on yet another part of the ship.
“Lance, tell Blue we need to get out of here. She can’t be captured, trust me.”
“I…think she knows that. She’s hauling butt.” It was true: Blue was speeding off into space.
“Where’s it taking us?” Hunk asked, apparently scared half to death.
“Away from that ship. That’s good enough for me,” Shiro answered. “Blue trusts me, so I trust her. You know, if she is on autopilot, perhaps it is guiding her home and we’re coming along for the ride.”
“So, when she’s home, think you could fly us back to Earth?” Keith asked.
“Depends on where that wormhole comes out,” Shiro said, pointing straight ahead. Blue flew straight at it and into it. The wormhole closed before the Galra warship that had been pursuing them could get to it. The trip through the wormhole was disorienting, but quick and resulted in Hunk heaving.
“Honestly, I thought he would have done that earlier,” Pidge muttered.
Shiro scanned the vista of stars before them. “I don’t recognized these constellations. I’ve studied star charts at headquarters but none match any of these.”
“In any case, it seems Blue is headed for that planet.” Keith nodded his head at the screen.
Another corridor lit up and they went down it with Pidge in the lead. Blue had set down in front of a castle and opened the doors with a roar. They entered and the castle had done an identity scan on them before the path there were to take was illuminated for them. The place seemed empty but they took turns calling out, hoping for an answer.
Their trek brought them to a circular room with the same holographic panels that Blue had. Pidge stepped up to the panel. “What is this place?” she asked. No sooner had she posed this question, then two pods rose vertically out of the floor. Shiro could make out dark outlines in both pods and wondered if the people inside were frozen or asleep.
The front of the pod closest to them disappeared to reveal a woman with tanned skin, white hair, pointed ears, and markings on her cheeks. She cried out a name before falling out of the pod, Lance catching her. Her eyes opened and focused on him and Lance flashed a smile. “Hi, there,” he said.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“Uh, I’m Lance and who…?”
The woman interrupted him. “Your ears,” she said, staring at them. “They’re…hideous. What’s wrong with them?”
Shiro almost snickered at her comments, but then her eyes drifted to them and when they landed on Shiro, a dark look passed over her face.
She bounced to her feet and charged toward Shiro. “Monster!” she hissed. “How dare you come here, Galra!”
Shiro was stunned by the hatred in her voice and on her face. “Wait! I’m not a monster,” she protested before the woman launched a series of kicks and open-handed blows to her torso. Shiro blocked most of them until a kick to her stomach sent her to the floor and sliding back a few feet. Pidge and Hunk were beside her while Keith blocked the woman’s path. “Shiro? You okay?” Pidge asked.
“I’m fine. I’ll recover.” She looked at her attacker. “Am I correct in saying the Galra conquered your people?”
“Conquered? No. They destroyed my planet and my people! They wanted Voltron and attacked us!”
“Well, I had nothing to do with that. I was captured by them a year ago and changed into a female Galra.”
The woman’s look of hate melted as she digested this information. “They…genetically altered you? That’s…despicable. I apologize for my attack.”
“Considering what they did to your people, I can understand your reaction to me.” Shiro got to her feet.
“But how did you get here?”
“A blue lion brought us here,” Shiro said.
“Blue Lion’s here? How is that possible?”
It took some time to explain and introduce everyone, including the occupant of the other pod as they retired to what looked the bridge of a ship. The woman, Princess Allura, seemed stunned when the computer informed her that 10,000 years had passed while she and her advisor, Coran, had slept. Shiro explained in more detail about her imprisonment but was vague about her rescue only saying that she had been told to retrieve Blue Lion and hide it again.
Allura regarded the group. “Who sat in Blue’s seat?” she asked.
Lance raised a hand. “I did. Is that bad?”
Allura smiled. “Not at all. As the lions’ previous Paladins, for most part, are dead, they need new Paladins if they are to form Voltron again. The lions choose their pilot and it’s clear that Blue has chosen you, Lance. We need to find Green, Yellow, and Red for Black will not emerge until the other four are present.”
“So, we’ll have to search the galaxy for them?” Hunk asked.
“And if we do find them, how do we get them here?” Keith asked.
Allura’s hands moved over the bridge panels. “Oh, that is not a problem. You five will be the new paladins of Voltron. The identity scan provided a psychological profile and I have just matched you all to a lion as well as the lion’s location.”
“Wait. So, you know which Galra ship Red is on?”
“Yes, but getting to it will require Galra knowledge or tech to…oh, right. You’re Galra and you can help Keith to get Red Lion.”
“I’m Red Lion’s paladin?” Keith asked.
“Red is temperamental and chooses a paladin who relies more on instincts than skill alone.”
That fits Keith’s personality perfectly, Shiro thought.
Chapter Seven- Finding the Lions
“Now Green Lion,” Allura continued. “It has a curious personality and chooses someone of intellect and daring.” Everyone looked at Pidge who nodded. “Fits me perfectly, huh?” Pidge asked.
“Blue Lion chooses a bold pilot as it has an adventurous spirit.” Allura nodded at Lance. “That would describe you.”
Lance flashed a ready grin. “Well, I am very bold.”
“Yellow Lion, however, is caring and kind and chooses one who puts others’ needs ahead of his own and has a mighty heart. It seems you fit that description.” Allura looked at Hunk who looked down and rubbed the back of his neck.
“When these four lions stand before the castle hangar where Black Lion is hidden, she will emerge and, hopefully, bond with you Shiro as her previous paladin is still alive. It is imperative that you bond with Black as her last paladin is Zarkon.”
“What!?” Shiro exclaimed.
“My father, King Alfor, and Zarkon were friends and they created the lions together before he betrayed Father and the other paladins. The identity scan says you are a born leader. You can be calm and in control.”
“I can be and I hope Black accepts me when she emerges from her hiding place. Of course, we must first get the other three lions.”
Allura nodded as she provided the coordinates of the lions. It was clear to her that Shiro was a leader and that she had misjudged her just because she was Galra, though inside she was not. She may be Galra in body, but her spirit is unchanged. Interesting that Black could be piloted by another Galra, but she is different from Zarkon. I don’t know much about her, but I hope I do, not to mention the other new paladins.
Keith crouched by the seat in Shiro’s ship as Shiro flew it toward the ship holding Red Lion. “Interesting that Allura can open wormholes to get us closer to our targets,” Shiro commented.
“It is,” Keith agreed. “Shiro? How did you know where my lion was before Allura said anything about a ship?”
“The group I’m part of has spies scattered about on the various ships and outposts of the empire. One of them may have reported to the leader about Red’s location. It’s clear that we do not have an operative on that ship or he would have stolen Red and brought her to headquarters.”
Keith nodded. “So, how do we get in? I’m guessing your uniform doesn’t fit with the guards that are on board.”
Shiro nodded. “You’re right. Fortunately, we prepare for every situation. We have spare uniforms, but I did not bring any as we did not anticipate that I would need to sneak onto a ship. We will have to board as quietly and discreetly as possible. I did escape from the emperor’s ship and they’re probably looking for me as well as Blue. Getting close should not be a problem as my ship has stealth capability and a cloaking shield.”
“Cloaking shield? So, they won’t see us coming?”
“That’s right. We can fly close to where Red it, beam into the hangar, and I’ll fight the guards while you try to connect with Red.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“Keith, what happened when the others and I were abducted?”
“Well, a search team was sent and they found the equipment and samples but that was it. The Garrison called it human error. I disagreed and I got kicked out for disciplinary issues.”
“Kicked out? The best fighter pilot I know?”
“I took your disappearance real hard and couldn’t stand letting people tarnish your reputation.”
“Keith,” Shiro said slowly. “I was ill with a disease that was causing my muscles and their tissues to deteriorate. I went on that mission as I knew it could be my last one before I died. However, before becoming a Galra, I was cured of that disease. Heh, they likely wanted to make sure their fighter would live.”
Keith was surprised. “You were terminally ill and yet went on the mission? That’s…”
“Selfish. It was selfish, Keith no matter what others think.”
“Selfish? Shiro, no.”
“It was. A leader should know him or herself or he or she shouldn’t lead at all.”
“Where did you hear that?”
“From my leader. He knows how to make the tough calls. I’m considered a junior member but my leader knew I was the best one to recover Blue Lion.”
“Because you used to be human.”
“And I knew the terrain.” Shiro flipped a switch and the ship went invisible. “Coming up on the ship, switching to stealth mode,” she said.
Shiro slashed at a blaster with her sword before kicking the legs out from under her opponent. Behind her, Keith was in front of Red’s barrier, trying to connect with her. Temperamental is right, Shiro griped. It didn’t take this long for Blue’s barrier to come down when she chose Lance. She charged at another guard, not aware that Keith would glance back once in a while. He was interested in Shiro’s sword. Its colors reminded him of the knife he’s had his whole life. Indeed, her sword had grown from a knife. Is my knife of alien origin, maybe even Galra?
“Keith, connect with Red or we’re going to end up overrun and possibly killed!” Shiro snapped as she kicked a guard in the crotch.
Keith promptly returned to the barrier and put his palms against it and closed his eyes. “Please Red,” he murmured. “Please let me be your paladin so we can free planets from the rule of this evil empire.” Keith heard a roar in his head and opened his eyes to see the barrier dissolve and Red’s eyes flare before her head lunged down and swallowed Keith, sending him to the cockpit.
A beam of energy blasted past Shiro and struck the ground in front of the guards. She whirled around to see Red Lion active and no Keith. He did it! Red’s accepted him as her paladin! She tapped the unit on her wrist and she was transported to her ship. She took the controls and angled her ship away before Red blasted her way out of the ship which ended up destroying it.
“Oh, very subtle Keith,” she scolded as she activated the com link and dropping the cloak.
“It was Red’s idea, not mine,” he protested.
“Well, I guess I can’t blame her. She’s probably been held captive for a while. I know how that is.” Shiro shut off the connection before a private channel lit up. She flipped it on, sure of who was calling.
“Shiro, this is headquarters,” came Kolivan’s voice. “Respond and report.”
“Shiro here. Blue Lion bonded with a human I knew and she brought him, me, and three other humans to her home.”
“She’s safe, then?”
“Yes the castle is home to two Alteans who have been asleep for 10,000 years. One of them, Princess Allura, has declared the five of us to be the new paladins of Voltron.”
“Voltron? You’re going to help revive Voltron?”
“Yes, leader. It has been determined that hopefully Black Lion will accept me.”
Shiro sighed. “Black Lion’s last paladin was Zarkon. The way Allura talks, a bond is forged between lion and paladin. Black may still have a bond with Zarkon even after all this time.”
“I do hope that you become Black’s paladin and if so, then your mission will be to free the galaxy from Zarkon’s rule as a paladin of Voltron.”
“I am honored, my mate. If I become a paladin, I promise to make you and the rest of the Blades proud.”
“I know you will. Please report as soon as you’re able. Headquarters out.”
Shiro clicked off and she and Red flew into a wormhole that returned them to Arus, the castle’s base planet.
Chapter Eight- New Mission
Shiro watched nervously as the hidden hangar of Black Lion opened the lion emerged. She knew that Black was the head and torso of Voltron, but she hadn’t expected her to be this big. It wasn’t the size she was nervous about; it was whether she would accept a new paladin. Black halted before her and she clasped her hands as she gazed up at her. Please, please accept me.
Black lowered her head, her eyes flared, her mouth opened, and the ramp descended. Shiro beamed. Black had accepted her and that meant that her new mission was to defeat Zarkon as part of Voltron. Of course, I first have to learn to fly Black and how to form Voltron. She entered her lion and took her seat to study the holographic controls. After an hour, or varga, of this, Allura contacted her over the lion’s comm link, asking her to come inside. “Understood,” she said and guided Black back into the hangar before joining the others in what looked like a weapons vault. There were tall cases with armor in them and a jewelry-like case with odd-looking weapons inside.
“Now, that all of the lions have been found and have new paladins, it is time to present you with the traditional paladin armor.” She gestured to five suits, each one white with a different accent color: Black, yellow, red, blue, and green. It was clear to Shiro that she would wear the black one as she was the black paladin. Similar thoughts had clearly gone through the heads of her new team for soon all of them had slipped on their armor.
Allura smiled happily at this before leading them to the odd weapons. “These are the traditional paladin weapons called Bayards. Each one responds differently to the paladin who wields it.”
“Princess,” Shiro said as she looked inside the case. “I see only four.”
“Ah, yes. I’m afraid Zarkon still has the black Bayard. I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right. I’m an excellent hand-to-hand and I have a weapon of my own.” She showed the knife.
“Oh my!” Coran exclaimed as he came closer to study it. “Is that Luxite?”
“Uh, yes.” Shiro put it away.
“Luxite is a rare metal, my dear. I did some studying to bring myself up to speed and found that the planet it came from was mined to death.”
“It was? I wasn’t told that.”
“It is likely that those in that fighter group of yours weren’t around when that happened though Galra can live a long time.”
Everyone was silent as they got their Bayards. Keith was especially thoughtful. My knife is exactly like Shiro’s and while the metal is from another planet, the Galra made them into weapons and the metal became rare over time. But, if my knife is used by the Galra, how did I come to have one?
Shiro didn’t call headquarters over the next few movements as she was busy developing a bond with her lion and her teammates as well as freeing planets from Galra rule. While the aliens were joyful to be free, they were suspicious of Shiro whenever the paladins exited their lions. She didn’t blame them for their hostile stares and didn’t let it bother her. It was Allura and her team who assured them that she was against Zarkon as she had suffered from Galra treatment.
“What kind of treatment?” one alien asked her suspiciously, despite the assurances.
“Not as great as yours. Just genetically altered into my current form and gender and forced to fight in Zarkon’s arena.”
“Altered?” the alien gasped in horror. “Then, you weren’t born a Galra.”
“Correct. It happened a deca-phoeb ago but I have become used to my body.”
Voltron’s return and Shiro’s story spread through the worlds they visited and freed and Shiro’s presence was warmly received. After freeing several planets, they gathered in the lounge to discuss their success while acknowledging that there were still many more to free. “I’m thinking of asking those we free to join that I’m thinking of calling The Voltron Coalition,” Allura said. “They would assist us in fighting for Zarkon as they choose as well as support other free members.”
“That sounds like a great idea, Allura,” Shiro said.
“What about that group of yours? They could be great allies.”
“I don’t know. Our group operates in secrecy and it’s not easy to get to headquarters. I learned to navigate the way in and…I should report in.” I really should and I feel a terrible loneliness that almost hurts. Why does it hurt, though?
“Can you provide the coordinates?” Allura asked.
“I can give you coordinates a safe distance from it for the base is between two black holes and a blue star.”
There was silence and Pidge said, “That’s genius and definitely not easy to navigate.”
“Identify yourselves,” said a voice Shiro knew as one of the Blades but not one of her pack. Nevertheless, it was pleasant to hear.
“Coran, opening a hailing frequency,” she said. Once open, she said, “This is operative Shiro and the paladins of Voltron.”
There was a pause before they got a reply. “Shiro, you and one other may approach.” The connection ended.
“All right. Keith, you’re with me.”
“What!?” Lance exclaimed. “Why Keith? He’s a hothead! You need someone who can stay calm.”
“The temperature of that star is intensely hot and Red Lion can withstand those temperatures. Also, Zarkon’s bond with Black Lion hasn’t severed yet so it needs to stay here. Let’s go, Keith.”
Red Lion touched down on the surface of the base and both paladins got out. Shiro stepped toward the spot where the lift would show while Keith looked around. “This is it? Looks like just a plain asteroid of rock.”
“Looks can be deceiving,” Shiro said just as the lift doors slid apart and the lift rose with two masked Blades on it. She saw one of them was Antok and she refrained from chirping at seeing him. Instead she and Keith joined them and they went down below the surface.
The lift opened to reveal the hall Shiro had beheld phoebs ago and walked many times since then. Standing at the head was Kolivan and Shiro felt her loneliness ease at the sight of him as well as the mysterious hurt fading away. They stopped at the steps leading up to Kolivan’s platform. There was a brief silence.
Then, Kolivan opened his arms. “Shiro, welcome home. I missed you.”
Shiro handed her helmet to Keith before bounding up to Kolivan and into his arms. She purred softly to him and he responded in like. “I missed you too,” she said softly.
“I imagined it hurt being away from me as mates feel pain when separated too long,” he said and Shiro was relieved at finally understanding her pain.
“Now,” he said a little louder once Shiro had returned to Keith and accepted her helmet. “What brings you both here?”
“Princess Allura is thinking of forming an alliance between the free planets and Voltron. It is our hope that the Blade of Marmora would become our allies as well.”
“An alliance.” Kolivan nodded thoughtfully. “It would be-,”
A scuffle to her left drew both her and Kolivan’s attentions as well as those in the room. Antok had Keith face-down on the floor and was pulling out a knife: A Marmora knife!
“Which Blade did you steal this from?” the tailed Galra growled.
“I didn’t,” Keith said. “I’ve had it for as long as I can remember.” He looked at Shiro with almost pleading eyes. “Shiro, you know me.”
I do know. “Antok, please release Keith. I’ve known him for years and he’s no thief.”
“Then, how did he get this?” Antok asked, holding up the knife.
As Shiro looked at it, a possible explanation came to her and, to her, it made sense.
Chapter Nine- Heritage Revealed
“This may sound impossible,” she said slowly. “But Keith may be half-Galra.” She saw the others look at one another and murmur in Galra. She knew they were asking one another if it was possible. Keith himself seemed stunned at her theory as everyone else.
“What makes you say that?” asked Kolivan.
“I read Krolia’s report on Blue Lion, both versions. The official one and the detailed one. Nineteen Earth years she crash-landed on the planet, was nursed back to health, and leaving at least a year later. Keith’s home is not too far from where Blue Lion was hidden. It’s likely Krolia fell for her rescuer and had a child for whom she left the knife.”
There was silence before Kolivan said, “Krolia did say she lost her knife but did not elaborate. I gave her a new one to awaken and did not question her further. Your theory is sound, Shiro. Keith could be a legacy Blade, the child of an operative. Such a status is rare. However, he needs to prove himself and awaken the knife.”
“Leader, you can’t! He’s just a kit. Only eighteen,” Shiro protested.
“If I have to prove myself, I’ll do it,” Keith stated, now standing again.
Shiro moaned softly as Keith and she stood before the first door, Keith wearing a Blade suit just as she had done phoebs ago. “Keith, please reconsider. These trials are rough, I know as I did them myself.”
“I have to do this. I want to know who I am, what I am.”
“Just let me say this: When you are willing to give up the knife, it will awaken. A good fighter knows when to fight and when not to fight.”
“Thanks and Shiro? What’s a kit?”
“Term for a Galra child. Eighteen is considered a kit to them. My age barely clears me of being a kit. Also, that hug Kolivan and I shared? It’s because he’s my mate.”
“You’re mated to the leader?”
“He asked me and I considered it a great honor.” The door hissed open and Shiro patted Keith’s shoulder. “Good luck.” Keith entered and Shiro rushed to where Kolivan and Antok stood to watch the proceedings.
“Your teammate is stubborn,” said Kolivan.
“I know and so is Red Lion so they’re a good match.”
“Such stubbornness can hamper one’s ability to know when to retreat or die for the cause,” Antok said.
I just hope Keith heeds my advice. He should as he’s seen my blade change forms when we retrieved Red Lion.
Keith’s chest heaved as he headed for the door after beating five Blade members. He had been told five times now that he is not meant to go through the room’s exit door and he went through the door anyway. He paused at the fifth door and looked at the knife he held. Shiro’s words rang in his head. The solution to these trials was to willingly give up the knife. I still want to know about my past, but my future is clear or the immediate one is. I am a paladin of Voltron and maybe the discovery of my past lies in fighting Zarkon. Shiro admitted that there are Blades operating in secret within the empire’s ranks. I may discover my mother as we fight Zarkon.
“You are not meant to go through that door,” the last Blade reminded him.
He sighed as he went through the door, not ready to give up just yet, while Kolivan, Antok, and Shiro left the control room. “He is about to awaken the blade,” Kolivan said. “His hesitation spoke volumes just now.”
Six members stood before him and Keith felt tired of fighting. He had no idea how much further this went on, if there was an end, but he was worn out. His arm was at his side and he did not move. The door at the far end opened and Kolivan entered with Antok and Shiro behind him.
“Are you not going to continue the Trials?” Kolivan demanded.
“No,” Keith said. “I thought about it and decided that I will discover my past by moving toward the future. I am a paladin of Voltron and I don’t need to know anything else at this point.” He raised the arm holding the knife. “I surrender my knife. I’m done with this.”
Shiro beamed at Keith’s words. He said the words and is willingly giving up the blade! She watched as did those there as Keith’s knife glowed and grew into a sword that reminded Shiro of an Egyptian kopesh. “You have passed the Trials,” Kolivan declared. “You indeed have Galra blood in you and it gives more creditability to Shiro’s theory. He turned to his mate. “Antok and I would like to travel with you to the castle ship and inform the princess that the Blade of Marmora would be honored to join Voltron in fighting Zarkon. I know you could tell her but I prefer to tell her personally.”
“Sure. We’ll meet you at the lift doors.” Shiro supported Keith through the back door, his sword changing back to a knife.
“It’s true then,” Keith whispered with exhaustion. “I am half-Galra.”
“I was sure you were when I saw your knife and recalled the report I read on my mission to secure Blue.”
“You said Krolia. Is that my mother’s name?”
“It is and yes, she’s alive but I don’t know where.” Shiro helped Keith back into his armor. “Keith, there are things about the Galra that we don’t encounter in our battles with them. There is a softer side to my race or rather our race.”
“Softer side?” Keith asked incredulously. “Shiro, with the exception of you, I find that hard to believe.”
“Nonetheless, it is true. I told you that Kolivan is my mate and also part of his pack; a family in human terms.”
“A family,” Keith said softly, sounding wistful.
“Yes. There are others in my pack and your mother is one of them.”
“She is?”
“Yes and I would think that you are part of my pack as you’re her son.”
“That would make sense.”
“Indeed it does,” Kolivan said. The paladin had been walking as they talked and had arrived at the lift where Kolivan and Antok were waiting. “Krolia is like a sister to me so that makes you a pack member. If the princess will permit, I wish to stay aboard for my sake and Shiro’s as well.” The four got onto the lift.
“Your sake and Shiro’s?” Keith repeated in confusion.
“We are mates and mates should not be separated for too long as it causes emotional and mental pain.”
“It explains why I felt a hurt that wasn’t physical. I do not wish to experience that again. It could impact my ability to lead and fly Black Lion.”
“And we need Voltron in order to defeat Zarkon,” Antok said as they reached the surface.
Red’s eyes flared to life as she crouched down and opened her mouth to admit them. Once Keith was seated, he gave a small smile. “You miss me, Red?” he murmured and he heard a roar in his head that he took to mean that, yes, she did miss him and worried about him. It made him feel good that his lion cared about him. The last one to care about him, aside from his dad, was Shiro.
But now I have a pack which is like a family.
“Can you fly this ship, kit?” Antok asked.
“Keith was the best fighter pilot in the Galaxy Garrison Academy,” Shiro boasted.
“And I did fly her here,” Keith added. “So, the return trip won’t be a problem.” Keith brought Red online and maneuvered her back along the path and back to the castle with his three passengers.
Chapter Ten- Pack Reunited
Kolivan wasn’t sure what to expect from Allura after Shiro radioed her to tell her that they had some people she needed to meet. He knew his race was responsible for destroying her planet and people and she probably had a good deal of anger in her heart. There was also the chance that having Shiro around had made her see that not all Galra were evil or bad, never mind the fact that Shiro had originally been human.
The latter turned out to be the scenario that played out. He had knelt before her as did Antok and expressed his happiness that she had survived the attack. His also gave her his word that the Blade Marmora would ally itself with Voltron.
Allura smiled down at him. “Your pledge to help us will be of great help. Am I correct in assuming you have operatives within Zarkon’s army?”
“You are correct and all are ready to act in an instant and are willing to die for the cause.”
“They don’t have to die.”
“Knowledge or death, princess. That is our motto. Shiro knows that all too well. I suspect she would have laid down her life to prevent the Galra from getting their hands on Blue Lion.”
Everyone looked at Shiro who nodded. “He’s right. I would have done that.”
“There is much to share with you, princess,” Kolivan said as he stood. “Might we retire to somewhere more comfortable?”
“Of course. The lounge. Follow me.” Allura led the group to the lounge where all nine of them settled on the couches: Five paladins, two Alteans, and two Blades. “Now then,” Allura said. “What do you want to say?”
“First, you should know that Shiro is one of our operatives and I am allowing her to serve us as the black paladin. Before she left to retrieve Blue Lion, she became my mate and, for the Galra, mates cannot be separate for too long, otherwise it causes awful pain, emotionally and mentally.
Allura was stunned to hear such things and she recognized his words as a subtle request to remain onboard. She did not wish for Shiro to be in a pain that would prevent her from flying her lion. She finally nodded. “I hear what you are hinting at and I give you permission to remain here.”
“Thank you, princess. I am grateful. Now, this may come as a surprise but your red paladin had one of our blades in his possession and he claimed to have had it his whole life. He was willing to take the Trials of Marmora to awaken it and prove himself worthy of it.”
“Though I had protests of letting a kit take the Trials,” Shiro growled as she fired a stern gaze at Kolivan.
“It was his choice and it confirmed a theory you had,” Antok pointed out.
“What theory?” Allura asked, curious.
“That Keith is half-Galra,” Shiro answered. “Another female Blade discovered Blue nineteen Earth years ago. I had theorized that she fell in love with a human, had a son, and left her blade for him when she had to leave.”
“It fits everything about my past,” Keith finally said. “I never knew my mother and lived with my father until he died. I’m currently eighteen.”
“Your father never told you that your mother was Galra?” Allura asked.
Keith shook his head. “Humans don’t possess the technology to travel through space the way the Alteans and Galra do. We haven’t even left our solar system, much less encounter other races. I wouldn’t have believed Dad if he told me.”
Allura nodded. “Understood.” Keith noted that she didn’t sound suspicious or cold of this revelation of his heritage and he suspected it was because Shiro was Galra and Black had accepted her as her paladin. So, my being half-Galra isn’t a big deal to her.
“Uh, what’s a kit?” Hunk asked. “I mean…I think of a baby fox or a food kit or…” He trailed off.
Keith and Shiro blushed, the latter more than the former and Antok said, “It is a term we use for a Galra child. Eighteen is indeed young to us. Shiro’s age is not much better. I speak for myself when I say both have a warrior’s spirit that we need in our organization.”
“I share that opinion myself and both are to fly their lions as their duty to the Blades,” Kolivan said.
All nine then gathered on the bridge and around a round table with holographic images. They were trying to come up with a collaborative plan to take down Zarkon. It was not an easy thing to contemplate for Zarkon had Hagger and the Druids protecting him and then there were the soldiers and security bots. Pidge said that she could hack into the security bots’ systems and control them.
“That’s one less obstacle to contend with,” Antok said.
“It turns out that we have one of our own on Zarkon’s ship,” Kolivan said. “Thace. He holds a commander’s rank in the empire’s army.”
“Is that good?” Allura asked.
“It is. He has access to some important information and is in charge of system maintenance. If he can sabotage the ship without tipping his hand, it would be advantageous to us.”
“Sabotage, like maybe a virus?” Coran asked.
Kolivan looked at Coran with a nod. “Just so. Thace has been working on developing one on Zarkon’s orders. If he can introduce a destructive one into the ship after departing, it could then destroy the ship and Zarkon with it.”
“Do you think the virus will work?” Shiro asked as she followed Kolivan with Antok behind her and he was steering Keith ahead of him.
“If he can pull it off, it would be a big blow to the empire. However, Zarkon has a son who could take over.”
“A son?” she repeated.
“Yes, but no one knows much about him.” He stopped at a room. “But, let us put the plan and Zarkon’s son aside for now. We have another matter to attend to.”
All four entered the room and Shiro’s eyes widened at seeing a nest in the room. She climbed in after Kolivan and was pulled into an embrace. He began to lick and nuzzle her and she purred in response. Antok pulled Keith into the nest. “Come on, kit. Let us show you how a pack loves one another.” He pulled Keith toward him and began to groom him.
Keith found the feel of Antok’s tongue moving over his hair odd and he looked at Shiro who was licking the fur on Kolivan’s head and her claws working his braid loose. A happy purr from her was heard and it drove home to him how much she had changed in a year, but it also told him how much she hadn’t changed. She’s still the Shiro I’ve known, just female and Galra now. He felt Antok carding his claws through his hair that he found soothing. His eyes closed and he was asleep, a purr coming from him that surprised all three Galra.
“I didn’t think he could purr,” Shiro murmured.
“Obviously he can,” Antok noted. He pulled Keith closer. “He is really precious. Krolia would be proud of him.”
“Hopefully our pack will be whole soon,” Kolivan said. “I would like them to meet our kit and my mate.”
Kolivan’s hope came to pass. Thace was able to introduce a destructive virus into the ship with a time delay so he could leave on a mission for the empire without arousing suspicion. Zarkon, Hagger, and everyone on board were killed as the ship blew up. Thace, Regris, and Krolia gathered at headquarters and were joined by the rest of their pack a quintant or two later. They spent the brief time of peace to get to know each other and enjoy one another’s company. Shiro savored these moments as she knew that all too soon she and Keith would return to their Blade mission as paladins of Voltron.