Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! This takes place after DSOD movie.
Chapter One- A Nighttime Walk
Joey glanced back as his friends and he walked down to an ice cream shop. Kaiba Corp appeared to be open and Joey could not believe that anyone would want to work on a Sunday. Kaiba must be one cold-hearted guy to force his workers to work Sundays.
“Joey? You okay, man?” asked Tristan, noticing Joey had slowed down.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just can’t believe Kaiba would make his employees work on a Sunday.”
“He’s not,” Yugi said. “It’s only him and Mokuba. He’s planning a summer internship for kids and teenagers who are interested in gaming whether it’s software designing or testing prototypes.”
“And how do you know that?” Joey asked.
“Mokuba came to the game shop to ask Grandpa if he could put a flyer on the wall.”
“Oh! So if anyone’s interested then they can go see Kaiba.”
“Well, only on weekends and after school.”
“You’re not thinking of applying, are you?” Tea asked.
“What? No way. Besides, Kaiba wouldn’t accept me in his internship.”
“That’s true,” Tristan said before giving Joey a somewhat sly grin as Joey seemed a bit anxious. “You gonna want to go for a walk tonight?”
Joey grinned back at the suggestion. “I would. You gonna pick me up?”
“Sure, buddy.” Yugi and Tea didn’t find the conversation odd as they were aware of the hidden meaning. Joey had told them at least a year ago that he was a born werewolf.
The gene was carried by both genders but only the men’s gene activated around pre-adolescence. Joey was sure his heritage came from his dad’s side of the family as his dad tended to shift into a wolf whenever he got seriously drunk and he got real aggressive. Joey, at first, had to hide to avoid injury. When his gene activated, he would take wolf form to counter his drunk father. Joey had gotten a surprise when his father turned submissive and led Joey to believe that he also had the alpha gene in addition to the werewolf gene. He further found that he could tap this gene even when in human form.
Joey had explained that he was self-aware and able to talk whenever he changed. The full moon was the only time when Joey could bite someone with the girls carrying the virus in a dormant state which would spread to any offspring and trigger in the sons while a bitten man would transform on the very next full moon night.
Joey possessed the senses, strength, and speed of a wolf in both forms. He enjoyed roaming in wolf form, but his gold fur gave him the look of a dog and the city’s leash law required all dogs to be collared and leashed at all times when not at home. If Joey wanted to walk in public as a wolf, one of his friends had to accompany him as if they were the owner. The only time Joey could roam free was at the park and he usually did that on the full moon as he couldn’t change back to human until morning.
He had been worried that his friends would shun him for being a werewolf; he should have known that they wouldn’t leave him for that as they had seen a lot of strange things together. They assured him that he being a werewolf was fine as he had been born one and it explained his overreaction to Kaiba’s dog cracks.
Kaiba is someone I wouldn’t tell about my heritage,he thought as the gang entered the ice cream shop and he looked at the menu boards. He would just mock me and probably worse than before. Then again, he wouldn’t believe me if I told him; not that I would tell him. Joey put Kaiba out of his mind as he got a sundae and joined his friends in typical teenage conversation.
Kaiba moved his fingers over his laptop mouse as he worked on budgets and consulted various department reports. He heard Mokuba sigh out of boredom and didn’t blame him. It seemed no one was interested in a summer internship with his company. He hoped to inspire the next generation of programmers, designers, and technology enthusiasts with this internship, but it seemed to be a failure.
Kaiba shook his head slightly. He just started this project! It was too soon to give it up now! However, if I don’t have even one person by the time summer vacation starts, I will scrap the program. He consulted one more report before he said, “Let’s head home, Mokuba. It’s possible that no one’s noticed the flyers yet.”
“Yeah, they probably haven’t,” Mokuba agreed as Kaiba called for the limo to come around. He packed his briefcase and headed out to the elevator with Mokuba beside him.
It was almost dark as they stepped outside and into the limo. Kaiba stared out the window, not really seeing the scenery. They pulled up to a red light and Kaiba then noticed a dog and its owner, the latter Kaiba recognized as Tristan.
He frowned thoughtfully. I wasn’t aware that Tristan had a dog and a strong-looking one at that. Kaiba’s eyes assessed the dog with its gold fur, pointed ears, long full tail, and muscled limbs and body. Tristan seemed to be having a little trouble controlling his pet, but Kaiba gave it no further thought as the light turned green and the limo pulled away.
Joey was practically shaking as the time of his walk approached. He was anxious to sniff the air, jog down the sidewalk, and just enjoy the evening. Yes, he could have done that as a human, but he felt an urge to do it as a wolf. Finally unable to wait, he pulled on a jacket and was about to open the door when he heard a wolf growl and a slurred voice saying, “And where do you think you’re goin’?”
Joey glared over his shoulder at the pale gold-gray wolf. “I’m headin’ out for a walk,” he snapped.
Mr. Wheeler gave a growl that indicated disapproval and Joey said, “Oh, shut up,” his alpha status coming to the forefront. His father whined and slunk away. Joey nodded, opened the door, and stepped out. He had reached the sidewalk when Tristan came up the way.
“I thought we were meeting at the door,” he said.
“I’m restless and Dad’s drunk. He didn’t want me to leave. I just told him off.” Joey shifted to wolf form.
“Well, after we graduate, you could move out. I wouldn’t mind having you live with me.” Tristan crouched down to apply the collar and leash.
“I could move out, but I am an alpha and Dad listens when I tap that part of myself.”
“Yeah, he does. All right, Joey. No more talking until I say so.” Joey barked in response and practically yanked Tristan down the sidewalk.
It was a pleasant night and the people they passed were amused at the sight of a dog pulling his owner along. Joey merely panted and sometimes barked as he enjoyed his walk. He stopped to sniff a hydrant near an intersection and was about to pull Tristan away when a limo stopped at the red light. Joey turned to look at it and with his night vision, he could make out Kaiba and Mokuba sitting inside.
He stood there, recalling Yugi saying Kaiba was planning a summer internship and his own thoughts over whether he should tell Kaiba the truth about himself and then dismissing the thought as Kaiba wouldn’t believe him; heck, Kaiba didn’t even like him. He wondered about why he had even wanted to tell Kaiba as Tristan and he resumed their walk.
Maybe it’s because Yug considers him a friend, despite their rivalry. I’m one of Kaiba’s rivals too, though ours is a bitter one instead of the grudging respect between him and Yugi. I wonder…would Kaiba and I become friends if I did apply for the internship? Only one way to find out.
Chapter Two- Applying
Kaiba was hard at work the next day while Mokuba was at school. He hoped for some people to show up for the internship. He recalled Mokuba and him planting flyers on the walls of gaming shops, computer stores, and the bulletin boards in the computer labs of schools. It was the last location where he hoped to attract most of his applicants. He planned to assign the applicants to the department that most interested them before assigning them to other departments later on in the summer to give them other options to consider. That would especially work for those who are undecided.
Joey regarded the flyer posted to the bulletin board outside the school’s computer lab. It bore the Kaiba Corp logo and that Seto Kaiba was looking for anyone interested in the fields of business, technology, or game design. Those interested were to report to Kaiba after school hours or on the weekend.
Hmm…game design. That sounds like fun and interesting too. Yeah, I’ll head over to Kaiba Corp this afternoon and tell him I want to sign up for the internship in game design.
Tristan rolled his eyes. “Joey, Kaiba will never let you sign up,” he said as the gang sat together at lunch.
Joey shrugged. “Can’t hurt to try. Who knows? He might let me into the program.”
“Since when were you into game design, anyway?” Tea piped in.
Joey took in Yugi and Ryou’s equally curious looks and sighed. “Okay, look. We all know that Kaiba and Yug’ have a rivalry based on respect. I noticed that Kaiba addresses Yugi by first name while he uses my last name when he’s not insultin’ me.
“You consider Kaiba a friend, right Yugi?” Yugi nodded and Joey continued. “I’d like to think of him that way too. I thought if I got into his program, I might earn his friendship or at least some level of respect.”
“You honestly think that’s going to work?” Tristan scoffed. “Even if you got in, he’ll likely hand you off to someone else and not interact with you for the whole summer.”
“That could happen but at least I tried and I’ll get some insight into game design and may want to do that for a living.”
Tea nodded at him. “That’s the spirit, Joey. If friendship with Kaiba doesn’t work out, at least you’ll have a possible career in mind.”
Tea’s right, Joey thought as he pedaled for Kaiba Corp. I might decide that game design is the career for me or not. If I stick with the internship, I might find a job I’ll really like. He pulled up to the front, wheeled his bike to a rack, chained it up, and entered Kaiba Corp, where he took the elevator to the office at the top.
He encountered a secretary at a desk to the right of a set of double doors. She raised an eyebrow as he approached. “Yes?” she said.
“Hi, I’m here to apply for the summer internship.”
She eyed him for a moment before she pushed an intercom button. “Mr. Kaiba? There’s a young man here inquiring about an internship.”
“Send him in,” came the immediate response. The secretary gave him a nod and he approached the doors.
Kaiba frowned as he worked while Mokuba did his homework nearby. School had been over for almost two hours and no one had come to apply for the internship. I run the world’s biggest and most powerful gaming company as well as a famous one and yet I have no applicants. Summer vacation starts in about two weeks.
“Seto,” Mokuba spoke up. “Maybe we could keep the internship application open all summer. I mean, some families go out of town for a vacation early in the summer break.”
“We could and we will. It will take time for the news of the program to get out and then we’ll have applicants, more than we could possibly have.”
His intercom beeped and his secretary’s voice came over the speaker. “Mr. Kaiba? There’s a young man here inquiring about an internship.”
“Send him in,” he said immediately before sharing a pleased look with Mokuba. The door opened and Kaiba’s business-like smile slipped as Joey entered the room. He scowled and snapped, “What are you doing here, Wheeler?”
Joey shut the door as the question was being asked and then said, “The internship like your secretary said.”
“I doubt that.”
“It’s true. I’m interested in applying and maybe learn about game design.”
“And why would I let you into the program?” Kaiba asked coldly.
“Look, if I wasn’t someone you disliked, you would interview me and consider letting me in. I’m being honest here. I’m interested in game design and would like to learn about it as well as anything else that might interest me.”
“Well, you are someone I dislike and therefore I don’t have to consider letting you into the program.”
“Seto,” Mokuba said. “Joey’s the first and only one so far to come and apply. I think Joey’s a nice guy if you would just give him a chance.”
“I don’t need to give him a chance,” Kaiba grated.
“I’m willing to give you a chance,” Joey said quietly. “I kind of consider you a friend despite our rivalry. If you won’t let me in the program, then suggest another way we can get to know each other.”
“The only way I can think of is a duel, but we know how that will end. Besides, there’s only one person I want to duel.”
“Yugi?” Joey suggested dully.
“No. The pharaoh.”
“Atem? Kaiba, he’s moved on. You saw that yourself.”
“Suppose the Puzzle was put back together and Yugi wore it? That should draw the pharaoh back into the Puzzle.”
“Are you serious? He waited thousands of years to rest. Let him be. The rest of us accepted that he needed to move on as much as he liked him and didn’t want him to go.”
Kaiba was silent for a moment before saying in a defeated and soft tone, “You’re right. I knew deep down that he’s gone, but I didn’t want to believe it. I guess I needed to hear someone say it. Thanks.”
“Thanks?” Joey said before he could stop himself. “I mean, uh, you’re welcome.”
“So,” Kaiba leaned back, fingers pressed together. “You want to be in my summer internship…or was that a ruse to get to know me?”
“A little of both. I noticed that you call Yugi by his first name and me by my surname. I figured it was because you had a grudging respect for Yugi.”
“Correct. I respect him as a worthy opponent and duelist.”
“And you saw me as a pest and a nuisance, right?”
“Yes, I did. I will admit that the last time we dueled, you had improved from our first time.”
“I was also using a device I was unfamiliar with the first time.”
Kaiba chuckled. “That’s true and that gives me an idea. I’m working on developing a new cutting-edge dueling system. In about two weeks, I’ll have two prototypes ready for testing. Would you care to help me test them? This would be part of your internship and while you wait for the test, I will show you my game design department.”
“Of course I would like to help test them.” Joey took the hand Kaiba then held out and the two shook on it.
Chapter Three- Friendship Progression
“You got in and working with Kaiba?” Tea asked the next day at lunch.
“Yeah,” Joey said. “Summer starts in two weeks and the prototypes for a new dueling system will be ready to test at the same time.”
“Uh, the full moon is in two weeks too,” Tristan pointed out.
“I know that and I’m sure Kaiba won’t keep me late at work. He wants me to come by this weekend to work out a schedule for me.”
“I’m happy for you, Joey,” Yugi said. “Helping Kaiba with a new dueling system should lead to a greater respect for one another.”
“I think we already took a step toward friendship. Kaiba had this crazy idea of bringing Atem back just to duel him one more time.”
“How was he planning to do that? He’s moved on,” Tea said.
“He thought if he could retrieve the Puzzle and reassemble it, the pharaoh would be drawn into it and then resurrect in Yugi when he wore it again. I pointed out that he saw Atem leave and to let him rest. Kaiba said I was right. He knew deep down that Atem was gone but didn’t want to believe it. He guessed that he needed to hear someone say he was gone. He actually thanked me for saying it.”
“That does sound like a step toward friendship,” Yugi said. “For Kaiba, anyway.”
“Uh, Joey?” Tristan asked after a minute of silence. “Is…Serenity coming to our graduation?”
Joey fired a stern glare at his friend before saying, “Yeah she is and I’ve heard she’s got a boyfriend her own age so you’re out of luck.”
“She knows you’re a werewolf, right?” Tea asked.
“Uh, no. We were separated before it activated and I didn’t know until Dad got drunk, transformed, and told me. I’m thinking of surprising her with a collar and leash as a gift and telling her after opening it.”
“Why not just tell her?” Ryou asked.
“I…may want to take a walk. Sometimes, Serenity’s visits really excite me.”
“When’s she coming?”
“Sunday and she’ll leave the Sunday after that.”
“The day before you start the internship,” Yugi said. “Or that’s when the program starts.”
“Seto, is Joey going to start on the first day?”
“I plan for him to, but it will be just to get him adjusted to a job. The prototypes won’t be ready until Wednesday so I can get him settled in and we can talk. I would like to know more about him.”
“I know he has a sister, is a duelist, is my age, and about to graduate. That’s all. I have no idea what his family life is like, though I surmise his parents are divorced as his sister and he live apart.”
“That’s awful. Living away from his sister.”
“Yes.” Kaiba felt it was a shame that the two were separated and wondered why. Why couldn’t they stay together? That’s one question I will ask. I may elaborate on my home life if Wheeler asks. Hmm…perhaps I’ll call him Joey outside of work. It depends on how things go. Joey and Kaiba’s thoughts on each other were put on hold during the week due to exams and projects, respectively. Kaiba did call Joey on Friday for him to come the next day to work out a schedule. Joey said he’d come after lunch hour and true to his word, he showed up promptly after lunch hour and went up to the office where he knocked and entered when told to do so.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Kaiba,” Joey said, adopting a formal tone.
Kaiba raised an eyebrow at the greeting. “What’s with the formal tone?” he asked.
“Well, this is a meeting,” Joey said, a little thrown by the question. “I thought a formal tone was appropriate.”
“I see. I appreciate your greeting but save it for the internship.” He gestured for Joey to sit. “Now, I want you to have weekends off and work Monday through Friday from eleven a.m. to three p.m.”
“Four hours?”
“Is that acceptable? Internships are not real jobs though I am paying those who get in.”
“Eleven to three is acceptable.”
“I may need you to stay every once in a while for an hour or two more. I will pay you for the extra time.”
“Okay.” The sun sets late in the summer so I don’t have to worry about staying late.
“So, it’s agreed.” Kaiba slid a piece of paper toward him. “I just need you to sign this and I’ll give you a copy.”
Joey looked down to see a work schedule for the entire summer with a disclaimer that the times were subject to change at any time. He accepted a pen from Kaiba and signed his full first name and last name. He gave both items back and Kaiba copied the paper and handed the copy over.
“So…graduation is next Saturday,” Kaiba ventured.
“Right. Would you and Mokuba like to come?”
“I’m sure Mokuba would and naturally I’ll be there with him.”
“Isn’t your sister coming?”
“She is. She’ll be here tomorrow and leave the following Saturday.”
“Wheeler…can I call you Joey?”
“Sure. I’d like that.”
“Good. Joey, why are you and Serenity living apart? It’s clear that you love one another.”
“My mom and I don’t get along and she’s the one who separated us.”
“I see.”
“But, when I get my own place, Serenity can move in with me.”
“She would leave her friends and any boyfriends she has to be with you?”
“She’s willing leave her friends. As for boyfriends…well, I told Tristan that she has one her own age, but I lied.”
“Then, she doesn’t have one.”
“No, she does. I quietly set her up with Duke.”
“Really? I thought you didn’t approve of him, either.”
“It’s been two years and Duke’s matured since he first met her. Duke agreed to keep quiet about being Serenity’s boyfriend and the two have been writing to each other. They’ll likely go out while she’s in town.”
“Oh, he will. I would do the same if my out-of-town girlfriend came for a visit.”
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
“No. I’m pretty much married to my work. Do you have a girlfriend, Joey?”
“Not really. I mean, I like Mai but I haven’t seen her for a while.”
“What about Tea?”
“No way! Besides, she’s going to America to study dance.”
Kaiba shrugged. “Okay, then. Well, you still have time to meet someone, date, and marry. I believe that anyone would be lucky to have you as a friend or boyfriend.”
Chapter Four- Serenity
The train pulled into the station and Joey eagerly scanned the faces of the people as they disembarked. A teenage girl with reddish-brown hair and green eyes then emerged and looked around before smiling as she spotted Joey. She ran up to him and into his open arms. “Joey!” she said joyfully.
“Aw, Serenity,” he replied. “It’s been too long.”
“Only two years, big brother,” she pointed out as they left the station once they collected her suitcase.
“I know but it feels a lot longer. So, you plan on seein’ Duke while in town?”
“Of course. Does anyone else know about the two of us?”
“Just one: Kaiba.”
“Kaiba? Why? I thought you two didn’t like each other.”
“We’ve started take steps to being friends. You see, Kaiba’s having a summer internship for kids and teenagers interested in gaming, business, or technology. I chose to see Kaiba to apply. I thought if I got into the program, then maybe Kaiba and I could be friends or at least have a greater respect for one another. I showed up after school last Monday and it turns out I was the first one to apply. Well, we got to talking and Kaiba let me in the program. I’ll be helping test a new type of dueling system. We worked out a schedule for me yesterday and I start next Monday.”
“Joey, that’s wonderful.” Serenity gave him another hug and then noticed the gift bag hanging from his arm. “What’s in the bag?” she asked, pointing at it.
“Oh. It’s a gift for you.” He handed it over.
Serenity opened the bag, looked in it, and blinked in confusion. “A collar and leash?” She looked up at Joey. “Mom won’t let me have a dog.”
“I know.” Joey swallowed hard, his heart pounding. “Serenity, I should have told you last time you were here but I only just told the gang last year.”
“Told me what?”
“I’m…a werewolf.”
“I was born one. Our dad is one too. The gene came from his side of the family. You have the gene too but it only activates in males. I started changing two years after we were separated. I also learned that I am an alpha wolf and Dad listens to me whenever I tap my alpha status.
“I am completely aware of myself any time I change, including the full moon which is the time when I can bite anyone and can’t be human until morning. I can talk all the time. Thing is, there are times when I want to walk in public as a wolf but I have to be collared and leashed as per the leash laws. My fur is gold so I could be mistaken for a dog.”
“Joey, are you wanting to take a walk now? Is that why you gave me a collar and leash?”
“Yeah, it is. My friends and I set up a rule that I don’t talk on those walks.”
“I can see why.” The pair stepped into an alley and Serenity pulled out her gifts. “Then, let’s do it.” Serenity took a step back as Joey transformed. She then smiled as she crouched down to apply the collar and leash. “Joey, you are a cool-looking wolf.”
Joey panted and barked which made Serenity giggle. She took hold of the leash and Joey set off down the sidewalk at a leisurely pace. He was happy that Serenity accepted his being a werewolf and that she carried this gene in a dormant state. She’ll have questions for me once I change back and I’ll be happy to answer them.
Serenity held tight to the leash as Joey was quite strong despite his casual pace. She was still struggling with the revelation that Joey was a werewolf as was her dad. Her mom never told her that she had married a werewolf and that the trait had passed on to her children. Joey had made it clear that only the sons would change while the daughters would carry it on to their children.
He said that he’s aware of himself all the time and can talk at any time. The full moon gives him the ability to bite someone but he can’t change back to human until morning. I wonder what would happen if he bites someone and if he has any abilities when human. Serenity was so lost in thought and keeping a hold on Joey that she missed a limo going the other way.
Kaiba was pleased. Two junior high kids had applied and their schedules had been drawn up, approved by the parents who were there, and signed. Both were computer geniuses and Kaiba assigned them to the programming department. They were excited about their assignment though they covered it in a professional manner but Kaiba could see it in their eyes.
Three applicants so far and one week of school left. Mokuba’s been talking up the internship at school and he’s said that some classmates have younger siblings so that could mean I’ll have kids coming to apply. The little kids will only attend for one day to see how a company runs and the different departments that comprise it.
He looked out a window and saw a girl he recognized as Serenity and she was walking a large gold dog. He frowned as he turned his head to track the pair for he was sure that was the same dog he had seen Tristan walking last week.
Maybe they’re offering to walk some old lady’s dog, though why an old lady would own such a large dog, I have no idea. Kaiba again put the sight out of his mind as the limo headed for home.
Serenity walked Joey to the door of the apartment and removed the collar before Joey changed back. “That was fun but kind of weird,” she commented.
“I know but I enjoy it. I do roam free in the park on the full moon as I can’t change back until morning.”
“Speaking of the full moon, what would happen if you did bite someone?”
“That depends on the gender and the time. Say I bite on the first night. If I bite a woman, she would have a bite mark that’ll fade away and any children she has will carry the gene with the sons being werewolves. If I bit a man, he would transform the second full moon night which would also carry to future generations.”
“You haven’t bitten anyone, right?”
“Right, though Dad thinks I should. He’s boasted of traveling to other places and biting men and women.”
“You were strong as a wolf. Are you still strong?”
Joey nodded. “I have the senses, speed, and strength of a wolf in human form. I try not to show off as it would be strange. I accidentally broke a guy’s ribs when I first officially became a werewolf. I had no idea how much stronger I had become and trained myself to control it. I do let a little loose if I’m being threatened by a mugger, for example. They would think twice if that happened.”
Serenity looked at the door. “Are you sure I can stay here? I mean, what if Dad gets drunk, changes, and tries to hurt me?”
“He’ll regret it if he does. Plus, I’ll protect you. Remember, I’m an alpha wolf. He’ll listen to me,” Joey said as he opened the door and they went in.
Chapter Five- First Date
Serenity was warmly welcomed by the gang when she and Joey met them after school the next day. Duke was there too and as he tended to join them now and then, no one thought his presence was odd, but Joey knew better. He suspected the young game shop owner was there to ask Serenity out. His suspicions were confirmed when he joined Serenity and Joey in getting food and drinks for everyone.
“Hey, Serenity. How about we go to the movies, say, tomorrow night?”
“The movies? Sure,” she said.
“Great. I know this romance one I know you’ll love.” He flashed a charming smile and Joey looked suspiciously at him.
He waited until Serenity was out of earshot before he grabbed Duke’s arm. “Listen, I may approve of you as a boyfriend, but you better be a gentleman on that date or you’ll answer to me.”
Duke chuckled a little. “Joey, you talk like a tough guy but you don’t follow through with your threats.”
“Only because I could end up sending that person to the hospital. I didn’t tell you what I told the others last year.” He leaned toward Duke’s ear. “I’m a werewolf.”
Duke looked at him before his lips twitched and he laughed. “A werewolf?” he snickered. “You’re joking.”
“I’m not. I was born one. Ask Serenity. I told her yesterday and changed to prove it.”
“You can change without the full moon?”
“Yeah. I’m forced to stay in wolf form during the full moon, but I can change back to human in the morning.”
Duke was thoughtful as he got dressed for his date the next night. The revelation that Joey was a born werewolf made him wonder if Serenity was one, too. The idea of dating a werewolf could be exciting and a little challenging as well. On one hand, his date could defend both of them if need be but on the other hand, they couldn’t go on dates during the full moon. Joey hadn’t given all the details of his heritage and left Duke with a lot of questions.
He was quiet and deep in thought when he picked Serenity up and drove them to the theater. He had complimented her dress but pretty much said nothing else.
Serenity was worried as she glanced at Duke who was silent as he drove and kept his eyes on the road. Duke wasn’t being his charming self. He usually had something to say; he kept up a steady stream of chatter whenever they talked on the phone. Why is he so quiet? Wait…I saw Joey talking to him yesterday. Did he threaten Duke even though he approves of him?
When they pulled into the theater parking lot, Serenity said, “Duke, did Joey threaten you after you asked me out?”
“Just the usual big brother threat,” Duke said casually.
“So, he did. As if you would treat me wrong.”
“That’s what concerned him. He said I better be a gentleman or I would answer to him.”
Serenity huffed. “I’m old enough to take care of myself. Joey needs to stop treating me like a kid.”
“Of course. Serenity? Joey told me he’s a werewolf.”
“Yeah. He is. He told me Sunday and changed in front of me.”
“Well, the real reason I was quiet is because I was wondering if you were one, too.”
Serenity brightened at finally understanding Duke’s silence. “Oh, I’m not though I do carry the werewolf gene. If I have any children, my daughters would carry it while my sons would both carry it and become werewolves. Duke, if I was a werewolf I would have changed the year before we met. I would have told you over the phone.”
“Oh! So you can carry it but girls don’t change while the guys do. But, is it on your mother’s side or your father’s?”
“My dad. I don’t know if Mom knew he was a werewolf. Joey told me Sunday that he didn’t know until Dad changed one day and told him. When Joey changed in front of Dad, he found that he’s an alpha wolf and Dad submits to him whenever he uses that status.”
“Alpha wolf. Of course. I assume he has the senses of a wolf.”
“Senses, speed, and strength. He can talk, full moon or not. He can only turn someone on the full moon which he has not done.”
“Assuming a woman would just carry the werewolf gene if bitten, what would happen if it was a man?”
“He would transform on the next full moon night. So, if he was bitten on the first night, he would change the next night.”
Duke checked his watch. “We still have time to buy the tickets, popcorn, and drinks.”
“Maybe one large popcorn?” Serenity suggested as they got out. “So we can share?”
Duke saw the sly glint in her eyes and smiled. “Sure, we can.”
Joey peeked behind the curtain as Duke and Serenity came up to the door with happy smiles. He had a good idea what movie they went to and looked online to see how long it was. Joey felt a bit ashamed of his behavior toward this date. His wolf side made him more protective than he used to be. Other people would say he was just being a big brother, but he knew better.
He saw Duke hug Serenity and when they separated, Serenity pulled Duke down and kissed him. Joey’s eyes went wide at her bold move and his ashamed feelings grew. Serenity can take care of herself. She’s fifteen, for crying out loud. I was self-sufficient at her age. He stepped away from the curtain, sped to his room, flopped onto his bed, and seized the first thing to read: Notes for his next exam. He pretended to study them until he heard Serenity say his name.
“Hi, sis,” he said casually. “How was the movie?”
“It was good, but I want to talk to you about threatening Duke. Joey, I can take care of myself. I don’t need you watching out for me while I’m here.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Joey sighed.
“I’m fifteen and quite capable of…wait. Did you say I’m right?”
“I did. I’m sorry, Serenity. I was letting my protective wolf side dictate my words and actions. I don’t want anything to happen to you and yet I know you can defend yourself if you need to.”
“Yes, I can. I admit it’s nice that you care about me so much, but girls can fight back if we need to. If a guy tried to hurt me, I know exactly how to hurt him in order to get away.”
Joey winced as he caught on to what Serenity was hinting. “Yeah, that really hurts. You know, I think the confidence of a werewolf can show in the women who carry the gene. I’ve seen how brave you can be as well as how confident you are.”
“You could be right.” She took a seat next to Joey. “I know you were spying on Duke and me earlier. That’s why I kissed him.”
Joey chuckled. “You noticed. I thought you did, but I thought I try to act like I didn’t. Should have known better than that.” He flashed his trademark grin which made Serenity giggle and soon both siblings were laughing.
Chapter Six- Internship
The rest of Serenity’s visit was smooth-going. Duke asked Serenity out two more times once the latter assured the former that Joey was completely fine with their dates now.
Graduation was a very joyous occasion. There were speeches, tears of joy or sadness, and cheers of finishing high school. Joey felt joy and sadness in that he was done with high school but it also meant that the gang would end up divided, particularly when Tea boards a plane to New York. Yugi and Tristan would still be around and Joey could hang out with them when he wasn’t working.
Working. The word was almost alien to Joey for no high school student was allowed to have a job unless given school permission. He was looking forward to seeing how a company ran and being part of the working class, albeit, in a semi-official capacity. If I find that I don’t care for company work, perhaps I could work with Yugi or even Duke. After all, Duke may end up marrying Serenity and unlike Mom, he knows he would know he’s marrying into a family of werewolves. Heh, I would be willing to teach them how to be werewolves. Of course, they could end up with only girls.
Monday arrived and Joey dressed carefully. It was his first job even though it was only an internship. He put on his best suit and found a briefcase in the apartment. His father was fast asleep as he left and had started down the sidewalk when a limo pulled up beside him. A window rolled down and Mokuba looked up at him. “Hey, Joey. Get in.”
“Sure. Thanks.” Joey got in and the limo pulled away. “You heading to Kaiba Corp, too?”
“Yeah. I’m going to help a pair of applicants get settled in today while you’re with Seto.”
“Oh, so two more people applied?”
“Yeah and they’ll be in the programming department to start out. Seto may move them to another one later in the summer for experience.”
“I’ll likely want to do that myself.”
“Of course you can,” Kaiba said when Joey recounted the conversation. “The point of the program is to give the applicants the opportunity to know what they like or don’t like. There are other divisions in the game design department besides Duel Monsters. As the prototypes won’t be ready until Wednesday, I can give you a tour of the gaming department as well as an employee key so you can have access to a limited number of labs.”
“Okay.” Joey stood and followed Kaiba out to what was clearly a restricted access elevator as instead of buttons, there was a keyhole and a key pad with a card slot above it. Kaiba removed a key from a pocket, put it in the keyhole, and turned it which opened the elevator door. “I’ll have your card and code number ready when you come in tomorrow so you can look around the labs during your shift.”
Joey nodded as they entered the elevator and the door closed. Kaiba pushed a button, saying, “We’ll start at the bottom of the process and work our way up.”
“Where does it all start?” asked Joey, though he had a good idea of the answer.
“Brainstorming, of course,” Kaiba said, suspecting that Joey already knew that. “Games may be all we do, but the process from concept to final product is not an easy one. The developmental process is the longest one as one has to test the programs or rules to see if it works or not. If not, then they send it back to work out the bugs.” The elevator dinged and the door opened to reveal a long hallway with double doors at the end that read “Game Design- Brainstorming.” There was a low babble of talk that Joey could hear with his sharp hearing.
Kaiba opened the doors and strode into the room which was divided into office cubicles. The babble didn’t cease when Kaiba entered and Joey saw that it was because the talk was on game concepts and it was to each other. Kaiba would randomly walk up to an employee and examine their work, sometimes criticizing or praising their work. The criticizing was with the typical Kaiba tone Joey had known for years while the praise was unusual to hear. Nonetheless, it was good to know that Kaiba can be nice.
A loud electronic buzz then sounded and Kaiba announced, “Lunch hour!” Joey looked around to see a digital clock the size of an electronic bulletin board on the wall and it showed that it was noon. Employees either headed to a break room or out of the room to leave for lunch. Kaiba followed them at a leisurely pace with Joey behind him.
“I have an electronic clock in all break rooms and at each elevator bank. They’re required to use their card to clock in when starting the day and coming back from lunch. They clock out when going to lunch and leaving for the day. I will add your hours into my employee database for today as you’ll have your card tomorrow.”
“Right. So, I guess I’ll see you in an hour?”
“If you wish, but Mokuba left for the nearby deli and should be back with lunch very soon.”
“Uh, on second thought, I’ll stay.”
“I was hoping you would as I would like to talk while we eat.”
Mokuba met them at the office door with a small deli case and three bottles of soda. “I didn’t know what Joey likes so I got a sandwich maker kit,” Mokuba explained as they settled around Kaiba’s desk.
“That’s fine, little brother. Perhaps Joey would like to take the rest home for dinner tonight or maybe for tomorrow’s lunch,” Kaiba said, looking at Joey.
“Definitely dinner and lunch,’ Joey said. “Dad and I could eat some tonight and I’ll take what’s left for lunch.” Joey felt his mouth water at the selection of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments. He was encountering the meat craving all werewolves experience when the full moon is close. He chose mostly meat for his sandwich with a bit of cheese and a little tomato.
“Don’t you like vegetables, Joey?” Mokuba asked before taking a bite of a deli pickle and then a bite of his sandwich that had quite a selection of vegetables.
“Sure I do. I’m just feeling meat hungry right now.”
There was silence as the three of them ate and drank before Kaiba broke it. “Joey, how many dates did Serenity and Duke have?”
“Three. I was a bit too protective when Duke first asked her out. I threatened him if he mistreated her.”
“I understand that. I would do anything to protect Mokuba.”
“I don’t need you to be over-protective,” Mokuba protested. “I am thirteen.”
“Serenity said a similar thing when she came home after the first date.”
“Is your father also protective of her dating?”
“He doesn’t care about Serenity or me. He spends most of his time asleep or drunk, sometimes both.”
“Your mom left you with a drunk father?” Kaiba gasped.
“Yeah. Both don’t really care about me. Only Serenity and my friends care about me.”
Kaiba was astounded to hear that Joey’s home life had not been much better than his own. Both had suffered at the hands of adults but while Kaiba became cold as a result, Joey started out as a bully but later became the man that sat before him. “We’re not too different, are we Joey?”
“I suppose not, Kaiba.”
“Call me Seto. We’re friends now.” Kaiba gave a smile that Joey found to be very friendly indeed.
Chapter Seven- The Big Reveal
Joey was elated at he clocked in on Wednesday. He succeeded in befriending Kaiba. All I did was talk about Dad and that did it. You know, when I think about it, both of us didn’t have a good childhood. Yeah, Seto lived in a mansion, but his stepfather was cruel to him. Dad was abusive and I’m starting to think that Mom knew Dad was a werewolf and that I would be one too. She probably thought I would hurt Serenity and maybe her too.
Joey blinked as he got in the elevator. He realized that he hadn’t told Kaiba he was a werewolf. I need to tell him as tonight is the first full moon. He arrived at Kaiba’s office as the brunette wanted to speak about the system they would be testing and about dueling in general.
The moment to tell Kaiba did not come right away. Kaiba dove right into talking about the system and Joey found himself intrigued by how it works. “It looks lighter,” he said as he looked at the image on the screen.
“It is lighter. I thought if it was lighter and more portable, people will want to buy it as well as use it more.”
“Makes sense. Who came up with the design?”
“I did. When it comes to Duel Monsters technology, I only trust myself to bring the image in my mind to paper.”
Joey nodded and the lunch buzzer sounded. He got up and said, “I’ll be right back.” He left the office, clocked out for lunch, and returned with Mokuba in tow. Joey brought out his lunch box, opened it, and brought out a meat-laden sandwich.
“Meat hungry again?” Kaiba asked.
“Uh-huh. I really can’t help it.” Joey took a bite, chewed, swallowed, and took another bite.
“Can’t help it?” Mokuba repeated after a period of silence. “How come?”
Joey swallowed his bite and drank some water before giving both brothers a serious, intense look. “I am a werewolf,” he said.
Mokuba’s mouth dropped while Kaiba laughed. “A werewolf?” he snickered. “Really Joey?”
“I’m serious, Seto. I was born one ‘cause my dad is a born one. I can talk and change whenever I want. I still talk on the full moon, but I must change and can’t be human until morning.”
“When did you start changing?” Mokuba asked. “I’m guessing you changed later on.”
“It was when I was twelve. I’m starting to think that Mom left me with Dad because she knew both of us were werewolves and thought I would hurt Serenity or bite both of them.”
“Isn’t Serenity already a werewolf?” Mokuba asked. “I mean, you dad was born one and so were you.”
Joey shook his head. “Girls can only carry the gene to her children. Guys can be born, carry the gene to his children, and bite men and women on the full moon.”
“Tonight is the full moon,” Kaiba said. “That’s why you’re telling us this.”
“And because you’re my friends. I told the gang a year ago and told Serenity and Duke last week.”
“Joey, if you are a werewolf, prove it. Change into a wolf.”
“Sure.” Joey stood and shifted to wolf. He saw Kaiba stand and gape at him with what he guessed was surprise at Joey’s change. He believes me now.
“It was you,” he said in soft amazement. “I saw Tristan walking a large gold dog two weeks ago and then I saw Serenity doing the same last week.”
“Yeah. I get urges to walk in public as a wolf but the leash laws make that impossible so after telling the gang about being a werewolf and my urges, we devised a plan of everyone taking turns walking me, though it’s usually Tristan. I think he likes doing it.”
“What about tonight and the next two?”
“Oh, I use the park for those nights. I have a secluded spot there.”
“And your dad?”
“He stays home. He gets real drunk before sunset and changes while he’s passed out. I usually lock the door when I leave. Dad, for some reason, doesn’t seem inclined to break the door down to get out. We both have the senses, speed, and strength of a wolf and not just in wolf form.” Joey changed back and sat again.
“And you get meat cravings.” Kaiba nodded at Joey’s box.
Joey nodded. “Part of being a werewolf.”
“What’s it like?” Mokuba asked eagerly.
“Not too different from being human aside from meat cravings, the full moon, and sharper abilities.”
“You said you can bite men and women on the full moon. Suppose you bit me. What would happen?” Mokuba asked.
“You mean aside from your brother wanting to kill me for doing it?” Joey fell silent for another moment before saying, “Understand that I’ve never bitten anyone, but my dad has and he’s boasted to me about them. He actually tails his victim, seeing them having cravings and in apparent pain from the sharper senses while confused about why they’re painful. They end up changing the night after the bite, if the bite’s not on the third night.”
“So, a guy changes twenty-four hours later or a month later.”
“That’s right.”
“Did your dad describe the change?”
“Yeah, he did in every little detail. My dad’s a sadistic werewolf.” At Mokuba’s eager expression, he added, “He said there’s groaning and moaning before changing instantly. He also told me how some of them howled in horror or yelped in shock.” Joey shook his head. “I think it’s sick to bite someone and not tell them what it means. I mean, if you’re going to change someone’s life, they deserve to know. Personally, I would only do it if someone asked.”
“Your dad wouldn’t teach them or anything?”
“I said he was sadistic. Honestly, I think he’s going to get himself killed one day with his turning ways.”
“How does a werewolf die?”
“The same way any other living being dies, though we do age more gracefully.”
Kaiba had remained silent throughout Joey’s detailed explanation of what being a werewolf was like aside from an occasional question. He was suspicious of Mokuba pumping Joey for information and wondered if Mokuba was going to ask to be bitten.
Joey too suspected as much also and already had an answer if the question was posed. When the buzzer signaling the end of lunch sounded, Joey left to clock in and then returned to the office. He took his seat, ready to discuss general dueling tactics when Mokuba said, “Joey? Do you…think you could…bite me tonight?”
“I could,” he said carefully. “But only if Seto says it’s okay.”
Mokuba immediately turned to his brother. “Seto, please?”
“Are you serious?” Kaiba asked.
“Yeah. Joey makes being a werewolf sound cool.”
“I promise to make sure he stays safe,” Joey said, knowing Kaiba would give in if he knew Mokuba would be safe.
“I appreciate that Joey, but you don’t need to promise that because I want you to bite both of us into werewolves.”
Chapter Eight- Bitten
“You want to be a werewolf too, Seto?” Joey gasped.
“Yes. Being a werewolf does sound amazing and usually Mokuba and I do everything together. I can hardly let my brother have all the fun of being a werewolf.”
“Well, I can hardly deny you as you both have asked.”
“Thanks to your answers, we know what to expect before we really do change,” Mokuba said.
“There are still hours to go until dark, so let’s get back to business,” Kaiba said. “Joey, what is your plan when dueling?”
“Plan? You mean strategy? Well, I try to win. I do use spell cards to boost my monsters or chances of winning.”
“I often thought your deck was based on luck and I didn’t think that in a good way. However, now I see that it works for you. It is not one that would work for me, but I shouldn’t put it down. Naturally, my strategy is based on power as well as strong, rare cards.”
“Rare cards are usually expensive so I use whatever I can get.”
“And you do it well. Now, let’s head down to the R and D division to test the prototypes.”
“Yeah. I’ve been waiting since you let me into the internship.” Joey eagerly followed Kaiba out of the office with Mokuba behind them.
Joey adjusted the headpiece as he returned to his dueling place having just shuffled Kaiba’s deck, handing it back, and getting his own in return. The first test run was for both men to be familiar with the devices. Joey was impressed with how it operated and how slick and easy it was to put on. If I could afford it, I would definitely buy it.
Kaiba drew a card several turns later. He was becoming increasingly comfortable wearing the system and how well it was working. These prototypes are working perfectly. This new system can move on to the next phase. I’ve also noticed that Joey’s dueling has improved since the last time I saw him duel, but still no match for me. He ordered his Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon to attack and Joey’s monster was destroyed and his life points hit zero.
Joey went to one knee but grinned at Kaiba who was approaching as he stood. “Seto, these prototypes are great! Put them in a variety of colors and people will be eager to buy one.”
“Even you?” Kaiba asked.
Joey shook his head. “There’s no way I could afford one.”
“Joey, since you helped me test them and suggested colors, you can have one in the color of your choice, free of charge.”
“What? Really?”
Kaiba laughed at Joey’s astonishment. “Yes, really. What color would you like?”
Joey appeared to think it over as they put the prototypes away. “Red,” he finally said.
“Then, the first red one will be yours.”
“Cool. Well, I’ll see you and Mokuba at the park entrance at sunset tonight.” Joey left the test area, clocked out, and headed for Yugi’s to tell him about his day and what would happen tonight.
“You told Kaiba and Mokuba your secret and you’re going to turn them tonight?” Yugi asked in surprise.
“Yeah. They asked if I could and I agreed. I’m actually a little nervous as I’ve never bitten anyone.”
“Will they react to you the way your dad does when they change?”
“I don’t know. I’d like to think that confidence in oneself translates to the wolf half and perhaps a little bit more as wolves are predators.”
Yugi nodded and decided to change the subject. “Have you tested the new system? You said it would be ready today.”
“Yeah, we did. Of course I lost in all those tests, but whether I won or lost wasn’t the point. Both systems work perfectly and I suggested that if they were made in different colors, he would sell a lot of them. Then, Seto said he’d let me have one in my color choice for free since I helped in testing and suggested color choices.”
“Wow. You and Kaiba are getting on well together. Hard to believe you became friends two days ago.”
“Maybe it was starting the day I went to apply. He did thank me for saying out loud what he already knew deep inside him.”
Yugi watched Joey leave with a sad, faraway look. He had dwelled on and off the last two weeks about Atem. It hurt to lose the pharaoh whom he had been so close to, but he kept reminding himself that he deserved to move on after spending thousands of years in the Puzzle. He also felt good that he had helped bring that eternal rest to Atem. He’s where he belongs and the gang and I have accepted it. Kaiba knew it too despite wanting to duel him again. It took Joey saying it let him go that got through to him and begin a real friendship with Joey and now Joey will turn both Kaiba brothers into werewolves.
Joey hurried to the park after a meal of exclusively meat and making sure his father was passed out before locking the door. Both brothers were at the entrance and Joey spied the limo parked not far from them. He nodded to them before saying, “Let’s head to where I spend my moons. More private.
“I forgot to mention a few things about werewolves as I wasn’t sure I would be biting anyone. The bite will fade in the morning which will activate the quick healing ability. The nature of the meat craving changes once the first night passes. A werewolf will want raw meat and meat is all one will eat during the full moon.”
Mokuba made a face at this. “Will Seto and I want raw meat tomorrow?” he asked as they entered an enclosed grove of trees.
“Possibly. Dad didn’t go into specifics when following those he bit except for the transformations and the side effects prior to it.”
“He told you enough when it came to the transformations,” Kaiba said as he rolled up his left sleeve. “We know it will hurt, so we’re prepared.”
Joey nodded and glanced up to see the sky briefly flare with the final light of the sun. He then howled as he shifted into his wolf form. He stretched and kneaded the dirt with his claws before facing Kaiba and Mokuba. “Now, are you sure about this? Once I bite, I can’t take it back.”
“I’m sure,” Mokuba said, his left sleeve also rolled up. He extended his arm. “Go ahead. Bite me, Joey.”
Joey flashed a wolf’s grin as he latched his jaws onto the young teen’s arm and bit down. Mokuba gasped in pain and when Joey let go there were clear teeth marks as well as blood.
Kaiba produced a mini first aid kit and began dressing the mark. He also felt separated from Mokuba at this moment in time. His brother was a werewolf and he wasn’t. That will soon change.
Once Mokuba was patched up, he held out his arm and he grunted as teeth pierced his arm. Now, I’m a werewolf, he thought as Mokuba dressed the injury. Tomorrow night, we will both change but first will come the cravings, sharper senses, and healing power.
Kaiba rose once patched up and said, “I will see you at work tomorrow, Joey.”
“I’ll be there,” he promised. He waited until Kaiba and Mokuba were gone before he loped out of his place and began to leap, run, howl, and simply enjoy being a wolf for the night.
Chapter Nine- Adjustments
Kaiba opened his eyes the next morning and then quickly shut them as the sunlight hurt them. He rolled over and squinted as he grabbed a pair of sunglasses from his bedside table and put them on. He sighed in relief as he got up and headed for the bathroom. Mokuba and I figured our eyes would be light sensitive and that’s why the sunglasses were there. He pushed up his left sleeve and undid the bandages to reveal smooth, unmarked skin. Just as Joey said. I can heal quickly now. How quickly is the question. He grabbed a razor blade and swiftly moved it over his left middle finger. He hissed at the blade cutting his skin and held the hand over the sink. Blood welled up and as Kaiba dabbed it away, he saw the cut knit back together and fade, leaving no sign of injury.
Kaiba was stunned. Faster than I had anticipated. Very nice. He washed up, dressed, and headed down to the dining room where Mokuba sat with a plate of raw meat which he was eating with no disgust or revulsion. Kaiba licked his lips as he watched before heading into the kitchen to get his own. He was soon seated and dug into his breakfast.
“Not bad, huh Seto?” Mokuba asked after a few minutes.
“Not bad,” he agreed. “Perhaps we can have chopped raw steak for lunch.”
“Sounds good to me.”
Joey reported to work on time and entered Kaiba’s office to see Kaiba with his eyes shut and his hands over his nose. Mokuba sat nearby with shut eyes and his hands over his ears. He smiled in sympathy at their discomfort; being a born werewolf, the sharper senses didn’t bother him as he had been born with them already on. It was with his first change did he realize this and then played with them in order to control them. “Seto? Mokuba?” he asked softly.
Kaiba opened his eyes and lowered his hands. “Morning, Joey,” he said just as softly.
Mokuba winced. “Everything is so loud,” he said softly. “It hurts.”
“I was born with sharp senses so I can’t understand.”
“Lucky you,” Kaiba said. “I am picking up a variety of smells and it is overwhelming at times.”
“A variety? Like what?”
“Mostly meat from my lunch, Mokuba’s, and I’m guessing yours as well.”
“Ah, so you two are experiencing the raw meat craving.”
“Yes, we did. We had raw meat for breakfast.” Kaiba shut his eyes and sighed. “I had no idea how intense the senses were going to be.”
“It will pass. When sunset comes, they’ll diminish as you’ll have enough to deal with when you become wolves.”
“You refer to the pain, of course,” Kaiba said.
“Well that and how to move on four legs.”
“I tested the healing power,” Kaiba said. “I wanted to see how fast it was.”
“And?” Mokuba prompted.
“I cut a finger with a razor blade. It healed in less than a minute.”
“Wow,” Mokuba said while Joey nodded. “That’s fast.”
“Yes.” Kaiba’s head snapped over to Joey. “Does silver have any effect on us?”
“Only in that it dulls our senses and makes us feel weak strength-wise when in its presence. We can touch it and once away from silver, our senses and strength returns to normal.”
The dulling of his senses sounded good to Kaiba at this point, but knew that he would feel different about it come tonight.
Lunchtime soon came and all three ate in the office as usual. Joey felt a little jealous of the chopped steak the brothers had, but pushed it aside and ate his raw hamburger.
“Joey, do you hunt?” Mokuba asked when the blonde came back from clocking in.
“Yeah. It is a long night no matter what time of the year it is. I usually eat rabbits and squirrels. They’re not bad,” he said, the last sentence in response to Mokuba’s look of disgust.
“I’m sure they’re not,” agreed Kaiba. “After all, we’re eating only raw meat right now and rabbits and squirrels are also raw meat. I’ll admit that it does sound repulsive, but by tonight, it won’t.”
“Right,” Joey said. He saw both put their hands over their ears before adding, “I imagine that everything you’re going through and just heard today makes it seem that being bitten was a bad choice and I’ll understand if you hate me now.”
“Hate you?” Kaiba repeated incredulously, lowering his hands. “Joey, that is ridiculous. We knew what we were getting into by being bitten and accepted it. It is hard to deal with but the end result will be worth it.”
“Seto,” Mokuba said as Joey left for the day, a couple of hours later. “I’m a little scared about tonight.”
“Really? You were eager to be bitten last night.”
“I know, but these senses are painful and eating raw meat is getting kind of disgusting.”
“We knew what to expect as a result of being bitten. Joey was forthcoming about what was going to happen today. I’m having trouble with my senses too but I am not disgusted by the raw meat. I also like the quick healing ability we’ve gained. We will become wolves tonight and we are experiencing the senses and dietary choice of a wolf which is rough right now as humans don’t have sharp senses and prefer to have their meat cooked.” He gave Mokuba a rare smile. “I know you’re scared, but it will be all right. I’ll be there with you, learning alongside you.”
Mokuba nodded. “Yeah, we will be doing this together.”
Kaiba turned his attention to company affairs, determined to take care of as much business as possible. It was a little hard as his senses were distracting him from focusing. It’ll be fine. My senses will diminish as it gets closer to sunset. By tomorrow, I will be in control of them and both of us will have no problem with raw meat.
“Another big night, huh Joey?” Yugi asked.
“Bigger than last night, actually. I won’t be alone tonight and I’ll be teaching.”
“Teaching? I thought you told them everything.”
“I did but I can’t tell them that they’ll walk on four legs. That is something that can only be shown and done on four legs.”
“Oh! You’ll be showing them how their wolf bodies move.”
“Exactly and probably teach them how to hunt.”
“That’s a lot for them to learn.”
“Yeah, but a lot of energy gets burned off when changing and that makes one hungry.”
“I thought about that.” Yugi went into the kitchen and returned with an old-style picnic basket. “So, I shopped and got meat and water for you.”
Joey grinned at the basket. “Yugi, you’re the best, man.” The two clasped hands before Joey took the basket and headed out the door to eat dinner, lock his dad in, and head to the park.
Chapter Ten- A Learning Night
Looks like it’s going to be another perfect night for the full moon, Joey thought as he headed into his enclosed spot. There were no clouds in the sky and the temperature was pleasant. Joey found an old blanket in the basket just big enough to lay the meat on. He found three dog bowls and a jug of water. He divided the water between the bowls and then waited for the Kaiba brothers.
He heard and smelled before they entered the spot. Both seemed happier and Joey knew it was because they had some control over their senses. Mokuba seemed especially happy, a fact that he was pleased to report. “Joey, I can’t wait to transform!”
“I can see that.” He saw Kaiba eye the meat and said to him, “I told Yugi yesterday about tonight and he put together the meat and water so I don’t have to teach you to hunt until tomorrow.”
“That was nice of him,” Kaiba said. “I assume you have a source of water as the bowls won’t be enough.”
“Yup. There’s a fresh running stream not far from here. I’ll show you after we change.”
“Which is not much longer.” Kaiba looked up to see the flare of the sun’s last rays. He felt a burning in his stomach and he doubled over as he clutched it and groaned. He heard Mokuba moan before the burning and pain ended. He looked down to see two brown paws. He spread them to see sharp claws before craning his neck to admire his strong body. Finally, he said, “That wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.”
“I’ll say,” Mokuba said. He gave a couple of yips and then laughed. “I’m just as big as you two.”
“That may be, but we are still older,” Kaiba pointed out. He then felt joy at what he had officially become and let out a howl to express it. He heard Joey and Mokuba howl in response and bared a wolf’s grin. “Seems I don’t feel submissive to you or Mokuba, Joey.”
“I thought that would be the case. I honestly didn’t like the idea of a submissive you and it just isn’t you.”
Kaiba barked a laugh and as he turned to face Joey, he tripped over his paws, and hit the ground. “Seto!” Mokuba cried out as Joey hurried over.
“You okay, Seto?” Joey asked as the brown wolf got up.
“Fine. I forgot I haven’t learned to move on all fours.”
“It’s a lot like when you were a baby learning to crawl.”
“You mean moving one front leg and its opposite back leg.”
“Yeah and while you two practice, I’ll show you that stream.”
Kaiba looked down and recalled the time he had seen Mokuba crawl as a baby. He moved one foreleg forward a little and then its opposite back leg before repeating it with the other pair. He glanced back to see Mokuba copying him. He faced forward to continue with practice and studying Joey’s smooth sure movements before trying to imitate that walk. It seemed to take a long time to get to the stream, something Kaiba pointed out once they had reached their destination.
“That’s true and why Yugi provided the food. He figured moving your body and how to hunt would be a little too much to learn in one night.”
Kaiba went over to the stream, lapped up some water, and then looked into the water. His night vision and the moonlight showed him a brown wolf with blue eyes. He noticed that his ears and muzzle seemed a little longer than Joey’s but it looked good on him. He noticed movement beside him and saw it was Mokuba who had black fur and gray eyes. He was the same size but his yips earlier had the sound of a young wolf who had recently left his pup days behind.
Mokuba caught Kaiba looking at him and his tail wagged a little. “How do I look?”
“Like a wolf.”
Kaiba laughed slightly. “I was teasing. You look cool and impressive.”
“So do you. I noticed that your ears and muzzle seem a little longer than mine or Joey’s, but it looks good on you.”
“I noticed that too and I agree. I also noticed that you are not being submissive to Joey or me.”
“Yeah, that’s true. I wonder why.”
“Maybe it’s because you’re more confident than my dad,” Joey spoke up as he sat beside Mokuba. “I think the divorce really hit him hard and he probably lost a lot of self-confidence.”
“I don’t think that’s it,” said Kaiba. “At least not all of it. I think your father was always a submissive wolf and the divorce probably made him more submissive. You were always an alpha and your choices in life solidified it so that when you changed to counter your father’s changes, your roles came into play.”
“Yeah and it works whenever I tap it when I’m human. Tristan had offered to have me move in with his family after graduation but I turned it down since I can use my role to keep Pops in line.”
“Wolves also like to keep their pack together,” Kaiba added. “When your mother and sister left, it hurt you and your father, especially you.”
Joey nodded. “It really hurt. It left a deep empty feeling I didn’t really understand until I was told I was a werewolf. I then knew I had felt a deep loss of pack, of family.”
“Serenity likely felt that same deep loss but didn’t know why it hurt so much.”
A gurgle was then heard and both older wolves looked at the younger one between them. Mokuba dipped his head for a moment before flashing a grin. “How about we eat?” he asked.
Joey returned the grin as he got to his paws. “Sure and you can practice walking some more.”
“Actually, I feel quite confident in walking on four legs,” Kaiba said as he stood.
“Well, great. Then, after we eat, we can move on to trotting and running.”
“Running?” Mokuba repeated as they headed back. “Couldn’t we save that for tomorrow?”
“Not if we’re hunting tomorrow,” Kaiba said. “Personally, I look forward to that.”
“And I look forward to teaching you. It is an intense and thrilling experience,” Joey said. “Trust me.”
“Of course we do,” Kaiba said as they walked back to their spot. “You’re more experienced than we are.”
Joey’s tail swished a little as the three of them each seized a piece of meat and laid down to enjoy their food. Kaiba was letting him take the lead which made sense as he was teaching them how to be werewolves. Once they’ve learned to trot and run, we can play and have a lot of fun.
Kaiba chewed and swallowed his food, feeling content in what he and Mokuba had become. I want to know how my body moves so I will be able to hunt tomorrow.
“Let’s play so you can learn to trot and run,” Joey said once they had eaten.
“Yes, good idea,” Kaiba said and Mokuba nodded.
“Then, try and catch me!” Joey took off and the brothers gave chase. Their laughter and howls echoed through the night.