Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter. This is a continuation of Flames of Silver and Crimson. I had first done this story in bits and pieces for some time before finally deciding to do the sequel in its entirety. By now, most people should know that Lunastar1981, Yamikaykamotou, and Kayka are the same person so there is no plagiarizing. So, here’s the sequel.
Chapter One- Plans For the New Year
Snape muttered incantations as he pointed his wand at the right hand of Dumbledore which was blackened and burned. He also tipped a golden potion into Dumbledore’s mouth who was semiconscious. As his eyes fluttered open, he focused on Snape whose ears twitched in irritation.
“Why, why did you put that thing on?” he said, pointing at a cracked ring on the desk. “Surely, you knew it was cursed. Why even touch it and did you think breaking it would break the curse?”
Dumbledore didn’t answer.
“You were lucky to return here and summon me. I have managed to trap it in one hand for now.”
Dumbledore examined his hand. “How long do you think I have?” he asked calmly.
Snape sighed. “I would say at least a year. I can’t halt it forever as it is a curse that strengthens over time. If you had summoned me earlier, I may have bought you more time.”
“Not even your fox magic can help?”
“No; not even my magic can hold off powerful curses.”
“Well this may be fortunate, actually.” He smiled at Snape’s perplexed expression. “I refer to Lord Voldemort’s plan revolving around me. He plans to have the poor Malfoy boy murder me.”
“He doesn’t expect Draco to succeed. This is punishment for Lucius’ failures. Torture for his parents while he tries, fails, and pays the price.”
“So, he has a death sentence pronounced on him as surely as I have. I take it the job falls to you once Draco fails.”
“I believe that is the Dark Lord’s plan and he believes he’ll soon have the school in his grasp as well.”
“If that happen, do I have your word that you will do what you can to protect the students of Hogwarts?” Snape nodded. “Good. Your priority will be to discover what Draco’s up to in order to kill me. Offer your assistance, surely he’ll accept as you are his favorite teacher.”
“Less so recently. He blames me for Lucius losing favor with the Dark Lord. He believes I am usurping his father’s position.”
“I am more concerned about the accidental victims of whatever schemes occurs to the boy. Ultimately there is only one thing to be done to spare him from Lord Voldemort’s wrath.”
“You intend to let him kill you?”
“Certainly not. You must kill me.”
“Would you like me to do it now?” Snape asked ironically after a long silence. “Or would you like a few moments to compose an epitaph?”
“Not quite yet. Let Draco have his chance and when he fails then you will do it.”
Another long silence and then Dumbledore said, “How are things between you and Harry?”
Snape cheered up at the topic. “Could not be better. His magic is growing stronger and we could not be more in love.”
“That is good and, considering how close you are and Harry’s need for you, I will allow you both to share a room this year and possibly next year too.”
“That is generous, Headmaster. Harry will be delighted.”
“Speaking of Harry, might I ask for his assistance in another matter? We are short a staff member again as Umbridge no longer wants to teach and I believe Harry may help me in persuading an old friend to come out of retirement.”
“Which friend would that be?”
“I believe you would remember him: Horace Slughorn.”
“Yes, I remember. He taught me. But his subject is Potions, so why…?” His gold eyes went wide. “I will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts, is that correct?”
“It is and I ask you not to tell Harry which I know is difficult as you two essentially have no secrets.”
“There is much that I have not told Harry yet, but there are very few secrets between us.”
“I will not tell him which subject Horace will teach, that is if you will allow me to require Harry’s help.”
“Of course you can ask him, Headmaster.”
“Actually, if you could deliver my request to him, I would appreciate it. If he agrees, I will call on him sometime next week.”
“Yes, Headmaster.” Snape strode to the fireplace, threw some Floo Powder into it, stepped in, and said, “Spinner’s End.” The office whipped away in a whirl of green flames.
Snape stepped out of his home’s fireplace and was nearly knocked back into it by a whirl of silver highlighted black hair and gold-green eyes. He was able to maintain his footing and laughed as he embraced his mate. “Nice to see you again too, Harry.”
“Why did Professor Dumbledore summon you?”
“He and I had a variety of matters to discuss, a couple of them concerning you.”
“One of them I will save for September as a surprise. The other involves a request the headmaster wants of you and asked me to deliver. As I’m sure you know, we’re short a teacher and the headmaster hopes you will help him persuade an old colleague to come out of retirement.”
“Who is it?”
“Horace Slughorn. He taught me when I was a student.”
“Oh. Well, okay. I’ll help persuade him, whatever that means.”
Snape had a very shrewd idea of why Dumbledore wanted Harry’s help. Slughorn was known for collecting students who were very talented in areas where he could make Ministry connections for them. Those students, in turn, showered Slughorn with letters, treats, and other perks as thanks for their jobs. It was quite likely Slughorn would want Harry for a couple of reasons: His being a fox, for one, and the prophecy whose contents had leaked t the press. The Daily Prophet had dubbed Harry as The Chosen One; the one to defeat Voldemort.
All this went through his mind in a second before saying, “Then he’ll be by sometime next week to pick you up.”
Harry nodded as he looked down at the newspapers and leaflet that had arrived that week. “Severus,” he said as he picked up the leaflet. “What’s an Inferi?” He tapped a claw on the word.
“Inferi is plural for Inferius, Harry. Inferius is a corpse reanimated by a Dark wizard’s spell. The Dark Lord killed enough people in his rise to power to create an army of them. And no,” he added as Harry opened his mouth. “Inferi are nothing like zombies. Inferi do not eat flesh as zombies do.”
“They sound scary, though.”
“Most people fear the undead, but one can protect himself from them by repelling them with light and heat; in other words, fire.”
Harry was silent for a time. “He’s moved into the open. Voldemort, I mean.” He paused to allow Snape’s ears to flatten and his tail to jerk slightly. “His followers collapsed a bridge and then those two murders.”
“Yes. When he attempted to steal the prophecy himself, he knew that he couldn’t slip back into the shadows again. You remember my telling you to hide whenever a Death Eater comes to visit?”
“I do and I promise I will stay out of sight.”
Snape smiled as he took Harry in his arms. He scratched behind one of the silver-tipped ears and Harry gave a growl of pleasure. He had grown very comfortable being a fox and making canine sounds as it was his heritage. His tail brushed along Snape’s left leg and Snape gave his pleasure growl in response. He scratched the ear faster.
“Oh, Severus,” Harry moaned with a whine as he sensed that the two of them were building toward having intimacy time.
Chapter Two- The Dark Lord’s Plan
Snape was stroking Harry’s hair when a knock sounded at the door, causing both foxes to freeze. “Harry, get upstairs quickly and stay out of sight,” Snape said as he stood and cast the Glamour on himself. Harry quickly slipped upstairs and into his room. He stood in the doorway and focused his ears on the downstairs.
“Narcissa!” Snape exclaimed. “What a pleasant surprise!”
“Severus, may I speak to you? It’s urgent.”
“But, of course.” Snape stood back to admit Narcissa and her sister inside. He allowed them to precede him into the sitting room, pausing to glance up and see Harry creeping into the hall. He sighed. “All right, Harry. You can listen in; just be careful.”
“I will,” Harry answered.
Snape entered the sitting room, passed into the kitchen, and returned with a tray bearing a bottle of elf-made wine and three glasses. “The Dark Lord,” he toasted and drained his glass. The sisters copied him and once Snape had refilled their glasses, he added, “So, what can I do for you?”
“Severus, I’m sorry to come here like this, but I had to see you. I think you are the only one who can help me. I know I ought not to be here, I have been told to say nothing to anyone, but-,”
“Then you ought to hold your tongue!” Bellatrix snarled. “Particularly in present company!”
“’Present company?’” Snape repeated. “What do you mean by that, Bella?”
“That I don’t trust you, Snape as you very well know!”
Harry’s eyes narrowed at Bellatrix’s tone and words. He very much desired to prank her, but he mastered the impulse. Severus was a grown fox and could take care of himself; he’s certainly handled himself well in front of Voldemort when the dark wizard summoned Snape a week ago.
“Where were you when the Dark Lord fell? Why did you never make any attempt to find him when he vanished? What have you been doing all these years that you’ve lived in Dumbledore’s pocket? Why did you stop the Dark Lord procuring the Sorcerer’s Stone? Why did you not return at once when the Dark Lord was reborn? Where were you a few weeks ago when we battled to retrieve the prophecy for the Dark Lord? And why, Snape, is Harry Potter still alive, when you have had him at your mercy for five years?”
Harry kept very still, eager to hear Severus’ answers especially the last one. Severus could hardly say that Harry was a magical fox, that he was a fox too and that he had fallen in love with Harry.
“Before I answer you- oh yes, Bellatrix, I am going to answer! You can carry my words back to the others who whisper behind my back and carry false tales of my treachery to the Dark Lord! Before I answer you, I say, let me ask a question in turn. Do you really think that the Dark Lord has not asked me each and every one of those questions? And do you really think that, had I not been able to give satisfactory answers, I would be sitting here talking to you?”
Harry’s ears were alert as he listened to Severus’ answers. Naturally, they were different from the ones he gave Harry and the young fox had to admit that they made eminent sense. Finally, Severus came to the question concerning him and his continued existence. “It was only Dumbledore’s protection that kept me out of Azkaban! Do you disagree that murdering his favorite student might have turned him against me? I should remind you that when Potter first arrived at Hogwarts there were still many stories circulating about him, rumors the he himself was a great Dark wizard, which was how he had survived the Dark Lord’s attack. Indeed, many of the Dark Lord’s old followers thought Potter might be a standard around which we could all rally once more. I was curious, I admit it, and not at all inclined to murder him the moment he set foot in the castle.”
“Fine,” Bellatrix huffed. “But you could have found a way to kill him after year one and before last summer. Dear Draco has told us that he’s a magical fox.”
“He certainly is,” Severus said. “After seeing his true form, I spent time researching this breed of fox and found that, despite the qualities and abilities, Potter lacks the focus to use any of them as he rarely shows focus nor attention in his Potions classes. He may think everyone is impressed with his new look, but I am not one of them. Now, Narcissa,” Severus turned to the blonde woman. “How can I be of service?”
“Severus, I know I shouldn’t have come, but you were always Draco’s favorite teacher and I thought you might be able to help him.”
“You refer to the Dark Lord’s plan for Draco. Yes, I know of it and if I did not, speaking of it betrays his trust.”
“I thought you knew of it. The Dark Lord trusts you so.”
Harry strained his ears to hear more. What was Voldemort wanting Malfoy to do?
“I cannot change the Dark Lord’s mind,” Severus said softly. “The raid on the Ministry in June was a fiasco. He lost a good number of followers to Azkaban, your husband among them. The worst part was when members of the Order showed up and in the fight, the prophecy was smashed. Oh, yes, the Dark Lord is very angry and not pleased.”
Narcissa gave an anguished sob that tore at Harry’s heart. “Now, he seeks to punish Lucius for his failure by setting Draco an impossible task that he’ll die while attempting it.”
Harry clenched his fists so tightly that his claws punctured his palms, but he barely noticed it. Voldemort was willing to let Malfoy die in the task he setting him to do, which was…what?
“Severus, please…my only son,” Narcissa sobbed and Harry felt his heart break. He would never have thought of feeling sorry for Malfoy, but hearing the woman’s sobs brought those feelings into the forefront.
“Please, Severus. Help him. Help him carry out the task the Dark Lord has set him?”
“I will try. I should tell you now that I believe that I may have lost favor with Draco. He possibly blames me for usurping his father’s position as the Dark Lord’s most loyal follower. He may rebuff any help I offer.”
“But you will try?”
“Oh, Severus!” Harry peered into the sitting room from the stairs to see Narcissa tightly embracing Severus, tears still streaming down her cheeks. The specifics of the task had still not been made clear and Harry wanted to know what it was. And I will. All I have to do is ask Severus.
“Severus, what is Voldemort wanting Malfoy to do?” Harry asked. The older fox’s tail twitched at Voldemort’s name.
“He wants Draco to kill Dumbledore.”
Harry gasped. “And Malfoy is eager to try?”
“It sounds that way, but I pray he does not. Tell no one, Harry, but the Headmaster may not live to the end of the coming school year. He came into contact with a nasty curse recently. I have trapped it in one hand, but it will spread and eventually kill him.”
Harry’s ears drooped. “He’s dying?”
“I’m afraid so. You will need to tread cautiously at school this year. Draco knows your secret and has carried that news to his family. You know Bellatrix is likely to tell the Dark Lord of your heritage and he will undoubtedly be furious that he allowed you to slip through his fingers yet again.”
“I promise I’ll be careful.”
Chapter Three- Cut Off and Connected
Harry read the papers over the next few days. He read about Fudge being replaced as Minister, the new Minister arguing with Dumbledore, and the increased security measures being given to Hogwarts. He found that these assurances did not give him comfort. The fact that Voldemort knew of his fox nature made him worried that Death Eaters would burst in and search the house for him. His nervousness showed in the way his ears and tail moved and it drew Snape’s attention.
“Harry, what’s the matter?” he asked.
“I worry that Death Eaters will find me and drag me to Voldemort,” he replied and gave a small whimper.
“Harry, they don’t know you’re here,” Snape said, his tail jerking at Voldemort’s name. “Even if they did, you can evade them by taking fox form and turning invisible. Our powers and abilities are closely guarded secrets, only known to those we feel are trustworthy like the headmaster and your friends Granger and the Weasley family.”
Harry visibly relaxed. “Yes, you’re right. They don’t know I’m here and I can avoid noticed by taking fox form and becoming invisible. I’m sorry, I was being silly for no reason.”
Snape hugged him. “You’re not being silly. You have reason to worry: The prophecy. It is clear that the two of you are meant to face each other until one of you is…dead.”
“’Neither can live while the other survives’,” Harry recited.
“That’s correct. Harry, I swear as your mate, I will do what is necessary to insure your survival.”
“I know you will but please don’t do anything risky like sacrificing your life. I wouldn’t be able to bear it if you died.”
“I promise I won’t sacrifice my life.”
Harry smiled as he enjoyed being in Snape’s arms. He felt warm and safe. He knew that Snape would keep his word in making sure Harry lived and that he didn’t risk his life to protect the young fox.
The clock on the mantle began to chime eleven p.m. and Snape said, “It is getting late. We should-,”
A knock sounded at the door and Snape quickly twitched aside the curtain of the window next to the door. “It’s the headmaster,” he said before opening the door and allowing Dumbledore inside. “Good evening, headmaster.”
“Hello, Severus. Hello, Harry. I apologize for the late hour but I feel this would be the best time to persuade Horace to teach again.”
“Not a problem. Harry is willing to assist at any time.” Harry stepped up beside Snape and the red and black fox kissed his cheek. “Be careful.”
“Of course.” Harry briefly squeezed Snape’s tail with his own before stepping outside with Dumbledore.
“I trust you’ve been well, Harry.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Severus has said the two of you could not be more in love. That is excellent.
“You’ve been reading the papers and the leaflet sent to your home, I trust?”
“Yes, sir. Severus explained Inferi and we set our security questions. Wait! How do I know you’re the real Professor Dumbledore?”
“You would not without asking my security question of what is my favorite flavor of jam.”
“I don’t know it, sir.”
“Of course. It is raspberry for future reference. It would appear that Severus’ paranoia is rubbing off on you and that is not a bad thing. This is far enough, Harry.” The pair had reached the middle of the street. “You’ve experienced Side-Along Apparition before, yes?”
“Yes, sir. Severus takes me all the time.”
“Then you know what to do, but take my left arm if you would.” Harry did so and his stomach turned over when he saw the right hand. He knew Dumbledore had contracted a curse that was slowly killing him, but hadn’t known how bad it looked. He felt Dumbledore turn on the spot and Harry turned with him. There was that familiar sensation of blackness and compression before it abruptly ended. Harry opened his eyes to see that they were on a road that led to a little town. “Where are we, sir?”
“We are at the charming town of Budleigh Babberton where my colleague is currently residing. I apologize again for the lateness of the night. Not only do I feel it is the best time to meet my friend, but it also allows you to hide without needing your Cloak or magic, strong as the latter has become.”
Harry nodded. It was especially strong after almost a year with it. It felt a lot longer than that when it was discovered that Harry was a magical fox which was a recessive trait on his father’s side. Snape had taken him under his wing to teach him his magic as he was a fox, too. The revelation of his heritage came at a bad time, though. Voldemort had been recently resurrected and almost no one believed him, particularly the Ministry. But when Voldemort dared to break in to steal the prophecy that was when everyone learned the truth. Throughout the year, Harry practiced his magic, pleased that he could use it outside of school, despite being underage.
“Professor, I read that Fudge has been replaced and that you argued with the new Minister.”
“Correct, Harry. I did.”
“May I ask what you rowed about?”
“It was about you, I’m afraid.”
“Me? Why?”
“Well, Cornelius had this idea that was a last ditch attempt to stay in office. He wrote to me, asking for me to set up a meeting between you and him. He believed he could persuade you to support the Ministry and approve of what it is doing. A morale booster, if you will.”
“What!?” Harry hissed. “After what happened last year? After Umbridge?”
“I knew you wouldn’t go along with it and told him as much. However, the idea didn’t die when he left office. A few hours after becoming Minister, Rufus was demanding I set up a meeting for the same purpose. I refused him as well. I tell you this not to turn you against Rufus but to be on your guard. He will try to corner you at some point.” Dumbledore took a left turn from the path the two of them had been walking while they talked.
Harry lapsed into thoughtful silence. Despite the newspapers and letters from his friends and Sirius he, at times, felt cut off from the Wizarding world. He had mentioned this to Snape and the older fox was sympathetic to his feelings.
“I’ve felt that way most of my life,” he had said. “Being a magical fox can feel lonely at times, more so when you have to conceal it.”
“So, no one knew except Dumbledore while you were at school?”
“That’s right. It felt liberating when I became a teacher and Dumbledore encouraged me to reveal myself to the staff. They were surprised of course, but accepting of me.”
“But why do you keep using the Glamour charm?”
“A couple of reasons. One is that using it had become habit by then. Remember, I spent my whole life hiding it, only taking it off during holidays. There were times when my true form was a surprise to me as I had become used to my Glamour appearance.”
“And the other reason?”
“To keep myself safe from other Death Eaters. Inevitably, they would have children and I couldn’t have them writing to their parents about my true nature as I was supposed to still be working for the Dark Lord. He would be furious that I kept it a secret from him and I imagine he wouldn’t like having a half-blood magical fox in his employ.”
Harry had nodded. He felt a bit less lonely and more connected to his mate than before. He loved learning about Snape’s past. As long as I’ve got my friends and mate, I can handle anything.
Chapter Four- Slughorn
“Oh, dear,” Dumbledore said as they passed through a gate leading to a house. Harry looked past him and his heart pounded: The front door was hanging off its hinges! “On your guard, Harry,” Dumbledore said as he pulled out his wand and lit it before entering. Harry flexed his claws, ready to use his magic if necessary.
The wand light showed a long hall and an open door to their left. Dumbledore eased his way in through this door and Harry gasped at the ruined room. A grandfather clock laid splintered on its side, separated from its pendulum. A piano was also on its side, the keys strewn on the floor. He saw the shattered remains of a fallen chandelier, cushions slashed with feather oozing out, and shattered glass and china laid over everything like powder. Dumbledore raised his want a little higher to show something dark red and gelatinous shining on the walls that looked like blood.
“Not pretty, is it?” Dumbledore asked as they carefully entered. Harry followed, waiting to see a body next to the piano or behind an overturned sofa, but no sign of one.
“Maybe he was dragged off?” Harry suggested hopefully despite seeing massive amounts of blood on the wall.
“I don’t believe so,” Dumbledore replied as he stood beside an overstuffed armchair.
“You mean he’s still…?”
“Still here? Precisely.” Dumbledore then jabbed his wand tip into the seat of the chair.
Harry’s jaw dropped as an enormously fat bald man laid crouched where the chair had been. He was also short with a large walrus mustache and small eyes that looked wateringly up at Dumbledore while massaging his lower belly. “Merlin’s bear, Albus! You didn’t need to jab that hard.”
“Sorry about that Horace.”
Slughorn rose to his feet. “What gave it away?”
“My dear Horace, there would have been a Dark Mark had the Death Eaters had come to call.”
Slughorn clapped a hand to his forehead. “The Dark Mark! Knew I forgot something. Ah, well, wouldn’t have had time. I was putting the finishing touches on my upholstery when you came in.”
“Would you like some help cleaning up?” Dumbledore asked.
“Please,” Slughorn replied. The two wizards stood back-to-back and waved their wands. Immediately, objects started to repair themselves and return to their proper places.
“Incidentally, what blood was that?” Dumbledore called over the noise of tinkling glass and china.
“The walls? Dragon,” Slughorn replied as said blood was removed from the walls and into a vial. “My last bottle and prices are sky-high right now.” He held the bottle up to the light. “Hmm, a bit dusty, but should still be useable.” He put it down and his eyes landed on Harry. “Oho,” he said and his eyes went up to the scar. “Oho!”
“Yes. This is Harry Potter. Harry, this is my dear friend, Horace Slughorn.”
Slughorn then turned to Dumbledore. “Don’t think I don’t know why you brought him here, Albus. The answer is still no.”
“If that is your decision, I will simply use your bathroom and then we’ll be on our way.” Dumbledore exited the room and Harry perched himself in a chair while Slughorn took the couch. His eyes looked Harry up and down.
“I heard the rumors last month. Didn’t know what to make of it. You were born this way?”
“Yes, sir. A recessive trait on my father’s side. My mom used a long term Glamour charm that would either break a month after my fifteenth birthday or if I found a mate. It broke a little prematurely because Voldemort was torturing me.” Harry ignored the squawk of protect from Slughorn upon hearing Voldemort’s name.
Slughorn got up and went to Harry, his hand reaching up to an ear and then he paused. Harry knew that the man wanted to do and said, “Go ahead, sir. I really enjoy it.” He felt Slughorn’s fingers scratch his ear and he sighed contently.
“I taught your mother. A teacher shouldn’t have favorites, but she was one of mine. Vivacious, talented, told her she should have been in my House. Lot of cheeky answers when she was told that.”
“Which House?”
“I was Head of Slytherin. Now don’t go holding that against me. You’d be in Gryffindor like her, I expect.”
“I have nothing against Slytherin. I am in Gryffindor but I’m on good terms with Professor Snape who is Head of Slytherin now.”
“Snape? Severus Snape? I taught him too. Same year as your mother and of course, your father.”
“Sir, I would consider it an honor if I learned from the man who taught my parents.”
“I don’t know. Working for Albus would be like pledging my allegiance to the Order of the Phoenix and I don’t fancy the mortality rate.”
“You don’t have to be in the Order to teach at Hogwarts. Most of the teachers aren’t in it and none of them has ever been killed. I reckon the staff’s safer than most people while Dumbledore’s headmaster; he’s supposed to be the only one Voldemort ever feared, isn’t he?”
“Well, yes that’s true and as I have not joined the Death Eaters, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named can hardly count me as a friend…in which case, I might well be safer a little closer to Albus…” Just then, Dumbledore came back in. “Oh, there you are, Albus. You’ve been a while. Upset stomach?”
“No. I was merely reading the Muggle magazine. I do love knitting patterns. Well, Harry, we have trespassed upon Horace’s hospitality quite long enough. I think it is time for us to leave.”
Harry got to his feet and Slughorn seemed taken aback. “You’re leaving?”
“Yes, indeed. I think I know a lost cause when I see one.”
“Well, I’m sorry you don’t want the job. Hogwarts would have been happy to have you back. You will always be welcome to visit, our increased security notwithstanding.”
“Yes…well…very generous…as I say…”
“Goodbye, then.”
“Bye,” Harry said as he followed the headmaster. There were at the front door when a shout came from behind them.
“All right, all right, I’ll do it!”
Dumbledore turned. “You’ll come out of retirement?”
“Yes, yes. I must be mad, but yes.”
“Then, we’ll see you the first of September. “The pair walked off with Slughorn calling, “I’ll want a pay raise, Dumbledore!”
Dumbledore chuckled and once on the path, he said, “Well done, Harry.”
“I didn’t do anything, sir.”
“Yes, you did. You showed him what he stands to gain by returning to Hogwarts. What do you think of him?”
“Uh, well…” Harry wasn’t sure what to say as his instincts told him that there was something about Slughorn that was unsettling but didn’t know why he felt that way.
“Horace likes his comfort. He also likes the company of the famous, the successful, and the powerful. He enjoys the feeling that he influences these people. He used to handpick favorites at Hogwarts for a variety of reasons. I tell you this to put you on your guard. He will try to collect you. You would be the jewel of his collection: A magical fox and being the Boy Who Lived. I would suggest letting him collect you; it may prove useful. This will do, Harry. If you will grasp my arm.”
Harry did so and when he opened his eyes, he saw that they had returned to where they had first Apparated that evening.
“Harry, I have a few more things to discuss with you before we part ways until September and you return to Severus,” Dumbledore said.
Chapter Five- O.W.L. Results
“Now, am I correct in saying that you’ve told no one about the prophecy, save for Severus?”
“Yes, sir.”
“A wise decision but might I suggest telling your friends, Mr. Ronald Weasley and Miss Hermione Granger? You do them a disservice by not confiding something so important to them.”
“All right. I’ll tell them.”
“Very good. You need your friends. On a different but related subject, it is my wish that you take private lessons with me.”
“Private lessons?”
“I think it is time that I take a greater hand in your education.”
Harry had a feeling these lessons had to do with the prophecy but couldn’t see how or why.
“Two more things, Harry. First, I wish you to keep your Invisibility Cloak with you at all times even within Hogwarts, just in case. Understand?” Harry nodded. “And lastly, the results of your O.W.L.’s should arrive later today and Severus will be receiving a list of students who qualify for his N.E.W.T. classes today as well.” He guided Harry to the front door and said, “I will see you at school, Harry.” Dumbledore turned and Disapparated. The silver and black fox knocked and he saw the curtains twitch before the door opened a crack and a wand emerged.
“What was your first prank?” came Snape’s voice.
“I sent an electric jolt into my compartment door to shock Malfoy,” Harry answered. “What was your prank last year?”
“Creating a grass knot to trip Draco,” was the reply before the wand withdrew and the door full opened to allow Harry in. He smiled as he shut the door. “No one would be able to answer our question but us, Harry, although Polyjuice Potion would be ineffective as we are technically animals.”
“True.” Harry looked at the clock and saw it was half past twelve.
“So, will Horace be teaching again?”
“He will and Professor Dumbledore said he may try to collect me.”
“He very likely will. What else happened?”
“Well, Dumbledore wants me to tell Ron and Hermione about the prophecy. He also wishes for me to have private lessons with him this year.”
“Private. That’s one subject you know you’ll have.”
“Oh! Right. Dumbledore said my O.W.L. results should be arriving later today as well as your list of N.E.W.T. students.”
“I hope to see your name on it,” Snape replied. Given his prowess for Defense Against the Dark Arts, I’m sure he’ll be on it. I won’t tell him I got my dream job; it’ll be a second surprise in September, one he’ll learn at the Welcoming Feast.
Both mates slept in owing to the lateness of when they went to bed. Harry awoke close to noon and laid there for a time. He was feeling a bit trapped in the house. He didn’t dare venture out in case a Death Eater suddenly showed up. Even with his fox form and invisibility, he could be killed. Still, Harry longed to breathe fresh air, to run and play, and just enjoy being a teenager. But I’m not an ordinary teenager. I was special the moment I was born. I’m a fox who got signaled out by a prophecy; a prophecy in which I must either kill or be killed. My life is one of violence and tragedy. If it hadn’t been for Severus, I probably would have cracked last year what with Voldemort returning and the Ministry not believing me or Dumbledore.
Harry felt a rush of gratitude and love for Snape. The older fox had shown friendship toward him when Harry’s true self had surfaced and was more than willing to instruct Harry in his magic and strengthen his mental focus. It had been hard to increase his mental focus and consciously keep up his illusions, but now it was hardly any effort at all; constant practice had helped in this.
The beginnings of love interest in each other had begun on Harry’s first day of training. When Harry took fox form for the first time, he found his emotions were freer and less complex as a fox. He had felt love for Snape blossom in him when he had looked up at him. He was sure Snape had felt the same way when he demonstrated changing to a fox. It wasn’t until the lessons of Occlumency and Legilimency that their feelings for each other came out and Snape immediately asked Harry to be his mate and the younger fox accepted without hesitation.
It had taken Harry some time to get used to having a tail, longer hair, claws and ears, especially the tail. He had to constantly remember to swish it to one side when sitting. Now, it was second nature. The ears had also taken some time. Anytime an itch happened, Harry would reach up and his fingers would brush up against his ears before reaching around to scratch. He also found that they were just as expressive as his tail and could feel them flatten, twitch, or stand erect.
I love being a fox and all that comes with it. Yes, it’s bad that Voldemort knows now, but as long as he doesn’t know what I can do and I stay close to Dumbledore and Severus, I’ll be okay. Harry’s nose twitched as the rich aroma of soup reached it and he got up to get dressed.
“Good afternoon, Harry,” Snape greeted as he entered the kitchen. He gave Harry a hug and a kiss before adding, “Lunch is almost ready.”
“Great.” He sniffed again. “French onion?”
“Exactly and I think some buttered bread would complement it nicely.” Snape waved his wand and some bread soared onto the counter along with butter and a knife. Harry set about buttering the bread while Snape set out two bowls of soup on the table along with some pumpkin juice.
“So, Harry. Any news from your friends?” Snape asked, sipping some broth.
Harry nodded. “Mr. Weasley got promoted. Something to do with the confiscation of dangerous or fake charms.”
“Ah, yes. Scrimgeour created new offices to handle such things. Everyone is desperate for protection and dishonest people are taking advantage of it.”
“Hermione wrote saying she’s staying with the Weasleys.”
“I see. Harry…would you like to stay with your friends for the rest of the summer?”
Harry looked up with wide eyes. “No. I love living with you. Besides, I’ll see them once school starts.”
“I love having you with me. It’s lonely when you have no company save for the occasional owl post.” Snape gazed at Harry who gazed back, affection for each other clearly shown in their eyes.
A couple of taps at a window caught their attention and Snape went to the window by the door and Harry drifted toward the stairs. Snape peeked out and said, “It’s all right. I believe these are the owls we’ve been waiting for.”
Harry came back down as Snape opened the window and the owls entered, one to each of them. Harry felt his heart pound as he took the envelope. Did he achieve the grades he needed to be an Auror? He slit open the envelope and unfolded the parchment inside. He scanned the results: Astronomy- A, Care of Magical Creatures- E, Charms- E, Defense Against the Dark Arts- O, Divination- P, Herbology- E, History of Magic- P, Potions- O, Transfiguration- E.
Severus looked over Harry’s shoulder at the grades on the parchment. A smile spread over his face. “You got Outstanding in Potions! That’s wonderful, Harry! All that studying paid off! I’m proud of you!”
Harry beamed as he read over the results again. He had gotten the grades he needed for his dream job. “Severus, this means my name is on your list of N.E.W.T. students.”
“I have no doubt of that.” He paused for a moment. “Harry, I know you feel trapped in here and I say we remedy that by going outside as foxes at least two or three times a week. What do you think?”
“Sounds great. How about right now, to celebrate my grades?”
“A good idea.” Snape guided Harry outside where they would change forms and have some fun.
Chapter Six- Birthday and Diagon Alley
Snape accompanied Harry outside a week after the O.W.L. results where they took fox form once again. He saw how happy harry was as they ran and played along the river bank and the tall grass nearby. He smiled a fox’s grin whenever Harry barked with joy. Snape was well aware that his emotions and feelings were less complex as a fox and it was liberating to let instinct guide him and just be a fox.
“Harry, how about celebrating your birthday at the Burrow?” Snape asked.
“Could we?” The joy was evident in Harry’s voice.
Snape barked a laugh. “I asked Molly a little over a week ago and she said she’d be delighted.”
Harry barked and yipped as he pranced around his mate and Snape laughed in a barking manner. Harry didn’t have any enjoyable birthdays and Snape wanted his sweet sixteen one to be the best as well as sweet.
July thirty-first dawned bright and sunny and Snape gave Harry a kiss to start the day before getting dressed, leaving the house, and Apparating a safe distance from the Burrow. Snape didn’t have his Glamour on to hide his true form; another gift for Harry. They walked the remaining distance to the Burrow and, as it came into view, he spied a couple of red-haired figures, one of them was Ron. The sight of his friend filled him with happiness. “Ron!” he called, waving an arm.
Ron turned and raced toward them. “Harry! Happy birthday, mate!”
“Thanks, Ron,” he said and then grinned at the awestruck look on his friend’s face as he stared at Snape.
“Professor Snape!?” he gasped. “Whoa, you’re so different.”
“Do not grow accustomed to it. I’m doing it as a gift to Harry.”
“Yes, sir.” Snape walked past and Ron muttered to Harry, “Sure doesn’t act different.”
“He does with me,” Harry said without heat.
Snape walked toward the Burrow, but caught Ron’s comment. He let it go and actually looked forward to receiving more stares. He normally doesn’t show his true self, only Harry and the teachers ever saw it. Today might be amusing, he thought as he reached the kitchen entrance.
“Severus!” Molly Weasley exclaimed as the fox came in. “Goodness you look amazing. Red and black suit you.”
“Thank you, Molly,” he said as Harry, Ron, and Bill came in, the latter having been the other redhead with Ron.
“Severus, Bill said he’s getting married!” Harry said. “And it’s to Fleur.”
“Married? My congratulations,” Snape said to Bill, noticing the disappointed look on Mrs. Weasley’s face. My guess is she disapproves of the engagement. I further suspect that Bill and Fleur are probably deeply in love, much like Harry and me.
Snape continued to accept the comments of his appearance as the day wore on and he kept an eye on the engaged couple. The way they doted on each other confirmed his suspicions of how much they loved each other. Molly better get used to it because nothing short of death will break them up.
Harry enjoyed his birthday with people he knew popping in and out to give his birthday wishes and gifts. The only low point was the news Lupin brought when he stopped by for birthday tea. He reported two Dementor attacks and the death of Karkaroff. This prompted Bill to mention the disappearance of Fortescue and Mr. Weasley to mention Ollivander missing too. After the tea was done, Harry and Snape took their leave, promising to join them when they chose to go to Diagon Alley.
The next day, Harry’s Hogwarts letter arrived and came with a surprise: He was made Quidditch Captain! He gazed at the bright badge, proud. Snape looked over Harry’s shoulder. “Well done, Harry. Your father never made captain.”
“If I got my letter,” Harry said, looking at his booklist. “Then that means so did the others and we should get a letter about a shopping day.”
“We should, eventually.”
It took two days for the letter to arrive, revealing that the group was going on Saturday which was two days away. Snape Apparated to the Burrow to arrange meeting inside The Leaky Cauldron at eleven and returned home with a bag of money.
“Bill forgot to give you this, Harry. He said people have to wait hours to get to their vaults since security’s so tight and he thought he’d save you the trouble.”
“Wow,” Harry said as he took the bag. “I should thank him.”
“He’s staying home but I’m sure Molly will pass on your message.”
Saturday arrived and Snape and Harry Apparated to the inn, disguised as humans. They went in, met the Weasley and Hermione, where Harry asked Mrs. Weasley to tell Bill thanks for his money and the group moved to the back to enter Diagon Alley. Mr. Weasley tapped the brick, the wall opened, the group entered, and stopped in their tracks.
Diagon Alley had changed. The windows were covered with Ministry posters that featured either the security guidelines or of Death Eaters on the loose. A number of shabby stalls had appeared along the street. The nearest one was selling amulets that claimed that they were effective against werewolves, Dementors, and Inferi. Snape inwardly scoffed at the claim. A simple amulet won’t protect you from any of those creatures. Surely, most people know that. A number of defensive spells will protect you from a werewolf, a Patronus is the only way to repel Dementors, and as I told Harry, fire repels Inferi.
“Well, we should start with Madame Malkin’s,” said Mrs. Weasley. “Ron and Harry need new robes and Hermione wants new dress robes. Come on everyone.”
“Molly,” said Mr. Weasley. “We all don’t need to go to Madame Malkin’s. Why not let Severus take them to get robes while we get all the schoolbooks?”
“I don’t know…”
“Arthur has a point, Molly. I’ll take them to get robes. We’ll meet at Eeylops in about thirty minutes."
Mrs. Weasley reluctantly nodded and the group split up. Severus led the group to Malkin’s and, as they were about to enter, said, “Harry, drop the illusion. Malkin will need to adjust your robes for the tail.”
Harry did so and the quartet went inside. It appeared to be empty but then they heard Draco Malfoy’s voice, insisting that he wasn’t a child and could shop alone. They rounded a rack of robes and saw Malfoy wearing a set of dark green robes with pins at the sleeves and the hem. He looked up to see Harry and company reflected in the mirror before him. “If you’re wondering what that smell is, Mother, a Mudblood just walked in.”
“Watch your tongue, Mr. Malfoy,” Snape said coldly as he stepped into view. He saw Draco’s eyes flash with dislike and resentment but did not let it bother him. Draco’s opinion of him wasn’t much of a concern, though it would make his mission to find out Draco’s plan to kill Dumbledore difficult.
“And you watch yours, Snape,” said Narcissa as she came into view.
The adults locked eyes and Snape could see a depth of emotion in her cold eyes. He saw the calm poise that she projected to the public but he also saw the desperate pleading for him to help her son in his task. Snape knew that he would be the one to kill the headmaster, a task he did not look forward to, even though Dumbledore was slowly dying at the time.
Snape guided his mate and his friends to an assistant to get them measured for new robes while keeping an eye on the Malfoys, but ignoring them mostly. It caught everyone’s attention when Malfoy shouted at Malkin as she was about to pull up his left sleeve. Snape turned his attention back to his charges but subtly gripped his own left arm. He’s been branded with the Dark Mark. Draco’s now a Death Eater too. This drove home to him that Draco was eager to fulfill his task and wanting to serve the Dark Lord.
Within twenty minutes, they had left the shop and met up with their party at Eeylops where Harry and Ron bought owl treats. They rounded off the trip by a stop at Fred and George’s joke shop where Snape found their range of Defense Against the Dark Arts products impressive and their jokes as inspiring pranks he may want to employ at a later date.
He glanced out the front window and saw Draco briskly walk by without his mother. He must be working on his task’s plan, one he doesn’t want his mother to know. However, I will learn of his plans and offer my help, as I promised his mother.
Chapter Seven- Train Ride to School
Harry looked around the crowded shop, found Ron and Hermione and pulled them into the back room where the Defense Against the Dark Arts stuff was placed. “Look you guys, I need to talk to you about the prophecy. All that stuff in the papers…is true. It does speak of me destined to face Voldemort…until one of us is dead. This ‘Chosen One’ stuff, though, is nonsense. The Prophet doesn’t know that I may not defeat Voldemort. The last line of the prophecy states, ‘Neither can live while the other survives.’”
“Oh, Harry. That’s awful,” said Hermione. “Aren’t you scared?”
“Honestly, no. I think, deep down, I knew I would have to face him. Also, Dumbledore wants to give me private lessons related to the prophecy somehow.”
“Private lessons?” Ron asked. “Blimey, Harry. Think they’ll help you survive?”
“I believe so. I mean, he wouldn’t waste his time if he thought I was a goner.”
Harry felt a little better telling them about the prophecy and the lessons and told Snape as much. His mate nodded but his gold eyes seemed unfocused. “Severus? You okay?”
Snape blinked and focused on Harry. “I’m fine. I’m just thinking about Draco. You heard me promise to help him and I fear it may be difficult. He blames me for his father losing favor with the Dark Lord and he will likely not accept my help.”
“Couldn’t you, you know, follow him in secret in order to know what he plans to do?”
“I could, but only as a last resort. I will try reasoning with him first.”
Harry doubted that would work. He knew if he was in Malfoy’s position, he would be determined to do it by himself and reject all help, no matter who offered. Severus will eventually tail him secretly. I know he will.
August flew by and soon it was September first and both mates were on the platform. Harry waved to those who called out to him and he felt good that everyone believed him now. He turned to Snape to say farewell for now.
“Harry, there will be a big surprise at the feast tonight,” Snape said. “It’s not the surprise I mentioned earlier in the summer.”
“There will? What is it?”
Severus chuckled. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise, would it?”
“All right, a hint. It has to do with me and has made me extremely happy.”
“Hmm, interesting.”
Severus smiled as he scratched behind Harry’s ear. “Get on board, stay safe, and no risks at all.”
“Yes, Severus.”
Harry boarded the train and wondered where to sit as Ron and Hermione were in the prefects’ carriage. Seeking an empty compartment wasn’t necessary as he didn’t need to conceal his appearance and besides, he caught people with their faces pressed against the glass, staring at him. Despite last year’s staring when he revealed his fox side, he still didn’t like being the center of attention. He turned and found himself facing a knot of girls, the foremost he recognized as Romilda Vane who had been among those who had stroked his hair last year.
“Hi, Harry,” she said as she reached over and scratched an ear. “Come sit with me and my friends.” Her tone suggested romantic interest and he knew if he accepted, she may try to hint of dating or she may just dote on him, both of which made him feel uncomfortable.
“Hey, Harry!”
The fox turned and saw Neville and Luna. Relieved, he said, “Hi, Neville. Hi, Luna. Let’s find somewhere to sit.” He looked back at his friends as they passed through the girls and saw Luna clutching a copy of The Quibbler. He was fond to that magazine as he gave an interview to it the previous year. “Quibbler still going strong, Luna?”
“Oh, yes. Publication is way up. Daddy is thrilled.”
“Glad to hear it.” Harry found an empty compartment and led the trio in. “How was your summer, Neville?”
“Okay. How was yours?”
“A little exciting but not much to say.” Harry switched the subject to O.W.L. results and listened to Neville wondering if an “A” was good enough for Transfigurations. Harry wasn’t sure until he recalled that he had to work to pull his grade up. No way McGonagall’s gonna let him move on to N.E.W.T. level. He could barely cope with the work in our previous years.
Hermione and Ron came in some time later and delivered the news that Malfoy wasn’t bothering with prefect duties. That didn’t sound like Malfoy but then again with his task to kill Dumbledore, Malfoy probably thought himself too important to bother with prefect duties. Seems Malfoy thinks he can kill Dumbledore.
The compartment door opened and a girl stood there blushing, “I’ve got invitations for Neville Longbottom and Harry P-P-Potter.” She handed them over and left quickly. Harry opened his to see that it was from Slughorn inviting him to lunch.
“Who’s Slughorn?” Neville asked, still looking at his invitation.
“New teacher,” Harry answered. “Well, I guess we can’t exactly turn it down, can we?” Harry has spent time over the summer thinking about Slughorn as well as the words of Snape and Dumbledore, particularly the latter. It was clear that Slughorn liked to be connected to famous people and he was certainly that. Both Snape and Dumbledore hinted that Slughorn may try to collect hi, add him to his list of note-worthy people; indeed Dumbledore suggested letting Slughorn collect him. His meeting of Slughorn over the summer didn’t give him much of a chance to know him and Harry saw this as a way to do that. Besides, something tells me that getting in good with Slughorn is important, though I don’t know why and also Dumbledore suggested getting to know him. Harry pondered all this as he and Neville headed to Compartment C where Slughorn was waiting.
Harry and Neville reached Compart C and opened the door. Slughorn greeted them graciously and perhaps a little too enthusiastically at Harry’s acceptance of the invitation. They were introduced to the other invitees before settling in to partake of Slughorn’s personal lunch. Harry soon learned that Slughorn seemed attracted to people who were either connected to someone famous or were famous themselves. Neville was famous because his parents had been popular Aurors and been tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange. Harry was famous because of the prophecy and his mysterious defeat of Voldemort when he was a baby; only Harry knew why he had defeated Voldemort: His mother died protecting him.
“And last year, it turns out you were a magical fox,” Slughorn added, eyeing Harry’s ears and then the claws which Harry kept blunt and short over the school year. “You did say it was on your father’s side, right?”
“Yes, sir,” Harry admitted. “But, it’s a recessive trait and my father never showed any outward sign of it.”
“Even so, even so. Quite an interesting trait to have.”
Harry and Neville were soon heading back to their compartment. He watched Zabini walk away toward the Slytherin sixth-years’ compartment and he recalled learning that Malfoy was being tasked with killing Dumbledore. He couldn’t imagine Malfoy killing anyone; he could hardly imagine himself doing such a thing. Malfoy probably doesn’t realize that killing is not as easy as he thinks. Even I know that it takes guts to do something that unthinkable and I don’t think Malfoy has the guts to kill.
Chapter Eight- Welcoming Surprises
The train pulled into the station and Harry, Neville, and Luna exited their compartment in their uniforms and onto the platform before trudging up the path to the carriages, joining Ron and Hermione along the way. Entry into the castle took a little longer than usual as Filch was using Secrecy Sensors to check people for Dark, forbidden, or dangerous objects. Harry saw him confiscate a shrunken head from Goyle. Once he was past Filch and in the Great Hall, students from almost every House greeted him and some came up to either scratch his ears or stroke his hair. His tail wagged with pleasure and he heard a couple of girls giggle whenever his tail moved. He soaked up the attention and felt quite content.
“Take your seats, the Sorting will soon start,” McGonagall scolded, though that didn’t stop her from scratching an ear.
The Sorting did indeed begin soon afterwards and Dumbledore simply opening the feast, the announcements to be held afterwards. Harry looked forward to that as Snape had hinted of a second surprise before he boarded the train and that it would be revealed at the feast. His anticipation, however, did not overshadow the wonderful food or keep him from chatting with his house mates. At long last, the food melted away from the plates and Dumbledore stood which brought silence to the Hall.
“I welcome our new students to Hogwarts and welcome back our old ones. All of you will have noticed our increased security and I assure you that this is to make sure that all of you are safe while attending school.
“We have some staffing changes to take note of. I would like you all to welcome Professor Slughorn who has consented to resume his post as Potions Master.”
Potions? Harry thought. But if Slughorn’s teaching Potions, then that must mean…
“Meanwhile, Professor Snape will assume the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
Slytherin table burst into cheers and applause and Harry couldn’t help grinning at that. Severus was teaching his most desired post and he, Harry, would be attending his classes! This was the big surprise he hinted at. Brilliant!
“Now, those wishing to try out for their House’s Quidditch team must submit their names with their Head of House and those wishing to audition for Quidditch commenter…”
Harry was almost to the Great Hall’s doors when he heard Snape call out, “Potter, a word.” The black and silver fox stopped and turned as Snape came up beside him. “My office, Potter.” He guided the teenager out into the Entrance hall and down the stairs to his office. Once the door was closed, Severus dropped his Glamour, took Harry in his arms, and kissed him. Harry returned the gesture happily and when they parted, Severus said, “Dumbledore has granted me permission to have you sleep with me this year.”
Harry’s eyes lit up at this, but then the light faded. “Severus that will attract attention.”
“Yes. It may be time to tell your House about us and my being a fox as long as they swear not to spread it around.”
Harry stepped away. “I think I’ll do that now.”
“Go ahead. Your trunk has already been placed in our room.”
Harry headed out and Severus entered their room, taking fox form as he did so. He planned to snuggle his mate while they slept.
Harry bounded up the stairs with glee and apprehension. For several months, he and Snape had kept their relationship secret; only Dumbledore, Hermione, Ron, Sirius, and the Weasley family knew about it. Now, he was about to tell all of Gryffindor about it, except the part of Snape being a fox perhaps. Although Severus did say I could tell them as they might wonder why Severus would let me choose him as a mate when it was common knowledge that we hated each other. Yeah, I think I will tell them that Severus is a fox.
He spoke the password and it swung forward. He climbed in and saw his friends. He went to them and said, “Could you get all the Gryffindors down here? I’ve got a big announcement."
“What about?” Hermione asked.
“It’s about Severus and me.”
“Oh,” Hermione said softly. “Okay, Harry, we’ll gather everyone.”
Hermione was true to her word; within ten minutes, every Gryffindor was in the common room. He cleared his throat and all eyes were on him. “Hi. I know what I’m about to say seems strange, but please hear me out. A year ago when I found out I was a fox, I discovered that Professor Snape is one too. He took to teaching me how to use fox magic. Then, after Halloween, during a lesson, we realized that we…love each other. It’s more intense on my side as fifteen is when a fox seeks a mate and their need to be with him or her is equally intense. Professor Dumbledore knows about our relationship and has granted permission to room together.”
The whole of Gryffindor House stared at Harry as he finished his announcement. “Really?” Seamus said. “You and Snape are mates and will be sleeping together this year?”
Harry nodded. “And possibly next year too. Now, remember. You all promised not to spread it around school. If you have to discuss it, please do so here.” He saw still stunned nods and grinned. “Thanks, everyone. See you in the morning.” He left Gryffindor Tower and headed down to Snape’s office, closing the door. “Severus?” he called.
“I’m in bed, Harry. Come in and take your fox form. I’m in the mood to snuggle,” came Severus’ telepathic voice.
Harry grinned as he changed into a fox and trotted into the bedroom to find a red and black fox lying in the bed with a fox’s grin on his face. Harry leaped into bed and Severus took Harry in his forelegs, forcing Harry onto his side. Severus buried his cheek in Harry’s fur as he snuggled Harry.
“How did they take it?” Snape asked.
“Reasonably well, considering I told them that you’re a fox and that we’re mates. They promise not to speak of it except in Gryffindor Tower. Severus…I’m happy you’re teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
“I am, too. Trust me, your classes will become a bit more demanding.”
“Of course I trust you and I look forward to the new challenges.” Harry yawned and his eyes slid shut. It had been a day full of surprises and he couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow would bring.
Chapter Nine- First Day of Classes
Harry felt something warm and wet slide across his cheek and he gave a yip of a giggle as he slowly blinked his eyes open to see red-tipped black fur and that warm wet thing was felt again: Snape’s tongue.
“Time for school, love,” Snape said.
Harry sat up, stretched, and shifted back to his true form. He gathered up his bag as Snape took his true form and then added the Glamour. “Leave first and I’ll follow later. Don’t let anyone see you leave our room.”
“Okay.” Harry left and became invisible until he gained the safety of the Entrance Hall and then dropped it. He entered the Great Hall and sat down, seeing he was among the first of his House to arrive. Well, since my room is down and not up, it makes sense.
“Hi, Harry,” Ron said as he and Hermione joined him. “This year’s going to be great. We’ll get free periods to hang out and relax.”
“Ron,” Hermione reproached. “We’ll need that time to do our homework.”
“Severus did say they’ll be more demanding,” Harry said. The trio lapsed into silence as they busied themselves with breakfast. When breakfast was done, they stayed in their seats and waited for McGonagall as schedules would be handled differently.
Harry watched as McGonagall descended from the Staff Table and approached the Gryffindor Table while across the room, Severus was approaching the Slytherin Table. Harry allowed his attention to wander as he waited his turn. He wondered what Severus would be teaching them in Defense Against the Dark Arts. It would no doubt be different than the previous teachers and he looked forward to his mate’s class. He jerked his mind back to McGonagall as she was ready to sort out his schedule.
“Potter…Potter. Well, I must say I was pleased with your Transfigurations grade as well as the grades with your other chosen classes. Very good, here you are.” She tapped a blank card with her wand and Harry’s schedule appeared on it. She handed it over and headed over to Dean Thomas. Harry gleefully scanned his card. He had a free period right now, then he would have Defense Against the Dark Arts, then another free period after break before Transfiguration, then lunch, a free period after lunch and then Potions. Excellent, Defense Against the Dark Arts is first. I can hardly wait.
Ron looked at Harry’s schedule over his shoulder. “We have the same schedules,” Ron said, sounding pleased.
Harry looked at Ron in surprise. “You’re taking Potions?”
“Yeah. Apparently Slughorn is willing to accept ‘E’ students into his class.”
Harry and Ron headed up to the common room and enjoyed what Harry suspected would be their only true free period of the year. Then, they headed for Defense Against the Dark Arts, Harry excited about what Snape would teach them. He knew it would be challenging but as he was good at Defense Against the Dark Arts, he was willing to try his best. Snape had lost no time in imposing his style on the room. There were gruesome pictures on the wall that gave Harry the creeps but gave him a good idea of what they would cover this year. The class was quiet as Snape strode to the front of the room. After role call and actually complimenting on the number of students in the class given the different teachers they had, he launched into a speech about the Dark Arts that Harry found a bit disconcerting as he spoke of them with the same loving tone he used with Harry. Snape then started one of the hardest lessons in his life. They were to try to curse each other nonverbally and repel the curse also nonverbally. Harry had to master the impulse to speak the incantation, having been used to speaking for five years. At this point, he was waiting for Ron to nonverbally curse him, but it seemed unlikely to come. Finally, Ron shook his head and gestured for Harry to try. He slowly exhaled, aimed his wand, and thought as hard as he could on the Leg-Locker curse and, to his surprise, it worked. Ron’s legs snapped together and he wobbled to stay upright.
“Very good, Potter,” came Snape’s voice. He waved his wand and Ron’s legs sprang apart. “Second student to succeed after Miss Granger, naturally. Another five points to Gryffindor.”
Harry beamed as class ended. He had succeeded in his first non-verbal spell and he received a small smile from Snape as the class left. Harry did a check out a window to find Hagrid not teaching and wanted to see him.
“Harry, security’s extremely tight these days,” Hermione said. “We can’t just stroll down to Hagrid’s like we used to.”
“Sure, we could,” Harry said. “Look, I bet security’s not as tight in daylight so we could walk across the grounds. Besides Dumbledore told me to keep my Invisibility Cloak with me at all times and I can become invisible myself.”
“Yeah,” Ron agreed. “Harry could probably open the doors, too if he has to. Come on, Hermione. You know you want to see Hagrid too.”
“Well of course I do, but couldn’t we wait until Saturday?”
“I don’t know, Hermione. McGonagall told me at least twenty people want to try out the Quidditch team. The tryouts could take hours. Plus, Hagrid is likely to be upset that we’re not taking his class and stop coming at mealtimes. We know that’s happened before.”
“All right, point made, let’s go.” She took the Cloak and put it over her and Ron while Harry led the way to the doors where he turned invisible and found the doors not locked. The trio eased outside and down to Hagrid’s. Harry knew they didn’t have to sneak around but visits between classes were probably frowned on, so this was the only way aside from waiting for Saturday which he felt wasn’t a good option as by then it would be clear that they weren’t taking his class. He has to understand that our schedules are full as it is.
They reached the hut and became visible again before Harry knocked. “Hagrid, it’s us. Please open up.” Harry knew that Hagrid had already had the N.E.W.T. class as Hagrid had mentioned it last night. “We still want to see you. It’s just our schedules are full without your class.” Harry heard a sigh due to his sharp ears. “Please, Hagrid. Let us in.” A more audible sigh was heard before the door opened and Hagrid appeared.
“Yeh really can’t fit my class in?” he said as he let them in.
“We can’t and the homework’s bound to be harder,” Hermione said.
“We’ll try to visit on weekends,” Harry said.
“I know yeh will.” He scratched one of Harry’s ears. “You and Snape still together?”
“Uh-huh and it couldn’t be better.”
“Good to hear.” The group talked of class and Wizarding news before they left for lunch having spent their free period and break with Hagrid. As they entered the Entrance Hall, a voice called Harry’s name and he turned to see Katie Bell.
“Hi, Harry. I was told to give you this. Also, congratulations on becoming Captain. When’s tryouts?”
“I’m thinking Saturday but you don’t need to try out.”
“Don’t think that way, Harry,” Katie warned. “Many teams have been ruined because captains kept playing the same old faces. There may be better players than me.”
“Oh. Uh, okay.” It hadn’t occurred to him that could happen. Harry was soon preoccupied with Quidditch tryouts, homework, and classes that he had forgotten about the scroll Katie had given him until he found it in his bag as he headed for his room.
Harry stared at the scroll as he headed down to his room to read it in peace. He recognized Dumbledore’s handwriting having had corresponded with the headmaster after persuading Slughorn to teach. What could Dumbledore want with him? Did it have something to do with the private lessons? He entered the office to see Severus at the desk, possibly doing lesson plans. He nodded at his mate’s hands. “What do you have there?”
“A note from Professor Dumbledore. I just haven’t opened it yet.” Harry unrolled it, read it, and frowned in confusion. “He wants to see me in his office at eight Saturday night.”
“Ah, so the private lessons begin. I would love to know what you talk about.”
Harry went over to him and nuzzled an ear. “I’ll be sure to tell you.”
Severus gave a growl of pleasure at Harry’s gesture. “Harry,” he said as the smaller fox kept nuzzling. “You keep that up and I won’t be able to concentrate on these plans.”
“Would that be so bad? You do have breaks same as students do.”
“Yes, I do. Oh!” he breathed as Harry’s tail swished over his leg. Unable to take anymore, Severus stood, scooped up Harry, and carried him off to his room. The pair spent the rest of the evening giving each other intimate gestures and taking fox form to snuggle for the night. Severus found it amusing that, though he was the older fox, he was putty in Harry’s claws. It seems that Harry is the one controlling the relationship and I can’t bring myself to tell him that I should be controlling it as I’m the elder.
Chapter Ten- Private Lessons Begin
Snape scratched a grade at the top of a fifth-year’s homework before putting it aside and grabbing another. It was Saturday morning and he was alone. Harry had left to conduct Quidditch tryouts and perhaps visit Hagrid afterward. It pleased him that Harry was spending time with others; it would give him time to offer his assistance to Draco.
He put his grading aside, put on his Glamour and went in search of the boy. As luck would have it, he found him in the common room of Slytherin. “Mr. Malfoy, may I see you in my office? Now?”
Malfoy put on a sour face as he got up and followed Snape to his office. Once inside, Snape turned to Malfoy. “I am well aware of the task the Dark Lord set to you. I would be willing to assist you in succeeding.”
“I don’t need any help…sir,” Malfoy replied, the last word being an afterthought.
“Draco, a task of this magnitude would go smoothly if one takes advantage of potential resources and allies. I would be one of the latter. I can be very valuable to you.”
“I don’t need you! I can do this myself.”
“Murder is not as easy as you think, Draco and only a foolish boy would think it’s easy.”
“I am not a foolish boy!” Malfoy ripped back his left sleeve and Snape recoiled slightly as what he saw confirmed the suspicion he had had back in August: The Dark Mark was branded into the skin.
“You’ve been Marked,” he said neutrally.
“That’s right. So, talk to me like an equal instead of a superior.”
“I am superior. I’m your teacher and you will show respect. Now, I promised your mother I would help you. I can help patch up any holes in your plans.”
“There are no holes. Now, leave me alone.” Malfoy pushed his sleeve down and stalked out of the office.
Snape sat with a scowl, dropped the Glamour, and resumed grading papers with a worried air. Draco definitely does not like me right now. It would seem Harry’s suggestion of secretly tailing him is necessary. I think I will ask Harry if I could borrow something of his.
Harry returned after lunch and Snape nodded at seeing him. He knew Harry had homework to do and did not want to distract him with favors. He could wait until later. A few hours later, Harry was packing up his work and Snape looked up to see it was almost dinnertime.
“Harry, I spoke to Draco this morning and it did not go well. He revealed to me that he is a Death Eater as I had suspected since August. He showed his Dark Mark to me.”
“He’s a Death Eater!?” Harry gasped.
“Yes and he made it clear he does not want my help. So, I will secretly keep tabs on him and to that effect, I wondered if I could borrow your map.”
“My map? Sure.” Harry dug through his trunk until he removed a square of old parchment. He handed it over and Snape took it. He had seen this map in Harry’s third and fourth years and knew how useful it was. He stowed it in his cloak as the mates headed to dinner. With this map, Draco cannot hide from me. Snape kept his eyes on Malfoy all through dinner, but the pale teenager appeared to not notice. He returned to his office to plan out his lesson plans for the year while waiting for Harry to return from his private lesson. I wonder what he’s learning. I’ll find out as Harry promised he’d tell me.
Harry’s feet landed on Dumbledore’s office floor as the memory concluded. “What happened, afterwards, sir?”
“He returned to the Ministry and came back with re-enforcements. Marvolo and Morfin were arrested and sentenced, leaving Merope on her own and able to pursue the Muggle she fell for. I’m sure you noticed him.”
“The man on the horse?”
“Exactly. Tom Riddle, senior.”
“Hang on. Tom Riddle. Then, that means, Merope…that was Voldemort’s mother?”
“That’s correct.”
“And they ended up married!?” Harry couldn’t understand how two different people could fall in love.
“You seem to forget Harry that Merope was a witch. Granted her powers weren’t at their best while being tormented by her father, but once on her own, she was able to give free reign to her abilities. I’m sure she’d be able to persuade Riddle to have a glass of water one day when he was alone and enchant him.”
“The Imperius Curse or a love potion?”
“I believe so. I think it’s more likely she used a love potion; more romantic that way.”
“Did both of them die after the baby was born?”
“Merope did but Riddle did not. He left her while she was pregnant. I believe she stopped using the love potion, hoping Riddle would love her without it. She was disappointed and that ultimately sapped her of her powers and she no longer wished to live or be a witch. I think that will do for tonight.”
“Maybe two more questions, sir? Is it necessary to learn of Voldemort’s past?”
“It is very important.”
“And it…it’s got something to do with the prophecy?”
“It has everything to do with the prophecy.”
Harry turned to leave and saw a gold and black ring on one of the spindle-legged tables. “Sir? That ring-,”
“Isn’t that Marvolo’s ring?”
“Indeed it is.”
“How long have you had it?”
“I acquired it recently. Several days before I received your help in persuading Professor Slughorn to teach.”
Harry paused before saying, “Sir, may I tell Ron and Hermione everything you told me?”
“Certainly, Harry. I believe they have proven themselves trustworthy. Naturally, you will tell Severus as he is your mate and fox mates tend to not keep secrets from one another.”
“Yes, sir. That’s right.”
Harry returned to his room afterwards to find Severus still awake and in his true form, poring over the map. When Harry entered, however, she tapped it. “Mischief Managed, he said, though it hadn’t. As Harry changed his clothes, he heard Severus’ telepathic voice, “How did the lesson go? What did you learn?”
“The lesson went fine. He showed me a memory concerning Voldemort.” Harry paused to allow Severus to hiss in protest at hearing the name. “I saw his mother and her family and how she possibly got the Muggle she loved to fall in love with her.”
“Curious. Why would he want you to know this about the Dark Lord?”
“No idea, but I do find his origins interesting.” Harry turned and said, “Severus, why do you react when I say his name?”
“It is reflex, Harry. I…fear him learning of my true nature and of our relationship to one another. I don’t have the courage that you do in saying his name.”
“I don’t believe that. Hermione started saying his name last year.” Harry slid into bed and kissed Severus. “Come on, Severus. Say it, even if you stammer. That’s how Hermione did it.”
Severus licked his lips as he said, “So you truly have no idea why you’re learning all this about V-V-Voldemort?”
Harry smiled at hearing his mate speak Voldemort’s name as he answered, “None at all. But, I have a feeling I might eventually learn why.”
Chapter Eleven- The Cursed Necklace
Harry spent the following week busy with classes, homework, and Quidditch practice. He hardly felt the need to be intimate with Snape which concerned him and said as much.
Snape smiled at him. “You are still as affectionate and needy as always, though only at bedtime. Don’t worry: The intimacy peaks in springtime and besides, we’re both busy with our respective duties.”
“Would you like to come to practice Saturday?”
“I believe I would and I’m ready to fully support Gryffindor.”
The look of joy on Harry’s face filled Snape’s heart with happiness. Malfoy may hate him and he may be Head of Slytherin, but his mate was Gryffindor and his issue of divided loyalties was no more. He hadn’t seen Harry’s team practice but he had certainly talked about the team he had put together last weekend. I look forward to seeing them practice. None will question my presence as they know we’re mates.
Practice day dawned bright and cool but that didn’t bother Harry; to him, it was a nice day for practice. He talked strategy with Ron as they and Hermione met up in the Entrance Hall. They had barely entered the Great Hall when they were stopped by Slughorn who extended dinner invitations to Harry and Hermione for that night. Harry graciously accepted, still certain that it was the right way to go. I still don’t know why I should get to know Slughorn but Dumbledore and Severus’ hints make it clear that I should. Eventually, I’ll learn why it’s important to know him.
September melted into October and Harry and Snape were involved in personal missions. Harry had been to three more dinners with Slughorn and felt he was getting to know the Potions Master well. He was sure that practically anything he wanted from Slughorn, he would receive.
Snape, however, was not having such luck. He sent several summons to Draco ot come to his office, but the pale boy ignored them. He pored over the map when he had time, but Draco’s movements were typical for a student. He knew what Draco was going to do but not how and it frustrated him. He acknowledged that some people may end up hurt as a result of Draco’s determination to not confide to anyone. He only hoped the damage wouldn’t be too great or catastrophic.
Mid-October brought a Hogsmeade trip and, to Harry, it was a welcome thing. He was glad the trips were allowed to continue despite the murders and disappearances that still occurred in the Wizarding community. Hermione still had a subscription to The Daily Prophet and occasionally told Harry and Ron anything she read that was of interest. This Saturday was one of those times.
“Stan Shunpike’s been arrested,” she said. “On suspicion of being a Death Eater.”
“What!?” Harry gasped. “He’s not a Death Eater.”
“Says here he was gossiping about Death Eater plans in a pub.”
Harry shook his head. He doubted Stan was a Death Eater. He recalled Stan boasting to some vela at the World Cup a couple of years ago. It was likely Stan was just trying to make himself seem important. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong thing to boast about. He was brought out of his thoughts by one of his team mates giving him a scroll.
“Dumbledore’s next lesson,’ he whispered excitedly to his friends as he unrolled it to read it. “Monday night.” He smiled at the scroll and felt his tail wag. He had wondered earlier why there had been no lessons after the first one and concluded that if these lesson relied on memories, then it takes time to acquire them. But Severus said he’s dying. What if he doesn’t get all the memories he wants to show me?
He dwelled on the headmaster on the way to Hogsmeade. He hadn’t told Ron or Hermione about the curse, mostly because he didn’t want them to worry and also he felt it wasn’t his place to tell. Severus told me because we’re mates and hide very little from each other.
Blustery winds and sleet stung at their exposed skin and Harry folded his ears to prevent the frozen pellets from landing in them. They bent their heads against the weather and once in town, found Zonko’s closed. However, Ron saw Honeyduke’s was open and they rushed gratefully into the sugary warmth.
“Harry, m’boy!” came Slughorn’s voice and he turned to see him and wondered how he could have missed him as he took up a quarter of the shop. “It’s good to see you again. I was hoping I would. I was wondering if you could perform some fox magic at my next dinner party Monday night.”
Harry’s ears drooped. “I’m sorry, professor but I have an appointment with Dumbledore that night. I’m really sorry.”
“Ah, no worries m’boy. Maybe next time.” Slughorn eased himself out of the shop.
“That is a shame,” Hermione said. “I imagine it would have been…entertaining, I guess.”
“Maybe, but I would have limited it to spells we’ve learned. Most of our special abilities like taking fox form should stay between ourselves and our most trustworthy friends like you and Ron and the teachers.” Harry plucked some sugar quills.
“How come?” Ron asked as they paid and left.
“I don’t want Voldemort to know about it. That might be what helps me survive.” Harry’s ears folded as the trio trudged to The Three Broomsticks. “If I do any of that special magic in front of Malfoy or the children of Death Eaters, it’ll eventually reach Voldemort’s ears.”
“Malfoy’s the son of a Death Eater. Why single him out?” Ron asked.
“Because he’s a Death Eater himself. Severus saw the Dark Mark on him.”
“Really?” both friends chorused as they sat down at a table with drinks.
Harry nodded. “He’s been set a task to fulfill and Severus is pretending to offer his help but Malfoy wants to do it himself so Severus is going to tail him in secret using my map.” Harry sipped his butterbeer and looked out the window. The weather seemed to be getting worse and he thought of taking fox form once in his room and burrowing under the bed covers or cuddling with his mate. “Guys, how about we finish these and head back? Weather’s looking pretty bad right now.”
They agreed and when they left, they were behind Katie and her friend, Leanne. The winds were almost deafening and yet the sounds of Katie and Leanne reached them. They couldn’t hear what they were saying but they could see them tugging back and forth on a brown package. The next sequence of events was bizarre and scary. The packaging tore as it fell to the ground and then Katie was floating in mid-air, arms outstretched. Her head was thrown back and her mouth was open in a scream that was unheard over the wind. Harry rushed forward as Katie began to fall and used the levitation spell to lower her safely to the ground. Katie was writhing but unresponsive otherwise and Harry suspected that she had been cursed. “I’ll get help,” he shouted before running toward the castle.
Harry’s mind raced as he headed for the castle. What was wrong with Katie? What was in the packaging? Would Katie be okay? He had no doubt who was responsible: Malfoy. He turned the bend and collided with a bear on its hind legs; actually it was Hagrid.
“Harry, great to see yeh,” he said.
“Hagrid, Katie’s been cursed!”
“Eh? What?” Hagrid leaned down to hear Harry better.
“Someone’s been cursed!” Harry shouted.
“Cursed? Take me there.”
Harry led the way back where a large group had gathered. “No one touch her,” Hagrid said as he came forward and scooped her up before rushing to the castle. The people dispersed leaving Harry, Ron, and Hermione alone with Leanne who was sobbing and hysterical.
“You’re Leanne, right?” Hermione asked gently. “Can you tell us what happened?”
Leanne told them what happened between sobs and hindsight made her realize that Katie must have been under the Imperius Curse. “The packaging ripped and then she was floating.” Leanne pointed at the now sodden package and Harry went over to get a better look. He saw a flash of opals and his breath caught as he recognized it.
“No one touch it,” he said. “That necklace is cursed. I’ve seen it before.” Harry removed his scarf and levitated the necklace so he could carefully wrap it up. “We’ll take it back to the castle. Maybe it’ll help Madam Pomfrey cure Katie.”
The quartet trekked their way back to the castle and once they passed the winged boar statues, they met up with McGonagall. “Hagrid told me what happened. What’s that you got, Potter?” She pointed at the scarf.
“The thing that cursed Katie.”
“Oh, my! No, Filch, they’re with me.” she added as Filch came forward with his Secrecy Sensor. She took the scarf and handed it to Filch. “Take that to Snape and don’t touch what’s inside.”
Filch shuffled off and McGonagall led the students to her office where she had Leanne recount the story and then told her to go to the Hospital Wing to get calmed down. She faced Harry and the others. “What is in that scarf?”
“An opal necklace, professor,” Harry said. “A cursed one. I saw it in Borgin and Burke’s four years ago. Professor, I believe Malfoy put the Imperius Curse on Katie and passed her that necklace.”
“That’s quite the theory, Potter, but improbable. You see, Mr. Malfoy was not in Hogsmeade as he was serving detention with me today.”
Harry stared at the necklace that laid on Severus’ desk. “It is lucky that Katie didn’t die from it.”
“Indeed. Tell me, Harry: What happened today?”
Harry told Severus everything that he heard and saw on the way back to the castle and what he and his friends told McGonagall as well as what Leanne had said.
“She said that Katie seemed odd and said that she needed to take the necklace up to the school? Hmm, clearly someone put the Imperius Curse on Katie and slipped her the necklace. Whoever was supposed to receive this, wouldn’t have gotten it as Filch’s Secrecy Sensor would have detected the Dark Magic in it.”
“Yeah, that was a rather weak attempt. Who would try an attempt like this, knowing it wouldn’t reach its victim?”
“I’m afraid I know who: Draco.”
“What? But, Professor McGonagall said Malfoy was doing detention today.”
“Yes, but doesn’t mean that he’s not behind it. He could have used an accomplice to give Katie the necklace.”
“Will you be questioning Malfoy about it?”
“Eventually. The Headmaster will want the Heads of House to question all their students.
“So, anything else happen in Hogsmeade?”
“Yeah, Slughorn invited me to dinner Monday night but I had to turn it down as Dumbledore’s next lesson is that night.”
“I see. Well one turn-down isn’t that bad. You’ve done well in getting to know him.”
“I wish I knew why,” Harry said as they headed to dinner.
That makes two of us, Snape thought.
Chapter Twelve- Party Invite
“Good evening, Harry. I heard you had some excitement this weekend.”
“Hello, sir. It was…exciting but not in a good way.”
“Quite right. Turns out Katie was lucky; the necklace brushed against a tiny hole in her glove. If she had held it in her bare hand or put it on, she would have died instantly. As you know, she has been moved to St. Mungo’s and I am receiving regular reports on her condition.”
“Did Severus tell you my theory about the necklace?”
“He did and you are likely correct. However, that was a weak attempt; makes me wonder if Draco’s heart is really into the task.
“Now, tonight we continue the tale of Lord Voldemort. You recall where we left off?”
“Yes, sir. Merope used a love potion on Tom Riddle, they married, she got pregnant, and when she stopped using the potion, Riddle left her.”
“Yes. Riddle did not even try to find his son and Voldemort grew up in an orphanage. The locket Merope owned, she sold for some gold as she was in need of money. The shop she sold it to was Borgin and Burkes’.”
“Borgin and Burkes’?”
“That’s right. The same shop from whence the necklace came. It also tells us her whereabouts, London to be precise. Now, this time we are going to enter my memory which will be rick in detail and accurate.”
Harry was a bit taken aback. He had thought Dumbledore had been out acquiring memories, but it would seem he was wrong. So, what has he been doing all this time?
The pair landed in Dumbledore’s office and sat to discuss what they saw. “He believed he was a wizard more quickly than I did.”
“Yes. Riddle always believed he was, to use his word, ‘special,’”
“Did you know- then?”
“Did I know I had just met the most dangerous Dark wizard of all time? No, but I was intrigued by him. His powers were well-developed for a young wizard and, disturbingly, had some control over them. He was using them to frighten, punish, or control people.”
“And he was a Parselmouth,” Harry added.
“Yes, indeed but that didn’t make me as uneasy as his instincts for cruelty, secrecy, and domination. Now, I want to draw your attention to some important points before we part for the night. First, his reaction to his first name, Tom. He loathes having anything that made him ordinary. He later, as you know, shed his name and created the mask of Lord Voldemort.
“He also showed that he is highly self-sufficient, secretive, and apparently friendless. He preferred to operate alone, just as he does now. Lastly, the young Tom Riddle liked to collect trophies. Bear that in mind as that may be important later. And now, it really is time for bed. Good night, Harry.”
“Good night, sir.” Harry headed for the door and noticed Marvolo’s ring was missing from the table, but chose not to comment on it. He had a mate waiting to hear what he had learned.
Harry returned to his room and shared what he learned that night with Severus who listened with fascination. “He was quick to believe the Headmaster. Interesting.”
“He said that Voldemort believed him because he always felt he was special. He had extraordinary control over his magic for someone his age.”
“Indeed. Not even I had that kind of control.”
Harry whispered to Hermione and Ron what he saw in Herbology the next day. Ron found it scary while Hermione found it fascinating to learn about Voldemort’s past which Harry and Severus also agreed.
“How was last night’s party?” he asked Hermione as they tackled the class’ project.
“Not bad. Slughorn droned on about ex-pupils, but all in all, not bad.” Silence reigned as they fought their plant and once they stepped back to catch their breath and Harry worked to open the pod, they retrieved, Hermione continued, “Anyway, Slughorn’s having a Christmas party before everyone leaves for the holidays.”
“Just for Slughorn’s favorites?” Ron sneered, obviously still smarting that he wasn’t one of Slughorn’s favorites.
“The Slug Club, yes but we can bring guests.”
Ron appeared to not hear that last part. “Maybe you should go with McLaggen. Slughorn can crown you Slug King and Queen.”
Harry focused on the pod in the bowl, trying to tune out his friends but his ears missed nothing. “Look, I didn’t make up the name and I was going to ask you.”
“You were?”
“Yes, but if you rather I ask McLaggen-,”
Harry stabbed the pod hard enough to crack the bowl and bring the argument to an end. “Reparo,” Harry said and pointed his wand to repair the bowl.
“Here. It says you need to puncture it,” Hermione said. As she worked on the pod, Harry thought about the party and naturally thought about asking Severus. But that can wait as it is still October.
Snape gave a low growl of frustration and scratched behind a red-tipped ear. It was November, the weekend after the first Quidditch match of the season and it would seem Draco had vanished from the map yet again. It had started last weekend, shortly before the match. One moment, he was there and the next, he wasn’t. He had seen Crabbe and Goyle by themselves which was unusual as they were typically together with Draco at school. He also noticed Crabbe and Goyle being stationary in one spot for what seemed like hours but he knew that wasn’t the case. He pondered Draco’s absence from the map in between classes and breaks and during mealtimes. He further noticed that Draco didn’t look well. His skin had a gray tinge to it and there were dark circles under his eyes that Snape noticed whenever he passed the boy in Defense Against the Dark Arts. He had asked Madam Pomfrey what these signs meant and she had smiled gently.
“He’s simply spending too much time indoors, Severus. You may want to suggest he spend time outside,” she had said.
A rhythmic knocking sounded and Snape smiled. He and Harry had set up a knocking sequence to let him know it was his mate and no Glamour was needed. “Come in, Harry.”
The door opened and Harry entered. He saw the map open and active and went over to scan it. He frowned. “I don’t see Malfoy.”
“I don’t either, but I have seen Crabbe and Goyle alone around here.” He tapped a spot.
Harry’s eyes narrowed. “Hang on. I know that place. That’s where the Room of Requirement is.”
“Room of Requirement. Isn’t that where you held meetings of Dumbledore’s Army?”
“Uh-huh. Somehow, Malfoy learned of it. He must have worded it to make the room Unplottable which is why he seems to disappear.”
“I see. So, the room becomes whatever the user wants. Very clever, but what is he doing in there?”
“That’s the question. Uh, Severus? Slughorn’s having a Christmas party before the break and the Slug Club’s invited and we can bring a guest. I was wondering if you’d like to go as my guest.”
“Harry, I would love to but I’m not sure it would be wise. Most of the school knows that I’ve hated you for years and, as far as they know, I still do. If I show up as your guest, people will wonder and it may reach V-Voldemort’s ears. Besides, I’ve already been invited and have accepted. Maybe you could ask someone else? Miss Granger or Miss Weasley, perhaps?”
“They’re already going and I think both have already invited someone.”
“You and Snape are both right,” Hermione said weeks later. “Ginny and I both invited someone and Snape can’t be your guest as you’re supposed to publicly hate each other.”
“There’s no one else I want to go with.”
Hermione stroked his hair with an understanding smile. “I know how you feel, but you better ask someone. The party’s tomorrow and there are girls hoping you’ll ask them. I overheard them thinking of slipping you a love potion.”
Harry swallowed hard at this and frantically thought of who to invite as a friend. Then, it came to him. I’ll ask Luna to the party. I’m sure she’d love to go as friends and besides, I know she’ll be a lot of fun to have around.
Chapter Thirteen- Christmas Gifts
Harry gaped at Hermione. “Why did you ask McLaggen?”
“I figured he would annoy Ron the most.”
“Huh? What?”
“Oh, right. You don’t know. Well, Ron caught Ginny kissing Dean and he got angry about it and Ginny mocked his kissing skills or lack thereof. Well, after the match, Ron hooked up with Lavender Brown and they have been…snogging all over the place,” Hermione answered, her voice choking on the last five words which told Harry how Hermione felt about Ron. She loves him.
“In any case,” she said, recapturing her normal tone. “Nice choice in choosing Luna. She seems to be having a good time.”
“Yeah and I’m glad I asked her. She’s a lot of fun.”
The two were silent before Hermione said, “You get Snape a Christmas present?”
“Yeah and a birthday one as his birthday is next month. I know he’ll love both.”
Harry then excused himself to mingle and enjoyed the strokes and scratches of different people. After a couple of conversations, Harry ducked into a secluded spot and enjoyed the solitude until he smelled Snape’s scent. He opened his eyes and smiled as his mate entered and briefly hugged him. “We’ll be spending the holiday at the Burrow,” he said in Harry’s ear.
“Wonderful,” he said. “Will Sirius be there?”
“I don’t know, but Lupin might.”
Harry smiled; after Snape, Lupin was his favorite Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Then Snape leaned down and kissed Harry who was surprised by the public display. Snape straightened and pointed up. “Mistletoe,” he said as he left. Harry looked up to see the white clump above him. He blushed. How did I miss that?
Snape emerged with a smile that quickly vanished. He liked catching his mate off balance every now and then. He’ll be just as surprised by my present to him. A commotion drew his attention and he turned to see Filch dragging Draco by the ear to Slughorn who was now a bit drunk. “Professor,” Filch said. “I caught this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims he was invited and was late in setting out.”
Draco pulled away from Filch. “All right, I wasn’t invited. I was gate-crashing, happy?”
Before anyone could respond, Snape said, “Draco, I want a word.”
“Oh, come Severus,” Slughorn hiccupped. “It’s Christmas, the boy can stay, don’t be hard on him.”
“As he is in my House, I will decide how hard to be on him.” Snape took Malfoy by the arm and pulled him out of the room and into an empty room, closing the door almost closed. He faced him. “Draco, you know you are not allowed to roam the corridors at night unless you have permission to do so, like attending this party. Very reckless of you.”
“Like you care,” Draco answered.
“I do care. I want the plan to succeed as much as you do and I again offer my assistance.”
“I don’t need your assistance and I have other people I can count on, better people.”
“I’m sure you do but that plot with the necklace was clumsy and foolish. Others already suspect you had something to do with that.”
“I told you I didn’t do it. I was in detention.” He saw Snape staring into his eyes and scowled. “I know what you’re trying to do, but I can stop you.”
Snape felt the strong push of Occlumency that was batting aside the wizard Legilimency aside so he switched to the fox one but got the same result. He smiled grimly. “You learned Occlumency.”
“Yeah, to keep you out. I have a plan and I don’t need you butting in.”
“What plan?”
“None of your business.”
“Tell me. I can help.”
“You don’t want to help. You just want to steal my glory!” Draco stormed out of the room, leaving Snape to shake his head and return to the party. Draco, you need to swallow your pride and ask for help.
Harry snuggled by Snape’s side in front of the fire as the wireless played Celestina Warbeck songs. Snape smiled as he put an arm around Harry’s back and fondled the boy’s tail with his own. He caught the smile on Lupin’s face as he looked at them. The werewolf looked way and tried to engage Sirius in conversation. Sirius was listening but he kept an eye on the cuddling fox. Black and I have a civil relationship for Harry’s sake; to see his godson showing me affection like this must be strange for him.
“Is something wrong, Black?” he asked neutrally, causing Harry to sit up straight.
“Nothing’s wrong. I just never saw your true form. It’s nice. I’ve also never seen Harry so affectionate.”
“That would be because his loving side only shows when I’m around and in private.”
Harry got up, went to Sirius, and hugged him before sitting down and talking to him. Snape heard every word, but decided to give them privacy by saying to Lupin, “You don’t look well, considering the full moon is not for another three weeks.”
Lupin forced a grim smile. “Well, as I’m undercover, that’s to be expected, isn’t it?”
“Undercover?” Snape nodded as he understood. “You’re living among other werewolves.”
“Yes. Voldemort’s gathering them with the help of Fenrir Greyback.”
“I heard of him. He’s supposed to be the most savage werewolf alive.”
“Correct. His brand of logic is more convincing than mine. I try to report what I can to Dumbledore.”
“I would help if I could Lupin but it’s not safe to do so and I have my own mission.”
“True and I understand you have enough to deal with anyway.” Lupin stared into the fire as did Snape before the former said, “Greyback was the one who bit me when I was young.”
“I did not know that. That must be difficult for you: To be faced with the one who cursed you and knowing that arguing against him is practically impossible.”
“You are correct, Severus, but I do my best.”
Snape awoke when he heard a clatter from upstairs. He opened his eyes and sat up from the couch to see Fred and George come down. They saw him and all three nodded before Snape turned to see he had not one, but three packages. Last year, he had only gotten one: A wand box from Harry. Curious, he opened them to find a package of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes from the twins and a candy box from Hermione. He picked up the last one, knowing it was from Harry. He ripped off the wrappings and a handsome book on Defense Against the Dark Arts was revealed. Snape flicked through the pages and knew he would enjoy reading it and that it was part one of a two book set. I’m willing to bet my wand that part two is my birthday present.
Another clatter sounded and he caught Harry’s scent as the fox came in. “Merry Christmas, Severus,” he said before kissing a cheek.
“Merry Christmas, Harry. Thanks for the book. I love it.”
“I knew you would. I’m a little confused about this.” He held up a scroll.
“Well, when I was your age, I invented a number of spells and wrote them in my Potions book. I thought maybe you’d like to use them.”
“Spells you invented?” Harry opened the scroll and looked down it. In handwriting only Harry saw, was a list of spells. Each one contained a pronunciation and what it did. Harry grinned at one that glued one’s tongue to the roof of his mouth. He could see amusing potential for that.
“Severus, these are amazing. Hang on. Didn’t Dad use this on you in your fifth year?” He pointed near the bottom.
“Yes. I had a bit of trouble getting the spelling right, but I got it. The counter spell wasn’t as hard.” He tapped the counter which was below the spell before pointing at another spell further up the list. “This one is highly useful if you don’t want anyone listening in on you.”
“Oh, I can think of a few time to use that.”
“I’m sure you can. Let me tell you of when and how I discovered Muffliato and the times I used it. I warn you though, I was quite the petty vindictive fox at your age.” The two mates sat on the couch and Snape regaled Harry with tales of his youth.
Chapter Fourteen- Homework Task
Snape left the Burrow on Boxing Day to prepare for next term’s classes. Harry stayed at the Burrow until a few days after New Year’s. His mind drifted back to the unannounced visit from the Minister on Christmas. Snape had quickly put on his Glamour before the Minister saw him. Percy was also with him, the latter claiming the former wanted to see his family. Harry suspected that wasn’t the case; he thought it more likely an excuse for Scrimgeour to talk with Harry.
His suspicions were confirmed when he chose Harry to accompany him on a walk around the garden. “I’ve been wanting to meet you for a very long time,” he had said. “But Dumbledore has been protective of you which is understandable. I had really hoped to talk to you, but I have been prevented.”
He had looked Harry up and down. “So, you have always been a magical fox; hidden by a long-term Glamour according to Dumbledore.”
“That’s right,” Harry had replied grudgingly, recalling the reason Scrimgeour wanted to speak with him.
“And the rumors! Whispers of a prophecy and you being ‘The Chosen One.’ I assume Dumbledore discussed both with you?”
“We discussed it,” Harry had said guardedly.
“And what has he told you?”
“Sorry,” Harry had said lightly. “That’s between us, I’m afraid.”
“Of course,” Scrimgeour said, his tone also light. “If it’s a question of confidence, I understand. In any case it doesn’t matter if you are ‘The Chosen One’ or not.”
“I’m not sure what you mean, Minister.” In truth, Harry had a shrewd idea of what Scrimgeour was driving at but wanted to hear the man say it.
“People believe you are ‘The Chosen One’, you see. Think you quite the hero which you are. The point is, you are a symbol of hope to people. It would boost everyone’s morale if you were seen popping in and out of the Ministry.”
Ah and here it comes. Harry pretended to mull it over. “So, basically,” he had said slowly. “You’d like to give the impression that I’m working for the Ministry; that I support what you’re doing.”
“It would give everyone a lift to think you’re involved,” Scrimgeour had pressed.
“Minister, I’m afraid I must turn down your suggestion.”
“Now see here, young man…” Scrimgeour had begun, now sounding angry.
“No,” Harry had said coldly. “I will not be a mascot for the Ministry.” He had turned and stalked back to the house, tail swishing furiously and angrily behind him.
Harry came back to the present by the whooshing of Floo Powder at work. He stepped into them and shouted, “Hogwarts!” He whirled out of the Burrow’s fireplace and into McGonagall’s. As he got out, she said, “Evening, Potter. Severus is waiting for you.”
“Thank you, Professor,” he said as Ron and Ginny arrived. The trio trooped out of the office and up to Gryffindor, Harry staying long enough to get the new password. They had just reached the entrance when Hermione came rushing up the stairs. “Hi, Harry. Hi, Ginny,” she said, ignoring Ron. “Password is abstinence. Oh, Harry, here.” Hermione handed Harry a scroll and he eagerly opened it. “Tomorrow night,” he whispered to his friends as Ginny went inside. Hermione smiled at that before she entered with Ron behind her. Harry heard Lavender’s squeal of “Won-Won!” before the portrait closed. Harry snickered as he descended to his room. Ron dating Lavender amused him and was glad that he and Severus hadn’t resorted to embarrassing nicknames.
The following day passed quickly, though it felt long to Harry. Notices had appeared overnight, announcing Apparition lessons. Ron had let it slip that Harry had been taken by Side-Along Apparition and the fox had found himself being asked to describe the sensation. All day long, Harry received requests to describe Apparition, right up to his lesson with Dumbledore.
He dashed up the stairs, knocked, and entered when told to do so. “Sorry, I’m almost late. Word is out that I’ve done Side-Along Apparition. Almost every sixth-year’s been asking me to describe it.”
Dumbledore chuckled. “Understandable, Harry. I quite understand. So, I heard you met the Minister on Christmas Day.”
“Yes, sir. He was trying to persuade me to be the Ministry’s mascot. I turned him down. He wasn’t happy about it.”
“I thought you would be against the idea; that’s partly why I blocked his attempts to meet with you. Now, I have two memories to show you with the second one being the most important one.”
Harry stood by the Pensive, eager to see these memories, especially the second one. The first one was short but no less intriguing. “So, he killed his Muggle family and made Morfin think he did it.”
“Yes and Riddle also took his uncle’s ring. Morfin lamented its loss until he died.”
“Incredible,” Harry breathed. “To be able to plant false memories in someone’s mind.”
“Oh, yes. He was very skilled. Let us move on to the next memory which was extracted with much difficulty.” Dumbledore managed to pour the contents into the Pensive and Harry dove in, curious about what he would see.
Harry emerged from the Pensive not long after, disappointed. Dumbledore had said ti was the most important one and had been obtained with difficulty but he failed to see how it was important. The only things he took from it was the white fog and Riddle failing to get an answer to his question about Horcruxes. Harry wondered what they were and elected to ask Severus once he was back in their room.
“Intriguing, wasn’t it Harry?” Dumbledore asked.
“By intriguing, I meant interesting. You see, the fog was Slughorn’s attempt to obliterate parts of this memory.”
“I believe he is ashamed of what he said and tried to rework it so he is shown in a better light. His attempt was crude and proves that the true recollection is still there, buried beneath the alterations.
“So, for the first time, I’m giving you homework. You will need to persuade Slughorn to divulge the true memory. I stress again, that this one is very important and will confirm a suspicion I have had for years concerning Voldemort. It is vital that you get that memory.”
Harry nodded. “Understood, sir. I’ll get that memory.” Harry already had a few ideas of how to get it and now his need to get in good with Slughorn was clear. Dumbledore had asked Slughorn for the memory and, fearful of what it showed, Slughorn tried to rework the memory. But, it was a sad attempt that proved that the true memory was still there. It was up to Harry to get Slughorn to give him the true memory. It must have something to do with Voldemort; something very important and it’ll confirm a suspicion that Dumbledore has had for years, he thought as he and Dumbledore bid each other good night. I will take a little time to plan. Hmm, perhaps my fox magic will help me in succeeding. I’ll ask Severus.
“Horcruxes?” Severus repeated before frowning. “Horcruxes…I’m afraid I don’t know that term Harry. It must be some kind of very Dark Magic. I have never heard or read about such a thing. Clearly, Horace knows and still has the true memory in him. I agree with the Headmaster: If anyone can persuade him to give the true memory, it is you Harry.”
“Would I be able to do it with Fox Legilimency?”
Severus shook his head. “Our version of Legilimency is no stronger than the wizard version and Horace is no doubt an accomplished Occlumens if the Headmaster could not get the truth from him. I suggest you appeal to his better nature. Fox magic will not help you get the memory. Think back on all your classes with him and think of what he has said. Surely something in all that will help you.”
Chapter Fifteen- Task Fulfilled
Harry told Ron and Hermione about his task, but separately as they didn’t want to be around the other too long. Ron said, “Oh, it’ll be easy. He adores you. Hang back after class and ask him.”
Hermione took a gloomier view. “It won’t be easy if Dumbledore couldn’t get it. You need a strategy.”
Harry nodded. “Yeah, I do. I’ll take some time to plan a way to persuade him. Perhaps, something he said or did in the past hold the answer.”
Hermione smiled. “Perhaps. It’s a good place to start.”
“It is as Severus said fox magic won’t help.”
“Speaking of which, you know he’s still going to want you to perform some at the next party.”
Harry’s eyes sparkled. “That would be a good opportunity to ask him. Hermione, you are a genius.”
“Yes. That would be an excellent chance,” Snape said that night when Harry related his conversation with Hermione. “You should still explore your past conversations with him in order to have a conversation starter that will lead into asking him for the memory.”
Harry put his task on hold as he went through classes and Quidditch practice. He spent his free periods in the Common Room, enjoying the company of his house mates and doing his homework as well as contemplating his task. The only thing was Ron and Lavender snogging each other in the room. It was a bit distracting and annoying; so much so that he would escape to the library for peace and quiet and usually in the company of Hermione.
“Harry, I looked through the Restricted Section for Horcruxes and only found a passing mention in one book,” she whispered. “I had thought Voldemort got the information in a book because Slughorn teaches Potions, not Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
“He had to have. The books were probably removed after he left Hogwarts.”
Harry’s schedule became a little fuller with the introduction of Apparition lessons. Harry was interested in learning to disappear and reappear on his own. He wouldn’t have to rely on Severus if he could do it himself. Of course I won’t be able to until I turn seventeen and take the test. Still, these lessons will be useful and give me practice so I might be able to pass when I take the test over the summer.
The first lesson went as Harry had expected: No Apparition but Susan did Splinch herself. While the event was awful to see, Susan was clearly the first to move though. “Did you feel anything?” Ron asked Harry an hour later.
“No, but it’s only been the first lesson. I’m sure we’ll succeed by the end of the twelve weeks.”
“Harry, m’boy!” came the voice of Slughorn and Harry’s tail wagged hopefully. “Harry, I insist you join me for dinner tonight. You and the others, of course. I’d like to see some fox magic.”
“Sure. I’ll be there.”
“Splendid.” Slughorn waddled off and Harry beamed. He had spent some free time, thinking of his past talks with Slughorn and had come up with a couple of ideas for subjects. I just hope they work.
Harry panted with exhaustion as he gently lowered the table and then collapsed in his seat. He heard Slughorn clap enthusiastically as he took a gulp of juice and start on his dessert. “Bravo, m’boy. Excellent work.”
“I could levitate several things at once,” he said a bit shyly.
“You already did,” Slughorn said, gesturing at the table that was laden with food, drink, and place settings. “A wonderful display. So, Belbey. How is the family business doing?”
Harry let the conversation wash over him as he ate and drank to restore his energy. Hermione helped by sliding food toward him. “You okay?” she asked at one point.
“Yeah, just tired. I’ve thought of asking about that memory tonight,” he whispered.
Her eyes went round. “You got a strategy?”
“I think so and I hope it works.”
A little while later, the party started to break up. Hermione gave Harry a look to wish him luck as she left. Soon, it was just him and Slughorn. His heart pounded as he smiled up at his professor. “I had a good time, sir,” he said.
“It was my pleasure and a real treat. All those tricks and such endurance. I know you said fox is from your father’s side but your strength, stamina, and smarts are obviously from your mother.”
“Could you tell me more about my mother?” he asked, thrilled that his thought of chatting up his mother was coming into play.
“Ah,” Slughorn sighed happily. “Lily. Such a bright girl. Spirited and vivacious like I told you. A right dab hand at Potions, something I know you inherited from her for you are quite good. She would be so proud of you with everything you’ve accomplished.”
“She was one of your favorites, right sir?”
“Indeed she was.”
“She died protecting me. You know that, right? He told her to stand aside because he only wanted to kill me. She didn’t move so he killed her.”
“Tragic, that was. But why would he want to kill you?”
“It’s the prophecy, sir. I am the one to beat him. I am the Chosen One and I need information about Voldemort in order to insure my mother didn’t died in vain. Please, sir? Give me the real memory.” Harry gave Slughorn those pleading eyes he had given Snape over the summer.
Slughorn looked at Harry. “I am not proud of what it shows,” he whispered. “I’m afraid I did great harm that day.”
“But, if you give me the memory, you would be making up for that by giving me the power to defeat Voldemort.”
Slughorn whimpered before drawing his wand. He put the tip to his temple and pulled it away. A thread of memory was attached to it. It stretched longer and longer until it finally broke away. Harry got out a vial, opened it, and assisted Slughorn in depositing it inside. It swirled into gas and Harry corked it. “Thank you, professor.”
“Please don’t thin badly of me when you see it.”
Harry gave a small hug. “I could never think badly of you. Voldemort is good at charming things out of people. You had no idea what he planned to do with the information you told him.”
“Bless you,” Slughorn said, still whispering. “You are much like Lily. So understanding, so forgiving.” He scratched Harry’s ear and his tail wagged. “Now,” he patted the back. “Get off to bed, m’boy.”
“Of course, sir. Good night and thank you again.” Harry left the room, flushed with success. He had gotten the memory! He knew Dumbledore and Severus would be proud of him. And my mate will be the first to know. Harry blinked as he saw Hermione at the end of the corridor, looking anxious. Okay, he’ll be the second to know.
He grinned as he got closer. “I got it!” He held up the vial.
“Harry, that’s great! Make sure to tell me about it.”
“I promise.” Harry made his way downstairs, knowing his mate would be thrilled. He wondered what answer Slughorn gave Voldemort concerning Horcruxes. Did the answer really do great harm and if so, what kind? Horcruxes have to be some kind of Dark magic so dark that even Severus hadn’t heard about them and he’s really good on the subject of the Dark Arts and Dark magic. Well, once I’ve seen the memory, I will tell him what I learned. He reached the office/room and knocked rhythmically. “Come in, Harry,” came Snape’s voice.
Harry came in, eyes bright and tail swishing. “I did it, Severus! I got the memory!”
“Excellent. How did you do it?”
“By speaking of my mother. Professor Slughorn always spoke highly of her and she was one of his favorites. I played on that and the whole idea of me being ‘The Chosen One.’ He was almost in tears when he handed over the memory.” Harry’s voice choked a little on the last sentence.
Severus took Harry in his arms and held him tightly. “You know that I knew your mother. What I didn’t tell you was not long after I met her, I fell in love with her. She didn’t know I was as I never had the courage to tell her. Our friendship at school was a hot and cold one. A conversation would start off good, in my opinion, then would turned bad, and then back to good. It completely broke down in our fifth year as you know.”
“Do you still love her?”
“I do, but not like how I love you. I want to show you something.” Harry stepped back as Severus pulled out his wand. “Expecto Patronum!” A silver doe burst from his wand and cantered around the room before fading into silver mist.
“It’s a match for my stag,” Harry said.
“Your mother’s Patronus was a doe and my love for her caused mine to change into a doe.”
“Wow,” Harry said softly. He now felt a deeper connection to his mate than before and all because Severus’ Patronus was like his mother’s.
Chapter Sixteen- Secret Learned
Dumbledore was absent in the weeks since Harry’s last lesson, but this time, Harry was sure the headmaster was acquiring at least one memory in addition to whatever else he was doing. He was busy with classes, homework, Quidditch, Apparition, and being intimate with Snape. Spring was approaching and his thoughts were turning to love.
Snape too felt more intimate and this relaxed his strict behavior when teaching. He merely claimed he had spring fever; only the Gryffindors knew the truth as Harry was also as relaxed.
Snape kept a watchful eye on Malfoy via the map and, once walked by the spot. He saw a first-year girl there and yet the map said it was Crabbe. A rare smile crossed his face. Polyjuice Potion. I know Horace brewed some on the first day of N.E.W.T. class and that Draco was in that class. He could have stolen some and had Crabbe and Goyle take turns transforming into girls and standing guard. I doubt they know what Draco’s up to as he won’t tell me.
Harry laughed as Snape shared his findings the night before Harry’s second Quidditch match. “I thought they looked unhappy lately. That explains it. I certainly wouldn’t be happy if I was forced to be a girl and not told why specifically.”
“I would be to. You know, Slytherin is not playing tomorrow. Draco may take the opportunity to work on his plan while everyone’s at the pitch.”
“If so, you could try to find out what he’s up to.”
“Yes. Let me know via telepathy if you see him or not.”
“I will.” Harry climbed into bed and Snape followed suite.
Harry kept an eye on Malfoy at breakfast. He noticed the boy seemed thinner and paler since he saw him at the Christmas party. He then turned his attention to Ron. His friend had become sad and a bit irritable, particularly when Lavender was around. “Ron? You okay?” he asked softly as Ron was sitting next to him.
“It’s Lavender. I want to break up with her, but when I mention it, she holds on tighter. It’s like going out with the giant squid. Harry, you’re in love. Tell me how to break up with her,” Ron said with desperate pleading in his voice.
“Ron, I’ve never broken up with anyone, but my suggestion is to firmly tell her it’s over. Let her know you’re not happy. She might cry, but at least you’re not stuck in a relationship where you’re unhappy.”
“Yeah. Yeah, I’ll do it…or maybe you could tell her.”
“No, Ron. She’s your girlfriend and you’ll tell her.”
“All right, but after the match.”
“Good.” Harry got up and added, “I’m gonna grab my Firebolt. See you in the changing room.” Harry ran downstairs and grabbed his broom, noticing Snape wasn’t there. Must be heading upstairs. He got to the Entrance Hall to see people heading outside…except for three people: Malfoy and two girls whom he suspected were Crabbe and Goyle. They were heading up!
“Severus, Malfoy’s heading up with two girls; likely Crabbe and Goyle.”
“Thanks.” Snape, already on the third floor, took several shortcuts to reach the seventh floor corridor before Draco, took fox form, and turned invisible. He planned to be at Draco’s shoulder to hear what Draco would say or get inside the room, his smaller form would easily be able to slip through a smaller opening. I will know what you’re up to, Draco.
Snape stood by the blank stretch of wall and watched as Draco came into view with two scowling first-year girls. The girls took up positions at either end of the corridor while Draco walked back and forth three times, Snape at his heels. When the door appeared and Draco opened it, Snape slipped in first and returned to his true form, still invisible. He took in the room before following Draco. The room was enormous and piled high with alleys and rows of forbidden items and damaged objects. It was an amazing assortment of stuff. He followed Draco around a bend and stopped while Draco approached a handsome cabinet that Snape recognized: The Vanishing Cabinet; the one Peeves broke four years ago. He watched Draco for a time and saw him trying to fix it. His actions interested him. Why is he trying to mend it? What would be the point?
“Draco,” he said after applying the Glamour and dropping the invisibility.
Malfoy whirled around. “How did you get in here?” he demanded.
“That is none of your business. My question is why are you mending this cabinet?”
“It’s a pair. That’s all I’ll tell you.”
“That’s all I need to know. You see how easy that was, Draco? If you had told me earlier, I would have left you alone. I take it that repairs are going well?”
“They are.”
“Then, I will leave you to it.” Snape walked away, turned invisible, and left the Room of Requirement, the mystery solved, but Snape failed to see how a pair of cabinets would help him kill Dumbledore.
Harry’s brow furrowed for a moment before it unknit and his gold-green eyes widened. “The other one is in Borgin and Burkes. I hid in it four years ago.”
“Yes. If Draco fixes the broken one, they’ll form a passage and allow anyone to bypass security. But, I fail to see how that will help him in his task.”
“Should I tell Dumbledore at my next lesson?”
“No. I will tell him. It was my job to find out Draco’s plan and I must tell him.”
“Severus. What brings you here?”
“My mission, headmaster. I have noticed for a time that Draco would disappear from Harry’s map from time to time.”
“You were tailing him secretly. Very clever, Severus.”
“Yes. Harry pointed out that Draco was using the Room of Requirement on the seventh floor and making it Unplottable. So, yesterday, Draco and two lookouts went there during the match. I waited for them, invisible, and slipped into the room before Draco did.”
“What did you find?”
“A room of forbidden items and damaged objects. Countless rows of stuff. A broken Vanishing Cabinet resides there and Draco had been mending it this whole time. I confronted him and all he told me was that it was a pair.
“Harry revealed to me that its match is at Borgin and Burkes.”
“Ah, I see. When the broken one is fixed, they will form a passage and bypass our excellent security.”
“Forgive me, Headmaster, but I don’t see how that will help him kill you.”
“Don’t you, Severus? I believe it is a crucial part of the plan. If he fixes it, he could have Death Eaters enter and create a diversion so he could kill me with impunity. At least, that’s what I would do.”
“Yes. That’s brilliant.”
“Quite. Do try to obtain a progress report from Draco and keep me appraised.”
“I will try, Headmaster.”
“I know you will. Oh and deliver this to Harry. It’s his next lesson.”
“Of course, Headmaster.” Snape left the office and, as he headed down, dwelled on Dumbledore’s condition. He didn’t seem to be suffering from the curse. It does strengthen over time, he was certain of that. Perhaps my skills with curses is better than I thought. Or maybe Dumbledore is stronger than anyone thought.
His eyes lowered to the scroll in his hand. Harry’s next lesson. He wondered when it would be. I can wait for Harry to open it.
“Tomorrow night,” Harry read out loud. “I can’t wait. Dumbledore will be pleased that I got the memory.”
“I know he will, just as I was pleased that you succeeded. Dumbledore wants me to try to get progress reports from Draco and then tell him.”
“Will he tell you?”
“I don’t know, but I will try.” Snape doubted Draco would cooperate, but he would try nonetheless.
Chapter Seventeen- Voldemort’s Secret
“Good evening, Harry.”
“Hello, professor.” Harry reached into his robes. “Sir, I got that memory you asked for.”
“Oh, wonderful Harry. I knew you could do it. We will view it last as it may color our perceptions of the two memories I have for us tonight.”
“Sir, I think your perceptions are already colored.”
Dumbledore chuckled. “Quite right. It may color your perceptions. So, we will move into the guesswork and speculation portion of our lessons. Now Voldemort, upon graduation, had asked Headmaster Dippet to be allowed to stay and teach.”
“Which job did he want?” Harry asked, though he thought he knew the answer.
“Defense Against the Dark Arts. Dippet, however, said eighteen was too young and asked him to reapply in a few years. Well, Voldemort ended up working in Borgin and Burkes. He proved to have a talent for convincing people to sell their valuables which brings us to our first memory I acquired from an old house elf named Hokey.”
“About two days after this scene, Hepzibah Smith was dead and Hokey admitted to accidentally poisoning her mistress’ evening cocoa.”
“I don’t believe it.”
“Nor should you. Now, Smith’s family looked through her house to find the locket and the cup gone. At the same time Smith died, Voldemort quit his job at Borgin and Burkes. Our next memory takes place ten years after our first one. It is my memory and any guesses we draw from it will be confirmed or dismissed after viewing Slughorn’s memory.”
Harry shook his head at the startlingly change Voldemort had undergone in just ten years. The skin was pale white while the whites of his eyes had a permanent bloody look to them, his features were burned and blurred; waxy and oddly distorted. He was no longer handsome, but bore a resemblance to the Voldemort he knew. “Sire, was he after the same job?”
“He was. We have not been able to keep a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher for more than a year since I refused the post to Lord Voldemort.”
“Then, it is jinxed? It’s not just a rumor?”
“It is no rumor, Harry.” He smiled at the distressed look on the fox’s face. “A jinx like this has no effect on magical foxes. Severus will be staying and perhaps in a higher position than a teacher, perhaps. Now, let us take a look at the memory you secured.”
I was right, Harry thought minutes later. Horcruxes are very Dark magic. Objects to house a piece of your soul with the catch being you have to kill someone. That’s just terrible. I can’t believe Voldemort would be so desperate to avoid death that he would kill people.
“Well, Harry. This confirms the theory I’ve had for years.”
“So, he succeeded then? In making at least one Horcrux? That’s why he didn’t die when he attacked me when I was a baby?”
“A bit…or more, yes. Four years ago I received proof that Voldemort had split his soul.”
“You did?”
“The diary, Harry. Tom Riddle’s diary. It was a Horcrux as well as instruction to open the Chamber of Secrets. However, since you destroyed it, it is no longer a Horcrux. But, if you recall, Riddle did ask if seven was the most magical number, which it is.”
“He made seven Horcruxes!?” Harry gasped in horror.
“Not quite, Harry. First, a piece lives in Voldemort’s body. Second, two Horcruxes have been destroyed: The diary and Marvolo’s ring.”
“The ring was a Horcrux?”
“It was and it had a terrible curse upon it: The one that is slowly killing me, as you know.”
“So…there are four let?”
“I believe so.”
“But, what are they and where are they? They could be anything and anywhere.”
“I am glad you appreciate the magnitude of the problem. Allow me to eliminate the problem of what the objects are. Through our first memory tonight, I have reason to believe we’ve seen two likely Horcruxes.”
It didn’t take long for Harry to recall the events of the first memory. “The locket and the cup!” he said.
“Yes. I would guess they became Horcruxes three and four. Voldemort would find the objects of the four founders of Hogwarts to be suitable items to house parts of his soul. However, I am sure the only remaining relic of Gryffindor remains safe.” Dumbledore gestured to the case where the sword resided.
“Okay. So, he might have something of Ravenclaw’s, but what of the last Horcrux?”
“Yes. I wonder. What would you say if I say I’ve been curious about the behavior of the snake, Nagini?”
“What? Animals can be Horcruxes?”
“They can, though it is inadvisable to confide part of your soul to something that can move and think for itself. However, she underlines his Slytherin connection and to Parseltongue, which enhances his mystique. As to your concern about locations, that is why we’ve been exploring Lord Voldemort’s past as the places he’s been may be where he’s chosen to hide his Horcruxes. The ring, for example, was hidden in the Gaunt’s shack.”
That was when it hit Harry. “Sir, is that what you’re doing while away from school? Trying to find a Horcrux’s hiding place?”
“It certainly is and I believe I’m close to finding another.”
“If you do, could I come with you? Help you get rid of it?”
“Yes, you may.”
Harry was taken aback by the affirmative answer, yet his tail wagged. “I can, sir? Really?”
“Yes. You’ve proven yourself capable of handling difficult challenges and I may need your assistance. Plus, destroying Horcruxes will help you survive; when you face Voldemort, hopefully all his Horcruxes will be gone.”
Harry felt elation and dread at the same time. He was happy that Dumbledore was willing to take him along to destroy a Horcrux. But, he also felt dread at what he might be facing in retrieving it, not to mention facing Voldemort one final time. Neither can live while the other survives. Harry’s tail twitched as he recalled the last line of the prophecy.
“It is getting late, Harry and I’m sure a certain mate is eagerly awaiting your return and hear what we’ve learned.”
“I’m sure he is. Good night, sir.” Hari left the room, eager to tell Severus and knowing he would tell Ron and Hermione in the morning. He reached the bottom and gave the special knock. He entered to find Snape in bed, but alert. Harry climbed into bed and into Snape’s arms. The red and black fox nuzzled Harry’s ears a little bit before speaking.
“So,” he said. “What did you learn tonight?”
“Quite a bit. Turns out your job is jinxed and all because Dumbledore refused the post to Voldemort.”
“He wanted to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts? That’s curious.”
“Dumbledore thinks he didn’t really want the job but was using it as an excuse to enter the school.”
“But, why?”
“Either to find an object of Ravenclaw’s or to hide it.”
“An object of Ravenclaw’s? Why something from Ravenclaw? He’s a Slytherin.”
Harry took a deep breath and told Snape what he saw in Slughorn’s memory and the subsequent conversation he had with Dumbledore.
Severus’s jaw dropped. “V-Voldemort made six Horcruxes and there are possibly four still intact?”
Harry gave a grim nod. “Dumbledore said the diary was one and that the Gaunt ring was another.”
Severus frowned. “Ah, that is why there was a curse on it. V-Voldemort did that to kill whoever found it. Lucky, I acted when I did, though I wish I had acted sooner.”
Chapter Eighteen- Spring Intimacy
Harry used Muffliato in Charms the next morning so he could tell Ron and Hermione what he learned and Snape’s reaction.
“You’re going to go with Dumbledore…and try to destroy…Wow,” Ron said. Harry noticed that Ron seemed happier and surmised that he had broken up with Lavender. Certainly, Lavender seemed upset. But, Harry wasn’t concerned. His thoughts were on his match against Ravenclaw that was coming up. He suspected his lessons with Dumbledore were done and all he needed to focus on were his classes, Quidditch, homework, and time with his mate. It was the height of spring and both were feeling quite intimate with each other, especially in the evenings.
Snape let Harry do what he wanted during their time together and he enjoyed the teases and gestures the young fox gave him. Of course, he gave Harry pleasure as well; he wasn’t going to let Harry have all the fun.
Their Charms class ended and they headed to the Common Room for their free period. They entered and the knot of seventh-years caught Harry’s attention as well as who they had gathered around. “Katie!” he exclaimed, going up to her.
“Hey, Harry,” Katie said as she went up to him and scratched an ear.
“Katie, listen. Do you know who gave you that necklace?”
“No, nothing. Last thing I remember was walking into the ladies’ room.”
“Well, at least you’re back. We’ll have a good chance of thrashing Ravenclaw.” Harry turned out to be right. He saw the best team practices he had seen since the start of the year. He was certain that the Quidditch Cup was theirs.
Snape was heading to dinner a few days before the match and paused to check the map, making a note to give it back to Harry very soon and saw that Malfoy wasn’t on the seventh floor; he was in the boys’ bathroom on the first floor…with Moaning Myrtle! His curiosity was intrigued and decided to indulge it.
He approached the door, slowly opened it, and entered silently. Draco was at a sink, his hands clutching the basin and his head was bowed.
“Don’t…tell me what’s wrong…I can help you,” crooned Myrtle’s voice from a cubicle.
“No one can help me,” Draco said. “I can’t do it…I can’t…It won’t work…and unless I do it soon…he says he’ll kill me.”
“Perhaps, you’ll accept my assistance now,” Snape said quietly.
Malfoy whirled around, tearstains on his face which twisted into a scowl. “I don’t want your help.”
“Draco, be reasonable. The plan is yours still. I would be a mere resource, someone to suggest what to do. I could tell you what you need to do and then leave, nothing more.”
Malfoy’s scowl turned thoughtful. “Maybe,” he said. “Let me think about it.”
“All right.” Snape left, thinking Draco may now accept his help.
A few nights later, Snape was in bed in fox form with Harry beside him also a fox. Snape had watched the match that morning and was gleeful when Gryffindor won the game and the cup. All of Gryffindor celebrated long and hard until night and then Harry went down to a private celebration with Snape. He had entered and received a telepathic message: “Take fox form, Harry.” He did so and found his mate in bed as a fox.
Snape pulled Harry toward him so that they were snout to snout and then began to lick and nuzzle Harry’s snout, his whiskers tickling his face and making Harry giggle via telepathy. Snape continued his licking and nuzzling and Harry yipped in contentment. Snape growled in pleasure at hearing Harry’s yips. His tail moved to brush the pads of Harry’s back paws making Harry yelp in surprise and then laugh in a yipping manner.
“Severus,” Harry thought-spoke in a laughing and breathless tone. “Stop, please. That tickles.”
“I know and you are at my mercy,” Snape teased.
Harry barked in a pleading tone and Snape ceased tickling, but moved on to licking Harry’s ears and fur. “You ae so cute,” Snape said. “Oh, Harry. I love you.”
“I love you too.” Harry sighed softly and his eyes slid shut and he fell asleep amidst Snape’s grooming.
May soon arrived and Snape had not received a note from Malfoy asking for help and he acknowledged that the boy was determined to do it himself. He put that to the back of his mind as he was busy assigning homework, particularly to the fifth and seventh years as O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. tests were coming up. Harry was spending his free time doing his homework in the Gryffindor Common Room. Snape’s thoughts dwelled on Dumbledore briefly. The headmaster didn’t seem to be suffering at all and it had been nearly a year since the curse activated. He was certain of the curse’s potency and could lonely conclude that Dumbed roe was able to resist the curse’s strength…but for how much longer? No one could fight it forever. It would be kinder to let Draco kill him, or rather me, as I doubt Draco would do the deed. Murder is not as easy as one believes. Contrary to what some people think, I have never killed in my Death Eater days. I have participated in other activities, but never murder. Sadly, I must kill Dumbledore to save Draco’s soul for his soul is not damaged like mine is.
“You and Snape fighting?” Ron asked one afternoon in June.
“Well, you’re spending a lot of time up here and not with Snape.”
“Everything between us is great. I’m giving Severus peace and quiet to work on O.W.L. and N.E.W.T. and I get to spend more time with you two.”
“It’s just that you seemed…desperate for Snape’s attention for weeks and now you’re up here more often.”
“It was spring, Ron. My desire for intimacy peaks in spring and gradually returns to normal. Severus experiences the same thing.” Harry heard someone approach and looked to see Jimmy Peaks, one of his Beaters, with a scroll of parchment. “Thanks, Jimmy.” He said once Jimmy left, “It’s from Dumbledore!” He opened it and scanned it. “He wants me to come to his office as soon as I can.” He exchanged looks with Ron and Hermione.
“You don’t think he…?” Rona asked.
“Better go and see.” Harry got to his feet, left, and hurried down to Dumbledore’s office. When he got there, he found Dumbledore at his window with a long black traveling cloak in his arms. He turned and smiled at the fox.
“Well, Harry. I promised that you could come with me.”
“You found one? A Horcrux? Where is it? Do you know which one?”
“I don’t know which one but I think we can rule out the snake. I believe it is hidden in the cave where Riddle terrorized two children. Do you still want to come?”
Harry wasted no time in flying down to his room and to his trunk while Snape stared, bewildered. “Harry?”
“Dumbledore found the location of a Horcrux and said I can come. I’m taking my Cloak with me.” He extracted the silvery cloth, gave Snape a kiss on the cheek, and dashed off. Snape frowned. Now that he knew about the Cabinet, he had been making regular visits since May to check on Draco’s progress. He had made one such visit several minutes ago and heard the sounds of joyful whooping once inside the room. He succeeded in fixing the Cabinet. The headmaster’s death is at hand. I should alert the Order and perhaps any members of the D.A. Granger and Weasley will want to help. Snape gathered up the map and left to summon the Order for a likely Death Eater invasion and to round up D.A. members through those clever coins Granger had created and Harry had left his coin behind in his trunk.
I will also utilize my fox magic to defend the school and protect those who need my help. Things could get dangerous here. I only hope that Harry doesn’t face terrible danger. He shouldn’t as long as Dumbledore is with him.
Chapter Nineteen- The Cave
Harry levitated Dumbledore and himself into the antechamber that had been cut into the cliff face by nature. A short time ago, they had been in Hogsmeade, the latter under the Cloak, and passed The Three Broomsticks where Rosmerta had been tossing out some rowdy patrons. The pair, took the side road to The Hog’s Head where Harry took Dumbledore’s arm and they Apparated to the outside of the cliff. Harry had removed the Cloak and offered to use his fox magic to levitate them to avoid swimming. Now, they stood in what Dumbledore called the antechamber and the elderly wizard was probing the walls with his fingertips. “Oh, yes,” he said softly. “This place has known great magic.”
“It has?”
“Magic always leaves some trace. Open your senses, Harry.”
Harry closed his eyes and allowed his nose, ears, and sixth sense to take in his surroundings. He felt a tingle go through him and he shivered at it. “I think I feel it, sir.”
“Very good.” Dumbledore had been probing the entire time and was now deeply probing one section of the wall. “Yes, this is it. The entrance. But it requires payment to pass through and a crude one, I fear.”
“What kind?” Harry asked as Dumbledore pulled out a silver knife.
“Blood, Harry and yours won’t do for magical fox blood may damage the defenses by making it stronger. Has Severus revealed to you that foxes can Apparate like house elves?”
“No, sir.”
“Hmm,” Dumbledore said as he gashed himself and smeared the blood on the wall. “Perhaps, he did not want to tempt you with you being underage. In any event, should we find ourselves in dire straits, you will Apparate us to safety; that being, Hogsmeade.” A section of the wall vanished and they entered a cavern with an underground lake. A green glow in the center hinted of where they needed to go.
A blaze of white light dissipated the Peruvian Darkness Powder and cleared the corridor. Snape turned to Ron and Ginny. “Are you all right?”
Yeah. Thanks, professor,” Ron said.
Snape pointed at the corridor’s other end. “They went that way. They’ll meet up with the Order. Gather Miss Granger and Miss Lovegood from the dungeons and join Longbottom and the Order.” The Weasleys ran off and Snape Apparated himself to take up a position on the stairs leading to the Astronomy Tower. He had been at Draco’s shoulder, invisible, as the boy muttered the plan to himself as he worked. He knew that a Death Eater was to fire the Dark Mark over the Astronomy Tower as a lure and Draco was to wait behind the door to await Dumbledore’s return. The one to set the Mark would leave so Draco could face Dumbledore alone.
Snape planned to erect a barrier to prevent anyone from witnessing the murder. His sharp ears heard footsteps and he turned invisible, pressing himself against the wall. A hooded and masked Death Eater ran past him and several minutes later, he came back down and passed Draco on the way. Snape waited several more minutes before putting up the barrier. Now I wait for Dumbledore and Harry to return, the latter would surely be under his Cloak.
Harry’s ears folded back upon hearing Dumbledore’s screams as he forced another goblet full of potion into the old man’s mouth. Dumbledore had made Harry promise to keep him drinking the potion after saying that it had to be drunk in order to reach the Horcrux and that Harry was more valuable than he himself was. The black and silver fox reluctantly agreed and felt horrible at what he had to do. He had refilled the goblet for the tenth time and felt it scape the bottom of the basin. “We’re almost there, sir. Drink this.” He forced it down Dumbledore’s throat, the man screaming in anguish. Harry gave him two more goblets full before the basin was empty but Harry ignored it as Dumbledore had given a great rattling gasp and rolled onto his face.
Harry rolled him over and shook his shoulder frantically. “Professor, you can’t be dead, you said it wasn’t poison. Please, sir.”
Dumbledore’s eyes flickered open and he croaked, “Water.”
“Water, right.” Harry retrieved the cup, pointed his want at it and said, “Aguamenti!” Water filled it but it vanished when it got near Dumbledore’s mouth. Harry tried again and again; even used his fox magic but the cup refused to stay filled. Harry knew there was only one way to fill the cup: The lake water which he realized was how Voldemort planned it. He knew what was in the water and knew what would happen when he touched the water. He saw no choice as he filled the cup with icy water and tipped it clumsily over Dumbledore’s face as he felt something cold gripping his wrist.
He looked to see a slimy bony hand holding his wrist and the lake churning with awakened Inferi. Harry, to his credit, didn’t lose his cool. He pointed his want and cast the Full Body Bind at the one holding him and it fell back into the water rigid and it had released Harry. He scrambled backwards to crouch before Dumbledore as Inferi rose out of the water and headed toward him.
Fire, Harry thought. Severus said they fear light and warmth. Harry focused on his fox magic and held out a hand, palm facing out. Fire winked in his palm before leaping out and surrounding him and Dumbledore. The Inferi halted and backed away from the fire. Movement made Harry look back and relief filled his heart. Dumbledore was on his feet and he had moved to the basin to scoop out the locket. He went to Harry’s side as Harry extinguished the fire, took Dumbledore’s arm, and Disapparated from the cave.
Harry opened his eyes to see The Three Broomsticks to his left and smiled. He had done it! He had Apparated using his fox magic. That triumph was quickly overshadowed by another success. “We did it! We got a Horcrux!” He felt Dumbledore stagger against him before sinking to the ground. “Sir! Are you all right!?”
“I’ve been better,” he said weakly. “That potion was no health drink.”
“Sir, you need the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey…”
“No, it is Severus I need.”
Yes, Harry thought. That potion must contain something Dark that no Healer can counter, but a Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher like Severus probably could. He was about to attempt another Apparition when the inn door burst open and Rosmerta came out. “I saw you Apparate upstairs. What’s wrong with Albus?”
“He’s hurt. Madam Rosmerta, can he come into The Three Broomsticks while I run to the school and get help?”
“You can’t go there alone! Don’t you realize- haven’t you seen-?”
“What’s happened? Rosmerta, what’s wrong?” Dumbledore asked.
She pointed at the sky and Harry turned to see a horrible sight. There, in the sky above the school, was the Dark Mark! The Mark the Death Eaters used whenever they had murdered!
“When did it appear?” Dumbledore asked as he struggled to his feet.
“Must have been minutes ago.”
“We need to get to the castle at once. Rosmerta, we need transport- brooms.”
“I have two behind the bar. Shall I-?”
“No, Harry can do it.”
Harry raised his wand and used the Summoning Charm to bring the brooms out the door and to him and Dumbledore. “Rosmerta, send a message to the Ministry,” Dumbledore said as he and Harry mounted the brooms. “Harry, put on your Cloak.”
Harry did so and both kicked off from the ground. “Sir, why couldn’t I just Apparate us to the school?” he asked.
“I had put extra protection to our tight security that prevents Apparition from any being into the grounds. Inside Apparition is still possible. I will undo the protection once we’re closer.”
The sight of the Mark seemed to have galvanized Dumbledore into action. He looked as if he had thrown off the effects of the potion and that bolstered Harry’s spirits. Maybe Dumbledore wasn’t going to die after all. That confidence lasted until they had dismounted on te Astronomy Tower where the Mark shined above. Dumbledore clutched his chest in pain and sank to the floor.
“Severus,” he said feebly. “I need Severus.”
“Yes, right.” Harry started to head for the door, not bothering to Apparate around to look for his mate.
Chapter Twenty- Murder
Harry paused when he heard rapid footsteps and quickly backed away at Dumbledore’s gestures. The door flew open and a voice cried, “Expellarmius!” Harry felt himself go stiff and frozen which confused him until he saw Dumbledore’s wand fly through the air. He put the Full Body Bind on me. Yes. He doesn’t want me to stop Malfoy from trying to kill him.
It was Malfoy indeed, for Dumbledore said, “Good evening, Draco.”
Malfoy approached Dumbledore, his wand aimed at him. “Who else is here?” he demanded, spotting the second broom.
“A question I would ask you, but I already know the specifics.”
“You know nothing!”
“On the contrary, I do.” Dumbledore began to recount everything Snape had told him as well as his speculation to Malfoy’s plan to which Snape had concurred and confirmed.
Malfoy scowled. “Yeah, you’re right. I put Rosmerta under the Imperius Curse and used enchanted coins to communicate with her. She slipped Katie the necklace.”
“Ingenious, Draco.” Dumbledore paused for a moment. “Draco, you are not a killer. You do not have to do this.”
“I must! He’ll kill me and my family if I fail!” Malfoy sounded hysterical.
“Draco, I can help you. The Order can disguise you and guide you into hiding. Your mother too and it can be done tonight. They’ll hide your father as well when he gets out of Azkaban.”
Harry stood frozen and invisible beneath his Cloak. He couldn’t move and was forced to watch as Malfoy stood with Dumbledore at wand point. The blonde seemed unable to do it. Please, don’t do it, he silently begged. Dumbledore said there is a way to hide you from Voldemort and I believe him. He knew Malfoy couldn’t hear him; no one could except for…Severus! Yes, he and Severus were mates and could communicate telepathically. “Severus, help! I’m under my Cloak and in a full Body Bind Curse and Malfoy’s got Dumbledore at wand point. We’re on the Astronomy Tower.”
“I hear you, Harry. I am on my way up and I must tell you something that I was forced to keep from you until this moment. The Headmaster wants me to kill him instead of Draco.”
“I do not want to do this, but he made me promise to do the deed and as he will not live much longer, it seems…gentler this way than the protracted one from the curse he is currently under.”
“I understand.” Harry shut the link.
Malfoy’s wand had lowered when the door flew open and Severus appeared. He strode to the pair, his eyes on them while his nose picked out Harry’s location. He drew his wand and he looked sadly into Dumbledore’s eyes. His mouth moved silently. “Goodbye and I’m sorry.”
Harry heard Dumbledore plead with Severus before the disguised fox looked down at the weak headmaster and point his wand at him. Harry shut his eyes to avoid seeing the spell cast, but could not shut out the words or the green flash that occurred through his eyelids. When he opened them, he saw no sign of Dumbledore. He must have fallen off the tower. Harry then became aware that he could move again; proof that Dumbledore was…gone. Harry couldn’t bear to think the word “dead.” He saw Malfoy leave, but Severus did not move. Harry removed the Cloak and moved slowly to Snape. The older fox stood stiffly and Harry saw actual tears sliding down his cheeks. “Severus?” he asked softly.
Snape whimpered. “I did not want to do it,” he said in a strangled whisper. “He had me promise a year ago that I would kill him. I never killed anyone, despite being a Death Eater.”
Harry held out his arms and Snape went into them. “I understand, Severus. You made a promise and had to keep it. You said it earlier: This way was gentler. He…he probably didn’t feel a thing.”
Snape took a shuddering breath. “You are probably right.” He stepped back and rubbed the tearstains away. “Let’s head down and send those Death Eaters packing.”
Harry managed a smile as they headed inside to battle.
The Death Eaters, Malfoy included, fled to the school’s boundary before they could Apparate as the Room of Requirement was blocked by Order members, but there had been injuries among the victors. One was Bill Weasley; Fenrir Greyback had bitten and slashed him, but since it wasn’t a full moon, he wouldn’t be a true werewolf. He would have some wolfish characteristics, though. Fleur did not care what Bill looked like, she still loved him and would marry him very soon. This declaration thawed Mrs. Weasley’s feeling toward her and soon both women were crying and hugging each other.
Snape, amidst the tears, sidled over to McGonagall. “Minerva, I need to speak with you.”
“Actually, Severus, I need to speak to all the House Heads, Hagrid, and Potter. My office in ten minutes.”
Snape nodded and went to Harry to tell him the message. He slid up behind Harry and put his arms around the waist. “Minerva wants to see us, Hagrid, and the other Heads in her office in ten minutes,” he whispered in his ear.
“All right,” he whispered back. The pair left the wing and walked down to McGonagall’s office on the first floor. They entered to find only McGonagall.
She leveled her gaze at them. “I don’t know if you heard, but Professor Dumbledore was found dead.”
“We know,” Snape said. “Minerva, I have some confessions to make.” Snape began to talk, telling her about the curse Dumbledore had contracted, Voldemort’s murder plot, and his promise to kill Dumbledore as per the headmaster’s request.
“He knew he could count on you to keep your word,” McGonagall said at last. “I won’t hold it against you. Now, Potter. You were with Dumbledore when he left school for the last time. Can you reveal where you went and why?”
“No, professor. I’m afraid I can’t. It’s the kind of thing that’s better if few people know of it. It would be determinant to its success if too many know.”
McGonagall wanted to push Harry harder, but figured if she did, Snape would jump to his mate’s defense. “Very well, Potter. You’re welcome to stay as we discuss Hogwarts’ fate.”
Harry decided to stay and though of something important. “Professor, did you find a locket in Dumbledore’s pocket?”
“A locket? You mean this? It was lying next to him.” She held up the Horcrux.
“Yes, that’s it.” Harry took it and noticed that it looked wrong. The other Heads entered as did Hagrid and Harry drifted to a corner to look at the locket. It looked like an ordinary Muggle locket. He pried it open and saw a wedge of parchment in the portrait spot. He pulled it out and opened it to learn that the locket was a fake and someone had already stolen the Horcrux. It was signed R.A.B.
Who is R.A.B.? A former Death Eater, perhaps? I need to know in order to find out if the locket was destroyed or if I need to do it.
“Then, we’ll consult with the school governors about the school. Now, there’s the matter of sending the students home and I feel it would be better sooner than later.”
“What about Dumbledore’s funeral?” Harry interrupted. “The students should have the chance to say…goodbye.”
“Well said,” Flitwick squeaked. “I agree.”
Sprout, McGonagall, Hagrid, and Snape nodded in agreement.
“The locket’s a fake?” Snape gasped.
Harry nodded and showed him the note. “Someone else stole it and intended to destroy it. Somehow I doubt it was and I want to make sure.”
“R.A.B. I don’t know those initials.”
“I think R.A.B. was a Death Eater.”
“He very likely was and I wonder how he found out about Voldemort’s Horcruxes as he’s been very secretive about them.”
Harry nodded as he and Snape got into bed. The next few days would be hard as people would be arriving to pay their respects to Dumbledore. Harry would also have some important decisions to make. He didn’t look forward to announcing them, but he knew he had to.
Of course, I will tell Severus all of them as they will all affect him. I hate what I have to tell him and I hope he will understand. Harry snuggled up against Snape, felt Snape pull him closer, and he fell asleep with a sigh.
Chapter Twenty-One- Farewell
Harry sniffed and he felt Snape squeeze his hand. Harry hadn’t really cried over Dumbledore’s death, likely because it hadn’t seemed real until now, here, at the funeral. The sight of Hagrid carrying Dumbledore’s wrapped body to the front, brought tears to his eyes and then they slid down his face. He’s gone. I’ll never see him or speak to him again. There’s much about him I don’t known and never thought to ask. He thought of the locket in his pocket and knew that he needed to hunt down the real Horcrux and the remaining ones before facing Voldemort. It was a journey that meant leaving his friends, his school, and his mate. He didn’t want to put anyone else he cared for in danger.
Screams rent the air as a couple of things happened in quick succession. First, white flames engulfed Dumbledore’s body and then vanished to show that the body was covered by white marble. Then, a shower of arrows were fired by the centaurs; a show of respect that fell short of the crowd. The herd ran back into the forest and the merpeople who had been present to witness the funeral sank under the water.
The funeral guests were starting to get up and Harry followed suite. “Severus, I need to speak with Ron and Hermione. I’ll be back.” He headed toward his friends and with a tilt of his head, they walked away from the crowd. “Guys, listen. I’m not coming back to Hogwarts next year if it stays open.”
Ron and Hermione exchanged looks. “We thought you would say that,” said Hermione. “And we’re coming with you.”
“What? No, I need to do it alone. I don’t want to put you in danger.”
“We know that, mate, but we’ve been together for years and gone through a lot with you. We’re not leaving you now.”
Harry sighed, then smiled. “Yeah, I thought so and honestly, I’ll be glad to have company.”
“Well, don’t start out yet. There’s Bill and Fleur’s wedding. Mum would kill us if we miss it.”
“Harry, is Snape okay with this?” Hermione asked.
“I haven’t told him yet. I thought I tell you and then him.”
“Better do it now. The train will be leaving before long,” Ron said.
Harry nodded and rushed back to Snape who hadn’t moved. He sat and slowly exhaled. “Severus, I was thinking-,”
“You’re not coming back next year.”
“Gee, you and my friends know me too well.”
“We should.”
“I want to destroy the Horcruxes as soon as I can and who knows where I’ll have to go to retrieve them. I’ll leave Hedwig with you and most of my possessions.”
“Of course and if you need to talk to me, contact me with telepathy. That has unlimited range.”
“Also, you and your friends can use our house during your search. I’ll join you during the holidays.”
“That would be nice.” Harry nuzzled Snape’s face. “I won’t leave just yet. There Bill and Fleur’s wedding coming up.”
“Yes and naturally we’ll be invited.”
“Will you be riding the train to King’s Cross?”
“Yes. You’ll be there?”
“I will.” Snape stood and Harry did too. They headed inside to pack his trunk and Snape felt a lump in his throat. He knew what Harry would have to do once the other Horcruxes were destroyed, though Harry did not. When only Voldemort remains, I will reveal the last terrible secret to him. I may lose my mate at that point…or I may not. Either way, I will spend these last happy weeks with him.