Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Chapter One- Land and Sea Friendship
Yugi splashed into the water and struck out far out to sea. He treaded water, a little nervous about being unable to see land and surrounded by water on all sides, but he wasn’t too worried. Something scaly bushed past his legs before a boy almost identical to him popped up beside him. Yugi smiled at him. “I thought that was you. Who else would brush their scales against my legs?”
“No one except me,” the other boy, Atem, replied. “I’m the only merperson who dares to make contact with humans.”
“And I’m the only human who knows merpeople exist. I just never thought I’d meet one who could almost pass for my twin.”
Atem laughed. “I was thinking the same thing. It also turns out that I’m interested in humans. I would love to be able to see your world, to actually walk among your people.”
“And I’d like to show you around, but merpeople can’t live on land and didn’t you say that leaving the water could be dangerous?”
“It’s more of a rumor and no one has dared to leave the water to prove or disprove it. I can’t complain, though. I can show you my world as long as you hold my hand.” He held out a hand and Yugi took it before they ducked down.
Yugi took a breath and grinned at being able to breathe underwater. He loved the sea; it fascinated him the way humans did for Atem. And I can see his world just by holding his hand. He kicked his legs hard to keep up with Atem’s powerful blue tail. The merman guided him down to the sandy bottom where he used his free hand to dig in the sand and unearth a large clam.
“Wow! I’ve never see a clam that big!” Yugi exclaimed.
“That’s because they only live at the bottom of the sea and usually buried in the sand. My people are good at knowing where they’re hiding. I’ll need both hands to open it.”
Yugi took a deep breath before releasing Atem’s hand. Atem wasted no time in expertly cracking open the shell and taking Yugi’s hand again. Yugi exhaled and inhaled before gasping at the pearl in Atem’s free palm. It was as big as the merboy’s palm and was pale pink in color. “It’s beautiful,” he said softly. “I bet it’s rare.”
“The size is, yes but not the color. There is a color so rare it’s considered a myth and magical. A merperson is blessed if he or she acquires a blue pearl, no matter the size.”
“A blue pearl?” Yugi’s eyes went wide. “I never heard or seen a blue pearl.”
“I haven’t seen one, either. Those that have or own one are told of its magic power and they are asked to keep it secret otherwise every merperson would go looking for one of their own.”
“Obviously most consider it a myth since I haven’t seen anyone harvesting clams, not that I’ve seen anyone else.”
“Yes.” He put the pearl in Yugi’s hand. “Here, Yugi. You keep it.”
Yugi gasped. “Atem! I don’t know what to say.”
“Say nothing. I want you to add it to your collection of shells and pearls.”
Yugi nodded. He had been collecting such items for years and then a year and a half ago he met Atem. The merman showed Yugi shells and pearls the boy would never have found and he even gave some to Yugi. This pearl was the biggest example of Atem’s generosity to date. I wish I could repay him somehow. He’s shown me wonders and I can’t thank him enough.
Atem saw Yugi safely to the surface and bobbed there for a time as Yugi swam for land. He recalled when he first met the boy: He had wandered as close to the shallows as he dared and saw a human who looked similar to him and had seemed to be searching the wet sand for something. He watched as he pulled up a seashell and was brushing the shell clean of sand. He had held it up and was examining it before putting it in a nearby box.
Atem had tilted his head as he watched. He had never seen a human this close before or one who resembled him. I could watch him for hours, he had thought. His breath had caught when the boy froze and started to turn to look at the water. Atem had ducked behind a rock and prayed that he had not been seen. He had heard splashing and peered around the side of the rock. The humans was swimming and it seemed he hadn’t seen Atem. The boy dove down and Atem was wistful. He would have liked to befriend the human. He had a lot of questions about humans that only could be answered by a human.
“Hi,” said a voice behind him. Atem had whirled around to see the human who had a friendly smile. “Please don’t leave,” he had continued. “I never met a merman before. I saw your tail when I was down below.” The last sentence came as a result of Atem’s astonished face.
Atem had recovered to reply, “Hi, I’m Atem. I had been wanting to befriend a human lately. When I saw you, I was surprised how much alike we are.”
“I’ll say. I’m Yugi, by the way.”
He is so sweet and kind. I am glad we met. He ducked down and began to head home. He remembered sharing home life with Yugi; while Yugi lived with just his grandpa, Atem lived with his uncle and older cousin. His mother had died when he was young and his father passed away the year before he met Yugi. His uncle, Aknadin, gladly took him in and he spent time talking to his cousin, Seto about anything they wanted- except about humans. Seto had no interest in anything above the waves. Neither one of his relatives knew he was spending time with a human and showing him the wonders that existed under the sea.
“So, what have you boys been up to today?” Aknadin asked, his off-white fins fluttering in the current as they sat down for dinner.
“Not much,” Seto answered. “I browsed the marketplace and spoke to a couple of friends.” He shifted his tail that was a deeper shade of blue than Atem’s own.
“I was digging around for unusual shells and pearls,” Atem said which was partially true.
“Didn’t find any?” Aknadin asked.
“No. But maybe next time.”
“Well, that will have to wait. You both have lesson tomorrow.”
Atem and Seto nodded. Their recent lessons from Aknadin were about identifying dangerous plants and know which ones could heal or sooth various injuries. It was important that every merperson know what to do if someone or something was injured or in need of a healing plant to combat an accidentally ingested poisonous plant. I wonder if humans learn about dangerous plants and natural cures like we do. I never thought to ask Yugi. Maybe I should next time we get together.
Yugi watched as his grandpa assisted customers in the game shop that was attached to their home. He loved that his grandpa ran a game shop as he loved games of all types as much as he loved the sea. He had told Atem about the games that shop sold as well as how to play some of his favorite games; he had even played one of the water-resistant ones in the shallows on a flat rock. Atem had enjoyed it and listened avidly as Yugi explained the rules and terms of other games. It was clear that Atem would love to try those games, but it wasn’t possible; it didn’t stop Atem from learning the rules, though.
“Yugi, aren’t you heading to the beach today?” Solomon asked.
Yugi shook his head. “Not today, Grandpa.” He knew Atem and his cousin, Seto, received regular lesson from his uncle, Aknadin and was able to let Yugi know when those lessons were. The two of them wouldn’t be able to get together for three days. But that was all right. He had other friends to spend time with: His childhood friend Tea and his best friend, Joey. Neither one knew of his love of the sea, but they shared his love of games.
Solomon encouraged Yugi’s ocean interest, thinking Yugi may pursue a degree to study sea creatures or maybe even the Coast Guard. Of course, he may want to follow in my footsteps and run the game shop. Whichever he decides to do is fine with me. I just want him to be happy.
Chapter Two- Sea Romance
Joey sprinted for the docks, his bare feet slapping the pavement. He slipped between to docked tankers before diving into the water. He swam through the water, getting far from the docks and the ships. The air in his lungs was burning as he headed up. His head broke the surface and he drew in lungsful of air before treading water. He looked left and right, but saw no one. Where is he? Joey thought. We agreed we’d meet right-
Joey’s train of thought derailed when he was yanked down. He felt a hand grab his before his lips received a kiss. His eyes snapped open to see a brunette with a deep blue tail. The merman parted and Joey said, “Seto! You scared me!”
Seto grinned. “That was the idea. I’m glad it worked.”
Joey pretended to be angry but he couldn’t keep the grin off his face. “You tease,” he said affectionately. Joey let Seto led me to their favorite underwater spot while the blonde reflected on how he and Seto met:
Joey had rowed out to sea, desperate to get away from his dad and just be alone for a bit. He had brought the boat to a stop and pitched an anchor over the side before lying back, closing his eyes, and tilting his head up to the sun. Everything was calm and quiet which was perfect to him.
Joey had sat up fast upon hearing the voice. He had looked around for a boat and then down when seeing no other boats. There, bobbing in the water, was a guy with brown hair, blue eyes, and tanned skin. There was a friendly small smile on his face. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. My name’s Seto.”
“I’m- I’m Joey,” the blonde had answered. He had gestured to the boat. “Climb aboard.”
“I’m afraid I can’t.” He had drifted to a sideways position and exposed his fins and a bit of his tail.
Joey had gasped. “You’re a merman!?”
“Yes, and we absolutely cannot leave the water. Rumors say it could be dangerous to even crawl onto sand. I’m not sure what they mean by dangerous and I don’t want to find out.”
“That’s cool. I understand. So, what’s it like to live in the sea?”
“Why tell you when I can show you?”
“Hold my hand and as long as you do, you’ll be able to breathe underwater.”
Joey had slid into the water, took Seto’s hand, and went under. Joey had taken a breath out of reflex before going under. He let it out and took a breath and grinned. “Wow! This is cool!”
“In the past long ago, we existed peacefully with humans and helped them to collect pearls and other trinkets. But then one day, we were betrayed by humans and we fled to the bottom of the sea. Since humans can’t breathe underwater without us, we were safe and humankind now considers us to be myth. I don’t know why we still have this ability, but I’m glad we do. I’ve…seen you a few times on the beach and by the piers. You seemed like someone worth knowing and trustworthy as well.”
“I’m glad you decided to approach me. I love making friends. Now, how about showing me around?”
It’s been an amazing year since we met, Joey thought. We fell in love about six months after we met and I couldn’t be happier honestly.
Seto glanced back at Joey briefly as they swam. The two had talked about every aspect of their lives. Seto spoke of living with his father and his cousin, Atem, whose parents were dead and was a couple of years younger than him. Joey spoke of living with his dad while his mother and little sister lived elsewhere. He admitted that his home life could be better as his dad wasn’t the greatest. Seto suspected that Joey spent most of time away from home. A shame he can’t be a merman. I imagine he would jump at the chance.
They reached their undersea spot and sat among the flowers, still holding hands. “Joey, if it was possible for you to be a merman, would you take it?”
“I…don’t know. It would be great as I could stay with you all the time, but I would miss my friends and couldn’t tell them where I was.”
“I understand. If I could be human and stay with you, I don’t know if I would take it as it would mean leaving my family who wouldn’t know where I was. As far as I know, I’m the only merperson to have contact with humans.”
“I’m probably the only human who knows merpeople exist.” Joey gazed around the area. It was certainly beautiful and he could enjoy living here, but he had friends back home; he couldn’t just leave them. If only I could actually travel between land and sea. That would be the best of both worlds.
“So, how were your recent lessons?” Joey asked.
“Pretty good. Atem and I learned a lot and be able to help any creature in trouble. Father even had us help him in gathering cures, using the trip as a test to see how much of the material we had absorbed.”
“You could be a healer with that kind of information.”
“Maybe, but every merperson needs to know this stuff. Hmm, Joey would you like to learn? It would help me retain what I learned.”
“Sure, why not? Where do we start?”
“Come on, I know the perfect place that’s not far from here.” Seto pulled Joey up and led him to an assortment of pretty and grotesque plants. He began pointing out the dangerous ones and Joey was surprised that some of the pretty ones were poisonous. Actually, it makes sense. Pretty can conceal its dangerous nature while the healing ones are concealed by their unappealing looks. He paid strict attention to what Seto was telling him, which he planned to write down when he got home.
Hours later, both boys surfaced and hugged one another. “So, we’re still on for our picnic tomorrow?” Joey asked.
“Definitely; at the cove. Until then.” Seto ducked down while Joey swam for home. Seto resumed studying the plants, pleased that he had recalled what he showed Joey, but then again he shouldn’t have been surprised. He was an intelligent merman, just like his cousin. And speaking of cousin, there he goes. He watched Atem swim off, his distinctive hair making him the most recognizable merman in the sea as well as the most desirable. Seto wasn’t jealous; he had his own admirers but he had eyes only for Joey. He was warm and friendly, eager to learn about Seto’s world. He understood that Seto had no interest in the human’s world, save for him. Seto was like most merpeople, preferring not to interact with the human world in any way, but he chose to interact with Joey, the human he loved. I’m the only one to have any contact with humans, but I wish there was someone who was also interested. Then I’d have someone to confide in.
Atem swam quickly through the water. He had had a wonderful time with Yugi, but had felt a pang when his friend swam onto land and walked off into the city. He so wanted to see the city, to walk among the humans. But, I can’t. He ducked down and headed through the water. Yugi and he had another meeting tomorrow and he couldn’t wait. He swam over a chasm but went back when something caught his eye. He went back and looked: Something was flashing down there, reflecting the little sunlight that reached down there. He swam toward the flash and he came upon a curious object. It was the color of the reflective light of the sun on the water’s surface. It had a hard oval that had a long chain looped on the top. The chain looked like the ones he had seen attached to anchors, but smaller and more delicate.
I wonder what it is. Maybe Yugi can tell me. I’ll bring it with me tomorrow and ask him. Coiling the item in his hand, he hid it in his fist as he headed home, put it in his dresser drawer, and then out to the garden to study some more on plants.
Chapter Three- City Visit
“You found a locket,” Yugi answered as he held up the silver chain. He pointed at the oval. “It opens up and people put pictures of people they care about like family, a girlfriend or boyfriend, or friends.” He pried the locket open and showed tow empty sides before closing it. “It’s in good condition for being underwater.”
“I don’t think it’s been there very long. If it had, the clasp would have rusted and the…silver wouldn’t be so clean.”
“You’re right.” Yugi unhooked the chair and attached it to Atem’s neck. “Since you found it, you can keep it.”
Atem pressed a hand to it. “I’ll wear it every time we’re together.”
“Great.” Yugi stood up. “I got to go. I promised to teach Tea a new game. Well, new to her anyway.”
Atem bit his lip as Yugi started to walk away. It was always hard to watch Yugi leave. His desire to be on land was tearing him up. He stared at the dry land. Was it really too dangerous for him to leave the water? If so, Yugi could roll me back into the ocean. His decision made, he pulled himself forward, calling, “Yugi!” as he did so.
Yugi turned and gasped at the sight of his friend, beached. “Atem!” he exclaimed, running over. “What are you doing? You can’t leave the water!”
“Can’t I?” Atem replied. He nodded at his tail. “It seems I can and that the rumor was nothing but a story used to scare children into going to bed. There is no…danger.” Atem stared at his tail as it started to glow and then split into a pair of human legs. An outfit similar to Yugi’s covered his body. Atem’s eyes went wide. “I have legs,” he gasped before smiling. “I’m human.”
Yugi was also amazed. “This must be what happens when leaving the water.” Yugi then laughed as he held out his hands. “Atem, this is great. Now I can show you my world.”
Atem took Yugi’s hands and was pulled to his knees. Atem planted a foot like he had seen Yugi do and pushed down on it. He rose up and placed his other foot down. He swayed as he released Yugi’s hands. He threw out his arms. “Whoa,” he said, trying to stabilize. His legs steadied themselves and Atem stood, gazing at his limbs. This is amazing! he thought. A dream come true.
“Well, let’s see if you can walk,” Yugi said.
Atem took a breath and slowly let it out as he lifted one leg and moved it forward. He did the same with the other leg and couldn’t help grinning, pleased with his success. He quickened the pace and was soon running across the sand. Yugi was impressed with Atem’s quick progress. “I believe I’m ready,” Atem said.
“I’ll say,” Yugi said as they left the beach. “If I didn’t know, I would have thought you had always been human.”
“Thanks. Now, I believe you have a friend to teach a game to?”
“I do. Would you like to learn?”
“Of course I would.”
“Tea, this is Atem.”
“Atem?” Tea repeated. “The Atem? He’s the out of town friend you met a year and a half ago?”
“Yeah. He’s here for a short visit.”
“Wow. Yugi, you didn’t mention that he looks like you.”
“I hardly think about that anymore. So, how about that game?”
“Where’s Joey?” Atem asked as they settled on the floor.
“He had a date. He didn’t say where,” Tea said. “He didn’t say where or how he met his boyfriend. He just said his name is Seto.”
“Seto?” Atem repeated. Surely not my cousin. He has no interest in humans.
The same thought went through Yugi’s mind. He had never considered that Joey’s Seto could be Atem’s Seto before today. It’s possible despite Atem’s claims of Seto’s lack of interest in humans. I mean, if Atem can be human, so could Seto.
The game took a couple of hours to finish with Yugi the clear winner as it wasn’t new to him. Neither of his friends minded losing; they were just learning it, after all. Yugi said he was going to show Atem around and Tea asked if she could tag along. Yugi agreed and the three of them wandered around until Tea was lured by a sale in her favorite store. “You guys go ahead. It was nice meeting you, Atem.”
“Do all girls act like that?” Atem asked.
“You mean, crazy about sales?” Yugi grinned. “Not all, but most do. Do mermaids do the same?”
“Not all, but most yes.”
Yugi chuckled. “Well, I guess so as you did mention a marketplace.”
“Yes, but it’s smaller and simpler than here.” He gestured at the shops.
“Let me show you the electronics store and explain them to you.”
“Great. Start by telling me what electronics are.”
A short time later, they emerged, Atem shaking his head in amazement. “Incredible. The inventions you humans created. Such things won’t work in my world.”
“True. Electronics won’t work if they get wet.” Yugi’s stomach growled and he blushed. “I guess being a guide is hungry work.”
Atem’s eyes lit up. “We never ate at our meetings. I’d love to try some of your food.”
“Great. Then let me treat you to my favorite hamburger place.”
Atem swallowed and a slow smile came to his face. “This is wonderful,” he commented. “We have nothing like this at home.”
“I don’t doubt it. We cook our food with fire which can’t exist underwater.”
“Oh, yeah? Tell that to the underwater volcanoes.”
Yugi laughed and, in that moment, Atem felt his heart flutter. He had always love Yugi’s younger looks even though he was two years older than Atem. He just never had thought that he could be in love with Yugi. That was before today. Now that I can be human whenever I want, the two of us as a couple isn’t out of the question. I just have to tell him; perhaps when I’m about to go home.
Yugi sneaked looks at Atem while the merboy looked around the restaurant. Atem’s fascination with humans was charming, especially now that he was able to experience everything he always question Yugi about. He’s just as handsome human as he is merman. Wait…did I say handsome? Oh, boy. I think I ‘m in love. I never thought about him like that before. Now that he can be human anytime, we could date. I’ll tell him when he’s about to go home.
Yugi and Atem sat on the dry sand, witnessing a beautiful sunset. “Yugi, thank you for showing me around.”
“I feel like I haven’t shown you much.”
“It was enough today. I can visit another time and whenever I choose.”
“Maybe next time, you can meet Joey.”
“Speaking of Joey, is it possible that the Seto he’s dating is my cousin?”
“Could be. Maybe you could ask him if he has a boyfriend and what his name is if he says yes.”
“I think I will.” The sun got lower. “Yugi? I have something to tell you. I believe I love you. I hadn’t considered it before today but since I can be human, I don’t see why not.”
“Really? I wanted to say the same thing. I love you too, Atem.”
Atem got to his knees as he faced Yugi. “Then from now on, we’re boyfriends.” He leaned forward and kissed Yugi who returned it happily. Atem then stood and headed for the water. He suspected that water would change his legs into a tail. He plunged into the shallows where he fell onto his stomach as he regained his tail. He kicked his tail and once in deeper water, turned, waved, and then dived down.
Chapter Four- Relationships Exposed
Atem laid in bed staring at the ceiling with a smile. He could be human and he now had a boyfriend. Yesterday had been the best day of his life and knew there would be more just like it. He got out of bed and swam out of the room. He met up with Seto in the hall and recalled Yugi suggesting he ask Seto if he had a boyfriend and what his name was if he did, but decided that now wasn’t a good time. Instead he said, “Morning, Seto. Got plans today?”
“Just hanging out with friends. How about you?”
“I was going to do some pearl harvesting. I…want to make a pearl necklace.” Atem’s cheeks burned red.
Seto smirked. “Ah, I see. Girlfriend or boyfriend?”
“Boyfriend. We’ve been friends less than two years and yesterday it came out.”
Seto patted a shoulder. “I’m happy for you, cousin. I too have a boyfriend. We met a year ago and became a couple six months ago.”
“Really? Seto, that’s wonderful.”
“Thanks.” Seto swam off before Atem could ask for the name. He was surprised he let it slip that he had a boyfriend. But then again, Atem admitted having one and Seto felt like telling someone about his relationship. Thing is, I can’t say it’s with a human and I’m not going to the marketplace; I’m meeting Joey.
Atem unearthed a clam and opened it to find a lovely white pearl. He put it in a nearby bag before swimming over to the docks near Yugi’s city. He thought he might find a lot of pearls under a dock where most merpeople wouldn’t go. He found a space under a pair of tankers and started digging. He found some pearls buried in the sand and a few in clams. He checked his bag and nodded. He had a decent amount to make a good necklace. Maybe one or two more, he thought. His eyes raked the ground and they landed on a large bulge almost in the back of the dock. Oh, that looks like a really big clam! He went over, dug in the sand, and, just as he thought, a really big clam was revealed. He pulled it free, cracked it open, and gasped loudly. Nestled in the clam was a blue pearl! It was as big as the one he had given Yugi not that long ago.
“Congratulations, young merman. You have been blessed,” an aged voice spoke up. Atem looked around and saw an old mermaid, yet he could see through her!
“Who are you? What are you?” he asked.
“I am a spirit who lived within that pearl. I had waited for a merperson to find it so that I could be set free and reveal the pearl’s power. You see, blue pearls can grant a human the ability to become a merperson whenever they touch seawater. They need only to hold the pearl which will enter their bodies and grant the ability. Now, I can rest in peace. Thank you.” The spirit faded away.
Atem lifted the pearl and stared at it, stunned. This pearl allows humans to be merpeople? This is like how I become human. I could give this to Yugi and he’ll gain a tail! He smiled as he put the pearl in the bag. He put the bag on and looked up to see the shadow of a human swim across the surface. He stayed where he was. I’ll wait until he’s far enough away that he won’t see me if he dives down.
He waited and once he deemed it safe, he darted out of hiding and in the direction of home. He spotted Seto heading his way and both nodded in greeting. Atem glanced back and saw Seto heading for the surface. Curious as to why, Atem turned around and followed his cousin under the surface. Where is he going? I should warn him, though. He’s heading in the direction of that human. He saw Seto glide toward the human and his jaw dropped when he saw Seto kiss the boy who was blond. Seto’s boyfriend is human? His mind reeled as Seto took the boy’s hand and they ducked down.
“Seto!” Atem called.
Both boys looked over and Seto paled. “Atem!” he exclaimed, sounding panicked.
“Atem?” the blonde repeated. “As in Yugi’s friend?”
“You know Yugi?” Atem asked, forgetting about Seto for a moment.
“Yeah. He’s my pal. Name’s Joey.” He held out his free hand.
“Oh! So, you’re Joey.” Atem came up and shook the hand.
“Wait,” Seto cut in. “Atem, you befriended a human?”
“Yes, but he’s my boyfriend now. And you can’t criticize me over that, Seto. I’m certainly not going to.”
“All right, I won’t.”
“Hey, Atem,” Joey said. “Yug said you and Tea met yesterday but he never said you were a merman which makes sense.”
“You made another friend?” Seto asked.
“I did and Seto I learned yesterday it we can leave the water.”
“What!?” Seto gasped.
Atem nodded enthusiastically. “Yes and when we do, our tails become legs. The water reverses the change.”
“We can become humans?”
Joey grinned. “That’s great! Really.” He yanked up. “Come on, Seto. I want you to see my world.”
“I don’t know, Joey.”
“Do it, Seto,” Atem urged. “I enjoyed my time yesterday and with Joey, I’m sure you’ll have a good time.”
“Well, all right. I’ll use the chance to see your boyfriend. I have to know if he’ll treat my little cousin right.”
Atem rolled his eyes. “Don’t bother. Just enjoy yourself.”
“Atem’s right. Yugi’s busy doing inventory with his grandpa. Nice meetin’ ya, Atem.”
“Same here, Joey.” Atem watched as the couple swam off and then returned to heading home. Amazing, he thought. Seto and I both fell for a human, but Yugi and I were friends before confessing love yesterday. Seto and Joey have been a couple for six months according to my cousin. It makes sense; I doubt they would have fallen in love right away.
I do hope Seto likes being human. He may not be as interested in the human world like I am, but he does love Joey and that just might make a difference. Yugi will be available tomorrow and that’s when I’ll surprise him with the necklace and the pearl. Atem swam into his room, sat at his desk, and gathered up the seaweed that he would string the pearls on. He examined each pearl, polished those he chose to use, and organized them into the pattern he wanted. Once all of this was done, he began stringing them on using his neck as a model as to where the pearls would rest and how much seaweed to use. He finished just as Aknadin called him for dinner.
Seto followed Joey to the cove where they sometimes met and would have picnics together. Seto had sampled some of the human food Joey provided at times and Joey would sample merpeople food when it was Seto’s turn to bring the food.
Joey stood once in the shallows and walked onto land before turning to see Seto still in the shallows. “Come on, Seto.”
Seto shifted slightly as he slowly crawled closer, water giving away to equal parts water and land, and then to dry land. “Joey, if this doesn’t work please roll me back into the water.”
“You doubt Atem’s word?”
“No. He’s always been honest with me growing up. He’d have no reason to lie to me…now.” Seto saw his tail glow before finishing his sentence. The tail split into a pair of legs and a simple outfit of black pants, blue shirt, and a white jacket covered his body. He stared at his legs, hardly believing they were his. “I’m really human now,” he said in awe.
“You sure are,” Joey said, offering his hands. Seto took them, allowing himself to be pulled onto his feet. Seto stumbled as he tried to stand. He eventually stood still and then attempted to walk. He found walking easy, having seen Joey walk before. Soon, he and Joey were heading for town. “Joey, what is Yugi like since we can’t see him?”
“Yugi’s our age though he looks younger. He’s also sweet and kind. He looks like Atem in eye and hair color, but with less yellow.”
“Ah. So he could almost pass for Atem’s twin.”
“Yup. So, let me show you my favorite places in the city,” Joey said as they finally reached the city.
Chapter Five- Sea Visit
“Seto, how was it?” Atem asked softly after dinner.
Seto’s face was impassive but then a grin appeared. “It was amazing,” he admitted. “Joey showed me his favorite places before having a long talk in the park. I’m still not as fascinated by humans as you are but I wouldn’t mind going into the city now and again.”
“I knew you would enjoy it. I only wonder why such an ability was buried under a scary rumor.”
“Perhaps it occurred during that time we were betrayed. The king may have told the adults to tell their children to lie to their own offspring. Those little ones would later grow up and tell their children the same lie believing it to be true and so on and so on down through the generations.”
“That makes sense,” Yugi said the next day. He sat on a rock with water all around him while Atem bobbed nearby. “So your cousin is Joey’s boyfriend.”
Atem nodded. “I saw them together and introduced myself. I revealed to Seto that we can be human and he went into the city with Joey yesterday.”
“What did you do yesterday?”
“I found a gift for you and made another.” He reached into his bag and pulled out the necklace. “I made this for you.”
Yugi gasped. “It’s beautiful.” He lowered his head so Atem could place it on his neck. A half circle of pearls were strung on seaweed with three white, a pink, a white, another pink, a white, a third pink, and three white ones were arranged on it. All of them gleamed and shone. “You made this?”
“I did,” Atem answered proudly. “It is a gift a beloved gives to another.”
“Thank you,” Yugi said, touched by the meaning of the gift.
“Of course. I love you after all.” He gripped the rock, pulled himself up, and gave Yugi a kiss before slipping back down. “Now, the other gift.” He reached into his bag again, and extracted the pearl and Yugi gasped.
“A blue pearl! You found one! It’s gorgeous! So, what’s its power?”
“Blue pearls allow humans to become merpeople once the pearl has entered them and they touch seawater.”
“They do? You mean, I can grow a tail?”
“Once you take the pearl and it enters you.”
Yugi reached down and held the large pearl in both hands. It glowed softly as it rose out of his hands and sunk into his chest. His entire body glowed blue before it faded. Yugi smiled at Atem before standing, diving into the water, and vanishing beneath it.
Atem turned to where Yugi had disappeared, waiting for him to re-surface. “Yugi?” he called in concern. He was startled when Yugi leaped up into the air, a purple tail where his legs had been. Yugi splashed down and surfaced, laughing in delight.
“Oh, this is great!” Yugi giggled as he flipped his tail, the fins and tail attached to it flashing briefly.
Atem smiled in amusement. “I’m pleased that you’re thrilled. Purple suits you.”
“Now I can really see where you live.”
“Of course. Come on, follow me.’ Atem ducked down and Yugi followed. He kicked his tail as he trailed after Atem, already knowing his tail was strong. He had held his breath when he first went under. He had watched as his clothes vanished and purple scales had sprouted on his legs before those limbs merged together and his feet became fins. He had let out his breath and took an underwater breath without Atem’s help. It had been an awesome feeling.
Now I can meet other merpeople and none will know I’m actually human- except Seto, of course. Yugi swam around a bed and floated beside Atem who had stopped. He gazed at the small city before him, merpeople swimming around.
“Welcome to my city,” Atem said. “What would you like to see?”
Yugi grinned at him. “Everything!”
Atem laughed as he led the way. The two of them almost blended in with the crowd but their tri-colored spiky hair was noticeable and some merpeople stopped to speak with Atem who introduced Yugi, saying he was from a distant city and just visiting. Yugi’s pearl necklace was commented on and were impressed when told that Atem had made it.
“So, this is your boyfriend then Atem?” a blond mermaid asked with a wink.
Yugi blushed while Atem said, “That’s right, Mai.”
Mai smiled at Yugi as she looked him up and down. “You’re cute. Atem’s a lucky merman.”
“Uh, thank you.” Yugi followed Atem, feeling a bit conscious of how he stood out. Yes, his looks stood out back home, but he didn’t dwell on it and everyone in his city was used to his features. It could be because I’m a visitor so naturally otters are going to notice me.
“What do you think so far?” Atem asked as they sat in Atem’s favorite restaurant.
“It’s incredible; more natural and simple than my home.”
“That’s true but your home seems incredible to me with all that humans can accomplish.”
“It’s clear we think that the other’s home is better than his own which makes sense.” Yugi took a bit of his food and his eyes went wide as he swallowed. “Wow, this is great.”
Atem smiled. “Not bad for uncooked food, hmm?”
“Not bad at all. I could easily stay here, like on a vacation.”
“A vacation. Yes, maybe we could take vacations together at your home or mine.”
“That would be great. Hey, can I meet your family?”
“Sure.” Atem left the building with Yugi behind him. Yugi couldn’t help looking around and trying out underwater acrobatics as he followed. He felt so free as a merman. There were no cars, no streets, and not much gravity. His tail propelled him through the water faster than his legs could ever do. I love being a merman, but being humans is wonderful too. I have the best of both worlds and it’s all thanks to Atem and the blue pearl.
Aknadin gaped at the young-looking merboy who resembled his nephew. He recovered and smiled warmly. “It’s nice to meet you, Yugi,” he said, taking one of Yugi’s hands. “I had no idea Atem had a boyfriend.”
“It’s a recent thing,” Yugi told him. “We’ve been friends for a year and a half now.”
“Really? Why haven’t I met you before today?”
“Yugi lives in a distant city and we usually hang out in the open water,” Atem replied.
“What does your family say about you traveling so far away?”
“I only live with my grandpa and he knows I can take care of myself. I do assure him that I’ll be careful while I’m away.”
“Well, you’re certainly welcome to stay here whenever you like.”
“Thank you, sir.”
“Just Aknadin Yugi or even uncle. I’d love to have another nephew at some point in the future. Now, I’ve got some shopping to do.”
Atem blushed as Aknadin swam off. “He believes we’ll wed eventually?”
“Looks that way and I don’t see us breaking up anytime soon.”
“You’re right. We’ve been friends long enough to know you’ll keep the merpeoples’ existence secret.”
“Of course. I understand how important it is to keep your existence secret from humans especially now that I am one, at least partly.” He hugged Atem and he returned the gesture, his tail brushing against Yugi’s.
Chapter Six- Engaged
Seto was heading for home after having another picnic with Joey. He had traded his tail for legs and found it pleasant to sit with his legs crossed. He told Joey about Atem making Yugi a pearl necklace.
“Making it? He can’t buy one?” Joey had asked.
“He could, but sometimes giving your beloved something you made yourself is a very meaningful gesture to us.”
“Humans do that sometimes, too.”
Seto came out of his recollections when he saw his father heading toward the market with a content expression, one he hadn’t seen before. “Father?”
Aknadin turned. “Seto, have you met Atem’s boyfriend yet? Such a sweet boy. I do hope he becomes family one day.” He swam off, missing the bewildered expression on Seto’s face.
I thought Atem was crazy about Yugi. Did they break up and Atem fell for someone else already? I better find out. He swam for the house, reasoning that they might still be there. He went through a window and into a corridor to see Atem hand-in-hand with a purple-tailed merman who looked a lot like his cousin. His eyes grew wide. He’s just as Joey described, but how did he grow a tail?
Both boys were startled when Seto swam in through a window but soon recovered. Yugi came up to him. “Hi, I’m Yugi. You must be Seto. Joey told me about you.” He held out a hand.
Seto numbly took it. “Yes,” he answered, confusion evident in his voice.
Yugi giggled. “You’re confused.”
“I am,” Seto answered, recapturing his usual tone. “How did you grow a tail?”
“That’s the power of the blue pearl,” Atem piped in. “I found one yesterday and it was revealed to me that it allows humans to be merpeople when they touch seawater. The pearl is now inside Yugi and can visit whenever he wants.”
“Incredible,” Seto breathed. “No wonder it’s so rare, a power like that.
“By the way, Yugi. Nice necklace. Atem did a good job making it.”
“Thanks. Is there any significance to the pattern or the pearls?”
“None. The fact that he made it instead of buying it makes it special.”
“Today was wonderful,” Yugi sighed as they surfaced in the shallows. “I really can’t thank you enough.”
“It was my pleasure. Perhaps next time I’ll visit you.”
“I’d like that.” Yugi pulled himself onto the dry sand and watched as the sun was setting. He saw a glow and his tail became legs and his clothes returned. He stood, waved to Atem, and headed for home while Atem kicked his tail and ducked under the surface of deeper waters.
Seto swam through the market the next day. He had thought of the necklace Atem gave Yugi and felt that he should give Joey a token of his affection. They had been in love longer than Atem and Yugi and he needed to let Joey know that he was serious about their relationship. I think I’ll buy something to use as an engagement item. He swam into a jewelry shop and looked at the merchandise along with other customers. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was looking for but knew that he would know it when he saw it. He wasn’t good at making jewelry like Atem but he had a feeling Joey wouldn’t mind; he would be touched that Seto wanted to give him something.
An interesting piece caught his eye and he took a closer look. A gold necklace was looped through a ring that was a plain band. A deep blue sapphire hung from the necklace’s chain. That looks perfect. Joey could wear that under his shirt. He caught the owner’s attention and purchased the item. He left the shop with it, a smile on his face. I have the perfect gift and the timing is good as I think Father may start questioning me on having a lover.
“Son, you are eighteen and should start thinking about having someone to be your future wife or husband,” Aknadin said at dinner.
“I’m aware Father and I already have a boyfriend. I’m thinking of asking him to marry me.”
“You are?”
“Yes and I will likely move in with him.” Actually, I will move in with Joey. I will move to land and live as a human though I can still become a merman.
“Seto are you saying you’ll live as a human when Joey accepts your proposal?” Atem asked after dinner.
“I am. Father won’t approve of me marrying a human and Joey can’t live under the sea without holding my hand. The only choice is to move to land and live there. I will visit though so we can see each other.”
“And I can visit you when I visit Yugi.”
“Will you move to land when you and Yugi wed or will he live here?”
Atem frowned. “I don’t know. We haven’t’ discussed it as we just started dating and I don’t have to propose just yet.”
“That is a good question,” Yugi said as they sat in the park. “I either leave Grandpa or you leave your uncle.” He bit his lip. “We don’t have to decide right away. I could ask Grandpa a hypothetical question.”
“I could do the same with Uncle Aknadin. We’ll compare notes once we get answers and that may guide us to a decision.”
“Okay. Atem, how would you like to try some ice cream?”
“Sounds interesting. Lead the way.”
Meanwhile, Joey and Seto were in their favorite bed of sea flowers, enjoying the other’s company and the quiet of the water. “Joey, merpeople law says one must have at least a lover by the time they turn eighteen.”
“Well, that’s not a problem as we fell in love a few days before your birthday,” Joey said.
“Correct. I couldn’t be happier…well, actually I could be.” He sat up, making Joey do the same. He reached into a bag. “Joey, when a couple gets engaged or married, they move into a home of their own. In our case, I’ve decided that I would live on land with you. Joey, will you marry me?” He pulled out the necklace and held it up.
Joey gasped open-mouthed at the question and the item. He was both flattered and touched. He knew Seto loved him enough to leave his home to live with him on land. Joey loved him too and couldn’t imagine a life without him anymore. He smiled at Seto. “Yes, of course I will.”
“That’s what I thought.” Joey took a deep breath as Seto released his hand so he could put the necklace around Joey’s neck. He took the hand again as Joey exhaled and admired the gift. “Perfect,” he murmured, his free fingers cupping the sapphire.
The jewel then glowed as it detached itself from the necklace and entered Joey’s chest, he body outlined in blue. Joey then gasped as his swimming trunks vanished and green scales sprouted on his legs and his feet flattened. Joey was soon sitting with a green tail and breathing without Seto’s help as the latter had removed his hand in shock. Joey stared at his tail. “How did I get a tail?” he finally gasped out.
“The jewel,” Seto said in a low voice full of awe. “It wasn’t a sapphire, it was blue pearl. Blue pearls are rare and they give humans the ability to be merpeople when touching seawater. It’s like when I become human when I touch dry land.”
“So, I’m a merman now?” Joey grinned as he raised and lowered the fins and lower part of his tail. “Seto, you won’t have to move to land now. I could live here instead.”
“What about your dad and friends?”
“I can still see my friends and you know my dad’s not the greatest parent.”
“Yes. That can work. Well then, let me show you around my city and introduce my father to you. Perhaps, we can start looking for our own place.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Joey rose from the flowers and used his new tail to follow Seto to the city.
Chapter Seven- Family
Joey looked around as Seto guided him through the marketplace which was collection of shops. It didn’t look too different from human shops except there were no streets or cars and all the owners and customers were merpeople. He did notice some shops were absent such as electronics and clothing. It was obvious why they were missing, though Joey did see a bra shop and a bridal shop that sold veils. Seto showed him the shop where he bought the necklace and explained the money system. Joey listened carefully, having decided he would live in the sea. Seto introduced Joey to his friends Isis and Kisara who were engaged to each other. They were pleased to meet Joey and happy that Seto found his match.
“It is wonderful that you and Atem both found someone,” Isis said as she and Kisara left.
“Wait. They know about Yugi?” Joey asked.
“Oh, right. I’m surprised Yugi didn’t tell you. Atem found a blue pearl the day he found out about us.”
“Oh! So, Yug can be a merman too. I think he didn’t tell me so I wouldn’t feel bad or jealous.”
“Make sure to tell him you can change too and will be living here once we’re married.”
“Got it. So, where’s your house?”
“Follow me.” Seto swam to a house with a small seaweed garden in front and through the front door. “Father?” he called. “I have someone I want you to meet.”
An elderly merman with an off-white tail swam in. He tilted his head at seeing Joey. “Seto, who is this?”
“Father, this is my fiancée, Joey. Joey, this is my father, Aknadin.”
Joey held out his hand and Aknadin took it with a warm smile. “Fiancée, eh? Yes, I see the necklace. Please, tell me about yourself.”
“Well, I, uh, live with just my dad. My mom and sister live in another town. I’m eighteen like Seto and like spending my time with him and my two best friends.”
“Father, listen to this. Joey lives in the same city as Yugi and they’re friends.”
Aknadin chuckled. “How interesting. What are the odds that my son and nephew would fall for two boys that are friends? Just extraordinary. I insist you stay for dinner, Joey. I want to know more about my future son-in-law.”
“Uh, okay.” Joey felt a home cooked meal sounded better than a takeout/delivery meal as the former didn’t cost anything. Besides, Dad’s probably passed out drunk right now.
“Uncle!” Atem’s voice sounded. “I hope it’s all right that I brought company for…dinner.” Atem paused when Joey turned before finishing his sentence. Yugi floated beside Atem and was also surprised.
Aknadin smiled at his nephew. “It’s fine, Atem. It’s good to see you again, Yugi. Seto told me you and Joey here are friends.” He gestured at the blonde.
Yugi nodded. “Yeah, best friends.”
“Well then I’ll get dinner started and leave you four to talk.” Aknadin swam off and Seto pointed up to the next floor.
“Seto, where did you find a blue pearl?” Atem asked.
“I didn’t intentionally find one. It was attached to Joey engagement gift and I thought it was a sapphire. It wasn’t until Joey touched it and it glowed that I realized it wasn’t a sapphire.”
“You’re engaged?” Yugi asked Joey.
Joey grinned and pointed at the necklace. “Sure am. When Seto and I marry, I’ll be staying in the sea but I’ll still visit of course.”
“Atem and I haven’t’ decided yet. I asked Grandpa in a hypothetical way if I had to choose between Atem and me living with him or with Atem’s family, which he would prefer. He said he just wants me to be happy but would prefer for us to be with him.”
“You plan on posing a similar question to Father?” Seto asked.
“Not quite as similar. I’m going to ask questions about possible human-merperson relationships.”
Joey and Yugi both felt uneasy at dinner. Aknadin had been grilling them about almost everything about them. They understood he was doing his job as father and uncle, but it was still uncomfortable. They had to fabricate some answers as the truth would reveal that they were humans.
Atem jumped in once there was a pause in the questioning. “Uncle, I was wondering something.”
“Oh, well ask my boy.”
“We know that in the past, we co-existed with humans. I wonder if there had been any romance between the two.” He noticed the others paying close attention.
Aknadin stroked his short beard. “I suppose there were some as odd and difficult as hand contact must be maintained if they wanted to swim underwater. As we know, it’s dangerous for us to leave the water so only dates in the shallows would work. But since the betrayal, contact with humans is discouraged if not forbidden. They pose a greater danger to us now than ever before. If any of us were caught or spotted, it would put all of us in danger. I don’t want any of you to express any interest in humans or their world.”
“But a human and a merperson could love one another?” Atem pressed. “Especially if the human promises to keep our existence secret?”
“Yes,” Seto piped in. “Isn’t it possible for us to know instinctively which humans are trustworthy?”
“Yes, we can do that, but humans tend to talk and keeping a secret is hard for them. Now, not another word on the subject.”
“Well, I say that settled our decision,” Atem said as the quartet surfaced. “When, we marry I’ll be moving in with you, Yugi.”
“Seto and I could visit you,” Joey said. “I decided to live in the sea when Seto and I marry.”
Yugi shook his head as he and Joey crawled onto land. “No offense, but the things your uncle said about humans…”
“I know. Not all humans are everything he said. You kept our secret for nearly two years.”
“Joey has kept it for one year,” Seto put in.
“And I don’t intend to break it, especially since I’m a merman too,” Joey said.
“Same here,” Yugi said as their tails became legs. He stood and added, “So, you have lessons tomorrow and the day after?”
Atem nodded. “I’ll come to your house in two days.”
“Meet me in the market in two days, Joey,” Seto said.
“Okay. See you then.” Yugi and Joey waved as Atem and Seto ducked down before heading home to sleep as did their beloveds.
Aknadin laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. His questioning of Yugi and Joey had gone well and convinced him that both would make wonderful family members. It was clear that Atem loved Yugi and Seto loved Joey. They’ll take care of each other, I can tell.
Atem’s questions, however, concern me. Why ask about human-merpeople romance when he loves a merman? Seto also showed interest in the subject, but why? It is natural to be curious, but some things should not make one curious. Humans are dangerous creatures, everyone knows that. I think the two of them need a refresher course and the timing is good as they are scheduled for two days’ worth of lesson. Their budding curiosity about humans ends here. Aknadin sighed as his eyes closed and he fell asleep.
Chapter Eight- New Homes
Yugi picked absently at his eggs the following morning. Atem had decided he was going to live on land and Yugi felt awful about it. How could he just decide like that and what about Grandpa? Would he really be okay with Atem living here, someone he barely knows?
The short boy looked up to see his grandpa looking at him, concerned. “Are you all right? Are you just not hungry?”
Yugi looked into the older man’s eyes and felt he could trust him with the truth. Whoa. I’m not a real merman but I seem to have the instincts of one. He put his fork down. “Grandpa, I have some things to tell you about Atem. The thing is he’s…he’s-a-merman.” Yugi looked down.
“Is he now?” The tone in his grandpa’s voice made Yugi look up to see a knowing smile. “Yugi, I’ve known for a long time that merpeople existed. You see, your mother was a mermaid, fell for your father, and chose to live as a human.”
“Mother was a mermaid!?” Yugi gasped.
“Yes and when you were born, she made it clear that you were fully human.”
“Not anymore. Atem found a rare blue pearl that can give humans the ability to be merpeople when in contact with seawater. That pearl lives inside me now.”
“Oho! Amazing! What color is your tail?”
“Purple. Up until I got my tail, Atem held my hand so I could breathe underwater.”
Solomon nodded. “Yes, your mother did that for your father. So, have you two been dating long?”
“No. Only about a week or so. We’ve been friends for a year and a half now.”
“I’m glad you told me and now your hypothetical question is clear to me. Whether you stay here or live with Atem, we’re still family.”
“That’s just it. Atem’s uncle has some harsh views about humans. He doesn’t suspect that I’m human but his views made Atem choose to live with us. I’ve been wondering if he’s making a hasty decision and I was worried if you’d be okay having him here when you barely know him.”
“I know him now and it sounds like he’s like your mother if he’s choosing to live as a human.”
“He’s interested in our world. Living here would be a dream come true for him.”
“Now, I feel you two need a refresher course that will take two days which I think will be effective.”
“What lesson are you reiterating, Father?”
“Humans, Seto. You two seem to be forgetting how dangerous they are and the dangers they pose to us.”
“We haven’t forgotten,” Atem protested.
“I want to make sure. Your questions last night concerned me.”
“Concerned you?” Atem asked, confused. “We were just curious.”
“A curiosity you shouldn’t have.”
“I’m afraid I have to disagree,” Atem said.
“Do you?”
“I leaned it’s not dangerous to leave the water. I dared to do so and saw my tail become legs.”
Aknadin’s jaw dropped. “You were human!?”
“I was. I actually walked among humans and saw their city.”
“Atem, this is why these refresher course are necessary. We must not interact with humans.”
Seto was silent during the exchange. He too felt these courses weren’t necessary, but saw no reason to say why. Atem has a reason: He’s decided to live on land with Yugi. Joey’s decided to join me in the sea.
“Uncle, I love interacting with humans and learning about them. If that angers me then I’ll leave now and go live with Yugi.”
“It actually disappoints me that you feel this way. Very well. Go ahead, pack, and swim off to be with your beloved merman. You are welcome to visit. I won’t keep you and Seto apart because of your interest.”
Atem rose and swam out of the room while Aknadin looked at his son. “Do you object to these courses?”
“A little,” Seto said slowly. “However, I think the finer points of the dangers would be necessary.”
Atem surfaced and headed for land, a small bag in one hand. Yugi would be surprised to see him so soon but he would explain. Perhaps we should tell his grandpa the truth; I sensed he was trustworthy when I first met him. Must run in the family. He pulled himself onto the dry sand and laid there for a few minutes, knowing he could still swim in the sea and visit his family. After all, Aknadin still loved him despite his interest in humans and Seto understood why Atem chose to move out. His tail glowed and split into legs. He stood with complete confidence, grabbed his bag, and headed for his new home.
Solomon was sharing a photo album with Yugi that showed his mother as a mermaid and it was clear to him that his parent truly loved each other. I feel the same way about Atem and his decision wasn’t hasty at all; we can still swim in the sea. The sound of the doorbell prompted Solomon to close the album and Yugi to head for the door, wondering who was there. He opened the door and gasped. “Atem! I wasn’t expecting to see you until after tomorrow.”
“There’s been a change in plans. I’ve moved out of my uncle’s home. He had planned to give Seto and me refresher lessons about humans and how dangerous they are. I refused to revisit those lessons and said if my refusal upsets him, I would leave.”
“Obviously it did.” Yug stepped aside to let Atem inside. “I told Grandpa you’re a merman and it turns out that my mother was a mermaid who did exactly what you’re doing: You fell for a human and chose to live as a human.”
“Really? Well that explains your fascination with the sea.”
“Seems I can sense trustworthy people too and that’s why I told Grandpa.”
“He did and I’m glad he did,” Solomon said, entering the hall. He took Atem’s free hand in his own two. “I would be happy to have you live here. Yugi said it would be your dream come true to live among humans and learn more about our world.”
Atem smiled. “He was correct, Mr. Moto.”
“I prefer Grandpa from you as you will be family the day you and Yugi get engaged and then married.”
Joey headed for the cove to change and was surprised to see Seto there, apparently waiting for him. Joey ran into the water, his green tail appearing instantly. He flicked his fins to move toward Seto who gave him a kiss. When they parted, Joey said, “I thought we were meeting in the market.”
“I changed my mind. I’ve got news for you. Atem-,”
“I know. He moved out of your dad’s house and is living with Yug and his grandpa.”
Seto smiled. “I figured you already knew but I thought I mention it anyway.”
“Yeah and Yugi told me that his mother was a mermaid before choosing to live with Yugi’s dad.”
“Interesting and now Atem’s done what she has done.”
“He seems real happy.”
“Of course. He’s with his boyfriend and living his dream of being among humans and learning about your world.”
“Well, my dream is to marry my fiancée, live in the sea, and learn about the world that will be my home.”
“And so you shall. But, first, let’s do that house-hunting we neglected.”
“Sounds perfect. I want us to have our own place by our wedding day, the day I be a merman more than being human.”
“So do I, Joey.” Seto and Joey dived down and headed for the city to find the house that would serve as the place for their future lives together.