Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the nameless demon is mine. This story is rated M for character death and content in the last chapter.
Chapter One- Revival
Kurama looked around. He was in the stadium of the Dark Tournament finals, more specifically the ring. The building was empty, no sound save for the wind, yet his heart pounded with fear and tension. His instincts told him he wasn’t alone; it only looked that way.
He then grunted as he felt pain. He looked down to see his body covered in blood, just as it had been when he fought Karasu. He felt breathing on his neck and ear as he heard Karasu’s voice whisper, “I like you and when I like something I like to take it away. You took my life, so I will take yours. I’m coming for you, Kurama.” The bombing began again and Kurama cried out in pain.
Green eyes snapped open as the owner sat up in bed, gasping. His gasps slowed to hurried breathing and then to a slow exhale as he fell back on his pillow. “It was just a nightmare,” he said. “Karasu is dead. He cannot hurt me anymore.” He closed his eyes and fell back asleep, though it took a bit to drift back to deep sleep.
Kurama went to school a little groggy, but alert. Karasu had woven in and out of his sleep since the nightmare and that concerned him a little. Why was he having visions and nightmares about a dead demon since the tournament ended three weeks ago? It couldn’t be a premonition; Karasu was dead. It was possible his ghost had eluded the ferry girls and was floating around and dropping into his dreams.
He smirked slightly. Yes, that has to be it. He has not been taken to Spirit World yet, so he is terrorizing me in my sleep. Well, next time he appears, I will tell him off. He cannot hurt me in my dreams.
Kurama was doing his homework when Hiei dropped by. He loved having the fire demon visit him. Hiei didn’t say much but he drew comfort of having Hiei for company; he could call it a crush or love to describe the feelings that Hiei stirred in him.
The hairs on the back of his neck made the fox turn in his seat, look behind him, and then up. He chided himself; despite his strong energy, he couldn’t see ghosts. He smoothed down the neck hairs and decided that if Karasu was around, he wasn’t going to let it bother him. His actions hardly went unnoticed. “Problem, Kurama?” Hiei asked.
“Perhaps. I feel as if we are not alone in this room.”
Hiei’s eyes swept the room before allowing his Jagan to flare briefly. “We’re alone, Fox. Even ghosts cannot hide from my Jagan.”
“It is possible the intruder left shortly after disturbing me.”
“You believe it’s a ghost?”
“Yes. I have reason to believe it is Karasu’s ghost for he has been showing up in my dreams and terrorizing me.”
“Hn. He can’t harm you in your dreams.”
“True and I intend to confront him about it.”
He was in a black void with no ground, no sky, just darkness. Yet, he sensed he was not alone. He heard rapid footsteps and looked around for the source but saw nothing. He continued to hear the steps and try to locate the owner several times but to no avail. He then felt hands go around his neck and he jerked away before turning to see Karasu. His mask was off but his hair was black and his purple eyes glittered maliciously at Kurama.
“Karasu, leave me alone,” Kurama stated firmly, his voice echoing in the void. “You are dead and should have been judged.”
“I will not argue with that,” Karasu said smoothly, his voice also echoing. “However, I have been prevented from moving on. The man who did this said he could revive me and very soon. I choose to haunt your dreams until then. After I am revived, I will come for you. I truly desire you and we will be together forever.” Karasu vanished and Kurama lapsed into a dreamless sleep.
Kurama was far more alert and awake the next day, yet he fretted over Karasu. Was what he said true? Did someone ward him to keep him from going to Spirit World? Did he really intend to bring Karasu back to life? What purpose would that serve? Karasu swore he would come for Kurama upon his return. He said he desired Kurama for his own. He wondered how Karasu would grab him and expected to keep him from escaping because Kurama would escape and do what it took to kill Karasu again and insure he went to Spirit World. He still retained his power of Yoko and could kill Karasu. He would not waste time talking to the black-haired demon; he would kill him immediately and without mercy. His lips curled up as he imagined Karasu’s death. He knew how he defeated Karasu, but hadn’t seen it until the replay. He intended to see the attack for real and actually witness the moment of death.
Hiei nodded when Kurama told him of the confrontation and the intention to kill him the moment he appeared. “That’s what I would do. Don’t give him a second to carry out his plan.”
“I have already warded my room to prevent him from haunting me in my sleep or to just hover near me.”
“He claims interest in you. I can only imagine what that creep would do with you. Something sick and humiliating, no doubt.”
“He would likely seek to break my spirit,” Kurama said.
“Hn, he won’t get the chance. I will personally kill him if he attempts it.”
Kurama blinked at the subtle passion in Hiei’s voice. “Hiei, is there something you have not told me?”
Kurama tilted his head as he went up to the fire demon and looked in his eyes. They seemed emotionless and yet he saw a fierce protectiveness that was exclusively for the redhead. He smile gently. “You cannot fool me, Hiei. Tell me.”
“Hn, fine. I love you, Kurama. I have since the end of the tournament.”
“I thought I heard a subtle tone of passion in your voice just now. I feel passion for you too. I would be interested in pursuing a relationship with you.”
Hiei smirked. “I’m interested in doing that, too.” Hiei leaned forward and planted a quick kiss on Kurama’s lips before leaving. The fox demon smiled as he savored the kiss. It was quick but he sensed the compassion in it. I look forward to seeing him again. A new aspect of our relationship has just begun. Karasu would be a fool to come after me with Hiei around, watching over me.
“You are certain this will work?” Karasu demanded of the tall slender man.
“Oh, it will. It took time to work the plant free from your corpse and properly preserve it. The ritual and your possession of it will bring it to full health and a semblance of life.”
Karasu flew face-to-face with the man. “A semblance?” he hissed. “What does that mean?”
“You will have your body back and you’ll exist but you won’t exactly be alive. You will be expected to sustain yourself to keep your body functioning. You’ll soon see.” The man lit floor-length torches, each one resting on the points of a six-pointed star drawn on the ground and in the center of the star laid the body of a tall black-haired demon, its arms crossed over the chest. The man put his palms together and murmured some words. Smoke curled from the fires and wrapped around the body as the star shape glowed. Karasu felt himself being pulled toward his body and didn’t fight it as he entered the corpse that was wrapped in smoke.
Karasu’s purple eyes flew open and he coughed as smoke and air flooded his lungs. The smoke, fire, and glowing star extinguished at once as Karasu slowly got to his feet. His skin was death pale and he had small claws. His tongue ran off a pair of sharp fangs that felt longer than demon ones. He tried to summon his energy but got nothing. He turned to the human. “All right, Sensui. You have been vague about this ritual. I am not alive, but rather exist. What am I?”
“You, Karasu, are now a vampire,” replied Sensui.
Chapter Two- Discoveries
“A vampire?” Karasu smirked, the tips of his fangs exposed. “Ah, how interesting and how perfect. Kurama and I will indeed be together forever.”
“Yes and without one of his allies, the Spirit Detective will be unable to stop me from completing the tunnel.”
Karasu looked over to the lake where a demon sat in a boat. Above him was an opening that seemed to gradually be getting bigger. “You plan to unleash demons on the Human World.”
“Yes. I still need allies of my own, but I will first tell you about your new lifestyle. You will need to adjust before going after Kurama.”
Karasu sank his fangs into the man’s neck and drained him of his blood. He dropped the body and licked his lips of blood. He knew, as a vampire, that he needed blood to keep his body functioning and yet he disliked the notion- until now. He found he liked drinking blood and with everything Sensui had told him, he was pleased to be a vampire. This is a lifestyle I intend to give to Kurama. He will be like me and we will love each other for eternity. However, I need to adjust and practice my powers and abilities before turning Kurama.
Kurama smiled as he snuggled in his bed. He had just had a wonderful evening with Hiei. They hadn’t gone anywhere, just stayed in his room where they first discussed when they realized their love for the other.
“I started to realize I felt more than friendship for you when I thought you had died in the finals,” Hiei had said.
“I felt the same way when you went into your hibernation after your fight.”
“Did you?” Hiei had cocked an eyebrow.
“Yes. You are attractive and peaceful when you are asleep.”
Hiei had smirked. “I see.” He had then tackled Kurama making him fall backwards on the bed where they had been sitting. He had straddled Kurama’s waist before kissing the redhead and threading his fingers through his hair. Kurama had responded to the kisses eagerly and ran his fingers up Hiei’s spiky hair. Hiei had eventually gotten up and headed for the window. “You need sleep, Fox. You have school tomorrow,” he had said.
Kurama had stifled a yawn. “Yes, of course. Good night, Hiei.”
“Good night.” Hiei had leaped out the window and was gone.
Kurama looked forward to seeing Hiei again whenever that would be. He sensed the two of them were made for each other; they understood one another so well. He sighed softly as he drifted off to sleep.
Hiei sat perched in his favorite tree in the park. He had never thought he would love anyone aside from his sister. Clearly, he was wrong, but he was happy to be wrong. He used to view Kurama as a desirable ally, a worthy fighter. It wasn’t until he was watching Kurama fight Karasu that he felt something for Kurama that went beyond friendship. He had intended to keep that realization to himself but Kurama could read him so well that keeping it secret wasn’t an option.
It worked out fine, he thought. Turns out he loves me too. We both realized it at the same time and kept quiet about it for weeks. That’s mostly on me as I didn’t visit Kurama after the tournament until yesterday. He leaned back against the trunk, and closed his eyes, dreaming about a bright future with Kurama.
Kurama headed to school the next day, imagining a future with Hiei. I think it might be time to tell Mother the truth. I will be clear that I did not tell her before in order to protect her. I hope she accepts it and still loves me. If she does, I will tell her about Hiei. Naturally she would want to meet him; it is what a parent would do. Speaking of which, the man she is dating. He will be my stepfather when they marry. I will tell Mother about myself and assure her that she can tell her fiancée. He should know about his future stepson after all. He approached the school gate and paused before turning his head to see a flash of long black hair. He frowned; that wasn’t Hiei. Someone else was watching him, but that wasn’t a concern. He was popular among the girls for his looks, his grades, and his polite personality. It was probably just an admirer. He smiled as he passed the gates. The girls would be disappointed when they learned that ‘Shuichi’ was in a relationship; he just wouldn’t say who, as it was no one’s business but his and his mother’s.
Karasu watched around a corner as Kurama headed toward school. The sunlight gleamed off his red hair which went well with his green eyes. He was so handsome and desired to have the boy in his arms. He saw Kurama pause and start to look his way. He pulled away, turned, and left aware that the ends of his hair probably showed briefly. Karasu wasn’t concerned; he had no energy or scent as a vampire. It was one of the perks of giving up being a demon and taking on a more human form. He smiled as he leaped up onto a rooftop and raced away from the school. He still had much to learn about what he had become such as how often did he need to feed? He swatted a Makai insect out of the way. Hmm, a sign of the tunnel being made wider. Not that it is of any concern of mine.
“You plan to tell your mother the truth?” Hiei asked via telepathy as he followed Kurama from above.
“Yes. I feel the time has come to be honest with her. I have worked out how I am going to phrase it.”
“Do you think she will believe it and accept it?”
“I hope she does. I will be able to provide proof, but only briefly.”
“What proof?”
“I can take my demon form.”
“What!? You never said that before.”
“It is a recent development. I also hope to produce some roses for her.”
“When do you plan to tell her?”
“Tonight as it is Friday.”
“Hn, good luck Fox. I’ll be nearby when you need me.”
Kurama nodded as the link closed and he sensed Hiei had left. He wouldn’t admit it to Hiei, but he was nervous about telling his mother the truth. He had hidden the truth from her for fifteen years in an effort to protect her. But with his involvement with Hiei coming into bloom, he felt now was a good time, particularly if she walks in to see a stranger keeping her son company.
He let out a slow breath. I will tell her after dinner. That would be best. He opened the door. “Hello, Mother,” he called.
Shiori entered the hall, embracing her son. “Hi, Shuichi. How was school?”
“It was good as always.” He returned the hug before both parted.
“Well help me prepare dinner once you’ve put your bag away.”
“Yes, Mother.” He headed upstairs and as he set his bag down, he got the feeling of being watched. It was a sensation he had felt this morning. He glanced at the window and, for a moment, he thought he saw purple eyes. He was at the window in a flash and threw it open, heart pounding. There was no one there. Easy, Kurama, he thought. You are just nervous about telling Mother the truth. He closed the window and left the room, shutting off the light. He was unaware of Karasu clinging to the roof tiles above his window, grinning. He wasn’t ready to turn Kurama yet, but he was enjoying his stalking of his victim. I will continue to do so as I explore and learn of my abilities. I will be his mentor when I turn him. It will be fun to see him grow paranoid as I spy on him and quickly vanish when he catches a momentary glimpse of my hair or eyes.
Karasu looked around, saw no one, turned into a bat, and flew away. He was pleased that he could become a bat but limited it to night as bats were nocturnal mammals. This is an amazing ability. I can hardly wait to show it to Kurama when he becomes a vampire.
Chapter Three- The Truth
“Mother, I have something to tell you,” Kurama said as they finished the dishes.
“You know you can tell me anything,” Shiori said, smiling.
I hope so, he thought as they settled in the living room. “Mother, I am afraid that I have been lying to you all these years.”
“Lying to me? Shuichi what are you talking about?”
“I am more than your son. I am also a fox demon called Yoko Kurama. I lived for centuries as a cold-hearted ruthless thief in a world called Demon World. Then, fifteen years ago, I was badly injured while escaping a strong pursuer. I used the last of my energy to come to Earth and merged with your unborn child. I originally had planned to recover my energy over a period of ten years and then disappear.
“But then you fell ill and I realized that I was no longer the same demon I had been. You showed me how to be kind and compassionate. I couldn’t leave you and wanted to help you get well.
“I was approached by two demons days before you recovered. One of them called Hiei wanted my help to break into the vault of the Spirit World King and steal three dark artifacts. One of them was called the Forlorn Hope. It was a mirror that will grant the wish of whoever looks into it during the full moon.”
“Wait, Shuichi,” Shiori cut in. “This mirror. Is it the reason I recovered?”
“Shuichi, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I wanted to protect you. Mother, are you saying you believe me?”
“I do. It’s hard to believe but somehow I know you’re telling the truth.”
“Thank you, Mother. I also want to tell you that I fell in love with Hiei two days ago. He is a changed demon from when I first met him.”
“I see. Could I meet him?”
“I could try to arrange it.”
“Invite him to dinner, dear. Just let me know when. By the way, is it all right if I tell my fiancée?”
“Yes, of course.”
“She believed you?”
“Yes. She found it hard to believe but somehow knew I was being honest. I mentioned you and she wants to meet you.”
“I told her that I fell for you two days ago. She suggested I invite you to dinner.”
Hiei shifted uncomfortably. He didn’t see the point of meeting with this woman. She was nothing to him; nothing but the mother of the one he loved. In the last two days, he found he would do anything to make Kurama happy. “Fine,” he grunted. “Tomorrow night.”
Kurama beamed. “Thanks, Hiei. I just know Mother will like you.”
Shiori laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. Her son wasn’t normal. He was a demon who was centuries old. Yet, he was a nice demon. She showed him love and kindness and it changed him. He admitted to being cold-hearted before becoming my son. My teaching him love has led him to love another. I want to meet this Hiei. I hope it’s soon and I wonder what he’s like. Shiori closed her eyes and fell asleep, Hiei on her mind. She imagined an imposing figure who scared her while her son looked up at him, smiling. She wore a worried expression as she woke, dressed, and went down to find Shuichi making breakfast for them. He smiled as he set plates of eggs and bacon. “Good morning, Mother.” His smiled faded. “Mother, are you all right?”
“I had disturbing dreams about Hiei. I saw a tall imposing figure who scared me.”
Kurama chuckled gently. “He’s not tall at all, but he can be imposing. He is also a bit cold and takes time to warm up to someone, though he does not care for humans.”
Shiori nodded. “I think I can understand that.”
Kurama also nodded. “I spoke to him after our talk last night and he’s agreed to dinner tonight.”
“Oh, dear. I should go shopping then. What does he like to eat?”
“I do not know. But, he does like ice cream, especially chocolate.”
“Well, I guess we can have your favorite meal and have ice cream for dessert. Please have Hiei come at six.”
“Yes, Mother.”
“Six tonight? All right. She’s really fine about this?”
“I think she’s nervous about meeting you.”
“I’m nervous too. I’m not sure what to say or do.”
“Just be yourself.”
“Hn. Maybe not completely myself.”
Kurama laughed and then felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise. He whipped his head around and saw a flash of black hair behind a bush. He charged over to it to see there was no one and no fleeing distant figure.
Hiei appeared beside him. “Kurama?”
“I have been seeing black hair or purple eyes since yesterday morning. I’m getting the feeling that I am being stalked but I sense no energy or even a scent.”
“No energy or scent? That’s not possible. What doesn’t have a scent or energy? It can’t be a ghost.”
“You are correct. It is not a ghost. Speaking of ghosts, I have not sensed Karasu for a few days now. Naturally, my room is still warded.”
Hiei frowned. “Is it possible that he’s been revived by now?”
“Yes, but he would have been detectable by energy and scent.”
Hiei saw the frustrated look on Kurama’s face and felt awful that neither could sense this…stalker. Yes, that’s what it was: Someone was stalking his fox. Whoever it is, will regret it. I will keep watch over Kurama and when I catch him, he won’t live to stalk anyone ever again.
“Hiei,” Kurama said. “Why do you not want Yukina to know the truth? I feel there’s more to it than because you are a criminal.”
Hiei smirked and shook his head. “You know me well; better than anyone could ever hope. I’ll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone, not even your mother.”
“Very well. I give you my word that none of what you tell me will pass my lips.”
“Okay,” Hiei said as the two settled on the grass. “It has to do with my Jagan…”
Karasu sat in an alley near the park. Kurama had glimpsed his hair again and he knew it frustrated Kurama that he could not pin down his stalker. He smirked; he was too fast to be spotted. This speed was far faster than what he had as a demon and as he had been quick before that was saying something.
I have tested my power and abilities and learned what I can and cannot do. I am ready to mentor another and turn my first target. Karasu put a hand into his coat to withdraw a test tube and uncorked it before tearing a wrist with his teeth and dripping blood into the tube. The wrist healed with minutes as he corked the tube and gazed at it in satisfaction. Soon Kurama, he thought. Soon you will be mine for eternity.
Chapter Four- The Dinner Date
Shiori was relieved when Kurama introduced Hiei. He was shorter than her son and his face definitely seemed cold despite the stoic look. She nonetheless said, “Welcome, Hiei. It’s a pleasure to meet you. I understand you’ve known Shuichi for quite some time.”
Hiei nodded. The woman seemed friendly enough, a trait she taught Kurama, no doubt. He followed his hosts to the dining room where dinner sat waiting for them. They sat and for a time there was silence as they filled their plates. Once they were filled, Shiori sipped some water before saying, “Hiei, please tell me about yourself.”
Hiei swallowed his bite of food before saying, “There’s not much to tell.”
“Not true,” Kurama said; to Shiori he added, “Hiei’s not very open when asked about his past or himself in general.”
Hiei huffed slightly and Shiori gave a small smile. “Well, I want to know about my future son-in-law so you will have to answer some questions.”
Hiei almost choked on his food. “Future what?” he sputtered.
“Son-in-law,” Kurama said. “When humans marry, their families are then related by marriage. The members of both families are referred to as in-laws.”
“I take it demons don’t marry?” Shiori asked.
“Most don’t,” Hiei answered. “And those that do don’t usually refer to the other’s family members as in-laws.”
“Would you consider marrying Shuichi?”
Hiei appeared thoughtful. “I’m…not sure,” he said slowly. “I would certainly consider him a mate. I suppose we could do both.”
“I agree,” Kurama put in.
Shiori nodded. “What kind of demon are you? Shuichi told me he’s a fox demon.”
“Fire demon,” Hiei said. “I can create fire and use them as attacks.” He smirked. “It’s ironic as Kurama controls plants.”
Kurama nodded as he reached into his hair, removed a seed, and used his energy to cause it to bloom into a rose. He held it out to her and she put it over an ear. She returned to her questioning. “Do you have a family?”
“That was…somewhat irritating,” Hiei grunted.
“Get used to it,” Kurama said as he brushed his hair. “I sense Mother’s not done asking questions.”
“No kidding. She wants me to spend the night and then talk in the morning.”
“I suspect she will want me to make myself scarce during that time.”
“Hn. Good night, Fox,” Hiei gave a kiss.
Kurama returned it. “Good night, Hiei.” Hiei left for the guest room and Kurama smiled. The questioning wasn’t that bad. Hiei did lie saying his family was dead, he admitted to having a Jagan when Shiori asked about his headband, and how he met Kurama. Kurama knew Shiori had more questions, but decided to end it for the night. I’m sure she’ll like him when she is done questioning him, he thought as he fell asleep.
It was several hours later when Karasu slowly slid the window up and slipped into Kurama’s room. He stood at the foot of the bed, admiring the sleeping form of his crush. He ran a tongue over his fangs. He longed to bite Kurama; a bite and the feeding of vampire blood would stop Kurama’s heart and give him the appearance of death. Kurama would awaken forty-eight hours later as a vampire. I will need to take a lock of his hair as the red will turn black when he awakens forty-eight hours later.
He stealthy crept up to Kurama’s side, his shadow falling across the sleeping body. Kurama jerked awake, locked eyes with Karasu, and opened his mouth to scream. The vampire slapped a hand over it to muffle it.
“I told you I would be revived,” he whispered in his ear. “I promised I would come after you. I have been revived as a vampire and now I am ready to give you this lifestyle. You will fall into a coma for forty-eight hours that will be mistaken for death. I will fetch you shortly before you awaken and teach you how to be a vampire.” Karasu then sank his fangs into Kurama’s neck and proceeded to drink some of his blood. He felt Kurama weaken, withdrew, and used his teeth to open the tube before removing his hand from Kurama’s mouth, and pouring the blood down the throat.
Kurama gasped as he felt his heart stop. The life light faded from his eyes as they closed. His skin paled as he stopped breathing. Karasu smiled as he laid the body down before taking a knife and cutting a small lock of hair off before leaving, closing the window behind him.
The sun poured through the window and onto Hiei’s face, waking the fire demon. He blinked against the light, putting a hand up to block it. He then rubbed his eyes as he got out of bed and he heard Shiori walk by. She will be questioning him once they were alone and sighed. Maybe I should tell her everything. Hn, Kurama’s rubbing off on me.
“Shuichi! Shuichi!” Shiori screamed, making Hiei jump before racing toward the screams to see Shiori shaking the boy whose skin was death pale.
Hiei went to Kurama’s other side and felt for a pulse; there was none. No, he thought. He pulled back a lid to see a blank lifeless green eye; furthermore he felt no breath against his cheek. He jerked back stunned as Shiori ran to call for an ambulance. It can’t be, he thought. Kurama’s dead. A tear slid down his cheek and clattered to the floor as a Hiruseki stone the same color as Yukina’s.
“Heart attack,” Hiei repeated in a daze as he sat on a park bench with Yusuke and Kuwabara. “He had a heart attack and died in his sleep.”
“That’s not possible,” Yusuke said. “There’s no way Kurama would have a heart attack. You didn’t sense his ghost?”
Hiei shook his head. “Kurama had his room warded against ghosts. So it’s likely his ghost was expelled from the room upon emerging.” He sighed as he got up. “The wake’s tonight and the funeral’s tomorrow.” He raced off, blinking away tears. He was normally an emotionless demon but loving Kurama and then losing him brought out a pain that hurt. He doubted if he would ever recover from the loss.
The wake was one of the hardest things Hiei’s ever done. He sat beside Shiori hardly acknowledging the guests that came to give their condolences. Tears streaked Shiori’s cheeks as she gazed blankly forward while Hiei looked down. He thought of how he had put his Hiruseki stone on a cord and put it around Kurama’s neck and tucked it under the black suit the body wore. He felt his love deserved the first tear he ever shed; he was sure he would shed others later in life. The one bright spot is that if Karasu has been revived, Kurama has evaded him again and will be forever out of his reach.
Karasu perched on a roof nearby, watching the wake. Kurama was obviously well-known and well-loved. He spied groups of girls sobbing and some boys shedding silent tears alone. He smirked at the sad, somber scene. He alone knew that Kurama wasn’t dead. The boy was in a coma, undergoing his transformation into a vampire.
It didn’t take me very long as my body was already dead; my ghost simply needed to be returned to the flesh through the ritual that Sensui performed. He continued to watch the wake, but his mind was already thinking ahead. The funeral will take place tomorrow and the casket will be moved to the place where the body will be cremated. That is where I will retrieve Kurama and put a newly drained corpse in his place. I will take him to where I sleep and exist and wait for him to awaken. But first, I need to preserve this lock of hair I took. Karasu stood, leaped into the air, became a bat again, and flew off while the sobs and moans of the mourners continued on below him.
Chapter Five- Reborn
Kurama’s eyes flew open and he sat up, gasping and coughing as air filled his lungs. He panted as he struggled to recall his last memories. Pain, feeling weak, Karasu! His thoughts clicked into place and he looked around to see a dark place that he nonetheless saw clearly. It was a depressing yet livable room with glassless windows. He was lying on a four-poster canopy bed and saw he was wearing a black suit. He looked left before looking right and into Karasu’s eyes. He gasped and slid away from him.
“Welcome back, Kurama,” Karasu said. “Tonight is the beginning of your immortal existence.”
Kurama glared at him as he hopped off the other side of the bed only to find Karasu in his face. He gasped, turned, and saw Karasu gain. “Get away,” he said through gritted teeth.
Karasu smiled in amusement. “You have a lot to learn about vampires and I will gladly mentor you.”
“I believe I will discover them myself. You have made a grave mistake. Now that I know where you dwell, I will inform Hiei and he will dispose of you.”
“You could, but he may take you for a ghost or a stranger. Remember I said your coma would be mistaken for death? Everyone who knows you believes you are dead.”
“You mentioned Hiei mistaking me for a stranger. Why?”
“Look.” Karasu held up some of Kurama’s hair.
Kurama gasped. His red hair had gone black! He also noticed that his skin was death pale and he had small claws on his fingers. His tongue brushed against the slightly longer fangs as he turned from Karasu. I’m now a vampire and everyone believes I’m dead.
“I will say it again,” Kurama said. “I will discover my abilities on my own. My mother will not care that I am a vampire; she will still love me.”
“Very well, then. Go back to your mother. Let me just say this: You must drink blood at least once a day.”
Kurama slowly backed up to a window, wary of a trick on Karasu’s part, but he simply stood there, arms folded. He glanced back, saw a two-story drop, turned, and leaped down. He landed lightly on his feet and fled the house, taking note of where it was. He ran several blocks before stopping, breathing steadily despite having run a considerable distance.
Makes sense as vampires are just reanimated corpses: The undead. My heart no longer beats and I must drink blood in order to exist. No doubt Karasu has been draining humans. I cannot and will not. He heard a shuffling and turned to see an alley cat. He slowly approached the creature, deciding it would do for his blood meal. He crouched down and held out his hand to coax the cat. The cat came closer and Kurama struck, seizing it, and sinking his fangs into it to begin drinking.
Karasu sat on the windowsill and gazed out into the night, occasionally swatting insects out of existence. He thought about Kurama and their little conversation. I should have anticipated that he would want to distance himself from me. After all, I am the one who turned him and he despises me. He will likely try to drink animal blood: I tested that after draining a human. It was disgusting and it burned. I know there’s a blood bank and Kurama will likely go there for blood. Once he drinks, his supernatural abilities will unlock: The super speed, the high jumps, and turning into a bat. He will suspect that sunlight is harmless as he will deduce that I’ve been following him.
Hmm, I wonder if I can drink demon blood. I’ve glimpsed weak demons fliting about. I think I will test that now as I have already fed earlier today to replace Kurama’s body with another body. Karasu took to the air in search of a demon victim.
Kurama sighed contently as he capped the bag he drank from; one of two he stole. That had been so much better than the cat blood. Well as vampires used to be humans, it makes sense that only human blood will suffice. Kurama gazed out of his alley at the almost deserted street. Most people were asleep as it was about three in the morning. I could slip into my room and sleep there. When Mother returns home, I will jump out the window and ring the doorbell. I’ll explain everything and she’ll still love me. He smiled at this plan and sped for home far faster than he had before. Whoa. I’m as fast as Karasu now. Is it because I drank blood just now? Hmm, I wonder what else I can do. I will spend time over the next couple of days to find out.
He climbed up the tree to his room, slid open the window, got in, and collapsed gratefully on his bed. He laid there to take in recent events. Karasu had come into his room two nights ago, bit him, and fed him vampire blood. The combination of bite and blood made his heart stop and sent him into a death-like coma. He had awakened hours ago as a vampire and told that everyone believes he’s dead, thanks to the coma. Karasu clearly thought I would accept his assistance in being a vampire. I do not need his help; I usually operate best on my own. Kurama continued to dwell on the attack and how he gradually became a vampire during his coma. He obviously didn’t want to be a vampire and knew that if he wanted to cease this way of life he would have to truly die.
What would kill me? I know sunlight will not work as Karasu has been following me during the day. Silver, perhaps? A cross? A stake? Possibly. Fire? Yes, that could work and I happen to have a fire demon for a boyfriend. If I ask, Hiei may use his fire to kill me. It’s possible he will refuse, but I will still ask as I wish to die. Kurama’s eyes slid shut and he fell asleep as the sun rose.
He awoke to the sound of a door opening. He checked the clock and saw it was afternoon. He rolled out of bed, took out his bag of blood, and drank some before going over to his vanity. He smiled at seeing he had a reflection before gazing at his image. His hair was long and black which accented his pale skin as did the suit. His green eyes were still an emerald color and when he opened his mouth, his fangs were clearly noticeable. He grabbed his brush and ran it through his hair before stowing his bag into the inside pocket of his jacket, going out the window, and going around to the front door. He slowly exhaled before ringing the bell.
He heard footsteps behind the wooden door before the lock clicked, and the door opened. Shiori stood there, stared, and her mouth fell open. “Shuichi?” she whispered, astonished.
“Hello, Mother,” he whispered also.
She stepped aside to let him in and once she closed the door, she hugged him. “Shuichi! You’re alive! How is this possible? You were clearly dead and why is your hair black?”
“I can explain. A demon who I fought and killed was revived as a vampire. Three days ago, he bit me and fed me vampire blood which stopped my heart and sent me into a coma that looked like death for forty-eight hours. I awoke last night as a vampire and I’m guessing that is why my hair is black.”
Shiori took a step back. “You’re a…vampire now?” she gasped, voice trembling.
Kurama nodded. “I do not like what I have become. I would rather be truly dead.”
“Then do it,” Shiori said, her voice now cold.
“Do it. Kill yourself. You are not really my son anymore. The Shuichi I knew is dead. Get out, vampire.” Shiori pointed forcefully at the door behind him.
“Mother,” he whispered, stunned.
“I am not your mother anymore. You are a stranger to me. Get out, now.” She opened the door, pointed outside, and once Kurama had stepped out, she slammed the door behind him, the lock clicking into place.
Chapter Six- Learning
Kurama stood there in shock. His mother didn’t accept him or love him. She accepted me when I told her I was a demon, but won’t do the same now that I’m a vampire. He stifled a sob. Maybe I should kill myself. My mother has rejected me and I can almost feel my dead heart breaking. Kurama raced for the park, certain that Hiei was there. He would tell Hiei he was a vampire and ask to be killed. He headed for Hiei’s favorite tree but didn’t smell Hiei’s scent. He sat under it deciding the wait for his boyfriend. He loosened his collar and his fingers brushed against a cord. He lifted it out of his shirt and gasped at the stone attached to the cord.
A Hiruseki stone!? Did Hiei give this to me when I ‘died’? Did he possibly shed this himself? Kurama gazed at the stone cupped in his palm and was so caught up in it that he almost missed Hiei’s scent above him. He tucked the stone back under before looking up at the fire demon who eyes were wide. “Hi, Hiei. Do me a favor and kill me.”
Hiei dropped down beside Kurama, disbelief evident on his face. “Kurama? No, you’re dead. I saw it.”
Kurama shook his head. “I was not technically dead. Karasu bit me and poured vampire blood down my throat as he was revived as a vampire. I went into a forty-eight hour coma and woke up last night as a vampire. I went to see Mother a couple of hours ago, explained everything, and she rejected me. I mentioned to her wanting to be dead and she said I should.”
“Is that why your hair’s black? Because you’re a vampire?”
“I imagine so. Please kill me, Hiei. I do not know what will work, but surely fire will.”
“Have you killed anyone?” he asked.
“No, but it is only a matter of time before I do. Please.”
“Hn, all right.” He stood as did Kurama and they moved where no trees would be harmed. Hiei backed up and then fired a mass of fire at Kurama who stood there, head tilted up, and eyes closed. He felt the heat of the fire wash over his body, the flames licking at him. Yes. Soon, I will be gone, actual ashes. He waited to lose consciousness as he really, truly died.
“What!?” Hiei exclaimed, confused.
Kurama opened his eyes to see he was completely unharmed; even his clothes were uncharred. “What happened? I felt the heat and the flames.”
“I know. It was a direct hit, but they just passed right through you.”
“Perhaps normal fire does not work. Try the Darkness Flame. That should do it.”
“Let me something else first,” Hiei said before charging forward, drawing his sword, and stabbing toward Kurama’s head where the brain was.
Kurama felt the sword hit and heard Hiei’s curse before the sword was pulled out. “Same result, Hiei?”
“Went right through you.” Hiei sheathed the sword, went up to Kurama and was able to hold his arm. “I can touch you, but I can’t harm you. That is strange.”
“So, you cannot kill me?”
“It seems that way. Kurama, I hate to say it, but ask Karasu about weaknesses. Once you have the answers, find me, and I’ll help you die.”
“You have a point. Meet me here after sunset tomorrow and I will share what I learned.” He raced off in the blink of an eye and Hiei raised an eyebrow in surprise. He’s much faster than before. Hn, perhaps I could persuade Kurama to live. He still has his humanity.
Karasu sniffed as a scent like dying roses greeted his nose. Hmm, my student returns. He looked up from the bed to see Kurama leap onto the windowsill and enter. “What happened to staying with Mother?”
“She…rejected me. However, Hiei is still my friend.”
“Not a surprise. Humans fear us as we drink their blood. I found out last night that demon blood is just as good. Perhaps as I was a demon, I can drink their blood.”
“I see, but I only plan to drink from the blood bank. I still have my humanity.”
“Of course. You awoke less than twenty-four hours ago. Now, is there a reason that you have returned?”
Kurama sat on the bed. “I have decided I rather learn about being a vampire from you than on my own.”
Karasu smirked. “I’m glad you came to that decision. I learned a couple of things you wouldn’t have learned alone. One is that once you have consumed some blood, your supernatural abilities will be unlocked.”
“Super speed, for example?”
“Ah, so you’ve discovered that one. Yes, we can move faster than humans or demons. I found that we can jump higher, much more than two stories. The last one is turning into a bat.”
“A bat. So, we can fly as bats.”
“Oh, yes. I imagine it helps in making an escape. No one would think or look twice at a bat, especially at night which is the only time I use it.” Karasu stood, gave a small jump, and instantly became a bat who fluttered in mid-air. An instant later, Karasu reappeared.
“As I am certain you already know, vampires have no energy or scent. You still have a lingering scent that will evaporate once the sun has set.”
“I still have a scent?”
“Yes; like dying roses. Quite appropriate, to be honest.” Karasu went right up to Kurama, leaned down, and began kissing him. Kurama jerked back.
“Do that again, Karasu, and I will kill you.”
Karasu chuckled. “Dear Kurama, we cannot be killed. Any attack will just go through us.”
Kurama stared at him, hardly believing his ears. “We cannot be killed?” he repeated faintly.
“Correct.” He smirked in a smug manner.
Kurama saw the expression and wanted to wipe it off his face. He leaped upwards off the bed, seized Karasu’s shoulders, and lunged toward the neck with the intention of sucking him dry. Instead, he felt his fangs pass through Karasu.
Karasu seized Kurama’s hands and held the shorter vampire off the ground. “I told you any attack will pass through. We cannot die or be killed.”
“All right. I believe you.”
Karasu set him down. “Good. Now, I assume you have had blood today?”
“I have, but what would happen if I did not?”
“You would go on an uncontrollable blood frenzy for several hours, drinking every human or demon you come across.”
Kurama swallowed hard. “That sounds scary and would draw undue attention to us.”
“Precisely.” He smiled as Kurama smothered a yawn. “You are welcome to stay here and rest a bit. I chose this house as it has furnishings that were abandoned. This room belongs to you.”
“Thank you, Karasu. I appreciate the offer.”
“Of course and once you have rested, perhaps we can go flying. I know you will enjoy it.” Karasu left the room and Kurama settled on the bed to, once again, reflect on the day. Mother has rejected me most likely because she fears I would attack her. Hiei does not fear me, but was reluctant to kill me until I pointed out that I would end up draining people. He ended up agreeing only his attempts failed. Karasu shared a lot of things about vampires, revealing that we cannot be killed. That is not good; I am truly immortal and will roam this world forever. Tears welled up and spilled over as he drifted to sleep. He was trapped in his undead body and was staying with a vampire who clearly had strong feelings for him as those kisses would testify. But I do not return those sentiments. Hiei loves me and I do not see him stopping that anytime soon.
Chapter Seven- The Tunnel
Kurama flapped his wings as he flew above the city. Despite a bat’s poor eyesight, he saw everything clearly and could only chalk it up to being a vampire. His sense of smell was no different as a bat; he could still smell the blood of the living below him. This is amazing, he thought. It almost makes being a vampire worth it.
Kurama blinked at the voice in his head. “Karasu?”<
“Well, what a surprise. It seems we can communicate telepathically, at least in bat form. I would be willing to test that when we take our true forms. What say you?”
“Agreed. So, did you hear my thoughts earlier?”
“I did and you are correct. It is amazing. You still do not like being a vampire.”
“No and I doubt I ever will.”
“Perhaps, but as the centuries go by, you will like being one.”
Kurama was silent. He was sure Karasu was right, but at this point in time, he detested what he was and didn’t see anything that would make it better…except if his mother accepted him.
Karasu glanced sideways at Kurama. He looked good as a bat despite looking like any other bat and he felt his love for him grow. He longed to make love to the vampire, but knew Kurama would fight him if he attempted that. Kurama had only returned as he needed a safe place to rest and information from him. He still clings to his humanity and his friends. If his friends were to turn on him, he would turn to me for comfort.
Kurama ditched the empty bag in the trash can and sat under Hiei’s tree. He had drained his bag yesterday and started on the second one before leaving the house. Perhaps, I should consider it my home. I will need to sneak into my room to grab some essentials. He caught Hiei’s scent before the fire demon dropped down and gave him a kiss.
“Hello to you too,” he quipped.
Hiei smirked. “Even as a vampire, you’re still attractive. So, is there a way to die?”
Kurama shook his head. “We cannot die or be killed. I am a prisoner in this body.”
Hiei put a hand on his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I wish there was a way and even if there was, I wouldn’t help you. I do not want you to go yet.”
“I understand. I have learned a great deal from Karasu in any event. I unlocked some unique abilities after consuming some blood. The super speed, for one. I can also jump higher than before, and I can turn into a bat.”
“A bat? So you can fly?”
“Yes and I found that Karasu and I have a telepathy as bats. We tried as vampires, but nothing happened.”
“Sounds like you enjoy flying which isn’t a surprise. I would love to fly.”
“I wouldn’t mind having these abilities if I did not have to drink blood.”
“Wouldn’t you die if you don’t drink?”
“I wish that was the case. If I don’t feed every day, I would go on an uncontrollable blood frenzy for several hours, attacking every human or demon I come across.” Kurama shuddered.
“Demon? You can drink demon blood, too?” Hiei asked, apprehensive.
“It appears so; Karasu tested it. Do not worry, Hiei. I plan to get my blood from the blood bank.”
“Good. I would hate it if you attacked me or humans for that matter.”
“I do not see myself doing that.”
Kurama clung beside his bedroom window, using his claws to do so. He eased it open, slipped in, and quietly went to his closet where he pulled out his suitcase and a couple of overnight bags. He began putting clothes and shoes in the case while he put his toiletries and anything else he wanted in the bags. Once they were all full, he slipped out onto the tree, gently closed the window, and headed for his new home. He put his clothes and shoes in the closet and set his possessions in their proper place before lying back on the bed, satisfied. If I forgot something, I can just go back and get them as I did retrieve my key should Mother lock my window.
Karasu licked his lips as he dropped the corpse of his latest victim. He loved being a vampire and drinking blood. He couldn’t be killed and couldn’t die. He would live for eternity and best of all, so would Kurama. He saw a future where they would feed on humans and demons alike and make passionate love to each other.
Of course, for that to happen, he needs to be rejected by his friends. When they do that, he will discard his humanity, attack people, and will accept my sentiments for him. Hmm, I believe I can manipulate those circumstances. I know Kurama’s mother has rejected him. If I can make it look as if Kurama attacked her out of revenge or if he shows no remorse over her death, his friends would sever ties with him. But first, Kurama must attack and drain someone. Heh, I hope a demon tries to attack him. Kurama will not stand for an attack, even though it will go through him.
Kurama leaned against Hiei’s tree with said demon between his legs, his head on the vampire’s chest. He watched as demon insects flitted by and frowned. “I have never seen such a swarm of insects. This is not natural.”
Hiei grunted. “It’s not. I didn’t tell you; supposedly someone is building a tunnel between Human World and Demon World.”
Kurama gasped in horror. “No! They cannot! It would be Armageddon if the tunnel is complete!”
“It doesn’t concern me,” Hiei said. “This isn’t my world and it shouldn’t concern you either. You can’t die and demon blood will sustain you as well as human blood and you won’t have to drain them.” Hiei smirked. “The demons that come here would fear you and respect you.”
Kurama shook his head. “I am sorry, Hiei but this is my world and I still have my humanity. I guess Yusuke and Kuwabara are on the case to stop the one behind the tunnel.”
“Yes and speaking of them, I told them about you being a vampire and are drinking from the blood bank.”
“They are okay with that?”
“Not exactly, but they know you won’t attack anyone and they don’t love you like I do.”
Kurama smiled as he nuzzled Hiei’s hair. “I love you too and I could never attack anyone.” Kurama saw a weak demon flit by and said softly, “I saw a weak demon, just now.”
“The tunnel must by growing if weak ones are showing up. They sense I’m a strong demon and won’t bother me. They may try to attack you as they can’t sense any energy from you and you look human since you’re not baring fangs right now.”
Hiei’s right, Kurama thought as he walked home. Demons do not see me as a vampire; they see an unusually pale human. They would learn differently if they tried to attack me. But they are few and far in-between and so not a concern for me. However, they threaten the existence of the human race and I should do my part to protect them. After all, they are the reason why I have a blood bank to raid. Hmm. I should probably stop there and take some bags. I will do that another time as my current supply is sufficient for now.
“Yes.” Karasu nodded. “A tunnel is indeed being made. The one behind it is the one who revived me.”
“I find the idea horrifying. Humans are the reason I have a blood bank to visit. I intend to protect them the best I can.”
“Of course you do.” Personally, Karasu thought Kurama was just preventing the inevitable: Demons would flood the world and the humans would die. And we will drain the demons, he thought.
Chapter Eight- Blood Kills
Kurama tossed the empty bag in a trash can on his way to the blood bank. It had been two days since Hiei mentioned the tunnel. The number of insects had decreased but the number of demons had increased. Hiei said that the steps to tunnel completion was done in stages; four to be precise. The demons I’ve spotted are indicators that the tunnel is a stage three. The Kekkai barrier is keeping the stronger ones from using the tunnel, but the weaker ones are enough to cause trouble. I will not allow them to slaughter helpless humans if I can stop them. I have my claws and a knife I have procured from Karasu who drained a mugger who had owned it. I cannot be harmed so I have nothing to fear.
A long terrified scream made Kurama jump slightly. He raced toward the sound to an alley where a woman was cornered by a hulking demon. The sight of the woman’s terrified face angered Kurama. "Leave her alone!” he ordered. The demon spun around and a confident smile appeared on his face. “You think I’ll listen to you, human?”
“You should or you will regret it.”
The demon advanced toward Kurama who saw the woman dart down another alley that was too narrow for her tormentor. Good. I can admit my nature and not frighten her more. He stood his ground as he said, “I advise you to back off. You see, I am a vampire who can drink demon blood as well as human.”
The demon snorted. “A vampire? I doubt that. I don’t believe in such human myths.”
“I am no myth.” Kurama bared his fangs and brandished his claws. His show of intimidation had no effect on the demon. He laughed.
“You call those claws?” he sneered. “Let me show you real claws.” He swung an arm with a hand showing long claws at Kurama who zipped out of the way as if the demon was moving in slow motion. The demon lashed out again and again but Kurama dodged each one. He sidestepped another strike and then gasped as he felt claws go through his stomach. It didn’t hurt; it just surprised him.
“What the hell?” the demon spat as he yanked his claws back.
Kurama glared at him, anger bubbling up within him. It was one thing when Hiei attacked him as he had asked and Hiei was his boyfriend, but this demon had no right to attack him. He hissed as he bared his fangs. He leaped up at the demon, sank his fangs into the neck and began to drink. He sucked contently and found he liked the feel of his fangs buried in someone’s neck. He continued to drink until he had sucked up every last drop before easing off the corpse that had fallen to his knees as his blood was being drained away.
Kurama licked his fangs and lips. That was so good. If I had known how great it was sinking my fangs into someone, I would have done it from the beginning. He heard the sound of approaching police sirens, took bat form, and flew away from the scene. He found he didn’t want to visit the blood bank. He had made his first successful kill and liked it- a lot.
Karasu looked up as a bat flew into the living room and turned into Kurama who seemed quite happy. The short vampire flashed his fangs in a proud smile as he sat down. “Karasu,” he stated flatly. “I just made my first kill.”
“Have you now?”
Kurama nodded. “I came across a demon terrorizing a woman. I stepped in to save her. She escaped while I kept the demon occupied. I got angry when he attacked me; put his claws through my stomach. I leaped upon him and drained him.”
Karasu grinned as the tale ended. “You attacked out of self-defense and a desire to protect the woman. Still, a kill’s a kill.”
“Indeed. I enjoyed attacking and killing. I liked the feel of my fangs in someone’s neck.”
“Ah, so now you appreciate the gift I have given you.”
“Yes. I still dislike you, but I am grateful to be a vampire.”
Karasu returned to the book he had put aside earlier.
Kurama released the body of a man and grinned in pleasure. He felt no guilt in draining the man. He had reflected on last night’s kill after reporting it to Karasu. Yes, it had been self-defense but the point was that he had used his fangs to get blood for the first time since attacking that cat. He had gained satisfaction in getting the blood from the source; fresh blood as it were. Now that I have drained two of their blood, I cannot go back to drinking from bags. I am now a real vampire. I will have to keep it a secret from Hiei as he would not understand why I am attacking now.
“Karasu is becoming blood thirsty,” Hiei commented an hour after Kurama’s kill. The two had been sitting quietly enjoying each other’s company.
“Is he? We do not interact much, not since the night he shared information on abilities and lack of weaknesses.”
“I can handle one dead human or demon a day, but two? That is not necessary and if I could kill him, I would.”
Kurama was silent. He knew Karasu wasn’t draining two victims but chose not to correct Hiei; best to let him think Kurama was a good vampire, lest he lose his boyfriend. I do not know what I would do if he turned on me.
“Yes, that is a worry,” Karasu said slowly from the couch. “Believe me, Kurama, if your friends ever reject you, I will be here for you.”
“Of course you will. You alone know how satisfying it is to kill for blood.”
“I certainly do.”
Kurama saw sympathy and understanding in Karasu’s eyes and felt good that someone knew how he felt at killing. He then felt a desire to kiss Karasu. He knew that Karasu wouldn’t reject the move as he had kissed Kurama days ago. Karasu cocked an eyebrow. “Kurama? You are staring.” Kurama slid closer and leaned forward, capturing Karasu’s lips in an unloving but needy kiss. Kurama found he actually liked this kiss with Karasu as opposed to the ones Karasu had initiated.
They parted and Karasu stared at Kurama in surprise. “Wow,” he breathed. “Where did that come from?”
“I needed some grounding and I was seeking comfort that I made the right choice to kill.”
Karasu took Kurama in a secure hug. “You are a vampire and we drink blood; if it means killing our victims, so be it. Best of all, we will never die and never age.”
“Never age,” Kurama repeated. “That sounds wonderful.”
“It is wonderful. How about we go flying? It is dark outside now.”
Kurama smiled. “I would love to. I enjoy flying.”
“I do too.” Both vampires jumped, changed into bats, and flew out the window.
Kurama swooped, dove, zigged, zagged, and moved as fast as he could go. He felt so free in the air and a part of him wanted to stay in bat form. He denied that part; he was vampire and had to feed on humans and demons; it would be difficult to do so in bat form.
Karasu watched Kurama swoop around and would have smiled if he could. Kurama was coming around to thinking like him when it came to being a true vampire. I am sure that if I kill his mother tomorrow, he won’t care and if he expresses that sentiment to his friends, they’ll reject him and I will be able to love him as I want.
Chapter Nine- New Relationship
Karasu flew out to Kurama’s house at dusk, returned to true form outside Kurama’s old room, and slid open the window. He crept in quietly and opened the door. He sniffed the air and smelled blood downstairs. He glided silently down the stairs and stalked to the kitchen where the woman was cooking at the stove. She turned to begin the next preparation step and gasped at seeing she wasn’t alone.
Karasu stared at Shiori with contempt. “How dare you push Kurama away. He would not have harmed you; still love you. But since you did not accept him, you have forfeited your life.” Karasu seized Shiori, bit into her neck, and sucked her dry. He then took her body and dumped in the back before becoming a bat again and flying away. Perhaps Kurama and I can move into his old house and live rather comfortably for a time.
Kurama was with Hiei, each silent with his own thoughts and enjoying the peace of the night. “Hiei,” Kurama finally said. “I’m thinking of sleeping during the day and being awake all night.”
“I have no problem with that. I’m more of a night person myself.”
Both demon and vampire looked to see Yusuke and Kuwabara coming up to them and stood. “What is it, Yusuke?” Kurama asked. “Is it the tunnel?”
“No, this is something else.” Yusuke took a deep breath. “Kurama…your mother’s dead.”
Kurama didn’t react at first, but then blinked. “I see,” he said at last.
“Look man, I’m sorry,” Yusuke said.
“It is all right. I am fine,” Kurama said flatly.
“Fine?” Yusuke echoed. “Kurama, I know she rejected you, but she was your mother.”
“I do not care.”
“Kurama, what’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing is wrong. I simply have awakened to being an actual vampire. I drink blood and I am getting it by attacking.”
There were gasps from the others and Hiei zipped over to the humans. “Kurama, you’ve been killing humans and demons lately?” he asked.
“I have. I am a vampire and that is what vampires do.”
Hiei scowled. “Kurama, I cannot be involved with a vampire who could suddenly suck my blood at any moment.”
Kurama scowled back. “Fine,” he snapped. “Then we are through and I do not need any of you.” He took his bat form and flew away in the direction of his home. He entered his room, returned to normal, and growled to himself. His friends had indeed turned on him and Hiei had broken up with him. I can only count on Karasu now. He alone knows how much I love being a vampire.
Kurama left his room and searched the house, finding his sire in the living room. He looked up from his book as the teenager entered, his green eyes sparking with fury and sadness.
“It has happened, hasn’t it?” he asked. “Your friends have turned on you.”
“Yes. I am guessing you killed Mother. Yusuke told me she was dead. I honestly do not care that she is gone or how she died.”
“I did kill her. Her rejection of you angered me. You truly do not care that she is dead?”
“Correct. I…also feel something akin to love toward you. This attraction has been growing since my second kill and now that my friends have rejected me, I find that I would readily accept your affections and desires.”
Karasu flashed his fangs in a seductive smile as he stood, went up to Kurama, put his arms around Kurama’s waist, and leaned down to capture Kurama’s lips in a passionate kiss. Kurama put his arms around Karasu’s neck and eagerly returned the kiss, parting his lips when Karasu ran his tongue across them. His tongue ran along the inside of Kurama’s mouth, over the tongue, and caressed the fangs.
Kurama felt Karasu’s tongue retreat and quickly darted his tongue into Karasu’s mouth to explore it and caress the fangs. He heard and felt Karasu moan as he ran his tongue over the fangs, the ones that gave him his undead lifestyle. He felt his attraction for the vampire grow and hoped Karasu would feel sexually aroused by his caresses.
Karasu had been surprised when Kurama’s tongue had followed his when he pulled back. He must have enjoyed my exploration and wanted to return the favor. He moaned into Kurama’s mouth as the tongue explored his mouth, tongue, and fangs. Oh, this is good. I had no idea how passionate Kurama could be. I could have my way with him and he would accept it eagerly. Kurama pulled out and the two of them gazed into one another’s eyes. “Kurama,” he whispered. “Please be my undead mate.”
“Yes, Karasu,” Kurama whispered. “I will be your mate now and forever. I love you deeply now.”
“Wonderful.” Karasu ran his hand through Kurama’s dark hair; it had become silky and undamaged when he turned and Karasu delighted in the feel of it. He felt Kurama running his fingers over his hair and the soft smile on Kurama’s face told him that he enjoyed the feel of Karasu’s hair.
“Mm, Karasu. I am curious. Are we still sexually functional despite our bodies being dead?”
“Oh, yes my dear Kurama. We are undead beings, but we can be passionate and sexual just like the living.” He looked at Kurama to see interest in his green eyes. “Ah, I see.” Karasu smiled as he lifted the black shirt off Kurama’s body before shedding his coat and shirt. He pressed his pale chest against Kurama’s own and started kissing Kurama’s neck and nibbling it with his fangs. He heard Kurama moan in delight and kept kissing the neck before sliding his tongue across it and suckling the wet skin causing Kurama to moan louder. He is really enjoying this. I do not blame him. I find this enjoyable as well. I certainly hope he returns the favor. He ceased his teases to see what would happen. He gasped as he felt Kurama’s lips moving across his skin.
Kurama moaned as Karasu kissed, nibbled, licked, and suckled his neck. It was simply exquisite, he had no idea that Karasu could be so arousing. He felt Karasu stop and decided to have a turn to please his new mate. He ran a trail of kisses along the neck, nibbled the earlobe with his fangs, and licked and suckled the neck. He heard Karasu moan, soft at first but then louder and louder, making it clear that he was being aroused as well.
Within minutes, both had stripped down to nothing and were taking turns in pleasing each other and being pleasured. Karasu found that he preferred being on top and controlling the relationship. He was reluctant to give up the dominant spot, but was soon savoring the bottom place as Kurama aggressively thrusted into him. The cries of ecstasy echoed through the house as they fired into each other during their turn on top.
Kurama screamed, “Karasu!” as he climaxed one last time before tumbling off the taller vampire and snuggling up beside him.
Karasu smiled in exhaustion as he pulled Kurama closer. “This has been a good night,” he whispered in his ear. “Let’s do this again tomorrow night after feeding.”
“Agreed,” Kurama yawned as he fell asleep against Karasu, looking forward to tomorrow’s sexual encounter and spending eternity with his mate.