Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron: Legendary Defender. This takes place after the episode “The Blade of Marmora” and an AU where Ulaz, Thace, and Antok did not die.
Chapter One- Heritage
Keith was stunned as he safely flew Red from Blade headquarters to the castle. He had Galra blood in him? He was part of the race they were fighting? It would seem I am. The only way my knife would awaken was if I had Galra blood in my veins. It had to be my mother as Dad was all human…I think. He certainly looked human.
Shiro hailed the castle to let them know they were okay and would be bringing visitors. He then looked at the silent Keith. The Red Paladin had fallen into a contemplative silence and Shiro left him to it. It was a rather shocking revelation. Keith had believed he was human only to learn that he was part Galra. He felt that Keith was fortunate that he looked completely human; if he hadn’t, he would have been shipped off to a government facility and likely dissected and studied. My life would be a lot different without Keith and I should let him know that this revelation changes nothing between us. He is still the Red Paladin and my friend. However, the news may not sit well with Allura.
The Galra Empire had destroyed her planet and eliminated her race, leaving her and Coran the only Alteans left in the galaxy. The princess certainly nursed a grudge and viewed all Galra as deceitful and evil as well as the enemy.
Humans are no different in viewing one group or another as the enemy. But, for most part, we don’t consider our entire race as deceitful or evil. I am certain that the Blades of Marmora are good. They too fight Zarkon and the empire. They would be useful allies in our fight.
Allura may not take the news of Keith’s heritage well at all. There will be no getting around it as I’m sure Red’s actions registered on the castle’s sensors. Everyone knows that Red would only act that way because Keith was in danger. Allura and the others will want to know what danger Keith had been in to worry Red.
Both lion and Blade ship landed in Red’s hangar and Ulaz and Kolivan disembarked, the latter kneeling before Allura and expressing his hope that they can work together. He also spoke of how good it was that Allura survived the unfortunate destruction of her planet and race.
“I’m sure,” she said flatly. “Perhaps, you can tell us what danger Keith was in. Red Lion is protective of her Paladin and will take action of her own accord if she feels he’s in trouble.”
Ulaz and Kolivan exchanged looks as the latter stood. “Ah,” he said. “That explains it. Your Paladin was found in possession of one of our blades and he claimed that he’s had it for as long as he can remember. He wanted to prove this by taking the Trials of Marmora. When one’s blade awakens, they has passed.” Kolivan gave Keith an admiring look but Keith did not see this as he was looking elsewhere. “He awakened his when he was willing to give up his weapon. The puzzling part is that the awakening of the blade indicates that one has Galra blood.”
The last statement was met with silence and Allura, Coran, and the Garrison Trio stared at Keith who avoided their looks by continuing to look at something else. “Galra?” Lance finally said. “Our Keith is part Galra?”
“Based on the results of the Trials, yes he is.”
Shiro carefully watched Allura to see how she was taking this. Her eyes were wide with shock but when they focused on Keith, they narrowed in what Shiro would call suspicion. I was right, he thought as everyone headed to the bridge. She doesn’t trust him anymore. She probably thinks he hid this from her on purpose, which I know isn’t true. This is just as much a surprise to him. I know that Keith had just his dad so it’s possible that his mom is Galra, which would make Keith half-Galra, not part Galra. I’m sure she had her reasons for leaving…and maybe left the blade for Keith!
Shiro set these thoughts aside as the group pondered how to defeat Zarkon for good. It was a long period with Shiro keeping an eye on Keith and Allura, the former not looking at anyone and the latter eyeing him suspiciously. At long last, a plan was put together. They would infect Zarkon’s ship with a virus and while it was down, a giant Teludav would suck it in courtesy of a wormhole Allura would open and it would send Zarkon a long way away. Of course, to power a Teludav that big, they needed a lot of scaultrite more than they could get from a Space Mall. They also needed other allies to help in the plan. Keith and Hunk would collect scaultrite in Yellow Lion while Shiro, Pidge, and Lance in Blue Lion would free a prisoner of the Galra who was a Teludav expert while Coran and Allura would enlist help and visit the Balmera, respectively.
Shiro followed Keith as the group split up for their missions. “Keith,” he said, putting a hand on his shoulder and getting the teen to stop and face him. “Listen, it doesn’t matter to me if you’re part Galra. It changes nothing between us.”
“Thanks. I appreciate that now that Allura hates me.”
“I sensed that too.”
“It’s not fair, though. I didn’t know I had Galra blood. It’s not like I was hiding it.”
“Of course not. I was thinking about your knife. It’s possible that your mom is Galra and part of the Blades of Marmora, yes?”
“It is possible and it would explain how I got the knife and why she couldn’t stay. Perhaps I could ask Kolivan after Hunk and I get back.”
“Good idea.” The Blade leader had elected to stay on the castle ship to look after the Blades’ interests. The two Paladins split up to head for their respective missions.
Shiro and Pidge sat on the floor by the pilot’s seat while Lance flew Blue to their destination. “So,” Lance said after a lengthy silence. “Keith’s part Galra. Kind of explains a couple of things.”
“Does it?” Shiro asked sharply.
“Uh, yeah,” Lnace said. “I noticed that his fighting style is different from any one I’ve ever seen and known. I had thought that Keith had created a new style but now that I’ve thought about it, his style is closer to Galra than anything else.”
“That means nothing. Keith is still the same guy we’ve known.”
“There was another silence and then Lance asked, “Any idea how he got that knife?”
“I imagine a female Galra landed on Earth, met Keith’s dad, conceived Keith, and left the knife as an heirloom.”
“It doesn’t look very old.”
“It was probably well cared for,” Pidge spoke up. “I mean, that’s what I would have done.”
“It seems like Allura isn’t taking any of this well,” Lance noted.
“She’s not and it’s not hard to see why. She needs to get past her bigotry and realize that not all Galra are evil. Some are decent and do want to see Zarkon taken down.”
Pidge nodded. “And this plan should bring her around to that view.”
Meanwhile things were rather quiet in Yellow Lion. It was an awkward silence and Hunk felt that something should be said. “So,” he finally said. “You’re part Galra. Was it your mom? A cousin? Maybe an uncle?”
Keith didn’t answer, just gave him a flat stare before looking away. “Let’s just focus on the mission,” he said, taking care not to sound rude; after all, Hunk was just trying to be nice.
That’s all the team is being is nice. They don’t really care that I’m part Galra. I don’t want to give any details of my parentage until I know which part of my heritage is Galra. I have to admit, Shiro’s theory makes a lot of sense. If an ancestor had been Galra, my dad would have mentioned it, right?
“Whoa. What is that?” Hunk asked.
Keith looked over to see what looked like the shells of dead planets. “I think we’re on the right track to collecting scaultrite,” he said.
Chapter Two- Kit
“Hunk, thanks for getting the scaultrite,” Allura said.
“Thanks, but…Keith helped too.”
Allura ignored this and tuned to the next part of the plan. This obvious snub spoke loud and clear to everyone there. It especially irritated Kolivan. The boy did not deserve to be treated that way. He did not know he was part Galra. I do wonder how he came to possess a Marmora blade; only a Blade can possess one and as he is a Blade now, he will answer my questions.
Kolivan waited until the meeting ended and he saw Keith walk away. He hurried after him and hailed him. When Keith turned, Kolivan said, “I have some questions and I expect answers.”
“I want to ask you some questions, too.”
“Excellent. Where can we talk?”
“The lounge. This way.” Keith led the way, knowing the large Blade would not attack him with his back turned. He trusted him.
Kolivan sat on one couch and Keith took the other. “I still want to know how you got that blade. I understand that you’ve had it for some time, but I don’t understand how it got to your planet.”
Keith pulled it out and stared into the flat of the blade. “Shiro theorizes that my mother might be Galra and a Blade. It would explain how I got this and why I have Galra blood.”
Kolivan folded his hands and his face settled into a thoughtful expression. Keith waited for him to speak. After several minutes, is expression shifted and he focused on Keith. “Your friend is clever. I believe your mother is Galra and one of our operatives.”
“Is? You mean she’s alive?”
“Yes. A female called Krolia was sent to your planet nineteen Earth years ago to insure the Blue Lion’s hiding place. When she came back, she never spoke of having a son or how she lost her blade.” He smiled as he looked at said weapon. “I recognize the marks on it now. That was Krolia’s blade and now it is yours.”
“Nineteen years ago? That would fit as I’m eighteen.”
Kolivan then hissed, startling Keith. “What!? Only eighteen? I allowed a kit to endure the Trials!?”
“Kit? What’s a kit?”
“That is what we call our children. By our standards, you’re just a kid.”
“Well, some people consider teenagers to be kids. By Earth standards, I would be considered an adult as most consider eighteen to be grown up.”
Kolivan shook his head. “I still can’t believe I let you go through the Trials. Your mother would kill me if she knew.”
“You didn’t know then and it all worked out.”
“It did, but I will address you as kit from time to time.”
“Please not in front of the team.”
“I will try but forgive me if I slip up.”
“Sure. Uh, is it possible to contact my mom?”
“She’s deep undercover, kit. She does make reports when possible and I will tell Ulaz what we’ve learned and he will inform her about you.”
“Great.” Keith felt a bit better about the situation. He didn’t know much about the non-military aspect of Galras, but with Kolivan on board, he could certainly find out.
Kolivan gazed around the guest quarters he had been assigned and then at the mass of blankets, sheets, and pillows he had nicked from spare rooms and closets. He intended to build a large nest in his room so that should kit instincts awaken in Keith, he’ll be ready. He began to spread the covers and pillows out into a comfortable nest before climbing into it himself.
He sighed in contentment and a low purr emerged. The nest was soft and comfortable, but lacked the smells of his pack. It cannot be helped. Thace is deep undercover in Zarkon’s army, Ulaz is overseeing headquarters in my absence with Antok assisting him. He sighed at the thought of Antok, his aide and mate. He would love to snuggle him and groom him while being groomed himself. Perhaps if Keith feels kit instincts I could groom him. Kolivan purred again at the thought before getting up to explore the castle save for the propulsion room. He located the training deck and entered it to look around the vast space. The training hall at headquarters was big, but not like this. What kind of training do they do here?
The tall Galra turned to see Shiro behind him. “I am impressed with the size of this room, but why this big?”
“Well, the first thing this deck was used for was an invisible maze that was to promote trust and teamwork among the paladins which we didn’t have at the time. But, the deck is used in sparring with each other or battling gladiator robots. Keith especially likes being here, sometimes a little too much.”
“What does that mean?”
“Keith could train to where he doesn’t eat or sleep.”
“He should not train that much. He’s just a kit.”
“’A kit’?” Shiro repeated.
Kolivan flinched slightly. “A kit is a term for a Galra child. Keith’s age to the Galra is quite young as our race is long-lived.”
Shiro chuckled. “I don’t think Keith would like being treated like a child.”
“He did not seem upset or put out over it. I do hope that kit instincts awaken in him.”
“What kind of instincts?”
“A desire to be groomed by a pack member, napping more, and kit noises like chirping. I would settle for him to purr. By the way, Keith told me of your theory concerning his heritage and you were correct. His mother is Galra and a Blade member.”
“Is. Then, she’s alive. I assume she’s undercover.”
“She is. I have already told Ulaz to tell her about Keith when she next reports. I anticipate that she will wish to leave and see her son and have also had Ulaz to send a replacement to continue her mission. Such a move will not be questioned.”
Shiro nodded and smiled. “Keith would be happy to see her and I feel she will be proud of what he’s accomplished.”
“His passing of the Trials will be one accomplishment she won’t be proud of; she’ll be furious.”
“Why would that be?”
“He was too young to go through them. Never mind that I didn’t know. Kits are precious to the Galra and to treat a kit like that is unacceptable.”
Shiro was impressed that Kolivan was being so open with him about the Galra culture. He was used to the military Galra and the way they act, so to see and hear a Galra speak this way was a refreshing change.
Kolivan eyed Shiro’s arm. “That is of Galra design.”
Shiro nodded. “Yes. I was also made a gladiator for a year before Ulaz freed me and gave me the coordinates of Blue Lion.”
“Did he? That was reckless but the end result worked out. Voltron is back and fighting against Zarkon. So, this is where you spar?” He gestured to the room.
“Would you like to spar with me?” Shiro asked, intuiting what Kolivan was hinting. Kolivan nodded before both took defensive postures.
Chapter Three- Nest Talk
Keith headed down the corridor, thinking he might go to the training deck. The building and construction of the Teludav would take some time and Keith chose to relax by training. The wait would also allow him to fully absorb his new heritage.
I am finding it a little hard to believe I’m half-Galra as I don’t look it. My eye color is unusual for humans, but no one gives it any thought. Any aliens we encounter see a human and don’t know otherwise unless they’re told. Would they react the way Allura does if they knew? Probably.
Keith was deep in thought but not too deep to not see Allura coming from the other direction. He looked at her as they drew closer and he saw the cold and accusing look in her eyes. She continued walking while Keith stopped, tired of her behavior. He turned around and called, “Allura, I didn’t know I had Galra blood. I know you hate the Galra, but I’m not like that.”
Allura stopped, turned, stormed over to him, and poked him in the chest as she said, “I don’t know if you would or would not be like that. I feel I don’t know you anymore. You’re part of an evil, destructive race and if Red wasn’t so protective of you, I would punt you off this ship.” She spun around and stalked away.
Keith reeled. She really hated him and the only reason he was still there was because of Red. He turned around and hurried off down the corridor. He was not an evil person and neither were the Blades. Yes, they were aggressive but only because they were in a war. When he awakened his blade, they seemed a little friendlier and a sense of family filled him. They accepted him despite his human appearance. Why can’t Allura get past her perceptions of the Galra and realize that not all of them are bad? Keith reached the door to the training deck and, to his surprise, gave a whine of hurt. A hand went to his throat. What was that?
The door slid open and Kolivan filled the frame, a look of concern on his face. “Keith? Was that your whine?”
“Uh, yes, but how did I do that?”
“Galra make a variety of sounds and kits more so. I heard the sound of a kit in distress. What is troubling you?”
“Allura. She claims she doesn’t know me anymore.” He didn’t dare voice the comment of being punted from the ship as that would anger Kolivan and likely only solidify Allura’s view of Galra being aggressive, evil, and destructive.
“That is ridiculous,” Shiro spoke up behind Kolivan. “This revelation hasn’t changed you. All it will do is allow you to fully embrace your heritage.”
Keith smiled as the Black Paladin came around Kolivan and put his hands on Keith’s shoulders. “I know you, Keith and I also know that not all Galra are bad. I admit that I did believe they were until Ulaz freed me.”
Kolivan put an arm across Keith’s shoulders once Shiro had dropped his arms. “Come with me, kit. I want to show you something.”
“I was planning to train,” Keith protested as he was led down the hall.
“Shiro says you train too much and I’m inclined to agree based on what he said. Kits are encouraged to sleep more as well as play.”
Keith frowned. He saw no problem with his training. He saw it necessary considering they were in a war; a war that could be ending if their plan worked. And if it does, I could explore my Galra side, maybe build a life the Mom. A small smile crept onto his face at the thought.
Kolivan, with his arm across Keith’s shoulder, felt the tension in them ease. It seemed that Keith wasn’t going to resist Kolivan’s guiding him away from the training deck. He needs to nap more like a kit should. It is time for him to embrace his kit status among our people.
Kolivan brought Keith to his guest room and they entered it. Keith stared at what looked like a jumbled mess of blankets and pillows. He watched Kolivan climb into the jumble and then the Galra patted a spot next to him. “Come here,” he said.
Keith clambered in, finding it soft and quite comfortable. “This is nice,” he commented as he laid back.
“Galra sleep in nests and not alone if they can help it. Some sleep with their mate, others with their pack. We also lay in our nests and groom each other which can lull us to sleep.”
“It is an automatic reflex we do with pack members which is a family. I consider Antok, Thace, Ulaz, and Krolia as my pack and as Krolia is your mother, that makes you part of my pack too.”
That sense of family rose up within Keith again. “I didn’t have much of a family,” he admitted. “Dad died when I was young.”
Kolivan wrapped his arms around Keith and pulled him close, rumbling to him. “You will not be alone or without a family again. Kits are precious to us and that means you are precious to your pack.”
“Mmm…I wish Allura knew that; that she knew more about the non-military side of the Galra.”
“She will, kit but not from us. I have shared some of this with Shiro. He would be a great person to speak on our behalf.”
“He is. He’s a great guy and a natural leader.”
“I think you are too. You were decisive when you decided to take the Trials.”
“I’m no leader and no one would want to follow me now.”
Kolivan licked at Keith’s hair. “I beg to differ. You are a leader and I believe others would want to follow you. You know what you want and how to get it. A leader leads but also knows when he needs help and knows when to ask for it.”
Keith gave a contented noise at the feel of Kolivan’s tongue licking his hair and the warmth of the Galra’s body. He felt safe and content, a feeling he did not experience very often, if at all. He snuggled closer and his eyes slid shut. He heard Kolivan rumble again and, to his surprise, a soft purr came out of him. Huh, I guess Galra are sort of like cats, he thought as he fell asleep, his purr deepening.
Kolivan smiled as Keith moved closer to him. It was clear that Keith needed safety and comfort. He must have been a loner most of his life; a concept that is anathema to the Galra. He saw Keith’s eyes close with a small smile on his face. He blinked a little as a soft purr was heard. He looked at that raven-haired teen and softly rumbled to him. Keith’s purr deepened, indicating that he was definitely asleep. He licked Keith’s hair again. “Sleep tight, kit,” he said as he too fell asleep, Keith’s deep purr lulling him to sleep.
Shiro wondered where Keith was as he hadn’t seen him since Kolivan led him away. He checked the usual places including the bridge, kitchen, Keith’s room, and infirmary. He then decided to check Kolivan’s room. He quietly entered to see Kolivan and Keith sleeping in a collection of blankets and pillows. He heard a duo of purrs coming from them and he ducked out with a smile.
Keith is starting to accept his Galra side. Now if only a certain someone would accept it too.
Chapter Four- Krolia
Krolia restrained herself from reacting excessively and loudly to Ulaz’s news as that would give away that she was a spy. “My son is a paladin of Voltron? He’s here, in space?” she whispered.
“Yes, he’s here, more specifically on the castle ship. Kolivan is there overseeing a plan between ourselves and Voltron,” Ulaz whispered back.
“Does he know? That he is half-Galra? That I’m his mother?”
“He knows and he would like to see you, I’m sure of it.”
Krolia heard a tone in Ulaz’s voice that she didn’t like. “What are you not saying, Ulaz?” she asked in a low growl.
He flinched before saying, “His heritage was revealed when he…awakened his blade.”
Krolia gave a low angry hiss. “He went through the Trials!? He’s just a kit!”
“We did not know at the time. We are not familiar with the physical development of humans. Plus, you did not say you had a son.”
Krolia took a calming breath. “Fair enough. Ulaz, I want to see him. Get me out of here.”
“Already being done. We’re sending a replacement.”
“Good.” She ended the transmission and stared at the controls, looking as if she was doing her duty, but she had other thoughts on her mind. Eighteen deca-phoebs. Has it really been that long? Keith was just a baby when I left. I wonder what he looks like and what he is like. I’ll be certain to apologize for leaving him and, hopefully, he’ll understand. Ulaz said Kolivan is at this castle ship because of a plan. He is, no doubt, teaching Keith about Galra culture. Krolia smiled and a very low purr came out. She looked forward to reuniting with her son.
Shiro sat in his seat on the bridge, studying the Teludav’s construction on an ally’s world. It was coming along nicely as was the computer virus. If this works, the war will be over. Countless planets will be free and we can go home. Shiro had no doubt that he would return to Earth and reunite with his friend and lover, Adam. Lance and Hunk would go home to their families, Pidge would keep looking for her father and brother, and Keith…what would Keith do? Surely not go back to his lonely shack in the desert? He’ll have his mom back and they may go build a life elsewhere in the galaxy, perhaps with the Blades as well. The thought of Keith on another world without him hurt, but he knew Keith would be happier living with those who accepted him.
He sensed someone beside him and looked over to see Allura. She was studying the construction as well. “Soon,” she said. “Soon, we’ll be rid of Zarkon.”
“Yes and then what? What will you and Coran do?”
“There will still be Galra to fight. We will deal with those who will fight in Zarkon’s name.”
Shiro was silent before saying, “I heard of your altercation with Keith earlier.”
“Oh?” Allura asked icily. “What did he say?”
“That you feel you don’t know him anymore.”
“Well, I don’t! He was Galra all this time and I didn’t know it! How can I trust someone with Galra blood in him?”
“One, he’s half-Galra not full Galra. Two, I believe that there are Galra who’d rather live peaceful lives and I trust them. Keith is still dedicated to fighting Zarkon. He is not going to turn on us. The others have no problem with him being half-Galra. I suggest you get past this bigotry princess. It is because of the Blade that we have this plan.” Shiro rose from his seat and left the bridge. He headed to the lounge to find the trio there. They had been talking but stopped when Shiro entered. He smiled at them as he sat. “So, what were we discussing?”
“Just, you know, where Keith is,” Hunk said. “He’s not training, he’s not in the kitchen, or his room.”
“He’s probably still with Kolivan. I saw them in Kolivan’s room a couple of varga ago, sleeping.”
“He’s napping?” Lance asked. “That doesn’t seem like him.”
“I imagine it will be now. Kolivan has revealed to me that Keith’s age makes him a kit in Galra eyes. In short, a kid.”
“A kit? But he’s an adult,” Lance protested.
“Human-wise, yes but Galra are long-lived so Keith is a kit to them. Kits are expected to nap and play more than older Galra. It would seem they don’t sleep in beds. Kolivan and Keith were on the floor in a jumble of blankets and pillows and they were…purring.”
“Purring?” Lance snickered. “Sounds like the Galra are like space cats.”
“Perhaps. Obviously this is the gentle side we don’t see in our fight with the Galra.”
Allura sat on the bridge, thinking of her argument with Shiro. It was hard for her to get past the fact that the Galra destroyed her planet and left her and Coran as the only Alteans left. The idea of friendly Galra was a strange one to her. It was easier to hate all Galra and hold all of them responsible for the attack on Altea.
Easier, yes but not necessarily fair though. After all, some Galra weren’t around when Altea was destroyed. It wouldn’t be fair to blame them for something they had no part of.
The same goes for Keith. He didn’t ask to be half-Galra. He joined me in fighting the Galra with no inkling that he shared blood with them. Shiro said I need to stop being bigot toward Galra. He’s right and when I think on my behavior, it is clear that I need to look to the future and stop dwelling on the past. Yes, some Galra will fight us, but there are others who will fight on our side.
The castle’s sensors beeped, alerting her to an approaching ship. She brought up the barrier and activated the communication board. The image of a female Galra with two-toned hair, yellow sclera, and purple eyes appeared. “Identify yourself,” Allura said.
The female held up a blade, flat against her chest: A Marmora blade. “I am Krolia of the Blades of Marmora and Keith’s mother. Permission to come aboard?”
His mother! Allura thought even as she dropped the barrier and said, “Permission granted. The main bay doors are open.”
Krolia nodded as the screen turned off. She glided her ship toward the main bay when she saw a different hangar open and she saw an old friend inside it. She entered this hangar, parked her ship, and got out once the door closed. She looked up and smiled. “Blue Lion. I’m guessing you brought Keith and the others to the galaxy.” The lion’s eyes glowed briefly and the female Galra turned to leave the hangar only to see Allura there.
“I said the main bay,” she said.
“I know but I think Blue wanted to see me. Is Keith her paladin?”
“No, Red is. Their personalities are a perfect match. Keith is with Kolivan in his room. Follow me.” Allura left the hangar and Krolia followed.
She seems…not exactly unfriendly, but not entirely friendly. It’s possibly because my race destroyed her race. It must be strange for her to be working with who she perceives as the enemy. I hope she gets over that and is warmer toward us.
Allura stopped beside a door. “Here it is. I didn’t tell Keith about your arrival. I thought you’d like to surprise him.”
Krolia smiled at Allura. “I would and I’d like to scold Kolivan for letting Keith go through the Trials.” She rang the bell as Allura walked away.
Chapter Five- Plan Executed
Kolivan rumbled to Keith who attempted to respond in turn. Keith growled softly in disappointment and Kolivan licked his hair in comfort. “A rumble is usually made for one in distress but some can do it without anyone in distress.”
“I like it as it is soothing.”
“It certainly is that.” The door chime sounded and Kolivan said, “Enter.”
Keith looked over as a female Galra entered. He noticed that her irises were purple like his and the top part of her hair was black like his. She looked at him with admiration and love. He didn’t recognize her but he just knew who she was. “Mom?” he asked as he got out of the nest.
“Keith, my boy,” she said, holding out her arms. Keith rushed over and embraced her. Krolia wrapped her arms around him. “Oh, my son,” she choked. “I’ve missed you.” She held him out and looked him over. “You’re so handsome and grown-up. You have your father’s best features as well as mine.
“I’m sorry I left you and your father. I hope you can forgive me.”
“Mom, of course I do. I understand you had important work to do as well as keeping Blue Lion’s location secret.”
“It sounds like Kolivan shared my mission with you.” She then fired a look at the Blade leader. “And you! You had some nerve letting a kit take the Trials!”
Kolivan shrank back at Krolia’s ire. “I didn’t know he was a kit. All I knew was a human had one of our blades and he did not know how he came to have it. He wanted to prove he was worthy to have it. If I knew he had Galra blood and a kit from the start, I wouldn’t have let him take the Trials.” He gave a slight whimper at Krolia’s angry look.
Keith went to Kolivan and, to his joy, he managed a rumble to the Blade leader. Kolivan smiled down at him and nosed his hair in thanks. Krolia couldn’t help smiling at this exchange. She couldn’t stay mad at Kolivan and she said, “I forgive you, leader. As you said, you didn’t know and I’m proud that Keith is following in my footsteps: Being a Blade of Marmora.”
“He will need to start at the bottom, even though he’s our kit.”
“Of course. That’s okay with you, right Keith?”
Keith nodded. “It’ll have to wait until the plan works or fails.”
“As long as everyone does his or her part, it cannot fail,” Kolivan said.
Keith couldn’t believe it: It worked and a little better than they had planned. Thace, their inside operative, introduced the virus and was able to get out before the ship lost power. The team formed Voltron to handle any firepower the ship still had while Allura powered the Teludav and opened the wormhole. The part no one considered was that Zarkon tried to take control of Black Lion again, but in a battle of spirits, Shiro and Black Lion beat Zarkon and, oddly enough, his body vanished, effectively rendering him dead. Keith could only chalk it up to his Galra side, but he somehow sensed the struggle between the two Black Paladins and that it took a lot out of Shiro.
“Shiro? Shiro! Are you all right!?” Keith called over the comm, alarmed.
“Fine, Keith,” came Shiro’s exhausted voice. “I’m…fine. Just need…some rest.”
“You’ll have plenty of time for that,” came Allura’s voice, sounding worn out herself. “We all will.”
“Allura?” Keith asked, concerned.
“I’m all right, Keith. I had to use a lot of energy to open a wormhole that big.”
Keith smiled at the pleasant tone he heard. Sounds like she’s getting over her hatred of me. That’s good.
Voltron split up and each lion returned to her own hangar. When Keith emerged from Red, he saw Kolivan, Krolia, and another Galra he guessed was Thace. His mother hugged him as he looked at Thace. “Thanks for the help. We couldn’t have done it without you.’
“Keith’s right,” Kolivan said. “Your placing of the virus was the crucial part of the plan.”
“That may be, but Shiro took care of Zarkon. He’s finally been defeated.” The quartet left the hangar and Thace continued, “Our war is likely not over. Prince Lotor will likely pick up where Zarkon left off.”
“Prince Lotor?” Keith repeated. “Zarkon has a son?”
“Yes and he is just as ruthless as his father. Rumor is he is a…hybrid…” Thace trailed off and he gave Keith an apologetic look. “I apologize. I wasn’t thinking.”
Keith put a hand on his arm, knowing Thace was referring to Keith being half-Galra. “It’s okay. Please continue. Anything else you’ve heard.”
“No one knows what his lineage is exactly and his personal soldiers are likewise hybrids.”
“Hybrids,” Kolivan said with reverence. “Such people should be held in high regard. They can see situations in ways other cannot, particularly if the situation involves their two races. If Lotor is a hybrid, he would have unique perceptions, at least we hope so.”
“Let’s not think of that for now,” Krolia said. “Instead, we should relax in the nest and enjoy each other’s company as well as our recent victory.”
Keith followed the Blades, looking forward to being loved and sleeping in the nest again which was actually more comfortable than a bed. And it will be nicer with three Galra instead of one. He saw Thace glance back at him with a smile before looking away. Keith knew nothing about Thace except that he was a Blade and a pack member, a part of his new family.
Thace looked away from Keith as he walked behind Kolivan and Krolia. His leader had, in quick strokes while he made his escape, filled him in about the Red Paladin. Krolia, while on her mission on Earth, had crash-landed and been nursed back to health by a human man. They had fallen in love and conceived a baby boy who looked completely human. She had left Earth not long after having Keith and leaving her blade for her son. He didn’t mention Keith’s past but did say that Keith passed the Trials before it was revealed that he was just a kit. And yet, he seems rather mature for a kit. I’d like to know more about him and our time in the nest would be the perfect opportunity. They passed a cross corridor and saw a weary Shiro stagger down it, clearly heading off to sleep. There will be time to put him and the others on notice about Lotor later, he thought as they entered Kolivan’s room. For now, we savor our victory.
Thace almost chirped at the sight of the nest. Kolivan had a knack for building the best nests. All four climbed in and Thace laid back with a soft sigh. He caught Keith’s eye and he patted a spot next to him. “I want to know more about you, kit.”
Keith hesitated a moment before crawling over to him. Thace wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer, nosing his hair and taking in his scent. He heard a soft purr emerge from Keith and he responded in turn. “Remarkable,” he said softly. “Krolia said that humans don’t make the sounds we do.”
“I am half-Galra,” Keith said in an equally soft voice.
“Of course. Now, I want to hear about your youth.”
“We would all like to hear about it,” Krolia said.
“Really? It’s not something I like to think about.”
The Galra exchanged looks before Krolia nuzzled Keith’s exposed cheek. “Just tell us, my kit.”
Chapter Six- Together Again
Allura shifted a little as she regarded Ulaz on the view screen. “How many Blades are at headquarters?” she asked.
“Almost a dozen and there are the same amount working undercover at various outposts and ships, but not on Zarkon’s, save for Thace.”
“Who got out before the ship went through the wormhole. I would be willing to allow the Blades to live aboard my ship.”
“Truly, princess? I understand that you do not trust any Galra.”
“I did but I have looked deep inside me and realized that what I hated was my behavior toward Keith. I have been asleep for 10,000 years and I awoke with a hate that was ancient and I need to adjust that feeling and aim it at those who would threaten me or the ship, including those who live here. The point is that I apologize for my attitude.”
“That is gracious. We have a ship of our own but Antok and I would like to be with our pack.”
“Your pack? You mean Thace and Kolivan?”
“And Krolia and Keith. A pack is like a family.”
“A family,” she repeated with soft reverence. “Very well. You and Antok are welcome here.”
“Thank you, princess. We will contact you when we are clear so you can open a wormhole to allow us to come to you.”
“Actually, I’ll come to you when you contact me.”
“As you wish. Until then.” The transmission ended. Allura stood there, thinking. She admitted that she knew very little of Galra culture and having five of them on board would give her the opportunity to find out. She had just learned that a pack was like a family. That sent her to thinking about the family she lost. It saddened her to think of them so she pushed it away and her thoughts turned to the paladins. It was along those lines that she realized that she had come to regard them as a type of family. She was fond of them and they her, even Keith.
But, he’s been avoiding me and probably thinks I still hate him. I should apologize to him. She turned and left the bridge, wondering where Keith was before deciding to start with the training deck. But he wasn’t there. She then checked the kitchen, his room, and Red’s hangar. All were empty as everyone was resting. Perhaps he’s in Kolivan’s room. Yes, that would make sense as Krolia sleeps there too. She went to the assigned room and rang the chime. She was given permission to enter and she did so, but stopped at the threshold, blinking at the unusual sight that greeted her.
Krolia rumbled as she nuzzled Keith. “Oh, my poor kit. I had no idea that your father was dead. I’m so sorry.”
“You didn’t know, Mom. It’s all right,” Keith protested.
“No, it is not all right,” Kolivan countered. “A pack shouldn’t be separated, especially a kit. The idea that you lived alone for so long is unacceptable. I’ve said it before, you won’t be alone anymore.” Kolivan plucked Keith out of his mother’s arms and began to cuddle and nuzzle, deep purrs coming from his chest.
His intimate gestures made Keith feel uncomfortable but before he could voice his feelings, Thace snuggled up to them and Krolia soon joined in. He felt like a Keith sandwich, but at the same time, it felt good. He heard the door chime and Kolivan granting entrance. The door opened and Keith managed to glimpse Allura at the door, seeming shocked at the sight.
The Altean stepped in, the door closing. “Am I interrupting something?” she asked, clearly curious.
“Not at all; just a pack being affectionate,” Kolivan said as they separated. “Overly so, I will admit.”
Allura giggled at Kolivan’s embarrassment before saying, “Keith, I wanted to apologize for how I’ve treated you lately. I had to take a hard look at myself and realized that I didn’t hate you. I hated myself for my behavior.” She held out her arms for an embrace.
Keith, chalking it up to his kit instincts, pulled Allura into the nest, nuzzling her cheek and purring. “You’re forgiven.”
Allura almost melted at Keith’s affectionate gesture and his purring. I had no idea how friendly and loving Galra can be. This is certainly a welcoming change of pace. “Oh, by the way, Ulaz and Antok will be coming onboard to live here,” she said.
There were looks of pure joy on Thace and Kolivan’s faces and an amused one on Krolia’s face. Allura took in these expressions. “I’m guessing this is very good news.”
“Yes,” Kolivan said. “Ulaz is Thace’s mate and Antok is mine.”
“Is that why Antok was at headquarters?” Keith asked. “Because you’re mates?”
“Antok is also my aide but he’s there largely because we’re mates, yes. You see, princess, Galra mates have a deep bond and it makes physical separation difficult for us. It hurts, in other words.”
“So, it must have been unbearable for you, Thace,” Allura said.
“Emotionally, yes. I’ve had nights where I desired to have Ulaz with me. With Zarkon gone, we can be together again.” The look of bliss on Thace’s face made Allura happy that she could make him happy.
“I should head back to the bridge so that when they contact us, I can open a wormhole to bring us to them. Once they’ve boarded, I’ll bring them here.”
“Actually, is there a bigger room?” Kolivan asked. “With six of us, a bigger nest will be needed.”
“The only room I can think of is the lounge.”
“That would be big enough,” Keith said. “We could building a nest in a far corner.”
Allura left the room as the pack gathered up the pillows and blankets. She went to the bridge and busied herself with ship’s operations until she got the call from Antok and Ulaz. She opened the wormhole and piloted the ship into it. When the castle came out, she saw a Galra ship with a fighter craft near it. She contacted the smaller ship and directed them to the main hangar. Once they were parked, the bigger ship moved off and Allura greeted Ulaz and Antok before leading them to the lounge. She didn’t hold much of a conversation as she suspected that they were eager to see their mates.
Ulaz and Antok, once they reached the lounge, entered to see a very large nest and their pack in front of it. Ulaz trembled upon seeing Thace before racing over and embracing him. “I’ve missed you so much,” Ulaz said.
“So have I.” Thace pulled Ulaz into the nest and began to groom him. Ulaz responded by grooming him too.
Antok smiled at Krolia. “So, our pack is back together again.”
“Together and with a new member,” she said, nodding at Keith.
Antok looked at him. “Yes. A new member and a kit. Welcome to the pack, Keith.”
“Thanks.” The three of them and Kolivan joined their members in the nest and loved each other as only Galra pack members can. Keith sighed in pleasure at finally having a true family that loved him for who he was.