Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha.
Chapter One- Love at First Sight
She heard the startled gasps of the humans as several fish leaped out of the water, apparently misjudged their position, and beached themselves on the shore at their feet. Kagome giggled as she swam off. She enjoyed helping the poor humans who were trying to survive in this world of myth and demons. She had seen humans being terrorized by demons, most of them the most repulsive creatures she had ever seen. She had also seen humans called priests or priestesses vanquish demons in way she could never do. She wasn’t jealous; there were things that she, a mermaid, cold do that humans couldn’t. Once was convincing sea creatures to act how they wanted them to; another was sing to land walkers and hypnotize them into loving them. Kagome couldn’t imagine doing such a thing to someone as she was a kind girl and she had no interest in love, anyway.
“Ah, fair Kagome. Would you consider bearing my child?” a merman with a purple tail asked, his hands clasping hers.
She gasped in astonishment as she pulled away. “Miroku, I’m surprised at you! I thought you and Sango were together!”
“We are!” he insisted.
“Then why were you hitting on me?”
“Uh, reflex?”
“Then I suggest you get your reflex under control,” said a cold voice behind him. Miroku gulped and turned to see his girlfriend Sango, her face a death glare and the fins of her pink tail twitching angrily as they wont to do whenever Miroku flirted with other mermaids.
“Sango,” he said with his winning smile.
“You’ve got a lot of nerve to keep asking girls and besides, Kagome already said no.”
“I did,” Kagome confirmed. “I’m too young to have a child. I’m only fifteen.”
“Yes, but most have a child by age sixteen,” Sango pointed out.
“True, but I’m not interested in love.” Kagome swam off, leaving her friends behind.
“She’s a stubborn one,” Sango said.
“Indeed,” Miroku agreed. “She also finds fascination with the world above, helping humans survive among demons while not revealing herself.”
“She’s a sweet, kind girl. She deserves to have someone love her.”
“Yes…Sango, you’re over sixteen and are childless. Shall we attend to that now?” He stroked the seat of her tail.
Kagome sighed as she swam through the water. Truth to be told, she wouldn’t mind being married and having children as she was lonely despite her friends. Her family- mother, grandpa, and brother- had all died in the previous year and Sango took her in. Then, Miroku caught her attention and now she spends her time trying to curb Miroku’s flirtatious nature.
It’s obvious the two of them are crazy about each other, but Miroku can’t seem to resist flirting. Maybe if they got married and had a child that might solve the problem. I’ll approach Miroku with my idea and see what he thinks about that.
She swam into a river and paused to gather her thoughts and how to phrase her idea to Miroku. She would need to make it clear that he needed to ask her properly without any stroking as that would ruin the mood not to mention his sincerity.
Flashes of red, white, and silver on land caught her eye and she headed up and hid behind a rock. She peered over the top to see two young-looking men fighting each other with swords, one of them being huge. One man was dressed in white while the other was in red. Both had long silver hair but that was all they seemed to have in common. They both came to a stop and Kagome saw pointed ears and purple cheek stripes on the white-dressed man. He’s a demon! she inwardly gasped. Her eyes went to the other man and they widened.
He’s a demon too, but he’s handsome. No cheek stripes, and…are those dog ears on his head? I never saw a demon with ears like those. So cute!
The two regarded each other before the cheek-striped one put his sword away, turned, and started to leave.
“Hey! Get back here, Sesshomaru!” yelled the one in red, waving the huge sword in the air. “I’m not done yet!”
“Inuyasha. Little brother. I have better things to do than spar with a half-demon like you.” Sesshomaru said calmly and resumed his retreat.
“Coward!” Inuyasha called after him.
Half-demon? Kagome thought. That would explain the ears. So, those two are brothers? Half-brother, I would say, as the other one is a full demon. She ducked down and swam off for home, a dreamy look in her eyes. She had heard stories of humans and demons conceiving half-breeds, but she had never seen one until today. I never imagined they could look more human than demon. She sighed dreamily. She knew then that she had fallen hard for that half-demon, that Inuyasha.
I have to meet him and it’s so easy. All I have to do is wait until I see him, leave the water, and my tail will become a pair of legs. I’ll introduce myself and get to know him. I’ll have to tell him I’m a mermaid eventually and that I love him, but as he’s a half-human like me, I don’t think he’ll have a problem with me being a mermaid.
Inuyasha fumed as he sat by the river. His brother had tried to take his sword again!. He’s lucky I don’t hack an arm off. Father gave the Tetsusaiga to me, period, end of story. Why can’t he accept that?
He growled as he recalled Sesshomaru’s parting words. He treated Inuyasha with contempt simply because he was a half-demon. Personally, he liked being a half-demon, his night as a human notwithstanding. It would be nice to be with another half-demon. Someone who would accept me and knows the ridicule I endure.
He perked up at the voice and turned to see Kikyo, one of the few humans who wasn’t afraid of him or despised him. Unknown to Kikyo, Inuyasha was in love with her; he just hadn’t told her yet. He sped to her side and the two shared friendly smiles as he followed her back to the village.
“What? In love with a half-demon?” Sango said the next day.
Kagome nodded. “Sango, he is so cute with those dog ears and that long silver hair.” Kagome smiled as she hugged herself.
“Kagome, I know we can become human, but we usually prefer our own kind.”
“I don’t care. I love him and want to get to know him.” She swam out of the house and headed for the river. She planned to scout out his location from the water and once she found him, she would take human form to approach him. She started at the place where she first saw him. She swam beside the banks and saw, lying in the grass, a strand of silver hair. She stretched out her arm and her fingers snagged it. She held it up and smiled as it glinted in the sun. She then ducked down and sat on the river bottom, weaving the hair strand with pieces of seaweed and putting it around her neck like a necklace. Pleased to have a piece of Inuyasha with her, Kagome continued with her search.
Kagome surfaced every time she found a village and searched desperately for a figure of red and silver. At one point, she thought she had been spotted by a man, but he appeared to not have noticed her. She had been relieved at that; humans tended to try and capture merpeople for some reason that no one really knew.
It was nearly sunset when she came upon another village. She swam under the surface, hoping for a glimpse of Inuyasha. Whether I do or not, this is the last one I’ll search before getting some sleep. A boat passed overhead and she craned her neck to see two figures on it, one of which had silver hair and dog ears! I found him, she thought gleefully. She began planning her next move. I’ll become human in the morning and enter the village on foot. She followed the boat to a dock and watched Inuyasha get out. The other figure, a woman, was getting out, tripped, and Inuyasha caught her. The two stared at each other and then Kagome’s mouth dropped as they embraced. No! Don’t tell me that he loves her! She slowly rose under the dock and quietly followed the pair until she couldn’t anymore. She felt like her heart was going to break.
Chapter Two- Official Meeting
No, this can’t be, she thought as she sat on the ban, her green tail still in the water. Inuyasha is in love with a human. She fingered her necklace and bowed her head. Well, if his heart belonged to that woman, there was nothing she could do. I’ll get some sleep, head home, and forget all about Inuyasha.
“Well, well. What do we have here? A pretty, young mermaid.”
Kagome startled at the voice and looked over to see a man with long black hair and red eyes. He was dressed in fancy clothes and carried two scrolls in one hand. He smiled at her as he took a seat beside her. “Do not be alarmed, mermaid. I am a sorcerer and spotted you earlier today. I was curious about what would draw a mermaid from her ocean home and decided to follow you.”
A sorcerer! Surely, a magically endowed human would not try to capture me. She smiled back as she said, “I’m Kagome and I was looking for a half-demon I saw yesterday and fell instantly in love. He lives here, but it would seem he’s in love with a human woman.”
“Well, Kagome. I am Naraku and I believe I can help you. Half-demons tend to fall for humans as demons treat them with contempt. However, half-demons would rather fall for each other as they share a common ground, but half-demons are a bit of a rarity.”
“I see.” Kagome’s fingers brushed the necklace and the motion caught Naraku’s attention as the hair glinted in the sun’s dying rays.
“What’s that?”
“Hmm?” She saw where he was looking and added, “Oh. It’s a piece of Inuyasha’s hair I found earlier today.”
“Is it? My dear that hair will help in winning your beloved’s heart.”
Naraku smiled. “I’m a sorcerer, remember? I can use a spell to draw on the half-demon part of that hair and transfer it to you. In short, I can turn you into a half-demon. A dog, like Inuyasha.”
“Me, a half-demon?”
“Yes. While on land, you will be a half-dog demon. When in the water, however, you will become a mermaid again.”
“So, I could be a half-demon and a mermaid.”
“Yes. Oh, by the way, half-demons have a period when they become human. You will share the same time as Inuyasha, but for you, you will become a mermaid for that period.”
Kagome tilted her head to consider the offer. I become human when I pull my tail out of the water. If I accept the offer, I’ll be half-demon out of water instead of human. That’s the only difference. She straightened her head, removed the necklace, unwound the hair, and gave it to the sorcerer. “All right. Use your spell, Naraku.”
“Pull your tail out of the water first.” He waited as Kagome did so and became human, a kimono cloaking her body. Naraku held the hair in one hand as he put the scrolls down, and put a finger on the hair. He chanted words Kagome didn’t understand and saw a small white ball appear on his fingertip. Naraku continued to chant as he put his glowing finger on the spot over her heart and the light entered her.
Kagome gasped as the spell entered her. She felt a burning on the sides of her head that spread to the top. Her head throbbed as her senses sharpened and demonic strength flowed through her. “Whoa,” she said softly as the pain and burning ended.
“Yes, it probably feels overwhelming, but you’ll grow accustomed to it. You are quite a lovely half-demon and Inuyasha will surely fall for you as you spend time together.” Naraku spoke a word and vanished.
Kagome leaned over to see herself in the water. Her brown eyes were now golden brown and a pair of black dog ears sat on her head. She brought her hands up to see that she had claws instead of nails. She couldn’t help smiling, spying the tips of fangs in her mouth. I do look pretty. Oh, I hope Inuyasha falls for me. Kagome laid down, closed her eyes, and was asleep.
Naraku watched Kagome from the shadows. He felt lucky to have followed her. He had seen Kikyo once from a distance and desired to have her for his own. He had grown angry when he saw a half-demon hanging around her and, despite his magic, he couldn’t bring himself to kill Inuyasha. So, when Kagome admitted to falling for the dog demon, Naraku knew this was his chance to get Inuyasha out of the picture.
If he falls for Kagome that will leave me free to pursue Kikyo. I will keep an eye on the situation and wait for my chance. He saw Kagome lay down near the river and he vanished into the night.
Inuyasha cracked open his eyes as sunlight fell on them. He blinked and squinted at it from his perch in a tree. He could sleep in a hut like humans, but he preferred a tree as it served as both a place of safety and alerted him to any approaching demons who may wish to kill him. He didn’t hesitate to attack when his life was threatened and his sword made quick work of a large group of demons as one swing was capable of killing a hundred demons.
Yeah, I could sleep in Kikyo’s home or an empty one, but I’ve spent most of my life sleeping outside, he thought as he leaped down to the ground. He smiled slightly as he thought of Kikyo. She was a pretty, kind woman who was an excellent shot with a bow and arrow. He saw the two of them as a good team and even imagined telling her of his feelings for her. He had been walking along the river banks, thinking of his beloved when a prone figure caught his eye. Curious, he went over and knelt beside it.
His heart jumped into his throat and his breath caught. It was a female half-demon and a dog, like himself! She had black hair that ended at mid-back and the cutest dog ears on her head. She’s lovely. I wonder who she is. The girl stirred, as if sensing his presence. Her eyes opened to reveal a beautiful golden brown color and they focused on him. She gave a startled gasp as she sat up. He moved back a little. “Easy. You’re safe. I won’t hurt you.”
She gave him a sheepish look. “Yeah, you’re right. It seemed so peaceful, I decided to sleep here. Oh, my name’s Kagome, by the way.”
“Kagome,” he repeated. “I’m Inuyasha.” He subtly took in her scent and caught a fishy smell mixed in with her unique half-demon scent, but found he like it nonetheless. He stood and offered his hands to her. She took them and was pulled to her feet.
Kagome felt like she was in a dream. She was face-to-face with the guy she fell for and she could tell that he was intrigued by her. She breathed in and her nose tickled as a myriad of scents flooded her nose. Whoa. I knew my nose would be sensitive, but not this sensitive. I have a lot to learn about being a half-demon. Perhaps I can learn by watching Inuyasha; after all, it wouldn’t do to ask him as he likely believes I’ve always been half-demon.
“Tell me, Kagome,” Inuyasha said as they walked. “Is your father a demon or your mother?”
“Uh, my father, but he’s dead. They’re both dead.” Kagome never knew her father so it would spare her having to fabricate something about him.
“My parents are dead, too. My father was a demon too.”
Oh, so his mother was human. That means he’s related to Sesshomaru through his father. “Inuyasha,” she said as they headed into the village. “Do you have any siblings?”
“I’ve got an older half-brother, but we don’t get along. We fight every time we see each other.”
“Oh. How come?”
“One because I’m a half-demon and also because of my sword. Father left it to me and Sesshomaru wants it because it can kill a hundred demons in one swing.”
“One swing!? Wow.”
Inuyasha heard the awe in her voice and saw it in her eyes. He knew then that he had found a charming friend. He looked forward to getting to know her and maybe even sharing secrets, like their time of vulnerability.
Chapter Three- New Moon
“Do you have any siblings, Kagome?”
“I did. A little brother, but he died a year ago as did Mom and Grandpa. I never knew my dad.”
“Oh. I’m sorry. So, you’re alone.”
“Kind of. I have a couple of friends.”
Kagome didn’t volunteer any details and Inuyasha chose not to press for them. He was aware of his more emotional state and knew why: The new moon was tonight, the one night when he would be human. I haven’t known her long, but I feel I should let her know so she can let me ride it out in private.
Kagome looked around and saw it was just another village like others she had visited whenever she became human. She was looking around in order to test her senses. She first focused on her nose again, trying to filter out the different smells so she didn’t’ get overwhelmed by them. She also worked on her sight and was impressed with their acuity. Clearly having sharp senses is actually cool. I like it.
She also took noticed of how she was attracting attention. Humans were looking at her and her ears heard them whispering to each other. Well, I guess seeing another half dog demon is unusual, but they obviously don’t fear me as I’m guessing Inuyasha comes here from time to time, especially if he loves that woman. Still, I don’t draw this much attention when I’m human. They’ll noticed that I’m a stranger, but that’s all.
“Kagome? I have a secret to tell you. It’s important for you to know,” Inuyasha whispered as they reached an archway leading up to a temple.
“A secret?” she repeated, also in a whisper.
He nodded. “The new moon is when I turn human. I would appreciate it if I was left alone tonight.”
“That’s…not a problem. The new moon’s my time too.”
Inuyasha stared at her. “It is? That’s…incredible. I didn’t think I’d meet a half-demon who loses their powers on the same night.”
“Yeah, neither did I. The odds of that are kind of small.” Kagome felt bad about lying to him and resolved to show him the truth tomorrow. I can become a mermaid anytime so tomorrow’s perfect.
“Inuyasha,” a voice called and Kagome saw the male dog perk up as well as the woman she saw last night approaching.
“Kikyo,” he said with a smile.
The young woman smiled back. “I heard you made a new friend.”
“I did. Kikyo, this is Kagome. Kagome, this is my good friend, Kikyo.”
“A pleasure,” Kikyo said, bowing.
“Same here,” Kagome replied, bowing back. Inwardly, she felt hopeful. He called her a friend. Is it possible he loves her and hasn’t told her or she doesn’t’ love him? Either way, I have a chance.
“Kagome, I have someone else I want you to meet,” Inuyasha said, taking her hand and pulling her inside the house by the archway. Inside was an old woman with gray hair and wearing a priestess’ clothes. She looked up to reveal that she had a patch over her right eye, most likely because she lost it to a demon. She smiled at the half-demons. “Inuyasha, hello and who is this young lady?”
“I met her this morning. Kagome, this is the village priestess, Kaede.”
Kagome bowed to her as Inuyasha said, “I’ll leave you ladies to get acquainted.” He left quickly and Kagome suspected he was going back to Kikyo. She felt a burning jealousy in the pit of her stomach for no reason she could explain. His love for her has to be one-sided; has to be.
“Tell me, child. Where are ye from?”
“I don’t really have a home. My family’s all dead.”
“That is a shame. Would ye care to stay here and with me? I am sure Inuyasha would love to have ye around.” Kaede gave a smile and a wink that made Kagome blush.
“With all due respect, I just met him and don’t really know him.”
“That may be, I but I can tell ye are smitten with him.”
“Well, all right. I’ll stay and live with you. So…are Inuyasha and Kikyo together?”
“Nay, child. Inuyasha may harbor feeling for Kikyo, but I doubt she reciprocates. They are close friends, though.”
Yes! I definitely have a chance!
Kagome talked to Kaede until mid-afternoon and then mingled with the humans who were friendly to her and sympathetic when told she had no family. They seemed happy that she would stay in their village. It was sunset when she saw Inuyasha head for the forest. She took that as her cue to head for the river. She sat on the bank with her legs straight out and watched the brilliant sunset.
The sun vanished and Kagome felt a pulse go through her and she saw her legs merge back into her tail. She felt her senses dull and her demon strength leave her. She pushed herself into the water and, once on the bottom, checked herself to see that her dog ears and claws were gone. She was back to her mermaid form. It seems I can’t take human form on the new moon. Oh, well. Small price to pay if I win Inuyasha’s heart. She laid down on the bottom and slept with a smile.
Inuyasha sat before a small fire, looking around nervously. He always felt this way while he was mortal. He didn’t dare sleep in case an enemy showed up and recognized him. I’ll be glad when this night ends. He looked up at the patch of sky he could see. His thoughts turned to Kagome and he again marveled at how her night as a mortal was the new moon as well. Maybe next time, we could be human together. It does get lonely sometimes.
Kagome awoke and looked up to see sunlight. The new moon is over and today is when I tell Inuyasha the truth. She slowly broke the surface and looked around. No one in sight. She pulled herself onto the bank and took her tail out of the water. She felt that pulse again, felt her senses sharpen, her strength return, her claws came back, and her ear reappeared. She was half-demon again. She stood up and headed into the village, wondering if she had to explain her nightly absence and figured she probably would, at least vaguely.
“Kagome!” Kaede exclaimed in relief when said girl entered the hut. “I was worried about ye.”
“Sorry. Last night was my time of vulnerability.”
“Ah. Say no more, child. I trust ye were safe?”
“Oh, yes. Completely safe.”
“Gee, lucky you,” came an irritated voice.
Kagome turned to see Inuyasha who seemed sleep-deprived. “Inuyasha?” she said in a confused tone. He seemed completely different from yesterday. He now looked intimidating and even scary.
“I guess someone like you never had to fight for your life. You just run away like a coward,” he sneered.
“Now, wait a minute!” she snapped, getting up and walking up to him. “You don’t know a thing about me! I’ve had to fight for my life enough times and I would only flee if my life was in serious danger, but that’s a last resort!” She glared at him until he huffed and left. She shook her head. What happened to the guy I spent the day with? Why did he change? She heard Kaede chuckle slightly and turned to the priestess quizzically.
“Inuyasha is a typical male demon, Kagome. It is only the day of the new moon does his disposition soften. I imagine how he lived also affects how he acts.”
“So, I shouldn’t take anything he says personally.”
“A very mature response, dear. Just be patient with him and he should warm up to ye again.”
Kagome nodded as she accepted some food. She had met the softer Inuyasha on her first day as a half-demon and now she was dealing with a harder version because the new moon was over. Admitting my true nature wouldn’t be a good idea right now. Probably be best to keep it secret and keep my distance from Inuyasha. He likely wants to be alone at this point and I won’t force my company on him.
Chapter Four- Picnic Plans
Kagome used her nose to avoid the male half-demon as she visited the other villagers to get to know them and they her, at least a little. She had realized that telling the truth about herself would endanger her race’s safety. I can’t believe I had considered telling Inuyasha. I guess my emotional state was affected by the new moon as well. You know, I should head home and tell Sango what’s going on. She may not like it or understand but it is better than letting her continue to worry about me. I’ll let Kaede know that I’m taking a trip and will be back later. She nodded as she left the home of a small family and headed for Kaede’s house.
“A trip?”
“Yeah, just for a little while. I’ll be back.” She gently hugged the woman.
“Ye need any supplies?”
“No, I got what I need,” she lied. The rivers and the sea provided her with food and drink. She exited the house and headed out of town. She breathed deeply and filtered out the smells she received. It was really amazing to be a half-demon and was grateful to Naraku for giving her this gift. A scent wafted to her and she identified it as belonging to Inuyasha. She sniffed and located said half-demon and saw he wasn’t alone. Kikyo was there and Inuyasha was holding her close. The sight of it angered Kagome as she stormed past, dove into the water, and, once she was a mermaid, screamed her frustration. How am I supposed to win his heart when he hangs around Kikyo all the time?
Inuyasha smiled slightly as he held Kikyo close. This was the second time he chose to show his feelings for her in such an obvious way. He felt the woman almost melt into his embrace and knew he’d be able to tell her he loved her sometime soon.
The smell of fish reached his nose and he opened an eye to see Kagome go past and by her body language, she had seen them. He frowned slightly. Why’s she so upset? It’s not like we’re mates or anything. I barely know her.
And yet…she’s a half-demon like me. It would make sense to have her as a lover and mate; just about every demon views us as inferior and most humans are afraid of us. I could get to know her better. He felt Kikyo put her arms around him and he forgot about Kagome for the time being.
“A human sorcerer turned you into a half-demon while on land?” Sango gasped.
Kagome nodded. “He said I would have a better chance at earning his love if we were both half dog demons. We even have the same night when we lose our demon side, thought I become a mermaid instead of human.”
“You’ve already had that night, huh?”
“Yeah, last night.”
“So, what’s he like?”
“Hard to say. He acted really nice and caring yesterday but today, he’s been rude and inconsiderate. I can’t tell if we’re even friends. Plus, he seems to love a human woman though she feels nothing like that for him.”
“Oh, Kagome. Maybe you should give up on Inuyasha and settle on a nice merboy. You know, that Hojo’s really cute and nice.”
“Sango! I don’t want anyone but Inuyasha. I really like him and…maybe I should just tell him.” She thumped the side of her head. “Yes, of course. Why didn’t I think of that sooner?” She hugged Sango and squealed happily while Sango laughed. The older mermaid knew she wouldn’t have been able to convince Kagome to stop chasing Inuyasha, even though he seemed infatuated with a human woman. His love for the woman was one-sided and didn’t know that Kagome was head over fins in love with him. Well, when she goes back, she’ll march right up to him and tell him.
Naraku frowned as he watched Kagome interact with Inuyasha yesterday and some of today, but she had yet to lure him away from Kikyo. What is she waiting for? Why hasn’t she used her hypnotic song to make him love her? When she comes back, I will remind her of it and once she hypnotizes the half-demon, Kikyo will be mine. He smiled at the thought of having the woman he loved in his arms while he kept an eye on the river.
Inuyasha brooded as he sat in a tree. Kaede had told him that Kagome had left on a little trip two days ago and that upset him as he wanted to get to know her. Now, the third day was coming to an end and tomorrow he and Kikyo were going on a picnic. He had asked if it was okay if Kagome came along and Kikyo said she was welcome if she returned in time.
He sniffed and Kagome’s scent floated up to him. He sat up and looked over at the village path to see her figure heading toward it. He leaped down and dashed toward her. “Kagome!”
She stopped, turned, and smiled. “Hi!”
“I’ve been wanting to talk to you for three days but Kaede said you were on a trip.” He noticed her hair was wet, but chose not to comment on it.
“Yeah. I was visiting my friends.”
“Oh. Of course. Listen, Kagome. I’m going on a picnic with Kikyo tomorrow and she’s invited you too. Please say you’ll join us.”
“Uh, okay. Sure.”
Inuyasha smiled; really smiled. “Great. See you by the archway when the sun’s at its midpoint.” He sprinted back to his tree and Kagome continued to head for the village with a small smile.
I was going to tell just now, but I can wait until the picnic. That would be the perfect time to tell him.
“Kagome,” whispered a voice.
Kagome looked around, her ears turning to hear around her. “Who’s there?” she called in alarm.
The voice laughed. “Have you already forgotten me?”
Kagome calmed down. “Naraku.”
The sorcerer materialized on the path in front of her. He smiled. “It’s been five nights since the spell. I was wondering how things are between you and Inuyasha.”
“Still new. He acted nice at first, then the next day he acted differently and I chose to spend time at home until tonight. Inuyasha’s being nice again and said the Kikyo invited me to have a picnic with her and Inuyasha tomorrow.”
“Hmm. Sounds like Inuyasha runs hot and cold. Nice one moment and angry the next moment.”
“Yes and he was nice again tonight. Naraku, I am grateful that you used the spell on me. It is amazing being a half-demon what with the enhanced senses and all.”
“I am pleased that you are satisfied. However, you should spend more time on land than in the water. You can’t win Inuyasha’s heart if you’re swimming in the water.”
Kagome laughed slightly. “You’re right and I may get closer to winning his heart tomorrow.”
“How so?”
“Kikyo invited Inuyasha and me to a picnic tomorrow, remember? I figure that would be the perfect time to tell him how I feel.”
“Kikyo invited you?”
“Yeah. What’s wrong?” She took in Naraku’s suspicious look.
“You sure she hadn’t invited you to possibly announce her love to your beloved half-demon?”
“She feels nothing for him. I’m sure of that.”
“Who knows if things changed while you were gone? She could have fallen for him.”
Kagome bit her lip. Naraku had a point. She had stayed away for three days which would allow feeling to develop in Kikyo concerning Inuyasha. “I see,” she said at last.
“You can still win Inuyasha’s love. You can use your hypnotic song to make him love you. You still have that ability despite being half-demon right now.”
“What? No, I can’t use it.”
“If you don’t, then you’ll lose Inuyasha to Kikyo.” Naraku vanished, leaving Kagome to consider her options. She shook her head. I can’t use my song. If I do, his love for me won’t be real and I’d rather we love each other for real.
Chapter Five- Couple
Kagome shifted on her feet as she waited by the archway, thinking of what Naraku had said. Was it possible that Kikyo now loved Inuyasha? Yes, it was possible. Would she invite Kagome along in order to flaunt that love in front of her? No, she wouldn’t. She didn’t know that Kagome loved Inuyasha. She probably invited her in order to know her better as a friend. Kagome didn’t really have anything against Kikyo and would like to befriend her. Perhaps I could tell her that I love Inuyasha. She may help me get Inuyasha alone with me. I meant what I told Naraku: I won’t use my song on Inuyasha. Our love will be real, pure, and true. Her nose twitched as she caught Inuyasha’s scent and she turned to see him and Kikyo approach, the former having a basket in his hand. She smiled. “Hi. Kikyo, thanks for inviting me.”
“You’re welcome. I’d like to get to know you.”
“Uh, Kikyo?” Kagome said as Inuyasha walked ahead of them.
“I…I love Inuyasha and want to tell him today.”
“Do you?” Kikyo smiled. “That’s wonderful. I promise not to say a word to him. In fact, there’s a river near our picnic spot where you two could talk.”
“That sounds perfect.” To Kagome, it absolutely was perfect. If he accepts my feelings for him, I’ll tell him I’m a mermaid and I’ll have the river to prove it. Of course, I’ll have him promise not to tell anyone I’m a mermaid.
Kagome closed her eyes and sighed softly as the breeze ruffled her hair and tickled her ears. It was a lovely day for a picnic and she enjoyed her companions. Both of them had asked questions about herself and she answered as truthfully as she could, knowing she might be telling some questions in more detail later. She saw Inuyasha go over to the river and crouch by its banks before glancing over at Kikyo who had been checking her bow string. She looked up, smiled, and tilted her head at the river. Kagome got up, headed over, and sat beside Inuyasha. For a time, there was silence before Kagome said, “I saw you and Sesshomaru fighting near a river a while ago.”
“You did? Then, you already knew I had a brother.”
Kagome nodded. “The moment I saw you, though, I…instantly fell in love with you.”
“Wait, what? You love me?”
“I do. I knew then that I had to meet you, get to know you.”
Inuyasha could hardly believe what he was hearing. He had just met Kagome and she admitted to falling for him when she saw him. He stared at her: Her golden brown eyes that shone with love, the dog ears which were the cutest he had ever seen, and the claws that were long and elegant for a half-demon. She was very lovely and half dog demon like him. Her scent was nice too, despite the fish smell.
“Kagome, this is surprising to hear. I’m flattered you fell for me like that. You’re a lovely girl. I could see myself having a life and a family with you.”
“You…you mean you like me?”
“Yeah and I could eventually love you.” He took a clawed hand in one of his. “Perhaps, we could have our new moons together.”
Now’s the time to tell him. Before Kagome could open her mouth, she hear a bow string tighten. Both stood and turned to see Kikyo with an arrow aimed at them and a look of hate on her face.
“Kikyo?” Inuyasha asked, confused.
“Die, half-demons!” she yelled as she released the arrow.
Kagome reacted by shoving Inuyasha into the water and following him. The current carried them downriver and out of sight. Inuyasha surfaced and looked around as the water swept him along. “Kagome? Kagome!”
She popped up beside him and he blinked before looking away. Her kimono had slipped off her upper body, exposing a bra made from seashells. “Kagome, you’re half-dressed,” he muttered.
“Never mind that right now. Kikyo just tried to kill us!”
“Yeah, but why? I thought she was a friend. Apparently, she’s no different from most humans.”
“So it would seem.”
Inuyasha struck out for the bank and Kagome followed, knowing she would reveal herself as a mermaid. Inuyasha climbed out, turned to help Kagome out, and paused, blinking. Her dog ears were gone and her scent smelled more strongly of fish. “Ka…gome?” he said slowly.
She sighed, knowing he noticed. “Yeah, I was going to tell you before we fell in the river.” She pulled herself onto the bank and sat there with her tail in the water before looking up at Inuyasha’s astonished face.
“You’re half-dog demon and half mermaid!?” he gasped.
“No. I was born all mermaid. I can leave the water and become human. The day after I saw you, I found a strand of your hair at the river’s edge and kept it with me as I looked for you. I came to the village and saw you and Kikyo on a boat. I almost gave up on you and then a sorcerer appeared and used the hair in a spell to turn me into a half-demon like you while on land and with the same time of vulnerability only I become a mermaid instead of human.”
Inuyasha crouched down. “You did that just to be with me? Because half-demons prefer to be with our own kind?” He smiled. “That’s really sweet of you. It doesn’t matter to me that you’re a mermaid, I still like you. No, not like. I do love you.”
Kagome’s face lit up as she pulled her tail out and became half-demon again. She stood and Inuyasha took her in his arms in a tight embrace. Kagome melted in his arms. She had fallen in love, revealed everything to him, and he had now fallen in love with her. His love for Kikyo is over as she tried to kill us. So, his love went to me. That’s fine with me.
“Kagome, could you tell me about merpeople?”
“Sure. Let’s head back to the village and along the way, I’ll tell you.”
Kikyo scowled as she picked up the picnic basket and blanket. She failed to kill those half-demons. Her whole point of befriending Inuyasha was to kill him just because he was half-demon. When Kagome came to the village, she knew that if she could befriend her, she could kill her, too. Today had been when she had planned to kill that half-demon and when he asked if Kagome could come, she agreed so that she could kill both at once.
“Loathsome beasts,” she said angrily. “Next time, I will kill them.”
“I cannot allow that,” came a male voice. Kikyo looked around before cocking an arrow. “Who are you? Show yourself!”
Naraku chuckled before materializing. “As you wish.”
Kikyo lowered her bow and put the arrow away. “Naraku. Just the man I hoped to see.”
“Yes. I have heard of you and loved what I heard. I thought I caught a glimpse of you some time ago and hoped to see you so I could say that I love you.”
“I too saw you from a distance and fell for you. But, by the time I saw you again, you were spending time with that Inuyasha.”
“Don’t concern yourself. I lured him to me to kill him. I almost did too. Him and that female half-demon.”
“I see. The female, Kagome, isn’t really a half-demon. She’s a mermaid who fell for Inuyasha. I used a spell to make her a half-demon on land to lure Inuyasha away from you.”
“I see.” She gave a small laugh. “Very clever, Naraku. I would be willing to leave half-demons alone in order to be with you.”
“I will hold you to that.” Naraku went up to her, leaned down, and kissed her as he whisked them off to his home to live together forever.
“I wonder where Kikyo is,” said Kagome as she sat by the river with Inuyasha beside her. It was the night of the new moon again and both looked forward to spending it together. Kagome had let Sango know she would spend most of her time on land as Inuyasha and her were in love now. The pair set up home in an empty house and kept the village safe from demon attacks alongside Kaede.
“I don’t know where she is, but now the whole village knows what she tried to do. She won’t be welcomed here.”
The sun went down and both gasped as they lost their demon sides. Kagome returned to her mermaid self and slipped into the water before looking up to see a human boy with black hair and amber-gray eyes. “Inuyasha. You’re just as cute as a human.”
“Yeah, but I feel vulnerable like this. Tetsusaiga won’t transform for me while I’m human. Feh, now I know why you can sleep safely on these nights.”
“Well, I won’t sleep on new moon nights anymore.”
Inuyasha crouched down. “I appreciate that.” He gave her a kiss that she eagerly accepted as she had over the last few weeks.
“How touching,” said a voice and mermaid and human looked up to see they weren’t alone.
“Naraku,” Kagome said, pulling herself up to sit on the bank.
“So, you’re the one who made Kagome a half-demon on land. I owe you for that.”
“You have already paid me. I used the spell on Kagome as I desired Kikyo for my own. She, in turn, loved me and we got together the same day you did.” He smiled as he vanished.
“He used me to get to Kikyo!” Kagome exclaimed angrily.
“He did, but as she was trying to kill me, I’m not going to complain.” He sat down, held Kagome’s hand, and enjoyed her company the rest of the night and so did she.