Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only Blair and Jeet are mine.
Chapter One- The Witch’s Curse
Hiei laid the human on the grass in the park and began to erase the man’s memory of what he had seen of Demon World. Hiei also looked around before setting to work. Rumors had circulated in Demon World of a witch who cursed any demon she encountered. This actually frightened them as the witch’s curse led to the afflicted to be exiled from Demon World as they had been cursed to where they were not demon in any way. One instance that Hiei had witnessed was when one demon had returned from Human World but with black cat ears and a tail. At first, it didn’t concern anyone until the demon started becoming more like an Earth cat. He had been exiled and Hiei suspected that he had fully become a cat and yet still thought as a demon in addition to cat instincts and thoughts, however he only spoke as a cat. No one knew why this woman was targeting demons, but very few volunteered to return humans out of fear of being cursed and exiled from their home world.
Hiei, however, did not fear the witch or her ability to curse. He was simply too fast to be caught by a mere human. Hiei knew he had problems in underestimating humans from Yusuke and all the way up to Kaito, but he reasoned there that was because he was facing humans with unusual spiritual gifts. He had never faced a human with magic and had no desire to do so now. Regardless, I could avoid her easily.
He heard a noise like a whispering breeze and he ceased his memory modification. He leaped back from the man, turned, and found himself frozen, unable to move. What the-?
“I caught you. My powers told me you are a fast one so I set a freeze spell to trap you,” a triumphant voice said: A very young voice. A figure about Hiei’s height came into his field of vision and his mouth, the part able to move, opened in surprise. The witch- the one most demons feared- was a pre-teen girl! Her hair was red and ended just past her shoulders. Her brown eyes glittered maliciously as she regarded the frozen fire demon.
“You are as arrogant as the other demons I’ve cursed and just as disdainful of humans.” Her eyes flicked to the unconscious man.
“Hn, you know nothing of me. I am bringing back those who somehow end up in our world and save them from human-eating demons.”
“That’s nice of you but you don’t think much of my race, do you?”
“So what if I do? Your race is a weak and pathetic species and your emotions only add to that.”
“I disagree. Our emotions are our greatest strength and you have just proven that you view humans as weak. You deserve to be cursed just like the rest of your race.”
“Not every demon deserves to be cursed and especially not me.”
“No, every demon does deserve it simply because they’re demons. Your race is danger to humans and if I could find a way to your world, I would curse every one there.”
“Don’t expect me to help you.”
“Oh, I don’t as you won’t be going back.” She reached into an inside pocket of her jacket and pulled out a wand. The tip threw out sparks briefly before the witch put it to Hiei’s chest over the heart. “I lay on you the curse of the werewolf. You will take wolf form every night starting tomorrow. On the full moon you will be an absolute monster wolf and will desire humans to eat. You will speak like a wolf and have the instincts of one. You will also talk save for the full moon.” The tip glowed gold as it entered Hiei and his red eyes turned gold briefly indicating that the curse was now inside him. He felt an urge within him and as the witch unfroze him, he lifted his head and gave a wolf’s howl. His eyes went wide at the sound and his hand went to his mouth.
The witch giggled at his reaction. “You’ll likely be the best one I’ve cursed so far.”
He scowled at her. “I don’t believe I deserved this. My view of humans is shared by lots of demons.”
“I don’t doubt it and one day I will get to Demon World and eliminate your race.”
“You won’t survive. You will be killed or escorted back here.”
She shrugged. “Well, I guess I’ll just curse those I find then.” She smiled as she held her wand above her head. “Enjoy being a werewolf, demon.” She spoke a word and vanished.
Hiei resisted the urge to growl in a demon or wolf fashion. Instead he thought of the technical aspect of his curse. A werewolf is defined as a human turning into a wolf in one way or another. I’m not a human. I’m a demon who will turn into a wolf every night and be a monster one on the full moon. She said I would be compelled to eat humans, but why? That makes no sense, unless…werewolves do eat humans and those who survive an encounter from a werewolf would also become one if they had gotten bitten. Well, I will not curse anyone, eat humans, or tell anyone I’ve been cursed. I will return home and hide my curse. I will retire to my quarters before nightfall and not emerge until daybreak. My door will be locked and thank goodness I will still be able to talk. Hmm…will I still have my Jagan or be able to use my powers? Or will I be a normal wolf? She said I would have the instincts of a wolf. That could mean that those instincts may prompt me to act like a wolf! Hiei felt sick; by nightfall tomorrow the curse would activate and he would become a wolf at night for the rest of his life. He couldn’t avoid this fate.
There is a way, but it is the coward’s way: Suicide. I am no coward. I will allow the curse to run through me and change me into a half-demon, half-wolf creature. I need more information on the possible outcomes of this condition.
Hiei looked at the still unconscious man and returned to the memory modification, including whatever he might have heard subconsciously. Once completed, he took off through the streets and then the rooftops. Normally, he would seek Kurama’s advice but he knew the redhead was busy with final exams at school and preparing to work at his stepfather’s company. He didn’t need to distract him by asking him for information about werewolves.
He acquired that knowledge by living among humans. They have many ways of storing information to use later on and on many subjects. Yes, and the best place to start is the library. I have never been to a human’s library but I believe it is no different from a demon library. Hn, in some ways humans and demons are no different.
Hiei landed on the rooftop of the library. The place was closed but that did not deter Hiei. He forced entry without setting off any alarms or damaging anything as he entered and made his way to the library’s card catalog. He looked up every word he could think of: Werewolf, wolf, curse, and lycanthrope. He found they were on the same shelf and once card listed reliable websites. He dismissed the sites as he did not trust human technology.
He found the books, sat at a table where he could read by streetlamps outside and began to leaf through the books, using the copier to copy anything he felt necessary to take with him; while he did not trust human technology, the copier was easy enough to operate.
This is good, he thought as he left with his papers which he tucked into a folder he had found. With this information, I am more prepared for what is to come. Some of it I don’t like but it may come in handy. I can manage this curse and keep it a secret. No one will know that I will become a wolf every night and I will seek forests on the full moon nights in Demon World where no humans are, thus no humans will die by my claws or teeth. Nodding, Hiei returned to Demon World.
Chapter Two- First Transformation
He reported to Mukuro of successfully returning the human but not the encounter with the witch. Mukuro shook her head slightly. “The number of humans crossing over has gone up by an astonishing number. Report indicate that at least a dozen end up in our world every day and never in just one area.”
“Woof,” Hiei said, unable to resist.
“What?” Mukuro asked, somewhat distracted by the paperwork.
“I said, whoa,” Hiei said. “I didn’t realize that numbers were that high.”
“Yes. You’re dismissed.”
Hiei left quickly before another canine sound emerged. He was able to play off this sound as a different word and because Mukuro was a bit distracted, but suppose the next one he wouldn’t be able to cover? He wasn’t about to accept that he should return to Human World. He would learn to control the wolf sounds and live in Demon World. I am still a demon unlike those others who had been cursed. I will stay here and manage my condition. Yes, this curse is more like a disease and any disease can be managed. So, my management will start with the weaknesses.
He retreated to his room, locked the door, and sat at a table. He clicked on the light and pulled out the papers he had hidden in his coat. He began to sort them into categories: The ways to become a werewolf, the transformation, the advantages, and the disadvantages or weaknesses. He pushed the advantages to one side as he saw the negatives outweigh the positives. He pulled the weaknesses closer and began to read.
He found that werewolves had a large and varied array of weaknesses and felt frustrated. How was he supposed to know his weaknesses when humans had their own ideas? A couple of more page flips gave him the answer: Werewolves were considered mythical; not real at all.
But, they are real. I’ve been cursed to be one, which is one of the way to become a werewolf. I guess I’ll have to learn my weaknesses myself. So, if the weaknesses are varied, then the advantages will be the same way.
I can think of wolves in general. It’ll give me an idea of what I’ll have. He leaned back and closed his eyes. An image of a wolf came to him and it looked impressive. He imagined a strong powerful animal, an efficient killing machine. The eyes that could pierce the darkness with ease, the ears that could hear better than a human and better than some demons could, and the nose that could smell further and pick up a myriad of smells all at once.
He nodded, eyes still closed. Yes. Those are the wolf’s natural abilities. I too will have those senses as well as the speed and strength of a wolf. I will probably be faster as I already have speed fast enough to outrun an animal. I may want to request permanent day shift so I don’t reveal my condition. If it does come out, I will argue that I’m still at least half-demon and don’t have to be exiled.
Hiei was not scheduled for tonight’s patrol so he quickly got some food and retreated back to his room. He locked the door, ate his food, and then stripped down. The papers advised removing the clothes and shoes and Hiei decided to follow this advice. He stood there, wondering if it would hurt and then concluded that it would. After all, he would go from two legs to four; such a change would be painful.
He felt an urge to howl but suppressed it in favor of a grunt of pain. Night had fallen and the curse had activated. He felt his body and limbs get longer, his muscles protesting at the sudden lengthening. He shot up to six feet before fur the same color of his hair began to grow. He put his hands to his mouth to muffle his cries while trying to suppress them.
His muscles then became larger than what he had and then larger still for a wolf. He felt his heels go up and his knees reverse direction, forcing him to his hands and feet. He watched his hands shrink away into paws while his nails hardened and grew into claws and he felt his feet doing the same. He gave a low growl as his nose and jaws pushed out into a muzzle, his teeth turning sharp. A soft yelp came out as he felt something push out behind him. His ears turned pointed and moved to the top as his eyes turned gold and intense. Hiei was now a wolf.
He turned in a slow circle and saw a full bushy tail twitch through the air and he gave a wolf’s grin. He sometimes dreamed about having a tail despite the complaints of how one was a pain that was spoken of by tailed-demons. My tail is rather elegant and I love it. He swiped a paw across his head and felt it go across a pair of wolf ears. He spread his paws to see the sharp claw before padding over to a mirror and reared up, planting his paws on the wall.
A midnight black wolf with intense gold eyes looked back at him. He examined his lupine face before he noticed something shocking: His Jagan was gone! Don’t panic, he thought. Wolves don’t have three eyes, not even wolf demons. It will probably come back when I change at dawn.
“I wonder,” he said through clicking teeth as he went back to all fours. He sat down and lifted his right foreleg. He focused on his most basic fire attack and willed it to form around his paw, which should be instantons. After several minutes, he lowered his leg and gave a low growl of anger. I can’t use my powers! Damn! I was just starting to think this wasn’t so bad, but now I hate this. Tail be damned if I can’t use my attacks! He paced around his room, snarling softly so as to not attract attention with his sounds. He had truly been cursed. Every night, he would become a normal wolf, albeit with unusually large muscles. His demon side was suppressed until morning. When the full moon comes, he would become a monster wolf who would desire humans to eat. He inwardly smirked; despite the high number of humans showing up, he knew he would never eat them. He hadn’t as a demon and he wouldn’t as a werewolf.
Hiei jerked awake and uncurled himself to see he was a demon again. He lost no time in reveling the return of his powers and Jagan: He made a flaming fist and determined the locations of various demons, especially Mukuro. He needed to be placed on day shift and he had thought of a good reason of why this should be so. He got dressed and left to approach Mukuro.
He found the lady demon in her office and thought this appropriate considering his request. She smiled as he entered. “Hiei. Ready for more patrolling?”
“Hn, not really but since we’re on the subject, I have a request.”
“What is it?”
“I want to be placed on permanent day shift.”
Mukuro sat up straighter. “Permanent day shift?” she repeated. “I must say that is a curious request. May I ask the reason?”
“I feel that if a human is returned in daylight, you need someone who can get in and out fast. You know of the speed I possess.”
“I do, but I also know that a small but strong demon is also needed.”
“Smaller than me?”
“They can be on day shift. I just ask to be on the same shift on a permanent basis.”
“All right. Permanent day shift starting today.”
Hiei nodded as he got up and left, the broad grin unseen by Mukuro.
Hiei missed the thoughtful frown on Mukuro’s face. She found Hiei’s insistence to be on day shift rather odd as the fire demon never expressed a preference before. Is he hiding something from me? Something that goes on at night? If so, I need to find out. Mukuro gazed into space as she planned on how to expose Hiei’s secret.
Chapter Three- Exiled
Hiei breathed deeply and sniffed slightly. He had tested his senses last night and was familiar with the strength of his sense of smell. He was experiencing it right now and it confirmed what one of the papers had stated: The afflicted would have sharper senses in his or her normal state. I would like my shaper senses if they didn’t come from a curse. He could smell the scents from all around him and near the fortress as it moved. He took another deep breath and picked up scents further away. He filtered them out with ease as he already knew how to do it. He smelled nothing interesting at first, but then he picked up a human seconds before the demon assigned to smell out humans announced it.
The fortress came to a stop and Hiei jumped down beside a frightened young woman. She trembled at the sight of Hiei and werewolf gave her a small smile. “Do not be afraid. I’m here to help you home.”
“R-R-Really?” she stuttered.
“Yes.” The Jagan flared and she fell unconscious. He erased her memories of him and Demon World before heading to Human World with her. As he laid her on the ground, he was visited by an urge to kill and eat her. He recoiled at this. No! I won’t eat her! I won’t surrender to the monster wolf in me! He opened an entrance to home and fled into it.
The rest of the day passed without further incident and Hiei considered today to be a light day: Only one human found and returned. It was starting to be sunset and Hiei felt anxious. He needed to get back to his room and strip before dark.
He turned to see the night shift and Mukuro and was relieved. He nodded to them before turning his attention to Mukuro who had spoken. “Yes?”
“I had been thinking about your request most of the day. Your insistence was odd. You’ve never expressed preference for a specific shift before.”
Hiei shrugged. “Well, now I do.” A thump sounded and he looked to see a bag between him and Mukuro. He looked up at her.
“Hiei, I feel you’re hiding something from me and that is unacceptable. Unless you tell me, I will have to ask you to leave my home.”
Hiei weighed his options briefly. It was a no-brainer to him. He snatched up the bag. “I have no intention of sharing, so I’ll leave.” He turned and saw the last of the sun vanish. No! he silently cried. The bag slipped from his fingers as they shrank into a paw. His other hand followed suit before he grew in height. It’s not starting the way it did last night and it’s not hurting…much. The last word came as he gasped from the tail growing and then he whined as his muzzle formed, both already fur-covered. After several minutes, Hiei howled as his change ended, his clothes in tatters around him.
He gave a yelp of surprise as he was grabbed. He struggled in the demon’s grip, his muscles straining to break free. He tried to bring his teeth and claws around, not caring if he cursed someone by biting them outside the full moon.
His attacker turned so that he faced the others, Mukuro in the forefront still and wearing a look of disappointment and disgust. “So, you got cursed by the witch. You were the last person I would think to get caught by a pathetic human.”
“Far from pathetic as she can do magic,” Hiei retorted, causing everyone to gasp.
“You can still talk!?” Mukuro asked, astonished.
“Yes. She gave me the curse of the werewolf. Every night I become a wolf and a monster one on the full moon.” He fixed his gaze on Mukuro. “I’m still half-demon. I don’t have to be exiled.”
“That may be, but it was ordered by Lord Enki that all demons cursed by the witch are to be exiled to Human World.”
Hiei began to struggle again. He may not like humans, but he didn’t want to kill and eat them. “Just let me go. If I’m exiled, I will be compelled to eat humans on the full moon.”
“No, we can’t let you go and if you eat humans…well, that will at least three fewer humans coming into our world.” Mukuro snapped her fingers, a portal opened, and Hiei and his bag were thrown into it.
Hiei crashed into some bushes. He crawled out, stood, shook himself out, and growled. Shit. They exiled me, anyway. I thought pointing out that I was still half-demon would make them accept me. I should have known: I have always been an outsider. An outcast. Hn, that actually is appropriate now as I have a wolf form. I’ll live the lone wolf life. First thing is to find a place to live. He seized his bag in his teeth and padded off, recognizing the part that he frequented when he was tied to the city.
He moved quickly due to his large muscles and his four legs trotting along. He wanted to find shelter before dawn. He decided he would sleep during the day and stay up all night…except for the full moon. He would try to keep himself from attacking and eating humans. He trotted into a remote part of the park and his ears heard the sound of running water. Yes. My home should be close to water.
He headed toward the water ad found it was a stream winding through a small forest. He entered the forest and breathed deeply before his tail swished: he smelled no other wolves but plentiful prey for a wolf. He ventured further in and searched until he found what he deemed to be the perfect home: A tree that had a hollow space in the base. He began digging at the ground inside to open up a wide hole in which he could curl up for now. I’ll sleep for now and dig some more afterwards. I’ll build an underground den for me to live in, perhaps I can create a maze with multiple entrances and exits. He yawned as he curled up and his eyes slid shut where he dreamed of his imagined den.
He awoke mid-afternoon, came out of the three with some pants and pulled them on. He went to the stream and took a long drink before taking a few sticks into his home and resumed his digging. It was slow going but he knew that come nightfall, he would have his paws and claws and make better progress. He had widened the hole length-wise before ditching his pants and taking wolf form, finding it painless and surmised that by accepting his curse and not suppressing his instincts, it no longer hurt.
His stomach rumbled and he licked his chops. He needed food before he resumed his digging. He needed little food as a demon, but as a wolf, he needed it more. He left his home and headed for the water. He had spied some fish earlier and decided that they would make a good dinner despite being raw. But wolves eat their kills raw and since I’m a wolf right now, I’ll eat my fish raw as well. He crouched by the banks, a paw raised, and his eyes on the water. I need just one. That’s all, just…ah! He swiped his paw and a fish flew out of the water. It landed on the ground, flopping around and Hiei delivered a killing bite before howling at a successful hunt. He settled down to tear the fish open and then feat on the skin, organs, blood, and muscles.
Hmm, not bad, he thought as he licked a bone clean. Of course, I can’t eat just fish. I will have to hunt other prey and I’ll likely have to fight other predators for food. Hiei was aware that he was thinking as a wolf would only he was completely aware of it. He suspected that the witch planned to have him be more like a wolf than a demon and deep down, he didn’t care if that was her plan or not. This was his third night as a wolf and he was becoming used to being on all fours and not having access to his Jagan or his powers. His normal wolf form was powerful and strong, two attributes he liked.
I don’t need my Jagan or powers at night. I have claws and teeth as well as instincts to protect myself. And speaking of protect, I need to get back to digging my den. He got up, went back into the tree, jumped into the large hole and began to dig again. He had a lot of work to do and only a little time to get some of it done: The full moon was coming.
Chapter Four- Monster Wolf
Hiei panted as he pushed his claws through the thin layer of dirt, causing it to crumble and reveal the room he had started from the other end. He laughed as he stepped into it. He had spent the last two and a half weeks building his underground home, stopping only to eat and sleep. He had succeeded in digging three rooms that connected to each other and Hiei detected other hollow trees where he could dig more rooms and make his dream of a maze den a reality. He was proud of what he had accomplished so far.
And once the full moon’s over, I can get back to work. He curled up in his new room and wondered what the next three nights would be like. He would be a monster but he knew nothing else beyond that save for what he was told. He would only speak as a wolf and would desire humans to eat. The idea of eating humans repulsed him. He had eaten animals but they were simple creatures with no higher brain functions, unlike humans and demons. I will try to resist my monster side’s instincts and urges. Surely, I’m strong enough to fight it. He sighed and slipped into slumber.
Hiei awoke to a general restlessness and that he had claws on his fingers! He held them up to see they were just like his wolf claws. Hn, I could do some more digging with these and it might expend this restless energy I’ve got.
He crawled to a section of his new room and began digging in earnest. The room was close to a nearby hollow tree and it only needed a tunnel to come out inside the tree. He tapped his demon speed to increase the pace of his digging and hours later, his claws poked up from under the ground and emerged in a hollow tree. He smiled as he climbed out of the tunnel and then out of the tree. His smile vanished when he saw the sun disappear and a large white full moon rising.
His red eyes turned solid and glowing as he stared at the moon. He then howled as he grew to seven feet tall and his fur grew all over his body as he grew his muzzle and ears. Pads developed on the palms of his clawed hands as his legs bent into wolf shape and his feet became paws with extended claws. A full bushed out tail swished behind him as an angry growl emerged and his mind became that of a bloodthirsty killer. Hiei dropped to his hands and paws as he stalked out of his forest home and toward the more populous area of the park, his nose scenting the smell of human prey.
He sniffed vigorously as the smell of a human reached him. His mouth watered and he licked his chops. His teeth itched to rend and tear, his ears longed to hear the scream of terror, and he desired to feel their blood warm in his mouth and stomach. He rose to his full height but slightly hunched over before loping off toward the human he smelled. He didn’t care what human it was: Male, female, adult, or child. All were his prey. The sight of a man appeared and he growled at him and brandished his claws.
A smell of fear reached his nose and it excited him. He snarled and slowly stalked toward the human. The man suddenly turned and ran. Hiei howled before taking off, his large muscles and long legs allowing him to cover the distance quickly. He leaped through the air and all four limbs landed on the man’s back, knocking him down. The man screamed in fear and Hiei’s claws slashed across the neck before his jaws grabbed the neck and bit down hard, killing him. He gave a howl and heard other people scream. He turned to the sounds and charged at them, killing two others before eating them. He returned to his first victim and ate him before he spent the rest of the night terrorizing park goers and marking areas of the park as well as his forest home.
The wolf stood on two legs as he stood at his forest’s edge, surveying his expanded territory in the pre-dawn light. The sun began to rise and Hiei howled in pain as he began to change. He shrank back to his short height as the fur, muzzle, and tail vanished. His paws split into feet, his muscles shrank, the pads on his palms vanished, and his eyes returned to normal. He blinked and put a hand to his head. Ugh. What happened? Last thing I remember was howling to the moon and changing. After that, I remember nothing until now. He turned into the woods and into his home to his bag where he dressed and then left to head for the other areas of the park to find out if anything odd or strange had happened last night.
He flitted through the trees and came upon a scene of horror: Police tape cordoned off an area and in that area was the mostly eaten body of a man. He watched the officers catalogue the scene and collect evidence. He saw them take a cast of a large paw print and photographs were taken of the prints and the body. He heard the walkie-talkie squawk and was able to determine that two other eaten bodies had been found with large paw prints around them.
Hiei flitted away to the other scene and saw the same horror that befell the man. He returned to his den home and put a shaky hand over his eyes. I killed and ate three people last night. I know it. I was an absolute monster just like the witch said I would. Well, not anymore. I said I would sleep during the full moon and I will.
Hiei continued to dig throughout the day and was good and tired when he elected to stop. He laid down in a newly completed room naked and was asleep instantly. Outside, the moon rose and Hiei transformed into his monster form. His eyes snapped open, solid red and he gave a low growl as he exited his home on hands and paws. Once outside, he padded off in search of humans to terrorize, kill, and eat as well as claim more territory. Again screams rent the air as people fled from the hulking vicious wolf that charged them and tore into them with long sharp claws. People fell as they died and Hiei ate to recover the energy he expended and then returned to terrorizing and killing. He enjoyed seeing the people running and screaming from him. The air was thick with screams and howls as well as the smell of blood and urine as Hiei marked his territory.
Hiei panted and his tail swished as he stood on the edge of his forest home. He had had a great night. He had killed and eaten to his heart’s content and was ready to sleep. The sun peeked over the horizon and Hiei howled in pain as he shrank back into his demon form with wolf claws.
Hiei blinked and looked around. How did I get out here? I fell asleep in my den and now I’m out here. That means…crap. I changed and came up. I killed and ate again, I just know it. Even when asleep, I still change and kill. I really am an absolute monster. It is one thing when I kill of my own free will, but it’s another when I kill without conscious thought and thinking like a monster. Hiei retreated to his home, depressed. He couldn’t stop himself from killing and eating during the full moon. I’ll work on my den and go to sleep before dark, even though I’ll attack and kill tonight.
He tapped his speed to dig the tunnels of his home, planning to create the rooms over the coming month. I will sleep by day and work at night as I had been the last two and a half weeks. He felt pleased at how his home was coming along. I should have a decent network by the next full moon. Hiei dug tiredly at the dirt as he added more length to a tunnel. He kept digging despite his fatigue. He soon had built a tunnel and began to shape it to where he would carve out a room with his fire powers. He had hit upon this idea while he was digging. This room will exist in a hollow tree. A simple jump into a hole will bring me into it. In fact, that will be my entrance hall room. Hmm, maybe I should dig some dead-end tunnels in case I’m being chased in my own home. He turned around and crawled out of the tunnel and came out inside a tree. He exited it, naked as he had been for the entire cycle; in the morning he would pull on some pants.
He sighed in resignation as he watched the sunset. Soon, I will change and attack again, he thought. Hiei growled and then howled as the sun vanished and the moon rose. He changed and ran off to kill and eat.
Chapter Five- Friends Find Out
Hiei flung out a hand, his Jagan flaring, and a stream of fire burned away dirt and created a large underground cave. He crawled into it as the fire died and he stood there, nodding in approval at his work. It had been a week since the full moon and Hiei had busied himself with creating his rooms and dead-end tunnels. He stayed underground during the day and only came out at night to hunt in his forest territory.
His murders had been widely publicized in the newspapers he had nicked from trash cans and he surmised they had been aired on the television news programs. He had killed and eaten a fair amount of people on the second and third nights and that knowledge filled him with disgust and even a little remorse. The mayor and police advised people to stay indoors at night until the culprit had been caught.
They’ll never catch me. They won’t look twice at a simple wolf as my paw prints aren’t as big as they are during the full moon. I need to find a way to keep myself from killing again. There has to be some weakness I can use. He crawled out of the room and to the one where he had stowed his bag. He dug through it and pulled out his papers. He shuffled through them and pulled out the pages on weaknesses. His eyes ran down the pages.
Silver’s no good that would kill me. Crosses would stop me, but it would hurt and likely anger me and make me lash out and destroy it. Wolfsbane? Yes, that’ll work. It’ll render me weak and too tired to move. Perfect. The problem is that Wolfsbane is a rare flower and I haven’t seen any in my forest home. I come ask Kurama for help but that would mean explaining why and I don’t want to hear or see any sympathy. I’d rather kill and eat people than seek help. I’m a lone wolf and don’t need anyone. Hiei knew he was still a demon, but only in daylight. His weeks of solitude had made him self-sufficient and led him to believe that he didn’t need any company.
Hiei shook himself out as his change ended and he began to sniff out something to eat. He lifted his nose and inhaled deeply. Hmm, I smell deer. I can kill it and have food for a couple of days, maybe even three. He stalked off into the woods, his mind already in hunt mode.
The deer bounded through the woods, trying to outrace and escape the wolf on its tail. Hiei snarled in laughter. No deer could escape him as he was no ordinary wolf; he was a werewolf and liked his normal wolf form even though it brought his hatted monster form three nights a month. He raced after the deer, his claws exposed to give him more traction.
He saw the deer leap over a fallen log and he followed suit, using the wood to give himself an extra push as he flew over the ground, his jaws open wide as he landed on the deer’s back. His jaws seized the neck and bit down, killing the deer. He leaped off his prey as it fell dead. He howled in joy and the thrill of the hunt. He then began to rip the body open and eat whatever he fancied.
The scents of humans and demons caught his attention before he could take a bite and the turned away from his kill to face the direction of the scents. He crouched low, ears flat, teeth bared, and a low growl in his throat. Good. Whoever it is will back off and leave at seeing a threatening wolf or at least the humans will. The demons, I may have to attack them and kill them to protect myself.
Three human figures appeared with flashlights and the light hurt his eyes. He yelped at the bright light before lowering his eyes to the ground and growled again. He lunged at the trio and they separated. He landed gracefully and his ears heard movement to his left and turned to the source, unsheathing his claws.
“Hiei, no!” called a voice he knew: Kurama.
I don’t care how he knows it’s me. “Go away,” he growled. “Leave me alone!”
“Hiei, please.”
“No. I said leave.” Hiei lunged to scare Kurama into leaving but he felt something snake itself around his limbs and mouth and he crashed to the ground. He growled and wiggled to get loose but the vines refused to loosen or break.
“Hiei, easy,” Kurama said calmly as he had the vines loosen around the muzzle so Hiei could talk.
“Then let me go and leave,” he snarled.
“You do not wish to know how we learned of your curse.”
“No. I don’t care.”
“Well, we’ll tell you anyway,” Yusuke jumped in as he and Kuwabara showed up. “Your name turned up on the list of exiled demons and Kurama went to speak to Mukuro. She told him that the witch cursed you as a werewolf. Then, when we heard of the attacks-,”
“Don’t speak of them!” Hiei snapped. “I’m disgusted with what I did. I couldn’t stop myself.”
“Of course you could not,” Kurama said. “That is what makes it a curse. It is good that you do not enjoy it or surrender to the impulses of that form.”
“I hate this curse, although,” he said softly at the last word. “I do like my current form.”
“I can imagine,” Kurama said, looking over Hiei’s muscular body.
“Kurama,” Hiei continued. “I read that Wolfsbane could weaken me and make me too tired to move.”
“It can, but overexposure could kill you.”
“I only want enough to keep me from killing humans again.”
“I can grow some and place them around your home’s entrance.”
“Entrances, Kurama. I have more than one entrance, inside hollow trees.”
“An underground den?”
“Yes. I feel safe that way.” A gurgle was heard and Hiei lowered his eyes in embarrassment.
The vines fell away and, as Hiei stood, Kurama said, “Go ahead and eat. I will come by tomorrow night, just me.”
Hiei nodded before heading back to his kill. He saw the three of them leave and felt both relief and a sense of wanting them to stay. They alone wanted to see me. They are not judgmental about me being cursed. Kurama has agreed to grow and provide me with the Wolfsbane I will need on the next full moon. Hiei gave a wolf’s grin as he leaned down to eat and cut the deer into pieces he would store for later.
“Poor Hiei,” Kuwabara said as they walked away. “He didn’t deserve to be cursed.”
“He did not,” Kurama agreed. “The witch makes no distinction between good and bad demons. She merely curses whatever demon she encounters.”
“Isn’t there a way to find her and get her to undo the curses or at least Hiei’s curse?” Yusuke asked.
“I believe the only way to draw her out would be to use a demon as bait and…I would be willing to lure her out.”
“Kurama, she could curse you if you act as bait,” Yusuke pointed out.
“Not if I resume my human form once she appears. I believe I will ask Hiei about his encounter so we can fine-tune our idea and plan carefully.”
Yusuke nodded and glanced back briefly. A witch was cursing any demon she found and had laid a curse on Hiei turning him into a werewolf who attacks and eats humans on the full moon. It was clear that while Hiei liked his non-full moon form, he hated the other form and was disgusted by what he did during that time. Well, once Hiei tells Kurama about his encounter, we’ll be able to corner the witch and convince her to lift the curse on our friend and other innocent demons.
Chapter Six- The Plan
Hiei crept out of the forest around midday and toward the expanded boundaries of his territory. His nose detected his scent and it further disgusted him of how much like a wolf he had been last week. I have the instincts of a wolf, but that doesn’t mean I have to think like one. I’ll hunt and make wolf sounds, but that’s as far as I’ll go, control-wise. I wish I could meet up with that witch and somehow convince her to lift the curse, that I didn’t deserve it. He shook his head slightly. No. She won’t listen to me or to reason. I’m still half-demon, but as far as she’s concerned, I’m not a demon at all.
He hovered on the fringes of his territory and the humans that milled in that area, watching as they enjoyed one another’s company and the daylight. He spied a few of them glancing fearfully in the direction of his home and he understood their fear even though he didn’t feel it. He continued to prowl the edges of his territory and observe the humans until it was almost sunset. He sped for the forest and entered it just before the sun vanished and ditched his pants. He took a moment to enjoy the feel of nakedness before night feel and he felt pads between his paws and the dirt. He kneaded the dirt before heading home and into the room where he had stored the remains of his kill. He dug up part of it and ate his fill. He was washing his paws and face clean when his nose caught the faint smell of fox. He bounded through the tunnels, following the smell and popped his head out of his entrance hall hole. He saw a multi-tailed silver fox about to walk by. “Kurama,” he called. “Over here.”
The fox turned, crouched, and crawled inside before jumping into the hole, Hiei having vacated the spot. Both sat in the room before Kurama resumed human form. He looked around at the room. “You obviously have been working hard since your exile.”
“I dug most of it and used my fire to burn and shape the rooms.”
Kurama heard the proud tone in Hiei’s voice and understood it: He would be proud too if he had dug most of his home by paw. “Hiei, we were talking last night and I’d like to hear about when you met the witch. What she said and what she looks like.”
Hiei felt Kurama had an agenda for wanting to hear Hiei’s encounter and had a good idea what it was. But I’ll wait before I say anything. “Well, I was returning a human and was modifying his memory when I heard something like a whispering breeze. I paused in my memory erasure, leaped away, turned, and was frozen. The witch appeared and, Kurama, she was a pre-teen girl.”
“A girl? She clearly is quite powerful if she is able to trap and curse demons. Describe her to me.”
“Red hair just past the shoulders and brown eyes. Somehow she knew about my speed and set that trap to freeze me, save for my mouth. She called me arrogant and disdainful of humans like the others she’s cursed. I told her I was bringing back those who wound up in Demon World. She admitted that was nice but that I didn’t think of her race. I admitted to seeing humans as weak and pathetic confirming her suspicions of me. She then cursed me after saying she curses demons simply because we’re demons. She wants to wipe out our entire race, viewing us as a danger to humans.”
“Thank you, Hiei. You have provided valuable information.”
“And may I ask what you intend to do with the information?”
“Draw her out and convince her to lift your curse and those of other innocent demons.”
Hiei snorted. “She won’t do it. She may have left me as a half-demon but I’m a monster three nights a month.” He laid down and put his head on his paws. His eyes focused on Kurama and the redhead saw a haunted look in them that was scary to see.
“Kurama, I don’t remember exactly what I do, but nonetheless I can hear the humans screaming in my dreams. My claws ripped them apart, cut their lives short. If you do lure her out, tell her for me that I regret killing them. They probably had good lives ahead of them that I stole by killing them.” He closed his eyes and whined.
Kurama reached out and stroked Hiei’s head. “You have changed in more ways than one, Hiei. You regret the deaths of those humans. A month ago, you would not have cared.”
Hiei opened his eyes to look at him. “It’s one thing when I kill consciously, it’s another when I do so and can’t stop myself. I would do just about anything to do away with my monster side.”
“If we can make her see reason, I will see what we can do.”
Hiei nuzzled Kurama’s hand. “Thanks.”
“Of course.” Kurama resumed fox form, leaped out of the hole, and headed home, thinking of what he had learned. I’ve learned that the witch is a pre-teen who is very powerful. She curses demons because they are demons and she sees them as a danger to humans. Yet, she cursed Hiei as a werewolf who kills and eats humans three night a month. That makes no sense. Why curse a demon to kill the race she is protecting? Perhaps that is a question we can ask once we have found her.
It is fortunate that Hiei ended up with this curse as a human-eating demon would have no qualms about the curse’s conditions, aside from transforming into a wolf. Hiei cannot control himself during the full moon as those attacks will attest. He feels guilt and remorse at what he had done last week. That is a big change in him. Not that long ago, the deaths of humans would not matter to him. He said he likes his non-full moon form and it is easy to see why as Hiei likes power and strength and the wolf is certainly that.
Hiei does not believe the witch will lift the curse and he may have a point. If her goal is to eliminate demons, then restoring the cursed to their demon state would reverse that goal. She must be convinced that attempting to commit genocide is not a decent thing to do. I will do what I can to get her to undo the curse or at least the monster side so Hiei does not continue to attack and kill humans. I can provide the Wolfsbane but I fear Hiei would overuse it and nearly kill himself to protect others. He may be demon during the day, but he is still a werewolf all day and night. It is likely he does not realize that and if so, I can prove the point by having a sprig of the plant with me. I do hope everything works out once the plan is executed.
Hiei ran through the forest, leaping over logs and chasing other animals just for something to amuse himself. He gave a howl as he ran. I love being a wolf! The speed, the grace, and the strength. It almost makes it worth being cursed…almost. If I didn’t become a monster every full moon, I would love my curse.
It is confusing about why she would curse me to be a monster who eats humans when she is cursing demons to protect her race. I never ate humans or harmed when I was a full demon. Hmm, maybe I can convince Kurama to let me join them in their plan. It might make a difference if I’m there to say these things as opposed to having Kurama say it for she may not believe that I said them unless I’m there to say it.
“No! Please, have mercy!” a voice pleaded and, curious, Hiei padded toward it quickly and saw a demon on his knees before a redheaded girl with a wand. His muzzle parted: It was her, the witch!
“Mercy?” she scoffed. “Demons don’t belong in this world and you dare to come here. Well, if you like this world so much, I’ll help you stay here.” She put her wand to his forehead. “You will take the form of a dog with the instincts and voice but still retain you demon mind and voice.” There was a glow and Hiei saw the demon sprout dog ears and his cry of shock was heard in addition to barks. The witch giggled as she vanished and the demon howled in grief which prompted Hiei to howl in response, understanding the feeling and also a sense of despair. She won’t lift our curses.
Chapter Seven- Jeet
“I only wanted to visit, to observe this world’s beauty, not be a permanent resident,” the demon, Jeet, said the next morning as the pair sat in Hiei’s home. Jeet proved to be a peaceful demon, a rare one who had never killed in his life. He had heard Hiei’s howl last night and located the werewolf, finding he too was a cursed demon. Hiei invited Jeet to stay at his home, saying he had plenty of room. Jeet accepted but hinted he may try to find a human to adopt him once he was a dog in body.
“That girl. What’s her problem?” Jeet asked.
“She wants to eliminate the demon race and is cursing every demon she finds. I was returning a human one night when she froze me and made me a werewolf.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad.”
“It does on the full moon. I become a monster and eat humans.” Hiei shuddered and so did Jeet.
“Okay, that is bad.”
“I’ve killed other demons, but never a human until now.” Actually, Hiei had killed a human before but it had been protecting Yusuke and a matter of self-defense.
“I don’t think I could kill anything,” Jeet said, rubbing his backside.
Hiei saw this and surmised that a tail was coming. “It’s sick that she curses demons to slowly change. That wasn’t so with me.”
“I did make two canine sounds before it activated. She had cursed me so that it would activate the next night and it was painful but simultaneous as well.”
“What happens on the full moon? Why attack and kill if you’ve never killed humans before?”
“As I said, I become a monster wolf and think only as a bloodthirsty wolf. I have no control over myself and also have no memory of what happens. I learned by seeing the police handle the attack scenes as well as discarded newspapers. That is what makes this a curse: No control and it disgusts me.”
Jeet nodded. “I guess if I had to be cursed, mine isn’t that bad.” He then gasped as a brown tail burst out of his pants and flicked back and forth a few times.
“No, it isn’t,” Hiei agreed before yawning. “I need some sleep. I tend to stay awake all night.”
Jeet nodded. “Wolves do prefer to be awake at night.” He watched Hiei curl up as a wolf would before following his lead. He too needed rest and, before falling asleep, wondered how much more like a dog he would be when he awoke.
“So, you and Kuwabara will be nearby while I attempt to attract the witch as Yoko.”
“You sure she’ll want to curse you?” Yusuke asked.
“I am not certain, but I hope she does. You did not see the pain and torture in Hiei’s eyes when he recounted his full moon nights. I do not want him to go through that again.”
“Yeah, well no one should have to go through that,” Yusuke said.
Yusuke is right, Kurama thought as he headed for Hiei’s home. No one deserves to be a monster against his will. Perhaps Hiei would like to assist us or at least nearby should we persuade her. He headed for the tree where he knew an entrance was, dropped in, and paused. There was Hiei but also a demon who looked part dog. He had the ears, tail, and some of the brown fur of a dog that did not go well with his red skin. Another cursed demon. The witch had been close by. The demon looked over upon hearing Kurama land and the redhead saw the eyes widen in fear. “K-K-Kurama,” he stammered fearfully.
“It’s all right, Jeet. He’s my friend,” Hiei said and Jeet’s eyes reflected surprise instead of fear.
Kurama smiled as he sat. “He is correct and along with two other friends, I intend to convince the witch to lift her curses on Hiei and other demons.”
Jeet’s tail wagged. “Really?” he asked before barking.
“Hn, she won’t undo them,” Hiei said. “She wants demons gone. She had told me that if she could get into Demon World, she would eliminate everyone there.”
Jeet gasped. “That’s suicide. Everyone there knows she’s a witch though no one knows her appearance.”
“And as cursed demons are exiled before they can describe her, they remain ignorant.”
“What if I was to spread the word?” Kurama offered. “Then they would be on the alert.”
Jeet nodded. “Yes, that would help.”
“Agreed. Now, Hiei, despite your earlier statement, would you like to assist us in catching the witch or at least nearby should we actually convince her?”
Hiei smirked. “I’ll be nearby. You likely have a plan already and I don’t want you to change it just to include me.”
“All right. We plan to do it tonight and on the edge of this forest.”
“Can I be nearby too if she agrees to lift them?” Jeet asked.
“Of course.”
“Hiei, your friend is really nice,” Jeet commented once the redhead had left. “He is not at all like what I’ve heard.”
“I believe being raised by a human had a lot to do with that. But before that, he was exactly as he was portrayed in the tales about him. Plus, when in battle, he is ruthless and cunning, someone you would want on your side instead of fighting against him.”
“I believe it.”
“Let me tell you about some of the times he’s battled and when we worked together as a team.” Hiei spent the rest of the daylight hours regaling Jeet with stories of the fights they had from the Four Saint Beasts and all the way up to the Demon World Tournament.
“Hiei took in a cursed demon?” Yusuke asked.
“Yes. His name’s Jeet and he is becoming a dog. He’s asked to be nearby as well should we convince her to lift the curses, thought Hiei does not believe she will.”
“We have to try, though. We can’t leave Hiei as a monster wolf three times a month.”
“Of course not, Yusuke. I cannot say for certain but I believe Jeet to be one of those rare non-violent demons and he was terrified upon seeing me.”
“Non-violent?” Kuwabara repeated. “You mean he’s never killed?”
“That is a possibility and further proof that she must see the error of her actions.”
“Well, yeah,” Kuwabara said. “I mean this Jeet guy didn’t deserve to be cursed. He was just minding his own business.”
“Yes and I also offered to tell Demon World what the witch looks like. Hiei said that those exiled do not get a chance to spread her description.”
“I say don’t tell them,” said Kuwabara. “If they’re not letting the cursed demons a chance to say what she looks like, they shouldn’t be allowed to know anyway. Serve them right.”
“I am afraid I disagree. It is their fear of the afflicted that prompts them to not listen. In addition, they may believe the cursed are no longer demons.”
“No longer demons?” Kuwabara repeated once again.
Yusuke had to admit that was surprising. I agree with Kurama: They should know the witch’s looks so those that do come here can get away before she curses them. A shame Hiei didn’t have that information, though he had been frozen before he saw her.
Man, I hope our plan works. And if it doesn’t, I think I’ll take Jeet home with me. He shouldn’t be treated like a real dog even though he’ll look like one.
Chapter Eight- Curse Altered
Jeet stared into the water at the lean but muscular brown dog he had become. So, this is how I’ll be now. He drank some water and then looked around. Hiei had headed off once night fell and Jeet guessed that he had gone off to hunt. I wouldn’t be able to do that…would I? I have the instincts of a dog and my readings have taught me that dogs are descended from wolves. I guess, if push came to shove, I could hunt and kill. A plop nearby caught his attention and he looked up to see Hiei and two fresh fish. The wolf’s tail swished proudly.
“I’m really good at fishing,” he boasted.
Jeet nosed one. “Is it good?”
“I think so. Cooked or raw.”
“I guessing you eat it raw.”
“I do. It’s hard to start a fire with paws and besides, animals eat their food raw. Despite our minds, our bodies are animals.” Hiei laid down, pulled a fish toward him, and began to eat, using his paws to keep the fish in place.
Jeet followed Hiei’s lead. Hey, this is good, he thought as he ate. I could live like this but I’d still like to be a pet. After tonight, I’ll know if I can return to Demon World or look for a new home.
Once both had eaten, they headed to the edge and crouched in some bushes to watch for Yoko or the witch. Fortunate that a curfew was imposed to prevent further attacks, Hiei thought as shame and regret went through him; after all it was because of him that there was a curfew.
A flash of silver cut through the darkness and Hiei looked up to see Yoko striding toward some trees, looking completely unconcerned about any danger. He hoped that confidence wasn’t misplaced. Suddenly, Yoko turned into Kurama as a young girl appeared. She had a smug smirk on her face and was about to speak when vines erupted from the ground and wrapped themselves around the girl, preventing her from getting her wand or speaking a spell. Hiei silently exhaled in relief: The dangerous part of the plan was over.
Kurama, Kuwabara, and Yusuke stood before her, the former’s eyes sad. “We know why you target demons and while protecting humans is an admirable goal, genocide is not the answer.” He dropped the vines around her mouth.
“You don’t understand,” the witch choked, tears welling up and spilling. “I must curse a certain number of demons or…or become a demon myself. I don’t want that.”
Her response surprised everyone there. “Why would someone want to turn a young girl into a demon?” Yusuke asked.
“My elders, other witches. I’m unusually powerful for my age and I was told how evil and dangerous demons are to humans and how I alone had the power to change them, curse them so that humans were safe.”
“Safe!?” Hiei snarled as he crept out of hiding, tail bristling. “You made me a monster who eats humans three times a month! How is that keeping them safe? I never ate a human until you cursed me.”
“I was told to use the werewolf curse, despite the danger. It was part of my training.”
“What is your name?” Kurama asked,
“Blair, look into your heart, listen to it. What does it tell you?”
She closed her eyes, tears escaping as a result. She was silent for a few minutes before she slowly exhaled and opened her eyes which showed resignation. “I deserve to be a demon,” she said softly. “By cursing demons, that makes me no better than they are. You’re right. Genocide is wrong. I can’t undo the curses, but I can lift the monster wolf curse so your friend will be a normal wolf every night.
“However, someone must take the monster wolf side.”
“Why?” Hiei asked.
“That is how the removal and the curse works.” Blair looked at him. “I was wrong to make you a werewolf so I will assume the monster wolf.”
“Or perhaps a wolf demon,” Kurama spoke up.
“What?” Blair asked.
“I have the ingredients to mix a potion to make one an animal demon if a spell or curse is used not long after consumption.”
“Oh!” Blair said. “If I drink this potion and then transfer the monster to me, I’ll be a wolf demon.”
“Correct. Is that acceptable?”
“Absolutely.” She remained tied as Kurama mixed the potion and turned to Hiei. “I will need a strand of fur.”
Hiei nodded. “All right.” He let Kurama stroke him until a piece of fur came away. He dropped it in the test tube and it turned as white as the moon. He turned to Blair who eagerly tilted her head back and opened her mouth, allowing the potion to flow down her throat before Kurama untied her.
Blair drew her want and aimed it at Hiei. “I remove the monster wolf of the curse and transfer it to myself. You will be a normal wolf every night.” A dark mist rose off Hiei and he howled in pain; it felt like it was being forcibly yanked from him. It arced up and descended on Blair. She then howled as the curse mixed with the potion. She didn’t get any taller, but her red hair turned to fur that spread to the rest of her body. Claws sprouted from her fingers while her shoes split open to reveal red wolf paws. A tail sprouted from her tailbone and muscles enlarged her frame. A muzzle appeared as did wolf ears. Her eyes remained brown and they opened to take in her new body.
“Whoa,” she said, teeth clicking. “I’m really a demon at least in body.”
“What does that mean?” Hiei snapped.
“I…don’t feel a desire to attack humans.”
“Not all of us attack humans,” Jeet cut in, emerging from hiding. “I didn’t bother humans. I’ve never killed in my life and you cursed me just because I was a demon.”
She bowed her head. “I apologize. I have much to learn.”
“And I could take you to Demon World,” Kurama said. “I know a pack of friendly wolf demons who would be happy to take you in.”
“Thank you,” she said as Kurama accessed a portal and the two went inside.
“Well,” Jeet said after some silence. “Since I’m stuck as a dog, I’ll try to find a family to adopt me.”
“Actually, you’ll come with me,” Yusuke said. “You shouldn’t have to be treated like a real dog.”
“Really?” Jeet’s tail wagged. “I’d like that.”
“Well, come along, Jeet.” Yusuke led the way with Kuwabara behind them while Hiei padded back to his home. His curse had been adjusted. Yes, he still became a wolf every night, but he no longer would become a monster during the full moon. At least I hope I don’t. There could still be a piece of that part inside me, but I’ll soon find out.
Blair adjusted well to being a demon. She still has her magic but she uses it to benefit demons.”
Hiei nodded, his eyes locked on the sky. It was the first full moon since the transfer and he wanted to make sure he stayed a normal wolf. Kurama had assured him he would, but he wanted to be sure.
The sun sank below the horizon and the full moon rose. Hiei tensed as the moon rose and looked down to see two black forepaw instead of clawed hands and his mind was clear. The transfer did work! I’m just a wolf at night! Hiei howled in joy and Kurama smiled at it.
Hiei’s curse is now acceptable, Jeet enjoys being Yusuke’s dog, and Blair has learned that most demons aren’t evil and do not care about humans. All is not well, but it is tolerable. He left the park as Hiei sprinted into the woods to run and prance under the moon’s light.