Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Only Samson, Hudson, Byron, Tyce, Stephan, and Chloe are mine.
Chapter One- Snatched
It was another typical school day for Atticus Rhodes. He went to school with his younger sister Alexis, had morning classes, lunch, and was now attending afternoon classes. Not that he wasn’t enjoying school; after all that’s where he hung out with his friends during the week. He especially enjoyed being with them on the weekend and spend every available moment with them, despite the amount of homework being dumped on the junior class which was his grade, the eleventh grade. He thought it unfair that his class was getting more homework than the rest of the school, though Alexis pointed out that he wouldn’t think that if he did some of that homework on the weekend.
He was in his last class on a Friday, science class when the teacher announced a research paper. The topic was free choice but had to be science-related. Atticus suppressed a groan. A research paper! An assignment like that required hours of looking up information related to the topic, not to mention countless drafts before writing up the final draft complete with a bibliography. Plus, science involved countless topic, how would he be able to pick one?
His head whirled with possible topics as he headed for Duel Club. The Duel Club was his favorite thing about school, aside from his friends. Duel Monsters was a highly popular card game that was played by people of all ages from six to the elderly. Most played casually, but some joined clubs and dueled in district and school competitions. Furthermore, the duelists in the club were his friends as well and his friendships with them were tighter than his classmates. He entered the classroom used by the club to see his five fellow duelists: Jaden, Syrus, Chazz, Alexis, and Zane. There were only six of them though the club had no limit. It was all right; six was enough to qualify them for competitions.
“Hey, guys,” Atticus said with a grin that faded when he saw the grim expressions. “What’s wrong?”
“We need to keep our meeting short today,” Zane said. “Tonight is the Blood Moon.”
“The Blood Moon? Already?” Their city was fearful of the Blood Moon as some people would vanish during that time. Their high school had rumors that some students would disappear during the week and were never seen again. But students hadn’t vanished for at least ten years, however the rumor persisted.
“Yes, already. Our only order of business is the tournament next weekend. We should duel next week to make sure our skills remain sharp and our teamwork is seamless.”
There were nods as the meeting broke up. Atticus decided to head to the library to select a research subject. He wasn’t alone as Zane was joining him. “So, have you picked a topic?” Atticus asked.
“Yes. The nature of whirlpools. How they form, why they form, and why they occur in some parts of the world and not in others. I plan to check out a few books to draw up a planning chart. The chart I’ll do at home as the Blood Moon will rise tonight.”
“Yeah. The Blood Moon.” Atticus’ eyes lit up. “That’s it. My paper will be on the Blood Moon.”
Zane nodded. “Intriguing idea. Finding books on it might be hard.”
Atticus shrugged. “I could always change the subject to lunar eclipses. Should be plenty of information on those.” They entered the library and set to work.
Two hours later, Atticus left the library, rubbing his eyes from looking at computer screens and book print, two books under one arm and a computer printout tucked inside one. He had checked the Internet information on the Blood Moon and found it was an event that occurred when four lunar eclipses happened in a row. He was thrilled as his backup topic was lunar eclipses. He had printed the information out and then searched the shelves for lunar eclipses. Zane had left while Atticus was on the computer, having found enough material to start a planning chart and saying he wanted to get home before the moon rose. Atticus began to doubt the school rumor of students disappearing during the Blood Moon. There was nothing magical about it. The moon’s coppery-red color was the result of the sun’s reflective light, nothing more. In fact, I think I’ll rush home and get a camera to take a picture. He casually strolled down the sidewalk, feeling a lot better. He had a research topic, a whole weekend to get started, and a Duel Monster tournament next weekend. Yeah, I got this.
A shadowy figure flitting into an alley up ahead caught his eye. Wary of a possible attack, Atticus sped up and dashed past, prepared for someone to leap out and try to do who knew what to him. A quick glance into it showed it was empty. Atticus slowed once he had past the alley. I guess I was seeing things. The night playing tricks on me. Atticus kept thinking that when someone seized him from behind. He struggled with his assailant and was stunned to find that his struggles were making no headway in getting loose or free. Now, Atticus was in good shape and usually had no problem breaking someone’s grip. But this person seemed to be insanely strong; he was holding both of Atticus’ hands with one hand that gripped them with an iron hold. He continued to fight back until a rag was clamped over his nose and mouth. A sweet scent he recognized as chloroform filled his nostrils before his eyes closed and he went limp in his assailant’s grip.
Atticus was distantly aware of someone frantically calling his name. He fought his way to wakefulness and groggily opened his eyes. Everything was blurry and monochrome. He blinked several times before his vision returned to normal. His head felt clear which meant the chloroform hadn’t been very potent. His eyes focused on a figure beside him and saw Syrus and beside him was Chazz.
“Sy? Chazz? Where are we?”
“No idea,” Chazz answered. “But I think we’re going to be among the students who vanish without a trace.”
“No!” Syrus exclaimed. “I can’t disappear! Zane would be devastated!”
“Lexi, too,” Atticus said. He struggled to get loose, but the chains around his body were disinclined to loosen. His arms were bound behind him and there were manacles around his ankles. He was securely bound as were his friends. He didn’t know where he was, who his captors were, and what would happen to him. He was unable to escape and could only wait to learn of his fate.
He looked around the area as he waited. The room seemed to be a vast basement that was made of stone. There were brackets attached to the walls, torches burning in them. The center of the basement was sunken in a circular shape and was intriguing. Floor-length torches ringed the sunken center, at least a dozen of them. They sat on small, perfectly rectangle stones that led to a large stone in diagonal lines. The large stone in the center was smooth worn and had dozens of bloodstones embedded in the middle.
“Atticus?” said Syrus softly. “Do you think we’re going to be sacrificed?” The brunette noticed his friends had been looking at the setup too.
“We might be. It would explain why disappearing students were never seen again.”
The basement door opened and six odd people entered. Four men and two women. There were all pale, sported long fingernails, had blood-red eyes, and long incisors. They lined up on either side of the basement stairs once they had reached the bottom, three on each side. A tall pale woman with green hair, blood-red eyes, and long incisors descended the stairs and Atticus guessed she was the leader, judging from how the others deferred to her.
She reached the bottom, passed her escorts, and glided over to her bound prisoners. She went to Chazz first, tilting his head up to see his face and then turning his head from side to side before nodding. She moved on to Syrus and then Atticus, giving them the same look over and nodding.
“Oh, yes,” she finally said in an accent Atticus couldn’t identify. “You three will be perfect.”
“Oh, yeah?” Chazz snapped. “You plan on butchering us as sacrifices?”
“Sacrifices?” The woman laughed. “Oh no, darling. You will not be sacrificed. You were brought here to become vampires.”
Chapter Two- Ritual
“Vampires?” Syrus squeaked.
“Yes.” The woman crouched down and gently cupped Syrus’ chin. “You see, during the Blood Moon, I choose to turn humans into vampires. I tend to do so in large cities like yours. I also take people from different places each time. The last time I chose to turn teenagers was ten years ago.
“All I turn are loyal to me and I have allowed them to roam the world. Only these six choose to stay and they serve me by bringing humans to turn.” She continued to look into Syrus’ face. “You will be an excellent vampire, Syrus. Your innocent, pure soul will quickly succumb to the dark nature of a vampire. Your friends will be dark vampires too, just not as quickly.”
Syrus jerked away. “I don’t want to be a vampire. I want to go home.”
“But you are home. Once you are turned, you will live here and you will be grateful to me, Vampire Queen Camula, that I gave you eternal life.” She turned to Chazz, grabbed his chains, and hoisted him up. “Let’s begin the turning with you, Chazz.” She carried him to the center where the bloodstones were. She snapped his chains easily and the other six vampires formed a circle outside the large circle. They began to chant and the stones began to glow softly. Chazz looked at the stone with suspicion before Camula seized him and sank her fangs into his neck.
Chazz screamed in pain and his eyes glazed over as Camula began to drink his blood. She pulled away and allowed the blood on her fangs to drip onto the bloodstones, causing them to glow a bit brighter. Chazz’s skin had paled from the blood loss and he was still standing with glazed eyes. Camula felt his wrist and nodded. “Good. His heart has stopped.” She slit her wrist and let some blood to drip and the stones glowed brighter.
She pushed her wrist to Chazz’s mouth. “Drink,” she commanded and Chazz obliged, holding her wrist. He drank eagerly and as he did, he sprouted claws, grew long fangs, and his eyes turned blood-red. Camula pulled her wrist free to show that it had healed.
Chazz fell to one knee as the chanting ended. He took Camula’s hand and said, “I pledge myself to you, Queen Camula. I thank you for bestowing eternal life on me.”
“I accept your pledge,” Camula answered, removing her hand. “I expect you to be eternally loyal and obedient.”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Good. Now, join your undead brothers and sisters.”
Chazz instantly complied as Camula went to Syrus and brought him to the circle to perform the ritual again. Syrus looked fearfully at Chazz. He looked like all the others: Pale skin, claws, fangs, and blood-red eyes. He looks scary and I’ll look like that too, he thought as the chanting began again.
Atticus had watched in shock as Camula had turned Chazz into a vampire. It had been a more involved process than what was portrayed in books and movies. Chazz had joined the circle of vampires as Camula retrieved Syrus, broke his chains, and the ritual began again. Atticus watched as Syrus’ skin paled, claws sprouted from his fingers, he grew long fangs, and his eyes turned blood-red. He too pledged loyalty and obedience to Camula before joining the others. Atticus hated to admit it, but Syrus looked cool as a vampire whereas Chazz looked scary.
Camula lifted Atticus up into the air and he was astounded. He was a bit taller than her and she had no trouble holding him. “You’re very strong,” he said, clearly impressed.
“As you will be,” she replied as she carried him to the center and snapped his bonds before putting him down. “I have much to teach you and your friends about being vampires and it is a duty I will enjoy.” The chanting began once more and Atticus steeled himself for the bite.
Camula lunged forward and he felt her fangs sink into his neck. He screamed; he had prepared himself but it still hurt. And that wasn’t the only thing that hurt: His hears was thumping wildly, painfully hard. He heard the blood pounding in his ears as his heartbeats slowly and then it stilled and fell forever silent.
He blinked and saw a lit wrist being presented to him. “Drink,” Camula said. The sight of the blood looked enticing to him nod Camula’s order was too strong to ignore. He took hold of the wrist, brought it to his mouth, and began to drink. The blood was cold and not especially tasty, but he drank nonetheless. He saw claws growing from the fingers holding the wrist and felt fangs slide past the queen’s skin. She pulled her wrist away, the skin healed. Atticus dropped to one knee, took Camula’s hand, and said, “I pledge myself to you, Your Majesty. I will serve you loyally and be obedient forever.”
“Of course, you do.” He released her hand and she swept it to the stairs. “Come. Let us go to the Council Chamber where I will educate my new subjects.” She ascended the stairs with the others behind her and the three new vampires bringing up the rear.
Atticus looked around as he walked. They were clearly in a grand old house, maybe even a mansion. There were a good number of grand estates on the outskirts of the city. The walls were painted black and the portraits of other vampires hung on the walls. It was clear they were vampires; the red eyes and long fangs were proof. Vases and pedestals with busts dotted other halls as they climbed further up. Atticus noticed that there were very few windows and those he saw were covered with floor-length blackout curtains and dark heavy drapes of the same length. Curiously, the place was lit with a combination of gas and electric lights. This piqued Atticus’ curiosity. How are they able to afford electricity if they’re vampires with no money?
Camula, at last, led them to a large room with no windows. Several lamps laid about the room on small tables. The floor was made of marble, the walls painted black. A long red carpet stretched from the doorway, down the length of the room, up a set of three steps, and ending behind an ornate throne made of wood and gold. Deep red drapes hung up from either side of the throne. Nine comfortable armchairs were grouped on either side of the steps and angled so one could see the throne and the doorway. Camula ascended the throne while the six older vampires occupied the first six chairs. The queen gestured to the area before the stairs. “You three stand there.” They did as instructed.
“Now, allow me to educate you and then you may pose any questions you have. The ritual I performed on you is the only way to become a vampire and only I can do it. Furthermore, it can only be used on the Blood Moon which is why only a few people are turned. As you noted, Atticus, vampires are much stronger, more so than a bear. We are also faster, can jump higher, heal quickly, are immortal, and of course, drink blood.
“That brings me to feeding. We can heal bite marks and need to drink just a little, but I insist you drain your victim. Believe me, once you’ve drained someone, you will get a thrill from it. We must drink every night, my blood will suffice for tonight. However, by tomorrow night, you will desire blood and will go in search of it.
“Now about being immortal. You will remain the age you are forever though you may get taller.” Her eyes landed on a disappointed Syrus and clearly the last comment was directed at him. “Even though we’re immortal, we can be killed. Sunlight and impalement with a cross are the only things that can kill us. Silver and crosses are painful, but don’t leave any lasting damage. So, questions?”
Chazz raised a hand. “Do we all sleep in one room?”
“Oh no. We all have our own rooms complete with coffin.”
“We sleep in coffins?” Syrus gasped.
“They are most comfortable and will prevent sunlight from getting in, though our rooms are windowless.”
Atticus stepped forward. “I noticed the electric lights and I wondered how this is possible.”
“We have human servants who provide us with utilities and pays the bills. I assure you, they are quite wealthy to do this. In fact, I am holding a meeting with them tomorrow and the entire council will be present, including you three; the moment you truly became vampires, you also became part of the council.” She rose and added, “Now allow me to show you your rooms.”
Chapter Three- Exploration
Atticus eyed the open coffin before kneeling down and running a hand over the plush silk lining and then the cushy pillow. It was indeed as comfortable as Camula had said and it was certainly long enough for him to stretch out. He turned and sat in front of it as a knock sounded. “Come in,” he said. The door opened and Syrus and Chazz entered.
“Humph,” Chazz said as he sat. “Well this wasn’t what I expected when I woke up this morning.”
“Who would?” Syrus snapped, eyes sparking in fury. “We’re vampires now. We can’t go home and can’t go to school.” The fury in his eyes faded as tears well up and spilled over.
No school, Atticus thought. That’s not so bad. But I’d rather go to school than be a vampire. “Are your…coffins comfortable?”
“Yeah,” Syrus sniffed. “A bit too long, but I might get taller like Camula said.”
Chazz yawned, fangs exposed. “I think I’ll get some sleep. We have a big night tomorrow.”
“I’ll stay up a little longer. As sunlight can kill us, I will sleep during the day,” Atticus said. Syrus nodded in agreement. Chazz got up and left.
“Atticus, do you think we’ll be able to see Zane and Alexis?”
“I’m sure we can. We will have to leave to feed.”
“Yeah, but I don’t know if I can do that.”
“From what Camula said, our desire for blood will compel us to seek it out. I think I’ll explore the house before sleeping. I’ll test my abilities tomorrow after feeding and the meeting.”
Atticus stood and Syrus followed. “That sounds like a plan. I’m in.” He followed Atticus out the door, curious what was in a house of vampires. The hall they were in held closed doors with plaques mounted beside them and bearing names; Chazz, Syrus, and Atticus’ gleaming brightly. “I guess this is where everyone sleeps…except Camula,” Syrus said, seeing only nine plaques.
“Well, she is our queen. A queen is entitled to better accommodations.”
“I know we pledged to be loyal and obey her, but I wonder if that was the ritual. I mean, I can’t imagine draining someone because that would mean killing someone every night.”
“I hear you, Sy. However, we could drink a little and heal the mark. We don’t need much to survive. I’m sure Chazz feels the same way.”
Chazz stretched out in his coffin, holding up his hands to examine his death pale skin and sharp claws. He flexed his fingers and wondered if he would use them to feed. He shook his head slightly. I’ll just use my fangs; easier that way. But, I won’t kill, I just can’t. I’m sure Syrus and Atticus feel the same way. Maybe we can feed as a group. Three unconscious people in the same spot might be strange, but no one will suspect vampires. Heh, aside from drinking blood, being a vampire is actually cool. I’m stronger, faster, and best of all, immortal. Chazz smiled as he pulled the lid closed and was soon asleep.
Camula was curled up in an armchair, reading and thinking about the night. She had turned three teens and knew they would all be superb, loyal subjects especially the shortest one. His innocence would be a delicious treat to the darkness within him. All three would turn dark; such was the way of vampires.
They will resist killing in the beginning, everyone does. Once they’ve killed, the darkness will grow and the more innocent one is, the faster they turn dark. Syrus will be first, then Chazz, and finally Atticus. Oh, yes. Atticus will take a little longer as he is a little older than his companions. Tomorrow night, they will feed and return for the meeting. She smiled as she turned another page.
Atticus grinned as he typed away on a laptop, Syrus looking over his shoulder. “Cool, huh?” He gestured at the school’s website.
“Yeah; too bad we can’t go back.”
“Honestly, that’s not so bad. It gets me out from under all that homework.”
“But, what about the Duel Club? We can’t participate and the club will be disqualified as they’re three members short now.”
Atticus frowned. “Yeah, that’s a bad thing about being a vampire. We can still duel, the three of us. Maybe causal nighttime duels with our friends once we tell them what happened.”
Syrus nodded slowly. “Yeah, maybe we can do that. I just know my family is worried about me.”
“Mine too and I left my cell phone in my room as we can’t have them at school.”
“Same here. Maybe we could retrieve them tomorrow.”
“Good idea. We seem to have good reception. Excellent, actually.” He exited the Internet, powered down the laptop, and closed it. “Let’s keep looking around.”
They peered into various rooms on the floor below the bedrooms. In addition to the computer rooms, there was an enormous library and several fancy bathrooms. “The humans that help out must have hired really good contractors,” Syrus commented.
“Or remodelers,” Atticus said. “I wonder if those people were drained after completing the work.”
“Maybe some were. I kind of look forward to meeting our providers.”
“So am I. I’d like to thank them for the utilities. Let’s see what’s on the next floor down.”
“There’s only one floor left besides the basement.”
Atticus chuckled. “You’re right.”
“Atticus,” Syrus said as they walked. “Did you notice that there’s a mirror in your room?”
“I did and I noticed that I have a reflection, though I can’t say I like what I saw.”
“Yeah. I preferred my silver eyes to the red ones I have now.”
“Ditto and the long fangs I could do without. Makes talking a little hard and they almost touch my lower lip.”
“True, but the claws are cool. I wonder if they can help us climb or cling to walls.”
“Maybe they do.” Atticus examined them. “They have to serve some kind of function besides making us look scarier and more formidable.”
“Definitely.” Syrus didn’t mention the last feature they had: The pale skin. It was obvious why their skin had faded to pale white. Their hearts no longer beat and the blood in them didn’t circulate, resulting in the deathly hue. It was the only feature Syrus hated more than his eyes.
Atticus didn’t mind the claws and pale skin, but hated the long fangs and red eyes. His eyes made him look frightening and the fangs made speaking hard but he managed it. He could only imagine how Alexis would react to him when he saw her.
The pair found, to their surprise, a kitchen and a dining room in addition to a den, a gaming room, and a living room that had a couple of couches, a few armchairs, some tables, and an entertainment center that housed a DVD player, a flat-screen TV with a cable box, and numerous DVD’s.
Atticus sat on the end of one couch, picked up the remote, and turned on the TV. He scrolled through the channels before stopping at a movie he and Syrus both loved. They curled up on opposite ends and watched TV for hours, taking in movies and shows they either loved or seemed interesting. Atticus turned it off after one such show and yawned. “I think it’s time to rest, Sy.” He stood and stretched before both headed up and into their respective rooms.
Atticus climbed into his coffin, laid down, and pulled the lid down before placing his arms at his sides, and closing his eyes. It had been a long disorienting night, but knew the disorienting aspect would not resurface again as that part had been the ritual. Tomorrow would truly be the beginning of his immortal life; a life that belonged to the night.
Chapter Four- Feeding and Families
Chazz awoke to Camula’s voice in his head. “Awaken my subjects. It is a new night and time to feed.” Chazz opened his eyes, planted a hand on the lid, and pushed it open. He had been surprised when he saw that his coffin wasn’t a wooden box with a loose lid. It was a steel box painted black on the outside with plush crimson silk lining on the inside. The lid was attached with hinges and had a strap on the inside to close it. His coffin was comfortable and private; two things he treasured when it came to sleeping. He got out and paused at the mirror to see that he looked perfect: No bed head. He smirked, fangs peeking out before opening his door to see everyone but Atticus and Syrus heading downstairs. Several seconds later, they heard the front door open and close.
“I don’t know about you,” Chazz said. “But I can’t just kill someone.”
Syrus nodded and Atticus said, “We feel the same way.”
“I was thinking that the three of us could feed in a group. Seize three people ro maybe share one.”
“We each take one,” Atticus said. “Sharing one could result in killing him or her and that’s what we want to avoid.”
“Let’s get going,” Syrus said. “I’m feeling really thirsty.”
Atticus licked his lips. “Me too. Let’s go.”
Atticus sank his fangs into the young woman’s neck, her screams muffled by his hand. She struggled against his iron grip, but like his struggles last night, it was futile. He felt her struggles weaken and he withdrew. She slumped in his grasp and he healed his bite mark and laid her gently on the ground. He looked back to see Chazz and Syrus doing the same with their victims. He saw content in their eyes and knew he had the same feelings in his eyes too.
“I feel better,” Syrus said. “It feels weird to drink blood and attack people for it, but it also feels…natural.”
“Of course it does,” Chazz said. “We’re vampires. It’s natural to attack people and drink their blood. We’re just not dark like the others. We’re not killing anyone. I don’t see reason to do it.”
“Neither do I,” Atticus said. “Well, as there’s time before the meeting, I’m going to see my family and explain everything.”
“I plan to do the same,” Syrus added.
Chazz fixed them with a disdainful look. “Do you really think they’ll just accept you’re vampires? What if they fear or reject you? What then?”
Syrus’ fangs bit his lip, but Atticus was unconcerned. “I really just want Lexi to accept me. I’m still her brother even though I’m a vampire.”
“Good luck.” Chazz strolled back to the house to explore it like Atticus and Syrus had done last night while they headed for their respective families’ homes.
Atticus was sure that if his heart had still been beating, ti would be pounding hard. He needed to let them know he was sort of okay and not missing. He was sure they had or were going to file a missing person report. He dug into his jeans pocket, pulled out his house key, and opened the door. “Mom? Dad? Alexis?”
“Atticus? Where have you…been?” his mom asked as she and the others came into the hall. Mrs. Rhodes’ question trailed off as she took a good look at her son. “Atticus? What’s wrong with your skin and your eyes?”
Atticus sighed and closed his eyes, not wanting to see their reactions to his fangs when he began explaining. “I learned what became of the people who disappear during the Blood Moon. They are snatched by vampires and are turned.”
“Atti, you’re a vampire!?” he heard Alexis gasp.
He nodded. “I have to drink blood, but I don’t have to kill; I only need a little. The queen who turned me has made me loyal to her and I must live with her and the other vampires.”
Mrs. Rhodes tilted Atticus’s head up and his eyes opened to see no fear and endless love in her face. “Atticus, it doesn’t’ matter to us that you’re a vampire. You did say you don’t kill, that proves you still have your humanity.”
“Thanks, Mom. That means a lot to me.” He gently hugged her before releasing. “I’m willing to answer any questions.”
“How were you turned?” Mr. Rhodes asked.
It involves the Blood Moon and a ritual. There is a chamber and there were other vampires chanting while the queen bites the victim and then feeds them some of her blood. This ritual is only performed by the queen on the Blood Moon and it’s the only way to be turned.”
“If this happened last night, does that mean you can’t go out in sunlight?” Alexis said.
Atticus nodded again. “Sunlight will kill me as would impalement with a cross which would only cause pain by itself. Silver is also painful. I wasn’t the only one turned last night. Chazz and Syrus were too.”
“Sy’s a vampire too?” Alexis gasped.
Atticus again nodded. “He’s telling his family right now.”
Syrus sniffled as he seized a bag and started gathering whatever possessions he could put in it. Tears welled up again and spilled over, shoulders shaking with suppressed sobs. A hand landed on his shoulder and he looked up to see Zane, his blue eyes full of understanding and sympathy.
“They’re afraid of me,” Syrus choked as Zane knelt down.
“Yes,” Zane said. “They fear you, but you’re still family.”
“How can I still be family if they’re afraid of me?”
“Because I don’t fear you. You made it clear that you didn’t ask for this and that you’re not killing for blood.”
“That means a lot to me, big brother.” Syrus zipped his bag, turned, and gently hugged Zane. “And you won’t turn on me?”
“Never. We’re brothers and nothing will change that.”
Syrus sighed in relief and regret. “I have to go. There’s a meeting tonight and everyone has to be present.”
“All right.” Zane stood once he was released, went to the window, and opened it. “I’ll leave the window unlocked and opened a little so if you need something, you’ll be able to get it.”
“Thanks, Zane.” Syrus climbed out and pushed off the wall to land lightly on the ground below. He sped off into the darkness, Zane closing the window almost closed before leaving the room.
Atticus gaped at Syrus as he and Chazz sat in Syrus’ room. “Your parents didn’t accept you?”
“More like they fear me. Zane said I’m still family as he doesn’t fear me.”
“I told you that might happen,” Chazz said.
“My family accepted me and said I’m welcome anytime. Both of you are, too.”
“Wow. That’s nice of them,” Syrus said.
“Yeah, it is.” Chazz stood and Atticus followed suite. “Well, we’ve got a meeting to attend.” He left the room with Atticus and Syrus behind him.
Chapter Five- The Meeting
The teen vampires ascended to the council chamber, each one wrapped in his own thoughts. Syrus was still upset about his parents’ non-acceptance of his new nature. He had indeed made it clear that he hadn’t asked to be a vampire, that he couldn’t stop it from happening, and that he didn’t kill for blood. He supposed his appearance was what really scared them, especially his eyes. I don’t like them either, but as they’ll be this way for eternity, I better get used to them.
Atticus was happy that his family accepted him being a vampire and he vowed that he would watch over Alexis and her descendants to insure that their nights were safe for them to wander around. He accepted that he would be unable to protect them during the day, but their nights would be trouble-free.
Chazz honestly didn’t care about his family. All his life, he had been surrounded by his successful parents and older brothers. A lot of pressure had been heaped on him to hold up the family name and be successful like them. When he showed an interest in Duel Monsters, he was pressured to join the school’s Duel Club. He had been a bit of a jerk to his friends at first, but seeing them duel for the fun of it, made him turn his attitude around. Even though the club won ribbons and trophies and Chazz’s skills improved, the family pushed him harder still. Well, that’s all over now. I don’t need money to live; just blood. Becoming a vampire is the best thing to happen to me.
They entered the chamber to find everyone seated like they were last night. Camula smiled as she pointed to two chairs on one side. “Chazz and Syrus you sit there. Atticus, the chair on the other side.” They sat and Camula continued, “I realized that there are a few points I forgot to mention. When it comes to feeding, only fresh human blood will do. Blood banks will not suffice. Also, if you should find yourself far from home and sunrise is approaching, try to find a deep dark place to hide. Basements of old houses, closets, above ground tombs, and caves are a few examples.”
A knock sounded and Camula called, “Enter.” A quartet of men entered, dressed in fancy clothes. They came forward, stopped at the steps, and knelt in unison. The one in the forefront, wearing crimson and deep purples and sporting a black mustache, said, “Queen Camula, a pleasure to be in your presence as always.”
“As it should be, Samson. These monthly meetings should always be a pleasure. The timing of it is good as I have three new vampires to introduce. Atticus, Syrus, and Chazz.” She pointed at each one as she said their names. “And these are our generous utility providers: Samson, Hudson, Byron, and Tyce.” She pointed to each man as she spoke their names.
Atticus examined each man. All four were remarkably healthy. Hudson wore clothes of gold and blue and close-cropped red hair. Byron wore black and white that went well with his styled brown hair. Tyce wore gold and green, had shoulder-length blond hair, and a sheathed dagger at his waist. Atticus decided he didn’t like Tyce; there was something about the man that spoke of monstrous arrogance. At least Samson speaks to Camula with proper respect.
“Samson, I trust the cable and Internet bill is satisfactory?”
“It is, my queen. A bit low, but no complaints.”
“It may increase as we have three turns. Perhaps they can tutor the others about laptops. I wouldn’t mind learning myself.”
“It would actually please me to see the bill increase.”
“I’ll see that it happens. Byron, electric bill?”
“The same as last time. I suspect it will go up with three new ones?”
“I suspect that it will.”
“That is not a problem, Your Majesty.”
“Hudson, water consumption bill?”
“A little lower than last month, no complaints.”
“And Tyce, cell phone bill?”
Tyce had a sour look on his face as he said, “The only amounts are for the prices of the devices. I question why you need cell phones. None of you are using them.”
There were gasps among the council. One leaped to his feet. “How dare you question the queen,” he hissed, pointed a claw at him.
“Sit down, Stephan,” Camula ordered and Stephan obeyed, glaring at Tyce.
“As we have new ones, I know they will add actual charges to the bill once their numbers are added to the contract and they can instruct us in using them. Now, any comments from our new members?”
Atticus stood. “I want to thank Samson for the Internet connection and speed. It’s excellent.”
Samson bowed in his direction. “You are welcome…Atticus, isn’t it? I will continue to provide top-quality speed to please you and the convent.”
Convent? Atticus thought. Well, I have read vampire novels and a group of vampires in the same house refer to themselves as a convent and convents are kind of like a family.
“Council dismissed. I have private business to discuss with our providers,” Camula announced. The Council stood and as they were leaving, Syrus sped to Atticus’ side. “Uh, Atticus? Do you think we could duel? Maybe discuss strategies afterwards?”
“Sure. Let’s grab our decks and duel in the games room.”
Camula watched as Atticus and Syrus left. Syrus was utilizing his faster speed which made sense as he was the shorter than the others. He stood out from the others due to height and hair, but that was okay as she had unusual hair color herself. She focused on the humans. “I want your assistance,” she said at last.
“Anything, my queen,” Samson said.
“Syrus, the little one, has a pure innocent soul that will succumb to his dark side quickly once he has killed by draining someone. The only thing is that he won’t do it on his own. If one of you were to send someone to attack him, make him feel threatened or that his life is in danger, he’ll drain that person and the darkness will grow.”
There was uniform bobbing from all four. “We will look into it, my queen. How soon do you want the attack launched?”
“In about a week. Dismissed.” The humans left and Camula leaned back, staring at the closed doors. It had been a little over twenty-four hours since the teens had been turned and they have fed by now. She knew they hadn’t killed; once on has killed, their personality becomes cold and they lose all their emotions save for anger and a desire to be cruel, to ill for blood, and be forever loyal and obedient to her. This last part was why she wanted her new subjects to turn dark. She also enjoyed watching their nature change and Syrus’ change from innocent to dark was sure to be most satisfying.
Syrus groaned as Atticus finished off his life points. “Ah, you beat me again. Your dragons are good.”
“Your machines are good too. Did you put in that combo Jaden mentioned last time?”
“Not really. I’m missing the crucial card and I don’t have the money for it.”
“Maybe Zane can supplement the remaining amount. You could text him about that.”
“What would be the point? Our duels are now casual plays between the three of us and our friends in the club.”
“Perhaps we could teach the convent how to play.”
Syrus’ red eyes lit up at the idea. “Yeah, we could. Maybe our providers could get starter decks for them.”
“Maybe, but for now let’s talk strategies and then you can text Zane.”
“You could text Alexis and let her know what we talked about and the meeting. I’m sure she and your parents would like to know you’re living comfortably.”
“Good point.” Atticus spread out his cards as did Syrus and spent time discussing tactics before going to sleep.
Chapter Six- Convent Assimilation
Atticus smiled at Alexis’ text messages. She was relieved that her brother had a comfortable place to stay. She wasn’t thrilled about him having a coffin for a bed until he said it was quite comfortable and private even with the bedroom door closed. She had suggested that they all get together after dark that night once they had fed. It wouldn’t be long as it was Sunday night and they had school the next day. Atticus agreed to it as did Syrus and Chazz.
Jade gaped at his friends as they arrived at the dimly lit abandoned café. He knew they had become vampires, thanks to Alexis and Zane, but it was their appearance that made him understand the reason for the secluded area. All three had death pale skin, blood-red eyes, sharp claws, and long fangs. The overall effect made them scary-looking.
Syrus gave a friendly smile. “Hey, Ja,” he said in a casual tone as he sat.
“Sy.” Jaden paused. “Man, you look scary like this.”
Syrus sighed as he looked down. “I know, but I’m still the same on the inside. We all are.”
“Yeah, but Camula has other ideas,” Chazz said, taking a seat and Syrus looked up. “She wants us to be dark like her and the others and by that, I mean actually drain someone. I honestly can’t imagine doing that, none of us do.”
“Of course,” Alexis added. “Atti sad you only need a little and can leave the person alive.”
“Couldn’t you just do a blood bank?” Jaden asked, a bit disturbed at people being attacked and the casualness of how they and Alexis spoke.
Atticus shook his head. “I’m afraid that won’t work. We have to attack. I wish we could take from a blood bank, though.
“Jaden, have you found replacements so you can participate in the tournament?”
“Yeah, Chumley, Bastion, and Mindy.”
“Bastion. Oh, he’s good. Real good.” “He is. He’s been helping us improve Chumley and Mindy’s skills. Hopefully we can win or lose before they have to duel.”
“Lose?” Chazz scoffed. “Don’t go thinking like that or you will lose.”
Jaden laughed. “Yeah, good point Chazz.”
“Sy,” Zane spoke up. “I have something for you.” He held out a card.
Syrus gasped as he took it. A beaming smile came to his face, giving him an almost evil look. But the joy in his eyes and voice dispelled that impression. “Thanks, big bro. Now, I can try out that combo Ja mentioned.”
“Yeah, practice that and then text me when you want to try it out on me,” Jaden said.
“You got it,” Syrus promised.
“So, Jaden. Your thoughts?” Alexis tilted her had back at the café as they walked to their homes.
“I had found it hard to believe at first. I mean, them being vampires. They look so scary and yet they act like they always have except for the whole drinking blood thing.”
“Yeah.” Alexis smiled. “Atti’s still the same on the inside. He doesn’t kill anyone and he doesn’t want to. None of them do.”
Stephan stared at the cards laid out on the table. “This is the game you and Syrus were playing last night?”
“Yes. Duel Monsters.”
“I’ve heard of it, even glimpsed humans buying or sharing them. How do you play?”
“You want to learn?”
“Why not? We may be undead, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have to learn new things. Chazz is showing me how to use the computer.”
Atticus nodded. “Okay, I see your point. You know, you don’t seem like my idea of being dark.”
Stephan bared his fangs in a sadistic grin. “Oh, I’m dark. I may be interested in human objects and forms of entertainment, but I express disdain for the human race in general. I see them as food, just as humans see some animals as food.”
Atticus quickly changed the subject back to Duel Monsters. Stephan’s casual disregard for human life was disconcerting and horrifying to hear. He could never think of Alexis, his family, and his friend like that. And yet Camula would want us to be like the others. I will never be a dark vampire and neither will Sy or Chazz.
Camula leaned on the back of the chair, gazing over Chazz’s shoulder at the computer screen. “Fascinating,” she said. “This Internet is an amazing thing. You can do anything with it.”
“Well, some people use it for business reports and news. Other use it to watch videos, read stories, and play games. Of course, you can read and play games without the Internet.” Chazz typed on the keyboard and the school’s website came up. He sat there, feeling a pang of longing. He became a vampire forty-eight hours ago and knew that had he been human, he would be asleep at this time so he would be well-rested for school in the morning. He liked being a vampire as he had escaped his family pressures, but he couldn’t go to school or even stand in the sun unless he desired to die.
“Chazz, is there a problem?”
“No, Your Majesty. I’m just a bit conflicted. I like being a vampire, I want to make that clear. My family are all successful and a lot of pressure was put on me to follow in their footsteps; being turned eliminated that. But, I can’t go to school to hang out with my friends or even enjoy the sun.”
“I’ve always been a vampire, Chazz so I can’t say I understand what you’re going through. Believe me, you are superior to humans now. Enjoy your immortal life.”
“I will, Your Majesty.”
“Good. Now, spend some time with the convent. I will explore the Internet.” Chazz got up and left while Camula took his seat. She switched to a search engine and typed vampires into the box. She was curious about how humans viewed her race. She checked a few sites before leaning back and smirking. They got some things right but also wrong. We can’t turn humans anytime we want. Only by ritual on the Blood Moon and by the queen or king can someone be turned. All vampires have claws not just some of them. Humans do agree on the pale skin, no heartbeat, and aversion to silver and sun. They eyes issue appears to be divided; only a few cite red eyes. The fangs’ length is another divided issue; some say they’re a little longer than human incisors while others claim they extend pas the lower lip. Both are wrong: Our fangs just brush the lower lip; makes sense as he need to feed and so we can talk.
Camula exited the Internet and decided to explore the computer’s features. She found the games folder and was soon hooked into playing several rounds of solitaire and discovering other classic card games. These computers are more entertaining and informative than I first thought.
Chazz entered the living room where most of the convent was gathered, either reading or watching TV. One of the women, Chloe, smiled at him and patted the cushion beside her. “Come and join us Chazz,” she almost purred. He did so and she pulled him close, claws carding his hair.
“You are so handsome,” she said softly. “I’ve always wanted a little brother; one who won’t leave and strike out on his own. Perhaps later, we could have a family. We can still reproduce even though we’re vampires.”
“Uh, aren’t I too young for you?” he asked, his pale skin flushing slightly.
Chloe shrugged. “I suppose so. Queen Camula turned me two hundred years ago.”
Chazz cocked an eyebrow. “Really? You don’t look a day over twenty-four.”
Chloe laughed. “Oh, you’re sweet. I would love for us to be a couple in time.”
“And we have plenty of time.” Chazz allowed Chloe to tease him by carding his hair and nibbling his neck with her lips and fangs. He enjoyed every moment. Life in the convent just got a lot better for Chazz.
Chapter Seven- Becoming Dark
“Awaken, my subjects.”
Syrus opened his eyes and stared at the inside of his casket, wondering not for the first time if Camula said this every night. Yes, she was the queen so that did make him and the others her subjects. But, to Syrus, the convent felt more like a family. Yes, they were dark vampires, but they liked to do some things that humans did, like watch TV and play games. Syrus found he liked to utilize his senses and roam the city on the rooftops. Zane had kept his word regarding his bedroom window. He was able to slip in to grab whatever he needed and store it in the dresser or wardrobe he had in his room in addition to the coffin.
He opened the lid, climbed out, and opened the bedroom door to see eight open doors and no one in sight. Everyone has already gone out, he thought. He wasn’t afraid to feed alone. It had been a week since the meeting with their providers and Atticus, Chazz, and he had agreed to feed alone a few nights ago. It was felt between them that three unconscious people in random places every night was conspicuous and could draw attention to the convent. Syrus bounded up to the roof and took off for a dance club he had staked out last night. He found some people liked the back alley as a place to cool off from dancing, get away from the music, or pass out from drinking too much. It hadn’t taken Syrus long to drink from someone and he hoped tonight would be the same.
He shifted on his feet as he hid in the shadows, waiting for someone to come out. The club was bright and noisy like last night, but no victims had come in the hour and a half the Syrus had been there. Maybe I should wait in an alley and snatch someone off the sidewalk. I’ve waited longer than usual and I’m getting very thirsty. He licked his lips and nodded. Time to move on.
He stepped out of the shadows and moved toward a fire escape when he felt himself being grabbed from behind and a voice hissed in his ear, “Finally, my first vampire victim.” Syrus knew it was a human; he could hear the man’s heartbeat. He pushed against the man’s hold and broke it easily. Thank goodness for super strength. He turned to face the man who was clad all in black. He had a sheathed dagger on his hip and he drew it, the blade glinting in the light from the club windows. Syrus felt no fear; he had his fast speed and that would enable him to avoid the dagger’s thrust.
“Impressive, little one. But you’ll not defeat me. I’ve been trained to kill vampires and I will succeed.”
He’s never killed a vampire, but thinks he’ll succeed. Well, he’ll find out how wrong he is. I’ll knock him out, drink some of his blood and flee before he-
Syrus’ train of thought stopped when the hunter charged and slashed out. The edge caught Syrus on the side of his neck. He screamed as searing pain went through him and he clapped a hand to his neck, eyes closed and all thought of knocking the human out gone. Now, he just wanted to get away. He felt himself being pushed to the ground and opened his eyes to see the hunger above him, a knee on his stomach and a triumphant smirk on his face.
“Like that, vampire? A pure silver dagger.”
So, that’s what pain from silver feels like, Syrus thought.
The hunter’s smirk grew as he started stabbing the point of the dagger into Syrus. Syrus screamed with each stab which he realized weren’t fatal. He’s toying with me, he thought angrily. Torturing me before delivering the killing stroke. Rage boiled through Syrus before she struck back. He got one arm up and swung it at the knee, his claws tearing cloth and skin. The hunter cried out and Syrus felt satisfaction. He swung again and heard another cry of pain. He felt pressure life from his stomach and he leaped to his feet before lunging at the human. He seized the shoulders in a tight grip as he sank his fangs harshly into the neck and sucked up every last drop of blood.
Syrus panted as he dropped the corpse before a cruel smile appeared. He was aware that he had just killed someone and he felt a thrill from doing so. He was going to kill me. I had every right to kill him. Plus, my queen has insisted we drain humans. I will do as she has commanded. Syrus headed for home, laughing darkly over his kill.
Atticus and Chazz were sitting in Atticus’ room, discussing the text messages they had received about the tournament when Syrus passed the door. Atticus’ eyes widened as he got to his feet and headed for Syrus’ room with Chazz behind him.
“Sy, what happened? Are you all right?” Atticus asked. The short vampire had a smear of dried blood on his neck and various stab holes in his clothes. Syrus licked his hand and wiped off the blood before removing his clothes and pulling on black clothes. “I was attacked by a vampire hunter,” Syrus finally hissed in a dark tone. “He had a silver dagger and cut my neck.” He touched the spot where the blood had been. “He had me pinned and started stabbing me. I think he was toying with me and I knew he would kill me afterwards.”
“How did you get away?” Chazz asked.
“I slashed at him with my claws and once I was free, I drained him.”
Atticus gasped. “You killed him?”
“You got a problem with that?” Syrus snapped. “He was going to kill me! I was very thirsty by then as well. Plus, we’re vampires and Queen Camula has insisted we drain humans.”
Atticus recoiled at the angry tone in Syrus’ voice. “I understand he planned to kill you. Naturally, you would fight back, but you didn’t have to kill him.”
“I disagree,” Chazz cut in. “If Sy hadn’t, that hunter would still be out there. He might have eventually found the convent and killed all of us. Syrus saved us all by killing the hunter.”
“Yeah,” Syrus piped in. “You should be thanking me that I saved your life.”
“You’re right,” Atticus said softly. “Thank you for saving us.” He left the room, headed for his room, and seized his phone. He sent a text to Zane, Alexis, and Jaden that Syrus had turned dark tonight. He explained the situation as Syrus described it and hit send. After that, he took out his deck and idly shuffled it. Syrus had killed someone. He was now a dark vampire like the others. Only he and Chazz had not killed. And I will never kill. I don’t need to in order to feed. His phone chimed three time and he picked it up. All three had responded and they all expressed horror at the news. Zane’ message further stated that he had just texted Syrus and asked to see him tomorrow night after feeding; he just didn’t say that it was to discuss the attack. Atticus nodded as he read the message. Hopefully, Zane could keep Syrus from getting darker, maybe even return Syrus to his old self. Syrus was too kind to be a fiendish blood sucker.
Syrus laid in his coffin, thinking about the night. He had awakened as an innocent naïve vampire and now his dark side had been unleashed. He reveled in his new nature, one that was part of being a vampire. Camula had been right: I’m the first of the three of us to succumb to my dark vampire nature. Chazz and Atticus will turn dark eventually. Maybe I can nudge them down that path by constantly reminding them that it’s inevitable.
Chazz also laid in his coffin, the lid down to insure privacy to think. It had been a shock to see Syrus return with torn clothes and dried blood on him. The fact that Syrus had been attacked when no one else had reported being attack all wee was strange, but this hunter could have just arrived in town. He got damn lucky to come across a vampire so quickly.
Syrus’ harsh and angry tone had been equally shocking as Syrus rarely got angry. The last time Chazz had heard Syrus angry had been the night they were turned. When Syrus admitted to draining the hunter, then Chazz understood: By draining someone, Syrus had turned dark- at least a little bit. He didn’t see human like the other did, not yet anyway. It’s only a matter of time before he does. Chazz stared at the lid. Camula wants us to go dark and draining someone is a step in that direction. Maybe I’m fighting something that’s unavoidable. Perhaps I should drain someone tomorrow. Now, I can’t imagine doing so! I can’t avoid turning dark, but I will not give in so easily!
Chapter Eight- Accept or Refuse
Camula smiled at the text message she received when she awoke the following night. Tyce had found his man behind a dance club, dead. There were bite marks in the neck and no blood in his body. She suspected that Syrus was the one who killed the human. She had glimpsed him with stab holes in his clothes when he came home last night. Tonight’s message served to confirm it. It is done. Syrus is now dark which will continue to grow and he will be the excellent vampire I sensed before. He will be more than willing to convince Chazz and Atticus to give in.
Atticus watched Syrus walk past, dressed completely in black still and wearing a sadistic smile. He shook his head at the sight, still finding it hard to take. His sweet little friend had given in the dark side of being a vampire. Atticus sensed his own dark side that was locked in his dead heart, but his lingering humanity kept him from heeding the feeling. He would not turn dark, not ever.
The door next to his opened and Chazz leaned against the frame. He too was dressed in black, but that was normal for Chazz. “So, the Syrus we know is gone, huh Atticus?”
“Not completely. He doesn’t see people the way the others do. If he did, he wouldn’t be seeing Zane tonight. Maybe he can bring Syrus back to his senses or at least keep from getting worse.”
“Yeah. I don’t want to go dark but something tells me that I can’t resist forever.”
“You believe it’s a losing battle?”
“I do, but I’ll keep fighting.”
“I don’t think it’s a losing battle, but I’ll fight anyway even if it is inevitable.”
Syrus licked his lips as he released his victim. Oh, that was good. Draining them is so much better than drinking a little. I could never go back to that. I’m a vampire and we live on blood. There are plenty of humans, so killing them is not a problem. Speaking of humans, my big bro wants to see me. Syrus sped off for Zane’s home and found the window to Zane’s room open, He jumped and landed on the sill before easing into the room to see Zane with a concerned expression. “Zane? You okay?” Syrus asked, head tilted.
“Yes. My question is are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah. I’m great; better than I have ever felt before.”
Zane frowned. It sounded like his brother, albeit with a slightly dark tinge, but he wasn’t dressed like normal, either. His clothes were all black which accentuated his pale skin. If Atticus hadn’t told him, he never would have known that Syrus was going dark. “Syrus, Atticus texted me about last night and I was concerned.”
“I’m fine and that hunter won’t bother any more vampires.”
“That’s good to know, but you could have killed him without draining him. I imagine your claws could have slashed open his throat.” Zane found it hard to speak of killing someone but he managed to sound casual about it.
“I suppose so, but that would have been a waste of blood, Zane. I’m a vampire, not a werewolf. I use my fangs to kill, not my claws.”
“You don’t have to kill, Syrus. I thought that was the plan.”
“It had, but not anymore. I just drained someone tonight and if you can’t accept that I am finally being a true vampire, then maybe we shouldn’t see each other anymore.”
Zane didn’t know what to say. If he lied about accepting, chances were Syrus would discover the lie and sever all ties with him. “I can’t say I like you becoming a true vampire,” he said slowly and carefully. “I understand that fighting is hard and eventually one loses the fight. I accept the new you, but that’s it.”
“I see. I guess I’ll take what I can get.” Syrus headed for the window.
“I’ll text next time I want to see you.”
“Sounds good. See ya, big bro.” Syrus leaped out the window and Zane texted Atticus that he failed to bring Syrus back to his senses, but may have kept him from getting darker- at least for now.
Atticus inhaled a couple of times as he attempted to lift a four-door car in a deserted junkyard. He had decided to test his super senses and abilities out instead of just using his strength to feed. He had already bent steel bars and snapped chains with ease. He exhaled exertion as he gripped the car, claws biting into the metal. He gave a grunt as he finally succeeded in lifting the car above his head. He gave it a light toss and it crashed several yards away.
Atticus whistled. “Wow and that was like 4,000 pounds.” He heard his phone chime and pulled it out to read Zane’s message. Sy won’t go back to normal. He is definitely a dark vampire and he considers that being a true vampire. I disagree. I may not be draining people, but I’m just as much a vampire as he is.
Chazz hummed contently as Chloe nuzzled his neck. He never thought an older vampire would go for a newbie like him, but clearly he was wrong. He hadn’t made any move on her yet, being content to let her control the relationship. Chloe gently nibbled his ear before whispering in it, “I heard that Syrus has started turning dark.”
“He has,” Chazz whispered back. He didn’t bother to ask how she knew; Syrus wasn’t trying to hide this fact from the convent. “It saddens me a little. He was too innocent to kill anyone.”
And yet his innocence is more susceptible to being dark than you or Atticus. We all go dark in the end, Chazz. I see little reason to fight it.”
“I think there’s still some humanity in everyone when they’re first turned.”
“I believe you’re right. I went about one or two weeks before going dark.”
“So, Syrus turned dark on time?”
“There’s no set time limit and I was just as innocent when I was turned.” She ran a finger along Chazz’s jawline and down to his chin. “I think you should give in tomorrow. It would make our time together much more pleasurable.”
Chazz moaned softly at her touch. “It would?”
“Oh, yes,” she breathed.
“I’ll think about it.”
“Atticus, you get a message from Zane yet?”
“Yeah. He’s managed to keep Sy from getting darker for now.”
“Key words: For now. We may want to accept the fact that he will get darker and no one can stop it.”
“I know you’re right but I hate seeing him like this.”
“So do I, but it happens to all vampires in the end. You know this and I know it.”
“What are you saying, Chazz?”
“I think I might follow Syrus’ example tomorrow.”
“Chazz! You can’t be serious!”
“I am. Chloe said our time together would be more pleasurable with me being dark.”
“Chloe, huh? You really like her.”
“Uh-huh. She pointed out that we will go dark eventually.”
“No. I refuse to believe that.”
“Wake up, Atticus! This is how it’s going to be. We will be dark vampires.” Chazz turned and left.
Atticus shook his head as he got into the coffin. Syrus had succumbed to the darkness and Chazz was now considering doing the same. He just couldn’t see himself following their lead. I will not go dark. I won’t kill anyone. But how to avoid going dark when everyone around you is? I need help. Wait…Lexi! Atticus seized his phone and texted Alexis with his desperate situation before asking the big question: Could he return home? He then powered off the phone once the message was sent, plugged it in, and then laid back down and closed the lid, hoping to get an answer when he awoke.
Chapter Nine- Settling
Atticus awoke to Camula’s nightly order. He opened the lid and sprang for his phone. He turned it on and waited for it to cycle through its warm-up sequence. He was anxious to see if he had an answer. The chime and the icon of a new message greeted him and he eagerly opened it.
“Atti, of course you can come home. We don’t want you going dark, either. We’re going to convert part of the basement into your new bedroom and move everything down there, even the bed. You can sleep on that or your coffin whichever you prefer. Wait for another text from me, telling you when we’re ready.”
Atticus grinned and silently punched the air. He could go home! He wouldn’t go dark ever! He just had to tell Camula that he was leaving and the he could do so now before feeding. He left his room and swiftly went up to the floor with the Council Chamber as well as Camula’s bedroom. He approached the chamber first and knocked. “Enter,” came the queen’s voice. Atticus came in, approached the throne and knelt. “Your Majesty.”
“Atticus? Shouldn’t you be feeding?”
“Yes, Your Majesty. I will, but first I wanted to inform you that I will be striking out on my own within nights. I cannot give an exact timeline, but I felt it best to tell you now.”
“Leaving? After a little over a week?”
“Yes, Your Majesty.”
“Very well. I had hope you would stay, but if you feel strongly about this, then best of luck to you.”
“Thank you.” Atticus left the chamber and the house to find his blood donor for the night. His night was wonderful so far. He was allowed to leave the convent and he was welcomed to return home to his family. I think I’ll see them after feeding. Maybe I can help move my stuff downstairs.
Syrus sank his fangs into the woman and drank all her blood. He released her and casually walked away. Another satisfying kill and he felt no guilt over it. Humans were prey, plain and simple. He still cared for his family and friends, but barely. He was surely thinking like the rest of the convent when it came to his views on humans. A few more nights and he would be completely dark. I wonder if Atticus or Chazz has decided to kill yet.
Chazz licked his lips as he watched the crowds of humans pass his hiding place. He was thirsty and nervous about making his first kill. He knew he displayed restraint when drinking in the past; from this point on he didn’t need to restrain himself. He would drink until nothing was left. He continued to wait until he was able to snag a lone male. He bit down as he usually did and sucked hungrily until all the blood was gone. He dropped the male, healed the marks, and stared at the corpse, feeling awful about killing him. His guilt faded a little as he stared; he had to kill. If he wanted to blend in with the convent and have a more pleasurable time with Chloe, he had to be dark. Guilt had no place in killing for blood. Chazz turned his back on the body and left to enjoy the rest of his evening.
Atticus grunted as he hauled his mattress down the stairs and into the basement. He laid it on the frame and box springs before turning to Alexis whose mouth was hanging open. “Sis, you knew vampires were stronger, right?”
“Yeah, but not that strong.”
“Oh, that was nothing. I actually lifted a four-door car last night at the junkyard.”
Atticus laughed. “So, what can I move next?”
“Actually, you can tell us where to pick you up,” Mr. Rhodes asked, gazing around the basement. “We just need to insure the sun won’t kill you.”
“Oh, okay Dad. It’s the only old grand house that looks like it is being used.”
“That far out? But you got here so fast.”
“Another vampire perk.”
“Well, we’ll show up just after dark with the moving trailer and wait.”
“I can’t believe Camula’s letting you move out,” Alexis said.
“She did mention that others have struck out on their own so I used those words to tell her tonight. I just can’t believe how much work you three did while I slept.” He gestured at the basement with its windowless walls and half of the room dedicated to his bedroom which was far from the basement door.
“We’re just happy to have you home and to keep you from going dark. You’re fine the way you are, fangs and all,” Mrs. Rhodes said, embracing her son. “And we want you home as soon as possible.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
Atticus had just zipped up his bag when the door opened to reveal Chazz. “So, it’s true: You’re moving out.”
“Yup. Tomorrow night.”
“Don’t see why,” Syrus spoke up as he entered. “This place is perfect.”
“It was at first. But not anymore for me. I may return sometime in the future. I’m sure Camula will allow me back.”
“Of course I would, darling,’ spoke up Camula as she entered, Syrus and Chazz going to one knee. She put her hands on Atticus’ shoulders. “I would welcome back any who wish to return.”
“Thank you, Your Majesty.”
Camula nodded and swept from the room, affording Chazz a look. He had drained a human, she could sense it. Atticus apparently hadn’t, but perhaps living on his own would do the trick. When and if he returns, he might be dark and grateful that he was turned.
“Chazz, did you kill?” Atticus asked neutrally.
Chazz smiled, fangs bared. “I did and it was wonderful, far more satisfying then drinking a little.”
Atticus nodded. His friends were now dark vampires; he wasn’t sure why he hadn’t. Perhaps because he had a family who accepted him and a strong will. And I will be living with people instead of vampires full-time. That may help me to keep my remaining humanity.
Atticus awoke as usual and got out, tossed his bag into the coffin, and secured it. His phone chimed and he pulled it out: It was a text from Alexis.
“Atti, we’re almost there. Be ready.”
Atticus opened his door, saw an empty hall, lifted his coffin, and carried it down to the front door. He peered out the window to look for headlights. After thirty minutes, a truck with a small moving trailer pulled up. Atticus opened the door, hauled out his coffin, and placed it in the trailer once his dad opened it. Once secured, Atticus rode with it to the house. When the door opened, Atticus hopped out, and pulled out the coffin. Alexis gasped. “Atticus, it’s so modern. I was imagining a wooden one.”
“I know. I thought the same thing before I saw it.” He carried it inside and down to his room, Alexis following him. He slid it up against the wall, opened it, and pulled out his bag. “Atti, have you…fed yet?” she asked.
“No. I will once I finish unpacking.”
“You could drink from me tonight.”
Atticus’ head shot up to look at her. “What?”
“Mom, Dad, and I agreed to volunteer once in a while to let you drink our blood.”
“Lexi…I don’t know what to say.”
“Just accept the offer.” She tilted her neck and waited.
Atticus came over, gently pierced her neck, and drank contently. He pulled out after a few mouthfuls and healed the marks. Alexis blinked sleepily for several seconds before shaking it off. “Does that happen every time?” she asked.
“No, they usually pass out. Seems our family doesn’t.”
“Well, I’m going to bed. Night, Atti and welcome home.”
“Night, Lexi and thanks.” Alexis left and Atticus entertained himself for the rest of the night.