Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron, Defender of the Universe. Only Hal is mine.
Chapter One- Jealous Cousin
The man was pushed to his knees and a bag put over his head. His pleas were muffled by the bag as a second man raised a sharp axe and the people roared their approval. The axe came down and Princess Allura closed her eye and turned her head as the man was executed.
But he’s not really a man, her inner voice said. He’s a werewolf and everyone on our world despises them. They are evil, dangerous beasts. They use their human form to lure others to their secret village to turn them into beasts like themselves. We can’t catch them at night as they don’t leave their sanctuary at that point. Daylight catches are our only option and then we extract information from them before execution which is how we know about their secret village, but none of them will reveal its location. You have to admire their loyalty in that respect.
Allura opened her eyes and turned to look at her fiancée, Prince Keith. “It’s over, Allura. The werewolf is dead.” It wasn’t easy to hear him as the people were celebrating the death they had witnessed. She smiled at him, as she put a hand on his hand. The gesture was noticed by another and she scowled at it.
Princess Romelle was Allura’s cousin and she resented her cousin’s engagement to Keith. She wanted to marry Keith and rule the world. However, Allura was the elder cousin so she would be queen, married or not, while Romelle wouldn’t…unless Allura died. Romelle, as much as she loved Keith and wished to be queen, was not a murderer. But, she did want Allura out of the way. So, once the royals had left the balcony from where they had viewed the execution, Romelle headed down to the court witch’s laboratory in a room off of the dungeons.
The witch Hagger, was in the midst of mixing a potion so Romelle stayed quiet until the potion had been stored but before she could speak, Hagger said, “Princess Romelle, how nice of you to visit.” She turned and bowed to her. “How may I be of service?”
“I’m in love with Keith but he’s engaged to Allura.”
“Are you? You never gave anyone the impression that you still love the prince after all the courting the three of you did.”
“I felt it wasn’t appropriate to show my contempt for my cousin when she won Keith’s affection. I’m seeking your help to get her out of the way so I can marry Keith and rule the planet with him.”
“Out of the way?” Hagger repeated. “Do you possibly seek a curse or spell to keep her from Keith and the throne?”
“Yes. I certainly don’t want her dead.”
“Of course, princess. I believe I know just the thing.” She held up a scrap of parchment. “I have a spell here to curse someone as a werewolf. Or wifewolf, in this case. Once cast, the afflicted will transform on the first night after being cursed.”
“Yes.” Romelle smiled as she took the parchment. “I’ll curse her as a wifewolf and she’ll have no choice but to leave. Thank you, Hagger.” Romelle left, her smile now a wicked expression. She now had a way to make her dream come true. Of course, I’ll destroy the parchment once I’ve used it on Allura. The last thing I need is for someone to use it on me. I sure don’t want to be an evil, dangerous beast.
Allura was walking up the hall to the treasure room to admire the outfits Keith and she would wear on their wedding day. The event itself wouldn’t take place for a little over a week and she was excited. She had competed against Romelle to win Keith’s affection for the prince was smitten with both of them. Courting had been fierce from all three of them and when the dust had settled, Keith had proposed to Allura. She had seen the disappointment in Romelle’s eyes when Keith proposed, but she congratulated the couple happily like everyone else.
When Keith and I kiss at the end of the ceremony, we will be husband and wife. The crowning ceremony will come at a later date. Allura came out of her thoughts when she saw Romelle coming from the opposite direction. “Romelle, hi!” she called. Her smile faded when she saw Romelle’s hateful look. “Romelle?”
“I wanted to marry Keith,” she hissed in a tone that matched her face. “Marry him and rule as queen.”
Allura took a step back, taken aback by her cousin’s words and tone. “I understand your disappointment and I’m sorry things turned out this way.”
“Oh, you’ll be sorry all right.” Romelle chanted the spell, pointing at Allura as she did so. Allura gasped as she felt magic wash over her and a white glow outlining her body before both feelings ceased.
“Romelle, what did you do?” Allura demanded.
“I just cursed you. When night falls, you will become a wifewolf.”
“No. Humans can only be turned by being bitten.”
“Turns out they can be cursed too. I don’t want to see you dead so I suggest you leave the palace before it gets dark.”
Allura ran past Romelle who had a triumphant smile. No, I can’t be cursed, she thought. We learned werewolves are born or bitten. There’s no way that a curse exists. And yet how else to explain what I felt and saw?
She entered the treasure room and went up to her wedding dress which sat on a mannequin behind a glass case. She saw herself in the glass, looking like she was wearing her dress. She smiled at her reflection and then the image blurred as tears filled her eyes as she recalled her encounter with her cousin. She heard footsteps behind her and so didn’t react when her name was spoken.
Allura gasped at the voice, spun around, and hugged Keith desperately, her tears turning into sobs.
“Allura!” Keith said, alarmed as he embraced her. “What’s wrong?”
“Romelle hates me. Sh-she put a c-c-curse on me,” she cried.
“A curse? What kind of curse?”
Allura stepped away and turned around, not wanting to see his face twisted in hate at her next words. “She cursed me to be a wifewolf once night has fallen.”
Keith stared at her and then laughed gently. “Allura, no one becomes a werewolf or wifewolf through a curse. You have to be bitten in order to be turned. Everyone knows that.”
“But suppose one could be cursed?” Allura pressed as she turned back to Keith. “What then?”
“Well, I would destroy the cause of the curse so on one else falls prey to it. If someone had been cursed, that’s too bad as curses, good or bad, can’t be broken.”
Allura nodded. She was sure that Romelle would do just that to avoid someone cursing her for cursing Allura.
“That’s just a hypothetical question though, right? There’s no werewolf or wifewolf curse.”
Allura couldn’t believe how naïve Keith was being. “But, Romelle really did do something to me. She pointed at me, chanted a spell, and then I felt magic wash over me as well as a white glow around my body. She even said it was a curse.”
“But why would she curse you?”
“She’s jealous of me. She wants to marry you and be queen.”
“I see. Allura, it’s possible that the ‘curse’ was just a ruse. A ploy to get you to leave so that she can marry me and be queen. The ‘magic’ and glow were likely for effect to make you think it was a real curse.”
“I suppose so.”
“Trust me. No one and nothing is going to stop us from getting married and ruling the planet.” He pulled Allura into an embrace before kissing her. He felt her melt against him and he knew then that he had convinced her.
Allura relaxed against Keith, but inwardly she was tense and worried. Romelle did not seem like the type to bluff. The look of hate on her face seemed all too real to be a ruse. Keith didn’t see what I saw. I’m certain that she cursed me but what it was is a mystery, kind of. There’s only one way to find out: Leave before dark and wait for it to activate.
Chapter Two- Curse Activated
Allura glanced around as she approached the gate. No one in sight. Perfect, she thought as she raced across the bridge and toward the woods. She ran deeper into the forest. She didn’t want to be seen transforming if she was a wifewolf now. She could see the fading sunlight though the gaps in the branches and felt herself inwardly trembling. Any minute now, the sun would vanish and she would learn if she had really and truly been cursed. She was, for most part, certain she had, but part of her was doubtful, wanting to believe Keith that it was a ruse.
The sky flared as the sun’s rays dipped below the horizon and her surroundings grew dark. She gasped as a pulse went through her and she fell to her hands and knees. She panted in pain and looked down to see gray fur growing on her hands and her fingers shrinking away to form paws while her nails became concealed claws. She gasped loudly as she felt the same thing happening to her feet.
I was right. I was cursed as a wifewolf! Allura saw the fur spread up her arms which stiffened into forelegs. She felt the fur race over her body, changing to a wolf body as it did so. She was soon standing on four paws with a furry strong torso. She knew she had to look strange as her head was still human, albeit, a fur-covered one.
She then felt what had to be a tail pushing out behind her and when she opened her mouth to cry out in pain, a whine emerged instead. She threw a paw up to her mouth at the sound and felt her jaws pushing out. She dropped her paw and crossed her eyes to see that her nose was large and black and merging with her upper jaw to form a muzzle of sharp curse-causing teeth. Her ears burned and elongated before resting atop of her head and her eyes turned gold and intense before she tilted her head back and howled. She then waited to think evil thoughts and to think like an animal but after waiting a long while, she still thought like herself. She opened her muzzle to laugh in relief, but all that came out was a rapid series of barks.
She snapped her jaws shut. I can’t talk! I’m just making wolf sounds. Well, this is inconvenient. Although, it’s not like I could go home. I’ll be executed even if I explain that I’m not evil or a dangerous beast. I just turn into a wolf every night. She looked down at her front paws and flexed one to reveal the claws. She relaxed them, attempted to walk, stumbled, and tumbled to the ground. She heaved herself to her paws and tried again. This time, she succeeded in actually coordinating all four limbs so she could walk. She progressed to a fast walk and trotting, but when she tried to run, her limbs got tangled up and she crashed to the ground. She got up and shook herself out. Running with four legs is a bit tricky, but I will get the hang of it. After all, I will need to hunt for food as I’ll be living here from now on.
Allura then sank to the ground as the full impact of what had happened hit her. She buried her muzzle between her forelegs and she whimpered and whined as she couldn’t sob, but tears did streak her cheeks.
**Hello? Are you okay?**
Allura looked up at hearing words under the soft barks. She saw a gray wolf looking at her with concern in his gold eyes. She slowly shook her head.
**You must be new. I never forget a scent.**
She bristled a little at his comment and gave an annoyed growl.
**Hey, no insult intended. Every werewolf and wifewolf has a unique scent and I remember each one. Yours is new to me.**
She blinked at this and barked softly to ask how he’s talking. The male grinned and his tail swished. **I was born a werewolf so wolf speak came naturally to me. However, the alpha can bestow wolf speak to turned ones. I could take you to him, if you like.**
The alpha? Allura thought. Then…this werewolf lives in the secret werewolf village. I’ll go with him. The village sounds like a safer place than the woods. She rose to her paws and nodded to him.
**Great. Oh, I’m Lance by the way,** Lance said as he led the way through the woods.
Allura barked, asking Lance about being a born werewolf but Lance laughed in a barking manner. **Whoa, there. Wait until you can use wolf speak, then we can talk.**
Lance looked back quickly at Allura before following a path he knew well. He felt lucky to have encountered such a pretty wifewolf while enjoying a walk as he did his search detail. The alpha often assigned search detail to Lance as the werewolf had a sharper nose than was typical for a werewolf. Lance didn’t normally find any new or stray werewolves as all of his kind lived in the villager. Most were born like him while others were turned usually because they were outcasts living alone in the forest. Only his kind could pass through the enchanted barrier that protected and concealed the village. A human could only pass through if a werewolf or wifewolf held the hand of the human.
Allura followed Lance, grateful to have encountered him; otherwise she would be forced to live in the wild and in fear of humans discovering she was a wifewolf. She saw a shimmering up ahead and Lance stopped in front of it. He turned to her. ** This is the enchanted barrier that keeps our village concealed from humans. Only we can see the shimmer as well as pass through it. In order for a human to find and pass it, he or she would need to hold the hand of a werewolf or wifewolf. Of course, leading a human into our village is not a good idea.** He tilted his head. **Let’s go.** He walked through the shimmer and disappeared. Allura hesitated for a moment before following.
A pleasant warm tickling sensation washed over her and when she opened her eyes, she saw an amazing sight. It was a normal-looking village but instead of people, there were wolves. They were all gray-furred and gold-eyed like her but were different sizes, shapes, and ages. She saw little pups chasing each other and yipping with joy. There were adults watching the pups and younger adults talking to one another. Lance was to her left and when she looked at him, he jerked his head for her to follow him which she gladly did so.
Her presence did not go unnoticed. She saw the others looking at her, noses flaring as she passed, taking in her scent. She slunk low to the ground, ears pinned back and her tail between her legs. She felt very much the outsider and it caused her self-confidence to abandon her.
**Alpha, I found a newly-turned wifewolf!** Lance called as he and Allura entered a house with a gold star pinned above the doorway.
**A new one?** came a young male voice before a young wolf came into the candlelight. **We have not turned a human for months.**
**I don’t know her and everyone knows I don’t forget a scent.**
**That is true.** He looked at the cowering princess with gentle eyes. **Don’t be afraid. You are among your own kind now.** He walked over to her, put a paw over her head, moved it back and forth while howling in a singsong way. A spiral of light came from his paw and it swirled around her ears and muzzle before entering her throat.
**You can now use wolf speak. Talk to us.**
**Who are you? I mean, I know you’re the alpha, but what’s your name?* Allura’s tail came out and swished at being able to talk again.
**My name is Pidge. And you are?**
**I’m Allura.**
Her answer made Pidge gasp while Lance took a submissive position. **As in Princess Allura?** Pidge asked.
**Who bit you? I’ll give that wolf a talking to,** Pidge growled, clearly angry at the thought of his kind biting royalty.
**No one. My jealous cousin laid a curse on me hours ago. She wants to marry my fiancée.**
**I’m sorry to hear that and for what you lose. Allura…would you like to live with me and lead the village as its second alpha?**
**Second alpha?**
**You’re a leader. It makes sense that you should have a leader role. It also insures that a leader will always be present in the village.**
**That all does make sense. All right. I accept.**
**Welcome to the pack, second alpha.**
Chapter Three- Welcomed
**Oh, man. I didn’t know you were the princess,** Lance moaned as he showed Allura around.
**Well, you did say we would talk once I could use wolf speak, so obviously you didn’t know.**
**Yeah, but still. So, your cousin cursed you, huh? She wants to marry your fiancée?**
Allura bowed her head. **Yes and she will. I can’t go home. I’ll be executed if I return.**
**That’s true, but you could…be happy here.**
**I could. You know Lance, we could get together, if you know what I mean.**
Lance stared, mouth agape. **You mean…be mates?**
**Why not? You’ve been so nice to me and since I can’t go back to the palace, I might as well choose a werewolf mate.**
**Suppose your fiancée goes looking for you? You know, I don’t think you mentioned his name.**
**You’re right, I didn’t. His name’s Keith and he most likely would look for me. If I see him during the day, I can tell him to forget about me and that I’ll be all right.**
**Yes, but I was thinking that if he really loves you, maybe he’ll want to be turned and live here.**
**That’s a nice thought, but he thinks about us the way everyone on the planet does.** A gurgle was then heard and Allura dipped her head.
**Sounds like someone is hungry,** Lance teased.
**I am,** she admitted.
**Well then. Let me show you the best inn we have here.** Lance led the way to said inn and inside to a bar whose counter was level with the underside of their chins. An older wolf approached them with a wolf’s grin.
**Hi, Lance and this must be our second alpha. Welcome to our village. We all hope you’ll be happy here.**
**Thank you,** Allura said.
**Hal, Allura needs some food. I imagine she hasn’t eaten in hours. Am I right?* His question was directed at Allura.
She nodded. **You’re right.**
**I’ve got a nice steak here; that is if you don’t mind that it’s raw.**
Truthfully, she did mind, but told herself that she should conform to the practices of the village. Besides, wolves eat their food raw. **I don’t mind,** she said. Hal leaned and down and produced a platter that held a juicy, raw steak. He put it in front of her and she put a paw on part of it to keep it in place while she ate. The steak was easy to tear with her teeth and it tasted good to her tongue. When she finished, she licked her paw clean.
**That was good,** she said. **I wasn’t sure as I’ve never eaten food raw.**
**Our bodies are wolves, so it follows that we can eat like wolves. I know that’ll take some time to get used to that,** Hal replied.
**He’s right,** Allura said as they left. **It’ll take time to get used to all of this. I have a lot to learn.**
**Pidge will teach you. He may be young for an alpha, but he does it well.**
**Was he born a werewolf?**
**Uh-huh. Most of us are, but we’re all equal. Born and bitten have the same abilities and looks. Language is the only difference. The bitten are given the ability to use wolf speak by the alpha while the born have to be taught the human language in order to mingle with them.**
**We can leave during the day, right?**
**We can and do. Humans can’t really tell us apart from them. We interact to buy food, glassware, water, and other supplies. We do sell as well; mostly herbal remedies and baskets. We make quite a lot of money from that.**
**I can imagine. Selling medicine is a profitable business.**
**It is.** They stopped outside the alpha’s house. **We should get some sleep. We can talk more tomorrow. I’m sure Pidge will want to tell you about your duties as well.**
**I’m sure he will. Well, if I’ve got a big day tomorrow, I should get some sleep. Good night Lance and thank you for finding me.**
**Good night Allura and you’re welcome.** Lance padded off to his family’s home while Allura went in her new home.
She found Pidge in a room down the hall, plumping up a couple of pillows with his paws while on a bed. He looked down at her entrance. **I was just finishing your bed,** he said as he jumped down.
**We’re…not that different from humans, are we?** Allura asked as she jumped up.
**Aside from turning into wolves every night and using wolf speak, you’re right. We’re not that different from humans.**
**I wish I could tell at least everyone at the palace, but that’s not possible.**
**They really would kill you, even though you’re the princess?**
**Yes. In their eyes, I likely cease to be a princess and a human when I changed.**
**I see. Well, you live here now and I’ll tell you your duties tomorrow.**
**Lance was right,** she said, amused. **He said you would teach me.**
**Lance and I have known each other since we were pups. We’re good friends, even though I’m busy with my duties.**
**How long have you been the alpha?**
**Not very long, only two almost three years. I spent my first six months with my parents coaching and advising me. It would have been a year, but they were killed.**
Allura flinched. **I’m afraid that was my father’s fault. I dislike seeing the actual moment of the execution thought I did attend as it was my duty.**
**I’m not blaming you. They slipped up by not acting like real wolves the night they left to hunt.**
**If we look human, how are some caught and killed?**
**Those caught made the mistake of using wolf speak in public as they were born wolves. The bitten don’t make that mistake.** He chuckled as Allura yawned. **Time to sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.** Pidge left and Allura sighed as she curled up, put her head on a pillow, and fell asleep.
Keith paced his room with concern. Allura had been spotted going for a walk in the woods, but hadn’t come back. Guards were out in the woods looking for her, but so far no sign of her. He heard his door open and looked back to see Romelle come in.
“Keith? Why are you still up? It’s rather late.”
“I know it’s late, but I’m worried about Allura.”
“Why? She’s in bed, asleep.”
“She is?” Keith rubbed the back of his head and then an eye. “I guess I missed that. Well, in that case, I’m going to bed.”
“Good night.” Romelle eased herself out of the room and smiled to herself. He bought it. He might be concerned when he can’t find Allura tomorrow but I’ll be here for him. Hmm, maybe I should try on Allura’s wedding dress as she won’t be needing it anymore. She’s a wifewolf now and can’t come back unless she wants to be killed. If she knows what’s good for her, she will seek out that secret village and live with the other evil werewolves and wifewolves. She entered her room, humming the wedding march as the door closed.
Chapter Four- Duties
Allura smelled food which roused her from her sleep. She sat up and saw sunlight and herself human again. She sat there to reflect on last night. She never would have imagined that werewolves could be so warm and friendly as well as willing to welcome a stranger into their ranks. Yet, that is what she found. Their willingness to allow new wolves could be born from a need to protect themselves so they all gather here and form their own community, but they do interact with humans during the day.
So, my first day as second alpha begins and I will learn what is required of me. I’ll also learn who is who in human form as well as explore the village in greater detail. She got out of bed, washed up, and headed down the hall toward the smell of food. The houses here were one-story but long and wide. It made sense to have one-story as climbing stairs in wolf form seemed tricky and likely inconvenient.
She entered the kitchen to find a young teen boy at the stove, scrambling some eggs. He looked over and smiled at her. “Morning Allura,” he said in Pidge’s voice.
“Morning. You know, you’re kind of cute.”
Pidge blushed a little. “Yeah, I get that from a lot of girls my age.”
“So, you don’t have a mate?” She opened cabinets to familiarize herself with where everything was as well as getting out plates, glasses, and silverware.
“No, but then I’m not of age to want a mate yet.”
“Really? When’s that?”
“Sixteen. I’ve got two years to go until then.”
“I’m sixteen,” Allura admitted.
“I thought you were,” Pidge said as he split the eggs between the two plates and began buttering some bread. “You had the scent of an available wifewolf last night in addition to your own unique scent.” He gave a sniff. “Yes, definitely the scent of an available one.”
“Available,” Allura repeated as they sat at a low table on cushions. This revelation made it clear that her engagement to Keith was over. She thought of her words and initial attraction to Lance and wondered if he was of age and picked up that scent.
Pidge nodded solemnly. “I’m sorry, but your previous engagement is null and void. Your scent is proof of that.”
Allura nodded sadly. She had known that she couldn’t marry Keith since last night. He wouldn’t accept her curse; he would turn her in and she would be killed. But to hear it spoken aloud, drove it home to her that she was no longer engaged. “So, could I choose any wolf or is that already determined?”
“Oh, yes. Your mate is your choice.” Pidge’s voice turned sly. “You’re interested in Lance, aren’t you?”
“Well, he was the first one I met after I changed. Is he of age?”
“He is. You should know that Lance is a lady’s man, but he is willing to settle down with one girl especially now that he’s of age. I could fix it so that the two of you could spend time together. In fact, I could fit it with one of your duties.”
“My duties. What are they?”
“A lot like mine. I study the laws and traditions of our kind and I settle disputes. I also bless matings, births, and deaths. I assign jobs to others. I usually assign Lance to perimeter guard as he’s got the sharpest nose in the village.
“I do plan to have Lance head into the nearest village later today to sell some herbal remedies. I normally send two or three members to the village as a matter of safety. I sometimes accompany the one I select for village interaction. Allura, would you like to go with Lance to sell our remedies?”
“I would be honored.”
Keith paced his room while Romelle styled her hair at his vanity. “I’m worried,” he said. “No one’s seen Allura since she went for her walk. It’s like she’s disappeared.”
“Perhaps she’s getting cold feet,” Romelle remarked.
Keith shook his head. “I doubt that. She was looking forward to the wedding.” He paused at the window and stared out it at the woods nearby. A guard reported seeing Allura heading into them but not leaving them. That concerned him as, despite what they were told, werewolves could be roaming the forest at night. Those beasts wouldn’t hesitate to kill a princess or, worse, bite her into one of them.
She cursed me to be a wifewolf once night falls. Allura’s words were now chasing themselves in his head and he wondered if it was true. Was Allura a wifewolf now? An evil, dangerous beast? It didn’t seem possible. Allura was a sweet, kind girl; for her to be a wifewolf her nature would have to change drastically. A curse could do that and that would mean that she could be evil now. That is, if she really was cursed and if so, then Romelle would be responsible for that.
He sighed. “Romelle, I’m heading out. There’s a village nearby that requires my attention.”
“Of course, Keith.” Romelle stepped away from the vanity, her hair twisted into a bun. “What do you think?”
Keith regarded her for a moment. “That style suits you. Really does.”
Romelle kissed his cheek. “You’re so sweet.” She left his room and Keith watched her, finding her behavior toward Allura’s disappearance odd. She seemed completely unconcerned about her missing cousin, claiming Allura was getting cold feet about the wedding and acting as if nothing was different…except her behavior toward him. She seemed to be trying to charm him to love her. Why is she doing that? She knows how I feel about Allura. He shook his head. He would talk to her later. He had a village to visit that lived near the forest, the castle’s woods part of that forest. The villagers were concerned about werewolf attacks, though no such attacks have ever occurred. He was to assure them that they need not worry about attacks and he would ask them if they had seen Allura lately. He left the room.
Allura carefully packed some bottles in a vertical honeycomb holder. She was impressed with design as it would keep the bottles from breaking. The honeycomb sat in a wagon with handles, like those one would hitch horses up to and she looked around as Lance loaded the last of the bottles. “Where are the stables?” she asked.
“We don’t have horses. They react negatively toward us despite our human forms. Besides, we’re strong enough to pull the wagon ourselves, especially if we each take a handle.”
“Yes, of course.” Allura had given no thought to her supernatural abilities. She was stronger and faster now in addition to her enhanced senses. She seized one handle while Lance grabbed the other. Together, they pulled the wagon out of the village, through the barrier, and onto a slightly worn path.
“So, did Pidge tell you your duties?”
“He mentioned them before asking if I would accompany you to the village. I have to say that I feel very welcome in our village. Everyone is so warm and friendly.”
“We try not to judge. We only want to live in peace with the rest of the planet. The humans fear us due to their views about us. We live in our own village behind the barrier out of safety.”
“What about those who were bitten?”
“They were outcasts from their villages and were being hunted. We offered to bite them and have a safe haven among us. We leave the choice up to them. All of them accepted the offer and they are happy as well as safe.”
“I feel the same way even though I was cursed.”
“Turned, born, cursed. The way one becomes a wolf doesn’t matter. We’re all equal, like I said. You’re one of us now, Allura.”
Allura smiled at Lance as they traveled. He was right. She was one of them and she definitely felt safe and happy. She had spent the morning to familiarize herself with the human form of her fellow wolves. It had not been too hard as the voice doesn’t change. She had been taken with Lance’s human form when Pidge showed her to where they stored their wagons. She definitely saw herself mated to him and having a long happy life in the village with him.
Chapter Five- Discovered
“Lance!” an accented voice called as they reached the village’s edge. A man with black hair and blue eyes came up to them with a warm smile.
“Sven. Good to see you again,” Lance answered, clasping the man’s hand. “I’ll bet you’ll be wanting the usual?”
“As long as you haven’t raised the prices.” Sven turned to Allura and then went to one knee. “Princess,” he said. “You’re safe. Your father and fiancée are worried about you.”
“I’m sure they are but if you or someone else could tell them that I’m safe, I would appreciate it and also tell them that I won’t be returning home.”
“Not returning?” Sven repeated.
“That’s right. I know I’m hurting Keith with this, but it’s for the best.”
“Of course, princess. I will deliver the message myself tomorrow.” Sven rose and fell into step beside them, sharing village news with Lance. Allura was deep in thought. Her presence attracted attention and the sightings of her would reach the palace’s ears and, despite not wanting them to look for her, she knew they would race to her last sighted location in hope of seeing her and ask why she hadn't returned. I can’t tell them the truth. I’ll be killed, I know it.
Lance studied Allura even as he talked with Sven. He knew the reason for her request and felt for her. She had to give up everything she had and it was her cousin’s fault as she had cursed Allura as a wifewolf. Because of her, Allura lost her home, her family, and her fiancée the latter making her available. I can smell it on her. I’m of age to have a mate and Allura is a lovely girl, human and wolf. I wonder if she knows about the mating scent. Lance kept this question in mind as they sold their medicines and took requests for those they didn’t have or had run out of.
“Allura,” he said softly when they hit a lull in customers. “Do you know about the mating scent?”
“If you’re referring to the scent that says I’m available, then yes. Pidge mentioned it as he could smell it on me.”
“That is what I’m talking about. I am of age to want a mate and I find you lovely, human and wolf. You can choose your mate and I present myself as a potential mate to you.”
“Lance,” she said with a smile. “I know we met almost twenty-four hours ago, but I fell for you quickly. My suggestion of us being mates last night could be reality. I admit, I don’t know many werewolves and I intend to remedy that, but that won’t change that I’d like to have you as my mate.”
Lance beamed at her statement. “Oh, Allura. I want to be your mate too. Wow, I’m a lucky guy. I’m the mate of the second alpha.”
Allura smiled at his reaction and then tilted her head as Lance’s nose flared. “Lance?”
“Horses. We need to leave. Horses are better at detecting wolves than dogs are.” Lance seized a cart handle as did Allura and they began to make their way out of the village quickly owing to their super speed and the now lighter wagon. Allura flared her nose to lock in the scent of horses, knowing it was something she would need to know and identify.
They had reached the edge of the village when a familiar voice cried out in relief, “Allura!” The blonde froze and turned to see Keith running over to her and giving her a hug.
“Allura,” he said before pulling back. “Where have you been? Your father and I have been worried sick.”
“I’m aware of that, but please don’t worry about me.”
“Well now that I see you’re okay, I’m not worried anymore. Now, come on, let’s go home.” He took her hand.
Allura pulled her hand loose. “I can’t go back to the palace. I told you what Romelle did to me and it was true. I’m sorry, Keith, but our engagement’s off.” She turned around, grabbed the cart handle, and, with Lance, headed toward the forest.
Keith reeled as Allura left with a cart and a brunette about his age. Our engagement’s off? Allura just said that Romelle really did curse her…or is it a lie to break up with me? Keith didn’t really think the latter thought was true as Allura really did look sorry to end their engagement. If she really is a wifewolf…I need to see it to believe it. And, if she is, I’ll ask to be a werewolf. That way, we can be together.
“Your Highness?” an escort said, coming up behind him.
Knowing he had little time to follow Allura, he said, “Lead my horse back to the palace and tell the king I’m not coming back home.”
“Yes. That’s an order!”
“Yes, Your Highness.” Keith waited until the escort had headed back and then plunged into the forest. The creak of the cart told him where to go and he headed after it. The back of the cart came into view and Keith slowed, letting it out of his sight before causally following it. He hadn’t been on its tail for very long before it stopped and he saw Allura speak to the brunette before stepping away from the cart and letting the boy heave the cart away without much effort.
“Keith, I know you’re there. I can smell you now,” Allura said as she turned to face the tree behind which Keith was hiding.
Keith emerged and saw Allura with a disapproving stare. “I told you it’s over. Leave me alone.”
“But, I love you,” Keith said.
Allura’s stare melted into a sad look. “I love you too but we can’t be together. Our engagement is null and void now that I’m a wifewolf. I carry a scent that says I’m available. Please leave, Keith.”
“I don’t care if you’re a wifewolf. It’s clear that being one hasn’t changed you…has it?”
“Personality-wise, no it hasn’t. But I have to adapt to the practices of the village. I also have to get used to my wolf form such as walking and running.” She saw the sky starting to darken and started talking quickly before she changed. “Keith, I’ll always love you but please forget about me. I have a different life now and you can’t…” Allura shifted into wolf form, looked at Keith, and whined.
Keith took a step back. “Allura?”
She whined again and gave two soft barks before walking away. “Allura!” Keith cried before running after her. She began to run and he saw her tail tip around a corner. He followed it, paused for a moment as he had lost the trail, and then chose a direction going pas the barrier he couldn’t see.
Allura walked away, knowing Keith didn’t understand wolf speak. She meant what she said about still loving him, but he couldn’t follow her. Honestly, she knew he could by being bitten but only outcasts would choose that route. “Allura!” Keith cried out and she heard footsteps running toward her. She increased her speed, tapping her supernatural one and was amazed that she was actually running on all fours. Twenty-four hours ago, her legs got tangled up when she tried to run and now she was doing it perfectly. Faster, faster, she thought, her nose picking up Keith’s scent behind her. She turned a bend around a bush and saw the barrier. She leaped forward, sailed through, and landed in the village. She panted and strained her ears to hear a pause in footsteps and then the sound of them hurrying past. He didn’t see me vanish into what he would perceive as thin air but he would reason that the village is there, hidden. But, he didn’t which is as it should be.
**Allura,** a voice said and she saw Pidge come over, his scent she had memorized earlier in the day. **Lance told me what happened in the village. Did you get back here without being noticed?**
**Yes, alpha. I do have a problem. I still love Keith, but I want Lance as my mate and we did commit ourselves to each other while selling the remedies.**
**Yes, Lance mentioned that too. Allura, it’s all right to still love Keith as you well know that it’s over as far as marriage goes. Now, how about you, Lance, and I meet in the forest tomorrow to discuss Bonding you two as mates?**
**I’d like that.**
Chapter Six- Bonding Traditions
Keith knelt by a stream and sipped some water in his cupped hands. He had stopped here last night and slept as he knew no werewolves would be found at night. He stood and went to a bush to eat some berries. He silently cursed himself. He hadn’t thought that he wouldn’t be a werewolf still. He deeply loved Allura despite her being a wifewolf and she still loved him though she said their engagement was off.
She asked me to forget about her, but I can’t. I still love her and wish to be with her. He began to head back the way he had come, thinking he could stay in the village and wait for Allura to show up or for someone who pulled a cart out of the woods. He would then ask if they knew Allura and if they said yes, he would admit to knowing she was a wifewolf. It was a half-thought of a plan, but it was a plan, nonetheless.
Allura wandered around the village, the others greeting her by her title and answering her questions. The villagers supported one another like a family and it gave her a warm feeling. They welcomed her like a sister and they were happy to speak with her.
“The alpha didn’t mention our weaknesses yet?” Hal asked when Allura asked about them.
Allura shook her head. “No. I guess it’s because there hasn’t been turned ones for months.” She sipped some soup off her spoon.
“That is true and would make sense that he hadn’t spoken of them yet. Okay, then. Silver weapons and jewelry causes pain and Wolfsbane makes us weak and ill. Raw meat heals any wound, especially from silver and distance will help us recover from the weak feeling of Wolfsbane. A special herbal soup will help with the illness part of any poisoning a wolf may get.”
“Oh. I guess that’s why we leave in pairs or groups; to help each other.”
“That and as a matter of safety. The entire world despises us as you know.”
Allura averted her eyes. “I know and if I could, I would have put an end to the persecution. I never liked the idea of executing prisoners.”
“Alpha, I don’t blame you for the world’s view! Our kind’s been feared for centuries and hunted as well. It is only natural for us to band together and hide from the world.”
“Speaking of which, how did the barrier come about?”
“Legend says a werewolf magician created it with a spell and the howls of the then small village. In order to keep it working, the village gathers before it once a year and howls to it while the alpha speaks a set of words left by the magician.”
“Wow. That’s amazing.”
“And it will happen in a few weeks so you can participate and witness the special event.”
“But before that, there’ll be another special event. The Bonding of Lance and me. I should go as the alpha wishes to discuss it with Lance and me in the forest.” She rose from her cushion.
“Of course, alpha and congratulations on choosing a mate.”
Allura left the inn and headed toward the barrier where Pidge and Lance were waiting. She smiled at Lance who returned it before following Pidge through the barrier. The forest was quiet aside from chirping birds, but Allura’s ears heard sounds no human could possibly hear. Her nose also picked up scents from faint to distinct. Her eyes were a bit sensitive in the sunlight but they easily adjusted. A happy smile appeared on her face. These enhanced senses make being cursed worth it. I will live in the village as the second alpha and with my soon-to-be mate. I will birth werewolves and wifewolves and school them in the village’s rules and traditions as well as teach them to speak like humans. Allura imagined this future as she followed Lance and Pidge into the forest while wondering what the Bonding ceremony involved.
“Here we are,” Pidge announced as they entered a small glen. He brushed aside a curtain of willow branches to reveal a concealed cavern. The stubs of candles sat in niches in the wall and Pidge lit them to provide light before sitting on a boulder while Lance and Allura sat on the floor before it. “This is where chosen mates and the alpha go when discussing their Bonding plans. Some want to have a ceremony in front of the entire village while others want a private one. Both options are performed by the alpha. Once Bonded, they must decide where to live. The wifewolf usually moves in with her mate’s family house.”
“Uh, maybe I should move in with Allura, if that is all right with you, alpha.”
Pidge chuckled. “Yes, of course you can. Your family is quite extensive.”
“Yeah. The females keep wanting to raise pups. You’re almost a member of the family, alpha, you’re there so often.”
“In any event,” Pidge continued. “The mates are required to wear a crown of flowers as the ceremony takes place at night and wearing rings would be problematic. Both of you choose the flowers you want and then you make your mate’s crown.”
“So I pick the flowers I want but Lance makes them into my crown.” Allura said.
“It symbolizes our commitment to each other as wolves mate for life,” Lance explained. “I’ve actually made a crown design a year ago and Mom loves it and honestly, so do I.”
“Then, let’s get started and maybe fish up some fish for lunch,” Pidge said. “Although you can gather some berries to go with them. Just don’t pick the ones near the stream.”
“Why?” Allura asked.
“They’re poisonous but not lethal. They cause severe abdominal pain to our kind but a remedy we have can cure it. The thing is one must be in wolf form before taking it.”
“And if a human ate them?”
“In that case, the abdominal pain would eventually lead to death. The only way for them to survive would be to be bitten and then given the remedy.”
“I see. That would require leading that person into our village.”
“Yes, but most humans wouldn’t take our offer as they hate our kind.”
“You’re right, alpha. Well, let’s collect those flowers.” She accepted a small basket Pidge held out and headed out with Lance behind her. Pidge left a little later to catch some fish to cook for lunch.
Lance found a patch of daffodils and bluebells which tickled his nose in a pleasant way and picked some of both. He moved on, thinking of the crown design he had made. It didn’t matter what flowers Allura chose, they would work with his design. And I’m sure Allura will like it just as I’m sure I’ll like the crown she’ll make for me. I know she still loves Keith, but accepts that is as far as it’ll go.
Keith moaned softly as he laid on the ground in the fetal position, clutching his abdomen. He was in serious pain. It hurt so much he couldn’t move. But I need to move. I need to get medical attention, but the pain won’t subside enough to allow me to get up and head into town.
He slowly moved an arm and put the back of his hand on his forehead but jerked it way and moaned again as his stomach ached. Oh, great; in addition to the stomachache, I’ve got a high fever. All I had today was water and berries. Wait. Those berries…were they poisonous? That would make sense and not good news for me. I’m dying and no one knows. Well, at least I left a message that I won’t be coming home and my death will solve Allura’s dilemma. She can focus on choosing a werewolf mate. Keith curled up even tighter as his stomach began to burn and he fell into an ill sleep.
Chapter Seven- Bonded
Allura licked her lips as she resumed her flower search with Lance and Pidge close by, the former looking for more flowers while the latter gathered herbs and other ingredients for herbal remedies. Their late afternoon lunch had been great; cooked salmon and blueberries with water to drink. She knew she would burn all of that when she changed but that didn’t concern her. It’s been almost forty-eight hours since I first changed, but I am very comfortable being a wifewolf and I’m certainly not an evil, dangerous beast everyone thought my kind are.
Her ears heard a soft moan and her nose flared as she smelled a human nearby. She sniffed vigorously and recognized the scent as Keith’s. Curious, she tracked his scent to a clump of bushes that formed a ring. She parted two of them and saw the prince curled up on the ground and clutching his lower stomach. “Keith?” she asked softly.
There was a pained gasp and an eye cracked open. “Allura?” he asked hoarsely.
“What’s wrong?” She entered the ring, knelt beside him, gently felt his forehead, and jerked back. “You’re sick!”
“I’m dying. I think I ate some poisonous berries.”
“No,” she whispered in horror.
“It’s all right. No one will look for me as I left word that I wouldn’t come home. This also solves your love dilemma. You’re more than free to choose a werewolf.”
“Keith, I had already chosen a werewolf mate. Keith,” she said urgently. “There is a way to recover from this. My kind have a remedy cure for the berries but one must be in wolf form to take it.”
“So…it only works for your kind.” Keith’s eyes then widened. “If I was bitten, then I could take the remedy.”
“Yes, but would you want to be a werewolf?”
Keith coughed a laugh. “I’ve been wanting to be bitten since last night.”
“Oh,” she said softly before raising her voice and calling, “Lance! Pidge!”
“Allura? What’s wrong?” Lance asked as the two werewolves showed up and parted the bushes. Lance looked at Keith with concern. “Is he all right?”
“No, he ate those poisonous berries. I told him about the remedy and what he would have to do in order to take it. He’s willing to be bitten.”
“Really?” Lance asked, sounding concerned and Allura intuited why. She snuggled up to him. “This doesn’t change anything between us. Our Bonding will still happen.”
Lance hugged Allura before handing her his basket and heaving Keith into his arms. “Then, let’s head home before nightfall.”
Keith laid in Lance’s arms, deathly ill but still marveling at how strong the werewolf was. It was as if he weighed very little. “Keith,” Lance said. “Do you really want to be bitten? If you are, you can’t return home.”
“I understand and I already left word yesterday that I would not be returning home. I had wanted to be bitten last night.”
“You are not like most humans. I would like to have you as a pack brother.” Lance shifted Keith so he could take hold of Keith’s hand before passing through the barrier with Allura and Pidge behind him. Once in the village, Lance laid Keith on the ground and Pidge called, “Bring the berry remedy!”
“At once, alpha,” one replied.
Pidge went to all fours as he looked down at Keith. “Once night has fallen and I’ve changed, I will bite you into a werewolf. You will feel a little better as the berries are not lethal to werewolves. The remedy will then cure you of the abdominal pain.”
“Understood.” Keith saw his surroundings darken with night and then lighten with lamps before looking up at a pair of gold wolf eyes. He felt teeth pierce his flesh and he gasped at it. He then howled as he shifted to wolf form. He felt cooler and his stomach didn’t hurt as much. It was still painful though and he whined in pain and shut his eyes. Why am I making wolf sounds? Can I not talk? He then heard howling in a singsong tone as well as warmth around his ears, muzzle, and throat. He heard barks as well as words. **You can now use wolf speak and are part of the pack. Ah, here’s the remedy.**
Keith opened his eyes to see wolves around him and a bowl of liquid in front of him, a slight plume of steam drifting off it. He leaned his head forward and began to lap up the soup carefully. He felt his stomachache ease as he drank and when he had finished, he felt a lot better. He exhaled a little. **I don’t feel sick anymore,** he barked, using wolf speak for the first time.
Pidge chuckled. **Of course you don’t. You’re a werewolf and we have the remedy to cure the abdominal pain those berries cause us.**
Keith got to his paws and saw that he and the others all looked alike. How can they tell each other apart? Scent perhaps? **Allura?** he asked.
**I’m here, Keith,** a wolf on his right answered before nuzzling a cheek. **You live here now.**
**Yes and you’ll stay with Allura and me while the village builds you your own house,** Pidge said.
**You live with the alpha?** Keith asked Allura as they followed Pidge, the former stumbling a little.
**I was named second alpha after gaining wolf speak and allowed to live with him. Lance will move in once we’re Bonded.**
**When will that be?**
**In a few days,** Pidge spoke up. **Allura and Lance still need to discuss details such as a private ceremony or before the whole village.**
**And as alpha, I hereby declare Lance and Allura Bonded for life.** Pidge put a paw on Lance’s left shoulder, then on Allura’s, and finally howled. The howls of the village echoed him, Keith’s howl the loudest one. The prince adapted to his new life and was quite happy. His new home had been completed earlier that day and he and some others would travel to a different town to purchase some furniture; some of which would have to be modified like the table. The legs would have to be shortened.
The village formed a line to congratulate the couple before heading off to eat, prance, or sing in howls, barks, and yips. There was an air of joy and celebration and Keith watched as he waited in line.
He had ventured into a village in a robe and hood two days ago to hear that Romelle would be crowned queen the same day as the Bonding as she was the only royal left. The villagers had commented to each other of where Keith and Allura had gone and there were rumors that the two had eloped and left the planet. Only we hadn’t, he thought. We’re wolves and live in a secret village. I’ve learned that aside from turning into wolves and speaking our own language, we’re no different from humans. He finally reached the head of the line and nuzzled the cheeks of both as he had seen the others do. **Congratulations.**
**Thank you,** Allura said. **I know seeing me with another is not easy for you.**
Keith shook his head. **Not at all. You said it yourself: When you became a wifewolf, our engagement ended. I may end up finding someone else.**
**I’m sure you will,** Lance said. **There’s a few wifewolves who will come of age in a few weeks or months. Perhaps, you could befriend them so that when they’re available, you’ll know who you’ll want for your mate.**
**Perhaps, you could introduce them to me, Maybe start with the ones who’ll come of age in a few weeks.**
**I think I will while we’re prancing. Come on.** Lance led his mate and Keith into the crowd where they pranced, sang, and chatted with young wifewolves.
One day, I’ll Bond, Keith thought. And it’ll be like this. He gazed at the celebration and joined as another song began.