Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only Ruby is mine.
Chapter One- Matched
Yugi smiled gently as he ran a finger lightly across the cheek of a blond baby mermaid. She cooed as he stroked it, her deep green eyes focused on him and the fins of her red tail fluttered slightly. “She’s cute, Mai,” he said to the mother who held the baby.
“Thanks, hun. Ruby’s got her dad’s eyes and tail but my hair. Hopefully, my charm,” Mai said, winking at Yugi.
“She’s already charming everyone she sees,” put in the father, Duke. “She’ll be charming boys in no time.” He winked at Mai who blushed and Yugi smiled.
Duke had been quite the charmer when he hit his teens and often spoke to Yugi and his friends of which mermaid he was likely to marry. That all changed when the village diviner, Ishizu, told him that he was destined to wed Mai, who was human at the time. Duke was thrilled when told the news; to be matched with a human meant that both were special. Ishizu revealed Mai’s appearance and Duke met her out on the ocean. The moment both shook hands, it triggered the dormant mermaid gene in Mai and she began a gradual transition to mermaid for all matched humans became merpeople. Mai spent six months adjusting to sea life with her new husband to assist her and, in that time, she became pregnant and had Ruby who was now four months old. Mai had been surprised when Duke revealed he was a merman and that the two of them was a destined match. She took it in stride as most matched humans did.
Yugi looked up to see one of his two best friends, Ryou, swimming toward her with a big excited smile, his brown eyes sparkling happily.
“Hey, Ryou! What’s up?”
“Ishizu wants to see you, Joey, and me right now.”
The fins of Yugi’s deep blue tail twitched back and forth. “Do you mean what I think you do?”
Ryou nodded. “We have destined matches!” Ryou’s light blue tail beat the water happily.
“That’s great,” Duke said. “Tell Joey I say congrats.”
“We will,” Yugi promised as he followed Ryou to Ishizu’s home. They arrived to see Ishizu’s brother, Marik, outside the home. “Hey, Marik.”
“Hi, Yugi. Ishizu and Joey are waiting.” The revelation of destined matches was between the diviner and the merperson being matched; until the merperson emerged, no one else knew who the human was.
The two friends swam in and down a hall to enter a room where Ishizu conducted her duties. There were cushions throughout the room as well as glowing crystal baubles and lamps with electric eels. The center of the room held a glowing, floating bubble and seated before it was Ishizu with Joey seated across from her, his green tail tucked beside him. He turned to grin at his friends. “Hey, Yug, Ryou.”
“Hi, Joey. Sorry, Ishizu. Mai was showing Ruby to me and by the way, Joey. Duke says congratulations.”
“I understand,” Ishizu said with a smile before clearing her throat. “This is a very special moment. It is rare to have three destined matches at once, more so for you and Ryou, Yugi.” She waved her hands in front of her and the shifting white mist inside the bubble shifted aside to reveal a teenage boy that looked a lot like Ryou but with differences. His sliver hair was spiker, his brown eyes darker and his facial structure was more angled. Ryou stared in surprise. “Is he my match?” he asked.
“Yes. His name is Bakura and his personality is the opposite of yours but he will be a little nicer toward you.” Bakura’s image faded away and a different image appeared. It looked like Yugi but again with differences. There were a few more yellow streaks in the hair, his eyes were slanted, and the face was angled. Yugi was entranced by the image. “What’s his name?”
“Atem. He is not as dark as Bakura but he is more confident than you. Sadly, Bakura and Atem are rivals.”
Ryou and Yugi winced slightly and Ishizu smiled. “I am sure they will put it aside for your sakes…maybe.
“And now for your match, Joey.” Ishizu waved her hands and Atem’s image was replaced by a brunette with deep blue eyes. Joey stared. “Wow, he’s handsome.”
“His name is Seto Kaiba. He is also a rival to Atem. All three can be stubborn and may not initially believe you once the transition has begun.”
“Remind me again how the transition works?” Joey asked.
“Well, it begins with a desire to drink a lot of water and to be in the water. Then, the human finds him or herself talking to sea creatures in the creature’s language. Shortly after that, scales will start to develop on their legs. I suggest revealing your true self when they start talking to a sea creature and explain what’s happening to him.”
“But none of that will happen until we shake hands,” Yugi said.
“That’s right,” Ishizu said. “Once that happens, the water signs will occur within a day or two.”
All three got up, thanked her, and once outside, began to talk about their matches, aware that Marik was listening. “That Seto Kaiba is really good-looking,” Joey said. “I’m lucky to be matched with him and I can’t wait to meet him.”
“I feel the same way about Atem,” Yugi gushed. “His looks interest me and I wonder what he sounds like.”
“I wonder that too,” Ryou said. “Ishizu said his personality is the opposite of mine. They say opposites attract and this could be one of those instances.”
“Well, I’m going to head home and tell Serenity about Seto.” Joey sped off, leaving bubbles in his wake.
“Bye, Ryou. I should tell Grandpa about Atem as, once we shake hands, he’ll eventually live with us.” Yugi swam off and Ryou watched him sadly. Unlike Joey and Yugi, he had no family to share the news. His parents died within years of each other and he had no siblings. The idea of having someone live with him was wonderful and even better as it was someone he would marry once he was a merman.
He looked up through the depths. I wonder if he’s up there now. Probably not; at least not this far out to sea. He’s probably closer to the shore. I won’t go there yet as some internal feeling will tell me when my match is near. I will, however, go up to look at the surface. Ryou swam up as fast as he could but slowed as the surface came into view. He slowly rose up as his upper body broke through and he threw up an arm to shield his eyes from the sun until his eyes had adjusted before he looked around.
It was clearly a beautiful day to be out at sea. Both sky and surfaced were such a deep blue, it was hard to tell where one left off and the other began. The only things to differentiate them were the clouds, the birds, and the sun.
Ryou closed his eyes and tilted back his head, enjoying the warmth of the sun on his face and the air flowing across his skin. A smile of contentment graced his lips. This is so calm and peaceful. I’d love to share this with someone.
He heard clicking and squeaking and opened his eyes before a trio of dolphins surfaced, laughing in their language. He ran a hand along the side of the one closest to him. He smiled at the feel of the rubbery skin under his fingers and then laughed when another one nudge his side with its nose.
“Play with us, Ryou,” clicked the nudging dolphin, the merboy hearing words under the clicks.
“All right,” he replied in dolphin. “How about a race?” His suggestion was met by nods of approval. “Ready, set, go!” All four dove underwater and sped through the water laughing in a carefree way. Ryou smiled happily; for a while he wasn’t lonely but he did wonder when he would meet Bakura and begin his transition to the sea. Once he changes, I won’t be lonely anymore.
Chapter Two- Atem
Atem packed up his bag, watching Kaiba stride from the room with his laptop case. The brunette was so smart that he was taking college classes in addition to his high school ones. Atem was clever too and was allowed to take senior classes instead of sophomore classes. While he loved the more challenging coursework, it would be a relief to do junior work next year. By the time I’m a senior, this work will be a snap.
He exited the classroom and almost walked right into Bakura who had his twisted smile on his face. “Got your nose to the grindstone still, Sennen?”
“Back off, Ken. You don’t know the meaning of hard work.”
“Not so. I’m just not interested in overloading my brain.”
Atem stepped around Bakura and headed for his locker; despite what Bakura said, Atem deep down liked applying himself, but by the same token, he liked to have fun like any other teenager. He gathered his books and left school, pausing on the sidewalk to enjoy the sun and salty air. It was a lovely afternoon and he decided to head to the beach to relax. I can do my homework tomorrow as today is Friday. Atem dashed home, dropped off his bag, packed a duffel bag, called out to his dad that he was going to the beach, and headed out to the bus stop.
Sometime later, Atem was in his swim trunks and wading into the water. He began stroking when he reached deeper water and struck out for open waters. There was a cluster of rocks in a circular formation with rocky seats in and outside of the cluster. He swam to the far side, pulled himself up to a seat, and laid back with his eyes closed and head tilted up to the sun. He wasn’t sure how long he sat there before he sensed he wasn’t alone. His eyes snapped open and he looked down into a face almost identical to his, save for some differences. His mouth dropped as he stared at his lookalike.
“Hi,” the boy said in a voice that belied his appearance. He held out a hand. “I’m Yugi Moto.”
Atem’s mouth transformed into a warm smile. “I’m Atem Sennen.” He shook Yugi’s hand. “Would you like to sit?” He gestured to a nearby seat.
“No, I’m okay. So, Atem. Tell me about yourself.”
“Well, I’m sixteen but doing schoolwork two grades above my own. I live with my dad and I love swimming.”
“Don’t you have any friends?”
“Not really. I’m friendly with classmates but not close seeing as they’re seniors and I’m a sophomore. I do have two school mates who are rivals.”
“What kind of rivals are they?”
“Games. I’m very good at games and I beat both of them every time. They constantly challenge when they’re not busy.”
Yugi’s fins twitched underwater as Atem spoke. He loved the teen’s voice and understood every word he said. Best of all, he shook my hand! Honestly, it’s hard to resist. It’s like a reflex for humans and merpeople.
“What about you, Yugi?”
“Uh, I’m eighteen and I live with my grandpa. I have two best friends, Ryou and Joey. I absolutely love swimming and performing tricks, usually alone. I don’t like having others watch me. I also love games.”
“Eighteen. You don’t look it.”
Yugi laughed. “I was going to say the same about you. I would have thought you were older if you hadn’t said sixteen.”
Atem laughed too and felt warm at being with Yugi…like a friend. He told Yugi as much and Yugi said, “I’d like to be your friend.” At least for now, he silently added. “Atem, could we get together again soon? Tomorrow maybe or Sunday?”
“Sunday. I’ve got homework to do and I had planned to do it tomorrow. Where should we meet?”
“Right here.”
“All right. Here at high noon Sunday.” Yugi ducked down and sped off before Atem could dive and see his tail.
He can’t know yet; not until he’s talking to a sea creature. Atem’s going to be surprised when I tell him I’m a merman, that we’re a destined couple, and that he’ll be a merman too. I wonder what color his tail will be.
“Yugi! Why’d ya take off so suddenly?” Joey asked as Yugi arrived at the village.
Yugi beamed. “I sensed Atem was nearby. We met, talked, and shook hands. His merman gene is active now.”
“That’s great, Yug. So, what’s he like?”
“He’s nice. He’s sixteen and has a deep voice that I could listen to forever.” A dreamy look came to his eyes and Joey grinned. He knew his pal was something of a romantic and considering Atem would be his husband, it was fine for Yugi to talk like that.
“What else?” he prompted.
Yugi came out of his daydream and said, “He said he does senior schoolwork even though he’s a sophomore, he lives with his dad, and…doesn’t have any real friends until he met me.”
“No friends? That’s awful. Well, I’ll be his friend when he finishes changing.”
“I’m sure you’ll get along great. He likes to play games and that’s why he has a rivalry with Bakura and Seto Kaiba.”
“Games, huh? He’ll have to learn new ones as I suspect the ones he plays won’t survive underwater.”
“I’ll ask what kinds of games he plays when I see him Sunday.”
“You got a date already?”
“I should. He’ll be getting the water signs either tomorrow or Sunday.”
“Man, I’m jealous. You met your match and shook his hand. He’ll be a merman before mine does.”
“Which could be a good thing. He’ll know yours and Ryou’s matches and could help you know them really well.”
“Yeah, that could be good. Plus, once we shake hands, they’ll get the desire to be in the water.”
“Shaking hands isn’t that hard. It’s hard to resist taking another’s hand; for humans and merpeople.”
“Yeah, it is. I mean, we’re half-human with all the social niceties included.”
“Yugi! Joey!” Both looked up to see Ryou swimming toward them with a pouch full of seaweed, pearls, and other trinkets.
“What’cha got there, Ryou?” Joey asked.
“They’re things we can use to make engagement tokens.”
“Engagement what?”
“Tokens. Once our matches are very close to changing, we bestow them with a token of our engagement and affection.”
“Great,” Yugi said. “I’ve already met Atem and shook his hand. I’ll need to make a token before too long.”
“You met him already? Wow, you work fast, Yugi.”
Yugi laughed as the trio settled on the bottom. “Ryou, he’s better than I imagined. We told each other about ourselves and I found out that games are what all three are rivals for.”
“Games, huh? I like games.” Ryou pulled out some seaweed and shells.
“So does Joey and I do too. Maybe we can all play together sometime.” Yugi dug out pearls and shells.
“That’d be cool.” Joey watched Yugi and Ryou begin making their tokens. He wasn’t sure if Seto Kaiba would like one. I’ll wait until I meet him. I wonder…do I call him Seto or Kaiba?
Chapter Three- Kaiba and Bakura
Kaiba brought the boat to a stop and pushed a button to release the anchor before heading below deck to set up his laptop to record readings of whale biology as well as whale song. My professor wants only a written report, but I will provide a sound file of what song to go with it for extra credit.
A laugh above deck and splashing was heard and he ran up to see a blond boy with brown eyes, bobbing in the water with a big smile. “Hi,” he said, coming closer and holding up his hand. “Name’s Joey Wheeler.”
Kaiba gazed down at the blonde coldly before gripping Joey’s hand. “Seto Kaiba,” he said.
Joey, still grinning, shook the hand. “Nice to meet ya, Seto.”
Kaiba pulled his hand away. “I prefer Kaiba.”
“Even among your friends?”
“I don’t have friends and I don’t need them.”
“You’re kidding. I can’t imagine not having my friends.”
“I am too busy for friends. I have a report to collect data on right now.”
“Really? What about?”
“Not that it’s any of your business, but it’s on whale biology and I hope to record whale song for extra credit.”
“You may want to drive a bit further out for whales. Trust me, I know whales.”
“Really? You a marine biologist, Wheeler?”
“I prefer Joey and no I’m not a marine biologist but I have extensively studied marine life.” It was true; every merperson was taught about the sea, the life in it, and the plants that existed in the waterways.
Kaiba made a dismissive noise as he headed below decks. Joey scowled as he ducked down. That man’s got a bad attitude. How could I be matched to someone like him? We have nothing in common. However…we did shake hands. He looked at his right hand and then up. His merman gene is active now and he wants to record whale song. That’s perfect! If I could convince some whales to swim by here, singing, Kaiba will record it and when he plays it later on, he’ll understand their words. Joey swam off to find some whales and lead them to Kaiba’s boat.
Kaiba monitored his equipment and did what he could for his biology report for his animal biology class at the local college. Animal biology was required for the degree he sought and he put his usual efficient effort into it like he did with everything. He heard nothing above deck aside from water slapping the boat. I guess Wheeler left. Good; he was getting on my nerves. I fail to see how anyone could be friends with him.
The sounds of beeping sounded over the sonar and he looked at it. His heart pounded and he checked the readings. Whales: Five of them. He hit the record button before heading up to see whales surfacing briefly to breathe before dipping back down and he heard them singing softly for whales. He went back down to hear it louder and he smiled in triumph. He had his equipment reading their biology and recording their song. I’ve got this report in the bag.
Joey swam into the village and found Yugi in Ryou’s home, working on his token with plenty of materials still left. He took a seat. “Where’s Ryou?” he asked.
“He sensed Bakura and went to see him,” Yugi answered as he worked a pearl into the seaweed. He looked up to see Joey dig through the pouch. “Joey, did you meet your match?”
“Yeah, but I don’t know if we’ll get along. Kaiba is an arrogant jerk.”
“He prefers his surname. Heh, maybe he’ll be nicer after he changes.”
Yugi nodded. So, they shook hands. Kaiba will experience the water signs soon just as Atem will if he hasn’t already.
“So, tomorrow’s your date with Atem, right?”
“Right. I plan to ask what games he plays and to gauge his feelings concerning water.”
“I won’t be that lucky with Kaiba. I don’t think he likes me at all.”
“Don’t give up, Joey. Kaiba’s desire to be in the water will prompt him to swim and you’ll see him again.”
“Yeah,” Joey said slowly and hopefully. “You’re right, Yug. He’ll eventually come around.” He got some materials out and set to work.
Bakura stared at the boy who looked like him and then at the outstretched hand before taking it and shaking it. “I’m Bakura Ken.”
“Bakura,” Ryou repeated. “Cool name.”
Bakura grinned. “Thanks. I must say, I didn’t think I’d meet someone who looks like me only softer.”
Ryou smiled. “I felt the same way when I saw you. I think this gives creditability to the twin theory.”
“Indeed. Tell me about yourself, Ryou.”
“Well, I’m eighteen with two good friends and no family. I live alone.”
“No family. I see. I too have no family. I live at an orphanage but in two years I’ll move out as I’ll be eighteen by then. I’ll probably live in a college dorm as I plan to go to college.”
“Oh, so you’re sixteen then. You have any friends at school or the orphanage?”
“No to both, but I do have a rival at school. He’s a big gamer and beats me every time. Sometimes I believe he’s cheating.”
“You think so?” Ryou suspected Bakura was talking about Atem based on what Yugi had told Joey and him.
Bakura shrugged. “Maybe not. He’s just really good.”
“What does he play?” Ryou knew Yugi would ask Atem tomorrow but Bakura didn’t need to know that.
“All kinds. Card games, board games, role-playing, dice games, you name it. He can play a brand-new game for the first time and win it.”
“Wow. That is good.”
“It is and I’m jealous. I would love to have that kind of skill.”
“What games do you play?”
“My favorite is Duel Monsters but I like chess, checkers, and solitaire.”
“I enjoy chess, checkers, and solitaire too.”
“I imagine you play the first two with your friends.”
“Mostly with Yugi. He’s as good at games as your rival. Yugi’s been teaching Joey chess but he’s bit of a slow learner.”
“That being the case, you could win against him.”
“Yes, I could. I also like to create role-playing tabletop games.”
Bakura’s eyes lit up. “I would like to play one of them.”
Ryou blushed. “Maybe sometime soon.”
“I’ll hold you to that.” Bakura lifted his hands and chuckled. “I should go. My fingers are getting prune-y.” He showed his wrinkled fingers.
Ryou smiled. “I guess I’ll see you later, Bakura.”
“Oh, you will…my friend.” Bakura headed for shore and Ryou ducked down, beaming. He had met his match, shook his hand, and talked. Ishizu was right: He is nice toward me and he called me his friend!
Well, Yugi and I have met our matches and triggered their mermen genes. They’ll eventually join us in the sea and become our husbands. I’ll have someone to talk to and live in my home. I definitely won’t be lonely.
Chapter Four- Secret Revealed
Atem drained a bottle and tossed it into the recycling can before dashing for the water. He woke up yesterday feeling thirsty and though he drank enough water, his body acted as if it was dehydrated. He was also feeling an urge to be in water. He took a bath last night and found he was less thirsty until he got out. He didn’t understand it and hoped it passed soon.
He swam out to the rock cluster and sat on one, his legs in the water. He leaned back and thought about Yugi. He had never seen Yugi around town before and he didn’t strike Atem as a tourist. We look so much alike, how come no one’s mentioned it?
“Hi, Atem,” came Yugi’s voice and Atem sat up to see his friend in the water. He silently marveled at Yugi’s stamina to stay afloat as he smiled back. “Hi, Yugi. I was really looking forward to seeing you.”
“You were?”
Atem nodded. “You’re my first real friend and you’re easy to talk to.”
Yugi gave a shy smile and Atem almost melted at it. “Tell me Yugi, do you like games?”
“Oh, yes, all kinds. I play with my friends all the time. I’m currently teaching Joey to play chess.”
“I like chess. I play it against one of my rivals occasionally.”
“What’s his name?” Yugi wondered if it was Bakura or Kaiba.
“Seto Kaiba. He’s a senior and in my computer science class. He’s real smart. He’s taking college classes while going to high school.”
Yugi’s mouth dropped. “Wow!”
Atem laughed and then said, “Listen, Yugi. There’s going to be a traveling carnival next weekend. Would you like to go?”
Yugi’s face fell. He would love to go to a human’s carnival, but he couldn’t leave the water. “I’d like to but I can’t.” He hitched a smile back on his face. “We could meet here instead.”
Atem heard the slight hesitation in Yugi’s suggestion. He’d like to go to the carnival but turns it down and suggests meeting here where we first met and where we are now. Why just here? “Yugi, we are friends, yes?”
“Of course.”
“And friends shouldn’t have secrets, right? I know you’d like to go to the carnival, so why can’t you go?”
Yugi hesitated before saying, “Atem, has anything strange happened since we met?”
Atem was slightly thrown by the change of subject but recovered quickly as he considered the question. “Now that you mention it,” he said thoughtfully. “I have noticed that I’ve been drinking a lot of water but not as much when I’m in the water. It’s strange as it’s never happened before.” He caught the knowing look on Yugi’s face. “Do you know why?”
“I do and I shouldn’t tell you until a bit later but now seems like a good time too.” Yugi swam to the seat beside Atem, pulled himself onto it, and sat before looking at Atem whose mouth had fallen open and his eyes were locked on Yugi’s tail.
“You’re a merman!?” Atem gasped.
Yugi nodded. “This is why I can’t go to the carnival and I’m also responsible for your excessive thirst.”
“You are? How?”
Yugi swallowed hard and thought on what Atem would be leaving behind when he completed his change. A wave of shame and guilt washed over him and he felt tears burn behind his eyelids. “I’m…sorry,” he choked. “I didn’t think of how much of an…impact this would have on you.”
“Sorry?” Atem repeated, confused. “Yugi, what are you talking about?”
Yugi took deep calming breaths before saying, “Among my people, there are rare merpeople who have a destined match who is human. However, the human must become a merperson. It takes but a single handshake between the two to activate the dormant merperson gene.”
“You mean…I’m becoming a merman?”
Yugi nodded miserably and looked down, unable to look Atem in the eyes. “There are signs of the transition. The first ones are excessive water intake and the need to be in the water.”
“And the other signs?”
“The ability to talk to sea creatures and developing scales on the legs which will become a tail. When that happens, we’ll be…married.”
“Really?” Atem asked, becoming excited.
Yugi was oblivious to this. “I’ll understand if you never want to see me again and I’ll ask Ishizu to annul our marriage after you’ve changed as there’s no way to stop the transition.”
“Annul? Why?”
Yugi looked up, confused. “Because you hate me for what I’ve done?”
Atem laughed. “I don’t hate you. I like the idea of being married to you and living with you.”
“You do?”
“Yes. You said we’re a destined match. That means we’re meant to be together and my dad often says that one cannot fight destiny.”
“Yeah, you’re right.”
The two of them smiled and Atem put a hand on Yugi’s scaled lap. “So, will I have blue scales as well?”
“Don’t know and it’s too soon to say. You’re only in the first stages of the transition.”
“True and I should start on tying up my human life or at least figuring out what I need to tie up.”
“Yeah. Wait until you’re talking to sea creatures. When that happens, the scales won’t be far behind.”
“Yugi? Who’s Ishizu?”
“Oh, she’s the village diviner. It’s like a priestess. She’s the one who has destined matches revealed to her in visions and then she has the merman or mermaid summoned to her to reveal their match. I wasn’t the only one to get matched this time around. Ryou and Joey did too.”
“I take it that is extremely rare.”
“It is. Joey got matched to Seto Kaiba and Ryou got matched to someone called Bakura.”
“Bakura!? Bakura Ken?”
“If he’s got spiky sliver-white hair and brown eyes, yes.”
“I can’t imagine Bakura being matched. He’s cruel and dark.”
“Ryou looks similar to him and Ishizu said he may be nice to Ryou.”
“Ah, I see; just like us. So, he’ll be a merman too? Kaiba, also?”
“Yes. Both shook hands with their match. Neither one know what it means, not until they start talking to sea creatures or hearing them talk.”
“Then, they’ll know.”
“Once Ryou or Joey tells them. I forgot to mention that the merman or mermaid can sense when their match is nearby.”
“That’s impressive. Will it still work that way once I’ve changed?”
“Good question. I’ll ask Ishizu about it. Atem, is there a way for Kaiba to like Joey? It turns out their first and only meeting didn’t go well.”
“He’s a stubborn man and doesn’t believe much in magic and fantasy. He won’t believe Joey when told he will be a merman.”
Yugi frowned. “That’s not good, especially if he changes on land.”
“I can deal with Kaiba when the time comes.”
“Great. Will Bakura need convincing?”
“I doubt it. He’s more likely to believe Ryou just as I believed you and of course, revealing yourself helped.”
Atem left the beach, a bottle of water in hand that he got from a vendor. As he padded toward the bus stop, he spied Bakura heading to the beach holding a large water bottle. He smiled to himself. Bakura was experiencing the water signs and he suspected Kaiba was too. Eventually, we’ll talk to sea creatures and our transition will be halfway done. I can hardly wait.
Chapter Five- Revelations
Kaiba took a long drink of water as he typed the conclusion of his report. He had been feeling thirsty ever since meeting that blonde and only when showering did he not feel thirsty. This is insane. Why am I so thirsty? Kaiba firmly turned his attention to the report, typed some more, and hit save with a satisfied smile. Done, he thought. He opened his email, opened a new message, and composed an email to his professor, attaching the report and the sound file to it. He hit send and leaned back. Done, completely done. It took three days, but it was worth it. He reached over to delete the sound file, but paused and then chose to play it one more time before deleting it for it was a lovely song he had recorded. He hit play, leaned back, and closed his eyes. The song began, a sound that soothed Kaiba, but several seconds later, his eyes snapped open. He was hearing actual words under the whale sounds that were equally as lovely.
He paused the recording and checked that no other file or program was running. There was nothing open save for the song and he could detect no sounds from the other apartments nearby. He hit play again and again, he heard words under the sounds. How is that possible? I didn’t hear words before. I also…feel a need to be in the water and not in the shower. He got up, packed a bag, and was soon driving out to the beach.
He waded into the water and began to swim. He chose a direction at random and stroked out until he couldn’t see land. He kept going until he reached a rock and sat upon it, legs in the water. He sat there, enjoying the sun, wind, and water. He stared across the surface, enjoying the smooth surface until it was disturbed by the backs of whales. He listened to them and again heard words. His mouth dropped, his inward theory of his computer malfunctioning dashed. “Why am I hearing words?” he asked, only whale sounds came out instead of words! A hand flew to his mouth. He lowered his hand and tried again to talk, but only more whale sounds emerged.
“You have a nice whale voice.”
Kaiba’s head snapped around and he saw Joey bobbing beside him. He glared at him. “Go away, Wheeler,” he said in whale. He frowned in annoyance while Joey grinned.
“Clear your throat to stop speaking whale,” he suggested.
Kaiba did so and said, “What are you doing here?”
“I’m here because of you, actually. I want to know you better and to explain why you were speaking whale.”
“I don’t like you so I don’t want you to know me better. Just explain the whale speak and leave.”
Joey was tempted to do just that but squashed it. “Well, I like you so listen. I’m eighteen and I got a younger sister named Serenity. I have two close friends and I love swimming and playing games.”
In spite of himself, Kaiba said, “Games?”
Joey nodded, feeling victorious. He sensed that if he mentioned games, he would catch Kaiba’s interest. “I’m learning chess from my friend Yugi who’s a big gamer.”
“I love chess and playing new people.”
“I’m sure Yugi would love to play you.”
Kaiba nodded. “I’m also eighteen but I live alone in an apartment.”
“I imagine you prefer being alone.”
Joey sighed. “I’m afraid that’s over now. Your speaking whale is one step toward becoming a merman.”
Kaiba laughed scornfully. “A merman?” he snorted. “That is absurd. Mermen don’t exist.”
“Oh, no?” Joey shot back. He leaned back and lifted up his green tail, flashing his fins. Kaiba stared dumbfounded before reaching down toward the fins but Joey yanked them down with a frown. “Don’t touch; you’d probably think they’re fake. Anyway, you’ll have your own tail soon enough.
“I was told a few days ago that you and I are a destined match, a couple. You had a dormant merman gene inside you that I activated when we shook hands. You no doubt have experienced excessive thirst and need to be in the water already. You’re already hearing sea creatures talking and you’re speaking like them. You’ll eventually end up growing scales and your legs will be a tail.”
Kaiba laughed derisively. “Me, a merman? That is ridiculous.”
“You better believe me or you’ll end up as a sideshow freak. I know that’s what humans would do with merpeople. They would study you and put you on display. If that’s what you want, fine. Change on land.”
“I thought you liked me,” Kaiba sneered.
“I do, but your attitude makes it hard.” Joey dove down, his tail surfacing before disappearing.
Bakura admired the pod of seals with Ryou behind him. Ryou had been careful to not let Bakura see or feel his tail as they swam but he knew he would have to reveal it soon as Bakura would soon be hearing and speaking seal.
Bakura listened to the seals barking and tilted his head. He could make out words under the barks. Why would that be?
“You okay, Bakura?” Ryou asked, noticing the tilted head.
The human boy turned, opened his mouth, and, to his surprise, barked. His eyes went wide and a hand went to his mouth. He lowered it and barked some more.
Ryou smiled as Bakura barked in a frantic and slightly panicked tone. “Clear your throat,” he said.
Bakura coughed and said, “What happened? I spoke like a seal.”
“It’s another sign.”
Ryou smiled wider. “You’re becoming a merman like me.” He lifted his tail and Bakura gaped. “Oh, wow,” he said. “So, how am I becoming a merman and why?”
“A few merpeople have destined matches who are human. These humans must become merpeople and their dormant merperson gene is activated by the couple shaking hands.”
“So, that’s how it happened?”
“Yeah. Then the signs happen. The first ones are drinking a lot of water and wanting to be in the water. Speaking to sea creatures is the second one. The final one is growing scales and a tail. We’ll then be married and live together.”
A slow smile formed on Bakura’s lips. “Married and be together. That sounds nice. I wouldn’t be lonely.”
“Neither would I. I mean, I have friends, but I still get lonely at times.”
“I know what you mean. When it’s time to sleep, you’d like to have company.”
Ryou’s face lit up. “Yes, that’s it. Wow, you really understand me.”
“We’re a match, aren’t we? Shouldn’t we understand each other?”
“I think we should, yes. Uh, Bakura? There are two other humans who are currently becoming mermen too.”
“I believe you know one: Atem.”
“Sennen? He’ll become a merman too!?”
“Yes. He’s matched to my friend, Yugi. My other friend, Joey, is matched to a Seto Kaiba.”
“Oh, I know Kaiba. He’s a cold person and doesn’t seem to like anyone.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard Joey’s having a hard time with Kaiba. Joey starts off friendly but Kaiba ends up frustrating him.”
“Yeah, Kaiba’s good at that. I know he lives alone. Maybe his cold disposition will melt a little once he’s a merman.”
“I’m sure he’ll be nicer. My race are generally a warm, friendly, and nice people. Kaiba is likely to be the same way.” Just like you’ll be too, he added silently.
Chapter Six- Donating
Atem treaded water as he watched a pod of dolphins diving through the water. They spoke to one another and Atem heard words under the clicks and squeaks. He grinned at what he heard and when he heard something funny, he laughed…like a dolphin!
Yugi giggled as Atem talked in dolphin for a little and clearly enjoying it before saying, “Clear your throat to stop.”
Atem did so and he smiled. “That was cool,” he said. “I like talking like a sea creature.”
“I know. I love talking to them.”
“I’ve started settling my affairs. I’ll be collecting my records from school and cancelling all subscriptions. The only thing left is my dad. I love him and don’t want to hurt him but it’s possible that I may have to leave a suicide note.”
“I suppose that’s the only way. A shame you have to fake your death.”
“It is, but I can’t think of another way.”
Yugi sighed sadly. “I’m really sorry about this.”
“I know, but this is destiny and one cannot fight it.” He took Yugi’s arms in his hands and leaned down to kiss him. “It will be nice to be married. I will meet your grandpa, of course.”
“Right. He looks forward to seeing you and says you will call him Grandpa too.”
Atem emerged from the water, pondering on whether there was another way in dealing with his dad. He knew he would be horrified in finding a note saying Atem was committing suicide. He sighed as he changed clothes in the changing booth and, as he came out, he saw Kaiba heading for the parking lot. His heart pounded and thoughts of his dad were put on hold. Now’s the time to convince him of becoming a merman; he must of heard sea creatures talking by now. He headed after him. “Kaiba!” he called.
Kaiba turned and looked coldly at him. “What?”
“I need to talk to you.”
Kaiba eyed him for a moment. “Fine. I’ll drive you home and we’ll talk on the way.”
“Good.” Atem got into the car and was silent until they were on the road. “Kaiba, I know you met Joey and are becoming a merman.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Kaiba,” Atem said sternly. “We’re both smart people so you do know. I’m becoming a merman too and so is Bakura as we met our destined matches.”
Kaiba stopped at a red light and looked over at Atem. “You really believe that?” he scoffed.
“I do. I spoke dolphin today and I am getting my affairs in order. My only regret is leaving a suicide note to Dad. It’ll hurt him but I can’t think of another way.”
“Please,” Kaiba said as the light changed. “This is all a hoax.”
“Really?” Atem cleared his throat and began talking dolphin and yet Kaiba knew what Atem was saying.
He scowled at the words. “You dare call me an idiot?” he snapped in dolphin and blinked in surprise at how easily he had switched languages, mostly like because Atem started speaking dolphin first.
Atem smiled as he switched back to human speech. “I do because you’re flatly refusing to accept the reality of your life. You are becoming a merman and you better start getting your affairs in order as well. We’ll be growing scales before we know it.”
Kaiba cleared his throat but said nothing. Everything he had experienced after meeting Joey did point to becoming a merman. It angered him that this fact was disrupting the plans he had had for his life. Now, he had to give everything up as he couldn’t take any of it with him into the sea. Finally, he said, “Who is your match?”
“His name’s Yugi and Bakura’s match is Ryou.”
“Yugi. He’s Wheeler’s friend. He plays games, I was told.”
“Yes and I believe that is why we are a match aside from looking similar to one another.”
“I look forward to meeting him.”
“Perhaps we can gather at this cluster of rocks where Yugi and I met when we are close to finishing our changes.”
“That would be acceptable.” He pulled up beside Atem’s home. “I will start packing up my apartment and donate some of it. Eventually, everything will be donated and I’ll make arrangements for a buyer to pick up the car from the beach.”
“Yes, I think I will do the same. Dad will be out tomorrow and I can get some of it to a donation center not far from my home. Maybe give some of it to an orphanage.”
“Do as you want.” Kaiba drove off.
Bakura laid on his bed in a room he shared with one other boy. His thoughts were on Ryou. He enjoyed the boy’s company and eagerly awaited the day when he would live in the sea. Ryou had said that growing scales isn’t far behind once one can talk to sea creatures. I spoke seal the other day and this would be the time to give away the small possessions I have. I won’t need them once I have my tail.
He sat up to see the woman who ran the orphanage. “You have a phone call,” she said. “Atem Sennen.”
Bakura got up and followed her to her office. He picked up the phone as the owner left the office. “What?” he snapped.
“Drop the act, Bakura. I know you’re becoming a merman. I am too and so is Kaiba.”
“Ryou did say you and Kaiba were changing. I personally can’t wait to live with Ryou and be married to him.”
“I would also like to be with Yugi and his grandpa but I have much to do including donating my possessions. I was thinking of giving my clothes to a donation center or an orphanage.”
“Do both. I know my orphanage could use clothes, bedding, and pillows to name a few.”
“Would you like to come to my house after school tomorrow? Dad will be out and I could use help in carrying things out.”
“Sure. I’ll help. See you at school tomorrow.”
“Bye, Bakura.” Atem hung up and Bakura left the office, checking the condition of some of the orphanage’s furniture and bedding. He planned to take some of Atem’s things as donation to the orphanage. I think I will start giving my things away and then work on emptying my locker and collecting my records. When most of my legs are scale-covered, I’ll return the textbooks.
Atem headed upstairs, assembled some boxes he had gotten the other day and began to pack. He had to packed quickly but not attract his dad’s attention. If he saw Atem packing up his things, he would take the boy aside and start questioning him.
It maybe be easier to tell the truth, he thought as he stacked some books in a box and some of his winter clothes. He may not believe me, but if I wait until I get some scales, I’ll have proof that I’m telling the truth. Of course, I’ll ask him to keep it a secret. He packed another box with bedding and pillows. He worked steadily in packing his room. He stopped for dinner, dishes, and a shower. He resumed packing until it was bedtime.
He laid in bed, seeing the packed boxes and how bare the room was starting to look. He felt tears prick his eyes and he blinked them away. There’s no point in crying. I’m destined to be a merman and married to Yugi which isn’t all that bad. Father will understand; after all he’s the one who taught me you can’t fight destiny.
Chapter Seven- Scales
Kaiba rubbed the back of a leg with a shoe as he sat in class. Two days since his talk with Atem had passed and his calf’s back was itching. He had no idea why as it felt like a different itch than the ones in the past. No, he thought. You know why; you just don’t want to admit it: Your scales are growing. Kaiba didn’t really want to believe he was changing into a merman, but the signs were practically impossible to ignore. He had passed a pet store the yesterday and heard the fish talking. It was another disconcerting remainder of his change.
He glanced back to see Atem subtly rub a thigh. Ah, so the scales don’t start in the same place for everyone. I wonder what color he has and for that matter, what color I have. He continued to run his shoe over the spot for the remainder of class and when the bell rang, Kaiba got to his feet and over to Atem. “Your scales are showing up, too?”
Atem nodded as he rubbed the spot. “I saw them this morning. They’re royal purple.”
“I see.”
“What color are yours?”
“I don’t know. They’re on the back of my calf. I’ll look at home.”
“How’s the packing going?” Atem asked as they left the room.
“Quite well. I still have some clothes, my laptop, my school supplies, and my car which has a buyer. He’s looked it over and has paid me the priced amount. I’ve given the money to Bakura’s orphanage.”
“And they appreciated it,” Bakura spoke up as he approached them, scratching the side of a leg. “These scales are driving me crazy,” he growled.
“What color?” the other two asked.
“Emerald green. It’ll complement Ryou’s tail which is light blue.” His eyes glittered. “I can hardly wait to live with Ryou.”
Kaiba and Atem exchanged looks before leaving, the former thinking Bakura was lucky to not have family or many possessions. His transition would be smoother than his or Atem’s. His mind ran through what still needed to be done or what had been done as he drove. I’ve donated everything except for what I told Atem. My car is sold and I’ve withdrawn from my college classes. I’ve collected my school records, but I am still enrolled. I still need to pack some more, but I want to swim right now. Hopefully, I’ll attract Joey. Kaiba’s cold behavior had melted toward Joey and he decided to call him by first name.
He pulled into the parking lot, snatched up his bag which had been in the car since this morning, and went to the changing room where he stripped off his clothes and stood away from the mirror before craning his neck to look at the back of his calf. There was a large patch of scales as white as sea foam back there. White. That’ll look impressive. He left the changing area and used his bag to conceal the scales until he was far from other people. He dropped it, raced into the water, and swam out to sea, the water soothing on his scales.
He heard splashing and the laugh of two people, a girl and a boy. He recognized the boy as Joey and swam toward the sounds. He saw Joey and a pink-tailed girl leap out of the water and splash down in an arc before popping up and laughing. Kaiba felt a pang of jealousy before it died. I’ll be doing that myself before long.
Joey turned and smiled. “Hi, Kaiba. I sensed you coming.” He gestured to the girl and she came closer. “This is my little sis, Serenity. Sis, this is Kaiba, my match.”
Serenity flashed a shy but bright smile like her brother’s before holding out her hand. “Hi. Joey said you’ll be staying with us.”
“That’s right.” He shook her hand. “After all…Joey and I will be married.”
Joey blinked in surprise. “Not callin’ me Wheeler?”
“Not anymore. I don’t feel as cold to you or even at all but I don’t know why.”
“That could be because merpeople are usually nice and friendly. So, can I call you Seto now?”
“Sure; makes sense that you should.” Kaiba spent time talking and swimming with the siblings and let them see his patch of scales. Both loved the color and their company warmed his heart. Maybe I was lonely all my life and just wanted friends, though I didn’t realize it at the time. Well, I have a fiancée and a future sister-in-law. I’ll finally have a family.
Atem sat on his bed, his pants pulled down, and he stared at his scales. The patch had gotten bigger and was heading down toward his knee. The other leg was still bare, but he knew that wouldn’t last long. Well, I said I would tell Dad when I got scales and now that I do, it’s time. He pulled the pants off, donned his swim trunks which still concealed his scales, and headed downstairs to his dad’s study. He entered to find Akhenamkhanen sitting at his desk. “Dad?”
He turned around and smiled warmly at his son. “Yes, son?”
“I have something very important to tell you and I need you to keep it a secret.”
Akhenamkhanen was immediately alert. When Atem asked for him to keep a secret, he gave his son his full attention. “Of course I’ll keep it secret. What is it?”
Atem exhaled and began to pace; he was so nervous he couldn’t stay still. “I know what I’m going to say sounds unbelievable but it’s true. You see, I met a boy while swimming at least two maybe three weeks ago. His name’s Yugi and…he’s a merman.”
“A merman?”
“Yes. He revealed that some rare merpeople have a destined match who is human and he or she must become a merperson. I shook Yugi’s hand when we introduced ourselves and it activated the dormant merman gene in me though I didn’t know it at the time.
“I became suspicious of meeting Yugi only in the ocean shortly after getting signs of my change and he confessed being a merman and that I would be one too and married to him after I change.”
“Atem, you can’t be serious.”
“I am. I’m able to talk to sea creatures and I’m growing scales.” He pushed up his right trunk leg up to show the scales spreading across the thigh and creeping down toward the knee. Akhenamkhanen stared at the scales as Atem added, “They just showed up this morning, only a small patch. They’re growing quickly.” His voice trembled on the last sentence.
“You can’t stop it?”
He shook his head. “This is destiny, Dad and you’ve always said that you can’t fight destiny.”
“I have always said that and it’s true. You did say you’re Yugi’s destined match. You are meant to be together.”
“We are. I’ve started donating my stuff and collected my school records. The only problem I had was you. I had considered leaving a suicide note but it felt wrong and I didn’t want you to wonder if you had done something wrong that led me to kill myself.”
Akhenamkhanen stood, went to Atem, and embraced him. “I’m glad you didn’t go that route. I would have blamed myself for your death.”
“I would never want to hurt you. I love you.”
“I love you too. Don’t worry about the rest of your affairs. I will handle it.”
“Thank you. I would like the rest to go to Bakura’s orphanage if it’s possible.”
“Of course. Atem, does anyone else know about this?”
“Only Bakura and Kaiba. They’re changing too. We all have a destined match and their scales are growing too.”
“Kaiba? So, that’s why he sold his car.”
“You know about him selling his car?” Atem looked up at him.
“Of course I do. I’m the buyer.”
Atem laughed. Kaiba probably figured I would tell and asked Dad to surprise me with the news. Now that Dad knows the truth, he could help Kaiba, Bakura, and me by driving us to the beach so we can fulfill our destiny.
Chapter Eight- Adaption
Bakura moaned as he rubbed his throbbing leg as Akhenamkhanen drove the trio to the beach. All three had scale-covered legs that were throbbing in pain and they all felt an urge to get in the water. Three days had passed since Atem’s explanation and the big day had arrived.
“Can it, Bakura,” Kaiba said through clenched teeth. “We’re all in pain.”
“I can’t help it,” Bakura snapped. “It hurts.”
“We all hurt,” Atem said. He gave a grunt of pain and added, “We’re almost there.” He looked left past his dad and saw the sparkling ocean surface coming into view; to him, it seemed as if it was calling him, a call he was happy to follow.
Akhenamkhanen pulled into the spot closest to the beach and all three teens tossed off their shirts, jumped out of the car, and raced for the water, Atem lagging behind to hug his dad goodbye. Once he had joined Bakura and Kaiba, he led the way to the rocky cluster and inside the ring, pulling himself up onto a seat. He massaged his sore legs, his scales smooth under his fingers since they had been in water. It had been hard to swim with sore legs, but they made it.
Bakura looked around. “Nice spot. No one will see us change.”
Three boys popped up from below. “It’s almost traditional for matches to change here for that reason,” Yugi said. He swam over to Atem and raised his arms to reveal a loop of thin seaweed with pearls and shells woven into it in the center. “It is also tradition to present one’s match with a token of affection and engagement.” Atem lowered his head as did Kaiba and Bakura and the mermen put the necklaces on them. Atem admired it. “It’s lovely, Yugi. Thank-,” Atem broke off and gave a sharp gasp. He lifted his legs up to himself and his eyes widened. His feet were gone and a pair of pale royal purple fins were in their place. The sight was utterly bizarre: He was a human with scaled legs and fins.
His face twisted into a grimace as pain rippled through his legs as they shot straight out and drew together, fusing together. Atem yelled as his legs merged and then ripped out of the middle of his swim trunks as a scaled royal purple fishtail. He exhaled as the lower half of his new tail dipped under the water.
“Whoa,” Bakura said, staring. “You’re finally a-,” Bakura gasped, sensing he had fins too. He was soon screaming as his legs merged together and a tail burst out of his trunks. Kaiba followed Bakura as he gained fins and a tail. There were now three mermen sitting on the rocks, lifting up their tails and staring at them in awe as if hardly believing they had tails instead of legs.
Joey swam over to Kaiba, took the seat next to him, and pulled the ripped shorts off the white tail. He then held out a hand. “It’s time to see the undersea world.” Kaiba took Joey’s hand and the two slid forward and into the water, the other four following their lead.
Kaiba’s first instinct was to hold his breath but he fought that notion. I’m a merman now. I can breathe underwater and see under it, too. He opened his eyes and gasped at the boundless blue around him and the schools of fish that swam about. “It’s more incredible than I imagined,” he said, speaking his first underwater words. He turned to look around, his fins and tail moving automatically to help him turn. He finally faced Joey. “So, where’s our home?”
“Follow me,” Joey replied, taking Kaiba’s hand and swimming off, half-pulling his husband behind him.
The other four laughed before Atem said, “Yugi, I’d like swimming lessons with my tail on the way to our home.”
“Sure.” Yugi started with explaining how to control and isolate the muscles he wanted to move. Yugi started with the basics his parents taught him when he was a baby trying to swim. He was aware that Bakura was watching as he demonstrated how to move the tail.
Kaiba kicked his tail to keep himself from being dragged as he said, “Joey, slow down!”
“Sure. We’re here, anyway.” Joey slowed his tail and stopped. Kaiba jerked back to stop and gazed at the village before him. “This is home?” he asked.
“Yeah. I understand if it’s not as big and wide like life on land, but,” Joey shrugged.
“I disagree. We have a big, wide ocean to see. We could go on a trip around the world by water.”
Joey looked at him with surprise and shock. “You tend to think big, don’t ya?”
“I do, but for now, I need to get used to being a merman and being married. Let’s start with where I’ll live.”
Joey nodded. “Serenity couldn’t wait to see you again.” Joey swam off more slowly so Kaiba could keep up and so he could play guide on the way to his home.
“Grandpa, I’m home.”
“Yugi? I wasn’t expecting you home so…soon.” An elderly man with a pale green tail swam into the living room and paused, blinking at the merman who was almost identical to his grandson. "Oh, I see. The big day has arrived.” He came closer and embraced the younger teen. “Welcome to the sea and my family. I have a deep interest in humans and would love to hear all about them.”
“I would like to. Yugi said he likes game and so do I. I would love to learn those games.”
“Oho! You’re in luck, my boy. I run the village game shop and know all kinds of games. I would be happy to teach you and you can tell me about humans.”
Atem smiled. “You have a deal…Grandpa.” Solomon beamed at the title as he released Atem and let Yugi give him a tour of the house and the shop. Atem gazed about the shop, looking at the games he didn’t know until he came across ones he was familiar with which led to Atem playing chess with his new family and telling Solomon about his dad.
“You told him what was happening?” Yugi gasped.
Atem nodded. “Faking my death just felt wrong and Dad would have blamed himself for my death. He promised to keep it secret.” He moved a bishop.
“You made the right decision,” Solomon said, moving a knight riding a seahorse. “Telling your dad, I mean. If you and Yugi’s situation were reversed, he would tell me the truth too.”
Atem smiled at Yugi as he continued to play Solomon. He loved his new family and knew he would love his life under the sea. And I know that Kaiba and Bakura will too.
Bakura swam about the sparse house, delighting in the speed and strength of his tail. I could probably challenge Atem and Joey to a race. Actually, I think I will once I’ve gotten used to my tail.
“I know there’s not much in here, but I was the only one here,” Ryou spoke up.
“Yes, you were. But now, I’m here. We can get some new furniture, some more dinnerware, and other accessories.”
Ryou grinned at that, feeling excited. “I love shopping, though I’m usually window shopping.”
“Well, let’s change that and you can introduce me to the rest of the village.”
“I don’t know that many,” Ryou said softly.
“No problem. I’ll introduce myself.”
Ryou shook his head slightly as he followed Bakura out. Ishizu was absolutely right, he thought as they headed for the shopping center. We are a perfect match. I’m shy and quiet while Bakura is confident and a bit competitive. He’s also not afraid to speak his mind. He is darker than me but that’s why I love him. These coming years will be the best ones of my life. I just know it.