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A Destined Love

Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! I understand that when Joey got his own place, Serenity moved in with him. So, that is the premise I’m going with. This story takes place after Dark Side of Dimensions.

Part One

Joey whirled around to see no one behind him. He sighed as he turned around to head for the park. His nose flared as he caught that scent again before looking over his shoulder; still no one there. And yet, I can smell him. He’s there, but why he’s following me I can’t say for sure. My odd behavior the last couple of days could be the reason. I have a good reason to act this way. Serenity’s turned fifteen and this is the first full moon since that important age.

Joey celebrated his sister’s birthday like any other person but as the full moon drew closer, Joey started gathering supplies for an unusual dinner. He got a blanket, dog bowls, water, and raw steaks. His purchase of the bowls and steaks had caught the attention of Seto Kaiba as he too had been in the meat department. Joey was also aware that he had made canine sounds in Kaiba’s presence but was sure he had been able to play them off as other sounds like making a bark sound like a cough, for example.

I try not to make those sounds, but it’s not easy when the full moon is close. The last thing I need is for Kaiba to call me a dog again, considering that I’m actually a werewolf and that Serenity’s a wifewolf.

We were born this way on our dad’s side. The gene lies dormant until the first full moon after they turn fifteen. Dad, before he turned to drinking, told Serenity and me all about our heritage and we were both looking forward to unlocking it.

Well, Mom and Dad divorced and Serenity and I were separated long before I hit my fifteenth birthday. I went through my first full moon changes by myself as Dad would drink and pass out before moonrise. I found that I could talk and was in complete control of my actions. The only thing is that I have pointed ears during the cycle’s daytime hours. Luckily, that’s easy to hide.

When I got my own place, Serenity came to live with me and the timing couldn’t have been better as she would soon unlock her wifewolf side. Tonight is that night and she’s waiting in the place where I usually change. Now, I just need to get Kaiba off my tail, no pun intended.

Joey wended his way to a little-known park entrance before stopping. “I know you’re there, Kaiba so show yourself.”

“All right, Wheeler,” came Kaiba’s voice behind him.

Joey turned to face Kaiba and he felt his heart beat faster. He had secretly loved Kaiba for quite a while but kept it to himself as he was sure no one would understand. “Why are you following me?” Joey demanded, switching mental tracks.

“You’ve been acting strangely and I want to know why.”

“That’s none of your business.”

“Well, I’m making it my business.” Kaiba noticed that Joey seemed restless as well as annoyed but to Kaiba, Joey’s annoyed expression was attractive. He, unknown to all but Mokuba, was in love with Joey and was intrigued of what Joey was up to this night. “Why are you coming here instead of home?” Kaiba asked, indicating their location.

“Serenity and I are camping out.” Joey was being truthful; he just wasn’t saying that they were going to be wolves.

“Indeed.” Kaiba saw that Joey was trembling a little. He raised an eyebrow. “Are you all right?”

“Fine,” Joey said curtly and turned to walk away.

But Kaiba was too fast and he seized Joey’s arm. “You don’t look fine. You’re shaking and now sweating. Your skin also feels warm.”

“That’s true, but really I’m fine. Now, let go.” The blonde yanked his arm free.

“I disagree. You seem ill.”

Joey sighed, knowing Kaiba would not leave until he proved he wasn’t sick; furthermore his coming transformation prevented him from moving. “I look sick but they are common symptoms of a condition I’ve had for three years.”

“What…condition?” Kaiba asked, concerned that he had contracted it when he grabbed Joey’s arm.

Joey responded by giving a howl and then a low growl as he instantly shifted into a strong large gold wolf. The low growl was to express the annoyance of having to change in front of Kaiba despite his feelings for him.

Kaiba stared at Joey in surprise. He’s a…werewolf? Heh, well that explains why he reacted so strongly to my dog remarks.

A smirk crossed Kaiba’s face before he laughed a little. “I always thought you were a dog, Wheeler, and here’s the proof.”

“I’m not a dog,” Joey bristled. “I’m a werewolf. I was born one and fifteen is when it activates but the change comes with the first full moon after their birthday.”

Kaiba’s smirk didn’t waver. “I guess that makes you a mutt.”

“Werewolf,” Joey countered.

“Right. Half-human, half-wolf. That’s what one calls a half-breed or a mutt. Your fur also gives you the look of a dog. A weredog.” Kaiba began to laugh hard, saying, “Weredog,” in between laughs.

Joey felt his temper boil up, knew what it meant, and did not fight it. “I’m not a dog, damn it!” he howled before sinking his teeth into Kaiba’s hand.

The brunette cried out before grabbing his hand once Joey had released it and glared at Joey. “You bit me!” He then breathed in realization and said in soft shock, “Oh, God. You bit me. I’m going to become a werewolf.”

“Yeah. Tomorrow night,” Joey growled. “And it kind of serves you right for mocking me.”

“Wheeler, I want you in my office tomorrow to explain everything,” Kaiba snapped before leaving.

“I’ll be there,” he called back. And I will explain everything, he added silently as Kaiba left. That includes the fact that I love you.

A loud, lonely feminine howl sounded and Joey immediately took off toward it. He gave a howl of his own to say he was coming. He emerged into his usual changing place to see an auburn-furred wolf with green eyes. She went up to him and rubbed a cheek against one of his own. “Joey, I was getting scared,” she said.

“I’m sorry, sis. Kaiba held me up.”

“He did?” Serenity laid down and seized a steak. “How come?”

Joey followed Serenity’s action and chewed brutally on his steak before saying, “He noticed my odd behavior leading up to tonight. He followed me and noticed when I started sweating and shaking. I ended up changing in front of him.

“He started mocking me calling me a dog, a mutt, and a weredog. I got angry at his words and…”

“You bit him,” Serenity cut in, not angry that her brother bit someone; she probably would have done the same. “He’ll show the signs of a werewolf as well as the feelings and desires of one tomorrow before moonrise.”

“Yeah and he demanded I come to his office tomorrow to explain everything. I intend to include something I never told anyone.”


“I love him.”

“Joey, that’s wonderful.” Serenity leaped at Joey and the two tumbled over each other, yipping and laughing in joy as they played as brother and sister wolves would.

Part Two

Joey headed to Kaiba Corp near lunchtime with a large lunch box and a bottle of water. His hair had been styled to conceal his ears and he was aware of his heart pounding. He wondered if Kaiba was still angry about the bite and reasoned that he probably was. Well, he deserved it for his dog comments and calling me a mutt. On the other hand, biting him was a bit of an overreaction. He emitted a soft whine as he now felt guilty about what he had done. But, he couldn’t take it back, he could only go forward; with that he strode into the building as suited men and women were leaving, no doubt going to lunch. He entered the elevator and rode it to the top floor.

Kaiba scowled as another low wolf’s growl came out. He had seen and felt signs of his new condition and it angered him. He had been shocked this morning when he saw he had pointed ears and tied a strip of cloth around his head to conceal the points and then hid the cloth under his hair. He also had a craving for meat for breakfast and had received it.

Of course he had to tell Mokuba what happened as he had come home with a bite mark; a mark that was now gone. He ran his fingers over the smooth skin and dwelled on it until he heard a knock. It better be Wheeler, he thought as he said, “Come in.”

Joey entered with a box and a bottle as well as a look that was half-annoyed and half-sheepish. He went to the chair in front of the desk, sat, and said, “I want to say that I regret the bite but last night’s comments were the last straw.”

“I can see that now. No more dog remarks as I am just like you now.”

“Great. So,” Joey opened his box and gave Kaiba an appraising look. “You’ve noticed the ears and that the bite mark’s gone.”

“Yes and I want answers.”

“The pointed ears are part of the full moon cycle. They’ll go back to normal after it’s over but will return on the next full moon. The missing mark is part of your new quick healing ability.”

“I’ll heal faster?” Kaiba asked with interest.

“You will. Believe me, being a werewolf is actually a wonderful thing.”

“I don’t know. I’ve been making wolf sounds and craving meat.”

“The sounds are part of the full moon. The meat…the craving is also part of the moon but wolves are carnivores so your liking for meat will go up.”

“I fail to see how this is a wonderful thing.”

“I find sharper senses, faster speed, increased strength, and able to become a wolf when I want as good things,” Joey said quietly. “Also becoming immortal and ageless at twenty-five sounds good to me.”

“Immortal?” Kaiba repeated. “I could live forever?”

“Could is the key word. You can still die from a broken neck or spine. Also impalement by silver can kill.”

“Considering the quick healing,” Kaiba said slowly. “How long would a broken limb take?”

“I’d say at least an hour, however some raw meat would cut that time down to ten or fifteen minutes.”

Kaiba nodded as he took a bite of his slightly cooked meat. He understood why his ears were pointed about his healing ability, and desire for meat. He learned about his advantages but he still had at least one question and a confession to make. “Is making wolf sounds in human form another full moon thing?”

Joey nodded as he swallowed a bite of his own lunch. “Absolutely,” he said once his mouth was empty.

Kaiba wanted to moan at this, but a whimper came out. He gave a growl at that sound.

Joey smiled a little. “You know, I think you’ll be a great werewolf.”

“Why? Because of the sounds I’m making?” Kaiba snapped.

“No. Instinct tells me that. Instinct is also telling me to say something else.” Joey fixed Kaiba with an intense gaze. “I’m in love with you.”

Kaiba leaned back in his chair. “What?” he asked.

“You heard. I’ve been in love for some time. I only told Serenity as I related our encounter to her and that I would tell you everything including my feelings for you.” Joey saw Kaiba’s look of disbelief and busied himself with finishing his food. When he was done, he stood up and said, “Serenity and I will be in the park tonight. If you want to join us, meet me where we were last night.” He turned to leave.

“Wheeler, wait.”

Joey turned at the soft tone in Kaiba’s voice and saw a matching expression on his face. “I…appreciate you telling me how you feel about me. It feels good to know that someone else besides Mokuba loves me.”

“Uh, you’re welcome?”

Kaiba chuckled. “Wheeler, I love you too.”

Joey perked up and returned to his seat. “You do?”

“Yes. Only Mokuba knows about it as I was sure no one else would understand.”

“Kaiba, this is a great thing to hear. I can hardly wait to tell Serenity.”

“And I am sure Mokuba will be thrilled when I tell him.”

“So…will you join Serenity and me tonight?”

“Yes and right where you suggested.”

“Okay. I’ll see you then, Kaiba.”

“Seto…Joey. I prefer Seto from you, considering how we feel about each other.”

“Yeah. See you tonight, Seto.” Joey left the office and once in the elevator, he howled in joy. Kaiba loved him! This was the best news he had heard since Serenity had admitted looking forward to becoming a wolf at last. There will be three of us tonight and I can’t wait.

Kaiba left the office early so he would have enough time to prepare for tonight and tell Mokuba the news of confessing to Joey of his feelings for him. He rode home and once there, headed for Mokuba’s room. He knocked before entering and Mokuba exclaimed, “Seto! You’re home early.”

“I need to be home early during the full moon,” he pointed out. “And I have wonderful news to share.”


“Joey and I are a couple. We admitted our feelings to each other.”

“Seto, that’s great!” Mokuba leaped off his chair and hugged Kaiba, who returned the gesture. “Are you spending the night with Joey?”

“Tonight and tomorrow. Serenity will be there, too.”


Serenity gave a happy bark as Joey walked into their home. “Hi, Joey. How did it go?”

“Better than I thought it would be. He didn’t seem mad; more like annoyed and curious. His annoyance went away as I told him about being a werewolf.”

“Did you tell him that you love him?”

“I did and it turns out he loves me. He also asked me to call him Seto and he’ll be joining us tonight and tomorrow.”

“Joey, that’s great. I’m happy for you.” Serenity yipped and Joey laughed. He was in love and they would spend tonight as wolves.

Part Three

Kaiba shifted on his feet as he stood where he had gotten bitten the night before. He had become aware of his sharper senses as he waited for Joey. His surroundings were brighter and clearer due to his eyes, the sounds were louder because of his ears, and his nose detected scents he was sure he wouldn’t have picked up before…

Wait. Joey must have smelled me last night as I made sure I was out of sight. Heh, tailing a werewolf is do-able but difficult to achieve.

“Seto,” came Joey’s voice softly and Kaiba turned to see Joey nearby. The blonde tilted his head behind him. “Follow me.” Joey disappeared into the trees and Kaiba followed him to an enclosed space that had food laid out on a small blanket with bowls of water near it. Serenity stood opposite the entrance, her face lit up in a happy smile at Kaiba’s appearance.

“Joey told me the good news,” she said as she went up to him and held one of his hands. “But do I call you Kaiba or Seto?”

“Seto,” he answered. “You and Joey call Mokuba by his name and he uses your names. Besides,” he glanced over at Joey. “I thought about it and wouldn’t we be mates since we’re werewolves?”

Joey blinked and then grinned. “Yeah, you’re right. I thought you’d be against that.”

Kaiba gave a bark for a laugh. “I told you. I’ve had time to think since you left the office today. It would be foolish to deny what I am and it would be better to embrace it. You were right to say that being a werewolf is a wonderful thing.”

Joey lifted a shaking hand and wiped his sweating face. “Well, we’re about to change into wolves.”

Kaiba felt himself shake and he felt warm before he howled and shifted into a brown wolf with blue eyes. He blinked as his eyes shifted to night vision and then the area was clear to him and he was in awe at how well he could see. He moved his ears in different directions to find that it hadn’t changed from before. He lifted his nose and took a deep breath. He blinked rapidly before he gave a big sneeze. “Whoa,” he said. “That was more intense than I thought it would be.”

Joey gently laughed. “Most of a canine’s brain is devoted to the nose. I had to learn to filter out all the smells I picked up.”

“I’d like to learn how to do that.”

“What about the Bonding Ritual?” Serenity asked.

“The what ritual?” Kaiba asked.

“Bonding,” Joey answered. “When two werewolves or wifewolves or one of each admit to being mates, they make it official with the Bonding Ritual.”

“Do you know what that entails?”

“Yeah. Dad told us before the divorce.”

“What do we do?” Kaiba asked, wanting to do this ritual.

“The first thing is we need someone to witness it; preferably a werewolf or wifewolf.” Joey tilted his head at Serenity. “And there’s our witness.

“Next, we need to stand in the moonlight where we need to howl our commitment to each other. When our howls are done, the moonlight will shine brighter on us and a sense of a deep connection will be felt and forged.”

“What kind of howl is needed? I get the feeling it is different than a normal one.”

“You’re right and you can follow my lead. Dad taught me since I first changed.”

“That works for me. So, let’s find that moonlight.” Kaiba let Joey go first, then he followed him, and Serenity bringing up the rear.

Joey, knowing his claimed space, knew exactly where he needed to go for their moonlight. The trees thinned out to reveal a small hilltop that was bathed in moonlight. He sprinted up to it and leaped up to stand at the top with Kaiba and Serenity copying him.

Serenity stood behind and to the left of Joey while Kaiba went to stand before Joey. He admired how Joey’s gold fur seemed to gleam in the light and he felt his tail swish rapidly in anticipation of the ritual.

Joey likewise saw Kaiba’s fur gleam before he threw back his head and howled the ritual howl, the pitch rising and falling in a beautiful manner. Joey lowered his head as he finished and nodded at Kaiba for him to start.

Kaiba copied Joey’s motions and began the howl which he had memorized thanks to his brilliant mind. The pitch rose and fell in the same manner and filled Joey with great joy. Joey joined Kaiba in the last part of the howl as that was the ritual: Two wolves joining their lives together.

The ritual howl ended and, as they stared at each other, the moonlight that fell on them glowed brighter. Kaiba closed his eyes and felt his love for Joey swell within him and also felt as if some of it went from him to Joey. A slight warmth washed over him and he sensed a connection had been made between them. That has to be it. Joey and I are officially mates and connected to each other forever.

Joey closed his eyes and quietly exhaled as he felt his love reach out to Kaiba while drawing in some of Kaiba’s love into himself. He felt the connection being made and forged between them. We are now connected forever as wolves mate for life. He opened his eyes at the same time that Kaiba did and they acknowledged what had just happened and that it made them happy.

“So,” Kaiba said softly. “Now that we’re Bonded, I’d like to learn to filter out the scents I smell.”

“Of course.” Joey went over to Kaiba and rubbed cheeks with him. The gesture sent a thrill of pleasure through the brown wolf. “Let’s start with my scent and Serenity’s scent. Put your nose to my neck and sniff.”

Kaiba did as instructed and a single scent was detected. He pulled back. “I smelled only one scent,” he said.

“That’s the general way to filter it out. Eventually, you’ll be able to smell several scents at once and identify them easily.”

“So, I focus on one thing to pick up just that scent. Yes, I can do that.”

“I know you can. You have the skills and determination to learn how to be a werewolf.”

Serenity then yipped to grab their attention and then said, “How about we eat and then play to celebrate your Bonding?”

Kaiba felt hunger pains at the mention of food and nodded. “Sounds perfect.”

“Same here.” Joey led the way back to their picnic spot where they hungrily ate their fill of food and water. Kaiba pumped Joey for information on being a werewolf that he hadn’t mentioned before as they digested their food. Once Kaiba was satisfied, the three of them raced one another and playfully wrestled, their howls and laughs filled the air as they celebrated a joining that was meant to be.

The End