Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. The character Sharon is mine. This takes place between the Dark Tournament and the Chapter Black saga.
Chapter One- Disguised
Yusuke felt like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. The view screen in Koenma’s office showed the image of a lovely demon, stunning really. She had coffee-brown hair that came to her mid-back, her eyes were wide and a deep gold. Two light brown fox ears were perched elegantly on her head. “She’s gorgeous,” he said.
“Gorgeous and dangerous,” Koenma corrected. “She uses her looks to lure her victims to her and then she either kills or robs from them, the latter not just for riches. Sharon is a devious one. You’ll have to proceed with caution. Botan will give you the rest of the mission. You’re dismissed.”
The team left and Kuwabara grumbled, “He couldn’t just tell us everything? He has Botan fill us in?”
“That is his choice,” Kurama said. “However, no one but I, could tell you certain things about Sharon.”
“Why? Because she’s a fox?” Yusuke asked, his mind still on the fox’s looks. “She was a minor thief at the time when I had the reputation of being a master. I observed her for a time as she killed, raped, and stole from her targets. Koenma was correct in saying that she did not steal just riches. When she raped someone, the victim still had his or her innocence.”
“Disgusting,” Hiei growled.
“I once saw her somehow change a large demon into a tiny one. I would say down from seven feet to three or four inches in height.”
“What?” Kuwabara gasped. “Why?”
“I heard him call her Shorty as she is no taller than five feet, six inches tall.”
“Sounds average for a human woman,” Yusuke observed.
“Indeed, but there are demons who mock others for their average height. Most take offense to that and they will lash out in whatever way they can. Sharon is one such individual. She has an especial hatred for humans.”
“Which is why you’ll be going in disguise,” came Botan’s chipper voice as the team approached the gate to Demon World.
“Disguise?” Hiei scoffed.
“Uh-huh. See, Sharon frequents a club exclusively for demons of the canine family: Dogs, foxes, and wolves, among others. Kurama will go as his fox demon self and you three will drink these to be able to get in.” She held up three test tubes, two in one hand and one in the other.”
“So, all four of us are going as fox demons?” Kuwabara asked.
“Two of you will. The other two will be wolf demons.” She held the hand with the two tubes a little higher. “Once your mission is complete and Sharon is in custody, you can take the antidote.”
Hiei took all this in, seeing no downside. He would become a different demon to arrest a cunning female and then return to normal with an antidote. The only question was which one: Fox or wolf?
“Well, let’s get this over with,” Yusuke said as he went up to Botan and took one of the wolf tubes. He downed the contents and then gave a gasp as he changed into a demon.
“Urameshi, you’re different,” Kuwabara said in surprise. “Really different.”
Hiei could hardly disagree. If he hadn’t seen Yusuke change, he wouldn’t have recognized him. His hair ended just past his shoulders, only it was gray with a dusting of red. His wolf ears were just gray while his tail matched his hair. Claws topped his fingers and his eyes were still brown but with a wolf’s intensity. Hiei also sensed that Yusuke’s spirit energy had switched to demon and it was a little stronger than before.
“Whoa!” Yusuke exclaimed when Botan held up a mirror. “I look nothing like myself except maybe my eyes.”
“Well, of course,” Botan said. “You have to look different if you plan to get near Sharon to arrest her. You’ll need to lure her out of the club and once you have, you’ll summon a portal to Spirit World with this beacon.”
“How long will it take to reach this club?” Hiei asked as Kuwabara took the fox tube and he took the wolf one.
“The gate will put you a block away from it. When you use the beacon,” she handed Yusuke a palm beacon. “A portal will open right in front of you.”
“A block,” Hiei grunted. “That’s not far.” But it will give us time to acclimate to our new forms so we don’t look like complete novices to being wolves or foxes. He uncorked the tube and drank the contents.
He couldn’t help gasping as the formula raced through his body. He felt pain in his spine and a burning in his ears. He shook his head and put a hand to his temple to ease the slight pain there.
“Hiei?” Kurama asked.
“I’m fine,” he said before he put his hand to his temple again.
“Changing from one demon to another can be a bit painful,” Botan admitted.
“But worth it,” he said as he looked into the mirror Botan still held. He was astonished at his appearance. His hair had flattened and was completely white. His ears were a darker shade of white with black tips and his tail matched his ears sans the black. His eyes were blue and his slim fingers had claws like everyone else. He turned to Kuwabara as Botan held the mirror up to him.
The teen was still tall with mid-back blonde-white hair, a matching tail, snow white ears, and claws. He blinked his gold eyes and then grinned. “I look really handsome.”
“You all should be in order to catch Sharon’s attention and interest,” Botan said. She looked the team over and nodded with a smile. “And, in my opinion, you are four handsome demons. One of you are bound to attract her.”
“As long as she does not try to actually seduce one of us to truly be her mate,” Kurama said before assuming his fox demon form and his name of Yoko.
“One of us?” Yusuke repeated. “You and Kuwabara maybe. Hiei and I don’t have to worry about that.”
“On the contrary, Yusuke,” Botan said. “Sharon is not picky about what kind of demon she’s attracted to as long as they are good-looking.”
Yusuke swallowed hard. “Oh.” His reflection flashed through his mind’s eye. He wasn’t sure if Sharon would go for a wolf like him with his red-dusted gray hair and tail, but he admitted that he didn’t really know what Sharon did or didn’t like. She may take a liking to me and, if she does, I will arrest her and bring her to Spirit World so I can be myself again.
Yoko felt slight amusement at Yusuke’s short response. He knew that Sharon would be just as enamored with Yusuke as she would with Kuwabara or himself. Or Hiei, he thought as his eyes flicked to the short wolf. Hiei could be the one to get Sharon’s attention as white wolves are rare ones and especially demon ones. Perhaps once we have looked the place over, Yusuke could stand by the exit where we could apprehend Sharon without a problem.
“All right, boys. Let’s get this mission started.” Botan went up to the gate and pushed it open. One by one, the team entered the gate and arrived in the demon equivalent of a human city. No one gave them a second look, save for Yoko. The mission had officially begun.
Chapter Two- Plans
“Stop,” Yoko said and the others did so. “We cannot proceed to our destination as a group. Generally speaking, wolves and foxes do not travel together. I propose that you and Hiei proceed down this street, Yusuke, while Kuwabara and I take that side street and reach the club ahead of you.” He pointed to his left.
Yusuke nodded. “You have a point and it makes sense. We’ll meet up with you at the club.”
Yoko nodded before the fox demons walked away with Yusuke watching and noticing something: Their tails were not as full and long as his tail or Hiei’s either. Their ears were a little shorter than his own. Furthermore, I’m the darkest one with gray hair while everyone else are silver, white, or blond.
Yusuke shook his head and focused on Hiei. He gave a nod and the two headed down the street. “Hiei, you look cool as a wolf,” he said.
Hiei gave a grunt. “It is only temporary. I want this mission over quickly so I can return to normal.”
“You and me both. I’m feeling instincts I don’t care for.”
“Such as?”
Yusuke then let out a howl that was echoed by other wolves in the city. Hiei stared at Yusuke in confusion. “Detective, what the-?” he began before he howled as well.
“That’s what I was feeling,” Yusuke said as they resumed walking. “I wanted to howl and couldn’t fight it.”
“I couldn’t resist responding to it,” Hiei added and then shrugged. “That’s normal for wolves, demon or not.”
Yusuke ran a hand down his hair. Maybe I should have taken the fox one instead.
Kuwabara’s ears stood straight up as a howl was heard. “That’s Urameshi,” he said, recognizing the tone.
“Yes,” Yoko said. “I suspected that the wolf’s urge to howl would surface before too long.” Howls echoed around them and ended with a howl the silver fox identified as belonging to Hiei.
“I’m guessing we don’t deal with that.”
“Correct. However we have our set of instincts.”
“Like what?”
“Being overly aggressive at times whether it is a battle or a desire to be sexual. I have learned to control that instinct long ago.”
“Maybe I should have taken the wolf one.”
“Wolves can be aggressive as well as the other members of the canine family.”
“Will Sharon be very aggressive when we go to arrest her?”
“She will fight back but it will be four against one so we will not have trouble bringing her in. It is more likely that she will come at us in a subtle or cunning manner rather than a straight out fight.”
Kuwabara followed Yoko as he digested what he had learned about being a fox demon. He had an instinct to being overly aggressive that could flare up at times and he hoped that he would be human again before that instinct cropped up.
Yusuke and Hiei joined the line of demons waiting to get in. It wasn’t a long line or a short one, but Yusuke saw no sign of Yoko or Kuwabara. Either they’re already in or got held up. Yoko likely has enemies who would love to settle the score. The two wolves were permitted inside and Yusuke spotted his teammates on his left not far from the door. He wended his way to them with Hiei behind him. “No problems?” he asked.
“None and I have located the perfect spot for the arrest. If you would follow me.” Yoko moved through the crowd with his friends, all four unaware of a pair of deep gold eyes following them.
Sharon tapped her lips as she regarded the two wolves and two foxes as they vanished into the crowd. Oh, they are attractive ones. I wouldn’t mind having them as mates…except for Yoko. Even I am not foolish enough to tangle with him. I do find it curious that wolves and foxes are moving in a group as the two species tend to stick to their own kind. The fact that they are together should make it easy to lure them to my home. She imagined being intimate with the three demons she saw as she moved to her favorite spot in the club where she could see almost everything, flirting with others by batting her eyes, gently running a finger along a jawline, or chucking a chin with her tail. The indulgent smiles she got made her feel good while the glares and sneers sent thoughts of murder and possible rape through her head. Hopefully, my next victims will fall for me. The idea of having kits or hybrid babies is rather appealing.
Yusuke looked around the area and nodded. “Yeah, this is perfect, Yoko.”
“I had thought as much. I recommend that you wait near the door and lure Sharon out here. I will be nearby and use my rose whip to bind her. Then, you will find Kuwabara and Hiei so we can conclude our case.”
“Works for me,” Yusuke said as the others nodded. The quartet headed back in with Yusuke near the door, Yoko in a position where he could keep an eye on Yusuke while Kuwabara and Hiei melted into the crowd of dancing or drinking demons. Yusuke noticed that most demons gave Yoko a wide berth and frightened expressions. The silver fox merely gazed up at the ceiling and was immobile. A smile crossed Yusuke’s face at this scene. Clearly, Yoko was aware of the reactions to his presence but did nothing in response to them. That’s Yoko and Kurama for you: Always calm and in control.
Hiei took up a position at the bar in the back of the building. He sat on a stool with his back to the counter, his eyes scanning the crowd leisurely to see if he could spot Sharon. He figured that if he met Sharon first, he would chat her up and convince her to meet his friend, Yusuke. Once he had ‘introduced’ them, he would then melt into the background and wait for the arrest to occur. It might take some time to get her to follow him outside, but it should occur before the club closes. He turned to the counter, ordered a non-alcoholic beverage, and then turned back to the crowd to watch for the team’s target.
Kuwabara had decided to stake out the dance floor. He surprised himself with how gracefully he moved as he danced. He always felt that he moved awkwardly and clumsily when compared to other people, but now his body was different and had an elegant movement that he hoped he’ll be able to retain when he became human again.
The sensitive senses, though, he could do without. The music was loud but not so much as to be considerate of the patrons’ hearing. His nose picked up scents he wouldn’t have as a human and couldn’t wait to lose that sharp sense of smell.
He saw the smiles of the demons around him and it struck him how demons were like humans in some ways. They could laugh and smile while enjoying leisure activities like dancing or just talking to one another. Up to now, Kuwabara had experienced demons laughing and smiling while they were fighting. These demons were living normal, peaceful lives with no thought of terrorizing humans or each other.
But one of them is terrorizing other demons. It’s interesting that she’s our first female demon to arrest. In any case, I hope we find her soon. He continued to dance, not seeing a brown fox heading his way.
Chapter Three- Apprehension
Sharon applied a special balm to her lips before zeroing in on the blond-white fox. She had thought long and hard of how the unusual group interacted and concluded that they might be bounty hunters. She wasn’t sure she was the target but she was certain that what she was seeing was a disguise. That being the case, I will use my special balm to make such disguises permanent. They will have to spend the rest of their careers in their current forms. Or they could quit once they realize they are trapped and become my mates if they find themselves attracted to me. Either way is fine with me.
The male turned as he danced and, up close, Sharon admired his face despite his eyes being closed. Her eyes roamed over the shape of his face and then up to his snow white ears which she found lovely. His eyes opened to reveal gold eyes that were a lighter shade than her own. He blinked at her close proximity while she smiled charmingly.
“Hello, handsome,” she purred. “I haven’t see you before and I know I would remember you. So, I’m Sharon. What’s your name?”
“Uh, Kazuma Kuwabara.”
His voice sounded rough to her, but chose to overlook it. “Kazuma,” she said. “It suits you. Tell me, do you have a mate?”
“I love someone, but no, I don’t have a mate.”
“Lovely because I find you quite attractive.”
“I think you’re beautiful but I’m not really looking for a mate yet.”
“Key word: Yet.” She pulled Kuwabara down and said, “Here’s something to keep me in mind if and when you’re ready.” She pressed her lips to his in a truly loving manner while keeping his disguise permanent. She then released him, ran her claws lightly over an ear, winked, and disappeared into the crowd.
Kuwabara watched Sharon leave and then shook his head slightly. That was weird. She flirts with me, kisses me, and then leaves. Well…I did get her attention and I should try to keep an eye on her. He headed off in the direction she went and spotted her as he reached the edge of the dance floor. She was heading for the bar where Hiei was sitting. He drifted over to a table along the wall to keep an eye on the scene.
Hiei saw Sharon leave the dance floor and head his way but acted as if he was unaware of this. He then noticed Kuwabara appear and it seemed as if he had been following Sharon; upon seeing where she was going, he took up a position at a table where he could see her and Hiei.
Hiei turned to the bar and got an alcoholic drink in front of him while keeping a discreet eye on his target. She ordered a shot, downed it once she got it, and ordered another. This one she proceeded to nurse and seemed to be eyeing Hiei before turning to the side away from him for a moment and then turned to face him.
“Hi,” she said, oozing charm. “I’ve been watching you ever since you walked in. I’ve never met a white wolf demon before.”
“I’m not surprised,” Hiei said. “White is a rare color among my kind.”
Sharon’s eyes briefly widened at the deep voice that was a lot better than Kazuma’s. “Indeed. White is not as rare in my kind, but it does not occur very often at least by itself. Most of the time, it occurs with another color.”
Hiei raised an eyebrow. “What are you getting at?”
“I’m saying I like you and would like you for a mate.”
“What?” Hiei pretended to be surprised. “But I’m a wolf and you’re a fox.”
“Yes, but we are from the same family and can crossbreed.” She leaned a little closer to him.
“That is true. Listen, uh…I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.”
“It’s Sharon and you are?”
“Hiei. Listen Sharon. I have a friend I’d like you to meet. His name is Yusuke and he’s a wolf like me. He’s convinced that no one would want him for a mate because he’s a gray wolf, though I believe he has some red wolf in him.”
“So, he could be a mixed breed?”
“I believe so. Would you like to meet him and confirm my suspicions?”
Sharon gave Hiei a kiss before saying, “I would love to and tell him that I may want him for a mate as well.”
Hiei slid off his stool. “Follow me, then.” He saw Kuwabara rise from his chair at the table before heading to where Yusuke was waiting, not seeing Sharon reapply her balm for a third time.
Yusuke sighed again and brought his tail up for something to do. He smoothed down the fur while his eyes kept sweeping the area for Sharon. She might have left, he thought. She might have heard that Spirit World wants her arrested and fled for a hideout.
“Yusuke!” a voice called that he recognized at Hiei and dropped his tail as the white wolf came over with Sharon behind him. Then again, maybe she didn’t leave.
Sharon looked Yusuke up and down with admiration. Hard to believe no one would want him. He’s rather good-looking. She went up to him and gently fingered an ear. “Hi, Yusuke. My name’s Sharon. Your friend here says you’re convinced that no one would want you for a mate.”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Yusuke said a bit sulkily, playing along with whatever Hiei had said as it sounded pretty good.
“I can’t imagine why. I can see that you are a mixed breed, just as Hiei said. Gray and red wolf.”
Yusuke blinked. “I thought I was just a gray wolf.”
“Oh, no. You are mixed. I like unique foxes, wolves, and jackals. I come to this club hoping to find my perfect mate or mates.”
“Oh. So…you might be interested in me?”
“I might.” She gave Yusuke a kiss and she saw the desire and hope in his eyes. “Hmm…you know, on second thought, I think you are the one.”
Yusuke flashed a sly smile. “Really? Then, how about we have some quality time?” He tilted his head at the exit door, noticing that Yoko had left, no doubt getting into position.
Sharon gave an equally sly smile. “I would like that.” Sharon could smell that Yusuke was innocent in sexual encounters and looked forward to stealing his innocence for that was what she was well known for. Yusuke, Hiei, and Kazuma clearly did not know that. After Yusuke, I will take Kazuma’s innocence and then Hiei’s who may indeed be my mate as he is quite unique.
Yusuke led Sharon into the alley and was promptly pulled into an embrace by Sharon. She teased his ears and his tail with her fingers and he ran his hands along the sides of her body before rubbing her hips which made her moan. Yusuke grinned as he continued to arouse Sharon until he saw Yoko behind Sharon with vines slithering up the female’s body who was oblivious to what was happening. Ditching the rose whip and going with a silent weapon. Great idea, Yoko. He took a couple of steps back to allow Yoko to complete his binding of her.
Sharon felt something tightening around her and her eyes snapped open and looked down to see vines binding her. “What is this?” she growled as she struggled to get free.
“You are wanted by Spirit World and we were sent to arrest you,” Yusuke said as Hiei and Kuwabara came into the alley.
“You tricked me!” she snarled.
“Yup and now we bring you in.” Yusuke used the beacon, the portal opened, and the group went through it.
Chapter Four- Trapped
The sound of snarling broke the general quiet of the hall outside Koenma’s office. His head looked up as the doors slid open and a bound female fox was pulled in by two wolves and two foxes. Botan had provided him with descriptions of the team’s looks save for Yoko so he was not thrown by the sight of the male demons.
He beamed at the gray wolf. “Well done, Yusuke. I must say, I thought it would take longer.”
Sharon growled before saying, “I was a fool. I should have known it was a setup from the moment I met Kuwabara.” She glared at said fox who didn’t look at her.
“I say it took long enough,” Hiei cut in. “And I’m ready to wrap it up.”
“Ah, yes.” Koenma opened a drawer, reached in, and put three tubes on the desk. “Here we are.” Yusuke, Hiei, and Kuwabara each grabbed a tube, uncorked them, and drank the contents. There were no gasps, no pain, and no change. They stared at each other in confusion and back at Koenma who was also confused. “I don’t understand,” the prince said. “This is the antidote. It should have worked immediately.”
Sharon smirked and then laughed which drew everyone’s attention. “I had suspected you were bounty hunters in disguise when I first saw you and how you interacted with each other. I didn’t know who you were after but I wanted to make you pay for disguising yourselves. I have a special balm that I apply to my lips. If I kiss a disguised demon or human, they will be permanently trapped in their disguise.”
“Trapped?” Kuwabara repeated faintly.
“Yes,” Sharon said gleefully. “You will remain as you are.”
Yusuke felt as if a weight had been dropped on him. He had been kissed by Sharon who had to be wearing the balm at the time; as a result, he would remain a wolf demon. It angered him that Sharon did this and he resisted the impulse to kill her, but her smirking and laughter was making it hard.
The doors opened and two big ogres entered. Koenma pointed at Sharon. “Take her away,” he ordered. The ogres did so and a silence fell over the room. Koenma took in his team. Yusuke had his fists clenched and seemed unaware of his claws puncturing his palms as blood dripped out between his knuckles. Kuwabara looked angry and low growls emerged from him. Hiei was looking at his hands, his face a deadpan.
Koenma sighed. “I’m sorry Yusuke, Kuwabara, Hiei.”
“No one knew about that balm,” Kuwabara said neutrally and unusually soft. “I have no idea what to do now.”
“We can go to Genkai’s,” Kurama suggested, now in his human form. “There we can take the time to come to terms with what has happened and what to do.”
Yusuke nodded. “Sounds like the best idea I’ve heard all day.” He led the way out of the office and toward the path to Human World and Genkai’s home.
The fresh air and blue skies of Human World greeted Yusuke as he stepped out of the portal. He breathed deeply and mused over how it didn’t smell the way it did when he was on the case of rescuing Yukina. He could only chalk it up to his wolf side. They left the secluded hillside and descended toward the compound below where they could see a figure with familiar, aqua-colored hair.
“Yukina!” Kuwabara exclaimed once they got closer. He started toward her, but Yusuke seized his tail, making the fox yelp in shock and pain before rounding on Yusuke. “What was that for, Urameshi?” he hissed.
“Idiot!” he snapped. “Did you forget that you don’t look like yourself anymore? I think you just scared Yukina half to death!” Both looked to see that was definitely the case.
Kurama headed to Yukina who had wide, scared eyes and he gave her a reassuring smile. “It is all right,” he said calmly. “You are safe.”
“Kurama, who are they?” Her eyes darted to the males.
“We had a case to apprehend a female fox demon who frequented a club exclusively for members of the canine family. My identity of Yoko would make apprehending her on my own difficult. Koenma provided Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Hiei with formulas to give them a disguise so they could get inside.
“We were unaware that the female, Sharon, had a special lip balm on her. She believed we were bounty hunters in disguise, save for me. So she applied the balm to her lips and managed to kiss all three, trapping them in their current forms forever.”
Yukina gasped and a hand briefly went to her mouth. “Oh, that’s awful.” She once again looked at her friends as they approached. It was easy to figure out who was who as their heights hadn’t changed. “I am so sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, my love,” Kuwabara said. “We didn’t know about the balm or what Sharon thought we were doing there until we had brought her in.”
Yukina brought out a tray with tea and cakes out onto the porch with the team sitting beside her or on the steps. She brushed her fingers over Kuwabara’s tail that was next to her as she passed him a cup. His tail twitched in response and she giggled at this. While she did like Kuwabara’s human form, his fox one was even cuter and it seemed to suit him.
She then gently scratched behind one of Hiei’s ears who sat below and to her left. His change had been as dramatic as the others but also rare. Very few wolf demons were white and they didn’t possess a different color on their ear tips. Hiei gave a soft growl of pleasure and his tail wagged as he turned to accept his tea.
“You look cute as a wolf,” she told him. “You all look cuter.” She saw Kuwabara blush as Hiei looked away.
Yusuke ran a hand down his hair yet again. “You really think so?” he asked.
“Of course.” She went to pass him a cup when she gasped and put it down. “Yusuke, your hand! What happened?”
“Huh?” He turned it over and stared at the four puncture marks before holding up the other hand to see four more marks. “I must have clenched my fists so tight my claws cut my skin. I wasn’t even aware of it.”
Yukina took one of his hands and began working her healing powers on it. When she finished, she did the other one. “You need to be careful,” she gently scolded. “Your claws can cause a lot of damage.”
“Well, I’ll have a lot of time to practice that,” Yusuke said as he accepted his tea. “I can’t go to school or go into town anymore.”
“Me, either,” Kuwabara said. “I…should call Shizuru and tell her what happened.”
“You could tell her in person,” Kurama said. “As a fox demon, we can cast an illusion on ourselves.”
“We…can?” Kuwabara visibly perked up at this.
“It is a basic skill, though it does require energy in order to utilize it.”
“I can do it. I mean, my energy is strong.”
“It is stronger now, Kuwabara. You and Yusuke are both stronger than before.”
Both fox and wolf nodded solemnly as they took this in and wondered what else they would discover as demons.
Chapter Five- Shizuru
Kuwabara critically checked his reflection and nodded. He looked just like he did before the formula. He dropped the illusion, deciding to wait until he really needed it.
Yusuke watched Kuwabara from the doorway of the fox’s temporary room, feeling a bit jealous. Wolves couldn’t do illusions; he had tried and he would have to stay at the compound as would Hiei. Mom might be worried about me and while I can call, I can’t come home. But, on the other hand, I can’t go to school which is a plus to me. However, I can’t wander around town or get into fights or see anyone really. He felt a pang in his heart and felt it beat for a moment before going back to its seemingly dead state. A heart that didn’t beat normally was a bit disconcerting to adjust to but he knew he would eventually not dwell on it.
Kuwabara turned to the door and showed no surprise at seeing his friend at the door. “I knew you were there,” he said at Yusuke’s quizzical expression. “I could smell you and I sensed your energy.”
“I guess I could work on masking my energy,” Yusuke said. “Training seems to be the only thing to do around here.”
“Really? What about those arcade games during Genkai’s tournament?”
“Oh! Oh, yeah.” Yusuke grinned at the thought. “And I could fight the demons in those woods we went through then too.”
Kuwabara nodded. He knew Yusuke was frustrated by his inability to leave the compound, but surely there was a way to conceal his ears and tail? Tuck the tail into a pair of pants and wear a baseball cap, for example. I might have some jeans at home that are too short for me. I’ll bring some back along with some hats.
Kuwabara slid to a halt at the bottom of the mountain and put on his illusion. It had taken him less time to get off the mountain than it used to and liked how he was faster now. His enhanced senses were still a little hard on him. He knew he would seek Kurama’s advice on how to deal with them. He tried to breathe normally and ignore the scents that wafted up his nose as he rode the train down into town.
When he got off the train, his nose was absolutely assaulted by more smells. He kept from gagging or overreacting as he moved through the crowd. I definitely need help, he thought as he headed for home. But first I need to talk to Shizuru. He quickened his pace just a little so that he was jogging as his home came into view. He fished out his key, unlocked the door, and entered. “Hello?” he called as he closed the door, wondering if anyone was home.
“Kazuma Kuwabara, where have you been?” Shizuru demanded as she came into the hall.
“I was busy,” he sighed. “I was on a case with the team.”
“Kazuma, you need to stop fighting and focus on your education.”
“Believe I know, but…”
“No buts, no excuses.”
Kuwabara felt his illusion flicker for a moment, but it was enough to catch Shizuru’s attention. “Kazuma, are you hiding something?”
“I was about to tell you,” he said. “The team had to get into an exclusive club that is frequented by this female fox demon we were to arrest. We had to disguise ourselves as demons to get in.
“The fox, Sharon, saw us and thought we were bounty hunters and used a special lip balm to kiss us and trap us in our disguises with the intention of making us pay for using a disguise.” Kuwabara’s energy ran out at this point and the illusion abruptly ended.
Shizuru took a step back at the sudden change. “Kazuma?”
“Botan had a fox demon formula and two wolf ones. Obviously, I took the fox one.”
“Then Yusuke is a wolf demon. Has he told his mother any of this yet?”
“No. Wolf demons can’t do illusions like foxes can. He tried, but nothing happened. I had thought of bringing him clothes I can’t wear and hats to hide his ears and tail. Although, I guess I could go to his house for his own clothes.”
“Do that in the morning. I have questions and you will stay here the rest of the day and night.”
“Not a problem. I don’t have enough energy to keep my illusion up right now. Food and a good night’s rest will help me recover it.”
“Of course they will.” She guided Kuwabara to the living room, giving him a closer look. His height hadn’t changed save for a few inches due to the snow white fox ears on his head. His hair ended at the middle of his back and was a blonde-white color as was his tail. His eyes were gold and claws topped his fingers.
“So, this is how you’ll be from now on?” she asked as they sat.
“Yeah and I intend to ask Kurama how to deal with my sharper senses. My sense of smell is hard to take.”
“I believe that. You have the senses of a fox now.”
“I also have the speed and energy of a demon.”
“Of course. So, what powers do you have?”
Kuwabara paused. “I…don’t know. I haven’t explored that yet. I was more concerned about telling you.”
“As you should.” She smiled slightly as Kuwabara’s ears drooped a little and he smothered a yawn which had given Shizuru a brief glimpse of small fangs in his mouth. She patted his shoulder. “Get some sleep, bro. You probably need it.”
“Thanks, sis.” Kuwabara rose from the couch and left the room with his sister watching him gracefully leave the room. She hated to admit it, but Kuwabara seemed to make a better demon than a human. He didn’t know everything he could do but he had learned enough to start with.
He’ll eventually learn everything as he’ll have a teacher in Kurama. A shame Yusuke doesn’t have someone to teach him.
Kuwabara entered his room and smiled a little at seeing his cat curled up on his bed. The cat’s nose twitched a little before her eyes cracked open. She blinked at Kuwabara before her ears flattened and a threatening growl came out.
“Easy, girl,” he said. “It’s just me.”
The cat growled again and then hissed before leaping off the bed and fleeing the room.
Kuwabara sagged onto the bed, stunned and devastated. His cat had never acted that way toward him before. She didn’t recognize me, even though I spoke to her. My looks and scent are different and it scared her.
It could also be because of what I am. I’m a fox which are related to…dogs. Oh, damn. Cats hate dogs and since foxes and dogs are related, she hates me. He laid on the bed, adjusted to get comfortable, and was soon asleep, two tears escaping from his eyes.
Shizuru looked up startled as Kuwabara’s cat streaked into the room. She looked scared and Shizuru had a good idea why. She didn’t recognize her owner. All she saw was a fox, one of her enemies.
She’ll get used to him as time goes on and she may detect some hint of Kazuma’s scent under his fox one. When she does, she’ll come back to him like usual. Kazuma is probably upset by this and I’ll assure him that it will pass.
Chapter Six- Hidden Places
Yusuke sped around the compound, testing his speed and trying to wear himself out so he could sleep the time away. He had already spent time working on his senses, most of it dedicated to the nose. He was soon familiar with Yukina and Genkai’s scents as well as a few animals.
His ears heard a variety of sounds both loud and soft and was pleased with it. He didn’t find his eyes anything special, not like his speed thought it was not as fast as Hiei’s speed. He slid to a stop at the edge of the woods. He was breathing hard but did not feel tired. Damn it. I need something to really wear me out.
Yusuke’s ears turned at Hiei’s voice before he looked over at him. He was standing just inside the dark woods but he stood out due to his white hair and ears. “Hey, Hiei,” he said.
“Too much energy?”
“I’ll say. I’m running as fast as I can and I’m not tired.”
“Hn. I believe I may have a solution. Follow me.” Hiei turned and headed into the woods with Yusuke behind him.
The gray wolf blinked as his eyes quickly adjusted to the dark. Whoa. I can see in the dark. I didn’t know that. Cool. “Hiei, where are we going?” he asked as they walked.
“You’ll see.” The pair continued to walk until they reached a clearing and Hiei turned around. He folded his arms. “I recalled that some animal demons can take the form of their animal side. I had decided to try and…” Hiei then morphed into a white wolf with black-tipped ears and blue wolf eyes.
Yusuke stepped back in surprise and then grinned. “Hiei, that’s cool.”
Hiei barked but to Yusuke, they were words. “Such transformations can be energy draining and this will certainly tire one out.”
“Why are you just barking?”
“It’s a complete change. I am fully aware of myself but my voice is that of a wolf. Anyone of the canine family will understand me. So, detective. Join me. I’ll show you more than demons and animals in these woods.”
Yusuke focused and became a red-dusted gray wolf. He looked at his paws and craned his neck to see his lean, powerful body. His tail swished and he gave Hiei a wolf’s grin before Hiei turned and led Yusuke to some of the places he had discovered.
Yusuke stared at the waterfall, his ears folded a little as the sound was a bit too loud. He watched the water fall into a large lake with channels forming streams that disappeared into the forest.
“Impressive, isn’t it?” Hiei’s voice said in his head.
Yusuke seized onto the connection Hiei had opened. “Yeah, it is. I had no idea there was a waterfall in here.”
“It is off the beaten path as is this cliff face with various caves set into it.”
“Could I see that?”
“Sure. Follow me.” Hiei set off at a run and Yusuke followed, happy for the first time since learning he was a wolf demon forever.
Hiei was pleased with sharing this ability with Yusuke. He knew the detective was frustrated and irritated with being unable to resume his human existence. Hiei had never been a social person and had lived most of his life alone. That will change now, he thought. Wolves, demon or not, are social creatures. I will want to constantly be around others and I won’t fight it. I will explain it if anyone notices that I’m constantly around.
“Hiei,” Yusuke said with awe. “This is amazing. So many caves and ledges to get to the upper ones.”
“I know. It would be a great place to hide from other demons.”
“Or a good long nap,” Yusuke added, sounding tired.
“Hn, go ahead and sleep. You’ll return to your demon form as you do so.”
“Okay.” Yusuke went to a cave on ground level, went in a little, and then turned around to lay at the mouth of the cave. He closed his eyes and was asleep almost instantly.
Hiei chose to lay out in the open and watched Yusuke sleep. “Hn. Sleep well, detective,” he said before listening to the sounds of the forest which lulled him to sleep.
The sun was low when Kurama entered the forest, his nose picking up Hiei and Yusuke’s scents as well as sensing their energies. Genkai and Yukina both admitted to not seeing either wolf for several hours and Kurama suspected both were in the woods. He took his demon form before venturing in. He had felt himself fortunate that he could become Yoko thanks to the juice he tested and took during his match in the Dark Tournament finals.
His nose and senses led him off the normal paths and he saw demons melt away into the shadows as they had no intention of tangling with the silver fox. He sniffed vigorously and followed the freshest trail he could find and came upon a cliff face with lots of caves. He spotted Yusuke asleep in one and Hiei curled up nearby. He cleared his throat loudly and both awoke.
“Oh. Hi, Yoko,” Yusuke said with a yawn.
“Genkai and Yukina told me they had not seen you for hours and the latter is getting concerned.”
“Well, we’re fine. Hiei told me about being able to become wolves and that the change can be energy-draining which was what I needed as I had a lot of energy.”
“Of course. You and Kuwabara have recently become demons and it strengthened your energy until you exhausted most of it. Your transformation to wolf and Kuwabara’s illusion power should do that.”
“I’m guessing Kuwabara is still at home,” Yusuke said as the trio headed out of the woods.”
“Yes, he is as I have not seen or sensed him around here. That is good as he’ll be able to get food and plenty of rest, both of which will replenish his illusion power.”
“Food,” Yusuke said. “Yeah, I could go for some myself.”
“You are in luck as I believe Yukina was preparing to cook some dinner.”
Hiei flared his nose and commented, “She is indeed making dinner and it smells delicious.”
Yusuke and Yoko flared their noses and the former felt his mouth water. There was the distinct smell of cooking beef and it appealed to his wolf side. He smiled at having a good meal, though he was capable of cooking himself. He had thought of eventually marrying Keiko and help her run her parents’ restaurant. His smile faded as his tail swished against his legs. I can’t do what I had thought of doing in the future. I mean, I could marry Keiko, but would I be able to help her run the restaurant? Hell, would her parents even accept me now? His uncertainty of the future and his anger toward Sharon built up inside him and he finally let out an actual howl of frustration and anger that stunned his friends due to the suddenness of it.
“Yusuke?” Yoko asked as he become Kurama again.
Yusuke exhaled slowly. “Sorry. I had thoughts of my future and now I don’t know if it’s still possible.”
“Let’s discuss it over dinner,” Kurama said as he led Yusuke inside.
Chapter Seven- Keiko
“Look, this may come as a surprise,” Yusuke said after several minutes of eating. “But I am good at cooking and recently, I had thought of marrying Keiko and working at her parents’ restaurant.”
“That sounds wonderful,” Yukina said.
“It does, but it won’t happen now.” He pointed at his ears. “There’s no way I can show myself in public. Keiko would accept me, but I’m sure her parents won’t, not to mention my own mother.”
“That is all true, but maybe you could try to explain to them with Keiko there to support you,” Kurama suggested.
Yusuke gave a nod. “I could call her and ask her to come here so we can talk.”
“Yes. Do that after dinner.”
Yusuke dialed the Yukimura house later on and, to his relief, Keiko answered. “Hi, Keiko,” he said before moving the receiver to his ear.
“Yusuke? Where have you been!? I haven’t seen you lately.”
“I know,” he said, bringing the mouthpiece to his mouth. “Listen, we need to talk. I’m at Genkai’s place in the mountains. Ask Kuwabara to show you the way.” He moved the receiver up.
“Why not meet me somewhere else?”
“Believe me, that’s not an option.”
“Fine,” she sighed. “I’ll talk to Kuwabara in the morning. Night, Yusuke.”
“Night, Keiko.” Yusuke hung up and went to his new bedroom. He had managed to convince Keiko to come to him and prayed the revelation would turn out okay.
Keiko walked toward Yusuke’s apartment, confused. She had called Kuwabara this morning and Shizuru had said he had gone to Yusuke’s home to bring his friend some clothes. She thanked her and quickly headed out there. She dashed up the stairs and once at the open door, called, “Kuwabara?”
“Keiko?” came a reply. Kuwabara appeared with a large overnight bag.
“Kuwabara, Yusuke called last night and asked me to come see him. He said you could show me the way to Genkai’s.”
“Yeah, I can do that. In fact, I’m going there now.” He stepped out and closed the door, relieved that Yusuke’s mom wasn’t home. He didn’t feel comfortable of explaining his friend’s absence. “So, Urameshi didn’t say why?” he asked as they set off down the steps and then the sidewalk.
“No. He only said that meeting somewhere else isn’t an option.”
“Well, he’s right.”
“Kuwabara…what’s Yusuke hiding?”
“I can’t tell you. Trust me, it’ll be a surprise and I think Urameshi wants to explain it himself.” Kuwabara was sure that Yusuke wanted to show Keiko his demon form instead of just telling her as she would likely not believe him and would want to see him to believe it.
Yusuke was training in his room with Genkai in concealing his energy while the psychic tried to determine what kind of attacks her successor was capable of doing now. His Spirit Gun could easily be adapted to his demon energy and the same went for his recently acquired Spirit Wave. Genkai had encountered wolf demons before and knew that they, like foxes, could harness a power of nature. The type of power was not clear immediately and all she could do was wait for it to manifest itself.
Yusuke had been meditating and pulling in his energy when his eyes opened and he sniffed the air. He smelled fox, but it wasn’t Kurama. He also smelled human. “Keiko and Kuwabara are here,” he said and Genkai left to meet them. Yusuke rose to his feet and sniffed to lock in Keiko’s scent so he would remember it. He then focused on Kuwabara’s scent and found it was getting stronger and heard him approaching him. The door opened and Kuwabara came in with a bag.
“Hey, Urameshi. I dropped by your place to get some clothes and stuff for you.” He tossed the bag and added, “I figured you’d be able to hide your ears and tail with hats and tail-less pants.”
“Awesome. Thanks, man.” Kuwabara left as Yusuke opened the bag and rifled though it to change his clothes and hide his hair and ears. He borrowed a ribbon from Yukina to tie his hair back and up before tucking it under a baseball cap. He checked his reflection and nodded; aside from his claws and eyes, he looked human. Hopefully, Keiko won’t really notice. He headed out of the room and heard voices on the porch. He walked over and slid the door open further to see Genkai, Yukina, Keiko, and Kuwabara. His friend looked as if he was having trouble maintaining his illusion as it flickered on and off, the effect lasting only for a moment.
Keiko looked behind her at him before getting up and heading over to face him. “All right,” she said in irritation. “What is going on? Kuwabara refused to tell me earlier.”
“I’ll explain, but let me finish before you say anything. The team had gotten a case to arrest a female fox demon. She liked going to a club exclusively where only canine demons can get in. You know, foxes, wolves, dogs, and others. Hiei, Kuwabara, and I were given formulas to disguise ourselves so we could get in. The arrest went smoothly enough but the fox had kissed us before the arrest with a special balm to keep us in our disguises. She had thought we were bounty hunters and thought trapping us in our disguises would serve us right.”
“So…you’re a demon now?”
Yusuke nodded as he removed the hat, undid his hair, and his tail punched through his pants. “Yeah. I’m a wolf demon now.”
Keiko’s eyes roved over Yusuke’s body, while her fingers played with his hair. She saw his eyes had the intensity of a wolf and that his ears lacked the red-dusted look of his hair and tail. She took in the length and fullness of the tail before noticing the claws on his fingers. “Yusuke, I’m sorry,” she finally said.
“Thanks. I was concerned that you wouldn’t accept me now.”
“Why wouldn’t I? We’re still friends and…you’re cooler-looking than most of the demons I saw at the tournament.”
“How about me?”
Keiko looked over and blinked at seeing a blond-white fox. “Kuwabara?”
“Yeah, it’s me. I took a fox demon formula and learned I can cast an illusion on myself. It’s a bit of a drain on my energy but I was assured that the more I use it, the longer it will last.”
“Can you do that, Yusuke?” Keiko asked, looking at him.
Yusuke shook his head. “I can’t. Believe me, I tried but nothing happened. The only thing I can do is turn into a wolf.”
“Turn into a wolf?” she repeated.
“It’s just my body and voice that changes. Actually, Kuwabara, you can change to a fox as well.”
“I can?”
“Yeah. Hiei told me about it.”
“What demon is Hiei now?” asked Keiko.
“He’s a wolf like me. A white one.”
“Who can still use fire,” came Hiei’s voice before he appeared in a white blur. He looked at Kuwabara and Yusuke before adding, “You two should be getting a power like that soon. Wolves and foxes share this ability.”
Keiko saw the stunned looks on her friends’ faces and knew that they would discover their powers before long. Keiko felt a keen interest in finding out what power they gained and seeing them in action.
Chapter Eight- Powers Revealed
“Hey, Urameshi! Slow down!” Kuwabara barked.
Yusuke did slow and looked back at his friend. “What’s the matter?” he teased. “Your short fox legs can’t keep up?”
“Ha, ha. Very funny,” he retorted sarcastically. “I just haven’t been a fox like this before. You’ve been a wolf once already.”
“Yeah and it was great. Hiei showed me a couple of places I didn’t know about.”
“Really? Like what?”
“A waterfall and a cliff face with lots of caves.”
“A waterfall? Here?”
Yusuke barked a laugh. “Yeah. Come on. I’ll show you.”
“All right, but not so fast.”
“Aw, come on! We’re still demons despite our bodies. We can go faster.” Yusuke sprinted off and Kuwabara followed suite.
Yusuke showed Kuwabara the caves before heading to the waterfall. The water thundered into the lake as Kuwabara lapped up water before looking at his reflection. His eyes and ears were unchanged but his face was covered in blond-white fur. A muzzle with a crop of whiskers extended from his face and, as he licked water off his muzzle, he saw sharp teeth inside his mouth. “I definitely look like a fox.”
“An unusual one considering your fur, but yeah, you are.”
“We’re also demons only without the powers Hiei says we should have soon.”
“I don’t really care about that. I have enough to do with adapting my Spirit Gun and Wave so I can use them with demon energy.”
“Yeah. I should be doing the same with my sword.”
“Then, let’s head back and work on them.”
In a very short time, both were back at the compound in demon form with Kuwabara focusing on his sword. It took a little effort to convert it to a demon energy sword but Kuwabara was soon practicing with his usual tricks. Yusuke was also practicing and was pleased with how easy it was to adapt his attacks. He wiped his forehead after working on his energy with the Spirit Wave. “Okay, I’m done, at least for now.”
“Yeah, same here,” Kuwabara agreed, his sword vanishing.
“Perhaps you would like some tea and snacks to regain your energy?” came Yukina’s voice and both boys looked to see the ice maiden on the porch with a tray of said food and drink.
Kuwabara moved forward to partake of the drink when his nose twitched and then flared as he drank in Yukina’s scent. He was unaware of himself panting as he stared at Yukina, his tail wagging back and forth rapidly. He no longer cared about food; only Yukina mattered now.
Yukina was not oblivious to Kuwabara’s actions but was to his intentions. She noticed his tail’s movements and looked up to see his eyes were a brighter gold than usual. “Kazuma?” she asked, tilting her head.
“Yukina,” he said in a low voice. “I love you…so much.”
“Sorry?” she asked, confused.
“I fell for you since I first saw you on the video tape detailing the case to rescue you. I just never made it clear to you. But now I have.”
“Oh!” she said, now understanding. “I’m glad you made your feelings toward me clear. You were one of the first men to be nice, friendly, and kind to me. Uh, Kazuma? Are you all right?” She saw the tail moving even faster and Kuwabara coming closer.
“I…want you…as my mate,” Kuwabara panted, sliding the tray aside. “Come, my love. Let us make it official.”
“Kazuma…no,” she said before she was pushed onto her back in an aggressive manner and Kuwabara straddling her and pinned her arms out to the sides. Yukina struggled to get loose but Kuwabara was bigger and stronger.
“Kuwabara!” Yusuke yelled. “What the hell are you doing?”
Kuwabara glared back over his shoulder. “Back off, Urameshi,” he growled. “Yukina’s my mate. You already have Keiko.”
Yukina, desperate and with Kuwabara distracted, tapped her powers. Her eyes glowed white and her fingertips spread an icy mist to Kuwabara’s hands. Her intention was to make his hands cold enough to release her arms so she could squirm away from the mating crazed fox. The first curls of mist crawled over the fox’s hands and, while it got his attention, he didn’t really react. She made it colder and still he held her down. “Aren’t your hands cold?” she asked.
“Not at all,” he said and then he grinned. “It seems I have ice powers too. We’re a perfect match.”
The sound of a gunshot rang out and Kuwabara jerked as a bullet of energy grazed his shoulder. He leaped off Yukina with a growl and faced Yusuke whose hands were still up in the gun position. “What’s your problem, Urameshi!?”
“You were going to rape Yukina! That’s my problem!”
“Stay out of my business!” roared Kuwabara before he flung out a hand and a horde of ice shards came flying toward Yusuke.
“Whoa!” Yusuke said as he dodged. Another barrage came at him and again he dodged. Kuwabara snarled before unleashing another barrage upward so they could fall from overhead. Yusuke lifted his hands up to use the Spirit Wave to block or destroy them but they stopped dead a good two or three feet from his hands. “What?” he asked himself. A tongue of flame then shot across the ice from the right and Yusuke lowered his hands.
“What is going on here?” Hiei demanded as he landed on the ground.
Kuwabara blinked as his desire to be sexual faded away and his face burned with chagrin and embarrassment. He whimpered before changing to a fox and sprinting off for the woods. “Kazuma!” Yukina called as the fox left.
“Detective,” Hiei said in a low voice. “What…happened?”
Yusuke knew Kuwabara was in a delicate situation even though he didn’t know it. I need to phrase it carefully. “I don’t think he was in his right mind. He wanted Yukina for a mate and wanted to, well, mate with her.”
Hiei’s face darkened. “He dare force himself on her?” he growled so only Yusuke heard.
“I don’t think it was his fault,” Yusuke protested.
“He is correct,” Kurama spoke up as he came into the compound. “Fox demons, unless they learn to control it, can be quite aggressive when feeling sexual or when in the heat of battle.”
“Kuwabara was aggressive and he’s an ice fox. He was shooting ice shards at me.”
“And you are a wind wolf,” Hiei added. “You were using an air shield to protect yourself.”
“Where is Kuwabara?” Kurama asked.
“He came back to his senses, turned into a fox, and ran off into the forest. He’s probably ashamed of what he did and almost did.”
“I see. Let me speak to him alone.” Kurama headed to the forest, changed into a fox, and sprinted off.
“I hope Kazuma comes back,” Yukina said. “I would like to be his mate, but not actually mate.”
“He’ll come back,” Yusuke assured her. “Kurama will talk to him and tell him that we forgive him.”
Chapter Nine- Future In-Laws
Kurama raced through the trees, picking up Kuwabara’s scent with ease. He noted that it smelled subtly different, no doubt because of his powers. The trail led him to the cave-dotted cliff; at first he didn’t know which cave he was in until he spotted a mist of ice wafting from the topmost cave. He bounded up to it and looked in to see Kuwabara curled up in the back, his ears folded, and his body shaking as he whined.
“Kuwabara?” he asked.
“Go away Kurama. I can’t face anyone right now. Not after what I did.”
“I explained why you did all that and they understand. No one will hold it against you.”
“Really?” Kuwabara sat up, his ears erect.
“Yes. Let us head back.”
“Okay. Kurama?” Kuwabara said as they leaped down and headed for the forest exit. “Could you help me control my instinct?”
“I will; in all honesty I should have started when we learned that all three of you were stuck as you are. My advice would be to flee the scene whenever you feel your instinct flaring up. Once it has subsided, you come back. Eventually, you will have control over it.”
Kuwabara nodded. “Yeah. I can do that. I just hope the others really do forgive me.”
“I am certain they will.” Except Hiei, maybe, he added silently.
They reached the edge and Kuwabara changed back to his demon form while Kurama took his human one. They reached the compound and Kuwabara stopped dead at an astonishing sight. Yusuke was hovering several inches off the ground, a gust of wind under him and around him, making his tail and hair stand up vertically. The wind started to dissipate and Yusuke was lowered safely to the ground. He opened his eyes and looked at the foxes before he flashed a grin. “Hey, Kuwabara. I knew you’d come back.”
“You…you were floating!” Kuwabara gasped.
“Yeah. Turns out I have wind powers. That’s how I blocked your last attack.”
Kuwabara bowed his head and shuffled a foot as Yusuke came closer. “Yeah, about that. I’m sorry. I…”
“Don’t need to explain. Kurama took care of that. You’re forgiven. Hey, we could practice our powers against each other.”
“Yeah…and maybe try to use attacks that Jin and Touya did. I mean, a sword of ice would be neat.” He lifted his head as he spoke of trying new attacks.
“I would settle for being able to fly. That would be a good defensive move.”
Kuwabara turned to Yukina who sat on the porch. He slowly approached her, not sure how he could ever make up for his actions. He knelt in front of the porch, his head down again. “Yukina, I’m sorry. I should have realized what was happening before it went as far as it did.”
Yukina smiled as she tilted up his head and saw the contrition in his eyes. “Kazuma, I really am glad you told me how you feel about me. I wouldn’t mind being your mate, I just don’t want to actually mate right now.”
“I don’t want to actually mate anytime soon. I mean, I’ve got plans to go to high school and then college. I…was thinking of being a doctor.”
“A doctor? That’s wonderful, Kazuma. You have my support.”
“Thanks. I also would like us to be mates.”
“Then we will. Will you also help me find my brother?”
“Of course, my love. If I have to look all over Demon World to find him, then I will.”
“That’s sweet of you. I had hoped to find him at the tournament seeing as he’s a skilled martial artist.”
“I see. Anything else you know about him?”
“I would think he would have my eye color and about my size.”
“Your eyes and size, huh?” Kuwabara gained a faraway look in his eyes as he tried to think of who matched both criteria. He knew some demons who were short but didn’t have red eyes and vice versa. He blinked and watched Hiei help Yusuke continue practicing his wind powers. You know…Hiei’s short, just a little taller than Yukina. He also had red eyes before the change. The same shade as Yukina’s eyes! Kuwabara felt his mouth go dry. Was it possible that Hiei was…?
Kuwabara waited until Yukina had headed inside before he approached the white wolf. “Hiei,” he said quietly. “Are you Yukina’s brother?”
Hiei’s intense blue eyes narrowed. “What?” he said in a low voice.
“You heard me. Are you?”
Hiei gave Kuwabara an intimidating stare and Kuwabara saw Yusuke nodding repeatedly behind Hiei. A grim smile came to the fox’s face. “You are. You are the same height and your eyes were red before the mission.”
Hiei yanked out his sword and had the tip at Kuwabara’s throat in the blink of an eye. “If you tell her, I will kill you,” he growled.
“Why don’t you tell her? Afraid she’ll hate you and want nothing to do with you?”
“It’s personal and none of your business.”
“Excuse me? Yukina’s my mate and her concerns are my concerns now.”
“He has a point,” Kurama said. “Once a fox has a mate, they keep no secrets from one another.”
“Yukina’s not a fox,” Hiei grated.
“That may be, but Kuwabara is, so if he wishes to tell her, he can.”
Kuwabara grinned as he pushed the tip of the sword away. “Then, that’s what I’m gonna do. Sorry, Hiei. You’ll have some explaining to do real soon.” He dashed inside the house.
Hiei growled again. “I can’t tell her.”
“And you’re not,” Yusuke said. “Kuwabara is.”
Before Hiei could respond, Yukina came out with a pleased Kuwabara behind her. She quickly descended the stairs, raced up to Hiei, and hugged him. She looked up at him with a happy smile. “Kazuma just told me you’re my brother, but not why you kept quiet about it.”
“I…promised to not tell. That’s all I can say.”
“Of course. A promise is a promise. This does explain why you seemed familiar to me when you all came to rescue me.”
“I did see you once before that moment but I was…afraid to get too close.”
“Well, I insist you stay here. We have so much to catch up on.”
“As I am restricted to this city, save for missions, I will take you up on your offer.”
Kuwabara stepped up to them. “I have to go. I have school tomorrow.” He gave Yukina a kiss on the cheek before heading for the exit, Kurama falling into step beside him.
Yusuke watched them leave, feeling frustrated again that he couldn’t head into town like he used to. He wanted to walk among the people, play in the arcade, fight anyone who challenged him, and hang out in general. His demon form prevented him from going to school, yes, but it also kept him from doing his favorite pastimes and his mother. He felt a fresh surge of guilt as he had no doubt that his mother was at least a little concerned about his whereabouts.
“Hiei,” he said. “I want to learn to fly. If I can do that, I can let my mother know I’m okay and tell her about demons, being a Spirit Detective, and our last mission.”
“Will Koenma allow that?”
“He better, considering he’s the one who sent us on the mission that trapped us like this.”
“In that case, let’s practice so you can fly.”
Chapter Ten- Explanation
Yusuke flew high above the city with equal parts of joy and anxiety. He loved the feel of the open air and yet the reason for it prevented his usual normal activities. His anxiety was the fact that he was about to tell his mother everything about his secret life as well as show her what his latest case had done. Would she still love him, accept that he was a demon now? Naturally, I will say that I’m still me despite my body.
Yusuke touched down outside his apartment and opened the bag he had brought. He tied his hair up and put the hat on. He tucked his tail in his pants and slipped on a jacket to cover the hole. He slipped on a pair of gloves and sunglasses before getting out his key and opening the door. “Mom?” he called. He closed the door and slipped off his shoes before Atsuko came staggering slightly into the hall. She stared at him as if hardly believing what she was seeing. “Yusuke,” she said in a whisper. She was not drunk, for which Yusuke was grateful.
“Mom,” he began.
She then grabbed his arms. “Where have you been? The school called, saying you’ve been absent. Yusuke, an education is important and you will be going, starting tomorrow.”
“I can’t go to school, Mom and I can explain.”
“All right. Why can’t you?”
“When I came back after I seemed to have died, I found that I had a special power to see supernatural things like demons disguised as people. Yes, demons are real. My power earned me the job of Spirit Detective by the Spirit World’s prince, Koenma. My job is to protect our world from demons who would cause chaos or terrorize people.
“I also arrest demons who commit crimes against other demons. I have three others who work with me. One is Kuwabara and the others are two good demons. Recently, we were told to arrest a female fox demon and needed to disguise ourselves to get close to her at a club where only members of the canine family can get in. Kuwabara drank a fox formula and I and Hiei, one of the good demons, drank wolf formulas. The other demon, Kurama, was already a fox demon.
“We did arrest her but not before she kissed all three of us with a special lip balm to trap us in our changed forms. I’m stuck as a wolf demon and can’t go to school.” With that, Yusuke removed his sunglasses, gloves, jacket, and hat. He undid his hair and allowed his tail to come out of the hole.
Atsuko stared at Yusuke’s appearance before reaching out to feel an ear and then the hair. “Real,” she said. “This is not a joke or fake.”
“No joke. I am a wolf demon now. I have the senses of a wolf and the faster speed of a demon. I can change into a wolf and I have control over wind. I can actually fly with my power.”
Atsuko couldn’t help smiling at her son’s enthusiasm over flying. “I understand how that can be exciting. Yusuke, you can’t disguise yourself to look human?”
Yusuke shook his head. “That’s not one of my powers, but it is one of the powers of fox demons. Kuwabara can cast an illusion to look human until his energy for that power runs out. The good thing is that the more he uses it, the longer it will last.”
“So, where have you been?”
“In the nearby mountains. One of my first cases as Spirit Detective was to stop a demon from learning a powerful move from a human psychic named Genkai who lives in a home in those mountains. I posed as a candidate for her technique in order to arrest the demon as Genkai was holding a tournament to find her apprentice. I caught the demon and ended up as Genkai’s apprentice which I hadn’t really wanted. But I did learn some moves to improve my spirit energy.”
“Spirit energy?”
“Yeah. I could channel it to fire it like a gun or wrap it around my fist and fire a spray of energy bullets like a shotgun or simply punch my attacker. My spirit energy has changed to demon energy but I can still use my attacks as before in addition to wind powers and being a wolf.” He then covered a yawn and his eyes felt heavy. He gave Atsuko a tired smile at her concerned look.
“I’m all right. I just learned to fly yesterday and it wasn’t a long flight as I had used my energy earlier that day. I’ll get my energy back with some food and sleep.”
Atsuko gave him a small hug. “Get some sleep then and I’ll order some food a little later.”
“Maybe something from Keiko’s?” Yusuke asked hopefully. “She knows I’m a demon too.”
“Thanks. Mom…are you all right with me being a demon? Do you still…love me?”
“Yusuke…of course. I still love you. I admit it is a shock to see you like this and knowing about this life you’ve kept secret, but you’re still my son. I will want to hear more about your job, though.”
Yusuke nodded as he padded off to his bed and was asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. He already planned to fly back to Genkai’s once night fell so he wouldn’t be so noticeable.
The smell of food tickled his nose and stirred him from his sleep. He opened his eyes and blinked as they focused on Keiko who stood in the doorway with a paper sack. He smiled as he sat up. “Hey, Keiko.”
The girl shook her head slightly as she came closer. “It’s still so weird to see you with gray hair.”
Yusuke smothered a yawn as he said, “I understand that. It’s still a little weird to me too.”
“Did you ride all the way here with everything covered up?”
“Oh, right! You don’t know. Keiko, I got wind powers yesterday.”
“Wind? You mean like that guy you fought?”
“Yeah. I learned to fly and came here that way. I plan to fly back after dark.”
Keiko nodded as she handed over the sack and then asked, “Did Kuwabara get his power too?”
“Yeah. He’s got ice powers and can already fire ice shards. He shot them at me because his aggressive fox nature flared up.”
“Did you do something to him to make him attack?” she asked suspiciously.
“I had to! Fox instincts make one aggressive when in the heat of battle or feeling…sexual. He…was wanting to mate with Yukina and I fired an energy bullet that grazed his shoulder. I unconsciously used my wind powers as a shield when he shot ice shards from overhead. Kuwabara came back to his senses when Hiei melted the ice.”
“Oh. Yukina wasn’t hurt, was she?”
“No. She did accept Kuwabara’s declaration of love and became his mate.”
“So, they’re a couple now?”
“Yeah, they are.”
“Do you have to go back to Genkai’s? Your mom knows everything and so do I.”
“I know, but others would see me as a monster and try to attack me or kill me. It’s better if I live up at the compound.”
Keiko nodded reluctantly as Yusuke tore into his dinner. She knew he was right about needing to hide from the city as he would be feared, hated, and possibly killed. But, hopefully, one day demons and humans can live together and then Yusuke and the others won’t have to hide.