Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only Lionel, his staff, and the other nameless demons are mine.
Chapter One- Abducted
“Yusuke! You pervert!” screamed Keiko before she let fly with two face slaps that sent the detective crashing into a tree. She turned from him, fuming. He had not only touched her butt, he had groped her chest, too. She hadn’t minded the butt too much because she really liked him, but the touching of her breasts was going too far. She started to walk away.
“Leave me alone, Yusuke!” she yelled back. “Our friendship is through!” She stormed away, neither one aware of three blue eyes that had witnessed the event.
That girl, the owner thought. She is strong for a human. The perfect slave. He watched her head into the woods and he smiled. Excellent. I can seize her and no one will be able to stop me.
Keiko scowled as she wandered through the trees. Yusuke had really done it this time. I’m never going to forgive him. I had thought that he would have grown up with being a Spirit Detective, but he’s still the same jerk he’s always been. I deserve someone better than that. Hmm, maybe Kurama. He seems like a nice guy.
She heard rustling and cracking and her scowl deepened. She kept her back to the sounds as she crouched down and seized a thick branch. She hefted it before turning and hurling it at a cluster of bushes. “I said leave me alone, Yusuke!”
The branch spun through the air…and landed in a hand with reddish-purple skin. Its claws bit into the wood as the hand closed into a fist, breaking the branch in half. Then, a figure slowly rose from the bushes and Keiko took a step back. It was a demon who looked to be eight feet tall with the same skin color all over his body. A pair of horns sat atop his head and a mane of black hair went down his back. A trio of blue eyes looked at her and the mouth upend to reveal that all his teeth were sharp. A spiked tail was also visible.
“Hello,” the demon said in a melodious voice that seemed at odds with his appearance. “You’re Keiko, yes?” She nodded, stunned. “My name is Lionel. I saw the fight you had with the Spirit Detective. He is a fool to treat you the way he did.” Lionel went up to Keiko and knelt down to look her in the eye. “I, for one, would never touch you like that unless you allowed it.”
“That’s…really nice of you,” Keiko said as she took another look at Lionel. He’s actually good-looking for a demon. And he’s nice and considerate of my feelings. Keiko suddenly gasped as Lionel seized her, stood, and flung her over a shoulder so that her front was facing his front. “Hey!” she exclaimed, pounding on his chest. “Put me down!”
Lionel laughed in a low voice. “I have no intention of doing that. I saw the strength you have with your slaps and the throwing of the branch and I like that. You will be a wonderful slave.”
“No!” Keiko screamed, hoping someone would hear the commotion and come to investigate.
“Oh, don’t be like that,” Lionel said as he walked. “It won’t be so bad. Your primary responsibility will be fulfilling my every desire. I already have cooks, housekeepers, and servants but no personal slave. That will be your place in my home.”
Keiko screamed, kicked, and hit Lionel to attract attention or hit her captor to get him to drop her. Her physical assault had no effect on him; her screams prompted him to put a hand over her mouth. “Oh, really now. I will not order you to have sex with me. My desires will be simple: Bringing my meals, simply keeping me company, and perhaps even beating up foolish demons who think a lot like Yusuke. You will not wear a skimpy outfit for you are fine the way you are.” Lionel nodded approvingly at her pink sweater and brown pants.
Keiko continued to struggle, but she was no match for Lionel’s strength. He stopped in a clearing and pulled a medallion out from under his shirt. He held it up and a dark portal opened up. “I had planned to wait until the tournament’s end to return home, but obviously that’s changed. I want to get to training you for your new role.” He entered the portal that closed up behind him. He found that Keiko had stopped fighting and smiled slightly. She now realizes that she is mine and trapped in Demon World to serve me.
Keiko flinched slightly at the clap of thunder before opening her eyes to see an odd world. The sky was a steady red with dark clouds. Lightning flashed and thunder boomed, yet no rain had fallen. She turned her gaze forward to see a handsome fortress that looked well-defended. Lionel called, “I’m home!” The barred door rose and then the solid steel door behind it opened. Two armed guards stood behind it, one on each side. They bowed as he passed them. “Master,” they said.
“As you were,” he said as the gates closed and several bolts slid across the metal door. “You will be expected to call me Master as well, Keiko,” he added as he entered the front door.
“Not on your life,” she retorted, her mouth now uncovered.
“That may be, but what about on your life? You see, I’m a flesh-eater. You would do just as well as my food as you would a slave. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to be my slave or food.” He bared his sharp teeth at her in a smile.
Keiko’s heart beat hard at what she heard. She had been presented with two terrible fates. She had to choose between being Lionel’s slave or his dinner. She had thought Lionel was nice, but now he was threatening her life, revealing that he was a demon who feasted on flesh, particularly human. Given the options, there’s only one choice.
“Well,” she sighed. “Given my choices, I would choose slavery over being eaten.”
“Wise choice. But believe me, you will have a good life here, serving me. We can spend time simply talking about ourselves.”
“We could,” she said neutrally.
“Good.” He put her on her feet but kept a hand on her shoulder. “Malie!” he called. A female demon, at least six feet tall, with four arms, silver hair, and deep blue skin appeared. She knelt before Lionel. “Yes, Master?”
“Take Keiko to be measured for clothes appropriate for a slave then bring her to my Throne Room.”
“Yes, Master.” Malie took Keiko by the shoulders and guided her down a different hall. She looked the human up an down as they walked. “Why would Master want you as a slave instead of food? He usually eats humans, not enslave them.”
“He said he saw me slap someone real hard and throw a thick branch.”
“Ah, you are stronger than human girls usually are. No wonder he took interest in you.”
“What do you do, Malie?”
“I serve Master faithfully and gladly. Most demon masters are cruel and abusive, treating those he controls as scum or dirt. My master is different; more so as he has decided to take a human as a slave. A personal slave. You are fortunate to be in service to Master Lionel.”
Keiko was quiet as she was brought into the tailor’s workshop and being measured. She caught Lionel’s eye for the unusual strength she had and he decided to take her for his personal slave instead of eating her as he feasted on flesh.
He had stated that she would fulfill his orders and desires, with sex exempt from them. He expected her to bring his meals, keep him company, and punish demons who behave like Yusuke. She knew she could fulfill those duties as the alternative was to be Lionel’s dinner.
I would normally have Yusuke get me out of this situation, she thought as she was led to Lionel’s Throne Room. But, we are no longer friends and besides, I am quite capable of protecting myself and fighting back if I have to. I will serve Lionel and hopefully get me to believe he can let me roam free and alone. Once I have that, I will try to get home.
Chapter Two- Duties and Tour
Malie led Keiko into the throne room and down the plush red carpet to the ornate throne where Lionel sat. Malie bowed to Lionel. “Your slave as ordered, Master.”
“Thank you, Malie. You are dismissed. Keiko, take your place.” Lionel pointed to a large overstuffed cushion on his left as Malie left. Keiko went to it and almost sank into the cushion. It was certainly comfortable and knew she wouldn’t be sore sitting beside Lionel.
Lionel nodded as Keiko took her seat. “Now, I will tell you what I expect from you in terms of etiquette and protocol. Ground rules, if you will.
“First, you will call me Master. When I give you an order or you greet me, you will bow or kneel and give the appropriate response. Understand so far?”
Keiko kneeled and said, “Yes, Master.”
“Very good.” Lionel nodded in approval. “You will stay by my side unless you are obeying my orders. I have a servant’s quarters adjourned to my chambers. That will be where you will sleep.”
Keiko pressed her face into the cushion. “Yes, Master.” She found herself complying quite easily with the Master rule. In truth, it’s not too different from addressing a teacher except I’m his slave, not his student. The thought of school and all she had just lost brought tears to her eyes. A stifled sob came out and reached Lionel’s ears.
He turned his head to see the girl’s shoulders shake, her head still bowed. “Keiko?” he asked and was a bit concerned when she lifted her head and he saw tears streaking her cheeks. “Keiko, why are you crying?”
Keiko hastily wiped them away and took deep breaths to compose herself. “I’m sorry…Master,” she said between hitched gasps. “It’s just that I’ll…miss school and my friends…if I say here with…you.”
“So you are smart as well as brave and strong. I like strong, smart people. I am sorry I took you from everything and everyone you know. Passage between our worlds is very rare and don’t last long. Your life is here now.”
“I…understand, Master.” Keiko’s gasps slowed and she was breathing normally again.
“Tell me more about yourself. I like learning about my staff’s background. I may be able to provide something to make the transition easier.”
“Well, I’m an only child and at school I…was class president and very active in clubs and after school activities. My parents run a restaurant.”
Lionel listened to Keiko tell him about herself and thought of a couple of things that might ease her feelings of being trapped here. When she lapsed into silence, Lionel nodded. “That’s quite the life you had.”
“It was, Master.”
“Allow me to share my history with you. After all, you are expected to be at my side at all times. I, too, was an only child. I had to make my own way when I was your age as my parents were dead by then and I learned the art of being charming and persuasive to get what I wanted. However, I ended up being caught and enslaved by a sadistic and cruel master. He was feared and hated by all he owned and everyone desired to see him dead but none dared oppose him. I was sixteen when I first started to serve him and I spent five years being abused and belittled until I was finally able to kill him. I became the lord of this fortress and I set all of my fellow slaves free, but some elected to stay and serve me. I vowed to never be cruel and abusive to those I own as I knew what it was like to be abused. It is a system that has worked for many years since then.”
“So, everyone here serves you willingly, Master?” Keiko asked after several moments of silence.
“They do and I provide them with all the comforts: Plenty of food, a roof over their heads, and some manner of leisure activity.” He rose and pulled Keiko to her feet. “Let me show you around and I will give you a surprise at the end of it.”
Keiko was intrigued by the mystery surprise and followed Lionel as he began to give her a tour of her new home. Their first stop was his impressive bed chamber and her connecting room. She had to admit that her new room was larger than her room back home and felt that her enslavement was looking up a little. She thought back on Lionel’s history as he showed her around.
He was abused while being a slave himself. Most ex-slaves upon becoming a lord or mater tend to emulate the ones who abused them. But, Lionel’s different. His staff do not suffer abuse and are happy to serve him. He treats them nicely and would seem to threaten only occasionally as he did with me earlier. I refused to call him Master and he revealed to be a flesh-eating demon and said I could either be his slave or his food. Obviously, I prefer to live than die. Now that I know his background, I will serve him and be treated well.
“Here is one of my favorite places,” Lionel said as they stepped through a doorway leading outside. Keiko gasped at the sight of a large and beautiful garden. Countless plants and flowers in dazzling colors were laid out as far as the eye could see and various trees formed small orchards in the corners of the area.
“Master, this is beautiful.”
“Thank you. Some of these plants are used in potions to aid in healing, but others are used in other ways. I won’t tell you any of those uses today, but eventually I will.”
He led her back inside, Keiko suspecting that he was still unsure of her loyalty and if she wished to know those other uses he had mentioned, she had to prove she was willing to serve him faithfully and be glad to do so.
Lionel smiled to himself. He had just given Keiko a potential incentive to serve him faithfully. Most of his staff knew the effects of all the plants and flowers in the garden when mixed into a potion or formula. If she wishes to know, she knows what she had to do. Keiko has admitted to being a class president and I surmise that hints at a smart and fair-minded girl. Intelligent people have a thirst for knowledge to some degree and the look on her face at seeing the garden tells me she would love to learn about those plants she doesn’t know.
Lionel went on to show her where the rest of the staff slept as well as the dining hall, the kitchen, the bathroom she and the staff would use, and the leisure room that had comfortable chairs, couches, tables, and where the staff ate.
“Now, my dear, is the time for that surprise I mentioned. You told me your parents run a restaurant. I wouldn’t mind sampling some of those dishes at some point.” Lionel paused at a set of double doors. “Behind these doors is your surprise.” He threw open the doors and let Keiko enter first.
She stepped inside and gasped. An enormous library was laid out before her. There were bookcases several feet tall with ladders to reach the top shelves. Each case had dozens of shelves which, in turn, housed hundreds of books. The center of the room contained tables with chairs arranged around them.
“Master, this is incredible,” she finally said. “I’ve never seen a library this big.”
“Well, as the saying goes, knowledge is power. It’s good to be physically strong but I believe being smart is also important.”
“I agree, Master. Absolutely.” She gazed at the room, turning in a circle with a smile.
Lionel also smiled. “I thought you would like the library so I save it for last. I would like to see you continue to learn and I will tell you when to read.”
“And I will gladly do so. I would also be happy to serve you.”
A deep gong sounded and Lionel smiled again. “That is the meal gong. It is dinnertime and for you to fulfill one of your duties. You will bring my dinner to me, then get your own, and sit beside me. As my personal slave, you will dine with me.”
“Yes, Master,” Keiko answered as she followed Lionel out of the library and to the dining room.
Chapter Three- Lionel’s Career
Master and slave entered the dining room that had a long table but only two place settings. Keiko had no doubt that Lionel would sit at the table’s head which was furthest from the door leading to the kitchen. She headed into the kitchen where a large covered dish sat on the counter. She lifted it, carried it out, put it before Lionel, bowed, and said, “Your dinner, Master.”
“Thank you. Well done, Keiko. Now get your dinner and we’ll dine.” Lionel poured water into two glasses as Keiko left to retrieve her dish which was smaller as she was shorter than everyone else in the place. She took her seat, waited for Lionel to uncover his plate, and then followed suite. She looked at her plate and quickly looked at Lionel’s feeling slightly sick.
There were vegetables and another side dish but most of the plate was piled with flesh, some of it clearly human! She averted her gaze to her plate. He told you he ate flesh, especially human. He’s not going to change that just because you’re human.
Lionel felt amused by Keiko’s reaction. He knew his cuisine choice would be repulsive t her, but eventually she would grow used to him eating flesh. At least I eat it like a civilized being. He neatly cut a piece with his knife and fork and transferred it from fork to mouth. He savored the tender bite before swallowing. His cooks always prepared the flesh perfectly. Of course, if they don’t, I would make them eat it which would make them insure that my food is well-prepared.
“I have some guests coming after breakfast tomorrow and naturally, you will be there. After lunch, you will retire to the library until dinner.”
“Yes, Master.”
Lionel nodded approvingly. Keiko was being a good slave and, given her background as a student, she was expected to respect authority figures and he certainly was that. I was right to choose her for a personal slave. Perhaps, in time, she will service me in a sexual capacity.
When both plates were cleaned, Keiko returned them to the kitchen and then followed Lionel to the Throne Room where she resumed her place. “Keiko, my guests may insult you and I will not permit that. So, it will be your job to make sure they show some manners.”
“Yes, Master.” Keiko was certainly familiar with standing up for herself. She showed that she was no weak helpless girl numerous times and would do it again, if necessary. She attended to Lionel’s every word as he detailed his plans for her as this was her life now. She was the personal slave of a demon. Honestly, it didn’t seem too bad. Lionel was a kind master having already experienced harsh treatment from a master of his own. He knew that was not the way he would treat his own servants when he killed his master and took ownership of this fortress. If I was meant to be a slave, I certainly lucked out in getting Lionel.
Lionel then stood, yawned, and stretched. “It’s time to sleep. We both have big days tomorrow.” He left the throne room with Keiko behind him. They stopped at the staff bathroom so Keiko could wash up and prepare for bed. He then led her to his room and she went to her room through the only door in and out of it. She found a pile of clothes on the bed and knew these were her slave clothes. She looked through them to find that they weren’t bad; certainly not skimpy as Lionel had promised. She found a nightgown within the pile as she put the clothes away and put it on. She climbed into the large bed and, as she fell asleep, felt that the others were probably worried about her. She felt bad about making them worry, but she couldn’t let them know that she was all right. Not that Yusuke would care, anyway.
The next morning breakfast passed similar fashion to dinner last night with both retiring to the throne room to await Lionel’s guests. She wondered what Lionel did for a living and decided to ask as the three-eyed demon seemed to love conversation and encouraged others to ask questions. “Master, what do you do for a living?”
Lionel bared his sharp teeth in a, nonetheless, charming smile. “I’m glad you asked,” he said. “I’m a trader for most part. Prospective buyers come to me for whatever they seek and know that I have it. They will try to get the item by offering something in return. Once, someone wanted this awful statue and offered me beautiful cloth in return. Why he wanted the statue is beyond me but I couldn’t turn down the cloth. In fact, your clothes were made from it.” He admired the deep purple soft cotton shirt and pants set she wore. The clothes adhered to her figure and felt so nice against her skin.
Keiko nodded and her opinion of Lionel rose. He was clearly of a different breed than the demons she had encountered at the tournament. Yes, he ate flesh and seemed to enjoy fights, but he treated those in his service with kindness and encouraged questions. He was kind and nice and she again considered herself lucky to serve him.
The doors opened and two guards, one on each side, entered, and bowed. “Your guests have arrived, Master,” one said.
“Very good. Send them in.”
The guards bowed again, left, and then four demons entered with sacks or sleds of items on them. Each one was different: One looked reptilian, one had bat-like wings and talon-like feet, one possessed eight eyes and arms, and the last one had spines all along his gray-skinned body. They all bowed to Lionel and two of them looked curiously at her before looking at Lionel again.
“Welcome to my home,” Lionel said. “I look forward to all of us benefiting from this trade swap.”
“That remains to be seen, Lord Lionel,” the reptile hissed.
“Indeed. Let us start with you. What do you desire and what have you to offer in trade?”
“I saw a wonderful vase in the Entrance Hall and I’m willing to trade this rug for it.” He pulled a hallway rug from his sled.
“Which vase do you want?”
“The pink and yellow one.”
“I see.” Personally, Lionel hated that vase and was willing to trade anything for it. Plus, the rug would look wonderful in the Entrance Hall. “You have a deal. Malie!” he called and she came in quickly and kneeled. “Yes, Master?”
“Retrieve the pink and yellow vase from the Entrance Hall and give it to the one with the rug.”
“Yes, Master.” Malie scurried off to fetch the vase while Lionel pointed at the multi-eyed demon. “What do you want and what have you to trade?”
“I have a sack of gold and jewels. I would gladly trade it for the girl.” One of his arms gestured at Keiko.
“I’m sorry but she is not for sale,” Lionel said pleasantly. “I acquired her yesterday as my personal slave and I’ve grown fond of her.”
All four recoiled at this and the winged one spat, “Fond of her? A filthy human?”
Lionel scowled and gave Keiko a sideways glance that told her that another of her duties had come. She got up and went up to the winged demon and glared up at him. “You gotta problem with humans?” she snapped, poking him.
“Yes. Your kind are weak, spineless cowards. All you’re good for is food.”
“Is that so?” she asked calmly before driving a fist into his gut with all her strength. The force of the punch drove him back a few feet and he doubled over in pain. Keiko smirked at the result before cocking a fist and fixing the others with the glare that usually intimidated Yusuke. “Anyone else think I’m weak and spineless?” she asked in a low, deadly voice. There was a shaking of heads and Keiko resumed her place.
“Oh, she’s a strong one, milord,” the multi-eyed ne said. “A shame she is not for sale. She would make an interesting companion.”
The trade continued, but Lionel kept glancing at Keiko. She had handled herself well with that spirit and strength that had interested him yesterday. Hmm, she would make an interesting companion and maybe she would agree to being much more than a slave.
Chapter Four- Transition
Keiko spooned the vegetables and noodles onto Lionel’s plate before sprinkling a little garnish on them. It was dinnertime on the day after the swap and Lionel had asked her to cook up a side dish for his dinner. She gladly did as asked, again noticing the slight change in Lionel’s conduct with her. He seemed more personable than before. He asked about her comfort, her hobbies, and her friends. She had asked her fellow servants if they had noticed the change and they said they did, saying that it was likely he saw her as more of a friend than a slave.
He is definitely an unusual demon, she thought as she covered the plate. Clearly demons are not all the same, just like all humans aren’t the same. She brought Lionel’s dinner to him with the usual bowing and announcement before getting hers, and sitting beside him.
Lionel lifted the lid and an unusual but pleasant smell tickled his nose. It took him no time to figure out the source: His side dishes. He speared a vegetable and brought it to his mouth. A delightful tasted touched his tongue along with a tangy sensation. He swallowed and sampled some noodles. “Mm,” he said once he swallowed. “Delightful, Keiko. You inherited your parents’ talent.”
“Thank you, Master.”
Lionel smiled at her. “Keiko, I have been thinking since yesterday after the swap that you could be more than a slave; somewhere between friend and lover I would like to think. I enjoy your company and having someone to talk to. You are also pretty for a human, no offense.”
“None taken, Master. If I may…?”
“Go ahead. Say what’s on your mind.”
Keiko looked him in the eyes. “You’ve shown me that not all demons are bad like I had thought. I consider myself lucky and honored to serve you.”
“That’s good, but I would like our relationship to be more than master and slave. You would be a lovely companion.”
“It would be a little strange. A human and a demon together.”
“It would, especially in Demon World. I may become the target of demons who are biased against such a relationship.”
“I don’t want to cause trouble for you, Master.”
“I know you don’t.” He surveyed Keiko for a moment before saying, “What would you think if you became a demon like me?”
“Well, you are free to do what you wish to do to me, Master. I would have no objections over becoming a demon as I live here now.”
“So, no objections?”
“None, Master.”
“Lovely. The servants who specialize in the mixing of potions have been working on a formula to make you a demon since lunchtime yesterday and assure me that it will be finished during breakfast tomorrow.”
Keiko’s heart pounded at hearing that. She was only one night away from being a demon like Lionel. She wondered what she would look like and knew she would accept whatever she got. Once I’ve changed, what will our relationship be like? Will I still call him Master? Will I act differently as a demon? These questions raced through her mind as she got ready for bed that night. The prospect of becoming a demon sounded exciting and she wondered how she could possibly sleep with these thoughts on her min, but the moment her head hit the pillow, she was asleep.
Keiko served Lionel his breakfast, wearing a special dress. It was made of iridescent purple material that would change to fit Keiko’s figure perfectly. It currently enhanced her body’s shape and it would do the same when she became a demon whether she shrank or got taller.
Both were halfway through breakfast when a knock sounded. “Enter,” Lionel said. The door opened and a demon shorter than Keiko and possessing a single eye entered with a smoking goblet. He knelt, bowed his head, and lifted the goblet to Lionel. “It is ready, Master.”
“Excellent.” He took the goblet and the demon left. “Keiko, I have one last order for you. Once you are a demon, you will become Lady Keiko and own this fortress alongside me.”
“Yes, Master,” Keiko said, liking the sound of becoming a lady. She would not be engaged or married to Lionel; they would simply be rulers of their home. She accepted the goblet Lionel held out to her. She toasted it by nodding to Lionel before drinking the rather disgusting concoction.
A burning fiery sensation burned in her stomach. She slid out of her chair, fell to her knees, and wrapped her arms around her stomach, eyes closed. She could feel her body changing as it elongated, burned, enlarged, and grew new parts. The pain faded away and she sensed Lionel beside her.
“Oh, Keiko. You are quite lovely,” he said.
She opened her brown eyes and had to blink to focus on Lionel. Her vision had altered and she raised a hand to find that she had grown a third eye. She lowered her hand to see that the skin was green and the fingers had long claws.
She slowly stood, finding that she was taller. Lionel also stood and that told her that she was seven feet; a far cry from her previous height of five feet four inches. Her breasts had enlarged to fit her new height and body as had her dress. She lifted her hands to her head to find two back-curving horns. Something brushed against her feet and she craned her neck to see a long clubbed tail. She looked at Lionel and gave him a sharp teethed smiled.
“I love my new form,” she said.
“As well you should. Come, Keiko. I have a surprise in the throne room.” He guided Keiko out of the room, helping her adjust to her new height, breast size, and tail as they headed to the throne room.
They stepped inside and Keiko gave a small gasp. Her cushion was gone and a beautiful throne was in its place. It was the female counterpart to Lionel’s throne. They walked over to them and sat down. “So, now that I’m not a slave, what do I do?” she asked.
“Pretty much anything you desire. This is your home and you are the lady of the fortress. My staff is your staff too. I would like you to attend my trade swaps as an actual participant.”
Keiko nodded and smiled as she slid her tail across the floor as the throne had an opening in the back for it, making it comfortable to sit. She absolutely loved her tail and her long, sharp claws. She felt strong and powerful and reasoned that she likely was. She ran her tongue carefully along her teeth and found all of them were sharp like Lionel’s. In fact, I have the same features. I have three eyes, horns, claws, a tail, and a tall height. Well, I do think Lionel is good-looking for a demon, so I don’t mind looking similar to him. It makes us look the part of being the lord and lady of this place.
“Mas-I mean, uh…”
“My lord or Lionel will do.”
“My lord, am I a flesh-eater like you?”
“You are, but that does not mean you have to.”
Keiko felt relieved at hearing that but she chose to think about it. Her body had transformed into a flesh-eating demon one and she did not have to eat flesh, though. It was possible that she would eventually eat flesh. She was officially a member of Demon World and she suspected that most age humans flesh. As the humans say, when in Rome do as the Romans do. So, as I’m a demon and in Demon World, I should do as demons do. But, that can wait until I have adjusted to my body. She rose from her throne. “My lord, I believe I will go and read.”
“Very well, Keiko and we will have another trade swap tomorrow afternoon.”
“I look forward to that.” She smiled as she left the room.
Chapter Five- Accepting
Keiko strode down the hall and took a detour to her room and up to her full-length mirror to admire her body. She was green-skinned from head to tail and it complemented her purple dress. A pair of black horns curved backwards like dragon horns. The eye on her forehead matched her other two and, when she smiled, it exposed her needle-sharp teeth. Her claws were long, elegant, and extremely sharp. She suspected they wouldn’t damage Lionel’s skin or her own as it was likely that Lionel had donate some of his blood to the formula.
She turned to the side to see the rest of her body. She stood on two large feet and her legs were longer and bigger. Her tail laid still, the rounded spiky end on the floor. Her chest had enlarged and made her an overall attractive demon. Her hair had grown a little so it was still in the same style she had before. She couldn’t help smiling. She liked how she looked and knew she would love being a demon. I definitely can’t go home like this and besides why would I want to now? I am the lady of the fortress and I’ll be treated with respect and like royalty. She cast a glance around her room as she left. Earlier everything had seemed huge; now that she was taller, everything looked like the right size. Oh, yes. I will love living here now.
Keiko busied herself with reading, learning to do so with three eyes. She found the third eye could operate independently of the other two which was cool and would take some getting used to. She also had to learn to control her new strength; she needed less force to turn the pages than she did before.
The meal gong sounded and she got up, replaced the book, and left the library to go to the dining room. She surmised that she would no longer bring Lionel his meals; instead she would be served. Her life had definitely improved. She entered the dining room and executed a slight curtesy. “My lord,” she said.
“My lady,” he replied as she sat. “So, how was the rest of the morning?”
“Good. Of course I’m still getting used to being taller and have a third eye. I found my eye can look in a different direction than the others.”
“Yes. It makes it hard to sneak up on us, except for the back.” He clapped his hands before saying, “You should meet with the tailor this afternoon for new clothes.”
“I’ll do that,” she said as a cook put their dishes before them, noting her dish was as big as Lionel’s now. She lifted the lid to find the food she was used to. Lionel made small talk as they ate, the flesh on his plate no longer bothering her, but she did feel a desire to try some; although she was still getting accustomed to her new status and form, she had to also keep in mind that she was a demon who ate flesh, particularly human. But, could I do so already? I mean, I was human this morning until halfway through breakfast.
She looked over to see Lionel with a fork that held a small piece of flesh. “Would you like to try?” he asked.
She looked at the bite and could feel her mouth water. She swallowed back her saliva before nodding. Lionel moved the fork toward her and she opened her mouth to accept the food. The fork went in and she closed her mouth so Lionel could slide the utensil out, leaving the flesh in her mouth. Her teeth tore the flesh as she chewed. A strange, yet pleasant taste touched her taste buds. It was wonderful as she swallowed the bite and noticed Lionel looking at her, waiting for her reaction. “Well?” he prompted.
She licked her lips. “It tasted a little strange, but pleasant. It was good.”
Lionel smiled. “I see. Shall I have the cook place at least a little flesh on your plate from now on?”
“Yes, please.”
“Then, it will be done.” Lionel rose and went into the kitchen. He was pleased at how quickly Keiko had given in to her new in-born trait to eat flesh. He could eat other parts of humans, but preferred the skin. He had other human-eating servants and let them have the rest. It’s a convenient arrangement and now that Keiko is a flesh-eater, everything is good.
“My lady,” the tailor said, going to one knee.
“Hi. I need to be measure for new clothes and I would like to see your selections.”
“As you wish, my lady.” The tailor got out a stool, clipboard, and measuring tape before getting on the stool as he was only six feet tall.
Keiko stood still as the tailor took her measurements. She had to admit that it was a little strange to be addressed as “my lady”, but she liked it- a lot. She couldn’t go back to what she was and she honestly didn’t want to. She loved being a demon, to be tall, strong, and powerful. No one was going to take that away from her! This may be the demon in me talking, but I will kill anyone who tries to turn me human again.
“My lady, the measurements are done. Allow me to show you my collection of cloths.”
“Very well.” Keiko followed the shorter demon to where his cloths were neatly lined up. She felt amusement at thinking of six feet as short when she only stood at seven feet. Her eyes roved over the colorful cloths and she carefully felt them to determine whether she would like them to be made into clothing.
Yusuke fought to stay upright though he wanted to collapse and sleep for a week. However, Koenma had called them for a case, the specifics of which he didn’t know yet.
“So, what’s this about?” he grumbled.
“It’s a kidnapping case. I hope the person can be rescued but it may be too late.” Koenma activated the view screen and Lionel’s picture appeared. “His name is Lionel and he was spotted on Hanging Neck Island the day you won your third match, but left not long after and…he took a captive with him.”
“Who?” Yusuke asked.
Koenma sighed. “Keiko.”
Yusuke’s mouth dropped. “He took Keiko!?” Despite their harsh words and friendship ending, Yusuke still cared about her. “We need to save her.”
“I don’t know if that’s possible,” Koenma said. “Lionel is one of those demons who feasts on human flesh. It’s likely that he’s already eaten her.”
Yusuke sank to his knees and his eyes went blank. Eaten? he thought. So, she’s gone? No, she can’t be.
“Koenma, it is likely she is still alive, yes?” Kurama asked. “If she was dead, her ghost would have been brought here.” His words stirred Yusuke and he got up hopefully.
Koenma clapped a hand to his forehead. “Yes, of course. She has to be alive.”
“So we bust into his place and rescue her,” Kuwabara said.
“It won’t be that easy,” Koenma told them. “His fortress is heavily defended and his guards are too well-trained. However, there is a way in tomorrow afternoon. Lionel has a career as a swap trader and a pair looking to trade will be there tomorrow to trade.”
“So, we pose as traders to gain entry,” Kurama said. “Once inside, we can search for Keiko and get her out and back to her parents.”
“Yeah! Perfect!” Yusuke said.
Koenma nodded. “That was my thinking too.”
“We will need items to bring with us,” Hiei finally spoke up.
“I will take care of that,” Koenma said. “Get some rest and report back in the morning for a final debriefing and your equipment.”
Yusuke wanted to protest. His childhood friend was in the clutches of a demon who ate humans. She was probably a bit scared, but no doubt being brave. She would not let herself be pushed around. He staggered out to head home for some sleep and prayed Keiko was okay.
Chapter Six- Confrontation
Keiko savored the human flesh that sat on her lunch plate. It was the day of the trade swap and she looked forward to it. She would be an actual participant as opposed to last time. Demons would propose swaps to her and she would discuss them with Lionel as he would be with her. She chewed another bite; she had been eating flesh since dinner the previous night and knew she couldn’t go back to her previous life and food choices. She liked how things were now and knew they would remain this way forever.
Lionel’s third eye admired Keiko as he ate. She had adapted quickly to her new lifestyle and it was clear that she liked it. He also admired her outfit: A knee-length red skirt with a matching shirt with a plunging V-neck that gave a modest glimpse of the line between her breasts which were covered completely. The red shade complemented her skin perfectly. She has wonderful fashion sense. She will add some style to our home with our trade swaps. He wiped his mouth and stood, Keiko following suite. “It will soon be time for the swap. Let us retire to our thrones and await our guests.”
“Yes, my lord.” Keiko followed the taller demon, servants bowing as they passed. Their show of deference and respect filled her with a sense of superiority. When she was a slave, her status was equal to the rest of the staff. It changed after she became a demon like Lionel. It was clear to the staff that Lionel was fond of her, but not in a romantic way. She wasn’t feeling love for him, either. He was simply a co-ruler. As she took her seat, she wondered what items the demons would want and what they would offer.
Yusuke looked up at the defended fortress and then turned to his team. All four wore hooded robes and cloths over their lower faces. “How do demon know of what Lionel owns?” he asked.
“A list of his possessions is circulated on the Demon World web and is updated when a swap is concluded,” Kurama explained. “These swap meets are held on an irregular basis. The last one was the day after Keiko’s abduction.”
The team were not the only ones waiting to be admitted. Two other demons were also there. They were holding printouts of Lionel’s possessions and looking through the items they had brought. The sound of gates opening drew everyone’s attention and the group was allowed in, all six of them. They were guided down a long hallway with paintings, vases, statues, and a rug decorating it. They were led into the throne room through double doors and in that room, two tall demons awaited them on thrones. The team recognized Lionel from the image they had seen on the view screen, but the female next to him was not familiar.
Lionel smiled at all of them. “Welcome, my friends. I look forward to a beneficial trade swap. Now, who wishes to go first?”
One demon with four arms and gray skin stepped forward. “My lord, the list says you have a set of gold jeweled staffs. I would covet them and am willing to trade these swords for them.” He pulled out and laid several sheathed swords on the floor. Lionel rose, went over, grabbed one, and unsheathed it. His eyes widened. “These swords are rare. The blades are made of a rare metal and are indestructible. Oh, yes. I would be willing to trade my staffs for these swords.” He looked at Keiko who nodded with an impressed expression on her face. “It is agreed.” He nodded to a guard who left and returned minutes later with the staffs. The trade was made and the demon left, satisfied with the exchange.
The second demon came forward and knelt before Keiko. “My lady, I believe I have something to interest you. I would like the painting of the previous owner and in exchange I will trade these lovely cloths.” He pulled out three rolls of material that took Keiko’s breath away. They were undeniably gorgeous and she looked at Lionel who nodded in agreement. He had been hoping someone who take away the painting of his former master before he decided to burn it.
“I accept,” she said, unaware of Yusuke’s eyes widening at hearing her voice. She nodded to a guard and the trade was made. The demon left and a guard took the cloths off to the tailor.
Yusuke took two steps before gasping in disbelief, “Keiko!?”
Keiko also gasped. “Yusuke?”
The detective removed his disguise and so did the others. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He had thought he would be rescuing Keiko; instead she was a demon and was a lady of the fortress.
“What are you doing here?” she snapped.
“I’m here on a case. Koenma said you had been kidnapped.”
“Sad to say, it’s true,” Lionel said. “I had seen the argument you two had and her strength interested me. I took her for my personal slave and, in a short time, I grew fond of her. I asked her if she would like to be a demon and my companion as co-ruler of my home. As you can see, she accepted.”
“Keiko, he clearly tricked you,” Kuwabara said.
“No, he didn’t. I had accepted that I was trapped here and Lionel has been nice to me before I changed.” She smiled at him. “We are not engaged or married but we do rule together. I like it here and don’t want to leave, especially since I can’t be human again.”
Yusuke took in Keiko’s appearance. She was clearly taller, had horns, three eyes, claws, and a tail. She did make a good demon, but he felt she needed to come home. “Keiko, I can’t leave you here. Come with us and we’ll find a way to change you back.”
“You can leave me here and you will. I love being a demon and I don’t want to leave. You can tell my parents I ran away or something.” Her eyes flared. “Now leave or we will kill and eat you.”
Yusuke stepped back at the threat. “What?” he asked.
“You heard,” Lionel spoke up. “You, no doubt, know that I am a flesh-eater and the formula Keiko consumed made her a flesh-eater as well. She began to do so last night. Now, you will leave or we will eat your flesh for dinner.”
Yusuke opened his mouth to argue, but Kurama put a hand on his shoulder. “All right,” the redhead said. “We will leave.” He pulled Yusuke from the room and the fortress, the others behind them.
“Kurama, we can’t leave her,” Yusuke protested.
“I am afraid that we have to. It is likely the formula also altered her mind if she is now eating human flesh. Her mind would still be altered if we could change her back to human. She would be shunned by humans for her desire to eat flesh. It is best to let her live here.”
Yusuke sighed as he saw the logic of Kurama’s reasoning. “All right. Let’s go back to Koenma and tell him.” He led his team away, silently wishing Keiko well with her new life.
Keiko smiled smugly as the quartet left. “About time they got the message,” she remarked once they were out of earshot.
“Indeed. It seems Yusuke still considers you a friend.”
“I may do the same one day,” she said slowly.
Lionel went to the two bags they had left behind. He opened them and peered inside. “They went to great lengths to get inside. These bags contain weapons, gold, and jewels.”
Keiko rose and looked also. “Impressive. Let’s add them to our list and put them where they belong.”
“Of course.” Lionel took a bag and Keiko took the other. They left the room to put their new loot away before going to dinner. It was another meal with human flesh and Keiko savored it and reveled it the demon she had become and her life’s new status. It is good to be a demon, she thought as she ate. And I will stay one forever.