Disclaimer: I don’t own Pokemon. This is an alternate version of “Cursed.” I spliced together pieces from the two different endings and then filled in the rest so this is a darker, bloodier version.
Chapter One- The Bite
Ash watched from hiding the pokémon training taking place on Clawmark Hill with his friend Pikachu beside him. It had been some time since he witnessed his Rockruff training here, learning and perfecting its Rock Throw attack. It wasn’t going to come back here as it was a Lycanroc now- Dusk Form Lycanroc as he dubbed it. Ash’s eyes lifted to see Midday and Midnight Lycanroc standing on the hill’s highest points, watching the other pokémon as they trained. He had been impressed when he first saw the evolved forms of Rockruff, just as his Rockruff had idolized Gladion’s Lycanroc. He more than understood: Midnight Lycanroc was cool-looking.
“Pika pi?” said Pikachu, tugging on Ash’s shorts and sounding nervous. He looked down to see the electric mouse pointing. He looked in that direction to see Midnight Lycanroc was missing! Oh boy. Professor Kukui said that the pokémon on Clawmark Hill don’t like humans watching their training. He turned to leave and came face-to-snout with Midnight Lycanroc! He cried out in surprise as the wolf pokémon growled and stared at him with glowing red eyes. “Uh, look, I’m sorry for watching. I promise I won’t come back here.”
Lycanroc didn’t answer; instead its head lanced forward and bit Ash on the shoulder. Ash cried out in pain and Pikachu reacted by swinging an Iron Tail on Lycanroc’s head. The attack struck home and Lycanroc released Ash who wasted no time in bolting from the scene, Pikachu right behind him.
They reached the beach outside the professor’s home and Ash collapsed on the sand on his knees, breathing hard. He pulled off his shirt and examined the bite mark: It wasn’t bleeding, but it really hurt. Pikachu looked at it too before looking at Ash. “Pika?” it asked.
“I’ll be okay, Pikachu. Thanks for saving me back there. I didn’t think wild Lycanroc could be vicious like that.” He shook his head as he pulled the shirt back on, went inside with Pikachu and the two went to sleep, Ash taking care not to lay on his left side.
Ash was awoken the next morning by Lycanroc licking his dangling left hand, making him laugh in his sleep. He slowly opened his eyes to see his pokemon’s snout and he screamed and sat up on the couch before he realized that it was his Lycanroc and not the one that attacked him. His scream woke everyone else in the house. Professor Kukui came running in, alarmed. “Ash, what’s wrong?”
Ash took several deep breaths before saying, “A nightmare. Lycanroc just startled me.” He stroked its head. “It’s okay, pal. Not your fault.”
Lycanroc grinned, but it faded slightly when Ash turned and it thought it saw a Midnight Lycanroc superimposed over its trainer for a second. It sniffed the air briefly: It smelled something different in the air, but couldn’t quite place it. It shook its head as it joined the other pokémon for breakfast. Today was a special day for Lycanroc: It wouldn’t be staying home today, instead it was accompanying Ash and Pikachu to school. Rowlet would stay home to keep Litten company. Neither Ash nor Lycanroc knew why; the professor just said that Lycanroc needed to come to school.
Ash felt anxious and paranoid as he traveled to school. He kept glancing around as if expecting an attack, although everything looked as it always did when going to school. He didn’t know why he felt so wary of his surroundings and that wasn’t all: He was also hearing and smelling better than usual. Everything was clearer or sharper, but his edgy emotions distracted him from enjoying these senses.
“Alola, Ash,” Lillie greeted as he entered the room. His other classmates echoed the greeting.
“Alola, everyone,” he said, the sight of his friends cheered him up and brought his easygoing smile to his face. His fright this morning and his paranoia faded to the back of his mind. Once seated, the bell rang and Kukui walked in. “Alola, class. Today we’re going to take a closer look at Lycanroc. Ash, if you could let Lycanroc out?” Kukui pulled out pictures of Midday and Midnight.
“Sure.” Ash released his pokémon, the reason for Lycanroc’s presence finally clear.
Kukui began by pointing out the different looks of all three forms, before explaining the moves they shared as well as the different moves while the class took notes the whole time. “All right. That’s all the notes you need. Now, I’m going to tell you about a dark myth surrounding Midnight Lycanroc.” He tapped the picture and the class leaned forward to listen.
“Now, you now that wild Lycanroc live all over Alola. However, if an abandoned Rockruff evolves into Midnight Lycanroc, its anger over abandonment could cause it to carry a curse.”
“A curse?” squeaked Lillie, holding Snowy tight.
Kukui nodded. “If such a Lycanroc were to bite a person, then he or she would turn into a vicious Midnight Lycanroc, but only during the full moon.”
Ash swallowed hard and glanced sideways at Pikachu. He had been bitten by a Lycanroc! Was he cursed now? “Professor, if this myth was true, does it say how to tell if Lycanroc was abandoned and if there’s a way to break the curse?”
“Excellent questions, Ash. Now, I’ll have to look into the curse because I can’t remember if it can be broken. I’ll be sure to tell you guys about it tomorrow. Now, they say that if the Lycanroc’s red eyes are glowing, that’s a good indicator it was abandoned as a Rockruff. Plus, the abandonment has to be by a trainer which is why people are the targets of an attack.”
“Oh, man Pikachu,” Ash groaned on the way home after school. “I’m cursed, I just know it! That Lycanroc’s eyes were glowing, it was abandoned by its trainer! I’m gonna turn into a vicious Lycanroc tonight since it’s a full moon!”
“Chu,” Pikachu said. It wasn’t sure Ash was cursed. The professor had said it was a myth. Suppose the glowing eyes just meant it was angry that Ash was watching the training? Pikachu knew Ash would want to take precautions just in case and Pikachu was determined to be by Ash’s side as the story said that only humans were the targets and besides, it was Ash’s friend.
Kukui was concerned about Ash’s behavior the rest of the afternoon. The boy was anxious, restless, and most unusual of all, he was quiet. “Ash, is something wrong?”
Ash looked at him for a moment before saying, “Yeah. It’s that story you told in class. I believe it’s real. I met up with a Midnight Lycanroc at Clawmark Hill last night. Its eyes were glowing and it bit me.” He pulled off his shirt to show the mark.
“Ah, that would explain your questions. I’ll immediately look for a way to break the curse and you better get someplace where you won’t attack people, if you change.”
“I’ll take Pikachu as a witness,” Ash said as he headed out the door, glad the professor somewhat believed him. There had been a note of doubt in Kukui’s voice, but Ash was convinced and with Pikachu to see the change, it would confirm Ash’s claims and besides, Ash suspected that Pikachu would want to be by his side anyway.
“It’s getting worse, Pikachu,” Ash said as they headed deep into the forest. At Pikachu’s confused look, he added, “I’ve been feeling weird all day: Anxious, paranoid, and restless. Now I’m also feeling angry and wanting to be mean or…vicious.” He shuddered at these feelings. “If I start saying unusual things to you or about you, don’t take it personally.”
Pikachu nodded and then cocked its head when Ash started taking off his clothes behind a bush. Ash smiled at it. “I don’t know if I’ll rip my clothes or not so I’m not taking any chances.” Ash stayed behind the bush as the sun vanished beyond the horizon.
Ash gasped and doubled over. Pikachu peered around the bush’s edge to see Ash crouched on the ground, his head bowed. The hair turned white, except for a now protruding lock that turned gray/black. The hair lengthened and plumed to resemble Lycanroc’s mane with two sets of rocks appearing near Ash’s waist. The entire mane stiffened as Ash’s skin turned into red fur/skin. Ash growled as his feet and hands conformed into white paws with sharp claws on the end and white fur/skin spreading halfway up his arms and legs. A short white tail sprouted out of the base of the spine white two ears like Rockruff’s only red with gray tips appeared. Red fur grew out of Ash’s head below the ears while a strip of white fur that went from his neck and all the way down to the tail. Ash closed his eyes as a white muzzle of sharp teeth pushed forward and white fur spread around his eyes. Ash’s eyes opened to reveal glowing red ones before he howled in a loud and terrifying way.
“Pika pi?” Pikachu asked cautiously. It knew this was Ash, even though he was identical to other Midnight Lycanroc save for the glowing eyes. But, what was Ash’s state of mind in this form? Could he not talk human speech? “Pika pi?” it asked again.
Ash looked at it and growled angrily and threateningly before loping off into the forest. Pikachu dashed after him. Where was Ash going? It sped up after its friend noticing that he wasn’t heading for the town, but rather deeper into the forest. It made sense: Ash was, to all intents and purposes, a wild pokémon and wild ones usually live in the wild. Pikachu chased Ash for about an hour before its cursed friend came to a stop, panting from his run. He seemed to be examining his paws and fur before feeling his muzzle with his paws. He turned his glowing eyes on Pikachu and his muzzle opened. “Pikachu?” he said in a low, growling voice. Ash could still talk!
His paws rubbed the part of the mane that hung over his head. “Uh, I felt angry and I wanted to run. I couldn’t stop myself until now. I think if I came across a person while I’m like this, I’ll likely attack and not remember doing it. I probably wouldn’t remember anything while around people or even able to talk.” Ash sank to the ground, pulled his wolf legs up to his chest, wrapped his other paws around them and put his face on top of his knees. Pikachu sat beside him and rubbed his side in comfort.
Ash felt sleepy and knew that it was best to sleep away his first night; heck sleep all three nights away. If I do that, everyone will be safe. I hope the professor finds some kind of cure. I don’t want to keep changing every month for the rest of my life. His eyes slid shut and he was almost asleep when the howl of a Lycanroc sounded. Ash’s head snapped up, his ears pricked up to hear it again.
He heard it again, but he also heard actual words. “Come to me human that I bit.”
“You hear that, Pikachu?” Ash asked in his growling voice.
“Pi.” Pikachu nodded.
“Maybe Lycanroc knows a way to break the curse.” Ash got to his paws and headed in the direction the call had come from. It sounded again and Ash kept going. He ended up at Clawmark Hill and there, on a peak against the full moon, was the pokémon who bit him. Those glowing eyes were no mistake.
Lycanroc leaped down and landed right in front of Ash, eye-to-eye with him. He growled and barked his name, but to Ash and Pikachu they were actual words. “Welcome, human. I told the others to take the full moon nights off from training or to do it elsewhere. I wish to share secrets with you.” It looked down. “Your friends need not come with you during your changing nights. I will not harm you.”
“I let Pikachu come so it can confirm my belief that I was cursed. I’m hoping Professor Kukui finds a way to break it.”
Lycanroc barked a laugh. “Break it? Human, it’s not a curse. I had intended to kill you as my unusual nature demanded. But you escaped. I thought about it today and now I see that what I had done is give you a gift.”
“A gift?” Ash felt himself getting extremely angry, a side effect of the curse. “I’m a human that becomes an angry, vicious Lycanroc during the full moon!” His eyes flared brighter and Ash’s anger grew, yet it felt good to be angry.
Lycanroc grinned. “Trust me, it’s a gift. I would be happy to answer any questions you have. What is your name, anyway?”
“It’s Ash.”
“Ash. It suits you, especially now in this form.”
Pikachu then yawned as it stumbled to a spot under a tree. It curled up and was asleep almost instantly. Ash and Lycanroc watched it fall asleep. “It’s had a long day,” Ashe said. “Me too, but I don’t feel tired. I was, but now I’m not.”
“That is part of the gift. Sleep is not necessary during these nights. You are a wild Lycanroc right now and I suggest you heed every instinct you encounter.”
“Every instinct? But, some of them suggest killing or biting people, mostly killing.”
“I understand, but heed them nonetheless.” Lycanroc stared deep into Ash’s eyes and its voice held a tone of deep intensity. “Wild pokémon do as they wish. You are a wild pokémon right now. You are free to do whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want?” Ash considered those words for a moment. The idea of being free to do whatever he wanted was a wonderful idea. Yes, this is a gift, not the curse I thought it was.
He looked at Lycanroc. “I like that idea. I see now it is a gift you’ve given me.”
“Good. I was afraid I would spend all night convincing you of it.”
“Well, you won’t have to. I do wonder if there is a solution to this gift.”
“You mean putting an end to being a Lycanroc three nights a month?” It nodded. “Yes, there is. If you do not kill or merely attack for three nights in a row, you will only change once a month. The rest of your time, you will be the human you were born.”
“Really? Has that happened before?”
“Yes, but only once. The stories say he wasn’t suited to be a Lycanroc. Others who were bitten went on to become humans who followed their instincts and continued to change until they died. Of course, that was done by a different Lycanroc. You are first that I’ve gifted.”
“So, there are none left?”
“Correct. You are the first in a long time.”
“Were you abandoned as a Rockruff? We were told in class that an abandoned Rockruff can become a Lycanroc that gifts people.”
“I was. I was confused as to why and concluded that I was weak so I trained hard; here as a matter of fact. When I was certain that I was strong, I went in search of my trainer. I found him and tried to show him what I could do, but he ignored me. I ran after him, calling him until he told me to go away; told me that no matter what I learned, I would always be weak. I returned here, angry at how he treated me. I used Rock Throw in my anger and under the full moon, I evolved and became a Lycanroc who kills people or simply attacks them. My abandonment still angers me and it will always anger me.”
“As it should,” Ash said. “I took in pokémon that were abandoned and they evolved into strong ones. What that guy did to you was wrong.” Ash’s eyes glowed more.
“I’m glad you understand. It is very fortunate that I bestowed this gift on you.”
“I’m now grateful that I received it.”
Ash and Lycanroc talked until almost dawn. Ash promised to return the next night and that he would try to come alone. He felt no fear of facing the one who bit him by himself. After all, Lycanroc could have killed him instead of wanting to guide him in his gift.
Chapter Two- First Blood
Ash and Pikachu left the forest shortly after dawn. “Pikachu, you won’t need to come with me tonight or tomorrow.”
“I’ll be fine. I know how to break the curse and my anger fades not long after I change.” Ash neglected to tell Pikachu that his anger had returned during the night and had grown as well.
“Pika.” Pikachu reluctantly nodded. It didn’t like the idea of Ash being alone in the forest, but the confident look on the boy’s face gave it comfort that Ash knew what he was doing.
They entered Kukui’s house and found the professor awake and putting breakfast out. He turned from the stove and nodded at him. “Morning, Ash. So, it’s true then. The curse is real.”
“It is. I actually met up with the one who bit me and it spoke to me. I actually understood it.”
“Did you?” Kukui asked as they sat and began eating. “That might be because you were a Lycanroc as well.”
“I think it was because I was a pokémon. I mean, Pikachu understood it too.” Pikachu nodded in agreement.
“What did it say?”
“It had intended to kill me. It did say if I refrain from killing or attacking anyone three nights in a row then I’ll only change once a month.”
Kukui nodded. “That’s exactly what my research found. It seems the Lycanroc was helpful while you are a pokémon. That’s good.”
Ash nodded. “I plan to sleep tonight and tomorrow away in order to break it.”
“Good idea.”
Ash smiled as he ate. He had no intention of breaking the gift. He loved the idea of being free to do as he wanted. In order to keep it, I have to kill or attack someone. I could attack and scratch someone. That’ll do to make sure the gift doesn’t break.
“Ash, don’t you think we should tell your friends?” Kukui asked as they walked to school together. “It would tie in with my promise to tell them about breaking the curse and they’ll know not to invite you somewhere tonight or tomorrow night.”
Ash nodded slowly. He, deep down, didn’t want anyone else to know. He wasn’t sure if they would still want to be his friends if they were told he was cursed. On the other hand, Professor Kukui made a lot of sense; by telling them they wouldn’t get suspicious of his secretive behavior. “Okay, we’ll tell them.”
“Alola, class. We’ll pick up with the myth I mentioned yesterday as I wanted to share my findings with you.” He cleared his throat. “Now, Ash had asked if this supposed curse could be broken. The answer is yes and no. The person bitten must refrain from attacking or biting someone three nights in a row. If he or she succeeds then the anger and vicious attitude they experience during those nights will disappear for good as will the forced transformation. However, he or she must change once a month, no way around that.”
“But, that’s all just a myth, right?” Mallow said. “It’s not real.”
“It is real,” Ash said in an unusually soft voice.
“It is?” Kiawe repeated.
“Yes,” Kukui said. “Ash got bitten by Lycanroc with glowing eyes two nights ago and he changed last night. That’s why he had asked those questions yesterday.”
“Oh, Ash. That’s awful,” Lana said.
“Yeah,” Ash agreed. “I have two more nights and I need to be alone, aside from my pokémon.”
“Of course,” Sophocles said. “We understand.”
“Really?” Ash looked around and saw understanding in their eyes and the encouraging smiles on their faces. They weren’t afraid of him and still wanted to be his friends!
Ash stole into the forest alone and quickly stripped and stored his clothes. He had left all his pokémon at the house as he truly wanted to be alone with his mentor. He then went further into the woods, waiting eagerly to change again. He heard voice and footsteps approaching from far away thanks to his enhanced hearing. He darted behind a bush and focused his ears on the voice and recognized them: It was Team Rocket! I’m tired of them always following me and trying to steal Pikachu and my other pokémon. I want to strike out at them for their attempts and make them pay for them. Ash felt intense anger burn through him and he saw his muzzle starting to push out. He looked down to see himself covered in fur and his hands forming into paws with claws appearing as well. He felt power, strength, and anger flood through his body as he completed his change. He heard the voices of Team Rocket coming closer to his hiding spot. He didn’t recognize the voices as Team Rocket; instead they were simply humans and he hated humans. He remained behind the bush in order to ambush his prey. He knew two of those voices were human and he longed to kill or injure one or both. He was sympathetic to the one that bit him and wanted to make these humans pay for his mentor’s abandonment.
His prey had come close enough and he leaped out of the bush and blocked their path. He bared his sharp teeth and claws as his glowing red eyes bore into them, freezing them in their tracks. He growled slightly and took a step toward them. The humans screamed and began to run away, the pokémon following. Ash gave a low laugh before bounding after them, his legs covering the ground with amazing speed.
He closed in on them and leaped forward. His legs hit the girl and he raked his front claws through her clothes and across her skin. She screamed in pain and a frenzy came over him. Her screams were music to his ears and he wanted to hear more. The man yelled at him to stop, but Ash merely growled at him and slowly drew a claw down an arm, which made her scream again.
He saw a stick being swung toward him. He batted it away with one paw before leaping onto the man, knocking him onto his back. Ash slashed at the man, avoiding the throat. He heard the woman get up and yell at him like the man did earlier, but Ash again didn’t listen. He was enjoying his attacks and felt his anger for humans grow stronger and it fed into the vicious nature that had awakened and wanted Ash to move to greater heights of violence.
He looked down to see the man’s face was a mess of scratches as was his body. His eyes glowed brighter, his anger taking control of his mind. He then lanced down, grabbed the throat with his teeth, and ripped it away. The woman screamed in horror as Ash turned to her and with one quick swipe, he tore open her throat. She fell to the ground, dead.
Ash panted as he regarded his kills. He licked the blood off his claws and muzzle and howled in triumph which sent Meowth and Wobbuffet running in fear. Ash’s ears pricked up as he heard his friend howl/call, “Ash, you promised.”
It’s right. I did promise. He loped off into the woods and toward Clawmark Hill.
Chapter Three- The Secret
“I killed!” Ash exclaimed joyfully. “I killed and it was wonderful!”
Lycanroc grinned at the half-pokémon. “Well done, Ash. By killing, you get to keep your gift. You will continue to change every full moon for life.”
“That’s what I wanted and I’m happy.”
“Tell me what you felt during the attacks.”
“I felt anger and a desire to hurt them. I didn’t recognize them as I attacked, but I did before I changed. You see, these humans have been following me for a long time trying to steal Pikachu from me. That’s what they did. They steal other peoples’ pokémon.”
“That’s despicable,” Lycanroc snarled. “They deserved to die.”
“Yeah, they did and I’m glad I’m the one who killed them. I felt my anger for humans grow stronger and my vicious nature grew from it and pushed me from simple injure to killing. I felt strong, powerful, and free.”
“You still are. You have followed your instincts tonight and I suspect you’ll do that again tomorrow.”
“Oh, yeah. I certainly will.”
Ash returned home and lied about sleeping all night and plans to do the same tonight. He then went out to spend the day with his friends. He told them about the Lycanroc talking to him the first night as he neglected to mention it yesterday.
“You can actually talk to pokémon?” Mallow asked, looking excited at the idea.
“No, just the Lycanroc,” Ash corrected. “I can’t talk to Pikachu in the same way that I’m talking to Lycanroc.”
“Was it really abandoned?” Lillie asked as she stroked Snowy.
“Yeah, it told me the whole story and it was sad. It believed it was abandoned because the trainer thought it was weak. So, it trained real hard and when it sought out its trainer to show what it could do, the guy told it to go away and that no matter what it learned, it would always be weak. He ended up evolving on a full moon night and became a Lycanroc who can curse or kill people.”
“How sad,” Lana said softly.
“I said as much and it was willing to help me break the curse after I told it that I have taken in abandoned pokémon in the past.”
“Maybe you can calm its anger and it’ll stop attacking people,” Lillie suggested.
“Perhaps I can. I had planned to sleep tonight, but maybe I could spend tonight talking to it and help it overcome its anger.”
Ash snarled under his breath as he headed into the forest. He was feeling a lot of emotions: Sadness for this was his last change for a month, anger toward humans that had grown throughout the day which included his friends, desire to attack, and a hunger to kill viciously. He hardly knew which emotion to give free reign to first. I’ll strip and change near the city and see what happens, he decided.
He positioned himself as close as he could to the city where it comes close to the forest. He undressed and stored them out of sight before crouching out of sight, his sharp eyesight watching the grass darken as the sun set. His night vision kicked in before the familiar feelings of power, strength, and anger went through him as he transformed. He was aware that it didn’t hurt like the last two times. I think I know why: I’ve embraced my gift and instincts.
Anger toward humans clouded his mind and that, in turn, triggered his desire and hunger to attack and kill. He lifted his nose and sniffed the air to find prey. He turned it in the direction of the nearby street and smelled humans. Yes! Found a victim, no, two. Wonderful!
He stalked out from behind the bush and into the darkness near the street. He watched as two people walked by. He swiftly came up behind them and swiped his clawed paws at them as hard as he could and killed them instantly by breaking the bones in their necks and backs. They hit the ground and Ash amused himself by savaging their bodies before sprinting into the forest and toward Clawmark Hill.
Lycanroc nodded. “Yes. The pain of the transformation is the resistance to heed the instincts but since you’ve killed, your change tonight was painless.”
“I was still angry.”
“You will always be angry. That will never go away.”
“That’s fine. The anger is what motivates me to attack and kill. My only thing is that I won’t change again until next month.”
“You truly enjoy being a vicious killer? Being a Lycanroc?”
“Yes! I do and I would love to remain one.”
“Ah. I see and I would love to have you stay and keep me company when training is not occurring.”
“Is there a way?”
“There is. I had to find out how much you love your gift before I reveal the secret. In order to stay as you are now forever, you must allow yourself to be constantly angry, detest humans, and wanting to shed your humanity. Once you feel all that, you will transform for good and be a complete Lycanroc. You will still be able to talk to me and other Lycanroc as well as other pokémon, but human speech will not be possible for you.”
Ash took in Lycanroc’s words. He loved what he was right now and did not want to go back to being human. He had already insured that he would continue to change for the rest of his life, but now he wanted to change one more time and stay that way. He had to hate humans and desire to leave his human life behind including human speech. Considering I would be able to be a vicious killer Lycanroc, not able to use human language is a small price that I’m willing to pay.
“How soon will I be able to change back for good?” he asked eagerly.
“The earliest could be before sunset tomorrow.”
“A daytime change?”
“Oh, yes. A permanent change does not need to wait for night. Imagine the chaos and panic you would cause if you changed in the middle of a group of humans.”
Ash laughed at the thought. “Oh, that sounds like fun.”
Lycanroc grinned at its new friend. It was well aware that its anger over being abandoned would infect any human it bit. The thing was the anger prompted it to kill any human it encountered. It was the attack from the Pikachu that prevented it from killing Ash. It was a fortunate thing as Ash had given in to his anger and loved doing so. He was willing to give up his humanity to remain a vicious killer. Hmm, maybe I should bite more often instead of killing. Surely, there are other humans who would give in to the killer instincts. Ash certainly has and once he has expressed anger and disdain for humanity in his human form, he will become a Lycanroc who will be able to curse other humans to be angry Lycanroc, too.
Chapter Four- Dark Feelings
Ash pulled on his clothes with an angry scowl. He hadn’t wanted to change back to human form, but his feeling from last night were tied to the full moon change. In order to change again, he had to harbor those feeling outside the full moon. I’m already starting. I hate being human. And I’m being force to spend time with my classmates even though it’s Sunday. Ash noticed that he had ceased of thinking of his friends as friends and found that it didn’t bother him that he thought of them in that way.
He lagged behind the group as they took a tour of Kiawe’s farm on Akala Island. He didn’t care how humans made a living. He’d rather live in the forest where nature provided everything one needed to live. He glared at the setting around him. He wanted to go back home.
Kiawe looked over at Ash as the group went inside for some Moomoo ice cream. His friends had seemed irritable and angry all during the trip. It worried him; Ash was usually so cheerful and friendly. “You okay, Ash?” he asked coming over to him.
“I’m fine,” he said brusquely.
“Really? You don’t seem like yourself.”
“I couldn’t sleep last night after talking to Lycanroc. I couldn’t calm its anger and decided to avoid it when I do my once a month change.”
“Oh, yeah. The angry attitude part of the curse is broken as well as the three night a month change.”
Ash nodded. “I’m just tired and frustrated.”
Kiawe patted his shoulder. “I understand. We’ll leave after everyone’s done with the ice cream and we’ll relax at the beach.”
Ash perked up. The beach was usually full of people and a patch of forest was nearby. “Sounds perfect.” He watched Kiawe head inside before he began pacing. He was anxious to get to the beach and let out all his anger and disdain. He had always enjoyed exploring the world and meeting new people, but now in a few short days, he had learned of a new type of lifestyle and found it more appealing than his current one. His pacing brought him to the river. He looked into the water and stared hatefully at his face. He hated his human appearance, absolutely hated it and wanted to be a Lycanroc. He saw his flash red before going back to brown. He grinned at what he saw and noticed his teeth were turning sharp before going back to normal. He laughed darkly and with delight. It’s starting! Yes!
Ash sighed as he tilted his head up at the sun. The warmth felt good on his skin, but he would prefer to be warm with fur. He clearly was ready to discard his humanity, but the other requirements needed to be fulfilled. He thought about them. My anger has not been constant, but when I am angry, it is intense and feels so good. My feelings about humans isn’t hate, yet I want to attack and kill them. If I talked to my classmates I might end up detesting them and be angry at the same time.
A squirt of water hit his face and he sat up sputtering and opening his eyes to see Popplio and Lana nearby. He scowled. “What was that for?” he demanded.
“You looked hot and about to fall asleep,” Lana explained, a bit confused about Ash’s irritated tone.
“Well, I didn’t sleep last night so a nap wouldn’t hurt and I wasn’t hot,” he snapped angrily.
“I-I’m sorry,” Lana said.
“Oh? Are you?” he said, his anger seemingly inappropriate but Ash didn’t care. He had finally reached a point where his anger could not be calmed.
“Ash, she said she was sorry,” Mallow jumped in. “Calm down.”
“Stay out of this!” Ash said, a growl sounding in his chest.
“Ash, what is wrong with you?” Kiawe gasped, shocked at his friend’s behavior.
“Nothing. Leave me alone.” Ash stood and turned away from his classmates. Anger pounded through him and it pleased him to be so angry and he could feel his vicious nature beginning to stir.
“Something’s wrong,” Sophocles stated. “Tell us, maybe we can help.”
“You can help by leaving me alone,” Ash growled. Why do people want to help one another? They are being so nosy. I despise humans. He began to pant from the feelings surging through him. He was close, he could feel it.
“Ash, does this have anything to do with the Lycanroc?” Kiawe asked.
“It has everything to do with it,” Ash replied in a low, growling voice- his Lycanroc voice. “When I was bitten, I was given a gift, not a curse. As a Lycanroc, I was free to do what I want. I was encouraged to follow my instincts and I did. I killed last night and the night before that.”
“No!” Mallow exclaimed. “That means the curse can’t be broken now.”
“I told you, it’s a gift. I enjoyed attacking and would prefer to be a vicious Lycanroc. I can feel it inside me. The urge to change and permanently become a Lycanroc.”
“No, Ash. Fight it,” Kiawe said.
“You don’t understand. I don’t want it fight it. Maybe I can…roc. Lycanroc, roc.” Ash’s words changed and he began speaking Lycanroc language. I can’t speak human speech anymore! It’s happening! Yes! He felt the anger, power, and strength flow through him. He heard his clothes rip and tear as his fur, mane, paws, and claws grew. His muzzle of sharp teeth appeared as his ears moved and changed. His eyes changed to glowing, red ones before he howled in a terrifying manner. He had become a permanent angry Lycanroc.
Screams erupted all around him and his nose twitched as the smell of humans hit him. The number of prey around him excited him and he wanted to attack and kill. He turned around to face the crowd and the sight of them running away, screaming triggered his killing frenzy and he bounded after them, managing to kill one by ripping off the back of a neck.
“No!” a voice cried before Ash felt something leap onto his back and lock arms around his neck. He staggered backwards before he slid a paw under an arm, lift it up, and bit down on it. The scream of the arm’s owner was delightful to hear. The weight on his back vanished and he tore off for the forest, an angry howl hanging on the air.
Four of his friends stared after him. “Ash,” Mallow said softly.
A groan drew their attention and they turned to see Kukui applying a white cloth around Kiawe’s arm. “Kiawe?” Sophocles said.
“Ash bit me!” he exclaimed. “I’ve been cursed!”
There were gasps from the others. Kukui was grim. “Ash has been corrupted by the one who bit him. It urged him to act on his anger and by doing this, he was stuck with the curse. Somehow, it convinced him to turn his back on humans and be constantly angry. Ash is now a vicious wild Lycanroc. He will never be human again.”
“So, there’s nothing we can do?” Lillie asked tearfully.
“I’m afraid not. Right now, it is Kiawe we need to help. I recommend he stay on Akala Island in Lush Jungle during the next full moon. That way, he can’t be influenced by Ash or the one who bit him.”
Kiawe nodded. “Makes sense. I would also like all of you to keep me from being angry too much.” The others nodded.
“You changed on the beach?” Lycanroc asked and then laughed.
Ash chortled. “It was great. I killed one and bit another.”
“You gifted someone?”
“I did. I want to go to the island he lives on and influence him to give in to his instincts.”
“Yes, do that when that time comes. For now, the training resumes tonight. Would you like to join in?”
Ash nodded as he joined the others. This is the life, he thought as he battled. I will be strong, vicious, and always angry. I am free and will do as I want forever.