Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha.
Chapter One- Two Gangs
Kagome leaped up as the ball flew over the net. She hit it with a smart spike that shot it back over the net and landed on the opposite side. A whistle sounded and the stadium erupted into boos and cheers. Her teammates crowded around her, yelling in victory and patting her shoulder. Another volleyball victory for our school, she thought.
“Kagome, that spike was awesome,” one girl, Erin, said as they headed for the locker room.
“It was, wasn’t it?” she asked as she gathered her clothes, shampoo, soap, and a towel.
“Yeah, it was. A few more wins and we’ll be off to play for the championship title.”
Kagome shuddered a little at the thought of being at a championship game. “I’ll see you in school Monday,” Kagome said as she headed to the showers.
“See you, Kagome.” The raven-haired teen turned the corner and into a stall. She stripped and dropped her clothes outside the stall before turning the water on.
Kagome frowned as the water pour over her hair and body. While almost everyone thought she was athletically-inclined, she knew that wasn’t so. Her physical shape and strong hits were a result of her being a wifewolf; a female werewolf.
She had been born a wifewolf like her mother, grandfather, and little brother. Her family line on both sides were pure werewolf and wifewolf. She looked totally human…except for her ears.
Kagome raised a hand and ran it over the point of her ear. She wore her hair long and made sure it covered her ears. She wasn’t ashamed of her heritage; she was quite proud of it. She knew her classmates wouldn’t take it so well. They would be afraid of her.
It’s not bad being a wifewolf, she thought as she worked the shampoo into her dark hair. I can see, hear, and smell better than humans and I’m also stronger and faster making me suited for sports. We’re able to conceal our true nature from humans and vampires as well as each other. Only close proximity can help one wolf identify another.
I can change to a wolf whenever I want, but I must change on the full moon. The full moon is also when I can bite someone into a werewolf or wifewolf. There are a couple of drawbacks. I'm allergic to pure silver and I grow weak if exposed to Essence of Wolfsbane.
Kagome left the locker room some time later in clean clothes and her hair dry and concealing her ears. She stepped out of the school and started for home. It was a lovely Saturday afternoon and she breathed deeply as she walked. She smelled the typical scents of the city both pleasant and unpleasant: Flowers, cooked food, car exhaust, and rotting food.
Her ears picked up the subtle sounds no human could hear above the chatter going on around them. She could hear the conversations of people as she passed them, detect the singing of birds, and even the type of footsteps around her. She could tell if someone was walking, power-walking, or running…
Running? Kagome turned behind her to see people fleeing toward her and past her. A group of people was swaggering down the sidewalk and seemed to enjoy the way the others were running from them. Kagome stayed where she was as she knew this group all too well.
Tokyo had gangs like any other big city but there were two rival gangs that were feared by the other gangs. One was run by a young man named Koga. He and those who followed him were werewolves but no one but other werewolves knew that. The gang wore hats, bandanas, or headbands to conceal their ear points and they exuded their confidence in a way that frightened humans, gang or not.
However, one gang was not intimidated by Koga’s gang which was called The White Claw. She didn’t know the other gang’s name or anything about it. All she knew was that it was equally feared by humans.
The White Claw came closer and stopped while Koga headed toward her with a charming smile. “Yo, Kagome,” he said as he leaned sideways against a lamp post.
“Hi, Koga,” she replied in a friendly way.
He swept a hand in the direction of the humans who had run. “Well, no one in that group are fit to be a wolf or even join my pack.”
“Koga, your pack is large enough.”
“Not while The Red Fang is growing its numbers. We need to find others, keep an eye on them, and then bite on the full moon.”
“Red Fang? Is that your rival’s gang name?”
“That’s right.” He flashed that charming smile again. “You know, Kagome, it would be an honor if you would consent to be my mate. A mated wolf commands great respect.”
“I know that, Koga. Grandpa tells me about our race often enough. I’m just not ready to be mated.”
“You’re sixteen, the age when most wolves have a mate.”
“Yes, but that doesn’t mean I have to have one. I would prefer to finish high school before choosing a mate.”
“Sure. You can finish high school.”
“Thank you.”
“Before becoming my mate.” Koga winked before calling, “Let’s move out!” He went to the head of the group and they resumed their confident walk and turned left, heading west.
Kagome shook her head in annoyance. Koga had been interested in her for a couple of years and, a year ago, declared that Kagome was his woman and would be his mate eventually. Her mother and grandpa thought Koga was a nice young man and could provide for her. Only Sota, her brother, agreed with her that Koga was not the one for her. Yes, he could be dashing and charming, but to most people he was ruthless and cut-throat, particularly toward the Red Fang gang. I wonder why the two gangs hate each other so much. Maybe next time I see Koga, I’ll ask.
In the rich section of Tokyo were large and grand houses that belonged to the oldest and richest families in the area. Most families had passed the houses to their descendants but one house had not done so for centuries even though the owner did have two grown sons. The eldest displayed the attitude of an aristocrat and flaunted his wealth but to the father, it did not contribute to the family name. The younger, however, increased their influence by leading a gang and growing its numbers. This gang controlled the rich section of town and the father was proud of him.
The son, Inuyasha, was pleased and planned to have his gang rule the entire city. He knew it would come to pass as the gang and his family were vampires.
Inuyasha was two hundred years old though he looked like a teenager even with his silver hair. He led the gang with an iron fist and the members, all vampires, responded to it. They gradually turned other gang members into vampires who joined the Red Fang as a result. Only one gang could not be assimilated: The White Claw.
All members of that gang were werewolves who can’t become vampires. Inuyasha was determined to eliminate the werewolves in Tokyo so that the vampires could own the city. Naturally, White Claw would not cooperate with that plan. They were determined to eliminate his gang and kind from the city.
They will not succeed, Inuyasha thought. The Red Fang will rule Tokyo and nothing and no one will stop us.
Chapter Two- Find a Mate
“I’m home, everyone,” Kagome called as she entered her house.
Her mother came into the hall and took Kagome in a hug. “Hi, honey. How was the game?”
“Great. We won,” she said as they went to the living room where Sota and Grandpa were.
“Did you see Koga?” Grandpa asked. “I heard the White Claw were going to seek out new members today.”
“Yeah, I saw him,” she replied unenthusiastically. “He was asking me to be his mate- again.”
“And what did you say?” Mrs. Higurashi asked.
“I said I wasn’t ready and would prefer to finish high school first.”
“Kagome, sixteen is old enough for one to have a mate,” Grandpa said. “And to be the mate of the gang leader is a great honor.”
“I know. I’m just not ready.” She lifted up her bag. “I’m going to wash these and some other clothes.” She headed upstairs and began to gather her clothes. She then headed down and almost ran into Sota on the way to the laundry room. A graceful side step prevented the collision. “Sota,” she said irritably.
“Sis, can we talk?” he asked, sounding unusually serious for his age.
“Sure.” Kagome headed to the laundry room with her brother behind her. “So, what’s up?” she asked once the door was closed and she began adding detergent and fabric softener to the washer.
“Mom and Grandpa really want you to be Koga’s mate, huh?”
“They do, but I’m not ready to have a mate, much less Koga’s mate.”
“I hear you. He talks down to me whenever he’s invited to dinner.”
“I noticed that too, but Mom and Grandpa seem oblivious to it.” She loaded her clothes in, shut the door, and started the machine.
“Kagome, I think you should date around, find someone you would like to marry.”
Kagome smiled at him. Sota was a lot more perceptive and wiser than most boys his age; most likely due to being a werewolf. “You’re right. I should choose my own lover, human or wolf.”
“What about a vampire?”
“A vampire?” Kagome asked incredulously. “Sota, vampires are dangerous, unfeeling bloodsuckers. I would never marry a vampire, much less date one.”
“Not all are dangerous,” Sota protested. “I’m friends with a girl in my class and she’s a vampire.”
“Oh,” Kagome said softly. “Well, maybe I can date a vampire. I just wouldn’t know it as they can conceal themselves just like we can. Did you tell this girl you’re a werewolf?”
“Yeah, but only after she confessed that she was a vampire. She wanted to have an open friendship with me, no secrets.”
“And being a vampire is a big secret to keep between friends, just as being a werewolf is a big secret. Sota, you might just be the one to bring peace between our race and the vampires.”
“Or you could be,” he said as they left the laundry room and went their separate ways.
That’s a nice sentiment but I’ve been taught to not trust vampires for years. It’s too late for me to befriend or date a vampire.
Across town, Inuyasha was in a meeting with the higher-up members of his gang. He was receiving a report from his older brother, Sesshomaru, concerning the turning of other gangs. “Report,” he ordered.
“The last members of the gang closest to our sector of the city have been turned and incorporated into our gang,” he said, a slightly arrogant tone to his voice.
Inuyasha smiled cruelly, the tips of his fangs showing. “Good. Our gang or rather clan, is growing nicely. We will keep turning the other gangs and while we do this, we will eliminate the werewolves. We can locate them by carrying silver or something with Essence of Wolfsbane on it.”
“The Essence of Wolfsbane makes perfect sense,” Sesshomaru said. “The silver does not.”
“I disagree. Werewolves are allergic to silver. It burns them and they will give it a wide berth to avoid touching it. Such an action will give them away.”
Sesshomaru inclined his head. “Yes, of course. Brilliant, little brother.”
Inuyasha sat up a little straighter at the compliment. “Of course,” he said. “Now, take a small unit of our clan to the eastern sector and start converting the gangs there into vampires.”
“Yes.” Sesshomaru left the room as his father, Tóga, entered. The two passed each other and Sesshomaru bowed his head in respect. Sesshomaru scowled as he headed down the hall. He hated having to take orders from his little brother but his ambition to take control of the city pleased Tóga so much that he appointed Inuyasha as a gang leader and Sesshomaru as a member of the gang who had to follow Inuyasha’s decisions and commands. I am two hundred years older and act like a vampire should, but Father dislikes it. Hmph, he always did seem to like Inuyasha more than me.
The other members slunk from the room as the clan head entered and Inuyasha, upon seeing Tóga enter, got off his chair and bowed. “Father,” he said. He looked up to see Toga smiling at him.
“My son,” he said as the young-looking vampire straightened. “I am proud of how well your plan to make Tokyo vampire territory is proceeding.”
“Thank you, Father. I hope to have all human gangs turned and the White Claw killed in a matter of weeks or months. Eliminating all werewolves will take time but it shouldn’t take too long.”
“Admirable goals, Inuyasha, but we can afford to take our time as we’re immortal and can only be killed by a cross to the heart.
“The point I am trying to make is that it is high time that you take a mate.”
“What? Why?”
“To carry on our family line. Your brother is courting a nice young lady and when the time is right, he will reveal his true nature and ask her to be his mate. Depending on her answer, Sesshomaru will turn her or kill her.”
Inuyasha was silent as his father talked. He knew his father had a point of him seeking out a mate; if Sesshomaru failed to turn the girl he was seeing, he would have to embark on a long search to find someone else and court her. Inuyasha knew the search would take time as his brother was picky about who he courted.
“I see what you’re saying, Father,” he said once Tóga finished speaking. “I’ll put a halt to my plans and seek a mate.”
“You do not need to court her like Sesshomaru. Your brother likes to be old-fashioned. In this age, young people date and, later on, marry if they decide that they’re compatible.”
“That is a human notion, falling in love. I’d rather seek someone who is strong and confident.”
“There are all kinds of girls out there. You will find the one you desire and tomorrow would be a good time to do it as teenagers won’t be in school.”
Inuyasha nodded, not bothering to ask why Tóga said teenagers. I look like a teenager so it makes sense that my mate be a teenager. Once I turn her, her age will freeze and she’ll age slowly like all vampires do.
“One more thing,” Tóga added. “Wear a hat to conceal your pointed ears.”
Chapter Three- A New Friend
Kagome ducked around a corner and sped off in a different direction. She had just seen Koga, alone, and had a feeling he was looking for her. He’ll either want to take me to lunch or the park where he’ll try to convince me to be his mate. The guy won’t take no for an answer or even an excuse. He doesn’t want to wait for the end of high school.
She plunged into the heart of a bustling part of downtown Tokyo, planning to hide in the crowd while seeing if someone caught her interest. She figured that if she befriended a guy, hung out with him, and got to know him, then Koga may back off in his pursuit of her. Either that or he’ll kill him. Well, I won’t let him. I’m not his mate, no matter what he says.
The smell of humans and nearby wolves flooded her nose as well as the typical smells of a city. Her eyes raked over the boys as she walked. None of them seemed special enough to her and she then thought of her classmates. One of them, Hojo, seemed a nice enough guy, if a little odd. His fascination with his family history and the time period his ancestors lived in would certainly impress Grandpa. Her mom would be impressed with his manners and he certainly wouldn’t talk down to Sota. I could ask him out tomorrow. The movies on Saturday. Yeah, that’ll…work. Kagome’s thoughts trailed off as she saw the most unusual and beautiful boy she had ever seen.
He was dressed like any other boy, but he had long silver hair and amber-gray eyes that were captivating to her. A baseball cap topped his head which made his hair flow down his back. She could tell that his eyes were darting about, apparently looking for someone or something. Those eyes turned in her direction and locked onto her eyes. They stared at each other before the boy began making his way toward her. Whoa, she thought. He’s a forward one and I…like it. I like guys who are confident about themselves and know what they want.
Inuyasha looked around at the humans around him, particularly the girls. Most were black-haired and plain of face. In short, they were nothing special. I want someone special. Father said there are different types of girls, but so far they all seem alike. His eyes began to dart about, roving over the boring humans. His eyes moved to his left and they landed on a girl with mid-back length black hair and brown eyes that spoke of strength and confidence despite looking at him with awe.
She’s the one, he thought. Time to introduce myself. He began to wind his way to her, pleased that she hadn’t moved. “Hi,” he said once he was closer. He held out a hand. “I’m Inuyasha.”
“Uh, Kagome,” she replied, taking his hand and shaking it. She then gave a warm smile. “Inuyasha. That’s an interesting name.”
“Thanks. Could we…go somewhere and talk?”
“Sure. There’s a coffee shop just down that way.” She pointed to a shop that was just behind him.
“So, Inuyasha,” Kagome said several minutes later as she sipped some tea, its scent tickling her nose. “What school do you go to?”
“Uh, my dad taught me.”
“Oh, home-schooled. That’s cool. What about your mom? Does she teach you too?”
“She died just before I started being schooled.” In truth, his mother died a hundred and fifty years ago when a werewolf drove a sharpened cross into her heart, moving so fast that she couldn’t mount a counter attack. Tóga got revenge by slashing the wolf’s throat open with a silver dagger.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. So, it’s just you and your dad?”
“No. I’ve also got an older brother. What about your family?”
“Oh, it’s just my mom, my grandpa, and my little brother. My dad died shortly after my brother was born. Car accident.”
“I’m sorry to hear that. Tell me about your school.”
“There’s not much to say but I am on the volleyball team.”
“Really? Is your team good?”
“Oh, yes. We’re a few games away from being in a championship game.”
“I guess that keeps you busy. I mean, with practice and all.”
“Yeah, but I do relax on the weekends with the occasional Saturday game. I had one yesterday and we won.”
Inuyasha nodded happily. “That’s great. You plan on being a pro?”
“No, but it’s a better after school activity than what my grandpa thought.”
“Which was…?”
She rolled her eyes. “Train to be a priestess.”
“Why would he think that?”
“A couple of reasons. My family has been shrine keepers for generations and grandpa happens to be a priest.”
“Interesting.” Inuyasha wasn’t concerned about this part of Kagome’s background. The type of religion that flourished in the past didn’t deal with crosses. It was explorers who brought their beliefs to Japan and caused problems for his race who lived among the populace secretly for countless ages. Now they had to be careful about avoiding crosses.
Kagome felt flattered that Inuyasha was asking about her and not talking too much about himself. Most guys tended to control the conversation in order to brag about himself. It was likely they did that in order to impress her, but all it did was turn her off.
“Do you know what you want to do after you finish school?” Inuyasha asked.
“I’m not sure. I was thinking of attending college and I might just figure out what I want to be while I’m there.”
Inuyasha nodded again. She won’t need to go to college if she agrees to be my mate. The two of us will lead the clan and eventually rule all of Tokyo.
“Say, Inuyasha. Would you like to go to the movies Saturday?”
“The movies?” Inuyasha gave a big close-lipped smile. “Sure. What time?”
“How about two p.m.?”
“Two o’ clock. It’s a date.” Inuyasha stood, took her hand, and kissed the back of it before leaving the shop.
Kagome just about swooned from the gesture. It was old-fashioned, yes, but it was sweet as well. I think I found a special guy and I hope to learn more about him as we spend more time together. She left the shop several minutes later, re-living the conversation and eagerly looking forward to next weekend.
“Kagome!” came the voice of Koga and she inwardly moaned before pasting a smile on her face as the werewolf came up beside her.
“Hi, Koga. Are you looking for members again?”
“Yeah,” he drawled casually. “But none feel right…except for you.”
“Right. Uh, Koga? I’ve been wondering. What do you have against the Red Fang? Why not just turn them?”
“Can’t turn them. The Red Fang is a gang of vampires.”
“Oh. Of course. A werewolf can’t turn a vampire or vice versa.”
“Yup. Of course, we can kill them as long as we don’t get killed in the process.”
“It’s easy to spot one, isn’t it? I mean their ears are pointed like ours.”
“I wish it was that easy, but they blend in like we do.”
“Well, see you later, Koga. I’ve got some errands to run,” Kagome lied before leaving, now knowing that the Red Fang were vampires and why there was such a strong rivalry between them and the White Claw.
Chapter Four- Clan Duty
“I found a special girl, Father. Her name’s Kagome and her family are shrine keepers.”
“That is special,” Tóga marveled. “You must turn her, my boy. Once she is, she can turn the rest of her family. How many are there?”
“Just three. Her mother, grandfather, and a little brother.”
Tóga was officially interested. A widow? Maybe she’ll be my new mate. “Three,” he said out loud. “That’s good and they can aid us in turning others. Well done.”
“Thanks. She…asked me out to the movies Saturday afternoon.”
“She asked you? My, she is a bold one.”
“That’s what I like about her. When we locked eyes, I saw strength and confidence in them. She is exactly what I want in a mate. She seemed to like it when I kissed the back of her hand before I left.”
Tóga smiled. “A nice touch. Such a gesture works wonders on girls and women.”
“Sota, I just met an unusual-looking, but sweet guy. He could be the one for me.”
“That’s great, sis. Tell me about him.”
“Well, he’s got long silver hair and amber-gray eyes. His name’s Inuyasha and he lives with an older brother and his dad who home-schools him.”
“That’s a lot different from Koga. I’d like to meet him.”
“I’m sure you will if I still like him after a date or two. You know Mom will want to meet him when I tell her I’m seeing someone.”
“She may not like it as she’s trying to fix you up with Koga.”
“I’ll just tell her that Koga’s not for me. He’s pushy, persistent, and not considerate of my feelings or plans. Inuyasha was willing to sit and listen to me.”
“Inu. That means ‘dog’,” Sota said. “You sure he’s not a werewolf?”
“Positive. We were close enough to where I would smell wolf on him. He’s definitely human and don’t worry, I’ll be honest with him once I fully trust him.”
“When are you going to see him again?”
“Saturday. I asked him out to the movies.”
“You asked him?”
“Uh-huh. He didn’t seem to mind. Maybe he likes confident girls.” Kagome knew some of her confidence came from being a wifewolf but she also had a good deal of self-confidence. And I plan to show that to Inuyasha Saturday.
Inuyasha busied himself with gang affairs and his plans for the date during the week. Some of the newly-turned were not giving him the proper respect or were being too arrogant or reckless with their new status. He had to talk sense to those reckless and arrogant members. He stated that he was the leader and he was the one who decided when to turn humans. He further told them to keep in mind that they were immortal but not invincible. He reiterated their weaknesses to garlic and crosses and once they had knelt and reaffirmed their oath to follow and his orders, he dismissed them before summoning the disrespectful ones. It took his most loyal members and his brother to round them up and bring them to him. They then took up positions either by the closed doors or the room’s perimeter.
Inuyasha stood before his chair and swept his gaze at the vampires in the group. He folded his arms. “I called you here to make a point. You have not been showing me the proper respect and that needs to stop. I will not tolerate it.”
“We did not ask to be vampires,” one called out and others nodded in agreement.
Inuyasha stormed over to the one who shouted, seized his shirt, and brought their faces close together. “When one wishes to speak to me, they come to me and kneel before speaking,” he snarled. “Is that clear?”
“Y-yes,” he answered.
Inuyasha released him, went back to the front, and began pacing back and forth as he continued to speak. “In the ancient past, a newly-turn’s loyalty was to the one who turned him or her. It was acceptable for a time as it was just one mentor and one student, but gradually some became couples and had children. Loyalty became love as they raised their children who would turn others instead of simply drinking blood. It was clear that clans needed to be formed in order to insure that the humans remained ignorant of our existence. The heads of those clans were given to the oldest vampire families and thus it has remained for millennia. My father led this clan for countless centuries before passing it to me a hundred years ago and serving me as an advisor. He taught me what I have to do as clan leader and I adjusted my role to fit into human society. These days, gangs hold a good deal of power and fear. I then put forward the attitude and social behavior of a gang leader. My brother and some others are recognized as members of my gang but we all have the ability to turn others. However, they and you will do so when I say so. You will only drink blood when you attack. I am the leader and you are to follow my commands. Is that understood?” He waited for a response and then added, “This is where you kneel and say, ‘Yes, we understand.’”
The group automatically knelt and repeated, “Yes, we understand.”
“Good. You are dismissed.” Inuyasha sat down as the group departed. Sesshomaru strode over to his brother, knelt, and said, “Do you think they will show proper respect now?”
“If they don’t, I expect you, Father, or Sango to remind them or bring them to me so that I can remind them…with harsh punishment.” Sesshomaru bared his fangs in a pleasurable smile. “Very good, brother. By the way, Father told me of the girl you met earlier in the week and that she asked you out on a date.”
Inuyasha gave him a suspicious look. “Are you mocking me?” he asked dangerously.
“Not at all. If Kagome is the one you want, I have no objections. I am happy for you.”
“She is the one. She is confident and I sense a depth of strength that I glimpsed in her eyes. I hope to know more about her while on our date. Sesshomaru, how are things going with your courting?”
“Quite well. Rin is very taken with me. I sense the time to tell her I’m a vampire is drawing near.”
“Do you think she’ll take it well? How long have you been together now?”
“We’ve been together for nearly two years. I know everything about her and she knows almost everything about me. When I tell her, I hope she takes it well. I will make it clear that I do love her as I had said six months into our relationship and I am now ready to take it to a new level, one different from most relationships. I will also tell her that I will not force her to be a vampire. Naturally, I will tell her the pros and cons of our kind.”
“Of course. I plan to do the same with Kagome after some dates which will tell me if this relationship will work.”
“If I may, Inuyasha, I suggest you act like a human teenager. It will get Kagome to open up to you.”
Inuyasha looked thoughtful before saying, “Good point. I will act human on our date.” I certainly acted that way when we met, he added silently.
Chapter Five- The Date
Kagome shifted on her feet as she stood in front of the cinema. She looked left and right to spot that distinctive hair and reflected on when she told her mother of meeting a new friend and going to the movies with him.
“What school does he go to?” Mrs. Higurashi asked.
“He’s home-schooled.”
“I don’t know, Kagome. I’d feel better if you went with other friends as well.”
“Mom, he’s just a friend and if he tries anything, I will deal with him.”
Mom is sometimes too protective; just like a wolf should be. A glint caught her eye and she looked at it to see Inuyasha’s hair amidst the other hair colors. The crowd parted as Inuyasha made his way toward her with that closed-lip smile as always and his baseball cap. “Hi, Inuyasha,” he said as he came closer.
“Hi, Kagome. I hope you weren’t waiting too long. I let it slip about today and Father began telling me to behave myself and be a gentleman.”
“I wasn’t waiting long and when I told Mom about today earlier in the week, she didn’t seem comfortable about it being just the two of us. As if a guy and a girl can’t go to the movies as just friends.”
“I tried to tell Father that too, but he’s a real stubborn guy.” They headed inside.
“Seems we have something in common: Stubborn parents.”
Inuyasha chuckled. “Sure seems like it.” He looked at the movie posters and the times they started. “Which one do you want to see?” he asked, thinking Kagome would pick a romance or girly film which would make the date torture for him.
“That one.” She pointed.
“A horror movie?” he asked, surprised.
She shrugged. “I’m not one who’s into happy ending love stories. They don’t sit right with me.”
“I hear you. I love a good horror movie myself.” He pulled out his wallet, bought the tickets, popcorn, and drinks for both of them. He felt lucky that vampires could eat and drink like humans even though neither one provided him with energy or substance. The pair entered the theater and he let Kagome choose their seats. He was curious when she led them all the way to the back and the two seats near the stairs. “Why back here?” he asked quietly and with obvious curiosity.
“So no one can block our view of the screen, the others in our row can leave without us needing to get up, and we can leave once others have left instead of being stuck in the crowd that is leaving.”
“Ah, I see. I never thought about all that. Heh, I think I’ll sit in the back from now on.”
Kagome beamed as they sat. This date was off to a good start. They had found a couple of things they had in common and she shared her preference in theater seats. Inuyasha is being considerate to me. He paid for everything and let me pick the movie. I think we were made for each other. Hmm…maybe I could persuade him to hang out after the movie. A little shopping and maybe some dinner.
Inuyasha was also thinking that things were going well. He knew his father would be proud of him. Kagome is my soul mate. She’s smart, pretty, confident, and doesn’t act like most human girls. Maybe we could hang out after the movies. I will need some blood after the movie is over, though. He licked his lips and took a sip of soda. I can make it to the end…I hope.
Kagome stood and stretched a couple of hours later. She sighed in satisfaction. “That was a good movie.”
“It was,” Inuyasha agreed. “It could have used more gore and blood, though.”
“If it did have more, it would have been rated R. The rating for this one was close to being out of its PG-13 rating.” They reached the lobby and Inuyasha felt his thirst grow. He needed blood…now. “Inuyasha, I’m going to use the restroom. Please stay.”
“Not a problem. I have to go too.”
She giggled as she entered the restroom. Inuyasha entered the men’s and felt relief. There was one man there, washing his hands. He zipped behind the man and quickly bit down, one hand over the man’s mouth. Warm blood entered his mouth and he sucked contently. He pulled back once satisfied, healed the marks, and removed all memory of the attack before leaving the room, not too concerned about leaving his victim unconscious. Ah, I feel better now.
“So, Kagome, why did you want me to stay?”
“I was wondering if you’d like to hang out some more. I was thinking shopping and maybe an early dinner?”
Inuyasha stared at her. “It’s like you can read my mind. I was wanting to hang out after the movie.”
Kagome laughed. “It’s amazing how much we think alike.”
Inuyasha nodded. “It’s like we’re soul mates or something.”
Soul mates,” Kagome repeated as they left the cinema. “You really think so?”
“I…do. I really like you. You’re smart, confident, pretty, and different from other girls.”
“Inuyasha,” she said softly as they set off down the sidewalk. “I’m flattered. I…had a feeling that you were the one for me after we first met.”
“Really? Well, if that’s the case, why don’t we make it official?” He pulled her into a jewelry shop.
“Official? What do you mean?”
“Nothing special. Just a ring to show that you’re dating someone.”
“A promise ring, you mean?”
“Yeah, that’s it. A promise ring.” Inuyasha’s eyes roved over the different rings until he saw a plain silver woman’s ring. “What about this one, Kagome?”
The wifewolf came over and recoiled slightly. “Is that…pure silver?”
“Sure is. It’s perfect.”
“Oh, Inuyasha. I should have said something when we came in here. I’m allergic to silver.”
Inuyasha turned to her. “You are?”
She nodded, looking apologetic. “It’s a family trait. I didn’t want to believe Mom when she told me so I decided to try on a pair of silver earrings one day while shopping with my friends. Apparently my skin has some weird combination that makes me have an allergic reaction. I nearly had to go to the hospital.” This was a lie; of course. She never doubted her weaknesses but she had to fabricate something to cover it.
“Oh, gee. I’m sorry. Okay, so what about pure gold?”
“Gold’s fine. It doesn’t have to be pure gold, though.”
About thirty minutes later, they left the shop, a plain gold ring on Kagome’s left third finger. “So, where to next?” she asked.
“We could have an early dinner,” Inuyasha suggested.
“Sure. I know this little Italian place.”
“Uh, Kagome. I’ve got an allergy of my own. I’m allergic to garlic. Can’t eat it or stand the smell.”
“No garlic, huh? No problem. How about a burger place?”
“I love burgers.”
“Great.” Kagome and Inuyasha headed down the sidewalk, holding hands and feeling their first date went better than they had first thought.
Chapter Six- Dinner Invite
“Kagome, I’d like to know more about you,” Inuyasha said as they sat in the restaurant.
“Like what?”
“Anything you want.”
“Well, you already know I play volleyball. I’m an okay student, I have a few friends, and I quite athletic.
“My mom is a kind, caring woman who’s showing me how to cook. She teaches me about the cooking and medicinal uses of herbs. Grandpa tried to teach me about our family’s history, usually about things that are useless and sound like he’s making up the origin of those same things. He’s also trying to train me as a priestess like I’ve said before. He’d be better off trying to train my brother, Sota. He’s smarter and more perceptive than most boys his age and we’re real close.”
“You really love your brother, huh?”
“I do. It’s not that way with your brother?”
“Possibly. He’s been seeing someone for a while but it took him a couple of months before he called her his girlfriend. Sesshomaru’s always been an old-fashioned guy and carefully plans things out like what to wear and who to date.”
“He sounds disciplined.”
Inuyasha tilted his head for a moment. “Yeah, I guess he is. I never thought of it like that. I’m not as disciplined even though I have a life plan.”
“What kind of plan?”
“To take over the family business.”
“What kind of business?”
Inuyasha ran through possible businesses before saying, “A butchery.”
Kagome kept her excitement buried at hearing this; a butchery business would be good for a family of werewolves to marry into. “That sounds profitable,” she said.
“Very profitable,” he agreed. He knew Kagome would be angry when he admitted the truth but surely the offer of immortality would diminish that. He smiled at her and the smile he received made him feel guilty over lying to her.
“Do not worry about that,” Tóga told him when he returned home after dinner. “She will forgive you when you explain everything and she accepts your offer to turn her. It was the same way with your mother.”
Inuyasha perked up at this. His mother had forgiven his father for lying about his true nature and accepted his offer to be a vampire. I do hope Kagome forgives me.
“He sounds like a nice young man,” Mrs. Higurashi said as Kagome finished recounting her date.
“Oh, he is. He’s nice and considerate of my feelings. Mom, he would make a good werewolf as his family are butchers.”
“That may be Kagome,” Grandpa said. “But I still believe that Koga would be a better mate.”
“But I like Inuyasha- a lot. I know it’s only been one date, but I feel that he’s the one.”
“Kagome…” Grandpa began.
“If that’s how you feel,” Mrs. Higurashi cut in. “Then, invite him over for dinner in a few days as the full moon starts tomorrow night.”
Kagome nodded. “I’ll do that. We exchanged phone numbers after our date.”
“You approve of this boy?” Grandpa asked after the kids had gone upstairs.
“I admit I would prefer Koga, but Inuyasha makes Kagome happy. It would be best to meet this Inuyasha. If he meets our approval, then either one of us or Kagome will turn him on the next full moon.”
“And if he does not?”
“Then Kagome will keep seeing him behind our backs and will likely turn him without us knowing. She seems quite taken with him.”
“Indeed. Well, we’ll see about him in a few days. Oh, Koga wants all werewolves in the park in two night for a pack night.”
“I’ll tell Kagome and Sota in the morning.”
“He gave you a promise ring?” Sota asked, staring at the ring.
“Yeah. He almost bought a pure silver one, but I said I’m allergic. He bought the lie I told about my allergy. My admittance got him to tell me that he’s allergic to garlic.”
Kagome shrugged. “Humans have all sorts of different allergies. It helps us blend in with our silver allergy. Humans have lots of food allergies for most part and new ones show up almost all the time.”
“So, you really think he’s the one?”
“Oh, yes. The promise ring says I’m seeing someone. Its plain look makes it seem like an ordinary ring.”
“You know he’ll need to make a good impression if he wants Mom and Grandpa to like him.”
“Of course I know that and I’m sure he knows that too. I should call him about the invite, though.”
“Go ahead. I hope Mom and Grandpa approve of him. It’d be nice to have a werewolf brother.” Sota left the room and Kagome picked up the phone.
The phone rang and an older man answered it. “Hi, my name’s Kagome. Is Inuyasha there?”
“One moment please.” There was silence for at least a minute after hearing the man call for his son before Inuyasha came on. “Hi, Kagome.”
“Hi. Listen, Mom wants you over for dinner in a few days. Wednesday at the earliest.”
“Wednesday, huh? Sure, I’d like to have dinner with your family. You told me so much about them, I’d love to meet them.”
“Great. I’ll let Mom know. Good night.”
“Good night.” Inuyasha hung up and looked back at his father who was standing nearby.
Tóga bared a grin. “Dinner in three days. Excellent. We have a clan gathering in two days. I want you there to discuss your dating of Kagome and to formally grant Sesshomaru permission to turn Rin.”
“He’s read to tell her the truth about himself?”
“He is and he acknowledges that he needs permission from you as you are the gang and clan leader.”
“Of course, Father. I’ll be there.”
“Good and once you have the approval of Kagome’s family, you’ll be that much closer to having a vampire mate and three more members in our clan.”
“Yes, Father.”
Chapter Seven- Special Announcement
“A pack night in two nights?” Kagome asked. “The second moon of the cycle?”
“That’s right, so make sure you bring fresh clothes and your schoolbags with you.”
“Yeah, Mom. Oh, I called Inuyasha last night for dinner on Wednesday. He accepted.”
“Oh, good. I’ll have time to shop for a special dish.”
“Uh, nothing with garlic. He’s allergic.”
“No garlic. Got it.”
Kagome whiled away the day doing homework, chores, and helping sell shrine trinkets that Grandpa made himself. She kept herself busy as she tended to be restless on days of the full moon. She knew she would have a lot of energy tonight and she often expended it by wrestling with Sota. The pack night would provide her with others her age that she could run and play with and Sota too would have playmates. The thing was Koga didn’t call a pack night often. He tended to save them for special occasions. Maybe two wolves are being mated or a pup’s going to be blessed. As the alpha, Koga unites the pair or blesses the pup and he does it before the entire pack. Kagome’s tail swished excitedly as the sky had just turned black and she had instantly shifted into a black wolf with gold-brown eyes. She unsheathed her claws to stretch them out, stretched her limbs, and then howled to the moon. Her howl abruptly turned into a yelp as her brother landed on her back. She bucked him off and then proceeded to chase him while her mother and grandpa watched nearby.
“Sesshomaru, Father told me that you are ready to turn Rin.”
“Correct. She loves me and I love her. I wish to bring her to the gathering tomorrow night. Once you have given your permission, I will tell her I’m a vampire and ask for her to let me turn her.”
“What if she runs off screaming?”
“Then, I’ll chase her down and…drain her. She cannot be allowed to live with the truth as she may unintentionally tell a hunter or werewolf.”
Inuyasha nodded at Sesshomaru’s answer. It was clear that the idea of draining Rin hurt, but he knew that Rin would have only two options at that point: Vampire or death. Those will be Kagome’s only choices when the time to tell the truth comes. I hope her mom and grandpa approve of me. I will wait a day or two after the approval to tell her.
Koga laid on the porch while his gang/pack members romped, played, and howled in their large backyard. He eagerly looked forward to the pack night tomorrow. There were a few special events that needed his blessing and they worked neatly into his plan for Kagome. He really did understand her wanting to graduate high school, but sixteen was the ideal age to have a mate. Older wifewolves tended to have a hard time attracting a mate and they ended up seeking out a human to date and bite. While he approves of biting humans, not all are suited to be wolves. Some of the bitten have difficulty in adjusting and end up committing suicide or allowing a vampire to kill them.
It is better to have pups to increase our numbers and to do that, we need mated pairs. So, tomorrow night after I bless pairs and pups, I will announce to all that Kagome is my mate that night. I will not let such a strong wifewolf get away from me. Her mother and grandfather approve of me and would be proud to have me as part of their family. Koga’s tail swished and his eyes got a faraway look as he pictured that moment when he made his announcement. Yes, Kagome may object but her family can push her to accept his declaration. Tomorrow night will be glorious.
Inuyasha slowly mounted the steps that led to an open and wide area. He walked about the area, seeing a sacred shrine house and an old tree. He saw a two-story house and nodded to himself. He had asked around about shrine keeper families and most people referred him to what they called the Higurashi shrine. He assumed that Higurashi had to be Kagome’s last name for she had not provided it.
I didn’t provide a last name because I don’t have one. He moved swiftly around the area again. It was indeed a large, wide, and open property and he smiled. It would be nice to add this shrine to his estate and it would forever be part of his wealth once the family had been turned. Once they’re turned, I can resume my plan to make Tokyo vampire territory. It’ll take some time as werewolves are almost impossible to distinguish from humans save for their ears and their weaknesses. He thought about those weaknesses and found it intriguing that Kagome and her family were also allergic to silver…just like werewolves. He focused on the ground and then crouched down to look at a print there. He stared at it before recognizing it as a paw print.
This paw print looks like a dog’s…or a wolf’s. His head jerked up and stared in the direction of the house. Oh, man. Am I dating…a wifewolf? Is Kagome and her family wolves? If so, my plan to make Tokyo vampire territory can’t come true as I love Kagome. She loves me, I’m certain of it, but would she still if she found out I’m a vampire? Wait. She doesn’t need to find out because I’ll tell her. I’ll tail her tomorrow or Wednesday morning to her school and wait until it lets out. I’ll approach Kagome, take her somewhere private, and admit it. I’ll make it clear that I do love her and felt that she deserved to know. I so hope she still loves and accepts me. The two of us could end the cycle of hatred between our races. Yeah…that would be a much better plan than trying to kill each other. Inuyasha left the property, imagining a future of tolerance between vampires and werewolves.
Kagome and her family walked into the park, the younger ones with schoolbags and bags with fresh clothes and toiletries. They casually walked through the park, into a grove of trees, crawled through a hidden passage, and came out in a clearing surrounded by trees. The sky was aglow with a fiery sunset. Their fellow werewolves and wifewolves milled about, chatting to each other or chasing each other. A couple of kids called out to Sota and he raced over to them.
“Hello, Kagome,” came a soft, familiar voice and she turned to it.
“Hi, Koga,” she replied.
“Big night tonight,” he commented. “Two couples and two pup blessings. I also have a big announcement afterwards.” He gave her a smile as he walked away. She gave a slight shudder before the moon rose and she changed. She didn’t like the look of that smile he gave her.
Koga trotted to the platform where all events took place. He stood tall and looked out at the pack before him. “We come together tonight to bless new couples and little ones. As tradition dictates, I will give the blessing of the mates and pups who require it.” One by one, the couples or families came up onto the platform and Koga bestowed the blessing in barks or howls. The pack would howl at the end of each blessing.
As the last family left the platform, Koga gazed out at them again and his tail stood straight up. “I have led this pack for centuries and yet never took a mate. I was more concerned with our survival, growing our numbers, and defending ourselves from the vampires.
“But now, I have decided that it is time to choose a mate. It is best that I choose a young wifewolf to insure that she has a chance to produce pups.” He paused to allow the pack to bark his name in a chanting manner before continuing. “The wifewolf I have chosen is one you all know. Kagome Higurashi, please stand beside me and I will bless us as mates.”
Chapter Eight- Secrets Revealed
Inuyasha stood at the head of the group of vampires with his father, brother, and Rin standing on his left. He had found a large secluded area of trees last night and had decided that they would meet there for the gathering. Word was sent out and everyone had arrived.
He raised his arms for silence and attention. “Welcome. I’m glad you all found the place. I felt we needed a change of scenery. We’re gathered so everyone can share in the happy news involving Sesshomaru and myself. Sesshomaru.” He nodded for his brother to speak.
He turned to Rin and took her hands in his own. “Rin, when I saw you two years ago, I had no idea of the effect you would have on me. We shared much of ourselves to one another and tonight, I will share the biggest secret I have. I, and everyone you see here, are vampires.”
Rin, to his surprise, laughed gently. “I thought as much. Your aversion to garlic, the hint of fangs you tried to hide when you spoke, and the vague answers I sometimes got.” Her eyes then widened and she gave a hopeful gasp. “Are you going to turn me tonight?”
“Once Inuyasha grants his permission.” Both looked at him.
Inuyasha smiled broadly. “I officially give you permission to turn Rin and, in doing so, she is now your mate.”
Sesshomaru pulled Rin into a hug before he sank his fangs into her neck. He drank contently before withdrawing, pricking his finger, and dripping his blood into the holes. Rin gasped and then inhaled sharply as the vampire blood raced through her, stopping her heart, and growing out her fangs. The witnessing vampires clapped and cheered for the happy couple and at having a new clan sister until Inuyasha raised his arms again.
“Now, for my news. The weekend before last, I met a girl who is different from other teen girls. We hit it off from the start and I got the feeling that she’s my soul mate when we went on a date this past weekend. She’s invited me to dinner Wednesday night and, if her mother and grandfather approve of me, I will tell her I’m a vampire and hopefully, she’ll let me turn her and then she can turn her family. If all goes to plan, I will have a mate myself by this weekend." A large cheer went up at this and Inuyasha signaled for silence. “I now invite you all to mingle and you won’t leave until I say you can.”
The group broke into smaller groups and some went to personally congratulate Sesshomaru and Rin as well as welcome the latter to the clan. Inuyasha moved among his clan members and they gave him their hope that his girlfriend did become his mate. He accepted their hopes and, as he turned to speak to those at the back of the area, he caught a flash of black fur and four legs. A werewolf? Inuyasha thought before dashing after the shape and stopping near a stream. His ears heard crying in a voice he knew and tracked it to find it coming from behind a bush. “Kagome?” he called.
Kagome stood in shock at what she heard but she also felt anger. Who did Koga think he was to announce something like this?
“Kagome,” Koga said, sounding somewhat impatient.
“No,” she replied.
“What?” Koga demanded.
“I said no. I won’t be your mate. Not tonight or ever. I keep telling you to wait but you refuse to listen to me.” Kagome turned and ran from the clearing, ignoring Koga telling her to stop. She fled the area and raced to a clump of bushes near a stream where she collapsed, crying. She did not want to be Koga’s mate, but she felt that her grandpa may force her into it as he felt Koga would be a fine mate for her. It was this feeling that caused the tears.
“Kagome?” called a voice she knew.
“Inuyasha?” she replied.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked and she heard him heading her way.
“Stay away,” she called and she heard the footsteps stop.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, concerned. He heard a sigh and then, “I have a secret I’ve kept from you and I’m not sure how you’ll take it or if you’ll still love me.”
Inuyasha smiled. “You’re a wifewolf, aren’t you? I visited your home yesterday and saw a paw print on the ground and I thought of your silver allergy. I completely understand why you didn’t tell me and of course I still love you. Now, could you come out so I can see you and show you a secret of my own?”
“Secret?” Kagome asked as she came out of hiding, curious.
Inuyasha was almost speechless. Kagome was prettier as a wolf. She stood on four strong, lean legs and had an elegant snout. Her gold-brown eyes regarded him with anxiety. “Well?” she prompted.
Inuyasha smiled hugely to expose his fangs. “I love your wolf form. You’re very pretty this way.”
Kagome gaped at the fangs as Inuyasha spoke. “You’re a vampire,” she said neutrally.
“That doesn’t bother you, does it?”
“Of course not. I still love you too.”
Inuyasha came closer, crouched down, and scratched Kagome’s chin. “That’s good. Now, why were you crying?”
“The alpha, Koga, wants me for his mate, but I don’t want to be his mate. I’m afraid Grandpa will force me to.”
“Well, that’s not right. Wait. Koga? As in leader of the White Claw?”
“Yeah.” Kagome then barked a laugh. “Let me guess. You’re the leader of the Red Fang.”
“Correct. You know, I’ve changed my life plans. I had planned to eliminate all werewolves in Tokyo and have it be vampire territory. But now, I’m thinking of instead ending the violence between our races and having a policy of tolerance.”
“That would be nice, but how will you accomplish it?”
“I won’t. We will. Look, I love you and you love me. So I say, let’s be mated. By being my mate, you’ll have a high status and can make Koga end the violence on his end.”
“Really? I could do that?”
Inuyasha laughed. “Of course. I’m clan leader and my mate and any children are treated with respect.”
“Could we have children?”
“I don’t know, but vampires are able to reproduce. We could try to have children at some point in the future. Werewolves are immortal, right?”
Kagome nodded. “Yeah. Grandpa doesn’t look it, but he’s almost nine hundred years old.”
“Did your dad really die in a car accident?”
“He did. What about your mom?”
“She was stabbed by a werewolf with a sharpened cross to the heart 150 years ago. Dad got revenge with a silver dagger across the throat.”
Kagome flinched. “I can see why you wanted to kill my kind.”
“True, but it wouldn’t bring her back and I now see a better future for both of our kinds.”
“Speaking of which, I imagine we would need the blessing of both for our mating.”
“Dad would have to do it for me. So, let’s start with Koga. I could also propose peace at the same time.”
Kagome nuzzled Inuyasha’s hand before saying, “Follow me, my love.”
Inuyasha smiled as he followed his mate into the forest. He knew walking toward a pack of werewolves alone and unarmed was foolhardy, but he trusted Kagome to protect him. And I will protect her when we ask Dad to unite us. This will be a big shock to Dad and Koga.
Chapter Nine- Official Mates
Inuyasha heard chatting as well as barks, yips, and howls as Kagome led him to the pack’s secluded spot. He saw her tail twitch and suspected that she expected a harsh scolding for running off and likely disobeying her alpha if he had told her to stop. He paused outside the entrance to let Kagome enter alone.
She appeared and he heard an elderly voice say, “Kagome! You owe Koga an apology for what you did and said, young lady! Lots of wifewolves would kill to be Koga’s mate.”
“I know, but…” Kagome began but was cut off by a younger, angry voice.
“Kagome! Get your tail up here!”
The sound of Koga’s tone angered Inuyasha and he strode into the clearing and toward Kagome who had her tail tucked and her ears folded. His appearance caused cries of alarm but he ignored them as he stood beside Kagome and faced the platform.
“Inuyasha,” Koga growled, his hackles raised.
“Koga,” he replied calmly.
“You have some nerve coming here alone.”
“I also have reasons and both of them involve you.”
“Involve me?” Koga repeated before laughing. “Are you challenging me?”
“Not at all. I’m here to talk about a truce. Peace talks, even.”
“Truce? Peace?”
“Yes. I intend to tell my clan that we will no longer fight your race or try to kill you. Instead, we will live alongside you in peace, tolerance at the very least.”
“Why the interest in peace when we’ve fought for countless ages?”
“That’s the other reason I’m here.” He put a hand on Kagome’s shoulder blade. “Kagome and I are in love and we ask for your blessing.”
There was an uproar of noise at this announcement and it was only Koga’s howl that ended it. “Kagome is my mate,” he snarled.
“No, I’m not,” Kagome said, tail untucked and ears erect. “We were never mates as you never blessed it. I also didn’t like your attitude, assuming that I would go along with your decision. I met Inuyasha a couple of weeks ago and we just clicked. I didn’t know he was a vampire until tonight but that doesn’t change the fact that I love him.”
“I suspected Kagome was a wifewolf since yesterday and it was confirmed tonight when I met up with her. I don’t care that she’s a wifewolf. I love her anyway.”
Koga didn’t know what to say. The laws and traditions didn’t say that blessed mates had to be wolves, but he coveted Kagome and didn’t want to lose her to a vampire.
“Koga, please bless us as mates,” Kagome pleaded. “It would show the vampires that we’re willing to end the violence.”
“It would be nice to not have to worry about attacks or planning attacks,” Koga said thoughtfully. He nodded before saying, “Come up here, both of you.”
Inuyasha went up first, wary that Koga would try to bless Kagome to himself. Kagome stood beside Inuyasha and Koga gave the traditional blessing and the pack howled to make it official: Kagome and Inuyasha were mates in the eyes of the werewolves.
Koga went up to Inuyasha, sat, and extended a paw. “Inuyasha, I give my word, before my pack, that the werewolves will not harm another vampire. Any who do will suffer my wrath.”
Inuyasha exposed his fangs in a smile. “Your pack just became brothers and sisters to me. If any of my clan harms or kills one of them, they will be dealt with harshly. The hate ends here.” He took Koga’s paw and they shook to seal their vows. The pack howled and cheered to celebrate this moment.
“Inuyasha,” Mrs. Higurashi said as the couple descended the platform. “I would love to still have you for dinner Wednesday.”
“Of course. We’re family now and we should get to know each other.”
“Ginta,” Koga then barked. “You will accompany me as I go with Inuyasha and Kagome to witness their blessing from the vampires and to assure them that we won’t attack them anymore.”
“Yes, alpha,” Ginta replied and fell into step beside Koga as he nodded to Inuyasha. “Lead on.”
“My clan was ordered to stay in our meeting place so none will have left,” he said as they walked.
“You often meet in the woods?” Koga asked.
“No. Normally, it’s at my family’s house, but tonight I wanted to meet somewhere new and it is good thing I did.” He stopped at the entrance and added, “Wait here, please.” He entered the area and the members warmly greeted him.
“Inuyasha, we were beginning to wonder,” Tóga called.
“Sorry, Father. I was speaking to Kagome and I ask you to unite us as mates.”
“You told her and she still loves you? That is wonderful. I will make your union official once you turn her.”
“Well, actually…” he looked back and gestured. Kagome emerged and the clan gasped. “Turning her is not possible,” he concluded as the wifewolf stood beside him.
“A wifewolf?” Sesshomaru hissed. “You fell for a wolf?” The disgust in his voice was clear.
An angry growl sounded from the entrance as Koga emerged with Ginta behind him and he glared at Sesshomaru. “Yes, she’s a wolf. You got a problem with that?”
“A vampire can’t be the mate of a wolf,” Sesshomaru pointed out.
“Actually he can and is,” Koga countered. “I just blessed them. Inuyasha is my brother and my pack has vowed to not attack or kill vampires anymore.”
Murmurs broke out at this and Inuyasha said, “Our races have fought for too long. It is time to end it and it begins with Kagome and me being mates. The werewolves acknowledge us as mates and now it is time for the clan to do the same. What say you, Father?”
There was silence as everyone looked at Tóga. The elderly vampire was surprised that his son loved a wifewolf; indeed he had been blessed by the alpha already and that made the pack in-laws in a way. There’s really only one thing to do and say.
He drew himself up and said, “You have been mated by the pack and I could do no less. Our tradition states that the clan leader requires a family member or the oldest vampire to make his union to another official. As your father, I unite you and Kagome as mates in the eyes of the clan.” Applause broke out among the vampires and Inuyasha announced, “I will state before Koga the alpha again that we will not attack or kill any werewolves or wifewolves. Any who do will suffer harsh punishment.”
“And I will enforce that when you spend time with your mate,” Tóga added. “I assume you are still having dinner on Wednesday?”
“I am. Kagome’s family is my family too.”
“Then, allow me to extend a similar invitation to Kagome for Friday night. Your family is also invited.”
“I accept and I’ll tell my family about it. Either way, I will be there.” She rubbed her cheek on Inuyasha’s hand before leaving with Koga and Ginta to let the pack know that the vampires were no longer their enemies and that she had been invited to dinner.
Chapter Ten- Dinner Nights
“More rice?” Mrs. Higurashi offered.
Inuyasha shook his head. “No, thank you. I will have more chicken, though. It’s delicious.”
“Thank you, dear. Kagome helped.”
Kagome, who was sitting next to her mate, blushed when Inuyasha smiled at her. Dinner night was going reasonably well. Her mom and Sota welcomed him warmly while her grandpa, though his greeting was friendly, had been quiet and, to Kagome, sullen over her choice of mate. She decided not to make an issue over it. He would eventually get over it.
“Inuyasha,” Sota said. “What’s it like being a vampire?”
Inuyasha paused with a bite of chicken halfway to his mouth. He put it down. “You may want to ask one who was turned. I was born a vampire so I don’t think I’m the best one to ask.”
“But you’re the leader. Didn’t any of the newly-turned come to you with their problems in adjusting?”
“Yeah, some did. Okay. Some did speak to me of what they saw as drawbacks such as needing blood, having fangs, and pointed ears. I would listen and then point out that they’re faster and stronger as well as being immortal. I personally love everything about being a vampire, even the weaknesses.” He then blinked at the triumphant look on Sota’s face. He chuckled. “Oh, clever Sota. I like smart kids.”
Sota laughed. He liked Inuyasha- a lot. He didn’t talk down to him and complimented him. Kagome picked a real nice guy. He’s cool too.
“So, Sota, what’s it like being a werewolf?”
“It’s pretty cool. Being able to change when we want is great but the full moon can be a pain at times. I mean, if a classmate is having a sleepover during the moons, I can’t go.”
“I can understand that. You do have sharper senses, though.”
“We do hear and see better in both forms,” Kagome jumped in. “But smelling is different. The only way to identify a human or a wolf is close proximity.”
“What about a vampire?” asked Inuyasha.
“I never thought to try that. I had thought you were human so I didn’t bother to smell you.” She leaned over and put her nose to his neck. She breathed deeply but smelled nothing. Huh,” she said as she pulled back. “I don’t smell anything.”
“Not a thing. I guess vampires don’t have a scent.”
“Well, that’s something Father never told me; probably because he doesn’t know and werewolves were our enemies.”
Tóga nodded. “Yes, I never knew we have no scent. It is something worth noting and spreading to the clan.” It was Friday and Kagome and her family were seated at the table with Tóga, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Rin. Grandpa still seemed sullen to Kagome and wondered if she should call him on that now.
Tóga turned out to be the first to speak on it. “Mr. Higurashi, is something wrong? Are the steaks not to your liking?”
“Dad?” Mrs. Higurashi prompted when Grandpa didn’t respond.
“I don’t approve of this kind of union,” he finally said.
“What!?”” Inuyasha and Kagome said together.
“Grandpa, we’ve been mated for five nights now,” Kagome said. “Why didn’t you say something before?”
“I suspect a trap,” Grandpa muttered.
“Dad!” Mrs. Higurashi scolded. “That’s no way to talk about our in-laws! They’ve been friendly and warm. If it was a trap, don’t you think we’d all be dead by now?”
“Your daughter speaks the truth,” Tóga said. “Granted I wasn’t comfortable having a wifewolf for a daughter-in-law but after Inuyasha returned from dinner Wednesday and spoke happily about it, I then knew how deeply in love they were. Their union and matting will usher in an age of understanding and tolerance between our races. It could certainly lead to an age of peace and co-existence.”
“Peace and co-existence,” Sesshomaru said. “I would like that.”
“I would too,” Rin put in.
“A toast to Inuyasha and Kagome,” Sesshomaru said, raising his glass. “May they live long happy lives together and that our races live in peace.”
“Hear, hear,” said everyone as they lifted their glasses and drank together.
“I think your father’s words finally brought Grandpa around,” Kagome said as they sat in an abandoned manor, Kagome taking wolf form at her mate’s request.
“Our father, you mean,” Inuyasha corrected. “Our families are connected now. Your family is mine and mine is yours. Not to mention the pack and the clan.”
“You’re right. It’s just been years since I had a father.”
“And I haven’t had a mother for a long time. I never had a grandpa in my life.”
“We both have two more siblings now. I have an older brother and a younger sister.”
“I have a sister and a little brother. Sota’s a great kid.”
“Just wait. You’ll find him annoying at times.”
Inuyasha laughed a little. “Sesshomaru felt that way about me when I was younger.”
“When was that?”
“During my first hundred years of life. A vampire’s childhood lasts a hundred years as does their teen years. I would say that I look to be fifteen or sixteen. Once I turn three hundred, I’ll be a young adult.”
“When I reach twenty-one, my aging will slow. I’m not clear how it’ll go as Koga seems like a young man but is almost five hundred while Grandpa is nine hundred and looks elderly.”
“He is also stuck in the past,” Inuyasha said. “He doesn’t approve of our union and mating. I should remember that Father said he wasn’t comfortable about it.”
“How old is Father?”
“Oh, hundreds of years. Father’s lost count.”
Both laughed at this before Inuyasha continued. “Grandpa will come around. It’ll just take some time. Perhaps some great grandchildren in the future will help.”
“It could. Inuyasha, have you thought of college?”
“No. You think I should?”
“I’m not saying you should go to college, just think about it.” She then looked back at the room behind them as they were in near the open front door. “This house is in nice shape for an abandoned place.”
“Thanks. I insist the manors and mansions be kept up. I really like this one and I’m…hoping this could be our home.”
“Our home?” Kagome gasped.
Inuyasha nodded. “Whenever you’re ready. No rush.”
“Good, because it’ll be a while before I’m ready.”
Inuyasha slid closer to her. “That’s fine with me. We have long lives and can take our time. Meanwhile, we can work on having our races exist peacefully together.” Kagome nodded and sighed softly as her mate stroked her fur and they gazed up at the stars as they pictured their future.