Disclaimer: I don’t own Sailor Moon. Only Hal is mine.
Chapter One- Vampires
Amy snapped shut her computer bag and got up from her seat. “I’ll see you next time, Zoicite,” she said to the coppery-blonde woman who served as supervisor of the Computer Club. She wasn’t a teacher though she was qualified. She politely declined the position when the principal offered it, but said she would like to be in charge of a club or two. The man hired her and she earned a comfortable paycheck and an easy job.
“Have a good night, Amy,” replied Zoicite. “Stay out of trouble.”
Amy laughed. “I try but trouble ends up finding me.” She left the room to see that the school was almost empty. She could hear the low chatter of other people…as well as the steady sound of heartbeats; for Amy was not a normal teenager: She was a vampire.
She wasn’t the only one, though. Zoicite was one as were Malachite, Jedite, and her boyfriend, Greg. They all lived in a beautiful manor house and were ruled by their vampire queen, Beryl. She had her clan seek out new members to turn and when they did, Beryl could either have one of them get close to the person and convince them to become a vampire at which point the person was brought to Beryl and turned. Beryl also had human servants she could send out and, if they succeeded, they would be turned too. If they failed, they were killed.
Failure is hardly a concern, Amy thought as she walked. A potential member is chosen for their intellect or brawn. We prefer brains over brawn, but every now and then we need a little extra muscle as we could end up encountering a werewolf.
Amy scowled. The werewolves were their most ancient enemy and in the distant past, both would fight each other, sometimes to the death. Both races were immortal and silver was the only weakness for both. These days, vampires and werewolves kept to themselves and did not intentionally cause a fight. The only reason we would cross each other would be if we were trying to recruit the same human. That’s rare, but it does happen. I’ve seen it once in the hundred and fifteen year that I’ve lived.
Amy smiled then as she recalled that happy time. Greg and she had been simple teens living simple lives. They had been friends since childhood and planned to marry later and have a family. Both also had a thirst for knowledge and that trait had caught Beryl’s attention. No one really knew how Beryl was able to know, but some though it was a magical crystal of some kind. In any event, Beryl had sent Zoicite to befriend them. It did not take long for them to become friends and when told they were destined to be vampires, they were understandably afraid. Zoicite convinced them that it was a wondrous gift they were being offered.
“You will be young forever and never die except for silver. Just think: Your desire for knowledge can last forever.”
“We’ll be immortal?” Greg asked, sounding thrilled at this.
Amy had bit her lip. “We’ll have to drink blood, won’t we?”
“Yes, but once you hit the century mark, you’ll be able to feed off a human’s energy as well.”
And she was right. I can either drink blood or energy, the latter more than the former as it is easier. It’s better than the werewolves. I was told that they eat primarily meat and human flesh on the full moon. Amy shuddered at the thought. The werewolves seemed so crude and vulgar compared to vampires. They also didn’t seem picky about whom they turned and yet she had only sensed two at school and in her class, to boot. She could see the white aura of the werewolf surrounding them. It stood out against the red aura of humans. Well, as long as they don’t interfere with our affairs, everything’s fine. She mounted the steps of her home, entered, and went down a marble hallway, passing the living room, and then going back to see Malachite and Jedite.
“I thought you would still be working,” she said. The two men ran a gym in town and were quite successful.
“We would be if someone hadn’t decided to feed off our aerobics class.” Malachite fired a glare at Jedite who seemed nonplussed.
Jedite gave a shrug. “Their energy was going to run out before class ended. I figure some of it would be better served keeping me alive.”
“And there’s the fact that you didn’t feed yesterday that prompted you to pig out today.”
Jedite sighed. “I love the energy of women.”
Malachite and Amy exchanged exasperated looks before the latter left for her room. She had reached that floor when she heard Beryl’s telepathic voice in her head say, “Amy. Come to me.”
Amy didn’t hesitate. She headed down the hall to the room at the end. She opened the door, went to Beryl, and kneeled before her. “Yes, your Majesty?”
“Amy, I have been informed that a new student will be in your class tomorrow. Gather whatever information you can and report it to me.”
“As you wish.” Amy was a bit confused. If this new student was meant to be a vampire, why couldn’t she just befriend this person like Zoicite did for her and Greg? Ah, perhaps information gathering is the first step to recruiting. Once I have given my report, then Beryl will likely tell me to befriend the student. Hmm, I wonder. Beryl didn’t say if it was a boy or a girl. Well, however she gets her information, it is not specific. That is something to note.
Beryl stared thoughtfully as Amy left. She knew more about the student than she was letting on, but not much more. She knew it was a tall girl with brown hair. That was all. She would have Amy gather all the info she needed and then leave the recruiting to her remaining human servant. She closed her eyes and focused on her exclusive power, telepathy, on her servant. “Nephlite, report to me.”
The door opened five minutes later and a man with long brown hair entered. He knelt before her. “You summoned me, your Majesty?”
“Yes. Tell me, Nephlite. Do you still wish to be a vampire?”
“Yes, your Majesty. Very much.”
“A new student will arrive in Amy’s class tomorrow. She will gather information on her and then you will befriend her. If you succeed in bringing her to me, then you will have earned your fangs. Fail and you will die.”
“Yes, your Majesty. I won’t fail you.”
“See that you don’t. Dismissed.”
Nephlite rose and, once out of sight, beamed. He had spent years serving Beryl and fulfilling her wishes. He ran errands for the house such as groceries for himself, Amy, and Greg though they did not need to eat; insured utility bills were paid, and kept werewolves away from the house. He had done all this because he knew that, one day, his services would be rewarded with his own fangs.
He was more than ready to be a vampire. All he had to do was befriend a girl and convince her to be a vampire. The moment she was turned, he too would be turned. It will take me a little more time to be friends with her as I am human and do not possess the charm ability that vampires and werewolves have.
“Hi, Nephlite,” greeted Greg and added, “You seem real happy.”
“I will finally have a chance to earn my fangs. All I need is information from Amy tomorrow.”
“That’s wonderful. You’ve worked real hard and deserve this opportunity.”
I sure do, he thought as Greg walked away. I will befriend this girl and we’ll both be vampires.
Chapter Two- Werewolves
Mina shook her head in slight disgust as her fellow blonde, Serena, scarfed down a burger and fries. “How can you be hungry? Lunch wasn’t that long ago.”
“Hey, I’m a growing girl,” she protested before taking a long sip of a chocolate milkshake.
Mina didn’t argue. Both of them were fifteen and wouldn’t be fully mature until they were twenty-five. Once they reached that age, they would cease aging and become immortal as they were werewolves.
Their pack, once having a dozen members, now had only four. There was Serena, Mina, Serena’s betrothed Darien, and their alpha, Diamond. The two males were mature and Diamond looked forward to the day when Serena and Darien would couple and have little ones of their own, thereby growing their small pack. Mina was willing to wait for one of those future werewolves to be her mate…or be Diamond’s mate.
Of course, as alpha, Diamond must be courted carefully and he must be receptive to wanting a mate. Mina smiled to herself. It would be nice to be the alpha’s mate. They would help grow the pack as well. Surely, he’s thought of that.
Mina looked out the window while Serena continued to eat. She and Serena were bitten by Diamond when he adopted them from the orphanage when they were babies. They did not feel angry at becoming werewolves; quite the opposite. They had been meant to become werewolves and their lives at the orphanage would have been rough and possibly miserable. The lives they were currently living were pleasant and comfortable. Both men were intelligent and held jobs that were high-paying. Normally, werewolves preferred members who were strong or loyal or both, but intelligence results from their longevity. Darien was actually ninety years old while Diamond was almost two hundred. Darien worked as a personal trainer to wealthy clients while Diamond worked from home as a jeweler who appraised other’s jewelry and sold jewels and jewelry. His boss paid him well for his work. Mina like watching him work and she found that she too had an eye for appraising the value of gems and precious metals like gold and silver, the latter done with gloves to avoid being burned by it.
“Mina, come on! Let’s head home,” Serena said, snapping Mina out of her reverie.
“Coming,” she said. She followed Serena out and the two chatted about the coming weekend. Serena spoke of a sale at a store both loved and that she would shop there with Molly. Mina added that she’d like to join them and Serena said she was welcome.
“Darien said he wants to go for a run in the park with me Friday night,” Serena added.
Mina nodded. “A kind of bonding moment. It’ll be as wolves, right?”
“Of course.” Werewolves could assume wolf form whenever they chose and could turn anyone on any night. On the full moon, they all became normal wolves. They spoke as wolves, thought as wolves, and acted like wolves. The pack relocated to an isolated section of the park during those times. The hunting was only of animals and no humans, despite what humans and vampires thought.
Vampires, Mina thought, resisting the urge to growl. They think they’re so superior, but they’re not. Drinking blood from humans, leaving them weak and tired. That is disgusting and their scent isn’t much better: Stale blood and death. I know there are two in our school and one in our class. It wasn’t hard to find the source: That Amy Mizuno. I won’t pick a fight with her. It wouldn’t be a smart thing and besides, she isn’t bothering us.
The pair entered a beautiful house and met up with Darien who smiled at them. “Hi, girls. The alpha wants to speak with both of you.” His tone was casual, which told them that it wasn’t anything real bad, just serious. The two went to Diamond’s door, took wolf form, and Mina pawed at the door. “Enter,” came a voice of authority.
They did so with Mina pushing down on the door’s handle. The room was large as it served as Diamond’s bedroom and his workplace. A long, wide bed stood on the far side, its length and width as such so Diamond could sleep in human or wolf form. It was screened off but both knew what it looked like as they had similar beds. A laptop sat closed on a desk that also had locked boxes and an assortment of jeweler’s equipment neatly lined up next to them and a chair tucked under the desk. Across the room from the desk was a handsome armchair with a tall pedestal beside it and in the indention in the pedestal’s top was a round crystal that shimmered and looked like silver. A large wolf with silvery-white fur sat in the chair and Serena and Mina bent their front legs and bowed their heads before him. “Alpha,” they said.
“Girls,” Diamond said. He aimed a paw at the jewel. “The Imperium Crystal has revealed to me of a new student that will arrive in your class tomorrow. It is clear that she is to join our pack. Get to know her, convince her to join the pack, and bring her here so that I can turn her.”
“Yes, alpha,” Mina said. “We won’t fail you.”
“If you do, I won’t punish either of you. I say this because the vampires may know of this girl’s arrival and if so, they will likely try to recruit her.”
“They’ll not have her,” Mina growled. “The Imperium Crystal does not reveal possible new members all that often. The vampires can turn anyone at any time.”
“Precisely, my dear. Although, my understanding is that it has been at least a hundred years since they last turned someone or at least the clan in this city has. Now, Serena please leave. I have business to discuss with Mina.”
Serena stood and left the room, closing the door behind her via a string tied to the handle.
Mina remained bowed and waited for Diamond to speak. “Mina, you and Serena will graduate in three years and be fully mature and immortal in ten years’ time.”
“Yes, alpha. We look forward to all of that. I wish to be a jeweler like you.”
“I thought as much and I insist you attend school like I did if you still wish to pursue that profession in three years.”
“I will, alpha. I promise.”
“Good. Now, to another matter. Even though, human society considers me your adopted father, werewolf packs do not. I may be almost 200, but my body is still young and fertile. If our pack is to grow, mates must be formed and pups must be conceived. Serena and Darien are betrothed to couple in three to ten years. I realize that I too should contribute to the pack’s growth. Therefore, you will be my mate, Mina.”
Mina lifted her head and her tail swished. “Really, alpha?”
Diamond jumped down and nuzzled a cheek with his nose. “Yes, really. You are a lovely young lady and wolf and we could have equally lovely pups.”
Mina’s tail swished harder. “Alpha, I would be honored to be your mate.” A dream come true, she added silently. Mina stood fully and followed Diamond to the door as the alpha said, “Then, let us tell the others the happy news.”
Mina beamed as Diamond found the other couple and announced that he had taken Mina as his mate and they offered their congratulations. She was now Diamond’s mate as she had dreamed and tomorrow, she and Serena would meet the new girl and get to know her. With our charm ability, convincing her to join the pack won’t be hard.
Chapter Three- The New Girl
Amy, along with her class, looked at the tall brunette girl who stood next to the teacher in a beige school uniform. She had the look of someone who looked like she would deck anyone who annoyed her. It was an intimidating look and prompted some to look away. Amy, however, was impressed. She seems fearless. I’m not sure if she’s suited to be a vampire. But that’s not my decision. I just need to gather information about her. I’ve already learned her gender and her looks. I just need a name.
“Everyone, this is Lita Kino,” the teacher said. “Please make her feel welcome. Hmm…there’s an empty seat by Serena.” Said blonde raised her hand to draw Lita’s attention and then smiled as she swept her hand to the seat beside her. Amy frowned a little but scrawled Lita’s name on a scrap of paper that she would present to Beryl later. It concerned her that Serena seemed unusually happy to have the new girl beside her. She knew Serena and Mina were werewolves and they likely knew she was a vampire. If they intend to recruit Lita, then a clash between us could occur.
Serena was thrilled as Lita sat. The new girl was pretty and she was eager to speak with her. The apprehensive looks of her human classmates didn’t concern her but was curious about why they looked that way. She glanced sideways at Lita and then caught Mina’s eye and the blonde smiled happily at her. Serena returned the smile. I can hardly wait for lunch so I can introduce myself properly, she thought.
“You don’t want to know her,” Melvin, the school nerd, told her as the class headed out to lunch and he overheard Serena tell Mina about wanting to know Lita. “She transferred from her old school for fighting and she’s a karate maniac. Everyone’s keeping their distance and you should too.”
“Oh, I’m sure she’s not that bad,” Serena countered. Serena, like most werewolves, relied on instinct when it came to assessing a situation and her instincts told her that Lita wasn’t as bad as Melvin’s information said. She headed out as Melvin called, “Keep your distance, Serena!”
Serena found Lita sitting outside by herself, no doubt because of the rumors. They may not be rumors. If she does do karate, that would definitely make her werewolf material as we value brawn and loyalty. Serena looked around for Amy, Diamond’s warning reminding her that the vampires may look to recruit her, too. No one around. Good. Serena slowly approached, turning on her charm ability as she did so. She was taking no chances. “Lita1” she called.
The brunette whipped her head around and, for a moment, looked threateningly. The look faded and she smiled a little. “Hi. It’s Serena, right?”
“That’s me. Mind if I join you?”
“I don’t mind. I’d like some company. Everyone’s been avoiding me.”
“Oh, probably because of the rumors that you got in trouble for fighting at your old school,” Serena said casually and airily. “Is any of that true?”
“Yeah, but in my defense, I didn’t start it. I saw someone being bullied and I stepped in to stop it. The problem is that once I start defending someone, I get carried away and end up really hurting people.”
“I understand that. I also heard that you study karate.”
“Actually, I study a variety of martial arts. It helped make me strong which is how people end up hurt when I fight.”
“So, what do your parents do?”
Lita dropped her eyes. “They’re dead. A plane crash some time ago.”
“Oh, Lita. I’m so sorry. You live alone, then?”
“Yeah. Say, would you like a muffin? I made them myself.”
“You’ve talked to her?” Mina asked as they headed back to class after lunch.
“Yeah, she’s real nice and a great cook. She offered me a muffin she made herself. She lives alone because her parents are dead.”
“Alone? She could live with the pack once she’s turned.”
“I wonder if Amy will stay away from Lita because of the fighting rumor.”
“Maybe. So, she didn’t fight at her old school?”
“Oh, she did but only because she was defending someone. She studies martial arts so she’s real strong and gets carried away in protecting someone.”
“Wow. That definitely makes her werewolf material.”
“Yeah and I invited her to hang out after school.”
“Great. Count me in.”
Amy headed home once school was over and she had no clubs to attend. She needed to report to Beryl everything she had found out about Lita. Once she had given her report, Beryl will move on to the next part of the recruitment plan.
It shouldn’t take too long to convince Lita to be a vampire, particularly with our charm ability. My concern are the werewolves. They may have already begun befriending her. If we don’t act soon, we’ll lose her to the werewolves. Amy sped up her pace, almost appearing as a blur. She arrived home soon enough and hurried inside. She raced up the stairs and knocked on Beryl’s door. “Enter,” came the reply.
Amy opened the door and saw Nephlite beside Beryl’s throne. She went up to Beryl and knelt. “Your Majesty, I have the information you requested.”
“The new student is a girl and her name is Lita Kino. She is tall with brown hair and green eyes. Supposedly, she got kicked out of her previous school for fighting and she is an avid karate student.”
“Very good, Amy. Nephlite, you have the information for your mission. Persuade Lita to join us and you will be a vampire as well.”
Nephlite bowed and he and Amy left the room. “I see now,” Amy said. “This is your chance to become a vampire.”
“My one and only chance,” he said. “If I fail, I will die.”
“I could assist you by using my charm ability to persuade her to be your friend.”
Nephlite gave her a cold look. “I don’t need any help. I will convince her on my own and in my own way.”
“Fine,” Amy said. “Then, may I feed from you? I did not do so today as I was concerned about the werewolves’ interest in Lita.”
“Of course you can. Blood or energy?”
“Blood.” Amy’s fangs grew out as Nephlite knelt. She pushed her fangs in and began to drink. She drank contently and then withdrew and held the bite mark.
“So,” Nephlite said weakly. “The werewolves are showing an interest in Lita? That could be a problem. However, I can be quite charming myself. Surely, I can befriend Lita just as easily.”
“Of course you can be charming. I’ve seen young women fawning over you.”
“I noticed that too but I have no interest in romance. All I want is to be a vampire and live forever. When I succeed in having Lita turned, I will have my fangs as well.” He rose to his feet and walked away a bit unsteadily. Amy watched him leave, hoping that his confidence wasn’t misplaced.
Chapter Four- New Friends
“This is my favorite place to hang out,” Serena said as they entered the arcade.
“Almost as much as that diner close to home,” Mina spoke up as she caught up with them. She smiled and held out a hand when Lita turned around. “Hi, I’m Mina.”
Lita took the hand. “Hi.” She looked back and forth between them. “Are you two sisters?”
Mina and Serena giggled before the former said, “Not by blood but we were adopted when we were babies.”
“You’re orphans too?” Lita asked, feeling like a connection had been made.
“Yeah, but our stepfather’s been as kind to us as our real fathers would have been,” Serena said.
“And your stepmother?”
“No stepmother. It’s just us, stepfather, and older stepbrother.”
“A brother?” Lita’s eyes sparkled.
“Uh, he’s got a girlfriend. Sorry,” Mina said.
“I’d still like to meet him.”
“I’m sure we can arrange that. But, for now, let’s have some fun!” Serena said with a goofy smile.
Lita hung out with Serena and Mina for hours. They weren’t afraid of her and talked to her like a normal girl. By the time, they split up to go home, Lita felt that she had real friends at last. I hope I can have a boyfriend one day. My last one ditched me because I was fighting so much. I can be feminine and wear a dress. If only someone liked me for me, who didn’t see me as the karate maniac.
“Hello. Are you Lita?” a voice said from behind her.
“Who wants to know?” she snapped as she turned around. She blinked and stared at the man before her with semi-glazed eyes. Oh, wow. He’s handsome. She came to enough to say, “Uh, yeah. I’m Lita.”
The man flashed a bright smile as he extended his hand. “My name’s Nephlite. I’m a friend of Amy’s, who’s in your class.”
“Today was my first day,” Lita replied as she took Nephlite’s hand and shook it. “Maybe you could describe her?”
“I’m sure you saw her. She was in the front row. Fair skin, short blue hair, and blue eyes?”
“Oh, yeah. I saw her. She seemed to be staring really hard at me.”
“Amy is quite focused and very smart. She tends to look at things and people rather hard and not intended to be intimidating. She does have a boyfriend who is also quite smart.”
“Do you…have a girlfriend?” Lita asked, blushing. Please say no, please say no.
“I don’t. I guess I’m still looking for the right girl.” He smiled again and when she returned it, Nephlite felt his heart beat faster. God, she’s pretty. Perhaps we can be mates after we’re turned. I wasn’t really looking for love, but it would seem I found it. “Lita, can I take you for a cup of tea or maybe dinner?”
“I’d like to have dinner with someone. I don’t have anyone at home.” The pair started toward the town’s shopping district again.
“You live alone!? Why?”
“My parents are dead and I don’t have any siblings.”
“Lita, that’s awful.”
The brunette girl gave a small shrug. “I’m handling myself just fine. I’ve got a nice place and can eat well as I can cook.”
“Really? I think I’d like to see your place and try your food sometime.”
“I’d like that. I enjoy cooking food for more than myself. I offered a muffin to a new friend at lunch today.” Her face glowed at the memory as they stopped at a nice diner and Nephlite opened the door for her.
“It’s nice to hear that you’ve made a new friend on your first day at a new school. Amy spoke of you being in trouble at your last school.”
“My reputation apparently spread throughout the school in a short period of time. It didn’t stop Serena from approaching me and talking to me. She’s real nice. We hung out today and I met another classmate, Mina. She and Serena were orphans until their stepfather adopted them when they were babies.”
“Ah, so you actually made two new friends.”
“I’m hoping it’s three with you, Nephlite.”
“I don’t see why not. I think you’re real nice.”
Lita smiled and blushed as they sat at a table. They talked about themselves as they ate and both felt closer when they parted an hour later. When Lita got home, she baked some cookies intending to give them to her new friends tomorrow with Amy delivering Nephlite’s share.
I learned a lot about Nephlite and told him much about myself that I haven’t told Serena or Mina. Gee, I should fix that by telling them at lunch tomorrow. Maybe we can make plans for the weekend as tomorrow’s Friday.
Nephlite smiled as he came through the front door. His first encounter with Lita had gone better than he had planned. Their conversation to the diner and during dinner had been natural and he had shared much about himself. I did have to lie about what I do and who I live with. Now is not the time to tell her that I live with and work for a clan of vampires. There are six of them and I am a lone human among them and I am getting to know Lita so we can both be vampires. We will live forever and drink blood exclusively until we’ve been vampires for a hundred years and then we can feed off energy as well. Nephlite’s smiled turned dreamy as he got ready for bed and soon he was in bed, dreaming of an eternal life with Lita.
Serena and Mina, once in their home, shifted to wolf form and began to bark and yip with joy. Their sounds brought their mates to the hall. Diamond smiled, intuiting why they sounded happy. “You’ve made progress with the new girl,” he said.
“Yes, alpha,” Serena said. “Her name is Lita. She’s tall with brown hair and green eyes. She’s also strong and practices the martial arts. She’s also a great cook.”
“She also lives alone,” Mina added. “Her parents died in a plane crash.”
“The poor kid,” Darien said.
“Indeed. She will not need to live alone once she is turned and her new wolf instincts may not let her live alone.”
“I can’t wait to have a new pack sister,” Mina yipped.
“You may soon have a pack brother as well,” Diamond said. “The Imperium Crystal revealed to me a fully mature man. The curious thing was that I could not see his face as there was a black shadow behind him.”
“A black shadow?” Darien repeated. “What does it mean?”
“I am not sure. I have never encountered such a thing. Regardless, we will persuade him to join us.”
“Of course, alpha. I would be honored to get in contact with him.”
“That is not necessary, Darien.”
“It’s not?”
“I saw the top of Lita’s head and the man seemed to be following her. She will lead him to us when we tell her the truth about us.”
“That will make it easy for us,” Darien remarked.
Diamond nodded as the girls became human again and they retired to the living room. They now had two potential members coming to them and he hoped they did join them.
Chapter Five- Conflicted Emotions
“For Nephlite?” Amy asked.
Lita nodded. “Yeah. We met yesterday and talked over dinner. He said you’re his friend so I thought you could give these to him.”
“Cookies?” Amy asked, her nose identifying the smell.
“Yeah. White chocolate and macadamia nut. You can have one if you want.” Lita left for her seat, deciding to surprise Serena and Mina at lunch.
“Cookies!” Serna exclaimed at lunch when she opened her bag. She bit into one and a content look of bliss appeared on her face. “Oh, yum!”
Mina bit into a cookie from her own bag. “Wow, that’s really good. I’ve never tasted a cookie this good.”
Lita blushed. “My mother taught me how to cook before she died. We used to make cakes together.”
“Could you tell us about your parents?” Mina asked. “I mean if it’s not too painful.”
“Sure I can.” Lita talked about her parents a little bit during lunch and picked it up in the park after school. She also talked about herself, telling them everything she had told Nephlite. Serena had been listening avidly until she looked at the sky. “Oh no! I’ve gotta go! I’m meeting my boyfriend tonight!”
“Oh, okay,” Lita said. “Hey, maybe we can hang out tomorrow?”
“Definitely,” Mina said. “Maybe we could see your place?”
“Sure. I’d like that. Come over around two.” Mina and Serena left and Lita smiled. I’ve got a full day tomorrow. I’ll hang out with Serena and Mina and then I’ll see Nephlite for dinner. I hope he got the cookies as I left a note in them.
“Cookies? For me?”
Amy nodded. “Uh-huh. She invited me to try one. It was very good. She’ll be a good asset to the clan.” She handed him the bag and walked away.
Nephlite opened the bag and saw a folded piece of paper under the cookies. He pulled it out and opened it, a smile appearing. It was from Lita with an invitation to have dinner with her tomorrow night at her place, the address included in the note. Dinner at her place. That means she’ll cook dinner. He bit into a cookie and he blinked in surprise. Whoa. That’s real good. She’s got a flair for cooking. Amy’s right: She’ll be an asset to the clan.
As this thought crossed his mind, he felt a pang in his heart. Lita seemed too good to be a vampire. This realization left Nephlite in a quandary. If he managed to persuade Lita, he’d be a vampire as he had always wanted but he may end up losing the person Lita was as most vampires don’t retain their humanity when they are turned, including their emotions. But if I don’t convince her, I’ll be killed. Maybe I should tell her the truth at dinner tomorrow. I’ll tell her that I do love her and then tell her about the clan and the task I was given, making it clear that it is her choice to be a vampire or not. Never mind what’ll happen to me if she chooses to not be turned. Nephlite nodded. Yes, that was what he would do.
Lita stayed in the park a little longer, doing homework at a picnic table. It was a lovely afternoon and she felt like staying outside instead of heading indoors. I plan to fix a great dinner for Nephlite. I hope he likes it and while we eat, I’ll tell him that I love him. I know it’s a bit sudden, but I’ve always been a bit of a romantic and I tend to fall in love fast and hard.
Lita saw it was starting to get dark and started packing up her stuff. She had just gotten up and grabbed her bag when she saw Serena walk by a short distance away. She’s probably meeting her boyfriend. Hmm, I wonder what he looks like. Lita wandered in that direction and spied her friend in a grove of trees. She started to go by when Serena vanished and a blond wolf stood in her place. Lita gaped and her bag slipped from her fingers. She continued to stare as a black wolf appeared and nuzzled Serena’s cheek. “Ready for our run?” he asked.
“Always,” the blonde said before both bounded off, Lita still shocked by what she saw.
Serena’s a…a…werewolf!? And it seems her boyfriend is one too. Why didn’t she tell me? I thought we were friends. I’m gonna confront her about this tomorrow. Lita gathered her bag and headed home.
Serena panted as she struggled to catch up to Darien. Yes, Darien had longer legs and been alive for decades but she was younger and had more energy so why couldn’t she catch up? She urged her legs to go faster but they seemed disinclined to cooperate. She then sprang into the air and sailed forward to cover half the distance between her and her mate. She leaped again and landed beside Darien, startling him for a moment before he laughed and then howled which prompted Serena to howl as well.
The two werewolves finally stopped to rest at a pond. Serena drank some water what Darien rested nearby. “Serena, did you smell a human earlier before our run?”
“I did. I also recognized it. It was Lita.”
“You think she saw you change?”
“Maybe. If so, then tomorrow could be the day Mina and I tell her everything.”
“So, the alpha could be turning her before the weekend is over.”
“I hope so. She would be a great pack member.”
“And with her, she’ll bring that man Alpha mentioned. I do wonder about that black shadow, though. It sounded ominous from how the alpha said it.”
“I’m sure he’ll tell us if we ask him.” Darien drew alongside Serena and bent down to drink.
“Of course.” Darien drank some water, pausing a little to look at his face. It still amazed him how werewolf immortality worked. He had been bitten by Diamond when he was eighteen and was excited by the idea of being twenty-five forever. Even though his biological age was ninety, he looked physically twenty-five. And in ten years, Serena and Mina will also look twenty-five forever. Serena and I can couple to celebrate that milestone as well as my 100th birthday.
“Darien, you okay?”
Darien blinked and looked at her. “I’m fine, just thinking of how I’ll be a hundred in ten years.” He managed a grin. “I was thinking we could couple when you turn twenty-five to celebrate both events: You becoming immortal and me being a hundred years old.”
“Sounds perfect.” Serena then yawned and stretched her forelegs, her sharp claws exposed.
“Let’s head home, Serena. You possibly have a big day. I know I do.”
“I’ve got three clients tomorrow and one of them wants me to get him ready for a triathlon that’s coming up.”
Serena winced. “Some humans exercise way too much.”
“Yeah, but I can’t complain as personal trainers are paid well.”
Nephlite sat in the living room the next day, fretting. He had been plagued by nightmares last night, including a vampire Lita who did not act like the girl he fell in love with. How can I convince her to be a vampire if the girl she is vanished from it? But if I fail, I’ll die.
“Oh, Nephlite. Anyone home in there?”
Nephlite jerked as Zoicite sat on the couch. “Oh. Hi.”
“You seem down. Your mission not going well?”
“Well enough, but I’m not sure if the girl should be turned as her personality will change, right?”
“It will and yours too. So, any emotions you have for her will die when you’re turned. Mine certainly did. Amy and Greg were friends when they were turned so they came to love each other. Any love before being turned will die, so don’t concern yourself about that.”
“I can’t persuade her. I love her too much.”
“You will persuade her or you’ll die,” Zoicite hissed as she left and Nephlite resumed fretting over his indecision.
Chapter Six- The Truth
“Lita, your place is beautiful,” Serena commented as she and Mina entered the apartment. She admired the hardwood floors and the plants hanging from the ceiling in pots.
“Thanks. I love growing plants, some of them are herbs I use in cooking.”
“Looks like you plan on doing some tonight.” Mina nodded at the counter.
Lita blushed. “I’m, uh, having dinner with this guy I met the day I met you. He’s real nice and handsome.”
“What’s his name?”
“Nephlite. He said he’s a friend of Amy’s.”
“A friend of Amy’s?” Mina repeated.
“Yeah. Is that bad?”
“Well, if he’s Amy’s friend…I mean, we don’t get along with Amy.”
“She’s a snob. Being so smart and all.”
“That’s no reason to snub her. You could ask to start over.”
“It won’t work,” Serena said. “She’s someone who’s influenced by first impressions and doesn’t give second chances.”
“Oh, I see. Anyway, I really like Nephlite and tonight, I plan to tell him that I love him.”
Mina was alarmed. Nephlite had to be either a vampire or a human serving them. He must have been sent to befriend Lita so she can be turned. No! I won’t let them get her!
“What?” Lita demanded, seeing Mina’s alarmed look. “What’s wrong now?”
“I…think Nephlite’s trying to lure you into a terrible fate.”
“Why would he do that?”
Mina didn’t answer but exchanged a significant look with Serena. They had been told growing up that they couldn’t tell anyone they were werewolves, unless it was a new member. They were also told to keep the existence of vampires secret too as the vampires had told no one about werewolves. It was the only thing the two races agreed on.
“Serena. I saw you in the park last night and become a wolf,” Lita said, breaking the silence. “Then, I saw a black wolf appear and the two of you talked before running off.”
“I did smell you nearby and thought you saw me. Yes, Lita. I am a werewolf and so is Mina and those we live with.”
“And your boyfriend’s one too, right?”
“Actually, my boyfriend is the older stepbrother. He’s older than he looks.” Serena produced a picture of them in human form.
“Huh? He looks like mid-twenties.”
“Listen,” Mina said, gesturing for them all to sit. “Serena and I were adopted when we were babies by the alpha, Diamond. He bit us into werewolves and we’ve grown up with the alpha and Darien, Serena’s mate.
“When a wolf hits twenty-five, he or she stops aging and become immortal. Darien looks twenty-five, but he’s really ninety years old.”
Lita’s mouth dropped. “Ninety!?”
Mina nodded. “Diamond has a magic crystal that tells him of potential new members. That’s why he bit Darien, Serena, and me. He recently was told that you’re a potential new member.”
“I could be a werewolf?”
“You could. I should tell you that during the full moon, we relocate to an isolated area of the park as we’ll act like normal wolves. Also, silver is our only weakness.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad. So, do I need to wait for the full moon in order to be a werewolf?”
“Oh no. It can be done at any time. So, Lita. Now that you know the truth, the real reason we don’t like Amy is because she’s a vampire.”
“A vampire? And you think Nephlite is one, too?”
“Either that or a human serving them. He was likely sent to persuade you to be a vampire.”
“We don’t know. Maybe you could ask him at dinner.”
“I think I will and I’ll tell him that I’ve chosen to be a werewolf.”
“We did it!” Serena cheered once outside the apartment building. “Lita chose to be a werewolf!”
“Yeah and we can tell Diamond so he can be ready for Lita to show up at any time.”
As they walked away, Mina said, “Serena? You recall Diamond mentioning a man with a black shadow following Lita? Suppose that man is Nephlite and the black shadow is either a vampire or his vampire aura.”
“Could be. Maybe Nephlite’s human and really loves Lita. She may be able to persuade him to be a werewolf too.”
“I don’t know. Diamond told us that human servants obey their vampire masters no matter what.”
“I don’t want to die but I don’t want Lita to be turned, Malachite,” Nephlite said.
“Look, I know you humans can form strong, emotional attachments but you gave the queen your oath that you would serve her faithfully until you are turned. Nephlite, you are so close to being turned. Don’t let your feelings for Lita blind you and keep you from something you’ve wanted for years.”
“I know, but…”
“No buts. Do your duty to the queen. Once both of you are turned, your feelings for her will vanish and you’ll be just like us.”
“Like your feelings for Zoicite vanished and hers for you?”
“Exactly. We don’t need to love as we’re technically dead and I mean our hearts don’t beat and we can’t reproduce except through turning humans.”
“So, love isn’t necessary.”
“Not necessary though love can happen between two vampires if they didn’t love one another when they were human. Also, let me remind you, she’s a teenage girl and you’re a grown man. Humans don’t look favorably on such a relationship. Better for you two to be vampires and not love one another.”
Nephlite had to admit that Malachite had a point as far as their supposed relationship was concerned. Nephlite wasn’t sure if Lita loved him, but he knew he loved her and didn’t want to lose that feeling.
The brunette turned his attention to Malachite, unaware that the vampire had turned on his charm ability. “You told Beryl you wouldn’t fail her in convincing Lita to join us. You know the penalty for failure is death. Unless you want to die, you will have Lita join us.”
Nephlite felt his resolve strengthen under the charm’s power. “Yeah, I will have Lita become a vampire. I don’t wish to die and I certainly don’t want to disappoint the queen.”
Malachite turned off the charm and patted Nephlite’s shoulder. “There’s a good man. Now, I believe you have a dinner with Lita to get ready for?”
“Yes. Yes, I do. I better get to it.” Nephlite left the room and met Amy upstairs who had a disapproving look that intrigued him. “Amy?”
“Nephlite, don’t listen to Malachite. He’s been a vampire for too long to remember what love is and how strong it can be. I say go ahead and love Lita but make sure she joins us.”
Nephlite smiled and nodded. “You’re right, Amy. I can still love Lita and I will persuade Lita to join us or die trying.” He headed to his room to prepare for his date.
Chapter Seven- Turning Point
Nephlite inhaled deeply as he entered Lita’s home. “Chicken?” he asked as the door closed.
Lita smiled brightly. “Right. I made rosemary chicken, rice, peas, and chocolate sundaes for dessert.”
“That sounds wonderful. I look forward to eating more of your cooking. Those cookies yesterday were really good.”
“Mina said the same thing.”
He doesn’t look like a vampire as his skin isn’t pale and no fangs when he smiles, Lita thought as she put the food on the table. Is he really serving vampires and ordered to convince me to be a vampire? What does he get out of this?
Nephlite chewed and swallowed a bite of chicken. The mix of spices and the way it was cooked made it delicious. She knows how to cook. A skill she would probably lose as a vampire. He felt like his heart was breaking at the thought. I can’t do it. I can’t persuade her to join. I’d rather die than have her as a vampire. Now’s the time to tell her.
“Lita,” he said. “I have something to tell you. Please keep in mind that I’m telling you because I love you…”
“You love me?” Lita interrupted with a smile. “Nephlite, I love you too.”
Nephlite smiled back. “Good. It makes what I have to say easier. Lita…I am a human serving a clan of vampires. I am to serve the queen of this clan until I am turned or killed for failing her orders. She had a mysterious way of finding possible members and you’re one of them. She had Amy gather information on you and she reported to the queen and me. I was then told to persuade you to be a vampire with the promise of being turned myself.
“But as I got to know you, I realize that I can’t do it. I love you for who you are and if you became a vampire, your personality would change including your love for me. I’d rather die than let that happen to you.”
Lita listened in rapt attention and then, to his surprise, she laughed. “Nephlite, I am not going to be a vampire in any event. I was given an offer earlier today to be a werewolf and I’ve accepted.”
“A werewolf?”
“Yeah. I was told that wen one turns twenty-five, they stop aging and become immortal.”
“And they’re living beings who feel emotions. I’m happy for you.”
“Nephlite…why don’t you join me? We can both be werewolves and still love one another.”
“And as I am twenty-five, I would become immortal and only be vulnerable to silver just as vampires are.”
“It would also free you from your service to the queen.”
“It would. Do you know where they live? You could introduce me.”
“I do know where they live. They told me after I accepted their offer for me to join them. Nephlite, you already know two of them: Mina and Serena.”
“Really? I never knew they were werewolves.”
“I didn’t either until they told me. So, you’ll be a werewolf too?”
“Yes. I just need to gather my few possessions and sneak out of the clan’s home.”
Lita came around the table and hugged him. “Great. How about we celebrate with those sundaes?”
“Nephlite’s human and was ordered to persuade you or die? That’s awful. He does? Of course. His joining us was foreseen yesterday while we were hanging out. Tomorrow? Sure, that’s fine. See you then.” Serena hung up, shifted to wolf, and howled in joy before running into the den. “Nephlite’s decided to join us! He didn’t want Lita to be a vampire but he also didn’t want to die for failing the queen.”
“Excellent,” Diamond said. “Having someone who served vampires could give us more insight into how vampires exist and how they think. Already, we know that failing the queen results in death.”
Darien shook his head. “That’s cruel. Kill someone for failing? I wonder if only human servants receive that punishment.”
“If so, it certainly motivates them to succeed,” Diamond said.
“They’ll both be here tomorrow to be turned,” Serena added.
Diamond gave a wolf’s grin. “Good. Once I bite them, they’ll officially be part of the pack.” Diamond howled and the others echoed it.
“You’re spending a few days at her place?” Beryl asked.
Nephlite was already kneeling as he said, “Yes, your Majesty. This is the ultimate test of her trust in me.”
“I don’t care about trust. I want Lita as part of the clan. You do want your fangs, don’t you?”
“Yes, your Majesty.”
“All right. Go have your little sleepover. When it’s over, invite her over here and introduce us. I will turn her when you bring her to me. I will charm her into letting me turn her and when I have, it will be your turn.”
“As you command, your Majesty.” Nephlite rose, left, and once in his room, smirked. Lita and he had spent time during dessert discussing Nephlite’s departure from the clan and came up with this plan. He would claim spending time with Lita, pack up his things, and leave. He would meet up with Lita outside her apartment building and she would lead him to the pack’s home where they would be turned. He would then assist Lita in packing up her place and moving it to their new home as she had said she’d like to live with the others.
A knock sounded and Nephlite wiped the smirk off his face. “Enter,” he said and turned to see Amy. Of all the vampires, he liked Amy and Greg the most. Yes, they were 115 years old but they were the youngest and still retained some humanity such as emotions, though he knew that as time passed, they were become more like the other vampires. Nephlite felt luck that, at this time, that they understood his love for Lita.
“How was your date?” Amy asked.
“It was wonderful, better than I hoped. I told her how I felt and she returned those sentiments. So, to celebrate our new relationship, she invited me to spend a few days at her home. It’ll give us time to really know each other. I have told the queen about the visit, but not for the reason I just told you as she would not understand like you and Greg do. She said that when my visit is over, I’m to invite Lita here, introduce everyone, and she’ll turn Lita when I bring her to meet her.”
“And after Lita, you’ll be turned,” Amy added with a smile.
Nephlite nodded as he pulled out a suitcase. “Exactly. I plan to begin my visit in the morning so I need to pack.”
“Okay. Bye, Nephlite and let me just say an early congratulations.”
“Thanks.” Amy left, closing the door and Nephlite pulled out another suitcase and a large overnight bag. He accepted Amy’s congratulations but only he knew he was accepting it for his deciding to be a werewolf. He would have all senses of a wolf as well as the supernatural abilities both races have. I will need to get a job so I can contribute to the pack’s income. Maybe the alpha can suggest something. Nephlite shook his head a little. He had spent about seven years serving Beryl and because of that, he was not allowed to have a job unlike the adult vampires. His life was tied to the house and he was only allowed out to grocery shop or fulfill Beryl’s orders. He had never before realized what a suffocating life he had been living. He had let his desire to be a vampire blind him to what a true life was like. But no more,I will be a werewolf who will work and be with beings who feel and will welcome me.
News of Nephlite and Beryl’s plan reached the rest of the clan and they dropped by to compliment him on the plan and offer their early congratulations of him becoming a vampire. He accept both comments and resume packing until he was done and no more compliments were given. He was soon in bed, knowing that in less than twelve hours, he would be an immortal werewolf and a proper member of human society.
Chapter Eight- Members and Mated
Nephlite slipped out of the house before anyone else woke up, two suitcases and his overnight bag in his hands. He was eager to begin his new life and, as a result, he raced to Lita’s and found her already outside also looking eager. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and she blushed before taking one of his cases.
“Excited?” he asked as he followed her.
“A little, but I’m also nervous,” she admitted.
“I feel the same way. Lita, I would be happy to help you move, that is if you decide to move in with the pack.”
“I do want to move. That way I won’t be lonely. I would like your help.” The rest of the walk was done in silence and was broken by the soft gasp from Nephlite at the lovely house before them. He followed Lita to the front door where she rang the bell. The door was opened a few moments later by a tall man with long silver-white hair; despite the hair color, it was clear that the man was young, twenty-five to be precise.
“Lita. Nephlite. Welcome to your new home. I am Diamond, the alpha,” the man said as he let them in and shut the door.
Nephlite immediately knelt before him. “I am honored to be part of your pack.”
“Nephlite,” Diamond said as he pulled the young man to his feet. “I only require a bow when I summon someone and then the bow is done in wolf form only.”
“My apologies. Kneeling to the queen is required at all times.”
“No apology necessary.” He turned to Lita with a smile. “I was happy when told you accepted our offer.”
“Well, Serena and Mina made it sound great and more so when Nephlite spoke of what being a vampire would do to me. It didn’t sound appealing.”
“I hope Nephlite will share his experiences with vampires once he is turned as our races tend to keep such facts secret, especially the humans serving vampires.” He led the humans to the den where the others stood in front of the couch. Nephlite and Lita smiled at Serena and Mina while being introduced to Darien.
“Were you bitten too?” Lita asked.
“When I was eighteen,” he said. “The alpha is the only born werewolf here.”
“Hopefully that will not be the case in ten years’ time. Now, let us begin the induction. He beckoned the humans to the room’s center. “When a human is bitten, tradition dictates that they are to stay in wolf form until the next morning so as to acclimate to having four legs as well as sharper senses. I must insist we follow this tradition.” When both humans nodded in agreement, Diamond shifted to wolf before gently but firmly biting Lita’s hand. She gasped at the pain before she howled and shifted into a brown-furred, green-eyed wolf. Diamond then administered a bite to Nephlite.
Nephlite also howled and, as he shifted into a wolf, he felt a warm sensation washing over him and wondered if that was the immortality kicking in. He looked over at Lita and he felt his love for her surge through him, stronger than before. He took two slow steps toward her and rubbed a cheek across her own. “Lita,” he said softly. “I love you…so much.”
“I love you too and just as much,” she replied as she returned the cheek rub.
“And by declaring your love before the pack, you are now officially mates,” Diamond declared as the others became wolves and howled in celebration.
“Alpha,” Nephlite said. “I felt a warm sensation as I shifted to wolf.”
“That was you becoming immortal. The girls will feel that when they are fully mature. Allow me to show you to your rooms. Darien, resume human form and carry Nephlite’s bags.”
“Yes, alpha.” Darien became human and followed the wolves upstairs which was slow going as Nephlite and Lita had to learn to walk and climb. At last they reached the top and they were guided past doors with handles instead of knobs until they reached two plain doors, the other having signs to indicate their purpose. “This one is yours, Nephlite,” Diamond said opening one door.
Nephlite stepped in to see a room with hardwood floors, a few rugs, a long closet, a dresser, a desk with a chair, and a long wide bed. He couldn’t believe it. It was much nicer than his old room. “Is this really mine?” he asked in awe.
“Of course. We’re all equal here,” Darien said and then grinned. “Naturally, the alpha’s room is bigger.”
“Come, Lita. Let me show you your room.” Diamond and Lita left as Darien put the bags beside the closet.
“Darien, how old are you?” Nephlite asked.
“Ninety,” he answered proudly. “I plan to celebrate my 100th birthday the day Serena becomes immortal.”
“What kind of celebration?”
“Coupling. We hope to be the first pair to have born werewolves to help grow the pack.”
“Not if Mina and I get there first,” Diamond spoke up from the doorway in a teasing tone. “Let us return to the den. I want to hear about your life with the vampires and hopefully you’ll clear up some misconceptions we have.”
It was another slow going as they were going downstairs, but soon they were in the den with Darien, Serena, and Mina in human form while the others were wolves. The humans took the couch while the wolves laid on the floor. “All right, Nephlite. First, answer this: Is blood all that a vampire can consume?”
“No. They can eat and drink but that provides no energy. Vampires drink blood until they reach the age of 100 in vampire years, then they drink blood or drain energy from humans.”
“All right. Tell us about serving them.”
“I came into Queen Beryl’s service when I was eighteen. I followed her orders while not allowed to leave the house except for errands and I couldn’t have a job, either. I accepted this, knowing that one day I would be rewarded. I had that opportunity when Lita came to town.
“I managed to befriend Lita easily without the charm ability I now have. We shared a lot about ourselves over dinner, though I had to conceal the face that I lived with vampires.”
“How can they tell werewolves from humans?” Mina asked. “I know that Amy knows we’re werewolves, but how?”
“Vampires can sense auras. Red for humans, black for vampires, and white for werewolves. This power can turned off and…on. Oh, boy.”
“What?” Serena asked as Nephlite’s last statement had a tone of concern.
“If Amy chooses to turn her aura power on tomorrow, she’ll discover that Lita was bitten.”
Diamond waved a paw dismissively. “It does not matter. They cannot do anything. Both of you are werewolves now and beyond their reach.”
Nephlite felt his ears slick back. While being a wolf had been the right choice, he still worried of what the clan would say or do to him rather than Lita. They will view me as a traitor and try to kill me.
Darien read Nephlite’s body language as did Diamond and he chose to steer the conversation to another topic. “You said you couldn’t have a job while serving them?” Darien said.
Nephlite nodded, his ears erect again. “I know I don’t have many skills but I do want to contribute to the income.”
“You need an occupation that will endure for all time and I think I know one. How would you like to learn to be a personal trainer?”
“Personal trainer? You mean help humans who wish to train for an event?”
“Some train for events, others just want one-on-one attention when exercising. I could use an assistant as one client is preparing for a triathlon.”
“Your assistant? Sure. It sounds like the perfect job for a werewolf.”
“Among others, it sure is. We’ll start the day after tomorrow.”
Chapter Nine- Discovered
Lita was silent as she headed to school with Serena and Mina the next morning. She was looking around her, aware of how different the world was now. It sounded louder and smelled clearer. Amazing, she thought. The senses of a wolf are simply amazing.
“Lita, we overheard you tell Diamond that Nephlite spoke to you of what would happen to you if you were a vampire,” Mina said. “What does that mean?”
“He said my personality would change, including my love for him. I’m not sure exactly what that means but it didn’t sound good.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter now,” Serena said. “You’re a wolf now and can’t become a vampire. Is Nephlite at your place?”
Lita nodded. “I gave him the spare key and he’s packing my stuff right now. I’ll pitch in after school. I’ll have to finish the packing myself as Nephlite starts his new job tomorrow.”
“We’ll help you,” Mina said. “We’re sister after all.”
Nephlite failed! Lita’s a werewolf. The queen won’t like this. Amy waited until lunchtime before calling home and giving Beryl the bad news.
“He failed!? Well, then he dies. I will send Zoicite to Lita’s place. She has been keeping an eye on the place and reported seeing Nephlite enter the building but has not returned to that spot,” Beryl hung up and said via telepathy, “Zoicite, come to me.”
Zoicite entered and knelt. “You summoned me, your Majesty?”
“Yes. Nephlite still at Lita’s?”
“He is, your Majesty.”
“Good. Kill him. Amy told me that Lita was bitten.”
“Yes, your Majesty. As you wish.”
Nephlite taped a box shut and then stood, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. He had done a fair amount of work since getting here. He had packed all of Lita’s books and fragile items. Once everything’s packed, Diamond will rent a moving truck to transport it all to the house. His stomach growled and he looked at the stove clock. Lunchtime. I’ll leave to get a bite to eat and then come back and do more packing. He exited the apartment, locking it, and putting the key in his pocket. He went down the sidewalk to a fast food place and was soon seated, eating a cheeseburger and fries. He looked around in contentment. He rarely got to eat out and take his time, so this was a welcome change. I have more freedom as I am a member of the pack, not a servant. I could never go back to what I was and I can’t. I was bitten and I don’t regret it.
Nephlite took his time heading back to Lita’s, playing with his sharper senses. He was impressed with how much better they were than when he was human. He knew the novelty would wear off as the years passed, but right now they were incredible. His nose flared and then wrinkled up. He smelled stale blood and death and it was behind him. He took a turn down a deserted street, went several feet, stopped, and turned to see the source of the smell. He had an idea of what the smell belonged to but its owner was a mystery. He was, therefore, a bit surprised when Zoicite entered, but not surprised as the smell he had picked up intensified.
“Zoicite,” he said neutrally, taking care not to react to her smell.
The coppery-blonde glared at him. “You slacker. Amy told the queen that Lita is a werewolf. You failed and you know the penalty is death. You can’t avoid your punishment by hiding at her place.”
“I wasn’t hiding,” he said tightly.
“Fine, whatever.” Zoicite’s fangs lengthened, clearly intending to kill Nephlite by drinking his blood. She hissed and leaped forward.
Nephlite gracefully dodged her lunge, but then she slammed a foot into his stomach. He doubled over and glared at her before he growled and shifted into a wolf. He snarled at her and the lady vampire took a step back. “You were bitten?” she gasped.
“I told you that I love Lita. She was offered the chance to be a werewolf and she accepted before our dinner date. She asked me to join her after I admitted to serving vampires.” Nephlite laughed slightly. “I no longer serve Beryl now that I’m a wolf. I am a proper member and Lita is my mate. Leave me alone, all of the clan should leave me alone. I am immortal like you and only vulnerable to the same weakness you have.”
Zoicite huffed and her fangs shortened. “Fine, but the queen will be informed.” She turned and stalked away.
“You do that,” Nephlite said softly before resuming human form and heading back to Lita’s home.
“Nephlite’s a werewolf!?” Beryl shrieked.
“Yes, my queen. Lita convinced him to be bitten as she was about to be. He allowed his love for her to convince him to follow her.”
Beryl huffed. “So, we can’t punish him. He’s beyond our reach.”
“Beyond our…? My queen, he could tell the werewolves everything he knows about us.”
Beryl sighed. “I know and that is his right as a werewolf as well as obeying his alpha should he ask questions. I believe I shall have to end the practice of human servants for a while. Perhaps a century or two. Nephlite has proven that they can be easily swayed to turn against us in this time period. See to it that the rest of the clan is aware of my decision and why.”
“As you wish, my queen.”
Lita stared around the room as Nephlite let her, Serena, and Mina in. “Wow, you work fast,” she commented.
“Well, we are faster now,” he replied. “But I did take my time packing up the fragile items.” He paused a moment and added, “The vampires know we’ve been bitten. I encountered Zoicite who told me that Amy found out about you and told the queen who told Zoicite to kill me.”
“But…but Alpha said they can’t do anything,” Mina said.
“Yes, but she didn’t know I was turned until I changed to defend myself from her assault. That got Zoicite to back off and leave. She said she would tell Beryl. I already knew she would. Vampires tell the queen everything related to the commands they are given.”
“The alpha may want to hear about the interaction between the queen and her subjects,” Lita said as she put a box together and began to pack plates and glasses, cushioning them so they didn’t break.
“Yes, he might want to hear about that. I feel there is still much he would like to know. Of course, I would be happy to tell him.”
“I imagine the vampires wouldn’t like that,” Serena commented as she made boxes.
“I agree,” Nephlite said. “The thing is that they can’t stop me. I am not their servant anymore so I don’t have to keep their secrets any longer.”
Lita smiled as she wrapped a glass and put it in a cush0ion of bubble wrap. It was clear to her that becoming a werewolf had made Nephlite a bit more confident. She was sure that the vampires had viewed Nephlite as an inferior being. Well, his life is bound to be better now. He has equality, freedom, a nicer room, and tomorrow he will start his first job.
Chapter Ten- Job Training
“Yes, I suspected that the queen commands her clan with an iron fist,” Diamond said that night. “Obedience from one’s clan or pack is preferred but it is up to the leader to determine the best way to get it. I prefer to give freedom to my pack to do as they please in return for obedience.”
“And we appreciate it, alpha,” Darien said.
“Nephlite, I’ve been wondering,” Lita said. “You said my personality would have changed if I became a vampire, but you didn’t clarify.”
“I think I would like to hear that too,” Diamond said.
“It’s something that happens to any human turned into a vampire. Their feelings pretty much vanish and any love for someone also disappears. Love can occur between vampires if they didn’t love each other while human.”
“So we wouldn’t love each other if we became vampires?”
Nephlite nodded. “I couldn’t bear the idea of you being a different person. I had nightmares about it.”
“The vampires don’t seem to feel as many emotions as humans and werewolves do,” Diamond observed.
“And when they do express an emotion, it likely comes from carrying out the queen’s orders. Zoicite was angry that I failed the queen who had told her to kill me.”
“And she didn’t think that you had been turned so obviously she didn’t bother doing an aura check.”
“I think the encounter was my fault,” Lita said. “I wrinkled my nose this morning when I smelled stale blood and death.”
“Yes. The smell of a vampire. They don’t possess our sense of smell which is why they can sense auras. Thanks to you, Nephlite, we now know that our auras are white while humans are red, and vampires are black,” Diamond said.
Darien got up from the couch and stretched. “Alpha, Nephlite and I should get some sleep for work tomorrow.”
“Yes. We should all get to bed. You two have work as do I and the girls have school.” Everyone got up to brush their teeth and dress for bed, bidding one another good night.
Nephlite was awoken by Darien knocking on his door and saying, “Rise and shine. We’ve got two clients today.” The brunette sat up in wolf form, stretched, yawned, and then became human as he got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. He heard the sounds of the pack moving around and it reminded him of the clan getting ready for the day. The difference here was that he was part of this morning routine.
Soon, he was following Darien down the sidewalk, carrying a small duffel bag. “So, where are we working?” he asked.
“At this real fancy health club. Makes sense as our clients are wealthy.”
“Ah. I wondered as Jedite and Malachite run a gym.”
Darien waved a hand in a dismissive fashion. “I wouldn’t work there. The place reeks of vampire and would make me unable to focus on my clients. Now, as I said, one client is training for a triathlon while the other is doing treadmill and weight-lifting. You’ll hang back and watch today so you can get an idea of how this works and you’ll hand me anything I need.”
“Good idea.” They entered the club where Darien was greeted by the staff and Darien introduced Nephlite as an assistant personal trainer. The staff set Nephlite up with his own trainer ID card and Darien gave him a tour of the place including the private training rooms where they would work.
Nephlite passed water and towels to Darien who handed them to the triathlon client. “Looking good, Hal,” he said.
“Thanks,” the man said, rubbing his face with the towel. “I’m gonna crush this event with your coaching.”
“Glad to help.” Hal headed off to shower and Nephlite watched him go. “Dedicated, isn’t he?”
“Oh, this was a light day for him. The event is in less than two weeks and he’ll want to train harder and longer as it draws closer. Fortunately, the day of the event is on the first moon of the cycle.”
“When do you get paid?”
“Depends on the person. Sometimes it’s at the start of the session, other it’s day by day, and others still pay at the end of the session. Hal will pay after the event so I’ll be there to collect the payment.” Darien pulled a clipboard out of the bag and flipped through the pages attached. “Okay, our next client will increase his treadmill mileage and weight limit today. Now, the way I do this…”
Nephlite and Darien left the club to get some lunch before their second client and Nephlite fired questions about their job. Darien answered them and they made Nephlite happy that Darien suggested he be a personal trainer. We can work at the same club once I get my own clients which will take some time, but as I’m immortal, I can afford to wait.
It was while eating that Nephlite smelled the scent of vampires. Darien clearly did too and both turned to see Jedite and Malachite enter the restaurant. Their eyes went to them before striding toward them. The vampires looked silently at them and they looked back calmly.
“So, it’s true,” Malachite said. “I can see the white aura around you. You betrayed us and failed your mission.”
“I won’t deny my failure, but betrayal?”
“You served us for years and then you choose to associate with our enemies.”
“I served you, but you all treated me with contempt save for Amy and Greg. You considered my humanity disdainful.”
“You would have made a fine vampire once your love for Lita was gone,” Jedite said.
“I have no doubt of that, but I did not want to see Lita lose the girl she is and I love her too much to see that happen.”
“In any case,” Darien spoke up. “You can’t do anything. Nephlite and Lita are wolves and mates. Both are happy.”
“Clearly,” Malachite said. “We want to say one more thing. The queen is ending the practice of human servitude for a century or two due to your betrayal.” Both vampires swept away.
“They seemed upset,” Darien said.
“I spent years with them. They treated me only as a servant. When I began to feel conflicted about my mission, I sought the advice of Zoicite and Malachite. Both told me to forget about my love for Lita and bring her to Beryl to be turned. Lita would have become a cold and mostly unfeeling vampire and me as well.”
“You weren’t meant to be a vampire. The Imperium Crystal told Diamond that you were following Lita though it didn’t show your face and there was a black shadow behind you.”
“That shadow was likely either Beryl or my desire to be a vampire. I would have followed Lita to whatever she chose. Beryl has a way to know who to turn. She never said that I was revealed to be turned. My servitude was my way to be turned.”
“But that’s over. You’re not a servant, you are a pack member, and you are happy.”
“I am happy. So, let’s head back to work.” The two men left the diner and headed for the club. Nephlite smiled the whole way. He was with the one he loved and they would have a long life together. My life will be better than before, he thought as he entered the club to continue to learn about his new job and enjoy his new life.