Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Only Chad and Brad are mine.
Chapter One- A New School
Syrus smiled as he packed his schoolbag with new binders of fresh paper, new pens and pencils, and new folders. He was ready to attend his new school where his older brother was a junior. He heard footsteps approach his room and he turned to see his brother in the doorway, his blue eyes looking brighter due to his pale skin.
“Now, you’re sure about this, Sy?” Zane asked.
“Positive. The idea of attending the school last year scared me and that’s why Mom and Dad let me go to the other school. But, now I’m ready to embrace my destiny. I’m kind of hoping to be a vampire like you and our parents.”
“I would be proud if you became a vampire as would Mother and Father. However, I would still be proud if you became a werewolf. It would actually work out. I would drink someone’s blood and you would devour the body.”
Syrus shuddered slightly. “I don’t know if I could do that.”
“All will be revealed at the Turning Ceremony tomorrow night.”
“That’s where all the vampires and werewolves come to turn new students, right?”
“Actually, only the Head Vampire and the Alpha Wolf come and we don’t interact. I was made Head Vampire last year and I learned that I go through the group and any that have a whiff of vampire receives a bite from me and they instantly turn. Then, I lead the newly turned out of the room and then the Alpha will enter and bite any who smell of wolf.”
“Has any student not been bitten?”
Zane shook his head. “All students were born of two vampires or two werewolves. It is the personality of the student that determines his or her destiny. Hmm, you know the previous Alpha graduated, so this year someone will become the new Alpha. I’m sure Principal Sheppard will school him or her in his or her new role.”
Syrus turned and hugged Zane. “So, you don’t care if I become a vampire or a werewolf?”
“It doesn’t matter. You’ll still be my little brother. If you become a werewolf, our interaction will be limited to home and public places, however.”
“Even though we share the same school and learn the same subjects, we’re separated due to prejudice and ancient hostilities even though we have a workable partnership. Only new students can go between the two halves until the ceremony which is always on the first day of school which is scheduled on the full moon. It is only the full moon that allows vampires and werewolves to turn humans, usually the humans of vampires and werewolves.”
“And I’m ready to be either one.”
Zane smiled, the tips of his fangs exposed. “Then, let’s both go to bed. We’ll be staying at the school overnight as new students must be informed of what it means to be a vampire or a werewolf.”
Syrus nodded as he released Zane and the vampire closed the door as he left. His smile slid off his face. Despite his statement, Syrus would far prefer to be a vampire like the rest of his family. He wasn’t sure he would be happy being a werewolf. I really, really want to be a vampire, he thought as he got into bed and fell asleep, knowing it was his last night as a human.
Zane returned to his room deep in thought and they were on Syrus. Syrus had said he was ready to either child of the night, but he didn’t hear the sincerity of his words. He knew Syrus desperately wanted to be a vampire. The thing was, Syrus may not be temperamentally suited to being a vampire. A vampire must be in control of his or her emotions most of the time. A lack of emotions is essential when attacking and feeding. A werewolf is more of an emotional being and I understand that that aids them in their own attacking of prey should they choose not to follow us to easy prey. Indeed, I know very little about werewolves due to our seclusion. This seclusion frustrates me but as Head Vampire I must adhere to it and put my curiosity aside.
Syrus looked up at the imposing building and felt his insides shaking. He was nervous and a little scared. He didn’t know anybody, save for Zane. I’m not going to run. I’m ready for this. Syrus marched toward the front door, head held high and making eye contact with his fellow human students. He knew he had to report to general orientation to know where places like the cafeteria and the library were as well as receive his schedule for the day. Zane had explained that everyone takes classes like Math and Science, but new students would attend a class for their new status for one year. Will it really take a year to learn to be a vampire? Syrus wondered.
He stepped inside the school and met up with a kind of barrier. In front of him was a front door and behind it were what looked like offices and other rooms, but to the left and right were what looked like classrooms and lockers. He hesitated before going to the right. He felt himself being buffeted around due to his small size. A large muscular boy brushed by him and Syrus felt himself lose his footing and would have hit the floor if a strong arm hadn’t caught him and brought him back to standing. “Easy there, bro,” said a friendly voice. Syrus looked up to see a boy his age with brown hair and eyes and a grin to match his voice.
“You must be new,” the boy said. “Nice to meet ya. I’m Jaden Yuki.”
“I am new, but I’m actually a transfer student. I’m Syrus, by the way. Syrus Truesdale.”
“Truesdale?” another voice said. “As in Zane Truesdale?” A taller boy with dark brown hair came up behind Jaden. A look of dislike crossed his face as he almost glared at the shorter boy.
“Back off, Atticus,” Jaden said in almost a growl. “I like Syrus. He seems cool.”
“Uh, do either of you know where I’m supposed to go for orientation?”
“Yeah, I do. I was new last year and I’m heading in that direction, anyway. Principal Sheppard wants to see me,” Jaden said as he put an arm around Syrus’ back and guided the boy back to the barrier and through the front door.
“Thanks for your help, Jaden,” Syrus said as they arrived outside orientation, which was the school’s auditorium.
“No problem, Sy. Can I call you Sy?”
“I’d like that.”
“Cool. Maybe I’ll see you around.” Jaden smiled as he headed for Sheppard’s office. The new school year seemed to be off to a good start: He made a new friend- at least temporarily. The Turning Ceremony tonight may change that.
“Enter,” came Sheppard’s voice when Jaden knocked. He entered, approached the desk, and bowed. “You wanted to see me?” he asked.
“Yes, Jaden. As you know our school’s Alpha graduated and left a power vacuum. It is necessary to choose a new Alpha who will form a new pack with the werewolves from his or her class and those who come after until he or she graduates. I looked over all possible candidates over the summer and decided on you.”
Jaden’s mouth dropped and his eyes lit up with joy and shock. “Me? The Alpha?”
“Your personality and leadership qualities were clear and strong once you became comfortable being a werewolf. It will be your responsibility to turn new students who smell of wolf as well as school them of what being a werewolf is like as well as our view about our vampire neighbors.”
Jaden straightened up. “Yes, sir. Thank you for choosing me as Alpha. I’ll make you proud.”
“I know you will, my boy. Now, get to class and good luck at the Ceremony tonight.”
Chapter Two- Vampires and Werewolves
“You’re the Alpha?” Atticus gasped.
Jaden grinned. “That’s right. Sheppard said that once I was comfortable being a werewolf, my leadership qualities came out strong and clear.”
Atticus bowed his head. “I pledge my loyalty to you for the rest of my school career.”
“Atticus, that’s not necessary. Your loyalty is with the previous Alpha, as he’s the one who bit you.”
“That’s true, but within this school, every werewolf follows you. Only the sophomore and freshman classes will be your pack once they graduate. Maybe even next year’s class will be part of your pack.”
Jaden nodded slowly. It was known among werewolves that an Alpha’s dream was to lead a large pack. Currently, Jaden’s future pack was of average size, just his class. If he hoped to have a large pack, most of the freshmen needed to have the smell of wolf as well as the new students the following year. And speaking of freshmen…
“You remember Syrus, Atticus? He’s new, but he said he was a transfer student.”
“A transfer student? Why didn’t he attend last year?”
“Not sure, but he seems shy…and friendly, too.”
“But he’s Zane’s brother and he’s Head Vampire.”
“I thought Zane was your childhood friend.”
“He was until we started school here. Now he’s a vampire and I’m a werewolf and that makes us rivals. I don’t want you to befriend someone who will likely be a vampire too.”
“He may not be a vampire. Alexis isn’t a werewolf like you and your parents.”
Atticus nodded. “Yeah, she didn’t. But, it worked out. She drinks, I eat. It’s just I’m the big brother and yet I’m following her.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I usually don’t, but sometimes I feel lazy or too stressed to hunt.”
“Then, it’s all right. You’re a strong hunter, but hunting every time is predictable. Best to mix it up and follow the vampire. I remembered that from Werewolf 101 last year.”
“Yeah, you have a good point.”
“What!? That slacker an Alpha!? Principal, you can’t be serious.”
“I am, Doctor. Jaden has shown the confidence and leadership of an Alpha.” He smiled. “You are very critical of my werewolf students and Jaden, in particular.”
“Well of course I am. I’m a vampire and you’re sometimes critical of them.”
“That’s to be expected as I’m a werewolf. However, I choose not to question your decisions concerning them. An example is having Zane as Head Vampire. I think Bastion would have been a better choice.”
“Ah, but Bastion was a freshman last year and a Head had to be chosen around this time last year. Plus, Zane is more in control of his emotions.”
“Unlike you.”
“Yes. Unlike- Hey!”
Zane lingered in the cafeteria after everyone else had left to return to their side of the school with some of the new students in tow, Syrus among them. He seemed happy to be with them, but Zane suspected that was only on the outside; it was possible Syrus felt something else on the inside. He wants to be a vampire and I hope I can fulfill that desire.
He heard footsteps and tensed as the scent of a werewolf hit him. It was a little early for the werewolves to come down to lunch; only the Alpha is allowed to come down early. So, this must be the new Alpha. He turned to see a brunette he vaguely remembered at the Ceremony last year. “So, the new Alpha is a sophomore. Makes sense as I was name Head last year.”
“Yeah, I remember you from the Ceremony, only I didn’t get your name.”
“Nor I yours and since we’re opposite beings that makes sense. However, as we’re leaders, we should know one another’s names.”
“I’m Jaden Yuki.”
“Zane Truesdale.”
“Wait. The Zane?”
“I see my name and reputation precedes me. I’m also impressed that werewolves know my name. Anonymity is preferable among both our kinds.”
“Preferable, but sometimes these things happen. Atticus and Alexis, for example.”
“Yes; odd that a brother and sister would be split up, rare I would think. That won’t be the case with Syrus.”
Jaden tilted his head. “Really? I met him this morning. No offense, but he seems too nice to be a vampire.”
“He’s too kind and nice to be a werewolf either, however he feels he’s ready to be turned. He wants to be a vampire and I will fulfill his wish. I hope. Nice meeting you, Jaden.” Zane walked off seconds before Jaden’s pack arrived for lunch.
Jaden Yuki. That’s a name I will remember. It’s important to know one’s rival. Yet, he’s cute for a werewolf. I wouldn’t mind befriending him, perhaps he could follow me for his prey. It’s the only way to talk as we wouldn’t really see each other in school, save for the period between lunches and speaking of school, I certainly will not start a school war if Syrus becomes a werewolf.
So, that was Zane. Cute- for a vampire. I wouldn’t mind following him for prey if it means talking with him. Technically, knowing his name is not a surprise as Atticus was his friend and is my friend now. In fact, as Alpha, I could ask the others about the vampires they know before being turned. Speaking of turned…I will not drag my pack into a school war if Syrus becomes a vampire or a werewolf. I’d like to have Sy as a friend, but I won’t start a war if he joins his brother.
Syrus turned to see his brother approaching at a rapid speed no human could achieve and felt envious of it. I’d love to be able to move fast like that. “Hi, big bro. I was worried about you.”
“I was getting acquainted with the new Alpha of the werewolves. He arrives ahead of the others to make sure a vampire doesn’t ambush them. I, likewise, make sure no vampire gets ambushed by an early werewolf.”
“Who’s the Alpha?”
“He said his name’s Jaden Yuki.”
“Jaden? He didn’t say he was the Alpha.”
“I believe he was made one after meeting you.”
“He did say he was meeting Principal Sheppard when he showed me where orientation was.”
“That was…nice of him. I assume he knew we’re brothers.”
“Yeah, he did. I like him. I mean, he’s nice and cool.”
“He did seem nice when we met and talked.”
“Great. Uh, would it be all right if I visited the other side of the school?”
“Of course. This is the time to do that. After today, you’ll be confined to one side.”
“Thanks. See you later.” Syrus took off for the central hall that divided the school and drifted over to the werewolf side. He wandered aimlessly as the werewolves were still at lunch. The vampires seem nice, but it could be because I’m the Head Vampire’s brother. I wonder if the werewolves are just as nice.
Chapter Three- Turning Ceremony
Syrus found out that the werewolves were just as friendly and nice. Syrus only gave his first name, though he doubted most knew Zane’s name. It seemed only Jaden and Atticus knew, the latter he vaguely recalled had been Zane’s childhood friend until they entered high school. Afterwards, he never saw Atticus again but didn’t ask why. Atticus seemed wary of him due to the family connection. Syrus pointed out that he was still human.
“You’re still his brother,” Atticus practically growled.
“Would you still hold that against me if I become a werewolf?” Syrus asked, hurt by Atticus’ hostility.
Atticus’ face softened. “Of course not. All werewolf students are family and pack members.”
“Yeah, I kind of got the same sense from the vampires. A sense of family.”
“Sounds like a sweet deal no matter which side you’re one,” Jaden commented.
Syrus spent time in the library after school with the other humans doing his homework and then looking up information on vampires and werewolves. He found books that painted both sides as desirable and his statement from last night was supported by these views. Now it really doesn’t matter which one I get. I have my preference but I’ll be fine if I don’t get it.
Hours later after a pleasant dinner, the students filed into the auditorium where they had had their orientation. Syrus overheard students talking to one another of which one they wanted to be. The chatter died as a tall pale blond man entered and stood at the head of the room. “I am Vice Principal Crowler, but you will address me as Doctor Crowler. Let me welcome you to our exclusive school and…”
Meanwhile, Zane and Jaden were meeting in the Central Hall. Jaden nodded at Zane and said, “Zane, let me say before I can’t speak, at least to you. I think you’re cute. I wouldn’t mind spending time getting to know you. Plus, though I would like to have Syrus as a friend, I won’t drag my pack into a school war if Syrus becomes a vampire or-,” Jaden trailed off as he suddenly howled and shifted into a brown wolf with gold eyes.
Zane smiled down at the Alpha. “I know you can understand me right now so listen. I think you’re cute too. I would like to spend time getting to know you as well and I won’t start a school war if Syrus becomes a werewolf.” He leaned over and ran a hand over Jaden’s head, stroking the fur before heading for the vampire side of the auditorium, Jaden already in his position. Zane reached his door in time to hear Crowler say, “Now, we retract the roof and I leave you to allow the Head Vampire and Alpha Wolf to welcome you to your new school family.”
Crowler exited the room and gave Zane a fanged smile. “They’re all yours, my boy.”
“Thank you, Doctor.” Zane entered the room to see moonlight spilling into the room in addition to the room’s lights. The humans milled around, eyes filled with hope or apprehension trained on him.
Syrus watched as his brother entered the room, looking impressive and very cool. Zane faced them and said, “Once I start turning, no one can back out if I don’t turn you. You will accept your destiny and believe me, there were vampires who wished to be werewolves and when they became vampires, they eventually came to accept their destiny. So, let us begin.” Zane then went to the first student and sniffed her before moving on.
Syrus watched as Zane began the ceremony and he soon bit a boy who groaned as his skin paled. So, that’s what a vampire turning looks like. I’ll be sure to remember that. He watched as Zane turned three more before approaching him. He sniffed Syrus deeply…and moved on! He saw disappointment in Zane’s eyes briefly as he bit into the person beside him. After sniffing the last one, Zane double-checked and bit another he had missed before saying, “All vampires, follow me for our specific orientation.” Zane left through the door he had entered with six vampires behind him.
The remaining humans murmured to one another, but Syrus was silent and shaking with excitement. Zane passed me twice. This means I’m going to be a werewolf and have Jaden as my friend and Alpha! Silence fell as the other door opened and a brown wolf entered, his tail straight up to display his confidence. Jaden didn’t launch into a speech; Syrus suspected that he couldn’t speak or if he could, they wouldn’t be able to understand him.
Jaden approached the first girl and after a sniff, gently bit her. She gasped before immediately shifting into wolf form. Jaden continued the pattern, clearly making sure the wolf scent was on them. There were soon six werewolves and six humans left. Jaden approached Syrus and sniffed him before winking and biting him.
Syrus gasped like the others and fell to his hands and knees, the former sprouting gray fur with sky blue tips, razor sharp claws, and shaping into paws. His clothes melded with his skin before fur grew. He felt his muscles enlarge while his muzzle and wolf ears formed. The changed was over in another couple of minutes and Syrus was soon a muscular werewolf with sky blue tipped gray fur and gold eyes, which he turned on Jaden, his Alpha and pack leader.
Jaden returned to the front of the room and looked at the group. Twelve new werewolves. Excellent. He waited while the werewolves looked at themselves and each other before looking at him. “Okay, let’s get to the orientation. I hope it answers some of your questions-,”
“I don’t want to be a werewolf,” a girl in the front suddenly howled.
Jaden was taken aback. “I haven’t even started on the advantages.”
“I wanted to be a vampire,” she continued, dissolving into tears.
“I’m sorry, um…”
“Blair. I’m sorry but the wolf scent was clear. Zane clearly smelled it and that’s why he didn’t bite you.”
“Besides,” a large muscular wolf with olive-green tipped brown fur called. “Why would you want to be one of the undead? I prefer to be alive, thank you very much.”
Blair refused to be consoled; sinking onto her stomach, she buried her muzzle and eyes into her forelegs and sobbed. Jaden suspected there was more to her sorrow than being a werewolf. He walked over to her, crouched down, and ran a paw over the back of her head. “Blair, what else is wrong? Maybe I can help. That’s what an Alpha does: Try to help his or her pack members.”
The black wolf took a shuddering breath before looking up at Jaden, tears still streaking her furry cheeks. “I…I’ve got a crush on Zane,” she said quickly. “I thought if I was a vampire, we could date.”
“Oh,” Jaden said softly. It was well-known that vampires and werewolves preferred to marry their own kind, however…
“There’s no rule saying vampires and werewolves can’t date each other,” he added. I’m certainly interested in spending time with Zane myself.
“Really?” Blair sniffed.
Jaden licked the stray tears off her cheeks. “Really. So, cheer up. Things aren’t as bad or hopeless as you thought.”
Blair smiled as best she could and her tails swished happily. “Thanks, Jaden,” she answered as she stood and then sat down.
“No problem.” His gaze swept the group for a moment. “You know, I recognized a few of you when I came in. So, how about we introduce ourselves before I try the orientation again? I’ll start. I’m Jaden Yuki.”
Chapter Four- Werewolf and Vampire 101
Introductions did not take long and Jaden was pleased to know his new members’ names. The olive-green tipped brown wolf was called Hassleberry and Jaden recognized his face when he entered the room. Hassleberry had stayed on the werewolf side all day and he admitted before the new werewolves that his instincts told him he would be a werewolf.
“Okay, now that we know each other, let’s try orientation again. I’ll start with the obvious: We change from humans to wolves during the full moon. This change is beyond our control. During those nights, we can only talk to other werewolves. We must eat human flesh at least once during each full moon cycle. So, everyone will eat tomorrow night or the night after that. Don’t worry, this need is genetically driven. You’ll know which night is yours.
“We can voluntarily change the other nights and can talk to anyone. The desire to eat flesh is also by choice. Now on to the advantages. You are now stronger, faster, have an aggressive immune system, heal faster, and eventually become more confident.
“Unfortunately, we can become aggressive and short-tempered in the few days before the full moon and during it too. Okay, one last thing before we get some sleep: Do not tick off a vampire. Be friendly and non-threatening. It’s for our existing partnership and relative harmony with them. Everything else about being a werewolf will be discussed in your new class, Werewolf 101 which will start tomorrow. So, good night everyone.” Jaden yawned and stretched before curling up and closing his eyes.
The rest of the pack also settled down to sleep. Syrus chose to curl up and closed his eyes to think. Twenty-four hours ago, I desired to be a vampire. As I went through the day, I discovered that it didn’t matter which one I became. Now, I’m a werewolf and so far it seems awesome. He sighed softly and fell asleep.
Alexis’ eyes swept the six new vampires. “So, Syrus is a werewolf, like my brother,” she said in a low voice to Zane.
“Yes. I admit that last night I thought Sy would be more suited to be a werewolf, emotionally speaking. When he expressed his desire to be a vampire, I wanted to fulfill it. But, when I sniffed him, the wolf scent was strong and clear. I was a little disappointed, but I’m still proud of him.”
“What will your parents think?”
“I image they’ll be dismayed about the result but really, no one can control what scent they’ll give off at the ceremony.”
“That’s true. My parents and Atti were disappointed when they learned I became a vampire, but knew they couldn’t fault me.”
“How come you’re not at home?”
“Everyone will be out hunting. Last night I somehow sensed that all three would have the same desire for flesh on the same night. I get lonely during those times.”
“I see and your blood desire occurs at a different time.”
“Sometimes it happens at the same time my parents or Atti hunt and it works out. So, have you told them what they need to know?” She tilted her head at the group.
“I believe so. I’ve stated the need for blood at least once during the full moon and then twice a week the other times. I made it clear that the victim needs to be fully drained if a werewolf is not nearby. I briefly covered our strengths, disadvantages, and weaknesses. I told them not to irritate a werewolf and that everything else they need to know will be discussed in Vampire 101 as well as more detail in what I’ve mentioned.”
“Hmm.” Alexis nodded, seeming lost in thought.
“Alexis? What is it?”
“It’s our weaknesses. The silver, the stakes, the crosses. Why are we weak to silver but not the werewolves?”
“The reasoning is because they are still living beings while we are not. They are vulnerable to anything that can kill the living aside from disease.”
“I’m also questioning the belief that we’re superior to werewolves.”
“I admit, I’ve questioned it myself after turning some freshmen last year, you included. I wondered if our two races are in fact equal. They have strengths we don’t have and vice versa.”
“You know that because of my family,” Alexis pointed out.
“Yes, but I’ll be able to gain more insight now that I have a werewolf brother of my own.”
Syrus looked around as he left the auditorium the next morning. Everything seemed different somehow. The sounds, smells, and sights seemed clearer and sharper than yesterday; indeed he had woken up to find his vision blurring behind his glasses and when he took them off, he could see perfectly. Is it because I’m a werewolf now?
“Something up, Sy?” Jaden asked, noticing the shorter boy’s actions.
“My senses changed, didn’t they?” Syrus asked, recognizing what he was experiencing. “Everything’s sharper and clearer.”
“Yeah, it takes overnight for them to fully develop and it is a bit of a shock at first. The senses are the subject of today’s Werewolf 101 class or at least my first class dealt with the senses.”
“It really takes a year to learn everything about being a werewolf?”
“Pretty much. I personally think that most of the learning happens in the real world.”
“Yeah, about the eating flesh. Does the desire build through the day or does it happen after changing?”
“Oh, shortly before changing. You’ll desire to go out before moonrise. From there, you can either hunt yourself or follow a vampire.”
“We could hunt more than once during the full moon, right?”
“We can. I prefer twice during the cycle myself.”
“I’m curious about the hunting during the cycle. How does one act?”
“We act like true wolves. I believe it’s an inborn trait to help the squeamish and gentle get over the trepidation of eating humans. You have to remember that we’re not fully human anymore, but more human than the vampires.”
“But they look human.”
“True. But the lack of a beating heart helps us separate vampires from humans.”
What!? Syrus thought. I didn’t know that my family’s hearts don’t beat. They never said anything and as I was human, naturally I couldn’t hear beating or lack of beating.
The other students started to arrive and noticed the new members among them. Syrus spotted Atticus and waved at him. The taller boy waved back and weaved his way toward him.
“Hi, Syrus,” Atticus greeted. “So, you’re one of us. Welcome to the pack.”
“I’m still Zane’s brother,” Syrus pointed out, feeling his new short temper surface.
“Yeah, but I shouldn’t have judged you like that. Full moon symptoms, you know.”
“I know now.”
“Come on, Sy. Let’s get your new schedule,” Jaden said. Raising his voice, he called, “All new pack members, follow me to get your new schedules.” He led the young werewolves to Sheppard’s office.
Chapter Five- Cycle Hunting
Syrus left his last class and headed for the entrance/exit used exclusively for werewolves. Jaden had been right about the topic of Werewolf 101: The senses. The information he received from Professor Banner was going to come in handy very soon. I’ll be hunting tonight or tomorrow night, so I need to know how to use them.
Footsteps and an unfamiliar scent reached him before hearing, “Have a good day, Syrus?”
“Oh, Zane!” Syrus answered, a little startled. “Yeah, it was a good day. I learned a lot today and last night, too.”
“Then, you’re ready to…” He paused, searching for the right word.
“Hunt?” Syrus piped in. “Yeah, I am. Jaden explained all of it this morning.”
“That’s as a leader should be. He or she should be knowledgeable about anything his or her followers ask.”
“Zane, what is a group of vampires called? I know a group of werewolves is a pack.”
“A clan. I currently have a clan consisting of my class, the sophomores, and the freshmen.”
Syrus nodded, storing away this bit of information. He extended his senses which he had learned from class how to turn on and off. He focused his hearing on Zane. He heard him breathing and his footsteps, but the heartbeat was non-existent. So, it’s true, he thought as he turned his enhanced hearing off. Vampires don’t have heartbeats. He focused on his nose, familiarizing himself with Zane’s scent. Syrus delighted in testing his senses, wondering when he would feel the urge to hunt.
Zane watched Syrus discreetly as they walked. He hadn’t laid eyes on his brother since the ceremony. He noticed that both of them were walking but with a speed no human could do, yet neither one of them were winded. Furthermore, Syrus seemed more confident than yesterday. It makes sense. Yesterday Syrus was a human. Now he’s a werewolf and he’s already adjusted to it. His thought turned to Jaden and he wondered if the brown wolf would hunt tonight. I’m feeling the need for blood and that means I’ll be feeding tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Truesdale stared at their youngest son as they had a light supper. “You’re a…werewolf?” Mrs. Truesdale finally said.
Syrus swallowed his last bite before saying, “That’s right.” He saw the same disappointment in their eyes that he had seen in Zane’s last night. “I know you’re disappointed-,” he began.
“Yes,” Mr. Truesdale interrupted. “but your mother and I suspected you would be a werewolf. We were able to detect a faint wolf scent on you when you hugged us before going to school. We still love you, Syrus.”
“Thanks, Dad.” Syrus looked out a window at the fiery sunset and felt a need to go out. It’s time to hunt, he thought. He stood up, took his dishes to the sink, and said, “I need to go out tonight.”
“Of course, dear,” his mother said.
Zane took his dishes to the sink too. “I also need to go out,” he said.
“Zane, no offense, but I don’t want to follow you for my first time,” Syrus said once they were outside.
“I understand. Good hunting, little bro.” Zane turned and headed off in one direction while Syrus headed in the other direction, unaware that Zane had jumped onto a roof and was now following Syrus: He wanted to see his brother’s wolf form. Afterwards, I’ll leave to feed.
Syrus walked quickly away from the house. He was still amazed at how much faster he was and recalled wanting that speed when seeing Zane use it. When it comes to senses and supernatural abilities, the two races are equal; at least I think so. It seems it’s what we consume that’s different. So, why is there prejudice and hostility between us? He found a long deep alley that seemed perfect to change; as he headed into it, his nose caught Zane’s scent above him. His lip flicked upward: Zane wants to see me change and see what I look like. I don’t blame him; I would do the same thing.
The sky darkened and the moon started to rise. Zane and Syrus’ eyes both switched to night vision before the latter let out his first howl and shifted to wolf form far more quickly than last time. Zane couldn’t believe his eyes. Syrus had a slightly larger and muscular body with gray fur that had sky blue tips. Syrus ventured further down the alley and turned a corner, his tail twitching slightly before disappearing. Amazing. Syrus makes an impressive-looking wolf. Zane licked his lips, aware of his thirst now. He headed back the way he came; he had spotted a likely place to feed.
Syrus padded down the alley, his nose sniffing the air to find some prey. His mind had reverted to a wolf’s mind and thought only about hunting. His nose twitched and Syrus came to a stop. He smelled prey approaching the end of the alley that came out to a sidewalk. He licked his chops and he slunk low to the ground as he crept closer to the alley’s opening. He listened to the footsteps grow closer and heard the steady beat of his prey’s heart. It was getting closer and was unaware that he laid in wait to kill and eat.
A young woman began to appear when Syrus leaped out, blocking her path. He growled at her and she took a step back before taking off into the alley. Syrus sprinted after her and once close to her, leaped forward and knocked her to the ground. He latched his jaws onto her neck and bit down hard, killing her instantly. He released his hold and howled proudly at a successful kill before proceeding to rip into the body and eat whatever caught his fancy.
Zane sank his fangs into the man’s neck, and drank contently. He slowly sank to his knees as the man lost the ability to stay on his feet. Zane listened as the man’s heart slowed and eventually stopped. He heard the man breath his last and knew he had successfully sucked every last drop. He laid the body on the ground and stepped back to see if a werewolf showed up. He knew two things: One, the smell of a fresh corpse was attractive to werewolves and two, if no werewolves showed up to eat, he would have to dispose of the body himself. He disliked having to do so as it meant he would have to make sure that he covered up signs of a vampire attack as well as smudging his fingerprints and…
He heard claws clicking on the pavement and watched as a brown wolf appeared, looking hungrily at the body before locking eyes with Zane before they widened slightly in recognition. The teen vampire had seen enough werewolves to know that this one wasn’t acting like an actual wolf like Syrus currently was. Furthermore, he recognized the wolf based on the widened eyes earlier.
“We meet again, Jaden.” He gestured at the body. “Go ahead and eat.” He watched as Jaden approached and tore off the skin that had the fang holes, eliminating signs of a vampire attack. He continued to devour most of the body and soon Jaden was lying on the ground, a bone between his front paws and him gnawing meat off it.
Zane sat cross-legged across from Jaden, enjoying being in the Alpha’s presence. He looks even cuter now that he did last night. “This is nice,” he said. “You and me, alone. It would be better if you could actually talk to me, but gestures will do. Tell me: You do enjoy being here with me, right?”
Jaden looked up from his bone, licking his chops, and nodded happily, his tail swishing.
Zane smiled, fangs exposed. “Wonderful. Perhaps we can get together soon after tomorrow night.”
Jaden stood up, moved next to Zane, nuzzled a hand, and then licked it. Zane slid his hand under Jaden’s chin and scratched it, eliciting a joyful whine from Jaden. Zane then stood up and said, “It’s a date, then.” He stroked Jaden a few times before leaving the alley.
Chapter Six- Confessions and Plans
Jaden panted happily as he left the alley. He had been traveling with his parents when he smelled the scent of a dead body and told his parents he was going to eat. He wasn’t sure they heard or understood him as both were acting like true wolves. So, he took off after the scent and found a surprise when he reached it: Zane was there! He locked eyes with the vampire and wondered if he recognized him; after all there were other brown wolves around.
He was thrilled when Zane greeted him by name and told him to eat his fill. He happily dined on the body, removing the fang marks first. He was aware of Zane’s eyes on him, but it didn’t concern him; he’s had vampires watch him before. He laid down with a bone in his paws and gnawed on the meat when Zane came and sat across from him. Jaden felt as if he was on a date and an impromptu one at that. When Zane spoke of meeting again after the full moon, Jaden responded by nuzzling a hand and licking it. He received a chin scratching and few fur strokes before Zane declared it a date and left the alley.
I’ve got a date with Zane! Jaden howled happily. It’s a dream come true! I can hardly wait, but I have to get through tomorrow for I’ll be a true wolf then. I wonder…maybe I should confess to Sy that I like his brother. He could serve as a messenger for us. That would be perfect.
“Morning, Ja!” Syrus practically sang the next day.
“Wow, someone’s in a good mood,” Jaden commented.
“I had my first hunt as a true wolf and thought I don’t really remember it, I woke up feeling great today.”
“Ah, that explains it. Most werewolves feel great the next day after a true night. I had a good night too except I remember it.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“I met up with Zane and kind of had a date.”
“Well, I scented a body and Zane was there. Sy, I…I-like-your-brother,” he said in a rush.
“What?” Syrus said in a whisper. “You like him?”
“Yeah. I told him shortly before the Turning Ceremony. Turns out he likes me too. He wants to meet me sometime after tonight, of course.” Jaden blushed slightly.
Syrus could hardly believe his ears. His Alpha and his brother liked each other. No wonder he told Blair that vampires and werewolves could date each other: He told Zane he liked him. “Uh, Ja? Is there anything I can do for you and Zane?”
“Well, maybe you could pass messages?”
“Messages? Yeah, that makes sense. I’m the only one that’s connecting you two. I’d be happy to do that.”
“Thanks, Sy. I appreciate that.”
Zane watched as the last of his clan made it out of the cafeteria safely. He failed to see the necessity of watching out for ambushes. His first two years as a vampire had had no incidents of fights with werewolves. It was clear that both leaders kept their fellow students in line. He exuded an air of quiet authority that insured obedience while Jaden’s friendly personality won over his followers and they were happy to obey.
Our respective behaviors are influenced by our race’s natures and yet I’m drawn to Jaden in a way I cannot explain.
A familiar scent reached his nose and he turned to see Jaden enter, his footsteps making no noise that even his enhanced hearing couldn’t detect. The brunette smiled in that way he head. “Hi, Zane. I hope you don’t mind, but I confessed to Syrus about us and he said he’d like to deliver messages to you and me. You know since he’s your brother and he’s my pack brother.”
“I don’t mind. Syrus is a logical choice for a messenger. I look forward to our first actual date. I’ll tell Syrus about when that will be. I’ll see you this time tomorrow.” Zane walked out but nevertheless heard Jaden say, “See ya, Zane.”
Syrus had barely blinked when Zane appeared beside him after school. “Hi, big bro,” he said happily.
Zane blinked in confusion. “I would have thought you would be a little depressed today considering you were an actual wolf last night.”
“We prefer the term true wolf. Yeah, I don’t remember anything about last night, but I felt great when I woke up this morning thought I was surprised to find myself in bed.”
Zane chuckled. “Your instincts guided you. You probably found your way home and to your bed by scent.”
“That makes sense. How did you come up with that? I thought vampires were always in control.”
“We are for most part. Also, Alexis described her family’s behavior to me once last year. She tracked them during one cycle to understand them, I believe. She reported their actions to me and I told her they were true wolves with no human thought. No offense.”
“None taken. I can’t really take offense for nothing I have no memory of doing.”
“Speaking of doing, Jaden said he told you about us and that you offered to be a messenger.”
“Was this between lunch periods?”
“It was. It’s the only time we can talk at school.”
“Do you really like him, Zane?”
“I do, Sy. I think he’s cute, more so when in wolf form. By the way, you make an impressive-looking wolf.”
“Thanks. You know, Ja did just give me his phone number today. He gave it to everyone in the pack.”
“Did he? Hmm, that would make communication easier.”
“I can still deliver last minute messages.”
“Thanks, Sy. That’s real helpful.”
Jaden stole down an alley near his house, the sky lit with an orange sun dipping below the horizon. His parents were aware that they had been true wolves last night due to a gap in their memories and Jaden admitted that he wasn’t a true wolf then, so he would be one tonight.
He leaned against a wall and thought about this afternoon. He wanted to talk to Zane without fear of being seen talking to him. That was when he realized that he could give his phone number to Syrus; further realization made him think that by giving his number to the pack, they could call him with any questions they had or even homework assignments if they were sophomores like him.
If Zane admits to Sy that he likes me, Sy might mention the phone number. Both know that I haven’t had my true night yet, so they won’t call tonight. His eyes changed to night vision and he howled as he shifted forms and his wolf mind took over. He sniffed the air, quickly detected prey and took off to attack, kill, and eat.
Chapter Seven- Blood Desire
Jaden smiled as he walked to school the next day. It was finally Friday; it felt like a long week with the first day of school being Tuesday and then the Turning Ceremony, orientation, liking Zane, and having his true wolf night. The next few weeks will be easier since there won’t be a full moon and the newly turned are adjusted to their new race. I certainly adjusted after the first cycle ended. Jaden’s thoughts turned to the werewolf class. I think Banner might touch on weaknesses and strengths in deeper detail. Really, our weaknesses are the same as a human’s only we don’t die from disease. Our strengths, according to Atticus, are just like a vampire’s. Obviously, he got that from watching Alexis. He also told me about their weaknesses; strange that they are unusual ones. Is it because technically they’re the undead while we’re living wolves? I believe that’s what Banner said last year.
Syrus shook his head as he left Banner’s class. Even though they healed fast, a broken bone was a serious injury. The healing process does start at least a minute after it occurs, but it could take days unless one ate some flesh and drank some blood shortly after the break; then healing would be done in hours.
Howling for help would come in handy in that situation; good thing werewolves help one another when it is needed. A short temper and aggressive behavior is really the only downside of being a werewolf. Zane’s shared with me his weaknesses and now I’m glad I’m not a vampire; having to avoid silver, stakes, and crosses does not sound like fun. Poor Zane.
Jaden quickly headed for the cafeteria, making no sound like yesterday. He knew his scent would alert others to his presence. That’s one good thing about enhanced smell: No one’s startled by an unannounced arrival. That was obvious yesterday as Zane wasn’t startled plus I’m the only werewolf allowed to come to the cafeteria early as I am the Alpha. He entered the room to find Zane standing midway between the two entrance points, waiting for him. He smiled at the Alpha, fang tips exposed.
Zane smiled as Jaden entered the cafeteria. Their chance encounter the other night was still fresh in his mind as was their future date and it would be his job to determine when that would be and he believed he knew just that. “Jaden,” he said once the Alpha was closer. “What would you say to our date being on one of my blood desire nights next week?”
“Sounds perfect. Do you know when that will be?”
“I usually start feeling it about twenty-four hours before I need to feed. I’ll let you know the day of my desire as it always hits me at night.”
“I appreciate that.”
“Good to hear.” Zane took Jaden’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “Do you think you could take your wolf form on our date?”
Jaden returned the squeeze. “You got it.”
Syrus stared at Jaden in surprise as they headed for the school’s werewolf exit. “You have a date with Zane?” he asked in a low voice.
“I do,” Jaden replied also in a low voice. “When his next blood desire happens and I’ll be in wolf form for that date.”
Syrus nodded. “Yeah, if Zane feeds, it would be convenient to have a werewolf to eat the body.”
The two friends stepped outside and split up once they were several yards from the school. Syrus continued on for a few feet before Zane fell into step beside him. “Jaden said you have a date.”
“We do and I look forward to it. Did he tell you the specifics?”
“He did and it sounds perfect.”
“I thought so as well. That was why I suggested it.” Zane thought about the specifics of his blood desire; with the cycle over, he would require blood at least twice every week until the cycle again. It was believed that the moon supplied the vampires with energy which was why they only needed to feed once that week. However, that same moon forced werewolves to change involuntarily, made them eat flesh at least once, and during the flesh eating night they behaved like true wolves.
My blood desires have a tendency to make me look and act like a true fiendish vampire. Once I have fed, I return to normal. He glanced sidelong at Syrus. Poor Sy. During the moon, he can’t control his change, he must eat flesh, and he acts like a real wolf once during the cycle. I am glad I’m a vampire; being a werewolf sounds rough and yet Sy is handling it quite well.
Zane stood by his bedroom window and watched as his parents left the house. Both had blood-red eyes and longer fangs with their faces taking on sharp angles: Signs of a blood desire. He, too, would look like that when his urge to feed came over him. The angles of his face would alter hours before his eyes and fangs changed.
There was a knock and Zane called, “Come in, Sy.” He heard the door open and caught Syrus’ scent before the small werewolf stood next to him. He looked out the window: No one there.
“How come Mom and Dad get their blood desire at the same time?”
“It’s something that happens when couples get married. It’ll happen to us when we marry our mate.”
Syrus nodded. “Atticus said that his parents went true wolf the night I was turned and he had joined them.”
“I imagine Jaden’s parents did too. Like I said, it happens to all married couples.”
“Zane…when you spoke of mates, would you marry Ja or another vampire?”
Syrus’ question brought Zane up short. That’s a good question, he thought. Out loud, he said, “I’m not sure. I like Jaden a lot, but there’s never been a vampire-werewolf marriage and certainly not between same-sex couples.”
“Maybe you and Jaden could the first to do both.”
“Maybe we could. What about you? What would you do?”
“Well, I kind of have two choices. I mean first there’s Blair, a werewolf freshman. Then there’s…Alexis.”
Zane smiled slightly. “You like her, huh?”
“We did talk before the ceremony. She seemed nice and she’s pretty, too.”
“That she is and I probably would have asked her out if I hadn’t met Jaden.”
“Do you think you could talk to her about me?”
“I could; just don’t be too upset if she rejects you.”
“I’ll try and if she doesn’t want to be a couple, there’s Blair. I should point out that Blair has a crush on you and was hoping to be a vampire so you two could date.”
“Blair. What does she look like?”
“Well, she has black hair and she was the first one you sniffed. She was also the first one Ja bit.”
“Ah, yes. I remember her now. She stayed on the vampire side all day and seemed to hang around me the entire time as well. I did wonder why; now I know. Thank you, Sy.”
“No problem.” Syrus yawned at that point. “Well, I’m going to bed.”
“All right. Sleep tight.” Zane continued to look out the window, watching Syrus leave the room via the glass. He didn’t go to sleep until his parents came home; his last thoughts before sleeping were on Jaden.
Chapter Eight- Date Time
Zane studied his face in the bathroom mirror Monday morning. His chin was all angles and as he watched, his jawline was doing the same. I started feeling the hint of my desire last night. My face is starting to turn sharp. Tonight is our date night. He left the room and headed for breakfast.
There seemed to be sharp angled faces all around him as he went to his classes. Are they hitting their blood desire too or am I imagining it? He continued to look as he led the group to the cafeteria and as he ate lunch. His actions caught someone’s attention.
“Zane? You okay?” Alexis asked who was seated beside him.
Zane blinked before saying, “Yes and no. My blood desire is tonight and I feel as if there are others going through it at the same time.”
Alexis glanced around the room. “There are a few sharp faces,” she allowed. “But probably not as many as you think.”
“Okay. I guess I’m just being paranoid. I also have another matter on my mind.”
“What’s that?”
“Well, I was wondering what you think of Syrus as a person, not a werewolf.”
Alexis blinked. “Syrus? Well, he’s nice and a little shy, but cute.”
“The shyness is fading away. He’s gotten a bit more confident.”
“I see. Why are you wondering about my thoughts on Syrus?”
“He likes you. That’s why I’m asking.”
“He’s nice and I’m not interested in anyone else except maybe you.”
“I’m already taken, that’s all I’m going to say.”
“Ah. Well, you can tell Syrus that I’d like to see him, but our different races makes it practically impossible.”
“That sounds like something Crowler would say in Vampire 101.”
“You know it is. He makes it clear that we’re superior to werewolves.”
“I have reason to believe that isn’t so and I can tell that you believe that, too.”
“Yeah, seeing as my family are werewolves and sometimes they seem superior to me.”
“I’ve been similar thoughts about Syrus.”
“Okay. Well, if could meet one night when neither of us are being influenced by our desires, I could end up interested.”
Zane nodded. “I’ll let him know.” The rest of lunch passed and soon Zane was alone, awaiting Jaden’s arrival. Said boy soon appeared smiling, but his expression faltered and was replaced with a concerned one.
“Zane? You okay? Your face seems different.”
“It’s a sign of the blood desire. When it finally hits, not only will my face have sharp angles, but my eyes will be blood-red and my fangs will be longer. It will look scary but once I feed, I’ll return to normal. I’ll be leaving my house once night falls, so if you want to follow from a safe distance…”
Jaden stood at that spot where he and Syrus usually split up and sniffed the air. He caught Syrus’ scent and followed it to a house that contained his pack brother’s scent as well as Zane’s and two other vampires that had to be his parents. He stood at a nearby corner as the sun went down; once it was dark, Jaden took his wolf form and his night vision saw Zane leave the house. Jaden’s muzzle parted in shock at his boyfriend’s face. It was full of sharp angles and scariest parts were his eyes and fangs. He looks like the human’s idea of a bloodthirsty vampire. I hope he feeds soon ‘cause I don’t like what I’m seeing. Zane headed down the street and Jaden followed at a safe distance.
Must feed. Must have blood, were the phrases running through Zane’s mind as he headed down the street. He was fully aware of why he felt that way, but not of where he was going to lay in wait for his victim. He continued down the street until he came upon an alley that he knew came to a dead end. Why is that important? It’s not as if my victim will break my grip. Something to his left caught his attention and he looked to see a brown tail enter another alley. Oh, right. My date with Jaden. My need for blood drove it out of my mind. At that point, Zane’s eyes flared a brighter blood-red and he once again thought of nothing but blood.
Jaden darted into a nearby alley, although he was pretty sure Zane saw his tail. That’s fine. Vampires drink human blood, not werewolf blood. He laid beside a wall, put his head down, and closed his eyes so he would look like a sleeping dog to passers-by. He focused his ears and nose on the nearby alley and the sidewalk; for some time all he picked up was the wind and the sound of Zane shifting on his feet. Then, he heard footsteps and a steady heartbeat as well as the scent of a human. He heard a gasp and the faint sounds of a scuffle and then silence. Jaden opened his eyes, got up, and headed for the alley.
He entered to see the lower half of a woman and Zane crouched over the upper half, his back to him. The pair were near the dead-end, but Jaden wondered if Zane had satisfied his blood desire. Only one way to find out. If he responds, I’ll know. “Zane?” he called.
The tall vampire stood and turned to reveal blue eyes, shorter fangs, and a not-so-sharp face. He smiled at the wolf before stepping over the body and sitting against the dead-end. He gestured to the body. “You must be hungry. I’ve already fed so help yourself.”
“Thanks.” Jaden sat next to the dead body and leaned down to chew some skin. He found that not all of the blood had been drained and lapped up some before lifting his head. “So, feel a lot better, Zane?”
“Much better.” He watched as Jaden leaned down to eat some more. He found it fascinating and repulsive to watch werewolves eat flesh. Jaden started doing this last year. Did he feel any trepidation over eating humans? “Jaden, I’m curious. How can you eat flesh and not be bothered by it?”
Jaden looked up, licking his chops. “Does it bother you? I can stop if you want.”
“No, that’s not necessary. I just wonder if it bothers you.”
“I did when I was bitten and told about it at orientation. I voiced my concerns to my parents before the second moon and they assured me that after my first true wolf night, eating humans would seem normal and they were right. I don’t even think twice about it in-between cycles.”
“I see. Syrus hasn’t eaten since the cycle.”
“Everyone’s different. Some only eat during the cycle and others eat anytime they want. Speaking of Sy, he seemed distracted in class.”
“He was wondering what Alexis thought of him. It seems he likes her and asked me to talk to her.”
“Yeah? What did she say?”
“She could end up interested if they could meet when neither one is being influenced by their desires. She think he’s nice and cute. Sy was happy when I told him this after school.”
“Great. You know, we could do that, too.”
“Asking about a second date already?” Zane teased.
“Why not? Think of what we could do. I’m thinking eating in a restaurant, a walk in the part, the arcade, movies, and things like that.”
“That does sound good. We could make an afternoon out of it. How about this Saturday? I’m sure I’ll hit my second desire before then.”
“Saturday it is. How about the movies at two?”
“I was thinking a quick lunch at one before the movies.”
“Okay. Lunch at one. It’s a date, Zane.”
Chapter Nine- Budding Romance
“You’ve got a date on Saturday?” Syrus whispered.
“Uh-huh. Zane believes he’ll have his second desire before then.”
“I believe that. I remember times he has had his desires back-to-back.”
“Two nights in a row? Wow, I can’t imagine what that’s like. I mean, I couldn’t believe his face last night. It was scary.”
“I’d believe it; I’ve seen Mom and Dad plenty of times.”
“Sy, I hope it’s okay but Zane told me you like Alexis.”
“It’s fine. I hope to keep it secret like you and Zane. So, what are you going to do on this date?”
“Zane, I was thinking of asking Syrus out this afternoon to talk. Any ideas?”
“What about the nearby diner? Most vampires and werewolves either go home or to the park. The diner is almost always occupied by humans.”
“Yeah, I like that. Thanks.”
Hours later, Alexis quickly moved to the werewolf exit and waited for Syrus. He was easy to spot with his unique hair and he was talking to the Alpha, Jaden whom she recalled seeing at the Turning Ceremony last year. She paced them until Jaden left for home before coming up to Syrus who seemed surprised to see her. He was probably expecting his brother.
“Hi, Syrus. I was wondering if you’d like to go to the diner and talk.”
“Uh, sure.” Syrus followed Alexis, hardly believing that he would be spending time with his crush. We’ve talked before so I wonder what else we can talk about. Minutes later, both were seated at a booth in the back of the diner with burgers and drinks in front of them. “What were your Vampire 101 classes like?” Syrus asked before taking a bite of burger.
“Well, I say it probably isn’t too different from your Werewolf 101. I mean, I learned about my strengths, weaknesses, senses, the nature of our blood desire, and …that vampires are superior to werewolves,” Alexis answered, mumbling the last part.
Syrus blinked. “Professor Banner hasn’t said anything about werewolves being superior, but then again we’ve only had class for a week.”
“Doctor Crowler took time at the end of every class to hammer that belief in. Thing is, I’ve never believed it unlike the rest of my class; probably because my family are werewolves and at time, I feel inferior to them.”
“I don’t either on is superior to the other,” Syrus said. “I mean, you have abilities I don’t and vice versa. We both have the same enhanced senses and are faster and stronger. It’s what we consume that’s different.”
“Plus, I’m undead and you’re a living person,” Alexis added.
“That doesn’t matter to me. I think you’re pretty and nice.”
“That’s so sweet.” She tilted her head as she just noticed something. “Sy, where are your glasses? I remember you wearing them on the first day of school.”
“Oh! I stopped wearing them after I was turned. When all my senses became enhanced, my vision improved greatly.”
Zane was right. Syrus is not as shy as I remember. Atti wasn’t as confident as he is now and it seems the confidence made Syrus less shy. She smiled, fang tips exposed. “I have to say this has been a great talk, Sy. I’d love to see you again.”
“So would I.” Syrus reached into his bag, pulled out a scrap of paper and a pen, scribbled on it, and passed it to Alexis. “Call me anytime or almost anytime.”
Alexis took the paper as she stood. “I’ll do that.” She patted Syrus’ hand and winked as she left. Syrus was on Cloud Nine.
“She wants to see my again!” Syrus cheered when he went to Zane’s room.
“That’s wonderful, Sy. I’m happy for you. I would be willing to be your messenger.”
“I gave her our number. We can talk any time.”
“Just as Jaden and I can talk.” Zane watched Syrus leave. His werewolf brother had fallen for a vampire. And I, a vampire, have fallen for a werewolf. I love him and I know exactly how to show it on our date.
Zane and Syrus spoke with Jaden and Alexis respectively over the following week. On Thursday night, Zane hit his second desire of the week and Syrus went out to hunt. Alexis watched him leave and when she saw him change, her eyes widened. Wow! He’s even cuter as a wolf. Hmm, perhaps I’ll follow him and maybe he’ll let me drink from his kill. Alexis nodded to herself before following him.
Syrus padded into the park, sniffing about for prey. There had been a lot of foot traffic through the park which made sense. His nose picked up a mix of human, werewolf, and vampire scents. He closed his eyes and focused on filtering the old scent out so that he could his prey. The fresh scent of a human leaped out at him and he licked his chops before sprinting off toward it. He rounded a bend formed by a bush and the form of a tall man came into view momentarily frozen at the wolf coming at him. He turned and started to run, yelling in terror. Syrus unsheathed his claw to gain additional traction. His legs moved faster before he launched himself forward, claws and teeth bared. All four legs slammed into the man’s back, sending him face-down to the ground and striking his head hard enough to render him unconscious.
Syrus lunged down and bit down hard on the neck; a killing bite. He howled joyfully at his hunt and his nose caught a vampire’s scent behind him. He tensed for a moment before he recognized it. A glance back confirmed it. “Hi, Alexis.”
“Hi, Sy.” She came around to the other side of the corpse. “I followed you from when you left the house. You are even cuter in wolf form and you are clearly good at hunting.”
“Yeah.” Syrus sighed in pleasure. “It was great. Would you like a drink?” He tilted his head at the neck.
“Sure.” She pierced the neck and drank deeply until almost all the blood was gone. She pulled back and smiled in pleasure. “That hit the spot.”
Syrus began to rip open the body to feast on the skin, meat, and organs. He felt a bit self-conscious about being watched; no one had been around the first and only time he had hunted. He pushed that feeling aside and sated his hunger and desire to eat.
He eventually looked up from his meal to see Alexis smiling at him. “Good?” she asked.
“Delicious,” he replied, licking his muzzle and cleaning his paws.
“You seemed uneasy earlier.”
“I’ve never had anyone watch me eat. This is only my second time hunting.”
“Really? You looked as if you had hunted at least three times before tonight.”
“I do? Wow, maybe instinct helps me with hunting.”
“I remember how adamant you were about being a vampire.”
“I was. Zane made it seem very cool. Plus, my whole family are vampires.”
“But now?”
“Now, I love being a werewolf. The feel of chasing down my prey and killing with my own claws and teeth is a thrill I can’t really explain.”
Alexis nodded. “I was the same way. I wanted to be a werewolf like my family. Now, I love being a vampire. I found that actively going out for blood negates the blood desire so I only experience it once a week.”
“Interesting. Zane doesn’t bother doing that.” Syrus suddenly whined in pleasure and his tail swished; Alexis was scratching his chin and stroking his fur.
“We’ll talk later,” Alexis said as she left, not noticing Syrus panting, staring after her and feeling deeply in love with her.
Chapter Ten- Second Date
Jaden ran his fingers through his hair before bounding down the stairs and out the door. He had lied to his parents about his date; claiming he was hanging out with his new friend, Syrus. He dashed down the street and arrived at the small café five minutes before one. Zane arrived two minutes later and both smiled happily as they sat.
Once they ordered, Zane said, “So, what kind of movie do you want to see?”
“Believe or not I actually like movies about werewolves and vampire. I find it fascinating about how humans view us as well as how far off they are.”
Zane smirked. “I believe it. I also like seeing movies like that and it so happens that a vampire movie is playing at two.”
“Sweet. Then, that’s what we’re watching.” The food arrived and silence descended on their table.
It was four o’clock when the pair left the theater. Jaden had a big amused smile on his face while Zane had a smug smirk on his. Most of their fellow movie-goers found the film scary and were happy about that the vampire had been destroyed. Of course, Jaden and Zane didn’t find it scary and hated the vampire’s destruction.
“The film’s portrayal was wrong in most ways, but right in others,” Jaden said. “The most obvious wrong thing was sunlight being harmful.”
“Yes as was the garlic, running water, and no reflection,” Zane added. “They were right about the pale skin, silver, crosses, and stakes, though.”
“Yeah, but lucky for us, humans don’t believe we exist despite the evidence of bodies that indicate wolf attacks.”
“We are indeed lucky. So, shall we show off our strength at the arcade?”
“Oh, it is on.” Jaden dashed ahead while Zane moved sedately behind him. Jaden’s joy of life and his werewolf heritage was a quality Zane like about him. It complemented his restrained behavior, though he did express an occasional emotion. Jaden brings out in me a joy of existing I had forgotten. I guess I had spent so much time just existing and surviving that I discarded having fun. It is time for me to embrace fun again.
Zane tossed another basketball through the air and it bounced off the rim. He quickly shot another ball and it went through the net before the timer ran out. He grinned at the score; it wasn’t as high as Jaden’s, but higher than a human’s.
“All right! Nice, Zane!” Jaden complimented.
“Thanks. How about some air hockey?”
“You got it.” Jaden grinned as they headed to the table. He was having so much fun and it was clearly rubbing off on Zane. One would think that Zane is boring, someone who is a stickler for rules and only cares about blood and his clan, but they would be wrong. He likes to have fun and enjoying another’s company. As Zane fished the puck out of the slot and put it on the table, Jaden knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Zane: His mate.
It was a quarter to seven when they decided to have dinner. As they sat in a restaurant, conversation turned to their families, such as what they told their parents about the date.
“I lied,” Jaden confessed. “I said I was hanging out with Syrus.”
“I also lied. I said I was having a meeting with the freshmen vampires. A kind to ask how they were adjusting and I would answer any question as well as asses their feeding techniques. I’m sure they wouldn’t approve of the two of us on a date.”
“Same here. I don’t think my parents would approve of me having a vampire mate.” Jaden blushed when he realized what he said.
Zane raised an eyebrow in amusement. “Your mate, huh? I like the sound of that. I would also like it if I could call you my mate.”
Jaden’s face lit up as the blush faded. “I would like that.”
“Then, I will. You and I are now mates, Jaden.”
The brunette’s heart pounded and he resisted the urge to howl with joy as they were in a public restaurant with humans. He settled for a beaming smile as the drinks arrived.
An hour later, both mates decided to take a walk around downtown before they would depart for their homes. They held hands and spoke quietly about family views, the different points of their 101 classes, their clan or pack, and the prejudices between their races.
“It is so stupid,” Jaden complained as they sat in an alley. “I want to convince at least my pack that we shouldn’t think less of vampires and should be friends. There’s no reason to not be friends when we have a workable partnership.”
“I agree with you. Most vampires that werewolves are stupid, mangy dogs. Obviously, I don’t as I have a werewolf for a mate and one for a brother.”
“And most werewolves think vampires are undead snobs.”
“Do they? Well as Head Vampire and Alpha Wolf, perhaps we can start a revolution to change all that.” Zane stood and pulled Jaden to his feet.
“Yeah, perhaps we can.”
“Jaden, I had a wonderful time with you and I have the perfect way to end it.” He put his arms around Jaden’s waist, leaned down, and brought their lips together.
Jaden’s eyes widened at Zane’s bold move before closing them and putting his arms around Zane’s neck to deepen the kiss. This is wonderful! A pair of disgusted gasps were heard and both pulled away to look.
There were two teenagers there who Jaden recognized: They were seniors; twin werewolves named Chad and Brad. They were gaping at Jaden and glaring hatefully at Zane. Jaden stepped away from Zane and drew himself up, his Alpha role coming to the surface. “All right, you two. Move along, show’s over.”
“You…you were kissing him,” said Chad, glaring at the vampire intensely.
Jaden didn’t know what to say. Yes, he had been kissing Zane, but they had just declared themselves mates and it was only natural for mates to kiss and show affection.
“We’re thinking of starting a new age of understanding between our races,” Zane said, taking a step closer to the twins.
Both brothers looked at each other and nodded before pulling out silver crosses and holding them out in front of them. Zane’s eyes widened at the items before hissing like a cat and fleeing to the back of the alley. Both seniors laughed at his reaction and stepped into the alley and past Jaden.
“What’s the matter?” Brad chortled. “Can’t handle a little silver?” He moved closer and Zane hissed again, fangs bared protectively. Brad sniggered and Chad joined in.
Jaden growled angrily at their actions. He put himself between his mate and the twins before shifting to wolf. He snarled at them. “Leave him alone! That’s an order!” Brad and Chad backed up as Jaden advanced, ears pinned back, growling with teeth bared, and he crouched like he was going to leap at them. They exchanged looks and fled the scene.
Jaden resumed human form and raced back to Zane. “Are you all right?” he asked, concerned.
“Fine. It’s just painful to be near silver, crosses, and stakes.” He smile. “Thanks for protecting me.”
“”No problem, but maybe I should lead you home in case they show up again.”
“Agreed. I just hope they don’t try to cause more trouble later on.”
“You and me both,” Jaden said as they left the alley.
Chapter Eleven- Ancient Pact
Jaden looked around as he entered school Tuesday morning. Something felt different from yesterday; he sensed tension in the air. Pack members seemed to be regarding him with disgust or betrayal. Do they know about me and Zane? I did forget to tell Chad and Brad to keep quiet about what they saw.
“Jaden!” called Syrus as he came up to the Alpha. “It’s true, isn’t it? You and Zane kissed?” He looked excited.
“Yeah, we did,” he said in a whisper. “Before that, we became mates at dinner.”
“Mates?” Syrus whispered. “I’m happy for you.”
“Yeah, but apparently no one else is.”
“Don’t let them get to you,” Atticus said. “You’re the Alpha, they can’t really do anything to you. By the way, I’m happy for you too.”
Zane saw angry glares as he went to his classes. Do they know? If so, how? He sat down at lunch but didn’t eat and noticed everyone edging away from him…except one: Alexis.
“Are you really dating Jaden?” she asked.
“Yes and actually we’re mates. But how did the clan learn of it? Only two werewolves saw us.”
“Well, it was a juicy rumor and I think a female werewolf told her vampire brother last night.”
“Swell,” he grumbled.
“Don’t worry about it too much. You’re the Head Vampire, they can’t really hurt you.”
“Jaden Yuki, please report to the principal’s office,” rang Sheppard’s voice over the PA after classes had ended. Jaden swallowed as he headed for the center of the school. He approached the hallway when he heard, “Zane Truesdale, please report to the vice-principal’s office.” I guess our relationship will be the topic of these discussions. The door to Crowler’s office opened as Jaden passed. He ignored the vampire until a pale hand gripped his arms and spun him around.
“Listen, Slacker. You keep your mangy paws off my vampire students. Is that clear?” Crowler hissed.
Jaden bristled at Crowler’s tone. He didn’t like it one bit; he was not mangy for one thing. Besides, Zane loves me and no one’s going to keep us apart.
“Crowler, release him,” came Sheppard’s voice. He did so and as Jaden turned, Sheppard added, “Come here, my boy.” Jaden followed the principal and as the office door started to close, he heard Crowler say, “Zane, my boy, we need to talk.”
“Jaden, Jaden, Jaden,” Sheppard sighed as he sat down. “I don’t think it’s wise to date a vampire. They’ve been known to stab us in the back; sometimes literally.”
“Zane’s not like that,” Jaden protested. “We love each other.”
“You know this for sure?”
“Yes. Zane declared us mates and then he kissed me.”
“Wait. Zane said you’re mates and kissed you?”
“Yeah, he did. Is there something wrong about that?” Jaden asked, seeing Sheppard’s stunned expression.
“Er, no. It’s just what Zane’s done, inadvertently or not, is made a pact that is unbreakable and is usually between couples. In short, what you have is true love.” He rose from his seat. “So, let’s rescue your mate. Crowler’s probably giving him a stern talking to.”
“You understand me?”
“I hear you, Doctor, but I don’t agree. I love Jaden and he loves me.”
“That’s not possible. Werewolves have been known to stab us in the back- literally.”
“Jaden’s not like that.”
“Zane, that Slacker is not an ideal person to date. I mean, he’s…he’s a mangy dog.”
“He is not a dog. He’s a wonderful person and I love him.”
Crowler was about to respond when the door opened and Sheppard walked in with Jaden, who walked into Zane’s arms in a warm embrace.
“Crowler it seems we misjudged the situation. Zane made a pact of true love, most likely unintentional. He declared the two of them mates before giving Jaden a kiss.”
“True love?” Crowler repeated with a tone of reverence.
“Yes. It seems vampires and werewolves can love one another and these two will lead the way for other possible couples. I’ll head to my office to write an announcement I’ll give in the morning. Jaden, Zane, you’re both free to go and I’m happy for you two.”
Syrus paced back and forth in front of the front doors. His brother and his Alpha were possibly being scolded for loving one another and all he could do was worry. He heard footsteps behind him and caught a familiar sent, so he didn’t jump when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
“You’re worried about Zane and Jaden.”
“Of course. In a way, it’s my fault they’re in trouble.”
“No, Sy. It’s not.”
“It is, Alexis. I know it.”
“Actually, it isn’t,” came a new voice.
“Ja! Zane!” Syrus sprinted up to them. “So, what happened?”
“It seems I unintentionally invoked an ancient pact of true love. I had declared Jaden and I to be mates before kissing him to seal it.”
“Sheppard honors it and so we’re allowed to stay together and we’ll lead the way for other vampire and werewolf couples. Sheppard will be announcing it tomorrow.”
“A pact of true love?” Syrus said. He turned to look at Alexis who was coming up to them and saw her looked at him with a smile.
“Shall we follow their example?” she asked.
Syrus nodded. “Alexis, will you be my mate?”
“I will and will you be mine?”
“Definitely. You and I are now mates.” Syrus gently pulled Alexis down and gave her a kiss. She responded by deepening it.
“All right,” Jaden cheered. “How about we go celebrate?”
“Sounds good to me,” Zane said and the two couples headed to the diner to celebrate the beginning of a new era for vampires and werewolves.