Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only Todd Elridge and the nameless people are mine.
Chapter One- Laying the Curse
Kaiba scowled as he left the board room. He had a suspicion that some of his employees were selling trade secrets to rival companies for one company released a product that he himself had planned to release and now he would have to give that company money in order to sell the product as well.
But I don’t intend to, he thought as he took the elevator to his office. I know someone is selling information but I don’t know who and, even if I did know, I have no proof. If I could spy on my employees without them knowing, no one would dare betray me. Kaiba arrived at his office floor and went inside. He had top secret designs for a new Duel Disk locked in his desk and he took those prints home with him to keep them secret.
Too bad I can’t also spy on the ones I do business with. My life would be easier if I could be a fly on the wall in order to find out who the traitor is and what my business associates are saying or doing behind my back. He unlocked a drawer, checked that nothing had been disturbed, and then pulled out the blueprints so he could keep working on it.
Bakura frowned at his wallet before looking at Ryou. “I don’t need any money,” he said. “If I want something, I’ll just steal it.”
Ryou shook his head. “You can’t. We look a lot alike and I won’t have my life messed up by your stealing.”
Bakura put his wallet away and sat on the floor to watch TV while Ryou did the same on the couch. He knew his other half was right. If he was spotted stealing, the police would identify him as Ryou and arrest the innocent boy for shoplifting. Bakura debated on whether or not he would let Ryou take the fall. On one hand, he would be free to continue stealing, but on the other hand, Ryou had done nothing to him to warrant being framed.
“Ouch. Poor Kaiba,” Ryou commented.
Bakura focused on the screen to see a news report on Kaiba Corp. It spoke of falling stocks and lack of new products. A footage of Kaiba played, claiming there was a spy or spies, leaking company secrets. He urged the guilty party to come forward and he would be merciful.
“That is a shame,” Bakura said, sounding sincere but he didn’t mean it. Instead, Kaiba’s problem provided him an opportunity to cause some mischief. Unknown to Ryou and his father, some of the artifacts the latter had sent were magical. They were to be displayed at the Domino Museum but first they needed to be catalogued. Bakura had dug through the boxes early on, reading the description tags on the artifacts until he found a piece that he chose to keep. It was a red stone that fit neatly into his palm and could be hidden in his fist. Its power was both a gift and a curse, the latter being the reason why Bakura didn’t use it on himself.
Bakura’s lips twitched into a small smirk. I think I’ll pay Kaiba a visit tomorrow and bestow this power on him. Of course, he won’t take my word on what it can do but he will believe once he tests it whether by accident or not.
Kaiba growled to himself the next day. Things were getting worse. His stocks were still falling, a spy was working against him, and his associates were threatening to cut ties with Kaiba Corp if he didn’t catch the spy soon. His business seemed to be falling apart and the only thing he could think to do was work quickly on his secret project. It was imperative that he complete it and work closely with those who would develop it. He was determined to make sure his project wasn’t stolen and sold to someone else. I worked hard to make Kaiba Corp a successful gaming company and I will not let it crumble to the ground.
His phone rang and he hit the speaker. “Kaiba,” he snapped, his attention mostly on the blueprint.
“Well, nice to see your manners are still the same,” a mocking voice replied.
Kaiba stopped working as he recognized the caller. “What do you want, Bakura?”
“A brief meeting with you. I heard of your problems and I believe I can help solve them.”
Kaiba was understandably suspicious. Ryou’s lookalike was known to cause trouble. He had threatened Mokuba’s safety in order to get Kaiba to duel him. He knew the best way to not deal with Bakura was to trick him and Kaiba knew what he needed to say. “Bakura, I would grant a meeting but only if you showed outside my office door right now.” He smirked and then it became a look of astonishment when the door opened and Bakura stood there with a cell phone to his ear and a smug look on his face appeared. “I thought you would say that, Kaiba,” he drawled.
Kaiba jabbed the speaker off and Bakura hung up. “All right. You have your meeting. State your business and then leave.”
“You know, I would think you would be more grateful to someone who holds the solution to your problems in his hand.” Bakura put the phone in his pocket and gripped the stone.
“I don’t have time for games, Bakura. Get to the point.”
“As you wish.” Bakura strode to Kaiba’s side, pulled out the stone, chanted the activation phrase, and shoved it into Kaiba’s chest.
Kaiba gasped as the stone went inside him and then heat bloomed through his body. He put a hand to his chest where the stone had disappeared and shot daggers at the thief. “What did you do?”
“I have given you a power that is both a gift and a curse.”
“What power?”
“You can now become any animal you want and for as long as you like. In short, you are a shapeshifter now.”
Kaiba stared at Bakura and then laughed in a scornful manner. “A shapeshifter? Please, that is ridiculous.”
“Nonetheless, it’s true. Think, Kaiba: You’d be able to find the spy by becoming an insect or some other small creature. Of course, the curse part is that I can order you to transform.”
“No one tells me what to do; that is if I believed you.”
“You should believe me. The stone is now fused with your soul and you can now become any animal you wish and with no time limit. Of course, such a wondrous power comes at a price. You will serve me from time to time.”
“Anything else you wish to say?”
“Well, according to what I read, your mind is still human but you will have the instincts of the animal you become. You will be able to talk but it will be a combination of human and whatever animal you are at the time.”
Kaiba was torn between skeptical and wanting to believe Bakura. His upbringing by Gozaburo had taught him that only hard work would get him far in life. Magic didn’t exist. Yet, the opportunity to find his spy as an animal was a dream come true.
He settled for another cold stare. “Let’s say for the sake of argument that I believe you. I could really be any animal I choose?”
“Correct. Anything that walks, flies, swims, or slithers. A remarkable power. I’d like to have it myself, but I dislike having to change at someone’s command.”
“But, let’s say I believe it’s a lame trick. You would likely laugh at me while I tried to change my shape.”
“Yes, you’re probably right. It would be amusing to watch you foolishly try to change.”
Kaiba’s eyes glittered in triumph. “And that is what you are more likely to do. I’m on to your trick. Now, get out.”
Bakura smirked. “I guess you’re too smart to be fooled.” Bakura left and, once in the elevator, laughed loudly. He knew Kaiba believed him, even when he was coming up with rational explanations for the obvious magic being used in front of him. I think, deep down, Kaiba wants to believe in magic and spirits, but his stepfather’s treatment of him prevents him from doing so. The Shapeshifting Stone will finally convince him of magic. He will enjoy his power until I order him to change to commit whatever crime I want him to do.
Chapter Two- Catching the Spy
Kaiba watched his security cameras that were in the lobby as his employees left for the day. Well, almost all of them, he thought as he saw one man, a Todd Elridge if he remembered correctly, heading back to the elevator. Todd was hired several months ago and highly qualified in the field of computer graphics, and a dedicated hard-working man. A little too hard-working lately and furthermore that was the field his recent stolen project had come from! Now suspicious, he left his office and headed down to the computer graphics department, taking his time in doing so. There was a single light on under Elridge’s door and Kaiba simply opened the door to see Elridge at his desk, head bent over some papers but he looked up at his door opening. “Mr. Kaiba,” he said respectfully.
“Burning the midnight oil, Elridge?”
“Just finishing my part of your newest game.”
“Good. You’ll deliver it to the production department in the morning.”
“Yes, sir.”
Kaiba nodded, closed the door, and stepped two steps to the right, frowning. Elridge had worked on the stolen project and was now on his latest game. These two games had two different crews except for Elridge. Is he the spy? I need to know if he is. If only I could spy on him without his knowing.
Kaiba’s thoughts turned to his meeting with Bakura. A hand went to his chest. If I can change, this would be the perfect test. He closed his eyes and focused on becoming a fly. He felt a tingle go through him and when he opened his eyes, his vision was made of fractured lenses, each one showing a piece of what he soon realized was the carpet. He sensed wings on his back and they buzzed when he moved them. It worked! Really worked! I turned into a fly!
His wings fluttered and he allowed instinct to guide his wings as he flew under the door through a crack. He then flew up to hang where he had a good view of Elridge working. He watched him type away for a little bit and then he saw Elridge slide out a miniature camera and snap pictures of the papers before inserting a flash drive into the computer. Kaiba felt his blood boil. I don’t allow anyone but me to take their work home and everyone knows that! So, Elridge is the spy.
Elated at discovering the spy, but sick at what he had to do, Kaiba took off, went under the door, and focused on being human. He felt that tingle again and he opened his eyes, blinking to adjust after having fly eyes. He stormed through the door, seized Elridge, and shoved him against the wall. Elridge sputtered in alarm, “Mr. Kaiba!”
“You traitor!” Kaiba said in a low, deadly voice. “You sold that game to a rival and you were about to do it again.”
“What?” Elridge said, sounding confused. “Mr. Kaiba, what-?”
“Don’t try to lie. I saw you take pictures and copy the files onto a flash drive. I demand you hand them over now!”
“Hand over-?”
Kaiba reached into a pocket and pulled out both the camera and the drive. “You’re fired, Elridge. You will leave everything behind and I will have security deny you access to Kaiba Corp permanently. Now, get out.” He released the man and he fled the room. Kaiba proceeded to obliterate the drive’s files via the computer and then on the computer before gathering the papers and leaving with them. I will handle this part of the game myself and will personally deliver it to the production crew. It so happens that Elridge’s work was sent to me beforehand so all the work is not lost.
Kaiba sat back as the limo drove him home, his mind on the encounter with Elridge, particularly the spying part. He was still amazed about actually becoming a fly. This power is incredible and I can become any animal I want. The bad thing is that Bakura can order me to change. I don’t know what he’s got planned or when he’ll call on me, but I won’t give in so easily.
“Welcome home, Seto!” Mokuba greeted, pleased that his brother didn’t look angry or scary.
“Thanks, little brother. It has been an interesting and satisfying day,” he said as he led the way to the living room. “I caught the spy today.”
“Excellent,” Mokuba said. “Who was it? How did you catch him?”
“It was Todd Elridge and I caught him thanks to a meeting with Bakura earlier in the day. He gave me a power that is a gift and a curse which I used to catch Elridge.”
“You caught him with a power that’s a gift and curse?”
Kaiba nodded. “Bakura inserted a red stone into me and said I was now a shapeshifter.”
“Shapeshifter? You mean change your form?”
“Yes. I can become any animal and there’s no time limit when I change. I spied on Elridge as a fly.”
“A fly?”
“Mokuba, it was…different. I saw everything fractured and I could fly quickly. I will be using that form to spy on my employees and associates. It’ll keep them in line as they’ll never knew how I’m watching them.”
“You said it’s also a curse. How?”
“As Bakura gave me this power, he said he can order me to change when he wants. I believe I know what he’ll want me to do, but I will not give in to him.”
“So, you’ll only use the fly form?”
“I didn’t say that. I can test other forms.” Kaiba smirked. “I think I’ll try a snake.” He focused and become a harmless garter snake. His tongue flickered and he was surprised that he was smelling the air by tasting it. Then again, I shouldn’t be surprised. Snakes smell by tasting it with their tongues.
“Seto?” Mokuba asked cautiously.
“I’m…right, Mokuba,” Kaiba said, English and snake sounds heard.
“Huh?” the boy said.
Kaiba changed back. “Sorry. I forgot to explain further. I still have my own mind but the instincts of the body. I can speak both English and the sounds of the animal. It will take time to separate the two so I don’t speak a combination.”
“Oh! So, you’re completely aware.”
“Yes. I will practice at home and you can suggest some to me.”
“Can you do a fish?”
“I can. I was told I could do anything that walks, flies, swims, or slithers.”
“Wow. I wish I could shapeshift. It sounds like fun.”
“It likely is except for the curse part.”
“So, Elridge is fired?”
“He is and permanently banned from the office. I have also assumed responsibility for his part of the game and I’ve destroyed the copies he was trying to take with him.”
“Good, so the game’s safe.”
“Perfectly safe. I plan to personally deliver Elridge’s portion to the production crew and may even work closely with the team to insure that it doesn’t get stolen.”
“Good idea, Seto.”
Kaiba smiled slightly as he went up to secure his work. He didn’t relax his security measures just because he was home; for all he knew there could be a spy in his own home. Now that one spy had been caught, surely his associates will stay with him and his stocks would rise again.
And to think I was watching it fall apart and fearing this was the end of Kaiba Corp. I really should thank Bakura for giving me this ability. I plan to use it to weed out any other saboteurs and make my company securer than before. When I get in tomorrow, I will deliver the papers as I swore I would and then maybe spend time as a fly to spy on anyone I feel are suspicious.
Bakura smiled at the ceiling. He had no doubt that Kaiba had already used his power and enjoyed it. He will test other forms at a later time and eventually learn to separate the two languages so he can speak human without the animal language. Not that it matters to me. When I control him, he’ll only speak as the animal.
Chapter Three- Testing
“Thank you, Mr. Kaiba,” the head of the production crew said the following morning.
“I also intend to work with you to insure none of the game gets stolen.”
The crew looked highly honored that their boss would be working with them, even though his motivation was to protect its secrecy. Kaiba watched as the papers were locked up behind several layers of security, the first one only known to him and production head. “When will you want to work with us, Mr. Kaiba?”
“When I want to. I’ll call when I’m ready.”
“Yes, sir,” the head said meekly.
Kaiba left the room and went to his office to begin work. He checked his calendar to see that he had a board meeting today and a sly smile came to his face. Perfect. I can spy on them as a fly or listen outside the door as an animal with sharp hearing. Kaiba browsed the Internet for sharp-hearing animals before deciding on a fox. He liked what he read about them. They were quick, agile, and quite intelligent. It was the perfect animal for him. The meeting will take place when most people are gone so I don’t have to worry about anyone seeing me transform. Kaiba knew it would scare people to see him become an animal as they would be afraid that he would become an animal that would kill them if they angered him. He silently scoffed at the notion. I have control when I change. I did as a fly and a snake. Hmm, I think I’ll test the fox before the meeting; as in right now.
Kaiba locked his office door, prepared to change, and paused. There were different types of foxes; he needed to focus on a specific type like he did for the snake. He settled on the red fox and changed. He looked down at his forepaws and then crossed his eyes to see his muzzle. His tongue brushed sharp teeth as he gave a bark and then actually laughed. “I like…bark, yip.” He sighed. I need to try to separate the two languages. I can’t have them combined forever, especially if I want to talk to Mokuba while changed. He slowly exhaled and turned his attention to his body and sense. He walked to the door, his instincts helping him walk on four legs. He pressed a pointed ear against the door and blinked. He could hear sounds through the wood that he never would have as a human. He didn’t hear people but he hear air being parted by what was probably dust motes. He would never have heard that; he would hear silence. Oh, yes. I could definitely listen in without being in the room.
He felt something brush against his back legs and whirled around to see nothing. He felt it again and looked back to see his bushy tail. He shook his head. He had forgotten about his tail and now that he remembered, he sat and brought it around to feel it. His paw felt soft, silky fur and he stroked it a few times before resuming human form, unlocking the door, and going to lunch.
Kaiba spent his afternoon with the production crew until quitting time. He went to his office to collect his papers, put them in his case, and left to head for the board room. He took his time getting there and once there, he put his case down, changed to a fox, and pressed his ear to the door. At first, he heard no voices, but then he did, as clearly as if he was in the room.
“It appears Mr. Kaiba is late,” one voice said.
“No. We’re early,” said another.
Kaiba changed back, smirked, grabbed his case, opened the door, and entered. He took his sea and said, “All right, first order of business. I caught a spy red-handed last night.”
“Did the meeting go well, Seto?” Mokuba asked at dinner.
“It did. They were pleased that I caught at least one spy and they will continue their association with me.”
“That’s great. Did you become a fly to spy on them?”
“No. I used a different form. I listened in on them through the door as a fox.”
“A fox?”
Kaiba nodded and a look of excitement actually crossed his face. “Mokuba, the fox is amazing. It has such sharp hearing and soft fur. I love it.”
“Could I see? After dinner?”
“Of course. I think I will also test out other forms too.”
Dinner past quickly and Kaiba soon found himself back in fox form and his brother staring at him in amazement. “Seto, you look cute this way.”
“Cute?” Kaiba said. “Mokuba, I’m a male fox. I’m not supposed to look cute.”
“You didn’t speak fox,” the boy gasped. “Last night, you were talking and hissing.”
Kaiba tilted his head. “Maybe the two languages separate when I take a form more than once. This my third time as a fox.”
“You spoke both the first time, right?”
“Yes.” Kaiba sat and added, “I want to see if I can change without needing to be human in between, so suggest an animal, Mokuba.”
“Well,” he said, looking sheepish. “How about a cat?”
Kaiba closed his eyes to focus on a short-hair brown cat and felt the tingle. He opened his eyes and looked to see brown paws. He looked at Mokuba and meowed a few time before saying, “I can change without needing…” Kaiba trailed off into meows and he sat there, tail thumping in annoyance.
“You did suggest multiple changes to separate the languages. Hey, how about a dog? They’re related to foxes.”
Kaiba again closed his eyes and focused on a German shepherd. He opened now brown eyes and saw everything was a little smaller. He sighed, “Considering I call Wheeler a dog, I’m not happy about being one, but at least I can control what kind of dog to be.”
“And you didn’t speak dog,” added Mokuba.
Kaiba managed a dog’s grin and his tail wagged. “I think I’ll try a bird.” He focused and became a green parrot. He flapped his wings and was soon swooping around the room. He gave a parrot laugh before saying in both languages, “This is great! I’m flying!”
Mokuba laughed too and held out an arm. Kaiba alighted on it, taking care not to dig his claws into the arm. Mokuba stroked the chest feathers with the back of his fingers and instinct prompted Kaiba to preen a wing and affectionately nip his brother’s fingers. Mokuba giggled at this and said, “Seto, how about one more? Maybe, a wolf?”
Kaiba fluttered to the floor and soon became a gray wolf with large firm muscles. He turned in a slow circle and his tail wagged. “I like this, he said as he sat. “I may sleep as a wolf tonight as I have no time limit.”
“You do look impressive,” Mokuba agreed. He went over to Kaiba and stroked the head, eliciting a whine from the wolf. Mokuba smiled and then yawned which made Kaiba yawn, too. Both brothers laughed and Kaiba said, “We should get some sleep.”
“You’re right,” Mokuba said as they headed up. He gave Kaiba a hug around the neck. “Good night, Seto.”
“Good night, Mokuba.” Kaiba nuzzled Mokuba’s cheek with his nose before disappearing into his room and pushing the door closed with a back paw. He turned to his bed and leaped onto it with a thrust of his strong legs. He laid on his side with a wolf’s grin. “This will be one of my favorite forms along with the fox, but I still need to take other forms to separate the languages.” Kaiba thought of the cat and the parrot and planned to change to those to separate their languages and also thought of other birds to become as he loved the feeling of flying. His thoughts of flying turned to dreams as he fell asleep.
Chapter Four- Control
Sunlight filtered through a gap in the curtains and onto the face of a sleeping wolf. Gold eyes opened and squinted at the light as he yawned and stretched. Kaiba sat up and resumed human form before getting up to wash up and get ready for the day.
It was when he was ready to leave for work when Kaiba chose to fly to work. He stood on the roof and decided to change to a hawk so that he could carry his case. He took the form of the biggest hawk he could think of and flapped his wings and was airborne. He seized the case in his claws and soared off to Kaiba Corp. He gave a hawk scream of joy at flying again. This was even better than last night as he was now in the wide open skies. This was pure freedom and he loved it. He flew to an alley beside his office, set the case down, landed, and resumed human form.
“Very nice,” came a voice. Kaiba turned and saw Bakura further back in the alley. “So,” he continued. “You did believe me and you enjoy using it.”
“Yes,” Kaiba admitted. “I especially enjoy flying.”
“Of course. Mankind has dreamed of flight for thousands of years.”
“So, what do you want, Bakura? I doubt you’re here for a social visit.”
“Correct. I’ve decided it’s time for you to repay me for my gift.”
Kaiba laughed coldly. “I’ve had time to think about that and I’ve concluded that you won’t control me. I’m too strong-willed to be controlled.”
“So you believe and you can keep on believing that until quitting time. Then, I will prove the cursed half of your power.”
“Whatever,” Kaiba scoffed as he grabbed his case and left. He had thought about it last night and decided that he would not allow himself to be ordered around by anyone.
He spent the morning spying on his employees as a fly and he even entered some who were stunned that Kaiba knew what they were doing as there were no cameras, hidden or otherwise. Kaiba simply smirked when this was mentioned. “That’s correct, but I now have a way to keep an eye on everyone.”
Kaiba, after lunch, focused on his paperwork and then took some time to change forms. He changed to a cat again and then a cobra, a viper, and a garter snake again. He also changed to a few different birds before returning to his papers. All the while, he thought of how to avoid Bakura; one by one he thought of a plan and then quickly dismissed them. When it came to clever plans, he and Bakura were two of a kind. All I can do is wait and prove his control won’t happen.
Kaiba pressed a fox ear to his floor and heard his employees leaving for the day. He changed to human, gathered his papers, put them in the case, and locked it with a number code only he knew. He heard the door open and turned to see Bakura who smirked as he entered.
“It’s time, Kaiba,” he said gleefully. “I plan for you to cause terror and panic to start with and as it is quitting time for most people, there’ll be quite a bit of panic.”
Kaiba folded his arms. “I will not listen to you.”
Bakura’s smirk grew. “Oh, but you will and I will now prove it.” He pointed at Kaiba. “Kaiba, become a wolf and only speak as one.”
The brunette went stiff and his eyes went blank before he became the wolf he had been last night but with blank gold eyes. Bakura felt pleased at the instant obedience. “Good. Come, Kaiba.” Bakura grabbed the case off the desk and left the office with Kaiba behind him.
“Kaiba,” Bakura said as they rode the elevator. “You will run outside and chase people. You will not attack and you will head for my home after two hours. Bark if you understand.” Kaiba barked and the thief smiled. Kaiba was definitely in his control and the terror that was come to would be a wonder to behold.
The elevator doors opened and Kaiba growled before racing for the exit and onto the sidewalk. He gave a howl before charging toward a crowd of people, teeth bared threateningly. People screamed as they fled from the wolf who ran after them. He knew he could easily catch some and kill the, but his master merely wanted him to chase people for two hours. He felt satisfaction at adhering to Bakura’s orders as he ran at people and making them scatter.
Bakura followed sedately as Kaiba chased and teased whoever he wanted and savored the screams of terror as people fled from the wolf. He wondered if Kaiba was enjoying the chase or if it was just the body. His blank eyes indicate that I hold his will until I return it, so he likely is enjoying it. I will question him when he returns to me but for now, I will enjoy the panic around me. Bakura smiled evilly as he slipped into the terror-stricken crowds and headed home.
Two hours later, a gray, blank-eyed wolf trotted toward Bakura’s home. It wasn’t hard as he was following the boy’s scent. His tongue lolled as he panted from his fun, tail flicking in satisfaction. He hoped his master was just as satisfied as he was. He reached the door and used the back of his paw to knock. He heard footsteps start and then stop before the door opened. He entered, followed Bakura once the door closed, and sat at attention before in the living room.
“Good,” Bakura said approvingly. “Be human again and I return your will.”
Kaiba changed to human and blinked as his will came back before looking around, a little confused. “Where am I? How did I…?” Confusion turned to comprehension as it came back to him. He glared at Bakura. “You! You made me become a wolf and chase people.”
“I did and you came here after two hours. I enjoyed the terror and panic you caused. You obeyed me perfectly, just as the stone’s tag description said you would. I plan for you to do more than terrorize people. You will steal, spy, and murder for me in whatever animal form I choose. You won’t be able to speak except as that animal while you fulfill my orders.”
“What!? You want to make me a criminal?”
“I suppose I do. I can hardly let Ryou take the heat for me and no one will know it’s you as you will be transformed at the time. Now, Kaiba, tell me the truth: How did it feel while you chased people?”
Kaiba wanted to lie, but he sensed the iron in Bakura’s words and found that he couldn’t resist it nor was he interested in fighting it. “It was…fun. I liked running after them and felt satisfied at following your instructions.”
“You enjoyed it.”
“Only because you told me to chase and you held my will.”
“That is true and hopefully you will truly enjoy it on your own, though I will still hold your will as per the stone’s powers.”
“Now that my will has returned and I remember what happened, it actually sickens me what you made me do and I hate what you will force me to do.”
“It doesn’t have to be that way if you just accept that I can control you and make you a criminal.”
“No. I will never accept it.” Kaiba seized his case and stalked to the door just as Ryou opened it. He stood by as Kaiba left and, once the door was closed, Kaiba changed to an eagle owl, seized his case, and flew away.
“What was Kaiba doing here?” Ryou asked.
“I invited him here. I had business to discuss with him. Where were you, Ryou? I thought you’d be home an hour ago.”
“I had errands to run, remember? Plus, I had to avoid getting chased by a wolf. It was causing a panic everywhere.”
“A wolf, you say? Very unusual.”
“Yeah. Well, I’m going to do some work.” Ryou headed for where those boxes his father sent were and began to draw up an inventory list. Bakura was unaware of this; he was busy dreaming up what crimes he would have Kaiba commit and what animal he would do it as. Murder will be the last act, that’s for sure.
Chapter Five- Fighting Back
“Seto, where were you? I was getting worried. I thought that wolf got you.” Mokuba said as Kaiba came in.
“What wolf?” he asked, wondering how Mokuba heard about that if he had been home at the time.
“It was on the news. A large wolf was loose and just chased people, so no one was hurt, just scared.”
“Seto…were you that wolf?” asked Mokuba as he followed Kaiba upstairs.
“I was, but I didn’t choose to do that. Bakura showed up at quitting time and ordered me to change and chase. I had no control over what I did and only truly recalled it once Bakura gave back my will.”
“He controls you by taking your will?” Mokuba gasped.
“That’s how the curse half works. He plans for me to be a criminal under his control and as I’ll be transformed, no one will know it’s me.” He shook his head. “I hate that he can control me and I can’t fight him. It frightens and angers me that he can take my will so easily.”
“Seto, there must be some way to break it. I mean, I know you like being able to transform, but you shouldn’t have to be someone’s slave.”
“The stone is fused with my soul so breaking it that way won’t work and I doubt Bakura will tell us how to break it.”
Ryou frowned as he looked at his list and compared it to the one his dad paced with the boxes. According to what he called the Master List, one item was missing: A red stone called The Shapeshifting Stone. He double-checked and yes, it was missing. He had a good idea of how it went missing and who took it, but the question was why.
“Bakura, did you take a red stone from the boxes?” Ryou asked when he went to Bakura’s room where said boy was staring at the ceiling.
Bakura sat up and looked at Ryou. “A red stone?” he repeated, trying to sound innocent.
But Ryou wasn’t buying it. “You did! Hand it over.”
“I can’t. Kaiba has it now.”
“What!? You sold it?”
“Calm down. I didn’t sell it, I used it. That stone was magical. When the activation phrase is spoken and the stone is pushed into someone, they become a shapeshifter.”
“Kaiba’s a shapeshifter now?”
“Yes, but it’s a gift and a curse which is why I didn’t use it on myself. You see, Kaiba can become any animal he wants for as long as he wants and can still talk. However, the one who placed the stone can control the person. With a point and an order, I can steal Kaiba’s will and he instantly obeys my orders.”
The pieces of the afternoon fell into place for Ryou. “Kaiba was that wolf. You ordered him to chase and come here. That’s why he was here.”
“Correct. I plan to have Kaiba commit crimes in animal form and hopefully he will take delight in being a criminal whether he has his will or not.”
“Bakura! How could you do this to Kaiba?”
“It benefits him, too. He can keep an eye on his employees and weed out any traitors with them unsure of how he’s doing it and in exchange, he will spy, steal, and murder to repay me for bestowing this power on him.”
“Is there any way to break it in whole or part?”
“Absolutely not. The stone’s fused with his soul. He will change as he wants and when I order it.” Bakura laughed while Ryou left, moaning.
How much of what Bakura told me does Kaiba know or suspect? Maybe we should compare notes. Ryou grabbed the telephone and dialed Kaiba’s number.
“Kaiba,” came the reply after two rings.
“Uh, hi. It’s Ryou. I am so sorry about what Bakura did to you.”
“He told you.”
“After I found the stone missing from the boxes Father sent to me. I assume you know the gift and curse parts of the stone.”
“Yeah, I know. Honestly, the gift part is a big help to me as well as amusing to test. The curse I could do without. I demand you tell Bakura to stop ordering me around.”
Ryou smiled in grim amusement. “You know he won’t listen to me.”
“You need to be tougher with him. Anyway, I’m correct in assuming there’s no way to break this power.”
“You’re right. I wish there was a way.”
“Well, see what you can do with Bakura.”
“I will. Goodbye.” Ryou hung up and headed back to Bakura’s room to find him asleep. Despite Kaiba telling him to be tough, he couldn’t bring himself to wake his other half. I’ll talk to him tomorrow and look through the boxes again. Maybe there’s a counter charm to cancel out the stone or at least the curse half.
Kaiba busied himself the next day by working with the production crew of the game and spying on his employees. He was pleased that everyone was doing their jobs and none looked suspicious. My new game is almost ready to be released and no one else has released it. Perhaps there was only one spy but I can’t relax my guard. Kaiba buzzed out of the room of an employee and became human once in the hall. He liked being a fly in order to spy on his workers, but loved the other animals more. He thought as he headed up, Bakura wants me to spy, but I’m already doing that. Ah, but he will want to order me to spy and it won’t be for a good purpose.
Ryou looked up from his work upon hearing Bakura moving around. He got up and called, “Bakura, we need to talk.”
“Oh? You think so?” Bakura asked in a tone that usually made Ryou back off.
Ryou squared his shoulders. “I know so,” he shot back. “Now get your butt in here.”
There was silence and then Bakura entered Ryou’s room with raised eyebrows. “Well, this is a first. Are we growing a spine now?”
“I prefer being a nice guy but being nice to you doesn’t work so I have to be hard on you. Bakura, what you did to Kaiba was wrong despite the benefits he gained.”
“You mean peace of mind now that he can ferret out spies?”
“Yeah. You don’t have a right to control him, so stop it right here and right now.”
“Oh, but I like controlling him and besides that was just a test. I was thinking of having him spy and then steal some small insignificant item.”
“Bakura! I said stop ordering Kaiba around. I mean it!”
“No!” Bakura retorted. “I won’t stop and you can’t make me.” He turned on his heel and left the room. A minute later, Ryou heard the door slam. He sighed. Well, I tried to talk him out of it, but of course it didn’t work. I guess Kaiba better get used to following Bakura’s orders.
Bakura scowled as he stormed through town. Ryou had some nerve trying to tell him what to do! Ah, but maybe Kaiba put him up to it. Yes, that makes sense. He felt his anger toward Ryou fade and he directed it at Kaiba. He will pay for trying to get Ryou to stop me from ordering him around. I will teach him a lesson in who’s in charge. I will have him as my slave for a few days and have him transform into whatever form I choose before I’ll order him to spy and steal for me. When I’m through with him, Kaiba may indeed be the criminal I intended for him to be. Bakura smirked as he pictured what he would do to Kaiba and how to plan it so that his company didn’t suffer from their president’s absence. Perhaps I will give Kaiba a call so he can prepare for his forced vacation from work.
Chapter Six- Revenge
Kaiba’s eyes narrowed. “What did you just say?” he demanded.
“You heard me,” Bakura replied on the phone. “You will be my slave for a few days and in whatever form I choose. I will give you the rest of the day to get your affairs in order before I come for you in the morning.” He hung up before Kaiba could respond.
Kaiba leaned back with an angry snarl on his lips. Clearly, Ryou had spoken to Bakura and the latter decided to get revenge on Kaiba for it. He figured I encouraged Ryou to stand up to him and he’s decided to enslave me as punishment. I better do as he suggested since I can’t fight his control. Kaiba brought up his company email and sent a noticed to his employees that Mokuba would be acting president for the next few days starting tomorrow. He stressed that they continue the level of high standards he expected of them despite his absence. He sent the message and threw himself into his work in order to get as much done as he could before leaving. He needed to tell Mokuba about him being in charge and why.
“I’ll be in charge?” Mokuba gasped.
“You will. Bakura will be enslaving me for a few days starting tomorrow morning. My employees are aware of you being president while I’m away and that I expect them to maintain their usual standards.”
“I’ll make sure they do, Seto.”
“I know you will. I’m afraid I’ll have to delay the release of the video game.”
“I can work with the crews on it, Seto. The release will be on time.”
“Thanks, little brother. But don’t overwork yourself.”
“I promise.”
Bakura came into the apartment with pet toys and other accessories. He set them up while Ryou watched. He gave Ryou an evil smile. “I’m not mad at you. I figured out Kaiba told you to get me to stop ordering him so I’ll be getting even with him. He will be staying with us for a few days and will do as I tell him. Maybe he’ll be a criminal when I’m done with him.”
Ryou looked over the stuff Bakura brought: A kennel for a large dog, a bed for a cat, assorted dog toys, and a collar and leash. “I’m guessing you’ll have Kaiba become a wolf again.”
“Yes, among others. I also plan for him to take fox form and he will steal as a fox. Then, he’ll fly away with his steal.” His eyes gained a faraway look. “I am going to enjoy myself.”
But I bet Kaiba won’t, Ryou thought.
Kaiba dressed in his Battle City outfit, sans the trench coat. He then went downstairs to see Mokuba at the door dressed in a suit and holding his own briefcase, the papers Kaiba brought home already in it. He smiled at how grown up his brother looked before giving him a hug. “Take care of yourself, Mokuba.”
“I will. I wish I could say the same.”
“I doubt Bakura would allow me to get hurt.”
“Well, come back safely anyway.”
“I will.” Kaiba allowed Mokuba out of his arms and out the door. He heard doors slam and the limo start up and drive away. He was soon pacing near the front door, waiting for the thief to come and collect him. Kaiba started slightly when the bell rang. He calmed himself, exhaled slowly, and opened the door. There was Bakura looking confident and Kaiba scowled as he stepped out and closed the door. “Understand that I really hate you for this.”
“I know but you will still be in my control.” He pointed. “You will be a Doberman and speak as one.”
Kaiba felt his will leave him before taking the specified form. Bakura attached the collar and leash before saying, “Let’s go for a walk, Kaiba.” Kaiba was silent but he followed behind Bakura nonetheless. He knew nothing save for what Bakura told him.
Bakura tugged the leash. “You’re supposed to walk in front of me like a real dog.” He tugged again and his slave moved so that he was in front. “Good boy,” Bakura smirked. He directed Kaiba to his apartment building and into the apartment itself. “Ryou, we’re back.”
Ryou looked up from his book and startled. “You made him become a Doberman?”
“I did. A big, tough-looking dog that no one would want to mess with. I can have him be a small dog if I want, say like a Chihuahua”
“Not necessary. Just not so scary.”
Bakura made a derisive noise. “He won’t hurt you unless I order it, but fine. Kaiba, become a German shepherd.” Kaiba complied and Ryou saw the brown eyes were blank. That’s because Bakura holds his will. Ryou felt his heart go out to the shapeshifter. It wasn’t fair that he had to follow Bakura’s orders and yet he couldn’t help him.
“Now, I’m going to scout out possible places for Kaiba to steal from and he will stay here.” Bakura pointed to the kennel. “”Go to your cage, Kaiba.” The dog padded over to it and laid down inside. “Good boy.” Bakura left the apartment.
Ryou stared at the obedient dog before going over and crouching beside the open door. “I don’t know if you hear me, but I am so sorry that he’s doing this to you. I wish I could help you somehow. I would at least give back your will.”
Kaiba slowly blinked and then closed his eyes and shook his head. He opened his eyes and focused on the boy before him. “Uh…Ryou?”
Ryou gasped. “Kaiba!”
He looked at his paws and then at his surroundings. “Oh, yes. I remember now. I was a Doberman and Bakura walked me here. He made me change because I scared you.”
“You’re aware?”
“Yes. I’m aware even while he holds my will but only in a vague sense. I don’t know why I’m completely aware now.”
Boy and dog were both thoughtful before Ryou said, “Maybe I have control too as Bakura is my dark half.”
“So I obey both of you?” Kaiba growled, a real growl rising in his throat.
Ryou bristled at the sound and pointed at him. “Hey, I gave back your will. Don’t growl at me like that. Oops.” Kaiba ceased growling and his eyes went blank again. “I return your will.”
Kaiba blinked and shook his head. “Ryou,” he moaned.
Kaiba exhaled and attempted to change to human, but felt no tingle. “Damn,” he cursed. “I have my will, but I can’t change when I want.”
“Maybe it’s because your will returned while in a form you were ordered to take,” Ryou suggested. “Human is your natural state so when Bakura orders you to be human and then gives back your will, you regain the gift half of your power.”
“And since I’m still the dog he ordered me to take, my gift is sealed until told to be human.” He gave Ryou a hopeful look.
“Well,” Ryou said slowly. “As long as we hide from Bakura that I have control of you too.”
“Trust me. I won’t tell him. Allow me to be human and shapeshift as I want. Then, seal it again before Bakura gets in.”
Ryou smiled. “I like that. Okay. Kaiba, please be human with your will.” He pointed.
Kaiba changed on his hands and knees and then crawled out of the cage before standing. “You know, with you having control of me, these next few days will be easier to take.”
“Glad I could help. So, could I see your favorite forms?”
Chapter Seven- First Theft
Kaiba purred as he laid on Ryou’s lap, the boy stroking his back. “Oh,” he said, the purr heard in his voice. “That feels good. I think you’re a cat person.”
“Maybe and you make a good cat.”
“That may be, but I prefer the fox and the wolf.”
“You did look cool in those forms.”
Kaiba’s ears stood erect and turned to the door. “I hear someone coming.” He leaped off Ryou and trotted into the cage.
“Kaiba, become a German shepherd.” Ryou pointed and watched as Kaiba changed and his eyes went blank, his will gone again. Ryou picked up his book and riffled to a later spot in it; lucky that it was one he had read plenty of times before.
Bakura strolled in with a smug grin and Ryou looked up. “Well, Kaiba’s first crime will be a spy and steal type. I will smuggle him in as a small creature and deposit him somewhere to hide him. Then, later he will change to something bigger, seize the items I want, and return here.”
“Where does the spy part come in at?”
Bakura grinned. “I will have him observe the actions of one Solomon Moto and learn when the next booster set comes in. I intend to have Kaiba steal some of it before it is publicly released.”
“Wait. You plan to have Kaiba rob the game shop?”
“Yes. Tonight. I did not enter the shop so it won’t be suspicious when I do so now.” He went over to Kaiba. “Kaiba, listen to me. You will spy on Solomon Moto and gather information on Duel Monsters for me. You will do this as a bat until the shop closes.” He held up a list. “You will then become a fox and steal the cards on this list. You will do this without getting caught. Bark if you understand.” Kaiba barked instantly. “Good.” He removed the collar and said, “Become a bat.” Kaiba shrank into a black bat and Bakura scooped him up and put him in a jacket pocket. “I’ll be back real soon.” Bakura left and Ryou hung his head. Poor Kaiba. Bakura’s forcing him to spy and steal in one shot. Bakura, no doubt, will want Kaiba to steal the new booster set once he knows when Mr. Moto will receive them. The cards he wants tonight are going to be rare ones.
Kaiba felt himself being lifted out and heard Bakura say, “Hang in the corner up above.” Kaiba opened his wings and flew up to an obscure corner of the shop’s ceiling. His claws dug into the plaster and he wrapped his wings around his body and he appeared to blend in with the shadowy corner. Bakura nodded in approval as he stepped away and turned his attention to the cases that held the cards he desired. The locks won’t be a problem for Kaiba’s claws, he thought as he purchased a couple of boosters to throw off any suspicion of him planning to steal.
Kaiba stayed still and kept his ears open to gather the information his master wanted. The shop was empty save for Yugi and his grandpa. If Kaiba was in control of his actions, he would have told them his problem; however, Bakura was controlling him now and telling the Motos was not part of his orders.
“Grandpa, when will the new booster set come in?” Yugi asked and Kaiba listened intently.
“Should be in a week, my boy.”
A week, Kaiba thought as he filed that away. Master will be pleased to hear that. He opened his wings a little to allow an eye to see the shop. He saw Solomon head to the shop door, turn the sign over, and heard the lock turn. His ears listened to the humans leave the shop and the lights were turned off.
Not yet, Kaiba thought. I will wait a few hours before I fulfill Master’s orders. He pulled his wings around himself and drifted off to sleep. He awoke a few hours later due to a bat’s nocturnal instinct. He fluttered to the floor and took fox form. He stealthily went behind the counter and seized a bag before going to the cases and using his claws to pick the locks. He used his paws to slide the cases’ backs and sweep the cards Bakura wanted into the bag.
As Kaiba carried out his orders, he felt something well up in his heart. At first, he couldn’t identify it but then he did: He was enjoying his theft of the cards. It was thrilling and exciting to take without paying and deep down, he hoped Bakura would order him to steal again. He swept the last of the listed cards into the bag, seized it in his teeth, quietly left through a window in the Moto home that was open wide enough to squeeze through. He trotted through alleys as he headed for Bakura’s home. He arrived to find the door slightly ajar. He slipped in, closed the door, put the bag on the table, and then curled up in the cat bed to fall asleep.
Ryou left his room hours later to see a red fox curled up in the cat bed and a bag on the table. He gazed sadly as the sleeping fox. It’s awful that Bakura is making Kaiba use one of his favorite forms to steal. The thing is, I don’t think Bakura knew Kaiba liked fox form.
Bakura came out of his room and, upon seeing the bag, he went to it, opened it, and gleefully looked at the cards. He looked over at Kaiba who was waking up and smirked. “Very nice, Kaiba. You again obeyed me perfectly. I will allow you to talk to answers some questions.”
Kaiba sat up, opened his muzzle, and said, “Thank you.”
“You will call me Master.”
Kaiba’s still blank eyes blinked before saying, “Yes, Master.”
“Good. Now, did you hear anything related to Duel Monsters?”
“Yes, Master. A new booster set will arrive in a week.”
“That’s wonderful. I plan to have you steal a box of it when it arrives.”
“As you wish, Master.”
Bakura turned to the cards. “You gathered the cards I asked for, very good. Tell me about it.”
“It was easy with my claws. I picked the locks and used my paws to open them. I got out through a window with a narrow opening.”
“Well, that will teach them to close up everything. Did you feel anything during the robbery?”
“Yes, Master. I felt a thrill at taking the cards and not paying. I liked that feeling and I hope you’ll let me steal again.”
Ryou listened to Kaiba with a sense of horror. Surely, he doesn’t really feel that way? He only says so because he’s under Bakura’s control.
“I was hoping you’d say that. I promise you will steal again. Now, speak only as a fox.” Kaiba barked and yipped.
Bakura smiled happily as he said, “I’m going to the game shop and see if they’ve noticed and called the police. If so, I’m going to enjoy the fruits of Kaiba’s crime.” Bakura went out the door.
Ryou looked at the fox and pointed. “Kaiba, be human with your will.”
Kaiba obeyed and his eyes weren’t blank. He blinked before sitting on the couch and pounding a fist on his thigh. “I can’t believe I did that and said I liked it! I’m a business man, not a criminal.”
Ryou sighed in relief. “Thank goodness. I was afraid you did like it.”
“Only because he controlled me. Perhaps I’m influenced by the one who controls me.”
“Yes. That could be it. Kaiba, would you like to get out of here? Get some fresh air?”
“Yes, but I need to be a fox so Bakura doesn’t suspect a thing.”
“Of course.” Kaiba stood and took fox form again. He stood still as Ryou put the collar and leash on before the pair left the apartment side-by-side. Ryou watched as Kaiba sniffed the air and he smiled slightly. I’m going to make sure that Kaiba doesn’t become a criminal. I don’t want it and he doesn’t want it.
Chapter Eight- Second Steal
Bakura saw police cars and crime tape at the game shop with Yugi and Solomon outside, the latter talking to a policeman. Bakura approached the tape and waved to grab Yugi’s attention. “What happened?” he asked when Yugi came over, putting a concerned tone in his voice.
“We were robbed. Grandpa went to open the store and found card cases open. At least a dozen rare cards stolen. That’s it. No money taken, just cards.”
“No idea who did it?”
“The police think it’s someone wearing animal mittens because there were paw prints on the case backs.”
“That’s strange.” Bakura walked away when Solomon called Yugi. He could have called Yugi by phone but felt a physical appearance would be more dramatic and less suspicious, plus he wanted to see the frustrated looks of his victims. Paw prints on the case backs. I anticipated that Kaiba would leave prints but no one but Ryou, Mokuba, and me knows he’s a shapeshifter who obeys me whenever I command him.
Kaiba barked happily as he jogged alongside Ryou. He liked being alone with the boy. He didn’t control him except for when it had to appear that he was as Bakura left him. Then, Ryou would take his will. It amazed him that Bakura was unaware that Kaiba had his will back. Surely, he would have realized he wasn’t holding it.
Oh, well. He doesn’t know and that’s fine. Kaiba barked again and Ryou giggled a little. He looked up at him. “You find me barking funny?”
A little as I know you can talk just fine.”
“Yes, but I am a fox in body right now. I can talk both languages when I want. I found that it takes two changes to separate the languages. So, I can growl, bark, and yip as well as other canine sounds.”
“Does that mean that you could change to an animal related to foxes that you’ve never done and the two languages would already be separated?”
“Yeah. I’ve changed to a dog once and I didn’t speak in combination.”
“You didn’t speak cat earlier.”
“That was my third time as a cat. I also changed to different types of snakes too.”
“You do like changing.”
“I do, but on my terms.”
“Of course. No one deserves to be enslaved.”
Bakura walked along the sidewalk, thinking. This is the second day of Kaiba’s punishment. He may believe that he enjoys his crime only because I order him and hold his will. But, he is wrong. He does like fulfilling my orders. He will steal again tonight and in the classic way of a fox. This should appeal to the fox inside him and give him that thrill of theft he had felt last night.
Bakura strolled into the park and heard barking that sounded familiar. He charged toward it and saw a surprising sight: Kaiba, in fox form, prancing around Ryou who was laughing. The sigh of the two of them having fun angered Bakura. I want Kaiba to be a criminal; to revel in causing chaos and mischief. This kind of frivolity is counter-productive to that.
“Ryou!” he called as he stalked over to the pair. “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?”
“I just thought Kaiba would like some fresh air. He shouldn’t be cooped up all the time.”
“I will decide what he needs and he’ll like it.” He seized the leash and snapped, “Come, Kaiba.” He led the fox out of the park, the latter’s eyes blank once again.
Bakura smiled down at him. “I have your next theft lined up for you and I know the fox you will enjoy it as would any carnivore form you would take. However, you will remain in fox form for this mission: Tonight, you will raid a butcher shop. You will take what you desire and bring it to me. Bark if you understand.” Kaiba barked and Bakura smiled. This raid will increase his criminal side as will keeping him in animal form and holding his will.
Kaiba walked behind Bakura, his mind processing what his master had just told him. He would steal from a butcher shop. Take as much as he could carry and return to his mater. He unconsciously licked his chops at the thought of sinking his teeth into some juicy meat. Surely, Master won’t mind if I eat before returning. When they returned home, Bakura crouched down and lifted up Kaiba’s head to look into his blank eyes. “Listen carefully: If you need hands to leave the shop, you may become human but become a fox again once you are able to leave. Understand?”
Kaiba barked and Bakura smiled before standing and leading Kaiba to his kennel and putting food and water out for him. Kaiba wasted no time as his stomach had growled on the walk home. Once done, Kaiba curled up and fell asleep. He had a big night and wanted to be well-rested for when he set out to steal for his master.
The streets were well-lit but deserted as it was late. Kaiba padded down the sidewalk, his claws clicking slightly on the concrete. He slipped into the alley beside the shop and around to the back door. He reared up, rested a paw on the knob, and used the claws on his other paw to jimmy the lock. He heard a click and the door swung toward him. He pushed off the knob and gracefully landed on all fours. He entered the dark shop, his eyes adjusting to it easily. He went to the back where the meat was stored when the store was closed. A door with a sliding lock and handle at the bottom kept it closed. Kaiba took human form to open it, his eyes still blank, and entered to a carnivore’s dream. He licked his lips as he selected the best and juiciest meat and put them into a sack he had brought with him, leaving a small juicy steak out for a reward. He hefted up the sack, the steak in his mouth, left the freezer, and closed it, using the long sleeve of his shirt to wipe off his prints. He carried the sack and steak outside before becoming a fox again and using his paws to close it.
His tail swished and he panted from the thrill before barking rapidly in a laughing manner. I did it! Kaiba silently cheered as he laid down and began to eat his steak. I’ve stolen these meats successfully and I loved it! It felt great to take and not pay…again. It is a thrill to steal and no one would know that Seto Kaiba is robbing them as I can take the form of an animal to take what I want. Kaiba swallowed his last bite, stood up, seized the sack’s head in his teeth, and dragged it across the sidewalk as he headed home.
The door to home was ajar and lights were on. Kaiba tilted his head. Is Master awake? He did take a long nap earlier, eat dinner, and go back to sleep. Kaiba dragged the bag suing his back paws to push the door open. His nose sniffed and his ears turned for he had heard movement behind him and the scent he smelled belonged to Bakura; he had had time to become familiar with Bakura and Ryou’s scents.
“Ah, well done, Kaiba,” came Bakura’s voice and a hand came down and took the bag from Kaiba. Bakura hefted the bag, set it down, opened it, and looked inside. “Oh, yes. You did do well. These are the best and juiciest pieces in the shop.” He looked at his slave. “I will allow you to talk so you can answer my questions.” Once Kaiba had blinked, he continued. “Describe it to me.”
Kaiba complied. He spoke of getting in, being human to open the freezer and fill the sack, closing the freezer and wiping his prints off, and becoming a fox again as he had left. Bakura nodded and asked, “How did it feel?”
“The same way with the cards. I got a thrill from it. I truly enjoyed it. Actually, I loved it.”
“Did you now? Are you possibly becoming a criminal?”
“I believe so, Master.”
“Speak only as a fox now. You will sleep and later think on your feelings of this theft.”
Kaiba barked, went to the cat bed, and was soon asleep with a beaming Bakura watching him.
Chapter Nine- Persuasions
Kaiba’s blank eyes blinked open as he yawned and stretched before sitting up and staring down at his paws to think of last night. He did enjoy getting the meat for his master. It was a heady sensation to take from others and none of them knowing who was doing it. He would gladly do whatever he needed to in order to get away with his loot.
A door opened and Kaiba looked up to see Bakura. He traced the boy as he went to the kitchen and bustled around it for a bit before saying, “Come, Kaiba. Breakfast.”
The obedient fox approached and he saw a bowl of meat and a bowl of water. Kaiba eagerly ate his food, loving the taste of raw meat. He caught sight of Ryou staring at him as he ate. There was a look of pity to which Kaiba took offense. He was Bakura’s slave; he had to obey and really, he didn’t mind now. He was starting to like being a criminal and with Bakura as his master, he would rise to new heights of crime.
Ryou took in Kaiba happily eating like a fox with blank eyes and Bakura who beamed at his slave. It hurt Ryou to see Kaiba being happy because Bakura ordered him to be so. We chose to hide the fact that I can control Kaiba, too, but maybe now would be a good time to reveal it.
“Ryou, Kaiba did well last night. I say we celebrate with steaks tonight.”
“No,” Ryou said in quiet anger.
Bakura cocked an eyebrow. “No?”
“Enough, Bakura. Let Kaiba go home and stop ordering him.”
“I told you before, I won’t stop and I doubt he would want that.” Bakura nodded at the fox who was finishing washing up.
“Are you sure of that? Kaiba, be human with your will.”
Bakura’s mouth dropped as Kaiba changed, his eyes no longer blank. He rounded on Ryou. “How did you do that?”
“You’re my dark half, Bakura. We both can control Kaiba, but I let him think for himself and not influence him.”
“He may have influenced me,” Kaiba said. “But he has let me reflect on it.”
“Yes, but while as an animal under his control. Now that your will’s returned, you can re-examine your feelings.”
“I can, but I don’t need to. I love stealing and look forward to doing it again as well as other crimes.”
Bakura grinned slyly. “So, are you a criminal now, Kaiba?”
The brunette bared a wicked grin. “I am and I want you to guide me to new heights.”
“Oh, I think I know just the crime to help you rise to being a real criminal. What do you think of killing someone?”
Kaiba frowned slightly. “Murder? I…don’t know.”
“Don’t worry, Kaiba. I can help you pull it off very easily.”
“Don’t listen to him,” Ryou snapped out, pointing at Kaiba and taking his will purposefully. “You’re not a criminal. You’re a businessman, a company president.”
“Yes, I am a company president,” Kaiba said slowly.
“So, you can’t be a criminal if you’re a businessman,” Ryou said.
“Now who’s influencing him?” Bakura sneered. “Kaiba, let’s take a walk.” He headed for the door with Kaiba behind him, eyes still blank. Once away from the building, Bakura said, “Kaiba, from now on, don’t listen to Ryou. I alone know what’s best for you. You yourself said you’re a criminal.”
“Yes. I have stolen twice and that makes me a criminal,” Kaiba said slowly.
“Of course you have and you are. So, would you like to hear how to be a murderer?”
“Yes, Master.”
“It will be simple for you. Once night falls tonight, you will go to the park, become a wolf, and brutally attack a human. Allow your wolf instincts to guide you by letting them loose. Once a human is dead, you will return to me.”
“Yes, Master.”
“Seto’s a criminal!?” Mokuba exclaimed, horrified.
“In the sense that he’s stolen twice and claims he’s a criminal, yes. I tried to keep him from feeling good about it but it seems I failed.”
“Don’t give up, Ryou! Seto can’t be a criminal!”
The plea and desperation in the boy’s voice broke Ryou’s heart and strengthened his resolve. “You’re right. I can’t give up. I’ll keep trying, but Bakura plans to have him kill tonight.”
“All the more to get through to him.” Mokuba hung up and so did Ryou. Ryou began to think of what to say to Kaiba when the pair came back. The duo returned an hour later, both looking smug; how Kaiba could look that way with his will gone, Ryou wasn’t sure.
“Kaiba, could we talk?” he asked.
Kaiba looked at Bakura who nodded and looked back at Ryou. “All right.”
Ryou led the brunette to his room before closing the door. “Kaiba, I know Bakura plans to have you kill tonight.”
“Actually, he has already planned it. He told me what I will do.”
“You don’t have to do it.”
“Bakura is my master and I must obey him.”
“No. I return your will.”
Kaiba blinked rapidly before smirking at Ryou. “Returning my will won’t change anything. I will still kill.”
“Kaiba, listen to yourself. Killing someone is the worst thing to do.”
“Ah, but I’ll be a wolf. It would be no different from a wolf hunting for food.”
“No, it is different. You’re not a real wolf. You just look like one. Your mind is still human and you’ll likely regret it afterwards.”
“I won’t regret it. I was told to let my wolf instincts loose and it’ll be like I am a real wolf.” Kaiba laughed in a way that sent shivers down Ryou’s spine.
“Kaiba, listen to me!” he said desperately.
Kaiba’s eyes went blank at the command, but said, “I will not. My master said not to listen to you. He knows what’s best for me. I will become a wolf tonight and kill someone.” Kaiba left the room and Ryou’s mouth dropped.
Bakura told him not to listen to me? I can take his will, but he won’t follow my orders anymore. I’ve truly failed. Kaiba will commit the ultimate act of evil and become a criminal of his own free will. Ryou closed his door again, picked up his phone, and dialed the number for the CEO’s office of Kaiba Corp. Mokuba wasn’t going to like this.
Bakura looked up from the stolen rare cards to see Kaiba with blank eyes. Ryou took his will after giving it back. “Have your will back and tell me what Ryou said.”
Kaiba blinked and said, “He was trying to convince me not to kill. He is wasting his time. I will kill tonight.”
“And I look forward to hearing about it.” Bakura flashed a sadistic grin that was shared by Kaiba. They both looked forward to tonight’s murder.
Chapter Ten- Complete Criminal
Kaiba stood in a grove of trees and licked his lips as the sun went down. He was ready to kill. He longed to change and attack. Patience, he thought. Criminals plan their crimes with patience; at least the best ones do. There was a flare of light as the sun vanished beyond the horizon. It’s time.
He changed to his wolf form and closed his gold eyes, his will his own, to focus on his instincts and release them. He sensed the fierce hunting instincts rise up within him. He opened his eyes and intense cruelty shone in them. He growled softly and unsheathed his claws. He lifted his nose and sniffed the air to determine where his target was; he didn’t care who he killed, he just wanted to bite and slash to his heart’s content.
The scent of a human wafted up to him and he growled again, this time in excitement. His victim was coming! He crouched down low, the shadows concealing him and he closed his eyes, allowing his hearing and nose to guide him as to the human’s whereabouts. He heard footsteps growing nearer and he opened his eyes slightly to see a pair of legs go past his hiding spot. He slowly rose and slunk out behind the human which was a man. He gave a growl which froze the man for a moment before he looked back at Kaiba. He gasped and began to run.
The sight of his victim running excited Kaiba and he ran after the man, giving a howl of the wolf on the hunt. He panted at the thrill of the chase. His strong legs helped give him long strides, enabling him to keep pace with his victim whom he was teasing. He could take the man down in no time, but he enjoyed the chase. He charged past the man, whirled around, and crouched low with a growl as he bared his teeth at the man.
The man had a briefcase and he swung it at the wolf. Kaiba leaped to one side to avoid it and he snapped his jaws at the man before snarling in anger. The man began to breathe hard in fear and the smell of his fear really excited Kaiba. He leaped toward the man who swung the case. He latched his jaws onto the case, landed, and tossed the case aside before snarling and growling again. The man made a fearful noise before turning and running. Kaiba laughed in a low voice before running after his prey. No more teasing. Time to kill.
He raced down the path, claws clicking as he ran. He saw his prey up ahead who turned around and then gave a scream. The sound annoyed Kaiba and he leaped forward with the intention of silencing the scream. His exposed claws flashed forward and the scream became a gurgle and blood spurted out.
The man grabbed at his torn throat, blood seeping out between his fingers. Kaiba crouched down and then leaped up and knocked the man down. After that, Kaiba’s teeth and claws were a blur. He hacked, ripped, and tore to his heart’s content and when he was done, he howled at his kill before sprinting away and heading for Bakura’s home.
Bakura looked at the door upon hearing clicking claws and saw a wolf with cruel gold eyes enter. There was blood on his muzzle and claws and he was growling in a happy manner. Bakura smiled at him. “Be human again and tell me how it went.”
Kaiba changed, his will his as it had been earlier. He had a smug look as he crossed to the kitchen sink to wash off the blood. “It was exciting,” he finally said as he sat on the couch beside Bakura. “I let my hunting instincts and cruelty out. I didn’t care who I attacked and I took on the first one I saw: A man. I taunted him, chased him though I could have easily caught him, and generally enjoyed the teasing. He tried to hurt me with his briefcase but he couldn’t touch me. I then attacked after the second attempt to hurt me.” Kaiba’s smug smile turned cruel. “I tore him up and enjoyed every moment of it. He’ll be hard to visually identify as I slashed and ripped his face and tore open his chest.” Kaiba laughed at the memory.
“Clearly you enjoyed it and I liked hearing about it.”
“You’ll be hearing about others in the future.”
“Really? Sounds good. Well, Kaiba, you’re welcome to return home tomorrow morning.”
“Thank you and I intend to steal a box of those boosters for you in a couple of days.”
“I appreciate that,” Bakura said as Kaiba became a cat and curled up in the bed, falling asleep and dreaming dark dreams.
Mokuba heard the rustle of wings outside his open window and looked up from his desk to see a small hawk fly in. He gave a shocked yell and trembled as he looked at the bird’s sharp claws and cruel beak. The hawk’s beak clicked. “Mokuba, it’s me.”
“Seto!” Mokuba cried happily as Kaiba changed and he hugged his big brother. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
“Seto, I heard about a couple of thefts and a gruesome murder while you were away. Did you do all that?”
“Yes,” Kaiba answered proudly.
Mokuba looked sadly at him. “Ryou said that you’ve become a criminal.”
“He’s right. I became one from my first theft. Mokuba, my eyes have been opened these past few days. Bakura has shown me that, with my power, I can do whatever I want. No one can stop me.”
“Seto, did you look at the one you killed?”
“No and I really don’t care who died. All I know is that it’ll take time to identify him.” Kaiba bared a sadistic grin.
“Seto!” Mokuba exclaimed. “Please stop. This isn’t you. I know you can be cold at times but not this cold or cruel. It’s almost like you’re not human.”
“Not human?” Kaiba repeated. “I am human, Mokuba. I just learned to be a criminal. I have stolen and murdered and got a thrill from it that I don’t get from anything else. I will be carrying out one more theft for my master in a couple of days. I will warn you that if you try to stop me-,”
“You’ll kill me?” Mokuba asked, eyes wide with horror at the thought.
“No, but I will find a way to commit my crimes. I can be any animal I want. I could be a bug and squeeze out through any crack if you try to lock me in.”
Mokuba dropped his eyes. “You’re right, Seto. I won’t stop you.”
“Good. Now, I’m heading to work.” Mokuba quickly gathered the papers and handed them to Kaiba. “Any problems in my absence?”
“None. The game is ready to be released tomorrow as planned.”
“Excellent.” Kaiba left for his case and trench coat before he got in his limo and headed to work.
His employees were happy to see him back and he used his power to spy on them to see that the standards he set for them were being met: They were. He then settled in his office and was hard at work when the phone rang. “Kaiba,” he said when he answered.
“Hello, Kaiba.”
A small smirk appeared. “Bakura.”
“Happy to be back at work?”
“I am, but I look forward to stealing that booster set for you.”
“I’m pleased to hear that but I was just calling to confirm you were happy to be working.”
“I am,” he repeated and hung up. He returned to work while thinking of other places he could steal from, grateful that Bakura had made him a shapeshifter and introduced him to the criminal world. I could never go back to how I was. I am a criminal businessman and I love it.