Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only the wolf and school girl are mine.
Part One
A gust of wind blew through the air and the window of Kuwabara’s bedroom. He breathed deeply. The air was thick with the scents of spring: Fresh cut grass, flowering trees, fresh dirt, and the scent of animals. He put down his pen and rubbed the sides of his nose, eyes closed. He longed to hunt down those animals but every time he indulged in that feeling, he lost control of himself and chased a different type of prey. He feared that loss and did all he could to push it down as well as any intense emotions that could trigger his desire to hunt and kill. Sometimes, he couldn’t fight the urge and gave in to the monster within.
If only I hadn’t been so stupid, he thought as he recalled that awful night: It had been a full moon night and he had been heading home from school on a warm, fall evening. He had chosen to stay after school and do some studying in peace. He had been a little startled when he heard the announcement that school was closing and students needed to head home.
He then heard the scream of terror that drew him out of his thoughts of school and, upon realizing it was a girl’s scream, had sprinted toward it. He had reached the scene and saw a girl, a school mate, cowering before a hulking figure with coal black fur, pointed ears, and a bushy tail. Some kind of demon; it has to be, he had thought. “Leave her alone,” he had said.
The figure turned to reveal solid red eyes set in a lupine face. His hands sported sharp claws as did his feet which were paws. The wolf bared his sharp teeth as he rumbled, “Why would I leave her alone if I intend to eat her?” The girl, upon hearing this, screamed and fainted. The demon had laughed and Kuwabara leaped into battle. He hadn’t fought demons since Yusuke, Kurama, and Hiei had left for Demon World but his skills hadn’t diminished. He had issued a battle cry as he summoned his sword. He had swung it and the wolf dropped to all fours to avoid it. He had lunged before Kuwabara could swing again and pinned him to the ground. “You are a strong one, spiritual-wise,” the demon had growled. “I like that. I won’t eat you; instead I will give you a curse. You will become a vicious werewolf. On the full moon you will look like me but outside of it, you will change whenever you feel intense emotions, especially anger.” The demon then slashed a hand at Kuwabara’s right arm, cutting the sleeve and leaving three red scratch marks on the upper arm. Kuwabara had screamed in pain and gripped his arm as the demon had released him.
“Enjoy being a monster every time you change,” the demon had said before bounding away.
Kuwabara had told Shizuru about the encounter and she quickly set about setting precautions as the second moon was that night. However, Kuwabara did not change and that gave them time to construct a real sturdy place for him to spend his moons.
Kuwabara spared no thought for the other part of his curse as he threw himself into his schoolwork. It kept him occupied and from dwelling on the unfair turn his life had taken. His schoolwork, however, didn’t keep his senses, speed, and strength from becoming enhanced. It had been disconcerting when he smelled a myriad of scents he had never smelled before. The sensation caused fear and anger to course through him and he changed for the first time in his room.
His change was hardly quiet or private for his sister had been there when he encountered his sharp nose. He had expressed how his enhanced abilities scared him and how he was angry for the demon cursing him. A low, angry growl punctuated this feeling before he gave a loud, angry howl. His eyes turned gold as he sprouted a coat of black fur. His nose and jaws formed a muzzle of sharp teeth while a full tail grew out behind him. His muscles bunched and enlarged as his limbs became legs and his hands and feet became paws with extended claws. He went to all fours as his ears became pointed and rested atop his head. A desire to kill and eat went through him and his nose informed him of suitable prey nearby except it was kin and he wouldn’t eat kin much less kill them.
He turned to Shizuru with another low growl and he smelled fear. “I…won’t…hurt you,” he said had slowly, getting his jaws to work on forming words.
“You can talk!?” Shizuru had gasped. “You recognize me?”
“I recognize you as kin…family and I won’t kill family, but I still want to hunt and kill.”
“Hunt? Hunt what?”
Kuwabara almost said humans, but shook it off. I’m still half-human. I won’t eat humans. “Animals,” he had said at last. “You know, rabbits and things like that.”
“Only the park and the place behind Kurama’s house would have animals like that. But, Kazuma, you shouldn’t go out like this.”
“Sis, please,” Kuwabara had whined. “I burned a lot of calories and energy when I changed.”
“I’ve got an idea. Stay here.” Shizuru had left, closing the door behind her. Kuwabara had begun to pace, taking note of his body’s sleek graceful movements. He was feeling a bit calmer and wondered if he could change back at will or had to wait for something else to undo the change. He closed his eyes and focused on human form. He opened his eyes to see black paws. Maybe dawn will change me back.
His head had snapped to the door as his nose twitched. He smelled food and it was fresh. He had licked his chops as the door opened. Shizuru entered with a tray and put it down to reveal a bowl of water and a fish! A large, fresh fish!
“Where’d you get this?” he asked, nosing it.
“It was to be our dinner but you’ll likely eat all of it.”
“Our dinner? Gee, sis, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t worry about it, baby bro. I’ll just get something else.” She closed the door and Kuwabara settled down to eat. The raw fish appealed to his wolf body and he feasted on it. This is good and I love how graceful and strong this body is. But, I shouldn’t feel that way. This is a curse! Curses are torture for those who have one! I don’t want to change into a wolf when feeling intense emotions. I need to learn control.
Kuwabara had curled up on his bed after washing up and when he awoke, it was morning and he was human again. He kept from expressing too much joy as it could have triggered another change. Instead, he got up, retrieved the tray, and carried it to the kitchen where he got breakfast and sat at the table. Thank goodness that’s over. I just have to keep from being overemotional. Squash those intense moments and express only the most minimal of emotions and if anyone asks why I don’t seem angry or happy or anything, I’ll simply say that I am feeling that way…on the inside.
Shizuru came down and gave a small smile at seeing her brother human again. She then sighed. “It’s gonna be hard with you being a werewolf.”
“I’m aware of that. I’m going to try to suppress the intense part of my emotions and lock myself up during the full moon. I…did kind of like my body last night, even though I shouldn’t.”
“Kazuma, it’s all right to like your wolf body. I liked it too. Just don’t get attached to it.”
“I won’t. I promise.”
“Good and, if you change again, you’re welcome to leave and hunt now that I know you have control outside the full moon.”
“Yeah, but I doubt I would have control or even remember the full moon nights.”
Kuwabara had proven to be correct. He had locked himself in securely and Shizuru had provided plenty of food and water to satisfy him. She had managed to report his appearance and it was just as he suspected. He looked like the demon who had cursed him.
Kuwabara came out of his reverie and inhaled through his mouth and out through it to avoid smelling the animals the wolf in him wanted to hunt and eat. He had had his sixth full moon recently and still experienced the aftereffects of a full moon cycle: The desire to kill and eat humans, emotional flare-ups, an attachment to his four-legged wolf form, and, worst of all, a disdain and apathy toward humanity. This last aftereffect worried him. Am I becoming a wolf demon? Is this what he meant about enjoying being a monster?
He moaned in concern and felt it rise before quickly suppressing it. I must not change again, but it gets hard when I resist my outside changes for too long. I usually distract myself from it, but they’re not working like they used to. I need to find new distractions.
Part Two
A different scent suddenly floated to Kuwabara, providing a mild distraction but it was enough. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, filtering out everything else to focus on it. Ash; reminds me of fire. Hmm, I also smell…a demon! And it’s close by!
His eyes flew open as he leaped out of his chair, summoned his sword, and turned to his window where the scents were and saw Hiei crouched in the window. He cocked an eyebrow. “Paranoid, are we?” he quipped.
“No. Just cautious.” He put his sword away and sat back down. “Why are you here? I thought you would be staying in Demon World.”
It had been my intention, however, they have changed.” Hiei slid into the room, removed his boots, and sat on the bed, his eyes focused on the teen. “There’s something different about you.”
Kuwabara turned back to his desk. “You think so?” he asked casually. He didn’t want Hiei to know two things: That he was a werewolf and that he was in love with Hiei. His attraction for Hiei had risen recently; a couple of months ago actually. Hiei’s cold demeanor and killer attitude were attractive to his vicious wolf side. I can’t tell him. He hates me and yet, whey visit me?
“I know so,” Hiei countered. “I smell something else under your human stench.”
Kuwabara bristled slightly. “I can’t say I appreciate your description of my human scent.”
“You are less emotional. Pity.”
“I’m growing up and find emotional control necessary. Why do you think that’s a pity?”
“Because I find your emotional responses attractive.”
“Huh?” He turned away from the desk. “You always said my emotions made me weak as a fighter.”
“I did, but it was also your strength as it allowed you to unlock your Dimension Sword.”
“Okay. I see your point.”
“You can’t as I haven’t gotten there yet.” He leaned closer. “I found myself thinking of you often lately. The reason for it surprised me and was unexpected. Kuwabara…I love you.”
Kuwabara stared. “You do? Well that is unexpected.”
“Yes. So, what do you say to my admission?”
“What do I say?” Kuwabara smiled. “I love you too. Your cold demeanor and ruthless killing are attractive to me.”
Hiei blinked. “I can’t say I understand why you’re attracted to that, but maybe I will eventually.” He leaned back. “So, now that we know how we feel about each other, would it be all right if I call you Kazuma?”
“I’d like that.”
“All right, then. Kazuma, what is that scent under your human one?”
“I’d rather not say.”
“Not say? Kazuma, we love each other and shouldn’t be afraid to tell one another anything.”
“I don’t know how you’ll take it. I…I became a monster several months ago.”
“A monster? I doubt that.”
“I am!” Kuwabara insisted. “I was cursed and I…I hate it!” He felt his anger flare and grow but he didn’t care as he let all the disgust and self-loathing out. “I become a monster and feel a desire to eat humans though I haven’t. I have terrorized and chased them when I lose control of myself. You have no idea how much I-,” Kuwabara broke off and howled as his control crumbled and he transformed. He looked up and saw Hiei stare, stunned. He turned away and bowed his head.
“You’re a werewolf?”
“Yeah. I saw a wolf demon threatening a schoolmate. I tried to fight him but he was too fast. He had me pinned, claimed he wouldn’t eat me, and cursed me by leaving three scratches on my upper right arm. I look like him on the full moon and desire to eat humans. On the other nights, I change if I feel intense emotions. I then desire to hunt and eat, but only animals.”
“Kazuma, that doesn’t make you a monster.”
Kuwabara looked back, showing a sad gold eye. “I feel a desire to kill and eat humans, an attachment to my current form, and I guess it would be disdain for humanity. I fear that I am becoming like the one who cursed me. How does that not make me a monster?”
Hiei was silent for a moment. “What did this demon look like?” Kuwabara described him and Hiei added, “Did you sense any demon energy from him?”
Kuwabara turned around, muzzle parted and realization in his eyes. “No. I didn’t. So that means…he wasn’t a demon?”
“No, he wasn’t. I would say he was a werewolf who believed he was a monster and chose to act like it.” He stepped closer to the werewolf. “You haven’t eaten humans, only chased them, yes?”
“Right.” He nosed Hiei’s hand. “So, if I believe I’m a monster, I may choose to act like it?”
“You won’t be that way. You are too pure of heart to ever be that way. Don’t be afraid to change, it’s part of who you are now.”
“It is and maybe resisting it is what made it bad and I felt a desire to kill and eat.”
“Now, that is part of being a normal wolf. They kill to eat and you said you’ve only eaten animals.”
Kuwabara nodded. “I wonder if the curse will break if I kill the one who scratched me.”
“Why would you think that?”
“I saw it in a movie once. A guy was bitten by a werewolf and, in order to break it, he had to dispose of the one who cursed him.”
“Hn, sounds like a fairytale to me.”
“I could still try and I won’t ask as he’ll probably lie to me.”
“He likely would.” Hiei personally thought the curse was unbreakable. Most curses are permanent; only in human fairytales can curses be cured. He felt Kuwabara nose his hand again and he automatically stroked the head. The fur was soft beneath his fingers and he slid his hand over to scratch the chin.
Kuwabara sighed. “Oh, that feels good.”
“I thought it would.” He scratched a little more. “Kazuma, can’t you change back?”
“Yeah, but I have to wait for morning. I usually change at night and after hunting, I come home and go to sleep. When I wake up, it’s morning and I’m human.”
“I see. I wonder if it works the other way. Wolf in daylight, human by nightfall.”
“That is an interesting thought. Maybe I could test that tomorrow as tonight’s Friday.”
“Maybe. For now, how about some sleep? Unless you’re hungry?”
Kuwabara shook his head. “Not hungry, but I do feel a surge of love for you.”
“I felt the same way earlier until I couldn’t stand not telling you and came here.” Hiei shifted to one side of the bed.
“I’m glad you did. I’ve felt attraction for you for two months. I thought you hated me.” Kuwabara jumped into bed.
“I did, but then I came to realize that you are a loyal, compassionate human.”
“I’m not human. I’m a werewolf and it’s not too bad now.” He yawned and curled up.
“Yes. A werewolf.” Hiei slid his body against Kuwabara’s furry back and fell asleep.
Part Three
Kuwabara’s eyes opened to see sunlight lighting the room and a warmth against his back. He looked back and saw Hiei, asleep. He smiled, glad to be able to do so again. Last night was full of surprises. I find that Hiei loves me and that I wasn’t cursed by a demon; it was a werewolf who clearly is in control of himself. Could that be because he fully accepted his curse? I’m not afraid of my outside full moon change anymore and it’s thanks to Hiei. Maybe love will change my curse into something more bearable.
He felt movement before hearing Hiei say softly in his ear. “Good morning, my werewolf.”
“Good morning, Hiei.” He felt Hiei move and rolled over to have his lips seized in a gentle kiss. When they parted, Kuwabara said, “Wow. That was really nice.”
“There’ll be more in the future, I promise you that.”
“Does that mean you won’t be going back to Demon World?”
“No. I will go back occasionally. One time is an upcoming tournament to determine who will rule all of Demon World.”
“Wow. Do you plan to win?”
“No. I only want to face Yusuke as he’s gotten stronger. Besides, if I was the winner, I would be too busy ruling to be with you.”
“Well, I wouldn’t like that.”
“Neither would I.” Both got out of bed and, as Kuwabara got dressed, Hiei asked while looking out the window. “What are your plans today?”
“Well, I have some papers to copy and then pick up some cat food.”
“Does your cat still like you?”
“Not really, no, but I’m still responsible for her needs.” Kuwabara left the room, a little depressed. Eikichi became downright scared of him after being cursed. He understood why: Cats hated dogs and, as dogs are descended from wolves, naturally she was afraid of him. This fact was driven home this morning when he entered the kitchen where she was eating. She looked at him, hissed, and fled the room. He merely sighed and got breakfast. He found Shizuru at the table and she saw his expression. “Eikichi still avoiding you?”
“Yeah. Sis, I’ll still pay for the food and everything but could you care for her? You know since I’m a werewolf and cats hate dogs.”
“Of course, baby bro. I noticed you said werewolf.”
“Yeah, well, Hiei came by last night and we discussed it after I changed. He made me realize that it was a werewolf that scratched me, not a demon.”
“But, it was the full moon. How could he talk and have conscious control?”
“I’m thinking he fully accepted his curse and gained talking and conscious control by acting like the monster he believed he was.”
“Obviously, you won’t do that.”
“Right. Hiei said I’m too pure of heart to be a monster.” Kuwabara said with a dreamy smile and Shizuru interpreted the expression and her eyes went wide. “Kazuma, are you…in love with Hiei?”
Kuwabara blinked and looked down. “Is it that obvious?”
“No, but I’m your sister and I’ve seen that look before.”
“Just to be clear, Hiei said it first and I answered back.”
“Ah, it’s mutual,” she said as Kuwabara got up.
“Yup and he’ll be here and will go back to Demon World occasionally. Well, I’ve got a couple of errands to run and be back soon.” He gathered his papers and was out the door.
Shizuru smoked as she reflected on the conversation they just had. So, Hiei had been in love with Kazuma and vice versa. I wonder what attracted them to each other. Maybe Hiei is still here. She got up and went up the stairs to pause outside Kuwabara’s room. She knocked and said, “Are you there, Hiei?”
“Come in,” came the reply.
She entered and saw the fire demon on the window sill, who turned to look at her. “Kazuma said you two are in love. I’m curious about why.”
Hiei stared at her for a moment before saying, “I’ve been attracted to him for a few months. His loyalty and compassion are admirable traits. I had thought his compassion was a weakness but I came to realize that I was wrong. I can see myself living happily with him.”
“His being a werewolf isn’t a deterrent?”
“No. It adds to him. In fact, his condition is what attracted him to me. He finds my cold and ruthless traits attractive to his wolf side. I don’t mind that.”
“He said you helped him realize his attacker was a werewolf and help him come to terms with his condition.”
“I did but he is determined to break the curse. I honestly doubt it can be broken.”
“How does he plan to break it?”
“”He thinks he can break it by killing his attacker.”
“Kill? I know he’s killed demons before but I don’t know if he’d be able to kill a werewolf who is still half-human.”
“Several months ago, he’d wouldn’t have been able to kill a human or half-human except in self-defense. He’s admitted to me that he’s killed animals when hunting. So, I’d say he is now capable of killing. But, as I said, I don’t think the curse can be broken.”
“Yes. The cures in books and movies are really just for happy endings. In reality, curses usually are permanent. So, Kazuma will likely remain a werewolf.”
“I find that preferable. He looks impressive in his wolf form.”
“What triggered his change last night?”
“I smelled his wolf scent mixed in with his human one, though I didn’t know it was wolf at the time. He said he was a monster and when I doubted his claim, he grew angary.”
“Yes. Anger often triggers a change as does resisting a non-full moon change too long.”
“He suspected that resisting made his curse worse and I told him that his normal wolf form is part of him and he should embrace it.”
“He hasn’t said whether he likes hunting or not.”
“You’re right, he hasn’t. But I told him hunting for food is normal for wolves. If he finds himself stranded in the wild, he’ll have a way to survive.”
“Maybe, but he doesn’t need to wander off into the wild.”
“Of course. He does want to see if he becomes human at night if he changed in daylight.”
Shizuru found the concept interesting as she said, “As long as it’s at home, that’s okay to find out. Would you like some breakfast, Hiei?”
“No. I’ll just wait here for Kazuma.”
He uses his first name. Well, as they love each other, that makes sense. “All right,” she said before leaving. Well, I found out why they love each other and how Hiei found out about Kazuma’s condition. He’s encouraging Kazuma to embrace his normal wolf form and I can’t say it’s a bad idea. It’s still a curse but perhaps it can be half of one if he accepts the normal wolf form.
Hiei stared out the window. He eagerly awaited Kuwabara’s return so he could test his wolf by day, human by night theory. It would be interesting if he could change at will and whenever he wants.
Part Four
Kuwabara walked home with a bag holding cat food and his papers inside the bag. He felt wonderful; better than he had in months. Yes, he was cursed, but now he knew he wasn’t going to become a demon or a monster. He would embrace his four-legged wolf form and looked forward to going home and invoking a daytime change to see if he would return to human form once night fell. If so, I think I’ll hunt tomorrow and if not, I’ll hunt tonight.
He breathed deeply to filter out the smells again. He had some practice with his nose but did not do it too often as he had been fighting his wolf side. But no more. I will use my enhanced abilities and enjoy them. He picked up a rush of scents and began sorting them. There were the usual smells of spring as well as gasoline, trash, and animals: Cats, dogs, rabbits, and wolves. Kuwabara froze at that last one. There were no wolves in the city save for himself…and his attacker! He’s nearby! But, is he human or wolf right now? Only one way to find out. Kuwabara began sniffing the air, focusing on the smell of wolf. He traced the smell toward the park, impressed with how well-developed his sense of smell was as the smell grew stronger. It led him to a path he had trodden many times during the times he changed when he fought changing or had an emotional flare-up that triggered it. His eyes adjusted to the semidarkness and he stashed his bag behind a bush before venturing onward.
A low, warning growl was heard as he stepped into a clearing. He stood his ground as his nose flared and he turned to the left. “I know you’re there. I can smell you.”
A gravelly laugh sounded before a black wolf slunk out of the bushes, his greenish eyes locked on the teen, teeth bared. “Well, if it isn’t the human I cursed. It seems you have not embraced all that being a werewolf has to offer.”
“If you mean being a monster, I haven’t.”
The wolf laughed. “Oh, come now. We are werewolves. We are meant to eat human flesh and infect others to be werewolves.”
“I will never eat flesh or infect others.”
“You will eventually, but first perhaps I should tell you that you can take wolf form whenever you want though it won’t undo until sunrise or sunset depending on when you change.”
Ah, Kuwabara thought. Now that I believe. “I had planned to test that, but thanks for the tip.” Kuwabara instantly took wolf form and growled at the other wolf. He stalked forward like a wolf on the hunt. He bared his teeth. “I’m going to kill you for cursing me.” And if I do, the curse may break.
“You can try, young one. But I am older, more vicious, and experienced. I will kill you before you even lay a paw on me.” He laughed, but it was cut short when Kuwabara plowed into him. The two werewolves wrestled with each other, yelps and howls sounded whenever one of them bit or scratched the other. Both were intent on killing the other and both were injured as they continued to fight.
Kuwabara kept the other wolf away from a vital part of him while trying to get to a selfsame piece. He ducked his head as the wolf lunged forward, teeth exposed. Then he head-butted the wolf’s head up before his teeth flashed forward, seized the throat, and tore it away.
The wolf’s howl of pain gurgled in his open throat as he fell sideways and died, eyes blank and unstaring. Kuwabara panted as he stood there, bites and scratches all over his body. His tail swished. I did it! I killed him. The curse is broken! I should be returning to human form soon and painfully as well. He stood there for at least fifteen minutes but nothing happened.
“No!” he howled. “The curse didn’t break! I’m still a werewolf!” He bowed his head as headed back the way he had come, seizing the bag in his teeth as he took a different path home.
He entered the house through a dog door Shizuru had installed months ago. He put the bag down and called, “I’m home, sis.”
Shizuru came in, paused at seeing Kuwabara in wolf form and then gasped. “Kazuma, you’re hurt!”
Kuwabara took a step and the adrenaline he had felt wore off and he crumpled to the floor, a whine of pain escaping. Shizuru heaved him up and carried him to the couch as Hiei came down. “Kazuma, what happened?” Shizuru asked.
“I smelled my attacker on the way home and followed it to a clearing in the park woods. He had already taken wolf form saying that I could change anytime I want and can’t change back until sunrise or sunset depending on when I change. Obviously I took wolf form and said I was going to kill him. He thought I wouldn’t be able to touch him. We ended up fighting and I killed him, but I’m still cursed.”
Hiei’s hand emitted warm, healing energy that he moved over the wolf’s injuries. “I did say that such a notion was just a fairytale and your sister said broken curses are only happy endings in books and movies. We both felt the curse wouldn’t break.”
“Well, it ends here. I will not infect anyone else.” Kuwabara started to rise, but Shizuru pushed him down. “Stay put. Rest.”
Kuwabara sighed. “All right. I’ll rest and I’ll be human in several hours.”
“Good. I’ll go get some steak for you.” She left the room, leaving demon and werewolf alone.
“How did you kill him?” Hiei asked quietly.
“I ripped his throat away. It severed the jugular. His fault, at least partly. He lunged at me, I ducked my head and gave him a head butt on his lower jaw, forcing it up and then I grabbed the throat.”
“Clearly not without injury to yourself.”
“He was right in saying he was more vicious and experienced.”
“And yet he died, most likely because you acted in a way he did not expect you to act. He was arrogant and rigid in his fighting style. It’s likely he had been a werewolf too long and on his own. His only opposition were humans and animals. None would have been able to fight back against his viciousness.”
“He made a mistake by not killing me.”
“Indeed. Why didn’t he kill you?”
“He sensed I was a strong one. He sensed my spirit energy somehow. Hiei,” Kuwabara seemed struck by a thought. “Do I have spirit energy still?”
“Of course you do. You are still human.”
“Yeah, I am. It’s just animals don’t give off the same energy.”
“But animals don’t talk like humans and demons do.”
“True,” Shizuru spoke up. She held a tray before putting it on a high table and sliding it over to the couch. The tray held a bowl of water and a raw juicy steak on a plate. She ran a hand over his head. “You are still human no matter what you look like.”
“Even when I’m in my werewolf form?”
“Even then. You’re still human, it’s just suppressed three nights a month.”
Kuwabara’s tail swished as he began to eat. He felt a whole lot better about his condition. He had control over a small part of it and he liked that part of himself. I also have a boyfriend who likes me as I am. I am finally accepting of who and what I am: I am Kazuma Kuwabara, a werewolf.