Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D’s.
Chapter One- The Meeting
Jack’s boot heels clicked against the sidewalk as he headed through the darkened street. He glanced back to be sure no one was following him. Not a person in sight. Good. He didn’t need bodyguards, fans, or media trailing him. His destination was not for the eyes of anyone. The reason for this trip, however, was for social news: Jack Atlas was seeking a girlfriend. But not just any girlfriend for he had standards. She needed to be beautiful, smart, funny, and most importantly of all, an excellent duelist. The girls he glimpsed among his fans didn’t fulfill all of these requirements. Oh, some fulfilled one or two but not all four. He spied a narrow alley almost invisible in the dark gloom. He slid into it and went down until he reached a non-descript door with a stained sign reading, “Acadia.”
He knocked and after about thirty seconds, the door opened and a man with reddish hair that concealed one eye stood there. A friendly yet business-like smile appeared. “Ah, Mr. Atlas. Please come in.” He stood aside and let Jack in before closing the door.
“You honor us with your presence, Mr. Atlas.”
“Of course you are, Sayer. I hope what you told me over the phone about your business holds up. You house young men and women and clients pay to take one or more with them, yes?”
“Absolutely and the clients pay well. So, you’re seeking a girlfriend. The young ladies here are most excited to meet you and hope to win a place at your side.”
“I’m sure they are.” Jack headed down the hall without Sayer. He knew his fame as a turbo duelist was probably what the girls were drawn to, not Jack himself. Chances are that I may end up leaving with no girlfriend. My title is all that people are drawn to. I do hope I do find someone.
Yusei tightened a bolt, ignoring the whispering and giggling on the other side of the garage door. A rumor was flying that another rick person was visiting tonight to seek a companion, a girlfriend to be precise. He scowled. He hated living here, but it was a little better than living on the streets. But being bought to be a slave, bound to the buyer for life is not worth having a roof over your head. We’re not even allowed to leave the place until we’re bought. He shook his head as he slid under his Duel Runner to work on the underside. I may never get to ride my runner, but I love working on it and I’m allowed to keep it.
Jack sighed in disgust. That girl couldn’t stop giggling to talk to him. That wouldn’t do. He needed someone who could talk to him without excessive blushing or giggling. There were some that fell into that category. One woman, Akiza, was one example. She was pretty and a duelist but her haughty attitude was a bit off-putting. Still, thus far, she was the best one he had seen. She may be the one; perhaps her attitude will improve once she-, Jack’s thoughts broke off at the sound of a power tool. He paused and looked to the left where he heard the sound. A door marked, Garage, was there. Curious, he opened the door.
A beautiful red Duel Runner sat there in the middle of the garage. That would look great running alongside my own, he thought, stunned to find such a vehicle in a place like this. He looked down to see a pair of brown boots and thin, but muscled legs clad in navy blue leather pants. Hmm. He reached out with his foot, hooked it around the ankle, and pulled the owner out from under the runner.
He felt his breath catch at the sight of a handsome young man. His blue eyes were wide at being pulled out. His spiked black hair was accented with yellow streaks and seemed to be drooping a little with sweat. He wore a sleeveless black shirt with an interesting red design on it. A smear of grease was on his nose but it only added to his looks instead of detracting from it.
“That’s quite the Duel Runner,” Jack commented. “You build it yourself?”
“Yeah,” the man said, sitting up and then standing. “It wasn’t easy as we’re not allowed to leave the house.” He wiped off his nose and hands with a cloth before reaching for a jacket that matched his pants and brown riding gloves. A series of red lines caught Jack’s eyes and he grabbed the man’s right arm and turned it to see it better. The lines formed what looked like a dragon’s head. Jack could see it was no tattoo. “You’ve got a birth mark like me.”
Jack released him and exposed his own right arm. “I’ve had it since I was born.”
“Mine kept appearing and disappearing throughout my life. It reappeared a few months ago and hadn’t vanished. I don’t know why, though.”
“It makes you special as far as I’m concerned. So,” he leaned back against the work bench. “What’s your name?”
“Yusei. Yusei Fudo.”
“Well…Yusei. I’m-,”
“Oh, I know you. Jack Atlas turbo duelist king.”
Jack raised an eyebrow. “Are you a fan by any chance?”
“Not a big one, but I do watch your duels. Your runner is what inspired me to build this one.”
“Does it run?”
“It does, but I don’t know how it rides.”
“That’s a shame. So, you duel?”
“I do; not to brag but I’m the top duelist in Arcadia.”
“Really?” Jack was impressed. He had come to find his match and seemed to have found it- only his match was a guy instead of a girl, but maybe he could change that. “I like you, Yusei. I thought I was coming here to find a girlfriend, but now I think I was just looking for a friend. How about it? I pay for your release and you stay with me? I’ve got a track at my place and you can test your runner, race me, and even turbo duel me.”
Yusei’s eyes widened and his heart pounded. Live with Jack? “I would like that.”
“Then I’ll talk to Sayer and come for you tomorrow afternoon.” Smiling, Jack left the garage to head to Sayer’s office.
“So, Mr. Atlas, have you found your girlfriend?”
“Not really. However, I did meet a handsome young man. I would like to purchase him.”
“So, you settled on a friend? Or would that be boyfriend?”
Jack bristled. “He’s not a boyfriend. If I were to date, I would have a girlfriend, but Yusei fulfills the standards I have set. If he was a girl, then he would be my girlfriend.”
“Interesting. You are in luck, Mr. Atlas.” Sayer reached into a drawer and held up a test tube of clear liquid. “My scientists developed a formula to change one’s gender- permanently. I generally keep this to insure that the people in my care and employ keep in line. However, for an additional charge, I would be willing to sell this to you. Spike his food or drink with this and Yusei will become the girl of your dreams.”
“His personality won’t change? It’ll just be his gender?”
Jack grinned and his eyes twinkled happily. “So, how much for Yusei and the formula?”
Yusei pulled on his jacket and gloves, collected his tools, and returned to his room, hardly believing his luck. He had befriended the famous Jack Atlas who wanted to buy him as a friend. He would be free of this place and be able to test his runner at last! He had spent at least a year putting it together. While he couldn’t leave the house, Sayer or one of the staff members brought him the parts he needed. He had been doing maintenance on it when he felt a foot hook around his ankle and pull him out. He almost lit into the person who had interrupted his work when he saw it was the Jack Atlas!
I still can’t believe how easy it was to talk to him. He acts like a regular guy. He said he likes me; I like him, too. I wonder what he’s like when not dueling or being out in public. Well, I’ll soon find out as I’ll be living with him. He said he’ll come for me tomorrow afternoon. Yusei pulled out a small, battered suitcase and began putting his few possessions in it.
Chapter Two- New Home
“You bought a friend?” Jack’s assistant, Mina, asked. “I thought you were buying a girlfriend?”
“That had been the plan and it still is. Yusei has all the traits I was looking for except he’s male. But, Sayer sold me a formula to change Yusei into a girl. I’ll spike his drink at dinner tonight and I’ll have the girlfriend I desired.”
“You know he’ll be angry when he sees he’s a girl.”
“Yes, but by then it’ll be too late as the formula’s permanent. Furthermore, this bill of sale makes him my property to do with him as I wish.” He checked his watch. “We have more than enough time to buy Yusei’s new wardrobe and put it away before picking him up.”
Yusei sat on his bed’s edge, his suitcase packed and by his feet. His body trembled slightly with excitement, eagerly awaiting Jack’s arrival. A knock sounded and he said, “Enter.”
The door opened and Akiza entered. She took in Yusei and his case for a moment before saying, “So, the gossip is true. You’ve been bought by Jack Atlas.”
“Gossip?” Yusei rolled his eyes. “Is that all you girls do around here?”
Akiza smirked. “That’s part of being a girl and speaking of which, I thought Jack was looking for a girlfriend.”
“He thought so too, but while we were talking, he said he realized he was actually looking for a friend.
“Oh,” Akiza said softly. “Well, anyway you’re lucky. They say he lives in a mansion.”
“He probably does. He told me he has a track at his home where we could race and turbo duel.”
“Wow,” Akiza commented. “That sounds like fun.”
Sayer appeared over Akiza’s shoulder. “Yusei, Mr. Atlas has arrived.”
Yusei stood, picked up his case, and followed Sayer once Akiza had moved aside. “Now, remember Yusei, you are expected to do anything he asks of you. You are his property and he will do with you as he wishes.”
“I remember.” Sayer had schooled him and the others in what was expected of them and it was relatively simple: Whatever their owner wanted from them, they got.
They arrived in the front hall to see Jack and a blue-haired woman beside him. Yusei was confused. If Jack had originally been looking for a girlfriend, then who is this? “Mr. Atlas, I give you your property to do as you see fit.”
“Thank you, Sayer.” He smiled at Yusei as Sayer walked away. “Yusei, this is Mina. She’s my assistant and keeps track of my appointments such as duels and public appearances.”
Yusei nodded to her, now understanding her presence, and she returned the gesture. She was taken by how handsome he was and was easily able to imagine this young man as a young woman. Jack will likely ask me to assist Yusei in getting used to his new body and gender.
“We’ve already secured your runner to the car so let’s head home,” Mina said.
The trio left Arcadia and through the narrow alley to the open street. Yusei nearly gasped. His runner was safely and securely attached to a luggage rack on the top of a limo! It wasn’t the placement of his runner that almost made him gasp; it was the car. A driver got out of the car and opened the back door. Jack got in and Yusei followed after urging from Mina. Once she was in, the driver climbed into the front and pulled away onto the road.
Yusei stared out the window at the scenery that flashed by. He had spent three years at Arcadia since he was fifteen. He was curious to see if the city had changed since the last time he had seen it. The depressing, run-down area looked the same however the middle-class and rich areas were brand-new to him. He had never seen such well-kept and, in some cases, large houses. The limo drove to the wealthy side of the city and the elaborate estates nearly took his breath away. Jack lives in one of those houses? I’m going to live in one of them? The limo pulled up to a mansion and Yusei’s eyes nearly popped out. He had never dreamed of seeing or even being in a house so grand.
Jack was amused by Yusei’s reactions as they rode through town. He suspected the young man had grown up in poverty and living on the streets before ending up in Arcadia. He had no idea how long he had been in that place, but now he wouldn’t be going back. He will live among the wealthy as my girlfriend. His current body is nice and I hope his female one is just as nice.
The limo arrived at home and the back door opened, letting Mina and Yusei out first. Jack got out and saw that his friends seemed awestruck at the mansion. He smirked as he came up beside him. “I imagine it seems overwhelming but believe me, you’ll get used to it.” He glanced back to see the runner being carefully lowered and rolled toward where Jack’s runner was stored: The rooftop garage where the track resided. He put an arm across Yusei’s shoulders and steered him to the front door. “Let me show you to your new room and then give you a tour before dinner.”
Yusei allowed himself to be led inside to a lavish hallway and up a sweeping wide staircase to a long hallway. They stopped at a door to the right of a set of double doors. “My room is there,” Jack said, nodding at the double doors. “And this one is yours.” He opened the door.
Yusei entered to an enormous room. An equally enormous bed laid opposite the door and near the foot of the bed was a door leading to a balcony. A door near the balcony led to a lavish bathroom. A large walk-in closet was beside the bedroom door and a desk and chair was against the wall between the closet and the bed. Yusei put his case on the desk and slowly turned to take in the room before looking at Jack. “It’s amazing,” he finally said.
“I take it you like it?”
Yusei nodded. “I love it.”
“Good. Then, let me show you the rest of the house.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Jack showing Yusei the rooms of the mansion, the latter paying attention to where everything was located as he lived here now. Jack was friendly, despite the fact that Jack owned him. Their relations was more friends than owner and slave or property. It was a state with which Yusei was happy.
Their tour ended at the roof top where Jack showed Yusei the garage where both runners were stored and then the track. Yusei could easily see himself racing around this track, pushing his runner to its limits. Jack, however, was gazing at the glowing lights of the city. “This is my favorite spot. I love the view.”
“I can see why,” Yusei said.
A chime within sounded. “Ah, dinner’s ready. Shall we?”
“Would it be all right if I freshened up a little?”
“Of course. Go ahead.” Jack and Yusei went in but split up at the stairs, the latter going up while the former went to the dining room. A long dark wood table sat in the center with at least a dozen chairs around it. Three place settings were laid out. Mina was already seat and Jack’s was always at the head so the one to the left of his seat was Yusei’s. He went over to it, removed the tube, uncorked it, and poured the formula into the cup of water. He stirred the contents and then wiped off the spoon.
Yusei entered almost ten minutes later, his face looking cleaner, and his gloves were gone. He took his seat and the dinner began. There was much eating, drinking, and talking. Jack was alert to any change in Yusei’s gender, but so far nothing. Perhaps he needs to consume all of it in order to change. And if he doesn’t change, Sayer will be sorry for tricking me.
“Jack, remember you have a duel tomorrow.”
“I remember, Mina, thank you. Perhaps we should all get some rest so that we’ll be alert and focused.”
Yusei quickly swallowed the last of his drink, looking forward to sleeping in his new bed and the first day of his new lifestyle. As they reached the staircase, Yusei suddenly felt dizzy and sleepy. He fell to his knees and passed out, Jack catching him and smiling.
“Excellent. It’ll probably take all night for him to change,” he commented as he carried Yusei up the stairs. “Mina, please dress Yusei before bed. That outfit similar to what he’s wearing now will be perfect.”
“Of course, Jack,” Mina answered as they entered Yusei’s room. Jack laid him on the bed before leaving for bed, knowing that when he awoke, he would have a girlfriend who will be angry at first, but would eventually adjust to his, or rather her, body.
Chapter Three- Plan Revealed
Yusei’s eyes fluttered open to sunlight and the canopy of his bed. How did I get here? Last thing I remember was feeling dizzy and sleepy. Hmm, maybe Jack brought me here. He sat up, rubbing his eyes with gloved covered hands though he knew he had removed them before dinner. The door opened and Mina walked in with a small smile. “Good morning. Jack already left for the stadium. I thought we could grab something to go and head over there.”
Yusei nodded and brushed back some of his hair. Wait…what? He looked over his shoulder to see his spiky hair had flattened and lengthened down to his waist. “What?” he said before a hand went to his throat. His voice sounded lighter, a lot like a mature young woman. He looked down and screamed: He had breasts!
“Yusei! Please, calm down,” Mina pleaded as Yusei continued to scream. She put her hands on the shoulders to calm her down.
Yusei looked at her with softer blue eyes as she took several deep breaths to regain her composure. “Okay, okay,” she said at last. She swung her legs over the side and eased herself to her feet, noticing they were exposed and in a pair of pantyhose. She approached the full-length mirror and stared at herself.
Her height hadn’t changed as well as her eye and hair color, but that was it. Her facial structure had changed giving it curves with high rosy cheeks, full lips, and a smaller forehead. Her neck was smooth as was her throat and her shoulders were slim. Her eyes continued to examine her body and noticing the clothes she was wearing. They were like the ones she wore yesterday but made for a woman. She had on a lightweight navy blue jacket over a sleeveless black shirt that ended at her midriff and covered a large pair of breasts. A navy blue leather skirt hugged her curved waist and ended just above her knees and showed slender legs. Her arms matched her legs and had a pair of women’s riding gloves on them.
She shook her head slightly, her hair swaying a little. “I don’t understand,” she said. “How did I become a woman?”
“Sayer sold Jack a formula to permanently change a person’s gender,” Mina answered, knowing it would anger Yusei.
“Permanent!?” she exclaimed. “Why would Jack do this? He did want a girlfriend, didn’t he?”
“Yes. He had specific standards and you had them all.”
“I can’t believe this.” She sat on the bed and looked down.
The young woman took a deep breath. “I’ll be all right. Jack had planned to change me and I really have no say in whether I wanted to change or not.” There was a slightly angry tone at the end of her sentence.
“Are you going to be all right?”
“Eventually. Right now I’m angry and uncomfortable. My body just feels wrong.”
“I thought you would be angry, I know I would. As for the uncomfortable part, it’ll take time to get used to your body.”
“Could you…help me adjust?”
“Of course. I should point out that Jack only wanted your gender to change, not your personality.”
Yusei seemed to perk up at that and then a look of impatience crossed her face as she brushed back some of her hair. Mina smiled as she picked up a hair brush and a couple of ties. “Let’s pull your hair back into something appropriate for a day at the stadium.”
Jack sat back in his private VIP box watching the pre-exhibition matches. He, at first, disdained watching “lesser” duelists but when Mina pointed out that one of them could end up as an opponent, he watched them closely. He was also thinking about the media after the duel. People were going to wonder about the young lady at his side and he would confirm that yes, she was his girlfriend. I wonder what she looks like.,p> The doors to his box opened and he got up and turned to see Mina and a woman he knew had to be Yusei. He admired her form; it was better than he dreamed. She didn’t look too pleased, but that didn’t concern him. He walked up to her and took one of her gloved hands. “You are very beautiful; better than I imagined,” he commented taking in her clothes and her hair that had been pulled into a low ponytail and braided.
She pulled her hand out of his hand. “You lied to me,” she said angrily. “You said you wanted a friend, but you were really wanting a girlfriend.”
Jack looked at Mina who held up her hands. “She figured it out herself. I only mentioned the formula.”
He looked back at Yusei. “All right, I did lie. But, think. If I told you from the start that I wanted you female, would you have agreed to it?”
Yusei thought it over and sighed. “Probably not, but I would have gone along with it. Everyone in Arcadia was taught that we are to do anything that our owners want.”
Jack blinked at hearing those words. “You would have let me change you even though you didn’t like the idea? Because you were told to make the owners happy?”
Yusei nodded. “You had every right to do this, despite how I might react.”
Jack tilted Yusei’s head up to see her face better. Her eyes were a softer blue, her cheeks had a natural rosy look, and her lips were full. Wow; even better than what I saw earlier. Knowing he could do it without her consent, he nonetheless asked softly, “May I kiss you?”
“You are just so beautiful right now.”
Yusei felt flattered by his words and the fact that he was seeking her approval for a kiss, even though he could do as he wished. She looked up into his purple eyes and said, “All right.” She saw Jack close his eyes and lean forward. She closed her eyes too and felt Jack press his lips to hers. It was warm and gentle, two words one wouldn’t use to describe Jack on the dueling circuit. Hmm, this is actually nice. I kind of like this.
Jack pulled back as both opened their eyes and he smiled at her. “That was…really nice.”
“And that’s the last match!” the announcer declared. This brought Jack to full attention. He flashed his winning grin. “Well, it’s show time, ladies.” He gestured at the couch. “Have a seat and watch the king ride.” He left and Mina and Yusei sat on the couch, the latter with some difficulty. Sitting in a skirt was harder than with pants, obviously. She crossed her ankles as Mina had showed her earlier and admired her brown calf-high boots. Jack had thought of buying clothes similar to what she had worn possibly to make her comfortable being a woman.
She turned to Mina who was holding up her data pad. There was a “click” and she lowered it before pushing some buttons. She smiled and said, “Okay, I just updated your profile. I changed the gender and replaced the old picture.”
“Thank you.”
“Well, it is necessary. Jack usually is surrounded by the media after a match and rumors of him looking for a girlfriend have been circulating for a little bit.”
“Ah. But, Mina? This might make me into a media event. A boy who is now a girl.”
“Okay, yes that could happen but not right away. I did some fancy computer work to bury your true gender and background. It may take some reporter a day or so of digging to find the truth.” Mina knew that would bring unwanted attention to Yusei, but Jack would love the sensation that revelation would create. It would be more publicity for him and possibly elevate his status. Of course, not telling where Yusei came from would give the woman a certain mystique that would intrigue people.
The smoke that heralded Jack’s entrance billowed out and Mina and Yusei turned their attention to watching the duel.
Chapter Four- Relationship Redefined
Jack made it back to the VIP box without the media in tow, but knew they would be out there when next time he opened the door. “Flawless as ever, Jack,” Mina commented as the door closed.
“He was hardly a challenge,” Jack replied.
“That’s what I said,” Yusei spoke up. “But someone disagreed.” She gave Mina a pointed look.
Jack suppressed a laugh. She can be funny when she wants to be. “So, I take it you’re not as angry as you were before.”
“You’re right. I am curious, though. Mina said I had all of the requirements you were looking for. What were they?”
“I was looking for someone who was beautiful, smart, funny, and an excellent duelist.”
Well, I had three out of four. I just wasn’t beautiful. But, maybe I was the male equivalent. So, I wasn’t chosen for no reason. Jack had high standards and I alone met them.
Jack pressed an ear to the door. He could hear the low buzz of reporters and cameramen. Time for the real show, he thought. “All right. The media’s gathered outside. Mina, you’ve updated Yusei’s records and buried her background?”
“Yes, but you do realize that once someone learns Yusei was male, it’ll create quite the sensation.”
“Of course I do and I’ll enjoy the publicity such a revelation will cause.” He put an arm around Yusei’s waist and drew her close to him before opening the door and walking out with Mina behind them. Cameras rolled or flashed and reporters shouted all manner of questions at him. He held up a hand for silence and got it for about thirty seconds before a reporter called out, “Jack, rumors and stories say that you were seeking a girlfriend?” His eyes focused on Yusei.
“That’s correct and I am happy to announce that I found her. This is Miss Yusei Fudo.”
Cameras flashed and reporters shouted question at her about where she and Jack met, how it felt to be dating a famous duelist, and whether she dueled herself. Jack gave her a gentle nudge to answer.
“It’s…a bit overwhelming but exciting to be dating Jack. I duel also and I turbo duel as well. Jack and I prefer to keep the circumstances of our meeting to ourselves.”
Excellent answers, Jack thought as he steered his companions out of the stadium and into the limo with Jack’s runner secured in a trailer and hitched to the vehicle. “Nicely done,” Jack said. “By not telling where we met, that will interest people and give you a certain mystique.”
“Until someone figures out the truth,” Yusei pointed out.
“Which will take time. Now, I believe someone would like to test her runner?”
Yusei smiled at the suggestion. That was more like what she wanted to do. I’ll just need a more appropriate outfit. I suspect there’s a whole wardrobe in that closet.
Thirty minutes later, Yusei stepped out onto the rooftop clad in a riding outfit. She frowned slightly. She still wasn’t used to her body which made sense. Most of the clothes felt like they adhered to her body’s shape a bit tightly; either that or they just needed to be stretched out. She headed for the garage and to her runner. She put on her helmet, adjusted it, and then sat astride it. She leaned forward…and her breasts bumped up against the screen. She sat back and adjusted the seat before trying again. There. Perfect. She turned it on and revved the engine a couple of times before riding it out onto the track. She gripped the throttle and pushed down on the pedals before roaring forward to speed along the track, gently at first to get a feel for the runner and the track. She increased her speed as she got familiar with her ride and the track. She couldn’t help laughing as she rode. This is better than I thought. My runner’s fast.
Suddenly, a white runner pulled up beside her: Jack’s runner. He flashed his trademark smile. “How about a race, Yusei?” he asked through his microphone.
She smiled back. “You got it.” She increased her throttle and surged ahead. Jack blinked for a moment before tearing after her. Her runner was fast, but Jack knew his runner and what it could do. He put his foot down and chased down his girlfriend. A look of surprise crossed her face as Jack caught up to her and then passed her. I guess my engine still needs work.
“A little bit,” Jack agreed when she shared her opinion. “A little tweaking, perhaps better components, and even missing ones that’ll improve it aerodynamics. I would be happy to assist in any way.”
“Let’s change our clothes and meet back here.”
“Agreed.” They went inside and down to their rooms. Yusei quickly threw on a pair of jeans, a gray t-shirt, and coveralls before grabbing her toolbox and heading back to the garage. She found she was the first one back, but got to work. She got on her back on a roller and started to check the underside for any loose parts that resulted from her run. When she emerged, she saw Jack leaning in the doorway. I didn’t even hear the door open.
“You really block out everything when you’re working on an engine,” Jack commented. “This is the second time I caught you unaware.”
She got up, unembarrassed, and went through her toolbox. “You’re right. I do block out everything. I never heard the door open both times.” She grabbed a different tool and lifted the hood while Jack inspected the screen and its components. He found that some parts were worn but workable while others were out of date but serviceable. Makes sense. She didn’t have access to the best equipment. He looked through the runner’s systems and came across a shocking surprise.
“Your computer chip is practically ancient!” he exclaimed.
“It was the best I could get,” she said defensively.
Jack shook his head. “I’m sorry, but that just won’t do.” Jack headed to a small storage tray with Yusei’s eyes on him. He opened the tray and looked in it before reaching in and extracting a chip. “Ah, yes. This one is much better. I have the same one in my runner.”
“Uh, thank you. That’s nice of you,” Yusei said as Jack put the chip in place.
“My pleasure.” He locked eyes with her. “I don’t want an owner/slave relationship. I’m aiming for boyfriend/girlfriend though at this stage I’d settle for friends.”
She smiled at him. “Friends. I’d like that.”
The pair said no more as they worked except to ask for a tool or discuss an engine part. It wasn’t until Mina clearing her throat did they look up.
“Dinner is almost ready. You may want to get cleaned up,” she said looking pointedly at their hands.
Neither one was embarrassed by her look; instead they headed inside to change and clean. Jack was the first down and as he sat, Mina said, “Jack, people are already starting to wonder about Yusei.”
“Really? What are they saying?”
“Not much; just wondering who she is.”
“Naturally. All they know is that she’s my girlfriend although it’s a bit premature to call her that.”
“It is?”
Jack nodded. “If any romance is to happen, friendship needs to occur first and that’s something we both agree on.”
“So, you’re friends right now.”
“That’s right,” Yusei spoke up as she sat in a dress that was casual but dressy and was complete with pantyhose and a pair of low-heeled shoes. Her hair was unbraided but it had a wavy look to it due to being tightly braided for hours. She smiled at both of them as dinner was brought out. She had to admit, despite the gender change, today had been wonderful; the best day of her life.
Chapter Five- Truth Exposed
Yusei and Jack continued to build on their friendship privately but publicly they put on the act of being a couple. The press continued to ask where they met, but both of them deflected the question. Yusei was a bit surprised that no one had started digging into her background. Surely, people wanted to know more about Jack’s girlfriend.
In between duels and public appearances, Yusei and Jack would either talk or work on her runner. Its performance improved greatly, thanks to the new chip and a few replacement parts. She spent time testing her runner, usually at Jack’s suggestion. Sometimes, it was hard to remember that she had a track available for her to use as she didn’t have one before and couldn’t take her runner out for a ride at Arcadia.
Jack found he enjoyed hanging out with Yusei and being casual with her. Their public appearances felt forced and awkward to him as they weren’t really a couple, yet no one seemed to noticed except for Mina. Jack also noticed that Yusei was becoming comfortable being a woman. She wasn’t acting like one, but that was what he wanted; he only wanted her gender to change. Her personality remained the same as before.
Yusei’s runner wobbled and slipped back as she lost some life points and speed counters, allowing Jack to take the lead. She shot him a mock glare as she fell back, but both knew she didn’t mean it. It had been a week since her change and they were having their first turbo duel. It was a friendly one, but Jack felt determined to win. Clearly, Yusei felt the same way and she demonstrated that she had not exaggerated about her skills: She was good, excellent actually.
Jack appeared on her monitor. “Better get the lead out, Yusei or I’ll end up lapping you.”
She grinned at him. “Be careful what you wish for, Jack. You may just get it. My draw.” Her speed counter went to four while Jack’s went to six. She looked at the card she drew. “I place a card face-down and summon Shield Wing in defense mode and that’s all.”
“My turn then.” Jack drew and both speed counters rose. “I think I’ll activate a Speed spell.” Jack pushed the card in. “It’s called-,” His sentence was drowned out by an engine roar and then a runner drew up alongside him, startling him. “What?” He looked down at his screen and laughed. Yusei had activated her face down card, Slipstream! Their counters were equal and on her next turn she could play a powerful Speed spell if she had one. He saw Mina waving from the door and knew their duel was done.
“We’ll have to stop here. My scheduled duel is coming.”
Yusei pretended to pout. “And I was going to win.” Jack laughed and so did she. Her funny side became more frequent as she grew used to her body and gender; indeed she sometimes used her gender to joke around.
The roar of the crowd rose in volume as Jack won a spectacular duel. Jack did a victory lap with his ace monster, Red Dragon Archfiend, behind him. Yusei beamed at Jack’s victory as did Mina. She was proud of her friend’s dueling prowess and hoped to have a full turbo duel with him to see which of them would win. I have a strong Synchro dragon of my own that I rarely get to use because none of the other Arcadia residents last long enough for me to summon it.
Jack entered the box, looking as if he had run there. “Wonderful duel,” Mina said, but Yusei noticed Jack’s demeanor. “Jack?” she asked. “What is it?”
“Paparazzi,” he muttered. “I had to run to stay ahead of them. They seem rather rabid today.” He took a deep breath to compose himself before holding out a hand to Yusei who put her hand in it. It was part of their public act and both felt holding hands was enough at this stage of their private and public relationship. He opened the doors to find crowds of media behind roped gates and security people. Yusei felt a bit overwhelmed at the larger than usual crowd and wondered about the reason for it.
Her curiosity was satisfied when a blonde woman called out, “Jack, are you aware that Miss Fudo was actually a Mister Fudo?”
Jack fixed her with a cold look. “I beg your pardon?” he asked icily.
“You did know, yes?” the woman, Angela, pressed.
“Just where did you get that information?” Yusei demanded.
“I did some digging. A Miss Yusei Fudo didn’t exist until a week ago while a Mister Yusei Fudo existed for eighteen years until a week ago. Plus, you bear a strong resemblance to Mr. Fudo. I suspect that you are that young man who became a young woman.” Angela leaned forward and whispered. “Or perhaps you were brainwashed into believing you had always been a woman?”
Yusei bristled. “I resent your implication. I was male, yes and admired Jack for some time but kept it buried as male/male relationships are rather unusual and not easily accepted.”
“When I learned of Yusei’s interest in me, I decided to befriend him. I was quite surprised when Yusei showed up a week ago with a formula he had acquired from a mysterious man who claimed it would permanently change his gender. As you can see, it clearly worked and I chose to take her as my girlfriend.”
There were murmurs as cameras rolled or flashed and reporters jotted down notes. The trio took the moment to dash off to the limo. Once inside, they all breathed a sigh of relief. “Mina, please make sure security is upgraded for a while,” Jack requested.
Mina nodded, her fingers flying over her pad. “That was quite the story you two came up with,” she commented.
“I thought up my part two days ago and rehearsed it,” Yusei admitted.
“I came up with my part there on the spot, building off of Yusei’s story. If anyone asks about this ‘mysterious man’, I’ll claim he was a traveling salesman.”
Yusei nodded. “Perfect.” Yusei, due to her conditioning, could not tell of Arcadia’s existence. It was quite off the beaten path and only Sayer could expose their location and existence. When he did, he was very selective of who he contacted. Yusei suspected he had heard of Jack’s search and gave him a call.
Jack wasn’t sure why Yusei didn’t speak of Arcadia but he was keeping quiet at Sayer’s request and the terms of the bill. Yusei would belong to him and, in return, Jack would not speak of where the young man came from. It was an agreement that Jack found easy enough to do. “Yusei, is there something else you were told not to do about Arcadia?”
“I can’t speak of its existence. Sayer is the only one who can and he’s very selective in who he tells.”
“Yes and he has a way to insure the clients don’t tell either and considering what they are getting from him, keeping the existence of the place secret is easy to do.” The limo pulled up to the mansion and Yusei saw security guards patrolling the area and the front gate, usually open, closing and locking behind them while more guards stood outside them. The sheer number of guards gave her both a feeling of security and that she was a prisoner. She quickly dismissed the latter feeling. The additional security was for Jack and Mina’s protection as well as her own.
Jack surveyed the setup as they headed inside. He nodded approvingly. “Good. There is little chance of a reporter getting in and snooping.”
“I think they’ll be busy for a little with the bombshell that woman dropped and us confirming it,” Yusei said.
“You’re quite right, but I’m not taking any chances in case someone wants to do additional investigation of our relationship. It would be disastrous if someone let it slip that we’re just friends. We would be hounded by admirers wanting to date either of us.”
The idea of men wanting to date her sounded repulsive and strange to her. Despite her outward appearance, she was still male on the inside- kind of. She had been feeling urges to engage in female things such as hairstyles and gossiping. These urges confused and scared her. Fortunately, she had someone to explain it to her.
Chapter Six- Crisis
“Mina, I need your help,” Yusei said the next day.
“Of course. What is it?” she asked as the two women sat on the couch while Jack prepped for his next duel in a nearby room.
She closed her eyes and rubbed the sides of her nose, trying to figure out how to phrase her feelings. She opened her eyes. “Okay. I’ve been feeling like engaging in female actions like hairstyles. I don’t believe I should surrender to them. Jack wants me to be like when we met.”
Mina smiled as she put a hand on Yusei’s shoulder. “It’s okay to feel like doing these things. Jack understood that you would end up dealing with female hormones.”
Yusei shook her head. “I can’t. I shouldn’t. That’s not who I am.”
Mina wasn’t sure what to say. Yusei was female in body, wore women’s clothes, and engaged in female behavior such as how she sits when wearing skirts and dresses. Yusei had done all that because she had accepted that’s what she had to do, but to act on her hormones? She was resisting them, claiming it’s not who she was. I think she’s having a gender crisis.
“What’s all this?” Jack asked, coming into the room. He took in Mina with her hand on Yusei’s shoulder and Yusei with her eyes on the floor.
“I think she’s having either a gender or identity crisis, most likely the former,” Mina admitted.
“What?” Jack asked.
“Her hormones are urging her to act more like a woman but she wants to stay how she was when you first met.”
Jack crouched down and lifted Yusei’s head up. Her eyes seemed to be pleading for help. She was confused and conflicted and Jack felt a bit guilty for causing this. He had wanted to have a girlfriend with certain traits. He had found them in Yusei and bought a formula to change him into a woman, not thinking that she would have this much trouble with the transition.
“Oh, Yusei, I’m sorry,” he said softly. “I didn’t realize how hard this would be for you.”
“I want to get through this, some way to sort it out.”
“Well, let’s start with this question: What do you like to do?”
She smiled at the question. “I like dueling, working on vehicles or computer systems, and enjoying myself.”
“I noticed that hasn’t changed.”
“I think the formula’s side effects hadn’t kicked in then.”
“Side effects? Is that what you believe?” Jack shook his head. “Yusei, I think what you need to do is be a combination of male and female. Keep doing what you like, but don’t deny any hormone urges that come up. Give them a try before rejecting them. It makes sense to act like a woman at times because you are a woman. I notice you don’t wear makeup.”
“I don’t intend to.”
“There now. That’s a guy thing. Hold on to that. I see you’re wearing your hair in different ways.”
“Well, there’s more of it then before and I kind of like playing with new styles.”
“And that’s a girl thing. Don’t stop indulging in it.”
“I won’t.”
“Good.” Jack kissed her cheek and then took her hands and pulled her to her feet. “I could use your opinion on some card combos I’m debating on whether or not to add to my deck.”
“Let’s take a look,” Yusei followed Jack out of the room, feeling better about herself. Jack suggested a blend of male and female things. Yusei could never forget the guy she had been but also needed to accept the woman she had become. In short, she could be a tomboy, a girl who like to do male and female things. It sounded like the perfect solution.
Jack and Yusei buried their head in card combos Jack had devised and debated on whether he’d be able to pull it off. Jack slid a pair of cards off to one side. “You’re right, this one won’t work. I can get my dragon out a lot faster than this pair would.”
“And you play it well. A very strong card.”
“It’s one of the best. Very few cards can match it and its special ability is red hot.”
Yusei nodded. “I need to use combos in order to play my dragon.”
“Your dragon?”
Yusei nodded and reached into her deck box that was attached to a belt around her waist and extracted a card before handing it to Jack.
He admired the shimmery artwork before reading the name. “Stardust Dragon.” His eyes scanned the rest of the card’s contents: Same level as his card but different attribute, attack and defense points, and special ability. “Impressive, but it can’t match my dragon, no offense.” He handed it back.
“None taken. Its attack points while high could use a little boost from time to time.” She thumbed through her deck and pulled out a different card. “This is one way. The tuner card, Hyper Synchron.”
“What does that do?”
“Well, when I use it to summon a dragon synchro monster, my dragon gains an extra 800 attack points and can’t be destroyed in battle.”
“Can’t be destroyed!?” Jack gasped. “That’s remarkable!”
“Would you like to borrow it for tomorrow’s duel?” She held it out.
“Yusei. Thank you.” He accepted the card and placed it on the top. “You know,” he began. “Your dragon reminds me of another beautiful dragon owned by a little girl.”
“Her name’s Luna. She and her twin brother, Leo, live on the top floor of a gated apartment building. I befriended them a while back. The boy is a fan of mine and duels; a bit recklessly to be honest.”
“He probably doesn’t get a lot of practice.”
“I would have to agree. I do visit them when my schedule permits. In fact, I’m free the day after tomorrow. Maybe both of us can go see them.”
“I’d like that.”
Jack zoomed around the track, his opponent close behind him. His opponent was a bit tricky, but not anything Jack couldn’t handle. However, he had yet to summon his ace monster. I have a non-tuner monster to use, but no tuner yet. Humph, this is quite unusual; most times a tuner just jumps into my hand within a turn or two. “My turn,” he said. “I draw.” He turned it and his heart pounded: It was Hyper Synchron! Yusei’s card and just when I needed it as my other monster is a level four. “I play the tuner card Hyper Synchron and use it to give my Mad Archfiend a tune-up. I Synchro Summon Red Dragon Archfiend!” As his monster made its appearance, he added, “I activate Hyper Synchron’s special ability. When used to summon a dragon synchro monster, that dragon gains 800 attack points and cannot be destroyed in battle. Go, Red Dragon Archfiend! Attack with Crimson Flare and end this duel!”
“Hyper Synchron?” Mina repeated. “I don’t recall seeing that in his deck. Well, that’s quite a useful card.”
“I know,” Yusei said. “I loaned it to him.”
“You!? That’s your card?”
She nodded and, as she watched Jack do his victory lap, she felt her heart flutter. Oh, man,” she thought. It’s only been a week, but I think I’m starting to fall for Jack Atlas! Looks like he’ll get that girlfriend he wanted sooner than he thought.
Chapter Seven- Leo and Luna
The limo passed through the gates and into a parking space. The driver opened the back door and Jack and Yusei got out, the latter carrying a bag with their duel disks in it. Yusei tilted her head back and gave a low whistle. “They live all the way up? What do their parents do?”
“I’m not sure, but they travel an awful lot. They have a maid check up on them and other hired help but for most part, they are alone.”
“They’re alone!?” she gasped. “Just the two of them?”
“They do have friends and leave the apartment to go to school and hang out with their friends,” Jack protested. “However, they’re home today. Let’s go.”
They walked inside and into the elevator. Yusei was a little nervous meeting the twins. The paparazzi yesterday had been a nightmare. They were obviously still rabid about the news that Yusei was a boy who became a girl. Some reporters had shouted questions that she thought rather inappropriate to ask and thus ignored them. Jack too, had deigned to answer any questions, even the innocent one concerning Hyper Synchron, which Jack had returned upon arriving at the private box. The elevator chimed, opened the doors, and the pair stepped into a hall with a door before them. They went to it and Jack rang the bell.
“Uh, who’s there?” said a young, timid voice.
“It’s Jack, Luna and I brought a friend.”
The sound of locks unlocking was heard and the door opened to reveal a girl of eleven with her teal hair in twin ponytails and large goldenrod eyes. She smiled shyly. “Hi, Jack,” she said as she opened the door wider and stepped aside to let her guests in. Her eyes widened when she saw Yusei. Her reaction told Yusei that she had either read the news or saw it on TV.
“Jack!” exclaimed a second voice and Yusei saw a boy bounding up to the man. Like Luna, he had goldenrod eyes and teal hair that was pulled up into a single ponytail. He had an open, friendly face and it was clear that he almost worshipped Jack.
“That was a great duel yesterday. That guy probably thought he had you. Ha, as if! Hyper Synchron, brilliant!” Leo’s enthusiasm and joy was evident and Jack had a hard time trying not to smile.
“Well thank you, Leo,” he said.
“You think I could see Hyper Synchron up close? Please?”
“Leo, I was simply borrowing that card. You’ll have to ask the actual owner.” He tilted his head at Yusei, who had been unusually quiet. Jack guessed it had to be nerves.
Leo turned and stared open-mouthed at her for a few seconds. “You’re-you’re Yusei, right? You used to be a guy? Really?”
“Leo!” Luna scolded.
“What? That’s what the news said!”
“Can’t you see she doesn’t want to talk about it? Honestly, you’re so insensitive sometimes.”
Yusei couldn’t help smiling at their mini argument. She liked them, even though she didn’t know anything about them beyond what she had already seen and heard.
“So, uh, could I see the card?” Leo asked softly. Yusei pulled it out and passed it to him. Leo was thrilled as he looked it over. “I may want a card like this,” he said as he handed it back.
“You have dragon too?”
“Sure do. Power Tool Dragon.”
“Actually, it’s a machine class, not a dragon class one,” Luna interjected.
“Yeah, but it looks like a dragon,” Leo said.
“Hyper Synchron is specifically for dragon synchro monsters, like mine.”
“Luna, Jack said you had a beautiful dragon. May I see it?”
“Uh, sure.” Luna went to her bedside table, came back, and held it up.
Yusei leaned down to see it better. “Ancient Fairy Dragon,” she read. “It is beautiful,” she breathed.
“Do you have a dragon?” Luna asked, but then answered herself. “Well of course you do. I mean, what with your tuner monster and all.”
Yusei smiled in amusement before pulling out her cards and held it out. “Luna’s eyes widened. “Oh, it’s gorgeous. Stardust Dragon.” She smiled at Yusei. “I think it suits you. Do you use it often?”
No. I would duel people but the duel never lasts long for me to summon it.”
“Really?” Leo asked before a grin lit up his face. “Then duel me! You can borrow Luna’s duel disk.”
“Leo!” Luna exclaimed.
“That won’t be necessary,” Yusei said, unzipping the bag. “Jack and I brought our own.”
Twenty minutes later, the duel had heated up and it was only a few turns in. Yusei found Jack hadn’t exaggerated about Leo’s dueling: It was a bit reckless. She couldn’t resist giving the boy some pointers and soon Leo had summoned his Power Tool Dragon which Yusei had to admit was impressive-looking.
“Oh, I think you’re going to regret teaching me those pointers,” Leo teased. “Cause when it come to my dragon, I know how to draw out is power. I activate its special ability that adds a random equip spell to my hand from my deck.” A card poked out and Leo took it and when he played it his monster’s attack rose from 2300 to 3300. “Attack Power Tool Dragon!” Leo declared, pointing at Shield Wing.
“I activate my trap, Scrap Iron Scarecrow to block your attack.”
“Aw, man. Well, I guess I end my turn.”
“My turn then.” Yusei drew a card and saw Hyper Synchron! “I play the tuner monster Hyper Synchron to give Shield Wing a tune-up.” Yusei felt a thrill at the Synchro summon that was happening. “I Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon. Remember, Leo, my tuner monster givens Stardust 800 more attack points.” Her dragon’s attacked climbed it 3300.
“Now our monster’s points are equal!” Leo gasped.
“Plus Stardust can’t be destroyed in battle. Attack Stardust with Cosmic Flash!”
“Uh, I activate my equip spell’s effect. By sending it to the graveyard, Power Tool Dragon can’t be destroyed.”
“But you still take a thousand points of damage,” Yusei pointed out. “And I have a surprise. My face-down spell card allows Stardust to attack again.” Her dragon attacked and brought the duel to an end.
Leo stood there, stunned. “I lost? But…Power Tool Dragon usually wins it for me.”
Luna huffed. “Only because I’m usually your opponent.”
“Leo, look at your loss this way: It helps you grow as a duelist. Take what you learned and apply it to future duels. That’s how I was able to grow.”
Leo, who looked as if he was going to cry, blinked away his tears and looked up at her. “I did like those tips you gave me. Maybe you could give me more?”
“I’d be happy to and what about you, Luna?”
Luna nodded shyly. “Yes, please.”
Jack watched as Yusei looked through the twins’ decks, pointing out combos or asking about certain cards. The three of them are hitting it off. Excellent. I think Yusei just needed to make new friends. Perhaps I’ll introduce her to others in the future.
Luna then looked up at a clock. “Oh, it’s almost dinnertime. Yusei, would you and Jack like to stay? It’s usually just the two of us.”
The two exchanged looks and Jack smiled. “We would be happy to stay for dinner.” Yusei nodded her head in agreement and the twins beamed.
Chapter Eight- Epilogue
“So, were you really a guy?” Leo asked. Luna shot him a look and Yusei giggled.
“It’s all right, Luna. I think the ice has been sufficiently broken for me to answer. Yes, Leo. I was a guy.”
“And you admired Jack? That’s what the news says you said.”
She smiled gently at Jack. “I did, for quite a while. At first, I thought it was just admiration for his dueling skill. I eventually came to the realization that I had started falling for Jack.”
“I first met Yusei in a concourse after winning a duel. He merely looked at me and I usually don’t think anything of it, but something in his eyes caught my interest. We talked and he admitted being a fan. But I like him enough to consider him a friend.”
“When did he tell you how he felt about you?” Luna asked.
“It was a few days before he showed up at my door with the formula. We met at our secret spot in the stadium and Yusei seemed…nervous, I think.”
“I was nervous,” Yusei admitted. “I had rehearsed what I was going to say, but wasn’t sure how you would take it. I was about to tell you when I unexpectedly kissed you.”
“Yes, that was quite a bold move and I was understandably upset about it. That faded somewhat when you explained the reason for it.”
“Then, what?” Leo asked.
“I told Yusei that if things were different, I would be interested in him. Heh, I didn’t expect him to change the situation. I underestimated his determination.”
“I came across a traveling salesman the day I went to Jack’s and he was selling an array of potions and formulas. He told me what each one did and when he mentioned one to permanently change someone’s gender, I asked him how much and bought it. I gathered up what possessions I had, rode my runner to Jack’s house, and when he answered the door, I told him about the formula.”
“I was skeptical that it would do what the salesman claimed,” said Jack. “He believed it and downed it before I could say anything. He ended up passing out within a few minutes of swallowing it.”
“I was thrilled when I woke up and saw I was a woman. Jack’s assistant helped me put an outfit together and style my hair before leading me to Jack.”
“I recognized Yusei despite the gender change. I guess you could say I fell head over heels in love. I asked her to be my girlfriend right then and there.”
“And she said yes,” Leo said. “You said so to the media.”
“I did and I have never been happier.”
“That was a more detailed story of how we met,” Jack said as they rode home.
“Well, we could hardly tell the truth,” Yusei said. “I mean, conditions aside, it’s a little hard to believe.”
“Indeed. My reputation would be stained, for one. Imagine: The famous Jack Atlas buying another human being as property. The media would be digging for more dirt on me just to drag me down.”
“Yes and the fact that I was tricked into drinking the formula certainly wouldn’t put you in a good light and would destroy the story we put out.”
“I would probably be accused or changed with sexual assault.”
“I, as your property, probably would have insisted that it was my idea.”
“Yusei, you are not my property despite hat the papers say. You’re my friend and I value that.”
I value it too. I never had a real friend before. The others at Arcadia were acquaintances and nothing more.”
“I see. So, it was fortunate that I entered the garage that day. If I hadn’t, we wouldn’t have met, you would still be male and at Arcadia, and I would have purchased one of the girls or not.”
“I’m glad we met, too.” She took a deep breath. “Jack?”
He looked at her. “Yes?”
“I…I…” Yusei seized Jack’s coat, pulled him forward, and planted a deep kiss on his lips. Her fingers ran up and down the back of his hair. She released him and said, “I’m falling in love with you. I would love to really be your girlfriend.”
Jack smiled as he pulled her into a side hug. “I’m happy to hear that.” Yusei melted against Jack, finally content with her gender and looked forward to a real loving relationship with Jack. This time, their public relationship would be genuine.