Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho.
Kurama watched the weather report on the news along with his family and inwardly winced at what he saw. A massive amount of cold air was sweeping toward their area, resulting in frigid temperatures and wind chills below zero! He saw that these conditions would persist for two or three days! The final point was that schools were closed as the cold would be too dangerous to allow students to walk to school.
“Well, boys, you’ll be staying home tomorrow and possibly the next day as well,” Shiori said as the report ended. “You should start getting ready for bed anyway.”
“Yes, Mother,” Kurama said.
“Okay,” Kokoda added.
Both boys went upstairs and to their respective rooms. Kurama changed to a set of pajamas and tied back his hair before sitting on the bed to stare out at the cold surroundings. No snow, but school is closed due to the unusually cold temperatures. The numbers from the weather report flashed through his mind and he shivered. No one should have to go out in such cold and yet my stepfather and other working adults will be doing just that. That aside, no one should be outside.
He blinked as a pair of red eyes looked back at him from a nearby tree branch. He quickly opened the window to let Hiei in and shivered slightly as a chilled breeze was felt briefly before the window was closed.
Hiei looked Kurama up and down, taking in his attire and tied back hair. “Hn, going to bed, Fox?”
“Eventually,” he replied. “School has been closed for tomorrow.”
“Closed? I didn’t smell any snow on the air.”
“Correct. It is closed due to the frigid temperatures. It is too dangerous to walk to school. The meteorologist spoke of frostbite within five to ten minutes.”
“Hn. That’s not a concern for us.”
Kurama raised an eyebrow. “Hiei, my body is human. Frostbite is a concern for me. In fact, I have concerns about you being outside.”
“I’m part ice apparition. The cold doesn’t bother me.”
“I am aware of that, however temperatures are going to drop to single numbers and the wind chills will make it feel more like ten to twenty degrees below zero. I would feel better if you stay here and wait for temperatures to rise to safe levels.”
“How long will that be?”
“Two or three days.”
“Please, Hiei.”
He stared at Kurama’s pleading green eyes and grunted, “Fine.”
Kurama smiled as he left to brush his teeth. He was glad that Hiei agreed to stay, albeit reluctantly. He liked the idea of having the fire demon stay with him. He hadn’t admitted to anyone, but he was attracted to Hiei. He was handsome with his red eyes and black hair with blue highlights and white starburst. His usual black clothes suited him as did the white scarf and headband. His Jagan was also cool and added to Hiei’s appeal. I would love to tell him how I feel, to run my hands along his hair, my lips against his…whoa there, Kurama. Hiei does not see you that way. He only thinks of you as a team mate and an ally, nothing more.
Hiei watched Kurama leave the room, his hair trailing behind him slightly. Despite his dismissal about the cold, he was secretly glad Kurama insisted he stay. He kept his feelings buried inside him, refused to react the way others would. He has been known to display shock when something truly surprising occurred, but that was rare. He prided himself on keeping cool and calm. Emotions tend to make one sloppy and careless in a fight. I also keep my cool outside of fights, particularly now. I don’t want Kurama to know that I like him. He likely sees me as a friend and nothing more, which is fine with me.
Kurama returned to find Hiei sitting on the windowsill as he usually did, however he seemed to be shifting his positon which was odd considering he never did it before. The sill must be colder than he’s used to. Well, as he’ll be staying here for at least a couple of days, I should get him a sleeping bags and some soft warm blankets. He went to his closet to gather warm blankets, quilts, and throw blankets. He also pulled out a sleeping bag and laid it on the floor before spreading out the covers. Hiei apparently noticed his movements in the glass and turn to watch him. When Kurama stepped back to examine his handiwork, Hiei slipped off the window and padded over to take a closer look.
A thick quilt laid on top of the sleeping bag and the inside of the bag was lined with soft-looking blankets. He crouched down and put a hand on one of the blankets; it was as soft as it looked. He looked up at Kurama. “What kind of blanket is this?”
“A throw blanket. It is made of a soft material called microfiber. It will keep you warm and comfortable.”
“Hn. Demons usually keep warm with another’s body heat.”
“Only if they’re family members or mates,” Kurama pointed out. As Hiei turned his gaze back to the bag, Kurama turned to look at his bed. It had a sheet and a fluffy comforter also made of microfiber. He knew he would be warm and comfortable as well, but he would be doubly so if Hiei was in the bed with him. But we’re not family or mates, so that will not be happening.
Hiei turned back to see Kurama’s back and that the redhead was gazing at his bed. He also looked; it had a soft comfortable look to it. There were a few pillows, a flat sheet, and a fluffy comforter. There was enough room for two people to lay in it and he was seized by a desire to tell Kurama how he felt. He wanted to push Kurama onto the bed and his back, straddle the waist, and untied the hair so that he could run his fingers through it.
Kurama went over to the bed, pulled back the covers, and climbed in. He was about to up the covers up when Hiei said, “Fox.” He looked at him for a second before the fire demon zipped over and straddled Kurama’s waist before pushing him back and giving him a deep kiss. One hand reached back and undid the tie so that the red hair was loose before his fingers ran down its length.
He pulled back. “I like you, Kurama,” he said in a tone of desire. “I mean, really like you. I’ve been fighting my feelings for some time and tonight I couldn’t fight it anymore.”
Kurama looked into Hiei’s red eyes that held desire and love in their depths and he felt his heart beat faster. He was in the perfect position to do the things he wanted to do with Hiei. Do not hold back or hesitate. Hiei may take it the wrong way if you do.
Hiei gazed into Kurama’s eyes, waiting for a reaction. He was a little concerned that Kurama didn’t feel love toward him. If he doesn’t, I suppose that’s fine. I just couldn’t keep it to myself anymore. Perhaps, I should get off and go to the-
His thoughts came to a halt when Kurama pulled him down and gave him an equally deep kiss. His fingers ran up the spiky hair and then over it before stroking the sides of it. Hiei closed his eyes lazily as Kurama fingered his hair. He enjoyed the feeling of Kurama’s stroking and his lips against his own.
They eventually parted and Kurama said, “I love you, too. I have always been attracted to you, but I was afraid to tell you.”
“Don’t be. I’m glad you told me. I’m also glad you made me stay.”
“Yes, well. No one should be outside in that cold, particularly at night.”
“Hn.” Hiei grinned, hopped off the fox demon and pulled two blankets from the sleeping bag. He draped one over Kurama before climbing into bed with the second one around himself. He grabbed at the covers and pulled them up over both of them before he snuggled up against Kurama’s chest who had rolled onto his side.
Kurama put his arms around Hiei and held him closer, his nose breathing in the scent of ash that came off the hair. The feel of Hiei against him was wonderful and everything he had imagined. I admitted that I love him and he got two blankets before getting back into bed. This degree of closeness indicates that he’s interested in being my mate. I think I will ask.
“Hmm, Hiei?” he said softly.
“Yes, Fox?” he responded as softly.
“Will you be my mate?”
“Hn. Of course I will. I take it that you’ll be mine?”
“Yes, I will.”
“Wonderful.” Hiei closed his eyes and sighed as he drifted off to sleep. Kurama smiled as he too fell asleep, very warm and comfortable while the temperatures outside fell to dangerous levels.