Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX. Only William, Remus, and Romulus are mine.
Chapter One- The Encounter
Atticus stepped into the abandoned dorm with an understandable amount of trepidation. The first time he came here, it had been a trap. He ended up being dragged into the Shadow Realm and brainwashed into believing he was someone called Night Shroud. He had been saved by Jaden and when ready to resume his studies, found that he would repeat his second year while his best buddy Zane went on to pro dueling.
It wasn’t so bad, Atticus thought as he explored the dorm. Actually, last years was exciting. A force from outer space possessing someone, aliens fighting alongside Jaden as cards to defeat that force. Not to mention the other crazy stuff that goes on at Duel Academy.
This year will be different, though. Third year. I’ll finally graduate and go on to pro dueling. Lexi plans to do the same; perhaps we could be a tag team. No crazy idea about singing while we duel or flashy outfits. Just a brother-sister tag team. I’ll ask her what she thinks.
Puffs of dust kicked up from the ground as Atticus continued his exploration. The upper floors revealed only dorm rooms that were not as grand as Obelisk, but nice than Ra and definitely better than Slifer despite the dust. He was hesitant to descend to the lower floor; after all that was where he had been dragged to the Shadow Realm. He felt he needed to acknowledge that part of his life, yet he didn’t want to get too close. He settled for standing at the doorway to the basement chamber and looking upon it.
This was also where Lexi dueled Titan for me; to help me recover my memories. I remembered calling out encouragement to her when she seemed close to giving up. He turned away from the room, headed up, and went outside. The night was calm and clear with a star strewn sky and a beautiful full moon. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and was about to head back when he heard a growl and rustling in the tall grass. Atticus reached into his coat, pulled out a mini flashlight, switched it on, and aimed it at the grass.
It rustled again and he backed up as a wolf stalked out of it. It was big with unusually large muscles for a wolf. His eyes trailed down to the paws, claws extending from them sharp and hooked. He knew those could cause serious damage. His eyes moved to the powerful body and tail to the head with large ears, long muzzle, and sharp teeth from which dangled a gold choker with a moonstone in the center. Its gold-green eyes bore into Atticus’ eyes and it growled again.
His impulse was to run, but logic told him that the wolf would have no trouble taking him down. He decided not to move, thinking the wolf may decide not to bother him. Then again, a wolf doesn’t go around carrying a choker in his mouth. Nor are they so large. This isn’t a normal wolf. Panic and fear took over as Atticus turned and ran.
The wolf snarled and he heard large paws pounding behind him. He ran as fast as he could and then stumbled and fell as his foot caught a root. He got up and turned to see the wolf in the air before he plowed into him. Atticus planted a hand on the chest to keep the wolf away from his throat. The wolf jerked his head forward, teeth opening. The choker flew from the mouth and landed on Atticus’ throat. The choker glowed as it floated up slightly and attached itself around the boy’s throat. The sight of the choker floating and attaching itself to him distracted him long enough for the wolf to bite his arm. Atticus screamed, the wolf released, and stared down at Atticus.
“It is done,” the wolf said.
“You…can talk!?” he gasped.
“I can now,” the wolf answered. “I have passed the choker to another and have continued the curse.”
“Yes. You are now a werewolf. The choker’s power could not activate until you received a bite from me under the full moon. Now, listen carefully. You will transform every night starting tomorrow. You will be in control of your body and able to talk except for the full moon. You will be a dangerous, vicious monster during the full moon. You will have the ability to bite people to curse them as werewolves during the full moon only. I have bared the curse for decades and it was only when I took off the choker that I lost the ability to talk. I advise you not to take it off or you will have to pass on the curse to regain your human voice.” The wolf leaped off him, turned, and ran off.
Atticus got to his feet, his body shaking. His fingers strayed to the choker. I’m a werewolf now? I’ll change every night? His head spun with everything he was told and knew one thing he had to do: Tell Alexis.
Atticus got up the next morning and looked in the mirror. The choker gleamed innocently and he knew he couldn’t take it off if he wished to talk on non-full moon nights. Wait…how come my attacker wasn’t a vicious werewolf last night and could talk once he cursed me? Maybe it’s controllable after being a werewolf for decades. If so, that’s a relief. He got dressed and headed for the cafeteria. Now, Atticus had a normal appetite for a teenage boy, but this morning, Atticus loaded up on every meat product available and only meat. He noticed this and could only chalk it up to his curse. Wolves were carnivores by nature and he was part wolf now. He devoured his breakfast and then paced outside it to wait for Alexis. He felt so restless and edgy. He knew it was the curse. He wondered what color fur he would have. Would it be gray or the color of his hair or another color entirely? I probably won’t know until after the full moon which will be tomorrow as tonight is the last one. He shuddered at the thought of having no control of what he did and having no memory of what he did.
Atticus paused in his tracks and looked to see his sister come out. He forced a smile. “Hey, Lexi.”
“You okay? Is something bothering you?”
“Yeah. Yeah, something is bothering me. Follow me.” He led Alexis outside and to a secluded spot on Blue campus where he started pacing again. I just can’t stay still! he thought, annoyed.
“Atti, what’s wrong?”
He sighed and forced himself to stop. “Lexi, I had a run-in with a large wolf last night near the abandoned dorm.”
“Why were you there?”
“Reflection, sis. Thinking back on last and the year ahead. That reminds me. What do you think about us being a pro tag team? Not that crazy idea Crowler had; a real team.”
“Sounds interesting. Let me think on it over the year. So, back to this wolf. Did it hurt you?”
“Yeah. It bit me.” He pushed up the sleeve to reveal smooth skin. “Huh? But, it was right there! I swear it was!”
“Calm down, Atti. I believe you.”
“Okay. Well before it bit me, it had this choker it was carrying in his mouth. It had me pinned, tossed the choker at my throat and it attached itself to me. Then after the bite…he spoke to me.”
Atticus nodded. “He cursed me, Lex. The choker and the bite combined. I’m a werewolf now.”
“A…werewolf?” she repeated.
“Yeah. Tonight, I’ll be a dangerous, vicious monster. I’ll also change between full moons, but I’ll be in control of myself and able to talk.”
“You’ll change every night? That’s different from what one usually hears. Atti, why don’t you take the choker off? That might break the curse.”
Atticus’ hands flew up to conceal it and keep Alexis’ hands away from it. “No. If it’s removed, I won’t be able to talk at night between full moons.”
“Oh, Atti. That’s awful.”
“I know. You won’t tell anyone, right? At least for now?”
“Of course. I promise not to tell.” She saw the relieved look on his face and felt bad for him. She couldn’t imagine being a werewolf, but her brother wouldn’t have to imagine as he would change tonight.
Chapter Two- Remus
Atticus continued to feel restless even with Alexis suggesting ways to expel that energy. Both knew there was one sure-fire way to get rid of that energy: Atticus had to transform.
“I’ll need to be alone,” he said. “I believe that dangerous part alludes to me able to curse someone during the full moon.”
Alexis nodded. “I understand and I’ll leave you alone tonight.”
Atticus smiled. “You’re curious about what I’ll look like. I can tell from your body language and facial expression.”
“All right, I am. Can I see tomorrow? It won’t be a full moon then.”
“Sure.” Atticus was sure he’d be able to see some of tonight’s change before his werewolf mind took over. He’d see his fur color and part of his body before his mind changed. He looked forward to tomorrow night when he’d be in control, remember everything, and be able to talk.
Atticus quickly ate a meat-only meal before leaving and heading for the forest, snatching up a duffel bag as he did so. He wasn’t sure if his clothes would meld with his body and decided to put them in the bag. I’ll test that tomorrow as I plan to be in my room before heading out to see Alexis.
Atticus found a deep clearing, stripped, and put them in the bag before standing there, waiting for the full moon. He saw the sky darken and looked up to see the moon rising. Its light spilled into the area and onto Atticus. He felt an urge rise in him and chose to heed it. He threw back his head and let out a wolf’s howl.
He whined as a burning, itching sensation spread all over his body. He looked down to see his body covered in dark brown fur. He felt something brush against his legs and looked back to see a wolf’s tail swishing behind him. He whined again as his feet conformed into paws with extended claws and his legs bent into wolf legs.
He held up his hands to see his palms were hairless but developing pads. His fingernails lengthened, hardened, and hooked into sharp claws. He growled as his nose and jaws merged into a muzzle and his ears turned pointed and went to the top of his head. His eyes turned red and glowing before he howled again and the mindset of a vicious monster took over him. He sniffed the air for prey, found a scent, and bounded toward it on his powerful legs that had large muscles like the rest of his body.
The scent of his chosen prey grew stronger and it excited him, making him drop to all fours to run faster. He growled as he burst through bush and sprang at a monkey, seizing it in his hands before biting its neck, killing it instantly. He laid on his stomach and began to feast on his kill. He devoured the majority of the monkey before bounding off on two legs. He now desired water and a good run through the woods. Atticus didn’t remember his name or being human. He was a wolf who walked on two or four legs.
Atticus’ eyes twitched open and blinked against the filtered sunlight. It’s morning. The full moon is over and now I’ll be a wolf who talks and is in control of his body every night until the next full moon. He sat up and looked around, not recognizing his surroundings. His heart sank. He didn’t know where to go to return to his bag. Great. I’m naked and lost in the woods.
A thump behind him made him looked over his shoulder. His bag was behind him and so was a man. He was well-built with rippling muscles. He had long gray hair, goldish-green eyes, and a loincloth. “You have a lot to learn, young one,” the man said in a familiar voice.
“It’s you!” Atticus gasped as he pulled the bag around and began to dress. “The one who cursed me.”
“Yes. My name’s Remus. What’s yours?”
“Atticus.” He turned once dressed and faced the older werewolf. “How did you find me?”
“Your scent. I followed it but stayed back as, in your state of mind, you would have attacked me.”
“Wait. If I was wild and don’t remember, why do you?”
“As I said, I’ve been a werewolf for decades. I gained a power ten years ago to become wild on only one night of the full moon. I can choose when and I usually pick the first night.”
“Oh, so that’s why you were a normal wolf that night and last night.”
“It is. As I said, you have much to learn about being a werewolf. You need to hone your sharper senses so that you can smell, hear, and see your way back home with ease.”
Atticus perked up. “Could you teach me, Remus? Please?”
“I can only tell you how; you’ll have to apply it to practical use.”
“Oh. I thought you could teach me tonight as the moon is over.”
“I’m more of a solitary creature at night. My social impulses only surface during the day since I’m human. So your senses are nothing more than filtering out what you pick up except for sight. That will simply be clearer.”
“I noticed that all my meals yesterday were meat only.”
Remus grinned. “That is only during the full moon; part of your vicious side of being a werewolf during the full moon.”
“I also noticed that I was restless and edgy. I was pacing a lot.”
“That is part of being newly-bitten. You’ll get a lot of unusual signs during the time of the moon. Speaking of signs, you will develop a few physical signs of your condition.”
“Such as?”
“Pointed ears and nails, for starters. I noticed your wolf eyes were red due to the full moon, but whatever color you get tonight will gradually seep into your own eye color and become that color on non-full moon nights. I had green eyes before being bitten and now I have gold mixed with the green.”
“Did you always have gray fur?”
“No. It started out black but as I aged, it changed color. It’ll probably turn white as I get older. That’s a perk actually, Atticus. I’m older than I look. Werewolves age gracefully and slowly. If you’re careful, you could live a century or two.”
“A century or two?” Atticus repeated. “How do you know all this?”
“Experience and from the one who bit me. That is what one must do if they bite someone who survives the encounter and they must do it quickly as bites occur on the full moon only.”
“Kind of difficult if you don’t recall anything you did.”
“True, but hopefully by then the senses will have developed enough to detect the scent of wolf on the person as the bite mark will have vanished.”
“I noticed that too. Remus, will I be stronger and faster now?”
“Absolutely. I do apologize for cursing you. I was selfish for wanting to talk at night.”
“I understand wanting to talk and I’m kind of glad you did. I mean, full moon aside, being a werewolf is kind of cool.”
“It certainly is and keep it a secret. Most humans fear us and will shun you if they know the truth.”
“Uh, I already told one: My sister.”
“Sister? She’s okay with you being cursed?”
Atticus nodded. “She wants to see me after I change tonight. Speaking of that, will I need to undress?”
“Yes. That was good planning yesterday. I can help escort you to the forest’s edge if you like.”
“I’d like that.” He followed Remus through the forest, the latter relating memorable or informative nights to Atticus. He enjoyed listening to these tales and that made his curse sound more bearable. They reached the edge and Atticus said, “Thanks for the help and answering my questions.”
“I could do no less, Atticus. Take care of yourself and maybe I’ll see you around once in a while.”
“Maybe,” Atticus agreed as he watched Remus disappear into the shadows of the trees before heading for Obelisk campus.
Chapter Three- Mentoring
“You met the one who bit you?” Alexis whispered as they headed to school. “He told you what you needed to know and answered any other questions you had?”
Atticus nodded. “He said it’s what one must do if they bite someone. He said it’s best if one’s senses are developed enough to smell the wolf scent on one who’s been bitten as the mark heals quickly.”
“As we already found out and speaking of that, do you know what color fur you have?”
“Yeah, I do. It’s the same color as my hair and Remus told me that during the full moon, my eyes are red.”
“So, you’ll have different color eyes tonight?”
“Uh-huh and I’m excited to find out.”
Alexis saw the grin that was so Atticus and found it a little odd that he looked forward to changing again, considering how restless he had been yesterday. Maybe it was because it was the full moon and because he had recently been cursed. I think talking to this Remus probably helped him feel better about being a werewolf.
Alexis kept an eye on Atticus throughout the day, but he was completely normal; even his lunch was normal. I guess all the unusual things yesterday was because of the moon. That thought lasted until dinnertime. She saw Atticus constantly looking out the window as he ate and then abruptly dumped his dinner in the trash and quickly leaving the cafeteria. She finished her dinner and sedately left. She suspected that her brother needed time to change and look at himself before meeting her.
Atticus entered his room and locked the door behind him. He opened his window and checked out it. He never really paid attention before but now he noticed how conveniently nearby the forest was. He pulled his head back in and got undressed. He was trembling as he watched the sunset; he chalked it up to excitement. He was eager to see his full wolf form and work on developing his sharper senses.
The sky turned black with night and Atticus howled as he grew fur all over his body. His hands and feet became paws, sharp hooked claws extending from them. His tail grew out behind him as his heels went up and he dropped to all fours as his spine curved. His body grew bigger as did his muscles. His head took on lupine shape as did his arms and legs. Atticus blinked and shook himself out as the change ended. That didn’t hurt like it did last night. Heh, maybe because last night was the first change of many to come.
He padded over to a mirror and looked to see a dark brown wolf with deep gold eyes look back at him. His muzzle parted and he panted while his tail swished. “Wow, I look cool,” he said, his teeth clicking together. He turned to one side to see himself better and his wolf’s grin grew. He loved this form better than what he remembered of last night’s form.
He went to the window and looked around: No one in sight. He leaped out the window and landed on a tree branch, his claws digging into the wood. He jumped down and landed gracefully on the ground. He laughed at the perfect landing before dashing into the forest, skirting the edge to reach the common area. He saw Alexis waiting in the secluded spot from yesterday and whispered, “Lexi,” before emerging from the trees.
Alexis stared at the wolf that came out of the woods, her eyes going from the bushy tail, to the muscular body, the clawed paws, the muzzle, and the ears before looking at the eyes. “Atticus, you look amazing.”
“I know and I love it!” He howled before saying, “This is better and what I remember about last night.”
“What do you remember?”
“I recall being on two legs and having clawed hands which seems to be the only difference aside from the eyes.”
“Yeah. Gold goes well with your fur color.” She crouched down and ran her hand over his head, across the cheeks, and the chin. Atticus sighed and his tail wagged a little. He inhaled and a flowery scent like daisies flooded his nose amidst other scents. He focused on the daisy smell to determine its source.
“Lexi, I smell your scent,” Atticus said, sounding pleased and awed.
“Probably because I’m close to you,” she answered. “What scent do I have?”
“It smells like daisies; so fresh and clean.” He sniffed again. “I’ll find you so easily now with that scent.”
“Now, sure. What about when you’re human?”
“Still smell you. My senses, speed, and strength will be better while wolf and human.” He nuzzled her hand before adding, “I’m going to head into the forest to practice my senses before going to bed.”
“Okay, Atti. Good night.” Alexis scratched his ears before the werewolf trotted into the forest.
The forest was dark and for a few seconds, Atticus couldn’t see a thing. Then, a few blinks later, the area was visible as if he had two flashlights instead of eyes. “Whoa,” he said softly. “Better than I imagined.” He kept going, leaping over fallen logs and seeing how fast he could go. He paused at various times to focus on the sounds and smells he picked up. His ears heard a multitude of wildlife and he sat to sort through them before moving on. The sound of water reached him and he headed for it to drink. He emerged from the trees to see a clear lake and a familiar gray wolf drinking.
“Remus!” he called as he headed over.
The gray wolf turned and his goldish-green eyes lit up in recognition. “Atticus. I thought I smelled your scent getting closer.” Remus sniffed as Atticus came closer and leaned down to lap up some water. “Yes. Ocean breeze with sea salt.”
“I do enjoy surfing and water sports,” he admitted as he lifted his head, licking his mouth clean of water. He sniffed and added, “I smell pine from you.”
“Correct. My mentor told me that when I first changed. In addition to the wolf smell is an individual scent to identify other people and werewolves.”
“You spoke of a mentor before. Where is he?”
“He…died twenty years after I was turned. A werewolf hunter shot him with silver bullets. I avenged his death the first non-full moon after his death. I came to the island long before the school was built, living off wildlife and this lake.”
“I’m sorry your mentor died.”
“Me too. He taught me much about werewolves, the good and the bad.” He sighed. “Atticus, I should teach you instead of shying away from it. My mentor would be disappointed in me if I did not guide the one I turned. It would be an insult to his memory and what he taught me.”
“I would like to know more, like strength, weaknesses, and enemies.”
“Yes, an excellent place to start.” Remus sat and so did Atticus. “In addition to strength and speed, we heal quickly unless we’re hit in the heart or brain or by something silver. No recovery if something sharp hits the heart or brain. Disease has no hold over us, broken bones will knit in minutes even the spine. As I said, silver is our weakness as is Wolfsbane. The first causes pain if it touches us, kills if it hits our weak spots. Wolfsbane weakens our enhanced senses and abilities until sunrise.”
“Have you seen Wolfsbane?”
“Yes, but none on the island. Now, our enemies. Obviously, werewolf hunters who are rare, but are the reason for keeping our condition secret. Another enemy are evil werewolves.”
“Evil werewolves?”
“They are not like you and me. They would disdain humanity and would seek humans to curse during the full moon. Those they bite turn evil too. They give all werewolves a bad name.”
“Can’t they be turned good?”
“Yes; by another bite from a good one. But it is difficult as the evil ones have no qualms of killing anyone or anything.”
Atticus swallowed hard. “Wow.”
“I know one evil one who wouldn’t listen to me and he would wound me enough to escape. I regrettably gave up trying to turn him good. I hope for your sake, that you never have to go through that. If so, hopefully you will succeed where I had failed.”
Chapter Four- Jealousy
Alexis watched as Atticus padded into the woods on yet another night and felt jealous. He made being a werewolf seem so cool. It had been almost a month since Atticus had been cursed and he was showing signs of his condition in human form. His nails had grown out a bit and developed points as had his ears. His brown eyes had gold seeping into them giving him golden brown eyes. His senses, speed, and strength had also improved and he enjoyed the advantages they gave him. He didn’t brag about them or draw undue attention to himself. He acted like the same Atticus he had always been.
But, he’s not, she thought. He’s a werewolf. I mean, has he even thought of how this will affect his career, his life or is he just living in the moment?
“Remus, I had plans to be a pro duelist. Is that not possible now?”
“Not at all. You can still be a pro, just no nighttime ones, especially on the full moon.”
“I suppose being a tag team with Lexi isn’t an option, is it?”
“It could be an option. Being a werewolf doesn’t change any plans, save for night plans.”
Atticus’ tail wagged. I can still be a pro duelist, even a team with Lex. My plans can go forward.
“Atticus, what would you say to a game?”
“What kind of game?”
“I’ll hide in the forest and you use your senses to find me. I want to see how developed your senses have become.”
Atticus stood as did Remus. “Sounds good. I’m in.”
“Good. Close your eyes and count to twenty.”
Atticus did so. “One, two, three…”
“Lexi, have you thought about the pro tag team idea?”
“Kind of. Can you be a pro with your curse?”
“Absolutely. I just can’t do night duels.”
“I see. I don’t know, Atti. I think we would be better off being single pros.”
Atticus raised an eyebrow as he thought he heard Alexis speak with a jumble of emotions: Bitterness, coldness, and…jealousy? “Lexi,” he said slowly. “Are you…jealous of me?”
Alexis was tempted to lie, but instead she said, “Yes. Yes, I am. You make being a werewolf easy and cool.”
“I had a month to learn what I know and can do. It takes time to learn this stuff; only then does it become easy.”
Alexis looked sulky. “I’d like to be bitten,” she muttered.
“Lexi! Are you serious?” he asked, shocked.
“I’m serious. You could do it, Atti. It’s the full moon tonight.”
“First of three,” he agreed. “But, Lexi, think. This is a curse despite the fact that I enjoy it. The next three night I will be vicious and dangerous. The full moon is what makes this a curse. I don’t want to put you through that.”
“I don’t care,” she shot back. “I want to be a werewolf.”
“Wifewolf,” Atticus corrected softly. “Remus said females are called wifewolves.”
“Fine. Wifewolf, then.”
“Lexi, I won’t bite you. I love you too much to curse you.”
Alexis’ face softened at hearing Atticus say he loved her. “All right. I’ll forget about it.”
Atticus gave her a brief hug. “Good.”
That sunset Atticus slipped into the forest the same way as last month with his duffel bag but he was full of confidence. Now that his senses were better developed, he’d be able to sniff his way back to his bag. He reached a spot that was deep in the woods, stripped, and stored his clothes in the bag. He thought of the conversation he had had with Alexis and shook his head slightly. I still can’t believe that she would want to be bitten. She had been so adamant but I made her see reason. The sky darkened and the moon rose before Atticus howled and morphed into his vicious two-legged werewolf form.
Remus sniffed the air and glanced over to see Atticus walk by. He smiled slightly. He had felt bad at cursing the boy; it was a selfish thing to do and did all he could to distance himself from Atticus for he thought the boy would hate him. It turned out that he wasn’t upset but rather was eager to learn and he had only mentioned the basics, claiming he was a solitary creature. It was upon reflection later that day that he concluded that he should mentor the boy as his mentor had done. He had found Atticus an engaging person to talk to and answered every question.
My solitude is because there were no good werewolves aside from me. There is another werewolf on the island besides Atticus, but he is evil and I’d rather keep my distance. Remus howled as he took his vicious form for this night only until next month.
Atticus sniffed the air the next morning. His scent was clear as he tracked it. He, of course, had no memory of last night and knew he would have two more nights like that. I clearly tired myself out as I awaken every morning.
A rustle and an unusual scent reached him and his head whipped around in that direction. The scent faded as the owner moved away. He considered following it, but decided not to; he was still naked and heading into the underbrush without fur or clothes was foolish. He returned to sniffing out his scent but thought of the other scent. It was so unusual. It didn’t smell like his, Alexis’, or Remus’. It was like…death and rotting meat.
Atticus found his bag and had just finished dressing when he breathed in the smells of pine and wolf. He looked in that direction to see Remus emerge from a bush, already in his loincloth. He was sniffing vigorously before stopping looking disappointed. “Remus, good morning!”
“Morning, Atticus,” he replied in a voice that matched his expression.
“What’s wrong?”
“I caught the scent of another werewolf and wanted to catch up with him.”
“I think I smelled him earlier, but it was…”
“Unpleasant? Like death and rotting meat?”
“Yes. How did you know?”
“I’ve known him my whole life. His name is Romulus and he’s my younger brother.”
Remus nodded. “When I received the choker and the bite, I kept my condition a secret from everyone. Romulus grew suspicious of my behavior and followed me on a non-full moon. He accepted my condition and then eventually grew jealous. My guess is he came into contact with someone who was an evil werewolf and agreed to turn him.”
“Wait. You mentioned knowing an evil werewolf. Would that be Romulus?”
“Yes. I came out here out of a sense of failure and exile but he followed me, claiming he wants us to be evil werewolves together not understanding that good cannot turn evil. I occasionally pursue him in order to either bite him or talk him into being good.”
“I wish I could help you turn him good, but I’m a monster during the time when a bite will work.”
“Not so, young one. Since he is already a werewolf, a bite at night, any night will work.”
“So…I could help you?”
“Yes, but Romulus is quick, cunning, and merciless. It will take speed, planning, and teamwork for us to succeed.”
“You do that planning Remus and share what you came up with once the full moon is over.”
“Of course.” Remus smiled. “To think, after decades, we can be together again without hurting or physically fighting each other. Naturally, you understand how much that means to me as you have a sister, a younger one as you said.” Atticus nodded in agreement. He absolutely knew what it meant to Remus. He would do the same for Alexis.
Chapter Five- Romulus
Alexis watched Atticus head into the woods on the final full moon with intense jealousy and longing. She hadn’t given up on being bitten and thus planned it carefully. She figured a bite on the last full moon would be perfect as she’d be able to take full form the next night and remember it. Atti will be angry that I managed to get him to bite me, but by then it will be too late. The sky darkened and she left the dorm, slipping into the forest armed with a flashlight to see. She found her brother’s bag and wondered where to start looking for him. I can’t get a bite from his mentor as he’s only wild one night, usually the first night. Atti, in his wild state, is my only option. Let’s see…since Atti’s an animal right now, he will need food and water. So, I’ll head for the lake to wait for him.
She walked through the woods, straining her ears to listen for growling or twigs snapping. She reached the lake without incident and was halfway to the water when she froze. There, by the lake’s edge was a dark gray werewolf. It was muscular, body and limbs. She knew it was a werewolf as it stood on two legs and it had clawed hands instead of paws. The werewolf had been crouched by the water but now it stood and turned around, revealing glowing red eyes. Alexis gripped her flashlight tighter; she would use it as a way to beat the werewolf back once she had been bitten.
She stared at him, admiring his powerful form when he took a big leap and landed in front of her. He took her arms and held them out and to the side before his muzzle lanced down and bit her shoulder. Alexis screamed even as the teeth removed themselves from her skin. She hadn’t realized she was free until she realized she was on her knees, one hand on the ground and the other on her shoulder, the flashlight on the ground in front of her. She blinked upon realizing this. He let me go, let me live. Does this mean that werewolves don’t eat humans? If so, that’s a lucky break and tomorrow night, I’ll be a wifewolf. She smiled not aware that it was a cold smile; completely different from her normal one.
Alexis kept her distance from Atticus, knowing he had a sensitive nose and wasn’t ready for him to smell wolf on her. She wanted to experience her first night before telling him what happened. I’ll be sure to tell him that he didn’t bite me since he has no memory of what he does when wild. Maybe I should seek out the one who bit me; perhaps he’ll mentor me like Remus did for Atticus.
Atticus was confused. His sister hadn’t come near him all day. This wasn’t really an unusual thing; after all they did stay in different dorms, but he had felt that they were connecting quite well for siblings. Today, though, Alexis stayed away from him as if she was now afraid of him. She sat with her girlfriends and on the opposite side of the room from him and always took a long path to classes to avoid passing too close to him. I don’t get it, he thought. Why the sudden change in attitude toward me? Is it jealousy, maybe resentment? Perhaps I should have bitten her. I was convinced I made the right choice, now I don’t know. Maybe I could ask Remus what he thinks.
“No, you were right not to bite her,” Remus said as he stood nude behind a bush. Atticus was also behind a bush, naked, the forest lit by the ruby red sunset.
“I thought as much, but she’s been avoiding me all day. That’s unlike her.”
“Well, jealousy and resentment can make one act unusual. I know that from experience with Romulus.”
Atticus nodded thoughtfully. Remus and I have a couple of things in common. We’re both the oldest of two and our siblings are jealous of our curses. The difference is that Romulus is an evil werewolf while Lexi is human. The sun vanished and both werewolves howled as they took their full forms.
Alexis stood in another part of the forest. She was behind a bush naked as she watched the sky, anxious and excited. She knew she was going to be spending time learning to use her senses and getting accustomed to her other new abilities, but that was fine with her. Once I have, Atti and I can have fun on non-full moon nights and we can talk about our enhanced traits. I’ll also have the physical signs of a wolf.
The sky went dark and Alexi gasped as a pulse went through her. She blinked before tilting her head back and howling. Her body burned as fur the color of her hair coated her body, her breasts vanishing. Her ears became wolf ears that sat atop her head while her muzzle pushed out and her eyes turned green and intense. A yelp escaped as she fell onto her hands and knees as her spine curved. She saw her nails lengthen into sharp claws that extended past her newly formed paws. Her heels moved up as her feet became paws. A tail sprouted behind her as she grew in size and her muscles enlarged. She howled again and then growled as dark evil thoughts pervaded her mind. She felt infinitely smarter than the humans, stronger than her brother, and more efficient in being a vicious, merciless wifewolf.
She heard a sound behind her and spun around, ready to attack. She crouched low, ears flat, and a low growl in her throat. She was ready to kill anyone who appeared. When a dark gray wolf with deep green-black eyes appeared, however, her pose slackened and she stood. “It’s you,” she said in a voice slightly lower than normal as the evil within her began to affect her more.
“Yes,” the wolf said in a dark, gravelly voice. “My name is Romulus and I take you for my student and companion. Perhaps, in time, a mate.”
“I’m…Alexis. Wait a minute! A mate!? I’m no one’s mate! Who do you think you are?”
“You’re spirited. I like that. In any event, I’m your mentor, Alexis. I sought you out to guide and teach you in being a wifewolf. I expect you to heed everything I tell you. First, you will call me Master, particularly when teaching. Understood?”
“Good.” Romulus circled Alexis, admiring her sleek, powerful form. “Oh, yes. You are a lovely wolf. I am so glad I bit you.”
“You were aware? I thought that wasn’t possible on the full moon.”
“It’s possible as the dangerous aspect pertains to biting humans. It’s necessary to know who needs a guidance.”
“Makes sense.”
“Of course. Now, I will begin with explaining the senses and instructing you in their use. Let us begin.”
“Yes, Master.”
Romulus smiled as best he could as Alexis practiced her senses. When he saw her last night, his urge to bite surfaced and he hadn’t hesitated in cursing her. When he awoke the following morning, he began making plans. His idiot brother, Remus, was trying to turn him good and though he was evil and loved it, he couldn’t seem to bring himself to kill him. I’ve killed for food so why can’t I kill my brother? I’ve had no problem wounding him so that I can escape. I followed him here to kill him and yet I can’t. His eyes flicked over to Alexis. Now that I have bitten someone, perhaps the two of us can work together to kill him. But first, she needs her evil to grow. If I can persuade her to have disdain for humanity, she may stay with me and she could end up a mate. She and I could rule this island and have a litter of werewolves.
Alexis closed her eyes and tilted her head up, nose flaring. A flood of scents came to her and almost made her sneeze. She breathed in normally and focused on the smells she got: Pine trees, the grass beneath her paws, animals that were prey to wolves, and a smell like rotting meat. She focused on that last one and located the source: Romulus.
“Master, you have a scent like rotting meat,” she said.
“I do,” he answered proudly. “Actually my scent is also wolf and death. You have a unique scent as well: Wolf and daisies.”
“Yes. My brother told me I smell of daisies.”
“You have a brother?”
Alexis nodded, eyes still closed. “Yeah, an older one. He was bitten a month ago.”
Romulus resisted the urge to growl angrily. His brother had bitten someone! He had bitten Alexis and found that Remus had turned her brother last month. Killing him will not be easy and he will focus on biting me with his student as backup. Hmm, if I turn Alexis to evil, I can order her to keep her brother at bay. Once Remus is dead, I’ll have her kill her brother. His tail swished; it would be easy to turn her evil as his bite was already affecting her and she didn’t know that her personality was changing.
Chapter Six- Evil Ways
Atticus dressed the next morning. Remus had shared the beginnings of a plan to convert Romulus and Atticus had like what he heard. It was going to require practice to improve speed, timing, and working in sync as a team. He looked forward to working with Remus. The guy was some combination of father and older brother. He could ask questions and make comments and Remus replied with easy patience. He is someone worth emulating, he thought. I only hope I grow to be as patient and wise. I think I will as I get older.
Alexis yawned as she left the woods, tired but happy. Her master had trained her hard with her senses but she didn’t mind. She had much to learn and was willing to learn by any means. She practiced her sense of smell as she headed for her dorm. The different scents around her were amazing and she reveled in being to pick them up and identify them.
She kept her distance from Atticus again, feeling she wasn’t ready to tell him the truth yet. She hung out with her friends, using her nose to identify their scents. They were all pleasant and, for some reason, it annoyed her. She wanted more than pleasant scents; her scent of daisies was now rather unappealing to her. She would have preferred a scent that intimidated people or made them afraid of her. I wonder if one can change her scent. Perhaps I should ask my master tonight.
Atticus frowned as he watched Alexis as he ate dinner. She again avoided him and he was fed up with it. Is she still jealous and resentful toward me? I thought she had gotten over that. He swallowed the last bite of dinner and left the cafeteria. He stood behind a pillar so he could speak to Alexis in relative peace. I need to be quick, though. It’s close to sundown. He heard footsteps that he recognized as Alexis. She passed his spot and as he was about to call out to her, the scent of wolf hit him. No, he thought. It can’t be. He strode after her calling, “Lexi.”
She turned to regard him coldly. “What?” she snapped. “I’m in a hurry and so are you.”
Her tone and the strong smell of wolf stunned him. “Lexi, you were bitten. I can smell it,” he barely whispered.
“Yeah. I was and I need to go. My master is waiting.” She stalked away with Atticus staring after her.
“This is bad,” Remus said. “My brother is the only other werewolf on the island. His evil nature will affect her too.”
“We’ll be able to turn her good too, right?”
“Of course, Atticus. Once Romulus is good, the three of us can take down a newly-turned wifewolf.”
Atticus sighed in relief. “That’s good. I hate seeing her act cold and mean.”
“I know. You and I are now in the same situation. It is more important than ever that our plan succeeds. Two evil wolves running around increases the risk of them biting more people.”
Atticus nodded. “That cannot be allowed to happen. So, where do we start with our plan?”
Alexis snarled as she launched herself at her prey. Her extended claws ripped at the back while her jaws latched onto the back of the doe’s neck and bit down. The doe cried out as it collapsed and died. Alexis released her hold, threw back her head and howled loudly before laughing darkly. That had gone perfectly just as her master had said. He is a wonderful teacher. Everything he’s told me makes perfect sense.
A rustle and the smell of wolf, death, and rotting meat alerted her to the approach of Romulus and she moved to one side to allow him a clear path to her kill. He emerged from behind a bush and examined the doe before nodding. “Very nice, Alexis. Really, you’re a natural killer.”
Alexis beamed as her tail swished. “Thank you, Master. I enjoyed chasing and killing it.”
Romulus heard the dark tone in her voice and was pleased. His dark, evil nature that he transmitted to her through his bite was truly affecting her. She would act cold and mean during the day and would get darker with every nighttime change. As long as she listens to everything I say, she will have no issues in helping me dispose of my brother or in her killing her own brother. Heh, it will be older siblings versus younger siblings and I have no doubt of who will win.
“Master,” Alexis said later as they feasted on the deer. “Is it possible to change my scent? Daisy was nice, but now I find it unappealing.”
“Ah,” said Romulus, licking his chops. “Yes, it is possible to change one’s scent. My scent disgusted me at first, but as I followed my mentor’s advice, turned against the human race, and reveled in being a dark vicious wolf, my scent changed. The wolf smell can’t change, but the other one can. What scent do you desire?”
“One that is intimidating to people or makes them afraid of me.”
“I see. Well, intimidation is simply exuding confidence and disdain for humans for they are inferior to us. If you desire to strike fear, nothing frightens humans more than death. You will become familiar with that smell as you hunt more and once you do, it simply takes force of will to change your scent.”
“That’s wonderful, Master. Thank you.”
Romulus nuzzled her cheeks with his nose. “My pleasure.”
Atticus sprang after the large fat rabbit who was doing its best to escape the werewolf. It hopped faster, rounded a bend, and Atticus heard a snarl. He took the corner to see Remus’ jaws locked on the rabbit’s neck. He dropped his kill and gave a wolf’s grin. ‘Wonderful Atticus. That was good teamwork. If you or I can lure Romulus or your sister to where the other lies in wait, we’ll be able to bite.”
“How soon will they turn good?”
“Not long after the bite, at least according to my mentor.”
“You said Romulus likely met an evil werewolf who turned him. What happened to him? Do you know?”
“Not for sure. Most evil werewolves either live alone or kill each other. It’s possible Romulus killed the one who turned him or ran off after learning what he wanted.”
“So, Lexi could kill Romulus?”
“Maybe. Wifewolves are rare as women don’t usually venture out alone much less deliberately seek out a werewolf in order to get bitten.”
“Yeah. She did it out of jealousy and resentment.”
“As did Romulus. Getting bitten while feeling those emotions feeds the evil nature that occurs from the bite. Most people are bitten without those emotions present in their heart.”
“No, they just have the crap scared out of them.”
Remus laughed. “True enough, but that’s preferable to jealousy.”
“Can’t argue with that. You know, I like being a werewolf and hope we can turn our younger siblings good.”
“With practice, I don’t see how we can fail. We’re off to a good start with the teamwork. Let’s focus on speed over the next two nights before fine-tuning the plan.”
“Sounds good to me.” Atticus yawned and stretched his forelegs. “I should get some rest; don’t want to fall asleep in class.”
Remus laughed again. “No, we don’t want that. Good night, Atticus.” He watched his student trot away before resuming consuming his food that he and Atticus had munched on while talking. He was glad that he had chosen to curse Atticus now. The boy was rather easy-going, seemed to take whatever life threw at his way. Such an attitude was ideal for the life of a werewolf.
A shame his sister met my brother. He bit her and now she is becoming an evil wifewolf. If Atticus or I don’t bit her soon, Romulus may corrupt her into his way of life and she’ll be difficult to take down. Remus tore off another piece of rabbit and chewed on it, thinking of those fateful days when he and Romulus became werewolves.
Chapter Seven- Full Circle
I was not much older than Atticus when I was cursed, though I saw it as a gift not long after my first full moon. My mentor was a kind old man when I met him. I had no idea of his true nature or age. But that would soon change:
“Remus, my boy, you have been a charming companion,” said the old man, William.
“Thank you sir, but I like being with you and hearing all those supernatural stories you have.”
“Yes, I noticed. You enjoy hearing them because the supernatural fascinates you.”
“It does.”
“Good, good. I have a gift for you.” William reached into a pocket and pulled out a gold choker with a moonstone in the center.
Remus gasped at the beauty of the choker as William put it around his neck. “It’s beautiful. Thank you.” He looked out the window to see the sun almost gone and he stood. William never had visitors after sun set and knew it was time to go. “Well, I’ll see you another time.”
“Oh, you don’t have to leave this time, Remus.”
Remus froze halfway to the door. “I don’t?”
“No. I have another gift for you.” William stood as the sky darkened and he howled before he began to change. His sliver hair changed to fur and spread over his body. His palms developed pads while fur grew on the backs and the nails grew into long sharp claws. The robe William wore tore apart as his body grew in size and the muscles enlarged. A muzzle pushed forward while his ears became wolf ears. His legs bent into wolf legs as his feet became paws with extended claws. A tail grew behind him as his eyes became glowing red ones that focused on Remus and the choker.
Remus stood frozen in fear and shock as William transformed into a silver two-legged wolf. He locked eyes with William as the werewolf came closer, growling. The sound shook Remus out of his shock and he backed up a few steps. William sprang forward with a thrust from his legs, seized Remus, and bit down on the shoulder. Remus screamed and fell unconscious when he was hit on the head. He laid on the floor as William bounded out the door, howling.
Remus awoke to sunlight and as he slowly sat up, his saw William sitting on the floor in front of him, fully dressed. He scrambled backwards, eyes wide with fear. William smiled at him. “I understand your fear, but you are not in danger.”
“You-you’re a werewolf…and you bit me!”
“Yes. My entire family are werewolves born. If I was to turn someone who is not family, I needed to attach the choker and then bite on the full moon.”
Remus put a hand on the choker. “Will the curse break if I remove this?”
“No. I have bitten you and if you remove that, you will lose your human voice on non-full moon nights until you curse someone in turn.”
“Non-full moon nights?”
“Yes. My family changes every night. On the full moon, we are dangerous vicious monsters who remember nothing save for if they bite someone. On the other nights, we become normal wolves however we remember everything and are in complete control.”
“I’ll change every night,” Remus said slowly and a bit sadly.
“You don’t like it. I thought you would seeing as you are fascinated by the supernatural.”
“I probably would if I knew what to expect.”
“Of course you’ll know. I will teach you. However, as there are two full moons left, I can only teach during the day.”
Remus’ eyes softened as he recalled his lessons. William had been patient, informative, and more than a mentor; Remus saw him as a friend and father. He took William’s advice of concealing his secret and succeeded in doing so for about six months despite the pointed ears, the long nails, and the gold seeping into his green eyes. His secrecy made him a bit distant with his brother with who he used to be so close. He reflected on the day Romulus discovered his secret:
Remus had slipped out of the house with ease and without anyone noticing or so he thought. He was unaware of Romulus’ eyes on him. He had been suspicious of Remus leaving the house every night and also wondered why his brother had become so distant over the last several months. He was tired of Remus’ secrecy and decided to follow him to find out what he was hiding.
He was able to follow Remus by the light of the setting sun and staying back a considerable distance for his brother had a sensitive sense of smell he had developed around the time he became distant. He came to a stop behind some bushes, crouched down, and peered around the edge to see his brother in a clearing and removing his clothes. The sun vanished and by the light of the half-moon, Romulus watched in shock as Remus turned into a black wolf. Oh God! Remus is a…a werewolf!? Romulus watched as Remus sniffed the ground and then the air before calling out, “Brother, I know you’re there. Why did you follow me?” He turned around.
Romulus came out of hiding and faced Remus. “I followed because I had wondered why you went out every night and had been distant with me. Why did you not tell me?”
“I had promised my mentor that I would hide it as it was likely no one would understand or accept my condition.”
“I accept it. You’re still my brother and I love you. I promise not to tell our parents or anyone else.”
Remus nuzzled Romulus’ hand and licked it. “Thanks. I appreciate that.”
It had been about six weeks later that the smell of wolf came off Romulus. When I confronted him about it, he admitted to being bitten and that he was jealous of me. He wanted to be a werewolf and sought out one to bite him as I had refused to do so. I was a bit happy to have a second werewolf to spend the nights with until Romulus starting acting different. I began following him to find out why and learned the terrible truth: He had been bitten by an evil werewolf and his nature and personality was becoming evil and dark. I had tried to talk him away from that path but he refused to listen, claiming I was jealous that he would be a better werewolf than I could ever hope to be.
I told William about Romulus, how he learned my secret, grew jealous, and got bitten by an evil werewolf. He listened with sympathy and told me there was a way to turn Romulus from his dark path. All I had to do was bite him or William could do it. He had offered to do it, but I refused. It was my fault Romulus was evil for I had refused to bite him.
Romulus’ mentor had apparently warned him about this method for he stayed away from me at night and if I happened to find him, he would wound me severely enough to escape me. I’m surprised he didn’t try to kill me early on in my attempts to turn him good. He still hasn’t tried to kill me. It’s possible that he still loves me despite his evil nature. But then again, he followed me to this island so maybe he’s getting ready to kill.
Things have come full circle. I did remove the choker and found that William had told the truth, not that I doubted him. I could only make wolf sounds at night. I ended up passing on the curse after speaking as a wolf for years. Atticus now bears the curse that I have had for decades. He enjoys it as I have and I still do. His sister accepted his condition and then grew jealous of it just as Romulus did.
Atticus refused to bite her just as I refused my brother. Alexis went in search of me or Atticus on the recent full moon to get bitten and met up with Romulus. He bit her, making her an evil wifewolf. Romulus had also met up with an evil werewolf and got bitten.
There are four cursed people on this island, two good and two evil. Remus’ eyes widened suddenly. Romulus will surely try to kill me now that he has a student of his own. She will follow his decisions and I only hope that Atticus and I succeed in turning both of them good and healing our family rifts.
Chapter Eight- Plans
Alexis tore out the throat of yet another deer, reveling in the thrill of the chase and kill. She felt so free in her wolf form and living in the woods was so simple. She envied Romulus getting to live like this. She would love to live this way always. She tossed this idea back and forth as Romulus ate. She was still going to school and still desired to be a pro. She could easily duel during the day and be an evil vicious wifewolf at night. Or she could drop out of school and live in the wild with Romulus. Both futures were quite possible. But which one to choose?
“Alexis, aren’t you going to eat? You burned a lot of calories changing and chasing.”
“Of course, Master. I was thinking about my future.” She seized a kidney, laid down, and began to eat.
“Oh? I assume you will go on to be a pro duelist. That is what most students do upon graduating.”
“Yes, but another possible future is available to me and just as tempting.”
“What future is that?”
“Living here with you. I envy your life, Master. It is so free and simple.”
“It is certainly that, Alexis. I live as I please and answer to no one.”
Alexis’ greenish-hazel eyes shone at his words and her tail swished. “Yes. That sounds wonderful.”
“I would like it if you stay with me. We will be free and no one to order us around, especially humans. If you become a pro duelist, you will be forced to listen to a bossy human and have to endure an exhausting dueling schedule. Sounds like a very demanding and smothering lifestyle to me.”
“It can be demanding,” she admitted. “It can also result in changing one’s dueling style and attitude. I’ve seen it happen to a dear friend last year. He became cruel and sadistic. A drastic change from the kind person he was.”
“I take it he likes his new style?”
“Yes and I can see why. It’s good to be tough and without mercy. That is why humans are weak: They show mercy. Such an emotion has no place in the wild.”
“That’s right, my dear. I found living wild far more satisfying than living in human society though I do get lonely.”
“Is that why you wanted me as a mate?”
“Yes. I can’t live with my brother for he would bite me to make me a weak wolf like him.”
Alexis gasped. “He can do that?”
“Yes. Your brother can too. They would prefer that all werewolves and wifewolves be weak like them. We can escape by wounding them enough so that they can’t follow us.”
Alexis snarled. “I don’t want to be weak! I like how I am!”
“As do I. I’ve spent decades trying to make myself kill Remus, but for some reason, I can’t. Perhaps, now I can if you will help me.”
Alexis hesitated. It was fine killing deer and such for they were simple animals, but Remus and Atticus were intelligent werewolves, the latter her brother to boot. She couldn’t fathom killing her own kind. But, I love being a vicious wifewolf and Atti would want me to be weak like him. I can’t let him or Remus do that.
“I’ll help you,” she said. “Perhaps, I’ll kill Atticus too.”
Romulus flashed a wolf’s grin, teeth bared. “Thank you, Alexis. With your help, Remus is surely dead.”
“Of course. Isn’t that what mates do? Support and love one another?”
Romulus blinked. “Mate? Really, Alexis?”
“Yes, if you still want me.”
“Of course I still want you.” Romulus nuzzled a cheek and Alexis responded by licking his cheek. Romulus gave a playful growl and Alexis returned it before running off into the forest with her new mate behind her, laughing darkly.
Atticus sprinted through the forest, leaping over bushes, logs, and ducking low hanging tree branches. He heard paws pounding behind him and he increased his speed but only slightly as he had been moving at near top speed. Atticus was then tackled and sent to the ground on his belly. He heard panting above him before Remus said, “Not…bad, Atticus. Still…needs work.”
“Of course. I’ve only been a werewolf for almost two months.” He got to his paws once Remus got off him.
“Yes, but I moved faster than you when I was a two-month old werewolf and I wasn’t much older than you when I was turned.”
“You were a teenager when you were bitten?”
“Yes. That was forty years ago and about several months later, Romulus got bitten.”
“So, you spent thirty years being wild every full moon before you got the power to choose.”
“That’s right. William told me about this ability before he died a week later. He lived for a little over a century.”
“So…I have to wait thirty years before I can choose?”
“Not necessarily. It could be ten, twenty, or even fifty years. Some werewolves remain wild all three nights the rest of their lives. I’m afraid that’s the fate that befell Romulus. It’s possible that evil ones stay wild because they’re evil and that would be one reason why they give the rest of us a bad reputation.”
Atticus swallowed hard. “Then that means Alexis will stay wild too unless we turn her and Romulus good.”
“Yes and should we fail, I intend to keep trying. Whether you want to try again is up to you. I won’t force you to help.”
“I’ll try again too. She’s my sister and I won’t give up on her.”
“That’s how I feel about my brother.”
“Okay, then. Let’s work on speed again.” Atticus took off again, his determination to help Alexis lending wings to his paws and legs. He lengthened his strides and used leaps to cover large distances.
Remus followed after him, amazed at Atticus’ improvement. His desire to help his sister was giving him more strength. He understood that desire as he had spent almost forty years trying to turn Romulus good. His attempts were on and off over the decades. His self-imposed exile to the island was fifteen years of solitude before Romulus tracked him down. He had been astonished at how evil and vicious he had become and that Romulus said he had come to kill him.
Yet, here it is, five years later. He’s yet to kill me, and I’ve watched humans come here, build a school, and teach teenagers how to duel. I made sure the no one got bitten by either of us. But now, a brother and sister have been bitten and are following the path Romulus and I have gone down. I only hope the end is a happy one for them.
Atticus charged toward a fat fallen log and leaped, clearing it easily and allowing the leap to carry him further. He continued to run and as he did so, his senses fed him information that seemed clearer and sharper than before. The forest paths were clearer and he could see further down them. He could hear Remus’ breathing in addition to his running paws. He also heard leaves rustling and the sounds of hidden wildlife. A breeze sprang up, ruffling his fur and tickling his nose with so many smells. A joy filled him and he howled. This is great! I feel so alive and joyous of being a wolf. I wonder if Alexis feels the same joy or if it’s a dark kind.
Atticus hit the ground and Remus said, “You slowed down. You need to stay focused on your goal.”
“Right. One more time.” Atticus loped off once more and Remus gladly took up the chase.
Chapter Nine- Showdowns
Atticus sniffed the air the next day and caught the scent of wolf and…death? That’s not right. Lexi’s supposed to smell of wolf and daisies. Is there a fifth werewolf on the island? He came out of his musings as a blonde blur appeared beside him.
“Good morning, brother,” Alexis greeted in a sarcastic singsong tone. The smell of wolf and death intensified.
“Lexi?” he said, confused. “Your scent’s changed. How?”
“Oh, that’s easy. Force of will. I didn’t like my initial scent and desired one to make people afraid of me if they see me at night.”
“Lexi, that scent doesn’t suit you at all. I like the original.”
“Well, I didn’t!” she snapped. “And since it’s my scent, I decided whether or not to change it.” She growled low so only they heard it before she stalked away.
Oh, man, this is really bad, Atticus thought. She’s acting mean and more wolf-like than before. Romulus has really done a good job on her. The sooner I bite her, the better.
Alexis growled to herself as she headed inside. She hadn’t really wanted to go to school. She was ready to embrace the wild life with her mate, but Romulus pointed out that if she failed to show up, Atticus would come looking for her and they weren’t quite ready to take their brothers down. But once we’re ready and they’re dead, I’ll quit school and live as the wifewolf that I am.
Atticus whined and paced as he waited for night with Remus nearby, concern written on his face. “Her scent’s changed and she’s acting mean. It wasn’t just me that got that attitude. Her friends, my friends, and even a teacher got it. She seems to be looking at everyone with…contempt, I think.”
Remus shook his head. “Not good. My brother taught her a lot and made her evil more quickly than it took him. If we want to halt her descent into darkness, we must act tonight.”
Atticus smiled in relief. “Yes. Tonight.” The sun went down and both howled as they took their wolf forms. Atticus immediately set to sniffing out Alexis’ scent while Remus set to finding his brother’s. They knew both would be together; it was just a matter of finding one of their scents.
Atticus was approaching the dark heart of the forest when he caught the scents of both and heard a female howl. “Remus, I’ve got their scents!”
“Excellent. Lead the way.” Remus raced after Atticus, heart pounding. After all these decades, would he finally succeed and have his brother back? Or would the night end in failure…again? He shook his head. No, I cannot think like that. Things have to be different. I have Atticus now and he had agreed to help before his sister was turned. We also have a plan and been working on it. We were going to fine-tune it tonight, but Alexis’ behavior has caused us to take action instead.
Atticus saw movement ahead and stopped behind a clump of bushes. He peered between the leaves and branches as did Remus and his jaw dropped at what he saw. Alexis and Romulus were prancing in a circle before Alexis licked his cheek. The older werewolf growled softly and barked. Alexis nodded, laid on her stomach, and spread her legs. Romulus got on top of her and began thrusting into her. Alexis howled in pain and ecstasy.
“Oh my God,” Atticus breathed.
“They’re coupling,” Remus gasped. “Romulus has taken Alexis for his mate.”
One final thrust ended with loud howls from both and Romulus got off her as his nose twitched. He growled. “We had an audience. How rude.”
Knowing they had been caught, Remus emerged; Atticus stayed back as they decided he would be the one to pin Romulus down. “It’s over, brother. Tonight, I will turn you good.”
“Turn me weak, you mean,” snarled Romulus. “I’ve told you over and over: I love what I am. I let you live thinking you would get the message. But now I see you never will. So, I guess the time’s come to kill you.”
“You won’t kill me. You may not love me anymore but we’re still brothers.”
“No. I will kill you. I have a mate to protect. You will not make either of us weak.” He sniffed the air and aimed a leg. “Your brother is in the bushes, Alexis. Take him down.”
“Yes, Master.” Alexis ran and leaped over the bushes, snarling.
“Atticus! No!” Remus yelled. He heard his student’s growls and knew he had moved before Alexis had. He then turned back to Romulus who was lunging toward him, extended claws aimed at his throat. He ducked and Romulus sailed over him. He took off running, silently cursing. The plan was ruined. Atticus and he had been split up. The plan had been for him to lure Romulus into chasing him and at some point, Atticus would tackle him and hold him down, giving Remus the chance to bite. I may end up dying tonight. I only hope Atticus survives and maybe bites his sister.
Atticus leaped away from the bushes when he heard Romulus give away his position. He crouched down as Alexis leaped over the bushes, snarling. “Lexi, please. You don’t want to do this!”
“He is my master and my mate. I will obey his instructions. He wants me to take you down and I will.” She growled, baring her teeth.
He sighed before flexing his claws, baring his own teeth, and growling back. “All right, then. Try, but I won’t make it easy.”
“Good. I love a challenge before the inevitable kill.” She charged at him and he met the charge. The two siblings snapped and slashed at each other, their wounds healing quickly all the while and Alexis avoiding Atticus’ teeth.
Romulus and Remus were also engaged in a vicious wolf fight. Both had sustained injury, but all of them had healed. Now, they circled one another, the fur on their spines standing up and both were growling. “Romulus, why did you bite her? What’s your plan?”
“I bit her because I felt the urge to do so and it’s what we do on the full moon: Curse humans. I plan to kill you and for her to kill her brother. Then we will rule this island as mates and have evil werewolf pups to raise.” Romulus then lunged and the two were locked in furious combat again. Romulus tried to lock his jaws onto Remus’ throat or lash out with his claws, but Remus prevented that with his forelegs or his own teeth. His legs got scratched or bitten, but the wounds healed.
Romulus raised his paw to slash again, but Remus lunged forward, teeth exposed. Romulus ducked and head butted Remus in the chest, causing the elder to stagger back. Romulus rammed him with his head and a shoulder, turning Remus onto his back. Remus put his legs in front of his throat to protect it as Romulus planted a paw on top of Remus’ muzzle and growled at him. He stared at Remus and indecision raced thorough him once again.
I can’t do it. I don’t know why but I can’t do it. Damn him! Romulus snarled as he swung a paw around and broke Remus’ lower jaw. He then stamped down and broke a back leg. “Remus, listen carefully. Stop looking for me or trying to turn me good. I love being evil and I now have a lovely mate. We will have a family and you will leave us alone.” He jumped off his brother and ran off, howling.
Atticus and Alexis were slashing wildly at each other, the former keeping the latter’s claws and teeth from his throat while trying to find an opening to bite her. The two of them separated and crouched sideways, facing each other. “Lexi, you really want to kill me?”
“My master has ordered it and I obey every command he gives.” She leaped at Atticus and knocked him onto his back. She put her claws at his throat and growled at him. One quick slash would end it. She pressed her claws closer.
I…I can’t. I can’t kill my own brother. I still love him. She growled angrily at the conclusion and swung her paw around, breaking a foreleg. Atticus howled in pain and then whined as Alexis broke his jaw. “Atti, listen to me. I love what I am and being with my master. I am his mate now and intend to live with him. I’m quitting school to live in the wild. I will give him a family to raise and you would do well to stay away. Just leave me alone. I’m happy being an evil wifewolf.” She hopped off him and ran away, howling for her mate.
Atticus rolled onto his uninjured side, whining in pain and sadness. His sister was evil and she declared herself Romulus’ mate. She wants me to leave her alone. Perhaps I should…for now.
“Atticus!” He looked over to see his mentor coming up to him. He winced at the injuries. “She gave you the same treatment Romulus gave me.” Remus laid down. “He told me to leave him alone. He intends to have a family with Alexis. He also told me to stop looking for him and trying to bite him. Again, he couldn’t kill me. He still loves me deep down.”
Atticus felt his jaw mend and said, “Lexi couldn’t kill me either. She also still loves me. She also told me about being Romulus’ mate and wanting to give him a family. She further said she’s quitting school to live with Romulus and for me to leave her alone. I think I should, at least for now.”
“Yes, I agree we should. Perhaps, having a family will change them to be less evil.”
“That would be nice. Hey, tomorrow is the full moon. Can they be together in their wild state?”
“I don’t know. They probably can, but we can’t.”
Atticus got to his paws, his leg healed. “I should get to bed. See you in three nights, Remus and I’m sorry you failed to bite Romulus.”
“Good night, Atticus and I’m sorry you failed too.” He watched Atticus leave and trotted away. They failed to turn their siblings, but they would keep trying. They would never give up on their family, their loved ones.