Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!.
Chapter One- Family Discovered
Seto took a deep breath and then shivered a little. Night had fallen and temperatures had dropped as usual. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful night. The sky was cloudless and strewn with stars and an almost full moon. It will be full tomorrow and the two nights afterward. I look forward to those nights; so much so that I will celebrate a night early. He gave another slight shiver before he transformed into a large brown wolf with blue eyes. He padded through the shadows of the city and out into the desert. He gave a joyous howl once far enough away. Seto no longer felt cold due to his fur coat. The night was brighter, the sounds were clearer, and the smells were sharper. A grin crossed his muzzle. I love being a werewolf.
Seto had been born a werewolf like his father but it didn’t unlock until he had turned sixteen. His mother had revealed his heritage when he was a child and it was a good thing as she had died before his sixteenth birthday. It was a birthday he would never forget.
It had started with his senses becoming sharper. It happened all throughout the day and it was overwhelming whenever any one of them sharpened. He spent the day trying to control them which wasn’t easy as he was also partially shifting too. His nose and jaws would start pushing out into a muzzle but go back to his nose and mouth before fully forming, for example. The entire experience ended when he transformed after sunset. It had been painless because of the shifting and it happened without him wanting to change. That was to be expected, though. A new werewolf had to change on the night of his birthday and stay a wolf all night.
It’s really not bad, he thought as he ran and leaped. I can still talk and reason. I do indulge in wolf behavior such as sounds and hunting, but only in wolf form. Some people would call my heritage a curse. I clearly don’t. I was born with the werewolf gene and it was waiting until I was old enough to handle its changes to my body. The only disadvantage is that there are no other werewolves around, at least to my knowledge. Pity. I would like some company.
A howl rent the air and Seto turned to it, making note of it. It was made by an older werewolf, the wavering sound at the end made that clear. He knew it was a werewolf as they carry a distinctive scent in wolf form, but not when in human form. The older one howled again and Seto realized that he was calling to him. He howled back and the older one’s scent grew stronger, meaning he was coming closer. A large gray wolf appeared on a dune before sliding down it and running toward Seto. He blinked and his muzzle dropped in shock. The wolf had a gold right eye, but the other socket held the Millennium Eye!
“Master Aknadin?” he gasped. “You’re a werewolf too?”
“Yes. I know I should have told you the day you joined the court. I smelled that unique scent coming from your chambers on occasion.”
“I understand why you said nothing. I didn’t know you were one, so I also kept it a secret. I think it’s in our nature to keep it a secret, particularly for our protection.”
“True. Seto, I was calling as I have important matters to discuss.”
Seto was immediately alert and sat down. “I’m listening.”
Aknadin sat too. “You’ve been a werewolf from birth and unlocked it, about two and half years now, yes?”
“Yes. A birthday I’ll never forget.”
“Well, a werewolf will be turning sixteen tomorrow and I have reason to believe that he does not know of his heritage; actually I know he does not know.”
“That’s not good. You must find him and warn him and if you need help, I will provide it.”
“I will require your assistance.”
“So, who is the young man?”
“The pharaoh.”
Seto blinked rapidly. “The pharaoh? Our pharaoh?”
“Yes. His father, the previous pharaoh, was a werewolf too.”
“Why did he not tell him of his heritage?”
“Because he entrusted me to tell but not until his birthday. You see, Seto, the previous pharaoh was my older brother.”
“Then, that means…our pharaoh is family to you.”
“And you as well for you are my son.”
“Your…son?” Seto repeated faintly.
“Yes. I know this must be quite a shock, learning you have a family you did not know. The country was at war when I left you and your mother. I was trying to protect you from enemies who would take you both hostage in order to force our surrender. I still feared it when you joined the court, I shouldn’t have as you could transform to protect yourself at that point.” Aknadin bowed his head. “I’m sorry, my son.”
Seto put his muzzle under Aknadin’s chin and tilted the head up. “No need to apologize. Keeping our connection a secret was the right thing to do, given the circumstances of war and our heritage. The pharaoh about to come into his own heritage was the perfect time to tell me…Father.”
“Thank you, Seto. But you must not tell anyone except the pharaoh of our connection to each other and him and of course, of the pharaoh and us being werewolves.”
“Of course I won’t tell about us being werewolves. I have overheard people during my first year of changing that werewolves are feared and why.”
Aknadin barked a laugh. “I have heard that they believe we will bite humans on the full moon into werewolves and that we hunt humans to eat.”
“I heard that too and knew that only half of that is true. We don’t eat humans but we can turn them if they want it and only on the full moon.”
“And such an agreement must be made in daylight as we only speak as wolves during the cycle, though we understand each other and our sounds are words to our ears.”
“The pharaoh will need to know that as the full moon starts tomorrow!”
“We will tell him everything, Seto. I told your mother everything about werewolves when we met and when I knew she was the one for me.”
Seto knew this. His mother had told him that his father was a werewolf; a trait that had been passed to him. He had taken it in stride when he was a child but then he resented it when he turned twelve. His mother assured him that, aside from sharper senses and full moon changes, being a werewolf wasn’t a bad thing and wouldn’t keep him from his life plans. She was right. I had planned to be a priest of the pharaoh’s court and I succeeded; being a werewolf didn’t stop me from achieving it. I enjoy my heritage, despite having to keep it a secret, something Aknadin knows all too well as he keeps it a secret as well.
“Seto? What would you say to playing right now?”
Seto looked to see a gleam in Aknadin’s eye. “Sure,” he said. “Whenever you’re ready.”
Aknadin got up as did Seto and bounded away a short distance before turning and charging toward his son. Seto met the charge and the two went down in a tangle of limbs, barking, yipping, and laughing. Seto didn’t hesitate in being less than delicate in his playing as Aknadin was stronger and more resilient despite his age. Plus, any injuries both sustained would heal almost instantly. Seto gave a yelp as Aknadin’s claws raked through his fur and cut his skin. He gave a growl and swung a paw across a cheek, leaving three scratch marks. The marks healed as did Seto’s cut and Aknadin leaped away, calling, “Catch me if you can!”
Seto howled in response and ran after the older wolf, the latter laughing and Seto no longer feeling lonely and looked forward to telling Atem about his heritage.
Chapter Two- Heritage
Atem stirred on his birthday and sat up, stretching before he smiled. He was sixteen now and was ready to receive birthday wishes. The morning meeting would be held as usual but the rest of the day would be his to do as he wished. He planned to read as long as he wanted and then take a ride out in the desert. He would sit in on one of Mahad’s classes and insure that his favorite foods would be served for dinner. He would round the day off with some moon gazing as it would be the full moon.
His smiled faded as he gasped, shut his eyes, and put his hands over his ears. Everything seemed brighter and louder than before, but why? He opened his eyes to slits as he eased out of bed and proceeded to dress while puzzling over his eyes and ears.
Everything seemed normal just minutes ago and now I’m seeing and hearing better than before. That makes no sense. He blinked several times and his eyesight seemed normal now. He headed for the throne room and worked on figuring out his ears. He was picking up sounds that he hadn’t noticed yesterday. Now, they were detectable. He shook his head and the sounds faded to normal. His relief over his sight and hearing being normal was brief as his sense of smell suddenly sharpened. He put his hangs over it and stopped walking. He could smell a variety of scents he hadn’t smelled seconds ago. What is going on? he thought in frustration.
“My pharaoh?”
Atem lowered his hands and turned to see Siamun looking at him curiously. He straightened himself. “I’m fine, Siamun.” He continued on to the throne room with Siamun behind him.
Seto could tell that Atem was dealing with sharper senses even though he looked normal. He glanced at Aknadin who locked eyes with him and nodded slightly. Everyone bowed as Atem passed and once he was seated, Siamun said, “Pharaoh, let me say on behalf of all, happy birthday.”
“Thank you,” he said, seeming distracted.
The Sacred Court exchanged concerned looks before Mahad came forward. “Pharaoh, is something wrong?”
“No,” he said quickly. “Let us proceed with matters.”
Aknadin was anxious for the meeting to end. It was clear to him that his nephew was being distracted by his sense. He needs to know, he thought as he shared a knowing look with Seto. He had seen Seto leave the palace last night and followed at a distance. When Seto changed, he did so too and kept a further distance from him. He had heard Seto’s joyful howl and called out to him, knowing it was time to tell all about himself, Atem, and the family connection.
The meeting soon ended and Atem was relieved. He could now attend to his plans and allow his discomfort with his senses to show. However, he held on to that discomfort as Seto and Aknadin were still in the room. He was about to address them when a tingle was felt in his fingers and looked to see his nails grow to become claws before returning to short nails again. He looked at his priests and was dismayed to see that they noticed.
Aknadin smiled gently. “It is all right, pharaoh. Seto and I know what is going on. I could see that you were distracted.”
“It is likely nothing. It could be my imagination but it seemed that my senses are more sensitive than usual and I thought my nails looked like claws.”
“It is not your imagination,” Seto said. “It is your heritage surfacing. A heritage that Master Aknadin and I also have.”
“Heritage? What heritage? Is that what this is?”
“Pharaoh,” Aknadin said. “When a young man turns sixteen, that person exhibits the sharp senses and physical appearance of a werewolf.”
“Werewolf?” Atem repeated. “I’m a…werewolf?”
“Yes, my pharaoh,” Aknadin said. “I am one too and so is Seto. It is a wondrous thing and we can answer any questions you have.”
Atem gave a soft moan as he squeezed his eyes shut and put his hands over his ears again. “Everything’s so bright and loud,” he said softly.
“It will pass,” Seto said. “By tomorrow morning, you will be able to turn them on or off.”
Atem’s eyes flew open and his hands moved up his ears to find them pointed before going back to normal. “Is there any way to stop this? I can’t be a werewolf.”
“It is part of you, just as it was a part of your father. It is inherited through the male line,” Aknadin said.
“Father was one? Why didn’t he tell me?”
“He wanted to wait until today and when he knew he wouldn’t be able to, he asked me because I’m his younger brother.”
“Brother? Then…you and I are family?”
“Yes and I revealed to Seto last night that he’s my son.”
Atem was stunned. He had family all this time and didn’t know it. “So, werewolf is in the family,” he stated.
“It is,” Seto confirmed. “When I turned sixteen and began shifting and getting sharper senses, I knew why because Father told Mother who, in turn, told me.”
“Please tell me everything she said,” Atem pleaded, even though he knew he could ask Aknadin for information.
“She told me that I would change into a wolf the night of my birthday and stay that way all night. She also said that I would change on the full moon and speak only as a wolf though it would be words to another werewolf.”
“The full moon’s tonight and the next two nights!” Atem exclaimed with alarm.
“Yes. All three of us will change and speak in wolf language. After the full moon, we can change when we want and can talk normally,” Aknadin said.
“Where can we go to change?” Atem asked.
“I prefer the desert,” Seto said. “Lots of room to run.”
“I’ve dug a tunnel for years from an obscure corner of the city and to an oasis. Plenty of water, prey to hunt, and a shelter for warmth.”
Atem nodded at the elderly priest. “That sounds perfect.” His nose and jaws shifted halfway to a muzzle before going back to normal. “Will it hurt when I change tonight?”
Seto shook his head. “Your partial shifts will make the full change painless.”
“What else do I need to know?”
“Well, whatever you may have heard, we do not eat humans and we can turn men on the full moon but not without permission.”
“Can only men be turned?”
“Yes. A bite to a woman will have no effect on her.”
“I’ve heard that horses fear wolves. So, what about werewolves?”
“No. Werewolves do have a unique scent to detect other werewolves in wolf form but that scent is not present when in human form. So, horses won’t react to us.”
“Are we vulnerable to silver?”
“We’re vulnerable to the same things humans are. However, any injuries we get will heal almost instantly.” Aknadin touched a cheek. “Seto and I were playing last night and he scratched my cheek. As you can see, there are no scratches.”
Atem nodded before excusing himself to do his birthday activities. He found it hard to believe that he was a werewolf and would change for the next three nights, but his senses and shifts indicated otherwise.
Chapter Three- Conflicting Views
“Do you think he believes us?” Seto asked as father and son walked to where the stone tablets were stored and where Seto would insure they were secure.
“I believe so. His senses are sharper for him and he is shifting, the sure signs of a werewolf. If we could shift on the days of the full moon, I would have done so. But, that is not possible.”
Seto nodded. It is not sure why, but no werewolf could shift into wolf form in the daylight hours of the full moon. Seto suspected it was the moon that prevented their conscious shift ability.
“He has agreed to use the oasis as our place to change,” Aknadin said.
“I believe I know that oasis, but I never detected a tunnel,” Seto said. They entered the building and Seto began his inspections.
“It is cleverly concealed and blends in with its surroundings. You will see that tonight.”
“Speaking of which, I am looking forward to tonight. I like speaking as a wolf.”
“The pharaoh may not be as eager. It was a shocking one to me on my first full moon, considering my birthday was not on the full moon.”
“You weren’t told about it?”
“No. Father let my brother tell me of our heritage and most of what we told the pharaoh. After my first full moon night, my brother admitted to wanting some amusement from my shock of barking and such. Not very becoming for a future pharaoh. I swore that if I had a son, I would tell everything I knew. As you know, your mother told you.”
“I appreciate that you told all. I came to embrace all the aspects of being a werewolf. I hope the pharaoh does the same.”
“I hope so too, Seto.”
Atem grimaced slightly as he felt a tail grow a little and then disappear as he sat in on one of Mahad’s classes as he had planned. He had read after leaving the throne room and chose to forego his desert ride as he would be in the desert tonight and the two nights afterwards. He didn’t want to believe he was a werewolf but Aknadin had said that the sharper senses and his random shifting were sure signs of his heritage.
I can’t stop what’s happening to me, but the horror tales of werewolves make me want to stop it. I was assured that I won’t eat humans and I will only bite if I receive permission. It sounds like I will be in complete control of myself, full moon or not.
“All right, everyone, good job. We’ll practice more next time.” Mahad smiled as his students left before approaching Atem. “I think class went well today, don’t you agree, my pharaoh?”
“Hmm? Oh, uh, yes. Quite well,” Atem answered.
“My pharaoh, I feel as if something is wrong. You seem so distracted today.”
“Mahad, I was hunting the archives for information on werewolves, but found none.” This was a lie as he had done no such searching but did want to discuss the subject, nonetheless.
“Werewolves? An interesting topic but you’re right. There are no written accounts, only verbal tales that are told far and wide and spoke of often enough as remainders.”
“Could you repeat them for me now?”
“I would be happy to, my pharaoh. Where should I start?”
“Perhaps how one can tell that someone was bitten?”
“All right. Well, one obvious sign are the bite marks. They will eventually fade but not soon enough. Other signs are as varied as there are people. Some become more aggressive, others have a craving for meat, and others still may have pointed ears or nails during the full moon.”
“It is said that werewolves seek out human to turn.”
“That is right. A bitten one will transform on the next full moon, be that the next night or the start of the next cycle. The aggressive attitude and meat craving are signs that are always present when one has been bitten but has not changed yet.”
“So, can both men and women be turned?”
“Only the men can be turned. If a woman is bitten, she dies. This is one reason why we fear and hate them. The other reasons are their urge to turn others and wanting to feast on human flesh.”
“If you found a werewolf, what would you do?”
“Well, I would want to encounter him in daylight. Then, I would arrest him as he can only take wolf form on the full moon. It is said that it is difficult to kill a werewolf but powdered silver can weaken him, giving one the chance to drive a sharp silver weapon into his heart. That is what I would do.”
“No one’s tried to talk to one?”
“Talk to one? My pharaoh, having a conversation with a werewolf is foolish and pointless. They don’t see their curse as such. They would try to persuade you to let them bite you when the full moon comes.”
“So, in conclusion, they are monsters and should be avoided.”
“Precisely, my pharaoh.”
Atem nodded firmly. “Thank you. Now, I need to insure that my choice of food is available.” He left Mahad and bit his lip in concern. Very little of what he just heard matched what Aknadin and Seto had told him. He wasn’t sure what to believe. The sharper senses and his shifts were real so he accepted that, but was anything else real? He didn’t like the idea of being aggressive or craving meat or human flesh. Would he want to turn others tonight as it was the full moon?
He made his food selectins which went smoothly, despite his distracted state. He wandered aimlessly around the palace, parts of him shifting all the while. He dropped by on Isis to ask for any visions, but there were none. He was very anxious as the day wore on and also nervous as well as a little scared.
His birthday feast was held well before dark at his insistence. It was a festive air and all present bestowed birthday wishes on the young pharaoh. The feast ended before sunset and he managed to slip out into the city with Aknadin and Seto, the former leading the way.
“Excited, my pharaoh?” Seto asked.
Atem shook his head, which surprised Seto. “I’m nervous and scared,” he admitted.
“Scared?” Aknadin repeated as the trio slipped into an obscure corner where the old priest lifted a rock that hid a tunnel. It was dark in the tunnel and it forced all three to crawl on their hands and knees. Aknadin craned his neck to look at Atem who was behind him with Seto bringing up the rear. “Why are you scared, my pharaoh?”
“I…spoke to Mahad about the verbal tales of werewolves. How do I know if what you said is really true?”
Seto gave a low growl. “You would doubt the word of two werewolves, my pharaoh? I would think hearing about it from the source would be enough.”
“I heard what you both said but some of it contradicts the verbal tales.”
“Like?” Aknadin prompted.
“Silver. You claim that we are vulnerable to the same things that people are.”
“That’s true. Silver doesn’t affect us in any special way. That is a lie. Please, my pharaoh, believe us. We’ve been werewolves for years and know what we can and can’t do as well as what works on us and what doesn’t.” He looked back to see a nod and faced forward, knowing the pharaoh would end up convinced.
Chapter Four- Family Night
Aknadin popped up in between a quartet of palm trees and climbed out with the others following him. Seto watched Aknadin lower the big clump of grass, blending in with the rest of the grass. “That is genius, Father.”
“It took years to make it. I did dig most of it but my brother helped choose where both ends come out at and helped dig some of the tunnel before he became pharaoh.”
“Father helped?” Atem asked.
“He did.” Aknadin smiled at Atem. “I know that I will never rule and that’s fine. I’m just glad to have been able to reveal my relation to you and Seto.”
“And I promise not to reveal it as you are protected from being targeted by keeping your relation to me secret. It comforts me to know that if something happens to me, the family line still has a chance to survive.”
“That is exactly right,” Aknadin said before sweeping his arm at the sky. “Here comes the moon.”
Atem turned to it and saw the moon, full, white, and glowing. He felt a tingle spread through his body and then he was on four paws as he tilted back his head and gave his first howl. He heard two other howls and turned to see a gray wolf with one gold eye and a brown wolf with blue eyes.
Seto shifted to wolf form while seeing Atem become a unique wolf. His eyes were purple and his fur was black with yellow tips. Atem gave his first howl and he responded as did Aknadin before Atem fully turned to face them. “Pharaoh, how do you feel now?” Seto barked.
Atem stared at his paws and then the rest of himself before looking at Seto. “I feel a lot better,” he barked. A grin appeared and his tail swished. “I’m barking but I’m also talking.”
“Only between werewolves can we talk. If another animal or a human was here, they would only hear barks.”
Atem took a deep breath through his nose and it fairly tingled with the smells he picked up. He picked up a smell he found curious and it was in front of him. He sniffed and found it coming from Seto and Aknadin who seemed content to let him explore his body and senses. He moved closer to Seto and circled him, still sniffing the air.
“What is that smell?” he asked. “I’m getting a curious, but pleasant scent from you, Seto, and Aknadin.”
“It is the scent of a werewolf,” Aknadin said. “Only we can smell it and it is only while in wolf form. It is absent while human.”
Atem nodded and then blinked a couple of time. “Strange. I’m feeling hungry.”
“Naturally,” Aknadin said. “Changing forms burns energy and we need to replace it. Now, I anticipated that asking you to hunt would be too much and it’s traditional for a wolf’s first night to be with bought meat, so…” He went into the cave for a couple of minutes before backing up, a palm leaf wrapped bundle being pulled out. He slicked the leaves apart to reveal a pile of meat. He backed away and gestured with a leg. “You first, pharaoh.”
Atem approached, chose a piece, and laid down to eat with his family following suite. Atem explored his wants, desires, and urges that has unlocked with his transformation while he ate. He found that he wanted nothing more than to live happy, how to use his body and senses, and play with the others. He didn’t feel like turning others or hunting humans to eat. All those tales were false but I won’t dispel them as it will keep me and others like me safe from fearful humans.
All three werewolves ate some meat for several minutes before Atem said, “I don’t feel a desire to bite humans or hunt them. All those verbal tales are false.”
“Indeed,” Aknadin said. “But they serve to keep us safe. It is easy to exist with humans if they are looking for signs that don’t exist.”
“Yes.” Atem bowed his head. “Mahad made it clear that he would kill any werewolf he caught.”
“I am sure he would feel different if he knew you were one,” Aknadin said, sensing his nephew’s sadness. “He watched over you when you were a child and you call him your friend.”
“He is my friend and…if I change in front of him tomorrow, he may think differently about werewolves.”
“You can, but you will have to tell him first and then change after dark. We can’t change in the daylight hours of the full moon,” Aknadin said.
“We can’t? I think you forgot to mention that.”
“You’re right. I did. There was much to tell you before dark and we decided to focus on the most important points. Now that you have changed, we can pass on other points as they come up.”
Atem nodded. “Understood. I did have a lot to know and needed some time to absorb it. I am curious. If we bite someone, how long would it take? The tales say it happens on the next full moon be it the next night or the next cycle.”
“Oh, that one is true. Say you bit someone tonight. He would transform the following night after going through the senses and shifting as you did.”
“So, if I bit a woman, she would die?”
“No. Nothing would happen and she would write the incident off as a normal wolf attack, despite our fur and eye color.”
“Pharaoh? Would you like to run and play with me?” Seto asked.
“That sounds good to me.” Atem stood and stretched his limbs.
Seto stretched too. “Well, let’s see how fast you can go and then you can try to catch me.”
Atem bared a wolf’s grin at this. “I accept.”
“Then ready, set, and…go!” Seto took off at a fast but leisurely pace, reasoning that while Atem was able to stand and walk on four legs, running requires being able to coordinate all four limbs.
He gave a startled yelp as what he recognized as teeth combed through his tail’s fur. He looked back to see Atem gaining on him. He picked up the pace and he heard Atem laugh in a yipping manner before he called, “I’m catching up, Seto!”
“We’ll see, pharaoh!” he called back before full-out sprinting across the sand. He heard paws pounding behind him, but didn’t look back until he heard silence. Curious, he stopped and turned in time to see Atem sailing through the air toward him. The pharaoh plowed into his priest and the two rolled over each other before Atem got to his paws and sprinted back to the oasis with Seto chasing him. The oasis was coming into view when he was flattened to the ground by Seto landing on him.
Atem bucked furiously to dislodge Seto and once he had, he turned and lunged at Seto. The two young werewolves tumbled over one another, claws and teeth flashing playfully as they rough-housed, leaving cuts and scratches that healed quickly.
Aknadin laid down and watched as Seto and Atem raced off. He noted that Seto was going a little slower, possibly for Atem’s sake. His tail swished a little as Atem quickly caught up to his cousin and his teeth combed through Seto’s tail fur. The race went faster and out of his sight briefly before they reappeared but with Seto chasing Atem before the brown wolf leaped and landed on Atem’s back. Atem bucked several times to dislodge Seto and once he did, he lunged at Seto and the two began to rough-house, claws and teeth flashing. Yipping laughs and yelps sounded on the air.
This is nice, he thought as the playing continued. He was content to let Seto play with Atem as both needed to expend any excess energy they had. In his opinion, Atem’s first night and full moon was going smoothly enough. He had answered the pharaoh’s questions, some concerning Mahad. The pharaoh was considering telling Mahad the truth. That could benefit us; having the captain of the guard not hunting for us would be good. He would be a help instead of a potential enemy.
Chapter Five- The Request
Atem yawned and stretched his arms as he and his priests emerged from an empty house. That had been a good night and there are still two more nights like it. I look forward to them.
“Pharaoh, do you truly wish to tell Mahad?” Aknadin said. “I personally think it’s a good idea. It would be better if he was on our side rather than against us.”
“I do want to tell him and I agree with wanting him to be on our side.”
“What if he asks to be bitten?” Seto asked.
“I don’t know if he would want that, but if he asks, I would be happy to grant it.”
Seto nodded. He thought it would be perfect if Mahad was a werewolf. He would insure their protection as it would be his protection as well.
The morning meeting was a little later than usual and Atem said that the next two mornings would be later as well. He did not give a reason; as pharaoh, he did not have to.
Mahad noticed that Atem seemed more focused this morning and he was glad to see this. He was willing to chalk yesterday off to teenage hormones that erupted with Atem’s sixteenth birthday. Today would be normal, the late meeting notwithstanding. He would run a patrol and when he finished reporting, the two of them would talk about anything as they occasionally did; for Mahad there was a topic he wanted to bring up.
The patrol resulted in finding two criminals and imprisoning them to await trial the next morning. He marched into the throne room and knelt. “Two criminals were found and are awaiting their trials tomorrow, my pharaoh.”
“Well done, Mahad.”
“Thank you. Pharaoh, I confess that you seeking information on werewolves was a bit unusual.”
“Unusual? How so?”
“You should not have to concern yourself about such evil creatures. As long as you stay safe in the palace during the full moon, everything will be fine.”
Atem suppressed a growl at Mahad’s description of werewolves as he knew that his friend spoke from ignorance and that he would soon be enlightened. “Mahad, you have not encountered a werewolf, correct?”
“I have not.”
“Actually…you have. Three, in fact which is now four.”
“What?” Mahad gasped.
“Mahad, those verbal tales are, for most part, false. There are a few grains of truth in them. Men can be bitten on the full moon into werewolves, but some are born werewolves. My father was one of them.”
“Your father? But…then…that would mean…”
“Yes. I’m a werewolf too. It is a trait that is passed through the male line and unlocks when one turns sixteen. I transformed last night and found that I could only speak as a wolf.”
“My pharaoh, this is hard to believe. May I ask for proof?”
“It must wait for nightfall. I cannot change in the daylight on full moon nights.”
“I thought there were no written material on werewolves. Where did you get such information?”
“From us,” came another voice and Mahad turned to see Aknadin and Seto enter the room.
“You, Master Aknadin?”
“Yes. Seto and I are werewolves too. We told the pharaoh all he needed to know yesterday. He was dealing with sharper senses and partially shifting into a wolf before dark and when one changes for the first time, he stays a wolf all night. Every werewolf changes on the full moon and stay wolves through the night. A woman can’t be turned but she doesn’t die from a bite. We have a distinctive scent other werewolves can detect but it is absent in human form.”
“But you can change whenever you like, yes?” Mahad asked.
“Yes,” Seto said. “Being a werewolf is not a bad thing. We know that you would kill a werewolf if you caught one. Well, you know three right now.”
“I did say that and, given the situation, I will rephrase my sentiment to say if I catch a werewolf who is a criminal, I will not kill him but treat him like any other criminal save for the sentence, I would think.”
“Good,” Aknadin said. “Then I can tell you that silver has no effect on us. We are vulnerable to the same things you are though scratches and cuts do heal quickly.”
“Why tell me all this? Why reveal your secret?”
“I didn’t know until yesterday. Also, you’re my friend. I thought if I told you, it would alter your view on werewolves and that you would protect us from those who would want to hunt or harm werewolves.”
“You thought correctly. You are not evil or a monster, my pharaoh and the same goes for you Masters Seto and Aknadin.”
“Thank you,” Aknadin said. “Our kind are no different from humans. There are good ones and bad ones. Unfortunately, it is the bad ones that make humans fear all werewolves and the good ones, like us, must hide that part of themselves.”
Mahad took in the solemn looks of all three and knew that would do all he could to keep them safe from harm. Yes, he already did that as captain of the guards, keeper of the tombs, and using his magic to protect all he valued highly, like Atem. There is one other thing I could do and now would be the time to do it.
Mahad faced Atem and knelt. “My pharaoh, I have a request.”
“Yes?” Atem suspected he knew what Mahad was going to say but did not voice it in case he was wrong.
“Will you bite me tonight?”
“What?” Aknadin asked, surprised by the request, but only a little; in his lifetime, no one had asked to be bitten. He looked at Seto to see mild surprise and a bland expression.
Atem merely raised an eyebrow. “You do understand that if I do, you will spend all of tomorrow with the same difficulties I had yesterday.”
“I am well aware of that. I want to be able to protect you to the best of my ability and in every way possible.”
Seto smirked. “The pharaoh can protect himself now that his heritage has been unlocked. You don’t need to be bitten Mahad.”
“But you can’t change in the daylight hours of the full moon,” Mahad pointed out, facing Seto.
Seto waved a hand dismissively. “Three nights out a full cycle of the moon’s phases and very few people know our true nature.” Seto, despite his earlier thoughts of Mahad being a werewolf, was confident that Atem did not need another werewolf priest and certainly not one who would be a newbie.
Mahad bristled a little at the younger priest’s attitude but Atem defused the situation by saying, “I admire your dedication Mahad and I will grant your request.”
Mahad turned and bowed. “Thank you, pharaoh.”
“I dug a tunnel to an oasis where we spent most of last night. We could go there again tonight.”
“We could,” Atem said. “But Mahad will not have a fur coat to keep him warm. We can go there tomorrow night. We need a different place tonight.”
“The Magicians’ Training Ground,” Mahad suggested after a few minutes of contemplation by all. “There is a back entrance known only to me. It would provide shelter for us and warmth for me as well as room for you to run and, if you want, to hunt. My magic will be stronger on those grounds and I can conjure more water from whatever water we bring.” He lapsed into silence to see if the others would agree to his suggestion.
Chapter Six- The Bite
“I like that idea,” Atem said.
“I agree,” Aknadin added. “I cannot think of any other place.”
Mahad saw Seto nod and said, “Then, I will prepare for the trip.” He bowed and left the room.
“My pharaoh, are you certain you want to turn Mahad?” Seto asked.
“I am. He made a convincing argument. You feel differently on the matter?”
“Full moon aside, we are quite capable of defending ourselves.”
“Seto,” Aknadin said. “I don’t dispute that sentiment but Mahad is our court magician and, even in wolf form, he would still be able to use his magic.”
“Point made,” Seto said. He was lost in thought as he and his father were dismissed. He found it curious that he had thought of Mahad being a werewolf as a good thing but when the request was made, he was against the idea. He had an idea of why he reversed himself. Aknadin, Atem, and himself were born werewolves while Mahd would be a bitten one; in short, not a true werewolf. He shook his head slightly. What am I thinking? Born or bitten, all are true werewolves. Mahad will be as much a werewolf as I am. He’ll have questions but we’ll be unable to answer at night as we’ll speak as wolves and he won’t understand us, even with the bite.
Mahad ran down the supply list he had created. He didn’t want to forget anything. Yes, he would be in a magician’s place of power but he tended to have the items he needed on hand instead of conjuring them from thin air. His eyes roved over the list. Food, wood, rope, weapons…no. No weapons. I’ll be with three werewolves, plenty of protection there. Water…not enough for the entire night, but I’ll be able to increase the amount instead of conjuring it from thin air; less draining on my magic that way. Fire-starting materials. Check. That’s everything. Now to gather them. Mahad rolled up his list and set to work on getting his supplies.
Atem summoned Aknadin before getting through as much of his duties as he could. He wanted to make tomorrow’s load lighter as Mahad may need help as his senses sharpened and he shifted through the day. He knew from experience how rough it was; of course he didn’t know why his senses were sharper until he was told why. Mahad would know as it happened since he had been told about it already.
“You summoned me, my pharaoh?” Aknadin asked, getting Atem to look up.
“Yes. I know Seto was against my granting Mahad’s request. I would like to hear your opinion.”
“I still think it’s a good idea. As I had stated, he’ll have access to his magic in wolf form and that combination will make him a more formidable ally.”
“Which is why he asked to be bitten. I am glad that you agree with my decision.”
“You are the pharaoh. The ultimate authority. My son has no business in questioning your decisions.”
“Be that as it may, I do encourage my court to express their opinion on a matter, if they choose to. Seto is very opinionated man.”
It was late afternoon when Mahad decided to gather the food, the item he saved for last. He knew that he would need to collect a good amount of meat but he himself would need more than meat tonight. He entered the storage room with bags to see Seto by the meat, appearing to be sniffing them. Before today, Mahad would have found this odd and would have concluded that it was his imagination, but he knew better. “Seto,” he said when the young priest turned away from his inspection.
“Mahad. Getting the food, I see.”
“Yes. So…any preferences?” He tilted his head to the meat.
“No. I may want to hunt for dinner.”
“As you wish.”
“Oh, I will.”
Mahad detected a mocking tone in Seto’s voice and took offense at it. He turned to him. “What is your problem, Seto?”
“I have an issue with the pharaoh granting your request. I firmly believe that you do not need to be a werewolf.”
“The pharaoh could have denied it and I did not hear Master Aknadin protest.”
Seto went face-to-face with Mahad. “Be honest. Is this really about being a greater protector for the pharaoh or are you jealous of him, Aknadin, and me?”
“Jealous? Of course not. I truly want to be more useful. Master Aknadin said that werewolves and humans are vulnerable to the same things that can bring harm or death to both.”
“That is true, despite our quick healing ability,” Seto said slowly. “And Master Aknadin pointed out that you would still have access to your magic in wolf form.”
“That was a good thing to hear. Really, Seto that should prove that I would be quite useful as a werewolf, particularly if we should run into trouble.”
“Yes and the pharaoh has a knack for attracting trouble,” Seto remarked and both men laughed as they both gathered the food.
The horses were saddled with the supplies as all four raced for their home for the night, Mahad leading the way. The desert stretched for miles and looked the same from every direction, but Mahad confidently headed for the Training Ground. The terrain soon became sand and cliff faces with occasional caves. Mahad headed for a solid-looking rock face, dismounted, tied his horse to a deeply buried speak shaft, and went right through the rock face to the surprise of the werewolves.
“An illusion,” Atem said before Mahad reappeared to unpack the saddlebags. He dismounted and tied up his horse to another shaft before unpacking along with Seto and Aknadin. He passed through the illusion to see a ball of light bobbing in the air and Mahad working on building a fire. The area was very large, more than enough room to accommodate their supplies, a fire, one human, and three werewolves.
Aknadin and Seto entered with their bags and set them with the others. “Pharaoh, it is almost moonrise,” Aknadin said.
All four left the cave and stepped out to see the sun vanish from the horizon. The sky was aglow with a white full moon and Mahad rubbed his arms as a slight chill was felt. A trio of howls sounded and Mahad watched as his companions became large wolves, each a different color.
The black one with yellow tips turned to Mahad and he saw human intelligence in his intense purple eyes. They really are aware. I had some doubts but not anymore. Atem lifted a paw to wave it at Mahad’s arm and he gave a bark. The message was clear and Mahad crouched down, his arm held out. Atem latched onto it and bit down. Mahad cried out and when Atem released, there was a definite bite mark, blood welling up.
Mahad put pressure on it and gave a smile when Atem flinched and whined. “It’s all right. I’ll be fine and this insures that I’ll be a werewolf tomorrow. If you want to hunt, go ahead.”
Atem seemed unsure but a few barks from Seto made Atem turn and follow the other two.
Mahad ducked back into the cave to stoke the fire, cook, eat, and put out bowls of water and meat for the others, the former increased by magic. He then wrapped his cape around his body and was soon asleep. The werewolves returned later, tossed more wood into the fire, drank some water, and curled around Mahad to keep him and themselves warm. They exchanged silent looks that conveyed their conviction that biting Mahad was the correct decision.
Chapter Seven- Senses and Shifting
Mahad slowly opened his eyes and then shut them again. Everything looked brighter, sharper, and clearer. It’s morning and my senses are enhanced. Right now, it’s my sight. He felt warmth against him and opened his eyes to slits to look around. The others were curled up around him. They kept me and themselves warm like this, like wolves would do.
His slight movement woke Atem who had been curled up by Mahad’s stomach. He uncurled himself and sat up before looking at his friend. “Good morning,” he said softly.
“Morning, my pharaoh,” he replied just as softly.
“How are you doing?”
“Everything looks brighter. It is…a little hard to take.”
“It’ll fade in and out throughout the day as will the hearing and smell. Tonight, they will be easier when you change. Tomorrow morning, you’ll be able to turn them on and off.”
“How was your hunt?”
Atem smiled. “I was unsure if I could do it. I had to practice tracking a lot and Seto demonstrated how to stalk. I took down the first animal we smelled and it was exciting.” His voice got a bit louder as his excitement grew. “The thrill of chasing after it, the speed with which I moved, the leap, and the killing bite. It was great.”
“It was also great to watch as well,” Aknadin spoke up behind Mahad. “The pharaoh is a natural hunter, just as I thought.”
“The water was appreciated, by the way,” Seto spoke up by Mahad’s legs as he sat up. “We were thirsty when we got back.”
“You’re welcome. We won’t have that problem tonight, right?”
“Right,” Aknadin said as they began to pack. “The oasis has plenty of water. Hunting is not a problem either.”
The four of them saddled the horses, got on, and rode back to the palace with Mahad dealing with a brighter, sharper world. It was when they were heading into the palace that Mahad experienced his first shift. His hands had changed halfway into paws before becoming hands again. It was noticed by Seto but he said nothing.
Atem followed behind his priests as they went to their places. He took his seat and called the court open. “Anything at all to report?” he asked at large and Isis came forward. “A vision came to me last night. I am not certain I understand it.”
“Of course. What did you see?”
“I saw the court, Bakura, and a wolf.”
“Perhaps your vision predicts an attack,” Shada said.
“If Bakura was seen, it must be so,” Seto agreed. It could also predict that Bakura is a werewolf or that he will use a trained wolf to attack the court. Heh, Mahad’s magic would put a stop to that; as long as the attack is not today, that is. He glanced at Mahad who had discreetly covered his nose by making it look like he was pinching the bridge.
Mahad lowered his hand as his sense of smell faded to normal. He sighed softly. This is worse than I thought it would be. It’ll be all right, though. Once I change, my transition will be done. He felt a tingle in his feet and suspected that they had partially become paws. The tingle faded and then went to his ears which caused his hearing to sharpen.
“Mahad? You plan to run a patrol after the meeting?” Atem asked.
Mahad stepped forward and knelt. “I do, my pharaoh.”
“Good. I want to run some ideas past you before you begin.”
“Yes, my pharaoh.”
“Seto, the tablets?”
“All secure and accounted for. I will check again today.”
“Court dismissed, then.” Everyone except Mahad left and he gave Mahad an understanding look. “I know what you’re going through. It will get better later.”
“I know it will. My hearing was sharper until a few seconds ago. I admit that, as overwhelming as they are, they are also incredible.”
“They are. Once yesterday morning had arrived, I was able to control them and truly be impressed by them.”
Aknadin followed Seto to the tablet storage building some time later. “One more night and then we can change when we want and actually talk.”
“I look forward to that but I do like the full moon,” Seto said, his eyes probing the tablets for cracks or chips as well as making sure all were there. “Hmm, we still have two criminals in the dungeon. They need to be judged.”
Perhaps we will once Mahad has finished patrol.”
As if on cue, a guard approached, knelt, and said, “The pharaoh requests your presence.” He left and father and son followed him out and to the throne room where the rest of the court was waiting.
Atem nodded as they took their places. “Mahad found two more criminals, so we will hold four trials now. Seto, the tablets are the same as before?”
“Yes, my pharaoh.”
“Very well. Then, let us begin.”
The guards brought in the first prisoner and the trial began. Mahad put his hands behind his back as his fingers tingled and then it faded. His attention was not needed during this part of the trial and for that he was grateful. His senses and shifting were distracting as it was, though it was getting better. He was becoming accustomed to the sharper senses, but the shifting was still annoying. Once, during patrol, his muzzle had partly formed before going away. Luckily for him, no one had been around when it happened. He thought of tonight and concluded that no supplies would be needed. There would be shelter and water at the oasis and he resolved that he would hunt like the others. So, he was surprised when Atem got up after the trials and announced that he would handle the food inventory himself and requested that Mahad accompany him.
“I want you to choose what meat you would like,” Atem said.
“Of course, my pharaoh but I had considered hunting with the rest of you.”
“Not tonight. Aknadin told me that a wolf’s first night is traditionally food already bought and ready to eat. It makes sense as he would have enough to handle with his body’s movements. Also, four wolves hunting together attracts too much attention; better done in pairs or threes. You will get another time, I promise. I would be happy to teach you myself.”
“Thank you for your offer. I accept.”
“Excellent.” The pair entered the room and Mahad approached the meat, his nose flaring as he looked over his choices. He was a little surprised to find that he had no craving for meat. Another false tale. Very little of the verbal tales are true and it’s better that way.
“Of course it’s better that way,” Aknadin said as they headed for the tunnel when Mahad made this observation. “It protects us from harm. I admit, I don’t like most of the tales and would like to dispute them, but that may prompt people to seek us out and kill us if they knew how vulnerable we really are.”
“Not may; it would prompt them,” Seto clarified. “If they knew we were not weak to silver, they would attack with swords and spears.”
“But we heal quickly from cuts and scratches, right?” Mahad asked as they reached the tunnel and crawled into it.
“Yes,” Atem said. “But one cut across the throat and it’s over. A torn throat does not heal as quickly. Seto told me that last night while hunting.”
“I’m a little nervous,” Mahad admitted.
“That’s understandable,” Seto said. “I knew for years what would happen so I was only excited. Trust me, Mahad, once you’ve changed, you will love being a werewolf. I know it.”
Chapter Eight- Final Full Moon
Aknadin looked around and saw no one; just as he expected. He climbed out and the others followed. Mahad looked around, noting the large cave, the clear pond, and the trees that hid the tunnel from view. The perfect place for a werewolf to have his full moons. It was still cool, but Mahad knew that he would have a fur coat very soon. He also looked forward to speaking as a wolf. He didn’t understand the barks, though the gestures did give him an idea of what was said. Once I change, I will understand.
Atem admired the area while Mahad examined it. He found it hard to believe that two days ago he had turned sixteen and his heritage had surfaced. He had grown comfortable with being a werewolf and, as he had been born one, it made sense. Mahad will grow comfortable being one too, just as Seto had said.
Seto laid the wrapped bundle of meat on the ground and turned to where the moon would rise. He was eager to change again and go hunting with his cousin. It would be just the two of them as Aknadin was content to stay at the oasis and eat one of the meats they had brought. He also wanted to play with Mahad to help him get used to his body. He had done the same on Atem’s first night and it had gone well.
The sun vanished leaving only the glow of the moon. Mahad felt that same tingle he had felt all day and then found himself on four dark brown paws. He heard Atem howl and answered it with his own as did the other two. He then examined his body. It was large like the others and strong-looking with dark brown fur. His tail swished happily and he barked joyfully. He heard a yipping laugh he recognized as Atem’s. he turned to it and found that he had managed to turn on his paws and not trip.
“Happy, Mahad?” Atem barked.
“Very happy,” he barked back.
“Good,” Seto said. “I’m hungry and ready to hunt.”
“I’m ready too,” Atem said. “Let’s go.”
“Be careful,” Aknadin called as his family ran off. He then went to the bag, seized the rope keeping it closed, and pulled it off, revealing the meat within. He laid down, grabbed one, and pulled it closer. “Come, Mahad. You must be hungry. Changing to a wolf burns a lot of energy.”
“I am,” he admitted. He went over, awkwardly laid down, and grabbed one of the meat he had chosen. His teeth cut into the meat and his tongue tingled from the raw taste and the juice. He ate hungrily and, when done, he washed his face and paws. “That was delicious, Master Aknadin.”
“Of course. You did well in choosing tonight’s meat.”
“I was confused when the pharaoh collected several pieces until he pointed out that hunting may not go well and that we’ll get hungry later on.”
“Exactly. I suspect that Seto will want to play with you later or maybe the pharaoh will.”
“It will help you in adjusting to your body. Seto helped the pharaoh on his first night by playing. Also, you now have energy from your dinner and will need to get rid of it.”
“And you don’t?”
Aknadin gave a yawn. “Most of the time, I don’t. I am an older wolf and like older people, I need a lot of sleep.”
The camel’s cry was cut short as a black and yellow wolf leaped onto its back and bit it on the neck. He leaped away as the camel collapsed and Atem howled at the thrill he got.
“Just like last night, my pharaoh,” Seto remarked.
“I love it!” he exclaimed. “Hunting thrills me in a way I can’t explain.”
Seto gave a yip as a laugh as he ripped the stomach open. “I enjoy hunting myself but not in the way you do.”
“I promised Mahad that he would hunt another time and I offered to teach him.”
“You would be a good teacher, my pharaoh.” The two wolves fell silent as they feasted on their kill. They left the remains for scavengers as they headed back to the oasis. “Pharaoh, I was thinking of playing with Mahad the way I did with you. You’re welcome to join us.”
“Thanks, Seto. I would love to.”
Mahad sat outside the cave, his eyes closed. Aknadin had decided to go to sleep but Mahad chose to work on his nose and ears. He recalled a pleasant but curious scent around him. It faded a little when Seto and Atem had left but it was still there and coming from the cave. It must be that distinctive scent Master Aknadin spoke about. Very nice.
His ears turned in one direction and then the other. He was hearing subtle sounds, sounds he had heard while on patrol with sharp hearing. It was painful in wolf form with all his senses now sharp. They were comfortable and easy to handle. The pharaoh was right: My senses are easier to handle now.
His nose flared as the werewolf scent grew stronger again and he surmised that his fellow wolves were returning. His ears moved to determine where they were coming from before opening his eyes and rising to his feet before facing the eastern direction. Two wolves; one brown and one black-yellow appeared and Mahad barked in greeting. Atem barked back as they raced up to him.
“I smelled you coming,” Mahad said with a little awe.
“That’s good,” Atem said. “Your senses are easier now.”
“Yes, my pharaoh. Just as you said.”
Atem felt pleased with Mahad’s response and use of senses. He had spent the entire day with his senses sharpening and fading as well as partially shifting; the hardest part of becoming a werewolf. Atem had felt relief when he transformed for the first time. He no longer had to deal with uncontrolled shifts or senses sharpening and fading. His racing and wrestling with Seto his first night had filled him with joy and helped him learn to run, leap, and play.
Seto crept silently to the cave, his ears turned to Aknadin. He heard deep, even breathing. He’s asleep. That’s just as well. It’s been a long and action-filled cycle. He turned away and barked softly, “Let’s go play and let Master Aknadin sleep.”
“All three of us?” Mahad asked as he followed the others.
“Yes,” Atem said. “We’re three young wolves and we’ve got excess energy we need to expel if we are to get any sleep tonight.”
Mahad bared a wolf’s grin. The idea of playing sounded like fun. He did not get a chance to have fun like this and he was going to take advantage of it. “In that case,” he said. “Who wants to race?”
Atem and Seto gave him wolf grins as they struck racing poses. Mahad took one as Atem said, “Ready…set…go!”
All three took off, Mahad lagging a little as he had to coordinate his limbs in order to run. He got all four legs to move smoothly and closed the distance between himself and the others. He panted a little out of happiness.
Atem then slowed down and then turned to leap toward Mahad. The two wolves tumbled across the ground, nipping and yipping happily. Seto jumped in on the fun and all three yipped as they playfully wrestled with one another. Cuts and scratches were dealt but healed quickly. The trio ended up back at the oasis where they fell into a deep sleep and Mahad had a grin on his muzzle for he had thoroughly enjoyed his first night.
Chapter Nine- Exposed
The quartet was teleported back to the city’s tunnel end via Mahad’s magic before walking to the palace. Mahad noticed that his senses weren’t sharp and guessed that off was an automatic mode when human. He felt a lot better now than he did yesterday. He was a full werewolf and in complete control of his newly-gained heritage.
“So now we can change anytime, day or night?” Mahad asked softly as they reached the gates where the guards opened them.
“Right,” Aknadin said. “I recommend we stay home during the next cycle, my pharaoh. If we keep having late meetings every cycle, it will raise suspicions.”
Atem nodded. “Good point.” When they were inside, Atem went to put the uneaten meat back in the storage room while the other three joined the rest of the court to await Atem’s arrival. He entered the throne room minutes later to find everyone waiting for him as usual. It looked and felt so normal and yet he knew it was different now. Three of his priests were werewolves and so was he. It was an aspect that had to be kept a secret. And it’s one that I’ll gladly keep.
“Meeting now open,” Atem said once he was seated. “Any news at all?”
“A traveling storyteller came last night,” Siamun said. “I stood with the citizens as the teller recounted the tales of werewolves and added a new proven tale that he had heard. It seems that werewolves can now turn humans anytime. Once bitten, the person will change with the next sunrise or sunset and stay that way until the sunrise or sunset, depending on when they changed.”
“What? The full moon doesn’t matter now?” Seto asked.
“It seems not,” Siamun said. “This new tale clearly says that a werewolf can change at any time and turn men whenever he wants. The people are now in greater danger than before and makes Isis’ prediction all the more alarming. If the wolf she saw is a werewolf, then all of us could become werewolves except Isis as the bite would kill her.”
Shada, Kalim, and Isis exchanged looks of terror while the other three priests had looks of brief annoyance before Mahad said, “Master Siamun, my magic can protect us from this possibility.”
Before anyone could express relief, a duo of cries sounded before the doors opened and Bakura entered. All could see the guards still alive and had obvious bite wounds on their arms. Both looked at Bakura with clear fear and with dismay at their bite marks.
“Bakura,” Mahad said in a low voice as he moved toward the thief.
“Master Mahad!” one guard called out. “Stay back! He’s a werewolf!”
“I suspected that as I see no real wolf nearby.”
“Oh, do you?” Bakura drawled. “Then, you should know that I am trouble. I intend to turn every man in this palace and kill the women.” Bakura bared a grin. “I think I’ll bite you next.”
“That’s not going to happen. I can prevent you from biting me.”
“Perhaps, but can you stop me from biting someone else? Like, say, the pharaoh?”
“Even if you do manage to bite, no one will turn or die as it is not the full moon. Surely, you would know that.”
“I was bitten on the first night of the previous cycle, but I have recently heard that I can bite and turn any time I want.”
“You are mistaken,” Atem said.
“We’ll see who is mistaken when I bite you and you transform tonight,” Bakura retorted before turning into a gray-silver wolf and charging, passing Mahad with an impressive burst of speed.
Atem didn’t move and acknowledged that his heritage was soon going to be exposed. He was not going to let Bakura harm his court. He took wolf form just before Bakura plowed into him. There was a collective gasp from Atem’s transformation, three of there were due to Atem choosing to reveal his wolf half. The two went down to the floor where they separated, shock on Bakura’s face.
“You’re-you’re a werewolf, too?” he gasped.
Atem stood in a defensive pose, crouched low. “Yes,” he growled. “I didn’t want to reveal it, but you left me no choice aside from letting you bite me.” He saw Bakura’s eyes dart to Isis and added, “Don’t even think about it. I’m fast myself and will pin you before you get to her.”
“Oh, really?” Bakura turned quickly and moved toward Isis. However, he was flattened when he was halfway to his target. Bakura wiggled and tried to pull himself free but Atem kept him down.
“My pharaoh, please move,” Mahad said and froze Bakura once Atem was clear. He looked at the court. “Shall we judge this criminal?”
“I say yes,” Seto said and the others nodded in agreement. “Bring a sealing tablet!” he said to some guards. “The largest one we have.”
Atem changed back to human and resumed his place. He saw the curious looks on Isis, Kalim, and Shada’s faces and shook his head. He had no intention of explaining himself in front of Bakura. The tablet was brought in and the judging began. Shada confirmed the presence of a strong monster and Aknadin extracted it so Seto could seal it. Once that was done, Atem declared, “We cannot release him or put him to work. Instead, he will be given life imprisonment. Perhaps, in time, he will be released.”
Bakura was unfrozen and he resumed human form before he was taken away. The two wounded guards approached Mahad and knelt. “Master Mahad, perhaps we should be locked up as well.”
Mahad sighed in annoyance. “You won’t turn into werewolves. You just need to have your wounds tended to.”
“Yes, Master Mahad.” The two guards left, though Mahad saw one glance back at Atem with a little fear. He suppose he couldn’t blame him. The verbal tales told to humans made werewolves creatures to fear and hate. He knew that personally. He had been one of those who had wanted to kill a werewolf if he had captured one. Now, they had one in the dungeon but he had no intention of killing Bakura. His view of the world had altered in the last two days and especially yesterday. He was a werewolf himself and knew that he was not evil or a danger to people. He was a self-aware wolf who could change when he wanted and outside of the full moon which was a time when he only spoke as a wolf. And with the pharaoh’s transformation, there’s going to be questions followed by explanations and surprises. No doubt Aknadin, Seto, and my being werewolves will be revealed as well.
Atem silently cursed himself. He should have let Bakura bite him. The mark would have healed instantly and Bakura would have attacked the others. There would have been confusion that Isis didn’t die and fear at what they would become at sunset.
I would have assured them that they would be fine once Bakura was gone. They would have asked how I know and I…would reveal that I’m a werewolf. I would state it and of course I would have to change to prove it. How they would react would likely hurt until I explained that I was born one. I will likely have to reveal Aknadin’s relation to me as they will ask how long I’ve known. I will likely expose Seto and Mahad as well. His eyes went to said priests as he thought of them.
Seto gave a tiny nod, interpreting the look in Atem’s eyes. Mahad also gave a nod. Already aware that he had displayed knowledge that contradicted the new tale that had been told to all.
Chapter Ten- Explanations
“My pharaoh,” Isis said. “When were you bitten?”
“I wasn’t bitten, I was born a werewolf but it didn’t unlock until I turned sixteen. I didn’t know I was one before then.”
“Who told you and how did they know?” Siamun asked.
“I did, Master Siamun,” Aknadin answered. “I knew because I am a werewolf and so was our previous pharaoh who was my brother.”
“Brother?” Mahad repeated, stunned.
“Yes. The pharaoh and I are related.” Aknadin looked at Seto who nodded. “Seto is also a born werewolf and…my son.”
“The entire royal family were born werewolves?” Kalim gasped.
“The men were, yes. Women can’t be werewolves and they don’t die if they’re bitten,” Mahad interjected.
“And you know this, how?” Shada asked.
“Because I bit him the night after my birthday,” Atem said. “And he asked me to do it.”
“You bit him?” Isis gasped, sounding horrified.
Atem sighed, feeling annoyed. “Let me start with my birthday three days ago. I had spent the day with my senses sharpening and myself partially shifting into a wolf. I had no idea why until Aknadin and Seto told me after the court meeting.”
“I explained that when one turns sixteen, he experiences the sharp senses and physical signs of a werewolf,” Aknadin stepped in. “Then that night, they change into a wolf and stay that way all night. The difference was his birthday was the first full moon of the cycle. All werewolves transform all three nights and we can only speak as wolves. We are in complete control of our actions, we do not eat humans, and we can turn men but only if asked.”
“So, all those verbal tales, save for the bite, are false,” Siamun said.
“Well, we can change any time outside of the full moon and, as you heard, we can talk,” Atem said. “I had asked Mahad to recount the tales before I left with Aknadin and Seto to change for the first time.” He smiled. “It was just amazing and I enjoyed it.”
“I had thoughts of telling Mahad the truth that same night and I did so the next day.”
“I was shocked when the pharaoh told me the truth,” Mahad jumped in. “Though I did not know about his relation to Aknadin and Seto until now. I asked to be bitten so I could be a better protector for the pharaoh. My request was granted.
“I experienced the same sharp senses and shifting that the pharaoh did yesterday and changed last night.”
“Bakura said he was bitten on the first full moon,” Seto said. “So, he changed the night you were bitten, Mahad.”
“Yes and I wonder if he believed all those tales. He certainly believed the newest one.” Mahad turned to Atem. “Pharaoh, may I question Bakura and maybe educate him?”
“Granted.” Mahad bowed and left the room. He stopped in on his wounded men and nodded when he saw that they had been attended to.
“Master Mahad,” one said. “You are certain we won’t change?”
“I am. That new tale is false. Only with a bite on the full moon will one change. I know this as I am a werewolf like the pharaoh is. I am not evil or dangerous. I am the same man you’ve always known.”
“Yes, Master Mahad. Of course.”
The werewolf magician nodded and proceeded to the dungeon. He found Bakura sitting calm and serene in his cell. Naturally the Ring did not react as Bakura’s monster had been extracted and sealed. His eyes had been closed but opened upon hearing Mahad’s approach. “Master Mahad,” he said with the proper reverence.
“I have a couple of questions for you.”,p> “You wish to know how I was bitten.”
“Yes and how you could believe the verbal tales when you’ve been a werewolf for almost three days.”
“I got bitten by a werewolf who I managed to kill. I was confused in the morning when my senses sharpened and scared when I was shifting.”
“I know how that is. I was bitten the night you changed.”
“You’re a werewolf, Master Mahad?”
“I am. I asked the pharaoh to bite me.”
Bakura dipped his head. “I did not ask. There is much I do not know and so I turned to the tales one hears from the storytellers.”
“I can tell you anything you wish to know.”
“I only spoke as a wolf those two nights. It scared me.”
“We can only speak as wolves on the full moon but to another werewolf, they are words.”
“I was alone. I did not feel a desire to eat humans so I figured that story was false. My monster pushed me to behave like a vicious beast.”
“Well, that monster can’t influence you anymore. Clearly, you found you can change any time and can talk.”
“Yes. So…the women don’t die if bitten?”
“Correct. Nothing happens to them.”
“Please tell me everything you know.”
“Of course. Well, when in wolf form, we have a distinctive scent only werewolves can detect. Cuts and scratches heal almost instantly. I take it you got the werewolf in the throat?”
Bakura nodded. “The weapon wasn’t silver so I guessed that tale was false as well.”
“That’s right. We can die the same way that humans do.”
“Thank you, Master Mahad. I now know what I can and can’t do as a werewolf.”
“I will insure that you receive meat when the full moon next comes.”
Bakura bowed his head. “I thank you again.”
Mahad headed upstairs and to the throne room, speaking to any guards along the way of his heritage and how it really hasn’t changed him. He entered the throne room and paused when he saw three wolves.
Atem gave a wolf’s grin. “The court wants us to be wolves for, at least, the rest of the meeting. Take your wolf form and place, Mahad.”
Mahad smiled before changing to wolf and standing in his spot. He saw the humans give him brief admiring looks before being all business.
“Now that everyone here knows our secret, there won’t be any late meetings on the next cycle. Mahad, Seto. I will want your usual reports later today.”
“Yes, my pharaoh,” both said.
“Good. Meeting adjourned.”
The court dispersed, three humans and three werewolves. Atem’s tail wagged. He was pleased that he did not have to hide his heritage and thought of staying a wolf all day. Acutally, I will and maybe play with Mahad once he’s given his report. I’m sure he’ll agree and I look forward to it. Hmm. I think the courtyard would be the perfect place for the next cycle. I’ll ask the others what they think and maybe even let Bakura get some fresh air those three nights.
Chapter Eleven- The Next Cycle
Over the next few weeks, Atem, Aknadin, Seto, and Mahad kept their changes to a minimum. Word of their being werewolves had spread through the palace as well as word that they acted the same as they always had.
Criminals were found and judged but none of them got the same sentence as Bakura. Mahad made a trip to see him every few days and usually saw him in wolf form. He found it curious that Bakura would choose to be a wolf more often than not, given that he and the other were more human than wolf.
So when Mahad went down and saw Bakura a wolf again, he asked, “Why are you always in wolf form when I visit?”
Bakura looked at him with confusion in his eyes. “Always when you visit?” he asked. “Master Mahad, I took wolf form after our talk and haven’t left it since.”
“You’ve been a wolf all this time?” Mahad gasped. “Why?”
“I look back at all the evil deeds I’ve done and feel I deserve to be locked up like an animal.”
“Bakura, you are in the dungeon for your own safety.”
“My…safety?” Bakura gave a bark for a laugh. “My safety?”
“I know it doesn’t look like it, but it’s true. If we had sentenced you to hard labor, you would likely have been killed on the coming full moon.”
“Killed? You mean the guards…?”
“No. The other laborers. The palace is more tolerant and accepting of werewolves, but the same cannot be said for those they oversee.”
Bakura’s voice was small. “Oh.”
Mahad chuckled a little. “Listen, the full moon is tomorrow and the pharaoh thinks you might like some fresh air for the cycle.”
“That does sound good but can you trust me to not run off?”
“We’ll be in the courtyard with guards on night duty. I also think that you have no interest in escaping.”
“None at all.”
“Good. Then, I’ll have a guard escort you to the courtyard tomorrow.” Mahad left the dungeon and headed for the throne room where Atem awaited his report on whether or not Bakura accepted the chance to be out of his cell for three nights.
Mahad knelt. “My pharaoh, Bakura will join us for the cycle.”
“Wonderful.” He tilted his head. “Mahad? Is there something else?” “Bakura’s been in wolf form since our talk. He feels he deserves to be locked up as an animal. I pointed out that his sentence is for his safety.”
“It certainly is. His heritage could get him killed by the other laborers simply because he’s a werewolf.”
“Could, but couldn’t he just fight back or explain himself?”
“Could. But it’s likely his spirit might have been broken from his imprisonment.”
“No,” Mahad said in horror.
Atem nodded. “Being confined can be breaking. Perhaps we should release him after the cycle.”
“Yes. Releasing him is an option,” Aknadin said as they gathered in the courtyard. Servants were placing meat and water out for them as guards started to prepare for their shift.
“I agree,” Seto said. “His monster is sealed and his soul is cleansed. If he wishes to spend his life as a wolf, that is his decision.”
A guard entered with a human Bakura whose hands were tied. The ropes were undone and Bakura simply stood where he was as the guard headed for his assigned place. All five werewolves watched the sky as it flared with the setting sun and then a soft black due to the glow of the moon.
Five howls echoed in the air as they all transformed. Four of them barked and yipped to each other while the gray-silver one laid down and put his head on his paws. His lavender eyes watched the others and the patrols, ignoring his growling stomach.
Atem yipped and playfully growled at Seto and they wrestled and tumbled across the ground. Mahad laughed in a barking manner as he watched while Aknadin ate some meat. Aknadin then picked some up and brought it to Bakura. He dropped it and barked, “Here. You must be hungry.”
“No, thank you,” he said softly. “I’m fine.” A loud stomach growl then sounded.
“Sounds like your stomach disagrees,” Aknadin noted. “Go ahead.”
“The pharaoh insists that everyone eats.”
Bakura sighed as he reluctantly ate the meat. He then got up and shuffled over to the water. Aknadin watched him and thought that Atem was indeed correct in deciding to release Bakura. The young wolf did seem broken. He trotted over as Bakura finished drinking and playfully nipped at him.
Bakura yelped before dropping down before Aknadin, whining. The old priest blinked in confusion. “Bakura?” he asked.
“I’m sorry,” he whined. “Whatever I did, I’m sorry.”
“You did nothing wrong. I just…wanted to play with you. That was a playful nip I gave.”
“Play? Why would you want to play with me? I’m a nobody.”
“You are not a nobody,” Atem said as he came over from finishing his wrestling with Seto. “You are a werewolf, just like us.”
“I wasn’t born one and I didn’t ask to be turned. I am an ex-criminal and deserve to pay for it.”
“I think…you already have. You have spent almost a month in the dungeon and, as Mahad reported, being in wolf form while down there. I can see that it has broken your spirit which saddens me. I intend to release you after the cycle.”
“Release me?” Bakura looked up at him.
“Yes. You’ll be free to do as you wish.”
“What if I wanted to protect the tombs?”
“If that is what you wish, I would have no objections,” Mahad said as he walked over.
Bakura’s tail wagged a little as he lifted his head a little more. “I would like to atone for my crimes.”
“And so you will,” Aknadin said. “Now…will you play with me?”
“Okay.” He stood up.
“Good.” The others backed off as did Aknadin. “Then, come at me.”
Bakura bared a wolf’s grin before he leaped at Aknadin who met the charge. The two collided and they rolled over and over, yipping and barking. Yelps then sounded as their claws flashed and slashed before rolling and tussling with each other for several long minutes. Aknadin and Bakura separated, the former looking worn out. “Enough,” he puffed.
“Aw, I still want to play,” Bakura said, finally caught up in the fun.
“I’ll play with you,” Atem said. “But, let’s start with a race.”
“Okay.” Bakura let Atem go first before racing after him.
Atem laughed as Bakura and he ran around the courtyard before wrestling with each other. He knew that Bakura would feel better once he was free. He likely will help protect the tombs as he wishes to and that may keep tomb robbing low. He gave a small yelp as Mahad leaped on him and Seto joined in the wrestling. The four wolves played together under the full moon.