Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho. Only Doctor Roth is mine.
Chapter One- Head Over Fins
Kurama laughed in delight as he sped through the water, looking like a red and silver-white blur. His long red hair streamed behind him while his sliver-white tail beat the water, leaving streams of bubbles in its wake. He angled his way up, the surface of the water calling to him. He broke the surface and soared upward feeling as if he was flying. He arced his body and splashed down with a satisfied expression. Yes! I just covered fifteen feet while in the air! No one else can hold that record since no one else dares to surface. He swam about leisurely feeling dismissive about the law that forbid surfacing as their race would be in danger if a human spotted one of them.
Heh, as if a human could threaten our safety, he scoffed. Humans can’t breathe underwater and we have many ways to make a human a merperson if one proves to be a real threat. Then he or she sees the error of their threat and agree to abide by our laws; not that they have a choice as the change is irreversible.
“Kurama!” called a female voice. He turned to see Shizuru heading his way. Shizuru was one of those humans who threatened their safety and peace. King Enma used his trident to change her into a mermaid and put her in charge of overseeing the teenagers to make sure they adhered to the laws and traditions of their people. It made sense as she was nineteen at the time of her change; she was now twenty-one.
“Yes, Shizuru?” he asked.
“It has come to my attention that you are fifteen.”
“That is correct.”
“Well, tradition says that one should at least be engaged to a merman or mermaid by age fifteen. You have a month to be engaged to someone of your own choosing or the king and I will choose for you.”
“Very well. I will seek out my intended before the month is up.”
Shizuru nodded as she turned on her orange tail and swam away. Kurama sighed. He had forgotten that he had to seek a mate that he would eventually marry at either age sixteen or seventeen. He wasn’t terribly concerned as he knew he would fall in love the moment he saw his soulmate whether male or female.
Shizuru looked back as she swam off. Kurama didn’t always follow the laws and traditions- at least she suspected he didn’t. She had no proof of her suspicions. She had not seen him head for the surface or express any interest in humans. Of course, if he had any questions about them, she would logically be the one to ask as she had been human two years ago. She missed her human life but knew she couldn’t return to it. Even though I was changed against my will, I do like being a mermaid. I just miss my friends and especially my baby brother. I believe he’s fifteen like Kurama.
Kurama spent the next two days swimming around the kingdom, looking at others and feeling nothing for anyone. None of them were his soulmate. This concerned him; if he had no soulmate then he would be engaged to someone he didn’t love. But, I could eventually love my wife or husband. That is certainly likely to happen.
He swam out into open waters before surfacing and moving to a crop of rocks that was one of his favorite places above the waves. He went to one of the flat rocks and sat on it, all of his tail hidden under the water. He tilted his head up and closed his eyes, enjoying the sun on his skin and the wind ruffling his hair. A shame on one else surfaces to enjoy this and I cannot tell anyone about this. A roaring sound reached his ears and he opened his eyes and looked in the direction of it.
A ship, but much, much smaller was moving across the water but without the use of sails. It was a curious thing and Kurama made a mental note to ask Shizuru about it. I’ll claim I saw it pass overhead as I’ll likely be punished for surfacing. He watched the vessel move away and felt a desire to follow it. He decided to indulge, slipped underwater, and swam after it. He was sure why he was following it; he had seen humans before. The roaring of the small ship suddenly stopped and a large metal hook fell into the water with a chain attached. He surfaced behind the small ship as a human male appeared at the edge of the front. His mouth fell open and he felt a bit light-headed. The human was handsome! His black hair wasn’t too short or long; it ended at the middle of his neck. His grin was attractive and his body was nicely muscled; it wasn’t overly so but just right. As the boy jumped into the water and started swimming away, Kurama watched him, his heart beating fast. He recognized what he was feeling: Love.
I found my soulmate! The thing is, he’s human. But that’s not a problem. There’s a magical plant directly below that I can use as a lip balm and kiss him. Once I kiss him, he will gradually become a merman and fall in love with me. He ducked down and swam to the bottom, searching for the rare plant. His expert eye found it quickly. He broke part of it off, squeezed the clear liquid out, and applied it to his lips so that it was invisible to the naked eye. He then surfaced and headed after the human.
Yusuke was enjoying himself immensely, but would have enjoyed it more if his friends had come. Hiei had no interest in swimming and Kuwabara was afraid of the water as his big sister had drowned two years ago. So, he rented a motorboat and drove out to sea. He came to a stop once he was so far out that he couldn’t see any land for miles and dropped the anchor before removing his shirt and jumping into the water.
He did several strokes that took him from the boat before he stopped and treaded water. He gazed at the wide expanse of water. It’s so wide, big, and beautiful. Although I would prefer to be here with my friends, I also like being alone here. It’s peaceful and gives me time to think and there’s quite a bit to think.
“Hello,” said a voice suddenly.
Yusuke turned and saw a boy with long red hair and grass green eyes smiling friendly at him. His open manner and delicate features left him almost breathless, but he quickly shook it off. “Hi,” he answered, lifting an arm and extending a hand. “My name’s Yusuke.”
Kurama took the hand. “I’m Kurama. I saw you swim by and wanted to meet you.”
“How come?”
“Well, I don’t have any friends and I thought maybe we could be friends,” Kurama said, sounding hesitant and unsure.
“No friends? A nice good-looking guy like you?” Yusuke looked away and blushed at what he said.
Kurama likewise blushed. He thinks I’m good-looking? He’ll fall for me quicker than I anticipated under the plant’s influence. “Uh, thank you and yes, no friends. Do you have friends?”
“Yeah. I’ve got two best friends and someone who’s kind of my girlfriend.”
“A girlfriend?” Kurama said, feeling his heart sink a little. “Well someone as handsome as you would have a girlfriend.”
“You think I’m handsome? Wow. I like you and would love to be friends.”
“Yeah.” Yusuke looked at the horizon. “I should be heading back home. It was great meeting you. Maybe we can hang out together another time.”
“Definitely.” Kurama took Yusuke’s face in both hands and gave him a long loving kiss before releasing him and ducking down before Yusuke opened his eyes; he had closed his eyes during the kiss as it felt wonderful. He blinked as he realized what Kurama had done.
“Weird guy,” he said. He shrugged. “But I do like him.” He struck out for his boat and drove away, his thoughts on his new friend.
Chapter Two- Bad News
Kurama did somersaults as he swam home. He had found his intended, but had to wait two or three weeks before Yusuke became a merman. He’ll fall in love with me within a week, maybe week and a half. I’ll be sure to surface around that time to search for a noisy vessel. Speaking of which…
“It’s called a boat,” Shizuru answered. “Specifically, a motorboat since it explains the noise you heard.”
“And the metal hook?”
“It’s an anchor. It keeps boast and ships from drifting away and leaving humans stranded.” She gave him a suspicious look. “Why did you want to know?”
“I was curious. I’ve seen sunken ships, but not motorboats.”
“They’re not as sinkable as ships. One thing they’re not as big and they tend to be made out other materials than wood.”
“Okay. Well, thanks for answering my question.”
“You’re welcome, but don’t go showing interest in human objects. Everyone has to stay away from humans, even those who had been human.”
“Of course,” Kurama agreed before swimming out of Shizuru’s home. Hmm, human objects. What an interesting idea. I’ll have to find a secret place for them before I start collecting. He headed out of the kingdom and started hunting for a secret place. He soon came upon the perfect place. A deep cave at the bottom of a canyon that was concealed by long sea grass. He smiled in satisfaction as he headed home, ate a light supper, and went to bed, his dreams filled with him and Yusuke swimming through the sea together.
Yusuke awoke and lay in bed for a time. Kurama’s face had faded in and out of his dreams. He knew nothing about the redhead except that he was friendless. It’s strange, he thought as he got out of bed and started dressing. Ever since he kissed me, I can’t stop thinking about him. He’s friendly, open, and really good-looking. He sighed and shook his head. Why am I thinking about him like that? He’s a new friend and I’m not into guys; at least I don’t think I am.
Yusuke pushed his thoughts of Kurama to the back of his mind as he went to hang out with his friends. He laughed with them as they walked around the city and hung out in the arcade until late afternoon when they decided to stop and eat somewhere.
“Hey, Urameshi. How’s your mom doing?” Kuwabara asked.
“Still drinking too much,” Yusuke sighed. “I don’t know what I’ll do if she doesn’t stop soon. I mean, she probably already has liver cancer but I don’t know as she doesn’t go to the doctor for check-ups.”
“You know you could live with me and my parents,” the tall teen pointed out.
“Keiko’s offered to have me stay with her and her parents also.”
“Given the choice, it’s best to stay with the girlfriend,” Hiei said. “Keiko might be hurt and angry if you turn down her offer.”
Yusuke nodded. His mother had a serious drinking problem and a recent doctor’s visit at Yusuke’s insistence and his escorting her there, confirmed that if she didn’t stop, she would develop liver cancer at such an advanced state that she would die in months. Despite this pronouncement, she continued to drink heavily. She can’t even stop for my sake, he thought bitterly. She probably figures if she’s going to die, she wants to be drunk out of her mind when it happens. My friends are being supportive of me. My friends…I wonder if Kurama would be just as supportive. I’m sure he would be. His eyes unfocused as he pictured his friend’s face and felt his heart beat a little faster. Maybe I am into guys.
“Yusuke!” Hiei said sharply with the one of someone who had been calling Yusuke’s name a few times earlier.
“Huh? What?” he said.
“You okay, Urameshi?” Kuwabara asked.
“Yeah, I just made a new friend yesterday while I was swimming.”
“A friend? Who?” Hiei asked.
“His name’s Kurama. He’s got red hair and green eyes.” Yusuke’s eyes got that faraway look again.
Hiei and Kuwabara exchanged looks. It was clear that this meeting had more of an impact on Yusuke than would seem normal. It was almost as If Yusuke had a crush on this Kurama.
“Urameshi, do you have a crush on Kurama?”
Yusuke blinked and focused on Kuwabara. “I don’t know. I don’t know anything about him except that he’s friendless.”
“Friendless? That’s awful.”
Yusuke nodded. “Yeah, it is as he’s nice. I may go looking for him later to know more about him and tell him about myself.”
“Makes sense,” Hiei said.
“Yeah. Oh and Hiei? Keiko’s not exactly my girlfriend.”
Yusuke walked along the docks by himself later on, admiring the setting sun against the ocean. He was seriously worried about his mother. She clearly didn’t see her drinking as the cause of her health problems despite the doctor’s diagnosis. His well-being wasn’t even enough to snap her out her binge drinking. I’m lucky we have money for food, rent, and utilities among other things.
A buzzing and vibrating in his pocket caught his attention. He pulled out the phone, hit answer, and said, “Hello?”
“Yusuke, this is Doctor Roth,” came the voice of his mother’s doctor and she sounded very grave.
“What? Did something happen to Mom?”
“She was at a bar when she collapsed and the bartender called for an ambulance. It seems she does indeed have advanced state liver cancer.”
“How-how bad?”
“I’m afraid she only has three weeks to live.”
“Three weeks?” he whispered.
“I’m sorry, Yusuke. You’re welcome to come see her even though she’s unconscious.”
“Yeah. I’m on my way.” Yusuke hung up and then called Keiko to ask if one of her parents could give him a lift to the hospital.
Yusuke stared at his mother’s still, pale form and then the machines she was hooked up to. He wanted to rage and storm at her, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. All he could do was stare and think on Doctor’s Roth’s pronouncement. Only three weeks? I’m going to be an orphan in three weeks? He felt tears burn behind his eyelids but blinked them away.
“Mom,” he choked. “You were told to stop drinking. You knew what could and would happen. Now you’re in the hospital with liver cancer and only three weeks to live. You’re going to leave me all alone.”
“Mr. Urameshi?” a nurse said from the doorway. “Visiting hours are over.”
“Okay.” He left the hospital and got back into his ride to take him to Keiko’s house. He was going to spend the night there before going home to pack up his room and get assistance from Keiko’s parents in getting his mother’s affairs in order so that everything would be settled by the eve of his mother’s death at the very earliest, though no one knew for sure when she would die.
I’ve got a lot to do, he thought staring out the car window. One thing is telling my friends the bad news. Kuwabara and Hiei will be sympathetic and I’m almost sure that Kurama will be too. His eyes drifted in the direction of the docks and Kurama’s face appeared in his mind again. Telling him will have to wait, though. I have so much to do and so little time in which to do it. He sighed and started sorting through what he needed to attend to.
Chapter Three- Honesty
Kurama glanced around as he headed for his secret place, a pouch full of items in his hands. No one in sight: Excellent. He quickly darted in and floated in the center to admire his collection. It’s starting to look impressive, he thought as he swam about, putting his new items in their places. He felt lucky that this cave actually had shelves to place the objects and a clear center where he could sit or lay back to admire the objects or picture Yusuke’s face. It had almost been a week since the kiss and he was on the lookout for the sound of a motorboat. He knew Yusuke’s love for him would drive him to come looking for him, but that wouldn’t be the only reason: Yusuke would also feel a need to be in the water. Weeks two and three would bring about excessive thirst and finally his legs developing scales before his legs merged into a tail while his feet would become fins.
I will need to explain how this is happening to him, especially if he mentions his desire to be near water or in it. I’ve thought about how to explain it and I figured out a good explanation.
He put his pouch just inside the entrance as he left the cave. He rose out of the canyon and was heading home when the sound he had heard last week made him freeze and look up. A boat was coming to a stop. He watched as an anchor fell into the water. Is it Yusuke? Kurama wondered before heading for the surface, rising slowly behind the boat. He slowly edged toward the side to see a teenage boy leaning back, eyes closed, and head tilted up at the sun. It was Yusuke!
“Yusuke!” he called.
The human boy quickly sat up and looked down into Kurama’s eyes and a big smile came to his face. “Kurama! I’m glad you’re here. I have a lot to…wait, where did you come from? I didn’t pass any other boats on the way.”
Ah, yes. If he’s going to become a merman, I have to tell him I’m one as well. “Yusuke, I should have told you when we met.” He gripped the edge of the boat and hoisted himself up, showing off his silver-white tail as he twisted around so that his tail was in the water as he sat on the edge. He looked at Yusuke whose mouth had fallen open. “Yes, I’m a merman,” he said.
“Whoa,” the black-haired teen said softly. “I fell for a merman.”
“That’s one thing I came out here to find you for. I love you, Kurama. I kept thinking about you all week among other things. I also feel a strong urge to be in the water or at least near it.”
“Oh, Yusuke. I love you, too. I actually fell in love the moment I saw you. That’s why I kissed you back then.”
“You’re not wearing that balm you had on last week.”
Kurama blinked. “You are very observant.”
“It’s a gift.”
“Well, the balm has several uses and what occurs depends on the circumstances.”
“So…what circumstance will occur in this instance?”
“Well, before the kiss we thought that the other was good-looking and when a human and merperson express liking each other, the balm strengthens those feelings and will, uh, turn-the-human-into-a-merperson,” finished in a rush.
“Wait, what? I’ll become a merman?” Yusuke gasped, looking and delighted which surprised Kurama who had expected shock and maybe a little horror.
“You like that idea?” he asked.
“Of course I do. I love you and want to be with you and be in the water. When will it happen?”
“In two weeks now. You’ll start feeling extreme thirst before your legs develop scales and become a tail with your feet becoming fins.”
“Two weeks. That’s perfect.”
“Perfect?” Why do you say that?”
Yusuke dropped his eyes. “My mom has a drinking problem and last week went to the hospital after collapsing while on a drinking binge the day after we met and I was told she has liver cancer and will die in three weeks, well actually two weeks now.”
“Die? Oh, Yusuke I’m so sorry.”
“Thanks. I’m staying with the parents of the girl who was kind of my girlfriend only now she’s just a friend. Her parents are helping me get my mother’s affairs in order and settle hopefully before she dies.”
“You will want to get your own in order. Once you become a merman, you can’t become human again.”
“You’re right, I will have to. I don’t mind not being human again. Aside from my friends, I won’t have a reason to be on land in two weeks.”
Yusuke headed back to the docks a couple of hours later, his head whirling with what he learned. He had fallen in love with a merman and through a kiss, he was in the process of becoming a merman himself. He looked at his legs as he docked the boat and got out of it. In two weeks, they’ll become a tail and I will spend the rest of my life in the sea. I love the thought of having a tail. I wonder what color it will be or if all merpeople have silver-white tails. He shook his head and put that question aside. He was back on land and needed to focus on his mother’s affairs. He had packed his room a few days ago and moved it to a guest room at Keiko’s place. It had been hard to donate his mother’s belongings and other household possessions to donation centers, but he managed it. He had handed over the apartment key to the landlord who had commented on how responsible he was. He accepted the comment and felt proud at being called responsible.
He needed to pay off the various bill, cancel any services and any mail they used to get. I also need to donate my own stuff and write a will of my own. Hmm, on second thought, I’ll just leave a note, giving Keiko and her parents ownership of my stuff to do what they want with it. Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.
“Hey, Mom. How are you feeling today?” Yusuke asked as he entered her room the next day.
“Same as yesterday,” she said hoarsely. “I could really use a drink.”
“Mom, you know you can’t and I won’t sneak one in.” Yusuke took a sip of water from a bottle he had bought from a vending machine in the lobby. My extreme thirst is starting to surface. I’ve already drunk half the bottle. I suspect that I’ll only be drinking water which makes sense.
Atsuko’s eyes teared up. “Yusuke, I’m sorry I doing this to you. I wish I could get better, but I know I won’t.”
“I was worried that you would stay in a coma. The fact that you’re awake is good news.”
“I’m worried about what’s going to happen to you.”
Keiko’s parents are letting me stay with them and are helping me take care of matters. The apartment’s been cleared out. My stuff’s at Keiko’s and yours…”
“Has been donated,” Atsuko finished when her son didn’t continue. “It’s better that way. I won’t be getting out of the hospital.”
“I’ve also taken care of the mail and bills. I’m going to cancel the cell phone service and donate the phone, too.”
Atsuko smiled. “That’s my boy. You are so grown-up and responsible. I’m proud of you.”
A chime sounded and Yusuke smiled softly. “I have to go. I’ll see you tomorrow, Mom.” He leaned down and gave her a hug. “Night, Mom.”
She kissed his cheek. “Night, sweetheart. I love you.”
“I love you, too.” Yusuke straightened up and left, sipping more water as he went. By the time he reached the sidewalk, the bottle was empty. He licked his lips and decided to make sure he had water in his room in case he woke in the night, thirsty.
Chapter Four- The Will
Yusuke’s thirst grew over the following week but he tried not to let it show. He didn’t need someone thinking he needed to be hospitalized too. Besides, I’m only drinking mostly water. I mean, yes too much water is not healthy, but considering what’s happening to me, this is normal.
“Of course it is normal,” Kurama said two days after Yusuke stated drinking. The redhead floated in the water near a low dock far from the other docks while Yusuke sat on the edge, his legs dangling. “Your body is preparing for the scales you’ll grow sometime next week.”
“What if I wake up one morning and find myself with a tail?”
“Not to worry. You’ll also acquire fish-like instincts that’ll prompt you to head for the ocean before your legs merge.”
“Fish instincts?”
Kurama shrugged. “I’ve had them all my life. They insure that I always keep at least part of my tail in the water.”
“Oh. Kurama, how’s your family doing? What are they like?”
“They were warm and caring, but they died when I was young. I take care of myself. I’m all alone in my house.”
“All alone?” Yusuke repeated in horror. Kurama was such a sweet guy, he didn’t deserve to live alone.
“The kingdom does provide some assistance. They put a young mermaid in charge of making sure the teenagers adhere to the laws and traditions of our people.”
“Laws such as…?”
“Well…I’ve already broken the law of not surfacing and having contact with humans.”
“I’m the only human you’ve had contact with, right?”
“You’re right. I’m breaking the law to help you with your transition. The timing of your transition is lucky.”
“How so?”
“Tradition dictates that teenagers that reach the age of fifteen must at least be engaged. I was told if I wasn’t engaged in two and a half weeks now, my fiancée would be chosen for me.”
“You would be engaged to someone you don’t love?”
“I would, but I love you. So, Yusuke, will you marry me one day?”
“I love you too, Kurama. Of course I’ll marry you one day. So, how will you let someone know you’re engaged?”
“My deadline would occur the week after you arrive so it’s not a concern. I’ll introduce you to Shizuru and that will be that.”
“That’s funny. My friend, Kuwabara, had an older sister by that name, but she drowned two years ago.”
“Two years, you say? Yusuke, I think Shizuru is your friend’s sister. She was about to expose our existence and threaten our safety so the king turned her into a mermaid and put her in charge of the teenagers as punishment.”
Yusuke’s mouth dropped. “Shizuru’s a mermaid?” Oh, great. I find out she’s alive and I can’t tell Kuwabara. Heck, I can’t tell anyone I’m going to be a merman shortly.
“Yes. She knows a lot about humans, naturally. She told me about motorboats when I claimed to have heard one overhead. That was the day we met. She also inadvertently gave me the idea of collecting human objects. I hide them in a secret cave at the bottom of a canyon.”
“Oh, you’re a bad merman,” Yusuke teased with a grin which Kurama returned. “You know I could explain any you’re curious about once I change.”
“I would like that.”
Yusuke looked at his watch. “Oh, I’ve got to go. I have to meet with Mom’s lawyer concerning her will.”
“All right. I’ll be camping out here next week to welcome you to your new home.”
Yusuke leaned over the edge, lips puckered. Kurama leaped up and planted a kiss. “See you later,” he said as he slid back into the water. Yusuke waved, stood, and walked away with a bottle in one hand. Kurama ducked down and shook his head as he swam. Human deaths seem difficult and complicated. It is far easier for merpeople. We mourn our loved ones, but there is no body to dispose of; we dissolve and become part of the ocean. Hmm, maybe Yusuke can explain human life to me later on.
Yusuke sat in front of the lawyer’s desk, listening to the terms of the will. It was relatively simple: She had left him everything she owned. She requested that her life insurance money be put toward the burial plot and her funeral arrangements which were spelled out in her will as well. Yusuke nodded as he listened before saying, “Sounds good. Mom clearly thought ahead.”
“She also put your well-being and health in the hands of the Yukimura family.”
“I’m already staying there so no problem with that.”
The lawyer fixed him with a serious look. “I must say you seem to be taking your mother’s impending death a little too well, Mr. Urameshi.”
Yusuke bristled at this. “Believe me, I took the news of her illnesses hard and I ma busy trying to tie up everything so that it doesn’t come crashing down on me all at once. If you were expecting to see me cry, well, sorry. My grief will be done privately and in the company of my friends.”
“My apologies.”
“Fine. Are we done then?”
“We are. I thank you for coming to discuss the will. Everything is in order.”
Yusuke left the office and headed for Keiko’s. Once he arrived there, he headed for the bathroom where he started gulping water while filling the tub for a relaxing bath. He undressed and eased into the water, sighing in bliss at the water flowing over his skin. He imagined he was sitting under the sea despite his head being out of the water. He put his legs together and pictured them as a tail covered in scales and a shiver of excitement went through him. He knew from looking at Kurama that his skin would transition to scales almost seamlessly. It looked so natural to have a fishtail instead of legs below the waist…at least it did to him.
I still need to make it through my extreme thirst before any scales start appearing. Man, I can hardly wait.
Chapter Five- The Final Week
Yusuke took Atsuko’s hand and give a gentle smile. His mother’s condition had worsened in the latter half of last week. She was still conscious and always eager for her son’s visits. She spoke in a hoarse voice and sometimes had hacking fits.
“Mom, you should rest,” he said softly, but firmly.
“I’ll have plenty of time later.”
“I’m serious.”
Atsuko smiled weakly and her eyes drooped. “All right. You win,” she mumbled before closing her eyes and was instantly out. Yusuke stood, brushed some hair off her face, and walked out the door to see Doctor Roth in the hall.
“Yusuke, come with me,” she said and led the young man to her office. “Have a seat,” she offered, gesturing to the chair in front of her desk. He did so and Roth sat behind the desk. “As you already know, her condition worsened.”
Yusuke nodded grimly. “I thought I had prepared myself for it, but actually seeing it happen is hard.”
“I know. I find it hard whenever I see a patient about to go.”
“There’s really nothing you can do?” Yusuke asked desperately.
“I’m sorry. All I can do is try to make your mother’s last few days as comfortable as possible.”
Yusuke nodded and left the office before heading to the bathroom. His legs had been itching on and off throughout the day. He pulled down his pants and his breath caught in his throat: A layer of scales covered both of his upper thighs! They were gold-yellow in color and seemed to glint in the light. Oh, wow! They’re amazing! So, I’ll have a gold-yellow tail. It’ll complement Kurama’s nicely. He pulled up his pants, left the bathroom, and the hospital.
Kurama swam about his cave, admiring his collection. He would spend hours here either making up names for his items or guessing their uses. There were a couple he figured out: Rings and necklaces. They looked so similar to the jewelry mermaids wore that he figured the rings and necklaces he had collected were the human equivalent.
I need to get going. I told Yusuke I would camp out by the docks this week. He tore his gaze away from his treasures and left the area. He stopped at his house to grab his camping gear. He swam out of his house and was about to leave the kingdom when he heard his name being called. He turned to see Shizuru approaching hi. “Yes?” he asked once she was closer.
“Have you chosen someone yet? You only have two weeks left.”
“I have chosen someone. I’m leaving to spend the week with him. I promise to introduce him to you at the end of the week.”
“Oh. Well, I look forward to meeting him. Enjoy your trip.”
Kurama nodded and swam off for the city and the faraway dock. Once he arrived, he set up his tent, pillow, and covers. Then, he gathered up his pouch and began to search under the docks for objects he didn’t already have. He had glimpsed items during his visits with Yusuke, but had no way to transport all of them. Now, he had a way and gleefully collected all he could see, resolving to dig a little deeper in the sand later on. I wonder if Yusuke will come around before the week’s over.
Yusuke rubbed the side of a leg as he approached the far dock. It was his third day since scales started appearing and naturally they had spread since then. I wonder if Kurama’s here yet. He gazed down into the water before jumping in. He took a deep breath before diving down.
The first thing he noticed was a tent set-up that was far under the dock. He looked left and right and spotted Kurama kneeling in the sand under a dock and appeared to be digging. He surfaced, took another breath, and ducked down to attract Kurama’s attention. It worked as the redhead looked up and smiled at him. “I’ll meet you near my campsite,” he said as he grabbed a pouch and swam by. Yusuke surfaced and swam to the dock before going under it.
“I was hoping to see you before the week ended,” Kurama said as he popped up. “How’s your mother doing?”
“Getting worse. She may die before the week ends.” Yusuke’s voice broke and he blinked back tears.
“Yusuke, it’s okay to cry. I did when I lost my parents.” Kurama almost had the wind knocked out of him as Yusuke threw himself at him and clung on to the merman, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“I love her so much and she’s dying and I can’t do a thing to help her,” he cried while Kurama held him and rubbed his back. He flicked his tail across the boy’s legs in a comforting motion. He blinked when he felt Yusuke’s legs respond in a similar motion.
“Yusuke, did you just move your legs as if you already have a tail?”
“I…think so. It just…felt right.”
“Ah. That had to be a merperson instinct. It’s also a sign of affection.”
“Really?” Yusuke’s eyes dried up and he grinned slightly. “Well as I’ve been growing scales for three days now, that was going to happen.”
“Do you think I could see them?”
Kurama ducked down as Yusuke pushed his pants down. His eyes widened: Half of Yusuke’s legs were covered in gold-yellow scales. He popped back up as Yusuke pulled up his pants. “They’re beautiful.”
“Thanks. Uh, will it hurt when my legs start merging?”
“I’m afraid it will. It’ll be worth it, though.”
“Yeah, it will.”
Yusuke headed for the hospital the day after Kurama saw his scales. He quickly went to his mother’s room to see her asleep, however the heart monitor was beeping more slowly than usual. His mouth dry and his heart pounding, he rushed to her bedside. “Mom?” he called. “Mom?”
Atsuko stirred and cracked open her eyes. “Yu…suke?” she croaked.
“Hi, Mom.” Yusuke took her hand.
“Honey. I’m sorry. Just know…I have always…loved you.” Her eyes closed and the monitor let out a long unending beep and displayed a flat line.
“Mom! Mom!” Yusuke screamed as a team of nurses and a doctor ran in to try to revive her. Yusuke sank to the floor, put his face in his hands, and sobbed while the other tried and failed to bring Atsuko Urameshi back. Yusuke had no idea how long he cried, but Keiko’s voice caught his attention and he allowed her to lead him out to the car.
Chapter Six- The Change
Yusuke sniffed as he wrote his note to Keiko’s family before going to sleep. He was going to head out to the docks and hang around there while he waited to finish his change. I still can’t believe she’s already gone, he thought as tears fell again and he cried himself to sleep.
He awoke the next morning with a desire to be in the water. He pushed back the covers to reveal two legs completely covered in scales. He now knew the reason for his desire: He was going to be a merman very soon. He left the note on his bed and left the room. He called goodbye to the family saying he was going to spend time alone. He dashed to the docks and sat on the edge, groaning softly at the pain that just shot through his feet. He looked down and gasped as his shoes burst apart, revealing pale gold-yellow fins were his feet had been.
“Yusuke!” Kurama called from below, seeing the fins. “Get down here. The merging will soon start.”
He planted his hands on the wood and pushed himself over the edge and into the water. He kicked his legs and flipped his fins to stay afloat but his legs began to burn and he couldn’t keep kicking. Kurama grabbed hold of him and guided him to the pole to hold before ducking down.
He ripped the pants and underwear away to reveal two scale-covered legs twitching toward each other and fusing together. He heard Yusuke groaning and moaning on the surface as his legs combined together. After several minutes of groaning, moaning, and fusing, a gold-yellow tail and fins were swishing back and forth through the water. It stilled as Yusuke sank under the surface and stared at his tail. Kurama looked at him and laughed. “Yusuke, you can breathe underwater now.”
Yusuke looked sheepish as he released his breath and took his first underwater breath. “Sorry, old habit.’ He looked down again and his fins twitched, causing him to grin. “Oh, wow. I’m finally a merman. This is great!”
Kurama also smiled at Yusuke’s joy of having a tail. “Tell you what, I’ll pack up and you practice swimming.”
Kurama carefully folded the tent and packed it, his pillow, covers, pouch, and other equipment. He hoisted the pack onto his back and turned to see Yusuke shirtless and swimming about with confidence. “That did not take long. You’re a natural. Well, let’s go and I guess re-acquaint you with Shizuru.”
Yusuke nodded as Kurama took the lead. He cast one last look at the world above before swimming after Kurama. His tail felt so light and propelled him through the water faster than his legs could have managed. I can also breathe and talk underwater. This is so cool in a way I can’t explain. He looked around to see that, aside from Kurama and other sea life, there was no one around. Kurama won’t mind as he’s done it countless times.
Kurama was startled as a black and gold-yellow blur shot past him, cut upward, burst through the surface, sail through the air, and splash down, laughing as he came down. “Enjoyed that too, huh?”
“Yeah. I love being a merman!”
“I got that impression two weeks ago,” Kurama said, amused.
Shizuru stared in shock at the merman Kurama said was his fiancée. She recognized him even though it had been two years. But, he was human. The only way he could be here would be that Kurama had been surfacing. I had suspected that he was breaking the law and his fiancée is the proof I needed to confirm it. “Kurama, you know we’re not supposed to be surfacing or having contact with humans.”
“I know. The thing is the moment I saw Yusuke, I instantly fell in love.”
Shizuru was taken aback. “You did? Well…considering that he’s your soulmate I guess I could overlook your law-breaking up to now. I don’t want to catch either of you surfacing from this point on. Got it?”
“Understood,” Kurama said and Yusuke nodded.
“Good. Nice seeing you again, Yusuke. Welcome to the sea and congratulations on your engagement.”
“How long is the engagement?” he asked as he and Kurama left Shizuru’s home.
“A year or two. “I’d like to be married at seventeen. How about you?”
“Seventeen sounds perfect. I need to get used to life in the sea.”
“How does a race to the canyon where my collection is stored? It’s that way.” He pointed northward.
“You’re on. Ready, set,…Go!” Yusuke took off and Kurama gave chase, their laughter ringing through the water.