Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only the wolves and a guard are mine.
Chapter One- Threat on Horizon
Aknadin extracted yet another shadow monster and proudly watched as Seto sealed it in stone. His son was quite the impressive young man. He had taken Seto under his wing when he first became a priest. He showed a thirst for knowledge that impressed Aknadin and smugly he knew he shouldn’t have been surprised. Genius ran in the family. He had it, Seto had it, Aknadin’s brother had it, and his nephew, Atem, had it. He found it a bit ironic at first that he and his son served on the Sacred Court of a family member. But he had had time to dwell on it and came to the conclusion that it was more convenient than ironic; for if something happened to Atem, Seto’s bloodline could then be revealed and he would rule as the new pharaoh.
The thing was Atem and Seto were close in age which practically guaranteed that Seto would never rule Egypt. Not unless the pharaoh were to die suddenly. Then Seto could take over. Court ended for the day and Aknadin wandered around his chambers, still dwelling on his son. He wanted Seto to rule; he was born to rule. Aknadin could see it in his bearing, his confidence, and his through grasp of the law. Yes, Seto was infinitely more qualified than Atem. I wish I knew how to get rid of my nephew without my being suspect in his death. Aknadin left to fulfill his remaining duties.
Mahad ran his fingers along the books and scrolls, reveling in the spells, laws, and knowledge contained within them. He felt lucky to have access to this information and he felt lucky with something else too; or rather someone else: Atem.
He had been charged with watching over Atem when the pharaoh had been a prince. A friendship had developed between them and when Atem stood on the cusp of becoming pharaoh, Mahad felt more than friendship. It took him a bit of time to realize that what he felt was love. He was in love with the pharaoh.
I hardly expected to fall for my friend, but I found myself drawn to him. He is handsome, no doubt about it. His leadership and sense of justice are also attractive to me. I would like to tell him how I feel, but he probably doesn’t feel anything more than friendship which is fine with me. I’m capable of not showing anything more than that.
Mahad pulled out a book at random, deciding to study some more arcane and strange spells. He skimmed through the book, stopping whenever something caught his eye. Hmm, these Switching Spells are quite interesting and I may test a few on myself or a willing participant. He flipped through again and stopped at one labelled Blood Ties. According to it, two people could have their lives tied together by sharing their blood with each other. The Blood Ties also worked if the two people shared the blood of the same animal, but that carried risks in the form of side effects which were varied. Mahad’s eyes roved over the spell. It was quite interesting; it could save lives, if they didn’t mind their life being tied to another. This is also a dangerous spell; great care must be taken when utilizing it.
There was darkness all around and he saw a gold flash from where his Eye was and two shadow-black wolves erupted from it. He saw Atem, turning and the wolves pouncing on him, biting him in a gentle manner yet blood poured from them. The wolves vanished and the rest of the court was around Atem, attempting to staunch the bleeding and he heard them say, “It’s not stopping!” Atem’s face paled before his eyes closed and his body went limp.
Aknadin’s eye snapped open and he sat up in bed, gasping. The dream had been intense, vivid, and very disturbing. Then, as he recalled what he had seen, he realized that his wish of killing Atem had been granted and it showed him what to do. He would use his Item to conjure two dark wolves whose bit would cause a person to bleed to death no matter how shallow the wound. Once the job was done, the wolves would vanish and Atem would die.
I must strengthen myself in order to insure that I can create those creatures and maintain them until they succeed. He laid back down and fell back asleep, flashes of the plan running through his slumber, particularly Atem bleeding to death. Aknadin arose the next morning, ready to serve Atem until he could kill him. He dwelled on where to do it before determining that the Throne Room would do and that before court opened would be the perfect time; while the court mourned Atem’s passing, it would be vital that someone had to step in and take charge and Aknadin would make sure that someone was Seto. But, first I must strengthen my powers.
Suddenly Isis gasped and her Necklace glowed brilliantly. She closed her eyes and put her hands beside the Item. Slowly, the glow faded and she opened her eyes to see everyone looking concerned. She took a deep breath. “A dark threat approached, determined to disrupt our peace and the status quo. But there is hope that this threat will be defeated, but the price will be life-changing.”
“Is this threat aimed at the city?” Mahad prodded gently.
She shook her head. “No. I fear the threat is aimed at the pharaoh.”
All eyes shifted to Atem whose face was inscrutable but inwardly he thought, Naturally. I seem to attract more threats than any other pharaoh combined. Sometimes, I wonder if the existence of our Items are the cause of these threats.
“Palace security must be tightened,” Mahad said. “I will personally see to it with your permission, pharaoh.”
“Granted and run security drills, too.”
“Yes, at once.” Mahad left, determined to protect his secret love. No threat was going to get to the pharaoh if he could help it.
Aknadin scowled and clenched his fist. Curse Isis and her Necklace. Somehow it sensed my plan. The lucky part is that the Necklace can’t give her a more detailed vision of the threat, but it did tell her the target. Mahad is increasing security, but no matter. No one suspects me of being the source of the threat. I will be able to carry out my plan. Atem will be attacked and killed. Then, I will reveal Seto’s relationship to Atem and my son will sit on the throne as pharaoh.
Atem stood on the balcony that overlooked the city. He saw more guards than usual but knew that was for a quick search for criminal activity. Mahad would soon call them back and re-distribute them so that more of them protected the palace. He spied Mahad just outside the palace gates, calling for the guards to return. He smiled as Mahad led the guards inside and the he felt secure and safe with so much protection.
It wasn’t the guards, their weapons, or their loyalty to him that gave him comfort: It was Mahad. His childhood friend who had watched over him for years, most likely at his father’s instruction. That fact didn’t change that he enjoyed Mahad’s company. He was happy that Mahad was a member of his court and was impressed with Mahad’s magical skill and knowledge of spells. Their relationship was clearly closer than pharaoh and priest, but both tried to be professional in public; in private they let their friendship show.
I trust him so much. I would trust him with my life.
Chapter Two- Security Measures
Atem noticed the higher number of guards as he headed to the Throne Room the next day. He was bowed to as he passed and their presence provided him with a feeling of security. He noticed there wasn’t a lot of guards to make him feel smothered, but enough to feel safe. That was a Mahad touch, he just knew it. I suspect there won’t be as many guards in the Throne Room as the Sacred Court is there and my safety is their top priority with the city coming in a close second. He entered the room to see that he was correct. There were twice the usual number of guards but less than what he had seen in the halls. He took his seat and commented, “The distribution of guards is excellent, Mahad.”
“Thank you, my pharaoh. I knew you would be pleased.”
Atem smiled and that expression was shared by the court. Aknadin, inwardly, was livid. He had planned for only Atem to be attacked, but it seemed some guards would have to die as well. Unless…I can use my Eye to convince some guards to either talk Mahad into lessening security or convince the guards to be lax in their duties. Hmm, actually I’ll first convince the guards to speak with Mahad and should he refuse to lift the security measures, then I’ll influence the guards to relax their guards. Aknadin kept his gaze on Atem and his fellow priests while his mind’s eye pictured his vision coming true and the image of Atem bleeding to death.
The court meeting ended for the day but a look from Atem kept Mahad in the room. The priest’s heart pounded at being alone with the pharaoh, save for the guards. Atem smiled as he took Mahad’s hands. “I cannot tell you how much I appreciate the amount of protection you have provided. It wasn’t excessive like others would have done.”
“I knew how much protection you think you deserve as opposed to what others believe you need. Our friendship gives me an idea of how you think.”
“It give me comfort to have someone who knows me well. I would trust you with my life.”
“And I would trust you with mine, my pharaoh. This is the depth of our friendship.” Though, I wish it was more than that, he added silently.
He was soon allowed to leave and he decided to read up on the Blood Ties spell again to see what information he missed about it. He located the book and flipped to it. He carefully read it over while committing the spell to memory. He blinked at what he read. While the blood was being shared and the spell being cast, any wounds would heal instantly and the linked subjects would feel the other’s pain and would die only if both were being killed at the same time. Amazing, he thought. The targets of the spell would share blood and pain. Their wounds would heal quickly and can only die if he or she dies at the same time as his or her linked partner. All this information serves reinforce the fact that this spell is interesting and dangerous. I hope to never need to use it. However, I would like to test a couple of Switching Spells. Perhaps Mana would like to help me test them.
Meanwhile, Aknadin was in his room, also reading a book: The Millennium Spell book. He was reading it in hope of learning to access the hidden abilities of the Items and his Item in particular. He alone knew the origin of the Items. They were forged from darkness using a dark ritual that required the sacrifice of ninety-nine humans. The vengeance of those souls and the shadows made it so only strong and virtuous people could control them. Thus, the Sacred Court and the pharaoh were worthy people.
But anyone can be tempted by darkness, he thought. They just need the right motivation and I have just that. He scanned another page and found what he had been seeking: The hidden secret. Oh, it’s so simple, he thought as he read the page. The holder of the Item just needs to let the darkness take hold of them and they will possess magic unimaginable. Aknadin closed his eye and focused on the evil within his Item. He found that his desire to see his son rule had already weakened his defenses and a little darkness had already escaped. He slowly lowered his defenses; he had no desire to let too much out. He lowered it a little bit more and suddenly, the darkness spilled over and swept through the elderly man. His eye flew open and it swirled with darkness before fading. I can feel the magic within me. I need not to convince the guards. I can just put them to sleep. My wolves will kill Atem and no one will be able to save him.
Mana stared at Mahad and then at herself, blinking in astonishment. She looked back up. “Master Mahad?” she asked, hearing the voice of a young man come out.
Mahad smiled in amusement. “Yes. Impressive, isn’t it?” he replied in Mana’s voice.
“It is, but it’s too weird,” she said. She looked down again and shook her head. “I never realized how tall you are.”
“Neither did I; having your body is making me appreciate it more.”
“Where did you find this spell?”
“In a book of strange and arcane spells. This particular one can be amusing or dangerous depending on who uses it.”
“Speaking of which, could we switch back now? I mean hearing you sound like me is getting creepy.”
Mahad laughed before casting the counter-spell. It had been amusing to have Mana’s body and voice for the brief time he had it. Perhaps he could use it as an entertainment trick later on. “I think there’s time for one more test, if you feel up to it.”
“What is it?” she asked warily.
“I’ll let you choose. I can have you think like an animal of your choosing or you and I can switch genders.”
“Switch genders? You mean I would be a male version of myself?”
“Right and I would be female.”
Mana smiled. “Then, that’s the only I choose and maybe we could stay that way for my lesson?”
“All right. I’ll cast the counter spell after your lesson.” He put a hand on himself and pointed at Mana with the other before chanting the gender switch spell. He felt energy flow from his hand to his finger and back again. He heard Mana gasp in a deeper voice and felt a weight on his chest before the energy faded. He opened his eyes to see a male Mana before him. Her long dark hair had shortened to her broad shoulders. Her face had angles instead of curves and her chest was flat. Her outfit had altered to the appropriate attire of a male apprentice.
Mana opened his eyes and focused on Mahad. “Master!” he gasped. “You’re beautiful!”
Mahad looked down to see that her clothes had altered to a priestess’ robes and she ran her slender hands down to find the cloth adhering to a shapely body and her legs tightly bound to her knees. The top part of the robe accommodated a pair of large breasts. She ran a hand down her back to find that her hair was longer. She smiled at her student. “Thanks. You’re a rather handsome boy,” she said in a higher voice. “Oh and for the lesson, it’s Mistress.”
“Oh, right.”
“Now, let’s begin the lesson.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Mahad supervised the changing of the guards before retiring for the night. His lesson with Mana was satisfying despite the gender switch. Mana seemed to enjoy being male the whole time while Mahad found it awkward having a female body. He didn’t feel that way when he switched bodies with Mana and surmised that it was because one, it wasn’t his body and two, Mana’s body already had its own movements. His natural movements felt awkward to his gender-switched body.
Thank goodness when the lesson ended. I think I’ll test the other one on her, but let her choose the animal as it would only be fair. Mahad removed his hat and the Ring before curling up in bed. It had been a long day and he was worn out. He had used a good deal of magic today and needed a good long sleep and some food in the morning to replenish it. He rolled over and was instantly asleep.
Chapter Three- Throne Room Attack
Mahad oversaw the change from night shift to day shift before heading off to get some fruit, bread, and water to eat and drink. Afterwards, he headed for the Throne Room. He felt a lot better after a night’s sleep and some food. His magic’s energy was at full strength and knew he’d be able to cast any spell he desired. He entered to see four members of the court. “Where is Master Aknadin?” he asked as he took his place.
“He claimed a touch of illness, but should be along,” Seto replied.
Atem entered several minutes later with Siamun behind him saying, “Master Aknadin is feeling a little ill, but assures me he’ll be here soon.”
“Then, we’ll wait,” Atem said as he sat.
“And in the meantime, we could share non-business news,” Siamun said looking at the group. “Anything at all.”
“I noticed Mahad doing a good deal of studying of one particular book,” Shada said.
“Really?” Siamun said, intrigued.
Mahad cleared his throat. “I was looking at unusual spells. Mana and I tested a couple of them yesterday.”
“What were they?” Atem asked curiously.
“Well, the first one we switched bodies briefly.”
Seto snickered slightly and Isis covered up a smile. Mahad raised an eyebrow. “You find it funny, Seto?” he asked with a false warning in his tone that nonetheless sounded genuine.
“I do. The powerful Mahad in his student’s body.”
“Well, I also found it interesting and bit amusing at seeing her reaction to being in my body. The other spell, I didn’t find amusing. It was a gender switch spell.”
Isis gasped. “You were a woman?”
“Yes and Mana was a boy. She rather enjoyed that.”
Atem came down to Mahad. “Do you think you could cast one of those now?” he asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.
“I would be interested in letting someone else be pharaoh for a day.”
“You would?” Seto gasped.
“Yes. Perhaps you’d like to be first?”
Before Seto could reply, there were two growls as black wolves ran in, eyes locked on Atem.
Aknadin stood outside the Throne Room, listening to the sounds of easy conversation, but focused on the magic in him to call forth the dark wolves. He sensed the magic gathering in his Eye and thought, I call upon two dark wolves to attack Atem and inflict cursed bites. He pictured what he desired. A bright flash occurred and two wolves erupted from the Eye. He imagined wolves of shadow but these were living wolves! Oh, well, he thought before saying, “Kill the pharaoh. If someone other than Seto gets in the way, kill them too.” He pointed at the entrance and the wolves charged.
Mahad interposed himself between Atem and the wolves. It was clear that the pharaoh was the target and he was not going to let them near the king. The others spread out to surround the wolves, Seto drawing a sword from one of the guards. The wolves growled before sprinting so fast that they blew past the others before the others could blink. Mahad put his arms out to block Atem from sight. One wolf leaped at Mahad, knocking him down while the other went for Atem. Both wolves delivered shallow yet painful bites to the arms, Mahad’s left and Atem’s right, causing both to scream.
The wolves suddenly released and yelped as they were hit from behind. They whirled around and froze at the sight of Seto. They couldn’t attack him, their master had forbidden it. Their hesitation gave Seto the chance to swing his sword and slice open their throats. Their blood poured between their victims as they fell.
Mahad grasped his wound and his magical sense tingled. These are cursed bites, he realized. They’re not deep, but they’re fatal.
“It’s not stopping,” Isis cried in alarm. “They’re going to bleed to death!”
“No,” Mahad groaned. He reached out with his right hand and scooped up some of the wolf blood and began to chant the Blood Ties spell. He poured the blood into his wound and it closed up. He scooped up more blood still chanting and poured it into Atem’s wound. Atem gasped at the blood burning through him as his wound healed and Mahad gasped at the same time. It worked, he thought. I felt Atem’s pain. Our lives are now tied together.
“Mahad, what have you done?” Isis asked, shocked at the healed wounds.
“Saved our lives in the only way I could,” he replied as he struggled to sitting. “My magic told me the bites were cursed to be fatal. I utilized a spell called Blood Ties. It ties two people’s lives together by sharing blood with each other. An alternative is to share the blood of the same animal, though it does carry an unknown side effect.”
“So we’re bound to each other?” Atem asked weakly as he sat up.
Mahad nodded. “I could not let you die. I guess I could have tied you to someone else, but there was no time to explain.”
“Maybe, but you would have died before completing the spell and we both would have died.”
“The pharaoh’s right,” Seto said. “This way, you both are still alive. We could not lose both of you.”
At that moment, Aknadin came in. “I am sorry I’m late but- what happened?” he began, but gasped at the sight of the dead wolves and the blood on Mahad, Atem, Seto, and Isis.
“Siamun, tell me while we get cleaned up,” Atem said. He pointed at the floor. “Have that attended to as well.” He left the room with his three court members in tow.
“Tied together?” Aknadin repeated, minutes later. “What exactly does that mean?”
“It means killing us won’t be easy now. Any wound we sustain will heal quickly. The thing is…we would feel the other’s pain.” Mahad looked at Atem. “I knew it worked when I felt the burning you felt earlier.”
“So we’re sharing blood and pain? You said that using animal blood has unknown side effects. Thus far, it seems none are present.”
Mahad nodded. Atem had a point. He felt no ill effects from putting wolf blood in their bodies. He was glad that no one was angry at him for using the spell. And why would they be? By using it, I saved Atem’s life and he can’t be killed unless we’re killed together. In essence, I’ve made us immortal. Mahad’s mind whirled at this implication. Atem and he could live possibly forever. I need to speak to Atem alone and tell him everything about the spell.
Chapter Four- Side Effect
Kingdom business proceeded and everything seemed normal, but to Atem it didn’t feel normal. He felt restless and anxious. He couldn’t explain why he felt this way but suspected that it had do with the wolf blood flowing through him. His eyes flicked to Mahad. Is he feeling the same way? He could be. He reflected on the attack and realized that this could have been the prediction that Isis saw. Those wolves were focused on me and Mahad using the Blood Ties spell is certainly life-changing. I am not angry that Mahad used it. We were both losing a lot of blood and desperate measures had to be used to save our lives. Besides, if my life has to be tied to someone else’s, I’m glad it’s my best friend.
Mahad felt restless and anxious as well. He couldn’t explain the former, but was sure his anxiousness was because of his urgency to speak to Atem alone. The court meeting extended to make up for the attack and aftermath. It was difficult for Mahad to stay still. He wanted to move about, to do more than just standing around. He kept this feeling buried and showed attentiveness.
It was almost dark when Atem decided to call an end. He chose to keep court open to combat his odd feelings only to find they got worse as the day progressed. He ended court as he couldn’t stand it anymore. He quickly descended the stairs and to his surprise, began swiftly pacing back and forth in front of the stairs. His movement concerned the others.
“My pharaoh, what is the matter?” asked Siamun.
Atem shook his head as he continued to pace. “I don’t know. I just can’t stay still.”
Mahad shifted on his feet. “I too feel this way.” He looked out the door to the balcony to see the sun vanish and darkness settle over the city. A hand flew to his forehead as his head throbbed and he saw Atem do the same. He was sure the headache was his and due to the spell, Atem felt it.
A burning sensation spread up and down his body and he and Atem gasped together at it. Mahad saw his clothes sink into his skin and revealing himself covered in fur the same color as his hair that had already become fur. He was stunned as his hands conformed into paws, sharp claws concealed within. His arms became legs with enlarged muscles. His body grew longer and muscular as his knees changed direction, forcing him to all fours as his feet became paws. A tail grew out behind him while he grew a muzzle and pointed ears. His eyes turned gold and a howl sounded with another howl sounding nearby. He opened his eyes to see a black wolf with gold eyes and wearing jewelry, the Puzzle most prominent.
“Pharaoh? Mahad?” Isis said, voice trembling.
Mahad shook his head. “Isis?” he replied, his sharp teeth clicking as he spoke.
“You can still talk?” she gasped.
“Of course. It appears only my body changed.” He looked down to see his forelegs still had cuffs and the Ring still around his neck.
“Could this be the side effect of using wolf blood in the spell?” Atem asked as he came over, staggering a little as he tried to adjust to walking on four legs.
“It’s quite likely and as it’s not the full moon it’s possible we will be wolves every night,” Mahad said.
“Every…night?” Atem repeated.
“Let’s not say that for certain,” Seto said. “This could be only on the full moon with tonight getting you adjusted to the change.”
Mahad thought that unlikely. He was confident that he and Atem would become wolves every night for life which could be endless. I still need to talk to him.
The other priests were filing out of the room and Atem was about to follow when Mahad held out a leg. “My pharaoh, wait please.” He stopped and looked into Mahad’s gold eyes. “What is it, Mahad?”
“There’s one last thing about the spell I feel should stay between us. By tying our lives together, we can’t die unless we die at the same time. I believe we’ve become immortal, in a way.”
“Immortal? So we’re sharing blood, pain, and longevity while becoming wolves every night.”
“You believe what I said about that instead of Seto?”
“You’re my friend, Mahad. You’ve always been open and honest with me. I have no reason to doubt you.”
Mahad’s tail twitched slightly. He wasn’t being completely honest with Atem. He hadn’t confessed his love for him and considering that Atem described him as a friend, it seemed his true feelings would stay hidden. If we don’t get killed together or kill each other, eternity looks a lot longer to me.
He saw Atem wander over to the balcony and Mahad followed, noticing that while they both walked on four legs, he was still taller than Atem. The pharaoh reared up and placed his forepaws on the railing, the Puzzle also resting on the railing. Mahad mimicked the action and for a while there was silence and Mahad wondered if Atem was contemplating the fact that he would spend his nights as a wolf now.
“Whoa,” Atem said softly and with awe. “Mahad, I can see everything clearly. Night has become day.”
Mahad turned his gaze to the city below and gaped at the clarity. “You are correct. Our eyes have night vision. Incredible.”
“Wolves do have sharper senses, right?” Atem asked, his ears turning in one direction and then the other.
“Correct.” Mahad inhaled deeply and sneezed. “Okay, getting used to the sharper nose will take time.”
“I imagine, but the hearing is amazing. I’m picking up sounds I never would have heard before.” Atem yawned at that point and Mahad gave a wolf’s grin.
“You need rest, my pharaoh.”
“Yes,” he said softly as he dropped back to four paws. Mahad also did so and followed the black wolf out of the room. He saw to it that Atem made it back to his room safely before heading for his room, truly paying attention to his body’s movements. He walked on all fours so easily and wondered if it was instinct. His muscles rippled as he moved and suspected he was stronger and faster in this form. I have the body of a wolf, but I still have my human mind. He rounded a corner to find the rest of the Sacred Court lining the corridor, their expressions neutral. For a few moments no one moved or spoke.
“You did not have to use the wolf blood,” Seto said at last. “You could have used two of us and explained afterwards.”
Seto’s words took some of the joy of being a wolf out of him. He sighed as he sat and bowed his head. “You are right. I acted rashly and now the pharaoh and I are cursed.”
“Cursed?” Isis said. She knelt and lifted Mahad’s head. “You are not cursed and neither is the pharaoh.”
“But Seto is right.”
“Yes, but you did what you thought was right and you were both losing too much blood to live much longer.” She shot Seto a scolding look before turning back to Mahad and her fingers ran back and forth across the fur on Mahad’s lower jaw.
Mahad gave a hum of contentment and his eyes went half-lidded. “Oh, that feels good,” he sighed softly. His tail swished slightly.
Isis smiled at Mahad’s reaction to her scratching. He was allowing a little wolf motion to show; the swishing tail, for example. Perhaps this isn’t so bad. Mahad is still the same, he just takes a different form at night as does the pharaoh. “Well, let us all get some rest,” she said at last, pulling back and standing. Everyone agreed and headed to bed, tired. Aknadin wasn’t actually tired, he was furious. Atem didn’t die; instead he became harder to kill thanks to Mahad’s spell and the side effect of having wolf blood in him which wouldn’t have happened if the wolves had been shadow like he desired.
I will just have to have him attacked again. Perhaps control a guard to kill him. Yes and this time I’ll wait until he is alone. Aknadin smiled evilly as he went to bed, plotting his new scheme.
Chapter Five- Protection
Atem awoke to find himself on his side with his arms and legs lying on top of its limb counterpart, arm on arm and leg on leg. He knew it was because he had laid down like that last night. He rolled onto his back, relieved to do so. He had tried to lie on his back, but it was uncomfortable for his spine and tail so he settled for sleeping on his side. I will adjust to it as I will be a wolf every night for life. But, I can live with that and it’s kind of cool being a wolf. I do wonder if it will hurt again. I felt the pain of Mahad’s headache and then we both felt the burning sensation of our fur growing out. Atem sat up and got out of bed. He had much to do before nightfall and he was ready to get started.
He strode down the hall, seeing fewer guards. I was correct, he thought. Yesterday’s attack was Isis’ prediction. He detected two sets of footsteps. One was coming toward him with a calm stride while the other was coming behind him with rapid steps. He turned and a spear struck him in the chest near the heart. He gasped at the thrust and looked up to see a guard holding it and his hands gripped the handle that suggested he was going to rip it up or down his body. Atem acted fast; he gripped the handle and pulled back, yelling in pain as he did so. He collapsed to the floor, a hand over his wound and he looked up to see the guard ready to attack again.
Seto then appeared and used his Rod to knock the spear aside. Two guards came up behind Seto to seize the attacker as the priest knelt beside Atem. “My pharaoh, how bad is it? Please let me see.”
Atem took a shallow breath before removing his hand which had blood on it. There was a definite hole in his clothes but the wound itself was gone, completely healed.
“So, it’s true,” Seto said. “Wounds do heal quickly. You are harder to kill.”
Mahad came up behind Seto, gasping and rubbing his chest where Atem had been stabbed. Seto looked up and over at him. “You recovered,” he remarked.
The magician gave him an irritated look. “There’s only so much I can do when I feel like I got stabbed. I was lucky the court heard me cry out.”
“So you were coming toward me?” Atem asked as Seto helped him up.
“I was. I had planned to ask if you would like to go to the courtyard tonight. Test our senses a little more.”
Atem smiled. “I like that. Very well, we’ll go to the courtyard tonight.”
The trio entered the Throne Room to see the attacking guards struggling against the ones holding him. “I attacked the pharaoh?” he cried as Atem took his seat and the priests lined up. “No, I couldn’t have! I would never do that! I don’t remember doing it!”
“We will soon see,” Seto informed him.
Kalim held up the Scales for a few moments. “I sense no evil in his heart.”
Shada went next. “The Key sees no monster in him.”
“What does all that mean?” Atem asked. “That he was being controlled, perhaps?”
“Yes,” Mahad said slowly. “He claims no memory of the attack. Only someone being controlled would not remember what he did while under the outside influence.”
The guard hung his head. “Do what you must, pharaoh. I will accept my punishment.”
Atem bit his lip as he looked at his court. They all knew that attacking a pharaoh was a serious crime, but never had they had someone who wasn’t in control of himself or didn’t have any evil in him at the time of the attack.
“I recommend imprisonment for several moon cycles,” Mahad said. “After that, he will be exiled to our farthest security outpost.”
“Then, that’s what we’ll do,” Atem said. “Escort him to the dungeon.” He nodded at the guards. Once they were gone, Atem shook his head. “I don’t understand. It seems someone wants me dead. First the wolf attack and now this. If not for your spell Mahad, I would have died yesterday.”
“Pharaoh,” Seto said, kneeling. “It is my belief that you need a bodyguard. I would be willing to do it, at least during the day.”
Atem thought it over. Seto had fought off and defeated the wolves and the guard. He couldn’t have Mahad protect him. What if the next attack hit them fatally at the same time? He glanced sideways at Mahad who clearly had the same thought. He looked at Seto. “All right, Seto. You will watch out for me during the day until we find the source of these attacks.”
“Thank you, pharaoh.”
Siamun opened court and daily business began. Aknadin barely paid attention. His second attempt failed! It was clear the stab was sufficient to kill him, judging from the hole in the clothes and the dry blood around the edges of the cloth, but the wound itself was gone. He couldn’t understand how the guard failed…unless the pharaoh had yanked the spear out! Yes, he could have done that. It would explain the echoing yell we heard. And now, my son is offering his services as a bodyguard which the pharaoh has accepted. I cannot attack him during the day and any nighttime attack would not do as it may trigger the pharaoh’s wolf instinct of self-preservation. Now, what do I do?
Mahad was relieved that Seto suggested protection and volunteered for the position. No one but the pharaoh and he knew of their fatal same time kill. He couldn’t watch Atem to protect him at least during the day. He could do night protection as he would be faster and have claws and teeth as weapons. Atem would have those advantages as well and that would serve to keep them safe.
Keep us safe? Why am I even thinking of claws and teeth as weapons? Am I being influenced to be defensive or aggressive in wolf form? No, I must not. I merely want to protect Atem because I made a vow to protect and serve him and also because I love him, not that he know that and I can never tell him.
Atem now felt completely safe. Seto would watch over him during the day and Mahad would take over at night. Attackers would be foolish to target wolves and unless someone saw them change, no one would think to target wolves, even ones wearing jewelry. We probably look like royal pets, he thought in amusement. He shifted his thought to the attacks themselves. It was obvious that he was targeted often, but these threats were usually rooted out and the attempted attacker caught. There were usually stretches of peace between the threats as well.
But this, he thought. Two attacks in two days. Both at the start of the day. I somewhat recall that the wolves hesitated to attack Seto but had no issue of attacking Mahad. Why the hesitation? Did the one who unleashed them have a soft spot for Seto…or is Seto the attacker? He shook his head slightly. No. If that was so, he wouldn’t have saved me this morning. No, it’s someone else.
Court was adjourned at the normal time and everyone filed out except for Siamun and Seto, the latter doing his new duty as protector. Atem closed his eyes briefly to focus on the attacks. He opened them to see the concerned faces of his company. “Pharaoh?” Siamun inquired.
“I’ve been thinking of the last two days and the attacks. I feel they’re related. Who could be able to send wolves and control a guard to kill me? Why would this person want me dead? I have reason to believe that they have a soft spot for you, Seto. The wolves didn’t hesitate to attack Mahad, but paused when they saw you.”
Seto nodded. “I noticed that too. I can’t imagine who that would be. But, rest easy, my pharaoh. I will not allow another daytime attack and Mahad will keep you safe at night.” And I will try to solve the mystery of your attacker, too, he added to himself.
Chapter Six- Discoveries
Mahad dismissed his students with a slightly distracted air. He was concerned about Atem’s safety and knew day and night protection could do the trick. He heard the faint sound of footsteps that he wouldn’t have heard before last night. My senses are still sharp even when human, he realized as Mana came into the room.
“Master, I heard about the attack yesterday. I’m so glad you and the pharaoh are all right. Are you really tied to each other?”
“In the sense that my life is tied to his life, yes. It was the only way to save him. The side effect was a bit unexpected, but acceptable given it could have been worse.”
“You mean you actually turned into wolves?” Mana asked, sounding scared.
“We did, but it’s only our bodies that changed. Our minds are still human and we can talk.”
“Oh, that’s good.”
“All right, let’s move on to your lesson.”
“Master, I have a request,” Mana said as the lesson ended.
“What is it?” he asked.
“Could we, maybe…switch bodies for the rest of the day? At least until sunset?”
“Really? You found it weird last time.”
“Yes, but I thought it over and I kind of liked it.”
Mahad smiled. “Well, it could be fun to be in your body the rest of the day. Okay, I agree to your request.” He put a finger to Mana’s forehead and another on his as he chanted the body switch spell. He sensed the magic flowing from his fingers but then it rebounded and Mahad staggered back from the mental force.
“Master, what’s wrong? Why didn’t we switch?” Mana asked.
“I…don’t know. Everything was exactly the same as last time…except…yesterday’s spell. Perhaps two linked people cannot participate in such spells except with each other.”
“So, we can’t switch anymore?”
“It would seem so. I can perform them but not on myself unless the pharaoh is the volunteer.”
“What about the spell that would make me think like an animal?”
“You would let me use that?”
“Not all day. Just for a short time and remember: My choice.”
“Of course. So, which animal?”
“Um, maybe…a cat?”
“A cat.” Mahad smiled in amusement. “That sounds perfect for you.” He went up to her and put his hand on her head before murmuring the spell, keeping the end result in his mind. He finished the spell, removed his hand, and waited.
She shook her head and then went to her hands and knees, meowing. She moved to him and rubbed against his legs, purring despite her human body. He smiled at her affectionate mood and crouched down to pet her. He reached out a hand when she suddenly backed up, hissing and arching her back. He pulled back, confused. Why was she defensive now? He saw her nose flaring and he did so, too. At first, he got a myriad of scents before the smell of a feline became clear.
Mana’s giving off a cat scent even though she only thinks like a cat? Is it possible she smells a wolf scent on me and that’s why she’s acting this way? Mahad was still crouched and held out his hand palm down. “Mana,” he said soothingly. “Mana, it’s me. You recognized me earlier as a human. You probably think I’m an enemy, but I’m not. Come here, Mana. Let me undo the spell.” He reached for her. Mana hissed and swiped her hand like a paw.
Mahad yelped and pulled back to see three scratches on his hand as a result of Mana’s nails. The marks healed over and he began to formulate a different plan when he heard Seto’s voice say, “Mahad, what are you doing in here? The pharaoh felt pain jut now.” Atem appeared behind Seto, rubbing his hand.
Mana whirled around, hissed when she saw Atem, and fled to a far corner of the room. Mahad sighed. “Mana wanted me to test a spell to have someone think like an animal. As you can see, she chose cat. She smells a wolf scent on me and when I reached out to undo the spell, she scratched me.”
“That’s why she’s acting strange.” Seto smirked. “She thinks she’s a cat.”
“Seto, can you catch her? She’ll try to attack again if I approach her.”
“Of course. Pharaoh, stay by Mahad.” The young priest approached Mana, speaking softly and gently. She responded by rubbing and licking a hand. Seto seized her around the middle, pinning her arms to her sides. She squirmed and meowed in protest before hissing as Mahad came over. He put a hand on her head and chanted the counter spell. Mana stopped hissing and squirming, blinking in confusion. “What…happened?”
Mahad shook his head. “I didn’t realize I smell like a wolf while human in addition to sharper senses.”
“You noticed that too?” Atem said as they headed to the courtyard. “I detected faint footsteps this morning.”
“I noticed the same thing when Mana was coming for her lesson.”
“My question is why did she want you to test that spell on her?”
“She really wanted to switch bodies with me, but apparently the Blood Ties spell prevents that unless it’s you.”
Atem gave a small smile. “Well, that stops criminals who would want to take over my body.”
Mahad nodded as the sun vanished. He felt his fur grow out and saw Atem’s also growing. The transformation was quick and painless this time with no howl from either of them as they were acknowledging the lack of pain. “Perhaps last night hurt because it was the first time and our bodies were adjusting to that,” Mahad suggested.
“Makes sense.” Atem lifted his head and breathed deeply. He shook his head. “Whoa. Too many smells at once. Wait.” His nose flared before he turned, went up to Mahad and sniffed. “Ah. I picked up your scent. It was so clear; it came out above the others.”
Mahad flared his nose and an enticing scent floated to him: Atem. “Hmm, I just got your scent. This must be how wolves recognize one another.”
“Must be.” One of Atem’s ears turned to the side. “You hear that?”
Mahad turned his ear. “Yes. The night shift guard is heading out. We normally wouldn’t hear them.”
Atem flexed his paws to expose the sharp claws within. “These would definitely do sufficient damage.”
“As would these.” Mahad tapped a paw to his teeth. “But I don’t intend to use them except in self-defense.”
“Same here, my friend.” He turned to see the empty courtyard before glancing back at Mahad. “Let’s see how fast we are. First one to complete three laps around the courtyard wins. The starting and finishing point is right here.”
“Ready? Go!” Mahad took off with Atem behind him, both laughing.
Seto watched Mahad and Atem enter the courtyard before heading inside. It had been strange to see the two of them react to pain when there was nothing near them to cause it. It seemed no matter how far apart they were, they would feel the other’s pain. That’s their problem. Mine are keeping the pharaoh safe from attacks and who launched yesterday and today’s attacks.
He heard a low roar of fury as he passed Aknadin’s room. He paused, wondering if he should check on his mentor. He raised his fist to knock when Aknadin began to rant. Seto tilted his head to hear better.
“I must find a way to kill the pharaoh! There has to be a way. My wolves failed and the guard failed, but I will succeed and my son Seto will be pharaoh!”
Seto’s eyes widened as he fled to his room. Once there, he gasped loudly. Master Aknadin was the attacker!? He’s been trying to kill the pharaoh just to put me on the throne!? I can’t believe it and most of all, he’s my father! I must tell the pharaoh at once! This cannot wait until morning!
Chapter Seven- Revelations
Atem flopped onto his side panting before Mahad flopped down beside him. Their sides rose and fell rapidly as they worked to regain their breaths. “That…was…great,” Atem panted.
“Indeed. You are…very fast…my pharaoh.”
“You’re not…so bad…yourself.” Atem pulled himself up so that he was lying on his stomach instead of his side. He looked at the gasping, panting brown wolf. He had long had a thing for Mahad, but kept it secret. It didn’t seem appropriate to have a romantic interest in his priest and best friend but Atem didn’t care of what was and wasn’t appropriate. He loved Mahad though Mahad didn’t love him. He then became aware that Mahad seemed to be staring at him. “Mahad? Are you all right?”
Mahad blinked. “Yes, my pharaoh.”
“You seemed to be staring at me. I’m that good-looking as a wolf?” he teased.
“You’re good-looking no matter what form you’re in.”
Atem heard an almost loving tone in Mahad’s voice. His heart pounded. Was it possible? He got up and went nose-to-nose with Mahad and he detected a light scent of pheromones. It seems it is possible. “Mahad, you are my friend, right?”
“Of course. I also love you.” Mahad’s eyes widened and a paw went to his mouth. “I didn’t mean that!” he exclaimed hurriedly. “Please forget I said that!”
Atem’s tail swished. “No, I won’t forget it. I love you too Mahad.”
Mahad looked up. “You do?”
“I have for years but it didn’t seem appropriate. However, I didn’t care if it was or wasn’t.”
“I fell for you when you were about to become pharaoh. I thought you just thought of me as a friend.”
“Well, now you’re more than that. I want you as my life partner. We’re already tied to each other through blood.”
Mahad stood and dipped his head. “Yes, pharaoh. I wish to be your life partner as well.”
“Done. We will tell the court in the morning.” He rubbed his cheek against Mahad’s and the brown wolf gave a low growl of affection.
A scent tickled Atem’s nose and he headed to the entrance. Mahad turned around. “Pharaoh?”
“Seto’s coming. I recognize his scent since I’ve been with him all day.”
Seto came dashing into view and up to Atem, bowing. “My pharaoh, I have shocking news.”
“What is it?”
“Master Aknadin is the one who planned the attacks by the wolves and the guard. I heard him.”
“But, why?” Atem whispered, stunned. One of his priests was trying to kill him? It was hard to believe.
“He, he,” Seto swallowed hard. “He wants me to rule. He referred to me as-as his son!”
“What!?” Atem gasped. “He’s your father!? How is that possible? He’s lived in the palace for a long time. He served my father.”
“Shall I have him arrested?” Seto looked at both wolves. They exchanged looks.
“Do it,” Atem said. “Tell the guard Mahad’s given his approval. We will question him in the morning.”
Seto bowed and left. Atem shook his head. “I can’t believe it. I trusted him. Why would he turn on me?”
“That’s something we can ask him.” He nuzzled Atem’s cheek. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you and neither will the others.”
Atem sighed at the touch. “You’re right. I’m going to get some sleep.” He padded inside with Mahad behind him. They reached the room and Mahad said, “Sleep well, pharaoh.”
“I’d prefer Atem from you when we’re alone and I would like to have you in my bed.”
“We’re life partners now. It’s only fitting that we share a bed.”
Mahad’s tail swished rapidly. “All right. I’ll join you.” He followed Atem inside and shut the door.
Mahad led Atem into the Throne Room to see a somber court; they knew what Seto had learned and that he was personally escorting his father up. Atem sat, brooding on what to do. How do you punish a trusted servant and a Millennium Item holder at that? “Siamun, this situation is unusual. Any advice on how to proceed?”
“We must first understand his motives. Then we must strip his of priesthood and his Item. I believe life imprisonment will insure he cannot try to harm you again.”
Atem nodded. “Then, that’s what we shall do.” He detected footsteps and knew that it was his sharp hearing as only Mahad looked in the same direction. Minutes later, Seto and three guards entered with Aknadin, hands bound behind his back. They stopped halfway up and Seto took his place. Atem stood and looked at his priest. “Seto told me what he overheard,” he began, his voice soft and sad, but it still carried. “I would like to hear why you chose to have me killed.”
Aknadin glared at Atem with such hate the young pharaoh was taken aback. “You know why. I want Seto to rule. He is far more qualified, more deserving.”
“How could you think that?” Seto demanded. “Why would I be more deserving? I have no reason or desire to be pharaoh.”
“You are royal, my son. The previous pharaoh was my brother.”
There was a collective gasp and Atem said, “You’re…my uncle?”
“That’s right which means you and Seto are cousins.”
Atem and Seto locked eyes as if truly seeing each other for the first time. All this time, I had family and I have to punish one of them.
Seto drew himself up. “Father or not, attacking the pharaoh is a serious crime as you know.”
“I know.”
Atem was struck by how cold and uncaring Aknadin sounded. How is this possible? he wondered. Shaking off his stunned feeling, he said, “Priest Aknadin, for your crimes I strip you of the priesthood and the Millennium Eye. You will also be sentenced to life in the dungeons.” The Puzzle glowed as Atem held out a hand. Aknadin’s Eye glowed as it was removed from the old man and it floated over to Siamun who pocketed it. His Item and title gone, Aknadin was escorted to the dungeon.
“My pharaoh,” Seto said, kneeling. “I swear this revelation changes nothing. I will still faithfully serve you.”
“I believe you. Now, I have a happy matter to announce. Last night, I found my life partner.”
There was a quick exchange of knowing looks before Kalim said, “It is Mahad, isn’t it, my pharaoh?”
“Correct. We have been interested in each other for some time and finally admitted it.”
“That’s wonderful,” Isis said. “I am happy for both of you.” The others nodded in agreement and smiles were given to both of them.
“Master Siamun, you approve of this?” Mahad asked. “I was under the impression it was…inappropriate.”
“Nonsense particularly considering the circumstances. The two of you are already tied together; being partners is only natural. The city will be told of your union to the pharaoh but not of the spell. It will be said that it is simple attraction.”
The announcement of Atem and Mahad’s union was announced to the city after court had adjourned. They returned to the Throne Room in the afternoon for a private celebration. They talked, laughed, ate, and drank as they discussed the union.
“Of course you will share a bed,” Siamun said. “And Mahad, you will also assume the duties of a pharaoh in addition to your other duties.”
Mahad’s heart pounded upon hearing that. His marriage to Atem would make him a pharaoh as well. It was a matter he never gave a thought to when he fell for Atem.
“Mahad, I’m curious,” Seto said. “That spell Mana tested for you. Why did she do that?”
“It wasn’t her first choice. She had asked to switch bodies but the Blood Ties makes it so I can’t use such spells on myself unless it’s with the pharaoh.”
“I see.” Seto smirked.
“You still find it amusing that I was in her body briefly.”
“Yes and as you and the pharaoh are tied, no one else can be pharaoh for a day.”
“That doesn’t disappoint you, does it?” Mahad cocked an eyebrow.
“Not one bit.”
Isis came up beside Seto. “Perhaps we could switch, Seto.”
Seto looked at her in surprise. “What?”
Mahad smiled slightly. “That would be…interesting. My question is would you like to switch bodies or genders?”
“Bodies,” Isis said firmly and quickly. “And perhaps reverse it in the morning.”
“What!?” Seto yelped.
“I could do that. I suspect I can’t perform magic without hands so if I’m to switch you now, it would have to wait for morning to be reversed.”
“Then do it, Mahad,” Isis asked.
Mahad put a finger on Isis’ forehead and another on Seto’s forehead before chanting the spell. He saw both of their eyes go blank for a moment before returning to normal. He lowered his hands and stepped back as Isis and Seto stared at each other.
“Oh, gods,” Seto gasped in Isis’ voice, staring down. “I’m a woman.”
Isis smiled in amusement that seemed odd on Seto’s face. “Get used to it, Seto,” she said in Seto’s voice. “Night has fallen.” She pointed at Mahad who was a wolf again.
Seto moaned. “You couldn’t have let me voice my preference?”
“Well, what would you have said?” Isis cocked an eyebrow.
Seto then blushed before saying softly, “Bodies.” He blushed harder as everyone gently laughed.
Atem snuggled his back against Mahad’s stomach and Mahad draped a foreleg and back leg over the black wolf’s body. “Well, confessing our love went smoother than I thought. Of course being tied together certainly helped.”
“Mmm,” Mahad murmured. “I’m a little nervous about being a pharaoh.”
“I’ll help you in those duties. I’ll start by describing them tomorrow. The official ceremony isn’t for two days.”
“Thank you, Atem.”
“You’re welcome.” Atem closed his eyes. Despite Aknadin’s betrayal, he felt his life was complete. He had a life partner and in two days, the city would be ruled by two pharaohs. Oh, yes. I am quite happy.
There was much celebrating in the Throne Room two days later. The citizens talked, ate, and watched the entertainment. Various citizens would approach the steps to offer best wishes and congratulations to the couple.
Mahad felt a bit uncomfortable in his new clothes. Even though he was still a priest, he was required to be dressed as a ruler. He shifted slightly in the throne beside Atem’s; it was so strange to be sitting above everyone. You better get used to it, he told himself. Siamun will come out with a crown soon and you’ll be a pharaoh. He felt Atem’s hand on his and looked over.
“I know how different and strange this is for you. Just know that I’m here to help.”
“I appreciate that, Atem.”
The doors opened and the people stood as Siamun entered, a crown gleaming in his hands. He ascended the steps and turned to face the crowd. “Welcome to this happy occasion. We are here to celebrate the happy union of Pharaoh Atem and Priest Mahad. As tradition dictates, it is my duty to crown a new pharaoh and his wife. I am proud to add to that tradition: The crowning of the pharaoh’s life partner.” He turned to Mahad and gestured. The priest stood and knelt as Siamun lowered the crown. “Priest Mahad, by tradition and duty I name you Pharaoh Mahad.” He placed the crown on Mahad’s head. “Rise, pharaoh.”
Mahad stood and Siamun and the people kneeled before him. He saw Atem tilt his head, indicating he should address his subjects.
Mahad cleared his throat. “It pleases me that you all support our union and I promise to rule to the best of my ability.” He sat and the crowd chanted his new title. He felt good at being addressed thus, though strange as it sounded at this time. He knew then that he wanted to make sure that the people lived long happy lives. Atem and I will do everything possible to make that happen. After all, our reign could be eternal.