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Blood Moon Curse

Disclaimer: I don’t own Aladdin. This takes place after the series’ finale but before the third movie.

Chapter One- Family Secret

The Sultan of Agrabah moaned softly once Razoul had left after giving a report on the citizens’ preparations for today. The Blood Moon Eclipse was today; a very rare occurrence to behold and one he had hoped to not see. Jasmine must be informed so that she is prepared.

He rose from his seat and went in search of his daughter. He found her in her room, wearing a special outfit for the occasion and was re-doing her hair at her vanity. “Jasmine,” he said and she turned to him with a bright smile.

“Hi, Father,” she said as she applied her last hair tie. “We are going to see the eclipse among the people, right?”

“We could, dearest, but we could also just watch from the palace.”

Jasmine sighed in exasperation. I thought I made it clear that I like to be outside the palace in order to experience life. “Father, this eclipse does not occur very often and I would like to appreciate it with everyone else.”

“I know but for our family, the Blood Moon eclipse is a cursed event, especially for the youngest member.”

“Cursed?” she repeated, not liking the ominous tone in Sultan’s voice.

“Several generations ago, the Sultan had two sons and back then, the princesses came to visit the princes. Well, the eldest had his chosen bride and left to rule her kingdom. When the youngest came of age, a Sultan arrived with his daughter and though the marriage would have had an economic benefit, he rejected them and that Sultan then revealed that he was also a wizard and put a curse on our family in revenge. He declared that on every Blood Moon eclipse the youngest member of our family would transform into a two-legged wolf who would desire to turn others into werewolves or wifewolves. After that, the cursed royal and those he or she bit would take wolf form every night but only the royal could still turn others during those nights as well. As it so happened, the eclipse occurred not long after the curse was laid. Everyone in our family has carried the curse and hoping to not see the eclipse.”

“So, I’ll become a two-legged wolf during the eclipse and every night afterwards?”

“Two-legged on any solar eclipse or full moon but a four-legged one on the other nights.”

“I assume there are records on this curse?”

“There are and I can show them to you right now, if you like.”

“Yes, please.” Jasmine followed Sultan out of her room and down into the palace archives. She needed to know everything about the curse so that she was prepared. She didn’t doubt her father’s words for he rarely lied to her. He wouldn’t tell me that story if it wasn’t true.

Sultan led Jasmine to a lamp-lit table before leaving and returning with very old scrolls. Jasmine gently unrolled them and began to read. The first one spoke of the curse’s origin exactly as Sultan had said. The other scrolls were more like journals that had been written by every prince or princess who had fallen victim to the curse and it explained why the princes now visited Agrabah: In case the curse occurred. The journals were repetitious with them being told of the curse as well as the weakness to silver, craving meat, and the desire to turn others. One prince wrote of being seriously injured and only by consuming raw meat were those injuries healed; any minor injuries would heal almost instantly. Some writers believed the cure was real while others did not; it was their transformation that turned them into believers.

I already believe and these records provide concrete proof. I think I will also keep a journal so future generations will read of my part of the curse. And speaking of the curse, I should stay in the palace and Aladdin should know about it as it will spread to our offspring, though they will likely not fall victim to it. I will make sure that I don’t bite them. Jasmine put the scrolls away and then went looking for her fiancée.

She found him in the marketplace, looking forward to the eclipse, which would occur in the early afternoon, and was watching the peoples’ preparations. He had a big grin on his face upon seeing Jasmine but it faded when he saw her somber expression. “Jasmine, is everything okay? I mean, the eclipse is today and we’re the lucky ones to see it.”

“I’m not looking forward to it, to be honest,” she said.

“You’re not? Jasmine, eclipses are rare and should be eagerly awaited.”

“If it’s a lunar eclipse of course I would be excited, but solar ones are a different matter.”

“Different, how?”

“Could we discuss it back at the palace?” she asked anxiously. Concerned, Aladdin gave Genie a silent look and a nod before all six vanished and reappeared in the courtyard that was overlooked by Jasmine’s bedroom balcony. “Jasmine, what’s wrong?”

She sighed as she sat on the fountain’s edge. “Father just revealed that a curse was put on my family a long time ago that activates on the Blood Moon eclipse and affects the youngest member of the family; in this case, me.”

“What kind of curse?”

She looked up at Aladdin. “I’ll become a wifewolf.”

“A wife what?”

“Wifewolf. A female werewolf.”

She expected Aladdin to sit beside her, hug her, and say comforting words such as how awful it was that she was cursed and how he still loved her; instead he laughed.

“A werewolf?” he chuckled. “Jasmine, that’s absurd.”

“No, it’s not. It’s true. There are records of the curse in the archives. I just read them. During the eclipse, I’ll turn into a two-legged wolf who will want to turn others. I will be that way on every solar eclipse and full moon. On the other nights, I’ll be a four-legged wolf who can still turn others.

“If I bite anyone, they’ll be like me only they can’t turn anyone on the non-full moon nights.” She gave Aladdin a sad smile. “It’s best that I stay home to witness the eclipse. Promise that if I do get out that you’ll restrain me to keep me from biting.”

Aladdin nodded but still thought Jasmine’s claim of a curse and what would happen sounded crazy. The story, while believable, also sounded crazy. “Let’s go, Carpet,” he said as he, Abu, and Iago climbed on and left with Genie beside them.

“You believe her?” Iago asked.

Aladdin sighed. “I don’t know. I mean, of course not. The idea of Jasmine being cursed…” He shook his head. “I know curses are real, but this one is so specific and involved that it’s crazy. But, if it’s real, I will keep Jasmine from biting anyone.”

“Of course and we’ll help too,” Genie said as Abu nodded as well as Iago, albeit, reluctantly.

Sultan smiled at the suggestion Jasmine had just made. “Station guards to protect me?”

“I don’t want to bite any one and they can use silver against me.”

“Silver only weakens you and makes you feel ill as well as more aggressive as feeling weak and ill will anger you. Besides, your urge will be quite strong and you will eventually bite me. We both know this.”

“Maybe, but I would feel better if you had at least one guard as you refuse to lock me up.”

“Very well, dearest.” He watched Jasmine leave before gathering the guards. He quickly laid out the situation before concluding, “There is a likely possibility that the one protecting me will be bitten. The question is, which of you would be willing to take that risk?”

The guards exchanged looks before Razoul stepped forward and went to one knee. “I will risk it to keep you safe.”

“Very well, Razoul. Prepare the defense.”

Chapter Two- The Eclipse

Jasmine paced in the courtyard below her balcony. She looked up and saw a full moon with a bloody tinge to it, inching toward the sun. She watched it, a bit breathless. The eclipse itself will last several long minutes which is why it is such a rare eclipse. I only hope I don’t bite anyone, though it’s likely that I’ll bite Father. We both agreed on that.

It’ll hurt to change to a wolf. I have no doubt that I’ll think as a wolf and possibly an aggressive and vicious one due to the eclipse. But will I still be that way when the full moon rises tonight?

The moon moved closer as Jasmine pondered her coming transformation. The idea of her being a vicious wifewolf with no human thought scared her. There’s a chance I might get out of the palace and, if I do, Aladdin promised to restrain me which Genie could do with no problem. I don’t think Aladdin believed me after I explained it. He knows curses are real so I guess it’s the idea of me being cursed that he doubts. If he sees me change on a non-full moon night, then he’ll believe me.

The light around her was starting to fade and she looked up to see the moon beginning to move in front of the sun. The eclipse is truly beginning, she thought. She felt her heart beating faster and her breath quickening as the moon continued on its path.

She looked away from the occurring eclipse as she became occupied with her heartbeat and fast breathing. She saw the light fade more and a blood red light fell over the land. The eclipse was here.

Jasmine moaned as pain swept through her. She saw her limbs and torso grow bigger due to enlarging muscles and she saw her fingers widening and sprouting claws. She felt her teeth sharpen as her nose and mouth pushed out into a muzzle with new teeth filling in the gaps.

Her clothes faded away before black fur grew all over her as her hair became fur as well. She felt her legs crunching and popping but instead of groaning, she growled and snarled. Her toenails grew out as her feet formed paws. She snarled as her tail grew out and her ears turned pointed and moved to the top of her head. Her eyes glowed a deep red as she threw back her head and let out a loud and terrifying howl.

She sniffed the air and locked onto a human scent. She growled as she turned and followed it, her toenails clicking on the floor once she was inside. There were countless human scents and she flared her nose to find a recent and fresh one. Two scents reached her and her legs carried her with a speed no human could match. She growled as she tracked the scents and grew excited as the scents grew stronger. She desired to find the sources and turn them into wolves like herself.

She bounded up to the throne room doors and rammed them open with her shoulder. The doors burst open and she dropped to all fours before rising to her paws. She saw two humans but did not recognize them. She only saw two victims to turn.

Sultan jumped as something hit the doors before they opened and a tall muscular black wolf flew in, landing on paws and clawed hands before rising to her paws. Her eyes were a glowing red and she growled which showed her sharp teeth. He was stunned at what he saw and found it hard to believe that this was his daughter.

Razoul, armed with a silver-headed spear instead of a sword, moved to protect Sultan from the imposing wifewolf. He aimed the point at her and she came to a stop. Razoul stayed still, confident in his weapon. If I can hold her off long enough, the eclipse will end and Princess Jasmine will revert to human form.

The wolf dropped to all fours and stalked to his left. Razoul pivoted and aimed the spear at her. He had no intention of hurting or killing her, though injuring her so that she would flee would be acceptable. Jasmine’s glowing eyes grew brighter, the silver making her weak and ill which drove her aggression higher. She stalked toward the balcony and Razoul kept a close eye on her. The eclipse will soon be over. We will restrain her before nightfall, despite the Sultan’s objections.

Suddenly, a black blur came into the room at a speed Razoul couldn’t believe. The wifewolf charged at Razoul, seized the spear shaft in one hand, yanked it away from Razoul, threw it aside, seized the guard, and bit down on his shoulder in a matter of seconds. He cried out at the hard bite and gripped his injury. He heard the Sultan cry out and realized that he had failed.

The wolf backed away from her victims before turning and sprinting out the doors on two legs with a triumphant howl. Razoul turned to Sultan and went to one knee, head bowed. “Your highness, I’m sorry I failed you.”

“It’s…all right, Razoul,” Sultan said shakily. “To be honest, I knew this would happen. Jasmine and I both knew she would bite me.”

“I don’t think she knew who you were just now.”

“No, she doesn’t. She only saw me as a human to turn. That is how she sees all humans. Now, we need to prepare cells for us and her as the full moon is tonight and we need to be locked up. I should have done that before the eclipse began. Jasmine had wanted to be locked up, but I had refused and now Razoul and I are werewolves.

Jasmine sprinted down the hallway and rammed open the front doors. Her nose flared and the scent of countless humans filled it. She howled at the desire to bite more humans before she rushed to where she smelled the humans.

She reached her destination and paused. She smelled humans but saw only one. She slowly advanced on him, smelling his fear which excited her. She saw his mouth move, heard him making sounds, but she did not understand them. She only knew the wolf language and her strong desire to turn humans. She continued her approach to her target.

Aladdin heard the howl and saw the people trembling in the nearby houses. He had warned everyone of a dangerous beast that would show during the eclipse and that they needed to hide while he confronted it. The people had done as he asked for they knew him to be their city’s hero and he had their best interests at heart. They watched the eclipse from inside the houses while Aladdin stayed outside. Movement drew his attention from the people and he saw a tall muscular wolf slowly approach on two legs. Her eyes were a solid glowing red and she brandished her claws and teeth with the clear intention of using them.

“Jasmine,” he said softly, hardly believing this scary-looking wolf was his fiancée. “Do you recognize me? Do you understand me?” Jasmine said nothing and continued to approach him.

He started to back up just as slowly. He had a plan to keep Jasmine from finding the others and biting them not to mention himself. He kept an eye on Jasmine as he backed away. He then stopped and crouched down as he was lifted into the air courtesy of Carpet. Jasmine snarled as her target was rising into the air, trying to get away from her. She crouched, ready to leap up to her target’s level and bite.

Aladdin saw her legs bend and muscles bunching in preparation for a jump. “Genie, now!” he called. Jasmine’s paws had just left the ground when her leap was halted and she crashed to the ground. She snarled and then howled in pain courtesy of the silver chains that bound her. She growled and snapped her jaws at empty air before a leather strap with silver threads woven into it closed her muzzle shut. She continued to growl even as Genie scooped her up.

“Easy, Jas. No one’s going to hurt you,” Genie said as the group flew back to the palace. They landed where Jasmine had begun the eclipse and they looked up at the sky after placing the bound wifewolf on the ground. The moon was slowly moving away from the sun. The eclipse was ending.

Chapter Three- First Full Moon

The sky was starting to brighten again as was the land. Jasmine whined as the chains made her sick and then growled as she also felt weak and more aggressive. She then whined loudly as the moon moved from the sun and she began to revert to human form. The strap fell away as her muzzle shrank and she shimmied out of the chains as she got smaller and thinner. She staggered to half-formed feet and then sank to her knees beside the fountain as she became fully human again. She moaned and put a hand to her forehead. She felt so weak and sick.


She looked up with eyes full of horror and sadness. “I remember…everything,” she choked. “I didn’t recognize anyone, didn’t understand anything. I was seized by a desire to bite anyone I saw.”

Aladdin knelt beside her and embraced her. “I didn’t really believe you but I told everyone to hide anyway. I had a plan to stop you and it worked.”

“I still bit. I bit Father and Razoul.” She sighed. “Father and I were right. He said I would bite him and I knew I would.” She pulled away from Aladdin and stood. “I…should lock myself up for the rest of the full moon. Father may object, but it is the right thing to do.”

Aladdin wanted to say that she didn’t have to lock herself up but knew she was right. She would transform again tonight and seek out others to bite. He saw her stagger and rushed to her side. “Are you all right?”

“Yes. Just weak and a little ill. Side effects of the silver weakness.”

“Food and rest will fix that,” Sultan said as he came out. He guided her inside. “Razoul and I have already selected cells of our own to spend the full moon in and we picked out yours as well. There will be plenty of food and water to satisfy us for the night. You were right when you were insisting on being locked up, I see that now.”

“I know that we both knew I would bite you, but I’m still sorry.”

“I know, dearest,” Sultan said as they headed down to the dungeons. “You didn’t know me as anything but a human to bite. I don’t blame you for your actions. Neither of us do,” he said, the last sentence said as they passed Razoul’s cell, though the captain of the guard wasn’t there yet.

Jasmine hung her head; she heard what Sultan was saying but she still felt guilty. I need to be put away so I don’t harm anyone else. She was brought to a cell that had food, water, pillows, and sheets, the latter two over a bed of straw. She stepped in and turned once the door was shut and locked. Sultan reached in and rested a hand on Jasmine’s cheek. “Get some rest, Jasmine and eat a little afterwards. You are a little pale.”

“All right,” she said softly. She went to her impromptu bed and laid down, her eyes sliding shut and she felt secure in her inability to get out, at least for now.

Sultan came out of the dungeon to find Aladdin nearby looking anxious and the others behind him. He put up a hand. “She’s sleeping now. Thank you for stopping her.”

“But, she bit you and Razoul.”

“Razoul knew the risks and was willing to take it to protect me. We underestimated how fast she was and determined to turn others. If you could string up some silver around our doors, it should keep us from trying to escape.” He headed back to his throne, doing his duty as ruler while awaiting the time when he would have to return to the dungeon for the night.

Jasmine awoke to the sound of chains clinking. She quickly sat up and saw Aladdin putting a length of silver chains on her door. He saw her awake and said, “Your father suggested putting silver on the doors to keep all of you from escaping.”

She nodded. “I recall Razoul trying to keep me back with a silver-headed spear. It made me hesitate and more aggressive but it ultimately failed.” She looked away and added, “I also remember targeting you and I’m glad I didn’t bite you too.”

“Jasmine, I’m not blaming you for trying to bite me. You weren’t yourself.”

“I will still want to bite every night as I am the one who is cursed.”

“But you’ll be in control on those nights, right?”

“Yes and I will try my hardest to resist the urge. Of course, there are three full moon nights to get through first.”

“Yes. Well, I’ve got the keys for the doors and will let you out in the morning.”

She looked at him and he blew her a kiss as he walked away. He bid Sultan and Razoul good night as he passed them, the latter seeming a bit disgruntled that the key to his door was being entrusted to Aladdin. Aladdin didn’t comment on it. If our places were reversed, he would comment on me being locked up and would probably take some sick pleasure in keeping me locked up longer than anyone else. I will not stoop that low.

Jasmine felt her heart beating faster and knew that night had fallen. She breathed harder before a howl emerged followed by growling as she shifted into the wolf she had been several hours ago. She heard the growls and snarls of two others which her nose told her were both male. Her desire to bite then rose up insider her again and she turned to the door that seemed to bar her way out.

She took two steps toward it but then backed up with a snarl. The thing that had been around her earlier was on the door. She recalled the weak and sick feelings the thing had caused and she did not want to feel that way again. She looked around to see if there was another way out and her eyes landed on the food and water that had been put there shortly before Aladdin put up the chain; she had been so deep asleep that she hadn’t heard him enter. She licked her chops at the meat and her stomach growled, wanting to be fed. She padded over on her hands and paws, laid down, and hungrily ate and drank. The food and water calmed her anger a little and she settled on the floor, feeling a little tired. It had been a long day and she decided to sleep before trying to escape again. She sighed and she slipped into unconsciousness.

Sultan and Razoul also felt the faster heartbeat and harder breathing. Sultan heard a howl down the hall and responded to it with one of his own and he heard Razoul howl as well. He then growled as he shifted into a two-legged wolf covered in white fur which made his glowing red eyes stand out. His nose flared as he drank in the scents of two other wolves: One male and one female, the latter his wolf mind recognized as a leader to him and the other male. He heard the female snarl in anger and he whimpered before slinking toward the meat and water where he ate and then slipped off to sleep.

“Jasmine?” came Aladdin’s voice as well as the sound of chains clinking and the door opening. She blinked her eyes and yawned as she sat up and rose. She went up to Aladdin who embraced her and then kissed her. “What do you remember?” he asked.

“Anger at being locked up and seeing the silver on the door. I ate and drank the food and water and fell asleep, thinking I would try to escape after sleeping. It seems that part didn’t happen.”

“Uh, yeah. I…had Genie put a sedative in the food and not just yours, Sultan and Razoul’s too.”

“Aladdin…thank you. I wouldn’t do it again, at least tonight or tomorrow. Chances are we’ll become used to the sedatives and a larger dose will be needed which could be dangerous.”

“We don’t want that,” he said as the couple headed up the hall. “I’ll tell Genie not to put any sedative in the food anymore.” Jasmine smiled gratefully.

Chapter Four- Alpha Wolf

Razoul searched for criminals, trying to ignore his recollection of last night and the impulses of his new wolf side. He wanted to growl and eat raw meat and found it hard to resist them. He focused his attention on his duties but the attitude of his men was not easy to ignore. They were afraid of him; he could see it in their faces and he could even smell it.

He moaned to himself as he went to patrol the palace alone later on. He didn’t like the sharper senses; they were distracting and smelling the fear of his men actually excited him which scared him, not that he would admit it.


The captain turned and bowed. “Princess,” he said.

“I’m sorry I bit you. I…couldn’t stop myself.”

“I don’t blame you. Like you said, you couldn’t help it.”

“I spoke to Father and he said he recalled smelling me as a leader, an alpha as wolves would call it.”

“Yes,” he said slowly. “I also recall that scent. I…wanted to be near you, to guard you.”

“Father said the same thing. Perhaps we could share a larger cell and see how we interact with one another.”

“An intriguing idea, princess. I agree with your decision.”

“Good. Father is already having a large cell prepared for tonight.”

“Princess…I am having trouble with my wolf side. I’m feeling urges to growl and eat raw meat and the sharper senses are distracting. My men are afraid of me. I can smell their fear and it…excites me.”

“That could be the full moon wolf side. I grew excited when I smelled Aladdin’s fear during the eclipse. Last night, I was angry at being locked up and the silver was hanging over my door.”

“I heard your anger and it made me afraid.”

“It seems I am an alpha. It will be an interesting night.”


“All three of you together?” Aladdin asked Sultan.

“Yes. Razoul and I smelled a scent from Jasmine that indicated that she is an alpha wolf, a leader. We both want to be near her to guard her. That being the case, it is best for us to share a larger cell. I already have guards preparing one. You will be in charge of the key and the silver like last time.”

“Yes, your highness,” Aladdin said.

The dungeon was prepared with food, water, pillows, sheets, and piles of straw. The pillows, sheets, and straw had been placed in three separate areas in case the three of them did not get along and wished to sleep alone. Sultan observed the set-up and turned to the guards. “Well done. Take up your positions for night shift.” They bowed and, as they left, Sultan smelled their fear which excited him just as it did for Jasmine and Razoul who were already in the cell. “I do hope they get over their fear,” he said to them. “The scent excites me and I’d rather not feel that way.”

“After tomorrow night, you and Razoul won’t feel excited by the smell. I likely will,” Jasmine said, a little annoyed with how the curse worked.

“Why?” Razoul said.

“It’s the curse,” Jasmine said. “I alone possess the ability to turn others, full moon or not and will want to do so. The difference is that I will be in control of myself on the non-full moon nights, although Father did say the urge is quite strong.”

“Are there any records on this curse? I mean, you both know a lot about it.”

“I read about the curse’s story and the entry following it, but nothing more,” Sultan said.

“I read every scroll,” Jasmine said. “They were journal entries written by every prince and princess who experienced it. I’m thinking of writing entries as well. I may have different experiences that the others didn’t.”

“Have the others bitten people?” Razoul asked.

“Yes and they expressed the same regret and guilt I feel.”

Razoul could hardly believe his ears. A curse had been put on the royal family that targeted the youngest member. Yesterday’s eclipse activated it and Jasmine had turned into a wifewolf who desired to bite humans and acted like a wolf. She had bitten the Sultan and himself and both had transformed last night. He had felt the desire to turn others but the silver on his door stopped him from ramming the door and the angry growls from Jasmine also kept him in his cell.

The clink of chains alerted the trio to Aladdin’s approach. They moved further into the cell as the young man closed the door, locked it, and draped the silver over the door. He then stood at the door and Jasmine smiled slightly. He wanted to actually see her transform and she agreed as she would be locked up and the silver would stop her from trying to get at him.

Jasmine breathed harder before howling with the others following suite. Aladdin stared as Jasmine grew taller and her muscles enlarged before her hair turned to fur and spread down her body. Growls came from her mouth as her nose and jaws pushed out into a muzzle. Claws sprouted from her fingers and her ears gained points and moved to the top of her lupine head. Her legs and feet conformed into a wolf’s back legs and paws while a bushy tail grew out. Her eyes glowed a solid red and she snarled as she clearly only thought as a wolf. Aladdin was entranced at seeing three two-legged wolves in the cell and then backed away as Jasmine turned toward him and actually charged the door. Her muzzle slipped between the bars and snapped at the air, growling and snarling as she clearly wanted to bite him. Aladdin slid along the far wall and ran once he was clear of the door.

“Okay, bad idea,” he said as he went upstairs. “She actually risked the silver just to try and bite me. Well, now that I know how she transforms, I’m satisfied.”

Jasmine backed away from the door ad whined at feeling weak and ill. She had smelled a human and wanted to bite him, despite the risk. She missed and now had to deal with the consequences.

She staggered to the meat and seized the largest and bloodiest piece she could find. Her eyes focused on the two males as she ate. Both were on their hands and paws, heads bowed, tails tucked and hunched down to look smaller. Their body language was clear to her. They acknowledged her as their alpha and would follow her lead. Their deference gave her confidence and she tossed meat to them with a low growl for them to eat. They laid down and began to eat while she went to get a drink. She felt better now that she had eaten; she no longer felt weak and ill. She still wanted to bite someone and hated being confined but did not want to go near the things that caused her weakness and illness. She could order the males to ram open the door, but that put them at risk and, as alpha, the safety and well-being of her pack members was of utmost importance. She went to a pile of straw and laid on it, the relative softness feeling good to her.

One of the males, black like her, slunk toward her with ears folded and tail tucked. He barked softly to her and she answered with a confident bark. He laid down between his alpha and the door, determined to protect her from any danger. The white male, after a drink, joined him. Jasmine closed her eyes, knowing her pack members would fend off any threat and if they bit someone, all the better. She would have more members to protect her.

Chapter Five- Announcement

“You are a confident alpha, princess,” Razoul said as they left the dungeon.

“Based on what I remember, I agree,” she said. “And the three of us being together works out nicely.”

“And we will use that setup tonight and next month,” Sultan added.

Next month. Jasmine felt a slight thrill well up inside. After tonight, she would take her four-legged form for the first time. I’ll be able to talk and remember the night as it happens. She emerged from the dungeon and saw Aladdin leaning against the wall to her left. He looked over at her as she approached him while the other two continued on their way. “I remember trying to bite you again,” she said softly.

“I was surprised that you tried considering the silver on the door,” he replied.

“My desire to bite you was very strong. I was willing to risk it if I could bite you.”

“Will it be that strong tomorrow night?”

“I don’t know. I think it will be but I will have conscious control.”

“Good. I’d…like to see your other wolf form without fear of being bitten.”

“And I’d like to be with you at night even though I’ll be a wolf. I will be able to talk and remember the night as it happens.”

“Speaking of remembering, what happened after I left?”

“The three of us got along well. Father and Razoul treated me with respect and they placed themselves between the door and me.”

“So, you really are an alpha.”

“I looked alphas up yesterday and found that female alphas are rare but they do occur.”

“Razoul,” Sultan said when the pair reached the throne room. “Have the people gather in front of the Oratory Tower at high noon. They need to be informed about the curse and that we were bitten.”

“Yes, your highness.” Razoul exited the room and gathered his men. “Spread the word to the citizens that they are to gather before the Oratory Tower at noon as the Sultan wishes to address them.” He saw his men tremble a little and smelled their fear once again. “Stop being afraid of me,” he snapped. “I’m not going to harm you and I am safely locked up to prevent me from biting. Tomorrow night, I will be a four-legged talking wolf and nothing more than that. Now, spread the word.” The guards stood straight, nodded, and moved out. Razoul could tell that they were still afraid but it had diminished a little by his assurances of him being locked up and that he was a wolf at night only. I do go out to patrol at night at times. Obviously, I can’t do that during the full moon and if I want to go out at night, I need the Sultan to tell the city what had happened during the eclipse. Razoul headed out into the city, thinking of tomorrow night when he could do his duty and not fear that he would bite someone. I can only turn someone on the full moon while Jasmine has that ability all the time thanks to the curse.

The people began to gather near the tower as noon approached. Sultan peered behind the curtain as his subjects gathered. He was a little nervous about telling them that Jasmine was a cursed wifewolf and had bitten Razoul and him into werewolves. He took a calming breath. It will be all right. As long as I state everything clearly, it’ll be fine. He held his head up and walked out with Jasmine at his side. He had found her in the garden with Aladdin earlier and told her he needed her when he addressed their subjects.

A hush fell over the crowd as father and daughter appeared. “Citizen of Agrabah,” he began. “Two days ago, we experienced the Blood Moon eclipse and it was reported to me that many of you heard and saw a terrifying creature. That creature was a female werewolf, also called a wifewolf. Furthermore, that wifewolf was Princess Jasmine due to a family curse.

“Generations ago, a wizard placed a curse on my family that activates on the Blood Moon eclipse and affects the youngest member of the family as his daughter was rejected as a bride for the youngest son. The eclipse as well as other solar eclipses and the full moon turns the person into the two-legged wolf you saw and gives him or her the ability to turn others regardless of what kind of night it is, full moon or not. Anyway, before you saw her on the eclipse, she bit the captain of the guard as well as myself.” He heard gasps before saying, “Yes. Razoul and I are werewolves with the ability to bite others only on the full moon and eclipses. Jasmine alone has the ability to bite on any night.

“Rest assured, precautions have and are being taken to keep you safe during the full moon. We are locked up and have our weakness around the cell door to discourage escape. Tomorrow night, all three of us will be four-legged wolves capable of talking and in complete control of ourselves. Razoul will do night shift and I will be available to address any concerns you may have. Go about your business and thank you for listening.”

The crowd dispersed and as Sultan and Jasmine left the tower, the former said, “Would you like to stand with me tomorrow night? I will understand if you don’t.”

“Aladdin wants to be alone with me tomorrow night. He plans to take me somewhere private and romantic.”

Sultan nodded. “You both deserved it. You’ve only seen each other in daylight and should be together at night. Just take care to not bite.”

“I intend to have precautions, but if I do bite…?”

“I’m sure Aladdin will understand as he knows how strong the urge to bite is even when one is in control of themselves.”

Jasmine thought that if she was muzzled, she would be less tempted to bite. She didn’t voice this thought as she knew that she would be told that she was overreacting. But, would I be? I’ve already bitten twice and that was my eclipse state of mind. I’m facing a night date tomorrow and I will still be able to turn others. Maybe…I should cancel our date and stay in my room where I can fight my urge.

Jasmine found Aladdin waiting for her in her room. He had been smiling but her look of concern wiped it away. “What’s wrong? Did the announcement not go well?”

“Oh, it went fine. I was thinking about tomorrow.”

Aladdin’s face softened. “Yeah; aside from Carpet, it’ll be just the two of us.”

“Actually, I was thinking we cancel it and I stay here.” She gestured to her room.

“What?” he asked, surprised.

“I may be in control of myself but I can still bite others. It is a strong urge and I don’t want to take the risk that I’ll bite you.”

“Well, maybe you won’t. Perhaps the urge diminishes between full moons.” Aladdin took her in his arms. “I love you, Jasmine. It doesn’t matter to me that you’re a wifewolf. If it will make you feel better, I can bring precautions on our date.”

“I would appreciate that.” She pressed herself against Aladdin’s chest. “All right. We’ll still have our date.”

“Good.” He put an arm across her shoulders and led her out of the room. “It’s almost sunset. Let’s head down to the dungeon, lock all three of you up, and put up the silver.”

Chapter Six- Preparations

Jasmine nodded as she saw Aladdin put silver charms, a length of chain, and a silver threaded leather muzzle strap in the basket of food. She was satisfied that he was taking the precautions he said he would. I don’t want to hurt him and he knows that, but he doesn’t know how strong my urge to bite really is. His wearing of a charm will weaken me and make me ill, but it’s better than biting him.

Aladdin watched Jasmine walk out of the kitchen and looked inside the basket at the silver. He felt the silver wasn't necessary. His girlfriend was strong-willed; surely she could resist her wifewolf’s urge to turn humans. I could just take the leather strap. It would prevent her from biting…I hope. He pulled out the charms and chain and put more raw meat and fruit in it.

“Almost ready to go, dearest?” Sultan asked.

“Almost. I had Aladdin agree to bring some silver as a precaution. I’m not taking any chances.”

Sultan nodded. “Of course. I would do the same thing.” He paused and added, “Razoul is looking forward to tonight’s patrol.”

Jasmine said, “I think we’ve all been looking forward to tonight as we will be self-aware. I do intend to use my sharper senses while on the date. It should be interesting.”

“Yes,” Sultan said slowly. “We had other things on our minds the last three nights. Sharper senses are natural to wolves so we had no interest in exploring them. I’ll be sure to inform Razoul in using them. I understand that he found them distracting the other day.”


Jasmine looked at the double doors, saw Aladdin, and then went to Sultan to give him a hug. “See you later, Father.”

“Enjoy yourselves,” he called after the couple. He then summoned Razoul before thinking of tonight. He himself would sit on the throne for a time before roaming the palace to get a true feel for four legs and his senses. He knew his fur was white as he recalled looking at his clawed hard and his body when he had curled up to sleep the last three nights. He suspected that his eyes had been red and glowing as that was how Jasmine looked on the eclipse.

“Your highness?”

Sultan blinked and focused on Razoul who was on one knee. “Yes. Tell me, Razoul. How are your senses doing today?”

“Better than in previous days. It could be because the full moon is over.”

“I agree and I plan to explore them tonight. It’ll be interesting as we’ll be aware of ourselves.”

“Interesting,” he said neutrally. He knew the Sultan had a point. He would be able to give his senses his full attention and have control over them; the full moon had given him no control and he attributed it to his wolf mind; as a wolf he gave no thought to his senses, but tonight would be different.

The sky was aglow with a setting sun and bands of brilliant colors. Razoul stood at the palace’s front doors, currently unarmed but that would soon change. The sky’s colors flared as the sun left the sky and Razoul felt a tingle and his spine pushing him down. He looked down to see his hands were paws and he crossed his eyes to see his muzzle. He bared a wolf’s grin before walking down the stairs with ease; a fact he noticed and credited it to his full moon nights as he often approached Jasmine on his hands and paws.

There were lit sources of fire but Razoul found that he didn’t require light to see; his eyes pierced the darkness easily and he could see small details he hadn’t seen earlier today. My eyes are normal in daylight, but now they are incredible.

The people parted to let him pass and he saw the respect and admiration in their eyes. His nose smelled a variety of items, but no fear or any kind of emotion. His tail gave a swish at not smelling emotions. He smelled good and bad scents but none of them distracted him; rather they intrigued him and he took his time to remember the smells around him.

His ears stood erect as he did his rounds. He was hearing sounds he had heard before but not this clearly. The murmurs of the people he could hear easily and the sounds of insects and animals were clear to him. I like this, he thought. These senses would make finding criminals at night easier.

His gurgling stomach caught his attention and he sought out a vendor selling fish. He pulled off a tiny sack from a belt around his middle, reared up, and put the bag on the counter. “Two fish, please,” he said.

“Yes, captain.” The vendor put two fish on the counter and collected the money. Razoul seized the fish by the fins and carried them off somewhere to eat in private. He laid down and enjoyed his dinner as well as being able to talk. The full moon aside, being a werewolf isn’t so bad and I will be sure to inform Jasmine and the Sultan of this.

Sultan stood away from his throne as he became a wolf and blinked a few times as the room became brighter and clearer. Impressive. Razoul will be able to put his eyesight to good use. He turned and was able to easily climb the stairs and jump into his seat. He gave a wolf’s grin at this. I feel younger with this body. I can jump easily into my seat. I look forward to walking around later while examining my senses.

People did come in to speak of how secure and safe they feel with Razoul looking for trouble. They also told him of how they were surprised when he spoke. Sultan knew they were sincere in their words as he smelled no deceit from them.

Indeed, he could smell a lot of scents as he roamed the palace later. He had stopped at the kitchen to get a bite to eat before resuming his walk. He caught sight of himself in a hallway mirror once he had reared up and planted his paws on the wall. His eyes were gold which complemented his white fur and he also saw how strong he looked for an old wolf. He had no doubt that Jasmine and Razoul also had gold eyes and strong bodies. Even though my subjects told me how safe they feel, it does not tell me how Razoul feels now that he is self-aware. I suspect that he will tell me when he reports to me.

Sultan returned to his throne and waited for his captain to return. He amused himself with his hearing, eyesight, and nose while he waited. It was simply amazing how he got by with his limited senses now that he had the senses of a wolf.

The double doors opened to reveal a guard on each side of the doors and a black wolf passing through. He went to the stairs before lifting a foreleg and sinking into a standing bow with his other legs. “All is calm and peaceful, sire.”

“Wonderful, Razoul. I have had some subjects tell me that they feel safe with you around.”

“That is good to hear. I saw respect and admiration in their eyes as I passed them. It is clear that your announcement did the job of assuring the people that we are still human despite the curse.”

“What about your senses now?”

“Incredible. Everything is brighter and clearer. I am enjoying this night more than the previous ones.”

“I share in those sentiments and I am sure Jasmine is feeling the same way.” Sultan then yawned, jumped down, stretched, and headed off to bed, seriously hoping that Jasmine was enjoying herself and resisting the urge to bite.

Chapter Seven- The Date

Jasmine smiled as Aladdin and she flew on Carpet. The air whipped her hair behind her and the late afternoon sun warmed her skin. It felt great to be human and resented that she had to be a wolf every night, especially on full moon nights and eclipses. She had brief, vague recollections of the last three nights and wondered what tonight would be like.

I’ll be on four paws and able to talk as well as aware of myself, but it’s still risky to be around me as my bite can still turn others. According to the scrolls, anyone bitten will transform the next night. The eclipse occurs in daylight so that makes that very night the one where the bitten will change.

“Aladdin, I’m still concerned about being out here with you,” she said as Carpet touched down at an oasis.

“It’ll be fine,” he said. “You are strong-willed and not afraid to fight back. That’s how I see your biting urge: Something to fight and I know you can do it.”

Aladdin’s words stirred her fighting spirit and she felt bad that she had let her curse make her think that she was powerless to do anything about it. “Yes, I am strong-willed. I can fight it.”

“Exactly.” Aladdin laid out a blanket and put out the food. Jasmine eyed the meat almost hungrily. She had eaten no meat all day as she knew that meat was the only food her wolf body would tolerate. Her boyfriend plopped onto the blanket and patted the spot next to him. She did so, adopting a crouch position as the sky faded from bands of colors to velvety black.

Jasmine felt a tingle and stood up on four paws. She stared out into the night and marveled at how much clearer it was now. “I can see in the dark,” she said before she ran off into the desert, enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells her senses brought her. She laughed and howled for the joy of being aware and embracing this part of her curse.

Aladdin had been alarmed at first when Jasmine ran off but he heard her laugh and then howl before he smiled. She’s been locked up for three nights. She needed to run free and this will help her fight her urge even more. He munched on some fruit as he waited for Jasmine to come back.

He was in the midst of eating some grapes when a black figure came running toward the oasis. He tensed for a moment and then relaxed when he saw it was Jasmine. She slowed to a trot and stopped at the pond. He saw her lower her head to the water and nodded. She’s thirsty which makes sense. She’s been running and burning energy and water the whole time.

She paused in her drinking and appeared to be checking her reflection before she turned and headed his way. She laid down, pulled some meat toward her, and began to eat. “Oh, Aladdin,” she sighed between bites. “It was wonderful. The speed, the wind in my fur, the sounds, and the smells! I loved it!”

Aladdin chuckled. “You needed this. I imagine being locked up is not a lot of fun.”

“It’s not. It angered me and the silver didn’t help matters, either…Aladdin! Where’s the silver!?” She glanced around in alarm and then in the basket.

“I took them out except for the strap.” He held up the item. “I didn’t think they were necessary.”

“Not necessary?” she repeated. “They were the only things protecting you from me.”

“I know but look. I have no defenses, you’re not locked up, and you haven’t bitten me.”

“You’re right,” she said slowly. “I haven’t bitten you and there’s nothing to stop me from doing so. I’m in complete control.” She grinned and her tail swished. “Aladdin, please put the strap on. I want to play with you and I’m afraid I may bite in the heat of the moment.”

Aladdin didn’t protest as he knew Jasmine was right. He slid the strap on and he saw her flinch. “Jasmine?”

“I’m fine. A little weak and sick but I’m okay,” she managed to say around the strap. She then struck a defensive pose and Aladdin took one of his own. The two circled one another, looking for an opening.

Jasmine moved a little to the left and Aladdin also did, only to find it was a feint. Jasmine charged from the right and plowed into Aladdin. The couple went down and across the sand, wrestling and tumbling. Jasmine growled playfully while Aladdin laughed. Jasmine took care to not scratch Aladdin. She did not care if she was injured as her minor wounds would heal instantly.

Their tumble came to an end with Aladdin on his back and Jasmine pinning him down. He saw a wolf’s grin around her strap and her tail swished rapidly. He also saw deep affection in her gold eyes. He reached up, removed the strap, and kissed the side of her muzzle. Jasmine panted before licking his cheek. Something then seemed to switch behind her eyes a split second before she lunged down and bit his arm. He cried out in pain and he felt Jasmine leap off him.

Jasmine had Aladdin pinned beneath her and he had that grin she always found attractive. She flared her nose slightly to take in his scent and something in her brain clicked. The scent was that of a human, the race she was supposed to bite and spread her curse. Her biting urge was telling her to bite, to break the strap, and attack. No, I must not, Jasmine thought. I am in control and I will not bite.

But, I’m a wifewolf, said another part of her. Biting humans is what my kind does. I am also an alpha and I will do what I want.

No! Jasmine cried as Aladdin removed the strap and kissed her. My body may be a wolf, but I am still human. I will not bite! She panted and licked Aladdin’s cheek.

You will bite, her wolf side said. You can’t resist it; delay it yes, but you can’t fight it forever. Do it. Now. Jasmine lunged down and sank her teeth into Aladdin’s arm. His cry of pain made her urge fade and she leaped off him and backed away, tail tucked, ears folded, and whimpers coming from her throat.

Aladdin got to his feet, a hand pressed to his wound as he stared at his girlfriend. “Jasmine…why?”

“I was taking in your scent and my urge rose up in me. I was fighting it, really. But, it was too strong. I can suppress it for a little bit but I end up giving in.” She bowed her head and whined. “I’m so sorry.”

Aladdin had felt anger that his trust in her ability to resist had been betrayed but her genuine contrition broke his anger and his gentle side came out. “Jasmine, it’s okay,” he said as he approached her.

She backed up. “No! Stay back! What if I attack and kill you?”

“Jasmine, was that ever on your mind during the full moon? Is that what you feel now?”

“Well…no. My only desires were to escape and turn others. My biting urge has faded now that there is no one else to bite.”

Aladdin finally reached her, went to his knees, and wrapped his arms around her neck. He felt her chin rest on his shoulder. “I’m sorry I didn’t realize how strong the urge was. Also, I was going to be bitten eventually. It could have happened the other night.”

“Hmm. You’re right. You being bitten was going to happen.”

“Now that it has, our precautions aren’t necessary between us.” Aladdin knew his friends were going to be dismayed but he could explain it.

Chapter Eight- Feelings and Senses

“Oh, Al,” Genie moaned as he stared at the piece of torn blanket wrapped around the arm. “You were bitten.”

Abu made concerned chattering sounds as Aladdin sat down in his home and untied the cloth. “I underestimated how strong her urge to bite was. Also, I have to admit that I was going to end being bitten. Jasmine is very sorry it happened and she agrees with me that this was inevitable.” He removed the cloth to reveal a bite mark that looked better than it did the night before.

Jasmine stared at the floor of her room with Sultan sitting beside her. “I tried, Father. I really did, but it was too strong.”

“I know, dearest. I had hoped, foolishly I admit, that you could resist biting Aladdin. I was wrong.”

“It’s clear that resisting animal instincts is difficult,” Jasmine said.

“You did try to bite him on our first night together.”

“Yes. I risked the silver just to bite. He said that he being bitten would have happened eventually and I agree.”

“As do I.”

“I think I will stay in the palace every night. I am still a risk to the people.”

Sultan nodded and added, “You have time to see Aladdin, perhaps convince him to spend his nights here.”

“I will see him but if he chooses to not come here that’s fine. He’s not able to bite others like I can.” She donned her robe and hood and left the room.

Aladdin suppressed a desire to growl. He felt a craving for meat and desired to make wolf sounds as well as run free and be with Jasmine, but not as his girlfriend, rather his alpha. I’m feeling the emotions of a wolf. It’s intense and makes it clear that fighting them is as hard as Jasmine had said and now I understand.


The young hero looked up and saw Jasmine before him. She sat beside him and he drew her close, almost whining in relief. Jasmine gently ran a hand over his hair, noting the absence of the others. “Aladdin?” she said again and felt him almost clinging to her now.

“Alpha,” he murmured. “I need to be with you. I don’t really understand it, but it could be instinct.”

“Perhaps, but you would be my…mate as well as a pack member. Father and Razoul did not express such a desire to be with me.”

“Yes. We’re mates and I love you so much.”

“Would you like to join me at the palace?”

“Yes, please. I’ve been feeling wolf emotions, craving meat, and running free.” He released Jasmine and stood.

Jasmine also rose. “Razoul felt similar feelings and cravings after his first change. I suggest going with them once at the palace and testing your senses on the way there as well.” She led the way down to the streets, a little concerned about Aladdin’s behavior. He wasn’t acting like himself. It was possible that he was already acting like the wolf he would be tonight and being submissive to Jasmine as he had already called her Alpha. I do hope this is temporary because he is scaring me with his actions.

Aladdin flared his nose as he followed Jasmine and was astounded by what he could smell. It was overwhelming for a second but then he could identify each smell. This must be how Jasmine is able to pick out a human scent. I can smell a lot of humans right now but that’s all. I feel no desire to bite them…of course. I’ll only bite on the full moon and I’ll be locked up on those nights.

The sounds of the marketplace were just as hard on him as the smells were. The sounds of people talking to each other seemed loud to him and he winced slightly. How does Jasmine put up with this? It’s a bit painful. He took a breath, bringing more scents to his nose, and kept going toward the palace.

“Aladdin?” Jasmine asked as they reached the courtyard and she removed her robe; the young man had his hands on his head.

“Everything is too loud or sharp,” he said in just above a whisper. “It hurts.”

“It’ll get easier,” she said, glancing at the sky. “It’s almost night.”

“Will it hurt?”

“I would say so as this will be your first time. After that, your senses will be easier and changing will be painless.”

Aladdin looked up to see the sky darken and gasped in pain as a bolt raced through him. He groaned as he grabbed his head and felt something push out of his back. He lowered his hands and stared at the fur on them and the claws his nails had become.

Jasmine had already changed and sat to watch Aladdin become a wolf. He already had a tail, a fur coat, and front claws. She watched as his hands became paws, his ears become pointed and moved to the top of his furry head. His nose and jaws formed his muzzle and he whined as his legs reformed into a wolf’s back legs and his feet became paws. He went to all fours as his spine curved. Aladdin threw back his head and howled as his change ended. He then exhaled. “That did hurt.”

“Yes, but it’s over now.” Jasmine approached and nuzzled a cheek. Her ear turned and the smell of meat reached her nose. “Dinner’s here. Let’s eat.” She turned and walked toward the food while Aladdin worked on moving all four limbs.

“Aladdin, where’s the rest of the gang?”

Aladdin swallowed a bite of meat. “I don’t know. My actions and feelings were scaring them and I suggested they leave at least until tonight. Genie took off with them.”

“They may not come back until morning.”

Aladdin sighed. “I couldn’t help how I was feeling.”

“You better, Street Rat,” came Razoul’s voice before the werewolf came out from the inside. “You are a werewolf now and need to control your actions and feelings. Keep the wolf feelings and sounds to your wolf side.”

Aladdin tucked his tail and flinched at Razoul’s sharp tone. He didn’t understand why he was being so meek and timid. This isn’t like me. What’s wrong with me?

“Enough, Razoul,” Jasmine snapped. “He didn’t change like we did so a non-full moon change is probably harder on someone than a full moon one.”

Razoul’s tail tucked and he laid flat on the ground. “Yes, alpha. I apologize.”

“Good. Aladdin is not just my fiancée, he’s my mate and needs support to deal with his change.”

Aladdin focused on looking inside himself as eating resumed. He came to the realization that his unusual reactions were due to his uncertainty of being a werewolf and Jasmine’s clear alpha leadership.

She said I’m her mate. Surely that gives me some authority. Jasmine is the ultimate leader, I know that. I could ask her how a pack order works as it has to be in her wolf DNA in some form.

Chapter Nine- Comfortable

Aladdin licked his muzzle and whiskers of water droplets before looking into the fountain. A strong black wolf with gold eyes was reflected there. Just like Razoul and Jasmine, only Razoul seems bigger and more muscular.

Jasmine looked over at Aladdin and inwardly smiled. I had looked into the water last night to see my reflection. I hadn’t seen Father or Razoul’s eye colors but both told me earlier today. We all have gold eyes. “I was curious about how I looked last night,” she said and Aladdin brought himself down to four legs.

“Yeah, we look good, huh?” he asked.

“I think so and I imagine a lot better on the full moon.”

“A lot better. You’re kind of scary on the full moon.”

“You’ll be that way next month. I can’t say how you and Razoul will act toward each other.”

“Are you saying we might fight?”

“Maybe. Father, being older, was shown respect and of course both respected me. If Razoul tries to fight you or if you try, I will use my status to get you two to back off.”

“So, going on the idea that the four of us are a pack, who’s at what position?”

“Well, my place is obvious. I would say that Razoul is at the bottom, Father above him and you above Father.”

“Why above your father?”

“Because you are my mate. A beta, if you will. Father would be like an advisor due to his age though he was more intent on guarding me than advising since we thought only as wolves.” She paused for a moment. “Aladdin, I’m concerned about you. You haven’t been yourself today.”

“I know. I looked inside and found it’s because of my uncertainty of being a werewolf and your alpha role.”

“I thought my role was playing a part of it. That can’t be helped. As for the other part…well, you’re a wolf now. Some, if not all, of your uncertainty should have vanished.”

Aladdin flexed his paws and felt his tail move. He did feel a bit better in his wolf form. He sniffed the air and listened to all around him. Both senses were not as overwhelming or painful as they were before. Animals tend to have sharper senses than people. Now that I’m a wolf, my senses are comfortable. “I do feel better,” he said. “My senses don’t feel painful now.”

“They were painful?” Jasmine asked in surprise. “I know Razoul found his to be distracting but I experienced neither of those feelings with my senses and Father didn’t, either.”

“Maybe the senses response is different for everyone,” Aladdin said.

“I agree. So, you’re more comfortable now.”

“Yes and I feel more like myself.”

“Good.” She bared a grin. “How about we play again? It’ll give you a real feel for your body and I have no fear of biting you as I’ve already done it.”

“Sounds good to me.” Aladdin then leaped at Jasmine with no warning. She was caught off guard as he collided with her and the two went down.

Jasmine, on her back, thrusted out with her back legs and sent Aladdin sliding across the ground. She popped to her feet and so did he. The two circled one another before they both charged. They met and tumbled over each other, claws flashing and teeth snapping. Aladdin lashed out with his claws and left three scratch marks on Jasmine’s cheek; for a moment, he felt awful but then he saw the scratches heal. It seems we heal faster. That’s neat, he thought and then yelped as his left forepaw was bitten, though not very hard. He gently nipped Jasmine’s ear and she yelped in response. The pair wrestled and rolled across the ground, both laughing and barking happily.

Soon, they were both on their sides, panting hard. “That was…fun,” Aladdin gasped. “I have…a sense of how…my body moves.”

Jasmine took a few deep breaths before saying, “That was the idea. Aladdin, can I ask a favor?”

“Sure. What is it?”

“I want you to keep me in line whenever there are humans around. Make sure I don’t bite anymore.”

Aladdin rose and sank into a bow. “My pleasure, alpha. I’ll keep you from biting others.”

Jasmine was momentarily thrown by Aladdin using her title, but then reminded herself that he had already used it before his change. She got up and liked his cheek once he had risen from his bow. “Thank you. I’d like to walk around the city at night and not worry about biting someone.”

“I’m sure Razoul would do the same if I lose track of you,” Aladdin said.

“I’m sure he would.” Jasmine then sniffed the air and picked up a scent her instincts identified as a bird. She saw Aladdin also sniff the air before he looked up. She did the same and saw Carpet and Genie heading toward them with Abu and Iago on Carpet. They did come back tonight.

“Hey, guys,” Aladdin said as they landed.

“Al? Are you…okay?” Genie asked, a bit cautiously.

“I’m feeling a lot better,” he said as Abu climbed onto his back.

“You sound like yourself,” Iago said from the air.

“He was uncertain about being a werewolf and reacting to my role as alpha,” Jasmine said. “That’s why he wasn’t himself. It did scare me when I went to him and brought him here.”

“You’re an alpha?” Iago said. “I thought that was a male thing.”

“A female alpha is rare but it does occur. Father and Razoul confirmed it and Aladdin’s reaction to me really drove it home.” She took in her friends and then added, “I guess you’re angry that I bit Aladdin, right?”

“Oh, Jas, no,” Genie said. “It was a shock to see Al injured but we all know this was a possibility. Al pointed out that both of you knew it would happen.”

“Considering I can turn others every night, it would have happened eventually.”

“And I’ll do my best to make sure no one else gets bitten,” Aladdin said. “Jasmine asked me to keep her from doing that if she decides to go out for a nighttime walk.”

“What if you lose her?” asked Genie.

“I could sniff her out or have Razoul on patrol during those walks.”

“Good luck with that,” Iago said sarcastically. “Razoul hates you.”

“Not as much now,” came Razoul’s voice which made everyone turn to face him. “I am still not as fond of him as Jasmine and the Sultan are, but he is the mate of the alpha, giving him some authority over me. If he requests my aid, I will give it.” He gave the same bow to Aladdin that was the same as the one he had given the Sultan and added, “Beta.”

“Thank you,” he said before yawning. Jasmine giggled before saying, “Let’s get some sleep.” Her friends and mate nodded before the latter curled up on the ground and was instantly asleep. Jasmine joined him, certain that her curse was now under control. With Aladdin and Razoul to keep me from biting on nighttime walks, my curse will be controlled.

The End