Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Chapter One- Pack History
“One gin,” Shiro said with a grin and a wink as he slid the glass down to a white-haired young woman who smiled back, lifted the glass, nodded, and downed half the contents. Shiro liked the woman, Allura, but she was going out with someone else, a supposed jealous one called Lotor though jealous didn’t seem like the right word; more like protective. Allura made it clear that she was free to befriend other men and didn’t mind some harmless flirting. Allura talked to Shiro about the homeless shelter she and her boyfriend ran and spoke of the residents of which there were only three.
“Just five of you?” Shiro had asked.
“It is a little hard to find and keep volunteers,” Allura had admitted. “However, all of us have a job and the income keeps the place open.”
So, Shiro established a friendship with Allura and she became a regular and Shiro’s favorite customer. She always ordered a single gin and nursed it for a couple of hours while she spoke to Shiro in-between other customers. This day, however was different as she had downed half of her drink so soon. She then swirled the remainder of the gin for a few seconds before polishing off the rest and set the glass on the counter. “Go again,” she said.
Shiro blinked as he poured another shot. It was quite unusual for Allura to have more than one drink. Nonetheless, he passed her the drink and she drained it. “Again,” she said as she set the glass down.
“Allura, is something wrong? You don’t usually drink like this.”
She looked levelly at him before sighing sadly. “It’s my father and Lotor’s father.”
“Do they not approve of your relationship?”
“No. They don’t approve of our taking in homeless people.”
“How come? I think what you and Lotor are doing is very generous and caring.”
“Thank you, but they look down on people who have fallen on hard times. You know that our father are of the aristocratic society or at least they think they are.”
“Yeah, but that’s no reason to drink yourself into a stupor. You love what you do and if your fathers can’t see that, that’s their loss.”
Allura smiled at Shiro’s words. “You have a point. I do love helping others get back on their feet. Thanks, Shiro. Now, could I have that third drink?”
Allura and Lotor fled the manor house that day. They couldn’t bring themselves to kill their fathers out of love. They ran from town to town, city to city for over a century. They had run into a werewolf who was the alpha of a pack not long after fleeing the manor house. At first, the alpha was wary of their presence in his territory but when they said they were fleeing a pair of vampires who were their fathers, the werewolf felt for them.
“I can help you avoid becoming vampires but it will pull you into an ancient feud between my kind and the vampires,” the alpha had said.
“Given the choice, I’d rather be a wolf than a vampire,” Allura had said.
“My dear, you don’t have the right scent to be a vampire. Your scent is indicates you are meant to be a werewolf. Yours too,” the alpha had said, directing his last comment to Lotor.
“Oh, so we can’t be vampires. But if they try to turn us?” Allura had asked.
“You’ll die. Vampires are unable to tell who can be turned and who can’t. I would be willing to teach you about werewolves before allowing you to leave, if you wish to be bitten, that is.”
“I’d rather live than die.” Allura had knelt and held out an arm. “I’ll be a werewolf.”
“So will I.” Lotor had also held out an arm.
It has been 150 years since being bitten. The alpha did indeed teach Lotor and me about werewolves and we stayed with his pack for two months. We were able to blend in as the pack was a variety of fur colors, including the white fur Lotor and I have. Father and Zarkon went by the territory a month after we were turned. The pack had learned to act like normal wolves when they smell vampires approaching and we emulated that.
Lotor and I spent our traveling during the day as humans and hid in empty buildings or forests at night as wolves. It wasn’t until fifty years later that we began to form our own pack. We came across Lance when he was fleeing from a sister. He claimed that two pale figures barged into his home and attacked his family, biting them and feeding them blood. All but one died and he had been fleeing to avoid being turned or dying. We were in human form when meeting Lance, but our senses were still sharp and I could smell wolf and human on him.
We revealed our true nature, told him who those vampires were, what vampires were like, and that he had the scent to be a werewolf. He jumped at the opportunity to join our pack and I bit him. We spent another fifty years with just the three of us, but learned that Father and Zarkon had turned six into vampires by that time. We encountered Adam who was actually a vampire hunter. He too had the scent of a wolf and we extended the offer. He accepted and developed silver weapons with a leather handle so we could wield them to protect ourselves from vampires despite our allergy to silver which the vampires are allergic to as well.
Then, thirty years ago, we met Keith. One of Father’s clan members, Hagger, had attacked his parents. His father died when she tried to turn him but his mother, Krolia, became a vampire. Keith managed to escape and met Adam in his flight. Hagger had been chasing Keith, but fled when Adam produced a silver sword. Adam caught the werewolf scent on Keith, brought him to me, and Keith agreed to be bitten.
Father’s clan and my pack have families that have been divided based on their ability to be turned. My pack only wish to live in peace but the determination of the vampires to eliminate werewolves from the earth makes that hard. We take jobs to blend in with humans and keep an ear out for Father’s clan as well as other vampires. Lance’s position as a private investigator covers his status as our pack spy. Keith works as a hospital orderly in case vampires choose to attack it or infiltrate it for some other purpose. Adam runs a gun shop but also sells other weapons. Lotor and I pretend to run a homeless shelter under false names. That cover will not last forever. Eventually, we’ll be able to live as a real home to the public. I wouldn’t mind getting a job as a social work…or a bartender.
She focused on Shiro as he worked. He was a strong, handsome man with black hair save for a forelock that was white. He was quite friendly and Allura imagined he had no trouble making friends. Indeed, she was his friend and he had befriended Keith as Shiro worked nights as a hospital volunteer. Moreover, Keith had admitted to her that he was attracted to Shiro. She had smelled wolf and human on Shiro but also the stench of a vampire. I remember the alpha telling me that there are rare humans who can become a vampire or a werewolf. They usually live and die as humans, but something tells me that that is not Shiro’s fate.
Chapter Two- Sought After
Alfor and Zarkon sat on thrones as Katie, aka Pidge, approached them and knelt before them. “I have infiltrated the local hospital as a nurse as you ordered, Your Majesties. Night shift, of course.”
“Very good,” Zarkon said. “You will be able to smuggle bagged blood out of the hospital so that we have a supply when and if we have to move on.”
“I may have found a potential member as well. His name is Shiro and he is a nighttime hospital volunteer and a daytime bartender.”
“And you know this, how?” Alfor asked.
“I met him after I had secured the nursing position. We got to talking. He’s a friendly man and told me what he does for a living.”
Hagger, who had been standing beside Zarkon, spoke up. “I have finally mastered a spell to determine potential members. I merely need some physical sample of the human, like a hair in order to use the spell.”
“I was hoping you had mastered such a spell to find members,” Pidge said. “A hair came away in my fingers when I brushed my hand over his head as I left the nurses’ station where we sat to talk. I have it right here.” She held up a black strand and passed it to Hagger.
Hagger had been the court witch back when she was human. Her practice with spells changed when she was turned. She used to practice her magic every waking moment but with her immortal life and needing blood every night, her practices became infrequent. The war with the werewolves also cut into the limited time she had at night. The discovery of Allura and Lotor being werewolves added fuel to the ancient feud. Both kings considered it a betrayal and made them determined to eliminate the werewolf race. This feeling increased when Lance and Keith became werewolves while Veronica and Krolia became vampires. The fact that their brother and son, respectively, had become the enemy killed their love for them just as Alfor and Zarkon’s love for their children had died.
Hagger held the strand and chanted the spell she had studied and practiced for decades. The strand glowed and so did Hagger’s eyes as she absorbed the information the hair gave her. She smiled as her eyes ceased glowing. “This Shiro is special,” she said. “A rare one. He is a human who can become a vampire or a werewolf. No matter which one he becomes, he would be a valuable asset to his new race.”
“Vampire or werewolf?” Zarkon sneered. “We cannot allow a werewolf to bite him. A human like him doesn’t come along that often. Katie, it will be up to you to entice him to be a vampire.”
“As you command, sire,” she said bowing before leaving the room. She was certain that she could convince Shiro to let her turn him. Her own turning had not been as smooth. She had been turned sixty years ago along with her brother and father. Alfor and Zarkon had barged into her home and attacked them. They fed off them and then fed them vampire blood. Her mother died from the turning, but the rest of them became vampires. They were told the advantages and disadvantages of their new race as well as their eternal mission of killing werewolves. It was a mission Veronica took most seriously as her young brother Lance became a werewolf ten years previously. Pidge understood that she considered it a betrayal that her brother would choose to be an inferior being instead of a vampire.
It was a view that Krolia also shared. Hagger attacked her family thirty years ago. The man died while his wife became a vampire. Keith had fled with Hagger in pursuit. She had been forced to abandon her chase due to a vampire hunter with a silver sword. Hagger had managed to eavesdrop on Keith and the hunter to learn that the hunter was a werewolf and that Keith had the scent of a wolf, something Hagger didn’t understand. Keith accepted the chance to be bitten and was led away from the scene. When Hagger reported this, Krolia swore to kill Keith for his choice.
Allura, Lotor, Lance, and Keith will suffer for turning on their families. Granted, they may not have become vampires but I would rather die than be an inferior, vulgar animal. The problem is that we have no idea where Allura’s pack is. Alfor is not too worried. He’s certain that he’ll find his daughter eventually and kill her. Until then, the clan will grow its numbers. We have nine of us so far and soon we’ll have ten once Shiro has been turned.
Keith stared at Allura. “Shiro is one of those rare humans who can be turned either way?”
Allura nodded. “I caught the scent of human, wolf, and vampire on him. I can’t believe I didn’t scent him out earlier.”
“He can’t be a vampire! He’s too nice to be a bloodsucker.”
“My father was a wonderful person before he was turned. Such is the way the vampire virus affects those who become vampires. They are the undead and view us as vulgar and inferior. I try not to think badly of them despite their attempts of genocide. I simply wish to live my immortal life in peace and grow our numbers. Lotor and I can help by having babies.”
“I’d like to help but I really like Shiro,” Keith said, half wistful and half apologetic.
“That’s fine, Keith. Two male werewolves can have children as long as the pair has established who the dominant one is. Then the submissive one carries the little ones.”
Keith brightened upon hearing this. “If Shiro and I become mates, then I’ll carry the pups as I feel Shiro would be the dominant and he is older than me.”
“Keith, we can’t lose Shiro to the vampires. Keep your nose out for vampires at the hospital and make it clear to Shiro that you value your friendship with him and hint of your attraction for him. Try to ask him out.”
“Of course, but Allura with all due respect, why would the vampires be interested in Shiro if they don’t even know about him?”
“I know that Father’s clan is in this city and it is only our cover story and false names that keeps them oblivious to our whereabouts. They don’t know our pack is in the city. It is fortunate that they can’t smell a werewolf the way we can smell them. However, Hagger is a witch and she may have discovered a spell to determine who can be turned and if a vampire is able to get inside the hospital and get his or her hands on hair or skin samples, they could eventually learn of Shiro’s special status.”
Keith swallowed hard. Despite his age of eighteen, he was still the youngest werewolf. Lance had been a werewolf for a hundred years but looked like he was seventeen. Keith deferred to Lance due to their werewolf ages. He did recognize that Allura was trusting him with a serious, potentially dangerous mission. He had to convince Shiro to be a werewolf while keeping an eye or rather a nose out for any vampires working at the hospital. It was important to add Shiro as he would bring their pack up to six members. The vampires would still outnumber them but gestation period for werewolves was the same period for normal wolves so born werewolves could be had quickly and easily. Keith also knew Allura and Lotor had put off having pups as they were more concerned with surviving and avoiding the notice of their fathers’ clan. If I can snag Shiro and bite him, it may give Allura the comfort to have her own children.
Shiro yawned slightly as he entered his apartment. It had been a pleasant but hard night. He had volunteered at various departments in the hospital but it resulted in meeting a girl name Katie who would start as a nurse tonight. He had thought it odd that a girl her age would be working as a nurse. She wasn’t old enough to be a nurse…unlike Keith.
He smiled as he thought of Keith. He was old enough to be an orderly and, despite his age, he seemed quite mature and serious. He attributed it to the fact that his parents had died when he was young and moving from foster home to foster home until he left the system and sought a place at Allura’s shelter. Shiro had taken a liking to Keith the first night he met him. The two talked over their breaks and, over the weeks, Shiro found himself really liking Keith.
I’d like to ask Keith out, but I don’t know if he thinks of me like that. I can still try and, if he turns down my invite, I will apologize and explain why I feel attracted to him. I only hope that he understands and we can remain friends should he not feel attracted to me.
Chapter Three- Asked Out
“Evening, Shiro,” Pidge greeted that night.
“Hello, Katie,” Shiro replied with a smile.
God, he’s handsome, Pidge thought. I’d like to have him as a mate, never mind that vampires can’t have children. That would just make our sexual encounters sweeter. “So, what are you going to do tonight?”
“I’m thinking of helping out in the pediatric center. Help change diapers, assist in births, and anything else dealing with babies. What about you?”
“Delivering papers or supplies to doctors or assisting in blood donation.”
“Ah. Well, maybe we can talk over our breaks.”
“I’d like that.” The head nurse called Katie’s name and she ran off while Shiro headed off to volunteer his help with the babies. The nurses and orderlies were glad to see him and he was soon helping to dispose of bags of dirty diapers. When that was done, one nurse said, “Shiro, could you help an orderly with the nursery? Make sure the babies are fed, changed, and sleeping? I have to assist with a birth.”
“Sure. I’d be happy to.” He headed off to the nursery and stared through the glass with a smile. The orderly in there was Keith! He quickly went around the back and entered. “Keith, hi,” he said softly.
Keith looked up and his eyes crinkled up when he smiled. “Hi, Shiro,” he said just as softly.
“Seems we’re working the same department tonight.”
“Yeah and after the nursery, I get to go on break. Would you like to join me?”
“I’d love to.” Shiro went to check on a row of babies while Keith checked another row. Both men snuck looks at each other when the other wasn’t looking. Shiro was enchanted by Keith’s looks and personality and looked forward to their break. That would be the perfect time to tell him how I feel. Depending on his response, I’ll either apologize or ask him out. I hope it is the latter.
Keith was glad that Shiro was working with him tonight. He had been concerned when he arrived for work and smelled a vampire on the second floor. The smell made him feel a bit sick and that feeling faded as he moved up to another floor. It faded altogether when he was two floors above the source. But now, in the nursery, he smelled human from the babies around him, but also a smell that was human, wolf, and vampire with the former more dominant. It has to be Shiro. Allura was right, not that I doubted her. It’s important that I make sure that he becomes a werewolf. I feel that he would make a wonderful mate. The vampires will not have him!
An hour later, both sat in the breakroom and Keith sat at a table while Shiro got a cup of coffee. “I’m glad we’re working together tonight,” he said as Shiro sat.
“Me too.” Shiro took a sip. He had known Allura and Keith for almost a year and felt close to them, especially Keith. “Keith, we’ve been friends for almost a year and I really enjoy spending time with you.”
“I feel the same way.”
Shiro nodded. “I have to admit that I, well, I feel attracted to you. I really like you and I wanted to let you know.” He watched Keith’s face as he spoke. The violet eyes had widened in surprise at first but then his entire face lit up and it gave Shiro hope.
“Shiro, I also feel attracted to you. I just didn’t know if you felt the same way and I didn’t want to lose your friendship.”
Shiro smiled gently and put a hand on one of Keith’s own. “I also didn’t want to lose your friendship. Listen, I’m off tomorrow from both of my jobs and I know you’re off too. Perhaps, we could spend time together. I’m thinking a dinner date. What do you say, Keith?”
Keith wanted to howl in joy at the invitation but squashed the impulse. Instead, he said, “Maybe dinner and a movie? There’s a movie about vampires and werewolves that I’m interested in seeing.”
“I might be interested in seeing that myself. All right. It’s a date, Keith.”
“Great.” The two left the breakroom, discussing where to have dinner before deciding on a steakhouse. They shared gentle, loving looks throughout the rest of their shifts and Shiro gave Keith a kiss on the cheek as they parted.
Shiro chose to swing by the gift shop to select a rose to present to Keith at their date when he drove by to pick him up. He looked through the flowers when he heard his name. He turned and smiled when he saw Pidge. “Katie. On your break?”
“Yeah. Are you off?”
“I am and I thought I’d browse and buy a flower.”
“Oh? Is it for someone special?” Pidge’s voice had a sly tone while hoping Shiro would say that the flower was for her.
“It is. Do you know the orderly, Keith?”
“No. I don’t.”
“Oh. Well, we’re attracted to each other and I asked him out tonight for a date tomorrow night. A classic dinner and a movie one. I want to give him a rose when I pick him up.”
“That sounds nice. Well, my break is almost over. Enjoy your date.” Pidge left the gift shop with an amused smile. She found it charming that Shiro was dating another guy while he seemed to like women as well. It was not unusual for two guys or two girls to love one another and she was content to let Shiro do just that. The name of Shiro’s date didn’t concern her either. The name Keith was not unusual and was just a coincidence that the orderly shared the same name as Krolia’s son. We don’t know where Allura’s pack lives so this Keith is likely just another human. I could acquire a hair and have Hagger look at it, but that can wait until later as Keith won’t be working tomorrow.
Keith, in wolf form, howled happily and pranced around the room making Allura, in human form, smile in amusement. “You are really taken by Shiro, huh Keith?”
“He really likes me, Allura and I told him the same thing. We’re going out tomorrow night to a steakhouse and then watch a movie about vampires and werewolves. I’m hoping discussion of the movie will lead to my convincing him to join our pack. I’ll make it clear that I really truly love him and that my recruitment is a recent development.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Lotor said. “The fact that you like each other will certainly make telling the truth easier. You do know that he’ll want proof that you’re a werewolf.”
Keith nodded. “Of course and I will show him. I only hope that he’ll still like me or at least still want to be friends.”
“I hope so too,” Allura said. “And I hope he’ll still want to be my friend as you will have to tell him about all of us, considering I was the one who bit you.’
“That’s true. I don’t want to lose him to the vampires. I smelled one at the hospital tonight. He or she was on the second floor and luckily I was on the fourth floor assisting with baby care.”
“Try to find out who the vampire is but take care that he or she doesn’t get too close to you as he or she may have a member who can use a spell to determine your race through a hair sample or skin cell samples. Zarkon’s court witch may have such a spell.”
“I’ll do that the night after our date. I will be cautious in seeking out the vampire and tell what he or she looks like.”
Allura nodded. “Lotor and I are familiar with some vampires in the 150 years that we’ve been alive. Lance also knows some vampires due to being the pack spy. In fact, that’s what he’s doing right now: Seeking out vampires and making notes of what they look like. He’s well familiar with Father’s clan as well as others. And perhaps he would be willing to sniff out the vampire at the hospital while Keith is on his date tomorrow night.
Chapter Four- Information
Lance sniffed the air subtly as he walked in a run-down but fancy part of town. He had driven to this section before getting out to sniff out vampires. He knew his job was dangerous and risky, but he was well-armed no matter what form he took. He tended to be in human form as most vampires don’t recognize a werewolf in human form. Such was not the case with Zarkon’s clan.
His life had changed a hundred years ago when Zarkon and Alfor had attacked his family. They fed on his family’s blood and then fed them vampire blood in order to turn them. Only his older sister, Veronica, survived the turning while the others died. He had been hiding in his bedroom with the door locked but Veronica broke the door down as if it was paper. He had leaped out the window which had been on ground level and raced off into the night. His sister had given chase and it was only the rising sun that brought it to an end. Veronica fled to hide from it and Lance kept moving. He had met Allura and Lotor in a forest thicket. They had seemed concerned about his scared state and he claimed that he was fleeing from a sister who wanted to hurt him, which was true enough.
Both werewolves had smelled human and wolf on him and revealed this to him as well as the supernatural world. “I can be a werewolf?” he had asked. “I don’t have to be a vampire?”
“You can’t be a vampire,” Lotor had said. “You don’t have the scent of one. You would die if your sister tries to turn you.”
Lance’s eyes had filled with tears and fury. “Why?” he had choked out. “Why attack my family?”
“Vampires seek human blood as well as increase their number. They can’t tell who can and can’t be turned. Werewolves can as we have a sharp sense of smell. It certainly helps us avoid vampire notice. We’ve been avoiding our fathers for fifty years as they’re vampires and would kill us if they found us as we’re werewolves and the two races hate each other.”
“Kill you? Their own children just because you’re on different sides of an ancient hate?”
Allura had nodded. “Lotor and I just want to live in peace but the vampires see us as inferior and vulgar and made it their mission to eliminate werewolves from the world. These vampires who attacked. What did they look like?”
Lance had described them and Allura and Lotor had sighed and looked down. “They were your fathers, weren’t they?” They had nodded. “So, it’s three of them and two of you?”
“Actually, it’s four of them. Father turned his court witch not long after he was turned,” Lotor had said. “I can’t say how many vampires or werewolves there are in the world but in this instance, it’s four of them and two of us.”
“No. There will be three of you. I would like to be a werewolf and join your pack.” Lance had held out an arm and Allura had shifted into a white wolf before sinking her teeth into his arm.
I learned a lot from Allura and Lotor as well as on my own. I followed their orders and of course we stuck together as we’re a pack and out of a sense of protection. I came across Zarkon’s clan over the first fifty years as a werewolf, though they didn’t see me or give me a second look as I was in wolf form and acting like a stray dog. It was in this manner that I was able to inform Allura of how many there were and what they look like. I let her know that a family of three had been turned ten years after I was bitten and then another turned ten years after that.
Currently, they have nine while there are only five of us. If they turn Shiro, they’ll outnumber us two to one and he’ll be able to kill Allura and Keith as he knows them. Of course, we can move shortly after he’s turned. But, that may not happen. For one, they may not even know about Shiro. Second, Keith may be able to convince Shiro to be a werewolf or at least be open and honest about his true nature. It’s more likely that Shiro will still be human after the date and hopefully he’ll still be friends with Keith and Allura.
Lance paused in his thoughts and breathed deeply. He smelled vampires…a lot of them. He slipped into an alley, changed into a wolf, and then slunk down the sidewalk, his nose flaring. He followed it to a mansion that, curiously, had lights on in the place. He saw an open window and peered in before leaping in upon seeing the area was empty. He sniffed around and moved cautiously through the place. He was soon crouched by a room in which his nose identified eight vampires within. Zarkon’s clan; it has to be, he thought.
“Sam,” said a voice Lance recognized as Alfor which confirmed his suspicions. “Your daughter began her job tonight, correct?”
“Yes, sire,” replied Sam. “Our influence power helped her secure her job at the hospital. A hospital is the perfect place for a vampire to work.”
“Indeed,” Zarkon spoke up. “She can smuggle out bagged blood for us to stash so we will have blood to drink should we encounter no humans while we’re moving.”
“Are we moving soon, sire?” asked Hunk who had been turned ten years after Pidge and her family and was the last one to join the clan.
“We will,” Alfor said. “But not until Shiro is turned. Once he is one of us, we will move on. It is clear to me that my daughter’s pack is not here. It is up to Katie to convince Shiro to be a vampire. A shame our influence power cannot make a person want to be a vampire.”
“She has made contact with him,” Hagger said. “She will try to spend time with him at work and maybe wrangle a date with him. When she does, then she can reveal her true self and convince him to let her turn him.”
“I’m sure she can do it,” Matt said. “She is a charming young lady, my sister.”
Lance backed away from the room and ran for where he had entered from and once outside, he ran for his car, resumed human form, got in, turned it on, and drove back home. He had found the home of Zarkon’s clan and he knew which vampire was at the hospital and, worst of all, they knew about Shiro! They plan to have Katie ask Shiro out and tell him she’s a vampire and convince him to be turned. Heh, the thing is, is that Shiro asked Keith out after being friends for a year.
He pulled up by their home, went inside, and called, “Allura! Lotor! I have information. Important information.”
The two leaders entered, now in wolf form. “What is it, Lance?” Allura asked as she and Lotor laid down.
Lance took wolf form and laid down as well. “I found where your fathers’ clan lives and of course, they don’t know we’re here. I listened in on them and Alfor said they will soon move on but only after Shiro is turned.”
“So, they do know about him,” Allura said. “Hagger must have gotten a sample Shiro and mastered the spell to determine his suitability to be turned.”
“Yes and the task of turning him was given to Katie. She is the one working at the hospital.”
“Good job, Lance,” Lotor said. “We’ll be sure to tell Keith about her when he comes back from shopping for a dinner outfit.”
“Speaking of that, the vampires plan to convince Shiro the same way we are. Go out with Shiro and convince him to be turned.”
“The funny thing is that Shiro asked Keith out. Plus, they’ve known each other for a year and really like each other,” Allura said.
“I hope he still likes Keith after learning he’s a werewolf as well as the rest of us. Allura, you do know that Shiro could still be human after the date.”
“Of course, Lance. It would be too much to expect Shiro to want to be bitten like you did. You were in serious danger of being found and killed. Shiro can be a wolf or a vampire so he’s not in danger of being killed. I also hope he’s still friends with Keith and me when Keith tells him he’s a werewolf. I’m sure he still will as long as Keith reveals it at the right time and makes it clear that he had good reason to hide it.”
Chapter Five- The Truth
Keith straightened his jacket and smiled. It was the night of his date and he was excited and nervous. He was excited as he knew Shiro enough to know how to relate to him. His nervousness was due to telling Shiro the truth about himself. He would need to phrase it carefully otherwise he would lose Shiro’s friendship and Shiro himself. Lance had learned the identity of the vampire he had smelled last night and relayed that news to him when he had returned from shopping.
Katie. A vampire I have never seen before but the other members know her appearance. She would likely know mine due to my mother. I will need to keep my distance until the clan has moved, but they’ll only do that once Shiro’s a vampire. Suppose he became a werewolf. Would the clan move on, anyway? Would they kill Shiro? Keith bit his lip. He loved Shiro but convincing him to be a werewolf could be tantamount to a death sentence. Perhaps it would be better to let the vampires have him. This statement kept coming back to him as his date began. Shiro presented a rose to him and while Keith was touched, he knew that he had to let him go.
Shiro looked over his menu at Keith. The young man seemed subdued, distracted, and even sad. He didn’t understand. Keith had seemed excited about their date last night, but tonight he hadn’t even smiled once. What has changed? Shiro wondered as dinner progressed. Did I do something wrong? Is Keith no longer attracted to me?
“Keith,” he said halfway through dinner. “Did I do something wrong? I mean, you don’t seem to be enjoying yourself.”
Keith looked at Shiro, really looked. “Shiro, you did nothing wrong. I am enjoying myself. I just have other matters on my mind as well.”
Shiro reached over and put a hand on one of Keith’s hands. “Please put those matters aside for tonight. It is all about us enjoying each other’s company outside of work.”
“Yes,” Keith said. “It is and I hope to have more dates in the future.”
“I do too. I would like to have you as my boyfriend.”
“I would like that too.” Keith flashed a smiled at last and began to relax as the two finally began to discuss a variety of topics. Their talk carried them to the theater and Keith felt a bit better, though he still knew that Shiro should be a vampire in order to survive.
“Wow,” Shiro said two hours later as they left the theater. “That was a good movie. We should see it again another time and buy it when it comes out on DVD.”
Keith nodded in agreement. “I really liked it. The feud between the vampires and werewolves was interesting.” And pretty accurate, he added silently.
“Interesting, yes.”
“Shiro, if you were part of that feud, which side would you want to be on?”
“Oh, werewolf. No doubt about it. They only wished to live in peace and the vampires kept attacking them.”
“I see,” Keith said slowly and Shiro sensed that melancholy air about his boyfriend again.
“Keith, what’s wrong? You’ve been distracted and sad all night. Tell me. Maybe I can help.”
Keith then seized Shiro’s hand and pulled him into an alley. “All right. Shiro, I love you and I don’t want to be responsible for your death. I feel we shouldn’t be together?”
“My death?”
“Shiro, the movie we watched is very close to reality. There really are werewolves and vampires. I know this because…because I’m a werewolf.”
“You…are?” Shiro asked and then gasped as Keith shifted to wolf form.
Keith sat and looked up at him. “I am and so is Allura and the others who live with us. Allura’s father is a vampire as is Lotor’s father, my mother, and six others. Vampires want to eliminate my kind while we only want to live our lives.
“Not everyone can be one or the other. My kind detect it by smell and, until recently, vampires would only attack and attempt to turn others. Our pack spy, Lance, found out that the witch in that clan has a spell to determine one’s suitability to be turned though a sample of the human be it hair, blood, or skin samples.”
Shiro swallowed hard. “Are you saying that they got a hair from me and the spell says I’m suited to be a vampire?”
“Yes, but Allura picked up a scent from you that is human, wolf, and vampire. I also smelled it last night and I still do right now. You’re a special person. You could become either race or stay human. My kind doesn’t force anyone to let us bite them. I don’t know of the vampires force or not but they do want you. Lance heard them say that they’ll move on once you are turned.”
“Meaning when I’m a vampire.”
Keith nodded. “They don’t know we’re living here and will eventually move on to find us.”
“If vampires seek to kill werewolves, why is this clan so intent on finding you? Wait. It’s a family reason isn’t it? Allura’s father, Lotor’s father, and your mother.”
“Lance and his older sister too. She became a vampire and had been chasing Lance to turn him. The rising sun forced his sister to hide from it and Lance continued to run and hide until he met Allura and Lotor who smelled wolf on him. He jumped at the chance to be a werewolf. That was a hundred years ago.”
“A hundred!? But he looks no older than you.”
Keith chuckled. “Werewolves are immortal like vampires. I was eighteen when I was bitten thirty years ago. I am the youngest one, werewolf-wise and the last one of five.”
Shiro mentally counted and said, “There’s five of you and nine of them. You’re outnumbered.”
“We are, but Lotor and Allura are considering having a family of their own. Having born werewolves would increase our pack’s numbers. I don’t think they’ll start until the clan has moved.
“That brings me back to us, Shiro. I don’t want you to be a vampire but if it keeps you from being dead…”
“Only if they get close to me.”
“They already have. One of them works as a nurse at the hospital. Her name is Katie.”
“Katie? She’s a vampire? She doesn’t look it.”
“They can disguise their pale skin and fangs. So, she’ll likely try to convince you to be a vampire and I suggest you take it.”
“No. I will not be a vampire.” Shiro now knew why Keith had been so down all night. “Keith, I love you. Would you know a vampire’s weaknesses?”
“Sunlight kills them but they are allergic to silver. Actually, so are werewolves but only silver bullets can kill us. One member, Adam, was a vampire hunter before being bitten but he still makes silver weapons with leather handles so we can wield them. He runs a weapons shop here in town.”
Shiro smiled. “Then, I’ll stop by there before work tomorrow night and acquire something silver. I could also confront Katie about her true nature and make it clear that I won’t be a vampire. Now, let me drive you home so we can end this date the way most dates do.”
Keith changed back with a smile that told Shiro that Keith knew what Shiro had been hinting. A traditional end of date kiss, he thought as Shiro drove him home. Once outside the pack’s home, they did kiss good night and Keith went inside with a dreamy smile, glad the date went better than he thought it would be.
Chapter Six- Confrontation
Shiro entered the store and looked around. It was full of a variety of weapons, accessories, and ammo. There was a large soundproof gun range on the far side and some people could be seen testing some guns with ear protection on. There were no other customers.
“Good morning,” said a voice and Shiro turned to see a man about his age or a little younger with tanned skin. His brown eyes showed a friendliness that was reflected in his smile.
“Are you Adam?” he asked. “Keith mentioned you last night.”
“Ah, so you’re Shiro. Yes, I can see why Keith is in love with you. You are quite attractive.” Adam extended a hand and Shiro shook it.
“What did Keith say about me?”
“Only that you would be by to acquire some silver to keep a vampire away from you while at the hospital. He also said that you don’t want to be a vampire.” Adam pulled on elbow-length leather gloves before bringing up a metal suitcase.
“That’s true. I don’t want to be a vampire. I’d rather be a werewolf like Keith, but he acts as if that would lead to my death. If I can convince Katie to not turn me and to leave then I’d like to join your pack. But, I’d like some silver to protect me for now.”
“Of course. I also run a vampire hunter business but only to true hunters and those who knows that vampires and werewolves exist.” He opened the suitcase and turned it to face Shiro before reaching down and bringing up other boxes or containers before opening them and turning them to Shiro. His eyes roved over the selections. Everything was clearly handmade and of excellent quality. “You know your trade well.”
“Yes. I craft them myself and use these gloves to avoid touching the metal.”
“I understand that both races are allergic to silver but I’m unclear as to how.”
“Well for my kind, it burns if we touch it, though some raw meat will heal it. As for vampires, it also burns but they also become ill around it, but not enough to kill. Only sunlight can do that. A shame there’s no way to harness the sun as, say, a bullet.”
“Perhaps, one day, there will be. Maybe you’ll live to see that.”
“I’ve been a werewolf for fifty years and I’ve stopped hunting vampires myself out of a need to protect the pack. Instead, I supply hunters with the supplies they need. My codename, Wolfsbane, spreads through the hunter underground and they come to me to purchase what they need or request me to make them unique weapons as the underground claims I’m the best in the business of acquiring whatever they need.”
Shiro was looking over the silver options as Adam talked and he found two items that looked perfect. One was a pocketknife. The blade was out and seemed to be almost six inches long. The second was a solid silver cross on a leather cord. “How much are the pocketknife and the cross?”
“Together they would be $250.00. Plus, I’ll throw in a beaded silver chain for the cross to increase its protection.”
“Sounds reasonable. Cash, check, or card?”
“I accept all forms of payment.”
Hours later, Shiro was at work with the knife in his pocket and the cross around his neck on its silver chain and under his shirt. He felt safe with the silver on him. He approached a head nurse to ask if Katie was working and where she was.
“She’s here. She’s assisting blood donations on the second floor.”
“I see and what about Keith?”
“He was asked to sort infant records on the fourth floor.”
“Thank you. I think I’ll help both tonight.” He flashed a small smile before heading up to the second floor and made his way to the blood donation department.
He entered said department and was greeted by the staff there. He was soon assisting and doing blood donation and storing the bags. He saw Katie a few times during the first couple of hours of work and she caught him looking at her a couple of times and she smiled charmingly. However, she seemed a little paler and he wondered if it was the silver on him. At one point, she staggered and put a hand to her temple, eyes closed in pain. She spoke softly to a doctor who had come over in concern and he nodded before she left the room. Shiro, also concerned, followed at a distance.
Katie sank into a chair and put her head in her hands, thankful that the breakroom was empty. She had to get away from the silver that was somewhere in that room. She knew that silver was responsible for her feeling ill. If I discover who has the silver, I will suck their blood dry in revenge,<.i> she thought angrily.
She looked over to see Shiro in the doorway. He shifted slightly on his feet and she saw something glinting on his neck: A silver chain! Shiro’s the one making me ill. Why is he wearing silver? I didn’t think he wore jewelry.
“Katie, I’m sorry but I wanted protection.” Shiro removed the necklace, hung it on the doorknob, approached her, and sat across from her.
“Protection? What are you talking about?” she asked innocently.
“Please, don’t pretend. An anonymous vampire hunter identified you as a vampire and sold me the necklace as he had observed our interactions.”
“He identified me but didn’t try to capture me and let the sun kill me?” she hissed, realizing that she had just admitted her true nature. She sighed. “Shiro, it was discovered that you could become a vampire. Until recently, we would attempt to turn a human. Very few survive the turning. My mother didn’t, but my father, brother, and I did. That was sixty years ago. My clan is led by two vampire kings and they’ve given me the task of stealing bagged blood and to entice you to join the clan. Then, the clan will move on in search of a certain pack of werewolves.”
“So…vampires and werewolves are real?”
“Yes. The daughter and son of the kings are werewolves and that alone is why we search for them for they’ve betrayed their fathers by running away and getting bitten. Two others ran from their family members who became vampires and they too became werewolves and part of the son and daughter’s pack.”
“So, it’s a family issue? Is that why you’re hunting them?”
“Yes and as they’re not here, we’ll move on.”
“Katie, I’m not interested in being a vampire. I’m happy here and rather not have to quit my jobs. I know I would have to quit my day job as the sun would kill me which you just admitted to. I’m sorry, but that’s my decision. Please, leave me and move on.”
“But, being a vampire is a wonderful existence. If you just let me turn you, you would see that too.” Katie stood and her fangs grew out.
Shiro swiftly got up and pulled out his knife. He pushed in a button and the blade snapped out. Katie hissed and backed away. “I said no. You and your clan will move on and leave me to live out my life as a human.” He backed up to the door, seized his necklace, and fled the room to head upstairs. He needed to steer clear of Katie until it was clear that she and the others had left. Of course, I could become a werewolf. That may get them to move on.
Katie sat back down and her fangs shrank. I failed, she thought. He’s refused and he’ll wear that cross until we’ve left. Well, I guess that’s it. We can’t influence him to join and he won’t let his guard down while we’re here. Katie got up a few minutes later to resume her shift, not looking forward to giving the bad news.
Chapter Seven- Questions
Keith sniffed the air and the scents of human, wolf, and vampire floated up to him before Shiro came into the records room where he was, sorting the records of infants. The human seemed a little concerned and Keith had an idea of why. “Shiro?” he prompted.
Shiro focused on him before leaning down and kissing his cheek, the knife and necklace in his pocket. “Hi, Keith. I just confronted Katie about her true nature. She confirmed everything you said last night. She was prepared to bite me just now but I kept her back with the knife I bought this morning.”
“Just a knife?”
“I did buy a silver cross with a leather cord and a silver chain. I was wearing it when I came to work. However, I removed it and hung it on the breakroom door when Katie went to the breakroom due to feeling ill from the silver. I made it clear that I would rather stay human and that she and the clan should move on.”
“I don’t know if they’ll move on without you.”
“I plan to steer clear of Katie while working and I’ll wear the cross outside of work to protect myself. I told Adam that if and when the clan moves on, I would like to join your pack.”
Keith perked up. “You’ll be a werewolf?”
“I will.” Shiro smiled. “I’m guessing we would be mates instead of boyfriends when that happens.”
“In the context of the pack, yes. But in human society, it would be boyfriends. Uh, Allura told me that two males can have pups as long as their roles are clearly defined and the submissive one would carry the little ones. I…feel you would be the more dominant one of the two of us. I wouldn’t mind being the pregnant one.”
“I have a feeling that you would look good pregnant.”
“I’m inclined to agree.” Keith and Shiro then settled to sorting records and talked about trivial matters as they worked.
“He learned your true nature before you could tell him and he’s got silver to protect himself from you?” Zarkon asked in soft anger.
Pidge flinched a bit from her kneeling position. “Yes, sire. I am sorry for failing you.”
“You did the best you could. Now, work on getting some blood from the hospital for we will need to move on.”
“Yes, sire.” Katie silently fumed as she left. She had wanted to turn Shiro and have him as her mate. And I will, she thought. I will tail him and once he’s not wearing any silver, I will attack quickly and turn him.
Shiro put some records away before sorting more. “Keith? What would happen if a vampire or werewolf bit one who is already turned?”
“Well…as a werewolf has a sharp sense of smell, they’d be able to smell that their target is already a vampire. The vampires…most times a werewolf would transform to defend him or herself. I could ask Allura or Lotor about that as that is a good, interesting question.”
“How could the clan not know you’re here?”
“We try not to be seen in our human form, particularly those of us who have family that is part of the clan. If we’re out in wolf form, we try to act as stray dogs and we can change our eye color while in wolf form to further our dog act.”
Keith nodded. “I tend to choose brown or blue.”
“Blue would look good with your fur color but the gold I saw was nice too.”
“Thanks. I tend to avoid vampires whenever I smell them as I don’t know if they’re part of the clan hunting us or part of a different clan.”
“Is there another clan here?”
“No, just what we call the family clan.”
“Have you encountered other clans?”
“Yes. At least two since I was bitten. We avoided notice so we didn’t tangle with them.”
Shiro nodded as he gathered up some records to put them away, his thoughts awhirl with all that he had learned. His choice to be a werewolf was looking better and better every time he asked a question. Let’s see…they don’t force anyone to become a werewolf, they can change their eye color, vampire encounters are few and easily avoidable, and have sharp senses whether human or wolf. Yes, I’ll be a werewolf, be Keith’s mate, and be immortal. True I would be immortal as a vampire, but the sun being fatal is not a worthwhile trade-off. I like my day job as well as my volunteer job and I’d rather not quit either one. I know I will have to as my frozen age would attract notice. Luckily, this is a big city and I can find work elsewhere, perhaps help Adam in his shop or open my own bar. Shiro smiled to himself as he put the records away, imagining a future where he was an immortal werewolf.
Katie blew it,” Keith reported when he returned home a little later on. “Shiro confronted her and she was ready to turn him right then and there. Luckily, he had the knife he bought from you, Adam.”
“Yes and easily useable by werewolves as the holder is steel and the blade can extend and retract without needing to be touched.”
Keith then looked at Allura and Lotor. “Shiro asked an interesting question that I hope you can answer.”
“What is it?” Lotor asked.
“He asked what would happen if a vampire bit a werewolf and vice versa.”
“An interesting question, indeed. Our kind wouldn’t want to mess with a vampire but biting one would probably only hurt and not affect him or her beyond that. A vampire biting a werewolf and then feeding them vampire blood…” Lotor frowned. “If someone is special, it’s possible for him to be a werewolf and then turned into a vampire.”
“No,” Allura interjected. “Once a special person is turned, he or she can’t be turned into the other race. If Shiro become a werewolf, being bitten and fed vampire blood, he’ll likely spit it out or vomit up the blood.”
“How do you know that?” Lotor asked.
“The alpha who bit us told me when I posed the question of werewolves being bitten and fed vampire blood. I was concerned that if our fathers tried to turn us. He assured me that as long as I wasn’t beheaded, disemboweled, or shot with a silver bullet, I would live for a long time.”
“And you have just as I have,” Lotor said, putting a hand on hers. “150 years together of running, hiding, and forming a pack.”
“And we’ll eventually have pups of our own to increase our numbers.”
“How long would one carry the pups?” Keith asked curiously.
“About two or three months. But, they grow at a human’s rate so as to blend in with humans. When they reach maturity, they will cease aging as opposed to bitten ones whose age freezes when they’re turned,” Allura replied and Lotor nodded in agreement.
So, that’s what will happen, Keith thought as he curled up in bed. Once Shiro is bitten and our roles are confirmed, we could commence coupling and when I become pregnant, I will take time off from work as a pregnant guy is unheard of. Allura and I will add to our pack and, honestly, I’m excited at the thought.
Of course, all of this has to wait until the family clan has moved on. And since Shiro love me, I will be the one to bite him. I will be in wolf form as that is the only way to do it and he’ll transform once I bite. I had to stay a wolf until the next morning, but it wasn’t a problem as I was happy to be a werewolf and it was night when I was bitten. Keith’s tongue brushed gently over his sharp teeth. He longed to bite and have Shiro as his mate. But I must wait until the clan moves and Shiro is ready.
Chapter Eight- Decided
“You truly want to be a part of my pack and Keith’s mate?” Allura asked as she nursed her glass of gin.
“I do. I will wear my silver at night until the clan moves and then I will let myself be bitten.”
“Of course and Keith will do the honor as he will be your mate.”
“That makes sense. Will I need to move into your home?”
“I would think not right away. Our pack spy, Lance, told me the family clan does not know where you live. But, be careful. Your refusal may push them to track you.”
“Understood.” Shiro grabbed a dish tub and headed out to bus tables. Allura was right: The vampires could track him, waiting for an unguarded moment to bite and turn him. Well, I’m not going to lower my guard until they are gone. I will go about my business as usual while being on the lookout for an attack.
Allura sipped her drink as she watched Shiro bus tables. He was, indeed, a handsome, strong man and very special as well. Keith and she had developed close friendships with him and about six months after being friends, Allura then caught the combined smell off Shiro. It didn’t concern her until a few months ago when Lance reported seeing Alfor while he pretended to root through trash like a stray dog. This sighting worried her and had her pack either close up shop or call in sick for a few days. Lance was the only one allowed out at night in order to spy on the clan members who were roaming at night. It was reported that the clan was unaware of their presence in the city despite their searches. She allowed everyone to return to their jobs but to tread cautiously. They had done so and were able to avoid vampire noticed. Indeed, Adam’s choice of profession prevented vampires from entering due to the amount of silver in the shop but it also attracted possible robbers. In those instances, Adam could discreetly change into a wolf and intimidate the robbers into reconsidering their actions.
There’s no definite time of when the clan will move on. They will need blood to sustain them until they’ve set up a lair where they can live in for a time. I imagine they’ll rent a moving van for their coffins and meager possessions and use the cargo hold to sleep in their coffins. Anyway, the need for blood would be easy to acquire this time as Katie works at the hospital and could get access to the bagged blood. I find it curious that they can drink them considering the chemicals applied to them. Well, I will have to keep wondering as no vampire will answer it without wanting to kill me.
Shiro entered the hospital and spoke to the secretary on where some help would be greatly appreciated. As it turned out, help was needed in helping make vacated rooms ready for new patients when they get them. Shiro went to the first floor that had hospital rooms. He was soon sweeping, mopping, cleaning bathrooms, and replacing bedding. It was during this work that he saw Keith who was also cleaning patient rooms. The two shared loving looks as they passed and it gave Shiro a warm feeling. Soon, he thought. The clan will move and I will be a werewolf. I’ll be able to change when I want as the full moon has no power in regards to my form and behavior. The allergy to silver I can live with and speaking of which, my lifespan will be vastly longer. I could live forever and never age.
Shiro nursed some coffee as he took a break and daydreamed about his life with Keith when a voice said, “Shiro!” He looked up to see Katie in the doorway. She was clearly keeping her distance due to his silver necklace.
“Katie,” he said cordially. “I hope you’re not going to try to persuade me to join you again.”
She waved a hand back and forth. “Not at all. My king just wants me to secure some blood as we’ll be moving soon.”
“When’s that?” Shiro kept his tone casual.
“Real soon. Packing up our home won’t take long as we don’t have much. We just need a rental moving van with enough space for our coffins and complete darkness. Of course, an underground parking garage would be ideal for our purposes as we travel.”
“I can see why. Well, I guess this is goodbye then. Take care, Katie.”
“Yes. My last day is tomorrow and I need to steal some blood.” She left the doorway and Shiro smiled. He was a lot closer to being a werewolf. I need to find Keith and tell him the news. He finished his coffee and went in search of his boyfriend.
“Tomorrow’s her last day?” Keith said. “She’s stealing blood right now?”
“That’s right. She didn’t say when they’ll move only that it’ll be soon.”
“Oh, I hope it’s real soon. I’ll tell Allura what you told me. She’ll likely have Lance spy on them.”
“You know…I’m off the night after tomorrow,” Shiro said. “I would be willing to be bitten then.”
“And it would be perfect as one must stay in wolf form until the next sunrise. I could change and bite you before going to work. Also, it would be better if you stay with the pack that night so they can teach and help you.”
Shiro nodded. He suspected he would need help in walking on four legs as well as the sharper senses. He had been told what being a werewolf was like, but it would be a different matter in experiencing it. And I can hardly wait.
“They’re moving soon?” Allura repeated when Keith recounted the conversation.
“That’s what Katie told Shiro who told me. She’s in the process of stealing blood for the move.”
“And Shiro wants to be bitten the day after Katie’s last night.” She nodded. “Yes, that would be acceptable and, of course, you will turn him. It is also a good idea to have him stay the night. Lance, I want you to spy on the family clan starting tomorrow night. Find out what you can and report back to me.”
“Yes, alpha,” Lance answered.
Zarkon smiled as the bagged blood Pidge had presented to him. “Very nice, but we could use more. A vampire can’t have too much emergency blood and as you won’t be working after tomorrow night, getting caught won’t matter, but all the same, don’t get caught.”
“Yes, sire.” Pidge left the Throne Room and was heading to her room when she heard her name whispered. She turned and saw her brother and father, the latter being the one who called. She entered the room that looked like all the other rooms: Peeling paint, a threadbare carpet, a metal coffin, and bricked-up windows. She sat on the floor as did her family. “What’s up, Dad?” she asked.
“We’re sorry you failed to convince Shiro to join us,” Sam said.
“Yeah. He would have made a fine mate for you,” Matt chimed in.
“I thought the same thing. Unfortunately, he met a hunter who knew I was a vampire. It is a surprise that a hunter didn’t try to capture and kill me.”
“Perhaps he was a traveling hunter and was only there one day,” Matt suggested.
“Or tailing you so he could kill us all,” Sam said.
“I have not sensed anyone watching me and if he was around, we would all be dead by now,” Pidge pointed out.
“Very true, dear,” Sam conceded. “In that case, I agree with your brother’s suggestion.”
“I know King Zarkon said to just focus on getting blood but as soon as Shiro is not wearing silver, I will turn him.”
“As long as he ditches it before three nights pass,” Matt said. “We’ll leave on the fourth night.”
Three nights, Katie thought. That’s tomorrow my last day, the night after which is Shiro’s day off, and the night after that. The third night will be when I’ll turn him. I just know it.
Chapter Nine- Turned
Shiro didn’t see Allura the day he was to be bitten and figured that she was probably preparing for the big night. He knew it would be filled with new experiences and he eagerly looked forward to them. His jobs wouldn’t suffer from the bite. I’m off work at the hospital tonight and I have a late and short shift here. He poured a shot of scotch for another regular who was a serious drinker. It amazed Shiro how some people could drink so much and appear unaffected by the side effects. I drink on occasion but it’s in moderation. I don’t drink myself to sleep as I’m not in love with the hangover that would come when I awaken.
I’m sure that werewolves are like humans when it comes to drinking and the side effects but I’m not too sure, he thought as he poured another shot. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.
“Rye and ginger,” said a voice Shiro recognized and, sure enough, when he produced the drink, there was Adam. “Hi. Not open today?” Shiro asked.
“That’s right. Big night at home and I don’t want to miss it.” He leaned forward and said softly. “I’ll finally have another adult in the pack. Everyone else are teenagers despite how long ago they were bitten.”
“You mean I’ve been serving gin to a teenage girl?” Shiro whispered faintly. “She looks older than that and sounds older not to mention that she acts older.”
“She is nineteen but she was royalty so naturally she acts like a leader. Her natural looks do make her seem older. Don’t be too concerned about any illegal serving you did to her.”
“Okay. Tell me, thought: Can werewolves get drunk?”
Adam grinned at this. “Of course. We’re living beings and are affected by the same things humans are with the exception of aging. Allura and Lotor have been around for 150 years and yet they haven’t shared many stories about those years. However they have promised to share some that match whatever experiences you encounter tonight. I look forward to that.”
“I do as well.”
Keith paced the living room, his movements followed by his pack members. He was nervous and anxious. He was nervous as he had never bitten anyone before. Adam had brought him to Allura to be bitten the night after Hagger had turned his mothers. The bite itself had been the only painful part of it. He had felt an urge to howl after Allura had released his arm and he had indulged in it. He had thrown back his head and gave a loud and real wolf’s howl before he had shifted into a black wolf with gold eyes, the latter being the default eye color of werewolves.
I had learned much about werewolves in my first year with the pack but it was only what I needed to know and what I cared to know. I never thought to ask about having children and what’s involved in that until I admitted attraction for Shiro and the he could become a werewolf. And now, he’s on the way here to actually become a werewolf and under the protection of daylight so that he’s not ambushed by vampires on the way over.
The doorbell chimed and Keith rushed over to open it. There, with a nervous smile, was Shiro with an overnight bag in hand. Keith let him in and, once inside, embraced the human. “I’ve been looking forward to this ever since the other night when you said you wanted to be bitten.”
“I’ve been looking forward to this all day,” Shiro said as he followed Keith to the living room where the other four were gathered. They were all in wolf form and Shiro was sure it was both a sign of support and an ancient tradition when adding a pack member. He noted that there were two white ones and two brown ones. Keith is black and so will I. He saw Keith beside him before he shifted to wolf as well.
“It is usually traditional that the pack gathers together and stays together when inducting a new member, but in order to blend in, we must dispense with that. We do gather for the bite, but Keith must report to work tonight so let us not delay. Shiro, you are a special man as you know. You could have chosen to be a vampire, but your love for Keith led you to choose werewolf. Tonight, the bite to turn you will be delivered and you will stay in wolf form until morning as is tradition. All of us, except Keith, will also stay as wolves with you. Your new mate will take wolf form when he returns from work.” With that, Allura nodded at Keith who sank his teeth into Shiro’s forearm.
Shiro cried out as Keith’s teeth pierced his skin and he felt the werewolf virus racing through his body. He also felt an urge to howl and did not fight it. He gave a wolf’s howl before he became a black wolf with gold eyes. He managed to turn in a circle to take in his lean, but muscular body as well as his full tail and strong limbs. “Wow,” he said, impressed.
“And now that you’re officially a werewolf, you and Keith truly are mates.” Allura howled and the others echoed it.
Keith licked Shiro’s muzzle before saying, “I need to head to work. I’ll be back later.”
“I’ll be right here,” Shiro replied as Keith resumed human form already in his orderly uniform and headed out the door.
Shiro managed to sit; easy enough as his spine was curved and he had four legs. His tail curled up on his right side. He blinked as the lit room grew brighter, his ears turned at hearing sounds he hadn’t heard before, and his nose picked up scents he hadn’t smelled before and smells he had smelled grew stronger. “Whoa,” he said in amazement. “Everything is clearer and sharper now.”
“Your senses just became enhanced,” Lotor said. “It was just as amazing and a bit overwhelming when Allura and I were bitten. We learned that every bitten one has to adjust to sharper senses. Allura and I had learned to filter out the smells our noses detected about a month after being bitten. That was when our fathers came near the pack’s territory.”
“While vampires still retain the individual scent they had as humans,” Allura jumped in. “The vampire scent almost covers it. Lotor and I had smelled a level of death that no human can detect.”
“Yeah. I would believe that,” Shiro said. “How sharp is our hearing?”
“You’ll be able to hear someone coming sooner than you did before,” Lance chimed in. “Of course, you’ll be able to smell them before hearing them.”
“Wolves have sharp hearing so they can hear quiet prey like rabbits,” Lotor cut in. “Allura and I learned to hunt during the two months we lived with the pack. We stayed out of protection and learning to be werewolves.”
“Speaking of pack, Keith told me that we can have children despite both being male.”
“That’s right.” Allura got up and approached Shiro. She sniffed him closely before nodding. “You give off a more confident scent than Keith does. You are the dominant one so Keith will carry the pups.”
“How long would that be?” Shiro asked eagerly.
“Two to three months. The birth will occur at night as it will be easier that way. They’ll be pups at that time and will change between human and wolf every day until they are two months old and then they’ll change the same as we do. They’ll cease aging when they reached maturity. The aging rate is the same as human in order to blend in until maturity is reached.”
Shiro asked other relevant questions that were answered and made him feel real good at being a werewolf. The four of them told Shiro about how they got bitten and their travels as a pack. Keith returned a few hours later and he added his story to Shiro’s store of knowledge. Eventually, they began to yawn and Allura ordered everyone to bed. Shiro followed Keith to his room and both curled up as wolves. “Keith, Allura confirmed that I am the more dominant to the two of us. So, you’ll carry our pups.”
“Hmm. I thought so.” Keith yawned before adding, “I’m sure that our pups will be lovely.” He heard Shiro yawn and he gave a wolf’s grin before he fell asleep with his mate’s head on his body.
Chapter Ten- Final Encounter
Shiro flared his nose as he went through his bartending shift. The entire world was brighter, louder, and sharper now and he delighted in it. He was putting his nose to work by identifying the scent of humans as well as the individual scents of the drinks behind the bar. He had to be subtle with both as it would look weird to people, seeing a bartender flaring his nose at them.
The sounds he heard were like last night. He could overhear conversations easily without appearing to eavesdrop. His eyesight found the somewhat dim lighting brighter than he recalled. His hearing and sight were put aside as he found that his stamina and endurance levels seemed higher. He normally felt a bit tired at the end of bartending and drank coffee to stay awake on his volunteer work, but tonight was different. He commented on it to Keith who smiled in amusement.
“Wolves usually have greater stamina and endurance than humans do so, as werewolves, we share in those high levels.”
“I guess I’ll be saving on coffee then,” Shiro joked.
“Oh, I wouldn’t turn down a hot cup of coffee,” Keith said. “But you won’t need to drink as much as you usually would.”
“All right, point made. Keith, I used my senses during work today. It was a bit much to adjust to.”
Keith came over and hugged him. “I know what you mean. I had to adjust to my sharper senses while the pack was moving soon after my change. I had felt alone and cut off of help during the move. Adam, who had brought me to Allura to have me bitten, had picked up on that and apologized about leaving me alone to deal with my transition before helping me.
“I promise to not be that way. I’m your mate and mates support one another. I’m also the one who turned you and that makes me your tutor. I will teach by answering any question you may have.”
“That’s good as I am concerned about the family clan tailing me as I head home tonight.”
“If they do, you can transform to defend yourself. If they try to turn you, you will spit out the blood or vomit it up as a werewolf’s body violently rejects any vampire blood that enters it.”
“I do have my knife still on me. I could pull it out and keep any vampire away from me.”
“True. I prefer to transform so as to avoid accidentally burning myself with silver.”
“I’m just concerned that if I change, it may tip off that a pack is here and prompt them to stay to find it.”
Keith bit his lip. “I hadn’t thought of that. You changing would tell them that a pack lives here.”
“Wait. Do all werewolves have a pack or live in a pack?”
“Most do, but not all.” Keith’s eyes widened as he caught on to what Shiro was thinking. “Brilliant, Shiro. You can claim a rogue werewolf bit you and then ran off, leaving you confused and lost.”
“After saying that, I could run off and hide as vampires can’t sniff us out.” Keith nodded.
Shiro felt confident as he headed through the parking lot to his car after work. Keith declined a ride, saying he preferred to walk or run home and usually as a wolf. Shiro felt safe in his current apartment but knew later on he would have to move due to his immortality. He was fine with that as he knew he would have a home with the pack. The pack was a family and, with two couples, their numbers would grow with pups.
He took a deep breath and nearly choked. He smelled death; it was stronger than the death he had smelled before he was bitten as he had occasionally smelled it when a patient died. That means that a vampire is nearby, he thought. He slid his hand into his pocket and gripped the knife’s handle before he turned in a circle, his sharper eyesight piercing the night easily. He spotted the one following him and he relaxed a little: It was Katie.
“Katie, hi,” he said. “I thought you had already moved.”
“We’ll leave tomorrow night. I wanted to see you one more time. Maybe we could go somewhere and talk?”
“We could,” Shiro agreed, content in his werewolf status to protect him. “Come on. I’ll drive us there.” He turned to head for his car when he felt a weight on his back and pain in his neck. He screamed as he knew Katie had just bitten him. He felt Katie’s legs around his waist as she forced a tube into his mouth that was still open from the scream. He felt blood enter his mouth and go down his throat before he felt Katie jump off him.
“I did it!” she said triumphantly. “I bit you and fed you vampire blood. You will soon die and be reborn as a vampire.”
Shiro doubled over as he gagged and shuddered, his body rejecting the blood. He felt his bile rise and he retched, the blood expelled and spattering onto the ground. He vomited a little more before the queasiness passed.
“What!?” Katie exclaimed. “How can this be? I bit you and fed you blood. Hagger said you could become a vampire. You should have turned.”
“Maybe it failed because of this?” Shiro shifted forms and turned to see a stunned Katie.
“You’re a werewolf!? That explains it. Your werewolf body rejects vampire blood.”
“It does? The rogue werewolf didn’t tell me anything about what I am or anything about werewolves. He just bit me last night and said I could change back in the morning before he got into a car and drove off.”
“A rogue turned you and just left?”
Shiro changed back. “That’s right. I don’t know much about being a werewolf but I have found that my senses are sharper.”
“That is true but you are also immortal and ageless too.”
“Am I?” He pulled out his knife and pushed the button to extend the blade. “I suspect that our races are enemies. I suggest you go home and don’t even think of trying to kill me. Just leave me be.”
“We will…for now. But we will likely return here in the future and kill you as all vampires seek the elimination of all werewolves.” Katie turned and fled into the night.
Shiro kept his knife out as he headed for his car, his nose flaring to alert him to a vampire’s presence. He smelled none and got to his car safely. He drove home and secured himself in his apartment for the remainder of the night.
“She tried to turn you?” Allura asked at the bar the following morning.
“Yes, but of course it failed. I lied about a rogue werewolf biting me and taking off without hardly any advice.”
“Keith told us and I have to say that was a wonderful way to protect our location.”
“Thank you. The family clan will be moving tonight and we will be safe for now.”
“Yes; for now. We will have to move at some point but not now. Keith wants to spend the night with you after work, by the way.”
“I’d be happy to have him over. Let him know.”
“Of course.” Allura finished her drink and left the bar. Her pack now had six members and while Keith was at Shiro’s tonight, she and Lotor would get together to begin the conception of their future pups. It has been a long time coming. Soon, I’ll be pregnant and once Shiro and Keith are comfortable being mates, Keith will carry their pups and our pack will have a bright future.