Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron: Legendary Defender.
Chapter One- Two Races
Katie raced around the school track, not feeling the least bit winded. She glanced at the bleachers as she passed, seeing her friend and fellow pack member, Hunk following her progress and smiling. She enjoyed doing track as she was well-suited to it due to her being a werewolf…or simply because she loved to run. Hunk was just as fast but preferred to be in the kitchen. Katie couldn’t complain as Hunk was a fantastic cook and everyone in the pack loved his cooking when it wasn’t the full moon. The full moon was when their pack went out to secret butcher shops to receive whatever raw meat they desired as when in wolf form they craved meat. The shops were run by family members of pack members who either chose not to be bitten or didn’t have the wolf scent, though they did run a butcher shop that anyone could shop at. Her brother, Matt, was one of the ones who chose not to be bitten. She alone chose to be bitten by the leader, Shiro. Indeed, only Shiro could turn a human as that was his right as alpha and leader.
Track practice ended and the two friends headed for their pack home which was in the center area of the city. The park was close by where the pack could play or hold special ceremonies such as turning someone or bonding two mates for life. The moment Katie, sometimes called Pidge, and Hunk entered, Shiro came striding toward them, looking relieved.
“Thank goodness, you’re okay,” he said, clasping hands with Hunk and hugging Pidge.
“Shiro?” Pidge asked.
“The rest of the pack left to do errands last night, but none came back. I’m worried that they’ve been killed by vampires.”
“Vampires? I thought they only drink human blood. You know, cause that’s what vampires do,” Hunk said.
“Yes, but they’re our immortal foes and won’t hesitate to drain a werewolf when it’s not the full moon. If they ambushed the others, we may be all that’s left of the pack.”
“Just the three of us?” Pidge gasped.
“If that’s the case, it’ll be up to me to turn those who carry the wolf scent. The two of you will need to find mates within those I turn or if you find one at school.”
“Find a mate?” Pidge squeaked.
“Not many humans can be turned so it’s imperative to mate in order for the pack to survive. So, as tonight’s the full moon, I will determine the fate of the others while you try to sniff out a mate. He or she will be easy to find; your mate’s scent will be detectable only to you.”
Minutes after the moon had risen, three werewolves left the house and split up: One light brown, one dark brown, and one black. Pidge had her nose to the ground, sniffing for a scent only she would smell, however her hunger and craving for meat distracted her. She then followed the path that led to her family’s butcher shop and wound up at the back door. She whined as she scratched at the metal door.
The door opened and there stood here father, Sam, looking just as relieved as Shiro had been. “Katie, thank goodness!” He fell to his knees and hugged his werewolf daughter. “There had been reports of murders since last night and I was afraid you were one of them. You see, the murderers are saying they are werewolf hunters. One of them came to the main shop of our store this morning to ask if we had any unexplained break-ins. We said we didn’t. He went on to say that he suspected that werewolves were in the area. Naturally, we just laughed and said that werewolves don’t exist.”
Pidge felt her breath catch. Werewolf hunters? Then, maybe Shiro, Hunk and I are the last of our pack. I definitely need to find a mate now.
Her stomach growled at that moment and she dipped her head in embarrassment while Sam laughed. “Come on in and get some food,” he said standing up and heading in with Katie behind him.
A door opened and closed as a pale raven-haired teen headed up the hall, sighing contently. He had just come from a secret blood bank to get his nightly drink.
“Keith!” a female voice called commandingly, causing the teen to flinch slightly.
He slowly and nervously entered the living room where the rest of the house’s residents were: A pale woman with blue eyes and white hair and a pale teen with blue eyes and brown hair. Both were older than him as they had been born vampires and, for some reason, their ages froze at twenty and seventeen, respectively but they in actuality were several hundred years old.
The woman, Allura, smiled in amusement, her fangs clearly visible. “Keith, relax. You are not in trouble. You have recently turned eighteen, yes?”
Keith nodded. He had been turned by Allura when he was thirteen which made him different from Lance and Allura who were brother and sister. They had been quick to explain that there were secret blood banks they could visit for blood and to be aware of vampire hunters and their eternal enemies, werewolves. Stories said that werewolves were vicious hunters who would attack vampires without hesitation. Keith had been told that if a werewolf attacked him, he was to either knock the wolf unconscious or kill it with a silver weapon. Keith, to that end, acquired a silver knife.
“Wonderful,” Lance commented. “You are at the age to find and take a mate. When you do find one, you either bring him or her to us to be turned or turn him or her yourself so you can live together in your own home.”
“I could move out?”
“If that is your choice. Remember, the scent of your destined mate will be detectable only to you. Do you wish to start tonight, even though it’s a full moon night?”
“I do. I’m not afraid of any werewolves.” Keith gave a quick bow and departed the house to track down his mate. The idea of living on his own with his destined mate sounded wonderful to him. He was eager to start now, despite it being full moon time. Most vampires chose to take a blood bag from the bank so that they didn’t run the risk of meeting a werewolf. Keith didn’t fear meeting a werewolf as he never met one in the five years he had been a vampire.
Shiro whined as he stared at the bodies of two of his pack member. He edged closer, sniffing the smell of death on them as well as the scent of silver. So, they weren’t drained of their blood, but still a vampire could have killed them.
His stomach growled and he headed for a shop run by Hunk’s aunt and uncle; it was good that Hunk had such a large family as they had several secret shops all over the part of the city that the pack considered their territory. He scratched at the back door and it was answered by the aunt who let him in, looking relieved. “Shiro, you need to be careful. There was a werewolf hunter out last night. We feared he had wiped out the entire pack.”
Shiro felt sick as he chewed on a string of raw sausages he had selected. His pack wasn’t large, but it wasn’t small either. But, it probably is small now; just Hunk, Pidge, and me. I normally approach potential members in human form and explain everything, making it clear that they have a choice and I see no reason to change that just because the pack has only three members. I’ll start sniffing out potential members as I look for the other four members I haven’t found yet. This hunter must be skilled to recognize a werewolf in human form as tonight it the first of three full moons.
Chapter Two- Scenting
Pidge resumed her search, feeling better after eating. She continued to sniff around, hardly aware of where she was going. Her ears picked up the sounds of humans and she slunk into an alleyway. She couldn’t be near humans in her current form as vampires could be among them. Not that I wouldn’t be able to smell them out or identify them by sight as they’re so pale. They clearly are able to fool humans, but not werewolves. Heck, vampires don’t know a werewolf by sight when we’re human, but our scent gives us away.
She skirted around the crowd of humans and was about to head for an area that wasn’t so crowded, when a scent hit her and she froze. She inhaled deeply. It smells like a pine forest; not many beings smell like that, not even my pack siblings. Could that scent belong to…my mate? Another scent wafted up to her that she recognized as Hunk. She turned to see her large pack brother trotting up to her. He yipped at her, asking how she was doing. She responded by barking if he smelled a pine scent. He barked back that he only smelled that scent in a forest before he left, sniffing the ground.
Her tail swished excitedly. She found her mate! Hunk didn’t smell that pine scent, but she did and Shiro did say that her mate’s scent would be detectable only to her. The smell of pine drew closer and it occurred to her that her mate wouldn’t know they were meant to be together at this point. She slipped into the shadows, reasoning that she could at least see him or her and approach him or her during the day.
A pale raven-haired teenager stepped into the alleyway, sniffing the air. His violet eyes swept the alley and landed on her before widening in shock and surprise. Her eyes likewise widened. My mate’s a vampire!?
Keith subtly sniffed the air as he moved through crowds of humans. So far, he picked up only the scent of their blood; nothing more. All humans have the same smell and I was told my mate would have a unique scent. I wonder if my mate lives elsewhere in the world. Maybe I should…wait. I smell flowers and copper. Wow, what a unique smell! That has to belong to my mate!
He breathed deeply to find the scent wafting from an alleyway. He moved toward it, thinking it was odd that a human would be there, but maybe the human was homeless. Humans can’t recognize a vampire despite their cold, pale skin. He entered the alley and his night vision kicked in. There was nothing in the alley aside from a light brown dog that was attempting to hide in the shadows. Yet the scent was very strong…and it was coming from the dog! Wait, that can’t be right. The scent should be coming from a human. That being the case…then that’s not a dog. His eyes widened. My mate’s a werewolf!? He saw the brown eyes of the werewolf widen in shock too. Does he or she pick up an unusual scent from me, not my normal vampire scent? He slowly approached and the werewolf backed up, tail tucked and whimpering. He or she’s afraid of me! “It’s all right,” he said softly and soothingly. “I won’t hurt you. I smelled your scent and it is so unique and attractive that I knew it had to be my mate.” He grinned, fangs exposed. “I never dreamed my mate would be a werewolf and a pretty one, at that.”
His words calmed the figure as it came forward, turned, and lifted the tail briefly. Oh, it’s a female, he thought as she turned back to him and slowly came forward again. He leaned forward, hand extended. She slid her chin into his hand, her fur protecting her skin from his cold touch, and his fingers scratched it. She whined and her tail swished. He scratched for a few more minutes until a thought struck him and his hand dropped. He stared into his mate’s eyes. “This may be a problem,” he said. “I was told my mate had to be turned by either the ones who turned me or I do it and live with him or her in our own home. But a werewolf can’t become a vampire, right?” When he got a nod, he continued, “A vampire can’t become a werewolf, but I can’t deny that we’re destined to be together. Do you agree?” Again, another nod.
A low chuckle sounded and Keith turned to see a human with a shotgun and he was leering at the light brown wolf who had back up with her tail tucked, ears slicked back, and whimpers escaping her throat. The human pushed past Keith. “Good job, son. Maybe you have a career as a werewolf hunter. We’ll talk after I dispose of this monster like I did to six others last night.” He aimed the gun at Pidge.
“No!” Keith exclaimed, shoving the gun upwards before it discharged up at the sky. The human pulled away, cursed, and loaded a lead shot that he shot at Pidge. She yelped in pain as it hit her right hind leg. She crumpled to the ground and Keith, with a roar of fury, seized the hunter and plunged his fangs into the neck, sucking him dry. He dropped the corpse and approached the injured werewolf.
She whined in pain and it was clear that she couldn’t remove the projectile. “Hang on. I’ve got this.” He lengthened his nails and carefully removed the bullet. Blood welled up from the wound as Keith cautiously licked at the blood on his nails. Hmm, not bad. He pulled a white handkerchief out of a pocket before leaning down and licking the blood off the fur. He then tied the cloth around the wound. “There, that should feel better.”
Pidge got to her feet, wincing and whimpering slightly. She licked Keith’s hand and cheek in thanks before limping away. He watched her go, feeling bad that he couldn’t help her more. He cast a glance at his victim. He said he killed six werewolves already. I hope she’s not the only one left in the city. It’s odd, though. She was afraid of me and yet she didn’t attack me as the stories said she would. Maybe they don’t attack vampires. Hmm, maybe they believe that vampires attack werewolves and drain them. I can see why they would think that as her blood was good, but why go to the bother of drinking their blood when we have access to a blood bank? I’d like to talk to her, but I have to wait until the full moon is over and she’ll be in human form. Luckily, her scent will lead me to her so finding her in human form won’t be a problem.
Pidge limped home, wincing every now and then. It’ll be all right by tomorrow morning. Wow, what a night. I get shot at by a hunter and I find my mate who’s a vampire. He’s actually good-looking for a vampire and so nice. I thought he was going to attack me and instead he says he caught a unique scent on me and said I’m his mate. Apparently, vampires track mates by scent, too. I can hardly wait until the full moon is over so we can talk.
So, the rest of the pack is dead. That hunter said he killed six, so finding people who can be bitten is important as is finding a mate. However, my mate’s a vampire and thus I can’t contribute to producing pups, at least I don’t think so. You know, my mate didn’t introduce himself but as I have his scent, I’ll be able to find him. She entered the house through the dog door and upstairs to her room, her nose telling her she was alone.
She awoke the next day and undid the handkerchief to reveal a discolored spot. She got to her feet to feel no pain and was sure that her injury would be completely gone by moonrise that night. She changed her clothes, gathered her backpack, and headed downstairs to get some breakfast.
She found her pack already in the kitchen. She got some bread and put them in the toaster. She rummaged for butter, jam, and juice and put them on the counter. She closed the refrigerator to find Shiro on the other side, looking a little concerned. He crouched down, sniffing her leg. The scent of lead was detected…and so was the smell of vampire saliva!
“Pidge, did a vampire attack you?” he demanded, catching Hunk’s attention.
“No, a werewolf hunter did. He missed me with his last silver bullet, but got me with a lead one.”
“But, I smell vampire saliva over the spot.”
“He saved me from the silver shot and he disposed of the hunter who had bragged about killing our pack members. The vampire got the lead shot out and he did taste my blood that had leaked out.”
“A vampire saved you?” Hunk gasped. “Why would he do that?”
Pidge gulped before saying softly, “He’s my mate. I smelled a pine scent and it came from him. He also caught a unique scent off me as well.”
“What?” Shiro said in a strangled whisper. “You have a vampire mate?”
“Yes. I know you’re probably shocked and disappointed.”
“Disappointed?” Shiro repeated. “Not at all. Shocked, yes but disappointed? No, destined mates are meant to be together no matter their race. What’s his name?”
“I don’t know. He never said it, but I have his scent.”
Shiro nodded. “All right. Now as our pack has only three members, I will need to sniff out and invite any I find to join.”
“I could ask Matt again,” Pidge volunteered. “With our members low, he may change his mind.”
“Do that and try to seek out any schoolmates that have the wolf scent and invite them over after school today so that I can explain.”
“Yes, sir,” both teens replied.
Chapter Three- House Searching
“There’s only three of you left?” Matt repeated, stunned. “Oh, Katie that’s awful. Yes, of course I’ll join now. I’ve already discussed it with Mom and Dad last night after you left.”
“Shiro will be happy to hear that.”
“I’m sure he will. I assume he’ll turn me tonight.”
“Uh-huh. In the park, that’s where we hold the turning ceremony as well as bonding ceremonies.”
“Speaking of bonding, wouldn’t this be a good time to seek a mate to insure the pack’s survival?”
“Working on it,” she lied. She wasn’t ready for Matt to know about her mate.
Pidge spent all day sniffing for wolf scents, but found none save for her brother. Hunk, likewise, found none so they headed home with only Matt in tow.
“Ah, Matt. Your parents told me you changed your mind. That’s wonderful. I found two young ladies I invited over, but haven’t told them why,” Shiro said when they came in. “Perhaps you could help me in maybe persuading them?”
“I could, but if they refuse, we can’t pressure them to accept.”
“Of course, you’re right.” The two headed for the living room.”
“Uh, Pidge? You tell Matt about your mate?” Hunk asked.
“Not yet. I was thinking of telling him tomorrow as he’ll officially be a pack member then.”
“You could tell him tonight after he’s changed.”
“Yes, but he’ll be trying to adjust to being a werewolf. Better to wait for morning.”
Hours later, the park gathered in the park with Matt and the two girls who had accepted membership. The sun was in the midst of setting providing a fiery glow to the setting. Shiro smiled at the trio. “This is where we welcome new members and anytime a bonding occurs in our pack. Tonight, once the moon has risen, I will transform and give each of you a bite that will change you into werewolves. Then, I will give you a tour of our secret places as well as teach you how to be werewolves and who our foes are.”
Pidge crept to her parents’ shop, feeling very hungry. There ceremony occurred without a hitch and once Shiro led the new members out of the park, Hunk and she left too. Hunk still had a mate to located as well as get some food. Pidge decided she would play in the park after dinner before going home to sleep. I wonder if my mate’s told his leader about finding a werewolf mate, she thought as she scratched at the back door of the butcher shop.
“No luck last night?” Lance asked.
Keith shook his head. “No, but I’ll keep looking even if it takes centuries.”
Allura smiled. “That’s the spirit, Keith. Good luck.”
Keith left the house, stopped at a bank for blood, and proceeded to sniff out his mate’s scent. He was determined to learn where she lived so he could visit her on non-full moon nights that is if she told her pack, providing that she had one still.
Her scent was all over the central area of the city as were the scents of other werewolves. This gave him comfort as the scents were fresh. So, she’s not alone. Good. She seems too sweet to be alone. He sniffed around to determine which scent was freshest. Her flower and copper scent led him to a butcher shop that had a well-hidden secret entrance just like the blood banks for vampires. From there, he tracked it to a park where it was very strong. She must be here. He picked up her scent that was faint, but fresh and it led him to a house where he detected other werewolf scents that were faint, but fresh. So, this is the pack’s home. Now that I know, I can come back another night to determine her room and we can meet outside it. That is, once I know what she looks like, though her scent will tell me. Keith left the area, satisfied with his surveillance. Now I need to ask Lance and Allura about the possibility of having a werewolf mate. I’ll ask tomorrow as I need to figure out how to phrase it.
“Uh, Matt? I have something to tell you,” Katie said as they headed to school.
“I, uh, have a mate. Shiro’s already approved.”
“You do? Who is it? I haven’t seen him yet.”
“I didn’t get his name. The thing is…he’s a vampire.”
“Yeah, he saved me from the hunter. We both picked up a unique scent off each other, so it’s clear we’re meant to be together.”
“Well, Shiro approves and as he’s my leader now, I can’t disagree with him. I’d like to meet him though and make sure he’ll treat you right.”
Pidge rolled her eyes slightly. She knew her brother meant well, but she was sure her mate wouldn’t mistreat her. I suspect I’ll have to explain it to Mom and Dad too. After that, I’ll try to locate his home so I could visit at night. Actually, I’ll do that tonight. I have a couple of things to present to him as it is.
“Still nothing?” Allura asked.
Keith nodded. “It’s possible I keep missing him or her.”
“That’s certainly one possibility. Keep trying and you’ll eventually cross paths.”
“Allura, I’m curious. Has a vampire and a werewolf ever been mates?”
“What!?” Allura screamed. “A vampire mated to a werewolf!? That’s never happened. The idea is absurd. Why, if it happened, the vampire would be banished from his or her convent or they would be put to death.”
Keith kept his face impassive. “I see. You’re right, the idea is absurd. I mean, I’ve never seen a werewolf in all the years I’ve been turned.”
“You’ve been lucky. I hope I satisfied your curiosity.”
“Oh, yes. Thanks so much. I’ll resume my search for my mate.” Keith went out the front door and leaned against one of the walls. So, I’m the first vampire to have a werewolf mate and Allura would either banish me or kill me if she found out. My path is clear now: I will announce finding my mate and that I will turn her the following night. That way, they will never learn the truth.
His nose breathed deeply and his eyes snapped open. That scent! She’s nearby! His head whipped around to see her standing on the sidewalk before disappearing into an alley a few houses down. He quickly headed for the alley before heading into it. She was near the back and wearing a two-bag pack on her back. She opened one and pulled out a clean white handkerchief which she held out to him. He could tell it was his handkerchief.
He took it and as he put it away, said, “You didn’t have to return it, but I appreciate the thought.” She vigorously licked his hand and he responded by stroking her with that hand. “I apologize for not giving my name last time. I’m Keith.” She reached into the other bag on her back and pulled out a small spiral book. He took it and opened it to find pages of information. He began to read.
Chapter Four- Bonding
“Hi. My name’s Katie but I’m sometimes called Pidge. I live in a home with my pack which now has five other werewolves, one of which is my brother. My leader, Shiro, smelled your saliva on my wound and I admitted to you being my mate. He was shocked, but approves nonetheless. He said that destined mates are meant to be together regardless of race. He would like to meet you as would my brother, Matt. I would like to know more about you.
“I became a werewolf through Shiro’s bite who was born one. We don’t attack anyone as we have secret butcher shops run by family members to get our food. Of course, they run regular butcher shops, but have a secret one built in for the pack. We believed vampires would attack us and either kill us outright or drink our blood to kill us. How are werewolves viewed by vampires?”
Keith looked at his mate. “Katie. That’s a pretty name. I was also turned over five years ago. I live with a brother and sister who were born vampires and have already lived for hundreds of years.
“Just as you have secret butcher shops, we have secret blood banks run by people friendly to us. I was told werewolves were vicious hunters who wouldn’t hesitate to attack vampires. Clearly that’s not true and now I understand why you were afraid of me. You feared I would attack or drain you.” He smiled. “I wouldn’t dream of doing either to my mate and speaking of which, it seems we’re the first vampire/werewolf pair. Your leader approves but mine does not. She was outraged when I asked hypothetically if there had been such a pairing. She said the idea was absurd and if it happened, the vampire would either be banished or killed.
“But I’ve got a plan. I was told when I find a mate, I can choose to turn them myself and move into a new home with them. I will tell them your name tomorrow and say that I will do the turn myself the next night and that will be that. Uh, do you think I could come over tomorrow and meet Shiro and your brother?” Katie gave a nod.
“So, his name’s Keith and he’s coming to meet Matt and me tonight.”
“He told me that who turned him will not accept him having me as a mate. She would either banish him or kill him. I would think the latter.”
“She is close-minded; living for centuries can do that to a person. Does Keith have a plan?”
“Yes. He will claim he found his mate tonight and will turn her tomorrow night. He said by doing the turning himself, he would be allowed to live in a house with his mate.”
Shiro’s eyes lit up. “Really? How interesting. Pidge, would you like me to Bond you and Keith tonight? The cellar can be your and Keith’s bedroom as it has no windows.”
Pidge’s eyes lit up this time. “Really, Shiro? You’ll Bond us?”
“Of course. You are destined mates after all.”
“You found your mate?” Allura asked, delighted.
“Way to go, buddy.” Lance put an arm around Keith. “Who is it?”
“Her name’s Katie and I choose to turn her myself tomorrow. She is choosing our home and furnishing it as we speak so it will be ready when I turn her.”
“My congratulations. May you and your mate live for centuries,” Allura said.
“Thank you. I need to get a drink and see Katie again. We have much to talk about before the turning.”
Keith landed at the front door of the pack’s home and rang the bell. The door opened to reveal a man with black hair and a single white lock of hair. The smell of werewolf hit him as well as an alpha scent and he saw the man’s nose flare, clearly taking in his vampire smell. Then he smiled and said, “Keith, I presume?”
He nodded. “Are you Shiro?”
“I am. Pleased to meet you at last. If you would follow me to the park, we’re having a special occasion occurring there.” Shiro closed the door and led the young vampire to the park. “Pidge told me of your plan to insure that you two are together.”
“Yes. I will gather my few possessions tomorrow night and seek a new home.”
“You won’t need to. It is my wish for you to live with us. The cellar is being prepared to be the bedroom for you and Pidge.”
“Katie and me?”
“Yes. I plan to Bond you and Pidge tonight.”
“Our word for married. Pidge is most excited to be Bonded with you.” The pair rounded a bend to an enclosed grove where four people, two guys and two girls stood two on either side. Katie stood beyond them smiling at him. The pale teen walked past the four people to stand beside Katie as Shiro stood in front of them.
“Normally, Bonding ceremonies occur during the full moon, but for this pairing it requires a non-full moon night. We are here to Bond Katie and Keith as official mates. Destined mates identify one another by a smell detectable only to them. Thus, Katie and Keith found one another.
“Katie, do you swear before your pack to love and care for Keith all your days?”
“I swear it.”
“Keith, do you swear to love and care for Katie forever?”
“I swear it.”
“Then by my authority as pack leader and your vows, I declare you Bonded for life.”
Cheers and claps sounded as Katie and Keith embraced before she pulled Keith down and kissed him.
Keith folded and placed his blackout curtains in the bag and zipped it up. He carried it to the front door where Allura and Lance waited. He put it down and hugged both of them.
“Take care, Keith and tell Katie congratulations for us,” Allura said.
“I will.”
“See ya, Keith.”
“Thanks, Lance.” Keith picked up his bag and left the house for good. He arrived at his new home and was warmly welcomed by Matt. The young vampire had spent the previous night after the ceremony getting to know his new family and understand the pack’s practices and routines.
Keith descended to the cellar to find a large dark room. The stone walls were covered with drywall and the hard floor was carpeted and had a couple of rugs. Wardrobes and dressers lined the wall, lamps lit the room, and in the middle was a king-size bed and sitting in the center was Pidge. Keith had had no trouble recognizing her last night due to her scent. She was just as pretty in human form as she did in wolf form.
Keith put down his bag and slid into bed and toward his mate. They embraced and Pidge kissed him again. She didn’t care that his skin was cold or that he drank blood. She loved him with all her heart and soul.
Keith enjoyed the feel of Katie’s warm skin. He didn’t care that she ate raw meat or became a wolf three nights a month and couldn’t understand her during those nights. He loved her deeply and would do so forever.