Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron, Defender of the Universe.
Chapter One- Laying Plans
It was a clear starry night on Arus, a night that was peaceful and quiet, a perfect time for reflection which Keith was doing. He was on sensor duty this night and all was calm. He leaned back in the chair, his eyes on the monitor but his mind was light-years away. They were on Planet Doom and to the prince of that planet: Lotor.
When Keith first encountered Lotor, he intensely disliked him for hate was too strong a word for an initial impression. He found Lotor to be arrogant, something that egotistical princes usually were. When they fought and Keith had been injured, he really didn’t like Lotor. However, subsequent encounters caused Keith to reconsider his thoughts and feelings about the prince.
Lotor’s good-looking, there’s no denying that. I can see myself falling for a handsome and excellent warrior of a prince. Keith sighed in a combination of hope and despair. He had high hopes of telling Lotor how he felt but knew that Lotor would scoff and mock Keith if the commander admitted his feelings.
He sighed as he closed his eyes and imagined confessing love to Lotor and getting it in return. It was such a real scenario that Keith actually whined with desire. He sat up, a hand on his throat. I whined…like a wolf. But, that’s not possible…or is it? Yes. It is. All the males in my family tree have the wolf gene in them. Generations ago, my ancestors were wolves who could be human for a period of seven years and they had children with a woman. Those children became among the first true werewolves. They would become talking wolves every night but become the vicious wolves that are where the werewolf legend and fear of wolves and the full moon come from; however a bite won’t turn a human into a werewolf. Only through conception are werewolves born.
Over the generations, though, the werewolf gene turned dormant and only occasional canine sounds are an indication that one carries a dormant gene that can be turned active. Regardless, every male is given the recipe for a formula to activate their dormant gene. I would become a werewolf if I was to drink it. I have all the ingredients with me except for one: A beam of moonlight. However, there will be moonlight tomorrow. I could mix up the formula tomorrow night as it is my night off. If I drink it after the moonlight is added, I’ll become a werewolf and remain so for the rest of my life. I was also given a pendent so that I can remain human on non-full moon nights. Keith allowed his thoughts to dwell on the idea of unleashing the wolf within him. He knew he would have to leave the castle three nights a month in order to be the vicious wolf he would be. He also knew that hiding it would be easy for him on the non-full moon nights.
But, do I want to be a werewolf? Keith briefly wondered before nodding. Yes. Yes, I do. I’ve been making occasional wolf sounds, usually when alone and I’ve been feeling urges to howl at the moon. It’s time to let the wolf out. He leaned back again, his mind reviewing the formula and he stopped dwelling on Lotor.
Lotor brooded in his opulent room in his own throne. He lightly swirled his blood wine while slave girls waited on him or danced for him. Normally, this setting made him happy, but lately it made him feel moody. He had yet to conquer Arus, destroy Voltron, or capture Princess Allura. It frustrated him that all his plans to do any of those things failed and he spent inordinate amounts of time drawing up plans that would seem to guarantee victory.
Only they don’t. No matter what plan I dream up, none work. He closed his eyes and let his mind freely ponder the situation. Destroying Voltron is the top priority; by getting rid of Voltron, it makes conquering Arus easier and that naturally, includes Allura.
But, capturing the lions’ pilots and insuring they can’t escape would also bring about the conquest of Arus. Yes, capturing all five would do that for with no pilots, the lions can’t fly and with no lions, there’s no Voltron. Once the planet is conquered, we will find the lions and destroy them. Lotor opened his eyes and smiled evilly. The capture of the space explorers and Allura was the perfect plan. Allura would dance for him and serve him but only once the lions were destroyed. He didn’t want to risk her getting away, freeing the others, and all five escaping Doom.
Better yet, the space explorers will be immediately sent to the arena to face several robeasts while Allura sits in the dungeon. Father and I will greatly enjoy the deaths of those fools. Sending in a fleet to capture them is no good. The lions will destroy them easily. However, a stealth ship with fighter ships in its cargo hold could land without tripping the sensors. My ship has such capabilities. I will track down and fight each explorer one by one and have a robot fly off to Doom in a fighter ship with an unconscious and bound captive. Then, I’ll focus on capturing Allura. He stared into space as he imagined his triumphant capture of Allura and the defeat of the explorers. He knew they were trained in combat but he was no slouch, either. He would defeat all of them, starting with the leader, Keith.
Keith and he had come to blows when they first met and that had been part of a plan to conquer Arus. That plan failed as he had only tackled one pilot and not all of them. Keith also appeared to have feelings of love for Allura, making him a rival for the princess’ affections.
Yes, the rivalry between them was fierce, but he also respected Keith as a worthy opponent. A shame we’re enemies; our fighting skills would make us an unbeatable team. An image of Keith appeared in his mind’s eye and he felt his breath catch. He had never really noticed how handsome Keith was. He now saw himself courting the raven-haired man and even marrying him. Keith had many qualities that Lotor himself had and other traits that Lotor envied and admired.
Forget about Allura. Keith is the one I love now. Of course, that changes the plan a little. I will capture Keith last and while he’s imprisoned, I will have Hagger whip up a love potion. I’m sure that if I were to go up to Keith and admit love for him, he would reject my confession and likely suspect it to be a sick part of a larger plan. That’s certainly how I would view it. I’ll stick to my original plan only I’ll take down Lance first. I’ll need to do some reconnaissance so I can fine-tune the plan, but I can tell Father the outline of the plan. He passed his glass to a slave girl nearby, rose from his seat, and headed to the Throne Room.
Zarkon looked at the doors as they opened and Lotor walked in. His son seemed to be in good spirits and there seemed to be a glint of cunning in his eyes. He looks like someone with a plan. I certainly hope so. It has been sometime since our last attack on Arus and I hope the inactivity has resulted in a cunning plan. “My son,” he said as Lotor came closer and knelt.
“Father, I believe I have come up with a plan that will work. I plan to track down and defeat each pilot one by one and have robot pilots fly them here while unconscious.”
“Not very detailed, Lotor. I expected better.”
“I will need to do some reconnaissance to fine-tune it. I, however, propose the explorers be immediately sent to the arena upon arriving here and face several robeasts to insure they will not escape or survive.”
Zarkon smiled cruelly. “Yes. I like that idea. Very well, Lotor. Proceed with your reconnaissance and then return when you have gathered enough information.”
“Yes, Father. I will set out in one day after I have gathered the necessary supplies.” Lotor rose and headed out, satisfied. His father approved of the plan’s outline and gave permission for him to gather information to fine-tune it. He would certainly do that, but if he encountered Keith, he would confess his feelings. He no longer cared what Keith said; he just wanted to get it out.
It would be nice if he reciprocated my feelings and, if he did, I would do whatever I had to in order to prove that my love is real. Lotor headed to his ship to insure that it would be in perfect working order and write up a list of supplies.
Chapter Two- Transformation
Keith stole into the kitchen with a small box that held sealed bags or containers. It was late at night, the perfect time to brew the formula. He set a pot of water on the stove and turned the heat on. He opened the box and removed the contents while he waited for the water to boil. Each ingredient was part of the werewolf heritage or myth. First off were two preserved Wolfsbane flowers that needed to be boiled. Once they had dissolved in the water, the other ingredients had to be added in a specific order and each had to dissolve before the next one was added. The Wolfsbane was used to awaken his werewolf gene. He dropped them into the boiling water and stirred to aid in the dissolving process. Once that had been accomplished, he dropped a wolf’s tooth in, which symbolized the wolf’s predatory status. After the tooth had melted, he added strands of wolf fur to stand for the fur coat he would have and finally liquid silver which would make Keith allergic to silver which was a werewolf’s weakness. He stirred the mixture until it was well-blended and then poured it into a tall glass before washing the pot and spoon thoroughly before drying them and putting them away. He put the bags and containers back in the box and carried it and the glass to his room.
He locked his door and raised the blinds of his room before setting the box back where he had stored it. Moonlight poured into the room from a crescent moon and he put the glass of grayish liquid into the moon’s light. He knew he would have to drink the formula once it was complete and he himself stood in the moonlight. The moonlight beam symbolized the connection between wolves and the moon, particularly the full moon. The formula shimmered and turned moon white. It was complete and Keith stood in the moonlight as he raised the glass to his lips and drank it down. He put the glass down and waited. He licked his lips, his tongue detecting no taste to the formula just as it hadn’t while drinking it. That means I brewed it perfectly.
His stomach gurgled and a warm sensation swept over him from head to foot. The warmth was obvious as he was covered in black fur, his clothes having faded away. He held up his hands to see his fingers shrink away into paws, sharp claws concealed within. His mouth and nose itched as they stretched out and formed a muzzle, the latter turning large and black while the teeth of the former turned sharp and extra teeth appeared. He put his paws on the muzzle to feel it and he managed a wolf’s grin. This really is my muzzle. Oh, so cool!
He felt his ears stretch up and then slid up to rest on the top of his head. He knew he had to look weird. He was covered in fur, had forepaws, and the head of a wolf. He gasped as his room became very visible and reasoned that he now had wolf eyes which completed the wolf head part of him.
He then teetered on his feet and fell onto his forepaws. He craned his neck and saw that his feet were paws too, the heels having moved up and his knees reversing direction. He felt something push out of his tailbone and knew it was a tail. His body enlarged to be larger than a normal wolf and he had muscles to match his size. He had whined during his body and muscles growth and then panted as it ended. He slowly exhaled before turning slowly to adjust to four legs and to see himself. His fur was sleek and looked soft. His body was lean but muscular and he knew he could cover great distances with his legs and their muscles. His tail was long and full and it swished happily, expressing his joy at having such a strong and handsome body.
I can hardly wait to try out my body, but it’s late and I need rest. I’ll try out my wolf body tomorrow night. He leaped into bed and curled up in a ball. His eyes slid shut and he was soon fast asleep.
Sunlight fell on Keith’s face and it twitched in response. His eyes slowly blinked open to adjust to the light. He winced and rolled over away from it. My eyes are light-sensitive now. They’re more equipped for night vision, but they will adjust. He opened his eyes to slits as he got up, lowered the blinds, and went to a drawer to withdraw a round pendent that was midnight blue with white dots to resemble stars. One side was dominated by the shape of a white crescent moon. This was the pendent that would allow Keith to retain his human form at night and had no power during the day. He put it around his neck, concealing the charm under his uniform and the gold chain under his collar. If he had trouble getting out before sunset, he wanted to make sure he didn’t change in front of anyone. He headed out of his room, opening his eyes a little more. It’ll take time for my eyes to fully adjust to their new vision acuity. Eventually, I’ll be able to open my eyes fully when I wake in the morning.
He sat at the dining table with the team and Coran. He felt hungry and chalked it up to his night and morning changes; going to wolf and back to human burned a lot of calories and energy and both needed to be replenished. Breakfast was brought out and Keith started to reach for his fork but paused. The utensil looked like it was silver, but was it pure silver? Only pure silver was painful, lethal if it struck a vital organ, but if other minerals or metals were mixed with the silver, that nullified his allergic reaction. He stretched out his left index finger to nudge the fork as if to pull the napkin out from under it and felt no burning that would result from contact with pure silver. He pulled out the napkin, put it on his lap, grabbed the fork, and began to eat. He ate everything on his plate and surprised everyone when he requested seconds.
“You okay, Keith?” Lance asked. “You never have seconds.”
“I’m fine. I’m just real hungry this morning,” he said somewhat truthfully. His seconds were brought out and he dug in. He could have told them that he was now a werewolf, but suppose they reacted the way people did in the past? He didn’t want to be treated differently due to his heritage. That would be how Lance, Pidge, and Hunk would act, but what about Allura and Coran? Do Arusians have transformation folklore?
Keith retired to the library and perused the shelves. He selected several books on myths and folk tales, sat at a table with them, and began to read. He read about different forms of life, some mythical but others not. He moved to stories and found that they did not vary from Earth stories. This knowledge disappointed him.
They view werewolves the way we do on Earth. They see them as cursed people who likely deserved to exist as monsters. Arusians would eliminate them if they threaten the people or their livelihood. Well, that settles it: I can’t tell anyone what I am now. It will be my secret and one I will gladly keep. Tonight, I will head out into the forest and test out my wolf body. I will learn to use my senses, speed, and strength to learn their limits. I will also learn what I can and cannot do in that form. Keith shivered a little in excitement at the thought of tonight’s activities. He did not regret taking the formula for he had been making wolf sounds, and feeling urges to howl at the moon.
I could not fight it like my father and grandfather could. I think I’m closer to my distant ancestors than anyone in my immediate family or related family. So, I brewed and drank the formula to awaken my wolf gene and take wolf form at night. He looked out at the window and saw that it was late afternoon. He decided to get some food once he had dropped off his pendent and take the food into the woods where he would eat and await his change. No one’s going to stop me from heading out at this point in the day, so leaving the pendent in my room is safe.
Lotor piloted his ship with ease, avoiding the security defenses thanks to his stealth capability. He had no robots or fighter ships. This was an information mission; once he had the information he needed, he would head home to put together a more solid plan, load the robots and ships, and return to Arus to execute said plan.
I also have another reason for this mission: To approach Keith and tell him I love him. I suspect he will dismiss it and that’s fine. Once he has been administered the love potion, he will love me and we will wed. A kiss during the ceremony will insure that he will always love me. Father may object to my marrying Keith but I don’t care. Keith will be my husband.
Lotor landed his ship in a clearing in the forest near the castle but it didn’t trip the sensors. He was quite proud of his ship’s abilities and knew he could remain hidden aboard her. Now, I wait for night watch to see who is on duty tonight. Once I have a complete record on watch duty, I’ll return home.
Chapter Three- Testing
Keith crept out of the castle and headed for the forest, a basket of food hanging from one arm. He had raided the pantry for food and gathered meat, bread, cheese, fruit, and water. He had met no one on the way and temporarily disable security to insure his silent departure. He secreted himself a good way into the woods before sitting and eating his food. The meat was uncooked and Keith elected to wait until he had changed before consuming it. I’ll burn calories during the change and need to replace them. Besides, wolf stomachs can handle raw meat better than people can. He finished his food and he stood to await his change, his sensitive eyes having already adjusted to the lower light.
Darkness fell and Keith felt an urge to howl and didn’t fight it. He threw back his head and a real wolf’s howl emerged and then a low growl as he felt his body enlarging and elongating as he shifted into wolf form. He shook himself out and then flared his nose to sniff the air and the meat he had put aside wafted up to him. His stomach growled and he turned to the meat, laid down, and began to chew and eat. His teeth cut effortlessly into the meat and its taste appealed to the carnivore he had become. He licked his chops as he consumed his last bit and used a paw to clean his face.
“Now, let’s see how fast I can go,” he said softly to himself. He got up, stretched his legs and body out, crouched low, and then took off. His legs moved smoothly as his paws pounded along the ground. He leaped over fallen logs and low bushes and saw the ground blur below him as he sped through the forest. He laughed and howled in joy. It was hard to worry about keeping this secret when he was moving so fast and the feel of the air ruffling his fur. He felt so alive and connected to nature in this form.
This is what it’s really like to be a werewolf, he thought as he paused at a stream to drink. To be part of nature and have the abilities of an animal. I have speed, strength, and enhanced senses as a wolf as well as natural grace. Yes, I will be vicious and think purely as a wolf but that’s only three nights a month. My pendent can’t override that; it only works on non-full moon nights.
Speaking of working, silver isn’t the only thing that’ll work on me as far as weakening me. Even though it was part of the formula, Wolfsbane would weaken me and make me feverish. Iron would burn me like silver. Arrows would keep me from healing quickly not to mention being painful. Finally, moonstone would block the moon’s effect on me and could disrupt my transformation cycle especially on the full moon. Disrupting my transformation cycle is not pleasant and could risk revealing my secret as I may transform in daylight instead of nighttime.
Keith paused in his drinking and admired his face. The strong jaws, the whiskers on his muzzle, his black fur, the long pointed ears, the long delicate muzzle, and the bright intense gold eyes. He panted, exposing his white sharp teeth, and his tail wagged. He was very good-looking and loved it. Too bad no one else will see this, but they wouldn’t understand why I chose to let the wolf within out. His ears turned when he heard a sound nearby. His head whipped around and he saw a rabbit hop into view. As he looked at it, he was visited by the desire to chase and kill it. Well, I am a wolf. I should indulge in my instincts and desires.
He turned to it and growled. The rabbit froze at the sound before it sprinted off. Keith didn’t hesitate in following. His claws came out and gave him additional traction as he chased the rabbit. He panted in excitement as he ran, the scent of the rabbit filling his nose and his mind filing it away for future reference. He increased his speed and he leaped forward. His jaws opened wide and latched onto the rabbit’s neck. He bit down and the rabbit stiffened as it died.
Keith slid to a halt released his catch, and howled. That was…thrilling! I never realized how exciting it is to hunt, to chase your food down, and kill it yourself. I absolutely love being a werewolf! He ripped the rabbit apart and then laid down to eat; after running and chasing the rabbit, he had used up a lot of energy and needed to replenish it. He ate hungrily and, when done, he started back to where he had left the basket, paying attention to his senses and movement.
His nose smelled scents that were stronger than when he was a normal human in addition to smells he would never have smelled before. His ears heard every little sound so that quiet had a new definition for him. His eyes easily saw through the night and suspected that only pitch-dark could stop him now.
His muscles rippled as he walked and his limbs moved quickly and easily. His claws were sharp and kneaded the ground beneath him, making him silent in his movements. My body is an efficient killing machine and since wolves are predators, it makes sense.
There’s just one thing: I would like to have company. Someone who would not see me as a monster and understand why I chose to take the formula. Someone to who I could share my findings of my senses and body’s movements instead of keeping it to myself. I also would like someone to play with; to run, to wrestle, maybe even be sexual. He panted even harder at the thought of having sex as a wolf. He shook his head to rid himself of the thought. There was no one to share this with so no point in dreaming about it. He was a lone wolf and really, it wasn’t so bad. He returned to his starting point, curled up, and yawned before he dropped off to sleep.
Lotor scowled. Clearly, someone was on duty but he couldn’t see who it was. I obviously didn’t think this part of the plan through. However, I can lure someone out if I allow their sensors to see me. I can simply stand on the bridge to attract attention and react according to whoever appears. Naturally, I hope it’s Keith. I would lure him here and talk to him before I tell him that I love him.
Lotor interlaced his fingers and placed them against his chin, his yellow eyes fixed on the castle as he imagined his meeting with Keith. No doubt he would come armed and face him man-to-man instead of heading to his lion. Keith was an honorable man and didn’t consider it right to use a ship to attack someone who wasn’t in a ship. He would run back to the woods to talk and confess.
He will likely reject my affections and I will ask for him to meet me the next day when I will present him with a pendent as proof that I love him.
There is a chance that he loves me too; if so then we will get to know each other better and when the time is right, which won’t be long, I will give him the pendent as a token of affection. Lotor put a hand into a pouch on his belt to feel the cool metal of the pendent. It was special to him and had decided that he would give it to his beloved one day. He had thought he would give it to Allura, but now he knew that it would go to Keith. I’m sure he would be touched when I tell him it’s precious to me and should go to someone precious to me.
He continued to gaze at the castle, but he saw Keith‘s face instead of the smooth castle exterior. He sighed softly. He was deeply in love with Keith. The fact that he couldn’t stop thinking of him was proof of that. He barely heard the soft sounds of the forest and yet they served to lull him to sleep. His eyes started to close.
The howl of a wolf sounded loud and clear and made Lotor open his eyes and snap his head to the right. His cat-like eyes stared off into the dark and he made out the shape of a wolf as it ran by. He wasn’t afraid for a couple of reasons: One reason was the wolf couldn’t get to him and two, he didn’t fear wolves. He actually revered them. They were strong and fast as well as perfect killing machines.
A wolf would be the perfect pet for me; a symbol of power. Once I am king, I will acquire a wolf who will be trained to obey me. Lotor smiled as he fell asleep.
Chapter Four- Encounter
Keith squinted as he awoke. His eyes were still sensitive and he reasoned that it would take time before he grew accustomed to his eyes. It’s cool that I have enhanced senses, speed, and strength in human form and it makes sense as I am a werewolf, but light sensitive eyes are a bit of a drawback. He stood up, retrieved the basket, and stared making his way home, using his senses as practice. Everything looked and sounded sharper and clearer. The smells he picked up were more distinctive and he breathed deeply before exhaling through his mouth quickly. He smelled something unnatural and it piqued his curiosity. He focused on the smell and followed it, his mind drawing only one conclusion as to its source: A ship.
A Doom ship. It has to be. Maybe even…Lotor’s ship! His pace increased at the thought. If it was Lotor, perhaps he could admit his feelings for him. I would like to and I will. I don’t care how he takes it, at least it’ll be out of my system. He raced through the forest and came to a halt. There, before him was Lotor’s ship and leaning against it was Lotor who flashed a smirk Keith found attractive.
“Commander. My ship sensed someone coming. How nice that it was you it picked up.”
“Yeah? How come?” Keith snapped, despite being thrilled it was Lotor.
“I was hoping to talk. You’ve been on my mind a lot lately and I figured we have a lot in common. We’re equals in combat, we’re both clever, and share similar traits.”
“I noticed that too but I have an honor code and sense of fair play that you do not have.”
“That is true but perhaps you could teach me to acquire and develop those traits.”
Keith had to admit that it was an intriguing proposition. “I could but their development has to include a sense of attraction or love…which you would have as you love Allura.”
“I do love, Keith but not for Allura, not anymore. The one I love now…is you, Keith.”
“Me?” Keith was shocked, but happy too. If he had a tail, it would be swishing furiously.
Lotor nodded. “Yes. I can’t stop thinking about you, proof that I am in love with you. If you doubt my sincerity…”
“Doubt you?” Keith interrupted with a gentle laugh. “I don’t doubt it because I love you too.”
Lotor gave a real smile. “Perfect. I thought you would reject my love and thought it as part of a plan.”
“And I thought you would mock or scoff at me if I told you how I felt. Nice to see that didn’t happen.”
“I agree.”
Keith came closer. “So, is that why you’re here? To confess love to me?”
“That was half of the plan. The other half I now find I no longer care about.”
“What plan?” Keith asked, wondering if Lotor would tell him.
“First, I would do some reconnaissance so I could fine-tune a plan to capture all five pilots one by one. Four of you would face several robeasts in the arena immediately upon arrival. That last one was to be my slave.”
“I guessing the princess to be that slave.”
“Yes, but when I thought of you, that changed. Once all five of you were captured, the fleet would swoop in, locate the lions, and destroy them.”
“That’s a pretty good plan and it would take some time to put into actions as you would have to do a lot of spying.”
“Thank you, and yes, it would take time. But now that I have your love, I don’t care about capture or destroying Voltron. The problem is that I gave Father a basic outline of the plan even thought I already had concocted it in my mind. He will be expecting me home with information in a few days.”
“What kind of information were you seeking?”
“I had thought of learning night watch rotations. Heh, pointless as I can’t see inside.”
“Oh, I think I can help with that. The five of us and Coran rotate in night watches. I would watch one night, then Lance would the next night, and on and on.”
“I see and when is you next watch?”
“Well, it’s Allura’s turn tonight, and then Hunk and Coran. Then it’s my turn.”
“Three nights away. We could get together and spend time in really getting to know each other.”
“Absolutely,” Keith said, his nose flaring subtly to take in Lotor’s scent. “How about tonight right here?”
“Agreed.” Lotor took Keith’s hand and gave it a squeeze. “I will see you soon, dear Keith.”
“Tonight, my prince.” Keith walked away, a big smile on his face. He had gotten to confess love to Lotor and the prince also loved him! Perhaps our love will end the fighting between Arus and Doom as well as truly bringing peace to the universe. His smile vanished as a potential obstacle to his relationship with Lotor occurred to him. Suppose Lotor rejects me if he learns I’m a werewolf? That would break my heart and that may feed into my vicious state when the full moon comes. Oh, now I’m starting to wish I hadn’t taken the formula. There’s no antidote so I’m stuck as a werewolf. Luckily, I have a pendent to keep me human at night. I’ll wear it until I go to sleep then I’ll take it off and sleep as a wolf.
Lotor climbed into his ship and headed to his cabin in the mid-section. His bed would serve as a nicer place to sleep especially now that he knew the night watch schedule for the castle. And I need a good long nap if I plan to see Keith tonight. He felt the slight weight of the pendent and resolved to give it to Keith tomorrow night. We will talk about ourselves tonight and some of tomorrow before I present the pendent. He laid in bed, picturing that romantic moment.
Keith entered the castle and met up with Coran. He gave a bright smile. “Morning, Coran!”
“Keith? Were you outside?”
“I was. A little morning jog and a light breakfast.” He held up the basket. “But I sure could go for a big breakfast.”
“Well, I’ll take that so you can shower and dress.” Coran took the basket.
Keith nodded. Technically he could use a shower as he had been running last night. He headed to his room to grab fresh clothes and his pendent before heading to the shower. He emerged a short time later, dressed and a towel around his shoulders. He had his dirty suit under one arm and a smile still on his face.
“Keith!?” gasped a voice up ahead and he saw Lance gaping at him. “Are you…actually smiling?”
Keith shrugged. “Why not? It’s a beautiful day and there’s been no attacks. Hey, let’s do some practice drills with the lions after breakfast just in case we do get attacked.”
“Sure. You’re the commander.”
“Good. Let the team know. I’ll be at the table soon.” Keith walked on, leaving Lance a little bewildered. Keith did smile, but usually because of something amusing. It was the smile that mystified Lance as lion drills were typical Keith.
Then again, it could be as Keith said. It is a beautiful day; one to make Keith crack a smile. Lance continued to the dining room to greet everyone and tell them of Keith’s plan for lion drills so they’re be ready for any attack.
Chapter Five- First Date
Keith was still smiling as he slipped out of the castle. It had been a good day and it promised to be a good night. Keith had run the team through lion drills and then supervised hand-to-hand combat. He didn’t get involved as his increased strength would be noticed and commented on.
He had no doubts about his new relationship with Lotor as odd as it seemed. He knew he was getting ahead of himself but he saw the two of them married and having a woman serve as a surrogate for two children. Hopefully, his would be a boy who would carry on his family’s werewolf heritage. Of course, that would mean I either tell Lotor or keep it a secret. Right now, I keep it secret as Lotor and I are still new to being a couple and I really don’t know much about him. He slipped into the trees and began sniffing out Lotor’s scent, happy he could do that. He locked onto it and it led him to the ship where Lotor stood outside, two sheathed swords lay on the ground nearby. Right where we agreed to meet. Keith’s smile grew as he came closer. “Hi, Lotor.”
“Keith.” Lotor came over and enfolded him in an embrace. “I hope waiting for tonight wasn’t too difficult for you.”
“Not at all. I ran some lion drills with the team, supervised some hand-to-hand combat, and took a nap.”
“You supervised the combat? I would have thought you would be part of it.”
“Not today. Besides, it looks as if you have some swordplay for us tonight.” He nodded at the swords.
“Yes, but later. We’ll talk first so we can know each other.” Lotor pulled Keith over to a tree and they sat beneath it. “So, as you know, Zarkon’s my father. My mother died when I was a baby and I was raised by a governess who drilled my race’s heritage into me and I had teachers in the usual subjects as well as combat training, ship’s operations, and military conquest. I conquered many planets and brought glory to the empire which made Father proud of me. When I heard the stories of Voltron’s victories, I came home to succeed where Yurack failed. Clearly, I have not had any success.”
“I imagine that doesn’t concern you as much as it used to.”
“Correct. I don’t care about success or failure anymore. Well, your turn Keith.”
“Not much to tell. I had my father and one sibling, a sister. My mom died when I was a baby too. My dad raised my sister and me and when I was old enough, I entered Galaxy Garrison to train to be a space explorer. I embraced all the rules of the military and my achievements earned me the rank of commander.”
The two of them talked for a time, going into detail about whatever the other wanted to hear about more. One example was Keith wanting to know more about Lotor’s combat training. The prince obliged him and then asked for details about Keith’s garrison training.
“That’s quite extensive,” Lotor said once Keith fell silent. “And I’d like to see it in action.”
Keith stood. “You’re on,” he replied as he went to the swords, picked one up, and unsheathed it, Lotor doing the same.
They faced each other for a moment before Lotor charged forward with a battle cry. Keith met the charge, his sword clanging with Lotor’s. The forest was filled with the sound of metal on metal and the grunts of the combatants. One particularly loud clang brought the contest to an end. Both backed up, panting with exertion.
“You’ve been practicing hard,” Lotor commented. “You’ve gotten stronger. I could feel it when we were pushing our swords against one another.”
“Uh, thanks,” Keith said, knowing that his increased strength had been noticed but Lotor thought he had simply been practicing. I could use that kind of excuse when I do fight my team mates next time.
“This has been an excellent night,” Lotor said as they sheathed their swords. He put a gloved hand to Keith’s cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow night?”
“Definitely.” Keith headed home, feeling very good about their first get together. I learned a lot about Lotor and told him much about myself as well, save for my werewolf secret. I don’t know how he’ll take it. He may not love me anymore if he knew.
Lotor put the swords away with a smile. Keith’s swordplay was very good and served to re-enforce the thought of them fighting side-by-side. But, what would we be fighting for? I can’t see Keith serving my father or following my orders. Also, from everything I’ve seen, Voltron can’t be beat or destroyed. I know that I’m serving evil but I always believed it was divine right for evil to rule. However, I’m now thinking that I could be wrong. Perhaps I should declare my allegiance to Arus and freedom, but not out loud. I’ll ask Keith what he thinks when I see him tomorrow.
Keith got back to his room, took off the pendent, and shifted to wolf form. He paced the room, delighting in his four-legged movement and re-living tonight’s date. He had had a good time and had a sense of who his boyfriend was. He clearly wants me to trust him and answered my questions without hesitation. That’s good. However, I don’t trust him enough to tell him about this. He flexed a paw as the thought the last word. He sighed as he got into bed. I should tell him. Perhaps ask him what he thinks of wolves and if he’s heard of werewolves. I know how Earth and Arusian people view werewolves but what of the people of Doom? Once I know these answers, I’ll confess to being a werewolf and explain why I hadn’t said so earlier. I hope he understands and forgives me for keeping this a secret. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.
He woke the next day, put the pendent back on, and left for breakfast. He knew he would have a long day as he was anxious to get to his date. He wondered what he could do to spend the day. He could read again, maybe see if books on Planet Doom existed or he could read up on military engagements.
“Hey, Keith,” Lance spoke up as the commander spooned up the last of his breakfast. “How about some sparring? You didn’t do any yesterday and I’d like to see how much better I’ve gotten.”
Keith grinned at his teammate. “Sure. Lance. You’re on. Anyone else?” he asked the others.
Allura shook her head. “I need to catch up on my alien languages.”
“We’ll come,” Pidge said and Hunk nodded in agreement.
“Great.” Keith and the others headed off to change clothes before heading outside, Keith leaving his pendent in his room. He looked forward to mopping up the floor with Lance. He didn’t doubt that Lance had improved, but surely his new strength would give him an edge.
Keith and Lance faced each other, bowed, and then struck defensive poses and slowly circled each other. Keith eyed Lance’s pose to determine what his strategy was going to be, what angle he would try to come at him from.
Lance then pivoted, his right leg swinging toward Keith but the raven-haired man ducked to avoid it and lashed up to snag Lance’s heel and shove to throw him off-balance before using a leg to knock the other leg out from under Lance. The brunette hit the ground and Keith leaped upon him. The two of them gripped each other’s arms and rolled over the grass, wrestling with each other. Pidge and Hunk watched the spar with interest from the sidelines, waiting for Keith and Lance to be done before they took their turn at sparring.
Soon, Keith and Lance laid side-by-side on the grass, panting though Lance was panting harder. “Keith, you been…weight-lifting?” he gasped. “You’re a heck…of a lot…stronger than before.”
Keith pretended to be embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah, I have been. Sorry. I should have mentioned that earlier.”
“It’s okay, man,” Lance said as he and Keith moved aside so that Pidge and Hunk could have room for their sparring match.
Chapter Six- Presenting the Pendent
Keith found Lotor under the same tree as last night, looking be deep in though. Even though Keith’s approach was relatively quiet, Lotor was aware of his presence and looked at him. “You seem preoccupied,” Keith noted as he sat beside him.
“I am. I’m questioning what I fight for. I know I’m on the side of evil but now I think that it may be the wrong side after all. I mean, I’ve seen Voltron win time and time again. I’m convinced that nothing on Doom can stop him.”
“It does seem that way,” Keith agreed. “Voltron fights for freedom and justice.”
“Keith, what would you think if I turned away from my father and pledged loyalty to Arus and freedom?”
“You mean defect?”
“I could be a spy,” Lotor said, eyes glinting at the thought. “I could set up a private communication frequency for you and you for me. You alone would know I’m working against Doom.”
“That’s a big risk, Lotor. If you’re discovered…”
“I’ll silence anyone before they tell my father.”
Keith nodded, but said nothing. He knew Lotor was taking a risk by being a spy. Most, no all, spies end up getting exposed and oftentimes killed. No doubt Zarkon would kill Lotor if and when he learns that his son is a spy. Out loud, Keith changed the subject. “I was trying to find books about your planet earlier, but there weren’t any.” That was true; after the sparring, Keith did search for books on Doom.
“That doesn’t surprise me. What were you trying to find out about?”
“I’m interested in myths and folklore. I enjoy reading about supernatural creatures like say, werewolves.”
“Ah, you enjoy those kinds of folk tales. Well, let’s start with werewolves. Such creatures are revered on my planet though none would wish to be cursed as one. Traitors are usually killed instead of cursed so werewolves on my planet are rare or non-existent, more the latter really. I consider wolves to be excellent hunters and killers and I would like them to be the symbol of Doom when I am king. Perhaps even have one as a trained companion.”
Keith was thrilled to hear that Lotor liked wolves, revered them in fact. That means I can confess that I’m a werewolf.,p> “Keith,” Lotor said, a hand going into a pouch. “I want to give you something precious to me as a token of affection.” He pulled out the pendent and held it up.
Keith’s eyes widened as he scrambled backwards. “Is that…pure silver?”
“It is.”
“Lotor, I’m flattered but I can’t accept it.”
“Why not?”
“I have something to tell you. It’s something that I wasn’t sure you would take it well enough to still love me. About a week ago, I became a werewolf.”
Lotor stashed the pendent away and took Keith’s hand. “Who did this to you and why?”
“It’s…not a curse. My ancestors were wolves who could be human for a period of years and in that time they conceived children with women. Their children became werewolves but only the males. They were talking wolves at night except for the full moon, then they became vicious ones who only thought as wolves. Over time, the wolf gene turned dormant. If one exhibited wolf sounds and urges, it meant they needed to let the wolf within out, as my family calls it.
“This is done by a formula whose recipe and ingredients were passed down to every man. I had been making wolf sounds and wanting to howl at the moon, so the first night after my night watch, I brewed the formula and drank it.”
“But if you’re a wolf at night, then how can you be human right now?”
Keith brought his pendent out from under his suit. “Every man was given this. It keeps us human at night unless it’s the full moon. Won’t work then.”
Lotor came closer for a better look. “It’s lovely. Keith, this revelation changes nothing between us. I still love you. You being a werewolf makes you more special than before.”
Keith smiled in relief as he slid closer to Lotor and shifted so that he could put his arms around Lotor’s neck and his forehead to the prince’s forehead. “I’m happy to hear that.”
Lotor put his arms around Keith’s neck too. “That is why you asked about werewolves: To see how I feel about them.” He smirked. “Clever.”
“I wouldn’t say clever. It was clear I was leading somewhere with my question.”
“Yes, you’re right.” Lotor’s fingers ran over the gold chain, searching for the clasp. Gold. Of course, gold. Werewolves are allergic to silver. He felt Keith move his head so his lower jaw rested on a shoulder. His fingers found the clasp that was a lobster’s claw hooked into a link in the chain. He opened the claw to unhook the necklace and removed it. He heard a yelp of surprise and felt fur against his neck briefly before Keith backed up and Lotor admired the wolf he had become. His body was larger than a normal wolf and muscular in addition to a lean look. His ears and muzzle were long and delicate while his tail was long and full. His eyes were a bright gold that stood out against his black fur. “Keith, you’re very good-looking as a wolf.”
Keith blinked before coming back to Lotor. He reared up, planted his forepaws on Lotor’s shoulders, and licked a cheek. “Thanks,” he said before going back to all fours.
Lotor removed his gloves, crouched down, scratched Keith’s chin, and smiled at the whine that occurred and the wagging tail. “Keith, would you consider me a mate while you’re a wolf?”
“Yeah, I do. It’s curious. When I’m human I think of you as my boyfriend, but a mate when I’m a wolf.”
“Not really. You’re a werewolf so it’s natural to think of me in both capacities. I find it flattering. Not many lovers are thought of with two terms.”
Keith gave a wolf’s grin as Lotor sat down before laying down and putting his head on the prince’s lap. He closed his eyes as Lotor stroked his head. “What are your weaknesses? I want to make sure I don’t accidentally hurt you.”
“Hmm. I can be weakened by a lunar eclipse or Wolfsbane which can also make me feverish. Iron and silver can burn me. Arrows are painful and prevent me from healing quickly. Finally, moonstone can block the moon’s effect on me and disrupt my transformation cycle, particularly on the full moon. Disrupting the cycle could cause me to change in daylight.”
“So, I need to make sure I have no silver, iron, moonstone, or Wolfsbane on me. I can’t prevent an eclipse and I would never shoot at you so not much to worry about with those last two.”
“I can heal quickly from the burns, but not as fast as I would from cuts and bruises. Of course, I’m stronger and faster, my senses are enhanced, and I’m a strict carnivore while in wolf form.”
“Sounds nice. Being a werewolf must be wonderful.”
“It is, but I can’t tell anyone about it. Earth and Arusian people fear werewolves. They see it as a curse and those afflicted as being deserving to be cursed, most likely because they had committed some sort of evil.”
“But yours is genetic; a family heritage.”
“Yes, but it won’t matter. They would still fear me.”
Lotor had paused in his stroking but now resumed it. “Then, don’t tell them. It’ll be just between us.”
“Yes, just between us. I’ll be a wolf when we get together at night.”
“Speaking of which, perhaps you could share more information tomorrow night.”
“Sure. I’ll also give you a private communication frequency.”
“I’ll also do the same.”
Chapter Seven- Found Out
Has anyone noticed that Keith’s been acting strange lately?” Lance asked as the team, minus Keith, sat in the lounge the next afternoon. Hunk was rubbing his eyes, having had just woken up from a nap. “I mean, he’s always going out and seems to have a dreamy look on his face as well as looking happy all the time. That’s not normal for Keith.”
“I agree it is strange,” Allura said. “So, what are you suggesting? That we follow him?”
“Yeah, I am. Something’s going on with Keith, something he’s hiding and we need to know what it is. Once can’t trust a commander who’s keeping secrets.”
“You’re right,” Allura said. “All right. We keep an eye on Keith and when he heads out, we follow at a safe distance.” The others nodded.
Keith typed out numbers and letter as he worked on the frequency for Lotor. He knew Lotor was doing the same for him as the prince would be leaving early the next day. He smiled as he re-lived last night. It had been a good idea to admit his secret to Lotor. He admired wolves and that set him at ease. He had been surprised when Lotor removed his pendent and he took wolf form. However, that surprise faded when Lotor had commented on how good-looking he was. I am lucky to be loved by him. Keith put the new frequency chip in a pouch before heading out of the castle and toward the woods, unaware of the team watching him and following at a considerable distance.
Keith put the pouch down as the sun vanished; if he hadn’t the pouch would vanish into him when he changed and it wouldn’t reappear until dawn. Keith changed to a wolf, seized the pouch strap in his teeth, and sprinted off out of sight before the team entered the forest.
Keith trotted into their meeting place to see his mate waiting for him, his battle helmet off as usual. Keith loved seeing Lotor without his helmet; he was more handsome without it. His tail flicked as he came closer. He put the pouch down, nuzzled Lotor’s cheek, and laid beside him. “I brought the information and the frequency chip.”
“Information I will not share and a frequency I will use constantly.” He pushed a small cylinder toward Keith that had a leather strap attached to it. “Here’s your frequency chip and no silver or iron in the cylinder.”
“I should have mentioned that as long as other metals are mixed with the silver or iron, I can touch it without burning myself.”
“I’ll remember that,” he said as Keith used his paws and claws to put the strap around his neck. “I would like us to be engaged at some point.”
“Me too. I have imagined us having a surrogate mother to carry our children. I would like a son to carry on my heritage.”
“I’m sure we could manipulate it so that it happens.”
Keith panted happily and his tail wagged back and forth. “I love you. Lotor.”
“What!?” came a shocked shout nearby. Both lovers looked over to see the rest of the Voltron Force. It was Lance who had spoken. He pointed at Lotor. “Keith loves you!?”
“That’s what he said and no I’m not influencing him,” Lotor replied, the last part said in anticipation of that accusation.
Lance squinted into the forest’s depths, ignoring the wolf beside Lotor. “Hey, Keith! Where are you? Do you really love Lotor?”
“I do love him…and I’m right here.”
Lance’s gaze swiveled around to see the black wolf rising to its paws, its head bowed. “Keith? Wha-? How?”
“I’m descended from a long line of werewolves. The gene went dormant several generations ago and only through a formula could it be awakened and the drinker can become a werewolf. I brewed and drank it almost a week ago as I was making wolf sounds and feeling urges. Clearly, I can talk and I change every night. I…will be a vicious wolf on the full moon and think only as a wolf.” He lifted his head, his eyes pleading. “I won’t harm any of you and I can stay away from the castle during the full moon. Please,” he said taking a few steps toward them.
All four backed up and Keith stopped. “I won’t harm you,” he repeated. “Werewolves are born, not turned.”
“Some can be cursed,” Allura countered. “But, it’s your interest in Lotor that concerns us.”
“He does love me and I love him. We’ve talked for a couple of nights and learned much about each other.”
“Yes,” Lotor said. “And I have decided to be a spy against my father as I have concluded that Voltron cannot be beat.” He pointed at Keith. “I have provided him with a private frequency chip and he has given me one in return.”
“Please believe us,” Keith begged. “Lotor’s changed and I’m still the same Keith you’ve always known.”
“Perhaps,” Allura said. “We believe you’re still the same Keith we’ve known, but his change in loyalty, we will reserve judgement.” She turned and left with the others behind her.
Keith went back to Lotor’s side and laid down with a sad sigh. “I can’t believe I didn’t smell them following me.”
“Perhaps you had our meeting on your mind as this is our last night before I return home.”
“Perhaps. I think I’m going to be getting a grilling from the team in the morning.”
“They shouldn’t. You’re the leader, they answer to you.”
“Allura’s the princess and I answer to her on occasion. Also, they deserve to have a leader they trust.”
“You had a good reason to keep all of this a secret. Their view on werewolves differs from mine and the notion of me turning spy is hard to believe. I will prove it by relaying any plans I hear and sabotage anything I can.”
“I’m sure that will convince them, though saving another’s life in person usually completely convinces people of sincerity.”
Lotor shook his head a little. “Well, hopefully relaying information to you will be enough.”
“Me too.” Keith’s eyes slid closed as he sighed with Lotor stroking his fur. The feeling eased him so much that he fell asleep.
Lotor smiled as he saw Keith’s breathing become deep and even. He’s asleep. Good. He needs rest if he’s going to be interrogated by the others in the morning. He scowled at the thought. He firmly believed that Keith should not be questioned for being a werewolf or being in love with him. A leader or commander should not be questioned by his subordinates. Their job was to follow him faithfully. Keith will gain their trust again. He’s a werewolf and wolves are decisive animals. Lotor’s eyes slid shut and he fell asleep, his hand resting lightly on Keith’s back.
Keith felt sunlight and opened his eyes to slits to see a sunlit forest and felt a hand on his back before it was removed. He pushed himself up to sitting and turned his head to look at Lotor. “Well,” he sighed as they stood. “It’s time for me to face the team and for you to leave.”
“Yes. I will give little info to Father and any attack I hear, I will report to you or whoever is on duty when I call.”
“Well, I’ll be on duty tonight. Feel free to call.”
“I think I will.” Lotor leaned down and kissed Keith before heading to his ship. Minutes later, as Keith was heading for the castle, Lotor’s ship flew across the sky and out into space, heading for home and planning what to tell Zarkon and preparing to be a spy.
Chapter Eight- Another Plan Laid
Keith, despite being hungry, marched into the dining room and simply stood in the doorway. He had thought on the way to the castle that he was not going to shy away from the questions. He was the leader for crying out loud. His presence attracted everyone’s attention and once everyone looked at him, he said, “I’ll be waiting in the lounge when you’re ready.” He turned and left to retire to the lounge.
He sat and waited a little over thirty minutes before he smelled them coming. He stood and folded his arms as they entered and he fixed them with a stern look as they sat. “I will talk and you’ll listen, all right? A week ago, I was on duty and my thoughts had dwelled on Lotor and I found I was attracted to him and wanted to tell him. I, however, thought he would reject it and that prompted a whine.
“I realized that the sounds and urges I was experiencing had been getting more frequent and were indicators that my wolf side had to come out. As I said, this is a genetic thing, a family heritage. Only the full moon is when I’m controlled by wolf thought and I can stay away during those nights. So, I took the formula the next night.
“Three days ago, I was heading home when I smelled the scent of a ship. I followed it and found it was Lotor’s ship. We talked and admitted to loving each other. I knew it sounds crazy and weird but it’s true and real. He revealed a plan that he’s abandoned and that he’d rather support Arus and freedom. I’m aware that you won’t accept his word, but hopefully his actions will convince you.” He drew himself up straighter. “I will not tolerate any hate or fear aimed at me or Lotor. I am a werewolf who’s only a real wolf three nights a month and Lotor loves me and is willing to spy on Zarkon. Now, I’m going to bed so I can be awake for tonight.” He turned and left the room before anyone could say anything.
There was silence in the lounge before Lance said, “Well that was a different Keith from last night.”
“He clearly thought about the encounter on the way home,” Allura said. “But really, he can’t blame us for our reaction.”
“”Clearly he does,” Hunk said. “And I can kind of see his view. He may look like an animal but he doesn’t act like one and all we saw was a danger to us.”
“What about Lotor?” Pidge asked. “Can we trust him?”
“Keith does, but that isn’t enough to get us to trust him, not after everything’s he’s done,” Allura said. “Until Lotor’s really proven he’s changed, I don’t trust him.” The other three nodded in agreement.
“Nothing to report?” Zarkon repeated angrily.
Lotor was in a kneeling position, head bowed. “I failed you, Father. The castle is impregnable and there are guards around the perimeter.”
“You didn’t fail. You provided information about the guards. They can be dealt with as you are a capable warrior, one of the best. While you were gathering info, Hagger and I were making another plan. You will have Hagger in your ship as you launch an air attack on Arus. The timing is perfect as they can’t possibly be ready for an attack. You will set out in two days with a fleet of ships.”
“Yes, Father,” he said, his mind racing. He could easily sabotage the ships with no one being the wiser. I will need to contact Keith about this. When Zarkon dismissed him, he immediately went to the bay where the ships were parked and began to sabotage them to fail and explode not long after launching. He set up dozens of them in this manner before getting some rest. He would wreck some more before calling Keith.
Keith munched on some fruit and drank some water in the kitchen which was empty. He had woken up, feeling very hungry and had come to the kitchen to eat before taking night watch. He planned to take over early so he could set up the frequency chip he had gotten from Lotor. He finished off the food and drink and packed some meat and water for later on after dark. He left the kitchen and headed for the Control Room.
Coran was there and he turned in his seat upon hearing Keith’s footsteps. His gaze was level and neutral as was his voice when he said, “So, you’re a werewolf now and have a relationship with Lotor.”
“Yes to both. I have a private communication channel from him and he has one from me. We can contact one another with no fear of being overheard.”
“I see. Keith, I am not judging. Allura told me what you said and I understand why you did not tell us what you did as well as falling for Lotor. Though, I find it hard to believe that Lotor would aid us, I will trust his word.”
“Thanks, Coran. I appreciate that.” The advisor left and Keith set up his food and drink before sitting down and removing the chip. He began to set up the channel.
Lotor sat in his personal communications room, inserting the chip into his control board and setting up the channel before activating it. A steady red light lit up, indicating that it was sending out its pulse. The light then flashed, indicating a response. He answered it and a black wolf appeared on his screen. He smiled. “I said I would call.”
“I knew you would. So, anything to report or is this a social call?”
“Both, actually. I enjoy talking with you and seeing you. I gave little information to Father as I said. He and Hagger formed a plan while I was gone. In two days, an attack fleet will be launched with my ship leading it and Hagger with me. I have already carefully sabotaged the fighter ships to fail and explode after launching. If you and your team could be outside when the fleet arrives, the exploding ships should prove my loyalty to you and Arus.”
“I’ll tell the other so we’ll be outside. Any idea why Hagger will be with you?”
Lotor shook his head. “None. I wish I did then I’d tell you.”
“It’s okay. You’ve already told us about the fleet. We can all talk after the attack. This is sure to convince them.”
Keith and Lotor continued to talk, the former keeping an eye on the sensors the entire time. At first the conversation topics were about their respective pasts, but the Lotor said, “How did the grilling go this morning?”
“It didn’t happen.”
“It didn’t? Why? Were they avoiding you?”
“They weren’t. I didn’t give them an opportunity to talk. I talked about my wolf side, taking the formula, my love for you, your decision to be a spy, and that you had a plan you had abandoned. I also made it clear that I will not tolerate any hate or fear directed at either of us. After that, I went to get some sleep to prepare for tonight.”
“I was hoping you would stand up and defend yourself. You’re a leader and leaders should be decisive and firm people. Wolves are also decisive animals. I think your two halves made sure you took control of the situation.”
“I guess so, but I was also tired of the looks in their eyes. The fear and accusation. I did fail to point out that I had good reasons to not tell them about being a werewolf or that we were in love.”
“If you feel you should tell them then I suggest you do so when telling them about the attack.”
“Yeah. I could do that.”
Lotor then covered a yawn and Keith chuckled. “Get some sleep. I have to stay up all night, you don’t.”
“Point taken. Good night, Keith. I love you.”
“I love you too,” Keith said as both ended the transmission.
Chapter Nine- Secret Plan
“Lotor said an attack fleet will be here in one day and he’s sabotaged the ships?” Allura said.
Keith nodded. “He asked that if we were outside when it happens, the exploding ships will prove that he’s on our side. After that, we could all talk on the secure channel.”
“It would be useful to have a spy on the inside,” Allura said thoughtfully. “And if this attack is sabotaged, then it’ll prove Lotor’s loyalty.”
Keith nodded and rubbed his eyes. He had gathered the team as soon as it was morning and was tired as a result.
“Keith, you need sleep, man,” Lance said. “Yes, but I need to make some points first. Look, I had good reasons not telling you I was a werewolf and loving Lotor. I knew you would view me as dangerous and possibly someone who deserved to be a monster.”
“A monster?” Allura asked. “You’re not a monster.”
“Exactly. I’m not a monster. My ancestors were just wolves or werewolves. The heritage is only passed through the male line and those who make wolf sounds can unleash the wolf within as my family calls it. My dad and grandpa showed no signs but I think my great-grandpa did.”
“What’s it like being a werewolf?” Pidge asked.
Keith’s face lit up. “It’s amazing. I have sharper senses, faster speed, and increased strength. I'm pretty good-looking as a wolf, according to Lotor.”
“You did look impressive,” Allura admitted. “When you said sharper senses, does that mean you can see in the dark?”
“Pretty much, but I don’t think that includes pitch black. The drawback is that my eyes are sensitive to sunlight and it takes time for them to adjust.
“Now, about Lotor…”
“You don’t need to explain that,” Allura interrupted. “It’s obvious why you didn’t tell us.”
“I feel I should have. I mean, you could have thought I was turning traitor or being influenced.”
“The influence we would have thought of if Lotor hadn’t said anything about that idea.”
“So…you’re okay with me being a werewolf?”
“Yes. As you said, it’s your family’s heritage.”
“And Lotor?” Keith asked quietly.
“That remains to be seen.”
“What’s this secret plan, old witch?”
“All in good time, my prince. Believe me, this plan will put an end to Voltron.”
“I doubt it. My analyses tell me that Voltron can’t be beat. You tried to destroy Voltron, but only broke it into five robot lions. So, I doubt your magic could end Voltron this time.”
Hagger cackled. “Oh, but this time I can’t fail. I explained it to your father and he agrees with me that it’ll destroy the mighty robot.”
“I look forward to witnessing your secret plan.” Lotor walked out of Hagger’s lab, concerned. Hagger refused to reveal her secret plan and it frustrated him. How could he warn Keith if he had no idea what to warn him about? Ah, but if she’s with me, I can wreck her plan once it goes into motion. It may expose me as a traitor, but I will have haven on Arus. Lotor headed to his control board and sent the beam to the Castle of Lions. He knew Keith wasn’t on duty and hoped it was someone who would believe him. He received a reply and opened it to see Lance.
“Lotor. You want to talk to Keith?”
“It’s not necessary. I’m calling because of a secret plan Hagger has. She won’t tell me anything beyond claiming that it’ll destroy Voltron.”
“That’s quite a claim seeing as nothing’s worked before.”
“Well as Hagger will be with me, I’ll be able interfere with her plan when it goes into motion.”
“Won’t that blow your cover?”
“It may. Would it be too much to assume that I would have sanctuary on Arus?”
“Hey, if you do stop the witch, I’m sure Allura will let you live here.”
“That’s good to hear. Please tell the others what I told you.”
“Will do.” The transmission ended and Lance marveled at how he managed to have a civil conversation with Lotor. It would seem his love for Keith really did change him. We were wrong to doubt him and I’ll say as much tomorrow.
“A secret plan?” Coran repeated.
“Oh, yeah,” Keith spoke up. “I forgot to mention that. Hagger will riding with Lotor during the attack.”
“The old witch won’t tell him the plan except that it’ll destroy Voltron.”
Keith then laughed. “Well as we’ll be outside watching the fleet fall apart, Voltron won’t be needed so that plan goes down the tubes.”
“He seemed concerned about it and stated that he’ll do what he has to do to stop her even if it reveals that he’s a traitor. Allura, would you give Lotor safety on Arus if his cover’s blown?”
“Of course. He’ll have proven that he’s changed.”
“I say he’s already changed and that we were wrong to doubt him. Hey, Keith. How about some sparring?”
Keith blinked at him. “Seriously? I almost beat you last time.”
“Hey, I didn’t know you were a werewolf then. Now that I know, I want you to help me fight better.”
“I guess I could. Hunk? I’d like to test my strength against you.”
“Sure, Keith.” The team filed out to change clothes and practice their fighting skills.
Only Coran remained behind. It amazed him how open Lotor was being with the attack and how he was making sure it failed. It was the secret plan he didn’t know all the details of and it was clear that it frustrated him but he provided what he knew nonetheless. He also revealed that he intended to put a stop to the plan even at the risk of being exposed as a traitor and possibly being killed. Well, as the attack will be on Arus, Lotor can live here and not be concerned about death. I will tell Pidge that I will fill in for him tonight so he can help if it’s needed tomorrow.
Lotor watched with satisfaction as the sabotaged ships were loaded into the warship. He was glad that his smug expression could be attributed to the upcoming attack.
He heard a cackle and saw Hagger come up beside him. “Tomorrow will be a great day for the empire.”
“Indeed. It will be a day for the history books,” Lotor said, his idea of history clearly different from Hagger’s idea.
“Yes. You should sleep, my prince as tomorrow is a big day.”
“Sound advice, witch. I will heed to it. Good night.”
“Sleep well, prince.” Hagger bowed to Lotor and then watched the loading with a gleeful expression. Their lack of attacks had been part of a master plan. It would lull Arus into a false sense of security and leave them unprepared for this massive attack. And my plan will be the icing on the cake, she smirked.
Chapter Ten- Exposed
“Land there,” Hagger said and Lotor guided the ship to the spot indicated to him. He was to fly ahead of the fleet and wait in the forest near the castle. The ship’s two occupants disembarked and Lotor looked to the skies for the fleet before seeing that Hagger was looking at the castle, particularly the lake. Does she intend to poison the water? That could destroy Voltron by poisoning the pilots and the castle’s residents. I’ll stop her before she even gets close to the water. The sound of the warship arriving made him look at it. All the ships on board were rigged to fail and he had even planted an explosive on the warship that he would trigger with a remote hidden in his belt. He glanced off to the castle and saw the Voltron Force, minus Pidge, emerging from the castle as planned.
“Not going for the lions, eh?” he heard Hagger mutter to herself. “Even better.” Lotor was about to demand an explanation when explosions drew both of their attentions. Lotor inwardly smirked while Hagger stared stunned. The ships were blowing up with no explanation. No one was firing on them but they were being destroyed nonetheless.
“How?” she asked. “How is this possible?”
“I would say pilot error,” said Lotor. “Sometimes robots aren’t the best pilots.”
“Well, no matter. My plan won’t fail.”
“Which is, what?” he asked.
“Follow and watch, my prince,” she said as she moved toward the team with Lotor behind her. The approach rustled the foliage and made the team turn to it as Hagger emerged and Lotor stood beside her.
“Hagger! What are you up to, you witch?” Lance demanded.
“I will destroy Voltron!” she declared, failing to notice Lotor moving away from her as she aimed her staff at Allura. “I lay a curse on you, princess!” Lotor then dashed forward so quickly that he was in front of Allura seconds before the curse fired. The beam hit his chest and he put a hand to it as he grunted and one eye closed in pain. “No!” Hagger screamed.
“You won’t harm her,” he said.
“That was the plan! I was to curse her and prevent her from flying Blue Lion. Without five lions, there’s no Voltron! But you got in the way and took the one-time curse instead.”
“That was my idea,” Lotor retorted. “And here’s another.” He pulled out the remote and pushed the button. A loud explosion sounded and Hagger turned to see the warship blowing up.
She whirled around. “You…traitor!”
Lotor smiled grimly. “That’s right and I’m staying right here.”
“Oh no. You are coming back to face punishment.” She was reaching out toward him when the roar of a lion sounded. She looked up and shrieked at the sight of the Green Lion hovering over the group. She ran for Lotor’s ship, got in, and flew off, the ship on autopilot.
“Lotor, are you all right?” Keith asked, going to his boyfriend’s side.
“It would seem so, but I’m not sure. I’ve been cursed, but who knows what it is. I seem fine, though.”
“We’ll have the doctor look you over and keep you in the infirmary should the curse activate,” Allura said. “And thank you for saving me,” she added as they headed inside.
Lotor laid in an infirmary bed, his forehead beaded with sweat. It had been two hours since the foiled attack and exam and it looked as if the curse was finally affecting him. The doctor was at a loss. Lotor was perfectly healthy; there was no reason for him to be sweating.
“There is a reason,” he snapped when he heard this. “It’s too hot in here.”
“But, it’s not,” Keith said, concerned over Lotor’s condition.
Gradually, Lotor drifted into a fitful sleep with Keith whimpering slightly. He stayed by the prince’s side as the hours passed. When the sun was setting, Lotor awoke feeling much better and said as much to Keith when he asked.
“Keith, it’s almost dark. Shouldn’t you be outside?”
“No. I don’t have to be and I’m not leaving your side until you’re released.”
He smiled as Keith shifted to wolf and then he gasped as he sat up before he howled…like a wolf! His clothes faded away as a coat of white fur covered him. Lotor groaned as he planted his hands on the bed and saw them shape themselves into paws. His nose and jaws pushed out into a muzzle while his ears moved upward. His eyes became gold wolf eyes as the change raced down his body. Soon a large, lean, and muscular white wolf sat in bed, panting from the change.
“Whoa,” Keith said softly. “So, this was the curse. Hagger had planned to curse Allura as a werewolf. But, that wouldn’t have destroyed Voltron.”
“Yes, it would. The curse would have killed her,” Lotor gasped. “Werewolf curses on my planet are meant for men. It would kill the women.”
Keith also gasped. “Then, you really did save her life. Come on, let’s tell the others.” He looked at the doctor who was present and he nodded.
Lotor struggled to his paws before leaping down. He followed Keith out, marveling at how easily he was walking on all fours as well as his smooth, graceful movement. Wow. This is amazing. Now I’m a werewolf, like Keith.
The two went to the lounge where the team went to wait for news of Lotor. They looked up at Keith entering and then got up with gasps as Lotor came in. “You’re a wolf?” Lance asked.
“Werewolf,” Lotor corrected. “Hagger planned to curse Allura with a curse meant only for men and it would have killed her.”
Allura’s eyes went blank and she sat down hard on the couch. “I would have died?” Her eyes focused on Lotor and shined with tears. “You saved my life.”
“I would have taken the curse no matter what it was,” he admitted as Allura knelt in front of him and hugged him.
“Still, thank you. You are definitely staying here.”
“And he’ll share my room,” Keith added. “He is my mate, after all.”
“Mate?” Lance repeated.
“Yes,” Lotor said as Allura released him. “Boyfriend during the day, mate at night.”
Lotor barked in a laughing manner a few hours later as he and Keith stood in their room. “What were the odds that the witch would use the werewolf curse?”
“Rather small, I’d say.”
“If it had hit Allura, she would have died when the curse tried to change her.”
Keith nuzzled Lotor’s cheek. “But it didn’t hit her and it was a one-time curse. She can’t try again.”
Lotor returned the gesture. “You’re right. So, can we go out tomorrow night?”
“Sure. I’d like to play with you as well as run and wrestle.”
Lotor’s tail swished. “Sounds like fun.”
“Good and maybe you could do night watches too.”
“I can.” Lotor got into bed with Keith and the two snuggled each other as they fell asleep as werewolves and mates and Lotor looked forward to the new day and his new life.
Chapter Eleven- Epilogue
Lotor felt sun on his face and he slowly opened his eyes, squinted, and then shut them with a whine. He heard Keith move slightly before he said, “Lotor?”
“The sun is so bright,” he said softly. “It wasn’t like that yesterday.”
“It’s a drawback of being a werewolf. Our eyes are more suited to nighttime sight so they’re light sensitive. They’ll eventually adjust.”
“Of course.” Lotor opened his eyes to slits and found that tolerable. He rolled over and got out of bed. He wandered over to a mirror and saw his normal appearance. He used a comb to straighten his tousled hair while Keith brushed his into some semblance of order. Lotor traded his clothes for a simple unisex suit with gold braiding at the cuffs and the hem of the pants before they left their room for breakfast.
Both were real hungry as they had changed last night and this morning. Allura asked Lotor how he was doing as they ate. “I’m adjusting. Everyone is warm and friendly. It’s just Keith forgot to mention that my eyes are light sensitive now.” He gently punched Keith’s arm, knowing he was stronger now.
Keith said in a mock hurt voice, “Ow!” while rubbing the arm. Everyone laughed at the exchange and it had just died down when Coran came in.
“Lotor, when you’re finished, I’d like to show you the Control Room so you can be familiar with it and help defend the castle.”
“Excellent and I’d like to volunteer for night watch.”
“You’ll take the night after mine. Hunk is tonight and I’m tomorrow.”
“Perfect,” Keith said once Coran left. “We can be together five straight nights.”
Lotor smiled as he headed to the Control Room. He had defected to Arus’ side, had a boyfriend/mate, and was a werewolf. Tonight, he would play with Keith and he could hardly wait.
He sat in the control chair while Coran stood beside him, pointing out the controls for the defense systems, the offensive systems, and the communications system. He saw the chip he had given Keith and was about to remove it when the com panel flashed, indicating a message. He flipped the switch to activate the view screen. It wavered for a moment before the image of Zarkon appeared.
“Lotor!” Zarkon thundered making Lotor wince at the volume because of his sensitive ears; more so since he was a werewolf. “You traitor! You ruined our plan to destroy Voltron!”
“Yes, I did and watch the volume!” Lotor snapped.
“You betrayed us! You are no son of mine anymore.”
“Fine by me. I’m making a new life here and I’m happier than I’ve ever been.” Lotor cut the transmission and sat back with a low growl.
“I’m sorry,” Coran said.
“Don’t be. I knew this would happen when the witch called me a traitor. I knew she would tell Zarkon. I don’t need him anyway. All I need is Keith, really.”
“This would end the ruling line of Doom, you know.”
“Not necessarily. If Keith and I could find a woman to be a surrogate mother, we could have children. Keith dreams of a son.”
“Hmm.” Coran stroked his chin. “If I find a woman willing to help, I will also see to insuring Keith’s child is a boy.”
“That is…I really don’t know what to say.”
“Say nothing for now. Wait until I’ve checked for a willing woman.”
“Very well.”
Lotor seized Lance’s wrist and flipped him over his shoulder. Lance landed on his back, the wind knocked out of him. Lotor looked down at him. “You okay?”
“Yeah. Just tell me: Was that your increased strength?”
“No, just my normal strength.”
“Wow. I’d hate to see how strong you are with the extra power. Then again, maybe you could take Hunk on.”
“That’ll have to wait. Hunk’s on duty tonight and I’m up after Coran.”
“Yeah, it’ll have to wait.” Lance popped to his feet. “Okay, enough talk. Here I come.” Lance charged toward Lotor who met the charge and the two tumbled and wrestled with each other until exhausted.
Lotor leaned against a tree trunk while he ate some fruit, bread, and cheese as was Keith. They had opted to a private dinner in the woods. Keith had some raw meat nearby which clearly said they would be consumed after they had changed. “I’m not sure about raw meat,” Lotor said.
“It’ll be fine. Most animal stomachs can handle raw meat, especially wolves and it tastes good to boot.”
“Well, you’ve been a werewolf longer than me so I’ll follow your lead.” Lotor shifted to a crouching position as the sun vanished and he took his white-furred form while Keith became a black wolf. Lotor seized one of the steaks and proceeded to eat. He found that his teeth cut through the meat easily and a pleasing taste greeted his tongue. Keith was right. This tastes good raw. He licked his chops once the last bite was swallowed. “Very good,” he said.
“I knew you’d like it. So,” Keith’s tongue ran over his muzzle. “Do we play, run, or wrestle?”
“Play. I need to be familiar with my body and what it can do.”
“Okay.” Keith draped his front half over Lotor’s back and nuzzled the fur. “Oh, so soft and silky.”
“Really? That’s how your fur feels.”
“Yeah? You know, now that I think about it, play is actually just wrestling.”
“Well, fine with me.” Lotor bucked Keith off him before lunging at his mate. Keith met the charge and the two werewolves went down in a tangle of limbs. They rolled and tumbled over each other, yipping and barking joyfully. Lotor was learning how his body moved and he reveled in it. It was sleek, strong, and graceful. He barked happily: He loved being a werewolf! It’s wonderful, just as I had imagined!
Keith gave a wolf’s grin at his mate’s yips and barks. He was enjoying himself and he loved what he had become. I have a lot I want to show him. I want to help him develop and use his senses, especially the nose. I also want him to experience the thrill of hunting. In fact, we could do both at once. But later. I’m having too much fun playing with him.
Their wrestling turned into racing as they leaped over logs and saw how far they could leap. Their run carried them to the stream where they paused to drink. Lotor looked into the water to stare at himself. A white wolf with bright gold eyes was reflected there. His muzzle was long and strong and his ears were long and wide.
“You’re beautiful,” Keith teased, getting Lotor to look away.
“Has Coran mentioned the message that came in this morning?”
“He did, yeah. He said you did not seem very upset about it.”
“I wasn’t upset. I knew it was coming. I revealed myself as a traitor and such a revelation does get reported to the king. What did upset me was the volume. I’ve always had sensitive hearing but it’s more sensitive now.”
Keith nodded. “Our senses are more sensitive but I love them.”
“I do too. Could we work on my nose say tomorrow?”
“Sure and we can do that while hunting.”
“Perfect.” Lotor howled and Keith joined in. It was the howl of two mates who loved each other and being werewolves.