Disclaimer: I don’t own Voltron: Legendary Defender. Only Paul, Steppin, and Collin are mine.
Chapter One- The Abduction
Shiro gripped his partner’s wrist, shoved his hip against his opponent’s hip, and executed a toss over his shoulder, guiding his partner to the mats so he didn’t get hurt. He looked up at his students. “And that is how it’s done, sans the gentle takedown. It’s designed to knock the air out of your attacker, giving you time to get away.” He helped his assistant, Adam, to his feet. “Thanks, Adam.”
“Like I had a choice,” he teased, lightly punching Shiro’s arm.
Adam and Shiro taught a martial arts class for teens and young adults and it gave them a real pleasure to do so. They taught them moves primarily for defense and the students were in awe of their teachers’ fighting prowess. Shiro’s favorite students were two teens, Lance and Keith. The two of them had a friendly competitive streak, but their family situations were complete opposites. Lance had a big family while Keith had no family and was constantly moved from one foster family to another.
Keith’s situation pulled at Shiro’s heartstrings and he took the orphan under his wing, inviting him out for coffee or even lunch or dinner. He grew fond of Keith as he got to know him and uncovered a side of him that no one saw. He first regarded Keith as a younger brother, but after months of getting together, he found he loved Keith which he had blurted out a month ago over coffee. He couldn’t help himself. He found Keith an engaging young man and his looks were interesting too. Black hair that was a bit messy and long, purple eyes that held a combination of pain, joy, and an enthusiasm for fighting that Shiro appreciated.
When Shiro blurted out his feelings, Keith had blushed, looked down, and said, “I feel the same way.” With that confession, came more common dates of movies, dinner, and walks. He was aware he was dating a minor and they kept their relationship a secret.
Shiro came back to the present as Adam said, “Okay, class. That’s it for tonight. Next time, we’ll work on the move we just demonstrated.”
The class headed out of the room, chatting about the move they saw…all except Keith. He came up to Shiro with a happy smile. “Enjoy tonight’s class, Keith?” Shiro asked as Adam left.
“Yeah. I look forward to learning that move.” Keith paused and shifted a little. “Shiro? I’ll be turning eighteen in a month and then I’ll be out of the foster care system. I was wondering if…if I could move in with you?”
“Move in?” Shiro’s face lit up. “Of course you can. That would be great. You know I have plenty of space and I had been thinking of moving into an apartment.”
“Oh, please don’t. You said you have a private training room, you showed it to me, even.”
“So I did and the attic that I converted to a greenhouse.” Shiro spoke proudly of this. “I won’t move, especially since I’ll soon have my boyfriend living there.” He took Keith in his arms and gave a kiss on the cheek. “See you in class next week.”
“Next week.” Keith left the room, his smile vanishing. It wouldn’t do to smile like he did around Shiro. It would be counterproductive to keeping his relationship with Shiro secret. Besides, in a month, Shiro will see my smiles every day. I can hardly wait to move in with him.
Shiro pulled on his jacket before grabbing his gym bag that held his uniform. He would need to wash both the clothes and the bag when he got home along with the other clothes in his hamper. The night was cool as Shiro started home. His place was not far and yet it had a large backyard. He had considered getting a dog, knowing he could give it a loving home. Well, as Keith will be moving in in a month, I’ll discuss the subject with him and, if he says yes, we can pick out the dog together. Shiro began to dream about the life he would soon have: A boyfriend he would marry one day, a pet, and adopt a couple of kids of their own. Those kids would not be shuffled around to other families like Keith had been.
Shiro had reached the sidewalk in front of his house when he heard a growl and a whimper. He looked around and a gleam of gold ahead caught his eye. He turned to see a gray, four-legged form lying on the ground and approached it slowly and carefully.
It appeared to be a large dog…or a wolf. It looked as if it was injured for he could see a deep cut on a foreleg. The wolf, for that’s what it looked like, lifted its head as Shiro approached and growled at him.
“Easy, boy,” Shiro said soothingly as he slowly crouched down to look into the wolf’s eyes, seeing the full moon reflected in them. He held out a hand to the wolf. It sniffed the hand before allowing Shiro to scratch the chin. It whined in pleasure, making Shiro smiled at what seemed to be a friendly, albeit, scared wolf.
Suddenly the wolf jerked back and then lunged forward, its teeth sinking into Shiro’s hand. Shiro screamed in pain and clutched his injured hand once the wolf had released it. He stared at the wolf as it got to its paws and then licked its cut. His eyes went wide as the cut healed under the wolf’s lick. The wolf flashed a wolf’s grin and then the world went black as someone came up behind him and cuffed him at a pressure point, rendering him unconscious instantly.
Shiro groaned as he regained consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes and shut them quickly before shaking his head and opening his eyes again. He saw a barred door several feet in front of him. He also found his arms and legs cuffed to the wall. It was clear that he had been attacked and kidnapped but the question was, why? He felt ashamed at being attacked, considering his martial arts training, but then again, he had been injured when he had been hit.
“Ah, you’re awake,” a voice said before a young-looking man with silver hair appeared. He bared a grin of sharp teeth at him.
“Who are you? Why did you kidnap me?”
“I am Paul and you were abducted to aid us in our business.”
“Why would I do that? Holding me prisoner is not likely to make me want to help you.”
“Trust me, you will help us, you won’t be able to resist helping.”
“What makes you say that?”
Paul grinned again. “I was the wolf you encountered tonight. I am a werewolf and I bit you on the full moon. You are now a werewolf as well and you will transform tomorrow and the third night.”
Shiro paled. “I’m a werewolf?” he repeated faintly.
“Oh, yes. You will be a vicious wolf with no human thought. We will use your new weaknesses to make you tame enough so you can turn the people we bring into werewolves that we will sell as slaves.”
“Why can’t you do it? You bit me, after all.”
“Only a newly-bitten can turn others on the same night those people are bitten. In short, they will transform the same night they are bitten. We will educate you in being a werewolf and before nightfall, we will expose you to your weaknesses so that when you transform, some of your viciousness will be diminished but you will still desire to turn others. Once the full moon is over, you will be released as the turn effect will be over.”
“You want me to turn others into werewolf slaves? Are you saying some people want to be turned?”
“Oh no. They were kidnapped and others have paid for them. All we needed was to turn someone who could change the slaves into werewolves the same night they are bitten. Naturally, they’ll try to avoid being bitten but you will turn them.” Paul left and Shiro hung his head, eyes burning with fury.
They want to quickly turn innocent people into werewolf slaves so they turn me as newly-bitten ones can turn others the same night they get the bite. Tomorrow they will educate me and weaken me before I change into a werewolf for the first time.
Chapter Two- The Mastermind
A growling stomach woke Shiro the next morning. He wasn’t sure what time it was, but knew it had to be a new day. The sound of footsteps was heard and he looked up to see two men he hadn’t seen before. One was big, black, and burly while the other was average-sized with a professorial air about him. He bore a tray of food and drink and gave Shiro a warm smile as the door was unlocked.
“Good morning…Shiro, isn’t it? I am Doctor Collin. I look after the werewolves using the knowledge I gained from studying and talking to them.” He tilted his head at his companion. “This is Steppin. He’s here to make sure you cooperate throughout the day though I don’t see why you wouldn’t.” Collin put the tray down and lifted the lid to reveal a bottle of water and a platter of raw hamburger. He gathered the plate and a spoon before standing and spooning up some meat. “I know you probably find this repulsive, but…” Collin broke off when Shiro opened his mouth to accept the food.
“Ah, excellent,” Collin said as Shiro chewed. “The werewolf virus is already in you and a craving for raw meat occurs during the full moon cycle.”
“I’m also hungry,” Shiro admitted.
“Yes, of course and you’ll be more so when you change tonight and in the mornings as you’ll burn a lot of calories during your changes.”
Shiro digested this information as he ate and drank. It made sense that he would eat more as his changes would require fuel in order to transform. He would go from a compact human to a large furry animal and, according to Paul, he would have no human thought. He would be a vicious wolf who would desire to turn others.
“Shiro?” Collin asked curiously, seeing a look of revulsion on the werewolf’s face.
Shiro focused on him, the look changing to one of resignation. “I did not deserve this curse. I don’t like the idea of being a vicious animal who would want to turn others three times a month.”
“Oh, now don’t go thinking that way,” Collin said quickly. “Yes, the full moon is an inconvenience but the other times will be a journey of discovery from what I am told. It’ll be a journey at first, but after that it will simply be a pleasant experience.”
“Other times?” Shiro repeated, confused.
“Yes,” Steppin rumbled. “You will be able to change at will and be in complete control of your actions. You will learn to control you senses while transformed. You will discover your sharper senses tomorrow morning, however.”
“Are you a werewolf?” Shiro asked.
“I am. I may not look it, but I have been a werewolf for fifty years.”
“Fifty!? But you don’t look much older than me.”
“That is one of the perks of being a werewolf. And that is what we’ll discuss later. The perks and weaknesses.”
“Yes. I think we’ve given you enough to think about for now and you’ll likely have questions when we return.” Collin gave Shiro the rest of the water before taking the try and both men left the cell.
Shiro pulled at his cuffs, reasoning that since werewolves were stronger, then surely he was too. He pulled for at least an hour before concluding that he hadn’t unlocked his super strength yet. In fact, raw meat craving aside, he didn’t feel any different. I probably won’t feel different until tomorrow morning.
Both of them said that I will be able to change when I want after the full moon. I will be self-aware during these times and I will learn control of my senses in that form, but my senses will sharpen tomorrow morning. Speaking of my form, will it hurt to change and, if so, how much? Will I need to undress or not? What can I expect tonight? I know that I will want to turn others, but how will that go, much less work?
Paul spoke of a business and selling werewolf slaves. Who’s the mastermind behind this business and how come no one’s stopped it? Well, once I’m released, I will head over to the police station and give them the location of this business. I won’t say it is run by werewolves, but I will say that it’s a slave trafficking organization. It won’t cure me, but it’ll save others from being kidnapped, bitten, and sold.
Questions raced through Shiro’s mind as he stood cuffed to the wall. He had learned last night why he was there and that he had been bitten into a werewolf. He felt horrified at what he will become and how he will act, though diminished and tame due to his weaknesses, whatever those were.
The sound of footsteps drew him out of his thoughts and he looked at the door to see a face that made him scowl. “Iverson,” he said in a low, angry voice.
Iverson, dressed in a dapper business suit and gold jewelry, smirked at his captive. Shiro and Iverson had had a fierce competition since high school over who would be more successful in life before Shiro lost interest in the race but Iverson continued to keep the enmity going occasionally mocking Shiro for choosing to be a mere instructor while he was a successful businessman.
“I must say, Shiro, I was surprised when Paul told me of who he bit last night. Well, this will make you more successful as you will work for me for the next two nights and maybe in the future.”
“You’ll only get two nights out of me and nothing more,” Shiro shot back. “You’re not a businessman, Iverson. You’re a crime lord.”
“Call it what you will, but it pays well. It’s amazing how many people want a werewolf for a slave. I entered into a deal with Paul who is the leader of a small pack of werewolves. Together, we abducted people, had them bitten into werewolves, and sold them into slavery for a lot of money. Word of our business spread through the black market and our operation grew to include doctors, guards, and people successful in kidnapping. I have a way to tame wild werewolves in order to have others turned.”
“If you have werewolves, why have me bitten?”
“We have just gotten lots of orders for slaves and they want them very soon, as in tonight or tomorrow. It takes a day for the virus to turn someone if bitten by an old werewolf or a month if bitten on the last full moon by an old werewolf. A newly-bitten could turn our slaves quickly so we can deliver them to their owners. A shame you don’t want to be a part of my organization, Shiro. I feel you would be one of the best werewolves I have.”
“What you’re doing is wrong. Kidnapping people, changing their lives forever, and selling them into slavery. I want no part of it after tomorrow night.”
Iverson shrugged. “Have it your way. You will continue to be educated about your condition by Collin and Steppin who enjoyed talking to you this morning. You will be brought up before moonrise and to where you will be restrained. We will bring the slaves to you and you will turn them as your werewolf nature will desire to do so.”
“So, werewolves don’t eat humans?”
“No. They may kill in an attempt to turn them as they are vicious in their full moon mindset."
“Wait. Paul bit me last night but he seemed in control of himself. How is that possible?”
“I asked the same question a while ago and he said that once a werewolf reaches fifty years since the bite, they will retain self-awareness on the full moon but will be forced to change. Paul has been a werewolf for a hundred years and retains his youth though his hair hasn’t.” Iverson chuckled as he walked away and Shiro sagged in his cuffs.
Great, just great. My longtime rival is the boss of this crime ring and I will be forced to participate in it as the one who will change innocent people into werewolf slaves.
Chapter Three- Further Education
Shiro groaned slightly. He was feeling a little strange. A desire to be vicious, mean, and turn others into werewolves like himself. It had been a few hours since Iverson’s visit before these feelings surfaced. He didn’t fight these feelings as he would indulge in them as he would be an animal who operated on instinct.
He heard two sets of footsteps and he growled; a sound that echoed down the corridor. “Ah, you’re beginning to feel the intense, angry emotions of the werewolf,” came Collin’s voice before both men appeared at the door.
“I could fight it but by tonight I won’t be able to so I decided to not fight it at all,” he replied.
“Very wise.” Collin put the tray down and lifted the tray to reveal the same food and drink but in a larger portion. “I heard you met my boss and that you’ve known him for years.”
“Yes. He gloated over my capture and being bitten but he did tell me about the operation and a little about my part tonight and tomorrow. I do have questions of what to expect.”
“Of course you do. We would be happy to tell you while you eat.” Collin fed Shiro a couple of spoonful before saying, “You’ll be exposed to your weaknesses before being brought to what’s called the Ritual Room. You will be chained to the center and the roof will open to reveal the moon. You will be clothed as they will meld with your skin. Once you have changed and are tame, the slaves will be brought to you and you will feel the urge to bite.”
“I was told a lot of slaves need to be bitten between tonight and tomorrow.”
“Oh, yes. It is the biggest surge of orders ever, so naturally we need a newly-bitten to fulfill them.”
“I dislike the idea of sending others into a life of slavery.”
“It sounds like the boss didn’t tell you that we only take the homeless and troubled teens, with the former being young adults or teenagers.”
“He didn’t tell me, but it doesn’t change how I feel.”
“I understand but I still do my duty to insuring all werewolves are healthy and properly vaccinated. I will be administering those shots to you tomorrow as you are still fully human right now.
“So, the perks and weaknesses. As Steppin said earlier, your aging will slow and you will live longer.”
“Iverson said Paul has been a werewolf for a hundred years.”
“Correct,” Steppin said. “The body becomes younger to the height of maturity, however the hair continues to change color but slowly. You are clearly of perfect mature age so you won’t look any different except for being a bit more muscular.”
“So a teen could age until maturity is reached? Then they’ll cease aging?”
“Precisely,” Collin said. “You will be stronger and faster as well as able to heal quickly.”
“Paul did lick his wound and it healed.”
“Yes. The saliva of a werewolf can heal wounds. If I had a cut on my body, I lick my hand and run it over the cut. It is easier to heal a wound when in human form,” Steppin said. “However, a burn from silver takes longer to heal. No amount of saliva will heal it faster.”
“But it would heal, wouldn’t it?”
“Yes. All wounds eventually heal. Our saliva is a quick heal actually.”
“This brings us to the weaknesses. I will come with your dinner later on with human guards and the weakness. Silver is one of the weaknesses. It burns as Steppin said and takes time to heal. Your chains will be iron and silver so it won’t be as painful.
“Wolfsbane is the other weakness. I’ve seen it weaken werewolves and they tell me how it makes them ill while it is in their presence. I have seen it turn a wild, vicious werewolf tame and not as vicious. That will be you tonight.”
“Will the change hurt?”
“It will tonight,” Steppin said. “The first change hurts as the virus is altering your body and DNA. Tomorrow it will be an itchy tingle and you’ll automatically change.”
“You said the slaves will be brought to me,” Shiro said to Collin. “How will I want to bite?”
“It is an inborn trait. The urge to bite is hard to resist but it does diminish as you get older. By the time you’ve been a werewolf for fifty years, the desire to bite will fade but you will still feel the want to bite but it won’t be the compulsion it is now.”
“Iverson said that self-awareness comes at fifty as well.”
“It does,” Steppin spoke up. “I am aware and don’t bite as much. It is a wonderful feeling and this cycle will be my fourth time with awareness and less biting.”
“Tell me,” he said to Steppin. “Are you being blackmailed or coerced by Paul to work here?”
“No. I do have a regular job. I only come here every full moon. However, I cannot go to the police as Iverson has a threat over my head: Death.”
“Death. How does a werewolf die?”
“Silver bullets. Rumor say he has silver nitrate bullets.” Steppin looked at Collin who shrugged.
“I’ve heard the rumors too but didn’t think to confirm it. Perhaps I’ll asked once we’re upstairs.”
Shiro swallowed hard at that. It was likely that Iverson would use this threat to keep him from going to the police. Shiro hated to see an operation like this flourishing but he also liked to live. He had a reason to live: Keith. His boyfriend would be devastated if Shiro died. For Keith'’ sake and mine, I will not speak of this place to the police.
“Paul will likely let you leave and you won’t be expected to come back,” Steppin said. “Although, we do have comfortable cells to restrain those who are not self-aware.”
“I can convert my basement or at least part of it into a cell,” Shiro mused.
Collin nodded. “Yes, an excellent idea and you’ll have a month to work on it. Do you live alone?”
“I do.” Until next month. I’ll have to tell Keith so I don’t bite him.
“That’s good as it would be difficult to hide it in the basement if you live with someone else. Very few people would accept you for what you are now.”
Shiro felt his heart sink at those words. He knew Collin was right. Werewolves were viewed as monsters who need to be eliminated. Hiding his condition made sense, but that meant betraying his trust in those whose trust he had. How could he not trust those he cared about when they confided much in him? Besides, teen wolves hide their condition. I am not a teenager. I will tell Keith, Adam, and anyone else that I have to tell. “So, silver and Wolfsbane are things I have to avoid.”
“Yes and avoiding Wolfsbane is easy as it is native to Europe and Asia. The only place to come across it outside of those continents, is here. We have greenhouses constructed for the sole purpose of growing Wolfsbane. It is quite an impressive endeavor.
“Well, Shiro. I will see you in a few hours for dinner and exposing you to your weaknesses.” Collin and Steppin left the cell and Shiro reflected on what he had learned and what was to come.
I have learned a good deal today about being a werewolf. I can’t say the full moon is a good thing, but the enhanced abilities are cool and I’ll have them tonight, thought I won’t know it. Wait. Will I recall what I do on the full moon? Damn, I didn’t think about that and now I have to wait until Collin comes back before I can ask him.
Chapter Four- First Transformation
Shiro stirred from his nap by the sound of footsteps and the surging emotions of a wolf. He was feeling a desire to be vicious and bite others. He growled and then snarled as he pulled at his cuffs. His being restrained angered him and he growled louder as he tried to escape.
He then felt weak and tired. His anger drained away and he found he was thinking clearly again. He blinked a little and he focused on Collin and two men dressed like guards and holding a pot each that held a flower in them.
“Wolfsbane,” he said, recognizing the plant.
“Correct and it seems we definitely needed it. You are becoming more like a werewolf. You sounded quite angry.”
“I’m restrained. No one likes having their movements restricted.”
“True. Very true.” Collin felt Shiro’s forehead and then felt the underside of his throat. “Hmm, you’re quite warm and your pulse is racing. No doubt side effects of the Wolfsbane.”
“I do feel a bit ill,” Shiro admitted as Collin fed him; despite feeling sick, he ate knowing he needed energy for his big night.
“Iverson insists we hang pots of Wolfsbane near your cell all day tomorrow to keep you tame. Of course that means Steppin won’t be seeing you anymore.”
“Tell me. Will I recall what happens on the full moon?”
“You will. At some point the following morning, you will remember what you did. It may not be with perfect clarity, but enough to get an idea of what happened.”
Collin took the tray away and used a key to unlock Shiro’s cuffs. Once he was free, however, a guard put a heavy, albeit, loose collar around his neck, chains attached to it. He was led out of the cell and u the stairs with Collin in front. “Doctor,” Shiro said. “Are those rumors about silver nitrate bullets true?”
“Partially. He’s having some developed but they’re still on the drawing board.” Collin led the way through the corridors, passing a hall of cells that held several humans in each one. Shiro knew these were the ones he would turn over the next two nights. He avoided looking at them; he hadn’t bitten them yet but he couldn’t bear to look at them.
The hall opened up into a stone chamber. It was circular with countless small cells along most of the walls. There was a sunken pit in the center; no doubt that was his spot. There was a balcony opposite the entryway and he saw Iverson and several other people, clearly customers. He was pulled to the pit where the chains were attached to rings anchored into the floor. Manacles were attached to his legs and arms, forcing him into an all fours position. The manacles were loose like the collar and only held in place by his hands and feet. He was examining them to see if he could twist his wrists free when a grinding noise distracted him. He looked up to see the roof retracting, revealing a starry sky and a small part of the moon.
Shiro’s pupils dilated as he watched the moon rise higher into the sky. He felt basic simple emotions wash over him. He then began to groan as his muscles and joints began to hurt, almost burning. He focused on his arms and saw his muscles growing larger, the manacles fitting a little better but still a bit loose. No doubt leaving room for the fur. Iverson learned his trade well.
Shiro then screamed before giving a howl. His entire body felt like it was on fire. His hands and feet shrank away into paws, his claws poking out a little. His legs bent into canine shape as his heels moved up, his knees changed direction, and his spine curved.
He growled as he felt a furry thing grow out and knew it was his tail. He opened his eyes to see white fur growing on his paws and forelegs and felt surprised at the color. A burning on his face drew his attention and he saw his nose and jaws pushing out into a muzzle and an itch in his mouth told him his teeth were sharp and new teeth were growing in. His ears burned and felt like they were moving up, which of course they were. His eyes changed to gold and he gave another howl as his mind reverted to a vicious wolf. He was angry and mean and wanted to bite people. He smelled the scent of people but didn’t see any.
Then, he saw one! He didn’t know if it was a boy or a girl, teen or adult. All he knew was there was a person he was going to be able to bite. The figure was pushed toward him and he lunged, sinking his teeth into flesh and hearing a scream. He released and backed up, feeling satisfied at biting and tasting flesh.
His satisfaction turned to confusion as the person turned into a creature like himself. The wolf growled and snarled at Shiro and he understood that this young one was going to attack him and he couldn’t move to avoid it. A figure in shiny skin moved in and chained up the young one before dragging him away and into a tiny room with a door. The young one snarled and rammed the door until a flower was presented. He backed away from the door and stopped fighting. The flower’s presence gave Shiro relief that the young one wouldn’t attack him but he also felt sick in a way he didn’t understand. Another person was brought to him and the process began again.
Shiro stirred and his eyes opened to see that he was in his cell again, but not restrained. He smelled the repugnant scent of the Wolfsbane and an ill but calm feeling washed over him. He closed his eyes and he saw images and faces that looked vaguely familiar. Countless face floated past and his stomach sank. Those are the ones I bit last night! I recall falling asleep but nothing else until now.
“Morning, Shiro,” came Collin’s voice.
Shiro opened his eyes and sat up to face the door. Collin entered and shut the door with a foot as he had a tray in his hands and an old-fashioned doctor’s bag on his arm. “Hungry?” he asked as he put the tray down.
“Starving,” he admitted as he lifted the lid, grabbed the spoon and bowl, and began to eat.
“Yes. I figured you would be. You had a busy night.” Collin opened the bag and removed a capped syringe.
“How…many?” he asked with difficulty.
“I’d say about fifty or sixty.” Collin uncapped the syringe and tapped it.
Shiro paused in his breakfast, horror going through him. He had just sent fifty or sixty people into a life of slavery. And I’ll be doing it again as I can’t control myself. He gave a gasp as he felt a prick in his arm. He looked to see Collin withdraw the syringe. “So, what was that?”
“A typical rabies shot. As wolves are canines, you’ll need the vaccinations a dog receives and then I’ll update your human shots.”
“I thought werewolves were immune to certain illnesses.”
“Oh, you are. This is simply a precaution. I would be happy to renew your shots next year. Just come by and ask for me.”
“I’ll consider it.” Shiro polished off his bowl and grabbed the second one as Collin prepped the second shot. He was given a lot of raw meat and he ate it without question. He caught a look of revulsion on Collin’s face at one point. “This disturbs you?” he asked.
“A little. What about you?”
“Not really. I find it tastes good.”
“As you should. You’re a werewolf and wolves are carnivores. You’ll crave raw meat all the time and eat only meat during the full moon. The rest of the time you will eat and drink same as before with the inclusion of raw meat cravings.” Collin administered one last shot and closed the bag before taking the tray but left the water behind. “I will see you later to prepare you for your last night with us.”
Chapter Five- Freedom
Shiro was treated to the same large portions for lunch and dinner and he ate all of it. He had thought he would be sick of eating raw meat but such was not the case. It was the Wolfsbane that made him sick. He felt feverish and his pulse raced from its proximity as it hung from hooks on either side of his cell. He did derive a calming effect from it as well. His vicious and mean feelings were diminished and he thought clearly.
“All right. Time for you to do your duty one last time,” Collin said as he put the manacle around Shiro’s neck again and chains around it as well. Once more, Shiro was led upstairs and he didn’t fight just like last night. The effect of the Wolfsbane around his cell mellowed him so much that he didn’t feel angry or mean but he did still desired to turn others. This urge couldn’t be diminishment no matter what, save for the passage of time. He passed the imprisoned humans and they hurled insults at him, calling a monster and evil.
“I can’t control it,” he snapped. “I regret what I did and what I’m about to do and if I could resist it, I would.” He was tugged away before any more words could be exchanged.
He was brought to the Ritual Room again and chained down. He watched as the roof was retracted so that the moon would shine on Shiro. He waited calmly and when the moon’s light fell on him, he let out a howl and shifted instantly to his white-furred form. He gave a low angry growl at his restraints and pulled a little at them until the first slave was brought to him. Once again the air was filled with the sounds of screaming, howling, growling, and cells slamming shut. Shiro had no rational thought like last time, only a desire to create more werewolves.
Shiro blinked his eyes open and was surprised to find himself still chained in the Ritual Room. The cells held people who were either asleep or awake, the latter he couldn’t bear to look at. He got to an all fours position and focused on his hands even as he heard footsteps approaching him.
“Well done, Shiro,” came Iverson’s voice. “A hundred and thirty people turned in two nights. Paul was right to turn you. You make a good werewolf.”
“A hundred and thirty?” Shiro choked. “I condemned them all to slavery. That’s terrible.”
“They were homeless or troubled. They now have a place to live and an owner to serve. Most will be passed down to the owner’s children and their descendants. Others will serve as laborers due to their new strength and then will likely be sold to provide labor for another or be a pet or even someone to turn others.” Iverson crouched down and unlocked the manacles and collar. “You are free to go. If you wish to return next month to confine yourself…”
“I will secure myself in my basement once I’ve renovated it,” Shiro cut in. “I do not intend to return here.” He rose to his feet, left the room, and was soon out of a grand mansion. He walked briskly toward his home. He needed food and a shower. Once those had been attended to, he would study his basement and determine the best way to convert part of it to a cell to contain him during the next cycle and allow him to leave each morning.
He was soon at his dining room table eating toast and cereal. The absence of meat seemed strange but it also felt right. I will refrain from meat for a few days after all the meat I had eaten the last two days. He finished breakfast and went up to wash off the sweat and dirt he had gained during his imprisonment. The warm water, shampoo, and soap felt great and made him feel human again.
But, I’m not human anymore, he thought as he dried off and put on fresh clothes. I’m a werewolf. Half human and half wolf. I’m a monster three nights a month and must lock myself up those three nights. He put his clothes in the hamper before heading down to the basement. He looked around the room, feeling the walls and floor. Everything was sturdy and he began to clear a space in a deep, far corner of the room behind the stairs. He the swept the floor and washed the wall. He stepped back to eye the space and nodded. He would need to build two additional brick walls and install a solid steel cell door. Or rather hire contractors to build the walls, install the door, and install anchors and cuffs. I’ll shop around and get prices. I plan to have the building begin in a few days and finished before the end of the week. He left the basement to sweep and dust the house as he had been gone for two days. He put his laundry in the washer which included his instructor uniform, the bag found behind a bush beside his front door. When that was done, he paused at a hall mirror and examined his reflection critically.
He certainly didn’t look any different. He turned to the side and found he was still as lean as he had been before but he seemed to have gained a little extra muscle. This is clearly a side effect of my condition. And speaking of effects, perhaps I should explore them. First, my quick healing ability. Iverson made sure I was kept healthy and unharmed but I must know how quick the healing process is.
He headed to the kitchen, took a sharp knife, and swiftly drew it across his palm. He hissed in pain as blood welled up before he ran his tongue over it. He tasted blood but he saw the cut heal instantly. It was just as he had seen Paul do that night. Okay. Now for my supernatural healing ability. He made a cut on his forearm and then placed a bandage on it before cleaning the knife and putting it away. A cut like that takes a week or so to completely heal, so I will check on it every day until it is healed. That will give me an idea of how fast I heal now.
He went online to browse the websites of local contractors to choose which one could build his cell. He also browsed the local brickyard and hardware stores for equipment. He planned to visit all three places tomorrow before class.
He had a salad for dinner before venturing to the backyard. He stood on the grass, closed his eyes, and breathed deeply. The scent of the grass and trees tickled his nose but it was pleasant nonetheless. His ears picked up tiny sounds he would never have heard two days ago. His eyes opened and the coming darkness did not seem as dark as it did before.
Incredible. My senses are sharper without the presence of Wolfsbane to make me ill and dull my senses. I can smell, hear, and see better than before. A shame it came at a heavy price. I don’t think giving up half of my humanity is worth it. But Collin told me not think of my condition that way. I was told that I could change at will and be in complete control on non-full moon nights.
I could try that out right now and run around my yard and tired myself out as I am feeling restless at this point. He crouched down and closed his eyes, willing himself to change. He felt a tingle as well as a bit warmer and he opened his eyes to look down and see white paws instead of hands. He stood onto all fours and turned slowly to coordinate his limbs as he hadn’t been able to move around before, and to see himself.
He found that his limbs were long and muscular, the latter a trait that covered his entire body. His muscles caused his body to grow larger, much larger than a normal wolf. He saw a full, long tail as he turned and he crossed his eyes to see the long, strong muzzle in front of him. His tongue brushed his sharp teeth as he said, “Not bad. I look very impressive and I will likely look this way for a very long time.”
Shiro flexed his claws before he walked around the yard to get a feel for his movement. He increased his pace to power walking, then trotting, and then full-out running. Shiro laughed in joy as his yard turned into a green and silver blur. This is incredible! I’m running so fast, faster than I have before. Collin and Steppin were right: My non-full moon nights will be a journey of discovery as I’m fully aware of my actions.
Chapter Six- First Confession
The contractor’s white pen moved quickly over the blueprint, the lines forming the design of a long prison cell. Shiro nodded. “Perfect. When can you start?”
“We have an opening on Saturday and Sunday. The building won’t take long. It should be solid and sturdy by late Sunday night.”
“That’s acceptable. I can provide the materials and have them ready for you.”
“I appreciate that. Will nine a.m. be good?”
“Nine a.m. Yes, see you then.”
“If I may, I find it odd that you want this room constructed.”
“Well, I’ve got a big dog that made me realize that I need a room like this.” Shiro gave a slight smile as he left the building, after paying a deposit, pleased with his errands. He had already placed an order with the brickyard and the bricks and cement would be delivered just before he left for class today. He had also already bought the door, anchors, and cuffs and had them in the basement. Once the cell was solid, he would screw in the door, anchors, and cuffs himself. He wasn’t sure he would need the cuffs but the anchors he would need for chains and manacles. He would hand the keys for the door and manacles nearby so he could free himself in the morning during the next full moon cycle.
I’ll be sure to buy lots of raw meat later on and store them in the chest freezer in the basement. But tonight, I’ll tell Keith and Adam what happened to me since our last class. Shiro arrived at his mailbox, opened it, and withdrew a couple of envelopes and a flat package. He frowned at this one as he headed for the door. Strange. I don’t recall ordering anything until today and there’s no return address, yet my name is on it.
Suddenly, Shiro felt ill and a repulsive familiar smell reached his nose: Wolfsbane. The source were two potted Wolfsbane flowers on his doorstep. He had a good idea where they came from and who sent them. He opened his door, carried them in, and left them by the stairs before sitting in the living room with the mail. He put the envelopes aside and opened the package. Inside was a baggie of seeds and a letter:
Dear Shiro,
I didn’t have the opportunity to give you the flowers or these seeds. Wolfsbane is your best defense to keep you safe in your cell. Paul mentioned you have a greenhouse which is perfect. On the next page are instructions on potting and caring for the Wolfsbane. Please use the potted ones for your next moon.
Doctor Collin
Shiro smiled slightly; of all the people he had encountered recently, Collin had been the only one who cared about his health and safety. I’ll certainly use the potted ones as he asked. I’ll install some hooks on either side of the door so I can hang them. He turned to the second page to see a detailed description of potting and caring for the flower. The instructions covered both sides of the page and Shiro intended to follow them to the letter. He took the instructions, seeds, and flowers up to his greenhouse and stored them as per the instructions.
The brickyard delivered his order on time and he had them place it in the two-sided rectangle he had drawn on the floor. A few minutes after they left, Shiro also departed for class. He composed in his head a general confession he would make to both men, knowing that he might deviate from it as he had no idea how either of them would react. He prayed that both of them would take the revelation well.
“Hey, Shiro! Ready for tonight’s class?” Adam greeted as Shiro entered the locker room.
“Of course. We’re teaching a new move tonight.” Shiro slid his jacket off to reveal the white tank top he wore under his uniform top.
Adam looked at Shiro’s profile. “Hey, Shiro. You been working out at home? You look like you put on some muscle.”
“No, I’m not, but I have gained some muscle.”
“Then what? Supplements?”
“No. Adam, after our last class, I got attacked and abducted.”
“What!?” Adam yelped. “How the heck did that happen?”
“I came across what I thought was an injured dog or wolf outside my home and when I was close enough, it bit me, and I felt a blow hit me from behind, striking a pressure point. I woke up to find myself cuffed to the wall of a cell. There was a young man with silver hair outside of the cell and told me he was the wolf that bit me and said he was a werewolf and that I was one as well since he bit me.”
“A werewolf, huh? That’s not so bad.”
Shiro blinked at him. “You believe me?”
“Yeah, I do. You see, Shiro, I’m a vampire hunter most nights.”
“A vampire hunter?” Shiro grinned. “Well if werewolves exist, so do vampires.”
“They sure do and they have different weakness and way to die. They’re weak to garlic and crosses and they can die by sharp stakes to the heart and sunlight. Expert hunters are working on making and distributing ultra-violet bullets as bright as the sun.”
“I was told rumors of silver nitrate bullets being developed by the crime lord that had me abducted.”
“Shiro, why were you bitten and abducted?”
“I was abducted by an organization who has a black market niche in selling werewolf slaves. They had gotten a huge surge in orders and lots of homeless and/or troubled people needed to be turned in a hurry. I was told a newly-bitten could bite people and cause them to change soon after the bite.”
“Oh. They used you to turn others so they could be sold quickly.”
Shiro nodded, misery on his face. “I was told after the last full moon that I had bitten 130 people.”
“Oh, Shiro.” Adam crossed to his friend and hugged him.
Shiro melted in Adam’s embrace. “Thanks for understanding and accepting me.”
“Of course. Vampire hunters are told werewolves are still human, unlike vampires. Do you think I could see your wolf form?”
“Sure.” Adam stepped back and his mouth dropped as Shiro became a large white wolf. He then grinned. “Shiro, you look cool.” He went up and ran a hand down the back. “Your fur is so soft and smooth.”
“Thanks.” Shiro changed back once Adam had stepped back. “I’m already working on having a sturdy cell constructed in the basement. The space has been chosen, the bricks and cerement were delivered today, and I’ve hired contractors who will build the cell over the weekend. I’ll install the door and hardware myself.”
“Wow, you work fast. It’s only been two days since they let you go…they did let you go, right?”
“Yes, they did. I had gotten a surprise when I arrived home earlier today: A package of Wolfsbane seeds and two potted flowers.”
“Wolfsbane! Shiro, that’s one of your weaknesses!”
“I’m well aware of that. A human doctor took care of me during my imprisonment and I think he was fond of my company. He had also sent a letter saying Wolfsbane is my best defense for my safety and he included instructions on how to care for them and grow the seeds. I’m thinking of having hooks to hang the pots on and have them placed on either side of my cell door like they did the day after my first change.
“I do have a concern, though. Adam, are you aware that I’m dating Keith?”
“Yeah. I’ve seen how you two look at each other.”
“Well, he asked to move in with me next month when he turns eighteen.”
“You need to tell him that you’re a werewolf if he’s going to live with you.”
“I do,” he said as the pair left the locker room. “I only hope that he is as understanding and as accepting as you are.”
Chapter Seven- Telling All
“And down to the mats,” Adam said as the students guided their partner down. “Good. Now, let’s put it all together.” Adam took control of the class while Shiro circled around, correcting positions. Adam felt Shiro was too concerned about his confession to Keith to focus properly on teaching others; he was partially right. Shiro kept looking at Keith with an anxious look and when he wasn’t looking, Keith gave him concerned looks that made Adam suspect that Keith had noticed Shiro’s looks.
“Okay. Time’s up, class. Good work tonight. We’ll practice this more next time.” Adam said an hour and a half later. All the students, minus Keith, left the room with Adam behind them.
“Shiro?” Keith asked. “Are you all right? Are we all right?”
“Yes, Keith, I and we are all right. We do need to talk, though. Let’s get changed and I’ll see you at the front door.”
Keith’s face brightened as he left and Shiro also went to change clothes in the teachers’ locker room. He was soon by the front door waiting for Keith, shifting a little. He was nervous about telling Keith. What if he became afraid of Shiro and decided to live elsewhere and break up with him? He slowly exhaled as Keith came up.
“So, what are we going to talk about?” Keith asked as they started down the sidewalk.
“Well, how’s your packing doing?”
“Not bad. I’ll be ready the day after my birthday.”
“Great. I’d like to take you out to celebrate your birthday.”
“Yeah? Sounds great and maybe a walk after that? The moon’s supposed to be full on my birthday.”
“What?” Shiro pulled out his phone and pulled up an almanac app. His face paled. Keith’s birthday was during the full moon! “Uh, maybe we could celebrate before your birthday.”
“How come? You know I love the full moon.”
“Yes, but I’m afraid I don’t, not anymore.”
Shiro sighed. “Keith, after our last class, I was bitten by a werewolf and imprisoned the next two nights.”
Keith blinked before a smile came to his face. “You’re a werewolf now? That’s really cool. Not the imprisonment, the werewolf part I mean.”
“I know what you meant. I’m glad you’re taking this so well.”
“I never told you but I love the supernatural and always hoped that vampires and werewolves were real. Shiro, was your imprisonment awful and why kidnap you, anyway?”
“It turns out that a newly-bitten has a special ability. He or she can bite someone and they will change soon after the bite instead of the next full moon night. They intended to have me bite lots of people into werewolves and then they would be bought as slaves. They had gotten lots of order and the buyers wanted their slave in a hurry.
“My captivity wasn’t too bad. My first day I was cuffed to the wall and fed raw meat as that was all I would desire during the cycle. I was told about being a werewolf. The strengths, weaknesses, and advantages. I was chained in a room during the moons and I bit every person they brought to me as the urge to turn others is strong and can’t be fought.
“My second day was a bit better. I wasn’t cuffed but they hung Wolfsbane, one of my weaknesses, outside my cell. It diminished my vicious tendencies but made me feel ill and weak. I had company at mealtimes. His name was Doctor Collin and he is human. His job is to keep werewolves healthy and he seemed to like talking to me. He left me a gift of potted Wolfsbane and seeds so I can use them as a safety measure for this cell I’m having built in the basement.”
Keith had listened in wonder and horror as Shiro recounted his experience. “So, they won’t kidnap you again?”
“No. The quick turn is only during a newly-bitten’s first cycle.”
“The ones you bit. Were they any kind of people?”
“They grabbed homeless people and troubled teens and the homeless were young adults or teenagers.”
“What’s it like being a werewolf?”
“Full moon and weaknesses aside, it is incredible. I can change at will and be self-aware during non-full moon times. My senses are sharper, I’m strong and faster too. My aging will slow, but I’m not immortal.”
“You said weaknesses. What else are you weak to?”
“Silver. Touching it burns me, not that I have been. I learned a silver bullet can kill me. Oh, that reminds me, I can heal quickly and my saliva has an instant healing power in it.”
“That’s all cool, Shiro. We could celebrate my birthday the week before it happens.”
“I appreciate that, Keith.” They stopped before an alley and Shiro added, “Perhaps you could assist me in growing the Wolfsbane after you move in.”
“I’d be happy to, considering you feel sick around it.”
Shiro smiled at Keith and then frowned and his nostrils flared. He smelled death and decay, a foul smell indeed. Keith noticed his expression and asked, “Shiro?”
A dark chuckle came from the alley and Shiro pushed Keith behind him as he turned to see a pale thin man emerge from the darkness. He bared a grin that showed a pair of fangs. His red eyes slid from Shiro to Keith and his grin grew. “Oh. Two victims tonight,” he lisped.
“Think again, vampire,” Shiro growled before taking wolf form. He lunged at the vampire, forcing him into the alley again. Shiro’s claws popped out and slashed at the pale skin; to his surprise, the scratches healed almost immediately. The vampire smirked. “You cannot hurt me for long however, I can kill you by drinking your blood. After that, I’ll drink your friend’s blood too.”
“No!” Shiro howled before he lunged at the vampire. His claws and teeth were a blur as he savaged the vampire. But no matter how deep the wounds were, they healed within moments or seconds. Soon, Shiro was panting and he backed up against the alley wall while his opponent advanced, sneering.
“Foolish werewolf. This night will be your last.”
Shiro growled and was about to go down fighting when a shot rang out. The vampire jerked as he was the one hit and then light appeared in his chest before a burst of light as bright as day lit up the alley and Shiro shut his eyes while his ears heard the vampire scream before it was truncated. The light faded and Shiro opened his eyes to see Adam with a unusual gun.
“Heh, well these bullet really do the job,” he commented.
Shiro changed back and clapped Adam’s shoulder. “Good timing. He was about to finish me off thought I would have fought back.”
“Leave the vampire hunting to the professionals, pal. Why don’t you take your boyfriend home and then head home yourself?”
“Good point. I’m beat fighting the vampire to protect Keith.” He went back to Keith who seemed stunned. “Come on, Keith,” he said, steering the teen away.
They were about a block from Keith’s home when the teen said, “Wow! My teachers are cool! One’s a werewolf and the other’s a vampire hunter!”
Shiro laughed. Trust Keith to love what he just saw. He will definitely love living with me, a werewolf.