Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh!
Chapter One- Life-Alternating Encounter
Yugi smiled a little as he gathered up the papers from the printer and put them in his backpack. A couple of months ago while doing research on the school’s library computer, he had come across a website that had nothing to do with his schoolwork but had piqued his interest: A collection of werewolf stories. He had scrawled the address and title on a scrap of paper and when he got the time, he stayed after to read a couple and before he knew it, he was printing them so he could read them whenever he wanted and in private. He had put them in a binder with sheet protectors and hid it. He didn’t think his friends and family would understand his werewolf fascination; mostly because of the type of stories he was reading.
< The werewolves in the stories were vicious, angry, or criminals and, for some reason, Yugi was fascinated by them, especially the ones that combined two of the traits or all three into their character. Some of the characters were petty criminals before being bitten and then became big-time criminal werewolves.
But what really fascinates me about werewolves is that they can shapeshift as long as it’s not the full moon. Yugi smiled dreamily as he walked through the dark, lamp-lit streets. He thought it was cool to be able to change your shape and Yugi sometimes fantasized about being a shapeshifter, albeit a werewolf one, but that’s all it was: Fantasy. He had no desire to be a werewolf, largely due to the negative traits. I’d rather stay as I am. I really don’t want to be an evil werewolf. No way.
There were plenty of people out and about, enjoying the night life or eating out. Yugi knew his grandpa wouldn’t have the shop still open. He tended to close up at sunset and relax until bedtime. The game shop was the family’s business and Yugi dreamed of running it one day as did his friend, Atem.
The bond between Yugi and Atem was so strong that Atem was given his own body and a second chance at life as did Bakura, which seemed strange to Yugi. The connection between Ryou and Bakura didn’t seem strong or hint at friendship but maybe Ryou saw something in Bakura that no one else did. That would explain why Bakura was still around.
Yugi jumped as screams erupted around him. He glanced at those ahead of him and they were running and looking at something behind him. He turned to see a shocking sight: A werewolf! A real live werewolf! He knew it wasn’t a real wolf as none lived in the wilds near Domino City. Plus, it was too big to be a normal wolf. It was covered in white fur and had extended claws. It growled and snarled, showing off sharp white teeth. It stalked forward on four powerful legs, but seemed disinclined to actually attack someone. It growled at some people on the sidewalk and when they ran with a couple of them screaming, Yugi heard a low, definite human laugh from the werewolf.
It whipped its head around and turned its attention to Yugi. It slowly crept toward him and Yugi saw that it had gold-brown eyes that had the intensity of a wolf, but the humanity of a person, too. The werewolf growled and snapped its jaws but Yugi didn’t move. He was frozen in fear and fascination. If I don’t move, it may go past me and then I could tail it until it resumes human form or goes into a house. I’d love to talk to him or her and ask what it’s like to be a werewolf. He stayed still as the werewolf stopped a few feet in front of him. The two locked eyes and, for a brief moment, the werewolf’s eyes were just brown- a brown that seemed familiar. Then the moment was gone and the werewolf lunged, knocking Yugi to the ground, latching its teeth into Yugi’s arm, and biting down.
The teen screamed and then grasped his arm as the werewolf released and ran off with a triumphant howl. Yugi breathed fast and hard as he sat up and lifted his hand to see definite teeth marks in his flesh and blood welling up a little; the pressure he had applied had kept it from bleeding more. But the damage had already been done. It bit me! A werewolf bit me! I’ll be like the ones I’ve read about! What will Grandpa think? Maybe…maybe I won’t tell him. I’ll say a big dog attacked me. Yeah, that’s what I’ll say. I can’t tell the truth; for one thing, no one would believe me and for another I feel ashamed that I didn’t run despite being frozen with fear. Yugi got to his feet and headed home, applying more pressure to the wound.
“Grandpa, I’m home,” he called as he opened the door with his arm as his hand had blood on it.
“Yugi, I was starting to- my boy, what happened?” Solomon stared at the bloody hand and the wound.
“A big dog attacked me,” he said as he was guided upstairs to the bathroom, passing Atem who was in his room’s doorway, having heard Solomon’s question and had been about to come down. Instead, he followed his family.
Yugi rinsed his hand while Solomon got out the first aid kit. Then he gently removed Yugi’s jacket and cut away the shirt sleeve to reveal the bite. It looked worse than it did before. Yugi knew from his stories that those who got bit was because the attacker had gotten distracted from their target and ran after the distraction, giving the afflicted the chance to escape instead of being food. But, my attacker wasn’t distracted. It bit me and then ran off. Of course as it wasn’t the full moon, it was in control of itself. Which means, it meant to bite me! But, why? He winced a little as Solomon dabbed rubbing alcohol over the wound.
“I think you got lucky,” Solomon commented. “That dog could have taken your arm off by the look of this bite.”
“Seems like that dog was as big as a wolf,” Atem observed. “But there are no wolves around here.”
“You’re right on both counts,” Yugi said as Solomon wrapped the arm. There are no wolves, but now there are two werewolves. I’m certain it meant to bit me, make me a werewolf. Again, why? I’ve never read about a werewolf deliberately turning another. Yugi felt terror and panic rise in him as he just realized something: The full moon would rise the day after tomorrow!
“Well, not that that’s taken care of, let’s have dinner,” Solomon said as he shut the kit. The three of them headed down and, as they passed the game shop’s back door, the phone rang and Yugi, being the closest, answered. “Hello, game shop.”
“Hi, Yugi,” came a gentle voice.
“Ryou, hi.” Solomon and Atem moved on upon hearing Yugi’s greeting.
“Yugi, would you like to spend the weekend with me, starting Friday?”
“Friday?” he repeated. Friday’s the full moon! “I can’t. I’m afraid I got plans.”
“Please, Yugi? Bakura is really insistent on it.”
“He is? Why?”
“I don’t know. Maybe he wants to duel you.”
“I wish I could, but I can’t.”
“Then just come over Saturday morning,” Bakura cut in, apparently having snatched the phone from Ryou’s hand. “I’ve got a new deck and want to test it before challenging Atem with it.”
“Oh. Uh, sure. Saturday morning. See you then.” Yugi hung up and went to tell his family his plan for Saturday. I might want to come up with excuses for the weekend…and Ryou’s invite would be perfect!
“So, Yugi,” Solomon said later over dinner. “What did Ryou want?”
“He invited me to spend the weekend with him. Just me.”
“Why just you?” Atem asked.
“Well, he said Bakura’s got a new deck he wants to test out before challenging you with it.”
A smiled curled Atem’s lips. “I see. He wants to work out the problems with it before dueling me. I might be in trouble after you get through with it.”
Yugi laughed. “Oh, I doubt it.” Bakura talked a big game and put on a spooky air to psych out his opponents, but he wasn’t anything Atem and he couldn’t handle. It’ll be all right.
Chapter Two- Good or Evil
Yugi woke up the next morning and rushed to the mirror to check his reflection. He looked completely normal. Of course I do, he thought. The characters in my stories looked normal too. They just noticed that everything looked clearer, sounded louder, and smelled shaper. Of course, they didn’t know why but I do. I should be getting the enhanced senses today and after the full moon will come the increased strength and speed. A sick feeling filled his stomach at the thought of the full moon. Based on his stories, he would speak only as a wolf and have no moral sense or sense of self. It was terrifying to think that he would be a vicious beast driven by instinct. But wolves don’t normally go after people. Werewolves do and I intend to stay away from people. I am not going to be evil. That is not who I am.
Yugi walked to school with his friends and subtly played with his senses. He immediately noticed that his eyesight was sharper and cleared and delighted in it. They passed a dark alley and his eyes were able to pierce the darkness easily. The sounds were a little hard to take as they were louder and higher but he didn’t let it show. The smells were a similar problem, but he endured it without giving any indication that it bothered him. I can handle this, I will learn to control my senses.
Ryou looked briefly at Yugi before glancing over at Bakura. The latter seemed smug as usual, but seemed to be looking at Yugi more than he usually did. His insistence that Yugi come over also seemed strange. All he knew was that Bakura wanted him over. Why this weekend, though? The full moon’s this weekend and Bakura will be in his dangerous, wild state. He’ll only have time with Yugi in the daytime. Ryou pondered the situation throughout the school day and went it let out for the day. It was on their walk home that Ryou decided to breach the subject.
“Bakura, why have Yugi over this weekend? You know that’s when the full moon is.”
“Exactly. It’s important to have Yugi with us, with me, this weekend. It’s more than important, it’s necessary.”
Ryou stared at him, the odd moments of the day forming a picture he didn’t like. “Bakura…you didn’t!”
Bakura smirked. “I did. Last night.”
“You turned Yugi into a werewolf!? Why!?”
“I caught him in the library one day, reading werewolf stories off the Internet and when he left, I hopped on and browsed the History tab to get the page’s address before looking myself. Heh, either that writer has a friend who’s a werewolf or he or she is one because everything in those stories is true, but the writer forgot one important detail that I will impart to Yugi and now makes me think that the writer has a werewolf for a friend who concealed that important detail.”
“You didn’t tell me why you bit him.”
“Well, as he was reading about werewolves, I thought he’d like to be one.”
“But…but then he’ll be like you! Evil and criminal.”
Bakura beamed. “Yes, he will. I can just imagine the fun we’ll have on those non-full moon nights.”
Ryou groaned. “Bakura, no one plans to be a werewolf as you well know.”
“True, but I embraced it when I was bitten and found it to be a wonderful gift, the full moon notwithstanding. I intend to make Yugi see it as a gift too.”
“Yugi’s too sweet to be a werewolf.”
“Right now, sure. But once he’s changed tomorrow night, the dark nature of the werewolf will start to take root.”
The gleeful look on Bakura’s face angered Ryou and, knowing it was dangerous to say it, he nonetheless said, “I’m surprised you didn’t bite me once you got your own body and ability to be a werewolf again.”
“I still could later on. I won’t now as I have Yugi to raise to love being a werewolf. It won’t be easy as he’s read those werewolf stories and would insist that he won’t give in to being evil. I’m not sure why he read them, but it works out as he isn’t ignorant of the attack like those foolish characters in the stories. He know his bite was from a werewolf and that he’s one now. That’s why he turned down your invite: He knows that he’ll change then. He’ll likely lock himself up to keep people safe. Ha! That won’t work.”
“Tried this yourself, have you?” Ryou asked dryly.
“Of course not.”
“Then, how do you know Yugi won’t succeed? He could rent a storage unit and lock it. There are ways to lock oneself up securely these days than there would in Ancient Egypt.”
Bakura frowned. “Damn, he could do that and probably keep people safe. However, he will come over the next morning as he doesn’t know that I’m the one who bit him. But I will tell him.” Bakura grinned. “It will likely anger him and he may squash the anger or give in to it. The innocent are interesting ones to turn as they either fight it or surrender to it. But the innocent do eventually become evil.”
Ryou focused on the sidewalk, taking in everything Bakura had said. It all boils down to the same thing. He claims Yugi will be an evil werewolf. I don’t doubt that Yugi knows he’s going to be a werewolf, otherwise he would have accepted my invite to sleep over. But then if he hadn’t been bitten, I wouldn’t have invited him. I only did so because Bakura insisted.
Will Yugi be evil? It is a difficult thing to picture. Yes, he can get angry at times but for most part, he is a sweet person; for him to act like Bakura just seems impossible. Well, I won’t leave Yugi alone with Bakura and I will do whatever I can to make sure that Yugi doesn’t become an evil werewolf. He can’t be cured, but I can try to make sure that he becomes a good werewolf. The first good werewolf.
Yugi suppressed the urge to growl. His feelings had been taking a downward spiral throughout the day and now he was feeling mean and angry. It was a realization that frightened him and he fought to rein it in. He was not mean and was only angry on occasion. But this anger feels different: More feral and wild. These negative emotions running through my head are intense and it’s taking almost everything I’ve got to suppress it. But I must. I am not an angry, mean person.
“Yug’? You okay?” Joey asked, noticing that Yugi was quiet and seemed lost in his own head.
“Hmm? What?” Yugi asked.
“You okay?” Joey repeated.
“Yeah, just thinking of other things.”
“Like what?” Tea asked.
Yugi felt like telling her it was none of her business but squashed it as he replied, “Ryou invited me to spend the weekend at his place. Just me, and Bakura wants me to help him test a new deck.”
“A new deck?” Joey asked.
“That’s what he said. I’ll find out when I get there.” They reached the point where they split up and, for a time, Atem and Yugi walked in silence until Yugi started to veer off in a different direction.
“Yugi?” Atem inquired.
“Grandpa asked me to check storage units. You know, sizes and prices. You go on ahead. It won’t take long.”
Atem nodded and kept going while Yugi headed for the nearest storage facility. He had hit upon the idea while in bed last night. Yes, it had come from a story he had read, but the idea was sound. Besides, the man in the story chose a different type of security method the following month that ended up failing and he became evil. I won’t do that. I’ll stick with a storage unit and keep myself from attacking people. I’ll spend the rest of my time fighting the temptation to give in to the werewolf’s vicious, angry nature. I know that the fight will get harder after my first change for I will have no moral sense or humanity in that form. I will be a dangerous, vicious monster. But at least I won’t hurt anyone.
Chapter Three- Preparations
Yugi’s eyes roved over the price list and asked about the size of the units and the rental policy. He was thrilled when told there was no member fee and payments were on a time-to-time basis. This meant that Yugi only had to pay when he needed a unit. He wasted no time in paying for the next three nights and being given a key. “We close at nine o’clock so make sure you’ve done your business before then,” the woman said.
“Yes, ma’am,” Yugi answered as he left, the key in his pocket. He planned to put it around his neck on a cord and hang it out of his sight once he locked himself in. He glimpsed the unit as he left. They seemed sturdy enough to withstand an angry werewolf with enough space to pace when he gave up on trying to escape. Since the whole area is gated and everyone will have left, no one will hear me should I start howling, growling, and snarling. Or at least once the sun starts setting later. Until then, I’ll choose a unit that is farther away from other units which I just did. Speaking of which, Atem’s probably already figured out that I lied about Grandpa asking about storage units. I hate to lie but I don’t want to tell the truth. I mean, it’s my fault this happened. Shame swept through Yugi as well as fear and self-loathing. If he admitted he was a werewolf, his family may push him away out of fear. It was this fear that kept him from telling them not to mention his friends.
I could pose a hypothetical question and see what happens. Based on the answers I get, it will dictate my actions. Yugi approached the front door, licked his lips, and entered. “I’m home.”
Solomon came up to him with a smile. “Yugi, I’m so proud of you.”
“Huh?” Yugi was confused.
“I had thought of asking you to check the nearby storage facility for prices and sizes and you did it before I asked.”
“Uh, you’re welcome, Grandpa. What size are you looking for?”
“Not a big one. Just enough to hold several boxes for times when I’m doing inventory or spring cleaning.”
“Oh, well there are smaller units up front and payment can be done on a day-to-day basis. There’s no member fee and the place closes at nine at night.”
“Oho, wonderful. I’ll stop by while you’re at school tomorrow to speak more about renting. Now, let’s eat.”
Yugi cleared his throat after swallowing a bit of food. “Uh, Grandpa? Atem? I’ve got a hypothetical question.”
“Hypothetical?” Atem repeated.
Solomon blinked at him before laughing lightly. “Yugi, werewolves are a myth. They aren’t real.”
“I know, but if they were real?” Yugi pressed. “What then?”
“Well, if you were, I’d want to do anything to keep you and us safe. Sadly, if you became dangerous…”
“You’d kill me?” Yugi gasped when Solomon didn’t continue.
“Only if you were dangerous. But, there’s nothing to worry about. As I said, werewolves don’t exist.”
“Right,” Yugi said firmly. “They don’t exist.”
Atem frowned as he looked at his plate. He thought it odd that Yugi would pose such a question. Suppose this wasn’t a casual question. He was bitten yesterday, but it wasn’t the full moon. His looking at the storage facility would be the perfect place to wait out the full moon. He discreetly looked at Yugi through the rest of dinner. What if the full moon isn’t needed to pass the curse on? If that’s the case, then the question becomes, is Yugi a werewolf now?
“Yugi,” Atem said as they headed upstairs. “Tell me the truth. Was that a werewolf that attacked you? Are you a werewolf now?”
Yugi laughed. “No way. I’m not a werewolf. It was just a big dog. Werewolves don’t exist and if they did, the full moon is the only to become a werewolf as well as being bitten by one.”
“Then, why the question? It was an odd one to ask.”
“I…read a werewolf story and then I…had a bad dream last night that I was bitten by one and then transformed into one. I think the story and my attack caused the dream to occur. I guess I was worried that I had been attacked by a werewolf.”
Atem smiled and put a hand on Yugi’s shoulder. “So, that’s it. It must have been a very realistic dream to make you worry.”
“It was. Grandpa’s assurance that werewolves aren’t real have laid my fears to rest.” Yugi pasted on a smile as they went to their separate rooms. The smile vanished once he was alone. Grandpa’s answer confirmed his decision to not tell the truth. Grandpa said he would kill me if I became dangerous. That cinches it. I have to keep it a secret. No one can know I’m a werewolf. It would just frighten them as it frightens me. Yugi blinked as his eyes adjusted to the darkness of his room. He could move through the dark room with complete confidence. His enhanced eyesight was just incredible, unlike his nose and ears. The smells and sounds were too much for him. He couldn’t ask anyone to speak softer as that would attract attention. The solution would be to focus on turning them off, but I can’t until I’ve had one full moon cycle. So, by Monday morning, I’ll have control over my senses. A good thin as my strength and speed will be greater and I will need to gain control over them too.
Yugi pulled out his overnight bag and began to pack it. He would need to rush home, pick up his bag, and leave after school. He would need to buy food and water to take into the storage unit. He knew he would burn a lot of energy and calories when he changed and would need to replenish them.
He put a few changes of clothes in and toiletries as well as his deck. He had a feeling that once he had helped Bakura with working on his new deck, the thief would want to duel him with it. That’s what I would do. I would test it, see what works and what doesn’t, tweak some combos so they work better, and maybe question why some cards were in the deck to begin with. Yugi didn’t question Bakura seeking his help. The ancient spirit was a good duelist in his own right and developed good strategies but could never defeat him or Atem, the latter being an obsession with Bakura. Yugi knew that when it came to deck building, he was the best person to go to with deck tips, aside from Atem. And I would be more than happy to provide my assistance.
Ryou flicked through Bakura’s deck. “This isn’t new. It’s the same one from Battle City.”
“Okay, so it isn’t brand new, but I didn’t say it was brand new. I did put in some new cards and I may even give Yugi a couple of new ones for his deck. Ryou, if you look closer, you’ll see I’ve added some normal monsters to the deck.”
“I did notice and I saw a ritual monster and the matching ritual card. I have to admit that monster suits you.”
“Yes and it will suit Yugi too. I have an extra copy of both cards.”
“He’ll likely refuse them. I feel that he hates what’s happened to him.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt that, but once the full moon is over, he will come to see it as a gift and he will be grateful to me and will act on the advice I give him as well as his abilities.”
Chapter Four- Full Moon
Ryou gave Yugi a sympathetic look behind the boy’s back. It was finally the first night of the full moon and he knew Yugi was going to be in for some rough nights. Lucky it’s the weekend for his first time. Bakura’s recounted his early days of being a werewolf to me just to talk to someone about it and he’ll likely tell those stories to Yugi. Ryou stared at his desk as the teacher lectured and thought of the day Bakura let Ryou in on his secret:
Bakura had flexed his fingers with a look of glee. He had been prepared to go to the afterlife but the bond he and Ryou had formed allowed him to get his own body and live again. Ryou claimed the bond was from Bakura’s concern for his health during Battle City and Ryou enjoying having someone around so he wasn’t lonely. Either way, it didn’t matter how he got his own body; having it was a very good thing to him.
“Now that I’m alive again, I can access my gift,” he had said, grinning evilly at Ryou.
“What gift?” Ryou had asked warily.
“This.” Bakura had morphed into a large white wolf with gold-brown eyes.
Ryou had backpedaled. “Oh, geez!” he had squeaked in terror.
Bakura had laughed. “Relax, I won’t hurt you…yet.”
“You can talk!?”
“Of course. Only on the full moon do I act like a real, vicious werewolf. The rest of the time I can change when I want and curse whoever I want. Plus, I can also shapeshift.”
“Did you get bitten in Egypt?”
“I did. My mentor taught me everything I know. But when I became a spirit, my gift went dormant.”
Bakura told me everything about his curse that day, Ryou thought as he came back to the present. He thinks of it as a gift and considering he was already a criminal that makes sense. He told me everything but didn’t specify what aspect he’ll share with Yugi. Well, as I’ll be there, I’ll find out which part as well.
Yugi felt edgy and restless the whole day. He kept it buried by paying attention in class. He felt like he had a lot to do before moonrise and was wasting time by sitting in school. No, that’s not true, he told himself. You have plenty of time to get your bag, shop for food, and secure yourself in a unit before nightfall.
When school finally let out, Yugi wasted no time in leaving his seat and heading out the door. He knew his haste probably confused his friends until Atem would remind them of the sleepover with Ryou. “He’s probably excited about it, been waiting for it all day,” he heard him say as he went out the door.
Yugi sprinted home, dropped off his school bag, grabbed the overnight bag, and ran off calling, “See you later, Grandpa!” He dashed to the grocery store, seized a cart, and quickly headed to the meat department. Here, he finally slowed and contemplated what to buy.
Then he shook his head. It really shouldn’t matter. I’ll have the mind of a simple wolf. I won’t care what kind of meat I eat as long as I get my fill. Yugi then began to put a few pounds of raw, bloody hamburger in his cart before heading off to get some water jugs. He used some reusable bags from his duffel bag to carry his groceries out and then headed for the storage place. He avoided any noticed of the employees as he moved to the very back of the facility where some units were separate from the others including the one assigned to him. He fished out his key which was in his bag on a cord. He opened the door and pushed it up a little before entering.
A smile appeared when he saw the space. He’d be able to stash his bag and key in a far corner while keeping his food and water near the front. I should start setting up. He opened his bag and pulled out two deep bowls. He poured water in one and put the meat in the other one before putting them against a wall near the door, praying the smell of food would distract him from trying to escape. Probably not at first, but it will eventually. He put his belongings in the far corner and then sat to watch the light under the door grown lighter as the sun moved toward the horizon. I hope I don’t escape.
“Is there any point in begging you to lock yourself up?” Ryou asked.
“No point. I didn’t five thousand years ago or the last two months so why bother asking?”
“I wasn’t asking you to, merely if I should bother. So, where do you go on these nights?”
“Anywhere my instincts take me. The last couple of months, my instincts took me to the park. I hope I don’t this time. I want to attack, kill, and cause some damage.”
“At least Yugi’s doing the sensible thing.”
“He’s doing the human thing. He shouldn’t try to protect others from himself. He should be roaming free. Well, I’m off Ryou. See you in the morning.” Bakura left the apartment to a brilliant sunset. He looked forward to taking his bloodthirsty wolf version. He would be able to recall tonight’s events when he awoke in the morning and each recollection thrilled him whereas it would horrify others. Unless, of course, they were werewolves like me. Yugi’s not that way yet, but under my tutorage, he will be.
Yugi shut the door and locked it before backing away. He was still clothed as the ones in the stories had their clothes melding with their skin and fur. He saw fiery orange light in the cracks between the door and the walls before it vanished. Night, he thought.
Yugi screamed as he doubled over, clutching his stomach. He growled as his clothes melted into his skin before shadow black fur covered his entire body, his hair turning black and furry. Yugi straightened as his body got taller, becoming six feet tall before his spine curved, forcing him to his hands and knees. His fingernails and toenails grew out into long sharp claws before his hands and feet shrank into paws, his claws still exposed. His knees changed direction and his heels went up to give Yugi a four-legged stance.
His muscles enlarged to make him bigger than before and bigger than a normal wolf. A long, full bushy tail grew out of his tailbone while his ears turned pointed and went to the top of his head. His nose and jaws stretched out into a muzzle of sharp teeth. His eyes turned gold-purple with no hint of human intelligence, only werewolf cunning and the instincts of a wolf. Deep anger and vicious feelings flooded his mind as he growled and howled in a loud and terrifying manner.
Yugi padded around the unit quickly, looking for an exit. When none presented itself, he snarled in anger and propelled himself toward the door. He rammed it hard but it didn’t break or bend. He snarled louder as he rammed the door repeatedly but the door was sturdy enough to resist his supernatural strength. He paused after several rams, panting from the attempts. He was angry, so very angry to be trapped and he was hungry too.
His nose twitched as the scent of blood and met wafted up to it. He turned to it to see meat piled high before him. He slinked over to it and sniffed both bowls. He identified food in one bowl and water in the other. Saliva filled Yugi’s mouth before he dug hungrily into the raw meat, devouring every last bite. He lapped up the water for a little before backing away, licking his chops. His hunger faded as did a little of his anger. He was still trapped but his full stomach felt good. He continued to pace around the area, occasionally howling or snarling throughout the night until he exhausted himself and fell asleep.
Purple eyes cracked open as Yugi sat up. He blinked blearily as he looked around. A satisfied smile came to his face upon seeing he was in his unit. I was right. These units can keep a werewolf in. His smile then vanished as last night’s events and thoughts came to him.
Oh, God! It was as bad as I thought, he reflected as he changed clothes. I was angry at being locked up. I tried to get out, I howled, and I snarled. He saw the empty bowls and nodded in satisfaction. I’ll need to buy more when I leave Ryou’s later on and think of other excuses to use for my other monthly changes. Yugi unlocked the door, exited it, and locked it before heading to Ryou’s.
Chapter Five- The Morning After
“Yugi, good morning!” Ryou greeted as he let his friend in. The smell of sausage, bacon, and eggs filled the air and Yugi felt his stomach growl and it sounded in the air. Yugi blushed while Ryou simply smiled. “Hungry?” he asked.
“Starving,” Yugi admitted as he followed Ryou to the kitchen. There were plates heaped with bacon and different types of sausages while a modest amount of eggs sat beside them. “That’s a lot of meat, Ryou.”
“Yeah. Bakura’s a real carnivore.”
“I sure am and I’m famished,” Bakura announced as he entered the room, having returned from his night out. He had awoken in the park but on the way home, he found that he had indeed killed someone and wrecked a couple of cars. The blare of the alarms when he first attacked the cars had scared him and he tore at the cars until the alarms died. He then ran to the park where he howled to the moon. It had been a wonderful night.
Bakura piled his plate with meat while Ryou split the eggs with Yugi who had also grabbed a lot of meat, pretty sure that it was because he was a werewolf. Ryou made no comment about it. He had anticipated that both Bakura and Yugi would crave meat and stocked up for the weekend. Once Bakura admits to being a werewolf and biting him, Yugi will hang around here until sunset and then return tomorrow morning.
Once Yugi had polished off his food, he felt tired and asked, “Ryou, is it all right if I take a nap?”
“Sure. Take the couch.” He watched Yugi head for the couch before saying to Bakura in the kitchen, “He probably spent most of the night trying to get out.”
“I don’t doubt it. Werewolves hate being confined just like any wild animal. Ah, Ryou. I had a wonderful night. I bet my activities will be on the news.”
“You mean you…killed someone?”
“I did and destroyed a couple of cars. The alarms scared and angered me and I wrecked the cars until the alarms died.”
Ryou winced. “Yeah, those will be on the news. I imagine you want the TV tuned to the news until you hear it?”
“No, I want to hear it all day. It’ll show Yugi what a free werewolf can do.” Bakura smirked while Ryou winced again, not looking forward to Yugi finding out what Bakura was as well as what Bakura had done. But, he has to know. Moreover, Bakura wants to tell him.
It was about ten minutes later that both boys heard whimpering and growling. Ryou rushed to the living room with Bakura calmly following him. Yugi was asleep on the couch but his face was twisted in fear while whimpers and growls came from his mouth. He’s having a nightmare. As if the living one he’s going through isn’t bad enough. Suddenly, Yugi’s eyes flew open and he sat up with a gasp. He looked around frantically before taking deep breaths to calm himself.
Bakura seized the remote, turned on the TV, and started flicking through the channels as he took the floor. “Bad dream, Yugi?” he quipped.
“Really bad,” he admitted.
Bakura had a good idea what kind of nightmare it was based on the look Yugi had had on his face and the sounds they heard. “So, feel up to looking at my deck?”
“Sure.” Yugi got up and sat beside Bakura who reached into his inside jacket pocket. “Oh, by the way, Yugi. I’ve got a couple of cards for you.”
“Really? Thanks.” He accepted the cards with a smile but it vanished when he saw the monster: Lycanthrope. Why this card? Yugi looked up at Bakura and saw his eyes change to gold-brown and look wolfish before going back to normal. He grinned at the realization dawning in Yugi’s eyes. “Yes. I’m a werewolf.”
“It was you,” Yugi said in a whisper. “You were the wolf who bit me. The one who cursed me!” His voice rose in anger at the last statement.
“I gave you a gift. You just don’t know it yet.”
Yugi’s head snapped over to Ryou. “Are you one too?”
“He’s not,” Bakura said. “He invited you here at my insistence though he didn’t know why until the next day.”
“Why!?” Yugi cried. “Why did you do this?”
“I saw you reading in the library and browsed the history tab after you left to see what you were reading. I thought that since you liked reading about werewolves that you would like to be one.”
Yugi stared at him. “That’s insane. I like reading stories about them but I never wanted to be one.”
“Really? Not even a little bit? Don’t lie to me. I can smell your true feelings, your uncertainty.”
Yugi dropped his eyes to his lap. “I’ve had fantasies about being one, but that’s all it was. I also liked how the werewolves in the stories could shapeshift.”
Bakura nodded. “Everything you read in those stories is true. You won’t unlock those powers until after your first full moon cycle, which will be Monday.”
“Everything?” Yugi squeaked. “I don’t want to be an evil werewolf.”
“You won’t have a choice. You will be evil. It happens to all werewolves. Let me tell you one more aspect that’s not in the stories.” Bakura fixed a stare on Yugi. “We’re immortal.”
“That’s right. We will remain the age we are now. I was bitten shortly after turning sixteen and I think it was the werewolf’s nature combined with my natural skills that made me the great thief that I was then and am today.”
“But if you were bitten back then, why didn’t Ryou become one?”
“My gift went dormant when I became a spirit. It awoke two months ago when I got my own body. I could still turn Ryou at some point but not now, not when I have a young werewolf to teach.”
“You’ve done enough,” Yugi said tightly. “You bit me into a monster and you expect me to listen to you and be evil?”
“Well, I’m not expecting you to listen to me as you are not really evil yet. You’ve just had your first change and the werewolf nature is just now taking root in you. By Monday, you’ll have access your increased strength and speed, you shapeshifting power, and ability to take wolf form whenever you like.”
Yugi had to admit that gaining all that sounded great, but he wasn’t in love with the price. I don’t see myself becoming an evil werewolf. Is that really the only path for me? Can’t I be a good werewolf?
“Yugi,” Ryou spoke up. “Are you using a storage unit for your changes?”
“Yes and it’s sturdy too,” he said, ignoring Bakura as he made a dismissive noise.
“I would be happy to supply you with a mini freezer for your meats and you’re welcome to stay here for the weekend.”
“I will. I told Grandpa and Atem about sleeping over here all weekend which was a lie at the time. I like the idea of a mini freezer. There’s even an outlet in the unit.”
“Great. How about we take it over there now and I can help you with your shopping?”
“Thanks, Ryou.” Yugi got to his feet and followed Ryou to where the freezer was stored and actually found a mini fridge as well. They carried both items out and down the sidewalk.
Ryou was thrilled; without Bakura around, convincing Yugi to stay as he was personality-wise would be easy. He can be a good werewolf. The full moon will be the only time when he’s angry and feeling mean. Bakura’s evil because he was already a thief.
Yes, Yugi won’t be evil, Ryou thought as Yugi opened the unit and they set up the appliances. I’m his friend and it’s a friend’s duty to support those who are having problems. I’ll support Yugi and not let Bakura influence him.
Chapter Six- Turning Contemplation
“You picked a good unit,” Ryou said as they left. “It’s far back and away from the heavily trafficked area.”
“I chose it for that reason,” Yugi said. “When I start howling and making other noises, I don’t want the owners poking around or opening the unit while I’m in wolf form.”
“I’m sorry this happened to you.”
“It’s not your fault. If I didn’t have a fascination with werewolf stories and reading them off the computer, Bakura wouldn’t have targeted me.”
“He would have gone after me instead. You heard him. When he’s done with converting you, he’ll bite me.”
“No, he won’t. I won’t let him convert me. I’d rather be a good werewolf.”
“I would prefer that too. Tell me: In those stories, was the bitten character already a criminal?”
“Some but not all. Those that weren’t evil became so with the worst crime: Murdering their loved ones.” Yugi shuddered. “I can’t imagine killing Grandpa or Atem much less a stranger.”
“I can’t image that either. Yugi, what will you tell your family when you change next month?”
“I don’t know yet. I kind of want to get past the next two nights before I try to come up with more excuses.”
“What about telling them the truth? Make it clear that you don’t intend to be evil. Surely, they would want to help you cope with this.”
“Maybe. I asked Grandpa a hypothetical question the night I was bitten and he said that if I became dangerous, he’d kill me.”
“Would he really kill you? Could he as you’re immortal?”
“He would out of self-preservation. As for your second question, only a werewolf can kill a werewolf based on what I read and Bakura said everything in the stories is true.”
“Well, we’re going to try to change the nature part. Not all werewolves are evil and we’re going to prove that.”
“Thanks, Ryou. I’ll be a good one with your help and I’ll tell my family after the weekend. I just don’t know what they’ll say and Atem may want to strangle Bakura for biting me.”
“I’m fine with that as he can’t kill him.” They reached the grocery store and Yugi grabbed a cart. “So, what kind of meat did you buy yesterday?”
“Just raw bloody hamburger. It doesn’t matter what kind I get as all I care about is a full stomach.”
“That makes sense. Bakura had to ease back into his werewolf side after getting his own body. He started by stealing expensive high-quality meat.”
“Oh! That’s why you asked.”
“Exactly.” Ryou picked up some meat as did Yugi before picking up some water. Yugi checked out and both teens hauled it to the unit where they put some water and meat in the fridge and the rest of the meat in the freezer.
“Ryou, do you think I should tell our friends, too?”
“You should but only after telling the family and if it goes well.” Ryou was sure Grandpa and Atem would take the news well. Yes, they might be disappointed that Yugi hid it from them but they’ll get over it and support Yugi like he was doing. If they don’t believe him, Yugi can change into a wolf to convince them.
Yugi stayed in the unit after storing the supplies. He had his key in his pocket and it was almost sunset. He sat in the partially open unit with his meat and water out and contemplated how to tell his family and what their reaction would be.
I’ll start with the hypothetical question and then state that werewolves are real and that that’s what bit me that night. They’ll likely not believe me and I can prove it by taking wolf form as I’ll have access to that power by then. I’ll be able to see what I look like as I’ll be self-aware. Once I change back, I’ll tell them everything I learned with the emphasis on how I don’t intend to be evil and that they can help me stay good. Atem will want to get his hands on Bakura for this and I may have to talk him out of it as Bakura could turn around and bite him.
I will also have to talk Joey and Tristan out of it too. I will not let anyone else be bitten, including Ryou. As long as I stay good, Ryou will stay human. He got up to lock the door and prepare for his second change.
“Hmm, maybe I’ll attack someone who’ll get away with a bite.”
“Bakura! You said you wouldn’t bite until you’ve finished with Yugi.”
“And I intend to hold to that but as I’ll be a bloodthirsty wolf, I won’t be able to control what I do. You know, it may take all of next month to make Yugi evil. So, I’d say you have until the end of next month’s full moon before I turn you.”
“I don’t want to be turned and why are you so obsessed with turning others?”
“Perhaps it’s because I never intentionally turned anyone before and the sensation of creating werewolves is a little like playing God.”
Ryou shook his head. “Bakura, please don’t turn anyone else. End that right here.”
“End it? I only turned one. Ryou, you can’t control me and tell me what I can and can’t do. If I want to bit and turn others, I will. When Yugi is evil, it’ll be your turn.” Bakura left the apartment and Ryou moaned.
I hope Yugi stays good, but Bakura did say that he would bite and turn others whenever he wants. My time as a human may be numbered.
Bakura growled as he stalked down the sidewalk. Who did Ryou think he was, trying to tell him what to do? I did as I pleased in Egypt and I do so now. Granted, I had to watch out for Ryou’s health back when I was a spirit but that gives Ryou no right to try and run my life. I intend to turn him and if he gives me trouble or grief after the bite, I will kill him. Of course, I will wait until Yugi is evil like me. A shame he didn’t see the news today but I’ll steal a neighbor’s paper in the morning. I will show him how a werewolf is supposed to behave. Bakura slipped into an alley and stared up at the sky which was glowing bright with the fading sun. An evil grin broke out on Bakura’s face, his teeth already sharp. Ah, I love the full moon.
His body stretched up to six feet and his white fur bloomed over his body. He savored the burning and itching of his transformation as opposed to Yugi who screamed his pain. Furthermore, Bakura had learned to control his change.
He willed his ears to change and move up to the top and for his muzzle to push out. He flexed his fingers as his claws grew out and his hands formed paws while the arms became legs. He crouched down as his spine curved and then he stood on four paws. His tail grew out as his eye turned gold-brown. His mind reverted to his simple, vicious mind and he snarled softly. He longed to rend, tear, and terrorize. He slowly crept to the edge of the alley, flexed his claws, and then charged. People screamed at seeing the wolf and Bakura gave chase. Fear was thick in the air as the white werewolf caused terror and panic.
Yugi opened his unit door, exited, and locked it. His second night was over and he had one more night to go. His change had been just as painful and suspected it would continue to be so. Unless, of course, I turned evil and then it may not hurt. Well, I won’t do it. A lack of pain is not worth being evil. Bakura was already a criminal before being bitten so he welcomed his growing evil. I’m the opposite of that so it follows that I’ll be good.
Chapter Seven- Final Change Night
The smell of cooking meat greeted Yugi as he opened the door. The smell sickened him slightly but he went to get some anyway. “I might swear off meat until next month,” he muttered to Ryou who smiled in amusement.
“Perhaps I could make a meatless lunch for you for tomorrow’s lunch.”
“That would be great Ryou, but you don’t have to.”
“It’s no trouble. I’m taking lunch to school anyway.”
“Bakura back already?” Yugi asked, noticing only a little bit of meat left.,
“Yes and he seemed pleased,” Ryou said sounding sad.
“Yugi,” Bakura greeted as the boy sat down. “Nice to see you again. Listen, when you’re done, I really do want your help with my deck.”
“Uh, sure.”
About twenty minutes later, both were in the living room, Bakura’s cards spread across the floor. Yugi shook his head slightly. “You said you had a new deck but all you did was update it.”
“So I did. I wanted to add Lycanthrope to the deck and to make good use of it, I needed to add some normal monsters as it inflicts 200 points of damage to my opponent for each normal monster in my graveyard when it inflicts battle damage.”
“And it would do so if you send two normal monsters to the graveyard in order to ritual summon it and then it does battle damage to your opponent.”
“You could add your copies to your deck. I believe you have a fair amount of normal monsters, yes?”
“Yes, but that’s all and I don’t plan to add it to the deck. All it will do is remind me of what I am now because of you!”
Bakura raised an eyebrow. “Are we angry, Yugi?” he asked slyly.
“Of course I am, but not because I’m a werewolf. I’m angry at you for doing this and then trying to influence me to be like you.”
“And you will. It’ll just take some time. I’m thinking it will take a month and then it’ll be Ryou’s turn.”
“No,” Yugi said firmly. “I won’t be like you and Ryou will stay human.”
Bakura scowled. “You dare to try and tell me what I can and can’t do?”
Normally, Yugi would flinch and respond in the negative but the werewolf in him had given him more confidence. “Yeah, I do. I will be a good werewolf and if you turn Ryou, I’ll…I’ll kill you.”
Bakura laughed loud and hard. “You do that and you would definitely turn evil.’
“A small price to pay for a friend.”
Bakura then frowned. “I just got my gift back almost three months ago and I’m not ready to give it up through death. Fine. I won’t bit Ryou, at least not unless he asks for it.”
Yugi nodded. “Good. So let me grab my deck so we can really test yours out.” He got up and headed to his bag, his anger gone and his usual happy self back.
Ryou ducked back into the kitchen, Yugi’s tone of voice having caught his attention. He listened to the conversation that followed and beamed. Bakura wouldn’t bite him now as Yugi would kill him.
Yugi being a werewolf has done him some good, Ryou thought as he cleaned up from breakfast. He’s become more confident while still being a loyal friend; willing to risk being evil if Bakura bit me. Ryou smiled. Bakura values his life and doesn’t want to risk it, especially as he wouldn’t live to enjoy his handiwork. He heard the sounds of a duel, wiped his hands dry, and went to watch.
Bakura grinned. His deck was working decently but he hadn’t drawn the ritual magic card, Synthesis Spell. He had Lycanthrope in his hand but the card to summon it eluded him. He did have his Dark Necrofear on the field so he wasn’t too worried. Yugi had gotten Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl on the field and Bakura used spells and traps to protect his monster and himself. Where the hell is that card? Bakura wondered as he drew a card to start his turn. “I play Pot of Greed. I draw two cards.” He drew two cards and he smiled. “I play the card Synthesis Spell. I use these two monsters in my hand to ritual summon Lycanthrope.” He put the card on the field as he put two monsters in the graveyard. “I should point out that there are five normal monsters in my graveyard which is 1,000 points of damage if my monster deals battle damage which would happen if I attack Dark Magician Girl.”
“Yes, but it’s still weaker than Dark Magician.”
“True, but if I can get Lycanthrope out quickly…”
“What about using monsters that let you add a ritual card and monster from your deck to your hand?”
“Yes. That could work. I’ll look into that.” He gathered up his cards and Yugi did the same.
Ryou blinked. “You’re not going to keep dueling?”
“No. It was just a test duel to see how my new cards work with my old ones. If it was a real duel, Yugi would have wiped me a few turns ago.”
“Oh, I see.”
“Now, I need to see if I have the monsters Yugi suggested. Oh, by the way Yugi, there’s a couple of news articles I want you to look at.” Bakura left the room as Yugi went to where the clippings sat. He picked one up and Ryou grabbed the other. Yugi read the first paragraph before putting it aside in disgust. “He killed and ate someone on the first night?” He put a hand to his mouth like he was going to be sick.
“The police don’t know who wrecked the cars and are asking for information,” Ryou said, putting down the other article.
“He wants to show off what he’s done,” Yugi said.
“He told me he wanted you to see what a free werewolf can do. Since seeing it on TV didn’t work out, he got his hands on this morning’s paper.”
Yugi shook his head. “Clearly he won’t stop trying to influence me.”
“You won’t let him and he can’t turn me because he’ll die.”
Yugi nodded. “I don’t like the idea that I’ll be evil in avenging you, but I’ll do what I have to.”
“Yugi,” Ryou said softly. “I don’t want you to avenge my being bitten by turning evil. It would be better to have two good ones and one evil rather than one good and one evil or two evil ones. Besides, his death wouldn’t cure me.”
“You have a point, but Bakura doesn’t need to know that. As long as he thinks I’ll kill him, it’ll keep him from biting you.”
Footsteps were heard before Bakura appeared. “I’m missing just one card for the ritual combo. I’m heading out to see if I can find it.”
“Go ahead. I need Yugi to tell me what he’d like in his lunch for tomorrow.”
“Oh, yes. Meatless, I suppose?” Bakura rolled his eyes when Yugi nodded. “Yeah, well have fun with that.” He left the apartment.
“I’m guessing that meat-eating is not an issue with him,” Yugi said as they moved to the kitchen.
“Not at all, but it does bother me a little. Luckily, he makes his own lunch.”
“Well with three straight nights of raw meat, I’ll want to not eat any meat for a little bit.”
“How about a vegetable box with some rice?”
“Sounds great.” Yugi opened the fridge to get out the vegetables while Ryou got out the rice cooker. The two of them worked steadily, taking a break for lunch before they finished and Yugi left for his last change as did Bakura.
Chapter Eight- Telling the Family
Yugi smiled as he accepted his schoolbag from Atem. “Thanks.”
“How was your weekend?” Atem asked as he took his seat in the classroom.
“It was good. Turns out Bakura didn’t make a new deck only updated it. He added a ritual monster that is slightly weaker than Dark Magician but when it destroys a monster, 200 points of damage are dealt to its opponent for each normal monster in the owner’s graveyard. When we held a practice duel, Bakura had five normal monsters in his graveyard when he summoned it.”
“Interesting. What monster was it?”
“That is weaker, but stronger than most of the other monsters he has.”
“And once I fine-tune it, it’ll be strong enough to beat you,” Bakura drawled as he came in.
“Perhaps. We’ll see,” Atem said. The bell then rang and students headed to their seats.
Yugi ignored Bakura and focused on the teacher and inside himself. He had woken up this morning feeling different. He knew that it had to be because he now had access to the rest of his abilities. I’m a full werewolf now but I’ll be a good one. I will keep locking myself in and using whatever I can use. As Bakura said, I’m immortal and my current security won’t be open forever. Maybe Grandpa and Atem can help me building my own storage unit once I tell them the truth. I hope they accept it and me. Yugi was nervous about telling them the truth but Ryou was right: They needed to know.
“It’ll be fine,” Ryou said as Yugi collected his duffel bag. “Just keep calm and explain it all clearly.”
“You’re right and I can change to prove it now.”
“Could you now? I’d like to see.”
“Sure.” Yugi put his bag down. “I’d like to see myself as I have no memory of what I look like on the full moon.” Yugi focused and became a large black wolf. Ryou stared as Yugi turned slowly to take in his body before looking at his paws and then up at Ryou. “How are my eyes?” he asked.
“Gold-purple. Very unusual but they suit you.”
Yugi’s tail wagged. “This is part of what I like about werewolves. To take wolf form whenever I like as well as shapeshift into anything I want.” He resumed human form and took up his bag again. “Thanks for your help, Ryou.”
“You’re welcome and good luck with tonight.” Yugi nodded as he left and chose to use his speed to hurry home. The sooner he took care of homework and unpacking, the sooner he could plan a more specific explanation for after dinner. He arrived home in half the time it normally took and he didn’t feel winded. Incredible. With the full moon over, I can explore and test my curse thoroughly. My speed is impressive and being aware in my wolf form is great. Hmm…actually, full moon aside, being a werewolf could be a gift. Just not in the way Bakura thinks.
Yugi forced down the last small portion of steak before happily eating the sides. He was still a little tired of meat but couldn’t turn it down as Grandpa paid good money for it and he hadn’t told his family the truth yet.
“Grandpa? Atem? Could we talk?” Yugi asked as they all finished cleaning up from dinner.
“Of course,” Solomon answered, hearing the serious tone in his grandson’s voice and wondered what was wrong.
Yugi couldn’t help pacing out of nerves while the others sat. He forced himself to stand still and took deep breaths to calm himself. “Okay. Grandpa, you remember the hypothetical question I asked a few days ago?”
“Of course, my boy.”
“It wasn’t a dog,” Atem cut in. “It was a werewolf, wasn’t it?”
Yugi nodded. “I’ve had a fascination in reading werewolf stories. In all of them, the one bitten becomes an evil criminal werewolf and the bite doesn’t have to be on the full moon.”
“Then, you lied to me, to us,” Atem said. “You became a werewolf the moment you were bitten.”
Yugi nodded again. “I was afraid of how you’d react and when you said werewolves weren’t real, Grandpa, I knew you wouldn’t believe me and I had no way to prove it until today. I can take wolf form whenever I like now.”
“Have you been at the storage facility all this time?”
“Just at night. I really have been at Ryou’s. His sleepover invite had changed to a Saturday morning visit when I said I couldn’t spend all weekend there. I found out when I got there Saturday that Bakura was the one who bit me.”
Atem’s face twisted into rage. “Bakura!? He did this to you? That thief is going to pay for making you an evil werewolf.”
“Who said I’m evil?” Yugi asked.
“You said the ones in the stories you read became evil werewolves.”
“Yes and Bakura said everything in those stories are true, but I will not become an evil one. I may lose my temper now and then, but it’s short-lived.”
“So, this doesn’t really change you?” Solomon asked.
“It doesn’t change my personality but I do have sharper senses, faster speed, increased strength, able to shapeshift, and I’m immortal.”
“Immortal?” Solomon repeated. “You won’t die? You could run the shop forever?”
“That’s right. Only another werewolf can kill me. So…does this mean that you’re okay with this?”
“Of course, Yugi. We still love you.” Solomon got up and embraced Yugi. “You’ll need a permanent place for the full moon. That storage place won’t be open forever.”
“Maybe a storage container under the ground? Or an underground bomb shelter?”
“That will take some time, but an underground shelter is doable. Now, I imagine you eat raw meat on those nights.”
“Yeah. Just a few pounds of raw hamburger each night.” He made a slight face. “I think I’ll be swearing off meat for a day or two after the full moon.’
“I’ll try to make meatless lunches for you to take to school next month.”
“Yugi, could we see your wolf form?” Atem asked. “We wouldn’t be able to on the full moon.”
“Sure.” Solomon stepped back before Yugi changed. Both seemed taken aback by Yugi’s large size, extended claws, and dual-colored eyes. Solomon stepped closer and ran his hand down Yugi’s back and the tail wagged. “My boy, you look impressive.” He smiled as Yugi gave a small yawn. “All right, bed for both of you.”
Yugi changed back and hugged Solomon. “Good night, Grandpa and thanks for understanding.”
“Yugi, why did Bakura bite you anyway?” Atem asked in Yugi’s room, both dressed for bed.
“He thought that since I liked reading about werewolves, that I would like to be one. I was angry for what he had done to me.”
“And now?”
“I still don’t like it. I have no sense of self or memory when I’m wild. It’s only with the morning do I recall what happened.”
“I understand and I think our friends should know.”
“And they will. Tomorrow.”
Chapter Nine- Full Acceptance
Atem glared at Bakura in school the next day and he looked back with a smug look. Yugi told them. That would explain Atem’s look.
“Yugi, if I could kill him, I would,” Atem muttered as they sat.
“Please don’t mess with him. He may choose to bite you.”
“He would do that?”
“He had thoughts of biting Ryou until I threatened to kill him.”
Atem smirked. “Obviously, you wouldn’t.”
“Yes, but he doesn’t have to know that.”
“Morning,” Tea said as she came over.
“Morning, Tea,” Yugi said. He saw Joey and Tristan come in and felt warm and nervous. It made him feel good to see his friends but he was also nervous at telling them the truth. He wasn’t sure they would be as accepting as his family. It’ll be fine, he thought as class began. Atem is on my side and he’ll help convince them that I’m still the same Yugi, just a little different.
“Hey, Yug. Wanna hang out today?” Joey asked as school ended hours later.
“Yeah, all of us. Let’s get a bite to eat and talk.” Yugi grabbed his bag and left the room with a smile that hid his nervousness. It had been almost a week since the bite and while he was nervous, he had the courage to tell the truth. I’m more confident than before and I can protect myself too. The gang went to an outdoor dining area and Yugi, though hungry, just ordered large fries and a drink. He could smell the cooking meat and it still sickened him. It didn’t help that Joey was scarfing down a double cheeseburger. Atem gave a sympathetic look to him while Tea gave him a curious one.
“You don’t want a hamburger, Yugi? I thought you loved them,” she said.
“I do, just not today.” Yugi ate his fries, finding the smell of meat cooking almost impossible to ignore and he felt like he was going to be sick. Actually…I am going to be sick. Yugi leaped out of his chair and sped off to the nearest restroom and vomited in the toilet. He moaned softly and heard Atem on the other side of the stall. “The smell of the meat was too much?” he asked in concern.
“Yeah. I’ll have to explain that and possibly my speed too, huh?”
“Yes. You left so fast. One moment you were there and the next, gone.”
Yugi came out and accepted his drink from Atem as they left and met the others who seemed concerned. “I’m okay now, but we really need to talk.” He led them to the park and sat at a picnic table, breathing in the grass and the trees.
“When could you run so fast?” Tea asked, unable to wait any longer for Yugi to explain.
Yugi let out a breath. “I’ve had a secret interest in werewolf stories and last Wednesday, I was heading home and got attacked by an actual werewolf.”
“Werewolf? So, you’re a werewolf?” Joey asked.
“I am. I kept it to myself as I was afraid of what you’d think and that I would be an evil one like the ones in the stories I read.”
“Don’t be silly,” Tea said. “You’re not evil.”
“True, everything else in the stories are true. I turn into a real monster three times a month. I’m using a storage unit to protect others from myself.”
“Couldn’t you just kill the one who bit ya?” Joey asked. “Wouldn’t that end it?”
“Afraid not, Joey. I’m a werewolf forever and yes, I found out who my attacker is.”
“Who?” all three asked.
“Bakura.” Yugi continued when all three mouths dropped. “He was bitten in Egypt and couldn’t become a werewolf again until he got his own body. He’s definitely an evil one and he was spending the weekend trying to influence me to be the same.
“I ate raw meat all weekend and the smell of it cooking makes me feel a little sick right now.”
“Oh, man. Sorry, Yug,” Joey said.
“It’s okay. I might be able to stand it and eat either tomorrow or Thursday.”
“What’s it like?” Tristan asked.
“Aside from the full moon, not that bad. In addition to the sharper senses, speed, and increased strength, I also have a few cool abilities. I can take wolf form whenever I want and I can shapeshift.”
“Shapeshift? Really?” Tea asked.
Yugi nodded, leaned forward, and became a cat who stood on the table. His friends stared as Yugi walked over to Tea and gently pawed her hand. “Pet me, Tea. Please?”
“You can still talk!?” she gasped as she stroked him.
“Of course. I’m still aware and myself despite how I look.” Yugi began to purr as Tea scratched his ears. She giggled at this and then smiled as the sound grew louder as the boys joined in petting him.
“How sweet,” a voice said sarcastically and the gang looked to see Bakura nearby. Yugi jumped into his seat and changed back as Joey and Tristan stood and headed toward the thief.
“You!” Joey spat, seizing Bakura’s jacket. “You did this to him! You’re gonna regret it. Why’d ya do it anyway?”
“Well, I figured since he liked reading about them, that he’d like to be one. And, unless you unhand me, you’ll be one too and likely an evil one given your tendency for violence.” Bakura smirked.
“Let him go, Joey,” Yugi said as he came over. Once Joey did, Yugi glared at Bakura. “And you. Stop threatening to bite my friends.”
“Well, you’re no fun,” Bakura sneered as he walked away.
“Wow, Yugi. You were brave to stand up to him,” Tristan said.
“Yeah, considering that he’s the only one who can kill me.”
“Why just him?” Tristan asked.
“Because only a werewolf can kill another werewolf. I threatened to kill him when he thought of biting Ryou, but I wouldn’t really do that as I could become evil from that.”
“So, he could still bite Ryou?”
“He won’t. He thinks I really would kill him.”
“So, if only Bakura can kill you, does that mean that nothing else can hurt you?”
“Oh, I’m sure I could still be hurt. This is still new to me. So, does all this mean that it’s okay that I’m a werewolf?”
“Of course, pal. You’re still you.”
Yugi smiled at hearing that. His friends were okay with him being a werewolf and weren’t afraid of him. It made him feel real good.
“Yug? Could we see your wolf form?” Joey asked.
“Yugi, why didn’t you tell the others about being immortal?” Atem asked as they headed home.
“Uh, oops. I was so relieved that they accepted I was different, it slipped my mind. I rather not think on how I won’t age or how long I could live.”
“I understand, but you’ll need to mention it. Just make sure that you tell them that you don’t like to dwell on it.”
“I’ll do that.” Yugi knew he would mention it and that he’d rather not think of it.
But I should. I’m immortal and should plan for the future. I’ll start with running the game shop and while I do that, I’ll plan out my long immortal life as a werewolf.