Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu Yu Hakusho.
Part One
“What!?” Yusuke snarled. “Mom, Dad, you’ve got to be kidding!”
Raizen growled at his son. “No, we are not kidding. This was decided not long after you were born. It was decided that you would be betrothed to Hiei.”
“But…but he’s a vampire! I’m a werewolf. I should marry a wifewolf, not a vampire.”
“You have no choice,” Atsuko snapped. “You are betrothed to Hiei and that’s final!”
Yusuke stalked out of the room, tail swishing angrily. He headed outside and once there, howled his frustration to the sky above.
“Hey, Urameshi! What’s the problem?” asked his best friend, Kuwabara, who came running upon hearing the howl.
“I’m betrothed to a vampire. That’s the problem,” Yusuke said, disgusted.
“What’s betrothed?”
“It means being engaged at a young age to someone you never met.”
“What!? You never met the guy? I assume it’s a guy anyway.”
“Yeah, it is. All I know is his name’s Hiei and he’s a vampire. Mom and Dad often spoke of Hiei as he’s the son of a friend of Dad’s.”
“Which is also strange that a vampire and a werewolf can be friends.”
“Well, they drink human blood and we eat the flesh so it’s possible for our races to meet. I tolerate the vampires’ existence like they tolerate ours but no one should be forced to marry outside their race.”
“I hear ya, Urameshi. But, maybe this Hiei’s a nice guy and likes the idea of being betrothed to you.”
“What!? Betrothed to a mangy dog?”
“Watch your tongue, Hiei! He’s the son of a werewolf I consider a friend,” snapped his guardian and queen, Mukuro.
“I didn’t agree to this.”
“It wasn’t your decision. This was decided between Raizen and myself when Yusuke was born. It was believed that the two of you would be a good match and from what I’ve heard, you certainly will be a good match.”
“But why betroth me to a werewolf?”
“It’s a political matter. The two of you, once married, will become the rulers of your respective races. Also, your betrothed will live here in the castle.”
“Here? Mukuro, Yusuke will be a vicious wolf three times a month.”
“I know that and that is why an enclosed forest area was being constructed all these years. A drained human will be provided each night as they prefer human flesh every night just as we desire blood at night.”
“I still don’t like this,” he stated before turning on his heel and leaving. He stormed down the hallway, silently ranting over the unfairness of it all. The idea of marrying someone he never met was repulsive and doubly so as his betrothed was a werewolf.
“You seemed troubled, my prince.” Came a mild voice before a pale, red-haired boy appeared beside him.
“Hn, I am not a prince, Kurama.”
“Perhaps not, but Mukuro is our queen. I sense your title is not the source of your anger.”
“Perceptive as always. I just learned that I am betrothed to a werewolf I’ve never met.”
“My condolences.”
“Mukuro said that once we are married, he will live here and we will be the rulers of our races.”
“Ah, so this would make you a prince.”
“No, it doesn’t. Mukuro just took my sister and me in when our parents died.”
“Very well. You are her heir, though.”
Hiei sighed. “I am, so I guess that I am a prince in that regard.”
“When is the wedding?”
“Not too soon as the full moon is coming in four days. I imagine it could happen the day after the moons are over.”
“It could be in a week.”
“Maybe. Oh and Mukuro said he will be here the morning before the first moon.”
“So, you two will finally meet.”
“Yes and I am expected to present him with a ring to symbolize the betrothal.”
“Naturally no silver as both races are allergic to it.”
“Yes, right. Crosses are especially painful to us and I heard Wolfsbane weakens werewolves.”
“It does and it could make it impossible for them to enter a house to kill their prey just as crosses keep us out of houses.”
“Which is why I avoid those houses like all vampires do.” Hiei reached his room and entered it alone. Kurama continued to walk the castle halls. He honestly thought Hiei was overreacting to his betrothal. It could be beneficial to be married to a werewolf or wifewolf. It was known that wolves preferred human flesh at night while vampires preferred the blood. Both could share a human between them and could eat and drink like humans during the day. The humans, due to the night attacks, believed the vampires couldn’t walk in sunlight which wasn’t true.
I am glad I was born a vampire. I stay in human form all the time, No changing at night, no loss of logical thought and being a vicious animal three times a month. Kurama shuddered at the thought. I’m sure the other race has similar feelings about us.
Yusuke ripped the body open with his extended claws, seized a kidney in his teeth, and then laid down to eat, tearing it with unnecessary force. He still highly resented being betrothed and expected to live in the castle where Hiei lived. And I have to be there the day before the full moon. He growled as he tore into the kidney.
He sniffed as he scented another wolf approaching and sighed softly. It was his dad. “May I join you?” Raizen asked.
“Sure,” he groused. He watched his dad lay on the other side of the body and chew on some flesh. “Hmm,” the elder wolf said. “A vampire already killed this human. No blood.”
“Fine with me. Blood is messy.”
“Yusuke, I know you are still upset about earlier tonight, but be reasonable. It will not be so bad.”
“Oh, really? Why would you say that?”
“I will tell you. First, you and I will arrive at the castle the day before the full moon and give you to your intended. His guardian and my friend, Mukuro, will take care of you. She will show you around your new home and that night, there will be a celebration where the vampires in the castle will celebrate your coming union. I understand she has a special place for you to spend your moons. The day after your moons will be your wedding day. When you and Hiei are married, you will be crowned as rulers of your respective races.”
Yusuke looked up from his eating. “I will rule the werewolves?”
“Yes and Hiei will rule the vampires.”
Yusuke returned to his meal to think. I will be Alpha of the werewolves by marrying Hiei. Hmm, perhaps this really isn’t so bad as I wouldn’t be Alpha any other way. “Dad, I think you’re right. It won’t be so bad.”
“That’s my son. I knew once I explained and you calmed down and thought it over, you would be agreeable to your betrothal.”
I still resent it and I won’t meet this vampire until four days before the wedding. We will have four days and one night to know each other. I might end up liking Hiei and I’ll definitely understand vampires better as I’ll be living among them. Hmm, maybe I should wear a cross to protect myself should the vampires try to use Wolfsbane to weaken me in an attempt to kill me…or maybe not. It would be a bad idea to try to kill the intended of the queen’s heir.
Part Two
Hiei stood outside the castle doors with Mukuro, awaiting the arrival of his betrothed and his father. Hiei couldn’t help wondering what Yusuke was like as he had never met a werewolf before. He usually drained his victim and left before anyone else showed up. I wonder if Yusuke’s met or seen a vampire before.
Two distant figures appeared and drew closer. At first, it looked like two humans, a boy and a man but as they came closer, the smell of wolf was detectable. Hiei found he actually liked the smell. It was a combination of fresh meat and pine. The pair finally reached them and Hiei regarded his first werewolves. Both were taller than him but one was quite tall. He was lean and muscular with impossibly long white hair and pointed ears. The other was also lean and muscular with brown eyes, short black hair, and pointed ears. That has to be Yusuke. Hn, not bad-looking. Maybe this marriage won’t be so bad.
Yusuke subtly sniffed the air as he and Raizen approached the vampires. He caught the smell of blood and knew he could live with it. The pair before him looked human save for the pale skin and the tips of fangs visible under the upper lip. He focused on the shorter vampire. He had intense red eyes he found attractive and spiked black hair with blue highlights and a white starburst. Hey, he’s cute. This may really not be so bad.
Raizen bowed. “Mukuro, my dear friend. By the terms of our agreement, I give my son, Yusuke, to your care and his hand in marriage to your heir, Hiei.”
Hiei, with a nod from Mukuro, went to Yusuke, took a hand, and held it up while looking the werewolf in the eye. “Yusuke, as a symbol of our betrothal, I present this ring.” He held up a gold ring with the vampire crest etched on it and slid it onto Yusuke’s left ring finger. The smile Yusuke gave him made him feel like his dead heart was melting. Oh, now I’m glad I’m marrying him. That smile is charming. He couldn’t help smiling back.
The adults exchanged knowing smiles before Raizen pulled Yusuke to him and embraced him. “Goodbye, son. You behave yourself and make me proud.”
“Bye, Dad. I will make you proud. I promise.” They released and Raizen walked away with a sense of loss. It hurt to give away his only child, but he entered this agreement willingly and knew Yusuke would eventually be happy with his mate and husband.
Once Raizen was out of sight, Mukuro said, “Well, let’s head inside and I can show you around, Yusuke.” The lady vampire led the way in and Yusuke looked around at the opulent trappings. It was a fancy and plush place to live and he found it hard to believe that he would live here.
“Over there is the throne room where you’ll spend most of your time once married and where tonight’s celebration will take place,” she pointed at a set of double doors and then to an open balcony. “And over there is the garden which has no Wolfsbane and where the ceremony will take place.” She gave Yusuke a smile at mentioning no Wolfsbane. “You and Hiei will share a room and bed starting tonight and speaking of night.” She put a hand on a panel next to a pair of heavy steel doors which slid open silently. “Here is where you will spend your moons.”
Yusuke stepped in to see a forest environment that appealed to his wolf side. He breathed in the fresh forest scent and his ears heard the sound of water. He turned to Mukuro. “All this for me?” he asked, stunned.
“Yes, for you. A drained human will be provided for you every moon. The hand scanners will open the doors for only you, me, and Hiei.” She pointed at a scanner inside the room that had a Plexiglas cover over it. She gently pulled Yusuke to it, lifted the cover, and put the werewolf’s hand on the scanner before programming it to recognize the hand on it. It beeped twice and she smiled. “Now, you’ll be able to open it from either side.”
The rest of the tour showed Yusuke the library, dining hall, bathrooms, sitting areas, and bedrooms. “I trust I’ve made you feel at home?” she asked as they sat at the dining table and waited for two more dining companions.
“A little,” he said. “I mean, I’m the only werewolf here and I feel uneasy.”
Mukuro nodded. “I can see how that would make one nervous but rest assure, no one will harm you. If any mistreat you, they will have to answer to me or Hiei.”
“And no one wishes to tempt the queen’s wrath,” a new voice spoke up and Yusuke looked to see a guy with long red hair and a girl with aqua-colored hair and eyes the same color as Hiei’s.
“Yusuke, these are Hiei’s close friend Kurama and his twin sister, Yukina.”
The teen wolf nodded to both and said, “You don’t look like twins, Hiei.”
“True, but we are.”
Yusuke smiled. “I don’t have any siblings.”
“An only child?” Hiei asked, stunned. “I thought werewolves had more than one at once.”
“We’re no different from humans in terms of children.”
“The same goes for us,” Mukuro said as lunch was brought out.
Yusuke nodded as everyone settled into their food. Vampires eat and drink like humans in daylight just as werewolves do. Heh, Dad and Mukuro probably met up at night over the years to share things about their races. That being the case, there’ll be flesh and organs for me to eat at the party. Yusuke swallowed hard at the thought. He would stick out like a sore thumb tonight what with his food choice and his wolf form. The only beating heart in the room, like right now.
“Yusuke?” came a soft voice. “Are you all right? You seem…flushed?”
Yusuke looked up to see that it was Yukina who had spoken and her question had caught everyone’s attention. He cleared his throat. “I was thinking about tonight and how I’m going to stick out.”
“You’re going to stick out anyway as you’re my intended and that’s why you’re here,” Hiei pointed out.
“And everyone in the castle knows of your betrothal to Hiei and are happy that vampires and werewolves will be joined in this manner. You will need to wear clothes and jewelry appropriate to your future title.”
Yusuke didn’t bother to point out that his clothes melded with his skin, certain that she knew this.
Yusuke and Hiei were soon alone in their bedroom where Yusuke was putting away his things in his own wardrobe. The short vampire was admiring Yusuke behind his back. He’s cute in his human form. I wonder what his wolf form looks like. Speaking of which…
“Yusuke, could you tell me about werewolves? I never met one until today.”
Yusuke turned around, surprise in his eyes. “Really? I would have thought you’d see at least one every night.”
“I leave my kill before anyone sees me. I’m the fastest vampire in our territory.”
Yusuke grinned at hearing that. “Oh, that’s funny, ‘cause I’m the fastest werewolf.”
Hiei laughed at that. “I’m guessing you have the same sharp senses I do.”
“Yeah and increased strength too. I’m allergic to silver and my senses, speed, and strength are dulled or weakened in the presence of Wolfsbane.”
“Tell me about the full moon. I know you’re vicious, but what else?”
“I lose all sense of self. I don’t know my name or being a werewolf. I am simply a wolf who desires human flesh to rip and tear as I please. Occasionally, we fight each other for territory. It is not until morning do we recall the night before.”
“Damn,” Hiei said in soft amazement. “What of your clothes when you change every night?”
“They meld with my skin, but not any jewelry I wear.”
Hiei looked down at the ring he gave Yusuke before digging through a jewelry box and unearthing a delicate, gold chain. He unhooked it and said, “Put your ring on this so it won’t hurt you when you change.”
Yusuke removed the ring and slid it onto the chain before putting it around his neck. “Thanks, Hiei.”
“Hn, no problem. Now, let’s get changed for the celebration.” Hiei went to his wardrobe and opened it to select an outfit for the evening and jewelry to go with it. He’d rather just spend the night alone with his wolf fiancée, but Mukuro had set up this party and, as her heir, he was expected to attend.
Part Three
Yusuke put the finishing touches to his outfit with jewelry when he felt the tingle of his change go through him and he was soon on all four paws. He looked up at Hiei who gazed down at him.
“You look awesome,” he said. Yusuke’s body was covered in soft black fur with firm muscles under his fur and skin. His tail, ears, and muzzle were long and delicate. His gold eyes were bright against his fur and numerous gold chains adorned his neck. Each leg had a gold cuff on it and simple lightweight earrings hung from the points of his ears.
Yusuke ventured over to a mirror and looked at himself, head tilted. His tail wagged back and forth. “I do look good. The only thing missing is a crown.”
“That will come when we wed,” Hiei said, coming to stand beside him. Yusuke blinked at what he saw. Clearly, vampires do have a reflection despite what I overhear humans say.
A knock sounded and the door slid aside to reveal Yukina. “The guests are waiting for your entrance.”
“We’re coming, sister.” Hiei and Yusuke left the room and headed down the hall, side-by-side to the throne room, Yukina ahead of them. The girl vampire entered the room, passing Mukuro who stood outside.
“Wait here and I will announce you properly.” Mukuro entered the room, leaving the pair outside. Yusuke took the opportunity to admire Hiei’s attire. He wore black trousers, a blue shirt with flowing sleeves and a black vest over it, a pair of knee-high boots and a sheathed sword hanging off his left hip. Numerous chains hung around his neck, rings adorned his fingers, and a gold circlet sat on his head.
“Why are you wearing a crown?” Yusuke asked, head cocked.
“I am Mukuro’s heir and am expected to wear some kind of headpiece. I will receive an actual crown at our wedding as will you.” He smiled at the wolf. “I was against our betrothal. I was convinced you were nothing but a mangy stupid dog. However, as we spent the day together and learning more about your race, I realized I was wrong. You are a handsome, friendly wolf and I am glad that I will marry you in three days.”
“I too was against the betrothal. I preferred marrying a wifewolf, but then Dad explained what was to happen and it caught my interest when he said I would become Alpha of the werewolves as a result of our marriage. When I saw you this morning, I thought you were cute. Right now, you look handsome and I am thrilled to be engaged to you.”
Hiei smiled and scratched under Yusuke’s chin, making the wolf whine in pleasure. The fanfare of trumpets in the room sounded and Mukuro’s voice said, “”My subjects, as your queen, it gives me great pleasure to present my heir, Hiei, and his betrothed, Yusuke of the werewolves.”
The doors opened and both stood tall as they entered the room to another trumpet fanfare and the claps of the guests. Yusuke couldn’t believe the number of vampires in the room. There seemed to be a hundred of them and it re-enforced the fact that he was in the very small minority. He felt his heart thumping hard as he walked beside Hiei and stood before an ornate throne to face the room. A sea of pale faces looked at them and the tip of his tail twitched slightly. He felt nervous of the crowd despite assurances that he was safe.
Hiei calmly faced the room and the fifty or so vampires that lived in the castle and made up the entirety of the population in the territory. He knew them and looked forward to ruling them. He caught Mukuro’s eye who was at the doors and she gave a tiny jerk of her head, indicating that he should speak.
He cleared his throat. “Thank you for your support of our betrothal. Some of you have curiosity about werewolves and I invite you to ask my fiancée those questions. I have already done so and have new respect for our counter parts. Now let the celebration begin.” Hiei took his seat and Yusuke did the same as music started up and vampires started to dance, talk, laugh, and drink.
Yusuke watched the group celebrate his upcoming union and, aside from what his senses told him, they acted like humans would at a party. Two vampires approached the thrones, bowed, and asked a couple of questions to Yusuke who answered. As they left, the black wolf said, “I have a feeling I’ll be answering the same questions about a hundred times tonight.”
“Sixty-two, I would imagine,” Hiei answered. “Maybe less.”
“There are only about sixty-six vampires including Mukuro, Yukina, Kurama, and myself. That’s not counting the one not yet born.”
“Oh, so you don’t turn humans?”
“We do actually, but our territory prefers to birth new vampires rather than turn.”
“Same thing with werewolves. There are almost ninety of us back home.”
“Ninety? Wow.”
Yusuke nodded as a vampire came over to present a goblet of blood to Hiei and a plate of flesh and organs to Yusuke. The werewolf was pleased to see that he was presented with the juiciest organs and the choicest flesh. His mouth almost watered at his dinner. It was placed on a tall table in front of him with a bowl of water beside it. He eagerly ate delicately as he had been raised, not knowing he had been engaged to a vampire who lived in a castle. The flesh was tender and he guessed it came from a child as the young’s flesh is tender. It didn’t bother him as he had eaten flesh of all age ranges.
“Good?” Hiei asked with no disgust.
“Delicious,” Yusuke answered, licking his chops. “And yours?”
“Pleasant. It’s fresh and warm.”
“Yes. That’s why we prefer to attack humans as the blood is warm. The blood tonight was bled from humans and kept in a cauldron over a gentle fire. Don’t werewolves prefer their flesh a certain way?”
“Not particularly. We like our flesh raw and we’re not picky about where we eat it.”
“I see.” He watched Yusuke put his paws on one side of a kidney to keep it in place and chew on it while he drank more blood. Hmm, seems he likes the kidneys the most. Definitely something to keep in mind. I need to know everything I can about my husband and after tonight I’ll only be able to during the day.
Yukina approached the pair and extended a hand to Hiei. “Brother, let’s dance.” Hiei nodded, took her hand, and allowed himself to be pulled onto the dance floor.
Yusuke swallowed a mouthful of flesh as he watched his mate dance among his subjects. This was a fun party, but he wasn’t comfortable at the idea of getting down and mingling. He saw movement and someone heading his way. He looked to see Mukuro and bowed his head in respect. “Mukuro.”
“Why don’t you get down and join us, Yusuke? I’m sure they would love to know you up close.”
“They probably would, but I’m afraid I’m not comfortable with the idea. Sorry.”
She reached out and ran a hand down his head and back. “I’m sorry, too. I really didn’t think how difficult this is for you: Leaving your family, friends, and other werewolves; moving into a new home; being engaged to someone you never met. I shouldn’t expect you to adjust in one day.”
“And I should conform to your already established routines and practices. Dad would be ashamed of me if I didn’t.”
Mukuro continued to stroke him. “Yusuke, with you here, we need to establish new routines and practices. The humans we bleed for parties are usually cremated and the ashes scattered on the wind, but that sometimes causes problems. With you here, there won’t be as much of the body to burn and less ashes.”
“True and I’m not picky about what I eat.”
“That’s good to know.” She scratched behind an ear. “You don’t need to mingle tonight. Perhaps you will at the wedding reception.”
“Yeah, perhaps.” Yusuke sighed at the scratching as the party continued.
Part Four
The castle’s residents did not stir until early afternoon. Most got some lunch, however the happy couple was still in bed, but awake. Hiei snuggled Yusuke who was human again and Yusuke gave a happy growl. Their resistance to their engagement had vanished before and during the party and now they were in love and looked forward eagerly to their wedding. However, they first had to get past Yusuke’s full moon nights.
“Hmm, Yusuke? Will you be wanting any food before tonight?”
“No. I usually just eat at night while the moon’s full.”
“Ah. So, we could just lay here all afternoon if we wanted to.”
“Sounds good to me. I get the feeling that we won’t be able to once we’re crowned rulers.”
“Your feeling is correct.” Red eyes opened to gaze into brown eyes. Both still wore last night’s party clothes and Hiei took the chance to admire Yusuke’s outfit as it had melded with his skin when he changed. He wore black trousers, a yellow shirt with three-quarter sleeves, a blue-lined black cape, and a pair of black slip-on shoes. The jewelry was still on, too and Yusuke fingered the chain. “These will have to come off otherwise I might chew my legs off to remove the cuffs and besides it’ll restrict my blood flow.”
“It will?”
“Yeah. I’m more muscular on the full moon and less concerned about being civilized. I’m just a wild animal.”
Hiei pulled him closer. “I’m sorry you have to go through that.”
“Thanks, but I’ve been doing it all my life so it’s natural for me.”
Hours later, Yusuke walked down to the enclosure, all jewelry gone and wearing casual clothes. He went to the scanner and put his hand on it. It beeped, the light went from red to green, and the door opened. He entered, the door closed, and he breathed in the pine scent. He looked up at the skylight to see they sky starting to darken. He heard the door open and tuned to see Mukuro depositing a dead human on the ground. She smiled at him. “Good night, Yusuke.”
“Good night.” Mukuro left the room and, as she passed the security room, she saw Hiei seated in front of the cameras showing the enclosure, a glass of blood in hand. She said nothing and continued on her way. Hiei had never seen a werewolf or a wild one, so naturally he wanted to see his fiancée’s wild state. I fear it may shock and scare him, but he would insist on seeing it.
Yusuke shifted restlessly as he waited. He knew what would happen and he had told Hiei as well. He wondered if Hiei was the only one who had never seen a werewolf before. I should ask.
The familiar tingle was felt and his eyes turned red and glowing. He growled angrily as his muscles grew larger before his fur grew out. His height increased to six feet and he dropped to all four paws. His tail grew out bushier than before. Once Yusuke had taken wolf form, he let out a loud howl as his mind reverted to a simple vicious wolf. His nose twitched as he smelled human flesh. He turned to it, stalked over, and proceeded to devour it in brutal wolf fashion.
Hiei watched Yusuke’s change with awe as he saw the eyes turn a glowing red, he grew six feet tall, and gained bulging muscles. The tail was bushier than last night and when Yusuke howled, Hiei heard it via speakers. It was a terrifying sound and Hiei watched in horror as Yusuke pounced on the human and proceeded to rip, rend, and tear through the body. Oh, hell. He is definitely not the wolf I spent last night with; he’s completely different.
Yusuke moaned softly as the door opened the following morning. He just recalled last night’s events and, as usual, did not like how he acted. I told Hiei that it’s natural, but that doesn’t mean I like it. He went up the hall to his room, which had a private bathroom. He stepped in to see Hiei fast asleep, smiled at the sight, got some fresh clothes, and went to shower. He emerged feeling human again and seeing Hiei also dressed and staring at him. “Hiei?” he asked curiously.
“I thought I had prepared for it,” he said in a low, choking voice. “But, you were scary to watch and I can’t imagine myself going through that.”
“Wait. You saw me? How?”
“Security cameras.”
“Oh. Hiei, I don’t like acting that way. It disgusts me, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”
Hiei took Yusuke in his arms and hugged him. “I understand and accept that this is part of who you are. I will always love you, no matter what.”
Yusuke returned the gesture. “Thanks, Hiei. I will always love you too.”
“Good. Now, Mukuro wants to see us to get fitted for our wedding outfits.” They parted and Hiei led the way to the tailor, hand-in-hand.
Yusuke adjusted the cape on his shoulders and smiled at his image. He looked very handsome and felt so grown-up. Today, I become Hiei’s husband and Alpha of the werewolves. A thrill well up inside him at the thoughts.
He left the bedroom alone and up the hall to the garden’s doors where Hiei waited, beaming. The short vampire never looked better in Yusuke’s opinion. He put his hand in Hiei’s and smiled at him. “You look absolutely wonderful.”
“I was thinking the same thing about you,” Hiei said. “This is going to be the best day of our lives.”
“I have no doubt about that.” They both pushed the doors open and slowly approached Mukuro who waited at the end, the vampires on either side of the aisle, watching them pass.
Mukuro beamed as the pair came closer. They were definitely a perfect match; she and Raizen had known that years ago. Both had been against the betrothal, but spending time together and learning of the other’s race had led to real, true love. It was clear in their smiles and the look in their eyes whenever they looked at each other. They finally reached her and the group waited in silence.
“Fourteen years ago, Raizen and I entered into an agreement to betroth Hiei and Yusuke. Over those years, we met and shared information about them so as to properly welcome Yusuke to our home. We now have arrived on this glorious day. Today, I join Hiei and Yusuke in marriage and by doing so, they will rule their respective races.
“Hiei, do you take Yusuke as your husband and swear to rule to the best of your ability?”
“I do.”
“Yusuke, do you take Hiei as your husband and mate and swear to rule to the best of your ability?”
“I do.”
Mukuro took Hiei’s right hand and Yusuke’s left hand before sliding their hands into the others’. “Then, by your vows and my authority as queen, I declare you married. It is also my duty to crown you both as kings.” A vampire came forward with a large pillow upon which sat two gleaming gold crowns. Mukuro gestured for them to kneel and they did so, still holding hands. She held one crown and, as she lowered it to Hiei’s head, said, “With this crown, I name you King Hiei.” She put it on his head and then retrieved the other crown, lowering it onto Yusuke’s head. “With this crown, I name you King Yusuke and Alpha. Rise, your Majesties and face your subjects.” The kings did so and the vampires rose from their seats and kneeled before them. “Your Majesties,” they chorused in reverence.
Hiei raised his free hand. “Rise, our subjects.” Once they had, he continued, “It pleases me that you are happy with our union and crowning. I look forward to ruling you for countless years as does my husband. Now, let us head to the ballroom for the reception.” The vampires headed inside while Hiei and Yusuke shared their first kiss as husbands and kings before following their subjects inside. Yusuke looked forward to mingling at the reception.
Soft lovely music was already playing when they reached the doors of the ballroom, Mukuro blocking their path and smiling. “Let me be the first to congratulate you on your marriage and crowning. The vampires in the castle are largely Hiei’s responsibility but they are both your subjects. The werewolves, however, are solely yours, Yusuke.”
“Thank you,” Yusuke said. He followed Hiei and Mukuro inside where their subjects greeted their entrance with claps. It felt great to be accepted by those who weren’t part of his race. They didn’t see him as a monster or a stupid dog. My being here will improve perceptions between our races. There will be real peaceful co-existence for both races. Yusuke smiled as he moved among a race he no longer feared, only respected.