Disclaimer: I don’t own Yu-Gi-Oh! Only Darien, Barry, and the nameless woman are mine. This takes place after the movie, “The Dark Side of Dimensions.”
Chapter One- Forced Gift
Mokuba, current president of Kaiba Corp, stared down at the unconscious body of his brother. The attempt to revive the pharaoh via the Puzzle had failed and the Puzzle had been truly lost. That was when Kaiba hit on the idea of creating a path to the afterlife and had spent weeks developing the technology in their space station. He had gone into the pod upon its completion and was soon unconscious, his soul heading to meet the pharaoh.
That had been three months ago and Mokuba was concerned that his brother would never return. His obsession with dueling and defeating the pharaoh had led him to this: His body lying in a pod in a coma while his soul had traveled to the afterlife to challenge an old rival. Is it possible that Seto has no idea how much time has passed? Suppose he returns years later and is shocked at seeing me as an adult while he is unchanged? Mokuba closed his eyes and thought, Please Pharaoh. Give Seto the victory and closure he needs so he’ll come back to me like he promised. He opened his eyes and turned to head back to Earth. There were business matters to attend to and only he could deal with them.
The trip back to Kaiba Corp labs on Earth wasn’t long and Mokuba was soon riding back to headquarters with budgets, contracts, and sales going through his head. The amount of work needed to be done didn’t faze him. Kaiba had been teaching him during the last two years and these past three months had seen Mokuba grow into a commanding figure. He wasn’t as cold as Kaiba but he was decisive in running the company’s affairs. Seto would be proud of me when and if he comes back. I hope my thoughts reached the pharaoh. I miss Seto so much.
Atem blinked and tilted his head for a moment. He sensed terrible loneliness. It was so strong that he sensed it came from the living world. It didn’t take him long to figure it all out. Some time ago, Kaiba had come to the afterlife seeking to duel him. He had hoped Kaiba only wanted just one more duel, but he was wrong. He wanted to win a duel. Kaiba would show up once in a while with the confident look of someone who would finally triumph but each time he lost and Kaiba would depart to re-think his tactics.
Atem had no idea how much time had passed since Kaiba’s arrival but it was clear that his absence from life was felt. Again, it wasn’t hard to know who missed him: Mokuba. He shook his head. Kaiba is so obsessed with defeating me that he’s practically abandoned his family. There is only one thing to do: I must lose in a way that is believable so he will head home. The problem is that I just beat Kaiba…again. He won’t come back until he’s ready to try again. Hang in there, Mokuba. I will lose next time so that Kaiba will return to you.
Mokuba yawned before signing another document. He had been buried in paperwork since returning from space and he had finally finished them. Now, I can head home, get some dinner, and head to bed. He smiled at the thought as he picked up the phone to call home and request steak, baked potato, and broccoli for dinner. He had grown up to the point where his dinner choices were more adult and sensible. With his request put in, he gathered some papers, put them in a briefcase, and left the office.
The building was quiet, empty, and dimly lit as it was after hours. The quiet state was spooky, but it didn’t creep out Mokuba as he had left when it was quiet like this. He took the elevator down to the ground floor and was about halfway across the lobby when he was grabbed from behind. He felt a strong arm go around his chest, pinning his arms to his sides. He felt his feet leave the floor as he struggled to get loose.
“Relax. I mean no harm,” a man’s voice said in his ear. “I wish to give you a gift.”
“I doubt that,” Mokuba shot back, flailing his legs in hope of kicking his assailant, preferably between the legs.
The man was doing something Mokuba couldn’t see, but he said, “You will eventually see that it is a gift I’m giving you.”
“You think I’m going to-,” Mokuba began before a tube was put in his mouth. He felt his head being tilted back so that the tube’s contents went down his throat. Mokuba coughed once the tube had been removed. “What did you do?” he demanded, unable to see his attacker’s face as he was still being held.
“That was a formula and it is changing you into a werewolf.”
“A werewolf?” Mokuba scoffed. “That is ridiculous.”
“Actually, it’s not. You will experience wolf impulses and feelings until the full moon when you will change into a tame but self-aware wolf. I have a couple of papers about your new condition that I will give you. I recommend that you not be angry once the full moon is over.”
“You do, huh?” Mokuba felt himself being released and papers being slipped into his hand. He whirled around and gasped before taking a step back. His attacker looked human save for the wolf ears, wolf tail, and intense gold-brown eyes.
The man grinned at his reaction. “Yes, I’m a werewolf and when the full moon is two days away, these signs appear. You may wish to stay home when you get these signs after this full moon. Everything is in those papers. Good luck, my young friend.” The man then turned into a gray-tipped blonde wolf and padded off toward a side exit.
Mokuba hurried out the front door and toward the limo that stood there. The incident in the lobby had apparently not attracted attention, which Mokuba thought was a little odd. He climbed into the car and once the door was shut, it headed off for home. Mokuba glanced at the papers in his hand before storing them in his briefcase to keep them safe as they would be as important as any papers in that case. He then reflected on his attacker.
I can’t deny that he is a werewolf based on what I saw, but am I one too? He stared at his reflection in the window. He looked normal. But he said I would experience wolf impulses and feeling until the full moon…which is the day after tomorrow! Then I’ll transform into a wolf. A tame, self-aware one. Questions then began to race through his mind as he thought of transforming into a wolf. What would he look like? Would he be able to talk in that form? Or would it just be wolf sounds? It was clear that he would have to leave the office before dark on full moon nights and he would need to work steadily to keep his level of work up to its usual standards; for three nights a month, he couldn’t work after dark.
When he got home, he quickly consumed his dinner and headed up to his room. He sat at his desk, put the case on it, opened it, and removed the papers he was handed.
It’s exactly like he said. Everything I need to know is right here. He began to read in earnest. The formula he had consumed was working on altering his DNA to be human and wolf, the latter would manifest in impulses and feelings. His emotions may be less complex and he may express them as growls or barks during the next two days. The impulses would be things like walking on all fours and curling up to sleep. Impulses and feelings were just the side effects of the formula and would become part of his wolf side once he had changed.
The change would be painful the first time which made sense. After that it would be quick and instant. He would be human in mind and voice but wolf in body, instincts, and voice as well. He would desire meat and nothing else during the full moon but the craving would still be felt outside of the full moon. Once the full moon had passed, he would be able to change whenever he liked but he had to control his anger. A loss of temper would cause him to change to a vicious, simple wolf. He would think as a wolf until his anger was spent but he would be trapped as a wolf until the next morning.
His senses would sharpen after his first change and his weaknesses would activate as well. Pure silver of any kind would cause him pain and healed only by raw meat. Wolfsbane would dull his senses and make him sick for a day if exposed to it for too long. Mokuba leaned back to think.
It would seem that this is a gift, the anger and weaknesses aside. I can hardly wait.
Chapter Two- Darien
Mokuba awoke the next morning, curious to see how the day would go with him becoming a werewolf via his DNA. He had already planned to indulge in his new impulses and feelings when appropriate. He packed a meatless lunch as he knew the next three days would be strictly meat.
He took a quick look at an almanac website for sunset and moonrise times before getting down to work. He knew he would be checking almanacs for the rest of his life which, according to the papers, would be longer than before. Once he was fully mature, his aging would slow and he would be virtually immortal. That’ll be a hard one to hide, although I could claim plastic surgery or claim that my genes make me look younger than I really am. Yeah, that’s what I’ll say.
It’ll be hard to keep this secret from Seto, but not too hard. He still dismisses magic and the supernatural though not as much as he used to. So even if I slip up now and then, he probably wouldn’t notice. He wouldn’t believe me if I told him I’m now a werewolf…at least until I change. Mokuba conjured up scenarios in his mind of telling Kaiba and most didn’t end well. Kaiba would either be afraid of him (not very likely), angry at him, or think it was a trick. He wasn’t sure if these awful outcomes were a result of his being a werewolf or his own fear of being found out. I can’t tell him. I don’t know how he’ll react. He shook his head and immersed himself in his work.
Around mid-afternoon, he felt an urge to walk on all fours. He went to the doors to lock them before going to his hands and knees. He proceeded to move across the room on all fours. He smiled slightly as he walked quickly and stalked across the floor. It’s a little strange, but it also feels right. Of course, tomorrow night I’ll be on all fours and will stay that way until morning.
A knock sounded and Mokuba padded over to it before getting to his feet. “Who’s there?” he asked.
“I believe you know me,” a voice replied, one he did know: His attacker! Mokuba unlocked the door, opened it, and admitted the man in. He saw he was wearing a hat to conceal his ears and clearly had his tail tucked into his pants. He sat in front of the desk while Mokuba sat behind it. The man smiled a bit sheepishly at him. “Pardon my rudeness last night for not introducing myself. My name’s Darien.”
“It’s…okay. I mean, the situation didn’t allow for introductions. Darien, I’m not upset about what you did. I read over the papers and realize that it is a gift you’ve given me.”
“I’m happy to hear that. To be honest, I had planned to give the formula to your brother.”
Mokuba gave a short laugh. “Seto wouldn’t believe what you told me or read the papers you gave me. He would dismiss your wolf features as a costume and contacts.”
Darien chuckled. “His disbelief is precisely why I wanted to gift him as a werewolf. But, I also felt you would be more accepting of my gift.”
“You were right and I look forward to tomorrow night. The papers told me everything I needed to know and I’m glad I have them. I do have a couple of questions about the aging process.”
“Ask way.”
“When is fully mature and how old are you?”
“Ah, yes. Those are good questions. Fully mature is anywhere from twenty-five to thirty years old.”
“So, I’ve got a while to wait.”
“You do. Now, me. I know that I appear to be anywhere from forty to sixty years old, but I am actually far older.”
“How much older?”
“I am about 105.”
“105!?” Mokuba was stunned. “You really look like mid-fifties.”
“Thanks. I was bitten in my fifties so naturally I stopped aging and started doing so slowly.”
“Bitten? But, why?”
Darien dipped his head. “A wifewolf took a liking to me and bit me on the full moon.”
“A wife what?”
“Wifewolf. The term for a female werewolf. She then left me a few months after I was bitten. She became enamored with a well-built werewolf. I became a lone wolf wandering from town to town and while doing so, I discovered the recipe for the formula and gathered the ingredients to brew it.”
“So, you’re homeless?”
Darien lifted his head with a half-smile. “Mokuba, I’m a werewolf. I can simply live in a forest as a wolf and if I need shelter from rain or cold, I can go to a homeless shelter.”
“Oh. Yeah. I’m used to having a home.”
“And a career. Forgive me but where is your brother?”
“He’s away on a dueling trip. He’s obsessed with beating a strong rival and left three months ago to duel him.”
“Three…months? He left you all alone with only the staff for company?”
“I said he was obsessed. When he becomes obsessed with something, he thinks of little else.”
“So when he beats this rival, he’ll come back?”
“Right. Thing is, his rival is really strong.”
“Seeing as he’s been gone for three months, I believe it. But, surely your brother gets stronger with each loss.”
“He does and I hope he comes back real soon.” If the pharaoh heard my prayer, Seto will come back soon. “So, how much meat will I need during the full moon?”
Kaiba fumed as he laid in the guest room he had been given since arriving in the afterlife. He had lost yet again to the pharaoh. How is it possible? He’s dead and yet he keeps improving himself. Why won’t he just lose? One victory and I’ll leave. That is all I want.
He stared up at the stone ceiling and thought aimlessly on other matters before thinking about Mokuba. His little brother he had left behind when he came to seek a duel with the pharaoh and beat him. He wasn’t sure how long he had been here. Yes, this place had day and night times, but a sense of time was another matter. He could have been here mere days or even years!
He sat up at this thought. If I’ve been here that long, then Mokuba could be grown-up while my body is unchanging thanks to the pod’s stasis field. Suddenly, Kaiba’s thirst for revenge faded a little. He missed his brother, the only family he had. He needed to be there for him but he also wanted to beat the pharaoh. He closed his eyes, breathed deeply, and let it out.
I will duel the pharaoh one more time and whether I win or lose, I will leave and return to my brother. He rose from the bed and headed out to actually explore the palace. His desire to defeat Atem was the only thing he had been concerned about and thus he barely noticed his surroundings. Now, with his mind clear on what his plan was, he looked around, his mind marveling at the architecture and memorizing what he saw. Ancient Egypt was a beautiful place, he couldn’t deny it. The people he saw were calm, happy, and peaceful which made sense. The afterlife was a place free of danger or concerns. An eternity of peace that, now that he thought of it, was boring. He lived for challenges, like running Kaiba Corp.
Yes, he thought as he walked. I need to go back to my life. I will challenge the pharaoh tomorrow and then head home regardless of the outcome.
Chapter Three- Reunited
Mokuba was hard at work the next day. He needed to get through a lot of paperwork as he had to leave early to prepare for his first change. He also needed to check on Kaiba’s body as he had failed to do so yesterday. He had had a long talk with Darien and learned the finer points of the full moon change.
His senses would naturally be sharper in wolf form but would remain so from that point on. It would take almost no time to adjust to them. Mokuba suspected tonight would be devoted to learning to move on four legs and exploring his sharp senses. The very idea was exciting to him.
He had a good idea what color his fur would be based on Darien when he had changed. His fur had been blond with gray tips which was what his hair had been: Graying blond. So, my fur will be black. He panted at the image, aware that he was expressing a canine feeling of excitement and it didn’t bother him as he would change tonight. He checked his watch and then left the office to ride to the labs and ultimately to the space station. Once he had insured Kaiba’s body was okay, he would head home.
Atem smiled grimly as he dueled Kaiba. He was honestly dueling his best but by the same token, he wasn’t making it difficult. Kaiba needs to go home. He drew a card and saw Mirror Force. A trap that would almost give him the victory. But I won’t use it. He added it to his hand and made a different move.
Kaiba couldn’t believe his luck. The duel was red-hot as usual but he seemed to be drawing the cards he needed when he needed them. In fact, it was playing out almost exactly like the simulation he ran just before he flew to Egypt upon hearing that his team had discovered the shattered Puzzle.
He drew a card upon it being his turn. He didn’t react to the card he drew though he wanted to laugh in triumph. This duel was his! The victory he had wanted for so long! “I play Power of the Guardians and equip it to my Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!” He smiled as he put the spell card on his monster before he gave the attack to his dragon, causing the spell to give it 500 more attack points to his dragon. Atem’s monster was destroyed and his few remaining life points were gone.
Atem went to one knee and then looked up with a smile. “Well played, Kaiba. This duel goes to you.”
Kaiba beamed at his victory. After countless losses, he finally had the win he had sought. He savored the feeling and the moment as Atem stood. “Yes and now that I have, I’m returning to my life.”
“Very well. Just know that you would be welcome here anytime you like.” Kaiba nodded and walked away while Atem sat. Mokuba, your brother’s on his way.
Mokuba checked the readings. Everything was as it had been for months. Good. I need to go home to finish preparing. He turned from the pod. He had acquired a mini fridge for raw meat and had put it in his private bathroom. He would need to put out bowls of water and food as doing so with paws would be impossible.
The hum of the pod’s controls suddenly ceased and Mokuba whirled around in alarm. His alarm turned to joy when the pod’s top opened and Kaiba sat up, blinking rapidly and re-orienting himself with the living world.
Mokuba’s eyes shone with tears. “Seto!” he cried and rushed to the tall man as he got to his feet. He hugged him, making sure he didn’t knock Kaiba down as he hadn’t stood or walked physically. “You’re finally back! I missed you so much!”
Kaiba embraced Mokuba. “Mokuba,” he said, inwardly relieved that his brother hadn’t aged like he feared. “How long has it been?”
“Three months, big brother. The company’s doing well. Would you like to check?”
“More like bringing myself up to speed so I can easily get back to work.” He looked around at the equipment in the room. “Mokuba, please head home. I will be home in a little bit.”
“Okay.” Mokuba rushed for the exit. He did need to hurry and knew Kaiba would be home later on. He beat the pharaoh and will be staying with me now. Mokuba was soon riding home, anxiously watching the sky. He hopped out of the car and told the driver to return to the labs to await Kaiba’s return. He then rushed upstairs, got to his bathroom to set out the bowls, and then went to his room, the bathroom being connected to it. He locked the door and peeked out a window to see the sun flare as it vanished.
He then gasped and backed away from the window. He doubled over, grabbed his stomach, and fell to his knees. He cried out in pain as his change swept through him. He groaned and moaned as his body burned and stretched. A howl emerged as the pain faded. He then panted before breathing deeply and slowly exhaling. He looked down to find himself on four black-furred paws. He flexed a forepaw to look at the sharp claws within. He set it down and crossed his eyes to look at the long snout he now had. He uncrossed his eyes and began the task of walking so he could see himself in the mirror. He was slowly and surely moving across the room and was pleased with how easily he was moving. Maybe my urge yesterday helped with that.
He moved to stand before the mirror and he blinked at what he saw and his tail swished a little. Wow! I look impressive. His eyes were intense and gold but were full of human awareness. His snout was indeed long and when he pulled the edges back, he saw all his teeth were white and sharp.
His entire body was bigger than a normal wolf with large muscles and was covered in black fur. His ears were pointed and rested atop his head. His paws were also large and his tail was long and full. He panted again and his tail swished again, but harder this time. I love how I look! Too bad no one else will see it. Oh, well.
“Let’s try those senses,” he said, his teeth clicking as he spoke. A wolf’s grin appeared. “Oh, interesting. My teeth click when I talk. I like it.” He turned in a slow circle and blinked at realizing that his rom was dark as he had forgotten to turn the lights on, but he could see the room clearly. Nice, he thought. It’s not as dark with these eyes and will be this way always. Hmm, I wonder. He padded over to the light switch, reared up, and used a paw to flip it up.
He gave a yelp at the sudden light and shut his eyes for a moment before opening one eye and then the other. It was still bright but knew he would grow accustomed to it. He then laid down and put an ear to the floor. A jumble of sounds reached him which, with some focus, he soon recognized as the house staff. He then heard a door open and close. Then, a voice said, “Mr. Kaiba! Welcome home, sir.” Mokuba lifted his head, amazed and pleased with his sharper hearing. No one will be able to sneak up on me again.
He then lifted his nose into the air and took a brief sniff. Nothing special. He took a slightly deeper breath and some scents trickled in. He smelled wood, furniture polish, and bleach. Heh, I’m smelling my wood furniture, the lemon-scented polish, and bleach. I never smelled those before. My nose is incredible. He took a very deep breath and this time water and meat greeted his nose. Those scents caused his stomach to growl and he briefly dipped his head. Right. Darien said that changing forms burns a lot of calories and energy and I need to replenish them. He shut his room light off and started for the bathroom when he heard his door rattle and Kaiba called, “Mokuba?”
“Getting ready for bed,” he answered and faked a convincing yawn. “Had a busy day.” He heard Kaiba chuckle and walk away before he went into the bathroom to eat and drink. His sense of taste hadn’t changed and his raw meat tasted just as good as it had all day today.
Chapter Four- Informed
Mokuba awoke to his human self curled up in a ball. It wasn’t hard to figure out why he was in that position: He had chosen that position and found it comfortable. He uncurled and stretched his arms before hopping out of bed and into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth, used the toilet, and refilled the water bowl before returning to his room and getting dressed. When that was done, he unlocked his door and headed downstairs.
He found Kaiba in the dining room eating a muffin and drinking coffee. There was a small, content smile as he read the paper and he looked up when Mokuba entered. “Hi, little brother.” He nodded at his breakfast. “I had forgotten how convenient our world is. There are no muffins or coffee in Ancient Egypt.”
“What was it like there, Seto?”
“Peaceful, but boring. I had no electronics to occupy my time. All I could do was write and dream up ways to beat the pharaoh.”
“And you finally did it,” Mokuba put in.
“Yes, but I had decided at that point that whether I won or lost, I was coming home. I was concerned that I would come back to see you all grown up.”
Mokuba laughed. “I had the same concerns a couple of days ago. Tell me about the duel you won.”
“Maybe after you get some breakfast.”
“I’m not hungry,” he lied even though his stomach ached with hunger pains. He knew he was a strict carnivore at this time of the month. But I’m not sure I want Seto to know that.
“You didn’t have dinner last night,” Kaiba said. “I insist you have something to eat.”
Mokuba left his seat and headed into the kitchen, resigning himself to the fact that he would have to explain his food choice. He poked around in the fridge and freezer before finding microwavable bacon and sausage. He popped them in separately and the cooking meat made his mouth water. He opened the silverware drawer and stared at the utensils. Are they pure silver? Mokuba thought before prodding one. No pain. He grasped a fort and again no pain and no burn. Must be mixed metal. He poured a glass of juice, got his food, and returned to the table.
Kaiba raised an eyebrow at the plate. “Bacon and sausage?” he asked as Mokuba sat.
“I’m in the mood for meat,” he explained before cutting the patties, pleased with how easily his explanation came. He found his meat desire satisfied with the cooked food and he happily ate some before saying, “Okay, Seto. So, how did your last duel go?”
Kaiba relaxed in his office chair, a contract in one hand. Mokuba declined accompanying him to the office and Kaiba didn’t blame him. The young teen probably had enough of the place to last him a long while. He did, however, tell Kaiba to call him if he needed some assistance.
He means if I have questions. He knows I can handle practically anything. He looked at his inbox and saw that it was empty. Hmph, Mokuba’s been doing a good job during my absence. I should make sure to tell him that. He finished reading the contract, signed it, and put it in his outbox before turning his computer monitor one and bringing up the budget charts for the next three months.
A knock sounded and Kaiba jabbed the open button on his desk. The door swung open and he looked up to see a man with graying blond hair and brown eyes standing there with an apologetic expression.
“Oh, sorry. I thought Mokuba was here. Uh, welcome back Mr. Kaiba.” The man turned to leave.
“Wait. How do you know Mokuba?”
“We met as he was leaving work three days ago. He didn’t mention me?” He faced Kaiba and came closer.
“No. I got back late afternoon and after catching upon what I missed, I came home to find Mokuba getting ready for bed. This morning, he wanted me to recount my trip which will take some time.”
“I see.” He hasn’t told him yet. Keeping this from his brother isn’t really an option. When the next full moon approaches, he’ll have the ears, tail, and dual-colored wolf eyes. Those are possible to hide in public but at home? It’s possible but concealing the eyes would be a little strange. “Anyway, I’m being rude. I’m Darien.” He held out a hand.
Kaiba didn’t reach for it, just stared coldly at him. “It’s odd for my brother to befriend someone your age,” he finally said.
Darien dropped his hand. “That is true,” he admitted. “Honestly, I wanted to meet you three days ago but since I couldn’t, I approached Mokuba. You see, I had a gift that had a short shelf life and it was expiring that day.”
“What…gift?” Kaiba asked icily.
“It was a formula to make one a werewolf.”
Kaiba stared at him and then laughed derisively. “A werewolf?” he scoffed. “That is absurd.”
“It’s not. I’m a werewolf and I can prove it.” Darien transformed and Kaiba rose from his seat, mouth open and eyes wide. “I trust you believe me now?” Darien got a slight nod, changed back, and got a shock when Kaiba grabbed his shirt and pushed him up against the now closed doors.
“You are dead,” Kaiba snarled. “You turned my brother into a…a freak!”
“Excuse me?” Darien growled. “He’s not a freak and neither am I. I told you it’s a gift. I gave Mokuba papers that told him everything he needs to know. I had hoped to see him today and ask how his first night went.”
“And if I had been here, I would be the werewolf instead,” Kaiba said.
“Right, but since you weren’t, I gave the formula to Mokuba thought I confess I forced it on him.” Kaiba pushed him back harder. “I visited him the next day, apologized for how we met, and he forgave me. He admitted that he does see this as a gift and he had said he was looking forward to the full moon.”
“How’s that?”
“Werewolves are tame and self-aware during this time and we’re strict carnivores during the entire cycle, day and night.”
That explains Mokuba’s behavior last night and his breakfast today. “That isn’t so bad,” he admitted, releasing Darien.
“Indeed, our weaknesses and temper loss aside.”
“Temper loss?”
Darien sighed. “If one becomes angry, he or she will become a vicious, simple wolf until the anger is spent. Then, he or she won’t be able to change back until the next sunrise.”
“Mokuba is not prone to losing his temper.”
“He is thirteen, though. Teens are prone to being angry at times.”
Kaiba had to admit that Darien had a point. Mokuba would experience times where he would become angry. “You spoke of weaknesses. What are they?”
“Pure silver and Wolfsbane. Silver is painful and can burn. It will heal and especially so with raw meat. Wolfsbane, if exposed to it too long will dull the senses and make one sick for a day.”
“Sick in what way?”
“A mild fever and largely drowsy. It is important to make sure he eats and drinks during that time.”
Kaiba nodded; taking care of Mokuba when he was sick was usually something Kaiba left to doctors. But for a sickness caused by Wolfsbane was a different matter altogether. “We don’t have any Wolfsbane at home and obviously we never will. I will make sure that any pure silver is kept well away from him. Clearly our silverware isn’t pure silver as he used a fork this morning.”
Darien nodded. “I should add that when the full moon is two days away, one has wolf ears, a tail, and wolf eyes that are dual-colored.”
“Thank you for all this information.” As Darien left, Kaiba sat in contemplative silence. Clearly, I will confront Mokuba about him being a werewolf.
Chapter Five- Sharing Notes
Mokuba sat on his bedroom floor, eyes closed, and his focus on his ears and nose. His sharper senses were just incredible and he liked playing with them. He wanted to know the limits of his ears and nose. He already had an idea of his eyesight thanks to last night.
He focused his ears and while he heard the birds and the voices of those below him, they sounded closer than they really were. He also knew there were other people and sounds in the house, but he didn’t hear them. Well, it is a big mansion. Okay, so I can hear my end and up to the middle of the house.
He turned his attention to his nose. He again smelled the wood, polish, and bleach as well as the water and his stored meat. He could also smell a myriad of smells from all over the house. My nose seems to be more sensitive than my ears. Of course, once night falls all my senses will be sharper. He opened his eyes, got up, and headed out of his room to familiarize himself with the sounds of the rest of the house and find out if his hearing was truly as limited as he thought or if it was only because his door had been closed.
He moved swiftly and silently, his ears straining to pick up any sounds. He could hear nearby noises that sounded as if they were right beside him. He heard the soft hum of the computer in Kaiba’s home office which was up ahead of him and on the other side of the house. He stood outside the office and was about to head to his room to prepare for nightfall when he clearly heard the front door open and close. He blinked as the front door was on the opposite side of the where he was. Well, I guess my hearing isn’t limited. My closed door just made it seem that way.
He rushed off to the other end of the house and met up with Kaiba just outside his room. “Hi, Seto! You’re home early.”
“I’ve decided that I should spend more time at home. There’s plenty of time later in life to work long hours.”
Mokuba nodded. “Yeah, there is.”
“I also want to talk to you.” He gestured to Mokuba’s room and younger teen shifted on his feet.
“Uh, now?” he asked nervously. “Can’t it wait until morning?”
Kaiba, now that he knew the truth, knew why Mokuba was nervous. “Afraid not, little brother.” He steered Mokuba into the room, flipping the light on. “I met someone today who was hoping to see you: Darien.”
“Oh. He…came by, huh? So…he told you that I’m-I’m…”
“A werewolf? Yes, he did. He spoke of forcing the formula on you, how I would have been the werewolf if I had been there, told me all about the full moon, the weaknesses, and the signs you’ll have two days before the next full moon. Mokuba, did you really think you could keep this from me?”
“Actually, I did. I thought you’d be angry or afraid of me or that this was a trick.”
“I stopped thinking it was a trick when Darien changed into a wolf in front of me. It also explained your behavior last night and your choice of breakfast today. You eat only meat on the full moon.”
“Right and except for the first change, the rest of them will be instant and with no pain.” Mokuba glanced at the window to see the sky darken. Then, he squinted his eyes as he changed to a wolf again and his eyesight sharpened. He blinked to adjust his vision before looking up at Kaiba who looked down with what appeared to be admiration.
“You’re larger than a normal wolf.” Kaiba crouched down and took one of Mokuba’s paws in one hand. “Your paws are large, too.”
“I’m sure I’ll grow into them,” Mokuba said.
“I have no doubt of that.” He let the paw slide out of his hand and ran his hand along the bottom of Mokuba lower jaw, his fingers scratching the chin. Mokuba gave a whine and his tail wagged.
“Oh, that feels good, Seto.”
Kaiba couldn’t help smiling at his brother’s contentment. “So, this is a gift as Darien had told me?”
“Definitely.” A soft growl was heard and Mokuba dipped his head while Kaiba chuckled.
“Sounds like someone’s hungry,” the elder Kaiba said.
“Well, changing does burn a lot of energy. I’ve got raw meat in a mini fridge in my bathroom.” Mokuba padded into said room with Kaiba who opened the fridge and pulled out some meat and put it and a bowl of water down in front of the werewolf before sitting on the tub’s edge.
He felt a bit disgusted at how eagerly Mokuba was eating the uncooked meat. He told himself that wolves eat their prey raw and since Mokuba was a wolf right now, he ate his food raw. “Good?” he asked when Mokuba began to clean his face.
“It was, actually. I had felt unsure about being able to eat it raw last night, but it tasted good to me.”
“I assume that you have the speed, strength, and senses of a wolf even in daylight.”
Mokuba nodded. “My eyesight is a little hard to take. The quick change in light levels can be rough. My room was dark last night but I could see easily. When I turned the light on, the sudden change in light hurt my eyes.”
Kaiba nodded. “Wolves are typically nocturnal creatures. It makes sense that your eyes would be light sensitive.”
“Did Darien say anything about the formula and why he did this?”
“He said it was expiring the day he met you. He also told me that I was the intended target, but didn’t say why.”
“He told me he chose you because of your disbelief in the supernatural. He also felt that I would be more accepting of it. He didn’t say it was expiring.”
“It was. I wonder if he had taken one too.”
“He didn’t. He admitted that a wifewolf bit him because she was attracted to him but she left him for another werewolf. He’s been wandering from town to town ever since.”
“He’s homeless then.”
“Yeah, but he said he can live in a forest as a wolf and live in homeless shelters if he needs to get out of the cold or rain.”
“He must have been bitten when he was younger as he looks to be in his fifties.”
“Actually, he’s older than he looks. He was bitten in his fifties, but he’s about 105.”
“What!?” Kaiba gasped. “How is that possible?”
“He said that when one is fully mature, their aging slows and they become virtually immortal.”
“Immortal. Heh.” Kaiba shook his head a little. “I don’t know if I would like that. I have already seen what awaits us when we die and I, for one, look forward to it when it is my time.”
“Well, I’m still growing and I won’t reach full maturity until twenty-five to thirty.”
Kaiba smiled at that. “You still have a while to go before you reach that point.”
“Yeah. Seto, do you plan to see the pharaoh again?”
“Not for a while but he did say I would be welcome anytime.” He saw Mokuba’s ears droop. “You don’t want me to leave again.”
“I don’t. I was lonely the whole time and worked hard to keep that loneliness away.”
“I see.” Kaiba appeared thoughtful for a time before saying, “Mokuba, what if I allowed Darien to live here?”
“Really?” His ears perked up.
“Yes and I’ll let you handle the invite.” Kaiba chuckled as Mokuba licked his hand.
Chapter Six- The Invite
Mokuba had thought Kaiba’s suggestion of Darien living with them was a bit sudden and he pointed that out the next morning.
“It does seem that way,” Kaiba admitted. “But when you mentioned him moving from town to town I realized that he could be a companion for you so you won’t be lonely when and if I duel the pharaoh again. You can spend today looking for him before nightfall and then look for him until you find him or you’ve concluded that he’s moved on.”
“And if he has left?”
Kaiba smiled. “Then I won’t duel the pharaoh until the day I die. I came to the realization that I had essentially abandoned you in my obsession to beat the pharaoh.”
“Seto, I knew how important that duel was to you.”
Kaiba shook his head. “Nothing is more important than you. I promise I will not abandon you like that again.” Mokuba fiddled with his raw hamburger and felt touched by his brother’s love and concern for him. He’s willing to give up dueling the pharaoh for me. Now seems like a good time to put together the dream deck I’ve written down.
Mokuba rode a non-descript car into town and to the game shop. He planned to work with Yugi and his grandpa to put together the deck of his dreams as best he could. The car pulled up to the shop, Mokuba got out, and entered the shop, the bell by the doorframe jingling.
Solomon looked up from his paper and his eyes widened in surprise. “Mokuba, how nice to see you.”
“Hi, Mr. Moto. I was wondering if you could help me with something. Oh, and Yugi can help too.”
“Certainly,” Solomon said as Yugi walked in having heard Mokuba’s voice and his name spoken. “So, taking the day off from work?”
“Oh, right! Seto came back a couple of days ago.”
“Then, he defeated Atem?” Yugi asked.
Mokuba nodded. “The irony was that Seto intended to leave whether he won or lost. He realized that by letting his obsession control him, he had practically abandoned me. He promised that he won’t do that again. I figured that now’s the time to have my own deck.” He produced the list he had written weeks ago.
Solomon’s eyes twinkled at the thought of a new deck. “Let’s take a look and I’ll see what I can do.”
Darien casually walked through town, deep in thought. His thoughts dwelled on the Kaiba brothers and why he was still in town. By all rights, he should have left after telling Kaiba about werewolves, but he had found a lovely secluded spot and had elected that once tonight’s full moon was over, he would then move on.
It’s kind of a shame as I like Mokuba. He’s a cool kid and very accepting of the world around him. But, he understands. I’m a lone wolf and lone wolves move from place to place. He glanced into a store window and stopped. There, in a small shop, was Mokuba. He was speaking to an old man and a teen who looked as if he was related to the man. Those two humans stared back which made Mokuba turn. His eyes widened with joy. He spoke quickly to the humans before rushing out the door.
“Darien! I’m glad you’re still here,” Mokuba said.
“I found a lovely spot in the park and have chosen to stay until tomorrow. Then, I will leave.”
“Please, don’t. Seto is willing to let you stay with us.”
“Stay? Have a real home? After all these decades?”
“Yeah. Please, Darien? If Seto goes away again, then I won’t be lonely.” He gave Darien the famous puppy-dog eyes which was ironic as he was a werewolf.
Darien, like most people, could not resist the look. “All right,” he said with a slight laugh. “I’ll stay.”
“Great.” Mokuba gave him a hug. He then stepped back and gestured to the car. “If you want to wait in the car, I just need to finish my business.”
“I think I will and you might want to tell them as this scene must seem strange to them.” He tilted his head at the store before getting in the car.
Mokuba returned to the shop and took in Solomon and Yugi. “I know that probably looked weird,” he said.
Yugi nodded. “You’re not prone to talking to strangers or hugging them.”
“There’s…a reason for it. A few days ago as I was leaving the office, he cornered me and made me drink a formula that he said would change me into a…werewolf with the next full moon.”
“A werewolf?” Yugi repeated. “You’re a werewolf and that man is too?”
Mokuba nodded. “I must change during the full moon but outside of that, I can change whenever I like. Darien,” he nodded at the car. “He went to see me at work the day after Seto came back and told him everything. He then confronted me last night as I didn’t tell him. I was afraid he wouldn’t believe me and then be angry with me or afraid of me.
“I am fully aware of myself and can still talk and think as myself. Seto and I had a long talk last night about what I can and can’t do and about Darien. Seto admitted possibly dueling the pharaoh another time but doesn’t want me to be lonely. Darien is a wanderer with no home and Seto suggested he stay with us. As you saw, he’s accepted.”
“So neither of you are dangerous?” Solomon asked.
“Well, if I become angry, I’ll changed into a vicious but simply wolf. I would think only as a wolf until the anger is spent. After that, I’ll be self-aware but can’t change until the following morning. As I’m still going through my first full moon cycle, it’s not active yet.”
“What is active then?” Yugi asked.
“Speed, strength, and senses are enhanced and my weaknesses are active. Pure silver and Wolfsbane,” he said, adding the last statement anticipating the next question.
There was a brief silence before Solomon said, “Well, if you intend to be home before dark, let’s finish your shopping.”
“What were you up to?” asked Darien as they rode back.
“I had decided to have my own Duel Monsters deck so I can duel Seto. I had written down cards I wanted two months ago.”
“Is your brother good?”
“One of the best.”
“He’s probably gotten better since dueling his rival.”
Mokuba was silent for a moment. “Seto’s dueling trip was an unusual one.”
“Unusual how?”
“It’s complicated. I’ll try to explain.” Mokuba then told Darien about Atem, the Millennium Items, the events that led to Atem’s sacrifice, Yugi putting the Puzzle together which resulted in sharing his body with Atem’s spirit, the adventures the two went through, and the duel that led to Atem’s loss and allowing him to move on. He then spoke of Kaiba desiring a duel with Atem and events of the desire.
“He came up with a way to go to the afterlife without dying?” Darien shook his head in amazement. “No wonder he was gone for so long. No sense of time in the afterlife.”
“True and I know Seto’s skills are as sharp as ever and I would like his opinion of my deck and help me test it.”
“A good idea and I intend to thank him for letting me live with you.”
Chapter Seven- Hunted
It was an odd scene for Kaiba. He sat in his usual chair with his dinner before him but sitting at the table with him were two wolves, one black and one gray-blond. They had bowls of raw meat and water instead of a plate and cup. Kaiba had deemed it necessary to tell the staff about Mokuba and Darien being werewolves and the strict diet they were on during the full moon as well as meat craving in-between moons. He also made it clear that only their bodies were different, nothing else.
“Mr. Kaiba, I can’t thank you enough for your generous offer,” Darien said before lapping up some water. “I only hope I don’t wear out my welcome.”
“Don’t try to take over my company or try to kill me and we’ll get along just fine.”
Darien knew Kaiba was serious but gave a wolf’s grin anyway. “Not a problem.”
“So, Mokuba told me you’re 105. That’s quite impressive.”
Darien managed a shrug. “I guess so, but there are some who have lived for hundreds of years.” He then bowed his head. “I have neglected to mention a part of my past as I did not see myself having a home and now I’m starting to regret accepting your offer.”
“What is it?” Mokuba asked.
“Werewolves are supposed to bit someone and the timing doesn’t matter. Most werewolves are turned by biting and they, in turn, bite others. I never have. I felt it was wrong to do so. It would disrupt the bitten’s life just as mine had been. I had lived with a pack community when I was first bitten for almost two years when it was brought to the attention of the leader that I had not bitten anyone. When he summoned me and asked if this was true, I admitted it. The next thing I knew I was exiled from the village.
“Then, about twenty years ago, I encountered one of the werewolves from the village and he declared that I had been sentenced to death and that he was assigned to hunt me down and kill me.”
“They decided to kill you just because you won’t bite anyone?” Kaiba gasped, hardly believing what he was hearing.
Darien nodded. “I began moving constantly to stay ahead of my pursuer. I also acquired the recipe for the formula and the ingredients. It wasn’t until arriving here that I brewed it. I’m getting the feeling that my pursuer is here in this city and I worry that he may threaten you two in order to get me to surrender.”
“Heh, let him try,” Kaiba scoffed. “We have a high security system protecting us.”
“But not in public,” Darien said.
“Darien,” Mokuba said. “Is it possible to tell the difference between a bitten person and one who drank the formula?”
“No. No way at…” Darien blinked and his tail swished. “Oh, I see. If you’re with me, I can claim that I bit you and, if we’re in an isolated place, you could change to prove it as you’ll have access to that ability tomorrow.”
“How about showing me that spot you had been staying at? That could draw your pursuer out.”
“Good. Seto.” Mokuba looked at his brother. “I just made my own dueling deck and I’d like your opinion on it.”
“Your own deck? I’d like to see it and tell you my opinion when I get home from work tomorrow.”
Darien felt as if he was being watched as Mokuba and he walked around town. His nose flared to pick up the smell of wolf but the only wolf he picked up was Mokuba. That confirms what I’ve always suspected. My would-be assassin is capable of concealing his scent which means he is older than me.
Mokuba was hardly oblivious to his friend’s behavior. He saw his nose flaring and he kept glancing around. “Darien?” he asked. “What is it?”
“I feel like we’re being watched. I think it’s my pursuer and he seems capable of concealing his scent as the only wolf scent I’m getting is yours.”
“Then, maybe we should head to your spot in the park and wait for him.”
“Let’s go, then.”
“Will he leave you alone once you and I claim you bit me?”
“I would think so and I hope so. I was sentenced to death because I refuse to bite. By saying that I have now done so, they will consider me a ‘true’ werewolf.” Darien made air quotes around the word true.
“I would consider you a true one when you were bitten,” Mokuba said as they sat in a cozy little clearing.
Darien smiled. “Thank you. I would think every werewolf is a true one when-,”
“A pacifist like you would think that,” a sneering voice said before a man with silver hair appeared, a gun in one hand. “A pacifist and a traitor.”
“Traitor?” Darien repeated in confusion though he had a good idea why he was being called a traitor now.
“You risk exposing our existence by telling a human what you are.”
“I have done no such thing,” Darien said. He put an arm around Mokuba’s arms. “Mokuba here is a werewolf I bit three nights ago. I’ve been teaching him everything I know.”
The hunter, Barry, stared at them. He had tracked Darien for twenty years to kill him for not living up to what a werewolf should be. He had finally cornered him only to be told that he had finally bitten someone. “Have you really done it?” he finally asked.
“It’s true,” Mokuba said. “Can’t you smell it on me?”
Barry flared his nose and two wolf scents filled his nose. No wolf can exude two scents. So, this boy is one of us. “Change to really prove it.” If he was bitten three nights ago, he should be able to change.
Mokuba smiled before taking his wolf form. He stood as tall as he could as he simply looked at Barry.
The silver-haired werewolf smirked and holstered his gun before looking at Darien. “You are indeed a true wolf now. Just be sure to impress on your protégé how important it is for him to bite. He should turn someone in ten to fifteen years since he’s a young one.”
“I’ll be sure to empathize that point now that I understand,” Darien promised. Barry nodded.
“By biting, you will live now. I will be informing my village.” Barry turned and departed the area.
Mokuba changed back to human and grinned at Darien. “You’ll live now.”
Darien grinned back. “Yes.” He moved toward where Barry had left and looked around to insure that he had left. Nowhere around. We can talk freely. He turned back to his friend. “Well, our plan worked. He believes I bit you and he will carry that news back to the village.”
“Will you go back to the village?”
Darien shook his head. “No. I live with you and your brother now. Besides, the village will be expecting me to ‘teach’ you.”
“You’ve already taught me a lot.”
“I have and maybe you could teach me something.”
“I’d like to learn how to duel.”
“Seto can do that far better than I could. In fact,” he checked his watch. “Seto will be home soon to look at my deck. Let’s go.” Mokuba led the way home, feeling happy and secure in his future.